movieposters1 · 3 months
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ceciasa · 2 years
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Given that it's New Years, I have picked out some of my best works and collaborated them here.
Sorry if it feels like I haven't been putting out much art. I've been really busy with stuff. Happy new year's everyone and I hope 2023 is better then 2022!!!
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pollonegro666 · 2 years
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2023/01/20 Como nos dió hambre fuimos a cenar algo ligero. Primero pedimos una bebida porque teníamos sed. Después, una ensalada con una salsa especial de lechuga, pollo y trozos de pan frito.
As we got hungry we went to have a light dinner. First we ordered a drink because we were thirsty. Later, a salad with a special sauce of lettuce, chicken and pieces of fried bread.
Google translation into Italian: Dato che avevamo fame, andammo a fare una cena leggera. Per prima cosa abbiamo ordinato da bere perché avevamo sete. Più tardi, un'insalata con una salsa speciale di lattuga, pollo e pezzi di pane fritto.
Google Translation into French: Comme nous avions faim, nous sommes allés dîner léger. Nous avons d'abord commandé un verre car nous avions soif. Plus tard, une salade avec une sauce spéciale de laitue, poulet et morceaux de pain frit.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Como estávamos com fome, fomos para um jantar leve. Pedimos uma bebida primeiro porque estávamos com sede. Mais tarde, uma salada com molho especial de alface, frango e pedaços de pão frito.
Google Translation into Arabic: لأننا كنا جائعين ، ذهبنا لتناول عشاء خفيف. لقد طلبنا مشروبًا أولاً لأننا كنا عطشانين. ثم سلطة مع صوص خاص من الخس والدجاج وقطع الخبز المقلي.
Google Translation into German: Da wir hungrig waren, gingen wir zu einem leichten Abendessen. Wir bestellten zuerst ein Getränk, da wir durstig waren. Später ein Salat mit einer speziellen Sauce aus Salat, Hühnchen und gebratenen Brotstücken.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Si ishim të uritur shkuam për një darkë të lehtë. Fillimisht porositëm një pije pasi kishim etje. Më vonë, një sallatë me një salcë të veçantë të bërë nga marule, pulë dhe copa buke të skuqura.
Google Translation into Armenian: Քանի որ քաղցած էինք, գնացինք թեթև ընթրիքի։ Մենք նախ խմիչք պատվիրեցինք, քանի որ ծարավ էինք: Ավելի ուշ՝ հատուկ սոուսով աղցան՝ պատրաստված գազարից, հավից և տապակած հացից։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Тъй като бяхме гладни отидохме на лека вечеря. Първо си поръчахме питие, тъй като бяхме жадни. След това салата със специален сос от маруля, пиле и пържени парчета хляб.
Google Translation into Czech: Protože jsme měli hlad, šli jsme na lehkou večeři. Nejprve jsme si objednali drink, protože jsme měli žízeň. Později salát se speciální omáčkou z hlávkového salátu, kuřecího masa a smažených kousků chleba.
Google Translation into Croatian: Kako smo bili gladni otišli smo na laganu večeru. Prvo smo naručili piće jer smo bili žedni. Kasnije salata s posebnim umakom od zelene salate, piletine i prženih komadića kruha.
Google Translation into Slovak: Keďže sme boli hladní, išli sme na ľahkú večeru. Najprv sme si objednali drink, pretože sme boli smädní. Neskôr šalát so špeciálnou omáčkou z hlávkového šalátu, kuracieho mäsa a smažených kúskov chleba.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Ker sva bila lačna sva šla na lahko večerjo. Najprej smo naročili pijačo, saj smo bili žejni. Kasneje pa solata s posebno omako iz zelene solate, piščanca in ocvrtih kosov kruha.
Google Translation into Estonian: Kuna olime näljased, läksime kergele õhtusöögile. Esimesena tellisime joogi, kuna meil oli janu. Hiljem spetsiaalse kastmega salat lehtsalatist, kanalihast ja praetud saiatükkidest.
Google Translation into Suomi: Koska olimme nälkäisiä, menimme kevyelle illalliselle. Tilasimme juoman ensin, koska olimme janoisia. Myöhemmin salaatti salaatista, kanasta ja paistetuista leivänpaloista erikoiskastikkeella.
Google Translation into Greek: Καθώς ήμασταν πεινασμένοι πήγαμε για ένα ελαφρύ δείπνο. Παραγγείλαμε πρώτα ένα ποτό καθώς διψούσαμε. Αργότερα, μια σαλάτα με μια ειδική σάλτσα από μαρούλι, κοτόπουλο και τηγανητά κομμάτια ψωμιού.
Google Translation into Dutch: Omdat we honger hadden, gingen we voor een licht diner. We bestelden eerst een drankje omdat we dorst hadden. Later een salade met een speciale saus gemaakt van sla, kip en gebakken stukjes brood.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Da vi var sultne, gikk vi for en lett middag. Vi bestilte en drink først da vi var tørste. Senere en salat med en spesiell saus laget av salat, kylling og stekte brødstykker.
Google Translation into Polish: Ponieważ byliśmy głodni, poszliśmy na lekką kolację. Najpierw zamówiliśmy drinka, ponieważ byliśmy spragnieni. Później sałatka ze specjalnym sosem z sałaty, kurczaka i smażonych kawałków chleba.
Google Translation into Romanian: Pentru că ne era foame, am mers la o cină ușoară. Am comandat mai întâi o băutură pentru că ne era sete. Mai târziu, o salată cu un sos special făcut din salată verde, pui și bucăți de pâine prăjită.
Google Translation into Russian: Поскольку мы были голодны, мы пошли на легкий ужин. Сначала мы заказали напиток, так как хотели пить. Позже салат с особым соусом из листьев салата, курицы и обжаренных кусочков хлеба.
Google Translation into Serbian: Пошто смо били гладни, отишли ​​смо на лагану вечеру. Прво смо наручили пиће јер смо били жедни. Касније салата са посебним сосом од зелене салате, пилетине и пржених комада хлеба.
Google Translation into Swedish: När vi var hungriga gick vi på en lätt middag. Vi beställde en drink först eftersom vi var törstiga. Senare en sallad med en speciell sås gjord på sallad, kyckling och stekta brödbitar.
Google Translation into Turkish: Acıktığımız için hafif bir akşam yemeği için gittik. Susadığımız için önce bir içki ısmarladık. Daha sonra marul, tavuk ve kızarmış ekmek dilimlerinden yapılan özel soslu salata.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Оскільки ми були голодні, то пішли на легку вечерю. Ми спочатку замовили напій, оскільки відчували спрагу. Згодом салат із спеціальним соусом із салату, курки та смажених шматочків хліба.
Google Translation into Bengali: ক্ষুধার্ত থাকায় আমরা হালকা রাতের খাবার খেতে গেলাম। আমরা তৃষ্ণার্ত ছিল হিসাবে প্রথমে একটি পানীয় অর্ডার. পরে, লেটুস, মুরগির মাংস এবং পাউরুটির ভাজা টুকরো দিয়ে তৈরি একটি বিশেষ সস সহ সালাদ।
Google Translation into Chinese: 因为我们饿了,所以我们去吃了一顿清淡的晚餐。 我们口渴了,先点了一杯饮料。 后来,沙拉配上由生菜、鸡肉和炸面包片制成的特制酱汁。
Google Translation into Korean: 배가 고파서 간단한 저녁을 먹으러 갔다. 우리는 목이 말라 음료수를 먼저 주문했다. 나중에 양상추, 닭고기, 튀긴 빵 조각으로 만든 특별한 소스를 곁들인 샐러드.
Google Translation into Hebrew: כשהיינו רעבים הלכנו לארוחת ערב קלה. הזמנו משקה תחילה מכיוון שהיינו צמאים. בהמשך סלט עם רוטב מיוחד מחסה, עוף וחתיכות לחם מטוגנות.
Google Translation into Hindi: चूंकि हमें भूख लगी थी इसलिए हम हल्का खाना खाने गए। प्यास लगने पर हमने पहले ड्रिंक का ऑर्डर दिया। बाद में, लेट्यूस, चिकन और ब्रेड के तले हुए टुकड़ों से बनी एक विशेष चटनी के साथ सलाद।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Saat kami lapar, kami pergi untuk makan malam ringan. Kami memesan minuman terlebih dahulu karena kami haus. Kemudian, salad dengan saus spesial yang terbuat dari selada, ayam, dan potongan roti goreng.
Google Translation into Japanese: お腹が空いていたので、軽い夕食に行きました。 のどが渇いていたので、最初に飲み物を注文しました。 その後、レタス、チキン、揚げパンを使った特製ソースのサラダ。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Ачка болгондон кийин кечки тамакка жөнөдүк. Суусаганыбыздан адегенде ичимдик заказ кылдык. Кийинчерээк салат жалбырагы, тоок эти жана куурулган нандан жасалган атайын соус менен салат.
Google Translation into Malay: Kerana kami lapar kami pergi untuk makan malam ringan. Kami memesan minuman dahulu kerana kami dahaga. Kemudian, salad dengan sos istimewa yang diperbuat daripada salad, ayam, dan kepingan roti goreng.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਜਿਵੇਂ ਕਿ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਭੁੱਖ ਲੱਗੀ ਸੀ ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਹਲਕੇ ਡਿਨਰ ਲਈ ਚਲੇ ਗਏ. ਅਸੀਂ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਪੀਣ ਦਾ ਆਰਡਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਕਿਉਂਕਿ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਪਿਆਸ ਲੱਗੀ ਸੀ। ਬਾਅਦ ਵਿੱਚ, ਸਲਾਦ, ਚਿਕਨ, ਅਤੇ ਬਰੈੱਡ ਦੇ ਤਲੇ ਹੋਏ ਟੁਕੜਿਆਂ ਤੋਂ ਬਣੀ ਵਿਸ਼ੇਸ਼ ਚਟਣੀ ਵਾਲਾ ਸਲਾਦ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: لکه څنګه چې موږ وږی وو موږ د سپکې ډوډۍ لپاره لاړو. موږ لومړی د څښاک امر وکړ ځکه چې موږ تږی وو. وروسته، سلاد د ځانګړي ساس سره چې د لیټیو، چرګ، او د ډوډۍ ټوټې ټوټې څخه جوړ شوي.
Google Translation into Persian: چون گرسنه بودیم رفتیم یه شام ​​سبک. چون تشنه بودیم اول نوشیدنی سفارش دادیم. بعداً سالادی با سس مخصوص که از کاهو، مرغ و تکه های نان سرخ شده درست می شود.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Dahil gutom na kami ay nag-light dinner kami. Umorder muna kami ng inumin dahil nauuhaw kami. Mamaya, isang salad na may espesyal na sarsa na ginawa mula sa lettuce, manok, at piniritong piraso ng tinapay.
Google Translation into Thai: เมื่อเราหิวเราก็ไปหาอาหารเย็นแบบเบา ๆ เราสั่งเครื่องดื่มก่อนเพราะเรากระหายน้ำ ต่อมาเป็นสลัดกับซอสสูตรพิเศษที่ทำจากผักกาด ไก่ และขนมปังทอด
Google Translation into Urdu: بھوک لگنے کے باعث ہم ہلکے کھانے کے لیے گئے۔ پیاس لگنے پر ہم نے پہلے پینے کا آرڈر دیا۔ بعد میں، لیٹش، چکن، اور روٹی کے تلے ہوئے ٹکڑوں سے تیار کردہ خصوصی چٹنی کے ساتھ سلاد۔
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jambolaja · 1 month
Moji štruklji restavracija
Po predavanjih in pred Vinsko potjo sem se ustavila pri Moji štruklji na kosilu. To je bila njihova restavracija v Maximarket. Poskusil sem pred tem picerijo Parma, a je bila gneča. Naročil sem meni III (goveja juha, goveja rulada s krompirjem, mešana solata in štruklji z bučnimi semeni in pistacijo, 19 €). Kmalu sem dobil juho. Ni mi bilo všeč, ker je bilo več korenja kot rezancev. Glavna jed…
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strawberriandromeda · 5 months
Trying to world build stuff in my story and like. Since most of the gods in my story are some flavor of bisexual methinks thats a cultural norm.
Anyways i guess the terms and symbols for sexualities would be these:
Straight- Saturnine bc Capricorn is like the only heterosexual person i guess
Bisexual- no word for this bc it's normal. It only becomes its own word when other words for other identities pop up, and it's like the Telumartan for regular "regulos" or "regulatas" or ordinary being "ordinatas" or whatever idk
Lesbian - "Lesath's/Lilith's acolytes" bc lesbian goddess :). In the language Telumartan it would be said as "lilanthas". Symbolized by lilies.
Bigender/genderqueer people get "Sagittarius's children" bc Sag is bigender :]. The phrase in Telumartan would be "Sakitaros quo samatas" which would be shortened in casual conversation as "sakatas". Symbolized by arrows.
Agender people get "friends of Aquarius" bc yeah Aqua is agender :]. Word shortened in Telu as "aquatas". Symbolized by amphoras.
Gay men get "sons of Leo" bc even though Leo isnt gay a lot of his sons are so yipy. Word shortened in Telu as "solatas". Symbolized by rays of the sun.
Trans women get "Rasalhague's priestesses" bc Rasalhague is a trans girl :]. Word is shortened in Telu as "rapana". Symbolized by sage.
Trans men get "disciples of Mercury". Word is shorted as "mahada". Symbolized by clouds.
Aroace people get "Virgo's spirit", called "vanasima". People who do not fit this exactly (ie just aro, just ace, on the spectrum or demi) are called "divanasimas" with the word "di" meaning partially). Overtime distinctions can be made. Symbolized by wheat.
And anyone who isnt clearly defined by these labels all fall under "worshippers of Ichthyes" since he is a very self contradictory deity. It can also be a group term for any other kind of difference since Ichthyes is meant to be a god of people who are usually forgotten. The word for this is "wanasitos". Symbolized by seashells.
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Logan, do you think it’s unfair girls get the chance to be Maidens?
Logan: Nah, not really. I mean, I have my Powers of Orion, so I literally have nothing to be jealous of.
Stjerne: Oh, I actually did some research and according to some family ancestorial history, you're descended from a Winter Maiden! :D
Logan: Wait wut? O_o
Stjerne: Yeah! Uncle Oobleck helped me research and your ancestor, Magnus Clementis, married the daughter of a Chief in a distant village in the Solatas Tundra. Apparently that Daughter was a Winter Maiden! And if you don't believe me, apparently she used her powers to help Magnus unleash the first of the 10 Scourges of Mantle, which was freezing the bay of Mantle solid. The ice was at least 35 feet thick and took forever to melt and cut away. She also used her powers in the Siege of Vacuo to help ward off the enemy armies.
Logan: Well... never thought I would learn that about my family. But yeah, to answer your question, Nonnie. That's just how the cycle works, so I have no reason to be jealous. \_UvU_/
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53pstickers · 3 years
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#solata #mamasa https://www.instagram.com/p/CRjhshfgtRZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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andrej-food · 4 years
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#gostilnapezdirc #semic #belakrajina #pizza #solatnikrožnik #solata #pizzapezdirc (at Gostilna Pezdirc v Beli krajini) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBTDpvlsChk/?igshid=1sojeg55bsou9
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axewchao · 2 years
When did Dalex got his soul sphere?
It was given to him as a birthday gift some time before his teen years. Despite the lack of a sender name, he figured it was from his grandma since he'd already inherited the pendant from her (at least in every AU outside of Mario), and really, what kid wouldn't be awestruck by a "glass" ball that turned a deep blue as soon as they touched it?
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He figures out what it actually is later on, and while it is a bit of a headscratcher as to who gave it to him and why (since his grandma confirms that it wasn't her when he asks), he doesn't let it bother him at all. He thinks the soul sphere is actually kinda neat :3
...Hm? What's with that look? Something wrong?
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putrisyakirablog · 3 years
Spaghetti Font
Spaghetti is a delicate, elegant, and flowing handwritten font. It has beautiful and well-balanced characters and as a result, it matches a wide pool of designs. Add it to your most creative ideas and notice how it makes them come alive! Illustration © Solata Studio Font NameSpaghettiDesignerSolata StudioFile Namespaghetti.zipFile TypeOTFFile Size13.27 KBRelease DateMarch 19, 2021License100%…
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coquillagean · 3 years
-siderea, -planeta, -lunata, -solata
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Gender Endings (pt. 3!) ☉☉-☽☽-☉☉-☽☽-☉☉
-siderea - a gender suffix specifically used for genders somehow connected to stars, star aesthetics, etc.
-planeta - a gender suffix specifically used for genders somehow connected to planets, planet aesthetics, etc.
-lunata - a gender suffix specifically used for genders somehow connected to the Moon, moons, moon aesthetics, etc.
-solata - a gender suffix specifically used for genders somehow connected to the Sun, suns, sun aesthetics, etc.
Reminder: These suffixes are optional for many genders. The use of gender-, -gender, -baonic, etc. are still advised to be used as well for these types of genders, I simply like the sound and look of them.
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@pupyzu​ here we are!
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mochiwrites · 3 years
we‘ve talked about a lot of parallel universes for the gods au but ... but i just realized there‘s another.
the universe in which solata chooses to forget proteus and carry on his duty as the sun god. and it‘s like, arguably worse than him dying???? i can just imagine him forgetting proteus and still acting normal, playing pranks, being a little shit, but ... his laugh seems less bright, less joyful, more strained, and solara can‘t shake off the feeling of forgetting and missing something. he‘s the same, but also not. maybe he even shuts off completely, literally losing his shine and joyful nature (medea has tried everything. he‘s not coming back)
the pain proteus must go through, when solara suddenly doesn’t show up anymore, doesn’t write back anymore. his whole world falls apart when the time comes for the next eclipse and solara looks at him like he‘s a stranger.
pain. only pain.
- eclipse anon
like… just imagine the Love of Your Life completely forgets about you. it’s arguably much worse than seeing them die because they’re there in front of you but. they aren’t. you have them, but you don’t.
proteus has solara, but he doesn’t. if solara had chosen to forget, it would’ve been like proteus was looking into a world that he was not allowed in. (and arguably, he is in typical canon. because he was not allowed in solara’s life and vice versa)
the worst thing about all of that is like. solara would just stop showing up. with no answer, no letter, no warning. proteus would wake up that fateful morning, and there would be no explanation waiting for him. that bad feeling in his chest wouldn’t fade, but he can ignore it!
….until he sees solara at the eclipse. (or maybe medea takes pity on him and informs him of the news.)
and he’d look into solara’s eyes for the first time in what feels like forever, expecting to see the familiar warmth in his eyes only for them to be neutral. polite. and he would not be met with that beaming smile solara usually gave him. it’d be small, polite.
and at the end of the eclipse? solara goes to medea and the others. he expresses no interest in proteus.
and that? that’d probably kill him the most.
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homeosloven · 3 years
Ko vidim tvoj opis 'SLO/ITA' vedno na hitro preberm SOLATA in si mislim wow ta je ful vlki fan solate 🥬
hahahahaha sej se mi dopade, sam vseen ni tok pomemben del mojga lajfa, da bi to v tumblr header napisal 😂😭
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Hey, I ran out of sponges so I'm resorting to plan b. I'm not from around here, so what is the closest substance in Remnant to oil?
“Hmmmm... I’d say that the closest substance we have to your sponges, is Coral Soil. It’s mined on the eastern edged of Solatas and it’s super absorbent. If it’s Oil you’re looking for, you may as well get Tar oil. It’s the same thing as Coral soil, but more sticky and harder to clean up.” Stjerne says thoughtfully. 
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ceciasa · 5 years
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RWBY Solatas Express Feat. Stjerne and Logan
(RWBY X Polar Express crossover)
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sendai-batons · 4 years
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・ BATONS ・ 試飲ワイン 今週のup出来ず。 すいません。 ・ 〈Le vin de dégustation d’aujourd’hui 〉 ・ solata / cardinali ソラータ / カルディナーリ 2018 ・ #cardinali #カルディナーリ ・ イタリア エミリアロマーニャ ・ マルヴァジーア、ソーヴィニヨン、オルトゥルーゴ、モスカート ・ #winytokyo #sendaibatons #仙台バトン #BATONSの試飲ワイン ・ ・ (バトン) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDWI1tBDKLp/?igshid=1jb9twykerxwo
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