#soldier boy x amber cali
pickledpascal · 2 months
Killer Queen
Chapter Six: all-american bitch
Warnings: gore, violence, ben being ben (old), swearing, 18+ themes.
Word Count: 1.8k
Killer Queen Masterlist
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Walking the halls of Vought felt like a fucking fever dream for Ben. The tower still had the same amount of floors, but it had changed radically. Cleaner floors, screens, and lights were everywhere that it almost made his head hurt. Almost. 
His boots were heavy against the clean, marble floors. He put on a fake smile as he walked past a few employees, well, a lot of employees. If Ben was in his “civilian” clothes, they probably wouldn't have batted an eye, however, he wasn't. He wore his Supe suit—minus the helmet, he always thought the redesign of it looked a little stupid.
Ben simply waltzed right into Stan Edgar's office. He timed his entrance just right, no one else was in the room. That was by design.
“Ah, Soldier Boy.” Edgar sat at his desk, a surprised yet, at the same time, unsurprised look in his eyes. “Or should I say Ben?”
Ben's jaw ticked as he stared at Edgar. Just being in that man's presence was annoying, just like it was back in ‘84. Fuckin’ corporate douchebags. Now, Edgar was Vought, back then he was more of a handler or whatever the fuck. 
“I'm here to… get some of what I deserve.” He said truthfully, eyes narrowed and cold as he stared at Edgar. 
Every single last person involved with Ben's disappearance was dead. Either killed by him or dead due to old age. Everyone except for Mr. Vought himself. 
Edgar chuckled softly. “I'm sure you are.” He glanced off to the side of his desk.
“You think you gonna pop my head open? Fat chance.” Ben chuckled softly. A flash of fear finally showed in Edgar's eyes. It felt good to see that. “Don't worry, she's being taken care of real nice.” He winked, a sinister smile on his face. 
Being with Amber had been a rollercoaster. He nearly envied her abilities. Her resilience. Her need to help him. And she did help him.
 Except, he was the only Supe that could take away a Supe’s powers with a single blast. Rendering him nearly invincible, which went to his head a little. He was a clear threat to Vought and everything it was about. It wasn't about promoting the safety and happiness and prosperity of others, it was about dominating ideals. The company made money simply off of the public thinking it needed Supes.
Ben had known that forever. He was the first Supe after all. 
“Your girlfriend will not survive if you so much as touch a hair on her head.” Edgar stood abruptly. 
Ben cocked an eyebrow at Edgar, impressed that the man thought anyone had a chance against Amber. “What makes you think you could touch her?” He took a step forward, setting his palms on Edgar's desk. “Better yet, what makes you think you'll be stepping outside this room alive to see your daughter again? Hm? After the shit you've done to me? Fuck no.”
In a building nearby, Eden, Amber, and most of the Boys were camped out and listening in on Ben and Edgar’s conversation. After Ben finished his words, Amber cut the sound. 
Butched glanced at her, confused. “What in the Sam-Hell?” 
“Do you want to hear a man getting his guts torn from his body?” Amber countered with a cock of her eyebrow. Hughie cringed at the thought and shook his head. Butcher just shrugged. “That's what I thought.”
Eden sat back in her swivel chair and hummed a little. “I mean, he's definitely getting what he deserves.”
“But what's the plan after this? Killing the CEO won't change much. You didn't really fill us in.” Annie looked at Butcher and Amber. Out of everyone in the Boys, she was the most morally good one, meaning killing someone—as bad as they might be—wasn’t something that pleased her in the slightest.
Eden glanced at Amber, who answered, “Eden will hack everything off of Vought’s servers and hand it over to the proper authorities—namely Grace Mallory.”
“Hey! Douchebags! How the hell am I supposed to use this thing?” Ben's voice filtered back into the room. He glanced over at the decimated heap that was once Stan Edgar. He didn't seem so scary after pounded into a bag of flesh and blood. 
He shook his head, that didn't matter at the moment. What mattered was finding the right hole for this… what did Eden call it? Hacking stick? Amber called it something else… USB stick! That's what it was. 
“Look at the edge of the computer screen for a rectangular hole and put it in.” Eden explained.
Amber let out a small laugh, “That sounded horrible.” 
Ben gripped the monitor, jerking it to the side to see the different ports. He jammed the USB into one of them and pursed his lips. Something was definitely happening. “What now?”
“You see that loading bar?” Eden asked. He made a noise of recognition at the blue bar that was slowly filling. “Wait until it's 100% complete, it should only take a few minutes.”
Ben hummed a little as he watched it. Then he realized he had a fuck ton of blood on his hands, some even on his face as he could partly see his reflection in the monitor. He wiped at his face, smearing a little of the blood. Thankfully, he caught a few napkins at the side of the desk and wiped his face and hands quickly. 
Once the bar was full, it completely disappeared. He was still incredibly confused as to how modern technology worked but, if Amber trusted Eden, he would too. “Everything good?” He asked as he grabbed the USB back from its port. 
“More than good, mate.” Butcher answered this time, a smug air to his voice. 
“Now, get the fuck outta there.” Amber ordered before her voice softened, “Please?”
Ben pocketed the USB and left the office, not minding how an assistant or something would probably find Edgar's body. A lot of people who worked at Vought were bad people, maybe they weren't when they first joined, but they would eventually become similar to Edgar. Horrible for the sake of glory and profit. Ben knew he was like that once too. 
He could still feel his sins crawling on his back but, god, he was trying. Trying to be good. For Amber. For himself, too. 
Weeks have passed since Vought's downfall and subsequently, many more laws have been passed to monitor Supes. They were on their own now, no company trying to cover up any wrongdoing or casualties. It felt… better. And scarier for a lot of Supes who decided to fuck around for so long. Now, they were going to find out what happened when they were so careless. Consequences. Like they deserved. 
Seeing as the Soldier Boy was part of Vought's downfall garnered a lot of attention. A lot of people wanting to know more, asking questions.
Once things started to settle down, that's when Mallory advised to answer questions. But she also wanted Amber to be there too… just to wrangle him in case he said too much. Amber wasn't exactly sure why, Ben had media training all the way back in the fifties, maybe even earlier than that. 
“So, Soldier Boy!” A reporter called out to him. “You represent good-ole American Family values, what do you think of America nowadays?” 
Ben cocked an eyebrow at the question and plastered a smile on his face. “Well, it's certainly different. I mean, I didn't know what GPS was until a few months ago. Or who Cardi B was.” He forced a chuckle. 
“But what do you think about the state of America? The gay trend?” The reporter pried further. 
Ben took a few moments to keep from answering, looking at the reporter with a blank stare. Years ago, he probably would've said some ignorant shit but not today. Especially since he could hear the ringing of a bell in his head. “Well, I think gay people, whether it's a trend or not, should be treated fairly under the law as all people should. Y'know, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and all that shit.” 
“Is that what you really think?” The other man kept trying to get some sort of reaction out of Ben.
So he let him get what he wanted. The bell rang louder. Ben grabbed the voice recorder and spoke into it directly. “My girlfriend has a dick and I like it in my mouth, so yes I believe queer people should be allowed all the fuckin’ freedoms non-queer people do.” His smile was poisonous as he looked at the reporter. He pushed the recorder back into his hands and walked away. 
Half the time, Ben wondered why he even bothered with all this. The media and all the shit it came with, but he did sign up for those Vought trials. And it worked. Worked so well he was practically invincible.
“Do you really like my dick in your mouth?” Amber's arms were crossed, he was leaning against the wall as Ben walked to the back of the building. 
Ben glanced to the side before he pulled Amber close and kissed her deeply. She immediately wrapped her arms around his waist while he buried a hand in her hair, messing it up in his favorite ways. Amber always found a way to take over him, even if it was an action he started. He was slammed against the wall as Amber deepened the kiss more, his breath knocked out of his lungs for a moment. 
He pushed Amber away slightly. He knew what he looked like. Pathetic. With flushed cheeks, pleading eyes, and red lips. “Does that answer your question?” He breathed. 
Amber let out an amused noise and raised an eyebrow at him. “Sure.” She paused, then took a breath, “I'm proud of you for not completely losing your cool there.” She whispered. 
“Yeah, well, that motherfucker deserved worse.” Ben grumbled. 
Amber shrugged and nodded with a light laugh. “Yeah, probably. But it wouldn't look good for you.” She pointed out softly. “Even if it would be satisfying.”
It was weird to think about just how much Ben had changed because of Amber. Emotionally, he was more open, though he was still working on that with people who weren't Amber. He didn't resort to violence as much, although there were some exceptions. Like Edgar. Not to mention, his ideals have changed. He didn't focus so much on himself anymore but started to care about others and the things that meant the world to them too. 
“C'mon, Eden is making spaghetti and meatballs to celebrate.” Amber gave Ben a light smile, lowering a hand to hold his. 
Ben simply nodded and followed her to the car. 
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pickledpascal · 6 months
Killer Queen
Chapter One: Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
Warnings: Slurs, blood and gore, violence, soldier boy is like barely in this because it's the first chappie and i wanted to flesh out amber more as a character
Word Count: 3.1k
Killer Queen Masterlist
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It was peacetime. Or, at least, that's what most people thought it was. Supe's collateral damage was at an all-time low, partly due to the Department of Superhuman Affairs and Congresswoman Nueman and Hughie. 
Amber could not believe Hughie was working with the government and was technically Butcher's boss now. She had known the Boys for a while, helping them out on a few missions because she had a personal vendetta against Vought. Nothing too horrible, she was just naturally an anti-capitalist because of her parents. Vought had way too much power for any one company to hold. 
Especially since they had Homelander. Whoever came up with that name? Amber thought it was a bit funny. Homelander. She had a feeling he'd crumble if they'd ever met but he didn't get outside much.
There was a knock at her front door. Amber glanced up from her TV and set the remote down, answering it. "Well, hello." She leaned against the door frame.
None other than Billy Butcher stood in front of her. "Hello to you too, love." He hadn't changed in the time they hadn't seen each other. Still had that shit-eating grin on his face.
"Need something?" Amber left Butcher at the open doorway and sat back on her couch.
Butcher stepped inside, closing the door behind him. "Where's the kid?" He glanced around the house, seeing no sign of Ryan. 
Amber and her roommate, Eden, were more than fit to take care of Ryan. Eden was a Supe and… well, Butcher didn't know exactly what Amber was but he knew for sure Compound V was not flowing through her veins. 
"Eden took him out." Amber could see Butcher take in a breath to start berating her about the dangers of Ryan being seen in public. "Don't worry, Butch. Eden's careful. They're probably at some random park where she knows there ain't any cameras nearby." She thought for a moment, pursing her lips. "Unless you count game cameras but, y'know."
Butcher shook his head and waved her off. "Yeah, I know. Look, mate, that's not why I'm here anyway." 
"Okay," Amber said carefully, crossing her legs on the couch. "Wanna explain?" 
"There's this weapon. Something that took down Soldier Boy. And me and the Boys have a means of finding it." Butcher explained. His hand twitched slightly at his side. Amber waited for the catch. "But, it's at a Russian base." And there it is. "And while we could get in there ourselves, would be nice having someone watch our backs." 
Amber sighed, brushing a hand through her hair. She could tell he wanted to use it on Homelander. For Ryan. For Becca. His perfect revenge. And, to be honest, Amber couldn't blame him. 
"What do you need me to do?" 
Getting to the Russian base sucked. She had to wear a janitor's jumpsuit and it itched in all the wrong places. She had to adjust the fabric on her crotch a few times. Amber leaned against their truck while Kimiko talked with her.
Your hair looks pretty, Kimiko signed with a smile. Amber's hair was thrown into a ponytail much like hers but, from the last time Kimiko had seen her, some pieces of deep blue framed her face.
Amber smiled softly at Kimiko. "Thank you." She talked as she signed before she heard a crackling of electricity. It must've been Butcher fucking up the power box. 
They all made their way inside the main lab area, Frenchie and Kimiko began looking through files while Marvin, Hughie, and Butcher just looked around for anything that could even resemble a weapon. Amber was more interested in the strange pod that stood in the middle of the room. She tried to take a look inside the small sliver of glass but it was way too frozen over for her to see anything. Her curiosity died. 
As Amber started to look through a desk, the alarm went off. The whole room, and possibly the entire building, was drenched in red light. "Shit." She ducked down as she heard the door get slammed open. 
All or nothing, huh? While the Boys had guns and Kimiko had her powers, their ammo was limited and even Kimiko didn't always like using her powers. Plus, they were outnumbered. As always. 
Amber grabbed a nearby man and punched him so hard that his helmet broke, she broke his arm for good measure. He screamed in pain. She stomped on the floor causing the ground to rumble as a perfectly shaped block all of a sudden lifted to send another man flying through the ceiling. Amber punched in the air, a fire emitting from her fist that caught a Russian on fire. She swept at his legs and stomped on his chest, wiping her boot on the ground afterward.
"Oi, cunts!" Butcher lazered someone behind her. Amber stood back, surprised. When did Butcher become a Supe? Either way, she was glad he got that guy for her.
Once the henchmen were all dead, Marvin and Butcher had a little lover's tiff about Compound V. Amber didn't really pay attention. But they hadn't found any Supe-killing weapon yet. Her eyes shifted back to that pod. She could feel the water pumping into it, freezing something inside. At first, she didn't really care but if it was what they were looking for….
"Woah, we don't know what's in that." Hughie reasoned as Amber stepped closer. 
Amber looked at him sharply, "Do you want to come up empty-handed?" Hughie didn't have a response to that. "Didn't think so." She held out her hands in front of the pod, feeling for any way she could open it without completely breaking it.
"I know, she's hot when she's angry." Frenchie whispered behind her, likely because Kimiko said something.
When Amber found no proper way to open it, she put her fingers in the edges of the door and completely pulled it off its hinges. She threw it to the side and stepped back. There was a hiss of steam, too great for her to even see through but it went away over time. Revealing a face. Who was very much alive.
"Soldier Boy." Butcher whispered beside her. He was shocked but it didn't show on his face. It showed on Marvin's face. 
Amber had heard of Soldier Boy before. Of course she had. But, like everyone else, she assumed he died in the '80s. Due to saving our country from nuclear holocaust? She wasn't so sure. But there he was, in the middle of a Russian lab very much alive.
Soldier Boy stumbled out of the chamber, breaking free from whatever bound him to it in the first place. Firstly, Amber noticed his large beard and then that he was completely naked. She looked away, covering her mouth with disgust. Until she noticed rubble was gravitating towards Soldier Boy. And his chest was starting to glow. 
Amber knew she'd be able to withstand whatever blast he made but what about the others? She opted to guard Marvin while Kimiko dove to protect Frenchie. Except Soldier Boy hit her right through a wall, causing a large piece of metal to wedge itself in Kimiko's leg. And she wasn't healing. 
Frenchie ran over to her, Soldier Boy was long forgotten. Who the fuck cared when the love of his life was in danger? Blood was seeping out of her and Kimiko had a hard time staying awake. They were able to get her into the truck, Marvin flashed a light in her eyes to try and keep her eyes open. 
"Hey, you have water right?" Amber asked Butcher, slapping his shoulder as he drove to the nearest safe house they had. 
Butcher nodded, throwing a water bottle in the back. She caught it with ease and broke the seal.
Amber waved her hand and the water flowed out and onto Kimiko's wound. "Frenchie, I'm gonna say three, two, one and I want you to take that out of her, okay?" Frenchie was frantic and Amber couldn't help but feel for him. He nodded, tears drying on his face as he gripped the metal piping. "Three. Two. One."
Frenchie ripped it out and Kimiko's head lulled as Amber got to work healing her as best as possible. She wasn't the best at water-healing but she'd been working on it. 
At the safe house, Frenchie set Kimiko in her own makeshift hospital room with gauze around her thigh. Amber and Marvin sat in the garage, watching some tapes they took from the lab. Tapes of Soldier Boy getting AK-47 rounds down his throat, scalpels to the eye, and all kinds of other shitty stuff. 
Amber pursed her lips. They had done some sort of nuclear testing on an already very powerful Supe. That wasn't good. Well, maybe it was for Butcher. Kimiko was normal now. As normal as she could be. 
"Did you really think this was a good idea?" Aang had a hand on his forehead. 
When did Amber slip into the Spirit Realm? She didn't do it intentionally. But, then of course, there were times Aang or Roku wanted to tell her how disappointed they were in her so they'd drag her into it.
Amber glanced around, her world was paused as Aang's spirit stood in front of her. "Soldier Boy is gonna be our weapon. We just gotta find him." She crossed her arms, staring back at Aang. 
When she was younger, she revered Aang. Avatars weren't taught in schools anymore and there were barely any relics of the time. Benders of any kind were thought to be killed off or simply non-existent anymore. Supes kind of replaced them. Until Amber came along and she had visions of a land that did not look like the one she was brought up in. She was young when she first met Aang, he was similar to a father figure and guided her through the stages of life and taught her how to be strong. 
Except Amber was naturally strong already. As far as she knew, her physical strength exceeded any other Avatar before her. She wasn't sure why. Perhaps it was the Avatar running through her that knew she'd have to be stronger if she was going to exist in a world overrun by Vought. 
"He doesn't seem stable. You need to keep him under control." Aang advised, careful not to make his tone too pointed, or else Amber would happily make her way back into her body. 
"She's not an idiot, Aang." Korra chimed in. As Amber grew older, she realized she had a lot more in common with Korra than Aang. 
He let out a sharp breath. "She's still young. And has a lot to learn." 
Amber was twenty-five, a grown adult with a house. And while Aang was right to an extent, Amber had been fighting for her life nearly every day since she was born. It was hard to keep her bending hidden from Vought but she was careful and so were her parents. Real peace was never in the cards for her. 
Letting out a breath, Aang and Korra disappeared and she was back in real life. She opened her eyes with a hand on her shoulder. Marvin. "You alright? Your tattoos were doing that glowy thing again." 
Amber gave Marvin a polite smile and nodded, rubbing her hand up her arm where a few tattoos were. "I'm good. Had a little convo with my ancestors. Y'know, the usual." She stood up and went to the bathroom, locking the door behind her.
She wanted to scream. Amber leaned over the sink and looked at herself in the mirror. Aang had saved the world at twelve. Korra had saved the world multiple times over a year or two and what had Amber done? Nothing. She killed a few Supes, a lot more non-supes, and nothing life-changing happened because of it. She was the Avatar. The savior of the people. And what saving had she done? Kimiko was struggling to stay alive, her parents were dead, and everyone Amber had as a mentor nearly died as well. And they weren't saved by her hands.
Amber took in a shaky breath as she stared at herself. Her emotions were becoming too much. Her eyes started to glow blue. No. She shook her head and took a deep breath. Eden. She willed herself to think about that instead. Eden was still alive. Her only friend that wasn't connected to the Boys. Or, the only friend she had made outside the Boys. Eden had a thing going on with Hughie. And Starlight. Amber didn't question it. 
"Is she gonna have a meltdown?" Hughie asked in a whisper.
Butcher glared at him. "Shut the fuck up." He had a bit of a soft spot for Amber. They both had people they loved taken away from them, not to mention they felt the overwhelming need to do anything it took to get revenge on whoever took it away from them. 
Back in New York, a bunch of shit went sideways. Soldier Boy went nuclear in front of some random building but Marvin made the connection he was likely going to the Legend. 
"Do you think this is even gonna work?" Amber crossed her arms. Butcher had just drugged Marvin and set him as gently as possible on the ground. 
Butcher cocked an eyebrow at her. "Doubting me now, love?" He asked with a small laugh. 
Amber heard footsteps on gravel, causing her to look in the direction they came from. Sure enough, Soldier Boy rounded the corner of a beat-up car in his suit. He'd trimmed his beard and hair. He looked a lot better than he did at the Russian base. Amber narrowed his eyes at him, ready to fight in case that's what he wanted.
"You two… you're from the lab." Soldier Boy's eyes studied the two of them. They stayed a little longer than necessary on Amber. She had a feeling as to why but he didn't voice it so neither would she. "Why are you here?"
Amber could ask the same question but she already knew the answer. "We want to come to an agreement. Of sorts." Butcher smiled wickedly. "You can call this…" He waved to the trailer behind him. "A gesture of good faith." 
Soldier Boy narrowed his eyes ever so slightly. They were going to let him kill the Crimson Countess. He stepped closer, making his way inside and they made no move to stop him. But Avery could hear the conversation from outside. 
It was hard not to feel a little bit of sympathy for the man. The Crimson Countess called him Ben. He was captured, experimented on, shot full of nearly any chemical they had in the compound all because of her. But Amber also felt for her as well. Soldier Boy got all the glory and she assumed he had the ego as high as a mountain, knowing him to some extent would be hell. It sucked that Amber was going to be in that hell.
And then the trailer blew up. She thought she was gonna see it coming. She didn't. Amber was flown a good ten feet away and landed on her stomach. "Fuck me…" She groaned as she rolled onto her back. 
Hughie and Annie came running, only to see Amber on the ground and Butcher carrying Marvin. "What happened? Is he hurt?" Annie's eyes were wide at the sight.
"No need to worry about him. Just four or five milligrams of Rohypnol." Butcher shrugged.
Annie's eyes started to glow. "You fucking roofied him?" 
The trailer behind them was in shambles, smoke everywhere but Amber could hear someone coming out from the rubble. Soldier Boy with not even a scratch or hair out of place. Annie's eyes shifted to him, prepared to fight.
Hughie stepped in front of her while Amber did the same. She let them have whatever talk they were gonna have, glancing back at Soldier Boy. He didn't want to fight them. The Countess was the only thing he came for. Amber narrowed his eyes at him. 
She'd heard stories about him from the Legend seeing as he was the only one she knew that had ever met Soldier Boy before. Amber knew that whatever beta Compound V they gave him made him stop aging past forty, that he was a grade A Playboy, and was involved in quite a few cover-ups over the years. Whatever Soldier Boy was pumped full of in those early days of Vought, Amber thought Homelander needed it. She counted quite a few wrinkles on his face that Soldier Boy didn't have. 
Yeah, Amber had to admit the guy was attractive but she'd never say that to his face. While Soldier Boy seemed a little… emotionally stunted at the moment, she had a feeling that'd change and he'd go back to his ways the moment they got out of there. 
And she was right.
Amber nearly had to throw up while Butcher and Hughie tried talking to him. The man had only a robe on and was in the middle of trying to fuck someone. He hadn't even bothered to lock the door. 
"I think it would be a good idea if you stayed with Amber." Butcher suggested. 
Amber had checked out for most of the conversation until that. "Wait, the fuck?" She shook her head. "Butch, I'm not taking care of…" She waved in the general direction of Soldier Boy, still not wanting to look at him. "That." 
Ben wrapped his silk robe around his body and cocked an eyebrow at her. "What are you? Some kind of fag?" He stood from the bed, tilting his head. Hughie's eyes widened while Butcher just looked amused. "You're tall enough to be a tranny so I wouldn't be surprised." 
"Yeah? And I bet you'd just love having my cock in your mouth to shut you up." Amber countered with a glare, finally looking Soldier Boy in the eyes. Butcher let out a loud laugh, turning away from the two of them.
He had nothing to stay in response, staring at her with hard eyes. "You're a feisty one, I'll give you that." Ben tilted his head slightly. 
Butcher turned back and shook his head, motioning with his hand. "Whatever the fuck this is, you're gonna have to get along." He faced Amber, "I don't like it as much as you do, love, but we both know you're the safest person he," Butcher jutted his head in the direction of Soldier Boy. "Can be with." 
Amber's jaw clenched, looking from Butcher to Ben. She had a feeling Eden wouldn't like him living with them but, hopefully, it wouldn't be for too long. "Fine." She stepped closer to Ben, fists at her sides. "You get out of line, you're fucked." 
"I plan on it." Ben smirked.
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pickledpascal · 6 months
Killer Queen
Soldier Boy x OC! Amber Cali
Jensen Ackles Masterlist
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Summary: Amber works closely with The Boys and she accompanies them to find Soldier Boy. Butcher suggests he stay with her to keep him away from Vought for a little while.
A/N: ngl i came up with this mostly as a crack fic so canon is mostly thrown out the window, oopsies. also you can blame my friend for half this. amber is trans by the wayyyy!! this is also kind of an avatar: the last airbender/the legend of korra crossover... kind of.
General Warnings: smut, 18+ themes, misogyny, transphobia, slurs (whoopsies), soldier boy is a bottom for once omg, i CANNOT stress this enough please do not read this if you're under 18 you'll be scarred, collars, bells, cum eating/drinking, mentions of abuse, forms of torture, blood, some gore, pavlov what are you doing here ?
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pickledpascal · 6 months
Killer Queen
Chapter Two: Walk This Way
Warnings: barely any plot, smut, oral, could be considered a bit non-con but id say its more consensual non-con, the start of some pavloving, slurs
Word Count: 2.9k
Killer Queen Masterlist
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Taking care of Soldier Boy, and housing him, was not what Amber signed up for when Butcher told her about this imaginary weapon. But Ben was powerful, very powerful. Enough to take away the powers of any Supe within distance of his blast. So Amber complied with Butcher's request. She was careful enough not to drive down any populated areas just in case the street cameras caught a glimpse of him. 
"Man, you live in the middle of fucking nowhere." Ben murmured as he slammed the car door shut and took in the house in front of them. 
It wasn't too far away from the city but far enough that Butcher trusted Ben, and Ryan, wouldn't be found. Ryan especially. The house looked plain on the outside, siding painted white with blue roofing, and had two stories. But there were a few surprises inside. 
Amber bit the inside of her cheek. The urge to slam the guy against her car and show him who the boss was bubbled inside her. She refrained with gritted teeth. "Might be good for you, not fucking randos every chance you get." She led Ben inside, checking to see if Eden was home. If she was, Ryan wasn't too far behind. "Eden! Where ya at?" 
"My room!" She heard her friend call back. 
Amber had Ben stay in the living room as she went to go talk to her friend. Which left him with the only option to look around the house. He observed the living room. A flat screen TV donned a wall while framed posters hung on other walls. They looked like movie posters but Ben didn't know any of them. 
After a few minutes, Ben got bored and ventured into other parts of the house. The kitchen was uninteresting. Partly because he didn't care about cooking. So he scaled the stairs and tried to look through a few rooms. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Most were locked until he came to one at the end of the hall.
"Oh, hello," Ben hummed as he entered. Lights were hung up at the edges of the ceiling, there were quite a few shelves hung up, more posters, a desk, and a large bed that sat in the middle of the room. 
But what piqued his interest the most was the porn magazine that rested at the edge of the bed, it was open but faced down to keep its place at a certain page. Ben lifted it to take a look and blinked, heat on his face. He didn't think shit like that affected him anymore. Nonetheless, it did. On the page was a girl, with a strap-on, fucking a guy whose face was incredibly blissed out. 
Ben nearly dropped the magazine when the door behind him slammed closed. "Whatcha got there?" Amber glared at him. 
"Found it." The man tried to be as nonchalant as possible but it wasn't working, Amber could tell how he felt. 
But Amber could care less about that. She snatched the magazine from his hands and threw it on her desk. "Look, I have a few rules I'm gonna need you to follow." Ben rolled his eyes but stayed silent. "A kid lives here and I don't need you being a dick or saying something you shouldn't." Amber took a breath. She was way too worked up and she knew it. Might be best she kicked Ben out of her room after this and did something with her frustration. "Don't be saying slurs and shit, at least not when he's around." 
"God," Ben sighed, shaking his head. "Y'all are a bunch of pussies these days, huh?" In the last few days, he could tell the world was a lot more sensitive than back in his day.
Amber's jaw clenched. Her chest rose and fell with a deep breath. She tried to remind herself that she needed to calm down. "I can take your shit but I don't want this kid growing up to be like you." She stared him down. They were the same height and Ben was physically bigger than her but Amber knew she would be able to hold her own against him, nuclear powers or not. 
That cut Ben a little deeper than expected. So he returned the fire like he always did. "So he could grow up to be like you? A tranny who probably didn't get enough pussy so he decided to get one for himself, huh?" 
Amber let out a breath through her nose and decided fuck it. She grabbed Ben's jaw harshly, causing him to claw at her shoulder to try and get her off him. She didn't budge. Not an inch. Amber grabbed one of his arms and twisted it behind his back. Ben winced. He hadn't felt that kind of hurt in a while. "You think you're funny? Watch your fucking mouth." She whispered into his ear, "Or maybe," Amber glanced down. Ben had quite the hard-on. "Maybe you need a lesson." 
"Fuck you." Ben growled, his nostrils flaring as his other hand grabbed at Amber's arm. 
Amber twisted his arm a little more, making him take in a sharp breath. "Say it again. Tranny. I fucking dare you." Her breath was hot against Ben's ear and he couldn't help the strained noise that escaped his lips. Her brain lit up with a twisted desire. The man was all macho on the outside but he liked this. Not being in control, letting her take the reins. 
"You didn't even cut off your cock, huh?" Ben could feel Amber's crotch against his back as he struggled. "I bet any guy in their right mind wouldn't like that," He accentuated the word. Partly because he wanted to see what would happen if he did. "Tranny." 
That was it. Amber let go of his jaw and slammed Ben against the wall. His cheek was pushed up against it as he struggled to break free. "You like it." She pushed her knee between his legs. He swallowed, not wanting to admit it. "Be a good boy and do what I say and you might be able to form a coherent thought tomorrow." 
"Fuck off." Ben spat. The only response he could come up with.
Amber clicked her tongue, "That's no way to talk to a girl." She kicked the back of his knee, causing him to lose balance so she pushed him onto her bed. "You were looking at my porn for a few seconds too long for you to be disgusted by it. You liked it. You want that don't you?" She bent over him, flush against his ass as she whispered into Ben's ear. "You're lucky I come with the attachment." 
Ben glared at her from the side of his eyes. "I'm not a fucking bitch. You can't–" Amber took off her shirt and suddenly he was speechless. Her hands were removed but he stayed there. On the bed. By choice. 
"Can't what?" Amber grabbed the back of Ben's head by his hair and pulled. He let out an involuntary whimper. "You like me being in charge. I think I could do whatever I wanted with you and you'd like it." 
Ben swallowed thickly. Somehow, Amber figured him out in the matter of being with him for just a few hours. He had been at the top for years, in all senses of the word. And, well, Amber was one of the only women to ever retaliate against that. And had the strength to match. His body responded to that in ways his brain told him it shouldn't. 
Amber retracted her hands and looked down at Ben with a dark glint in her eyes. "Tell me you don't want me and I won't. But if you do, you're going to be mine. And that means every single time you do something wrong, you're gonna face consequences." 
Ben's eyes narrowed a bit at the mention of punishment. A part of him wanted to know what they could be. "Fine." He huffed, sitting up on the bed. 
"Then get on your knees." Amber ordered as she unzipped her pants. Underneath was a pair of plain blue underwear. Ben complied without a second thought. He didn't know why. Just her voice—the way she sounded, he had to listen to her. "That's better." She ran a hand through Ben's dark hair before she gripped it tightly. "You said a few choice words earlier. Hurtful stuff. Which means you don't get what you want. Only good boy's do." Amber slipped her underwear off and shoved her cock in his mouth. 
Ben let out a noise of surprise and tried to push off her but Amber's grip on his head was like a vice. No budging. Her dick was long enough that it made Ben gag but he couldn't move his head and so he was forced to adjust to the feeling of her in his mouth. It took a while. Tears started to form at the edges of his eyes and saliva dripped from his mouth. Ben couldn't remember the last time he cried. He couldn't remember if he cried at all. His brain felt fuzzy and he wasn't sure why. It scared him. And excited him all at the same time. Ben's hands naturally sat behind his back after a while. Amber hadn't even told him. 
"That's a good boy." Amber used her free hand to brush a few strands of hair that fell into Ben's face. "If I let go, are you gonna be a really good boy and suck me off?" She loosened her grip on his hair. Just enough to let him nod. 
Ben looked up at her and nodded. There was an eagerness in his eyes that wasn't there before. So Amber completely loosened her grip as he swallowed, causing a soft sigh to escape her lips. Ben had no practice in this area, at all, but there was that gnat in the back of his head that seemed to know what to do. With its guidance, he started to move his head. His gag reflex seemed to disappear since Amber's cock hit the back of his throat multiple times. 
He loved it. 
He didn't know why. In his right mind, Ben might've been disgusted with himself. Scratch that. He certainly would have been disgusted. But he wasn't. 
Ben loved the noises Amber made. Small huffs of air or light pants escaped her lips. He also loved the power she had over him. The way she could have easily shoved him onto her bed and had her way with him didn't go unnoticed. Instead, Amber chose this. Similar. But different where it counted. Ben, begrudgingly, knew he would have liked that too. 
"Almost there…" Amber breathed, twirling a finger around a few strands of Ben's hair. "You want a taste, right?" 
Ben simply hummed in response, a little too focused on getting her off that he didn't fully register the question and what it meant. And then he felt something shoot down his throat. He pulled off Amber, coughing. Nothing came up since he already swallowed it but the surprise was enough.
Amber looked down at him, amused as she pulled her underwear back up. She tilted Ben's head back up at her with a finger under his chin. "Stand up, sweetheart." Ben pursed his lips as he slowly stood on wobbly legs. She guided him into her bed with a hand on his waist. 
Like a switch, Ben drew in a deep breath. "I can't believe I fucking did that…" That headspace. He didn't know he was capable of going there. Especially with someone like Amber. And, strangely, he didn't mean her extra parts. 
Amber let out a small laugh as she got redressed. "You know I own you now." She whispered. She could picture Aang's disappointed face. 
Ben swallowed at her tone. He did. God, he did. "I'm not… easy." He sat up a little in the bed, bending his knee. Ben wet his lips as he looked up at her. She was standing at her full height and he felt… small. 
"I don't expect you to be." Amber said honestly with an eyebrow cocked. She imagined it strained Ben to be even a little open with her about his feelings. "Unfortunately, you're a product of your time. It's the 21st century, though, so you don't get a fucking pass if you wanna act all pissy anymore." 
Ben stared up at her, jaw clenching and unclenching. He looked away, a scoff escaping his lips before he could even think about it. 
The bed shifted with the added weight of Amber. "You want something." She studied his face. As much as Soldier Boy wanted to hide his emotions, they showed on his face. They usually came out as anger but Amber was quick to see past that. "You want comfort." She hummed. 
In her mind, Amber was screaming at herself to stop whatever was gonna happen next. She knew she was better than this. Better than all of it. She should've just kicked him out of her room and punched a wall or something. But another part of her wanted to see what Ben would do. Apparently he was pretty good at following orders when he wanted to. 
"Eat shit." Ben huffed, crossing his arms. His defense was back up already.
Amber pursed her lips. Soldier Boy had been put through a lot. Perhaps she needed to be the bigger person and take his words with grace. Sometimes. She lifted a hand to his face and he flinched before he felt just how soft her touch was. 
Amber studied Soldier Boy. His posture was rigid and, judging by his reaction to her touch, he hadn't had a good experience with supposedly comforting touch. Whether that was because of his previous life or the Russians she didn't know. But she could tell he wanted it. Badly. It was those 1940s gender norms that told him he couldn't accept it. 
"Look at me." Amber said. Begrudgingly, Ben complied. "If this… thing is going to work, you're gonna need to tell me how you're feeling. No pushing shit down." She wasn't playing around and he knew it. 
Ben let out a breath through his nose as he nodded. "I'm feeling…" He paused. "Like I want to kiss you." 
That wasn't exactly what Amber meant but she wouldn't exactly complain. "Okay." She leaned forward to press their lips together. Ben's lips were rough against hers but he was on ice for forty years so that might've contributed to it. 
Ben lifted a hand to cup Amber's cheek out of instinct, bringing her close with a hand on her shoulder. Amber's lips were gentle, soft and slotted against his perfectly. He didn't know he could feel like this. It scared him. Amber had him under some sort of spell that he didn't want to get out of. It felt like every single emotion he blocked for the past hundred years he'd been alive suddenly bubbled over. Ben didn't register the tears rolling down his cheeks until Amber had pulled away and wiped at his cheekbone with her thumb. 
"I'm… yours, huh?" He swallowed, feeling a tightness in his throat for the first time. 
Amber hummed. "Yeah. Mine." She whispered.
"I-I could," Ben paused, glancing away from Avery with a sniffle. It was taking all this willpower not to completely break down. "I could get used to that." 
Out of pity, Amber wrapped her arms around Ben and hugged him. Just like that, he cried into her shoulder. His earlier anger had dissipated into pure sadness. The person he thought he loved sold him out and hated him. He didn't know what hurt worse. The fact that the Countess despised him or what the Russians did to him all those years. The Countess didn't even get paid to do it. She wanted to get rid of him. Forever. And for what? She died in the end. 
"Shhh, it's alright." Amber cooed, rocking him slightly. "You're alright. You're safe here." The complete truth. It was why Butcher trusted her enough. The safest place on Earth for anyone to be was near Amber. And sometimes she forgot that. 
Ben shook with sobs, clutching onto Avery like a lifeline. "Don't… don't leave me." Everyone did eventually. They either died or left him. No one ever stayed. He blamed himself for that. Ever since he took Compound V, his life had been a rollercoaster. Ups and downs. Mostly downs. 
Abandonment issues were not on Amber's bingo card. PTSD, for sure. A narcissistic personality disorder, yeah. This? Absolutely not.
"I won't," Amber's mind cursed at herself. She was supposed to house Soldier Boy. Not this. She couldn't help it. She had a knack for thinking she could help people. Apparently, Soldier Boy was no different even if he was a major bitch when they first talked. "I won't." She repeated. 
When Ben's tears stopped flowing, he pressed his face into her neck and sighed. She smelled nice. It lulled him to sleep. Though, his emotional outburst did take a lot of energy out of him too. 
Amber rubbed his back and sighed, opting to lay in bed next to Ben. Hopefully, they'd talk a little more in the morning and he wouldn't revert back to his asshole ways. Though, Amber knew it would take a while for him to get her lessons through his thick head. This was a stepping stone. A small one across a lake of problems. 
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pickledpascal · 6 months
Killer Queen
Chapter Three: Sweet Emotion
Warnings: smut for sure brother, penetrative sex, collars, BDSM elements, slurs, ben likes it rough i guess
Word Count: 3.8k
Killer Queen Masterlist
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Eventually, Eden was able to coax Amber and Soldier Boy out of their room to have something for dinner. Well, she mostly wanted to get Amber to eat, Soldier Boy was… a change, that's for sure. Something about him when Eden was in school or, hell, even when she grew up, she thought he'd be shorter. The boots had to give him an extra inch or two so they lied about his height. But they didn't. Soldier Boy was a six-foot-two all-American man. Eden always thought he'd be five-eight. 
Amber grabbed a few slices of the pizza Eden provided and stuffed a piece in her mouth. On the other hand, Eden kept staring at Soldier Boy. Nervous wasn't the right word, no, more like she was sizing him up. She knew she likely couldn't take him in a fight, even if she was a Supe, but she would probably be able to do something that made him suffer. 
“Who's that?” Ryan said when he came out of his room. He was looking up at Soldier Boy. Butcher was one of the only other men who had ever entered the house.
Soldier Boy glanced down at the kid and narrowed his eyes a bit. Why the hell did he look so much like him? He kept his mouth shut, opting to follow Amber's rules. For now. So he ate. 
Eden answered, “He's gonna be staying with us for a little while, kiddo. He's, uh,” She didn't want to lie. Ryan was a smart kid and he'd likely figure out why he was here in the long run but she also didn't want to say Soldier Boy was going to kill his dad. “He's one of Amber's special friends.” 
“Oh.” Ryan recoiled at the comment. 
Soldier Boy cocked an eyebrow at Amber. “He doesn't know what a f–”
“Shut the hell up.” Amber cut him off, gaze hardening. 
Once dinner was done and Ryan was away from Soldier Boy—Eden immediately decided they couldn't be together for more than fifteen minutes since Ryan would likely learn something he wasn't supposed to at ten. 
“So who the fuck are you?” Soldier Boy turned to Eden, lips pursed into a thin line that showed his dimples. A sign he was discontented. 
Eden looked at him unimpressed. “The smartest person in any room.” She shrugged. She liked to brag as humbly as possible. She wished Amber would do it more or else people wouldn't test her as much as they did. 
Soldier Boy scoffed, “You're a woman.” 
“And you don't know what an OnlyFans is so who's really winning here?” Eden countered with a lop-sided smile.
Soldier Boy tilted his head, glancing at Amber for an answer. She didn't give him one. 
“Do you think if we can get Homelander, Butcher will let us psychologically torture him? We’ll let him kill him afterward. Or, we could all bitch him together.” Eden suggested, an excited glint in her eyes before she glanced back at Soldier Boy. “Sorry your son turned into such a fucking bitch, by the way–”
Soldier Boy’s eyebrows shot up. “Wait, what the fuck does she mean?” He'd seen pictures of Homelander, pictures of him were plastered almost everywhere.
Amber glared at Eden. She was glad Ryan wasn't here for this. Especially considering his grandpa had quite the mouth on him. 
She and Eden knew of this after Eden hacked into Vought. Partly for fun, partly for work. They just so happened to come across a file about Homelander and his origins. And how Soldier Boy, by artificial insemination, was his father. Immediately after finding out the information, Eden blamed that on why Homelander was so horrible. Amber didn't know all of the details of Soldier Boy’s life but she didn't think that was the case. The file also included all the American propaganda Homelander was forced to watch as a child. 
A boy who grew up only watching American propaganda was going to fuck him up somehow. 
“You remember when Vougelbaum called you into your lab? It was 1980. Some sort of genetic test,” Recognition dawned in Soldier Boy’s face as he leaned back into the couch he sat on. “He was born in 1981. And part of the reason Payback did what they did. So he could take the spotlight once he was older.” Amber explained softly. She had a feeling it would be jarring for anyone to find out they had a secret child, no matter if they were a fascist piece of shit. 
Soldier Boy’s lips drew back into a snarl as he tried to choke down his emotions. Amber, he was fine with crying in front of, but Eden? Fuck that. He didn't need other people to know he was weak. 
He had a son. A fucking child. And he wasn't there like he wished he would. Anger rose in his chest. Soldier Boy abruptly stood and Amber could feel the air in the room shifting. She didn't have a radiation counter on her but she could tell, if she did, it would be skyrocketing. 
Amber lifted a hand to try and calm Soldier Boy which he slapped away. “Shut the fuck up and don't say you understand. You fucking don't. You don't even have the fucking parts to have a kid, you tranny bitch.” He spat, chest heaving. 
Eden's eyes widened, looking between the two of them. Even most bigot fucks Amber came across, they didn't say it to her face. Amber's stare turned cold. Any sympathy she had for him was flushed down the drain. 
“Yeah, uh… I'm gonna take Ryan downstairs.” Eden excused herself. The basement was soundproof for the most part. And built like a fortress. She was glad she decided to make it out of metal. Sound didn't travel that well through it. 
Soldier Boy let out a sharp breath from his nose as he stared at Amber. There was a small part of him that regretted what he said but he was too prideful to go back on it. A muscle in his jaw tightened while his nose turned into a sneer. 
Amber wasn't intimidated by whatever tactics Soldier Boy was trying to use. “You think you're strong? That you scare me? Not more than an hour ago you were gagging on my dick. Some small part—or, hell, big part—of you is scared you like me,” The air in the room was tense, the radiation rising when she hit a little too close to home. “But another part,” She stepped closer, causing Soldier Boy to step away. “Is excited by that. You're not the most powerful in the room anymore. Maybe that way you'll be a little normal for once.” 
“Fuck you, you don't know shit about me.” Soldier Boy’s shoulders were rigid as he tried to stand his ground. 
Amber cocked a doubtful eyebrow at him, a smirk on her lips. “Uh-huh. I know for the past few seconds, your eyes have been on my dick,” Soldier Boy’s lip quivered with his anger but he made no move to deny it. “What Eden failed to mention is that Ryan is your grandson.”
Blinking, Soldier Boy's shoulders slumped. His jaw unclenched as he drew in a sharp breath. “He's—”
“Homelander’s son. The reason why he's here. Homelander wants to make Ryan like him,” Amber explained softly. Maybe she did have a little bit of sympathy for Ben. A shred. But it could easily be snuffed out and replaced with that white-hot feeling from earlier. “This could be your chance to be a father like you wanted. And, maybe, he could be better. Not like you or him.”
Soldier Boy dropped onto the couch, frame creaking underneath his weight. His whole world was shattered and put back together again in a matter of a few minutes. How could he have failed Homelander so badly? Hell, he would've let him take the spotlight. What kind of father wouldn't? He bit his cheek. Ryan wasn't his and he never would be. Sure, they were related but it was different. He'd know it would be different. 
But Ryan was so young. A whole life ahead of him. Soldier Boy pushed his hands through his hair, tears stung the edges of his eyes. He wanted kids. For selfish reasons. As a big fuck you to his father that he could do better than him. 
“Does he know?” Soldier Boy looked up at Amber, hands falling in his lap.
Amber shook her head. “No. I mean, Ryan knows who his father is. Not that you're his grandpa. And Homelander, as far as I know, doesn't know about you.” She sat next to him. 
“God fucking hell.” Soldier Boy sighed. Why did this feel a hell of a lot more messed up than anything he'd ever done before? He'd be stealing his son’s son away from him. Perhaps for good reason. “You–You’re—” A part of him really wanted to yell at Amber, accuse her of turning him against his own kin, but he had a feeling Homelander committed far worse atrocities than he did. At an even larger scale. 
Soldier Boy ran a hand down his face. “Ryan—he’s a good kid?” He asked after a while. 
“Yeah,” Amber hummed softly. Besides a few times of him slicing open the roof with his laser eyes or hugging Eden a little too tight, it was sunshine and rainbows. Eden was durable enough not to get immediately crushed. “I think he looks a lot more like you than Homelander anyway. Especially with that fucking box-dye. I mean, if you're gonna be the epitome of ‘blonde and blue-eyed,’ at least make sure it looks good before you base your entire personality on it.” 
Soldier Boy let out a small breath. A laugh. Even though he didn't understand half the words that came out of Amber's mouth, he knew the point she was trying to make. Homelander was an artificial fuck. Quite literally. He and Homelander's surrogate never even touched, he just sent his seed to Vougelbaum and never thought about it again. Whoever she was, they would've had a good night if they did it the proper way. Or Soldier Boy would've broken her. 
Amber hooked a finger under Soldier Boy's chin and tilted his head so he looked at her. “You remember that deal we made?” Her eyes flicked from his lips to his eyes. Soldier Boy’s breath hitched. “You called me something bad. Which means…” She intentionally trailed off. 
“Consequences.” Soldier Boy finished for her with dilated pupils. 
Amber winked, “Bingo.” 
After a scramble to get upstairs, Amber's door was locked behind her while she and Soldier Boy were inside her bedroom. He breathed heavily while she appeared calm. Way too calm. It was unsettling. Something about it made Soldier Boy’s pulse hasten. With dread or something else, he wasn't sure he'd want to admit.
“Turn around and strip.” Amber instructed with a smile. 
Soldier Boy wanted to ask why he'd need to turn around but the words were caught in his throat. He complied, taking off his Dodgers jersey and sweatpants along with his boxers. He heard a scraping of a drawer opening and closing. And then a light ding of a bell. He flinched as he felt his neck constricted. Soldier Boy glanced down and caught sight of the small jingle bell on his neck. Connected to a leather collar. 
Avery pressed a kiss to Ben's jaw and hummed as she stood behind him. “On the bed for me, hands and knees.” The way she sounded, it was more of a request. But he knew if he didn't comply, something worse would likely happen. 
Soldier Boy hated the way he so easily followed her order. And he hated it more when Amber pushed his head into the sheets and he liked it. If only his father could see him now. He wondered what he'd say. Probably something worse than what he could come up with. But, then again, that would take a lot more work than what his father wanted to do. 
“Take a deep breath,” Amber advised. Soldier Boy could hear a cap opening and closing. He had an idea as to what it was. “Or don't. You might like it better.” She teased as she pushed her finger inside him without any other warning. 
The muscles in his legs tensed as he moved his head, the bell on his collar ringing as he did. “What the—” Another finger. Soldier Boy was even less prepared than before. “Fuck!” Pain seared inside him. Not overwhelming but a lot more than he thought he'd ever experience in this setting. “What—”
“Shhh,” Amber cooed softly, “Bad boys don't get to speak. Now, I want you to be quiet. Or else something worse might happen.” Soldier Boy couldn't see her face but he could imagine what it looked like. A nice, but unsettling, smile on her face as hooded eyes stared down at him. “Give me a nod that you understand,” She pressed her fingers deeper inside and he had to bite on his bottom lip to keep a noise from escaping him. “C'mon, sweetheart, please?”
Soldier Boy nodded, eyes screwed shut. A satisfied noise left Amber's lips. She curled her slender fingers inside him while his face contorted, trying his best not to let out a strained moan as he gripped the sheets. His whole body tensed when Amber's hand started to move. 
In and out. In and out. In and out. Harder, harder, harder. He wanted to scream. Yell. Maybe kick a door in. He wanted to do something. But this power Amber had over him made him have second thoughts. The way she made him feel. Like he was a teenager again. Powerless. Soldier Boy had lived so long that he forgot what it was like. A life that was mostly filled with drugs, women, and alcohol to ease some sort of pain he didn't want to acknowledge. But Amber fucked it out of him. Somehow. 
So Soldier Boy stayed quiet. Like she asked—no, demanded—him to. And then there was that bell. It rang with each push. He felt like it was too much. The noises, the sensations, the fact that he couldn't let the tension in him release in some way. But it also wasn't enough. He wanted more. Needed more. That gnat inside him was going insane. He needed to feel sore the next morning, needed to be reminded of what happened, needed to follow her rules.
“That’s a good boy,” Soldier Boy could hear pants being unzipped. He drew in a sharp breath. “Only good boys get to be fucked by my cock. Do you think you deserve that?” Amber's voice was smooth and sweet, like honey, but grounded and strong. He couldn't get enough of it. “Use your words.” Her movements stopped so he could form more coherent words. 
“Please.” Soldier Boy panted softly, finally easing some of the tension built in his shoulders and arms. 
Amber tsked. “I can't hear you, sweetheart. Louder,” She thrusted her fingers in suddenly, eliciting a sudden, choked whine from Soldier Boy. And another ring of the bell. “Like that.” 
“God, please! Please! Amber, I-I need you so much.” He whined, pleading with every ounce of want in his body. His knuckles were white as they fisted the sheets. Soldier Boy was painfully aware that he tore them—he was so close—Amber would have half a mind to stop and think of something worse to put him through. “Like—fuck! Like nothing else I've ever needed in my life.” The words jumbled out of him faster than he could think. 
The air stilled. For just a moment. 
He was surprised at himself for admitting such a thing. Was meeting Amber really all it took for his walls to start crumbling? Not completely, but enough. To the point where maybe falling in love again wasn't so hard for him. 
Amber slid a hand up Soldier Boy’s side and let out a hum. “Really?” Her voice was amused. “Get on your back for me, then.” 
Quickly, Soldier Boy turned on the bed. His knees were bent in front of him. He was happy to finally be able to see her face. And appreciate her body. Amber was stripped back down to her underwear. Well, minus her actual underwear. Her bra was still on but he couldn't find it in himself to care. Amber pushed his legs apart and looked down at him. 
The view of Soldier Boy below her made her feel accomplished. Prideful somehow. Amber did always like the idea of a man begging for her. And this man just so happened to be a really powerful one. Yeah, that was gratifying. 
“I want you to promise me something,” Amber began with a light, intentionally, sweet smile as she pushed inside him. Soldier Boy's jaw dropped open. He felt like he was being split down the middle. “Don't say anything like tranny or fag or, hell, even pussy again to me or anyone else. Okay?” Her smile dropped from her lips, eyes glaring down at him. 
The bell on his collar rang frantically as he nodded, eyebrows furrowed with pleasure. 
Amber lifted Soldier Boy’s calf over her shoulder as she leaned over him, admiring the way he looked in the black leather collar as she pushed her pelvis into the flesh of his ass. His chest shook as he took in a sharp breath. 
“Please—please move!” Soldier Boy begged softly, lifting a hand to Amber's neck to gingerly caress underneath the curve of her jaw. He wanted to sob with need. He was way too close to having his fortress be completely and utterly destroyed. And he didn't want to stop it. 
A wicked smile graced Amber's lips. A twinge of desire churned in his stomach. “A little more, sweetheart, I like this.” She admitted as she jerked her hips. 
That goddamned bell chimed again.
Soldier Boy choked on a whimper. “Baby, fuck—I need you to move! Please.” His brain was buzzing louder and louder as time went on but he was still very much conscious and hadn't turned Amber into dust—not that he'd be able to do that in the first place. 
“Hmm. Okay.” Amber relented. Only slightly. 
Her immediate pace was hard and fast and Soldier Boy panted heavily, a whine or whimper at the end of every single noise he made. The bell rang with each movement, swinging softly. He pushed his head back onto the bed as his whole body tensed up. His muscles ached while his mind reeled with delight.
Soldier Boy had never felt anything like this before. Pure ecstasy. Better than the drug. Any drug for that matter. His ass was starting to get sore with each thrust but he couldn't have cared less. The ache made it all the more worth it. Hell, even the sound of her skin pounding into his made his mind whir like an old computer. 
“Your sounds,” Avery panted into his ear. “They’re fucking beautiful.” She attached her lips to Soldier Boy’s jaw, nipping at the skin. She wanted to do this more often. 
And judging by Soldier Boy’s sounds, he'd like that too.
“Ah, fuck!” Soldier Boy’s free hand gripped at Amber's waist, digging his nails into her skin. “Baby–Baby, shit—I can't—I can't—” He sobbed. He couldn't hold on anymore. All the touching and feeling and everything was rising and rising. A part of him was surprised he lasted this long. Especially with the finger-fucking he went through earlier. 
Avery flipped the bell around Soldier Boy’s neck as she sucked a mark above it. A helpless whimper escaped his lips. 
“Be a doll and hold it in,” Avery ground out, giving Soldier Boy a particularly hard thrust. He drew in a sharp breath which morphed into a whine. “You'll do that for me?” 
Soldier Boy whimpered, “Uh-huh.” He was so drunk on feeling that he couldn't stop himself from obeying her. But it got harder and harder with each snap of her hips. “Shit–” He breathed as the muscles in his legs started to twitch. 
“You're almost there,” Compared to the almost carnal way Amber was fucking into him, the way her lips pressed against his skin was soft, gentle, and felt strangely more sensual than everything else. “I can feel it, sweetheart. So am I. Just—” Amber grunted lowly into Soldier Boy’s ear. “Just hold on. A little more.” Her voice was strained.
That's when Soldier Boy had a moment of clarity. Amber was going to cum. Inside him. A shiver of delight ran throughout his body. 
After a few more deep pushes, Amber let out a harbored sigh. The tightness in her stomach broke and Soldier Boy cried out as he felt her paint his insides. Not more than a few seconds later, as Amber slowed her hips, he came as well. Drops of white landed on both of their stomachs. 
Soldier Boy had to resist the urge to actually cry. He had never felt more thoroughly satisfied in his life. 
“Oh, my sweet boy,” Amber cupped his face, tilting it so he would look her in the eyes. “You like this, hm? Me inside you? You'd like it if it was like this all the time, wouldn't you?” She teased softly. 
The man underneath her loved the weight of her inside him. Maybe he secretly wished she would split him in half. He nodded silently, his face red as he felt a bead of sweat run down the back of his neck. Soldier Boy didn't sweat. Not in a long time. 
Amber caressed the side of his face and smiled down at him. “I could arrange that.” She hummed. “But,” She pulled his leg from her shoulder and let it fall. “We have things to do tomorrow.” Her cock slipped from him and he immediately felt empty. 
He pursed his lips, a crease between his eyebrows when he let out a whine from the loss of her touch. He could barely speak after feeling something so intense. Amber went to the bathroom connected to her room to grab a towel and cleaned him up. Soldier Boy’s whole body was sore but his ass was where he felt it the most. 
“C'mon, sweetheart,” Amber sighed, running a hand through his hair which he gladly leaned into. “Don't be like that.” She sighed as she picked up her underwear to put it back on to, at the very least, have something to cover herself in bed. Amber didn't like being naked underneath covers. It just felt wrong. 
After some coaxing, Amber was able to get Soldier Boy to put his boxers back on himself and lay in bed correctly. However, he immediately clung to her like a vice once they were both in her bed. He buried his face into her neck while an arm rested over her stomach. Amber hadn't bothered to take the collar off his neck and Soldier Boy didn't mention it. He liked how it felt. A symbol of her ownership over him. 
That little bell stopped ringing. And so did his head. 
A/N: I JUST WANTED TO SAY THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT ON THIS FIC !!! i never thought so many other people would want to read about soldier boy getting dicked down but here we are !!! 🫶
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pickledpascal · 5 months
Killer Queen
Chapter Four: Doin' Time
Warnings: Gore? blood bending is weird asf, non-descript body horror but its there if you squint, slur (from homelander this time oooh)
Word Count: 3.3k
Killer Queen Masterlist
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With Soldier Boy mostly under control, Amber decided it might be best to go over their plan. It was a shaky one at best but it was the only one they had. So Starlight, Butcher, and Hughie were called to the house. Eden made sure Ryan was busy playing a video game while they all gathered in the living room. 
A map of Vought Tower lay in the middle of the circle they made. Eden rubbed at her chin, trying to memorize every weak point and every room. She thought it was a little weird that Homelander had a special penthouse in Vought Tower but it was easier for them to get the jump on them that way. Steal their prized Supe and they might just crumble because of it.
“Is he seriously on board?” Butcher and Amber took a few steps away from everyone else. 
Amber glanced back at Soldier Boy who was strangely quiet considering the last few days. “Yeah. He is. And if he's not, well, I can change his mind.” She smirked. 
Butcher blinked, shock crossing his face before a grin replaced it. “Oh, love, you didn't.” 
Amber nudged Butcher’s elbow. “Makes him a little easier to work with.”
“I must say, I didn't think he'd go for someone quite like you, love,” Butcher admitted as his eyebrows furrowed. His eyes shifted up and down Amber's body. “Although, maybe he hadn't gotten properly dicked down before.” He teased. 
Amber laughed and shook her head. Soldier Boy was slowly growing on her. More so when he actually showed emotion—besides just anger. There was a softer side to him, one he didn't want others, or even himself, to know. For a while, he had convinced everyone that this “ideal” version of himself was real but Amber could see right through him. He was still that kid in the army who just wanted to prove himself to his father. 
“Oh! Amber should totally wear her super suit!” Eden cheered like a light bulb went off in her head. 
Annie looked at Eden strangely then glanced at Amber who sighed at the mention of it. “Amber has a suit? Was she a Supe?” She questioned.
“No, no, no.” Eden waved Annie off. “When I realized Amber was going to do a lot of the heavy lifting—metaphorically and realistically—I made her a suit that is able to withstand… Well, a lot. Considering Amber's powers, I made it heat and cold-resistant and unable to be cut by anything Vought could get their hands on.” She explained as if it was the most normal thing in the world. “Nothing like what you guys have. Hers serves for practicality and for the aesthetic.”
Annie pursed her lips and shrugged. Eden was right. Depending on what kind of missions they were sent on, their super suits got destroyed all the time. In the end, they were always replaced but they didn't last long on high-risk missions. They were meant to look good, factor into their aesthetic—their image.
“Wow, love, you been holding out on us?” Butcher smirked at Amber. 
She rolled her eyes. “Haven't been on a job that calls for it yet. This might just be that.” Amber countered as she crossed her arms. 
Soldier Boy watched the interactions Butcher and Amber had. He wasn't too keen on how comfortable they were with each other. “Why's Amber need a suit anyway? She have any accidents or some shit?” He turned to Eden. 
Eden narrowed her eyes at Soldier Boy, amusement in them. She could tell someone was jealous. “Yeah. Once or twice. Had a flame-on moment and poof her clothes disintegrated and she was naked. Not fun.” She pursed her lips and shrugged. “Maybe for you.” 
Butcher, Annie, Soldier Boy, and Hughie all turned to stare at Amber. “If I tell you what happened, will y'all drop it?” 
“Depends on what it is, love.” Butcher commented, earning a look from Soldier Boy.
Amber sighed as she scratched the back of her head. “I did that when I was younger. Like twelve. I was in school,” Annie looked at her with a smile. She'd never thought about Amber before all this. Sure, Amber was born the chosen one but she had a childhood before the weight of the world was on her shoulders. “Another kid pissed me off. A little too much that I kinda… self-combusted. The kid wasn't hurt but my clothes were ash. Hasn't happened since. Eden was there, that's why she knows.” 
Soldier Boy cocked his head. He hadn't seen Amber use her powers before. At least, not in any way he could perceive besides her strength. Did she have some sort of fire ability? He hadn't encountered that before. Sure, there were the TNT Twins but that wasn't fire, that was explosives. 
It seemed Butcher recognized that look. “Have you not told him yet, love? I mean if I were you, I'd shout it from the rooftops but then that'd also make you a right cunt.” He looked at Amber. 
“I was busy,” Amber coughed, swallowing nervously. “With other stuff.”
“Other stuff.” Hughie repeated, unconvinced. 
Soldier Boy stared at Butcher, confused and weary. He didn't trust the Brit. Then again, he didn't trust a lot of people. 
Butcher waved to Amber and grinned. “Amber here is the Avatar,” Soldier Boy had no recollection of anything Avatar-related. “She can control earth, air, fire, water. Ring any bells?” His eyebrows furrowed. Butcher sighed. “Whatever, all that matters is Amber's on our side. She's bloody powerful. Literally.” He turned his head to look at Amber who shrugged. “You're a bit like Neuman in that way.” 
Amber shook her head and pursed her lips. As the Avatar, for some reason, she was also blessed with being able to use all the subgenres of bending. Well, most. She didn't have combustion bending or else there would be an indent in the middle of her forehead. 
Blood bending, metal bending, lava bending—only used that once—lightning redirection and levitation were subgenres Amber knew how to use. Blood bending was an innate ability, however she learned the others from her former lives. And from other souls in the spirit realm. 
“I remember…” Soldier Boy finally said. Although it was a little fuzzy, his early life, he could remember a time when the Avatar existed. “That… It was a girl. Before you. What happened? Aren't you supposed to reincarnate after the previous one dies? Why are you here now? And not right after the other one…”
Amber sighed. “I'm not sure and my past lives won't exactly tell me.” She looked up at the ceiling, irritation evident in her voice. “All I know is, when Korra died there hadn't been one until me. And there might not be one after me.” 
“I blame Compound V. That shit might have messed up the Avatar cycle somehow. Fucked with nature. I mean, there's no benders anymore either. There's either Supes or non-Supes.” Eden commented as she took a sip of tea. She brewed it a while ago but forgot about it until now. 
Butcher poured some for himself, taking a sip as he sat down at the table. Before meeting Amber, he hadn't thought much about the Avatar or benders at all. To him, they were just legends. Fictional. A bedtime story people told children about. But then he saw her in action. The glow of her tattoos when she meditated, the way fire erupted from her fists, or how she turned water to ice with a simple wave of her hand. It was all so very real. 
“So… Supersuit?” Eden asked once their meeting wrapped up. Homelander was going down. Tonight. 
Amber huffed. “Supersuit.”
Eden pumped her fist in the air. “Yes!” 
Getting into Vought Tower was the easy part. Eden was an excellent hacker when push came to shove. Or if she was just bored. Every employee Amber passed by didn't spare her a second glance. At least the Supersuit came in handy for more than one thing. Practicality, aesthetic, and blending in. They all just thought she was some random Supe walking through the halls of Vought. 
Amber caught an elevator. With no one else in it. She looked up at the camera in the corner.
“Hello. I see you too, mother.” Eden teased through her earpiece. Then there was the light noise of clacking. Her keyboard. 
Soldier Boy's voice came through the earpiece as well. “Are we a hundred percent sure this is gonna work?” His voice was rough, if a little troubled. 
“Amber is fully capable, mate. Not to mention Homelander has a soft spot for girls. Somehow.” Butcher had his own comm. One that Amber could hear clearly. “She just has to turn up the charm, get that cunt off guard and do her… freaky blood thing.”
Amber could imagine Butcher's cadence as he said those words. He'd probably waved his hand with a grin on his face as he looked between Eden and Soldier Boy. She drummed her fingers against her thigh as the elevator stopped at a floor. She smiled at the new addition. Some intern, most likely, they looked like one. She wrinkled her nose a bit. Amber was nervous. She's been in combat situations before but nothing espionage-like. 
Not to mention the suit. Amber had only worn it once. For Eden to make sure it fit properly. And it did fit properly. She had expected it to be uncomfortable since it looked like it was made completely of leather but it wasn't. It was made up of some special textile or cloth Eden made herself—one of the reasons it was fire, ice, and pierce-resistant. 
The suit fit her nicely, showing off her curves even if it covered almost every inch of her body. There were shoulder pads built into the suit with indentations of the four elemental symbols on both, fingerless gloves, and gauntlets that went over her forearms. The zipper in the front started just above her chest but was half zipped to shield a bit of her throat. Most of her suit was indigo except for her gauntlets, a little bit of detailing, and knee-high boots—the gauntlets were silver as were a few loops on her belt while her boots were black with indigo trim and a matching heel.
The elevator stopped on the floor Amber was meant to get off on. She stepped out as Eden guided her to Homelander's penthouse from her earpiece. She stopped just outside the door, pursing her lips. She lowered her zipper a little to show off her cleavage a bit more. Amber knew Homelander had a bit of a… kink. Well, not a bit. And even if Amber couldn't particularly lactate for reasons, he wouldn't know that. 
“We won't be able to see but we'll be able to hear everything that goes on in that room.” Eden said softly. “Don't get into too much trouble.”
Amber chuckled dryly. “You know me. I hate trouble.”
“Exactly why you're perfect for the job.” Butcher commented. 
Compared to everyone else in The Boys, Amber was relatively unknown to Vought. Eden couldn't find a single file on her when she went through their databases. To them, she was just some random citizen. A zero or one in their books. To be fair, Amber wasn't one to show off her powers unless needed. And Eden wiped every single hard drive of every single camera she could find if Amber ever did use her powers in public. 
Amber knocked on the door for it to be opened by her target. Homelander. She could see the appeal. Actually, no. She couldn't. His roots were brown while the rest of his hair was dyed blonde and his face was always cleanly shaved—Amber always liked a beard on men. Perhaps that's part of the reason she found Soldier Boy attractive, despite his prickly personality. 
“And who are you?” Homelander’s eyes were on Amber's breasts for a few seconds before they met her eyes.  
Time to play ditsy, Amber. She faked a frown. “Sorry, I must've knocked on the wrong door. I was supposed to have a meeting with Mr. Edgar.” She rubbed one of her arms, trying her best to act nervous. 
“Oh?” Homelander's eyes lit up with interest. “I'm sure he won't mind you being late. Come in. It'd be nice to get to know you. Especially if you're gonna be on the team.” He forced a smile. It made Amber's brain alert with disgust. 
At least it was working. 
Homelander widened the door, letting Amber inside before he closed it behind her. His little apartment looked like hell. Paintings upon paintings of US Presidents in ornate frames or war memorabilia hung up on walls. There was barely any furniture except for a desk and a few loveseats. 
Amber had to resist the urge to cry at how gaudy this all looked. 
Then she heard the lock of the door set in place. Amber was trapped. With Homelander. Except it was more that he was trapped with her. 
“What's your name?” Homelander stepped closer to Amber, an unsettling grin on his face.
“Which one?” She asked.
He tsked, the grin widening. “Supe one. Wanna know what to call you when I fuck your brains out.” 
Amber swallowed thickly. Which could've been mistaken for fear—another turn-on for Homelander—but it was out of disgust. 
“This cunt has what's getting to him.” Butcher commented under his breath.
“It's,” Amber had to think of something. Quick. “Isorropìa.” Her hand twitched as her eyes narrowed. This whole plan was uncomfortable but unfortunately necessary. 
Amber was the only one who could get Homelander and Soldier Boy was the only one who could kill him. Or unsupeify him. If that was their goal. Amber wasn't too sure. She was powerful enough to kill Homelander as well but Butcher and Eden had other plans, it seemed.
“Isorropìa,” Homelander repeated, feeling the word on his tongue. “Our art department could come up with something better.” He stepped closer into Amber's space, a few inches apart. 
Amber’s fingers twitched slightly as she felt for Homelander's blood. She smirked as she felt the beat of his heart. His pulse. She lifted her hand as if she was controlling a marionette on strings. She watched as his eyes widened with fear. 
He couldn't move. And he couldn't speak. Not of his own volition. Homelander had never felt such physical pain before. He was invisible. Nothing, nothing, could hurt him. At least, not so prolonged. His veins felt like they were on fire. A searing hot pain Homelander had never experienced. Never wanted to experience.
She forced him to turn around. With a twist of her other hand, the door was unlocked and opened. 
“Got him, heading down.” Amber said.
Eden cheered, “Let's go!” 
“Remember our deal, though?” Butcher reminded.
“I get to psychologically torture, you get to kill. Yeah, I know.” Eden sighed. 
Amber and Homelander simply walked outside together. By any bystanders' eyes, they looked normal. As normal as two Supes could be at Vought. 
When Amber found the van Annie, Hughie, and Marvin were stationed at, she had Homelander go in first. Hughie was rightfully scared. 
“Anyone else a bit freaked out by this?” He asked, glancing at Marvin.
Marvin observed Homelander. He looked as if he was a sim. Idle. Waiting for some sort of instruction. “Yeah, no, I get it.”
Amber rotated her hand slightly as Annie drove. She let Homelander speak. 
“Who the fuck are you?” Homelander spat. A juxtaposition from his stiff body. 
Amber smirked at him as she zipped up her suit again. “Your worst nightmare,” She stared at him. “I can take you apart if I really wanted,” She redirected Homelander's blood flow with a movement of her hand, causing him to yell out. “Make you nothing more than the miserable little boy you are.” Her hand formed a fist, completely stopping his blood for a moment.
Hughie and Marvin shared a look as Annie took a look in the rearview mirror, concerned by the screams coming from the back. They were likely deserved. 
“Love, don't kill him yet. Won't be as satisfying.” Butcher said softly. 
Amber huffed and let Homelander go. Not completely, just let his blood flow enough to keep him alive. 
“You bitch!” The blond ground out. 
Amber looked at him, unimpressed. “You can do better than that. I'll make it easy for you,” She leaned closer. “I’m transgender, I like girls, I still have a cock, and… did I mention I'm dating your dad?” Homelander's eyes widened. His dad? He didn't have a dad. He was an experiment. “Well, kinda. Haven't completely figured it out yet but he makes some amazing sounds.” 
Hughie and Marvin shared another look. They didn't know Amber was fucking Soldier Boy. Figuratively and physically. Even Marvin thought Soldier Boy was relatively tame from the last time he saw him. Which was saying something. And it all had to do with Amber. Of course it did. Everyone liked Amber.
“I don't have a dad, you fucking she-male!” Homelander snarled.
Well, almost everyone. 
Amber tilted her head. “She-male? Really?” She rolled her eyes as she sat between Marvin and Hughie. She was a bit disappointed. Homelander was supposed to be scary—she didn't doubt that he was to those powerless against him but she wasn't—he was just some idiot with being American as his main personality. “We're going to go see your dad, actually. See how fucked you are in comparison.”
Homelander swallowed thickly. He wanted to say something more but he wasn't sure what to say. He just stared darkly at Amber for the rest of the drive.
Amber smiled as Hughie opened the door to the van, forcing Homelander to walk outside. They followed him inside as Amber guided his body. 
Eden almost had a heart attack when Homelander was the first thing she saw enter the house. She quickly calmed down after seeing his not so comfortable state and that Amber was right behind him. He was safely locked in Eden’s bunker which was built to specifically be Homelander-proof. Amber wasn't sure how but it was. He could likely still hear through the walls but that power was mostly useless compared to his strength or laser eyes.
“I'm giving you a week,” Butcher told Eden, glancing at Amber. “Then it's my turn.”  
Marvin crossed his arms and stared at Amber. He had a load of questions for her but he wasn’t sure he’d like the answer. All of them were about Soldier Boy. Who was being strangely quiet in the corner of the room. But he didn’t like the way the Supe was staring at Amber in her suit.
Eden chuckled, “You make it sound like you’re gonna fuck.” 
Butcher shook his head and let out a frustrated sigh. “How in the bloody hell do you stand her, love?” He turned to look at Amber. 
“Been friends a while. Not much surprises me anymore.” Amber admitted as she undid the gaunlets on her arms.
Annie looked from Butcher to Eden, “What do you even want to do to him?” She and Eden were close but she had never said anything about the kinds of “torture” she wanted to inflict upon Homelander.
“That’s for me, Amber, and Soldier Boy to know about and for you to keep on speculating.” Eden pecked Annie’s cheek.
Hughie was taken aback. “Wait, why is Soldier Boy included but we’re not?”
“It’s cause you’re a fucking twink.” Soldier Boy commented. Hughie pursed his lips out of distaste.
Amber had to refrain from laughing. “Kind of. But I wouldn’t want to spoil the plan. Not appropriate in polite company.”
“Love, we’re the opposite of polite company.” Butcher grinned. “Your secret’s safe with us.”
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pickledpascal · 4 months
Killer Queen
Chapter Five: get him back!
Warnings: Vague smut, psychological torture, implied death, blood, out of character soldier boy (this isn't new)
Word Count: 3.3k
Killer Queen Masterlist
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The Boys left to leave Eden, Amber, and Soldier Boy to do whatever they were going to do to Homelander. Though, Butcher had quite a few ideas as to what they were.
For Marvin, it was especially hard to just leave Soldier Boy. He wanted to know what made the man tick, how the Russians got him in that ice box, to begin with, and how he might be able to hurt the guy. However, he trusted Amber. Strangely more than he trusted Butcher. She always got a job done how they planned it to get done. Marvin appreciated that about her, especially with how much could go wrong with the line of work they were in. 
So, if anyone could wrangle Soldier Boy, he knew it'd be her. Besides the way he talked to Hughie, Soldier Boy didn't seem too unstable like back in the lab or even since he blew up that building on Main. Whatever Amber did, Marvin had to commend her for it.
Eden hummed softly before she rubbed her hands together. “Well, everything’s ready to properly torture this son of a bitch. Just lemme know so I can leave and take Ryan with me to Annie's place.” She winked. 
Amber gave her a look, causing Eden to quickly nod and find Ryan so they could leave. 
Not only was Amber one of Eden's only friends but she was also akin to a parental figure. She joked about calling Amber her father, which Amber didn't mind but only when Eden said it, so being around when she knew Amber was having sex was not what she wanted. Ever. Eden heard her once and promptly left for a few hours. Since then, they have made a code of sorts.
The code simply being to tell the other if they have plans that might end up with someone in their bed. 
Eden had her moments too. Lately, though, it's just been Annie coming over. Or they'd go out on dates. To small ice cream parlors, hole-in-the-wall restaurants, take a walk around a nearby park, and a lot of other things like that. Small stuff. But it meant a lot to Eden and she knew it did to Annie. So she could do some normal stuff.
“C'mon, sweetheart.” Amber smirked at Ben, lifting a hand to his cheek before it dropped to his hand and pulled him upstairs. 
Obediently, Ben followed and shut her bedroom door behind him. 
The following week was fairly successful if Eden had any say in it. She checked in every so often on Homelander just to make sure her plans were working. Judging by the screams and utter disgust lacing his features, she'd say it was. See, there was one thing Eden wanted to take advantage of that Homelander had. Advanced hearing. Even through the thick metal of the bunker in their basement, Homelander heard nearly everything that happened in the house. Unfortunately for him.
On the first day, Eden revealed Soldier Boy and his relationship with Homelander. How the rough, “unclean,” American man was his father. The opposite of Homelander. He was the clean, perfect, ideal American dream. It was eye-opening. Homelander idolized him when he was a child. No wonder why. That was his father.
Except now that realization stung how he imagined a jellyfish would. Or perhaps if he got eaten by a shark. 
It was maddening.
He could hear everything. Every creak in Amber's bed. Every little noise that left Ben's lips. Every whisper of praise. Every slap of skin against skin. Every breath Amber took. Every tear that left Ben's eyes. Every ring of that goddamn bell. 
Homelander might've been turned on if it wasn't his father getting the living daylights fucked out of him. Even if Amber was bitch, she was still hot. But the thought pained him now. 
He broke by the end of the second day. 
But torture was torture and Eden had him for a week. She wouldn't let him off that easy considering he had done much worse for less. She was lucky Ben and Amber both had stamina that could last for hours, days if they really wanted, so they didn't stop often. Only if they needed food or some sleep.
Eden would give them her leftovers from her dates with Annie when she came home. Usually late when she knew Amber would feel sleep creep into her mind. 
“Some take out from that one Asian place you love.” Eden smiled as she handed it to Amber through the crack of her door. 
Amber had a light sheen of sweat on her chest as she stood with a bra and some sweatpants on. She covered the entire opening so as to not give Eden a glimpse of something she didn't want to see. “Thanks.” She returned the smile. The food was still warm but she could always heat it up herself if she thought it was a little too cold. “Night.” She hummed.
Eden nodded, “Night, love you.” She turned on her heel to tuck Ryan into bed. 
Amber watched her walk off before she closed the door to her room and locked it for good measure. She set the food on her end table and ran a hand through Ben's hair, sitting at the edge of her bed. 
It had been a long day. A long day Ben really liked. Amber too. He was out like a light but Amber knew he'd need something in his system, even if he was a Supe. You couldn't have that much stamina unless you ate like one.
She pressed a kiss to his head and gently nudged him awake. “Sweetheart, you gotta eat something. You haven't had food since this morning.” She whispered into his ear. 
Ben groaned softly, feeling a wonderful ache throughout his entire body. Hairs stuck to his forehead and neck. The room felt dangerously hot. Partly due to Amber herself. He rolled over on the bed to get a better look at Amber, he reached out and pulled her in for a kiss. A far gentler, tame kiss than the previous ones they shared that day. 
Amber smiled against his lips but pulled away. “Food.” She reminded softly. Ben let out a low whine in protest. “Tell ya what, hm? You eat and I'll make it worth your while.” 
Ever since this little “experiment” of theirs started, Ben had been craving Amber. Morning. Night. Day. It didn't matter when. And Amber couldn't find it in herself to deny him. Well, unless someone was home. Ben knew enough not to test her then. 
Ben simply nodded. After an intense day like the ones they've been having, he never felt like speaking. At least, not anything coherent that Amber could even try to begin to decipher. 
Amber smiled softly, pleased. She unwrapped the styrofoam box and opened it. It was a mix of beef, veggies, and rice tossed in a brown sauce that Amber could personally drink straight from the bottle. She grabbed the packaged wooden chopsticks, opened them, broke them apart, and started to feed Ben—she took a few bites for herself as well, seeing as she hadn't eaten much all day either. 
Over time, Ben had pulled Amber into his lap as they ate together. He ran a hand up her back, admiring the dips and curves of her body.
Amber shut the takeout box and chuckled softly as Ben unclipped her bra and nuzzled his face into the crook of her shoulder. “Mmmm.” He breathed in her scent. Even though she was sweaty, she still smelled sweet. He loved it. 
She ran her hand through his hair and pulled his head back slightly. “You're gonna have to be quiet.” She ordered softly. The house was big and the walls were soundproof for normal ears but she didn't want to test it. 
Ben pursed his lips but nodded. He couldn't help but be vocal when it was Amber helping him chase his high. She was just…. Perfect. He laid down on the bed, the bell dinged softly against his neck. 
Amber removed the rest of her bra and kicked off her pants and underwear. She climbed over Ben and kissed his neck. It sucked she couldn't give him hickeys that would last but that's what being a Supe entailed. “I know I told you I need you to be quiet, but I want you to tell me how you're feeling, okay?” She cupped Ben's jaw, tracing his bottom lip with her thumb. 
Communication was something they worked on a lot during their time together. Amber wanted to know Ben's needs and he had to voice them so she didn't push too hard. 
“Okay,” Ben breathed, his voice hoarse and rough. Maybe he needed some water too. “Go… slow.” He suggested. He still felt Amber everywhere. Her hands, her hair, her body. It was amazingly overwhelming. But even Ben got tired of the roughness. Sometimes. 
Amber pressed a kiss to Ben's brow bone. She planned on doing so. She spread Ben's legs enough to get between them after she lifted the covers from his body. She let out a breath and the whole temperature of the room shifted. Instead of the scalding hot it once was, it cooled to something more manageable. Not frigid, but a nice cold that felt good against Ben's warm skin. 
“That… feels good.” Ben let out a breath. After a while, he got used to the way Amber played with the temperature in their room. 
Amber let out a pleased hum in response, slowly pushing inside him. A sigh left Ben's lips. A content one. Like he was meant for this all along. Hell, he wouldn't mind if it was. She set a soft, slow pace as Ben wrapped his arms around her neck and a few noises left his lips. 
His eyes met Amber’s. She caught a flicker of something far different than the lust-filled looks he usually cast in her direction. Something softer. She kissed him, cupping his cheek as he pressed back against her. 
Sure, they've kissed before. But those were usually rough and rushed. This one wasn't. Amber didn't want to think too hard about what it meant. It meant something. Especially for Ben. 
He had opened up in ways he didn't think he could. Or would. For a man who had been alive for over a hundred years and mostly grew up in the forties, somehow every value he had crumbled when he met Amber. Actually, it was fucked out of him. Every bad thing about him was cleansed. It was still hard to open up but it was a little easier when the person he did it with was Amber. 
Now, she knew everything. About his father. About his life growing up. About his life after taking Compound V. About what happened to him in Russia. And she took everything in stride. She didn't flinch when Ben described some of the horrors he had to go through but she did look at him unimpressed when he described a steamy night with Farrah Fawcett. 
“Beautiful.” She whispered against his lips. It was so soft and spoken so affectionately that Ben nearly choked on tears. “Sweetheart,” She brushed his hair away from his face, “It's alright.” 
Ben swallowed thickly and nodded. He'd be alright. With Amber. He came with a light whine. “Fuck, I love you.” He murmured without a second thought. 
Amber didn't bat an eye at the words, pressing a kiss to his jaw. Internally though, she wasn't sure what that meant. She knew they had some sort of… connection given how malleable Ben was for her but love? She didn't expect that. To be fair, she didn't expect any of this. 
“Go to sleep.” She breathed into his ear. 
Ben whined softly, but a few moments later, he was fast asleep. 
Amber watched over him as he slept and tried to soothe him best she could if tension built up in his face and he had a nightmare. All she did was hold him close and rub his temples with a bit of permafrost. That always seemed to do the trick.
“Well dearie me, you're practically glowing, love.” Butcher hummed into his tea cup.
Today was the day. That Homelander would die. And perhaps so much more. Without Homelander, Vought was just another big boy company that contributed nothing to society except giving a few narcissistic people a God complex. 
Amber rolled her eyes and sipped on her coffee. At least Butcher came bearing gifts. Coffees for everyone while Amber made him tea. Butcher wasn't picky with his tea but Amber's was his favorite. 
Annie took a bite of her croissant while Hughie looked particularly interested in the fridge. Eden laughed a little at the pair. Well, was it more of a trio now? Because Ben never left Amber's side. Unless she needed to go to the bathroom. Even then, Eden was pretty sure they showered together.
“So what do you plan on doing?” Amber cocked an eyebrow at the Brit. “Make it quick? Or something more painful?” She imagined Butcher would want to try and crush Homelander’s skull or something similar. 
But perhaps he just wanted this over with so hopefully, more people could sleep better at night without having to worry about a certain Supe laser-eyeing them in the ICU or accidentally flying into their house and destroying half of it. 
Butcher pursed his lips then gave Amber his signature smirk. “Why do you wanna know, love? So you can watch?”
Amber looked at Butcher, unimpressed. “I'm not one for violent delights, Butch. Thought you would've noticed that by now.” 
Ben glanced at Amber from staring at the lid of his cup for too long. What did that mean? Amber was fairly rough with him. But violence could mean a lot of things. A lot of different things. 
“Right.” Butcher hummed. 
They all talked for a while more, mainly Amber and Butcher who were teasing each other with anything they could come up with. Ben watched. Even after being locked up in Amber's room for a week, he felt a tang of jealousy like this could all be taken away with one move from Butcher. It felt more heart-wrenching after what he said last night. 
Amber didn't return the words. 
Ben wouldn't make her but it all felt so disappointing. Sickening, even. 
“You okay?” Amber asked softly once they returned to the safety of her cold room. Butcher had made his way to the basement, looking more serious than Amber had ever seen. “I didn't wear you out, did I?” She rubbed his shoulder soothingly.
Ben’s Adam's apple bobbed as he ran a hand through his hair. He wanted to say he was okay, push everything down, and forget that interaction altogether. But Amber told him he couldn't. Not anymore. 
“Not really, no.” He murmured. “You and Butcher, you're… friends, huh?” Ben didn't like to admit things. Especially if he was jealous. Usually, it was women being jealous of his conquest of the week. Not the other way around.
Amber knew where this was going. “Yes. Just friends.” She cupped Ben's face and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “We will only ever be friends. Especially now that I have you.” Her thumb rubbed against the scar underneath his lip. That must've been there before he took Compound V or else it wouldn't have been there. 
Ben didn't feel reassured. Not yet. He looked into Amber's eyes, “Do you like me? Love… me?” 
His eyes were so vulnerable. So pleading. He wanted her to love him. Wanted her to like him. Ben hadn't shown much of his “normal” self since being with Amber. Maybe it was time to change that. They skipped the dating part and dove into sex. Which Ben didn't blame Amber for, he was a pain in the ass but he could be a gentleman sometimes. When he felt the need to be. 
He was nothing but cordial to Princess Diana. 
“I do, I just—” Amber glanced away from Ben, debating on if she should open up. Ben had been doing a lot of it lately and she was glad for it but she hadn't been returning the favor much. “Eden is the only person I say that to. The last person. Before that,” She took a breath. “It was my parents and they… it didn't end well. They're dead. I've known Eden a long time and, even then, I only started saying it recently. But I-I do love you.” She admitted softly, caressing his cheek. “I just might not say it as often as you want to hear it.”
“I could live with that.” Ben leaned forward to kiss the bridge of her nose, hooking a finger under her chin. “Do you wanna go on a date?” 
He thought it was time. Especially after Eden came home and gushed about the dates they went on with Annie. The warm lights in the park, the walks under street lamps with an ice cream cone in their hands, or the way Annie held her hand while they watched a scary movie in the theater. He wanted that with Amber.
He might've been on ice for forty years but the kinds of dates people went on didn't seem to change. Small, cute stuff. However, Ben was used to big, grand shows of love. Well, that's what he did for Crimson Countess anyway. He had a feeling Amber liked small shows of affection rather than big ones.
Amber chuckled. “Sure, sweetheart. We can go on a date.”
“It's done.” Butcher hummed. He and Hughie were dirty and bloody but the blood wasn't theirs and the dirt was from hiding a body. “Ryan should be safe and I…” He breathed.
“Have nothing else to do?” Amber said between bites of a sandwich. Ben stood off to the side of her, feeling a lot less jealous of Butcher being in Amber's presence. 
Even through her joking tone, Butcher knew she was serious. He was so overcome with hatred for Homelander and now that he was dead, what else could he do? Sure, he could fuck up some other Supe’s life but the only reason he started this in the first place was because of him. No one else was like Homelander. Whether that meant collateral damage or simply ideals, no one came close.
Amber crossed her arms. “Maybe it's time you try to have a normal life?” She suggested. “Let other people handle asshole Supes.”
“Like Nueman? Absolutely not.” Butcher argued. 
“Like Hughie,” She motioned to the man in question. “Or Annie. Hell, me.” Amber said softly. Like Ben, Butcher was a hard nut to crack but Amber was an expert at cracking them. 
Butcher pursed his lips. “Amber, you—you’re young. You don't need to do what I do.” He wiped his face and glanced at his palm. Dried blood and dirt. Whereas Amber was completely clean, free from blemishes. At least, from those he could see. 
“I am supposed to.” Amber countered, heat radiating off her body in waves. “I am the Avatar. My life is supposed to be dedicated to making sure the world is balanced. That people like Homelander or Stan Edgar do not get what they want.” Ben glanced at Amber, that warmth was getting a little too hot. He rubbed at her shoulder but that didn't stop her. “Aang took out Fire Lord Ozai when he was twelve. He took away his bending. I say it's high time we take away Stan Edgar from his fucking penthouse.” 
Ben stood straighter. Stan Edgar. That name rang a bell. He remembered. He was part of the plan to erase Ben from the Earth. He could get behind this plan.
“And how do you plan on doing that?” Hughie asked the million dollar question after nearly scrubbing his hands raw in the sink. Butcher nodded at Amber, cocking an eyebrow at her. He had the same question on his mind.
Amber stayed silent for a while until she shifted her gaze to Ben. “How about he gets a visit from an old friend?”
tags: @aleemendoza2425-blog @yoyoanaria
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pickledpascal · 6 months
might be making my oc a little too op in my soldier boy fic but y'know... he deserves it so
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pickledpascal · 2 years
Jensen Ackles Masterlist
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New Perspective
Jensen Ackles x OC!Avery Cairo (Complete)
Jensen Ackles x OC!Avery Cairo (Complete)
Killer Queen
Soldier Boy x OC!Amber Cali (Complete)
Beau Arlen x OC!Kiera Styx (in progress)
Meat & Candy
Chef!Dean Winchester x Journalist!Castiel Novak (Complete)
One Shots:
Staring Into the Blue (Beau Arlen x daughter!OC)
Long Story Short, It Was a Bad Time (Dean Winchester x Castiel)
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