#solid acacia flooring
acaciadepot · 1 year
Wide Range of solid Acacia Hardwood Flooring
Discover a Wide Range of Solid Acacia Hardwood Flooring at Acacia Depot. From its natural beauty to exceptional durability, solid acacia flooring offers a versatile and stunning flooring option. Choose from various finishes, colors, and styles to find the perfect fit for your home. Elevate your space with the timeless appeal of solid acacia hardwood flooring.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 6 months
Lola dear, I can’t believe I missed your excerpt game 😢 I saw your masterlist which was wonderful, but I was sorry I didn’t get to send in an ask. I understand if you’ve wrapped it up, but if you’re still taking them can I have excerpts for 7 and 25, please? No pressure though. ^^ Thank you!! 💕
Hi Acacia! 
I would call you missing my game a happy accident, because now I can post excerpts specifically from today’s chapter 31 (which I love). So those who wants to read it without spoilers, go on Ao3 instead reading these. 
Thank you for your nice words and looking through my master list <3 I’ll add these two there as well. 
Also these are specifically from this chapter, because well further down the story some other things happen which I love as well. But La Puesta del Sol was very much a daydream, which had multiple versions along the way.
7. Nozelena dance
25. Jealous Nozel and a bit more…
7. That I nursed in a daydream
Nozelena dance 
Because she just has to poke at his ego, they banter, their energy is just precious and so funny
Helena fixed her cover up and put a messy strand of her hair, behind her ear. She approached him and smiled brightly. 
“Do you want to dance, mi amor?” She asked.
“No,” his answer was flat. 
She did not expect to get so brutally turned down. She pouted.
“What do you mean by saying no?” She crossed her arms over her chest.
“I don’t dance,” Nozel stated. His lilac eyes met with hers and made her feel warm inside. “Simple as that.”
Helena furrowed her brows. She needed to step up her game.
“You don’t dance? Or you can’t dance?” Poking at his ego was always a good option to get him to do something. 
“I’m a prince,” he said sharply and narrowed his eyes. “Of course I can dance.”
“Riiiight…” Helena continued and pretended to not take him seriously.
“I can,” he said annoyed. 
“Oh really?” Helena asked. “Then why won’t you?”
“This kind of dancing,” he pointed towards the people swaying their hips freely, “is not fitting to my Royal status.”
“Yet here we are at a party for high ranking nobles,” Helena tiled her head, “and guess what? They’re all dancing so barbarically.”
He pressed his lips together, because he could not find a fitting argument.
“Okay I get it,” Helena raised her arms in a surrendering way. “You won’t dance, because you’re too embarrassed that you can’t do it,” she began turning away. “I’m going to go back to Solid and Nebra.”
She felt a tug on her hand. She smiled to herself proudly. Mission accomplished. His long fingers wrapped around her wrist. Helena turned back to face him.
“I can dance,” he spoke slowly.
“Prove it,” she grinned.
He sighed and led her towards the outer side of the dance floor. Nozel was already completely aware that she had played him, but would not say anything. They both knew that he was going to give in one way or another. However obviously he needed to play hard to get.
They halted and Nozel approached her closely. She looked up at him and smiled, when she saw how determined his expression looked. His silver braid hung over her. He placed his left palm on her back and Helena felt a tingle go down her spine. With the other one he grabbed her hand. She let him pull her closer. 
Slowly they began to sway and move forwards and backwards. Despite the song having a positive and melodic beat, the story it told was not a happy one. Helena and Nozel were completely not in synch with the music, since he was leading her to a classical ballroom dance, but Helena did not care. She was overjoyed Nozel held her in his arms and was dancing with her. She looked at him with adoration. Love. That’s what she was feeling and it was wonderful. This whole time he was softly gazing at Helena.
Suddenly Nozel furrowed his brows.
“We truly don’t match the atmosphere of this party,” he stated.
“I told you, that this kind of dancing is different,” she chuckled and he smiled softly. “I can teach you,” Helena offered.
“Teach me?” Nozel raised his brows.
“Yes, you mi amor,” Helena pulled him towards herself a bit more energetically and he elegantly followed. “You have to use your hips more.”
“I can think of some other situations, when I can use my hips,” his tone was dead serious, but there was a playful, predatory glint in his eye.
Helena felt her cheeks get furiously red. Normally she probably would not had reacted this badly. However since she was actually considering, whether she was ready to have her first time with him, the comment made her imagine things. 
“Stop it!” Helena exclaimed from embarrassment and he smirked. “I meant while dancing,” she swayed her hips to the rhythm. “Like this.”
He nodded and did his best to follow her movement, while stepping respectively back and forth. He was not doing bad and Helena loved to see the focused expression on his face. 
She felt so happy, that when the song ended she wanted to pretend it did not. Nozel let go of her, while at the same time Nebra and Solid approached them. 
“I can’t believe it,” Nebra laughed. “You actually got Nozel nii-sama to dance with you.”
“I thought, that it was impossible,” Solid stated and grinned.
“What can I say?” Helena smiled and Nozel rolled his eyes. “I’m a miracle worker.”
25. That I consider my favorite
Jealous Nozel and a bit more…
I like this one, because he’s obviously jelly, but also how I wrote it and Helena’s emotions at the end. Overall this scene feels kind of important, but in a lighter tone.
It was awkward. The uncomfortable tension between the two men was visible. Nozel was not used to anyone standing up to him, while Rafael was a high born noble, who would not buckle down at his own estate. However he had a smile plastered on to his face and made a friendly impression. Nozel did not. 
They were silent for so long, that Nebra probably had already gotten her drink.
“We were talking about our parents,” Rafael began to speak, “and overall about Helena’s heritage.”
“Her mother comes from here,” Nozel stated. “I am aware of such things.”
“Yes,” Helena came between them. “Can you believe it, that she knew Rafael’s father?”
“Obviously,” Nozel said flatly. “She’s from high standing Noble family, just like the Delgado house. The circles are tight around here, so everyone knows each other,” he was unimpressed and did not share her enthusiasm.
“Still,” she put her hands on her hips. “I think, that it’s exciting for me to talk about it.”
They stared at each other for a moment. None of them was letting it go. 
“Excuse me,” Rafael cut in. He scratched the back of his neck and turned to face Helena. “I was wondering, whether you would want to come tomorrow for dinner to the Delgado familia. I’m sure that mi papa would love to meet you.” A soft blush appeared on his cheeks. “I know that this may be a bit sudden, but if you wanted to spend some time before that, go on a walk or something, let me know.”
Was he seriously asking her out in front of Nozel? The ridiculousness of this situation reached its peak. Helena felt extremely uncomfortable and did not know how to react.
“No,” Nozel said sharply and stepped in front of her. On one hand she was surprised by his reaction, but on the other she did not mind. Actually it felt good to see him this protective and a little jealous. She smiled softly gazing up at her lover.
Rafeal looked between them confused, but then he noticed Nozel’s protective stance and Helena’s small expression. His eyes widened in realisation. 
“Oh I did not know that the two of you were together,” he spoke sheepishly. “Me disculpo. (I apologise)”
Nozel drastically tensed. It was the first time since they had started secretly dating, that anyone openly suspected them to be a couple. Helena did not know what to say either. Would they start publicly courting as of this moment? Because admitting it to the heir of the high ranking house Delgado meant that every noble would find out.
Suddenly Nebra and Solid approached. The princess was holding a pink cocktail in her hand. She began to laugh. 
“Are you kidding me?” She chuckled. “These two are both very single.”
“Yeah,” Solid added. “As if Nozel nii-sama had time and desire for such silly things as dating.” 
The Silver Eagle’s captain collected himself. He cleared his throat.
“We are leaving tomorrow morning, so Helena won’t be here,” he explained flatly. 
Helena looked down. What was she expecting? A part of her truly hoped that she could share her happiness, about her and Nozel’s relationship with the world. It would be a big step, but a necessary one further down the road. At the moment she was obviously content with how the things were, but she worried that they never really talked about what the future would bring. They were experiencing and living in the moment, enjoying each other’s presence. However after few months of dating Helena began to think of Nozel as an actual prospect for a partner for life. This could not happen if they were to keep their relationship secret forever. 
“So maybe another time then?” Rafael pulled her out of her thoughts. His expression was cheerful and excited.
“Of course,” Helena put on a smile. It did not quite reach her heart. 
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inquisimer · 2 years
MERRRRR happy friday!!! Today I bet for either Cullen x Neria or Cullen x Acacia (whichever you think would fit better) for "scolding your lover for almost getting themselves killed, and your lover asks you why you care so much" from the slow burn prompts! ❤️
a sequel ig to this fill from a few weeks back, which was ALSO YOURS lmfao, thank you for supporting my random Cullen/Trev on the side ily
ANYWAY here’s a whole mess of Cullen/Acacia feels, with some sibling vibes on the side for flavor uwu
wc: 3161
for @dadrunkwriting
A runner knocked on Acacia’s door before the signaling horn even announced the Inquisitor’s return.
He was a young wisp of a thing, with floppy straw-blond hair and gray eyes. His face was cherry red with the cold and his chest heaved with the exertion of having flat out sprinted from the front gates to her room.
“The watches have spotted the Inquisitor’s party, Lady Trevelyan—“
Acacia sprang from her window seat and the calculations she’d been reviewing for Josephine scattered across the floor. Her heart leaped into her throat and she was halfway down the battlements before it dropped back down, flipping the messenger a silver as she passed.
He’d have gotten a septim if he remembered to drop the title.
“Lady Trevelyan—wait—“
She ignored him and his protestations died quickly in the wind as she flew toward the front gates. The signaling horn finally sounded and suddenly she had to dart between and under all the others who were massing to watch the Inquisitor ride back into Skyhold, victorious. Her cloak lay forgotten on the floor with all her papers; the sleeves of her tunic billowed with her speed and the icy air bit through her leggings, but she felt no cold, only the pounding of her heart and the incoherent racing of her mind.
She reached the main courtyard just as the drawbridge dropped. The people gathered here recognized her and gave way with no complaints, carving her a path past the makeshift desks and the Surgeon’s tents. She saw the specks of the Drew and his companions first—and then she heard the cursing.
It got louder as they drew closer and the bottom of her stomach fell away like a trapdoor. Cullen’s voice echoed off the stone walls and mountainsides, calling on the Maker and Andraste’s every body part and Acacia squinted, just barely able to make out how Drew crouched over his Commander, tensed as he always got when holding a particularly delicate spell in place.
Her feet slapped against stone before she’d even registered leaving the matted grass and dirt in the courtyard. Sunlight glared off the snowcaps and left spots on her vision but she didn’t see them. Her vision tunneled on the makeshift cot between Varric and Dorian and the figure lying prone across it.
“Oof!” What little air was left in her lungs escaped as she collided with a solid bar—or rather, Cassandra threw out her arms to stop Acacia’s forward progress, holding her a few feet from the procession.
“It is a delicate process, my l—Acacia,” she quickly corrected, seeing the scowl on Acacia’s face darken even further. “There have been several close calls between here and the Emprise—“
Acacia choked. “He’s been like all the way from the Emprise—“
“He insisted,” said Cassandra darkly. “He wanted us to leave him, but the Inquisitor” —she scowled— “refused to relinquish his care to any healers but our own. Not that I question his leadership—“
“Probably should.”
“—but it has made our return…perilous.” The Seeker slackened her grip ever so slightly, though Acacia could still feel the muscles in her arms, ready to tighten at the slightest aggression. “I would appreciate if you waited to assault either of them until a healer has taken over for the Inquisitor.”
Acacia didn’t answer but nor did she move; her gaze had finally fallen on the wound that left Cullen prone. His armor was mostly intact, except around his torso, where a large section and surrounding patches were missing, as though melted by some sort of acid. The largest gap had burned through his tunic as well as his skin—this was where Drew had concentrated his magic, creating a fine web of mana that served as a temporary epidermis until a proper healer could get their spells on it.
Drew never was much for spirit magic, from what he’d said, so that explained the circles under his eyes and the tremor in his hands most of them hadn’t noticed.
Most of them.
“It’s been doing that since we started up the mountains,” Cassandra said, following Acacia’s gaze to her brother’s hands. They crossed the threshold into Skyhold proper and Surgeon and their assistants swarmed the party.
“I’m going to need fresh water and any mages who haven’t worked today,” they barked at one runner. The freckle-faced girl took off toward the mages’ tower like a bolt from a staff.
“You, get me some brandy from the kitchens and clear the operating tent! And you, up to the main hall and tell that elf we’ll need him and as much lyrium as he can carry!”
“No—“ Cullen groaned and strained to rise, only for Varric to push him firmly back down.
“No lyrium,” he managed, gasping around the words as if just trying to speak was an effort. Acacia saw Drew’s jaw tighten and the veins in his hand pop as the mana webbing flexed under what she assumed was a fresh spurt of blood from Cullen’s open wound. Something in her shattered and she pushed past the mingled terror and paralysis, bypassing Cassandra’s binds and striding to the Surgeon with purpose and a jaw clenched against her terror.
“No lyrium for him,” she said firmly. She didn’t look at either of them, or her momentary steel might crack. “I assume it’s for the mages?”
“Yes lass,” they said. “The brandy is for him—“
“He won’t take it. Better off asking for earplugs—he’ll scream to the Maker’s side before he accepts painkillers. And if you can spare a lyrium potion I’ll dilute it for the Inquisitor, he’ll need something to keep him upright after he lets that spell down.”
“Aye, just grab one from Lessie when she comes back with the elf.”
“Get Solas,” Drew said, “He needs Solas—a weird rift—some Fade weapon—“
His voice was so thin and reedy, the sound nearly broke Acacia’s fragile composure. She bit her tongue, hard, and used the pain to focus herself.
“They’ve already called for Solas,” she told the canvas exterior of the operating tent. She still wouldn’t—couldn’t—look at Drew. Not until he was away from Cullen, and preferably sitting down. “He’s bringing the lyrium.”
She almost lost it right there. Cullen’s eyes had glazed over and his skin taken on an ashen sheen. Sweat plastered his hair to his forehead and neck and it was loose from its carefully straightened style in a way she knew he’d be embarrassed about later. If he had his way, only she—and the thousands of residents in Kirkwall—would know of his curls. Maybe she could bribe everyone in the courtyard to shut up about it. Or threaten. That would be more cost effective.
Regardless, he had clearly slipped into that place between the waking world and the Fade, not quite unconscious but not fully with them either, and her heart twisted to know that he wasn’t seeing or hearing her, but called out for her regardless.
Her heart???
Filing that under shit to worry about once everyone was stable, Acacia held the tent flap aside so they could carry Cullen in and lay him across the freshly wiped operating table. Solas appeared out of nowhere, the straw-haired messenger at his side carrying a crate clinking with lyrium potions. They ducked into the tent, but not before Acacia snagged one of the bottles and dumped the contents into her canteen, swirling the mixture before returning half of it to the bottle. It still glowed, albeit lighter blue now, like the sky rather than the ocean. They’d learned it was safer for a completely exhausted mage to sip something like this after full depletion, if they refused or couldn’t afford to sleep.
And she fully expected Drew would resist anything like a nap at this point.
Sure enough, when he emerged from the tent, shoulders falling lower with every step, he still moved first toward Cassandra and the weary determination in his eyes told Acacia he wasn’t looking for anything other than orders. She grabbed his elbow and pulled him off course, pressing the vial into his weak grip.
“Drink,” she told him firmly. “And if you insist on working, we’re going to the War Room and I’m having Josephine cart in one of her nice chairs for you.”
He took a tentative sip of the diluted potion and the fist around Acacia’s heart eased when a half-hearted smile quirked his lips.
“Well,” he said, voice hoarse and ragged. “I didn’t do anything stupid. You’ll have to take that promise up with the Commander later, I suppose.”
“Oh, I will,” she muttered darkly.
Her mind was still reeling when she left the War Room hours later. The Emprise was stable—ish, at least, though there was still the question of Mistress Poulin and who they would move in to occupy the Keep, but the citizens weren’t in any immediate danger and the supply lines had opened again. But Samson—
Acacia saw red; her teeth audibly clicked together and her hands seized in fists at her sides. The guards she walked past exchanged a glance and she only narrowly held back from snarling at them to mind their fucking business.
That fucking excuse for a human, more like a sack of dung in an expensive set of armor—it was his fault they were in this mess—
Well, partially his fault anyway.
Acacia shivered; she really wished she’d grabbed her cloak. If she’d known—but she hadn’t, and she’d rather thought she’d have body heat to keep her warm after the homecoming settled down. At least her moccasins were comfortable, if a bit sweaty from pacing the War Room floor. They padded against the steps down from the main courtyard to the lantern-lit corral of tents that made up the Surgeon’s domain.
The freckle-faced runner and her straw-haired companion stood over a basin, dunking blood-soaked rags in freshly boiled water and wringing as much of the staining from the fabric as they could before dropping them in a separate bin of disinfectant. Both perked up at her approach and the girl offered her a tentative smile.
“He’s awake, serrah, much to the Surgeon’s displeasure,” she said, twisting a bandage between lithe fingers. “We’d all be much obliged if you could get him to rest. They’ll be a nightmare if they wake up and he hasn’t let the Fade work on his wounds.”
Ire and fear danced together in her throat. All she could manage was a curt nod before she tugged loose the ties of the tent flap and ducked inside.
“I won’t rest, there is work to do, I demand to speak with—“
“You’ll shut up, if you value your vocal chords.”
Cullen’s prepared tirade died at her declaration and he jerked his head up off the pillow to see with his own eye that she was there. His lips parted and his eyes darkened—with regret, with shame, with apology, it was hard to be certain. Acacia didn’t care, though. She folded her arms and shook her head.
Half of her wanted to lash out at him—how dare he do this, lure her into such a place of security and then go and almost die. And the other half wanted to set down at his side and cradle his head in her lap until every scar faded to white.
“Drew says the Emprise is secure,” she finally said. Work was a safe topic—they could talk about the Inquisition’s progress and commiserate about her brother’s stupidity until the world burned and she’d never feel the urge to undo all the Surgeon’s hard work. “He brought Solas more of those shards and a healthy stash of arms and armor for Dagna to fuss around with.”
“Does it matter?” There was bitterness in Cullen’s voice she wasn’t used to and he let his head fall back against the pillow, turning it away from her. “Samson got away. And Maddox—“
“Maddox chose his path,” she said harshly, immediately abandoning all pretense of civility. If he wanted to jump straight into the fire, so be it. “And from what Drew tells me, so did you.”
“What would you have had me do?” Cullen pushed himself up onto one forearm, wincing slightly. Acacia was fairly certain he wasn’t meant to do that, but there were bigger battles in this conversation. “Hold back and cower while our enemy retreated?”
“Yes,” she hissed, toes flexing in her shoes as she held herself from lunging at him. She longed to grab his shoulders and shake sense into that honor-addled mind. “Exactly as you promised you would.”
“Tell me how chasing after our adversary qualifies as stupid, please.” He glared at her, vitriol swirling in his amber eyes as she’d never seen before. Her own hackles raised and she spit venom with every word.
“Running from the rest of your party, perhaps? Knowing that you’ve used your entire supply of healing potions, between wounds and the townsfolk? Knowing you don’t have the tools to break his defenses and that he can cut through yours with one swipe?”
She closed the distance between them and bared her teeth in his face. “Sounds pretty fucking stupid to me, Cullen.”
All of his defenses sagged, perhaps because he knew it was stupid and his bravado only stretched until the she spoke the reality into being. She let him stew in the renewed shame, her hands and eyes flitting across the bandage wrapped around his midsection. Her menial medical training wouldn’t serve any good here; it was simply a distraction from the conversation that loomed.
“You promised,” she finally said, when she could stand the wavering silence no longer. “My safety net—you promised—“
“It was Samson, ‘cacia—you know what he’s done, what he is—“
“I knew that before you left!” she snapped. “And I asked you anyway—and you promised anyway! And now” —she gestured down the length of his body— “now this!”
“I’m going to be fine,” he soothed, reaching for her arm with one hand. She pulled away and glowered in the face of his wounded expression. “I’ll be back up tomorrow.”
“The aides outside speculate a week’s rest, at least.”
“Maker’s breath, they’re exaggerating, I’m sure—“
“I’m sure they’re not. It’s only consistent with the fact that you don’t give half a thought to your physical well-being on a day when you haven’t been stabbed by some Fade-touched red lyrium blade—“
He sagged back against the cot, defeat coiled in every muscle and she faltered. Berating him surely wouldn’t speed his recovery, she scolded herself. She brushed her knuckles over his in a soft apology.
“That’s not why I came,” she sighed, twining their fingers together when he opened his palm to her.
“Why did you come?”
“I—you—you almost died, Cullen. You were gone for weeks and you came back on a stretcher.” She stumbled over her words and the emotions they were borne of, searching for the ones that fit the box this relationship lived in. “If it wasn’t me it would be Drew, and Drew desperately needed a few hours in the Fade.”
“So you’re here on the Inquistor’s behalf?”
“I—no—I didn’t say that.”
“But I’m asking: are you here because Drew asked you to be?” Some of his energy returned and he quirked an eyebrow at her. Acacia cringed under the sudden scrutiny and scrambled for an answer that didn’t invite the intense conversation he seemed keen to have, despite her disheveled, sat-on-the-War-Room-floor-for-hours look and his own, grungy and faintly necrotic, smelling of medicinal herbs and sharp cotton.
“No,” she finally said. The truth fell heavy between them, like one of Harritt’s interns fumbling a lump of iron. It weighed down the silence with every beat, every breath until Acacia couldn’t bear the cloak of tension. She reached for the tent flap, feet halfway to the frost outside when fingers wrapped around her wrist.
His grip had surprising strength, the ordeal of the past hours considered. “No?”
“No,” she affirmed. But anything further lodged in her throat; she couldn’t even move to face him again, couldn’t do anything but close her eyes and retreat inside the bars around her heart, tame the urge to flee: the tent, the fortress, across the Waking Sea.
The Guild had all their difficult conversations with knives. She missed that.
“Well?” His voice was impossibly soft, and not as a result of his wounds or exhaustion. It felt like a soft blanket, warmed from the fire and draped around her shoulders. Not a gift—a trade, because he wanted something in return. “Why do you care, then?”
“Please, Acacia,” he pleaded. “Please, don’t run. You need a safety net? I’m still here, right here. Fall on me. Trust me to catch you, please.”
Her free hand tangled in her hair as a thousand agonies tore through her at once. He knew of course he knew, that’s why he was begging her to just tell him the truth. She knew too, had known for longer than she’d admitted even to Drew, but denial—denial was her safe space.
And yet—
If she walked away from this place, this life, these people, would she survive as she had when she left the Marches?
She didn’t think so.
That realization rocked her to her core and she found her paralysis broken. Her legs spun the rest of her around and she fell to her knees beside Cullen’s cot and crushed their lips together. Teeth clicked against each other in her haste; she could taste the elfroot and a strange, sickly sweet syrup on his tongue. No doubt he could taste the day’s sludge on hers. He didn’t seem to mind, though, because he responded in kind, pressing his chapped lips back against hers and bringing his free hand up to cup her jaw with feather-light touch.
They broke apart with a shared gasp and Acacia pressed her forehead against his, clammy from the healing.
“Because I’m in love with you, you fool,” she whispered, laying her heart on a silver platter, prepped and ready for him to shatter. “That’s why I came—that’s why I care.”
His answering smile beamed around the entire tent, magnifying the light of the one dim candle as though it were thousands. He dropped his grip to her waist and held her firmly in the half circle of his arm, drawing her the few inches back toward his face so he could whisper his reply right against her lips.
“And I, you.” His breath ghosted across her skin and the endless fall she’d been on since Starkhaven came to a crashing halt with goosebumps on her arms and the flex of a safety net snug around her heart.
“I love all of you, Acacia Trevelyan.”
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caponstandbi · 1 year
NaPoWriMo #24
I dream that the desert takes me
My veins drain to a deep and verdant green
Acacia’s bone-white thorns reach up through my skin and keep growing
Sharp fingers grasping in the dim light
I feel flowers bloom as they climb
Up my throat to lie
Patiently behind my teeth
A lizard crawls inside my ear
Pushing its scaly head deeper
Until my scream scatters thin yellow petals across the floor
I lie there long enough to choke on a gasp
As my bones collapse into rocky soil
And thin fibrous roots wind through what’s left
The echoes of a ribcage
A half-sunken pelvis
There is a nest of mourning doves in the hollow of my chest
Cooing like the sunrise
I wake up before the lizard can skitter back out
Through a molding eye socket
I cannot decide
As my heart batters against a still-solid chest
If this is beautiful
Or disgusting
And I do not look at the golden blossoms
Hiding in my carpet
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meloinaw · 1 month
Have You Seriously Considered The Option Of Engineered Wood Flooring ?
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Wood's natural beauty flooring brings warmth and charm into any space of the homes, and a range of different species to choose from, including white and red oak, walnut, and Ash - along with exotic hardwoods such as acacia, which have distinct styles and features to each room in which it is installed. Oak is especially suited for traditional designs; walnut offers rich shades and is strong enough to cover most scratches, while ash is notable due to its low cost and distinct grain patterns that work very well with older houses in addition.
Traditional solid wood floors are made of one piece wooden material, which has teeth and tongues at both ends to create a smooth installation. Affixed to wooden beams commonly referred to joists or floating on concrete subfloors, solid wood floors are sanded and refinished many times more than engineered flooring made of wood.
Engineered wood flooring comes with the base of plywood, which is finished with real wood veneers for toughness, which makes it suitable for larger widths and longer lengths than solid wood flooring. Engineered flooring also can be put down with nails or glued down to avoid expanding and contracting due to temperature changes.
We are Brilliant Wood Flooring, we can provide an amazing selection of finishes and stain colors on engineered and solid flooring. The options range from oil polyurethane as well as natural shellacs, and oils with their own techniques for refinishing. To choose the best finish ideal for you, your flooring's look and durability will depend on the finish is selected, the most frequently used finishes are oil and polyurethane finishes. Naturally shellacs also exist and their sturdiness could vary significantly from urethane and polyurethane floor finishes with regards to their design and endurance over time. More effective is clicking here to visit our official website and learn the details about Wood Flooring .
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To choose a suitable finish for the wood flooring, it is important to take aesthetics and style into consideration. These types of polyurethanes can be suitable for families that have children or pets, while oil-modified polyurethane might provide greater protection over time, but could prove harder to refinish for future refinishing.
The European Oak Flooring offers high aesthetic variation while still being robust enough to be refinished several times throughout its lifespan. This brushed, polished finish enhances every natural aspect of the grain as well as the wood's texture. It can be enhanced by using the different options available for brushing depth and the width of the brush. Partially sawed marks accent natural grain. Full saw marks impart rustic appeal Indentation marks help to disguise wear and tear. this the ideal choice for use areas.
Brilliant Wood Flooring installed an remarkable engineered wood floor in our new house and removed all skirting and did amazing work! George and his team were professionally, accommodating and reasonable in their pricing. They were sanded and polished at an excellent standard particularly in hard-to-reach areas such as behind pipes, fixed seating, etc. They are highly recommended!
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terramattersfloor · 6 months
Terramaterfloors Flooring: A Sydney Style revealed
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The flooring of a room determines its overall look and how well it functions from an aesthetic and practical perspective in the field of interior design. The many alternatives for flooring are overwhelming, but engineered hardwood flooring is the most fashionable and adaptable. With an ever-increasing profile for its stunning Engineered Flooring in Sydney, Terramaterfloors is quickly becoming a go-to name for premium flooring solutions.   Engineered Timber Flooring Melbourne has quickly become the go-to option for many Sydney homes, and this article takes a look at the distinctive qualities of Terramaterfloors’ products to see why.
Terramaterfloors Flooring: A Sydney Style revealed
The timeless elegance of hardwood flooring is enhanced with modern technology in engineered hardwood flooring. The construction of engineered hardwood involves many layers, in contrast to solid hardwood that is made from a single piece of wood. The top layer imparts an air of sophistication and realism thanks to its composition of real mahogany veneer. Laminated with high-quality plywood, designed to increase stability and longevity, this veneer sits above.
Leveling this idea up a notch, Terramaterfloors integrates state-of-the-art technology with an emphasis on environmental responsibility. With their extensive selection of Engineered Hardwood Flooring in Sydney, homeowners may discover the ideal fit for their own design preferences among a multitude of wood species, treatments, and designs.
Engineered flooring from Terramaterfloors in Sydney has several advantages:
Security and Longevity:
Durable and long-lasting, engineered hardwood flooring from Terramaterfloors is an excellent choice for any home. An excellent option for places with variable humidity levels, the numerous layers prevent expansion and warping. Thanks to its long lifespan, your floor investment will look great for many years to come.
Variegated Designs:
In order to meet the needs of customers with varying tastes in flooring, Terramaterfloors provides a wide variety of wood species, including exotic acacia and traditional oak. They provide a wide variety of styles to suit any taste, from classic, understated looks to daring, modern pieces.
Low Impact on the Environment:
Sustainability is fundamental to the idea of Terramaterfloors. Their Engineered Hardwood Flooring improves your house while also helping the environment because the firm is dedicated to ethical sourcing of products.
Simple Setup:
An easy installation process is prioritized in the design of Terramaterfloors’ engineered flooring. Easy installation is made possible by the click-lock mechanism, so you can start enjoying your new floors faster.
A Great Match for City Life: Engineered Flooring in Sydney
The sophisticated architecture and lively culture of Sydney make it an urban metropolis that requires resilient flooring solutions. For the unique requirements of Sydney homeowners, Terramaterfloors offers flawlessly constructed Flooring.
Terramaterfloors’ engineered hardwood flooring is suitable for a wide range of urban and suburban dwellings due to its adaptability and durability. Because of its versatility, it is a popular option among Sydney people who are seeking to improve their living spaces.
Raising the Level of Your Home’s Elegance:
Upon entering your house, picture yourself stepping across real hardwood flooring, warm and inviting. The Engineered Hardwood Flooring from Terramaterfloors makes this vision a reality, elevating any room to a level of refined comfort.
Hardwood veneer improves every space with its opulent look and feel thanks to its rich textures and inherent grains. No matter what area in your house you’re redecorating, the Engineered Flooring Sydney from Terramaterfloors will make a world of difference.
Among engineered flooring brands, Terramaterfloors stands out for its eco-friendly products that expertly combine traditional craftsmanship with cutting-edge technology. In Sydney, their Engineered Hardwood Flooring is more than simply flooring; it’s an expression of elegance and long-lasting quality. Homeowners who want to improve the look and usefulness of their living spaces often choose Terramaterfloors because of its varied style options and dedication to quality. With Terramaterfloors, you can build a sustainable and luxurious house that will last for years to come.
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floordesigns12 · 6 months
engineered wood flooring dubai
Whether you want semi solid wood flooring or solid wood flooring in Dubai, we have you covered. You can expect engineered wood flooring dubai  solutions from us and count on our quality. Get in touch with us at +971 55 7329520.
Our wood flooring selection includes a wide variety of wood species, each with its own distinct appearance and feel. From traditional oak and maple to more exotic options like cherry and acacia, you'll discover a wood type that matches your design idea.
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harristimber · 1 year
Upgrade Your Living Space With Gorgeous Timber Flooring Options
When it comes to enhancing the beauty and warmth of your living space, few things rival the timeless charm of timber flooring. Timber flooring has been a popular choice for centuries, and its enduring appeal continues to captivate homeowners with its natural elegance and durability. If you're considering a home improvement project that adds both value and style, timber flooring in Brisbane should be at the top of your list. 
In this blog post, we'll explore the stunning options available in timber flooring and how they can transform your home.
The Classic Elegance of Hardwood Floors
When you think of timber flooring Brisbane, the first thing that likely comes to mind is the classic beauty of hardwood floors. Hardwood flooring exudes a sense of timeless elegance, and it's available in a wide range of wood species, each with its unique grain pattern and colour variations. Oak, maple, cherry, and walnut are just a few examples of the hardwood options that can elevate your living space.
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Why Choose Hardwood Floors?
Durability: Hardwood floors are highly resistant to wear and tear, making them a long-lasting investment for your home.
Versatility: Whether your style is traditional or contemporary, hardwood floors complement a variety of interior design themes.
Increased Property Value: Installing hardwood floors can significantly boost the resale value of your property.
The Allure of Engineered Timber Flooring
If you love the look of hardwood floors but have budget or installation constraints, engineered timber flooring is an excellent alternative. Engineered timber flooring consists of multiple layers of wood, with a top layer of real hardwood. This construction provides the authentic appearance of hardwood while offering additional benefits.
Advantages of Engineered Timber Flooring:
Cost-Effective: Engineered timber is often more affordable than solid hardwood, making it a cost-effective option for achieving the same aesthetic.
Stability: The layers of wood in engineered flooring make it more resistant to moisture and temperature changes, reducing the risk of warping or shrinking.
Easy Installation: Engineered timber flooring can be installed as a floating floor, saving time and effort during the installation process.
Timeless Beauty of Parquet Flooring
For those who crave a touch of sophistication and history in their living space, parquet flooring is the answer. This intricate flooring option features small wooden blocks arranged in geometric patterns, creating a captivating visual effect that adds character and depth to any room.
Reasons to Choose Parquet Flooring:
Unique Patterns: With parquet flooring, you can choose from a variety of patterns, such as herringbone, chevron, and basketweave, to match your style preferences.
Visual Appeal: The distinct patterns of parquet flooring create an eye-catching focal point in your home.
Underfloor Heating Compatible: Parquet flooring works exceptionally well with underfloor heating, adding a touch of luxury and comfort to your living space.
Embracing Sustainability with Bamboo Flooring
As environmental consciousness grows, many homeowners are turning to bamboo flooring as a sustainable and eco-friendly option. Bamboo is a fast-growing grass that matures much quicker than traditional hardwood trees, making it an environmentally responsible choice for flooring.
Benefits of Bamboo Flooring:
Eco-Friendly: Bamboo is a renewable resource that can be harvested without harming the plant, making it a more sustainable choice compared to traditional timber.
Strength and Durability: Bamboo flooring is remarkably sturdy and can withstand heavy foot traffic, making it ideal for busy households.
Variety of Styles: Bamboo flooring comes in various colours and finishes, allowing you to find the perfect match for your home decor.
Exotic Beauty of Acacia Flooring
For homeowners seeking a flooring option that stands out with its unique beauty and rich colours, acacia flooring is an excellent choice. Acacia wood showcases stunning grain patterns and a vibrant spectrum of shades, ranging from deep browns to golden hues.
Advantages of Acacia Flooring:
Distinctive Aesthetics: Acacia flooring adds a touch of exotic elegance to any space, making it a conversation starter for visitors.
Resilience: Acacia wood is highly durable and resistant to scratches and dents, ensuring it maintains its beauty for years to come.
Low Maintenance: With its natural resistance to water and stains, acacia flooring requires minimal upkeep, making it a practical option for busy households.
Upgrading your living space with timber flooring opens up a world of possibilities to enhance the beauty and value of your home. 
Whether you choose the classic elegance of hardwood, the allure of engineered timber, the timeless appeal of parquet, the sustainability of bamboo, or the exotic beauty of acacia, each option brings its unique charm to your living space. 
Take your time to explore the various timber flooring Brisbane options available, and select the one that resonates with your style and meets your practical needs. 
With timber flooring underfoot, your home will radiate warmth, sophistication, and natural allure for years to come.
So, why wait? Transform your living space today with the beauty of timber flooring!
Source URL : https://harristimber.wordpress.com/2023/07/28/upgrade-your-living-space-with-gorgeous-timber-flooring-options-2/
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maxdirect · 2 years
Points East by Chesapeake Flooring
The Points East Collection offers a wide variety of colors and patterns designed to match any style. These long planks will give your room a larger, grander look and feel.
Rockwell by Chesapeake Flooring
The Rockwell Collection features a beautifully wirebrushed acacia hardwood perfect for any room in the home. This simple color palette is designed to match any decor.
Asian Walnut by Chesapeake Flooring
The Asian Walnut collection features 3/4" x 5" planks in solid Acacia hardwood. It is offered in several rustic colors for a classic and luxurious hardwood look.
Burley by Chesapeake Flooring
The Burley Collection offers a dual-stained finish creating a unique color blend enhancing the natural wood features of your floors. Topped with a brushed patterned distressing, creating a beautifully timeworn look and feel.
Chemistry by Chesapeake Flooring
Chemistry offers a wide ranging color palette perfect for any room in the home. Featuring a thick 3mm top layer veneer adding extra protection keeping your floors looking newer, longer.
High Point by Chesapeake Flooring
High Point is a beautiful white ash collection featuring a matte wirebrushed surface. These planks are perfectly suited for any decor from clean and elegant to warm and cozy.
Mountaineer Pass by Chesapeake Flooring
Mountaineer Pass is a simple collection featuring a rustic hickory look. Variation between planks provide a unique pattern making your floors one of a kind.
Mystic Bay by Chesapeake Flooring
Mystic Bay features a dual-stained finish providing variation throughout your floors and enhancing the unique hardwood characteristics in each and every plank.
Venti by Chesapeake Flooring
The Venti Collection offers a beautiful array or colors and visuals using a variable brush finish technique making your floors beautifully unique.
Waycross by Chesapeake Flooring
Waycross is offered in 3/4" x 4 3/4" solid white oak with random length planks up to 48". This European White Oak flooring is offered in four popular colors, which are sure to add beauty and personality to any interior space.
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acaciadepot · 1 year
How to know about the Solid Acacia Flooring?
Looking for a flooring option that will transform your home? Consider solid acacia flooring. With its unique appearance and durability, it's becoming a popular choice for homeowners. Easy to clean and maintain, acacia wood offers a dynamic texture and excellent resistance to damage. It's a top choice for those seeking long-lasting, high-quality hardwood flooring.
Know more: https://acacia-depot.mystrikingly.com/blog/how-to-know-about-the-solid-acacia-flooring
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mtdvanities1 · 2 years
Finding the right vanity
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A new vanity is a perfect way to upgrade your bathroom, and it's not hard to find one that suits your style. To help you get started, we've put together a list of steps for finding the right vanity for your home. Vanities are the focal point of most bathrooms, so it's important to pick one that suits your home.
Vanities are the focal point of most bathrooms, so it's important to pick one that suits your home. There are many different types of vanities you can choose from, and each has its own benefits. If you're looking for something contemporary, a white vanity with chrome accents is a great choice. If you have children in your home and want something durable, then granite or marble tops are probably more suited for your needs. For those on a budget who still want style, a simple wood-style vanity can be found at any local hardware store. Vanities come in many materials, including wood veneer over particleboard; solid oak veneer over MDF (medium density fiberboard); solid maple veneer over MDF; solid acacia or oak veneers with integral sink bowls; laminate tops finished on both sides for easy cleaning; acrylic finishes that imitate stone but require no care other than wiping off spills with dry cloths when necessary During this article post, we will talk about the steps to choosing the right vanity for your specific bathroom needs.
Begin by measuring your bathroom space. You can use a piece of graph paper to sketch it out and get the dimensions. Begin by measuring your bathroom space. You can use a piece of graph paper to sketch it out and get the dimensions. Measure the length, width, and height of the space, as well as the distance between the sink and the wall (we recommend at least 18 inches) and between your mirror and wall (at least 33 inches). Finally, measure from the floor to the bottom of the sink unit or vanity top (you may need to stand on tiptoes to do this one!)
Think about how many sinks you need and how large they should be. Now that you've decided on your vanity's overall style and size, it's time to think about how many sinks you need—and how large they should be.
If you're renovating or building an entirely new bathroom, there are plenty of factors that might influence your decision. For example: If you have a large family, two sinks may be necessary. On the other hand, if your family is relatively small (or even just one person), one sink will probably be sufficient. In addition to considering the number of people using the bathroom at once, consider whether or not they will spend any time washing their hands while in there—this will help determine the number and placement of faucets needed. If this is an older home with smaller rooms (or if space is tight due to other design choices), adding more functionality by including additional features such as towel racks can make all the difference in making sure each room functions well for its intended purpose
Think about what material you want for your vanity. There are many different materials available for vanities. Some of the most common are wood, granite, steel, marble, and other natural stones. Each material has pros and cons, but it is important to consider what qualities you want in your vanity before deciding on a particular type of material.
Wood: Wood can be affordable and comes in many different styles. However, it will not last as long as some other materials, so if you want something that will last for years without needing to be repaired, then this may not be right for you. The good news is that wood can be refinished or even replaced relatively easily if necessary when compared with other options such as granite which cannot be replaced once installed because they are heavy pieces of stone!
Granite: Granite is another popular choice because it looks great but also offers durability that might not always come from wood or marble (more on those next). Granites come in many colors, including black, which makes them stand out from standard whitewash products like oak or maple cabinets found throughout homes today." Lastly, if you are looking for the perfect vanity, make sure to visit our website. At MTD Vanities we can help you find the best vanity for you!
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guncelkal · 2 years
vidaXL Sideboard Solid Reclaimed Wood 63"x15.7"x31.5"
vidaXL Sideboard Solid Reclaimed Wood 63″x15.7″x31.5″
This solid wooden sideboard will make a decorative as well as practical addition to your decor. The cabinet is made of solid reclaimed wood that has been sourced from joists, floors and support beams from old buildings being demolished, and can consist of different types of wood like pine, teak, beech, oak, cedar, mango wood, acacia, etc. This means the reclaimed wood retains the characteristics…
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casseyhenderosn · 4 years
acacia wooden flooring
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kaaradecor · 5 years
How Wooden Flooring can benefit you in many ways
Wooden Flooring has been a matter of great interest since ages. The most loved feature of wooden flooring is its reliability and the rustic look that gets added to the space where it is installed. However, in the past there had been some issues that wooden flooring had to face but in modern era where there are various options and advanced technology that have brought a lot of positive changes in the market.
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KAARA is one of the Flooring companies in India that offers a wide range of premium quality flooring options including wooden flooring. The wood is selected after running the samples through a sophisticated quality check. Similarly, the team of designers put enormous efforts to produce unique designs while the research unit is responsible for researches that tackle the various issues related to traditional flooring option. The company has gained the reputation of being unique by proving the best quality flooring options. However, at the same time it is also considered one of the best Wood flooring companies in India. Not just these are flooring but masterpieces with a unique blend of art and technology.
The best part of having a wooden floor is, these reduce wastage of material. It is often observed that in case of marble or ceramic flooring, the transportation, no matter how delicately handled, would leave one or two cracked, ultimately of no use whereas with wooden flooring this is not the case. These blocks can handle enough wear and tear. In fact, throughout years KAARA has given consistently special attention to the quality of its products and has made significant and regular investments in processes to make its products further cost effective. Moreover, from time to time it runs special offers, giving an opportunity to the customers to buy the premium quality products at a discounted rate.
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harristimber · 1 year
Upgrade Your Living Space With Gorgeous Timber Flooring Options
When it comes to enhancing the beauty and warmth of your living space, few things rival the timeless charm of timber flooring. Timber flooring has been a popular choice for centuries, and its enduring appeal continues to captivate homeowners with its natural elegance and durability. If you're considering a home improvement project that adds both value and style, timber flooring Brisbane should be at the top of your list. 
In this blog post, we'll explore the stunning options available in timber flooring and how they can transform your home. 
The Classic Elegance of Hardwood Floors
When you think of timber flooring Brisbane, the first thing that likely comes to mind is the classic beauty of hardwood floors. Hardwood flooring exudes a sense of timeless elegance, and it's available in a wide range of wood species, each with its unique grain pattern and colour variations. Oak, maple, cherry, and walnut are just a few examples of the hardwood options that can elevate your living space
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Why Choose Hardwood Floors?
Durability: Hardwood floors are highly resistant to wear and tear, making them a long-lasting investment for your home.
Versatility: Whether your style is traditional or contemporary, hardwood floors complement a variety of interior design themes.
Increased Property Value: Installing hardwood floors can significantly boost the resale value of your property.
The Allure of Engineered Timber Flooring
If you love the look of hardwood floors but have budget or installation constraints, engineered timber flooring is an excellent alternative. Engineered timber flooring consists of multiple layers of wood, with a top layer of real hardwood. This construction provides the authentic appearance of hardwood while offering additional benefits.
Advantages of Engineered Timber Flooring:
Cost-Effective: Engineered timber is often more affordable than solid hardwood, making it a cost-effective option for achieving the same aesthetic.
Stability: The layers of wood in engineered flooring make it more resistant to moisture and temperature changes, reducing the risk of warping or shrinking.
Easy Installation: Engineered timber flooring can be installed as a floating floor, saving time and effort during the installation process.
Timeless Beauty of Parquet Flooring
For those who crave a touch of sophistication and history in their living space, parquet flooring is the answer. This intricate flooring option features small wooden blocks arranged in geometric patterns, creating a captivating visual effect that adds character and depth to any room.
Reasons to Choose Parquet Flooring:
Unique Patterns: With parquet flooring, you can choose from a variety of patterns, such as herringbone, chevron, and basketweave, to match your style preferences.
Visual Appeal: The distinct patterns of parquet flooring create an eye-catching focal point in your home.
Underfloor Heating Compatible: Parquet flooring works exceptionally well with underfloor heating, adding a touch of luxury and comfort to your living space.
Embracing Sustainability with Bamboo Flooring
As environmental consciousness grows, many homeowners are turning to bamboo flooring as a sustainable and eco-friendly option. Bamboo is a fast-growing grass that matures much quicker than traditional hardwood trees, making it an environmentally responsible choice for flooring.
Benefits of Bamboo Flooring:
Eco-Friendly: Bamboo is a renewable resource that can be harvested without harming the plant, making it a more sustainable choice compared to traditional timber.
Strength and Durability: Bamboo flooring is remarkably sturdy and can withstand heavy foot traffic, making it ideal for busy households.
Variety of Styles: Bamboo flooring comes in various colours and finishes, allowing you to find the perfect match for your home decor.
Exotic Beauty of Acacia Flooring
For homeowners seeking a flooring option that stands out with its unique beauty and rich colours, acacia flooring is an excellent choice. Acacia wood showcases stunning grain patterns and a vibrant spectrum of shades, ranging from deep browns to golden hues.
Advantages of Acacia Flooring:
Distinctive Aesthetics: Acacia flooring adds a touch of exotic elegance to any space, making it a conversation starter for visitors.
Resilience: Acacia wood is highly durable and resistant to scratches and dents, ensuring it maintains its beauty for years to come.
Low Maintenance: With its natural resistance to water and stains, acacia flooring requires minimal upkeep, making it a practical option for busy households.
Upgrading your living space with timber flooring opens up a world of possibilities to enhance the beauty and value of your home. 
Whether you choose the classic elegance of hardwood, the allure of engineered timber, the timeless appeal of parquet, the sustainability of bamboo, or the exotic beauty of acacia, each option brings its unique charm to your living space. 
Take your time to explore the various timber flooring Brisbane options available, and select the one that resonates with your style and meets your practical needs. 
With timber flooring underfoot, your home will radiate warmth, sophistication, and natural allure for years to come.
So, why wait? Transform your living space today with the beauty of timber flooring!
source url : https://harristimber.wordpress.com/2023/07/21/upgrade-your-living-space-with-gorgeous-timber-flooring-options/
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stormjay0 · 4 years
Top 5 types of wood
I don’t want to do research right now (although I think this would be interesting to research) so I’m doing minecraft wood types
5. Acacia: ugly orange, but the gray of the solid logs is kinda nice (if a bit too textured) for pillars
4. Birch: it’s ok, the bark is horrible but it looks nice when it’s stripped. A little too light for my tastes.
3. Oak: classic! It works with pretty much anything, it’s just a little bland. Great as a floor when stripped!
2. Dark oak: lovely, a beautiful improvement on oak, also pretty common to find! Looks great in mansions.
1. Spruce: amazing, perfect, love it so much, the perfect color! I use it in far too many builds.
Honorable mention: the nether woods (I don’t know if they count as wood because they’re called stems? Anyways I love them as feature blocks)
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