#Acacia 💕
kalolasfantasyworld · 2 months
Lola dear, I can’t believe I missed your excerpt game 😢 I saw your masterlist which was wonderful, but I was sorry I didn’t get to send in an ask. I understand if you’ve wrapped it up, but if you’re still taking them can I have excerpts for 7 and 25, please? No pressure though. ^^ Thank you!! 💕
Hi Acacia! 
I would call you missing my game a happy accident, because now I can post excerpts specifically from today’s chapter 31 (which I love). So those who wants to read it without spoilers, go on Ao3 instead reading these. 
Thank you for your nice words and looking through my master list <3 I’ll add these two there as well. 
Also these are specifically from this chapter, because well further down the story some other things happen which I love as well. But La Puesta del Sol was very much a daydream, which had multiple versions along the way.
7. Nozelena dance
25. Jealous Nozel and a bit more…
7. That I nursed in a daydream
Nozelena dance 
Because she just has to poke at his ego, they banter, their energy is just precious and so funny
Helena fixed her cover up and put a messy strand of her hair, behind her ear. She approached him and smiled brightly. 
“Do you want to dance, mi amor?” She asked.
“No,” his answer was flat. 
She did not expect to get so brutally turned down. She pouted.
“What do you mean by saying no?” She crossed her arms over her chest.
“I don’t dance,” Nozel stated. His lilac eyes met with hers and made her feel warm inside. “Simple as that.”
Helena furrowed her brows. She needed to step up her game.
“You don’t dance? Or you can’t dance?” Poking at his ego was always a good option to get him to do something. 
“I’m a prince,” he said sharply and narrowed his eyes. “Of course I can dance.”
“Riiiight…” Helena continued and pretended to not take him seriously.
“I can,” he said annoyed. 
“Oh really?” Helena asked. “Then why won’t you?”
“This kind of dancing,” he pointed towards the people swaying their hips freely, “is not fitting to my Royal status.”
“Yet here we are at a party for high ranking nobles,” Helena tiled her head, “and guess what? They’re all dancing so barbarically.”
He pressed his lips together, because he could not find a fitting argument.
“Okay I get it,” Helena raised her arms in a surrendering way. “You won’t dance, because you’re too embarrassed that you can’t do it,” she began turning away. “I’m going to go back to Solid and Nebra.”
She felt a tug on her hand. She smiled to herself proudly. Mission accomplished. His long fingers wrapped around her wrist. Helena turned back to face him.
“I can dance,” he spoke slowly.
“Prove it,” she grinned.
He sighed and led her towards the outer side of the dance floor. Nozel was already completely aware that she had played him, but would not say anything. They both knew that he was going to give in one way or another. However obviously he needed to play hard to get.
They halted and Nozel approached her closely. She looked up at him and smiled, when she saw how determined his expression looked. His silver braid hung over her. He placed his left palm on her back and Helena felt a tingle go down her spine. With the other one he grabbed her hand. She let him pull her closer. 
Slowly they began to sway and move forwards and backwards. Despite the song having a positive and melodic beat, the story it told was not a happy one. Helena and Nozel were completely not in synch with the music, since he was leading her to a classical ballroom dance, but Helena did not care. She was overjoyed Nozel held her in his arms and was dancing with her. She looked at him with adoration. Love. That’s what she was feeling and it was wonderful. This whole time he was softly gazing at Helena.
Suddenly Nozel furrowed his brows.
“We truly don’t match the atmosphere of this party,” he stated.
“I told you, that this kind of dancing is different,” she chuckled and he smiled softly. “I can teach you,” Helena offered.
“Teach me?” Nozel raised his brows.
“Yes, you mi amor,” Helena pulled him towards herself a bit more energetically and he elegantly followed. “You have to use your hips more.”
“I can think of some other situations, when I can use my hips,” his tone was dead serious, but there was a playful, predatory glint in his eye.
Helena felt her cheeks get furiously red. Normally she probably would not had reacted this badly. However since she was actually considering, whether she was ready to have her first time with him, the comment made her imagine things. 
“Stop it!” Helena exclaimed from embarrassment and he smirked. “I meant while dancing,” she swayed her hips to the rhythm. “Like this.”
He nodded and did his best to follow her movement, while stepping respectively back and forth. He was not doing bad and Helena loved to see the focused expression on his face. 
She felt so happy, that when the song ended she wanted to pretend it did not. Nozel let go of her, while at the same time Nebra and Solid approached them. 
“I can’t believe it,” Nebra laughed. “You actually got Nozel nii-sama to dance with you.”
“I thought, that it was impossible,” Solid stated and grinned.
“What can I say?” Helena smiled and Nozel rolled his eyes. “I’m a miracle worker.”
25. That I consider my favorite
Jealous Nozel and a bit more…
I like this one, because he’s obviously jelly, but also how I wrote it and Helena’s emotions at the end. Overall this scene feels kind of important, but in a lighter tone.
It was awkward. The uncomfortable tension between the two men was visible. Nozel was not used to anyone standing up to him, while Rafael was a high born noble, who would not buckle down at his own estate. However he had a smile plastered on to his face and made a friendly impression. Nozel did not. 
They were silent for so long, that Nebra probably had already gotten her drink.
“We were talking about our parents,” Rafael began to speak, “and overall about Helena’s heritage.”
“Her mother comes from here,” Nozel stated. “I am aware of such things.”
“Yes,” Helena came between them. “Can you believe it, that she knew Rafael’s father?”
“Obviously,” Nozel said flatly. “She’s from high standing Noble family, just like the Delgado house. The circles are tight around here, so everyone knows each other,” he was unimpressed and did not share her enthusiasm.
“Still,” she put her hands on her hips. “I think, that it’s exciting for me to talk about it.”
They stared at each other for a moment. None of them was letting it go. 
“Excuse me,” Rafael cut in. He scratched the back of his neck and turned to face Helena. “I was wondering, whether you would want to come tomorrow for dinner to the Delgado familia. I’m sure that mi papa would love to meet you.” A soft blush appeared on his cheeks. “I know that this may be a bit sudden, but if you wanted to spend some time before that, go on a walk or something, let me know.”
Was he seriously asking her out in front of Nozel? The ridiculousness of this situation reached its peak. Helena felt extremely uncomfortable and did not know how to react.
“No,” Nozel said sharply and stepped in front of her. On one hand she was surprised by his reaction, but on the other she did not mind. Actually it felt good to see him this protective and a little jealous. She smiled softly gazing up at her lover.
Rafeal looked between them confused, but then he noticed Nozel’s protective stance and Helena’s small expression. His eyes widened in realisation. 
“Oh I did not know that the two of you were together,” he spoke sheepishly. “Me disculpo. (I apologise)”
Nozel drastically tensed. It was the first time since they had started secretly dating, that anyone openly suspected them to be a couple. Helena did not know what to say either. Would they start publicly courting as of this moment? Because admitting it to the heir of the high ranking house Delgado meant that every noble would find out.
Suddenly Nebra and Solid approached. The princess was holding a pink cocktail in her hand. She began to laugh. 
“Are you kidding me?” She chuckled. “These two are both very single.”
“Yeah,” Solid added. “As if Nozel nii-sama had time and desire for such silly things as dating.” 
The Silver Eagle’s captain collected himself. He cleared his throat.
“We are leaving tomorrow morning, so Helena won’t be here,” he explained flatly. 
Helena looked down. What was she expecting? A part of her truly hoped that she could share her happiness, about her and Nozel’s relationship with the world. It would be a big step, but a necessary one further down the road. At the moment she was obviously content with how the things were, but she worried that they never really talked about what the future would bring. They were experiencing and living in the moment, enjoying each other’s presence. However after few months of dating Helena began to think of Nozel as an actual prospect for a partner for life. This could not happen if they were to keep their relationship secret forever. 
“So maybe another time then?” Rafael pulled her out of her thoughts. His expression was cheerful and excited.
“Of course,” Helena put on a smile. It did not quite reach her heart. 
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purpled-royalty · 4 days
Hi Mimi! Welcome to Tumblr! 💖 For the OC ask game could you answer 14 and 16 for your lovely Tiara please? Thank you!! 💕
Hi Acacia! Thank you soo much for the warm welcome and for sending me this ask💕 14. What are your favourite music genres?
Ohh that's a good question. I love K-pop and k-pop idols, the music is just a vibe you know? It just makes you feel good, and happy when you listen and you just want to sing along and dance when it comes on!
16. Describe your perfect day
My perfect day would be stargazing! I've answered this here 💕
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lyranova · 5 months
Hi Lyra! Congratulations on your blog anniversary! 💖💖 Wishing you many more wonderful years of creating such amazing content!
For your anniversary asks can you please answer 16 18 & 19 for the lovely Zera and (if I may be the tiniest bit self indulgent) 8 & 14 for Langris? Thank you so much, dear! Sending you lots of love & well wishes. Cheers!! 🌻
Hiya Acacia! Thank you so much, hopefully I’ll be able to create things for many more years to come 😁! (Even if that means I’ll only be able to create every now and then 😆). Of course, and I hope you enjoy 🥰!
16. What goal do they most want to accomplish in their lifetime?
The goal Zera most wants to acomplish…hm, I think in a way she already has acomplished that goal 🤔! The goal she wanted to achieve most in her life was to open her own flower shop, and she managed to do it. So maybe, if she were to have another goal, it would be to start a “franchise” and have many more ‘Cinnamon’s Flower Shops’ all over the world 😆!
18. What advice would they give to their younger self?
“ Be careful who you play pranks on! Because one day you might come across the wrong person and they take your joke sooo seriously that you find yourself in a situation that you can’t really get yourself out of! But at the same time…you may find that you don’t want to get out of it…oh! And you’re going to want to be even sneakier when you smuggle, because that’ll come back to bite you in the butt!”
19. What does a perfect world look like to them?
A perfect world to Zera is one where she still runs her Flower Shop, is happily married to William, and is surrounded by a group of their children. On the weekends the family goes to William’s childhood home, which is vacant after his mothers passing, where they get to relax and have peace and quiet. When they go back to Clover she gets to spend time with all of her friends and have “Wine Nights” where they laugh, giggle, and talk about many different things. She gets to watch her kids grow up, fall in love, get married, and maybe even have kids of their own.
That’s Zera’s perfect world!
8. Is there a ship that makes the most sense for this character (can be romantic or platonic)?
Both platonically and romantically I feel like the ship that makes the most sense is Finesse. She helps keep him calm, and gives Langris a different perspective to look through (if that makes sense). She also knows just what life was like in House Vaude for him and Finral, so she understands him a bit differently then others. She also has no issue scolding him if he needs it (it isn’t a harsh scolding, but more of a “gentle” one). So whether it’s platonic or romantic I thinj Langris and Finesse make a good pair!
14. What trait do they find most admirable and how often do they find it?
I think Langris admires strength the most 🤔! As for how often he finds it…not very. I think Langris has such a high standard for strength that he rarely finds anyone that “meets it”. I think the two people he’s met that has met that standard are Yuno and William (eventually Finral joins that list)!
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acacia-may · 1 year
Hello, how are you feeling today?
Hi Anon-friend! Thank you so much for your ask and for checking in with me. That's so sweet of you! 🥰
I am starting to feel a little bit better than I was, thankfully. Factoid about me: I have a chronic cardiovascular and ANS disease so I'm not the healthiest on even the best of days, but when it really flares up, I get really knocked down and debilitated. I'm trying out a new treatment that has been helping a lot though, and my sisters have been keeping me company. 😊
In more positive (though unrelated news), my one sister and I been playing a video game/visual novel called "Your Turn To Die" together, and it has been really interesting and very riveting! The storytelling and character arcs are top tier! ✨ I just finished one play through, and I have so many new "Little Trees" 🌲and have collected some new problematic fictional siblings to add to my collection too 😁😂 (I swear I'm a magnet for them 🧲 They always find me!) I'm really just itching to write about them as soon as I feel up to it!! 🥰 (Also, can't wait to tell you all about my sweet, sweet murder prince!! 💖 Devoted big brother, talented musician, and so, so dreamy...)
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Anyway... Yes, I am on the mend a bit, but I think it'll still be a little while before I'm back to normal blog activity like writing headcanons, answering asks and playing games and such. Hopefully soon though! I have so many wonderful asks and requests right now and can't wait to be well enough to answer them! 🥰 Thank you so much for all of those, friends!
Thank you so much again for checking in! I really appreciate the support and concern, friend! 🥰 Sending hugs & much love to you! I hope you have a great rest of your day! 💕
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randomsprinkles · 1 year
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Drawing of Fuyuhiko for @acacia-may
Hope you like it 💕
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maochira · 11 months
OMGG I really love the idea of being shidou’s twin can I please request a hc on how shidou would react to Sae having a crush on his twin/crushing on eachother ?💕
Shidou would get so fucking jealous omg💀
Requests open! - masterlist
Tags: gn!Shidou's twin!reader, Sae has a crush on reader but reader doesn't like him back
-Shidou is so incredibly jealous, whenever Sae is near you, you can expect your brother to get between the two of you to prevent Sae from making any moves on you
-so instead, Shidou tries to flirt more with Sae while he just gets more annoyed because he wanted to talk to you but Shidou gets in-between all the time anyways so Sae should be used to it by now
-Shidou is so confused why Sae likes you so much more. Cause like, you're literally twins and he was the one who met Sae first so wouldn't it make sense for Sae to like him more?
-but nope, you caught Sae's heart. Completely on accident
-the funniest part it, you're not interested in Sae at all. He doesn't make any big moves on you in general but if he ever did, you'd definitely be clueless on what to do because Sae isn't your type
-you still like Sae but rather as a friend than in a romantic way. He understands that, but is still kind of hoping you'll like him back at some point
-Shidou knows you're not interested in Sae but just in case, he starts introducing you to other people from Blue Lock and hopes you'll start dating one of them so you really won't end up with Sae
-Shidou would be the most annoying person to ever exist if you and Sae ever started dating so you really shouldn't do that. Like ever
Taglist (sign-up link): @astruosie @kaineedstherapy12 @zyuuuu @luvcalico @truegoist @vanitasbrainrot @mafuyudonutt @acacIa @futuristicxie @bluelock4life @https-archangel @ririgards @depressed-bitchy-demon @kaiserkisser @userwithlotsoftime @nikokii @chaosinanutshell
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rabbitenn · 6 months
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It’s his day, and because of you, it will become an even happier memory that he can’t wait to relive year after year.
ft. Isumi Haruka x gn! reader.
cw/genre: pure fluff.
Happy birthday, Haruka ! He’s grown on me and he’s grown so much himself <3 Something brief and sweet to celebrate this baby’s special day (I know it’s a bit late, but it’s still the 6th for me).
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Snow capped buildings greet his morning, akin to the glazing on top of the sugary snacks he so adored.
Eyes of molten acacia blooms look at the world before them for another year, powdery flakes drifting past his bedroom’s window.
Long lashes flutter closed once again, a crescent brighter than the one that’s already hidden behind the horizon, forming on his lips.
Smiles like this one used to be the norm for him years ago, having become with time more rare and all the more precious to those who got to receive them.
He knows you’d tease him, if you had witnessed how smitten he looked at midnight reading your text message.
For all the years he’s known you, you had never failed to make his special day a little brighter with just a few words on a screen.
Happy birthday, Haru ! 🎂💕 Can’t wait to celebrate with you in a few hours, I love you sm <3
Your message is imprinted in rosy shades in the softest part of his mind, as he relishes a few more minutes in the warmth of his bunny patterned covers.
Then, soft knocks are heard on his bedroom door, followed by his grandmother’s voice:
“Haruka, dearie, there’s someone here that’s come to see you! And I’m making a cake for you, it’s your special day.”
With a serene expression, betrayed by the stars in his stare and the unavoidable smile his lips curl up in, ZOOL’s center gets out of bed, rushing to get dressed in his favorite clothes (in truth, it’s just the outfit you always complimented). His fingers close around the necklace you gave him last year, as he stops for a second before the mirror, carefully clasping it.
The sweet scent of meringue and jam greets Haruka before he steps into the kitchen.
His pace quickens, curious to see what his grandmother is working on.
Before he can take a peek, however, warm hands cover his eyes.
“Who’s this?” A familiar voice sing-songs, next to his ear.
A giggle escapes him, a rare treasure that showed only in the right place at he right time, on counted occasions.
“[Y/n]!” He calls, at the same time you uncover his eyes, offering him a cheeky grin. “Dummy…” He pouts.
“Oh, you love it.” You tell him, placing a kiss on his cheek. “Happy birthday, Haruka.” You hold his hands in yours gently, as you lean in again, this time, kissing him properly on the lips.
Your warm presence wraps around him in just one single kiss, a spring breeze at the doors of winter, guiding him to the few still green perennial trees, where birds still sing.
And he kisses you back with just as much care, the fresh taste of chocolate mint chip on a lover’s lips; the lingering spicy sweetness of ginger cookies.
This instant, with just the two of you, the scent of baking cake, and the brightness of a winter morning, is your own idyll, a utopia only possible when it’s the two of you.
When you part, remnants of this handmade dream still float around the two of you, like the first plum blossoms to drift by after the snow.
Haruka looks at you, the sunshine that left his gaze so many years ago, now glimmering truly, just for you.
He’d like to kiss you again.
However, it seems the cake is ready.
Well, he already knows what to wish for before the candles go out.
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kcrev · 2 months
🧡 (friendship-themed headcanon), 💕 (loved-themed headcanon), 🏠 (home-themed headcanon), 🌍 (travel-themed headcanon) + cass
🧡 (friendship-themed headcanon)
Aproximou-se de Emily e Lauren quando estavam no quarto ano. Lauren tinha acabado de se mudar a Bend e, na época, era bastante tímida. Emily, por outro lado, já era sua colega desde o jardim de infância, mas nunca tinham se aproximado até aquele momento. Não se recorda exatamente do dia em que se tornaram amigas, só sabe que em dado momento daquele ano se tornaram inseparáveis.
💕 (loved-themed headcanon)
Sempre admirou o relacionamento dos avós. Eram casados desde os vinte anos e, no fim da vida, amavam-se da mesma forma como no início. Acacia sempre quis alguém para crescer e envelhecer com ela e viu isso em Henry desde o início. E, durante a adolescência, tinha medo de pensar sobre isso, uma vez que as coisas entre eles tinham um prazo de duração. Quando voltaram a namorar após a faculdade, Acacia começou a pensar cada vez mais sério sobre isso e sabia que, caso ele a pedisse em casamento, não hesitaria nem por um segundo em aceitar.
🏠 (home-themed headcanon)
Acacia cresceu em uma casa de estilo colonial, datada dos anos de 1910. Apesar de antiga, seus avós a renovavam com certa frequência e, assim, nunca teve aspecto de velha. Tem dois andares principais e um sótão, contendo quatro quartos amplos e bem iluminados. No jardim dos fundos, seu avô construiu um balanço para Cass quando ela tinha sete anos e até hoje está no mesmo lugar, praticamente intacto.
🌍 (travel-themed headcanon)
A primeira viagem que fez com Henry foi no ensino médio, quando decidiram passar um fim de semana em Canon Beach, na casa da família de Jack. Faltava pouco mais de um mês para que Henry, Sebastian e Jack terminassem o ensino médio e já tinham suas cartas de aceitação na universidade. Decidiram ir comemorar as aprovações na praia. Lembra-se de Willa ter dado umas trinta recomendações a ela enquanto Sebastian dava risada no cômodo ao lado.
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iamatriangle · 3 months
Hi there, friend! I'd love to hear you ramble about two of my favorite Black Clover pairings Langris x Finesse and Finral x Vanessa, if you don't mind? Also, can I hear your Duck x Fakir from Princess Tutu opinions as well please? The awesome fanart you've been reblogging of them recently has given me life! Cheers!! 💖
Hi Acacia, thank you so much for the ask!! 💕 I’m having a horrifically busy semester, so I greatly appreciate the chance to sit down and talk about some of my favorite characters. This is SO EXCITING, prepare for a very lengthy post 😅
💛💙 Duck x Fakir (Starting with these two because they are my everything right now.)
My roommate convinced me to watch Princess Tutu a few weeks ago and I totally fell in love with it! The character arcs are so spectacular. I actually thought about asking you if you had seen it, as it seemed like something you might like based on the other shows you post about (But then I had already pitched it to everyone I knew irl so I figured I should just relax 😆).
But getting back to Duck and Fakir, I think they’re absolutely perfect for each other. Personally, it makes sense and compels me. I believe it’s canon that they have feelings for each other, or at least it’s strongly implied? Either way, Duck inspires Fakir and Fakir believes in Duck, which i think is so sweet, and I feel like Duck and Fakir bring out the best in each other. Also, the way they change together throughout the story is so beautiful! They both end up in way more mature and healthy places than when they started and were a big part of the other person’s growth. I think the best ships are the ones where the narrative weaves their stories together in that way.
This is just me ranting, but I need to mention how beautiful it is that Fakir loves Duck not as Princess Tutu, just as Duck. In Mytho’s case, he thought of Duck as a friend and he was very kind to her, but he didn’t love Duck, he loved princess Tutu. For Fakir to love the real her ties in SO WELL with how she grows from her insecurities and confusion about her identity. I could also scream for a very long time about the fact that Fakir would stay with her forever, even if she was only a duck. The love they have for each other is so mature, but also so sweet and innocent at the same time. They’re perfect!
That’s why the conclusion of their arc broke my heart so much, because they were perfect for each other and would have made each other so happy. It’s so bittersweet. I wouldn’t change it for anything, but I’m a sucker for the fics on ao3 where Fakir writes her back to being a girl. I can envision them having such a happy future together.
🩵🖤 Langris x Finesse
Im so excited to get the chance to talk about these two. They’re one of my all time favorite pairings and they’ve been on my mind recently! In my opinion, they make sense and are super compelling.
I sort of feel like at this point, I’ve thought about them so much that they’re more like my headcanon characters than a faithful representation of the actual characters in the show (I tend to do that lol😅). But even if I try my hardest to separate all of that from what is officially canon, I personally think that Langris and Finesse make more sense than Finesse and Finral. I could see those two being good together under different circumstances even if they aren’t my favorite ship, but I’m really not on board with the way the show is handling it. I’m not gonna open the can of worms that is Finral returning to his abusive household right now, but that is very unhealthy (and it seems like the show is encouraging it??) Even beyond that, I feel like Finral isn’t in the right headspace right now for a healthy relationship. He’s trying his best and I wholeheartedly believe that he cares about Finesse. But he’s been using romance and idealizing girls as a coping mechanism for a very long time, and from what we see on the show I feel like he’s romanticizing Finesse to a degree that wouldn’t be healthy in the long term. She’s his childhood crush and dream girl, and he feels like if he becomes “good enough” for her he can “win her heart.” I don’t know if I’m explaining this right at all, but in my opinion he’s not really treating her like a partner, as much he’s treating her like an ideal to someday be good enough to achieve, which is more tied in with his own self worth than actually seeing her and loving her for all she is. (Although I would totally see them together under different circumstances if he takes time to work on himself!)
Anyways getting back on track, we don’t see that kind of idealization with Langris. He seems to see her and what she wants more clearly, and loves her enough to accept that she is more interested in Finral and step aside. I feel like they so compatible as well, because neither of them are very passionate people like Finral or Vanessa are. I feel like they would have a beautiful, more subdued kind of love and would be able to fit neatly into each other’s lives.
I’ve been thinking a lot recently about the time period before Langris was possessed when they were engaged. My heart always breaks when I think about the fact that Langris truly believed Finesse hated him. I think he always felt that she would rather marry Finral, and that he was never able to be really open with her because of this, and even that he resented her for it. I think it’s so compelling that all of this is essentially a misunderstanding, because Finesse does like him, and clearly cares about him and trusts him because even after he went crazy at the royal knights exam she tried to defend and protect him and wasn’t afraid of him (I love Finesse, she has such a beautiful heart). I think that after some character development on Langris’s end, they would be good for each other.
💚🩷 Finral x Vanessa
Vanessa and Finral my darlings!! They have such a sweet canon friendship and seem to support each other so well. For me they make sense and are compelling.
I love how on Vanessa’s end, she is gentle with him when he needs support, but she also isn’t afraid to speak her mind to him in the early seasons when he’s being a sleaze. She keeps him in line, both in the sense that she helps him be a better person and also that she pulls him back to reality when he’s spiraling and feeling insecure. And since I mentioned Finral’s idealization of girls before, I should say that I personally can’t see this happening with Vanessa because they’ve been friends for so long and have both seen each other at their worst. He knows her so well that he couldn’t idealize her if he tried. If he falls in love with her, it’s because he truly sees her and loves her for all her faults. I think they would work so well in a relationship together in a hypothetical future when Finral has decided that going back to House Vaude isn’t the right choice and has gotten over Finesse.
Also on the topic of the future, I see them being incredible parents. They are both passionate and caring people, and I believe they would fully devote themselves to not repeating their parent’s mistakes. It would need to be a slow burn and they would both be very cautious because they value their friendship so much. But I think they make so much sense together!
Thanks again for the ask, I had so much fun with this!!
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Hi Laura, dear! I hope you are doing well. I would absolutely love one of your chibi drawings, if that’s okay please? Would you please draw #6 for Henry and my OC Lorelei? (https://www.tumblr.com/acacia-may/706211914658856960/lorelei-swallow). I’ve also included some reference images (picrews) of her for you. It’s okay if you don’t want to take this one so please don’t feel obligated, but if you don’t mind, thank you so much, dear! Sending you cheers & much love! Best of luck with your drawing event 💕
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I hope I did them justice 🥺 I quite enjoyed drawing Lorelei actually 😁
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7, 14, 21, 22, and 24 for the man himself, the amazing Gabs er…uh Gabriel 😁 Please and thank you! 💖
Hi Acacia! 💕
Of course! I'm sure that Gabs would love to answer.
7. Who do you look up to?
Similarly to hermana I look up to papa. Although I admit that with our sheltered childhood we didn’t have that many people to choose from. Still papa deserves the appreciation. He is a great Head of the House, always seems to know what to do and can approach matters sensibly. He usually doesn’t let his feelings get the best of him and makes rational decisions. I’m… more free spirited. He’s been guiding me through my life, how to be become then next head, but also how to develop my magic. “Use it to protect those who matter,” he keeps on saying “and family matters the most.” I admire that and I wish to be as a great of a father as he is one day.
14. What are your favorite music genres?
Rock. What can I say? I’m a rock believer. I love the strong beat, powerful instruments and amazing sounds they create. They can get me going. However besides the louder songs of this genre I also enjoy the rock ballads. The lyrics are just amazing and meaningful. Hah. I may be a bit of a romantic at heart.
21. Describe your ideal partner.
That’s… the question mama used to love to ask me and I would tell her: respectable future lady of the Drazel household. 
However things have changed, my views have changed and I discovered life outside of the castle. It’s been a ride. So now I can confidently say, that my ideal type would be my partner in crime, my best friend and passionate lover at the same time, someone with who I can be free, live instead of existing and laugh instead of faking a smile at yet another Royal ball.
Dreamy right? Well maybe I’m helpless, but for sure not hopeless. 
We’ll figure it out Bella.
22. What’s the easiest way to flirt with you?
I’m taken. Do you realise that? 
You do, that’s good. I can share then. 
Be open and joke a little. I like when the other person is confident, maybe don’t use the tackiest pick up lines, but I won’t mind those with a bit of tact and taste. Humor me and make me laugh. Besides… ehh I’m a bit of a flirt so things usually get rolling. It’s quite easy to get the conversation going, so don’t stress over it.
24. What would you consider your main love language?
Quality time and I think all of us Drazels think the same. I will do my best to spend time with my loved one and I want to make sure they are having fun. This may sound a bit bold, but I’d say I’m quite good at planning romantic dates. However they’re not all there is. Simply sitting with the loved one, just being in their presence, conversing with them. This makes me happy and well I might like a cuddle, so physical touch is also important to me. Not my main love language, but certainly up there.
Revealing a bit more about myself, since I haven't reappeared in the plot of PH so far. Don't worry I'll be back soon and then we'll talk more. 😁
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
Hi Erika! Congratulations on your 300 followers! That’s wonderful! You are a fantastic writer and deserve this recognition! 💙 I apologize for sending my request in a little late (it took me a while to decide what to ask for 😅). I hope you still have spot open for this, but I would absolutely love Finesse x Finral fluff with a little bit of hurt/comfort (given the prompt) for B7, if it’s not too much trouble, please? Either romantic or platonic would be fine with me, so it’s really up to you & what you’d like to write most. They’re just so sweet, and I wish we got more of them in the series. Thank you so much, dear! 💕
I'm so sorry that it's taken me this long to fulfill your request, Acacia. I just got hit with a serious case of writer's block and my brain was just... in a place to put it vaguely. I've managed to pull out of that mental state and now I have a fic for you!
Thank you for your patience! I don't know if just fulfilling the request is enough to make up for the wait. But I hope to continue interacting with you in the future! I opted to make the fic a RalEsse ship fic because well honestly, your "Treasures" fic inspired me to start making ship content for them. Heh heh... 😅
Summary: Finesse and Finral have a late night conversation about family and the future they have. Genre: general, fluff Word count: ~1000 Content notes: Mentions of pregnancy. Also, I couldn't help but include Josele and Sterling's presence in the fic. It is a little relevant to the topic of the fic.
Finesse hummed as she set a bouquet of flowers into a vase that rested atop the nightstand. The bouquet consisted of asters, shellflowers, holly, and flax. It was a rather chaotic choice of flowers, but Finesse appreciated the thought behind them. With the bouquet in order, Finesse picked up the letter that had come with the delivered flowers and went to her armchair to read it.
[Greetings from the Fausts to Finral and Finesse Roulacase…]
While the introduction was phrased formally, it was clearly written by a child’s hand, making it feel more casual.
She didn’t get any further before the door creaked open and Finral stepped in. His gait wobbled and his eyes were half closed. He walked for a bit, paused in the center of the room, and let out a sigh.
The sight made Finesse smile. One secret of hers was the fact that she found Finral’s exhausted state to be rather cute.
“Good evening, Finral,” Finesse greeted from her seat. “You’re looking quite chipper tonight.”
“Yu-aahhhhp. I’m in tip top shape…” Finral said without letting his yawn disrupt him. “What about you, love? How are you tonight?”
“Well, the Fausts dropped by with a bouquet and letter.” Finesse pointed to the flowers in the vase for Finral’s eyes to follow. “I was just about to read the letter.”
“Mm, that so?” Finral remained silent for a moment. “Was it just to deliver or did they stay a while?”
“They stayed for a bit of tea. And I got a chance to play with Sterling, the darling she is!” Finesse cooed, unable to hold in her adoration.
The thought of Josele and Nacht’s young daughter made Finesse’s eyes drift back to the bouquet. To her recollection, the holly and flax blossoms included in it represented domestic happiness. Domestic matters, like that of children, were something that Finesse and Finral were working on recently.
“Say Finral, what do you think of the bouquet?” Finesse asked as her husband examined the flowers more closely.
Being a former flirt, Finral surely knew the language of flowers as well and would understand what Finesse was getting at.
“I’m glad they’re showing their support, but it’s a little embarrassing that they’re so blatant about it,” Finral answered with a chuckle.
Finesse giggled. It wasn’t a humorous remark by any stretch of the imagination. It was simply that Finral’s laughter brought out Finesse’s own. That was the effect he had on her.
“Finral…” Finesse stood up and approached her husband to stand by his side. She placed a hand on his shoulder. “Do you believe we’re ready to be parents yet? That we’re prepared for children?”
“Kids, huh?” Finral removed Finesse’s hand from his shoulder but kept it in his grasp. “We’ve got most things regarding our home settled and we’ve been researching plenty so perhaps we are.”
“I’m glad you think so,” Finesse whispered. She pressed her face to Finral’s shoulder to hide her smile. Not out of guilt, but embarrassment and glee. The news wanted to pass through her lips so very much and bring a smile to Finral’s face.
“Good news: your recent bouts of nausea and lightheadedness aren’t a result of your constitution, Lady Finesse,” Doctor Owen stated with a smile a couple days ago.
“Well yeah. I’d like to think we’re ready right now but… There’s no need to rush things either,” Finral said carefully, gently. He turned so he and Finesse were face-to-face. “Why are you bringing this up, anyways?”
“You see, Finral, I just learned something today,” Finesse started as she leaned in closer. “That, when it comes to kids…”
“Wait… I just realized, we haven’t been discussing names whatsoever!” Finral suddenly gasped, making Finesse reel back in surprise. “We keep on talking about kids and the responsibilities with them! And we’ve been trying and trying these past weeks! But do we even know what we’ll call them?”
Finesse blinked a couple of times. A smile crawled onto her face as she choked down a laugh. She had summoned all her courage to say it, but the attempt ended in failure. Awkwardly, she averted her eyes.
“Pff—!” Finesse slapped a hand over her mouth to mask a most unladylike snort. “F-Fi-Finral! C-can’t-t that wait? Pfff fee hee hee!”
“But Finesse! There are so many names out there! Do you expect us to just know the right one the second the baby is born?”
“You don’t— Aha! Even know if-fffsssshh! A baby’s been conceiv— Ehee hee!” Finesse’s laughter went on and on. So overtaken, her knees buckled beneath her.
“Ah, Finesse!” Finral yelped. He eased her backwards and onto the bed. He sat beside her, still holding her hand and rubbing her back. “I didn’t mean—! You’re not unwell are you?”
“Ahaa… No no… Just overcome.” Finesse took a few deep breaths to calm herself. A couple of coughs escaped her but her heart wasn’t in any pain. She noticed Finral opening his mouth and placed a finger to his lips. “No apologizing for that. I found it quite delightful.”
Finral sighed and muttered, “Caught me, love.” Slowly, his hand came to a stop in the middle of Finesse’s back. She leaned against his arm, taking in his warmth. “You were going to say something earlier, right? I interrupted. Go on and tell me now.”
“Right, what I wanted to say…” Finesse sat upright and looked Finral in the eyes. “About kids… You did have a point regarding names because…” She took one of Finral’s hands and held it to her stomach. “Doctor Owen confirmed… We’re expecting.”
Finral’s eyes went wide. And his lips spread even wider into the brightest smile Finesse had ever seen on Finral.
“We better prepare more earnestly,” Finesse whispered. “Nine months will surely pass quickly.”
Finral nodded. Nodded and pulled Finesse into his arms.
He hugged so tight. Because he held not only his wife at that moment but their future child too.
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lyranova · 5 months
Happy Birthday Lyra, dear! Hope your day is every bit as wonderful as you are!! 💖💖 Cheers & much love to you
Hiya Acacia 💕!
Thank you so much dear 🥺💕! I had a pretty good day, i mostly stayed in bed and will probably either watch a movie or something after dinner 😆! I’m sending much love and positivity to you as well and I hope you’re doing well 🥰!
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acacia-may · 1 year
(Spoilers for ASOUE Netflix ahead and some book spoilers as well)
So I am absolutely loving these asks about [Netflix] Jacques and Olivia (Thank you so much, friends! 💖), but I feel bad for my anon-friends because I am sensing a sort of hesitant, nervous, making-sure-we-all-know-this-is-for-NETFLIX-Jacques x Olivia-so-this-ask-is-justified kind of energy which I can completely understand given the circumstances, however, I am the absolute last person who would ever, ever, a whole page of 'ever's judge anybody about this ship in particular. 😅 (Or maybe I'm off base here, and my anon-friends just really, really don't like the idea of Book Jacques x Book Olivia and want to be sure to differentiate? Which is a fair point too!)
Regardless, I feel it is time to come to come clean with you all about me, Jacques Snicket, and Olivia Caliban...
Jacques x Olivia was my ASOUE crackship before the Netflix series was released!
Maybe it was the drama™️ of it all? (A/N: Gotta love that sweet, sweet angst) Or this feeling I got while reading The Carnivorous Carnival that they had history maybe as good friends, maybe as something more, who knows? (A/N: It's the vibes) Maybe I took one (1) specific line from Olivia's whole 'confession' sequence in TCC, ran with it to the hinterlands of my mind and created an angsty betrayal subplot that had no business existing in the first place? (A/N: I did. I did do this. Pretty sure it was L.S.'s intention, right? Just kidding…) Whatever the reason (A/N: those are all the reasons, literally in the preceding sentences), I crack-shipped this for years prior to Netflix, and I will present the following texts from an exchange with my sister "Jackalope" (A/N: her nickname is a meme-y reference to ASOUE actually) as evidence that I was on board for this ship all the way back in the dark ages of February of 2018 when the trailer for Season 2 dropped...
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(A/N: My sisters and I took these screenshots at the time & saved them as proof of this phenomenon so I was able to find them more easily that you might think 😅)
And well, my friends, (as I'm sure we all know), I am happy to say he did so much more than just sit in that car with her...
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(Image from Shipping Wiki which I didn't know was a thing until just now! Glad that Jacques x Olivia is included there 💕 Image brightened up/edited by me)
After both of my sisters teased me mercilessly about even entertaining the possibility of Jacques and Olivia as a crackship, I cannot express to you my utter joy and delight in watching their Netflix counterparts fall deeply in love and be given this incredible romance storyline! I was so blessed and so vindicated, and I literally screamed when the kiss happened. Meanwhile, my sisters were watching in total shock like "I can't believe you actually predicted this!" 😂 We literally had to pause the episode after the kiss because everyone in the room just needed a moment to collect themselves (myself included).
All of this said, I promise I really do see Netflix Jacques x Netflix Olivia as a completely separate relationship (which I do actually ship to the highest, OTP levels). I am happy to report, however, that though Book Jacques and Book Olivia will always be a total crackship, my sisters did eventually concede it to me and never teased me about it again. And that is just how the story goes, folks. 😁
[A/N: Other fun facts about me, my ASOUE Book Series OTP is Dewey/Kit so as you can imagine, the Netflix series was a very, very good time for me overall, but that is, perhaps, a story for another time...]
TL;DR: I am the real Madame Lulu, and my inbox is always open to discuss any and all iterations of the Jacques Snicket x Olivia Caliban ship no explanation or specifications needed. (A/N: Of course, if you'd like to specify, that is welcomed and up to you. Just letting you all know this ship will never need to be defended or justified to me. We're all friends here 💖). Cheers, associates! 😁
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 11 months
I hate that I keep having to reset the "days since people last dragged Ange into their bullshit for no apparent reason" counter to 0. Other than well-wishes, I can only wish that this will STOP HAPPENING. SERIOUSLY. Have a picture of my cat Acacia featuring liddol Shiloh (my boyfriend's cat's bebe) and also ignore my toes lmao
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Thank you, Pancake, these are beautiful kitty pictures 💕
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maochira · 10 months
Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao Mao
Me is hungry pls feed me more older brother Kaiser scenario 🤗💕💖💞💖💞💞💞💕💖��💖💞💖💞💖💗💗💗💗💖💞💖💗💖💕💖
Itz been a long time since I saw one and I am DESPERATE to see more but most people see him as a bf and I am trying not to be mean about this
OKAY OKAY let me see what I can do <3
Requests open! - masterlist
Tags: gn!younger sibling!reader, fluff, Kaiser and reader have a 6 year age difference
Kaiser didn't expect to love being a big brother so much. To be honest, when his parents told him they were expecting another child he was very upset and kept being mad about it for months. No matter how often his parents reassured and comforted him, Kaiser still didn't get used to knowing he will have a little sibling soon.
Well, until you were there. The moment he got to see and hold you for the first time he suddenly started loving the idea of being a big brother. For the first few weeks, he still pretended to hate you simply out of spite - he's always hated admitting he changed his mind, even as a kid. But the more time passed by, the more he showes how much he loved you.
Little Kaiser already got excited about teaching you how to play soccer when you're a bit older. He was already looking forward to taking you along to his matches so you can watch him play and win with his team.
Despite the age difference, as you grew up Kaiser became your best friend. He adored watching you grow from a little baby into a little toddler and then into a kid and now into a teenager. Your parents love to tease him about how upset he was before you were born, but Kaiser always usually ignored that.
He might have started with hating the idea of no longer being an only child. But now, he loves being a big brother. He loves being your big brother.
Taglist (sign-up link): @astruosie @kaineedstherapy12 @zyuuuu @yerinsshi @luvcalico @remy-roll @truegoist @rienniey @vanitasbrainrot @mafuyudonutt @rrueyuo @weichspuelertrinker @acacIa @kermitslefteyeball11 @futuristicxie @bluelock4life @yueyingwrld @yuehailin @keiidaydreams @takorirei @sagejin @https-archangel @ririgards @depressed-bitchy-demon @kaiserkisser @userwithlotsoftime @yellowelectroslime @nikokii @chaosinanutshell @quite-eerie @midnightymel @rzu
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