skull-bearer · 2 months
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Dragonlance - Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Dalamar the Dark/Raistlin Majere, Caramon Majere/Tika Waylan Majere, Lemuel/Raistlin Majere, (past), Nuitari/Dalamar, Nuitari/Lunitari/Solinari, Dalamar the Dark/Raistlin Majere/Nuitari, The Gods of Magic are sluts Characters: Raistlin Majere, Dalamar the Dark, Caramon Majere, Tika Waylan Majere, Tasslehoff Burrfoot, Nuitari (Dragonlance), Lunitari (Dragonlance), Solinari (Dragonlance), Ladonna (Dragonlance), Iolanthe (Dragonlance), Par-Salian (Dragonlance), Justarius (Dragonlance), Kitiara uth Matar, Takhisis (Dragonlance), Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original Dragon Character(s), Lemuel (Dragonlance) Additional Tags: Misunderstandings, Kidnapping, Accidental kidnapping, First Meetings, Plot, Very unwelcome plot, Fuck Takhisis, Raistlin can't escape the plot of Legends, Killing Gods for Fun and Profit, Raistlin and Caramon being best bros, Tika isn't happy at being roped in, Tas is just happy to be along for the ride, Conclave being bastards, Somewhat less sex than the previous installment, because plot getting in the way, Dalamar is a very sweet idiot Series: Part 2 of Sexcapades Summary:
Raistlin takes the Tower of Palanthas, and is ready to settle in and enjoy a good life and perhaps find a little romance.
He should have known it could never be so easy.
Chapter 4: Duty In which there are revelations, and decisions to be taken. Some more welcome than others.
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isnt-it-pretty · 7 months
Dragonlance au where somebody other than Caramon actually does right by Raistlin when he's a kid instead of resenting, ostracizing, and demonizing him
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auranecho · 9 months
* hello solinari enjoyers i finally did another solinari thing
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updated emotions
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also neutral
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bonusdragons · 3 months
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June 28, 2024:
Cerulean Primary, Bogsneak, Glimmer.
Ramune of Solinary's clan!
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oldschoolfrp · 5 months
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Krynn and its three moons, Solinari, Lunitari, and Nuitari (George Barr, AD&D supplement Dragonlance Adventures, TSR, 1987)
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grailfinders · 1 year
Grailfinders Viewers' Choice #18: Archetype: Earth
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today on Grailfinders we’re building everyone’s favorite funny vampire, Arcueid Brunestud, a.k.a Archetype: Earth. so yeah, all we have to do is make the primal manifestation of the planet who is canonically the most powerful character in Tsukihime in dungeons and dragons.
so obviously she’s a Silverquill Bard to do whatever the hell she wants and to get a free cast of Silvery Barbs constantly, but we also dip into Circle of the Land Druid for even more free spells and some shapeshifting.
check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Race and Background
So, obviously the funny vampire has to be like, a dhampir or something right?
while Arc can suck people’s blood, she chooses not to, so I’d rather not pick a race that’s built around their bites. True Ancestors are naturally occurring beings that come out fully formed, and while they can suck blood, they can also choose not to with enough power. wildly enough, D&D already has a class that fits that description perfectly! hailing from the plane of Kaladesh, put your hands together for the Aetherborn!
most of their stat block is nothing we haven’t seen in other races- some Darkvision here, resistance to necrotic damage from being Born of Aether there, proficiency in Intimidation… the things that set them apart are the optional Gift of the Aetherborn, the previously mentioned bloodsucking which will start an addiction if you use it in-game, and the fact that they get three different stat boosts instead of most races’ two. you get +2 Charisma as well as two +1s in any stats you choose, like Dexterity and Constitution.
we’re also completely throwing out the rulebook on this build by picking up the  Mage of High Sorcery background, giving Arc proficiency in Arcana and History as well as the Initiate of High Sorcery feat she wouldn’t be able to get otherwise. hey look, you’re getting power from the moon! specifically we’re picking the moon Solinari to get Comprehend Languages and Shield. they technically use your Charisma to cast, and you can cast each of them once a day for free, or by using spell slots. you even get Fire Bolt for free too!
Ability Scores
Arc’s highest score is her Charisma. everyone loves Arc. you love Arc. more importantly, Nasu loves Arc. After that is Wisdom. as an embodiment of nature, it would be weird if you didn’t know much about it. Third highest is Constitution. I don’t think a +1 bonus is quite high enough to count for Arc’s nigh-invulnerability, but it’s a start. Your Dexterity is also okay, though I wish it could be higher to deal with fighting in a dress, but we’ll get something to help there later. That means our Strength isn’t great. Obviously it’s supposed to be higher, but DND characters need weaknesses, and this one can get covered by other options later. Finally, we’re dumping Intelligence. Two of your ascensions are completely unaware of the outside world, and we needed wisdom for nature stuff.
Class Levels
1. Bard 1: if you want to be the most powerful vampire, you have to learn the most powerful Spells, which you can cast using your Charisma. right now you can use Friends and Charm Person to make sure everyone loves the funny vampire, as well as Prestidigitation for various general uses, Earth Tremor to tremor some earth like the nature spirit you are, Heroism to boost the offensive power of your allies, and Longstrider to move a bit faster than the average person.
…what? we’re obviously not going to get the most powerful spells at level one. be patient.
you also get Bardic Inspiration, so you can give a d6 to your friends to improve one of their attacks, saves, or skill checks Charisma Modifier times per long rest. plus, starting as a bard you get proficiency in Dexterity and Charisma saves, plus three skills of your choice. Athletics and Acrobatics will help make up for the low scores in physical stats, and Nature just kind of makes sense.
2. Bard 2: second level bards can do whatever they want thanks to being a Jack of All Trades, adding half their proficiency bonus to any skill checks they make without proficiency. you can also sing a Song of Rest during short rests so your party heals 1d6 more if they use hit dice. like every other bard build, I have no excuse for this being here, but so few people heal on short rests anyways, it’s fine. your inspiration also becomes Magical Inspiration, so your allies can now add it to their healing and damage rolls from spells.
you can also Speak with Animals now. that’s a nature thing, probably. don’t worry, the funny vampire stuff will come.
3. Bard 3: At third level you join the college of Silverquill, becoming an Eloquent Apprentice. this gives you a free Sacred Flame, and you get proficiency in Insight and Persuasion. Soon, everyone will love the funny vampire. you can also cast Silvery Barbs. not the spell, but the feature! the only meaningful difference is that the feature doesn’t work on charm-immune creatures.
for anyone who doesn’t know how this works, you can react to any creature succeeding on an attack, check, or save within 60’ of you, and force them to roll another d20 and use the lower roll. if this causes the roll to fail, you can then empower another creature nearby, allowing them to roll another attack, check, or save they make within the next minute. as a feature, you can do this for free once per day, though the use isn’t actually expended until it causes a failure. that being said, the reason we’ll never pick up the spell in this build is because you can still use the feature again and again by spending spell slots. so yes, we now have essentially three extra spell slots, and we’re only at level three.
speaking of spell slots, you have second level slots now, and second level spells to use them with. Aid will add to your total HP as well as that of your allies’ for eight hours after casting.
finally, you get Expertise in two skills, doubling your proficiency bonus with Athletics and Acrobatics respectively. sure, you won’t be great at punching people, but with this and Jack of All Trades, you can more or less cover for having such a low strength score in the first place.
4. Bard 4: at fourth level you get your first Ability Score Improvement, so let’s round up those odd scores with a +1 to Dexterity and Charisma for stronger spells and a higher AC. if you’re really bent out of shape about your weak lil fists you can cast True Strike now to get advantage on your next melee attack. or you can spend your turn doing something actually useful like casting Enhance Ability to further enhance your skill rolls with free advantage for a minute for one kind of ability. intelligence, wisdom, and charisma don’t have anything special, but if you pick strength, you’ll also double your carrying capacity. constitution will give you some temporary HP, and dexterity prevents falling damage.
5. Bard 5: at level five bards get their biggest level yet. your inspiration die becomes a d8 now, and you become a Font of Inspiration, letting you recharge your dice every short rest instead of just long ones. you can grab third level spells now, but I’m going to hold off on that for a level to pick up Shatter. now you can punch really well, and you have a spell that can hit multiple enemies, which should start being useful around now.
6. Bard 6: if you’re going to be a powerful vampire, you need powerful feats, like Countercharm. hah, just kidding, that sucks. Inky Shroud is pretty cool though. you learn Darkness for free, and you can cast it once a day without spending a spell slot. on top of that, casting it for free lets you see through the darkness, and creatures starting their turn there take psychic damage with no save!
you can also manifest your naturey powers with some Plant Growth, which you can cast in two ways. the short-term growth creates difficult terrain in an area, while the long-term version will improve crop yields, if you ever feel like being nice to the NPCs.
7. Bard 7: at seventh level you get a lot more mobile thanks to Dimension Door allowing you to teleport up to 500’ away as an action, and you can even bring a willing friend along for the ride!
8. Bard 8: okay, I’m done with all this boring crap. grab that last Charisma boost from your ASI and learn Polymorph. admittedly this spell is stretching things a little, but you do get compared to Enkidu sometimes, and they can shapeshift out the wazoo. with Polymorph, you can turn yourself or a friend into any beast of a challenge rating equal to or lower than their level, fully replacing their stats and HP.
9. Bard 9: ninth level bards can play a better song of rest, but more importantly they get fifth level spells. with Hold Monster you can now use your rainbow mystic eyes to paralyze any one creature in place if they fail a wisdom save and aren’t undead. you can even use it on multiple targets by upcasting it, though I imagine you’ll have better uses for a ninth level spell slot. (aid, obviously.) this gives your allies advantage on all attacks against the paralyzed enemy, with instant critical damage for melee attacks. you can’t really take advantage of that yet, but give it a hot second.
10. Bard 10: now that a hot second has passed, let’s get down to business. real quick- your inspiration is a d10 now, and you have expertise in Persuasion and Nature (everyone will love that vampire).
you also learn some Magical Secrets, so you can pick up any two spells from any spell list in the game. for your regular cantrip pick up Blade Ward for some more unkillability. then for your secrets, Primal Savagery lets you turn your hands into claws and attack people, dealing acid damage when you hit. since it’s a spell attack, it’ll use your charisma (good) instead of your strength (bad). you can also craft a Wall of Stone. stone is natural, you make nature happen.
11. Druid 1: we’re only bouncing over to druid for a few things, but you do learn some Druidic while you’re there, and you learn even more cantrips. Shillelagh lets you make any staff magical, though it’ll still only use your wisdom to hit. still better than strength. you can also gain Resistance to magic thanks to an extra d4 on your next saving throw, and you can Mold Earth.
most importantly, you gain access to the druid Spell list, one of the most powerful in the game. and I don’t have to tell you exactly what to pick this time since anything that makes something natural is fair game.
your druid and bard spell slots kind of blur together, so check your handbook to see how many spell slots you have at a given time.
12. Druid 2: Second level druids can use a Wild Shape twice a short rest, turning into a beast of cr ¼ or lower as an action. Polymorph is much stronger at this stage, though being able to keep your intelligence and concentrate on another spell can have its uses. you can also use this to turn into Neco-Arc without wasting a fourth level spell slot.
alternatively, you can summon one as your Wild Companion, letting you cast Find Familiar for free instead.
as a druid of the land, you have access to another druid cantrip like gust. wind is natural, and we hadn’t picked it up yet. more importantly, your Natural Recovery lets you recharge spell slots over a short rest, with the total level recovered equal to half your druid level rounded up. yes, we’re taking multiple levels in another class just to get Breath of the Planet. you know I wouldn’t leave you hanging, fans of Breath of the Planet. can I call you breathheads? I’m not sure if that’s a fan nickname or a slur, it sounds a little like both.
13. Druid 3: third level druids get second level spells, and as a land druid you get some extras depending on the kind of nature you’re representing. while the moon may have a lot of seas, the forest circle has spells we actually want. Barkskin will supercharge your AC for a short period of time, while Spider Climb lets you do the classic “crawling up the walls” vampire thing.
14. Bard 11: now that our random detour is over, you get sixth level bard spells like Eyebite. It’s an even better and more literal Rainbow Mystic Eyes skill! each turn for a minute, you can use your action (including the casting action) to force one creature you can see to make a Wisdom save. if they fail, you can force them asleep, into a panic, or make them sickened.
15. Bard 12: using aid to bump up your health is getting less and less feasible at this point, so use this ASI to bump up your Constitution for an extra 15 HP this level.
16. Bard 13: blah blah better song of rest who cares it’s Mirage Arcane time baby! you can now make the millenium castle, as well as just about anything else you’d like, as long as it fits within a square mile of space. it takes ten minutes to cast, but it lasts ten days, and despite being an “illusion”, it even feels real. it also says it can’t change the general shape of the terrain, but then it immediately gives suggestions where it does exactly that, so it might just be poorly written.
17. Bard 14: fourteenth level strixhaven bards are a little weird. most classes get four subclass features, but bards don’t, so we have to pick between two different features this level. that said, Word of Power is obviously the stronger option. whenever your silvery barbs succeeds, the failed creature gets a vulnerability to one damage type for the rest of the round. you can’t capitalize on this, but if your paladin friend got a better initiative than you you can cause some serious damage.
alternatively, you can use your reaction to give a creature resistance to a type of damage they’re taking, with you taking the blocked damage as a psychic hit. boom, third skill done and dusted.
you also get another round of magical secrets, so pick up Haste for some actual super-speed and Wall of Thorns for some more plant growth. the former gives you doubled movement speed and an extra action for dashing, the latter makes a wall of thorny bushes that is 60’ long and 10’ high. creatures in the area upon its creation take piercing damage, and movement through the wall is quartered. moving into or ending a turn in the wall also deals slashing damage.
18. Bard 15: your inspiration grows one last time to a d12, and you can now cast eighth level spells like Glibness. for up to an hour after casting, all your charisma checks can automatically get a 15 on the die. there is no longer any point in resisting. you will like the funny vampire.
19. Bard 16: for our final ASI, we’re picking up a feat! no, we’re not grabbing Tough. instead, pick up Adept of the White Robes to get those fancy outfits you like wearing. thanks to this feat, you can now cast Fortune’s Favor once a day for free, and it’s added to your spell list as well. it takes a minute to cast, but for an hour afterwards the target can end the spell to roll another d20 when they make an attack, check or save, and use either option. this can also be used when someone attacks them. essentially, it’s a use of the lucky feat. things just kind of go Arc’s way. it’s mostly thanks to being the ultimate lifeform, but being the author’s favorite doesn’t hurt. 100 gold per casting is pretty costly, but when you upcast it you can give your whole party pseudo-Lucky, so it’s well worth the price.
you can also make a Protective Ward using your Charisma. when a creature takes damage nearby, you can use your reaction and a spell slot to reduce the damage they take. it’s kind of like Word of Power, but it’ll usually help less, though not having to bean yourself to make it work is nice. your roll the spell slot’s level in d6s, add your charisma modifier, and that’s how much damage it saves. you technically don’t have a use for your ninth level slot yet, but I still think there’s better uses than eating 9d6 damage, probably. but if it’s that or someone disintegrating go nuts.
20. Bard 17: our final level of bard gives you the most powerful bard feature ever made. mankind weeps at its coming… because the improved Song of Rest die is actually really bad. it scales terribly. the ninth level spell is cool though, especially if you pick Foresight. after a minute of cast time, you can spend the next eight hours with future sight, preventing you from ever being surprised. you also get advantage on all attacks, saves, and checks, plus anyone attacking you has disadvantage. it costs nothing, and it doesn’t use concentration. go nuts.
Archetype vs. Arc
normally, this is the part of the post where I post the strengths and weaknesses of the build. but this is a chance to simp for Magical-Biche’s Arcueid build, so instead I’m going to compare the two here and see if Earth can stand up to the original.
for anyone who doesn’t remember, the other Arc is a Vengeance Paladin and a Champion Fighter, as well as a Barbarian for flavor and unarmored defense. assuming they’re fighting one-on-one at level 20 it’s a pretty even match, with Arc showing up with way more HP and a more physical fighting style than Earth. however, Earth’s Foresight pulls a lot of weight to put her back in the lead, especially by giving Arc disadvantage on all attacks and using either shield or silvery barbs to beat back anything that still gets through.
Overall I think Earth would probably eke out a win here, but going up against Arc at any other level isn’t even a question. Arc’s simply way too aggressive for Earth to handle, even if she’s given setup time to cover for all of her bardic squishiness. it’s especially bad considering her most powerful attacking spell a) uses a save, which Arc’s paladin aura defangs handily, and b) deals physical damage, which Arc can resist.
I still think the Earth build is cool, it has a lot more utility than Arc does, but in a straight fight Arc stomps the competition.
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anakinsafterlife · 1 year
WIP Meme
I was tagged by @skull-bearer to post the sentences from my WIP where one or more of these words appears:
Words: moon | searching | shadow | tides | wait
This is from the Palin Majere fic; some parts I've posted and some not yet.
"But he cannot know that,” the elven wizard said. There was clear reluctance in his voice; he spoke as if obligation were dragging the words out of him.
Palin held back the twitch in his face with effort. He did know. Despite the fullness of the white moon that had guided him through the Iron Wood, he was certain that satellite was not the Solinari he known on Krynn. The pale god had no place in this realm, and any vows Palin swore were unlikely to be noted.
“Let me down, beast,” the elf over Nabon’s shoulder rasped.
Nabon cast a glance at Palin, who barely had the energy to nod. The giant set Elidor on the ground and watched as the old mage steadied himself, searching for his balance after too long off his feet. The bony hands of the elf came up to slowly wipe away the tracks of tears that had left long streaks across the thin brown skin of his face.
“It’s not true,” he whispered. “I would have tried, but there was nothing to be done. There was nothing to be done.”
Despite the open daylight and how clear and shadowless the woods appeared, Palin still thought that he could see the edge of a black robe somewhere up ahead, flapping in the wind, was certain that he heard Raistlin's distant, mocking whisper:
Liar, Nephew. Liar.
Tides: (I added this bit in to fit the meme, and I like it!)
“It should not have,” Elidor agreed. “And yet…”
“And yet it did?” Palin guessed.
“Yes. It worked. Every time. Nothing held me back from darker spells, until such a time came as I found myself performing works that even a Red Robe would hesitate to cast. And still they worked. No warning ever came from the White moon, no new force to change the slow tides of my spiritual corruption."
“Palin!” the young woman called out to him as she dropped lightly onto the dirt of the town centre. “Wait!”
Palin adopted a firm pace, striding toward the border of Solace. When he heard Usha call his name again and start in pursuit, he began to run.
New words:
corrupt | futile | spell | grimace | senses
You don't have to use all of the words! Can be from already posted fic, and art works too.
Tagging: @lordansketil , @lilybarthes , @emeraldgreaves , @rawmanticism , @dreamofpeppermints
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foreleee-textstuffz · 2 years
Dragonlance Quotes - Raistlin
"This wasn't in the histories", Raistlin murmured to himself, staring down at the little wretched bodies, his brow furrowed. His eyes flashed. "Perhaps", he breathed, "this means time has already been altered?" For long moments he sat there, pondering. Then suddenly he understood. None saw Raistlin's face, hidden as it was by his hood, or they would have noted a swift, sudden spasm of sorrow and anger pass across it. "No," he said to himself bitterly, "the pitiful sacrifice of these poor creatures was left out of the histories not because it did not happen. It was left out simply because-" He paused, staring grimly down at the small, broken bodies. "No one cared..."
“Death floats on the air, creeps through the window, comes with the handshake of a stranger. If we stop living because we fear death, then we have already died.“
"Hope is the Denial of Reality"
“Raistlin turned inward, to the very core of his being, and he vowed, I will do this. Nothing in my life matters except this. No moment of my life exists except this moment. I am born in this moment, and if I fail, I will die in this moment.“
"The dark crimes that stain my soul, brother, you cannot begin to imagine. If you knew, you would turn from me in horror and in loathing. And, you are right. Sometimes, in the night, even I turn from myself.
But, know this, Caramon. I committed those crimes intentionally, willingly. Know this, too. There are darker crimes before me, and I will commit them, intentionally, willingly....”
“Good-bye... my brother,” Caramon said.
Holding Crysania in his arms, the Staff of Magius in one hand, Caramon turned and walked away. The light of the staff formed a circle around him, a circle of silver that shone in the darkness like the moonbeams of Solinari glistening upon the calm waters of Crystalmir Lake. The silver beams struck the dragon’s heads, freezing them, changing them to silver, silencing their screams. Caramon stepped through the Portal. Raistlin, watching him with his soul, caught a blurred glimpse of colors and life and felt a brief whisper of warmth touch his sunken cheek. Behind him, he could hear the mocking laughter gurgle into harsh, hissing breath. He could hear the slithering sounds of a gigantic scaled tail, the creaking of wing tendons. Behind him, five heads whispered words of torment and terror.
Steadfastly, Raistlin stood, staring into the Portal. He saw Tanis run to help Caramon, he saw him take Crysania in his arms. Tears blurred Raistlin’s s vision. He wanted to follow! He wanted Tanis to touch his hand! He wanted to hold Crysania in his arms... He took a step forward.
He saw Caramon turn to face him, the staff in his hand.
Caramon stared into the Portal, stared at his twin, stared beyond his twin. Raistlin saw his brother’s eyes grow wide with fright.
Raistlin did not have to turn to know what his brother saw. Takhisis crouched behind him. He could feel the chill of the loathsome reptile body flow about him, fluttering his robes. He sensed her behind him, yet her thoughts were not on him. She saw her way to the world, standing open...
“Shut it!” Raistlin screamed.
A blast of flame seared Raistlin’s flesh. A taloned claw stabbed him in the back. He stumbled, falling to his knees. But he never took his eyes from the Portal, and he saw Caramon, his twins face anguished, take a step forward, toward him!
“Shut it, you fool!” Raistlin shrieked, clenching his fists. “Leave me alone! I don’t need you any more! I don’t need you!”
And then the light was gone. The Portal slammed shut, and blackness pounced upon him with raging, slathering fury. Talons ripped his flesh, teeth tore through muscle, and crunched bone. Blood flowed from his breast, but it would not take with it his life.
He screamed, and he would scream, and he would keep on screaming, unendingly...
Something touched him... a hand... He clutched at it as it shook him, gently. A voice called,
“Raist! Wake up! It was only a dream. Don’t be afraid. I won’t let them hurt you! Here, watch... I’ll make you laugh.”
The dragons coils tightened, crushing out his breath. Glistening black fangs ate his living organs, devoured his heart. Tearing into his body, they sought his soul.
A strong arm encircled him, holding him close. A hand raised, gleaming with silver light, forming childish pictures in the night, and the voice, dimly heard, whispered, “Look, Raist, bunnies... .”
He smiled, no longer afraid. Caramon was here.
The pain eased. The dream was driven back. From far away, he heard a wail of bitter disappointment and anger. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered anymore. Now he just felt tired, so very, very tired...
Leaning his head upon his brother’s arm, Raistlin closed his eyes and drifted into a dark, dreamless, endless sleep.
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meenoosart · 2 years
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(Je sais que ça va rien te dire, obscure référence à Lancedragon, mon chat, mais là j’imagine les dieux de la magie Solinari, Nuitari et Lunitari en guitares et c’est un concept très bizarre ^^;;)
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tenth-sentence · 2 months
Turning slightly, he saw the last beaming rays of Solinari's fading light touch Goldmoon's beautiful silver-gold hair.
"DragonLance Chronicles: Dragons of Spring Dawning" - Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
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whats-in-a-sentence · 2 months
In Solinari's light, the Bridge of Passage across the bubbling streams of Foghaven Vale gleamed like bright pearls threaded on a silver chain.
"DragonLance Chronicles: Dragons of Winter Night" - Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
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haveyouheardmetal · 7 months
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Pictured: Solinari, released in 1999
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auranecho · 9 months
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bonusdragons · 2 years
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December 6, 2022:
Cherry Tertiary, Bogsneak, Flecks.
Oddity of Solinary’s clan!
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cagemasterfantasy · 7 months
Cleric (Arcana Domain)
Magic is an energy that suffuses the multiverse and that fuels both destruction and creation. Gods of the Arcana domain know the secrets and potential of magic intimately. For some of these gods, magical knowledge is a great responsibility that comes with a special understanding of the nature of reality. Other gods of Arcana see magic as pure power, to be used as its wielder sees fit.
The gods of this domain are often associated with knowledge, as learning and arcane power tend to go hand-in-hand. In the Realms, deities of this domain include Azuth and Mystra, as well as Corellon Larethian of the elven pantheon. In other worlds, this domain includes Hecate, Math Mathonwy, and Isis; the triple moon gods of Solinari, Lunitari, and Nuitari of Krynn; and Boccob, Vecna, and Wee Jas of Greyhawk.
Arcana Domain Spells
Cleric Level 1: Detect Magic and Magic Missile
Cleric Level 3: Magic Weapon and Nystrul's Magic Aura
Cleric Level 5: Detect Magic and Remove Curse
Cleric Level 7: Arcane Eye and Leomund's Secret Chest
Cleric Level 9: Planar Binding and Teleportation CIRCLE
Arcane Initiate: When you choose this domain at level you gain proficiency in the Arcana skill, and you gain two cantrips of your choice from the Wizard spell list. For you, these cantrips count as cleric cantrips.
Channel Divinity: Arcane Abjuration: Starting at level 2, you can use Channel Divinity to abjure otherworldly creatures.
As an action, you present your holy symbol, and one celestial, elemental, fey, or fiend of your choice that is within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw, provided that the creature can see or hear you. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage.
A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can't willingly end its move in a space within 30 feet of you. It also can't take reactions. For its action, it can only use the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there's nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.
After you reach level 5, when a creature fails its saving throw against Arcane Abjuration feature, the creature is banished for 1 minute (as in the spell Banishment, no concentration required) if it isn't on its plane of origin and its challenge rating is at or below a certain threshold, as shown on the Arcane Banishment table.
Arcane Banishment:
Cleric Level 5: Challenge Rating 1/2 or lower
Cleric Level 8: Challenge Rating 1 or lower
Cleric Level 11: 2 or lower
Cleric Level 14: 3 or lower
Cleric Level 17: 4 or lower
Spell Breaker: Starting at level 6, when you restore hit points to an ally with a spell of 1st level or higher, you can also end one spell of your choice on that creature. The level of the spell you end must be equal to or lower than the level of the spell slot you use to cast the healing spell.
Potent Spellcasting: Starting at level 8, you add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.
Arcane Mastery: At level 17, you choose four spells from the Wizard Spell List, one from each of the following levels: 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th. You add them to your list of domain spells. Like your other domain spells, they are always prepared and count as Cleric spells for you.
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silverglass83 · 2 years
Three Moons Repost
To celebrate Dragonlance returning to the spot light with a 5th edition release, and because I nuked my old Tumblr and Deviant Art accounts, here’s this painting again.
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Acrylic painting on 3 separate canvases. It was also featured in the Dragonlance Nexus’s Tasslehoff’s Pouches of Everything Revised. Found on the DMs guild
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