#solomon × ilsa
faust-lane · 6 months
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i--am-the--one · 2 years
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chieftyphoonchaos · 2 years
When you lover puts you on a train and breaks your heart😥😭
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How will I know you're okay?
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You won't. You'll never see me again.
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To be continued.....😭
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julesnichols · 11 months
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Ilsa Faust + the Thigh Move™️
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ilsafausthunt · 1 year
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Rogue Nation | Fallout
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nemmet · 1 year
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@pamiiap i opened my editing app as soon as i saw this
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Mission impossible text posts pt 5
Bonus: Ilsa Faust when realizing she has to work with Ethan and his team again:
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ianduncankinnie · 5 months
I want someone to write an MI crack fic where the imf team goes to Disney world trying to catch a bad guy but turns out it's like Benji wanting to spend some time with his friends. 👉👈
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nade2308 · 1 year
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Early mornin', the city breaks
I've been callin' for years and years and years and years
And you never left me no messages, you never sent me no letters
You got some kind of nerve, takin' all I want
— The Fray, "You found me"
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
@thethistlegirl @malewifebillcage
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prahelika · 2 months
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The Adjustment Bureau ।। A Benthan AU
"There's one more piece to all this I haven't told you, my funny little friend."
"And what's that?"
"If you stay with him, it doesn't just kill your dreams. It kills his."
"I don't believe you."
"When you look back at all this, Benji, just remember, we tried to reason with you."
(Featuring Benjamin Dunn as David Norris, Ethan Hunt as Elise Sellas, Ilsa Faust as Harry Mitchell, Solomon Lane as Thompson)
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faust-lane · 1 year
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i--am-the--one · 2 years
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chieftyphoonchaos · 2 years
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Do You like SM baby?…
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take me i'm yours baby !!!
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kitkat27 · 11 months
Two Lines
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Ilsa discovers life changing information but dealing with Lane again will have to come first …
Posted on ao3 - kit_kat_27
Thank you sooooo much to @justabigassnerd for putting up with me for the last couple of months while I’ve been writing. Couldn’t have done it without your support!
It will becoming a series hopefully (comment if you want on the taglist)
Please let me know what you guys think. I’ve not done a lot of romance and haven’t written for about 2 yrs so I’m a bit rusty. This is my first fic in this fandom, it’s one of the longest I’ve written and one of my first fight scenes. Ignore grammar and spelling mistakes. This will be posted on ao3 too !
Two lines. Two definite pink lines. Two lines blink back at her confirming her suspicions. Two lines that will now change her life from this exact moment.
Two lines that couldn't be erased. Lines that confirm her body was right. All the signs that she had been dodging confirmed her fears.
Fingers grazed against her abdomen, as if her fingers were scared if they lingered too long it would confirm her fears.
This had been at the bottom of her list, hell after being with the syndicate for two years it had been erased from it. And for finding out, a derelict safe house in rural Denmark was not the scenario she had thought of many years ago.
She had snagged the test the other week and let it burn a hole in her bag until she was going to pop under the pressure.
She'd finally given in to the pressure at the safehouse with the safety of knowing the boys wouldn't be back for another couple of hours.
But now she wasn’t sure what to do, sitting in the bathroom staring at the two pink lines. For once in her life she didn't have the next step already planned. She wasn’t sure how long she had been sitting there as the sounds of the boys inthe driveway indicated their return.
Not wanting Ethan to find out yet, she needed to wrap her brain around it first, she shoved the test down into the depths of her bag where she hoped it would stay hidden until she was ready to tell.
Solomon Lane was a name that kept appearing, though all four wished it didn't. Every time they thought they were done he would reappear.
And so they were, here again, staring at the computer each wishing that if the computer was closed and reopened it would be gone, and they could go back to chilling in their safe house.
But alas, they did. Brandt, who now made secretary, had sent them an email after word had gotten out that Lane had escaped Alana's grip and had not been handed over to MI6.
Nobody knew if either Alanna or the Mi6 had played a part in his escape. You can only trust a broker so much, Alanna would always think of herself no matter what she had promised.
But the wind was that he had escaped to Europe where some of his still, somehow, loyal followers remained. The organization was heading to a remote village in Kashmir threatening to release a nuclear bomb that would starve a third of the world's population.
Brandt was warning them to take these hints about Lane with a pinch of salt as it wasn't said who had given them this information and to approach the entire case with caution.
She was going to have to put telling Ethan, he would end the mission before it even started if she told him now the news on the back burner for now. If Lane found out they were carrying new information he wouldn't stop till he found.
They split up once they reached the camp, Lane would stand out like a sore thumb in the remote village.
Ethan and Luther took to the nearby medical camp, leaving Benji and Ilsa to tackle the village. Ethan and Ilsa didn’t want to split, they worked better together but Lane would be wanting them to be together.
Once they reached the village, they split again to cover more ground while keeping each other in sight. Well, it was more Ilsa keeping an eye on Benji as she was concerned about Benji running into Lane alone again.
She knew he’d passed field tests and could hold his own, but he didn’t have the same skills or experience. She and Ethan had an unspoken agreement that they’d always put themselves in the firing line before Luther and Benji.
Making her way around the village, she did her best to stay under the radar. Lane had predicated all their movements but she had wanted to at least try to be in front. Out of the main village, on the outskirts, a lone house stood. Void of any women or children hanging outside, drawing her to it.
‘Benji, I may have a lead, stay close by and on comms. We'll draw attention if we both go ‘
Her fellow brit already began to panic at her evading the laid out plan, ‘‘Ilsa, you know what etha-’
‘Stay close by, I need to do this’ and with that, she blocked out the following Benji ramble.
Nothing on the outside balcony gave any clues to Lane. Pausing at the bottom of the steps, she could hear Benji arguing in her ear and threatening to switch on Ethan’s earpiece knowing he would stop this.
But she wanted to, no she needed to take on Lane herself.
She needed to find some form of closure from the years she worked in the syndicate, and the pain and torture he put her friends through.
Some closure for the nights she woke up screaming. All the years by herself, all the years alone, he needed to repay.
She made her way into the house. with each step she took her mind was on overdrive, her eyes darting back and forth making sure her six was covered.
Training would tell her that walking through an open door is a trap. Sweeping the first room, there was nothing in the house that wasn't covered in dust or had seen better days.
A blur of movement occurred in her peripheral vision of a figure moving to another room. Mentally apologizing to Ethan and the boys she followed.
The room was the same as the last a movement attracting her to a darkened section of the room causing her to turn aro-
A blinding pain across the back of her skull turned her vision white.
With the back of her head throbbing leaving her frozen, another blow to her lower back dropped her to the ground, the world turning black.
‘Ilsa, Ilsa. I know you can hear me. I'm a second away from calling Ethan’. This wasn't a good idea.
‘Ilsa you better respond’
Why couldn't Luther have gone with Ilsa, she listened to him the most. Luther was the only one who sometimes could reign her in these situations.
Ilsa’s tracker showed her around the edge of the village, where Lane would want her. He would know she would split from the group and that she would tackle him alone. Pulling out his phone he sent a message to Luther, warning of his worries without alerting Ethan.
He readied his gun as he spotted the lonely house in front of him. Why could the bad guys never be sitting in a coffee shop ready to hand themselves over after grabbing a latte?
Silence. The house was empty. 2 spies would be quiet but shouldn’t be completely silent.
Sweeping all the rooms in the house, the worry grew with every increasing minute he spent with no sign of Ilsa or Lane.
‘ Ilsa, Ilsa are you i-’, blood.
Blood. Ilsa’s gun.
Blood, a lot of blood for a spy who was the best of the best.
‘ Benji, where are you?’, shit Ethan.
‘ The house at the end of the village, Ilsa spotted Lane here and went after him. She’s-’, doing this over comms would be easier than face to face, ‘she’s not here Ethan. Lane has her, she's injured’
Ethan never panicked but he’d never had someone like Ilsa in his life before.
The one warning he had given to the team was to not take Lane on alone, especially Ilsa. She had failed tests towards the end of her undercover stint. She wouldn't be lucky the next time she ran into Lane alone.
Lane and Ilsa were stubborn and hot-headed, with an intense hatred for each other, what would happen when the two were reunited Ethan didn't want to know.
In the safe house in Denmark she had acted a little off, an unknown fear had flickered across her face when their time off in Denmark was being cut short.
Benji was waiting for them on the porch of the house, panic written over his face. He didn't waste time looking in the house, no point subjecting his heart to what she had gone through.
Circling the house there was almost nothing to go on until he came across faint footsteps leading away from the home to some soft tire tracks in the distance.
There were only 2 sets of prints, both too big for Ilsa. Lane had a plan in mind for another location. She would be no match for him unconscious and drugged. Luther and Benji hung back letting him decide on what to do next.
The tracks led deep into the mountains. Wasting no time in telling the other two what or where he was going, he began sprinting back to where they had left the car at the medical camp,
‘I’ll get you two as I come past’
A pounding pain pulsed at the back of her head. The first effort in opening her eyes sent a shockwave of pain around her skull. The second she managed to open them she noticed a figure sitting in front of her.
‘Nice of you to finally join me’. The figure chuckled, ‘It took a large amount of drugs to keep you knocked out. I trained you well.’
A haggard version of the man she spent 2 years doing every bidding.
‘We’re owed a reunion and a rematch don't we, my dear Ilsa’. He took her face in his hands his callused hands tightening around her jaw, smirking she was putty in his hands.
‘You're not speaking my dear? I thought you'd have plenty to say to me’.
Heading towards the open door he turned at the doorway, ‘I'm gonna give you time to think until that pretty boyfriend of yours figures out where we are. Then I’ll be a man and kill you myself.’
Taking notice of her current predicament, she noted her ankles and wrists were bound tight, sores already forming.
As she was deciding on whether to dislocate her thumb, her wrist snagged on a sharp edge on the back of the chair. All the spy movies loved this cliché and for once she was glad it was happening.
She had to work fast, not knowing when Lane would come back into the hut. Her wrists released themselves from their binding, she immediately worked on releasing her legs fingernails beginning to bleed at the frantic speed at which she was working.
A loaded gun. The cold metal was placed against her forehead ‘My sweet Ilsa, I always am shown why Atlee chose you. You never disappoint’
Glancing upwards, she met Lane's eyes his gaze cold but joyful. He loved getting a rise out of those who crossed him.
‘I'm glad’
Neither of them moved both poised, when all of a sudden it was like a bullet had been fired and the fight began.
Drawing a knife from her boot, she lunged for Lane whilst grabbing his gun with the other hand. Knocking him backwards from the force of her attack, the gun falling from his grasp.
Swiping her blade aiming for his throat but taking any damage that would occur. The surprise of her attack quickly wore off, Lane began to block her attempts with his own.
A fist collided with her cheek and knocked her back a step. Another landing on her ribs sent an alarming crunch throughout the room.
She folded in on herself, exaggerating her pain from the broken ribs, waiting until he was close enough till she could grab a hold of his arm and use his momentum to flip him over her back.
Before Lane had a chance to react she threw herself on top of him wrapping her hands around his throat and applying all the pressure she could.
He scrambled underneath, fear in his eyes at the strength of her attack, attempting to rip her hands off him. She was squeezing with all her might but her power was in using her thighs to choke. Lane knew her inside and out she didn't want to be too predictable.
She was about to change tactics when a hand in her hair dragged her backwards with such force throwing her against the wall of the hut.
Not taking any time to find out who had joined, she kicked out at her attacker's legs. Swiping their feet, toppling them onto a winded Lane giving her the chance to run for it out the open door.
She had no plan but to run as far away as she could, Ethan was bound to be looking for her now. How far she would get she didn’t know, the pounding in her head was beginning to grow and the broken ribs were stealing her ability to breathe.
The sound of a twig snapping alerted her to someone coming up behind her, the drugs were making it harder and harder for her to react. Her body was now just running on pure fear to keep herself alive long enough for Ethan to find her.
Her new companion spun her around, her arms subconsciously wrapped themselves around her stomach, revealing their identity.
‘Trevligt att se dig igen. Du kommer inte bli lika lätt den här gången’.
Viktor. The bone doctor.
He had a talent for evading death. She wanted to either run or fight back but her limbs had suddenly become heavy. All she could do was watch Viktor as he got a firm grip on her arm and he plunged her own knife deep into her shoulder.
‘Karma är en jävel, eller hur? det gör väl ont ?’
All she could do was keep her body upright as he smirked at the blood pooling on her shoulder and grabbed the handle twisting the blade deeper. Blinding pain took over her body as she felt the blade twist deeper, she was not sure how much longer she could hold on.
‘ILSA !!!’, when did Ethan get here? She could barely see his figure moving towards her as her vision began to swim and her body felt like a lead weight as she fell to the ground protecting her stomach.
Pulling up over the top of the mountain, chaos and horror awaited him. Ilsa writhed in the grip of Viktor, his vicelike grip being the only thing that was keeping her upright. She wasnt fighting back, her arms hung loosely at her sides, there was no recognition of her knowing he was there her eyes glassy and unfocused.
The powerful, badass spy he normally knew was not the one he was currently running towards. A breath hair away from reaching Ilsa, her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she dropped to the ground her body curling in on itself. Viktor let go as if she was a discarded ragdoll he no longer wanted to torture.
Resisting running to her side immediately, he focused on Viktor. He wasnt going to let him off lightly this time. He was going to make sure he was dead this time, and let one shot from his gun hit the centre of Viktor's heart dropping the swede instantly.
He didn't want to fight the man, it wasnt worth the risk of getting injured fighting a man double his height. Somehow Lane had slipped away again. Hopefully, for good, Ilsa was on the brink of death and he’d mentally manipulated Ethan, all everything he set out to achieve
The helicopter blades could be heard coming over the mountain top, Benji had mentioned as they drove that Julia was working at the medical camp, he must have sent a call for help as they reached the scene.
He wasn't gonna let go of Ilsa until they pried her out of his hands. Her body felt like glass in his hands, the blood flowing out of the knife wound wasn’t slowing her face getting paler as the seconds went on.
Looking at Ilsa’s results, something was wrong. Ilsa was above peak physical condition, nothing should show up abnormal. All standard tests, which included a pregnancy test for any female regardless, had been run and she should pass all.
Her hCG levels were elevated.
Ilsa was pregnant. Ilsa was expecting Ethan's baby.
She was 3 months pregnant. This would explain why Ilsa's body fought them when she was brought in, her body was protecting the baby.
Grabbing the abdominal ultrasound she wondered if Ethan knew. Ilsa had broken down her walls around him but was this a wall that either had discussed? Ethan hadn’t mentioned anything when they rescued Ilsa and neither of the boys had shown signs of knowing.
Running the ultrasound over Ilsa’s stomach the relieving sound of the baby's heartbeat filled the small tent. Well, she hoped it was relieving, hell did Ilsa know herself?
She suspected she did from the Brit cradling her stomach as she drifted in and out of consciousness during the flight. The heartbeat was steady, the baby was safe and healthy which was lucky considering what Ilsa had been through in the last 24 hours.
The radio attached to her hip crackled to life announcing the helicopter making its way back with the rest of the team. They had to leave them behind to make room for them to work on Ilsa. Luther had to hold onto a struggling Ethan, who had fought with all his might to come with them.
She had about 5 minutes before they would get back to the tent, giving her enough time to pack any baby-related items away. She figured Ilsa needed to be the one to tell Ethan herself.
As she was busying herself with tidying, the heart rate of the British agent signalled she was beginning to ruse. Eyes flickered open to meet hers, pain whimpers followed as she came to.
With a hand on her none injured shoulder, she spoke softly ‘Ilsa, hey it's ok. It's Julia, you're in the med camp. You're injured from the kidnapping and fight, Ethan and the team are safe and are on their way.’
Once the meaning of her words sunk in, Ilsa began to calm. ‘ I, I…’
‘Don't push yourself, save your voice for Ethan’, striking blue eyes travelled along the spy’s own body taking note of the injuries and finally landing on her stomach.
Knowing the question she was thinking, she answered for her,
‘The baby is fine. You're about 12 weeks, I’ve not put it in your notes and told the team to not tell the others-’ Ilsa then met her eyes ‘- I figured you'd want to tell them’.
Hearing the helicopter land in the distance, she put the last piece of equipment away before turning back to Ilsa.
‘Whatever you decide to do, I'm here. Whatever is running through your head, ignore it, Ethan will be happy whatever you decide. He loves you and will support you through every step.’
Ilsa spoke for the first time since waking ���Than- thank you, Julia. I want Ethan’
Returning the smile, she placed a gentle kiss on her friend's hairline ‘He’s arriving at the camp now, he’ll be here any minute’ before making her way out of the tent.
The helicopter hadn’t even turned its blades off before he was barreling out of it tearing along the path to the med tent.
Finding the main tent he bumped into Eric who was making his way out, grasping his arm as he passed ‘ It was touch and go, we did lose her once but she's ok. She’s asking for you.
She seemed at peace lying on the small hospital bed, monitors surrounding her, a rhythmic beeping sound. The sound reaffirms Eric's words, but he needed to see for himself.
A black eye and a bandage going from her eyebrow to the hairline adorned the left side of her face. A blanket was drawn up to mid chest leaving her shoulders bare showing the thick bandaging adorning where the knife had been mere hours ago.
Her eyes were closed but he knew she wasn't sleeping, she wouldn't until they were back in a safehouse. Reaching her side, he resisted reaching out; he didn't know what had happened between her and Lane.
As if she could read his mind, ‘It's ok, Ethan. I need you please’.
Avoiding the painful side of her face, he cupped her cheek in his hand and placed a gentle kiss on her lips which she faintly reciprocated.
His lips rested on hers as he placed his forehead tenderly against hers. Neither spoke for a while both basking in each other's touch.
The warmth of her skin under his, reminded him she was here. She was back with him. The warmth reminded him how close he had been to losing her up on the mountains.
Blue eyes met his, saying all the words she needed to say to put his mind at rest. That she was back with him and not to beat himself up.
Though the comfort in her eyes turned to concern, ‘Ethan, I. There’s something. I have something I need to tell you ’. There was an intense look on her face as if her thoughts were fighting with each other
He wasn’t sure what was happening. Since getting together both of them had worked together on communication with each other, good or bad.
Ilsa gazed off into the distance seemingly afraid to meet his eye contact. ‘ I was going to tell you back in Denmark but I didn’t want you knowing and risking Lane knowing too. I just need to know that whatever happens, you’ll stay here. Please don’t run as I’m just as scared as you.’
He kept quiet, instead reaching out to hold her hands stilling them from the anxiously fidgeting.
‘I. Ive been noticing symptoms for the last few weeks that i was putting down to the back to back missions, hoping that avoidingg them would make them go away. Ethan. Ive been late for the last few weeks. Ive been tired, hungry and nauseated all the time’, she finally looked back at him letting the words sink in.
He couldnt believe what she was telling him. His mind was numb, he had never thought about this step in his life. Neither of them had so it was inevitable the way they messed around.
The fear of his reaction was scaring her,‘Ethan please say something’.
He seemed lost in his head before that classic Ethan smile adorned his face ‘You’re… pregnant ? We’re having a baby ?’. He seemed to start vibrating with excitement as she guided his hand to rest on her stomach.
"We're having a baby Ethan. We’re becoming parents’
His other hand came to rest under her chin tilting her face towards him, keeping his other resting on her nonexistent bump ‘ I love you. I love you. Whatever you decide to do next I will support you every step of the way. I never thought I’d become a father, but I am so excited to take this path with you’
The emotions were too much to answer him so she pulled him to bring his lips to hers communcting her feelings to him. She was scared of what was to come in the coming months as she stepped into the world of motherhood but she knew that Ethan would be by her side every step of the way.
Swedish translation- nice to see you again. You won't be getting off as easy this time
“Karma is a bitch, isn't it. That hurts, doesn't it?
@radical-sky @izzypuppybutt @justabigassnerd
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snovyda · 1 year
Some quotes from the Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation script that I can’t stop thinking about (most of these are in the script but did not end up in the actual film or are slightly different in the finished product).
Benji (to Lauren, the lie detector operator): You changed your hair... (laughs) It’s a joke... because you... never change your hair. Or your expression.
Lauren: State your name. Benji: You ask me that question every week. Lauren: Your name. Benji: The King of Norway. His vitals [on the  lie detector] fluctuate. Benji: That was a lie. I’m actually third in line for the throne. His vitals don’t fluctuate.
Brandt: Western civilization is slowly coming apart. Hunley: It won’t happen on my watch.
Ethan (on com): Benji, do you copy? Benji tries to contain his reaction. He sort of manages.
Benji arrives at a service door marked with electronic symbols. He quickly works the lock and slips into a cramped space, humming with electrical conduits. He’s very out of place in a tux.
Ethan: Ever have a crisis of faith, Benji? Benji: More than once. Am I fighting for the right side? Should I really risk my life for a world that doesn’t seem to care? Ethan: And sometimes the answer is no. Beat. Benji nods, yes. He’s not proud of it. Ethan: It happens to the best of us. Of course, most of us come back from that place. But not all.
Ethan: If I can bring [Lane] down, I can make everything like it was. Maybe even get you your life back. Benji: Ethan, I’m back. This is my life. This is what I signed up for. Let me help you find him. Ethan: That’s why I brought you here, and look what happened. I gambled with your life tonight and I lost. I can’t be sure how this ends. I can’t protect you. That’s why I need you to leave.
Luther: Understand something... Ethan is my friend. If I doubt you forone second whose side you’re really on... I’ll take you out. Brandt considers this, nods. Brandt: I believe you.
Ilsa: [...] I can tell you it’s impossible. Ethan and Benji share a look. The game is afoot.
Brandt: DNA profiling, facial recognition, gait analysis... drone strikes. Drone surveillance. (points) And that guy can even read your vital signs over your home wifi? He knows you have a heart problem before your doctor does. He shakes his head as if to say: what have we become?
Benji: I appreciate everything you’ve done for me but, seriously, one of these days you’re going to take things too far. Benji tries to laugh. Ethan tries to say something but can’t. Benji’s smile gives way to sincerity. Benji: I owe you my life, man. Thank you.
Benji has a hood ripped off from his head to find himself seated in a chair, in a hotel room with a sweeping view of downtown London. Before him stands Lane, to his side, Vinter. As Benji glares: Lane: You look like you’ve just seen a ghost. Benji: You’re not a ghost yet... But you will be. Lane smiles, leans in to Benji: Lane: Get him ready, please.
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saltyfilmmajor · 8 months
Anyway I’m still so obsessed with the fact that Both Lane and Ethan just …don’t kill each other. ESPECIALLY IN fallout.
Lane knows that worst way to enact his revenge is to take away everything Ethan loves and leave him to live in the reality of his failure rather than kill him outright, because that’s the easy way out
And while Walker characterizes Ethan’s inability to kill Lane as a weakness, it’s not true. 1) Ethan has no qualms about killing to a certain extent (he hates anything that results in collateral damage and that’s always been the case) but he also shot three people roughly 20 minutes prior to that discussion, in front of Walker.
Ethan knows that killing someone like Lane martyrs him, in a sense (as we see how hes positioned by the apostles in the film. Now whether that’s something Lane wants is to be debated) and also would be the easy way out for him, rather than to face the consequences of his own actions.
It’s also fundamentally a different vibe to why Ethan Wants to Kill Gabriel and can’t because of Circumstances. No ethan and lane pointedly don’t want to kill each other nor do they attempt to, not in any meaningful way.
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