lgcjunkyu · 3 months
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nostalgia solo trainee mission 017
it was that time again, where junkyu was standing right where he was a few years ago. okay, well, not exactly where he was, but the experience itself. he can easily remember a few years ago when he was right here, his first ever time participating in nostalgia with no idea what the outcome would be, and how much his life had changed after. yet, here he was again, a round two, second chance almost, now that he had more knowledge and skill under his belt to showcase.
it was quite literally, like nostalgia for him. how ironic, right? it was week 6, the second to last week before the end, and if junkyu was honest, he was feeling a little nervous. it's funny, the first time he participated in nostalgia, he was nervous, but he was excited more than anything, even with the pressure he had put on himself then. but this time, he felt more nervous than before. perhaps it's because he knows what the possible outcome could be, if it was anything like it was last time. he tried his best to fight it away, because there was a very good chance that nothing like that would happen soon, especially with nknd happening. but it was a thought that was still persistent in his mind, something to keep his fighting spirit going.
the 1 minute call before stage time is called, and junkyu makes his way to the side stage, patting his mic pack and putting on his ear piece, making sure everything was working and sounding as it should. it's like in a blink of his eye, his body just knows, and he's walking out onto the stage and getting into position. love me right begins playing through his ear piece and just like that, it's like his body is on auto. choreography in sync, the steps pretty much programmed into his brain and body, all the tips and advice he was given over the weeks floating to service in his head, a silent reminder.
three minutes doesn't sound like a long time, but performing, it feels longer. the pace of his heart, keeping his voice stable - it was all different performing it on stage than it was practicing and performing in the practice rooms.
yet throughout the performance, junkyu felt like he was on cloud nine. he smiled when it wasn't his lines, he put his all into the choreography and performance, he was beaming. like a glowing star, and he was enjoying every moment of it. it felt nice to be able to perform like this again, bringing back all of those feelings that he had long forgotten after he retreated back to his trainee status. he felt like he was glowing, and he could feel the excitement and enjoyment, and he knows it shows just as easily as he was feeling it.
and just like that, the final part of the song starts and finishes just in the blink of an eye. then junkyu's breathing heavily, staying in his final position until they cameras stop rolling, and even after they stop rolling - he's still smiling.
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nirnrootic · 2 years
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solos time? solos time.
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yohanlgc · 1 year
audition trainee mission 012
          after the previous trimester, yohan was just excited to get back into the swing of things. truthfully, he did wonder if he would still be on probation or unable to participate in some of the opportunities, so when they announced the new mission, he was surprised. and honestly, he was pretty excited. though he did have one fear - acting. he hadn’t really tried acting before, so he wondered if he would even be any good at it. but that’s what the workshops were for, right? to help work on the skills needed. he had been thinking a lot about what to make his ideal persona, he didn’t want it to be too similar to him because he wanted to show a different side to him, something else he could offer.
          the audition part, yohan wasn’t too nervous over. over the last few months, he had been working on his singing and rapping and they were at a level that he was happy with considering the short period he had been working on them for. though he still wanted to improve on them, he didn’t feel like he was as burdened with them compared to before. 
          in all honesty, the hardest part of it all was solidifying his choice for the persona. making one too similar to him didn’t feel like it would be much different from him, so he wanted to try and branch out. which is why he looked back on all of the things he had seen previous, the types of characters and powers he had seen and read about. and in no way did he want to copy, he wanted his persona to be original to him. it took him a good few days to decide and choose his idea, and he was just a little bit excited to tell.
          with the three in front of him, yohan settles and bows before sending them a small smile. “my name is bang yohan,” he starts off before taking a little deep breath. “it took me a little while to decide on my ideal persona, because i didn’t want it to be something similar to me as a person. i didn’t want them to clash with me, so i started to think in the opposite direction. i wanted someone unique too, with maybe a slightly heavier background. i’m pretty outgoing and i’d like to think i have a content group of friends, so i thought that my ideal persona would be someone who’s not the best at making friends. he’s sort of closed off, not because he wants to be but perhaps because he finds it hard. i think deep down, he would want to protect people, i think the possibly of having the desire to really want to protect people comes from the inability to protect those in his past, people that he lost, or maybe just a significant person in his life that he lost and couldn’t protect.” he takes a pause, head tilting ever so slightly as he continues. “i think maybe he would struggle to show that he cares in the usual way people show, so he shows it in other ways, through his actions. but i think, despite wanting to protect people, maybe he’s not the best at it. maybe he wasn’t ever supposed to become a knight, i was thinking maybe whoever he lost was the one who was supposed to become a knight and after losing them, he had to step up, so he’s not as good as other knights but he made a promise to himself.” he wonders if they’ll understand his idea, or if it’s even considered good enough, and he just hopes that they’re at least intrigued by the idea. 
          “i’d like for him to be able to improve though, maybe because the other knights around him? like a team effort, lifting each other up and helping each other out. i think that would be important to him, especially for development for him. i think it would serve as a sort of redemption for him as well as a big arc, maybe. despite his inability to show that he cares, i think he would try really hard to help, so for his magical power, i thought that power negation would be a good magical power for him, the ability to cancel or stop the abilities of others meaning they can’t use any powers while they’re under his control. but considering he’s not the best or strongest knight, maybe he doesn’t have the best control on it. depending on his strength, it could last from a few seconds to thirty seconds, or a minute, but after he could be pretty weak and unable to use his power again until he gains his strength back.” yohan finishes off with a little pleased and satisfied smile to himself, happy with the way he delivered his ideas. he wanted to show that he had put a lot of thought into his ideal persona, and he hopes that they see it as a good idea, and hopefully can use it in some way. “i hope my ideal persona is interesting.”
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hexgirling · 1 year
“that character is a war criminal” that character is from a fictional fantasy world and did not attend the geneva convention
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supertaliart · 3 months
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A continuation of my previous Skywalker Twins comic - feat Yoda part 3
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ksukiii · 1 month
how studio bones draws katsuki:
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how 𝒽ℴ𝓇𝒾𝓀ℴ𝓈𝒽𝒾 (<3) draws katsuki:
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tonsillessscum · 9 months
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Leia post in honor of Carrie Fisher’s passing which was 7 years ago today.
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chrismho · 4 months
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getting yelled at by the skywalker siblings
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stealingpotatoes · 2 months
I Always love thinking of the AUs where Anakin/Vader raises the twins, partially because of his immaculate dad T-shirts, and also I just love thinking of how he’d react to either of the twins dating a literal criminal (yk ignoring Anakin’s own numerous war crimes) cause I’m sorry Han but you don’t stand a chance
maybe someone should stop ignoring his crimes actually
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(commission info // tip jar!)
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shandzii · 13 days
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in my gaming era yeah I tried the funny fish game
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lackadaisycats · 22 days
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These conditions make it awfully difficult to have a sardonic, cuttingly introspective film-noir interior monologue along with your drink.
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This is actually from an animated vlog RitoBandito recently made in which he discusses working on Lackadaisy as a 3d artist. You can watch it here! Also, the 3d Rocky model was made by the marvelous Katie Nelson (Billie Bust Up)! We use it all the time in production as a scale reference for set design. Rito rigged it up and had some fun with it.
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lgcjunkyu · 3 months
headcanon solo team unknown part two
solo performance #1 (wjsn - secret)
for junkyu's chosen song, he's decided to go with wjsn's secret, it's a song that he really liked when it was released and has in his kpop playlist, a wjsn song he really likes. out of the songs provided, he was torn between choosing wjsn's secret or cherry bullet's hands up, though decided to go with secret as he wanted to try something different and a little bit out of his comfort zone.
while junkyu knew it would be a tough song to adjust musically to fit him, he was confident that he has some good ideas in ways to switch it up and give it a more modern, lesser kpop vibe to it, almost with a keshi vibe to it.
in the original song, there's a very clear, bubbly girly kpop sound to it, whereas for junkyu's edition of the song, he decided to bring the tempo down so it was slower, and to bring the pitch lower in order to match his more deeper voice. while it wasn't something he was completely confident about, he wanted to showcase his improvement in his singing skills lately. regarding backing tracks and instrumentals, junkyu decides to remove a lot from the original and include a guitar, though making it a subtle addition that enhances the sound but isn't too distracting from the singing or lyrics. he chooses not to have too much going on in the background, but enough that the instrumental doesn't feel empty or lacking.
taking a deeper look into the lyrics, junkyu thought that a slower edition of the song would be a fun change from the original, so he was able to bring a new feeling to the song as well as the lyrics.
while he wanted to focus more on the singing aspect for secret, he also wanted to incorporate some of his rapping skills, so he included aspects of rapping and decided to stick to the rap section from the original but adjusting it to fit the flow of junkyu's version, he decided to do a slower rap as one thing he knew about rapping, is that it wasn't always about speed.
while the original choreography is very girly, he decides to strip choreography to a subtle almost ballet influence in order to focus on showcasing singing and rap while also emphasising the lyrics. he decides not to make it too intense, rather the moves soft and yearning almost in order to showcase the emotions from the lyrics and tell a story.
all i wanna do (english version, translated from korean) by jay park
while junkyu's english was quite minimal, with the language workshops his knowledge has been improving and his pronunciation, so he decides to choose a fun and upbeat song from his '3am' playlist, featuring songs he finds smooth and enjoyable. he knew it would be incredibly difficult, but his english knowledge was better than his japanese, so he opted for this song. it's also a song he really likes simply because every time he hears it, his head is always bobbing and his legs are bouncing, he finds it a fun listen and sometimes, just enjoying a song without thinking too much about it was just as fun.
this song has a mix of singing as well as some rapping, which junkyu feels confident in mixing together, as it means he's more entirely focusing on singing nor rapping.
for all i wanna do, junkyu changes the lyrics to a more sfw environment from the original, changing the nsfw lyrics to things like 'money'. while the track stays close to the original, he decides to remove some of the original sounds in the track and add some synth sounds into the mix to add to the backing to give it a slightly different feel.
since his first solo performance was less intense with choreography, he wanted his second performance to focus more on showcasing his choreography skills and rapping skills. he decides to stick with most of the original choreography, only changing the more risqué parts to a cleaner version. though with the choreography, he decides not to spend the whole time dancing and wants to engage with what would be the audience in order to make it different and bring people in.
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nirnrootic · 2 years
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@ramblingsofamoonwatcher sent in.
❛  i couldn’t help you even if i wanted to.  ❜ (hello!! For Solos?)
A lacklustre chuckle tumbled free. The way he laughed—while the right of his visage was rich with colour, expression, the left remained heavy and stagnant. The contrast between moving and unmoving was ...
... Obvious. Too obvious.
"Yeah, I figured," Solos' gaze flashed south, thick, calloused fingers nursing the stein before him. He traced the stone-bound grooves drawn deep into the mug; the froth from his beer had since thinned, the beer itself settling into an ugly warmth.
Regardless, he downed another helping. The tipped his head right, hoping to halt the drink from slipping free. The gulp was concluded with a curt 'ah', and he was forced to slide his wrist along lip to clear up whatever beer escaped.
"Seems permanent. Y'know, this," he gestured flippantly at the leaden flesh, "and haven't met a healer yet that could operate on it. Or, well, a healer that I'd trust to operate on it."
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yohanlgc · 2 years
journal entry.
trainee mission solo dated: mid march
          it’s funny, i didn’t realise how relieving writing like this could be. i’ve written these journal entries before, but this time, it’s different. i feel like i don’t need to say why, you know, everyone knows. in all honesty, it’s been hard. not the workshops, or cleaning the building and taking coal briquettes to the lower income families, or anything like that, but.. honestly, i think the hardest part was dealing with the aftermath. i made some mistakes, ones that landed everyone in this position. it’s been hard since that day, knowing there’s other trainees who are angry or annoyed, who give me looks that show that they’re not happy about the situation. things like that.. it’s been hard. no one ever wants to be the reason that others miss out or feel that way, you know? i feel regretful that my decisions affected everyone, and that’s something that i’m still dealing with, and i know i will be even next trimester. i know it’ll take time to gain back peoples trust, and some people might not even want to talk to me anymore. if that’s the case, then, i don’t blame them. but i do hope that people give me the chance, because i want to make it up.
          to be quite honest, i think my favorite part out of everything we’ve done has been the image workshops. i thought that i would feel really awkward and stuff, and at first, i did, but then i realised that it’s a lesson for everyone too, and it became easier. i learned a lot, actually. how to be cautious, how to deal with and handle certain situations, how to act around our sunbaes and hoobaes, i think the image workshop is the one that will stick with me the most, those are things that i’ll remember through the rest of my journey. i met some really sweet people while we were taking coal briquettes to the lower income families, i met an elderly lady who lost her husband a few years prior, and ever since it’s just been her. no other family, no kids. she told me a lot about her, and her husband, how they wanted kids but they couldn’t. i could hear the sadness in her voice when she spoke about her husband, she missed him a lot. but she said, that no matter where she goes, she knows he’s right beside her, and that just.. it hit. she also asked me about myself, what i do and all, and i think she could tell that i was down about something. but she gave me some advice that really made me feel like fighting, you know? everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone learns from them. but i’m learning.
          i don’t know, these last few months i’ve tried really hard to keep myself contained, i haven’t really spoken about what happened with too many people, i didn’t want to. part of me still doesn’t want to, because i feel ashamed that my actions put everyone in this position. but at the same time, honestly.. just because i simply don’t want to. i know there’s people who are wondering and that’s natural, but there’s things that are okay to keep to yourself. i feel like, even as trainees, we’re allowed to have our personal lives too, however, i understand that some of my actions in my personal life weren’t the right choices. i should have been cautious, i should have been careful. i guess, i didn’t realise just how cautious i had to be until after. but this is definitely a lesson learned, i won’t make these mistakes again.
          out of all of the months, i think march has been the one that feels the most normal. working on our weaknesses, because i still want to work on my weaker skills. i don’t want to be really good at dancing, but then suck at singing and rapping, i want to balance it out. i want to have more to offer than just dancing. one thing i learned from a couple of my sunbaes, is to not slack on my better skills while focusing on my weaker ones, but also, to do it with confidence. even if i don’t feel confident, i need to, otherwise i’ll get nowhere. those are some of the advice that i took into this, and it worked, actually. i’m really thankful for my sunbaes time to give me advice that time, and that’s something i’ll continue to work on.
          i feel like this entry has been a bit all over the place. but honestly, that’s... sort of how i’ve been feeling the last few months. i won’t sugar coat it, it was really hard, dealing with these feelings and emotions without showing them visibly. i rarely ever cry, i don’t remember the last time i cried. i didn’t cry when my mom and dad split up, i don’t really get sad that he doesn’t call or make an effort with me anymore. i learned to deal with it and got used to it when i was younger, so crying wasn’t something that i really did. i don’t talk about my dad much either, so this feels really weird to write. but... i did cry one evening. at the rooftop of the building, because i just had so many thoughts and feelings and emotions and honestly, i felt like no one would ever look at me the same. i felt like none of the trainees would want to be friends with me anymore, or even look at me. i felt like the staff, the coaches, would all lose faith in me. almost like, i made a mistake once and that was it. there was no coming back from it. but the main reason, was because i felt like... no matter how hard i try, no matter how much i train and practice and work to improve my skills, that nobody will care, all because of the mistakes i made. that was a really big worry, the biggest one. i practice really hard, especially last trimester on my weakest skills, because i actually sort of realised i wanted to try other things like rapping and singing, which is something i had never considered before. i was scared that i had already lost my chance.
          i think the workshops and helping the lower income families was a break needed, but at the same time, it left me with a lot of time stuck in my head. but i’m thankful, i really am. and i’m going to prove myself, and prove that i deserve to be in legacy. i won’t make my mistakes define me, and i’ll do my absolute best to show that to everyone.
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Idiots online: THIS ACTOR IN A STAR WARS SHOW DOESN'T HAVE EXPERT KNOWLEDGE OF STAR WARS!!! ARRGGHGH!!!! STAR WARS IS RUINED!!!! Meanwhile Harrison Ford: Who the fuck is Anakin and why are you asking me?
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supertaliart · 4 months
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More Skywalker Sibling time! Now with a sequel
Part 3
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