#solvent recovery
Learn essential waste management practices for chemical manufacturing from A-Gas Electronic Materials. This guide covers waste minimisation, segregation, recycling, safe storage, and compliance. Enhance sustainability and efficiency in your operations.
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carlimuja · 4 months
Solvent Recovery Systems' Impact on Various Industries
Industrial production places a high priority on efficient resource management. One common resource in various industries is solvent, typically used to clean, degrease, or elicit reactions from different components. However, abusive usage of solvents can lead to environmental and financial concerns. Thankfully, solvent recovery systems can address the challenges posed by the indiscriminate use of solvents.
Explore the varying applications of solvent recovery systems in different industrial sectors.
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8 Industries Benefiting from Solvent Recovery Systems
1. Automotive Industry
The automotive sector heavily uses solvents for cleaning parts, degreasing components, and preparing surfaces before painting. Solvent recovery systems offer a sustainable solution by capturing used solvents, separating contaminants, and returning clean solvents for reuse. It reduces solvent purchase and disposal costs and also aligns with environmental regulations governing solvent emissions.
2. Pharmaceutical Sector
Solvents are integral for synthesising active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and cleaning equipment between batches. Solvent recovery equipment ensures the recovery of high-purity solvents, maintaining stringent quality standards and reducing production costs. Moreover, it facilitates the recycling of solvents used in cleaning processes, minimising waste generation and enhancing sustainability credentials.
3. Printing and Packaging
The printing and packaging industry relies heavily on solvent-based inks and coatings. Solvent recovery systems then help reclaim solvents from spent inks and cleaning solutions, allowing their reuse in subsequent printing jobs. It reduces material costs and minimises solvent waste disposal, contributing to a cleaner production process.
4. Chemical Manufacturing
Chemical production involves many solvent-based processes, from extraction and purification to synthesis and formulation. Solvent recovery equipment is necessary for these operations to recover solvents from reaction mixtures and byproducts. Chemical manufacturers can achieve cost savings and reduce their environmental footprint by reintroducing recovered solvents into the production cycle.
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5. Electronics Industry
Solvents are used for cleaning circuit boards and components, and removing flux residues. Solvent recovery equipment enables the efficient recovery of solvents used in these processes, ensuring the purity and quality required for sensitive electronic applications. It optimises production costs and reduces the environmental impact associated with solvent consumption.
6. Food and Beverage Processing
While water is the primary solvent in the food and beverage industry, specific processes involve solvent usage for extraction, purification, and flavour enhancement. Solvent recovery systems help retrieve food-grade solvents, ensuring compliance with safety and regulatory standards. Additionally, they contribute to cost savings by enabling the reuse of solvents in multiple production cycles.
7. Paint and Coatings
Solvent recovery systems are indispensable for reclaiming solvents from spent paint formulations and cleaning solutions. Manufacturers can reduce raw material costs and minimise waste generation by recycling solvents. Moreover, solvent recovery equipment allows for valuable solvents' retrieval, contributing to the industry's sustainability goals.
8. Textile Industry
Solvents are utilised in the textile industry for various processes, including dyeing, printing, and finishing. Solvent recovery systems are essential in reclaiming solvents from dye baths, cleaning solutions, and finishing processes. By recovering and recycling solvents, textile manufacturers can reduce both raw material costs and environmental impact. Additionally, solvent recovery equipment enables the purification of solvents, ensuring the quality and consistency required for high-quality textile production. It not only enhances the sustainability of textile manufacturing but also contributes to the overall efficiency and competitiveness of the industry.
The application of solvent recovery systems extends to various industries, all of which gain advantages in terms of economy and environment. Whether it is in automotive manufacturing or pharmaceutical production, these systems are essential for conserving resources, reducing costs, and complying with regulations. As industries increasingly focus on sustainability and efficiency, the significance of solvent recovery technologies will persist, leading us towards a cleaner and more sustainable future.
Visit SepPure Technologies to revolutionise your industrial processes and elevate your sustainability initiatives.
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hemantgoel · 6 months
Best Solvent Recovery manufacturer & dealers | Goel Scientific | Canada
We serve Best Solvent Recovery, Solvent Recovery price, Heating And Cooling, Mixing And Stirring, Vacuum And Pressure, Cleaning, Solvent Recovery manufacturing company, industry, equipments, Distributors, Dealers, Wholesalers, Manufacturers, in canada, Goel Scientific Glass Works Ltd, Canada
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centpro · 2 years
How Solvent Recovery Plants Works?
Solvent Recovery Plants offer a comprehensive range of solutions for the recovery of solvents from water, wastewater, and gas. Our systems are designed to achieve high levels of efficiency and purity for end products to meet the highest regulatory standards. The use of solvent recovery plants can help businesses with solvent disposal and recycling.
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kinammanufacturer · 2 years
Kinam Engineering Industries - A heat exchanger specialist from India, are among the leading manufacturers of Corrugated Tube Heat Exchanger(CTHE) from India. Manufactured in exotic materials like Hastealloy, Titanium, Duplex,Monel, Inconel, Nickel 200, Super Duplex and Nickel.
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Researchers uncover a rapid, efficient and environmentally friendly method for selective lithium recovery using microwave radiation and a readily biodegradable solvent. A microwave-based process boasts 50% recovery rate in 30 seconds. The "white gold" of clean energy, lithium is a key ingredient in batteries large and small, from those powering phones and laptops to grid-scale energy storage systems. Though relatively abundant, the silvery-white metal could soon be in short supply due to a complex sourcing landscape impacted by the electric vehicle (EV) boom, net-zero goals and geopolitical factors. Valued at over $65 billion in 2023, the lithium-ion battery (LIB) global market is expected to grow by over 23% in the next eight years, likely heightening existing challenges in lithium supply.
Read more.
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poipoipoi-2016 · 2 years
#trying to understand wtf is happening to svb because uh. i want my salary
The business model of banks
The way banks work is that they take in deposits and make loans.
So I put money in a bank, but ALSO I took money out of a bank to get a car loan which let me buy the car that I used to commute to work to pay off the car loan. And also drive to Death Valley. GOOD little car. Could go from Vegas to SF on a tank of gas.
What this means from a bank's perspective is that your bank balance is a problem and the loans they make are assets. Because you took in $20K of deposits and then gave me an $18K car loan that I paid back at $400/month for 5 years. And at the end of 5 years, you will have taken $18000 and turned it into $24000.
And if one person asks for $2K back, you have $2K. And if someone(s) a year from now asks for $10K back, you have:
$2K in cash
But also the $4800 in cash I paid you last year. Minus the amount of money you spent last year running the actual bank.
The money used to found the bank (The Equity)
The ability to shop around and say "Poi is going to pay us $400/month every month for the next 4 years and if he stops doing that, you get a gently used Chrysler 200 to sell. How much are you willing to give us for that cashflow?" <- THIS IS THE PROBLEM
So as long as you are:
Liquid, meaning that you can give people their money back when they ask for it
Solvent, meaning that if EVERYONE asked for their money back, you'd sell off all the loans you'd made, give them their money back, and also have a >$0 pile of cash to go Scrooge McDuck in after you shut down the bank.
you get to keep existing.
If you're liquid, but non-solvent and somehow manage to hide it, this is called Bernie Madoff. But also "The Bank of Japan in 2023".
If you're solvent, but non-liquid, someone rolls up and buys your assets for "The value of your liabilities and also this Snickers Bar" and that's a pretty standard action.
And if you're non-liquid and insolvent, uh look crypto is weird but go look at FTX. There's a list of creditors and several months or even years from now, you'll get a fraction of your deposits back based on the recovery value of the underlying assets.
What specifically happened to SVIB
So you are a bank in 2019. And specifically, you are the Bank of Startups. And startups are very bad loan risks and also have giant piles of VC checks so they don't actually need loans.
$200 Billion of VC checks in fact. Which they gave to you. And because you're a good bank, you put $20 Billion in the cushion fund and now you have to figure out how to use $180 Billion to generate enough money to keep running the bank.
Unfortunately, it's 2019 and all the liquid risk-free assets pay 0.08% and that's not enough money to pay your bank tellers. So you make a (in retrospect dumb, in practice I'm not sure it's dumb enough I scream just at SVIB) decision to put it into:
A bunch of Treasuries that pay 1.5% or so
A bunch of mortgage-backed securities which are default risk-free b/c of post-2008 reforms. If someone forecloses, the government pays you back at par.
Corporate bonds which are risky but hey that's why you charged 5% right?
So these are illiquid, but they're not like... that illiquid and if interest rates ticked up a percentage point, a 5-year bond with 3 years to go is still like 98% of face value, it's totally fine.
And now you have $4-6 Billion/year to pay your bank tellers with and also improve that cushion.
And if you don't do these things, Silicon Valley Investment Bank does not exist. CHASE BANK does not exist. This was a prerequisite to having banking services in this country post-2008 in literally 0 interest rate environments.
And then the Fed goes on a historically unprecedented interest increase. So your 1.x% bonds are now competing in the market with 5% bonds and your 2.6% mortgages are competing with 7% mortgages and hoooo boy.
A 2.6% $400K mortgage pays you $20K/year and is currently worth $260K at 7%. $180 Billion of assets marked down to ???? Billion. 7 years to break-even and your bank tellers need to get paid.
Now for most banks, this isn't a problem. They're an actually profitable Bernie Madoff by design as a feature. They can't give everyone their money back, but they don't have to. And the bonds are paying up and the mortgages are paying up and 5% nominal GDP growth isn't a lot, but it's something and of course, you're making NEW loans at 7% so if you can just keep paying 0% interest on bank deposits and keep pulling in 7% interest loans, you'll make it out of the next few years, and you're suddenly solvent again.
Except for you.
Because you are the Bank of Startups.
And when interest rates went up, VC funding went down. So you have these perfectly good businesses (for now at least) that are constantly and continuously drawing down on their bank accounts.
And remember, this isn't 1982. You're only making 2%. Your cap ratio is 5%. All those mortgages paying in 5% of book value every year and if you get out over your skis, you cease to exist. You're going to hear the words "Duration Risk" a lot and this is that.
So you try to do an equity raise. You'll sell the rights to some of that 5% cashflow (and remember, it's increasingly 7% interest/10% cap which is slightly more exciting) in exchange for the money you need NOW TODAY to pay out your withdrawals.
At which point Andreesen goes "Uh what my friends?", tells all of his buddies to pull their cash, and $42 Billion gets withdrawn in less than 24 hours. Leaving $160 Billion behind.
And now we remember that bank accounts over $250,000 (IE: One paycheck at a $6.5 Million payroll company) aren't technically FDIC insured.
Lessons Learned
And the thing is that I really can't just blame SVIB here. They got stuck in a pretty terrible trap caused by the US Government. And the US Government likes it when you buy Treasuries and likes it when you buy and SVIB was, more or less, doing the things you as a society wanted them to do.
And the Federal Reserve explicitly destroyed them for it.
Don't get me wrong, they were weird. But I'm not sure they were weird enough especially given the constraints of 2019-2021 that I can just go "Eh, screw them". Spread that blame AROUND.
And any bank that can survive a FORTY PERCENT drawdown in the value of the underlying assets.... isn't a bank. At least not as we mean it here in 2023. The Fed's stress tests involve a 'severely adverse scenario' where 10-year US Treasury yields are at 0.7% (and only get to 1.5%). They're currently at 3.6%.
The second set of lessons that we learned today goes like this:
There are lots and lots and LOTS of reasons that small or medium businesses might temporarily or permanently want more than $250K in raw USD cash in a bank account at some point. This is now a banking risk. (There's some tricks you can play if you're really large, but those also have limits)
However, if you bank at Chase Bank (or any other bank on the too-big-to-fail list), you are infinitely insured. Because CHASE BANK is backed by the entire combined firepower of the US Government and banking sectors. If Chase Bank stops existing, the nukes have fallen.
So why would I ever use a local bank for anything at all ever again? At which point you now get another round of contagion in the system where everyone gets out of these regional banks. Because remember, EVERY BANK IN THE WORLD INCLUDING THE BANK OF JAPAN is now insolvent.
Because they were destroyed for the crime of "Doing exactly we wanted them to do". Oh sure, in a risky sort of way, but see that note above about the Fed Stress tests.
Where "What we wanted them to do" involved buying government debts
Are you uh... 100% absolutely certain you want to be teaching those lessons? That if you buy US Treasuries, you will be destroyed for your crimes? That if you use a regional bank and they are destroyed for their crimes of making loans to the Feds, your business dies with it?
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Navigating the Ozone Layer Depletion Crisis
The ozone layer, a fragile shield of gas enveloping the Earth, plays a critical role in safeguarding life on our planet. However, since the mid-20th century, human activities have triggered a cascade of events leading to its depletion. The ozone layer, primarily located in the stratosphere, absorbs the majority of the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation, shielding the Earth's surface from its detrimental effects. Ozone molecules (O3) undergo a continuous process of creation and destruction, with ultraviolet radiation breaking apart oxygen molecules (O2) to form ozone. This delicate balance maintains the ozone layer's integrity, ensuring that harmful UV radiation remains at bay.
The onset of industrialization heralded the era of ozone-depleting substances (ODS), synthetic compounds containing chlorine and bromine that catalyze the breakdown of ozone molecules. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), once widely used in refrigerants, solvents, and aerosol propellants, emerged as the primary culprits behind ozone depletion. When released into the atmosphere, these ODS molecules migrate to the stratosphere, where they undergo photodissociation, liberating chlorine atoms that catalytically destroy ozone molecules.
The depletion of the ozone layer poses grave consequences for ecosystems, biodiversity, and human health. Increased exposure to UV radiation threatens marine ecosystems, hindering the growth and development of phytoplankton, the foundation of the marine food web. Terrestrial ecosystems, including forests and agricultural crops, face heightened risks of damage and disruption, with implications for global food security and biodiversity loss. Human health is also at stake, as heightened UV radiation levels amplify the incidence of skin cancers, cataracts, and compromised immune function. Vulnerable populations, such as children, the elderly, and outdoor workers, face heightened risks of UV-related health ailments, necessitating proactive measures to minimize exposure and mitigate health risks.
Recognizing the urgent need to address ozone layer depletion, the international community rallied behind the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, a landmark treaty adopted in 1987. The Montreal Protocol mandated the phasedown and eventual phaseout of ozone-depleting substances, spurring innovation in ozone-friendly alternatives and technologies. Through concerted global cooperation and scientific research, significant progress has been made in mitigating ozone depletion. The phaseout of CFCs and other ozone-depleting substances has led to gradual recovery of the ozone layer, with projections indicating a return to pre-1980 levels by mid-century. However, persistent challenges remain, including the emergence of new ozone-depleting substances and the complex interplay of climate change and ozone depletion.
Addressing ozone layer depletion demands sustained commitment and collaboration across national borders and sectors. Efforts to accelerate the phaseout of ozone-depleting substances must be coupled with initiatives to enhance monitoring, research, and public awareness. Investing in ozone-friendly technologies, renewable energy sources, and sustainable practices can bolster resilience to ozone depletion while advancing broader environmental and societal goals. Education and outreach play a pivotal role in fostering a culture of environmental stewardship and responsible consumption. By raising awareness about the impacts of ozone depletion and empowering individuals to take action, we can catalyze collective efforts to protect the ozone layer and safeguard the health and well-being of present and future generations.
In conclusion, ozone layer depletion represents a complex and multifaceted challenge with far-reaching implications for the environment, biodiversity, and human health. By leveraging scientific knowledge, policy interventions, and global cooperation, we can chart a course towards ozone resilience, ensuring that the protective shield of the ozone layer endures as a beacon of hope for generations to come.
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ilcuoreardendo-fic · 2 years
Echo & the Batch Snippets (1/5)
The first thing I’ve shared in months. I think I majorly sprained my writing muscle with work projects last year and it’s been an epically slow recovery. I’m still not out of the woods. And...I’m starting yet another storyboard, for a two hour course, this coming week.
But I’ve had this idea in my head for a while (as a precursor to another set of fics/ficlets) and...yeah.
Part of a series of small, meaningful moments Echo shares with his new squad, taking place in the days and weeks after he joins the Batch.
Echo came awake with a shudder and a shout that rang inside his head like an explosion but was, he realized, as he struggled out from under the weight of his dream, only a bit of strangled breath escaping him.
Echo swallowed, turned his head toward the voice.
Wrecker sat on the floor just across from the fold-out bunks, leaned against the bulkhead and the small inset sliver of cabinet and counter top that served as the Marauder’s galley. He had a datapad resting on his drawn up knees; his thick fingers tapped out a pattern on the edge of the casing. Echo’s heart and breath slowed as he listened to it.
And gradually other sounds filtered in, both familiar and strange.
The comforting beep of shipboard monitors, the hum of the air recirculator. The hushed murmur of his new squad’s voices in the cockpit. What he was coming to recognize as Tech’s precise tones when he was explaining a concept he was passionate about and Hunter’s soft gravel as he humored his brother.
Above Echo, the second cot had been folded out and he knew Crosshair slept there, could smell the light scent of leather, fire and the lingering tang of solvent the sniper used to clean his rifle.
“Yeah,” Echo ran his left hand over his face. “It was. How’d you know?”
“Your breathing changed.”
“Were you watching me sleep?” Echo winced. It came out rougher than he intended. He’d snapped at Kix like that too; before they left Anaxes, the medic had muscled his way on board the Marauder to give Echo one final check up and gentle, but firm, admonishment about taking it slowly to get back on his feet.
Wrecker ducked his head. “Not on purpose.” He shrugged. “Just...there’s not much to do on this ship and not a lot of space to do it in. Tech already kicked me out of the flight deck for fidgetin’ too much.” Wrecker flipped the data pad in his hands, nearly dropped it. “You need anythin’? Hunter likes tea after...after.”
“Yeah,” Echo said, curling up and swinging his legs to the floor, clasping his hands—hand...and scomp link—between his knees. “Tea would be good.”
Wrecker jumped to his feet with a quietness and agility that surprised Echo, and rummaged through the galley cabinet. He only fumbled the tin mug once, resulting in a muffled grumble from Crosshair.
Wrecker talked as he made the tea, voice alternating between a whisper-shout and a low rumble. By the time he pressed the mug into Echo’s hand, he’d caught Echo up on a roster of previous missions the Batch had been on, ending with one on a planet that had—conveniently left out of their mission briefing—less than docile wildlife that tried to make a meal out of the passing sniper.
“It came up right out of the swamp. Screaming. And wrapped itself around Crosshair. I cut into it with my knife. Thing was all teeth and a black mouth. No eyes.” Wrecker shuddered. “I still see ‘em sometimes. Wake up sweatin’, cold, creeped out. Eh. Lula helps.”
“Oh,” Wrecker rubbed the back of his neck. “She’s my Tooka doll. Crosshair gave her to me, when were cadets. When we started our specialized training...I had a hard time sleeping. Lula helps,” Wrecker said, firmly, as if he feared Echo might make fun of him.
“Why tell me all this?”
Wrecker looked confused. “So you know you’re not alone.”
As they docked on Kamino, a place Echo had never thought he’d see again—and wasn’t sure at all that he’d missed—a sexless, placid Kaminoan voice came over the radio and requested CT-1409 report immediately to the medical wing for evaluation.
Heading down the ramp as a unit, Tech handed Echo a datapad. “Yours. Standard issue for commando squads, but I’ve taken the liberty of...upgrading it. You’ll also find a map to our barracks.” Tech pushed his goggles up his nose, looked like he wanted to say something else, but turned and disappeared into a sea of their brothers.
Crosshair brushed by him, nearly toppling the datapad from Echo’s hands, and gave no acknowledgment or apology. But Echo thought he heard the words “Good luck, reg” rasped under Crosshair’s breath. Then again, it might have just been the ship settling.
“I can come with you,” Hunter said. “Pull rank as your commanding officer, insist on observing?”
“No,” Echo said. “They think I need hand holding, they’ll consider me a defective unit.”
Hunter looked grim, but nodded and raised his chin at Wrecker before turning on his heel and melding into the crowd. Wrecker clasped Echo’s shoulder, said, “Bring you somethin’ from the mess for after they’re done poking you,” before following Hunter.
The stark, sterile white rooms of the medical wing brought back every ache and chill and pang of grief Echo experienced in his brief moments of lucidity in the cryopod on Skako; the sting of bacta in his nose took him back to the surgeries on Anaxes, the cold burn of his upgraded legs, the heat of the healing wounds along his spine.
He’d give anything for Kix’s blunt bedside manner and overbearing concern in the wake of Nala Se’s sharp, clinical gaze. Even as a cadet, he was always certain she could see straight through to his insides and would find him lacking in the function that would make a proper clone trooper.
That feeling returned as she ran diagnostics on his cybernetics, scanned his human parts and then pushed him through physical tests he hadn’t taken since he’d been part of Domino Squad.
At the end of it all, his jaw hurt from clenching his teeth and his nails had left half moon marks in the centers of his palms.
By the time Echo was released and made his way to the Batch’s private barracks—Tech’s map having proved easy to follow—he was drained, achy and wanting nothing more than to pull a blanket over his head and ignore the world. Even if the idea of sleeping, of dreaming, made him faintly sick.
He wasn’t sure what he expected of the Batch’s barracks. They were, as far as he knew, the only squad to get their own private quarters; the privacy being a trade off for peace among the ranks, he’d gathered.
When the door opened, the first thing he noticed was the stark contrast between the brightly lit hallway and the room which was lit only by the individual bunk lights and a goose-neck lamp sat atop a crowded workbench that could only be Tech’s.
The second thing he noticed, stepping inside, the door sliding shut behind him, was the smell. Dirty laundry and stale food and something unidentifiable that he didn’t want to think about, not with the pulse of pain beginning behind his eyes.
Given none of the others were around, Echo explored the room on his own, spotting his bed strung up between what could only be Tech’s bunk, with its collection of diagrams pinned to the wall and small unidentifiable contraptions scattered across the mattress, and the window frame behind a large, out of place couch.
Tech’s message that had been attached to the map now made sense.
There wasn’t time or material to kit out a proper bunk for you. But from what you said about the comfort of the med-bay bunks on Anaxes, I think you’ll prefer the hammock to our mattresses.
With a small grin, Echo unstrapped his boots, fairly ripped the armor from his body and rolled himself, hands free, into the middle of the hammock. It swayed under his weight, but held. The heavy cloth cradled him perfectly, pressing in on the parts that needed support and skimming past his pressure points.
Save for one.
Reaching beneath his hip, Echo pulled out a bundled up Kamino issue blanket. Inside, someone had placed a thin pillow, a now half squashed pair of dumplings wrapped in a napkin and a worn, black and red Tooka doll.
“Lula,” Echo murmured, tracing a finger over a set of thick and clumsy red stitches that reattached an arm. Another set, smaller and neater than the first, reinforced the eye. Wrecker’s stitches on the first? He wondered who did the second set.
Sighing, Echo popped the dumplings in his mouth—they were scantly filled, more dough than anything, but savory and some of the best food to come out of the Kaminoan cafeteria—crumbled the napkin, dropping it to the floor to pick up later, and tucked Lula under his chin.
The doll smelled faintly of soap, blaster fire. It was a familiar smell. One he’d come to associate with his brothers, with home. Outside, the rain fell, the pattern of it on the glass also familiar enough to keep more recent memories at bay, returning Echo to a time when it was just him and Fives and the rest of Domino Squad, huddled together in a barrack not too unlike this one, listening to the same rain.
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edwardslovelyelizabeth · 10 months
Did Edward IV of England's debt force Dickie Bank to go bankrupt? It is said that his debts were not paid off until 1517.
What? No. Who says that? He is one of the only kings who died solvent (meaning left no debts). He might not have accumulated a lot of wealth due to the fact that England was in and out of wars during his reigns (first and second) and most notable the Scottish campaign before he died was draining, but it's commonly accepted that he was successful in managing finances. When he became king he needed to recover from Henry VI’s debt of £372,000.  Edward appointed commissioners as early as 1466 to investigate collections of custom revenues at main ports and report abuses. This gained £25,000 within his first reign illustrating his effective managing of finances. The distinguishing feature was that Edward took a more personal approach through introducing new techniques and managing finances in a more systematic way, he imposed high taxes and promoted trade esp wool trade (he owned two manufactures himself). He also managed to gain money from his short termed campaign in France:
"Under Edward IV, England finally joined the general economic upturn of the rest of Europe. Burgundy and Flanders proved key to Edward’s international economic success, as the alliance formed through the marriage of his sister Margaret to Charles the Great of Burgundy provided the necessary power base to compete with France. The advantage of the Burgundian alliance for economic benefit can be seen in such instances as the Treaty of Picquigny, a 1475 treaty with France – thanks largely to Charles – that provided both immediate and long-term income for the English crown. Terms of the treaty awarded Edward and his advisors pensions as well as ensuring the payment of customs, providing for English income from international trade. The treaty also offered a ten-year truce, providing some political stability on the international stage. Although the pensions were a favorable outcome of the campaign in France, Edward’s use of taxes to fund a war he did not really fight led to the questioning of his ability to manage funds efficiently and honestly. However, in spite of repeated misappropriations of funds in the same vein, Edward managed to successfully receive parliamentary consent for a high tax rate while maintaining a cooperative relationship with Parliament and proving that the “New Monarchy” did not necessarily mean the dissolution of constitutionalism, nor did it cause the weakening of governmental bodies outside of the crown. Although Edward ran the risk of earning his subjects’ displeasure for his abuse of funds, there was enough overall economic recovery to avoid any taxation crisis, thanks in large part to the Treaty of Picquigny, collection of customs, prevention of piracy, and the absorption of noble land holdings, such as Clarence’s, into the crown. The “Yorkist land revenue experiment” expanded upon the same principle seen in the seizure of Clarence’s lands, retaining noble holdings and offering the stewardship of these estates to local men allied with the king as reward for faithful service, encouraging both economic growth and a nonthreatening yet guiding royal presence at the local level from 1471 to 1483." - from C. Carpenter "The Wars of the Roses: Politics and the constitution in England, c. 1437-1509"
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covenawhite66 · 1 year
The Winchcombe meteorite not only contains organic materials but also appears to represent a new class of meteorites. It contains low amino acid abundance for a carbonaceous chondrite but unusual ratios among the amino acids and PAHs that are present. Winchcombe one of the first 40 meteorites whose origins within the asteroid belt could be traced.
The rapid recovery of the Winchcombe meteorite offers a valuable opportunity to study the soluble organic matter (SOM) profile in pristine carbonaceous astromaterials. Our interests in the biologically relevant molecules, amino acids—monomers of protein, and the most prevalent meteoritic organics—polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are addressed by analyzing the solvent extracts of a Winchcombe meteorite stone using gas chromatography mass spectrometry. The Winchcombe sample contains an amino acid abundance of ~1132 parts-per-billion that is about 10 times lower than other CM2 meteorites. The detection of terrestrially rare amino acids, including α-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB); isovaline; β-alanine; α-, β-, and γ-amino-n-butyric acids; and 5-aminopentanoic acid, and the racemic enantiomeric ratios (D/L 
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colieco · 1 year
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arabellaflynn · 1 year
Life updates or: "Where the hell have you been?"
Hello! I am not dead. I have at points wished I could just be in a coma until it stopped being hot out, but alas, we do not always get what we want. If you are one of my Patrons, you've been getting sporadic updates, but for the lay public, here's the rundown:
Bad news: Cheddar has left us. Obituary here on Instagram. I figured the respiratory problems would eventually get them both, but didn't expect it quite so soon. Cheese is still here, although he is a little lonesome. I am consoling him with pets and pudding.
Good news: I have yet another new job. Someone figured out I could work the sound board at one of the theaters and started paying me to do that. About 50% of the people who ask are also willing to pay me adult amounts of money for it. The adult amounts of money are enough that I can politely turn down the ones who think "exposure" is as good as a paycheck. I'm not going to be buying any superyachts anytime soon, but money has come in faster than I spend it. It's weird.
More good news: The COVID recovery grant I've been waiting on finally showed up. The grantors bit off a bit more than they could chew and kept sending us 'soz, handing out several million $$ in five grand increments is taking longer than we thought, plz stop calling us' emails. I had to borrow to keep myself afloat, but it's all paid back now and I'm confusingly solvent, at least for a while.
Yet more good news: I'm moving. Why is this good news, you ask? Because my current roommates suck. One moved out to shack up with his boyfriend and the replacement has a raging case of Main Character Syndrome. The married couple broke up and it turns out the one who moved out was adulting for both of them. I have been stuck floating the rent for one useless narcissist who doesn't think 'rent is due by the first' applies to him and one dysfunctional soon-to-be-divorcee who has no job and no income. I found a new place to park myself, the paperwork came back with all the rubber stamps today, I just emailed the same guys who moved me the last time to ask for another quote. 
Sorta bad news that might be okay?: All of my short-term and one-off performance proposals for the summer have been politely turned down. With the grant money in the bank I could technically sit on my ass for a month or two before I even had to start looking for more work, but I would die of boredom. Instead, I am signing myself up for a bunch of one-off classes and summer activities that I've always kind of wanted to take, but could never wedge into my schedule or budget, and once I get moved into my new place I'm going to start work on a sort of... video essay let's play thing? Final Fantasy II (the Japanese edition, not the SNES one) is an incredibly boring game, but it's boring for interesting historical reasons. I've been toying with doing a letsplay of the game with a fun rambly history lecture in the voiceover. I'll be able to get a goddamned air conditioner in the window of the new place, so there's no reason for me not to hole up in my room in between gigs and classes and just play video games for a while. 
As mentioned above, I'm pretty okay for right now, but if any of the anony-mice are inspired to help anyway, here is a list of things I intend to have Amazon dump directly onto the porch of the new house. The bed frame and sheets are the most important things; the previous occupant had a king-size mattress she didn't need, and rather than make anyone haul that thing down the stairs I'm just taking it over. (My current bedroom is small enough to violate the Geneva Convention. I have a twin in here now.) I'm going to enjoy being able to sprawl again without falling over the edge.
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livingobserver · 1 year
         Knowing that a portion of my Followers are not American.  As an American Citizen born and raised..., I’m directing this to my Fellow Tax Paying Americans.      Recently (over the last 3 years or so), I was disabled by 2 serious blows..  First the GBS (Gillian-Barre Syndrome)  second by a massive stroke.  On the recovery well enough from both.  I am receiving disability assistance.  From YOU. Through Social Security.  (yeah I know I earned it, but because the government has taken for itself, it’s own self interests out of that “Entitlement”), it  is you footing the bill to keep it solvent.    For that I am sincerely grateful.  It has meant the difference between having a roof over my head..., and not.             
     But even with that assistance, I find my self still looking for the best prices for the highest value.  The greatest savings and not buying what I don’t need.  Partly out of Pre-conditioning (I was born into White Poverty. Mom was obsessive, savings oriented as a single Mother of four boys  It does exist.), and out of consideration and respect for you and those who need it even more than I.  It would be nice if the general population that receives the benefits you help to supply, engage themselves in the same consideration and respect.  Would be nice if our Government engaged in the same and stop acting as if it is their treasure to take out of for it’s own shady interest's..     Anyway, I think I and others who receive benefits, who look to save YOU as much as we possibly can, maybe get at least a small round of applause.  If not a trophy...., or not.  But there are those of us who do not game “The System”.  We are out here.  Thank you.  Remember that when the media is saying otherwise..., for the RNC and DNC.
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12w-----wwddff · 2 days
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biowastefl · 11 days
What & Hows of Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal in Daytona Beach and Orlando, FL
Getting rid of the waste generated inside a home is easy enough. The waste may be stored in a garbage bag and disposed of according to the community's rules. The same does not apply to research labs, healthcare, or pharmacies, which usually accumulate vast quantities of medicines and other related waste. Management needs to be well aware of safety measures and make efforts to comply with the standard procedures for pharmaceutical waste disposal in Daytona Beach and Orlando, FL. First and foremost, the staff at such facilities must be informed about the type of waste generated by the minute. Segregating the biohazards and pharmaceutical waste into a color-coded container, as OSHA recommended, is also vital. There are several types of pharmaceutical waste. It is advisable to identify them and store them as per the regulations. Some of the items that may be regarded as pharmaceutical waste include the following:-
Solid Pharmaceutical Waste · Sharps such as used scalpels, needles, and/or syringes · Contaminated  masks, gloves, bandages, as well as IV bags and tubing · Drugs that contain hazardous / non-hazardous chemicals · Empty pill bottles, liquid medicine containers, blister packs,  and/or ointment tubes · Medicine distribution devices like inhalers, auto-injectors, and nebulizers
Liquid Pharmaceutical Waste Liquid waste accumulates within the facilities or laboratories during processing or other operations. Sludge from chemical processing and contaminated solvents used for cleaning the containers and tanks are also regarded as pharmaceutical waste.
The unused drugs, both solid and liquid, may be mailed to the seller/dealer instead of being retained within the facility.
The process of disposal of pharmaceutical waste must be done as follows:
· Segregation of pharmaceutical waste from biohazardous waste. The latter is considered most dangerous for health and needs to be disposed of separately
· Removal of all controlled substances such as opiates and benzodiazepines. These substances need to be handled according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency regulations
· Removal of trace chemotherapy waste. Medicinal drugs and other substances used during Chemotherapy can be deadly for a healthy human being, even when exposed to a minuscule amount. Trace chemotherapy waste usually includes
l Empty medication vials
l IV tubing used to deliver medication ​ l Medical gloves worn by staff during Chemotherapy ​ · Removal of hazardous waste. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) categorizes certain chemicals as hazardous and extremely risky for the general public. Drugs such as warfarin, lindane, and mitomycin are considered to be hazardous waste and must be disposed of separately
Packaging of the remaining waste to be stored in OSHA and/or FDA-recommended blue color-coded containers fitted with tight white lids
Proper biomedical waste disposal in Orlando and Kissimmee, FL, is also essential to ensure the sanitation and safekeeping of the facility's patients, staff, and visitors.
It is best to contact a service provider that excels in transportation, treatment, and proper waste disposal. Once the storage containers are handed over, such companies are sure to maintain compliance with regulatory standards.
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