The Titan Army demigods didn't know Luke . . . or each other!
I was going to give this the more provocative title “How Luke lied to the Titan Army,” because I’ve always felt that when demigods from the TA talk about their goals and motives, they don’t line up with Luke’s plans for world domination. But going back over the moments of every named TA demigod in the series, I noticed something else that might explain the disconnect. Most TA demigods were not in the TA at the same time. Their stories don’t overlap.
The fandom likes to think of the Titan Army as being this tight knit found family of misfits, and that’s a great headcanon; but the truth is, most of them didn’t know each other.
After Luke, the first TA demigod we see is Chris Rodriguez, who joined up at some point between TLT and SOMonsters. He was a son of Hermes, so he at least would have known Luke fairly well, but only him. After his first appearance, we don’t see him again until BTL, when he’s back at Camp Half-blood. He had been sent by Luke to try and scout out the Labyrinth; only to be driven mad, and pop out near Clarisse’s home in Arizona. But while we find out about this in BTL, we are told it happened “last summer,” which means it actually happened in the same summer as SOMo, probably just after Clarisse went home for the year. This means that Chris would have actually spent less than a year in the TA before dropping out of it, and he left before the other named demigods joined.
After Chris leaves, we actually have a gap of almost a year when there is no named demigod besides Luke in the TA, until Ethan joins. Ethan was at Camp “years ago,” before being claimed by Nemesis, and he stayed in Cabin 11, so he would have at least known Luke. But they don’t appear to have been close, because Luke made no effort to find him after leaving. His soldiers only come across Ethan by chance; and even though he’s ready and eager to join, Luke chooses to use him as a sacrifice to appease Antaeus. Ethan still shows the TA an amount of loyalty it didn’t show him, and swears his sword to Kronos. He is the last follower that the titan needed to meet whatever magical quota was necessary for him to perform his possession of Luke’s body. This means that after not seeing each other for years, Luke and Ethan would have interacted for two days at the most before Luke was lost. And Ethan would never have met Chris at all, unless it was years earlier at camp.
And now there’s Alabaster C. Torrington; who, like always, has to be the most extra one in the group. Because the thing about Al that is never stated in the text, but is pretty clear when you read between the lines, is that he never actually met Luke. At all. He would certainly have heard about him, but he apparently had no personal connection to him.
Alabaster and all his siblings joined the TA when their mother Hecate hitched her wagon to Kronos. And we know that happened at the end of BTL, when Dionysus shows up to camp and cheers everyone up with the news:
“The minor gods are changing sides. Morpheus has gone over to the enemy. Hecate, Janus, and Nemesis as well. Zues knows how many more.”
Of course, that would be after Kronos had possessed Luke, so Al never got a chance to meet him. And even though it’s never stated in SOMagic, it’s pretty clearly demonstrated. Alabaster does not mention Luke a single time. And when he explains the war to Claymore, he only talks about the events of TLO; because he didn’t join until the last year of the war.
(He also says that it was Percy who killed Kronos, and we never get an explanation for why he thinks that. Maybe that rumor would spread; but it wouldn’t last long, considering Percy himself would correct anyone who said it. But maybe Al thinks that the story about Luke is Olympian propaganda)
Quite a few of the TA demigods would have joined at that same time, following the lead of their parents, maybe even the majority of their eventual number. I wonder how much those new recruits were told about the TA’s operations before that, but I don’t think it was very much. Kronos wouldn’t want people to be missing Luke; and he definitely wouldn’t want them to know that Percy and friends had bested him so many times.
Finally, there is Silena. Now this might be a hot take, but I don’t think Silena should be considered part of the TA. She didn’t seem to connect with their cause, and probably never swore to Kronos. She only supported Luke himself; first out of misplaced feelings for him, and then because he was blackmailing her. Either way, it’s very unlikely that anyone from the TA other than Luke was contacting her. The others probably knew they had a spy in camp, but not who; it would have been very stupid even by Luke’s standards to let that secret out. You never know when another demigod might have second thoughts, and go the same way as Chris.
So, as much fun as it is to imagine the TA as a big found family, it would never have actually happened in canon. There might have been a strong friendship between Luke and Chris, and then maybe one between Alabaster and Ethan (though come to think of it, Al never mentions Ethan either). But sadly, those are the only relationships the TA would produce outside of fanfiction.
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We've been noticed in our frantic mood yesterday. This is the 3th article I read about the eyeliner 🤣🤣🤣
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acaelusstern · 1 year
Somagical girl mirage
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cripcrip · 8 months
Le Backrooms sono un fenomeno di internet diffusosi nei primi anni 2020[1][2] che descrive un labirinto di muri gialli infinito a tema ufficio (livello 0) e altri ambienti liminali.[3][4] questo evento è nato nel forum di 4 Chan nel 2019, ed ha creato una grande influenza all'interno del mondo dell'Internet. L'evento delle backrooms fa' parte del genere Creepypasta.
La popolarità delle Backrooms ha ispirato il trend di internet degli spazi liminali: "immagini di spazi inquietanti e disabitati",[5] come questo corridoio vuoto di un liceo
Sono caratterizzate da un labirinto che si estende indefinitamente, fatto di stanze tutte uguali, illuminate da luci al neon che ronzano ininterrottamente; le pareti sono rivestite di carta da parati di colore giallo e il pavimento di moquette umida.[3]
Sebbene gli utenti di internet abbiano ampliato questo concetto, creando diversi "livelli" di Backrooms e "entità" che li abitano, la versione originale proveniva da un commento di due paragrafi sotto un post di 4chan che richiedeva "immagini inquietanti", in cui un utente anonimo ha inventato una storia basata su una delle foto. Le Backrooms hanno similitudini con vari altri trend e media horror, tra cui le fotografie degli spazi liminali, ovvero al livello della soglia della coscienza, il progetto di narrativa collaborativa della Fondazione SCP e il progetto musicale di The Caretaker Everywhere at the End of Time.
Dalla loro creazione originale, le Backrooms sono state ampliate in varie altre forme di media e fenomeni culturali dell'internet, inclusi videogiochi, wiki di narrativa collaborativa e video di YouTube.
Storia[modifica | modifica wikitesto]
Il fenomeno delle Backrooms ha avuto origine da un thread pubblicato sulla board /x/ di 4chan il 12 maggio 2019, in cui un utente anonimo ha chiesto ad altri di "pubblicare immagini inquietanti che sembrino semplicemente sbagliate". Lì è stata caricata la prima foto che ritrae le Backrooms, presentando un'immagine leggermente inclinata di un corridoio di colore giallo. Un altro utente anonimo ha commentato la foto con la prima storia sulle Backrooms, affermando che si entra nelle Backrooms nel momento in cui "avviene un noclip che porta dalla realtà alle aree sbagliate", noclip è un termine legato ai videogiochi - proveniente da Doom - indicante quando un giocatore passa attraverso un confine fisico, che altrimenti bloccherebbe il suo avanzare lungo una strada.[6][7]
Dopo che il post di 4chan ha guadagnato fama, diversi utenti di internet hanno iniziato a redigere storie dell'orrore relative alle Backrooms. Inoltre, molti meme sono stati creati e condivisi sui social media, rendendo ulteriormente popolare la creepypasta. Alcuni hanno anche affermato di aver visto quell'immagine da qualche parte prima; secondo Manning Patston di Happy Mag, questi commenti erano "esistenziali, vuoti e terrorizzati".[7] Patston ha anche commentato l'uso del termine "noclip", interpretandolo come "glitch in cui vengono abbattuti i muri della realtà", come l'esistenza dei doppelgänger.[7] Confrontando la struttura con il design dei livelli del franchise di Resident Evil, Kaitlyn Kubrick di Somag News ha definito le Backrooms "la terrificante creepypasta dei sogni maledetti".[8]
La posizione della foto originale di Backrooms è sconosciuta; sebbene siano state proposte diverse posizioni, è anche possibile che l'immagine sia una composizione digitale generata proceduralmente.[9] La creepypasta è stata anche associata al concetto di kenopsia, coniato per la prima volta in The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows: "l'atmosfera inquietante e triste di un luogo che di solito è affollato di persone ma che ora è abbandonato e tranquillo".[9][10]
Livelli[modifica | modifica wikitesto]
Il concetto originale delle Backrooms è stato ampliato dagli utenti di internet, che hanno creato diversi "livelli". Ci sono 92233720368547758071 livelli trovati all'interno delle Wiki (Wikidot e Fandom) delle Backrooms, con diverse foto e "classi di pericolosità", secondo un format influenzato dalla wiki di SCP. Uno dei canoni vuole che ci siano cinque livelli distinti.[7] I livelli includono:
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palbuys · 2 years
250 Foods High in Antioxidants to Prevent Chronic Diseases.
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Are you looking to boost your antioxidant intake and improve your overall health to prevent yourself from chronic diseases? Look no further! Here, we’ve compiled a list of 250 foods that are packed with antioxidants and are sure to give your body the boost it needs. From delicious berries to leafy greens and even some unexpected options, this list has something for everyone. So, say goodbye to free radicals and hello to a healthier you by incorporating these antioxidant-rich foods into your diet starting today!”
What are Antioxidants and free radicals?
Antioxidants and free radicals are both important for the health of our cells and overall health.
Antioxidants are substances that can protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that have an unpaired electron, making them highly reactive. They can damage cells by stealing electrons from other molecules, leading to a chain reaction that can damage DNA and other important cellular components. This can lead to the development of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and Diabetes.
What Antioxidants do?
Antioxidants are essential components of a healthy diet, but what exactly do they do in our bodies? Antioxidants are powerful substances that help protect our cells from damage caused by free radicals.
Antioxidants work by neutralizing free radicals by donating an electron without becoming unstable. They are found in many foods, including herbs, spices, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. They are also found in dietary supplements, such as Vitamin E and Vitamin C.
In addition to eating a balanced diet, there are also dietary supplements that contain antioxidants. These supplements can be a convenient way to get more antioxidants into your diet, but it’s important to speak with a doctor before starting any new supplement regimen.
It’s worth noting that the body can also produce antioxidants, such as enzymes that are produced by the liver. However, it’s important to consume a diet that is rich in antioxidants to ensure that the body has enough to neutralize the free radicals that are produced through normal metabolic processes and environmental factors such as pollution and smoking.
What are Antioxidant Foods?
Antioxidants play a crucial role in maintaining good health, and incorporating antioxidant-rich foods into your diet is one of the best ways to get more of these essential nutrients. But with so many different foods claiming to be packed with antioxidants, it can be difficult to know where to start. In this blog post, we’ll explore what antioxidant foods are and why they’re so important for our health.
What is the meaning of Antioxidant content in mmol/100g?
The antioxidant content of a food is measured in millimoles (mmol) per 100 grams, indicating the amount of antioxidants present in a 100-gram serving.
This measurement helps to compare the antioxidant capacity of different foods and determine their potential health benefits. In this blog post, we have mentioned the Antioxidants content in mmol/100g for all the foods listed.
What Herb has the most Antioxidants?
Antioxidants = Herbs, Most Herbs contain antioxidants. We have listed from the Highest Antioxidant content in mmol/100g to the lowest in Herbs and Spices.
Herbs and Spices Rich in Antioxidants (Antioxidant content in mmol/100g)
Clove Dried Ground (465.32)
Meadowsweet Flowers Dried (167.82)
Mint Leaves Dried (160.82)
Rose Flower Dried (153.90)
Wild Marjoram leaves dried (142.86)
Alpine lady’s mantle leaves Dried (130.36)
Lemon Balm Leaves Dried (125.33)
Rose-bay willow herb flower and leaves dried (120.99)
Woodland geranium (113.27)
Purple loosestrife flower and leaves dried (111.04)
Red whortleberry leaves dried (102.07)
Allspice Ground (99.28)
Speedwell dried (94.79)
Lemon Thyme Flower and Leaves Dried (92.18)
Dwarf birch leaves dried (86.22)
Sundew Dried (85.97)
Somage Dried Ground (85.58)
Saint John’s wort flower and leaves dried (72.16)
Maral Root leaves dried (69.57)
Rosemary Dried (66.92)
Thyme Dried (63.75)
Saffron Dried Ground (61.72)
Coltsfoot leaves dried (61.32)
Summer savory leaves and flower dried (59.66)
Grey alder leaves dried (59.27)
Sage (58.80)
Northern dock root (56.69)
Bearberry Bark (55.63)
Spanish chervil leaves dried (54.96)
Merian dried (53.92)
Hyssop flower dried (52.29)
Grass-of-Parnassus dried (52.27)
Pepper-dried ground (50.96)
Wall germander dried (48.14)
Ash Young Leave Dried (47.78)
Raspberry leaves dried (46.89)
Bee balm flower dried (46.56)
Estragon Leaves Dried (44.75)
Nutmeg dried Ground (43.52)
Thribi dried (42.56)
Sumac dried ground (42.36)
Common butterwort leaves dried (41.93)
Oregano dried (40.30)
Cinnamon bark whole (40.14)
Common nettle and stinging nettle leaves dried (35.23)
Southernwood flower stem and leaves dried (34.88)
Anisisop leaves dried (33.14)
Lavender leaves and flower dried (29.61)
Hoary plantain leaves dried (29.35)
Spruce leaves dried (29.31)
European golden rod dried (28.43)
Ajwain Fruit pods dried (28.42)
English ivy leaves dried (27.98)
Ginger Dried Ground (24.37)
Angelica Leaves Dried (25.25)
Dill dried (24.47)
Dandelion leaves dried (21.07)
Fennel leaves dried (18.91)
Celery leaves dried (16.91)
Turmeric Dried Ground (15.68)
Bay Leaves Fresh (15.05)
Basil Dried (12.31)
Chili Dried Ground (12.21)
Common horsetail dried (12.17)
Cumin dried Ground (11.88)
Star anise dried (11.30)
Chives dried (11.14)
Yellow Mustard seeds ground (10.53)
Parsley dried (10.09)
Marigold flower and leaves dried (9.83)
Mustard seeds ground (9.44)
Paprika dried ground (8.60)
Jalapeño pepper dried (8.25)
Whole Chili dark dried (7.54)
Cayenne pepper dried ground (5.90)
Shahjerra dried (5.34)
Ginger raw paste (5.33)
Coriander dried ground (4.66)
Tamarind (3.50)
Whole White Pepper (3.49)
Cardamom dried ground (2.35)
Fenugreek seeds (2.09)
Parsley big leaves fresh (2.03)
Coriander leaves fresh (1.20)
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sisaniscuteblog · 5 years
Heaven 😍
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fairwindcosplay · 6 years
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Somewhere, over the rainbow... Ciel the Rainbow Faerie: @fairwindcosplay Costume and original character: @spoonfulofsugarent #spoonfulofsugarent #faerie #fairy #fairyprincess #faerieprincess #rainbow #rainbowfaerie #rainbowfairy #princessperformer #facecharacter #characterperformer #cosplay #cosplaymodel #cosplayer #fairycosplay #faeriecosplay #cosplayersofinstagram #livingthedream #somagical #courtofthefairies #faeriecostume #faeriecourt #summercourt #CielTheRainbowFaerie #CielTheFaerie
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sightofslumber · 4 years
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I have some really exciting news to share! If you've been paying attention to my stories (or Vervain's) you might already know, but here's my official announcement: Vervain & I are going to be hosting a FREE virtual course on crystals & essential oils! :D ⁣ ⁣ 💎When? July 22 - 25. Go at your own pace, totally not necessary to be online/present at specific times. The course will stay up for quite a while after those dates pass, so you'll have plenty of time to check out it out & share with friends. BUT there are going to be giveaways during the active course dates! ⁣ 💎Where? Facebook group called MEET THE MOONBABES (where a bunch of other free essential oil knowledge, tips & tricks are being shared as well)⁣ 💎Why? Uhhh because lots of awesome info on plant & crystal magic!!! As well as some great practical, informative stuff. ⁣ 💎What even?! Charging, programming, energetic cleansing, manifesting, crystal grids, elixirs, diffuser jewelery, affirmations, magical/spiritual bathing, crystal infused roller blends, + more + a few chances to win giveaways 💖⁣ ⁣ We just barely started brainstorming & have already come up with so much cool content, ideas, & giveaway prizes! You're welcome to search the Facebook group & join, DM me with any questions or to ask for an invite. 😀 ⁣ ⁣ #witchesofinstagram #justwitchythings #crystals #crystalmagic #essentialoils #plantmagic #magic #somagical #freecourse #meetthemoonbabes https://www.instagram.com/p/CCJ6GQFl6AN/?igshid=1k3ak8aquod9t
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mermaidgirl1990 · 5 years
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𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐼 𝐿𝑂𝑉𝐸 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑖𝑠 𝑎𝑑𝑚𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑦 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑠!🍁🍂🎃🧡 #fallismyfavoriteseason #somagical #fallleaves🍁🍂 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3X-9hinZDNq4T0AcFUP3D1Irw36Ww3CreUrnM0/?igshid=nszbv451jgvm
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alicedaydreams · 5 years
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I wouldn’t have guessed that every other photo of me from #Scotland would be with an adorable animal, but IT IS WHAT IT IS. So blessed by the Isle of Sky our 2nd day there when we found a herd of Highland Cattle (#scottishcoo) & met this SWEET SOFT BB COO. 😭😭😭 The coo are actually not that easy to find, so this was truly magical! 🐮 (📸 of me @catherine) . . . #skye #isleofskye #geektravel #somagical #visitscotland #babycoo #highlandcattle #disneyprincessstatus #blessed #liveincolor #travelgram #wanderlust #markme #staybonnie (at Isle of Skye) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2pgUDOA79_/?igshid=jf5kzn9ij72d
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daphniepearl · 5 years
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Wishing we were back at this magical place! Who has fun plans this weekend!? . #disney #disneyworld #disneyfamily #disneygoals #waltdisneyworld #magickingdom #cinderellascastle #somagical #happiestplaceonearth #magickingdomcastle https://www.instagram.com/p/B2paQhPpvM0/?igshid=ioniznqn0qce
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myranda-writes · 5 years
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New hair today! Couldn't decide on a color so I chose all of them. #unicornhair #mermaidhair #galaxyhair #lavishhairandmakeup #somagical Thanks so much @lavishhairsf https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx53DJ1Aq0p/?igshid=1o4vgwfi5ih9l
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KLIK: https://wa.me/0882-0089-8640-7,obat kolestrol LDL,obat kolestrol HDL,obat hierkolestrolemia, obat kolestrol total,obatkolestrol rendah,obat kolestrol maluku utara.
kini saatnya anda merasakan keajaiban alami,bajakah super! dapatkan kesehatan optimal dengan kekuatan akar bajakah yangluar biasa. tak perlu lagi kompromi, pilihlah yang terbaik untuk kesehatan anda, pilih bajakah super!
HALAL 100% ISI 250g
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bebejacobs · 5 years
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#LostInPlay2. #SoMagical #LostInWords #ShanghaiArt #ModernArt #TheaterArts #Shanghai #China #ShanghaiLife #JacobsHaiLivin (at Shanghai, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxh6O4kgF-9/?igshid=1c93a0qd0trhz
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dmnsqrl · 7 years
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#Repost @thesweetspot_crew (@get_repost) ・・・ So magic. #somagical #selflove
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