#some basic info on him since i don't post this fandom much:
AITAH for hiding my fanfiction hobby from my husband?
I do not think I'm the asshole here, but a few friends online have told me I am so seeking an outside opinion. I (32F) have been married to my husband (35M) for almost 9 years. We have a good relashinship with the average amount of disagreements over the basic stuff (financies occasinally, planning conflicts, in-laws, you get the idea) never anything big. Overall we have a very happy together.
Along with having common interests, we both have our own hobbies. For me, this is writing fanfiction. I'm what I would consider a semi-serious writer. I have well over 100 fics posted, several of which are pretty long (50k+), and pretty much all of them are very spicy (M or E rating, and all M/M). I write in my down time on my laptop and on my phone, and it's my main form of solo relaxation.
Now, here is where, according to a few online friends, I'm the asshole. My husband knows nothing about this hobby. I never talk to him about writing or fandom stuff. It's just not a hobby/interest we share. We watch some of the same shows and get invested, but he is not part of as I would put it "fandom culture". Shows and movies are something to enjoy, but he doesn't immerse himself in them like I do (he is well aware I get more invested in them than him sometimes). My online friends say that since I hide it from him, and especially since I write spicy things, I am basically cheating emotionally. Which I disagree with. My writing never interferes with us spending time together, I don't put it before him, and it doesn't effect our activities in the bedroom (I don't really think that's relevant but thought I would mention it). I am devoted to him. I just like having this hobby. They say it shows I do not trust him.
The main reason I don't tell him is not that I don't trust him, its that I simply don't trust anyone. I was bullied horribly in middle and high school (verbally and physically) for being interested in fandom things and fanfics. Since then, the idea of talking face to face about it gives me great fear and anxiety. So I just prefer to keep it to myself. He has seen me writing on my phone and asked what I'm doing, my response simply being "I write short stories sometimes," and we move on. For all I know, he has figured it out and just respects my privacy.
This is another reason they say I'm an asshole. I value my privacy and his. I'm not the type that thinks we are married and are basically one person required to share everything. We are allowed to be our own people with part of ourselves that are just for us. My friends say that's selfish and not how marriage works. (To preface, they are in relashinships where their partners' share their interest in fandom culture).
So, AITAH for keeping this hobby to myself?
What are these acronyms?
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pagodazz · 5 months
your post abt sexualizing the emh characters and actors was based but lets be real we all skipped the princeton tapes anyway
Im going to be so upfront rn. and don't take any offense I'm not mad or anything but I'm definitely gonna get heated HELP.
I listen to the Princeton tapes almost everyday, I revisit the transcripts often when I want easy access to the dialogue. The Princeton tapes might actually be my favorite part of the everymanHYBRID lore. It's so important to everything you need to know for the whole series and it helps explain so much, especially when it comes to vinnie as character.
the Princeton tapes have so much to offer and I think it's such a shame that this fandom chooses to ignore all the effort that the everymanHYBRID guys put into this series. The Princeton tapes has never failed to make me emotional HELP. it's beautiful shit. So I'm so sorry anon I literally cannot agree with this at all because the Princeton tapes are my absolute everything. I genuinely relate to Princeton Vinnie (& also Roger) more than I might relate to anyone on the channel. They're so real, and I wish more than anything they were more than tapes but at the same time I love it so much it's so perfect.
Also while during my most recent rewatch I've realized that in the series HABIT himself will use quote's and shit that Princeton Vinnie himself has said.
This one always sticks out to me, because it feels like habit pulled those words RIGHT out of Vinnies mouth only to in turn use them on him. Of course the Lexi video predates when the tapes came out, but canonically the tapes happened WAYYYYY before this, considering it takes place in the late 80s.
this goes with my idea that HABIT himself has probably had access to those tapes (atleast at some point) and he did he's research on Mr everyman here. but that one is just my personal opinion and I don't expect people to agree.
While people think that the Princeton tapes are daunting and take too long, they're literally shorter than emh as a whole series if ur watching the right shit.
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these videos are basically the full in depth EMH lore and it has videos in it that long since been deleted.
If you're getting into everymanHYBRID and you're not getting into all the lore and then you're gonna go an act like you know everything it's genuinely so??? because you're literally missing out on KEY information.
like did you guys know habit IS in the tapes 😱😱⁉️⁉️⁉️ did you WATCH finding fairmount all the way through????
did you know Evan and Jeff are there ⁉️⁉️⁉️
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chevvy-yates · 3 days
Sending out kudos to everyone who has shown their love towards Ryder for the past two years.
I love u all very much and every engagement, be it even just a like, means a lot to me.
I've intended to sorta make a cool post of some older vp of him as of today, September 17th, exactly 2 years ago I have created Ryder,— back then as a supposed supportive character for Vijay, very unsure if I would like him as Ry didn't visually turn out as I wanted him to be in the first place and he never went that way either afterwards — yet I find myself writing those lines instead.
I've accepted his look and his imperfection started to grow on me with each picture I took of him. Unlike my other ocs he went his own way leading me along to discover his personality. That's what makes him so different compared to my other blorbos and has me so attached to him.
I did not plan to make him a raver (he was supposed to become an 80s goth punk, a total different style than he's got now) neither that he would end up with a rogue AI controlling him. Only his name, basic info and the toxic family story was planned right from the beginning but that's pretty much it – Ryder showed me the rest of it.
Within the year 2023 I noticed more and more that Ryder has slowly but surly turned out to be my main character.
He turned out to be the most expressive and photogenic one of them all. I don't see him as the prettiest looking either yet he's my most precious and I love every pixel about him.
He's the one thing in my life I am actually truly 100% proud of.
Almost all my ocs exist because of him. They are his support characters. Without him half of them would not even exist. There would be no Thyjs. Even Garnet exists so Ry can live out his passion (that was not really put into the game but exists as lore: Technoise).
I am beyond happy to have created him.
He helps me in a lot of rather personal ways too I do not need to address here.
I got so much to tell about him (also about my other ocs) yet idk if I should continue or not as I find myself stuck with overthinking about it bc of lack of public response literally everywhere (this excludes private chat talks with close friends). Maybe Ryder's too intimidating (not the first time I would read that), his lore gets overlooked easily, or it's to much (confusing) text.
I cannot make anyone force-like him. Tastes are different. Minority is into others oc lore. Less time to read it all. The list is long. I'm aware of it all.
But I cannot underline it enough: do never hesitate to ask me questions about him. He's on my mind 24/7 and my biggest wish is to get this story out and done some day (whenever it will be) and receive some actual feedback on it what was liked.
Just a tiny detail is enough. <3
Another wish I have ever since I joined the CP77 fandom: that people would go back to comment each other more. We all do have little time for it, we all think "oh no so much text to read", we all are in our own bubbles rarley coming out to explore another bubble within this universe. It takes a lot of effort to do. people do seem scared on top to write anything at all for numerous reasons. I have all those problems as well. But I try to sit down and read the one or other lore chunk others wrote down and give a tiny comment as best as I can to make the creator have a smile on their lips. I truly wish we all would do this at least once a week to one person. once a month would be also fine. But if we don't this fandom will be dead soon enough and all thats left is just liking vp with characters on it we know almost nothing about. And maybe even those characters won't have lore anymore bc people stop creating it.
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bekolxeram · 8 days
No, OMG! I'm so sorry if my ask came off this way. I was genuinely curious if there was any way this could work, hence the question. I used to believe it was Tommy who flew the plane, but once I saw your explanation, I actually subscribed to your view. It does seem more believable. I wish it was Tommy, but I think you're right, it wouldn't make much sense. I was just curious if Tim and the writers were to confirm in the future that it was indeed Tommy who flew that plane, whether it would be at least somewhat believable. That was the purpose of my ask. I didn't mean to disregard your theories. I'm sorry. I LOVE your aviation analyses; I even sent you a coffee from the Kinley cafe 🫣 I hope you don't stop. Whenever I see you posted something, I have this huge smile on my face because I know I'm about to read a banger of a post. It's all so interesting!
Noooo, it’s not you. I actually really appreciate your asks. And thank you for the Kinley Café order, you have no idea how happy it made me.
I don’t get asks often, but since the 8x02 title reveal I’ve gotten a few, all aviation related. I’ve been… honestly, elated. I have the chance to yap about my passion and do deep dives on stuff that never crossed my mind before. Sometimes I get carried away, I’m very much incapable of being normal about planes. Ever since I saw those planes in bts photos, my brain has been bustling with ideas, and at times I click rb/reply before thinking because I get too excited. I would worry later that I might’ve forced my theories on others without being asked about them. But it’s not like they’re harmful rhetorics or antagonistic hot takes, just an info dump about a lot of planes. So people can ignore and I’ll move on.
I especially enjoyed doing research on that C-130 in 2x14, I learned a lot about aerial firefighting in the process. I didn’t pay attention back then, but I noticed the lack of airplanes when Tommy was giving Buck the tour in 7x04, so I went back and found the line from the TV reporter saying it was CAL FIRE.
I suspect that line was shoved in there last minute, because some technical consultants told them firefighting air tankers are never used in an urban environment, the weight of water/fire retardant can flatten cars, houses, it has gotten multiple people killed. I can think of more instances where the emergency seems unrealistic at first, but then there’s a passing line making it kind of possible, just exaggerated. I know we always joke about Tim writing soap opera level surreal emergencies, but I feel like all the other people involved in the making of this show don’t get enough credit, especially those designing the opening big disasters.
I’ve noticed multiple times that shortly after posting stuff about Tommy’s pilot career, a post would pop up in the tag asking people to stop obsessing over timeline. I paid them no mind before, they were probably not personal I thought, a subsection of the fandom does have the habit to use Tommy’s age to call him a predator. But this time, well, my theory was mentioned by name, so they were talking about me.
I can handle bad takes or even attacks from the toxic part of the fandom, I don’t value their opinion at all. Seeing rb after rb from people on our side of the fandom, some of whom I admire, basically telling me to stop being so obsessive over realism, being compared to fans who nitpick certain actors’ accents, tattoos, grooming choices, that one stings harder than I thought.
I know I’m being thin-skinned, I’m making everything about me, I’m fully aware that I’m a disaster. But I find myself hesitating to answer the other aviation related asks in my inbox, one of them particularly asking about the possibility of certain scenario in real life. I’m just not sure my input is welcomed here. I have this fear of unknowingly annoying people with my over-enthusiasm. I feel like that kid who keeps yapping about trains at school that everyone secretly hates again.
I just really, really love aviation. I thoroughly enjoy uniting these 2 things that I love and maybe learn new things from it. I don’t mean to impose. I was very excited this morning when I received asks in my inbox, but now it feels like being slammed back onto the ground, and it’s not a good feeling. I don’t know, maybe it’s time to uncouple these 2 things.
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creepylittlelady · 10 months
wait, I don't understand why fanon Masky is so hated?? /genq (I was never really that interested in him tbh so I only know shit about him.)
OKAY, I can answer this one!
I'm happy that the whole fandom turned around on Fanon Masky recently (at least, I believe it must have been recently considering Cheesecake Masky was a thing before I 'left' the fandom), since that version of him is a bit problematic lol
If you've watched Marble Hornets, then you'll know that Masky and Hoody are REALLY scary (seriously, I had nightmares about Masky for absolute weeks), and work against the Operator. However 'fanon' Masky is a loyal employee of Slenderman/The Operator (I'm gonna make a post addressing the differences one day), and isn't really all that scary?? From what I remember, he was mainly joked about as being the 'Sensible one' of the Proxy trio (Him, Hoody and Toby), who was basically the dude always tired of their bullshit. Not only is this the complete opposite of how Masky is, as he would NEVER work FOR his enemy, who literally ruined his life from childhood, but it also sort of flanderised him and no longer made him scary, which is something the Creepypasta fandom tends to do a lot lmao
Another thing is his sudden change of character design. A lot of old Creepypasta fanart depicting him from 2013-2017 show him with lighter brown hair and a yellow jacket, which isn't what he looks like at all?? Actual Masky has much darker hair and I don't think he's ever seen with that ugly ass highlighter coloured jacket.
There's also the complete change in his body type, definitely one of the most controversial things about Fanon Masky. Let me first say that I do not believe that Tim Sutton (Masky's original actor) is fat, I'm not sure WHERE the old Creepypasta fandom got that idea from. Fandom in general, especially the Creepypasta fandom, is quite 'fatphobic' from my experience. What this basically means is that if you're not a skinny twink you will be body shamed in every way possible. The Creepypasta character market has always been oversaturated with men who basically were twinks, with slim and pale bodies, such as Jeff the Killer.
I believe that making Masky so thin came from the fact that when the Creepypasta fandom really took off around 2013-ish, a lot of Creepypasta fans looked for content and eventually I believe that a lot of them must have stumbled across Marble Hornets. Upon seeing Masky and Hoody, two characters that could have passed off as Creepypasta characters (as most of the other characters in Marble Hornets looked like ordinary people), the fandom probably adopted them and adapted them to 'their tastes', no matter how good they were or not. It might have also been a game of telephone too, as maybe a Creepypasta fan's friend of a friend told them some info about Masky and they misunderstood and instead of who Masky actually was, saw him more as the silly goofy masked guy. And to be honest, I don't think the Creepypasta fandom has ever really been known for actually doing their research, so that misconstrued version of him just became canon in everyones minds.
Not that it was always that innocent though...
One titular thing about fanon Masky was his strange love of Cheesecake. I myself saw a lot of it in 2016 sewed into every bit of content for his character, and was confused on where it came from. Then, I found out that it was meant to be a joke SHAMING him for 'being fat'. I originally stumbled across this for the first time in a satire comic, where one of the panels is Hoody chastising Masky for eating cheesecake, stating that Masky will become fat. The cheesecake joke is one I've seen in some fandoms before, albeit in different ways and with different foods. For the life of me I cannot figure out why everyone decided to associate him with Cheesecake, but everyone just did.
Fanon Masky is a perfect example on how fandoms can flanderise characters to the point where they're unrecognisable; pull up a picture of Masky in the Marble Hornets and then a Masky fanart from 2015. The difference is STAGGERING. The Creepypasta fandom is very much infamous for flanderising characters, such as making Jeff a misunderstood bad boy, Toby a waffles-obsessed manchild, and Masky a Slenderman-loving, Crayons and Paper-having, Toby-hating, Cheesecake-eating twink.
TL;DR: Fanon Masky was made as a shitty misconstrued fat joke.
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day6source · 6 months
hello my loves <33333333 happy spring! i hope you've all been enjoying it so far, and especially enjoying it with the new album hehe!!🫶 so! first things first:
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the welcome to the show concert is next week! as always i'll be recording, and i've since figured out recording with firefox, so there should be 0 to little stuttering this time in the VOD! i apologize heavily for that, and i actually have a gift to make up for it, but stay with me until the end! second: since kcon was...virtually unwatchable to most of us, i went on a little hunt for it! you may or may not be able to find the meet & greet here and the performance cut of the boys here. not sure. you might just have to check out the links to double check ;)
third: masterpost for 'fourever' is basically all updated! you can find it here! i was...unaware of the link limit, so if you want the shopping and streaming and performance links, those'll be in the first read more, watching things and articles are in the second one (which is the one linked for ease)! promo is basically over (i say cautiously) minus the concert, so feel free dive in if you missed anything! speaking of masterposts!
fourth: i got to thinking about it, and i found it a little unfair to only include jae in the pinned, so you can now find links/some updated info about what junhyeok is doing! i figured if i'm gonna have one former member, i should also have the other, even if he was there for only a short amount of time. so if you've been wondering what he's been up to, check him out on youtube and streaming! i'll be keeping it...semi-updated in the way i do jae's part, checking in every like, three months to see if anything's changed. on the flip side, if none of you care to know what those two are up to, i might just take their sections out entirely, but for now i thought it'd be courteous to have them there at the very least!
and last but not least: so, you guys know that watching old concert content is...entirely impossible really, and i thought...that was pretty wack, actually. so! the other day i went on a little deep dive on some sites, and i found some old concerts including the youth tour, the streams from pilmography, an old fanmeet, and the final every day6 concert. this site is uhhh basically impossible to see without a vpn and...well i also thought that was super wack, especially granted this content is...impossible to find elsewhere, and you can't even buy it. so i...took the liberty of gathering it and maybe...just maybe...you can find it here along with all of the other shows of recent, including a better stream of the christmas show for you guys. this is just me personally, but i think especially in comparison to other fandoms, ours is...a bit smaller and older, so gatekeeping content is just...not cool, and i wanna make sure that if you guys wanna see things, i can bring them to you to watch! it's not everything probably by a long shot, but if it's somewhere, i want you guys to be able to see it, even if those people don't think so, and especially if we can't just go out and buy it somewhere! so please enjoy! it should all be uploading as of me typing this post up, but should be up within a couple of hours, but there's some things in there like the kcon stuff and some other shows already, so that should keep you busy in the meantime.
okay, that's it! i love you guys, and i hope you're all staying so so so healthy and so so so so happy and enjoying fourever! we're actually almost at 300 followers which is INSANE, especially because the blog is almost a year old!!!!! what!!!!!!!! time truly flies, and i have loved every second with you all, i've got some potential things planned, so...stay tuned ;) stay happy and healthy, study well, take long breaks when you need, enjoy the weather! i love you guys so much <33333 tay💕💕💕🫶🫶🫶
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justsomeectoplasm · 1 year
This is the last post I will make before going on Hiatus and I feel I need to spread awareness to as much people as I can because this is the most disgusting, vile and downright pathetic behavior I have ever seen in my entire life and it needs to get more attention outside of the fandom because it's trying to be buried and forgotten.
tw: Grooming and manipulation.
Yandere dev groomed a minor.
For those who don't know who this fucking creep is (bless your soul btw), Yanderedev Aka Alex Mahan is a game developer and creator of Yandere simulator. You probably know him from "the chalice" meme that's spread around twitter and discord for sone time.
This developer was already a sketchy developer. He mistreated volunteers that helped him work on the game, acted unprofessionally towards a person with DID, having a pedophile moderate his discord and admitting his claim that "every character in Yandere simulator is 18" is bs, which if you know the sexual undertones of the game, is fucking disgusting. And finally he made suicide threats to another developer that was making a fangame that was basically doing everything he did better. (I got all of this info on the r/Osana subreddit. They have a megathread explaining this much better and the comments on said megathread gave us even more "arcs")
But the drama has since died down from what I was told and he was still being criticized but not getting as much attention as he did a few years back.
Back in July a youtube creator named AllyMcC was contacted by a minor named "Jane" who claimed to be groomed and sexually abused by Yanderedev/Alex Mahan on the internet. The minor provided some damming evidence that clearly showed inappropriate behavior from Alex. Much of these conversations were taking place on snapchat, with Alex demanding that the setting for messages to be deleted upon viewing be turned on. However, when Jane realized she was being groomed, she started recording the conversations they both had as well as voice calls. Of course, AllyMcC acted (albeit incredibly slowly. July?? And you published the video now?? Why....) and made a whole video detailing the allegations as well as providing the evidence. The video spread like wildfire.
However, Jane retracted her statement of Alex being a predator, claiming he is just "lonely". It is suspected that Jane was manipulated by Alex to retract her statement, as this is common behavior from grooming victims. As of now, Alex still has contact with Jane and AllyMcC states that she thinks that he is still manipulating Jane to retract more of her statement. However, more victims of Alex grooming has come forward and begged AllyMcC to keep the video up.
Alex has made a public statement in the form of a blogpost but tbh it doesn't clear anything up and it paints him as the victim in all of this. He deletes any comments on his blogpost that are negative and it's filled with a lot of victim blaming.
After Alex made that public statement, many VA's, volunteers and youtubers are jumping ship and basically disowning Alex and the project.
A few days ago, the video AllyMcC has made about the allegations was copyright striked and removed, under Jane's real name. It was later revealed that Jane herself did not file that strike, so it is suspected that Alex essentially doxxed the victim and filed a copyright strike on the video.
Luckily, the video is being mirrored and reuploaded everywhere on youtube, but it looks like Alex wants to bury the truth.
So why am I making this post? Well, There is now a petition to ban Yanderedev from patreon, essentially cutting off his only financial support for the project. We are so close to the goal but it's not enough. Please sign it and if you can please donate to the petition to help get this freak's patreon abolished and the game canceled.
I also ask of you to not blame Jane for retracting her statement. Also the discord of Yandere simulator is full of Alex defenders and disgusting victim blamers, so don't try to stir up shit in that place. Let them leave of their own volition. Reblog this post with this link as much as you can.
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rivangel · 7 months
Thank you for responding!
I just remembered another question, you may have broached this topic as well, but I've seen a couple posts floating around that suggest Levi is (on some levels) illiterate.
Personally I don't think current canon Levi is illiterate, but what about Levi in the Underground? There's manga evidence (I believe) that he was at least somewhat exposed to reading (I think I saw a photo of him with Isabel and Furlan with a bookshelf in the background..??).
I can't imagine Kenny advocating for reading when learning survival tactics would be more important by his standards. I think the ability to read is something else that connects Levi to his mother (I haven't see much of anything that would suggest she was a reader), or it was simply a roundabout way of learning another survival skill? ("Knowledge is power"? I.e. having more power over his fate/current situation).
Some of these posts go on to assume the illiteracy spills over into how he writes reports (and that supposedly Hange has to either help him or redo them entirely)
I was curious about how you believe Levi would've approached literacy in his early years.
ugh i’ve gone back and forth on this a couple times😩😩in most of my fics, levi is illiterate when he reaches the surface.
at least, as captain, we know there’s NO WAY he’s illiterate in the present. (and besides, he's seen reading the newspaper in s3 at the end of the uprising. and the labels/books in the basement later).
for a canon reference, it’s said in a smartpass that levi diligently practices his handwriting so that no one knows he’s from the underground. that he has “newspaper level” handwriting. he gets defensive towards Petra when she compliments it😭
you’re absolutely right about the backgrounds. here’s some examples:
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clearly farlan knew what he was doing at least😭😭both in the anime and manga, it’s eluded to that farlan is like the ‘co-leader’ that takes care of the money and logistics side of things.
it’s not clear whether levi touches any of that. he IS good (at least competent?) at math though, again like farlan; he did a bit of complex addition in a few seconds.
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(sorry i’m just taking the opportunity to post acwnr panels atp…)
math is definitely more important than reading and writing in the underground right? i think the bare minimum reading ability would’ve rubbed off on levi.
KENNY however most definitely didn’t concern levi with that. i mean…😭
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i’ve never heard or seen anything connecting kuchel to reading?? pls lmk where you heard that if you don’t mind!! i’m curious.
anyway, it’s canon that levi “learned many things” from erwin around this time of which i must imagine had to do with desk work, knowing levi’s life up to then.
(the account associated with that info has, frustratingly, been deleted since i posted it. i’ll go looking if anyone wants the source)
i’ve never heard the tidbit about hange helping levi with his reports either.
i severely doubt it's real. there’s so many “”””facts”””” out there in the aot fandom, recently i made a long post debunking many and after days of research it’s RLY begun to grind my gears. why can’t this fandom be normal😭that ‘fact’ also sounds like it has shipping reasons behind it, like many others…
anyway, all that said, i do think he was on some level illiterate before reaching the surface.
it’s a mystery for now… but i don’t think kuchel knew how to read. kenny didn’t teach him because it paled in comparison in importance compared to fighting, his image, and so on. if levi could recognize letters grouped together, for instance the names of bars, that was enough.
he picked up on basic math along the way, until farlan came along and it became very important to understand numbers - especially as far as income goes. if not for the sake of the, uh, business levi/farlan were running, in the anime, they were saving up money to go live on the surface with.
((((personal hc but)))) despite his talents, shadis never so much as promoted levi to squad leader during his time as commander. he was too stubborn and stuck in his ways, unable to get past the fact that levi was a thug, and yet had more skill than even their strongest soldier (mike).
when erwin was promoted from captain to commander, he gave levi his position immediately. (which honestly pissed levi off, since he didn’t like the idea of having the lives of a personal squad on his hands…. besides the reading and writing issue.)
erwin would go on to teach levi how to read and write, which levi would go on to master on his own. levi, it seems to me, is the type of person who masters everything he tries, and so with practice and determination, he learns quickly….
you can definitely say he overcompensates because he hates for people to know he’s from the underground. not because of the insults personally, but because it would hurt the SC’s image if captain levi was found out to be a thug before, yk?
that’s my take :)
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greenbirdtrash · 9 months
yikes can you drop the @ so we know who to block
I'm not sure if the person who got outed (a particulary nasty person with quite nasty behavior, i have to say) is on tumblr, but the person who made a pedo collab with them is. I will put some info and screenshots under the cut.
I already blocked everyone involved, and i refuse to add anything to this situation for my own comfort and sanity. Hope you understand.
I strongly advise to not interact with the mentioned people, but the "beware" word about their problematic behaviour needs to be said, because i know there's people who don't want to support/reblog from people with such views. DO NOT harass them or go after them, please. This is only a beware.
TW PEDO, CW oncest
Okay so...about the licorick. I had him blocked in telegram for months since i first saw him sending some pedo shit in the group chat that i no longer a member of (mostly because i left after that incident and it wasn't a moderated group before it happened), but i had no idea i will hear more about him, i literally just woke up today and all my mutuals are talking about the beware post on him that finally got created. I wasn't really surprised, but my jaw fell right on the floor when i saw there's also my now former mutual being involved in that.
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[the original post from licorick's channel. TRANSLATION:
"tw pedo"
"an amazing collab with pedo oncest with monika, hooray"
I find it incredibly ironic to create such content and cover it with "no no, we do not support, but "it's fictional, which is okay(literally a quite from licorick)"..like, man.why are you even drawing it in the first place?Sick.
This is the pinnacle of the currently ongoing russian fandom part drama. You can pretty much recognize the @.monika-fan0 drawing style, tho i have NO FUCKING IDEA what could be in that person's head to straight up draw something like that unless they're into that sick shit just like their "friend" licorick (who is widely known across the russian part of the fandom as "that one lunatic with pedo takes that he sents to local fandom confessions", and his DNI list literally includes "softies/normies" what more can i say?). There's also multiple statements from different people about Monika being a proshipper, creating/being an admin in one of the hate confessions directed towards one of the lorax artists and even creating a mascot for MAP-oriented group...Whatever you call it, it's still pedo and DEFINITELY not healthy.
Since peiple started sharing the beware post and asking questions about the drama and the mentioned collab, Monika has released an official statement that basically goes like "lmao, sorry if i offended someone, I don't care, just isolate yourself from people you don't like/want to see"
Not to point my finger at certain someone, but a particular artist who you might remember from their vampire onceler oc with a blue tailcoat showed up in the comment section and started defending monika, saying that "she shouldn't apologize to these lunatics"..you can pretty much read and translate it yourself if you want to.. *sighs*..well. more people for me to unfollow/block...
Here it is. Sorry for the shitty auto translation from her telegram post, but i really do not want to interact with it anymore:
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That's pretty much it. Be careful with who you support. Sometimes..sometimes the people whose art you have geniune interest in turn out nasty.
Stay safe, everyone.
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meta-squash · 24 days
Yet another piece for @shamelessdvdcommentary. I really appreciate getting to ramble on about my fic and also my thoughts on Mickey and characterization and things!
Abrade Summary: The immediate aftermath of 3x06. Mickey can't stop thinking about it.
[TW for discussion of rape aftermath in this post/fic]
Give us some stats - (when you wrote it, word count, how long it took to finish, is it a one-shot/multi-chapter, etc) This fic fell out of my fingers in one go, I think I wrote it in about 2 hours at 11pm in January 2019. It's a oneshot, 2,834 words.
What was the initial inspiration for your story? I had a mental image of Mickey sitting on the couch by himself just staring at nothing and then Terry leaning down and telling him to clean up, and I had also just read something for a different fandom that had very little punctuation and a lot of run-on sentences. I liked the anxiety and panic in that, and my brain switched on.
What was your favourite scene to write? I really liked the little detail of Mickey dumping the entire box of detergent into the washing machine because he just doesn't have the capacity to think about or care about measuring. I also really like the end, seeing/feeling that scene in the abandoned building from Mickey's point of view and his inability to react to Ian yelling at him.
How did you come up with the title? Just the idea of being emotionally/mentally/physically raw and worn away. The Mickey we see in the show post 3x06 is trying so fucking hard to keep the walls up and keep up appearances. But he feels so vulnerable and skinless and hurt, and I wanted to see that immediate aftermath reaction where he's all by himself and doesn't necessarily have to fake it for anybody and/or literally can't fake it because the trauma is too painfully fresh.
Are there any little moments or references you hope readers will notice? That almost the entire fic is long punctuation-less run-on sentences until the very end, after Ian yells at Mickey in the abandoned building and leaves and Mickey starts shooting his gun again.
Favourite line in the story? There are lights on in your house and you don't know if dad is home or what's going to happen when you step inside or who knows what happened since you left but fuck it because you're already half-dead right you always knew this was going to happen right you probably fucking deserved it right you're a goddamn Milkovich fucking a dude in your own goddamn house what the fuck else did you expect to happen certainly not a fucking celebration certainly not a fucking hug certainly not a surprise party Terry already got his surprise goddamn party.
Did the storyline change in any way as you wrote the story? I don't think I had a real storyline planned. This fic fell out all at once, completely linearly. I just started going and then stopped when it felt natural. I remember typing so fast because it was just a sudden blast of inspiration.
What are you most proud about in the story? (plot, characterisation, dialogue, twist/cliffhanger, etc) I love the pacing. It's so panicky and frantic, it really makes you feel for Mickey. I struggled with it a little bit, because the lack of punctuation sometimes makes it a little hard to read/parse what's going on, but I actually really like that because it feels like it's just another way of illustrating how Mickey is feeling, all tangled up and lost and hurting.
Are there any ‘behind the scenes’ info you’d like to share - e.g. what’s going on in a characters head in a certain scene or how you came to write a certain line? I really wanted to show the way the emotional trauma shows up as a physical reaction and vice versa; Mickey being unable to put clothes on but also unable to be naked so he puts everything on vs Mickey feeling like he can't even look at another person without wanting to commit violence. Or Mickey feeling like he's too much inside himself but also totally dissociating, basically all the physical and emotional sensations and contradictions that come with trauma and how much they switch back and forth and stuff.
Are there any ‘easter eggs’ in your story - e.g. references to other stories you’ve written, a trope you often use etc? Mickey vomiting on the dishes in the kitchen sink. I established it in this fic but I've mentioned it in 3 other fics now. I think it's such a great detail in that it's small but so visceral and intense and awful. I think it's important that a reaction be equal or nearly equal to its catalyst in some way, and I think it's also really important in storytelling to indicate the severity of an event in indirect ways. I think the upsetting/humiliating/gross nature of vomiting onto dirty dishes and not having the mental capacity to do anything about it is a good way to indicate the awfulness of Mickey's rape and just how badly it's traumatized him even if he doesn't have the language or ability to talk/think about it.
Were you nervous or excited to post this story? I think I bashed this story out in 2 hours, barely proofread it, and then just put it out in the world because I was so excited by it. It was just a flash of inspiration. I wish I could remember what music I was listening to when I wrote it.
Anything else you’d like the readers to know about the story? It was the first fic for the Shameless fandom that I wrote in second person POV, and it reminded me how much I love that as a stylistic choice. It also became the unintentional prequel to my fic Proof Of What You Want, which also uses the second person POV mechanic. The grammar in this fic is all whack because of the lack of punctuation, but I really really wanted the reader to feel that same level of breathless tension and panic and confusion through the inability to "rest" via commas while reading. I think it's a mechanic that worked really well.
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jeannos · 11 months
every kid in this fandom MUST have their au phase where they make aus of this stupid skeleton, and I FINALLY got the courage to make one!!
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I lied actually... I have like 6 sans/skeleton ocs... and 2 of them are self inserts... BUT ANYWAY this guy is the only one I posting publicly atm
btw this reference specifically is really old (I started drawing this in like- 2021/2022 I guess?? Idk honestly) but I never actually finished it till recently bc, yeah, I got super lazy... ironic isn’t it? I don't even draw Sanses like this anymore -_-
he does not have a actual name yet...
I mean- I call him Dreamer!Sans but I'm not really sure if I'm gonna set with that yet, since I don't actually have a story/plot for him besides his purpose in the multiverse, but I do have some other ideas ;]
Dreamer!Sans is basically a protector of dreams, he protects mostly the realities of dreams (or the Dreamscapes, is what I like to call them) to make sure everyone from his au and multiverse have sweet and safe dreams.
Theres this things called Night Spawns or Nightlings who feeds from peoples nightmares and trauma while they are asleep. They oddly look like spiders... Dreamer is responsible for defeating these pests.
"But why?" you may ask.
Well... the Nightlings "power" to manifest bad dreams in your sleep can cause you depression, anxiety, paranoia, and much more, if they stay too long attached to someone, AND since they are really hungry they are trying to consume the dreamscapes of the person they are attached to. If they succeeds, one may never dream again (or woke up, in other words)
"What are Dreamscapes?"
Every time someone dreams, that person's consciousness is "transported" to this place, and each person has their own dreamscapes!! They are directly connected to people's consciousness and that is why they are so important.
Hes mostly like classic Sans, very lazy, laid back/relaxed, and he enjoys puns a lot
but it's a little more extreme-
• He is always tired and cannot stay awake for more than 20 minutes without falling asleep again
• He aways looks tired/sleepy
• Sometimes he sleepwalks, he can do unbelievable things while he's asleep, from knitting and cooking to physically fighting or writing a quantum science research, all unconscious!
• For some reason sometimes he sleeps in super specific and random places, once he slept for two whole days inside Nightmare!Sans' castle and no one ever noticed... strange right? He wasn't even in a room, he slept in the kitchen storage the entire time lol
• He has been in and out of so many people's dreams that he probably knows EVERYONE, he has an incredible memory too!
• Sometimes he can't tell if he's really awake or if he's still dreaming, so he doesn't usually take things around him seriously. Which can make other people upset or annoyed that they're not being taken seriously.
• He learned to never try to find meanings in dreams that don't make the LEAST sense, and since he cannot distinguish which reality he is in because he is almost always dreaming- he will always accept anything absurd you propose to him.
You wanna make a birthday party for a giant unicorn baby? sure sounds fun.
You think Shrek is upset and needs help? yeah lets cheer him up.
Several alternate versions of him are fighting for some bizarre reason he doesn't understand?? yeah ok he can help, he don't mind.
• He snores when he's having a really deep sleep, he won't believe it if you tell him that tho
Well thats it! These are my ideas and thoughts about this Sans I created, I might and probably will add more things about him and his story later in other posts, can't wait to finally see his au takes more shape hehe~
also I will make another post about his magic skills and possible weapon along with more illustrations of him, so keep a eye out for more~~
heres a old doodle I made of him before finishing his ref, bye bye!! :3
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ignore my old signature pls T-T
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
Hey CC! Are you caught up to nb normal lessons? Today I read a very angsty fic based on a idea from nb and I am not caught up to the lessons. I stopped playing after a while. The last scene i remember is maybe Diavolo giving trial to prove that he is suitable to be next in line for king position
And that fic oh my , oh my god let me tell you 😭 if it is even closely related to canon than I might cry so hard
Can you give a basic run down on the lessons after the Diavolo trial one?
Hi there, ☄️ anon!
I am indeed fully caught up! I read them the day they came out lol. I know I have probably gained some new followers in the months since we last had regular lesson releases, so here's my chance to tell you all about the lesson recap posts that I do!
After every lesson, I write a recap post about that lesson! I do it as soon as possible after reading the lesson so it can be my unfiltered thoughts. Since I noticed that sometimes my opinion can be influenced by other people if I read fandom reaction before writing my own. Back when we had season two happening, I was posting one a week lol.
They started out as short reactions, but evolved into slightly more in depth posts. And most of them have screenshots! They're not exactly summaries, since I'm mostly just reacting to what I read. But I think a lot of info can be had from them, too.
You can read them all here on my newly created post for the masterlist!
That being said, the lesson you're talking about is Lesson 14, where Diavolo does the trial. That was still part of season one, so I'm not sure if you're just looking for a summary of season one or if you want season two as well? I'm gonna put it all under this read more though because of spoilers:
So basically, after the trial, Raphael shows up and tells the brothers that the Celestial Realm wants them to come back. And if they don't, the CR will consider it an act of war. This is because the brothers have become figures of power in the Devildom and the CR believes that tips the scales of power between the two realms unfairly. You can read those lesson recap posts if you wanna hear me bitch about it lol.
Anyway, the brothers all decide they don't want to leave Satan behind because he wouldn't be able to go with them. Lucifer really goes through it despite this because he's thinking about sending all his brothers back, but staying in the Devildom with Satan himself. They don't want him to do that, but he's dumb and tends to do whatever he thinks is best without consulting anybody. Anyway, he talks a bit about what it was like when Satan was "born" and then he straight up apologizes to his bros which shocked me.
That's basically it. There's a HUGE spoilery reveal in the hard lesson twenty, but I'm not sure how much info you want. But basically, the CR is just like okay we'll take your decision into consideration, but they never actually start a war or anything.
Okay so then in season two, MC and Solomon start losing their magic. Like it's still there, but it's significantly less powerful. And so MC has to ramp up the plan to get pacts with all the bros. So then we go through each of the bros where they kinda have an episode where they succumb to their sin. We learn a lot about the Little Ds, who are needed for MC to enter the mind of the brother who is afflicted at the time. They go into their mind and basically do some classic MC therapy, which helps that brother to overcome whatever thing they're having an issue with. Then they make a pact with MC.
Unsurprisingly, Lucifer's turn at this is the most dramatic of all. It involves going into the Underworld (which is connected to the Devildom, but is separate), to a place called Cocytus (the hall is built on top of it). Lucifer gets chained up. This all happens because of the CR who apparently consider Cocytus to be part of their domain. There's a bunch of nonsense and shenanigans but basically, Lucifer gets free and MC makes a pact with him. Cocytus Hall is destroyed in the process, but they build Purgatory Hall in its place.
Then they have the RAD founding ceremony, but partway through some kinda portal opens in the sky. Solomon says they have to use that portal to get back to their own time, which MC manages to do by using the power of all seven brothers.
And that's it. Hard lesson confirms that we're either back in our own time or at least in a different timeline from the one we were in originally. I'm hoping it's not a whole new timeline because the time travel bs is really getting out of hand.
Anyway, that's the gist of it! I left out a lot, of course, so if you want more details, I suggest reading through some of my recap posts!
I don't think any of this was super dramatic, so I'm not sure how divergent the fic you read was. But I hope this helps!
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leonardoeatscarrots · 5 months
So i don't really know much about your fandoms or interests so... idk, would you mind giving me the rundown maybe? Like a little description about the games you like, or some info about your different comics? I want to chat more with you but I'm not sure where to start since I'm not familiar with your fandoms
Haha, that makes sense, my Fandoms can be considered a little niche.
First off, I'm super glad to finally meet you, lol. I've sorta been watching you and Pringles from afar, and you two seem like good friends.
But yeah, I'll happily give you a rundown, thanks for asking ^^
Pathologic/Мор: Утопия is a Russian videogame developed by Icepick Lodge. You play as one of three healers in a bo-hum steppe town, and your goal is to try and save the population from the outbreaking plague. The game has a lot of heavy theatrical influences and is well known for being extremely difficult and cruel. Which means the writing is perfectly catered to my tragedy-loving gay-theater-kid ass.
Karamora/Карамора is a show I got into a while ago. Basically, it's a fictional retelling of the Russian revolution (one of my special interests, lmao), except all the nobles are vampires. It's dumb but it's unironically so well made. Plus it has that twinky ginger guy, Evgeny Schwartz, in it. This show is also what got me on the Russian media pipeline to begin with XD
Lost Splendor was a memoir written by Felix Yusupov (aka the guy who killed rasputin, aka an important figure in the Russian revolution), and it's just incredibly funny for no reason. Man killed Rasputin, but all he could think to write about was how gay and ADHD he was.
Comics. I'm just very normal about them. I have a collection of around 80 different comics, single issues and graphic novels included. My favorites are queer and indie graphic novels, but im also a huge sucker for some of the classics like V for Vendetta. I have yet to purchase The Sandman comics, but they're on my list.
As for webcomics, I'm addicted to those too. I'm probably the biggest fan 5-ever of The Peculiar Compendium of Victor Van Wolfe on webtoons, and I've written a few fanfics and made fanart aplenty, as well as made custom stuffies of the characters. But I have a wide list of recommendations across a lot if genres XD
As for comics that IVE written, I currently have two open to the public on webtoons and tapas.
The first is Spaceships and Vodka, which is my primary comic. It's an anachronistic sci-fi surrounding a band of space pirates. It's a monster of the week style story with a lot of extra narrative told through backstories. It's currently still in the exposition stage and on hiatus.
The other is Gentle Hands, which is technically an AU of S&V. It's a gay romance following a disabled WWI soldier in a shellshock home and one of the nurses he has a crush on. This one is, alas, also still in the exposition stage, but is currently updating one page every other week.
As for like individual OCs, I mostly obsess over my comic characters. I don't typically make Fandom OCs.
My absolute pride and joy is Craig. He's also the fan favorite thus far.
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I don't even know where to begin with him.
I have a bio for him and some other OCs I think, but I have yet to actually fill out any more >>_>> executive dysfunction my beloathed.
The full main cast list includes
As well as Erasmus, Rusty, Cipher, Jadyn, and Jesper as some other extras.
So long as I'm here I may as well finish all the bios and make a master post lol...
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recentadultburnout · 1 year
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you-meme!
Got tagged by @telomeke at this post here. Thanks!!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
You can call me Radish if you want. My @ of this blog is something I randomly put in without much thought, and now I have too many links to change it (I hear that if I change the @, all the links would be gone. I never tested it, but the risk is there, and I don't hate my @ yet so ¯_(ツ)_/¯) Reading is my soul-consuming hobby since I can read. Recently, I have gotten into writing fanfic, and while it is not the best and I would still prefer someone else to write it, there is a weird satisfaction in reading a story that goes exactly as you think.
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
I have been very excited since it was announced. I'm Nanon's fan from The Gifted, and to see him suddenly accept a BL role is a big, pleasant surprise. Bad Buddy is probably the first thing I've watched live in years, and it's also the first thing I've rewatched even before it ended. The first (and only) thing that got me to watch the reaction clip too. I've been hooked since the first episode. Each small expression Pran makes has me in chokehold.
Favourite ship/s
Favourite character/s
Pran. I love all the characters, but Pran is my baby. My cute little blorbo💕💕💕💕
Favourite episode/s
I feel like my answer changes each day. Let's say Ep. 3 for today. PatPran sneaking around is cute, the comedy is exactly to my test, and Pran's face that shows in this episode is doing something to my heart.
Favourite scene/s
The scene that I feel is most memorable is the one after the music contest. Yes, the "ma ni di" scene—I don't think I have to tell you why.
The first time I see the rooftop scene, I don't know what I feel. After that scene, I felt like crying. It's an impactful scene for sure.
The scene where Pat and Pran go to market together is definitely one of my fav.
I love Pran's face in the scene where he gets ขนมจีบ(Dumplings?) and a note from his mystery admirer. I keep rewatching that.
Every lighthearted moment between Pran and Wai. I do think Pran shouldn't let Wai get away from being a bad friend, but other than that, I love them together.
The ending scene felt extremely nice.
basically every scenes
One thing you would change about the show if you could
I would like to know more about Pran and Wai's relationship. Nanon said that for him, it makes sense that Pran would be that pushover (?) when it's Wai, and I really want that piece of information.
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people?
I'm grateful for anyone who makes any type of fanwork, but my favorite type of fanwork is definitely fanfic. I think "When did all my friends become so loud?" by fangurks is my fav bbs fic.
Do we count the reaction from ศูนย์วิจารณ์(Soon Vijan) as fanwork or official?
What are your favourite fanworks you've made?
The only piece that is specifically for bbs fandom is my name's meaning(with some extra info) post here. It's the only one, so it's automatically my favorite.
A song that makes you think of BBS (not in the show)
คู่กัด(rival) by Bird Thongchai
It's about two people who keep fighting about everything, and while they know that both parties care about each other and that the thing they fight over is just a small matter, they still want to win.
Very PatPran
เขียวกับแดง(Green and Red) by TaitosmitH
Red and green are OhmNanon fandom colors, and they did sing this song at an event or smt. I've now associated it with bbs fandom.
อย่าทำอย่างนี้ไม่ว่ากับใคร(Don't do this to anyone.) by Bird Thongchai (im Bird's fan, sue me)
a song about one-sided love that the one who has the feeling knows (thinks?) the other doesn't reciprocate but feels like if other people get treated like this they will probably misunderstand that the feeling is mutual and so they tell their crush not to treat someone who they don't like like that.
It's not that in line with PatPran's story, but I feel like Pran probably vibed with it before Pat cleared things up between them.
B Team by Marianas Trench
solely because of this edit below. Before this, I exclusively listened to the Nightcore ver lol. I discovered this song in my Nightcore and Vocaloid era, and I left it there until now.
Onward tagging:
I don't know who to tag lol. Anyone passes by and feels up to it, I guess.
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barbatoskisser · 6 months
Hello humans! Quick warning - I spam sometimes and I just reblog ang type wtv. Consider this q blog full of whatever catches my eye. May contain smut but I try to keep this as sfw & friendly as possible <3
Pronouns here for those who want to compliment but dunno how <3 (i love you all, i need to update it, but its pretty accurate for now!)
Commissioms OPEN 0/5 link here for info
PSA - not terribly active due to irl reasons!! Dw, ill explain everything once I have a chance. But yeah, I'm mostly on discord because thats where a lot of my friends congregate. May still reblog occassionally. Asks are always open, just might take a min for me to respond !
Adin River Barbatos
19...somehow? I don't know either.
He/Its but if it/its just feels awkward to you, they/them is fine (in moderation). Primarily I use he/him though.
Rules / Guidelines
Very much basically just don't be an asshole to me or my mutuals and to protected groups. I support palestine and ukraine, gay and trans, and I'm far from neurotypical. I'm white too, but nyeh. Overall I dont support racism, zionism, homophobia, transphobia, and abelism. Be nice. Not as enforced but if your a minor and think "oh hey neat! A sfw adult blog!" Thats cool but dont be surprosed if I randomly rb a venti smut or spicy venti, lyney, xingqiu, or aether fanart. I fullhearted consider all above as adults and now willing to debate it. If you don't think so, just block me. If genshin ever says directly "[character] is under 18 years of age." And its one of the few, then no shit I'll get rid of this but otherwise it stays up. Eitherway, yeah, no promises i wont reblog spicy occassionally. Be warned and dont interact with that stuff unless ur a legal adult. Also, preferrably, keep drama to a minimum. If a mutual of mine, or someone ypu may think of as a mutual of mine, does something problematic send me a dm and be respectful about it. I'll investigate and if I find it absolutely appalling I'll no longer be friends with them. But just know 9 times out of 10, I really dont care about what my friends post about (see: "problematic" fics. I DON'T CARE. If it doesnt involve in real life humans, i do not give less of a shit.) Unless its in real life that someone did sonething illegal then I'll give a shit. Otherwise, yeah, i'll side with my friends. No offense.
@definesanity , @archaicanathema , @gunterdon , @unkownknowledge , @pale-value , just to name a few. They're all great [chefs kiss]. I'm always open to gaining more mutuals, but preferably be 16 or older. I don't understand gen alpha or anyone under 16. They confuse me. Henceforth; please be over that age otherwise I'll feel like I'm talking to a toddler. And i doubt you wsnt to be treated like a toddler. Anyone born past the 2010s atp is a toddler to me. I'm a 2005s kid.
Am catboy future vtuber / streamer with secret human. Hint, a friend of mine. Also, if you ask my friend gunter, he'll say eldritch creature. So, honestly, who knows ~ ehe.
Hunter x Hunter, Genshin Impact, Ouran High School Host Club, Lunasmr audios, That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime...If its popular enough, I've probably watched it. I used to play Honkai Star Rail, but I've since fallen out of it. Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear, some others. Essentially, quite a number of modern isekai. Up to Overhaul arc of my hero academia with no plans on finishing, all of Hunter x Hunter, all of Dragom Ball Z, up to the universe tournament arc in Super, All of Slime in the anime adaptation. Though i do have webnovel spoilers. By the grace of the gods (pleasw someone yell at me about it. I beg you), Lowkey getting into Monkey Kid lego edition
Okay as I'm rewriting this I've watched a lot, and I mean a lot of shit. So ask me about a show if its not on here. The only ones I can say I haven't watched are demon slayer, attack on titan, naruto, and one piece. Maybe one day, but certainly not today. Currently about to start a few new series. On youtube I'm starting to watch Grian and Kaboodle. Damn their fun. I dont know if its on here, too lazy to check, but also pLEASE ALSO YELL TO ME ABOUT IRUMA KUN. I LOVE IRUMA KUN SM. I NEED MORE IRUMA KUN MOOTS.
Favorite character(s)
Killua Zoldyck, Gon Freecss, Venti / Barbatos, Goku, Illumi Zoldyck, Ryoma Takebayoshi, Alluka and Nanika Zoldyck, Kurapika Kurta, Izuku Midoriya, Shouto Todoroki, Rimuru Tempest / Satoru Mikami, Milim, Veldora Tempest, Paimon, Xiao, Gorou, Lyney, Lynette, Arlechhino, Furina, Zhongli / Rex Lapis, Focalors, Karma Akabane, Korosensei, Nagisa Shiota, the rezt are kinda forgettable. Mavuika, Nahida, Mualani, Kachina, and more to come. I love so many different characters its not even funny.
Other Things
Congrats if you've read down this much! Here would be a secret code for a silly but the co-conspirator said no. You'll have to wait!
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goldentigerfestival · 7 months
so I finally found a subbed version of PS3 Vesperia recently (what the DE was ported from), and that means I am now properly enabled to further make my arguments LOL. basically since the DE text is still in English and there are no subs for what's actually being spoken in the JP audio, it's harder for me to make some points since sometimes people will just listen to audio in JP but not really understand what's going on and have to rely on the English text (which again is localized and not genuinely translated, and in a lot of major cases with Vesperia, it's pretty egregiously bad).
idk how many posts I'll end up making about the bigger changes but I do want to cover some of the things that rubbed me the wrong way with unnecessary and even harmful to Yuri's character changes.
for instance, Yuri has a skit with Estelle that was heavily altered in the dub, originally talking about how he can't find himself being grateful to someone like Raven for showing them how to sneak out of the castle. his reasoning is basically that Raven is shady and he's not sure he should be grateful to someone like that, and is confused as to why Estelle would be so grateful when she doesn't even know him (because in his mind, he knows the guy feels somewhat shady from meeting him and isn't sure he wants to trust a guy with those vibes).
in the dub they just kinda... make him sound like an ungrateful jerk and not so much because he's not sure he wants to trust Raven. the dub skit doesn't make it sound like it's an issue of his with Raven specifically and that he just generally doesn't feel grateful for the aid (and that in general one shouldn't feel grateful for aid like this), which gives off a really wrong impression of him that doesn't hold up throughout the game.
Yuri wasn't wholly ungrateful for the gesture itself, but because of who it came from - and let's face it, getting that info from a guy in jail who had to be taken out by the commandant himself wouldn't look good in the eyes of an average citizen.
the dub really hurt Yuri's character in a lot of ways, but ever since I'd first played the game on the 360 yeaaars ago, that dubbed skit rubbed me the wrong way even before I knew the JP audio and now that I can show others the full JP context (again, can't really do that with the western release because the dialogue is still written in English so some people can hear the audio but if they don't understand it, the message they take away from it is still whatever is written in the localization) I really want to talk about some of the more damaging changes (in particular about Yuri because he got the absolute worst brunt of it). the skit is one example of a lot of weird changes that make no sense and unfortunately one of many that changed the entire meaning behind something Yuri meant/was doing.
there are a lot of weird cases of them just adding in entire sentences for no reason that don't really make sense or fit, but I probably won't cover those or at least in much detail. it's some of the bigger things I want to talk about because I feel like there's a huge disconnect in a lot of cases between western fandom Yuri and actual Yuri, and western fandom Yuri is partially if not mostly a result of the dub just yeeting entire aspects of his character out the window at the speed of light because dear heavens we simply can't have a cool adult man show a range of emotion evidently.
...on that note it's very wild to me how often they remove all traces of people calling Yuri an idiot. Karol had multiple but only got like one in in the dub. yeah.
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