#some of yall are being haters so i wanted to spread some love
ot3showdown · 1 year
what are some of your favorite submissions thar havent quite made the cut??
gonna answer now that the final brackets up
some of my favorites, that i didnt remember/include in the form, that i wish did get to the finals are
cyrano/roxanne/christian. i already love megamind. this is just a frenchier version.
neptune/venus/jupiter from we know the devil. goddamn do we know that devil. adore this game. highly reccomend if you havent played it.
jane/calliope/roxy from HomeStuck. someone submitted this saying "this is THE homestuc ot3 like they were absolutely the moment i fucking prommy" and man. you DONT have to tell me. i was there. ive been on tumblr since 2011. I Know. wish the alpha girlies coulda made it <3
quentin/margo/eliot from the magicians. i get sooooo angry about how this show ended dont even say the name quentin around me i go into a fury. i love them so dearly. would have LOVED to see them make it.
and lastly, and most beloved, Archie Andrews/Betty Cooper/Veronica Lodge, from the archie comics. i read these sooooo much as a kid i would buy one everytime i could at the grocery store. they were my introduction to comics as a whole. my intro to love and hate and jealousy and rage and best friendship and a loser boy whom you love so much. i would have been sooooooooo hyped if they made it in. absolutely ecstatic. no, i have not seen riverdale.
i have more honorable mentions of ships i found fun/funny coming soon. see yall then.
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feistyvirghoe · 3 months
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𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 1 - you guys have such bright, very infectious because i’m just so giddy right now, yalls energy just shines bright like the sun omg, so full of positivity and love, happy as a child fr. i feel like people just like to consume your energy, has them all over the place, like pleading, there’s a push and pull effect you have, like you can be the most positive, optimistic person full of fucking light but then you have that other side to you that has people on their knees, like they can’t hold it in with you, the focus is on you guys, you’re hardworking and when you’re ready to fucking commit to something and go you just do it and get it started but you also know how to be inclusive and make others feel welcomed. i feel like people just want you to look at them, acknowledge them, you guys can adapt easily and may be spread out everywhere, you can’t just stay stuck to one thing and even within relationships im not saying you’re non-committal but you know your worth and some people and things just aren’t worth your time, you’re like a temptation, watch out for users and takers that may want to swindle you for whatever reason. you’re in tune with your femme side, you truly don’t need anyone to validate you and that’s a flex babe…it’s all you, something about the way you love and care for others, never dim that part of yourself, it’s so beautiful, the way you can own your mfkn power is by not letting bozos or losers come in and try to knock u off ur damn throne, standing up for yourself, believing that you’re fucking powerful just by being your true authentic self, confidently strutting your stuff, not giving away too much of yourself as well, connecting with your innermost self, reminding yourself who you are deep down inside, not being swayed the outside opinions of others, you may be a lil homebody and that’s okay..you’re sure of yourself and you don’t need anyone up in your face trying to fucking control you and make u feel small, by continuing to protect yourself in a healthy way, strong fucking boundaries is what needs to be set, don’t let these weirdos try to come in and fucking knock down your walls with their hateration and disgusting jealousy, show yourself off, embrace that fire within you, dont second guess yourself or make yourself small to fit in, burn bright baby boo. an affirmation for u - “i am a badass warrior and i conquer self doubt like it’s my fucking job!”
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𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 2 - your gentleness makes u fucking strike like lightning and i know you’re like “how?” babe we need more kind people like you on this planet, this world is so full of hatred and evil people, you’re kindness and compassion and just love for others makes you fucking strike babe, you’re a giver, very generous individual but i can see that you protect your heart as well, you know not to let shady people come and try to steal your energy, yeah that’s a thing, and you may need to be careful of that too, giving yourself away to undeserving people. you’re so content and just emotionally fulfilled on your own, u truly do not need someone else to fill your cup but im betting there’s a lot of people that would love to if you’d let them, you’re allowed be taken care of and poured into. but with how abundant your energy is and just how rich you are in spirit, of course it’d attract a bunch of energy vampires, just people with weird intentions. very emotionally mature and also vulnerable as well, well with the right people of course but you don’t hide how you’re feeling, and thats literally okay, you’re allowed to fucking let yourself feel free expressing what and how you’re feeling if that makes sense haha. you may throw people off, it’s like they dont expect YOU, like literally just you, your compassionate self. you don’t chase after people bc you know you’re already secure inside so don’t doubt that. maybe you really second guess yourself and how you’re coming off to others but i feel like people just see such a pure genuine soul, not just a nice person but a very kindhearted soul. you make others feel calm, like just content and chill haha. i feel like yall just make people smile, like smirking to themselves just thinking about you, omg admiring you and adoring you, u could be all up in people’s heads, unforgettable, maybe some just want to indulge themselves in you, just be cautious and aware of snakes hidden in the grass. i feel like i could go on and on about you guys, i dont want to make it too long though ;) your sweetness dude, you’re just like a lil fucking teddy bear ahhhh, someone who loves to help others, doesn’t matter what it may be just serving, wanting to be useful to others? maybe ppl have made u feel worthless bc of how kind you are like as if that’s boring or some shit, ignore those ppl, we need more kindness and love, don’t hide that side of yourself idc, let others who want to appreciate you show you their love. you’re also very in tune with your spiritual side and i feel you may dim that down too as if you’re not gifted i mean you’re here right?? embrace that side of yourself, you don’t even know how helpful you are to others, i feel like your generosity and just your pure loving soul is what puts a smile on others faces, so balanced, you’re just an unforgettable nurturer, a whole sweetie pie, a cutie pie ahhh, just such a sweet soul okay here’s an affirmation for you <3 “success is my middle name; watch me fucking conquer.” “i choose to surround myself with people who fucking respect me” and to own your power i feel like you just need to see you more, like you’re the one who can stay calm during the stormy weather, a shield for others, very protective over your loved ones and self, stay true to that boo! <33
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𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 3 - i feel like y’all are my glamorous pile, the ones ready to put their feet on the fucking ground and nobody ain’t going to fucking get in your way and stop you lmfao i’m hearing under the influence by chris brown, i feel like you guys got people feeling like they on drugs around you, your energy is intoxicating and addicting, some may even wanna knock u up to keep you as theirs wtf okay anyways hahahaha okay i feel like the way yall strike is like you’re in that empress energy very strong minded, in touch with your feminine side and you know when to cut a bitch off but then with that, the same people you cut off may try to come back and slither their way back into your life omg what the hell, so you guys are like the “heartbreakers” but not really because you just know your fucking worth more than what lames can give to you and not just that how they’re with you as well, goes for any relationship, you know when to fucking walk away and you’re not taking weird bullshit from anyone, you don’t play, i feel like your anger plays a part in making you fucking powerful, when you’re done you’re done and you can easily see through people’s bullshit, their facade, in hearing shit you up, lol u piss people off, idk what you’re truly doing, it could honestly just be you and your awareness, you’re not going to stand down and make yourself a tiny purse dog lmfao, very sassy as well, like no one can fucking control you, even if they wanted to, you guys make people uncomfortable but that’s there own issue, you may the wrong people for you uncomfortable haha, they try to fucking go and go at you relentlessly attacking you for no reason, so i can see why you’re protective of yourself and u don’t stand down, i mean with weird people like this honestly weird energy like this coming for y’all i understand why, it’s like you’re power makes others want to overthrow you and try and like one up you, just weird, got people competing for u and against you, i feel like they’re jealous of your fucking success and not just material success but your ambition, your drive, your resilience, never giving up on yourself no matter how hard it gets, you’re your own positive light in your life, you know how to make yourself happy, still shining, blowing out your candles, celebrating your fucking self like you should! yeah your fucking power just makes others despise you lmfao weird as hell, you live life on your own goddamn terms and you’re not sitting around waiting for anyone, a leader on your own, it’s like a natural quality of yours, you just know how to be up in front exuding dominance, like a lion, your walk may just give off CONFIDENCE i mean you have the emperor here, you’re just a fucking natural at it, it comes easily to you so i can see why others may feel offended by your power but they’re just projecting and not seeing their own power within themself, you look ahead, you don’t look for others, they look for you, goddamn lmfao! affirmations for you guys - “i’m letting go of negative bullshit, toxic people, and self doubt. i’m creating a fucking epic life on my own terms!” & “i am enough, i have enough, and damn right im fucking worth it!”
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𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 4 - i can see you guys regenerating in hermit mode, like taking some time to be alone with yourself building your power back up and cleansing yourself of all the weird energies you may have encountered, you like your solitude, my loners here, the ones who don’t mind leaving the party early, ready to go home and chill the fuck out or going on adventures by yourself and taking some time to just connect with your higher self if u wanna say that, just going within and seeing that light within yourself, you blossom on your own, you know how to make sure busy, it’s like when quarantine was around heavy, it didn’t phase this group, maybe it was even like a fuck yeah moment, nobody outside to bother you hahaha, like you guys may love to work out and get back to yourself that way, doing yoga, stretching, moving your body, but you may also be very cautious of the outside world, like you just jumped off the boat into uncharted territory taking time to feel out the place/environment/energy just watching where you’re stepping, or what you’re stepping into, making your way as you go along whatever journey you may be on, weighing out your options, not making hasty decisions, a thinker, maybe even a realist too. calm, balanced people here, like a lot of introspection, a very nostalgic person too. embracing the old memories, in tune with your childhood self, doing things that fuel your soul and what makes you feel the most peaceful, maybe you guys struggle with the mind so grounding yourself and staying away from the crowd is what helps you to stay sane and sharp, for you to be your most powerful self i feel like you just need that time away from everyone. yep it’s like you can’t really count on other people, do people make you second guess yourself, it’s like you’re there for everyone but they couldn’t even be bothered to hear you out, don’t give so much of yourself away to ungrateful people. you matter a lot and i can see this may be draining you as well, probably why you’re very cautious, but remember don’t keep yourself stuck on others weird projections and how they may try to take from you, it’s okay to be alone and regroup, if some one is offended by that then that’s there issue. the way u, my group four babies can uplift yourself and own your power is by letting yourself fucking shine and put yourself out there, confidently, i feel like people like making you guys feel small and quiet like a mouse, but you’re not a goddamn mouse you’re the fucking cat, and cats do whatever the hell they want to do, use your voice and own that fucking power, your words hold weight, speak more positively over your life and your self, unbiased opinions and being straightforward with your communication, don’t close yourself off from true unconditional love too..you deserve to be recognized and appreciated for all you do!!! keep fucking going, don’t give up on love, that goes for loving yourself too!! every fucking part of you and yes even the ugly bc the ugly is actually beautiful and makes you see the parts of you that you want to grow from and evolve beautifully into a better version of yourself! affirmations for y’all - “i’m unstoppable and nothing can hold me back, not even my fucking fears.” “my uniqueness shines like a freaking diamond! confidence? it’s my middle name, baby!” “i’m a badass boss babe and i don’t give a damn about what anyone thinks. i rock my confidence like a boss!”
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𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐀𝐂, 𝐢 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐮 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢’𝐦 𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥, 𝐢𝐦 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐡𝐞, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐢 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬 𝐮𝐩, 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐮𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟, 𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐟𝐫, 𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞, 𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐭!! 𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐟 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞, 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐧𝐨 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬𝐧’𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐌𝐖𝐀𝐇 (^з^)-☆
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rainy-writers · 1 month
When are y’all gonna get it through your heads that no one actually cared if the Velaryon boys were bastards or not? They could have come out with white hair, violet eyes, the whole shebang and the rumor still would have been spread because it was meant to undermine RHAENYRA and her claim, nothing else!!
It was a misogynistic attempt to paint her as reckless and irresponsible and another way for the greens to push for Aegon. It was fear mongering, meant to say “Hey! Choose Aegon because you guys don’t want a bastard on the throne, right?” And it didn’t fucking work, save for on the idiot audience that still eats this shit up and genuinely believes that the dance happened bc Harwin and Rhaenyra weren’t married, rather than realizing the whole theme is MISOGYNY!! ITS ABOUT USURPING A WOMAN NO MATTER WHAT SHE DOES, SOLEY BC SHES A WOMAN AND NOTHING ELSE!!
If she had no kids = Vote for Aegon cause she’s barren!!
If she had kids = Vote for Aegon cause they’re bastards!!
If she has kids that look exactly like her = Vote for Aegon bc her kids are clearly Daemon’s bastards am I right? Vote Aegon bc he’s clearly the more responsible of the two with his trueborn kids!!
It. Does. Not. Matter.
And it makes me so mad, especially when people say that the realm wouldn’t have accepted Jace like DUDE. Nobody is just casually going around saying these kids are bastards, save for the people that KNOW they can get away with it if they’re caught bc Viserys wouldn’t dare punish them. Aka:
Alicent, Otto, and her nightmare kids. That’s it. No, some random Lord in the Reach wasn’t preaching about Jace, Luke, and Joff being bastards. I sincerely hate to burst your bubble (NOT!) but you guys as an audience care more than the actual people that live in this world and it’s so funny.
Basic media literacy will tell you that NO, Westeros did not care. How do I know? Well it’s simple really. If they cared then majority of them simply wouldn’t pledge to support Rhaenyra, clearly knowing that Jace is her heir??
I mean, these are all of the houses that supported Rhaenyra AND Jace:
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I mean do yall honestly think Cregan Stark thought Jace was a bastard when he swore an oath in BLOOD with Jace, marched PERSONALLY to the south AFTER Jace was dead, and tried to literally kill the CHILDREN of the Lord’s who rose up against him and Rhaenyra?
Do you think Lady Jeyne gaf when she personally pledged to support him? Lord Manderly? Hm.
No, they didn’t lmao.
So please, kill this narrative that “There was going to be rebellion if Jace ascended the throne” and “The realm wouldn’t accept him bc all of them secretly knew he was a bastard despite having no proof because his father, his grandfather and THEIR KING never said otherwise.”
It would not have happened y’all. And one day you blood purist, Velaryon boys haters are going to get it through your head that YES !! They were legitimate because no one ever said otherwise. It was never proven. Rumor isn’t proof. Hair isn’t proof for fucks sake. You need actual words from Laenor himself saying that RHAENYRA cheated and those boys are Harwin’s. You need Corlys passing over Luke for Driftmark and outright saying it’s because he’s a bastard to even get a SHREAD of doubt from the great houses.
One day you guys are going to realize that those boys were loved and no matter how much you try and discredit them, they will always be legitimate. Whether you like it or not, Viserys was content with Jace being on the throne after him, THE REALM was content, and Corlys Velaryon was ready to die peacefully knowing Luke was going to be after him. Hell, he damn near handed that boy the keys so don’t you dare say Luke didn’t deserve to inherit anything.
And sorry for the long post but some of yall are really starting to piss me off. Never mind that this is fiction, your attitude towards these boys is disguising and saying that they don’t deserve a good life, that they dont deserve things that were literally GIVEN to them with no complaints, and even going as far as to call them dirty or saying they deserve to die all because their mommy and daddy weren’t married is fucking disgusting.
This “bastards don’t deserve anything,” attitude needs to stop being preached by real life people. Hell, some of the people saying this are literally in the wedding photos of their own parents wedding LMAO. It concerns me on how much disregard you guys have for adopted kids (which is basically what they are to Laenor), and I’d hate to see the shit you preach in real life. Acting like blood actually matters in order for someone to be considered family.
Because regardless of what you believe, had their mother not been usurped because she was a WOMAN, Jace would have ruled, Luke would’ve gotten Driftmark and, yes, the world of Westeros would’ve kept fucking spinning.
By law these boys were legitimate and people seem to forget they came out of Rhaenyra’s coochie so REGARDLESS, they are Targaryen. Like unless Viserys or Daemon was their father, they were always going to be half NOT Targaryen lol…Just like Alicent’s kids. It just so happens that they’re half Strong, but again, it doesn’t matter, because Jace gets his claim from RHAENYRA, not his father, so even if Harwin was married to Rhaenyra he still would’ve been the heir?? Even if it wasn’t Laenor who was his father, he’d still be heir because of his mother and being married to someone does not change that.
Some people even go as far as to argue that they’re not Targaryen so Jace shouldn’t be the heir which is stupidest thing I’ve ever heard and the most blatant case of misogyny ever. Like unless your father cloned himself then you STILL get half your genes from your mother dumbass. They are as much Targaryen as the Hightower kids with their DARK HARIED PARENT, it just so happens that their Targ side is from a woman, not a man. Which, like I said, if you don’t consider them Targaryen just bc they don’t get their claim from their father then we know what you are. 🙃
But anyways, to make a long post short, yes these boys are legitimate, they were recognized as such by:
The King himself (who they’d be inheriting from)
Laenor (their father, who they’d be inheriting from and wanted Luke to have Driftmark)
Corlys (their grandfather, who Luke would be inheriting from and wanted Luke to have Driftmark)
The Realm
And if you still don’t believe me, here’s the official Targaryen family tree from Fire and Blood which all of Westeros sees :)
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You see how they’re listed as Velaryon? You see how they’re directly linked to Laenor and there’s no little astric saying how they’re bastards? Yeah me too.
PS - Read Fire and Blood as well. This whole argument about them being bastards is literally stemmed from no more than two paragraphs, IF that. And their legitimacy is never brought up again.
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justiceamberheard · 2 years
I just wanted to thank you guys for being a major reason I fully turned around to seeing the true nature of this case. When I checked out this blog a few months ago it was as an ill-informed Depp believer just trying to ‘see the other side’s argument’, but the overwhelming amount of evidence and statistics compiled against him here kept me up at night as I started to realize something was off with the public’s interpretation of events. Fast forward and now I’m a vehement Depp hater and Heard defender, consistently returning to this blog when it seems like the rest of the world has gone insane. I can only imagine how many others have fallen victim to ignorance and the smear campaign, people who would support Amber if only they knew some of the info Depp’s team is desperately trying to keep hidden. It’s truly admirable that this blog has stood strong against tremendous waves of hate to keep spreading the truth, even when things are looking bleak (fingers TIGHTLY crossed she wins that appeal, eh?) Hope yall are taking care of yourselves- especially the mod in Ukraine, sending love and light!
Thank you so much for this. This is the best thing to hear right now❤️
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shuahoonie · 5 years
you. [tom holland] - four.
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PAIRING: tom holland x female!celebrity!reader
SUMMARY: ah, to be young and in love. it sounds great if only you and tom were actually dating out of pure love and not for the sheer reputation of your careers. it also should be great if you two actually got along, but life isn’t that easy.
WARNINGS: mostly swearing! more fluff than usual yall lmao. it’s haters to lovers / fake dating au so take that information as you wish!
SONG INSPO: circles - post malone  
A/N: hiya babes! well, i’m back in university and this semester is a bit more heavy-loaded than my previous one. only the first week of the winter semester, i’m already unbearably occupied. but i’ll manage! i’ll try to update every saturdays since i need an escape from academic works lmao. anyways, happy reading and enjoy part four! x
gif credits: @spiked-tea​ 
vanessa’s masterlist | preview | one | two | three | five | six | seven | eight | eight.5 [interview excerpt] 
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You weren’t expecting Tom to wrap his hand around yours nor did you expect him to help you ease your nerves down, so you ended up staring at him. You were trying to figure out what kind of stunt is he trying to pull now.
What are you trying to do, Holland? You thought. 
He turned his attention to you, his brows knitted slightly. “Why are you staring, princess?” He chuckled softly, amused at the confusion painted on your face.
“’m not staring,” You mumbled as you turned your attention back to walking and slowly slipped your hand away from Tom’s. “I can handle it from here, thanks.” 
You said it in such whisper that you could’ve sworn Tom probably won’t hear it. But he did and he just shrugged in response. 
You both reached the restaurant without saying another word. It wasn’t much of a restaurant-rather a diner. It looked very hip and retro. It also featured a couple of colourful fluorescent lights, and you knew it was going to be one of those stops for Instagram photos. Maybe lunch won’t be that bad. 
It was horrible. You two having lunch was horrible. 
“Honey, you’re exaggerating,” Zoë said as she answered her emails. You didn’t even notice you said it out loud but even if you didn’t, the look on your face probably said it all.
“I am not exaggerating, Zo! I’m telling you, people were staring so much. People also asked for photos, which I didn’t mind because some of them were totally nice about it, but god! Some of them gave me dirty looks. Like hello?” You ranted off.
Well, people giving you dirty looks were the least of your problems. 
You and Tom were seated in a corner booth as you both ate your lunch quietly. Well, it was quiet until a girl around her teens approached your table. 
“Oh, uh, hi Tom, I’m so sorry to bother you but can I take a photo?” The girl asked with a hopeful smile on her face. 
As you were sitting across him, Tom glanced at you as if asking for approval. It caught you off-guard. ‘Why is he asking for my approval?’ You wondered. 
 But you two were a fake couple now, and you guessed this is how things are going to be from now on. You had to act like a normal couple around everybody else. 
This only made you second-guess your decision even more.
You glanced at the girl and gave her a small smile. Keeping the smile, you then turned your attention back to Tom and just nodded at him. 
Tom chuckled as he grabbed the girl’s phone. “Sorry, darling, just had to check in with my girlfriend. I promised that this day was the day that I give her all of my time.” 
Your eyes widened as you heard the words that slipped off from Tom’s lips. “Oh god, we’re that couple?!” You wanted to scream at him. But of course, you couldn’t. 
“Tom,” You mumbled shyly, also feeling the warmth spreading across your cheeks. 
“What?” He laughed. ”I was just stating facts, princess. I did promise you that I’ll make it up to you after what happened. Right?” He then proceeded to take a photo with the girl. She mumbled her thanks and giving you a complete once-over before she left. You swore you saw her roll her eyes after. 
Once you knew she was out of distance, you called Tom’s name in a whisper. “Tom, what the hell was that?!” You hissed in a low voice. 
However, Tom couldn’t grasp what you were saying. “Sorry, what was that, princess?” 
“I said, why did you have to say that?” You said in a low voice. 
“’m sorry, still can’t hear you, princess,” Tom answered. “Just seat next to me so you don’t have to say it loud.” 
You rolled your eyes and pulled out your phone. You were about to send a text to him but you realized you don’t have his number. So, you opted out to use the notes app on your phone instead. 
‘I don’t have to seat next to you. We can just use this instead.’ You typed and handed Tom your phone. 
His eyes scanned the whole thing and began typing his response. ‘Just sit next to me. This is ridiculous.’ 
‘Y/N, this is excruciating. Just sit next to me so we don’t have to do any of this. Besides, people are staring and we look ridiculous.’ Tom handed you your phone. 
As soon as you read his reply, you briefly wandered your eyes around the place and unfortunately, he was right. People were staring at you two. 
You let out a small sigh, before sliding off your seat. As you stood up and was about to sit next to Tom, he gave you a huge smile. 
You were about to roll your eyes when Tom signalled towards the window panel against your table. You looked through the huge glass panel and saw a couple of paparazzi attempting to hide while taking photos of you two. 
You forced a smile and went towards Tom’s side of the booth. You sat at the edge of the seat, leaving space between you two.
“Why are you sitting so far away?” He asked, amused. “Come closer.” 
“I don’t think that’s necessary.” You said, scooting away more. You had half of your butt sitting and you looked absurd, to say the least. 
“Y/N, you look ridiculous. C’mere, princess.” Tom chuckled, sliding his arm around your waist and pulled you close to him. 
“Holland, what the hell are you doing?” You hissed under your breath. 
“You keep asking that, Y/N, but you already know the answer.” He answered lowly. Tom had his left arm around your shoulder, tracing slow patterns on your arm. 
Not satisfied with his answer and wanting a more constructed one, you just looked at him- which was a horrible idea. You had a close-up look at his face. You noticed freckles speckled across his face. His eyes-god his eyes. You liked how they turn golden when the sun shines on them. 
With every second that you studied his face, along with his gestures, the more you realized how difficult the whole situation is going to be. You could never fall for this man- no matter how difficult it’s going to be. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Tom asked as he popped a fry-a chip, he argued while ordering- into his mouth.
You were not going to actually say why you were staring at him, you had more dignity than that. “Gotta make the people believe I’m so in love with you that I can’t help but look at you.” 
“Wow,” Tom let out a low whistle “You’re getting good at this.” He was still tracing patterns on your arm and you couldn’t help but feel comfortable being this close to him. 
“You can rest your head on my shoulder if you want. ‘Ya know, if it makes you more comfortable,” Tom suggested.
“If I say I’m okay, will you still bug me about it?” You asked. 
“Yup,” He answered honestly, making you roll your eyes. 
So, you gave in. You rested your head over his shoulder and closed your eyes for a moment. 
“The old couple at the next table is staring at us adoringly,” Tom whispered.  You opened your eyes and sure enough, there was an old couple looking at them in awe. Feeling shy all of a sudden, you just gave them a small smile before burying your face into Tom’s. 
You two were acting like a real couple and it’s terrifying how you just feel comfortable around him.
“I can’t believe we’re doing a good job as a couple right now, why don’t we take this up at my place?” You spoke too soon. After hearing Tom’s comment, you took his arm off around you and slapped his arm. 
“Ow!” Tom rubbed his arm, laughing, “I was kidding, princess, come back here. Please.”
“You’re disgusting, Holland,” You said rolling your eyes. 
“I’m sorry, princess,” He pouted while pulling you closer again, setting your head back on top of his shoulder and placing his arm around you. “You know I’m not a ‘sex on the first date’ kind of guy.” 
“You are not building a strong case, Tom.” 
“I’m kidding, princess.” He mumbles into the top of your head. 
“How’d we get here, Holland?” You asked, beginning to wonder what led you guys here. 
“Well, for starters, I couldn’t hear you so I asked you to sit next to me.” He answered, laughing. 
“Yeah, because you disregarded my phone,” You mumbled.
“Hey, I thought you hated the use of phones while you’re out with people.” Tom pointed out. 
You furrowed your brows, “How did you know that?” You asked. 
“Saw your interview.” He answered casually.
“What, you’re stalking me now?” 
“I needed to know who my girlfriend is. For all I know, you might be a serial killer.” Tom explained as he started tracing circles on your arm again. 
“How charming,” You snorted. 
And then things fell quiet again. People came and went, however, they still stared at you two. 
“Are we going to be one of those couples?” You asked Tom. 
He furrowed his brows. “What couples?” 
“The one where they have to say sickly sweet stuff to each other in public and have to execute unnecessary PDA around other people.” You explained almost in full detail. 
“Why are you asking?” Tom turned his attention to you now. 
“Just don’t want to be one of those couples,” You mumbled. 
“Then we’re going to be exactly like one of them,” Tom commented cheekily. 
“You’re despicable.” You rolled your eyes. 
Lunch was horrible. It was horrible because you feel like this whole orchestra is going to end badly and you- you’re the one who’s going to take most of it. 
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TAGLIST: @thomasthetankson @autty0314 @marvelous-tswiftfan @averyfosterthoughts @theolwebshooter @jackiehollanderr @sltwins @herondalescecilys @notjustpenandpaper @ihopethatwemeetinanotherlife  @sectusempried​ @gothicwidowsworld​ @heartofholland​ @stxfxniexreads  @peruvian-bae​ @hollands-osterfield​ @thenoddingbunny-blog​ 
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pixelz01 · 6 years
Pixelz01:The return...
 Hello everyone I’m home! did you guys miss me I'm feeling a lot better after that break and I feel refreshed I'm here once again to spread memes and ship art across the land! 
  but after a long while of thinking and talking with my dear friend @mitunalh I have decided to have some order with my blog it was a real eye opener seeing all the hate and spam in my inbox, and so unfortunately I am implementing some rules.
  this isn't to hurt anyone or try to come off as threatening or as a punishment this is just so that there can be order and peace in my tumblr blog and its to protect me and you guys as well
 Also before I begin the list I want to let everyone know the user who had sent the tko x ko ask they really did mean well I was able to have a talk with them and they were legitimately concerned so if you guys are giving them grief knock it off were cool now! 
now lets begin
Rule 1: Do not spam the inbox
What I mean by this is dont keep saying “I posted art come look” or “uh, hey I posted the pic” just no stop,I do get mentions I see it and I like them,stop sending me constant asks about it, all it does is fill up space in my inbox and makes it harder for me to answer questions
rule 2: do not send oc art or ask me to draw your oc’s
okay I know this one Is going to be controversial but quit sending me you’re ocs and then expect me to draw them I'm not going to do it as some of you may have noticed I am no longer doing art requests I find them time consuming and tiring, I have enough on my plate as it is and I cant really afford to just draw random characters without getting somthing in return, oh boi I can hear the angry mob now “THATS SCUMMY! WHY SHOULD WE HAVE TO GIVE SOMTHING BACK TO YOU! JUST DRAW OUR CHARACTERS IT WILL GIVE GREAT PUBLICITY!!!”
Look yall ill answer all three complaints
complaint 1: no its not scummy at all I'm literally taking time out of my day to draw a character for you, that takes time effort and tears because I dont want to send you guys crap so id like to get somthing in return for my hard work be it an art trade or an art collab 
complaint 2pretty much same as the first explanation it takes me a while to get these done and I dont want to work on somthing if I'm not getting anything in return
complaint 3 : yeah no I'm not going to draw a whole line arted fully colored and edited picture just for publicity no thank you, and some of the times I dont get it! so it was a waste of my time and effort!
Anyway now on to the part where I may get the most hate for it but...
IM NOT GOING TO DRAW YOUR OCS (unless its like for an art trade/collab)
ive gotten so many asks and pictures of other peoples oc’s and im tired of it IM NOT DRAWING IT! I even had one who was like 
“um hey pls dont hate I drew *insert oc name* can you like draw her?” and then five Minuets later they send me a pic of them and then say “she/he is super strong and cute and fluffy I also ship them with tko/ko or any ok ko character pls dont hate can you draw them?”
Like no! stop please! look I’m saying no not because I'm a hater or I only ship swift and tko/ko only its because 
And this isn't the first time and some dont even ask they just shove it in my face and say here draw this now! 
so no I wont do it so stop asking (unless its like an art trade then I may consider it)
Rule 3: do not send hate in my inbox 
I'm serious stop it I will no longer respond to it,all ill do is throw it away in the garbage so If you want attention or a reaction from someone look somewhere else and if you seriously have a problem with me then message me but yeah I'm done giving these people attention
rule 4: quit spamming me in messages
oof okay yeah this is a new problem but look if I dont respond I'm ether busy or I cant talk so quit saying “hi hi hi hi hi hi hi you there hi hi hi” for gods sake I'm sick of it!
theres a reason I'm not responding mostly because I had to deal with a stalker who got really creepy and wouldn't leave me alone,they did a lot of gross weird stuff to me like saying “sniffs your neck” or “ kisses cheeks” to me and then dissed my friend and her art I finaly blocked them but they came back to try to get me to unblock them and to that person ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN you creeped me and my friends out leave me alone were done you're cancelled!
rule 5 : stop asking for my age/ name
this one should be obvious by now but IM NOT GIVING OUT MY PERSONAL INFORMATION!!! I'm not going to tell a bunch of strangers who I am or where I am I like my privacy and I would really like staying alive and not being found one day then being kidnapped and have my organs sold on the deep web no thank you! so stop ive had this happen so much! and I'm tired of it!
rule 6 : Ask limits (new number system)
there will now be a limit of how many asks I will answer in one day so make your questions count dont spam my inbox with “dank meme” or “sup” beacuse now those asks will count so that means the more you spam the fewer asks I will answer and for those wondering my ask limit shall now be 5 to 10 asks a day so make them count
rule 7 : I'm a human please respect that
Look I may joke around about being a demon (which I am) but in all honesty I'm also a human and I need some time to have a life and do things I want to do the world dosent revolve around you and I wont get to them right away so dont get so butt hurt if I haven't replied to your ask right away
rule 8 : disabling anon (temporarily?)
yes I'm still keeping anon disabled there are just too many cowards out there who wont man up and send me hate so I'm just going to avoid the spam and hate all together and to my sweet kind anons I love you guys so dearly but this is for my own health and dear sweet little anons please take notice of the question mark next to the temporarily who knows they may comeback if you all can show me you will be good
these are my new rules and I hope you all will respect them and listen to them thank you and I'm glad to be back
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