#somebody please throw governor ratcliffe where he belongs and save his kids and dogs
hannahhook7744 Β· 2 years
For the writing prompt:
(I know this isn't what you had in mind, but I thought of this and wanted to see what you would think and make of it?)
"Guess what, Dad," Rick Ratcliffe said. "There is no gold in Virginia!"
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Trigger warning; Governor Ratcliffe being Governor Ratcliffe using of the word 'Savage ' to describe a group of Native American people, racism, and him just being am awful dad.
Former Governor Ratcliffe was relaxing in his lazy chair, mourning his glory days when the front door slammed
"Guess what, Dad," his 20 year old mistake-- Rick Ratcliffe-- called out, sounding livid "There is no gold in Virginia!"
That caught the eccentric man's attention, causing him to turn towards the boy.
"YOU HEARD ME!" The brat snapped angrily, glaring at him.
The young adult was tall and lean with a nose and black hair like his father's, though his was shorter and choppier and more animal like. His eyes were dark as coal like his father's too, though much kinder.
And that snarl on his face? It was definitely the same as his father's.
But his sense of style and morals? Well, that was all his.
He wore red ripped jeans with a baggy black leather jacket full of stick on magenta pins and a baggy blue tshirt with a red middle finger sewn poorly into it.
It was a look that often disappointed the former governor. Though not as much as his attitude.
"Don't take that tone with me, you little brat--" the man sneered, but for once, Rick didn't back down.
"You landed in Jamestown! Jamestown is in Virginia! There was and has never been any Gold in Virginia!"
"There is! Those SAVAGES are just hiding it to make me look bad!"
Rick was slowly turning red with rage and quickly grabbed one of his dad's glass dog figurines before throwing it at his head.
Ratcliffe ducked.
"Why you ungrateful little--"
Rick threw another figurine, seething.
His whole life, he had been told there had been gold. And while he had never really thought that, that had been a good enough reason to explain away all the bad things his father said and continue to do, it had been an explanation.
A crappy explanation but still an explanation.
But now? To be told that his father had been lying about there having been Gold when he had to know that he had been fully in the wrong after all this time? It just broke something inside of him.
A dam that had been holding back all his anger and hatred towards his father.
A dam that had been holding back all his disgust and embarrassment and gulit towards what his father had done within when he was around the poor excuse for a man.
A dam that had stopped him from endangering himself like this.
And now that, that dam was gone, he was gonna say everything that had been on his mind since he was old enough to think.
"Do you have ANY IDEA, how MANY PEOPLE you hurt?! how many PEOPLE YOUR ACTIONS SCREWED OVER?!"
He grabbed another figurine.
"Those SAVAGES deserved it!" Ratcliffe said stubborn as always.
Rick saw red and took aim-- the figurine hit him hard in the head, shattering. Yet the man stayed conscious surprisingly.
His eyes watered as Rick struggled to hold back tears. His skin was crawling and his heart felt like it was being gripped by something.
"They're people. Like you and me. And they were innocent. And because of you so many innocent lives were lost!" He pinched the bridge of his nose, breathing heavily.
"You always said that there was gold there. And while I never thought that, that excused what you did. At least it was a reason. A reason as to why you and Wiggins, and Pearcy and his pups, and me and Rory where stuck here. A reason as to why Thomas shot and killed a man, and was haunted by it despite not getting sent here. A reason for us to hate John and the others for not getting sent here like us" Rick knew he was probably trembling. But he didn't care.
Because for as long as he remembered, he had hated his father's men for not getting sent here like them. Had hated that Thomas killed a man and was real to live in Auardon, married to Nakoma while he and his brother and the pups were forced to suffer.
He had never hated the Natives for what his father did. How could he? He knew that stealing and attacking people for not wanting to help you was wrong. And that was what his father had been trying to do, along with much worse if the way he spoke about those poor people was anything to go by.
But he had hated his father's men for not having to be stuck here like him when, according to his father, they had attacked the Natives for the Gold too.
But now? Now he just felt sick.
Because according to the teacher at school, there was no gold. And the ones of his father's voyage who weren't on the isle had made up for their crimes.
Which meant that he had been hating people who, like him, had realized his father was an awful person and that they didn't want to stand with him.
Which practically made him no better than his father.
"But you lied. Because there is no way that you didn't know by now that there wasn't any gold and that even if there was you were still in the wrong. So you lied to us. To Rory and me. And made us hate people who at least admitted and made up for what they did unlike you and the other sorry excuses for men on this Island! You made us hate people who told the truth when you went and lied to the king and tons of other settlers about what went down, which lead to millions of innocent people getting killed! MILLIONS DAD!"
Rick ran his hand throw his hair.
Hoping naively that his father would see the errors of his ways and go begging for forgiveness.
But that's not what happened.
"Who cares?"
Rick's blood ran cold.
His stomach lurched.
"What do you mean who cares?!" He asked faintly, praying that he hadn't heard his father right.
But he had.
"Exactly that. Who cares?"
Rick lost it.
Ratcliffe just stared at him coldly. As if he was the one in the wrong.
Rick took a step back. And another. Feeling sick.
"You're a monster. A monster. And you're never going to see me Or Rory or the dogs again!" And with that, Rick ran. As far away as his legs could carry him before he lost his lunch. Never to see his father again.
Author's note: I hope that I wrote this as sensitively as possible and that the trigger warnings fit.
I didn't mention Pocahontas because I thought that might be insensitive and I don't plan on using her in any of my writings when it comes to the characters from thay movie.
And also, I do not condone anything Governer Ratcliffe said in this because he is a horrible person in any media and writing him made me feel physically ill. Just like he makes anyone, especially his son, feel when he opens that stupid mouth of his.
Hope this fic was what ya were looking for my friend.
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