#rick ratcliffe is a better man than his father
hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Isle kid Moodboards revamped part 2;
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Marya Grigorievna Rasputin, the 20 year old daughter of Grigori Efimovic Rasputin and Baba Yaga (bartok the magnificent).
One of the medics of Harriet Hook's crew.
Lover of skeletons, magic, taxidermy, bugs, roses, and whiskey cake.
Not too great st speaking English.
Bestfriend of Big Murphy and Claudine Frollo.
Currently single.
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Reza Vizer, the 15 year old son of the former Royal Astronomer of Agrabah and a harem girl as well as the adoptive son of Mozenrath and Sadira. Older brother of Omar and Alya.
He is the forensics expert of the Badun Detective Agency and is rivals with Carlos De Vil as well as a student at Dragon Hall.
He's good with swords, daggers, guns, tea, and breaking and entering, and He always acts like he is the smartest in the room (which he is most of the time) and doesn't like it when that title is challenged because he has earned that title.
He also doesn't like it when people treat him like he's less than Carlos, which is why he didn't join the Anti-heroes club (because it was being run by Yen Sid who is not found of him at all).
He is dating Yzla Sorcerer of Enchancia.
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Claudine Esther-May Frollo, the 19 year old daughter of Claude Frollo.
She is homeschooled and apart of Harriet's crew, the Bad Apples, and the Anti-heroes club. She is also the bell ringer at Dragon Hall.
She is left handed and a redhead who loves science, art, music, sweets, and things being fair. Which of course while paired with her beauty did not bode well for her due to how her father is.
She works at her father's crepes shop and is dreaming of the day she can escape with her friends.
She has a thing for Lefou Deux.
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Richard 'Rick' Perseus Ratcliffe, the 21 year old son of Governor John Ratcliffe.
He is apart of Harriet's crew, The LeGume Hunting Club, and The Bad Apples.
He and his dad do not get along at all due to many factors—like his dad being racist and naming him after his dog. If anyone dare mention the origin of his middle name, they will get a black eye from him.
He had his own pug named Prometheus.
Once when he and Clay Clayton were young and rough housing, he accidentally knocked the other man out of a second story window at Hook's inlet. They're still friends though, surprisingly.
He also has a habit of saving people from water sources like John Smith, much to his father's annoyance.
He has two younger siblings (Rachel and Rory) and is very protective of them as well as the kids of his father's former crewmates who got stuck on the isle with him.
He is dating Mad Maddy.
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Claymore 'Clay' Comrade Clayton, The 20 year old son of William Clayton.
He is a member of the Bad Apples, Harriet's crew, and The LeGume Hunting Club.
Though unlike his dad he doesn't enjoy poaching or being crueler than necessary when hunting because it makes him uncomfortable, so he avoids doing it.
He loves graffiti and sailing and the jungle as well as tree climbing, rope swinging—on vines—, and partying. He also likes carving his intails into things and rough housing.
Especially with Rick and Anthony.
He and Rick once overdid it and he ended up getting thrown through a window, which no one has let them live down since.
He and his dad have a volatile relationship, which is arguably better than what most kids on the isle have, though those in Auardon would argue that that's still bad. He gets along alot better with his aunt and brothers though and has no clue who his mother maybe.
He has no problem with speaking his mind, which gets him in trouble often. He has tons of weapons as well as a stuffed grollia and would get along swimmingly with Tarzan and Jane, and their family. Especially their son, Taylor, who is just as rambunctious as he is.
He doesn't have the best grades but he's a good person and arguably Ginny's conscious, and that's all that matters, right?
Also he's terrified of getting hung like his dad and the idea of drowning again.
He's protective of his younger brothers, Cassius and Wilson, and is dating Ginny Gothel.
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Jadeana 'Jade' of Agrabah, the 19 year old daughter of Nasira and the niece of Jafar.
She is in Harriet's crew and is the messenger of the isle, so no one really messes with her.
She's a bit of a loner but when she cares about people, she cares about them deeply—i.e. Jay. She'd help him steal so he could stock Jafar's shop quicker and so he would get hit or have to sleep outside. She rarely ever goes near Jafar's shop—since her mom who isn't all bad strictly forbade it—but when she does, it's to see Jay.
She was heartbroken when Jay left without saying goodbye but slowly over time she's gotten angry and bitter and resentful because she thinks he forgot about her.
She likes crocodile wrestling since it's an easy way to get out her aggression and she has two pets—a snake named Hassan and a parrot named Tygo.
She has magic but goes to Dragon Hall because she thinks the witch school is pointless on the isle.
Oh and she's dating Jonas Olympian (a member of Uma's crew).
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Hermione 'Hermie' Leona Bing, the 14 year old daughter of The Ringmaster and Miss Atlantis.
She is a member of the Badun Detective Agency and as well as the Anti-heroes club.
She was an orphan by 7 and left to run what was left of her father’s circus on the isle.
She lives by herself with her animals in her father’s old trailer by the woods where the circus tents and trailers are located.
She is known as an animal whisperer and a Jack of all trades on the isle because she can do nearly every circus act there is.
She obsessed with circus related things—ESPECIALLY clowns.
She is in denial about the true nature of her parents' deaths and is emotionally and mentally unstable due them.
She has quite a sweet tooth—especially when it's traditionally considered circus food.
She collects glass figures as well as odd/deformed furniture, toys, and photos (along with just vintage photos in general) and loves colorful things.
She also loves reading, filing, painting, dagger throwing, acrobatics, gymnastics, dancing, playing games, and taking care of animals.
Her and Eddie Balthazar are dating.
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Edmund 'Eddie' Seraiah Balthazar, the 15 year old son of Sarah Dear /Aunt Sarah and Edgar Balthazar.
He is apart of the Anti-heroes club and the Badun Detective agency.
He has alot of old school hobbies like croquet and crochet, golf, birdwatching, and collecting things. Things like stamps, coins, and bugs. He likes reading and listening to music and writing and he loves picnics, sewing, and knitting.
He had a litter of kittens that he adores as well as a motorcycle.
He also likes red wine, coffee, tea, champagne, slushie, hard candy, chicken pot pie, cigar, and toast with beans. Not that his parents know that he likes alcohol.
He usually shows little more than indifference to those outside his inner circle and has been taking care of his elderly parents (and their pets) since he was 9.
He is dating Hermie Bing.
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Gaston Junior and Gaston the 3rd LeGume, the 21 year old sons of Gaston LeGume and Laurette. Aka Junior and Bronze.
They are hard heads lacking in education because of their father and can hold one hell of a grudge (as well as an ox) but have hearts of gold. When it comes to the people they care about that is.
They are both members of Harriet's crew and have many shared (and differing) hobbies.
They are very protective of their little brother (and sister) and their little cousins, even if they love getting under their skin at times.
Junior is dating Daphne Tremaine and Bronze is dating Sammy Smee.
Also Junior has a bad leg from trying to ram through the barrier with his dad.
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Gemma Enchtra LeGume, the 3 year old (by d3) daughter of Gaston and the Enchantress. She is the younger half sister of the Gaston twins and Gil as well as the younger cousin of LeFou Deux, Claire Bimbette, and La Foux Doux (by default).
She is every bit as good, innocent, and bubbly as Gil is. She loves Magic, fruit, candy, roses, lifting rocks, animals, the forest, mirrors, and adores her older siblings and cousins with all her heart. She also loves her parents too despite not knowing them all too well.
Oh and she likes weight-lifting, though her elder family members don't allow her to do it.
And she loves mirrors as well and carries around the doll that her brothers and LeFou Deux made her.
She is my oc based on the toddler from d1.
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God Loves You, Which Is Why You’ll Burn In Hell (Part 3): “The Spawn of Heathens, False Gods, and Unbelievers” - Religion for the VKs
Note: This document clocked in at 2,862 words, written in two hours straight.
I officially have a problem, and its name is Disney Descendants Headcanon and Analyses.
By the time most of the VKs have been born, religion has been discredited in favour of worshipping Maleficent, abandoned entirely for the massive Hell that was the Great Isle War (a headcanon of mine, for clarity), or was isolated in Temple Way (the concentrated district of religious establishments, sans the church above Dragon Hall, also a headcanon of mine), with their followers generally incredibly zealous believers, to put it politely.
Most of them have not even been introduced to the idea of religion, or it was only given as explanation as to why people generally stay away from Temple Way, why you should try your damndest to do much the same (no matter how good the potential loot), and why you should try not to associate or talk with the people from there.
As with anything from the Isle, a culture of scary stories to get their children to behave have risen around Temple Way, and the Wild Fae (malevolent gargoyles, chupacabras, actual devils and the like) are not very amused by this.
Before you ask, Maleficent is ambivalent towards religion, happy to have the population do whatever keeps them distracted, complacent, and above all, from thinking of ever trying to overthrow her. She doesn’t even need to keep spies, as “those fools are happy to shout everything they’re planning to do to anyone within earshot.”
She is wary of them since she had harnessed the power of religious extremism and xenophobia during the War to her advantage, but with the aging congregations and her unquestioned, unchallenged rule, “Zealot Watch” is largely dedicated to lieutenants and underlings like Mozenrath.
As I also mentioned, the Badlands (the non-concrete, dirt and grass jungle of the Isle of the Lost) have their own religious beliefs and system, so won’t be included here.
Back on topic: almost all of the VKs are atheists by ignorance, or by choice. There are only a few exceptions to this, with individual/group explanations and how it affects their lives below:
As mentioned in the previous post, Claudine Frollo used to be the most devout of the VKs until CJ set fire to her father’s convent while she was still in it. Before Auradon, she has completely lost her faith in religion and sees it largely as a means of controlling people with promises punishment from some unseen “Higher Being,” and false senses of security that they would protect them, care for them, and reward their piety, both relying largely on them believing that such a Higher Being actually exists on faith alone.
Her current opinion on Hell is that she doesn’t mind going there, as “it can’t be that far from the Isle, and I got used to it anyway, didn’t I?”
Richard “Rick” Ratcliffe is her opposite, still as devout a Christian as ever, though he wasn’t a very good one in the first place. Most of his beliefs and his “divinely inspired” actions involve him having an incredibly overinflated sense of self-worth and confidence, being on a “holy high horse” every time he interacts with pretty much anyone, particularly when he makes one of his infamous speeches, and stealing and robbing from others like the rest of the VKs, except with the justification of him “claiming it for the Church.”
(Which he is. After he takes a cut, because doesn’t a good servant of God deserve to treat himself every once in a while?)
Privately, he still takes comfort in his faith, especially the entirety of Jesus Christ’s life in the New Testament. He sees an idol in the Christian Messiah, as he was a great orator that was constantly attacked, ostracized, and even condemned and killed before people truly realized how great he was.
(Though, he does sincerely hope he can avoid the “foregone death sentence, and being nailed to a cross” bit.)
Mal didn’t have much of an interest in religion, seeing as Maleficent’s demands and “training” of her took up most of her time, and the ultimate goal was that the two of them would supplant the current deities and objects of worship, be the ones the masses are bowing down to and in fear of.
However, for the sake of curiosity (and of course, exploring “truths” outside of everything Maleficent has fed her), she has studied the various religions, mostly through the reading of whatever surviving holy texts and handwritten copies exist on the Isle, with a few oral accounts here and there.
She was a fan of the Torah and Judaism, if only because of the Yahweh that burned down entire cities and turned those that disobeyed Him into pillars of salt (Sodom and Gomorrah, and Lot’s wife); brought massive, crippling, devastating plagues to the enemies of his followers (Moses and the Exodus from Egypt); and struck people dead where they stood if they did something as trivial as spill their semen on the ground (Onan).
She stopped being such a fan by the time she came to the Christian Bible, the New Testament, and Christianity, both because God had “gone soft,” and she wasn’t as big a fan of the idea of the Big Man Upstairs sending a Son to do all of His dirty work for Him, and the whole “Jesus getting humiliated, tortured, and ultimately crucified” being his Father’s will REALLY hit too close to home for her.
The real clincher was when she wasn’t sure if Maleficent would also go through the trouble of bringing her back to life after three days or so.
On a side note, she really liked the idea of having a close circle of twelve followers who obey you no matter what, but it soured when Judas turned on Jesus.
She stopped being such a fan of Allah by the time she was calling Him that as she studied the Quran and Islam (with Jay’s help for actually reading the texts, and why he attempted to convert—more on that in the next post), and saw all the conflicting orders and distinct cultures that had come up from who was ostensibly the same Supreme Deity.
She figured that if God/Allah/Yahweh couldn’t get His followers to agree on what exactly He said, and they had in fact been getting into constant conflict about who’s religion was the “True” religion, He wasn’t worth following.
As mighty as His powers of causing widespread suffering and instant death to those that disobeyed Him, that He can't keep house was a complete turn-off.
"Why do you think He's a He?" Maleficent commented. "Hmpf, Men."
She tried studying the other religions and was impressed with some such as Shiva from Hinduism, not so much Taoism with its focus on humility, and she stopped altogether after a brief study of Louisiana Vodoo with Dr. Facillier, and learning that the many, many, many other sects of Christianity she would have to read about in order to truly say that she “knew her enemies.”
At that point, she thought it’d just be much more practical to dedicate her time in learning how to subjugate the people by force than by subverting and abusing their religious practices and beliefs, as she and her mother will be the only thing they’ll be worshiping by the end, anyway.
Evie did very briefly entertain the idea of religion as a source of comfort, until the numerous patriarchal mutations and corruptions of the original traditions and practices made her realize she wouldn’t be able to maintain her current lifestyle, and lose a lot of her personal freedoms beside.
(“Modest and proper dress” was the most obvious deal breaker.)
After the elevator pitch, it was a firm “Fuck that noise!” into permanent atheism. Not even the more liberal and feminist Auradon practices can make her change her mind, though I suppose the stigma she has with the followers there doesn’t help.
Before you ask, a lot of the religious practitioners on the Isle do enforce plenty of incredibly restrictive rules and customs, all in the service of making some form of sanity and order within their communities, and making themselves distinct from the rest of the Isle that basically does as they please, so long as it doesn’t anger Maleficent too much.
Carlos did try to seek out religion as a means of relief in the day-to-day Hell that is being Cruella’s only child and personal unpaid servant, and a tentative form of escape into a better life. However, you could say his mistake/wise decision was talking to Frollo about converting, and after his admittedly rather appealing pitch to him, he opened up the floor for questions.
Carlos’ was this: “Why are some kids born into suffering like us, and others are born in a nice place like Auradon?”
“Child, God tests our faith all the time, to prove that we are worthy of His love, and our ultimate reward in Heaven; it is not something to hold against Him, but merely another part of His glorious, ineffable plan for us all,” Frollo replied.
“… So, like, how does He decide? Is there some sort of criteria about who gets born in a nice life, and who gets born in a bad life…?”
“Child, even the most faithful and Good of us all get tested, should He deem it necessary—just look at His only son, Jesus Christ, and how even with his unwavering faith in Our Father, He decided to push him to the very edge of renouncing his belief in Him all the same.”
“… So you’re basically saying that He just essentially decides on a whim who suffers and who doesn’t?”
Frollo frowned. “De Vil, it is NOT on a whim; to say that He would act in such a random manner is insulting to His greatness. He follows a Plan, known to Him and Him alone, and we are all to play our parts in it without question.”
Carlos nodded, then hopped off his chair. “Okay, that was all I had, thanks Father Frollo!” he said as he walked out of Frollo’s inner sanctum, and away from religion for the rest of his life.
Jay is interesting in that he does take a vested interest in Islam, as it is the one part of his Arabic heritage that Jafar refuses to indulge. The curiosity was first ignited with his adamant refusal to let him read the Quran even though it was one of the most easily acquired texts in Arabic, and Jafar’s incredibly hostile opinion of it.
Islam to him is just “the means for fools and weaklings to comfort themselves, lies that those in power feed to them with glee so they may selfishly keep that power, and the masses will even praise them for it.”
It doesn’t help that he tried to become a Supreme Being himself, and ultimately failed.
His foray into Islam, should he take it like @baby-prince-oppa theorizes he will, will be detailed in a future post. It’s a LOT of words, and this post is already massive, okay?
Freddie has an eclectic, limited education on Christianity and Voodoo, largely attributed to most of Dr. Facillier’s knowledge being in the darker arts as a bokor (a Vodoo Witch Doctor who plays with both good and evil, by definition). Most of it is also limited to strictly practical application such as potions, hexes, and of course the nature of the Shadow Cards.
The culture that had arisen around Louisiana Voodoo and “gris-gris” (charms) is mostly skipped over as Dr. Facillier was never interested in the “good” way to practice it, and they were too wary and knowledgeable of him to be victimized by him, so knowledge of it was largely useless to him. He also doesn’t encourage her to learn or follow the rituals and traditions, and especially not to attend Sunday church at Frollo’s, though this is mostly for safety concerns than religious ones.
(“Never deal with a man who always thinks himself on the right hand of God, sweet potato,” is how he phrases it.)
The only real takeaway she has from it is to be “very wary of the forces out there greater and wilier than mere mortals like ourselves.”
Before you ask, no, he does not encourage her to make deals with loa, his former “Friends from the Other Side.” This is because they are completely reliable; “you better believe they will do what they said when you pony up, and especially when you don’t.”
The Hook Kids (Harriet, Harry, and CJ) and the rest of the pirates/mostly seafaring Villain Kids such as those from the seedier parts of coastal China, all worship the Sea, seeing Her as their “Lady of Life, Bounty, and Death.”
This is even though their experiences with the sea are being beached for most of the year, being unable sail out or ply their trade past a certain distance off the coast where the alligators are especially active, and their (safely) being in water and enjoying themselves is in the underwater half of Serpent Prep, or in the flooded tomb “swimming pool” of Dragon Hall. (Both are headcanons of mine, for clarity.)
A lot of what you can call their religious acts and beliefs center around the vicious, man-eating crocodiles and how they avoid them like… well, vicious, man-eating crocodiles.
“Metaphors are rather twee when what you fear already has sharp teeth, massive mouths, and an insatiable hunger for flesh of any kind,” as Harriet would say.
Uma has been taught about the religious practices and beliefs Sea Witchcraft by Ursula, but she has largely focused on the matters of potion making and utmost respect for senior witches, as these were the ones that are most practical and shut her daughter up for most of the time.
Her knowledge on it is very incomplete because Ursula was a recluse, and she stops bothering with it altogether when she realizes that everything Ursula has her do is no different from the other VKs, just with different reasons behind it.
Even though Zevon has been born in a heavily polytheistic culture where it was an almost inescapable part of everyday living, he has no religion, as Yzma was never a big believer in deities or the emperors supposedly granted divine knowledge and right to rule by them.
(That she personally knows how much of a selfish, shallow, and greedy idiot Kuzco is contributed a lot to this.)
The only thing he can be said to worship is himself (and his mother), as Yzma has fed him many delusions of grandeur, and manipulative encouragements of all of his worst impulses, beliefs, and behaviours, all the traits that would best groom him as her ticket out of the Isle.
Even after infiltrating Auradon, and during his time being at-large, he does not change his mind, as by that point the brainwashing and propaganda Yzma had been feeding into him is so ingrained he sees all other religion as his “rivals,” whose followers he will steal, after he shows them that he is “The true Supreme Deity of all of Auradon!”
Or, as he pronounces it, “The true Super-eemee D-eighty of Auradon!”
The other Western European VKs, such as the Gaston brothers, LeFou Deux, Ginny Gothel, the Tremaines, the Mim Children and Grandchildren, Clay Clayton, Diego de Vil, Jace and Harry—are all atheists, and not likely to ever find or participate religion.
Aside from the fact that their respective universes did not seem to involve the dominant or possible religions at the time (likely because Disney was avoiding the massive kerfuffle that would come with portraying a canonically Catholic French Village while it’s not central to the story like Hunchback of Notre Dame), they generally come from people that put their faith in their names and reputations (de Vil and henchmen, Tremaine, Gaston), their abilities (Clayton, also Gaston), or their magic (Gothel, Mim).
The likes of Madam Mim and Mother Gothel probably know and have had contact with supreme beings and deities (such as the local Hades), but were likely not impressed by them back when they still had their powers, they still aren’t impressed with them now.
Speaking of Hades, his daughter Hadie believes in the existence of her various uncles and aunts, but does not worship them for very obvious reasons. She is a commonly seen figure at her father’s bar, “The Way Down Under,” (a headcanon of mine, for clarity) and has her own small following of loyal worshipers who frequently make tribute to her, though this is mostly because she’s smoking hot with a gift of seduction and a silver tongue.
With the exceptions of Claudine Frollo and Richard “Rick” Ratcliffe, their attitudes towards religion aren’t likely to change if they ever get to (legally) stay in Auradon.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Rick Ratcliffe Headcanons Revised;
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His full name is Richard "Rick" Perseus Ratcliffe. Yes, he's sorta named after his dad's pug. He knows this and pointing it out will only earn you a black eye
He is three years older than Mal.
He has a baby pug named Prometheus.
He gets along with the Native Americans and the settlers' kids when the barrier is brought down.
One time, during a very violent storm, Sammy fell overboard and Rick jumped in after him and saved him.
Funnily enough, he saves his friends and random kids from drowning alot.
So much so that his friends have started joking that he's a regular John Smith. They call the act itself 'John-Smithing'. Rick hates it.
He roughhouses rather violently with his friends/crew mates for fun, mainly Clay.
They call it 'Extreme Roughhousing'. It's become kind of a sport on the isle.
One time while roughhousing with Clay, he went a little...overboard.. and Clay ended up going through a 2 story window. Clay was fine besides a few cuts and bruises, surprisingly, but Rick couldn't stop apologizing for it and felt very guilty. Still does.
It doesn't help that Clay keeps fondly bringing it up.
He's apart of the Gaston twins' hunting club as well as Harriet's crew and Diego's band.
He plays the drums, if you're curious.
He likes reading, firing off rifles, target practice, ships, sword-fighting, swimming, sailing, playing games (mainly cards), sports, and partying.
He and Mad Maddy are an item.
They rarely fight but when they do you better duck and cover.
He owns a pistol key chain that Maddy actually got for him.
He usually gifts her dolls.
His crush on her developed till they were 15.
Maddy's developed around the same time.
His dad often forces him to fight him when he gets pissed off and Rick has gotten hurt several times during these battles. And has several scars to show for it.
He never beats his dad during these battles and it pisses him off.
He's a bit of an introvert.
no matter how much he denies being ANYTHING like his father, it is obvious that he does take after him in some aspects.
He can be vain, persuasive, rude, arrogant, calculative, selfish/greedy, sarcastic, and downright ruthless at times (just like his father).
But he's also calm, cool, and collected most of the time and cares for others (mainly children and his friends). He's protective and not afraid to call people out on their shit, and he's willing to put his own needs and wants aside for those he cares about.
He wears old, worn-out, black and new England blue (a color) sneakers as well as torn-up black skinny jeans, and a new England blue tshirt with a golden pug and two silver, crossed swords on it. He also wears (fake) gold dud earrings, a silver nose ring, and a reddish-pink jacket that he insists is not pink.
He's embarrassed by his dad's feminine attire and his behavior in general, so he tries his best to distance himself from him (which doesn't always work).
However, just because he's embarrassed by it doesn't mean he won't fight anyone who mocks his little brother, Rory, for these same attire.
In Harriet's crew along side him are Claudine Frollo, LeFou Deux, Big Murph, Mad Maddy, Anthony Tremaine, Jade of Agrabah, Diego de Vil, Ginny Gothel, Clay Clayton, Sammy Smee, and the Gaston twins.
His best female friend and surrogate sister is Claudine Frollo.
His best male friend is Clay Clayton.
He gave Lee (Lefou Deux) the shovel talk when he found out about him and Claudine.
He's two years older than Claudine and a year older than Lee so it was a necessary thing to do.
Even if one was happy with him for it.
Rory is 5 years youner.
He looks after his brother and other children of Ratcliffe's men (that got sent to the isle). Like Wyatt Wiggins.
He loves his pug and his father's pug very much.
He hates hats and will never wear one. Except for Maddy and Claudine. And Rory. And Rachel. and the kids of his father's former crewmen.
He also takes care of the honorary members of Harriet's crew because that's what friends are for.
It took him awhile to warm up to Lil Shang and Chaca when when they joined their crew because of how frequently they fought with Harriet. But he did warm up to them eventually.
Derek Dwarfson, on the other hand, he accepted immediately.
He misses Lil Yaz very, very much after his death.
He once saved Clay Clayton after he drowned in the pool. He's been on edge ever since around water. He can never relax after that.
He acts like he's fine though. Because he feels like he has to.
He's the sailing master of the crew.
He gets mad now when he's sees anyone drinking near water.
And he's keeps an extra close eye on Clay now.
He's scared he'll die again if he doesn't.
Rick is lactose intolerant much to his dismay.
His favorite song is 'Brittle Bones Nicky' by Rare Americans.
He also likes their song 'Black sheep'.
He picked up a nasty smoking habit from Maddy and Clay.
Rick secretly loves studying languages and other cultures but can't be as open about it as he'd like under the barrier.
He and Claudine grew up together, since their dads were friends. They have alot of shared trauma because of this.
Rick is mildy allergic to dog fur but his father didn't care so he got use to it.
His favorite book is 'White Fox' by Sara Faring.
Rick sucker-punched his dad once during family day.
It was the last time he ever saw his father.
His favorite card game is 'The Worst-case scenario'
His favorite gun is the Flintstone pistol.
He has a sister named "Rachel" who is 3 years younger than him.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
For the writing prompt:
(I know this isn't what you had in mind, but I thought of this and wanted to see what you would think and make of it?)
"Guess what, Dad," Rick Ratcliffe said. "There is no gold in Virginia!"
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Trigger warning; Governor Ratcliffe being Governor Ratcliffe using of the word 'Savage ' to describe a group of Native American people, racism, and him just being am awful dad.
Former Governor Ratcliffe was relaxing in his lazy chair, mourning his glory days when the front door slammed
"Guess what, Dad," his 20 year old mistake-- Rick Ratcliffe-- called out, sounding livid "There is no gold in Virginia!"
That caught the eccentric man's attention, causing him to turn towards the boy.
"YOU HEARD ME!" The brat snapped angrily, glaring at him.
The young adult was tall and lean with a nose and black hair like his father's, though his was shorter and choppier and more animal like. His eyes were dark as coal like his father's too, though much kinder.
And that snarl on his face? It was definitely the same as his father's.
But his sense of style and morals? Well, that was all his.
He wore red ripped jeans with a baggy black leather jacket full of stick on magenta pins and a baggy blue tshirt with a red middle finger sewn poorly into it.
It was a look that often disappointed the former governor. Though not as much as his attitude.
"Don't take that tone with me, you little brat--" the man sneered, but for once, Rick didn't back down.
"You landed in Jamestown! Jamestown is in Virginia! There was and has never been any Gold in Virginia!"
"There is! Those SAVAGES are just hiding it to make me look bad!"
Rick was slowly turning red with rage and quickly grabbed one of his dad's glass dog figurines before throwing it at his head.
Ratcliffe ducked.
"Why you ungrateful little--"
Rick threw another figurine, seething.
His whole life, he had been told there had been gold. And while he had never really thought that, that had been a good enough reason to explain away all the bad things his father said and continue to do, it had been an explanation.
A crappy explanation but still an explanation.
But now? To be told that his father had been lying about there having been Gold when he had to know that he had been fully in the wrong after all this time? It just broke something inside of him.
A dam that had been holding back all his anger and hatred towards his father.
A dam that had been holding back all his disgust and embarrassment and gulit towards what his father had done within when he was around the poor excuse for a man.
A dam that had stopped him from endangering himself like this.
And now that, that dam was gone, he was gonna say everything that had been on his mind since he was old enough to think.
"Do you have ANY IDEA, how MANY PEOPLE you hurt?! how many PEOPLE YOUR ACTIONS SCREWED OVER?!"
He grabbed another figurine.
"Those SAVAGES deserved it!" Ratcliffe said stubborn as always.
Rick saw red and took aim-- the figurine hit him hard in the head, shattering. Yet the man stayed conscious surprisingly.
His eyes watered as Rick struggled to hold back tears. His skin was crawling and his heart felt like it was being gripped by something.
"They're people. Like you and me. And they were innocent. And because of you so many innocent lives were lost!" He pinched the bridge of his nose, breathing heavily.
"You always said that there was gold there. And while I never thought that, that excused what you did. At least it was a reason. A reason as to why you and Wiggins, and Pearcy and his pups, and me and Rory where stuck here. A reason as to why Thomas shot and killed a man, and was haunted by it despite not getting sent here. A reason for us to hate John and the others for not getting sent here like us" Rick knew he was probably trembling. But he didn't care.
Because for as long as he remembered, he had hated his father's men for not getting sent here like them. Had hated that Thomas killed a man and was real to live in Auardon, married to Nakoma while he and his brother and the pups were forced to suffer.
He had never hated the Natives for what his father did. How could he? He knew that stealing and attacking people for not wanting to help you was wrong. And that was what his father had been trying to do, along with much worse if the way he spoke about those poor people was anything to go by.
But he had hated his father's men for not having to be stuck here like him when, according to his father, they had attacked the Natives for the Gold too.
But now? Now he just felt sick.
Because according to the teacher at school, there was no gold. And the ones of his father's voyage who weren't on the isle had made up for their crimes.
Which meant that he had been hating people who, like him, had realized his father was an awful person and that they didn't want to stand with him.
Which practically made him no better than his father.
"But you lied. Because there is no way that you didn't know by now that there wasn't any gold and that even if there was you were still in the wrong. So you lied to us. To Rory and me. And made us hate people who at least admitted and made up for what they did unlike you and the other sorry excuses for men on this Island! You made us hate people who told the truth when you went and lied to the king and tons of other settlers about what went down, which lead to millions of innocent people getting killed! MILLIONS DAD!"
Rick ran his hand throw his hair.
Hoping naively that his father would see the errors of his ways and go begging for forgiveness.
But that's not what happened.
"Who cares?"
Rick's blood ran cold.
His stomach lurched.
"What do you mean who cares?!" He asked faintly, praying that he hadn't heard his father right.
But he had.
"Exactly that. Who cares?"
Rick lost it.
Ratcliffe just stared at him coldly. As if he was the one in the wrong.
Rick took a step back. And another. Feeling sick.
"You're a monster. A monster. And you're never going to see me Or Rory or the dogs again!" And with that, Rick ran. As far away as his legs could carry him before he lost his lunch. Never to see his father again.
Author's note: I hope that I wrote this as sensitively as possible and that the trigger warnings fit.
I didn't mention Pocahontas because I thought that might be insensitive and I don't plan on using her in any of my writings when it comes to the characters from thay movie.
And also, I do not condone anything Governer Ratcliffe said in this because he is a horrible person in any media and writing him made me feel physically ill. Just like he makes anyone, especially his son, feel when he opens that stupid mouth of his.
Hope this fic was what ya were looking for my friend.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Rick's and Clay's fight?
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Well, it was less of a fight and more of 'Rough housing gone wrong'.
Kind of like the Big Murph and Junior accident.
Trigger warning; Violence.
On the isle, there isn't alot for a kid (or anyone really) to do, so many turned to extracurriculars to keep their minds occupied.
Like joining bands, clubs, or gangs.
But sometimes even that isn't enough.
Like for Clay Clayton and Rick Ratcliffe, members of The LeGume Hunting Club, The Bad Apples, and Harriet's crew.
So when The usual distractions just aren't cutting it, there is only so much you could do. Like rough housing. Or extreme rough housing.
Which is exaxtly what Clay Clayton and Rick Ratcliffe tend to do.
But one day, they took it too far.
They'd been having a meeting at the Hook inlet, a two story buliding owned by Harriet's dad. And it was her day to watch the shop, so her crew was there. Keeping her company and occasionally helping her out.
But eventually Rick and Clay were left to their own devices upstairs and started to rough house.
And when those two rough housed, it got really really rough.
So it really shouldn't have been surprising that, that day was no different.
It started with Clay putting Rick in a head lock and Rick elbowing him in the side.
Then they were rolling around on the floor and pushing eachother into shelves and the wall. All in good fun.
And then it escalated.
No one really knows what happened after that. All anyone really knows is that less than thirty minutes after the rough housing had started, glass could be heard shattering as something outside fell from the 2nd story and hit the ground hard.
'Something' being Clay.
"RICK WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Harriet screamed, freaked out for once as she ran out side. Abandoning her post. She could hear the rest of her crew following as a frantic Rick ran down the stairs, looking close to tears.
"It was an accident!"
People outside were crowding around where Clay had fallen, blocking their view.
And for a minute, the crew feared the worst.
But then, something happened that sucked all the tension from the air.
Clay stood and stretched, so tall that the top of his head could be seen. "Dude that was awesome! We gotta do that again--"
"NO!" Rick yelled right as Harriet said "ABSOLUTELY NOT!"
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
First Day At Auardon Elementary;
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Summary; someone overhears Rick Ratcliffe dropping the children of Ratcliffe's crew men's kids at school.
A 20 something year old was standing at the gates of Auardon Elementary, surrounded by a hoard of small children. Ranging from 5 to 10.
"Alright, listen here you little shits. Today you're going to start your first day at school. Do you remember the rules?" He asked.
His name was Rick Ratcliffe and he was a tall and lengthy, pale boy with short, black messy hair and kind, coal black eyes. Dressed in maroon pants, a blue middle finger tshirt, and a black leather jacket with matching boots covered in magenta pins.
"No setting the school on fire--" a girl about six started.
"No making the teachers cry--" a boy around 10 said, rolling his eyes.
"No bullying" Another kid, about 9 called out from the back.
"No stealing--" an 8 year old girl added.
"And no escaping" 7 year old Wyatt Wiggins chimed in chipper.
"That's right. And while we're at the door, I'd like to add don't repeat anything your dads have said because they're stupid and you're smart enough to know better. And if i find out you have, I'll box your ears. Do I make myself clear?"
Rick had two leashes tied to his belt, which lead to two pugs. One very old and one little more than a puppy. And he looked tired as he puffed away on his cigarette. Like he might pass out at any moment.
He clearly didn't want to be here but was forcing himself to be. Even if no one other than him knew why.
"Yes cousin Rick!" Every. Single. Kid replied in unison. As if this was something they did often.
"Good. Glad we got that settled. Now scram ya little brats" Rick shooed them away, ruffling Wyatt's hair as they ran towards the front door.
None of them knew that someone was watching them.
9 year old, Jimmy Smith backed away from the corner he was hiding behind. And turned on his tail, running back to tell his dad what he had seen as Rick headed back to Maddy's place. Complete oblivious to everything.
(Author's note: Jimmy Is NOT Pocahontas' kid. He is only John Smith's. I do not use Pocahontas as a character, only Nakoma and the others. Please if you're gonna use my version of Jimmy, don't make him Pocahontas's son).
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What are some of Claudine's likes and dislikes? I love how you craft her to be spicy and saucy with her tongue, yet accomplished in her studies and quick on her feet (literally and figuratively).
All that reading of the Bible and being secretary to administrative work, listening in to speechs of a very well-spoken and well-read man, and having to defend her faith and later on seduce and manipulate people paid off dividends.
After being forced to read and study the Bible and other (verystrictly curated) books about Christianity over and over again, andbeing denied all manner of literature that ends up on thebarges--either overrun copies of cheap/generic adventure/romancestories, or hardcover copies of serious texts like that of history orphilosophy--Claudine finds herself enjoying finally seeing all the“blasphemous and subversive” material that Frollo has so warnedher will corrupt her mind and turn her away from God.
Philosophy interests her primarily, as she’s always been toldthat there is but One Truth, and that is (the Christianinterpretation of) God, and seeing all the many different ways peopleinterpret the meaning of life, what is our purpose, and the manydifferent explanations as to why we do the things we do interest her.
She develops a great interest in Psychology, especially theconcept of “mental gymnastics” whereby people bend overbackwards, go through hoops, and perform all manner of impressivefeats of reasoning and justification just to defend their beliefs,their choices, and their worldviews.
Of particular interest to her is religious extremism and hypocrisyin Religions of all forms, though for obvious reasons she studiesChristianity first and foremost, and second is the way Auradon’s peoplejustify their unfair and inherently skewed social order.
On a leisurely reading note, she really likes romancenovels, adventure stories, and “slice-of-life” works that showher how relationships are supposed to be, protagonists overcomingoverwhelming odds and their own hang-ups through determination,personal growth, and friendship, and how life is supposed to be whenyou’re lucky enough to be born into a (mostly) well-functioningfamily.
Because of the limited materials on the Isle, Maleficent having amonopoly on most supplies, and the Evil Queen taking the lion’sshare of good stuff for herself and Evie, a broke and withoutconnections girl like Claudine was forced to rely on just two fashionstyles:
Highly conservative and simple dresses with long sleeves andskirts, and repurposed linens, and of course
Heavily modified and scandalized school uniforms that theiroriginal owners had outgrown and couldn’t find anyone to hand itdown to
She really rather enjoys the expanded choice she has here inAuradon, access to raw materials and fashion from all over the worldas now she can go to all the Well Intentions branch in Auradon Cityand pick-up all the “pre-loved” items for a pittance, planoutfits in advance without fear of it getting stolen, and justgenerally mix-and-match with more styles, designs, and moods than sheever thought possible
It also helps that Esmeralda bonds with her by doing each others’hair and make-up, making outfits for each other that express thesexuality they’re so comfortable with than hide it like mostAuradonians do, along with assisting the drives for collecting goodsand items for the less fortunate
This is both for the ostracized and forgotten of Auradon, and thepeople of the Isle of the Lost. “True, they could just scavenge itfrom the trash, but it feels so much better to open a box that wasmeant for you specifically.”
Confident and Principled Public Figures
Personal bias: Claudine is a VERY big fan of my interpretation ofElsa in the Descendants universe, modeling herself after her assomeone who is not willing to just let awful systems thrive andquestionable decisions be because “that’s just the way thingsare,” be able to ignore her “Pharisees” without even givingthem the time of day, and she also rather enjoys the fact that theIce Queen is a Mistress of Sick Burns.
After living in a congregation of Yes People that just constantlyexcuse and justify everything in their mind so their fragileworldviews are never shattered, Claudine finds great admiration,respect—and if we’re being totally honest, sexual attraction—topeople that are willing to stand by their beliefs in the face offerocious unpopularity, threats and insults, and have unshakablefaith to one thing:
“The Actual Truth”
In her words, “What can I say? I get wet for someone whorises up and doesn’t back down until you give them a damn goodreason.”
Other people she admires for similar reasons include Queen Tiana,Queen Merida, Mulan, Consort Jasmine, Flynn Rider AKA King EugeneFitzhebert, Queen Rapunzel, King Aladdin, Queen Elena, Queen Belle,Maid Marian, Megara, King Ben, and Jordan
Peopleshe respects, but has something of an intense non-romanticlove-hate-but-mostly-hate relationship with include Sebastian, Zazu,Cogsworth, and Rafiki, all of whom have at some point or another beenher mentors in the art of logic, reasoning, politics, publicspeaking, and philosophy
(“Ifyou’re going to curse like a sailor, at least enunciate your fourletter words properly!” - Cogsworth)
Shehas something of an odd inter-generational friendship with Lumiere,as her premiere sparring partner for “swords and slander” alongwith bonding over his checkered, “not entirely legal” past, andthe fact that, true to the stereotype, is her primary source ofromantic advice
Assomeone who dislikes plasticity, hypocrisy, and shallowness as muchas Claudine, Auradon “Reality TV” REALLY gets on her nerves.While nowhere near as trashy or awful as that of Jersey Shorehere, the point still remains that a lot of this shows areshowing carefully planned, scripted, and highly exaggerated versionsof events being pedaled as “the real, unedited thing.”
Claudinecan see right through the bullshit of the adventures of “The GoodSamaritans” with a quick Google search about all the good thingsthe show has actually done, and whether or not their workstuck after the end of the episode, and it gets even worse when shereads about (and sees for herself) the kind of complacency, lack ofcritical thinking, and shallowness excessive TV watching breeds.
Anddon’t get her started with the replies and the messages sentwhenever she criticizes the shows on Social Media…
Alongsideher fellow 3rd Wave VK Anthony Tremaine, she utterlydespises “the boob tube” and how something so good on paperbecame something so horrible in reality.
SocialMedia in General
Claudinedespises Social Media.
Shehates the careful cultivation of personas and outward looks thatdon’t nearly reflect the ugly realities, the careful cutting andpasting of which elements of your life to show off to others tryingto do the same. She hates the constant emphasis on number of friends,likes, and shares, as if that actually meant any sort of meaningfulachievement. She hates the fact that echo chambers, bias, and trollsare a thing there, constantly getting into arguments that she can’tend with her ultimate, never-fail rebuttal:
Kickingsomeone in the crotch, before flipping the bird at them.
Shehates how it just grows all the insecurities she has about beingostracized and left alone by everyone all over again. She hates thefact that it makes her hyper-aware of her appearance, that it bringsup her self-image issues when someone criticizes her for being toorisque, and she hates the fact that she finds herself constantlycomparing to other, prettier girls, with seemingly more perfectlives, and definitely healthy, happy, and not-abusive-nor-crazyparents and family lives.
Butmost of all, she hates that she can’t quit it.
Shehates the fact that “Outcasts” like her all over Auradon tend toconnect with each other on Social Media and the internet for avariety of reasons. She hates the fact that it’s one of her onlyreal platforms to express her opinion, use the voice that has beenconstantly shushed by her father and the congregation for so manyyears. She hates the fact that this very same thing that helpscultivate the “it’s always sunny and happy in Auradon” is alsothe one thing that is rapidly helping dismantle it as the Outcastsare now finding their voices once more, joining in solidarity withthe VKs to finally make Auradon a paradise for everyone.
Inher words, “I know I’m on Storybook like 16 hours a day,everyday—WHY DO YOU THINK I’M SO PISSED OFF ALL THE TIME?!”
Hypocritesand Opportunists
Thisis the reason she does not get along very well with Audrey, Chad, orher fellow 3VK Richard “Rick” Ratcliffe: they’re incrediblyhypocritical, engaging in mean and cruel behaviour despite seeing andthinking themselves as “Good” people; incredibly keen on jumpingon every last opportunity to better themselves and will flag fromtheir principles as soon as it proves more convenient to switch sides when the going gets tough; or both.
Shehas lived ten years of her life praising and loving a man whoespoused himself as the epitome of Goodness and Righteousness in aland of Sinners and Heathens, and from both personal experience andhearing the other side of the story, learned just how much his actiondoesn’t match his rhetoric, the things he will believe and tellhimself and others in order to justify doing the exact opposite ofwhat it is he’s supposed to be doing.
ThatFrollo was also indirectly responsible for Claudine almost dying in afire doesn’t help.
Inher words, “You can’t do anything with someone that’ll get softand back down at the first sign of trouble, and you don’t wantanything to do with someone that’ll do everything and believeanything just to get their way.”
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