#someday I'll find a style I'm comfortable with
soratsuart · 4 months
My new life starts here
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Wooo!! Fanart for this Undertale Yellow fic I've been reading by @shadeofsilentfire !!! Definitely recommend it, go read it now! Scene under cut
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I don't know why but this scene made me really emotional reading it, I just needed to draw it. Clover my beloved, they're trying so hard ;;
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piggycyberwarrior · 1 month
Ekko SWF-Alphabet
!not proof read!
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Ekko is the type of boyfriend that would constantely pepper your face with kisses. He knows how easily people can die- can be killed- so he tries to shower you with affection.
He likes to show you how much he loves you, because he is kinda confused with words. He is a warrior- a leader, not a big talker? he tries tho.
I would say he is pretty affectionate but mostly behind closed doors. As i said- he's a leader, he shouldn't be smooching his girl next to the firelights... he thinks its inappropriate. But in a calmer, more softer setting- boii he's all over you!!
B = Bribe (Can you bribe him?)
Yes and No.
Ekko is loyal as fuck. He would never EVERR betray the ones dear to his heart. But small and unnecessary things like
"Okay.. would you come with me if i give you one- no TWO kisses?"
Yeah. nope he would immediately jump off the couch and sprint towards you. He doesn't play there..
He kinda sees it as a payment...
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
I PERSONALLY think that Ekko likes Hugs way more than cuddles. I'll explain:
You know that one hug that hits so good? Nose burried in their neck- inhaling their scent- arms tight around the person after you saw them finally- FINALLY again and all these emotions are put in that hug.
^ He loves that so much when he comes home, tired from a mission
That doesn't mean he does not like Cuddles. I think Ekko loves to lay his head onto your Chest/boobies all the time. crushing you under his weight and laughing when you grumble because of his stupid antics
or being the big spoon (like almost never the little spoon- only when he needs comfort). he loves it that he can make you feel safe in his arms
He likes to nap while cuddling but i think he doesn't really like to sleep at NIGHT when cuddling. That! man! needs! his! space!! (Napping while cuddling is okay idk why??)
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Yes he really wants to settle down with you somewhere safe and sound- a place that doesn't exist now, unfortunately. Thats why he works so hard. maybe he can give you that home you deserve someday.
That man is a COOK. Full ass GORDON RAMSAY like its not even normal??? He even enjoys it- apron on, humming a little melody while making breakfast for the two of you.
he loves to help you at home even tho he barely has time between eating , sleeping and his duties. But you don't mind. he asks some of his people to help you out if you really need help with the chores.
is kinda shitty at cleaning- kinda never learned to do it... i mean he grew up in Zaun.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I'm sorry but like i said he is kinda shitty with words so he tries to rip the bandaid off real quick by breaking up through text...
He doesn't really feel good about it too- feels like an asshole to be honest but he can't help it :(
if they wanted to talk about it though- he tries
he is okay with the fact that you hate him because of his break-up-style
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Ekko is a little bit scared? of commitment. He kinda doesn't wanna be "caged"- he feels as if his freedom has been pushed into a box, but in reality he just needed to find the right person.
I think Ekko needs some time to really REALLY settle with the fact that he loves his s/o and that can take some time.
But oh boi when it happens- he wants to marry you immediately!! Like mentioned he knows that life is short- so he tries to marry you as quick as possible.
But he understands it if you need time to think about it or aren't ready yet.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Ekko's kinda rough around the edges as he grew up in a rough atmosphere. Sometimes his grip is too strong- his attempts to tickle you can hurt a bit and his hands are calloused as well.
But in the end he never wants to hurt you and is extremely gentle towards you as much as he can
he is so much gentler to you than to anyone else. always makes sure you aren't stressed or anything like that.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Yes.Yes.Yes!! he loves hugs like mentioned earlier. It just fits better into his lifestyle as he can quickly but passionately hug you before or after a mission and can also do that in public. he cannot cuddle you outside on the street :/
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Not that fast. Boi has some serious trust issues and you probably have to initiate the big ol' L-Word. When he finally says it- he will never stop saying it.
He willl always shower you with 'I love you's' and expects you to also say it back. he's just a sucker for that simple sentence even tho he was kinda wairy of the concept of love
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Doesn't get jealous. Just doesn't, he trusts you completely. Period.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you?)
His kisses are like him. Sweet but passionate, as well as a sprrrinkle of roughness.
he loves the traditional way of kissing you. on the lips. he is addicted to the taste of them on his and can kiss you till dawn. (he doesn't mind that you call him a simp)
He also loves to give you small pecks on your face but mostly the side of your head when you did something cute or stupid.
Always has his hands on you when you kiss- either on your throat, back or waist.
Also grins into kisses like ahhhrgcvszdc PLEASE
L = Little ones (Would he like to have Children?)
Loves children- I mean he keeps them save in the HQ too like what did you expect...
Would also love to have children when he's older.. kinda a dream of his. Probably 3 kids. Is still okay with it if you don‘t like to have kids- respects it!
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
i kind of have the feeling that dis man is such a morning grouch :/ soooorry
like he always wants to sleep more (in other words- has a fucked up sleep schedule)
Still he loves it when you kiss him awake- and he would always and i mean ALWAYS!! roll on top of you and squish you under him with a laugh before pressing kisses on your face and getting up.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
OHH THAT BITCH IS A NIGHT OWL. He is always so much goofier at nighttime (you know that weird 3am energy?? Exactly)
He likes it when you are sitting on his lap at night though, while he is fiddling at some prototype. Your fingers lazily playing with his dreads while he nuzzled himself onto your shoulder while working
Its a mix of both energy’s- late snack runs or slow evenings.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
As i said, he takes his time to fully trust you. If you grew up together- he would‘ve probably told you a lot of things already. If you didn‘t- he is kinda hesitant to tell you at first. I think he would start revealing things about himself after a good few months of dating. He takes his time with those things
still he will always listen when you have something to tell him.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It depends. When he is frustrated- his patience is very thin- but when he is in his normal mood- it’s out of gold
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
REMEMBERS EVERYTHING. It is truly getting creepy. He knows everything???
birthday, likes, dislikes, all the family gossip you told him one day- even remembering all of your family member’s names, favorite book, favorite hyperfixation at the moment, favorite place- everything you mentioned to him once.
lol he laughs everytime you think he forgot something and he proves you wrong- you‘re just like:🧍‍♀️
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
that one hot as summer night were you were both almost naked (nothing seggsual) - sweating like a pig- window wide open- not able to sleep and just talking bout shit. -> leading to you telling him you love him.
He didn‘t mind the humid heat in the end. Just feeling so happy.
always remembers that night and feels giddy when there is a hot summer night…
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they like to be protected?)
He loves it when you defend him verbally. He can fight- and doesn‘t want you to hurt yourself in the process- but seeing you argue with someone for him is making his heart race.. <3
like i said he doesn‘t get jealous but is neverthless protective. He knows that Zaun is fucking dangerous- also knows that you can protect yourself but he wants to keep any harm from you..
always being your guard dog and even fighting people that bitch at you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts?)
I think he always gets you something when he‘s in Piltover- books or small things that you like..
He likes to have dates in the privacy of your home- nothing extraordinary…. I am SO SORRY BUT THIS MAN ISN‘T A FAN OF ANNIVERSARIES!! He just doesn‘t get the point?? For him everyday is an anniversary.
He still plans the home dates (puts a lot of effort in the planning part)- and everytime you do something new fun!!
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Nail Biting, Workaholic, Insomnia, such a gossip girl 😭 its funny tho.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
That Man is proud!!! He worked so much, trained so much did everything to become the person he is- loves his muscles and is kinda concerned how he looks
(Have you seen that man? Face paint on the spot- dreads styled like that and always revealing that yummy bicep..)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
yes- next question
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
100% a cat person. He loves them but will never admit it. When he first saw one as a kid- he begged Benzo to let him adopt it. Still visits it‘s grave. Kinda has a fur allergy but he doesn‘t care 💀
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
hates hates HATES it when his partner is rude or disrespectful for no reason. (Sure, its a different story when you are getting shit on) but he just finds it so bad when you insult someone for no reason (and mean it)
has no problem when you playfully call someone (him) an idiot tho…
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He is a kicker. Like bitch, stop kicking me in the ribs while sleeping 😭. Also wakes up with his head at your feet- turns around a lot. Just an active sleeper here…
you on the other hand get many bruises from his kicking…. I am so sorry
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junkiespromise · 2 years
the eras - masterlist
Twenty two stories inspired by the lyrics from all Taylor Swift albums.
drivers: mv1, dr3, ln4, sv5, pg10, fa14, cl16, aa23, eo31, lh44, ms47, cs55, gr63, op81.
note/warnings: english is not my native language, so there will probably be some spellings mistakes, even though i will try to have as least as possible. Also, you can request from any of drivers above with whatever songs you want that has not been asigned to a driver, if the song is followed by three dots then you can leave a request for that song. Please read the specific warnings for each story as there will probably be some angst and some topics you may not be comfortable reading :)
PS: I will also be posting other stories and social media Au's and if you want to request for any other song for taylor or any type of Au/imagine freely do so. :)
If you want to get tagged on the next stories just leave a comment and I will do it
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Teardrops on my Guitar | pg10
They had been friends for years, her always yearning for him to look at her like she did just once but he never did and she wishes that the girl he loves can adore him like she does.
Tim Mcgraw | ...
"And i was right there beside him all summer long. And then the time i woke up to find that summer gone"
Superstar | ms47 (2.4k words)
Where two young kids fall in love but the world one of them is involved in seems to be against their happiness.
The Way I Loved You | ... & ...
"And he says, you look beautiful tonight, and I feel perfectly fine. But i miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain"
Enchanted | cs55
At one of those fancy parties they met, those where she had to be introduced to everybody with a shaking hand or a nod. But she left with a tingling sensation and the need to know more about him.
Back to December | dr3 (soon to be made a series)
She knew that if she could go back in time she would re do everything a do it right this time. But she can't and now she only has those memories left.
Begin Again | pg10 (2.0k words)
All the love she ever knew was one that hurted and burned but at a Parisian coffe shop on a wednesday she realized that maybe that was not all that love had to offer.
Stay, Stay, Stay | mv1 (requested)
"Before you, I'd only dated self-indulgent takers, who took all of their problems out on me, but ypu carry my groceries and now I'm always laughing"
You Are in Love | ln4
Best friends, that's what they called each other, even with the dances and pictures in offices they still called each other that. But a drunk call on a late night might change everything.
Wildest Dreams | sv5 (requested)
"You'll see me in hindsight, tangled up with you all night, burning it down. Someday when you leave me, I bet these memories. Follow you around"
How You Get The Girl | ln4 (requested)
After months of back and forths and unofficial relationships he finds himself infront of her house completely soaked but with the intention to work things out
Style | ...
"And when we go crushing down, we come back every time, 'cause we never go out of time"
New Years Day | lh44 (requested)
"Don't read the last page, but I stay when it's hard, or it's wrong, or we're making mistakes I want your midnights, but I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day"
Gorgeous | ms47
He can't quite understand what he's done to her as she seems to despise him so much, if he only knew the reason why.
I Think He Knows | ln4 (requested)
"Lyrical smile, indigo eyes, hand on my thigh We can follow the sparks, I'll drive. So where we gonna go? I whisper in the dark. Where we gonna go? I think he knows"
Cornelia Street | lh44 (requested)
"Windows swung right open, autumn air Jacket 'round my shoulders is yours We bless the rains on Cornelia Street Memorize the creaks in the floor"
The Lakes | sv5
When the world seems to haunt them they find themselves looking for each other on the toughest times
Mirrorball | mv1
Where he tries to do everything to please everybody but when he's with her he can be his true self.
Gold Rush | cl16
Her mind can't understand why everybody is so infatuated by the Charles Leclerc until she finds her heart fluttering when he's around and can not explain it.
Ivy | lh44
Where she finds herself in the claws of a love less relationship and even knowing it's wrong she goes to seek comfort and love in the arms of another
Midnight Rain | ...
"My boy was a montage, a slow-motion, love potion. Jumping off things in the ocean I broke his heart 'cause he was nice"
Maroon | cs55
The rise and fall of a short but, oh, so, ardent relationship, between two strangers who one night met and became more than that.
♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡ ♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡
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mamaestapa · 2 years
The Bengals Game
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•series summary: Y/N Y/L/N moved to Cincinnati, Ohio for a new start. Move in day arrives and she discovers something terrible...the apartment complex gave her the wrong lease. Instead of living with who she originally was supposed to, she's now living with the hottest quarterback in the NFL, Joe Burrow. Y/N is stuck living in the same apartment with him for a year...which the two are not thrilled about. However, as time goes on, they realize that maybe this wasn't the worst thing that could happen to them. Will Y/N and Joe stay enemies, or will they find themselves falling in love?
•chapter summary: You attended your first Cincinnati Bengals game (that comes with lots fun and a surprise or two…)
•word count: 5.8k
•warnings: language, alcohol, maybe a jealous joe?
Series Masterlist
September 29, 2022
Macee-Hey girl! I'll pick you up in about an fifteen. Sound good?
You-Yes! I'll see you in a bit :)
Macee liked a message.
You put your phone down on your dresser, rummaging through the bottom drawer where you kept all of your pants. You were looking for your favorite pair of mom jeans that you wear almost every time you go out.
Today, well, tonight, you are going to your first ever Cincinnati Bengals game.
Macee invited you to go to the game with her. You started working at Cincy Styles two days ago. You and Macee have become quite good friends already. It's good to have someone like her around. You went out to lunch with Macee during your lunch break on your first day and that's when she let you know she's engaged to Logan Wilson, linebacker for the Bengals and one of Joe's teammates that you’ve already met. Well, met briefly. You didn't get to have a full conversation with him. You have a feeling that you will someday though since you are friends with Macee and living in the same apartment as one of his best friends.
So since the Bengals have a home game tonight, Macee thought it would be a fun night for the both of you if you attended—especially since you have never been to a game before.
You found the pants you were searching for, pulling them out and placing them on the ground while you got the rest of your outfit ready. Aiming for something cute and comfortable, you decided you were going to wear the vintage Bengals sweatshirt that Macee gave you, along with your light wash mom jeans and white Nike AirMax's.
Once you had your outfit picked out, you headed to the bathroom to go ready.
After getting dressed and freshened up, you were straightening your hair when Joe walked past the bathroom, stopping in his tracks when he saw your outfit. He stepped into the bathroom, curiously eyeing you through the mirror. You took the styling tool away from your hair and looked at him, raising an eyebrow.
He pointed at you, “You're wearing a Bengals sweatshirt."
You hummed, pulling more pieces of hair out to straighten, “Oh really? I didn't notice."
Joe rolled his eyes, adjusting the sleeves to his floral suit. You couldn't help but examine his outfit choice for tonight's game against the Miami Dolphins. He wore a black suit that had large white roses all over.
Now, you hate to admit it, but...
Joe looks hot as hell in that suit.
You have to admit, you and Joe may not be too fond of each other, but you’d be lying if you said he wasn't fine as hell.
"You didn't tell me you're going to the game tonight?"
You shrugged, "Didn't think you'd care."
"I'm not that much of a dick, Y/n.”
You unplugged the flat iron and looked at Joe through the mirror. His baby blue eyes shining as he looked back at you. You could feel the slightest hint of a blush rise to your cheeks as he looked at you.
"Well," you said, "I didn't want to boost that ego of yours. Make you think I'm going only to watch you play."
He let out a short laugh, "You really think I'd think you're only going to watch me?"
"Maybe," you shrugged.
"Whatever. Well I gotta go, have fun watching me from the stands tonight. I know those pretty Y/e/c eyes are only going to stay on me, sweets." He teased with a smirk.
You looked up at him with an unamused look, which made him chuckle.
"Good luck." you said, giving him a small smile.
"Thanks. Have fun."
You smiled, "I will."
He walked out of the bathroom, heading over to the door and sliding his shoes on. You heard the jingle of his keys, signaling he was getting ready to leave. You heard the door open, but never close.
"Hey Y/n!" Joe called.
"Yeah?!" you shouted back.
"Every time I throw a touchdown tonight. don't forget to chant Who Dey with the crowd. I have a feeling you'll be doing it a lot."
You didn't even have to see his face, you could hear the cockiness in his tone.
"Oh don't worry, I won't forget!" you remarked.
He was about to leave when you called out to him.
"Oh and Joe," you stepped out of the bathroom and out into the living room so he could see the teasing smirk on my face, "make sure to tell Ja'Marr I'm in the stands."
He rolled his eyes.
"Thanks." you grinned cheekily, walking back into the bathroom to finish getting ready.
About 45 minutes later, Macee pulled up to the complex and texted you to let you know she was outside. You told her to wait outside for you since you still haven't told her that you live with Joe. You know you have to tell her at some point, you’re just not sure when, exactly.
"Hey Y/n.” Macee smiled as you sat down on the passenger seat.
"Hey girl," you grinned as you buckled your seatbelt, "how are you?"
"Great! I'm super excited for this game."
You nodded, "Me too. I've never been to an NFL game before."
She pulled out of the complex and started the drive to Paycor Stadium, which was about a 25 minute drive from yours and Joes apartment. With game day traffic though, it would probably be much longer.
"They're so much fun, especially if you have good seats! Which," she took a hand off the wheel and rummaged through her purse. She pulled out two tickets, "I got for us, well, Logan got for us.”
You took the tickets from her hand, examining them. Your seats were two rows up behind the Bengals sideline. The two of you would have a great view of the game and the players.
"This is awesome," you smiled, putting the tickets back in her purse, "thank you for inviting me."
"Of course, I wouldn't want you to miss out on this. We're going to have a blast."
You nodded in agreement. Even though you’ve never been to a game, you know it's going to be such a fun experience. You couldn't wait to get to the stadium and get this night started.
~time skip brought to you by joe burrow being literally the HOTTEST man to walk this earth~
You and Macee got to your seats, sitting next to two other girls. The brunette was wearing a Burrow jersey and the red head was wearing a sweatshirt that read "I ❤️ Joe Burrow". You couldn't help the small smile that appeared on your face as you heard the girls gush about how excited they were to see Joe in person.
You were about to say something to Macee when the bright stadium dimmed and an orange hue took over, making the full crowd in the stadium look orange. The Bengals cheerleaders made a tunnel by the tunnel the players would run out of, signaling that the player and team introductions would be starting. The orange lights started to switch between orange, black, and white. The Jumbotron started to play the pre-game hype video they play at every home game. The crowd started to cheer as the Bengals players began to line up at the tunnel, getting ready to run onto the field.
"Bengals fans, please welcome head coach Zac Taylor and the Cincinnati Bengals!"
The crowd went wild as the coaches and players ran out of the tunnel and onto the field. Orange fireworks were set off on each end zone, adding to the intensity of the atmosphere. You and Macee cheered right along with the crowd.
You were already loving this and the game hadn't even started yet!
The cheers died down a bit and the announcers voice boomed through Paycor.
"Here are our defensive starters!"
"Oh here we go," Macee said as she gently grabbed onto your bicep.
"At linebacker, from Wyoming, number 55, Logan Wilson!"
The crowd went crazy, cheering and yelling for Logan. Macee was ecstatic when her fiancés name was called.
"YEAH!!!" she hollered, "LOGAN!!!"
"Wooooo!!" you cheered, throwing your hands up in the air. Macee turned to you, smiling widely.
"Isn't this awesome?" she asked.
You nodded, "The atmosphere of this stadium is amazing."
The rest of the defensive starters were introduced, the fans screaming and cheering as each players name was called. The offense had already been on the field, being the group that ran out with Zac Taylor and the other coaches. After all the players names were announced, more fireworks went off on each end zone and the crowd roared with excitement.
Once all the pre-game stuff was over, the game had finally started.
The Bengals were playing the Miami Dolphins, who were currently sitting undefeated at 3-0. It should be a good game.
Miami's offense took the field first, meaning the Bengals offense was on the sideline. You examined the sideline, trying to see if you could find any familiar names or faces.
"There he is!" The brunette next to you squealed, pointing at a player.
The red head practically moaned, "Oh my fuck. He's so much hotter in person."
You looked at who the brunette was pointing at, immediately seeing Joe, who was holding the collar of his white jersey as he laughed with Ja'marr and Tee.
The girl with red hair turned to you, “Isn't he so much hotter in person?"
You looked away from Joe, seeing the girls looking at you expectantly.
"Uh," you hesitated, unsure of what to say, "sure?"
"I'm taking that as a yes." the brunette giggled as she took a swig of her beer.
You turned your attention back to the game. The Dolphins had drove down the field far enough to make a field goal. After the field goal was made, the Bengals offense took the field in their all white uniforms.
"I didn't know they had all white uniforms?"
Macee nodded as she looked at Logan, who was sitting directly in front of us on the bench.
"They've always had the white uniforms, but they're trying out the white helmets for the first time."
"It looks really cool."
Macee nodded, "It does. The guys were really excited to wear these."
You looked out onto the field just in time to see Joe throw a pass to Ja'marr, who was wide open. He ran about ten yards, bringing them to the Dolphins 30 yard line. Joe snapped the ball, dropping back to throw a short pass to Tee Higgins for a gain of four. It was now second down, the Bengals opting to run the ball this time. They were successful, getting the first down and more, as Joe Mixon was just short of the end zone. The clock started and Joe snapped the ball, handing it off to Joe Mixon, who ran it in for a touchdown.
The crowd went wild as the Bengals scored. It soon broke out into the chant Joe was telling you about. It was the first time you had ever heard it, so you didn't join in.
"Who dey, who dey, who dey think gonna beat dem Bengals?"
Macee yelled the words, cheering afterwards.
"Did you know it?" She asked after finishing the chant.
You shook your head, "No, that's the first time I've ever heard it," you said, letting out a laugh.
Macee smiled, "Well that's okay, you can join in on the next touchdown."
You nodded, "Definitely."
You knew by the end of this game that you would be a pro at the crowd chant.
The first quarter came to an end fairly quickly. Not much happened in the beginning of the second quarter. Both teams had quickly went three and out with their first possessions of the quarter. However the game picked up in the second half of the quarter. The Dolphins quarterback Tua Tagovailoa suffered a scary concussion with about seven minutes left of the quarter. He was carted off the field and out of the game.
Prayers for Tua.
After Tua was carted off, the Dolphins scored another field goal, making the score 6-7. The Bengals started their drive pretty slow, but with nearly three minutes left Joe threw a 59 yard touchdown pass to Tee Higgins.
"You're joining in on this one Y/n.” Macee said as the two of you watched Evan McPherson kick the extra point. As soon as the kick was good, the crowd started chanting.
You and Macee looked at eachother, wide grins on your faces as you chanted: “Who Dey" along with the rest of the crowd.
You wooed loudly as the offense ran back to the sidelines. As the offense came back and the defense got ready to go out on the field, Logan stood from the bench and grabbed his helmet. He turned around and looked into the stands, quickly finding Macee. He waved at her, which she waved back and blew him a kiss. He smiled widely at her before putting his helmet on and going onto the field. You couldn't help but smile at the two.
They're such a sweet couple.
Macee watched Logan jog onto the field, then she turned to you.
"I could use a drink and a pretzel. What about you?"
You hadn't eaten anything since lunch today, plus a hard seltzer sounds really good.
You chuckled, "Sounds good to me."
She nodded, "Awesome, let's go get one before the lines get too crazy at halftime."
Macee led the way out of the stands and into the area with concessions and bathrooms. You guys found a spot that was selling soft pretzels, hot dogs, and an assortment of alcoholic beverages. Thankfully, the lines weren't too long, but if you had to miss halftime it would be just fine. You got in line behind two guys, one was wearing a Sam Hubbard jersey and the other wearing a Ja'marr Chase jersey. It was nice to see the fans wearing jerseys of different players and not just Joe. Some teams, the fans only wear one players jersey to games. *Cough* Tampa Bay *cough*
You don't need to elaborate, everyone already knows exactly what player you’re referring to.
As you waited in line, a short, brunette woman approached the two of you with a wide smile.
"Hey Macee!"
Macee turned around, smiling as she saw the woman.
"Hey Em!"
The two hugged. Macee pulled away and gushed as she looked at the woman, who you found out is named Em.
"Oh my gosh, you're glowing. Look at your cute bump!"
Em turned to the side, flattening her jersey and holding her belly. She smiled widely, "I know. Baby girl Hubbard is really making an appearance."
Macee smiled, "Yes she is."
Em's smile turned to a look of confusion, "I didn't see you up in the suite?
Macee nodded, "I'm down in the stands today. Logan got tickets for us."
Macee smiled, "Emma, this is Y/n.” she gestured to you, “Y/n just moved to Cincinnati a few weeks ago, so I thought I'd bring her to a game with me."
You smiled, holding out my right hand for Emma to shake, "Hi, I'm Y/n.”
"It's nice to meet you, I'm Emma, Sam Hubbards wife."
Joe is very good friends with Sam, so you’re sure you’ll be seeing the two of them at the apartment someday.
The line started to move, the three of you moving up. Emma spoke up, "You guys are more than welcome to come up to the suite with the other wives and I.”
Macee smiled, "It's okay, I'm enjoying the view from the stands. It's nice to be with the fans, too. Thank you though."
You nodded, "Yeah, thank you very much."
Emma smiled, "Of course. Maybe the next game I'll see you two up there. I know a few guys on the team that could use a girlfriend." She said, winking at you.
"Wouldn't she be so cute with Joe?"
You felt your heart drop at the mention of Joes name.
Emma nodded, "Joe or Evan."
Macee gasped, "Oh, Evan is so sweet. He'd love Y/n.”
"Isn't he? I think they'd look good together."
You smiled, "These guys sound great, but I don't think I'm ready to date anyone yet. I'm still trying to get settled in."
Emma nodded, "Totally understand. When you're ready though, I'd love to introduce you to some of the guys."
"I've actually already met a few." you said with a laugh, but your smile soon fell as you realized what you just said.
Macee furrowed her brows, "When?"
Y/n, you're such a fucking idiot! You mentally cursed yourself.
"Um," You stuttered, trying to think of a lie. You didn't want to tell Macee and Emma about living with Joe yet. You planned on telling Macee somewhere more private, and a Bengals game was not the place to drop a piece of information like that.
"I didn't necessarily meet them," you continued, "but I saw Ja'marr and Tee in downtown Cincinnati, a uh, a few nights ago."
Macee nodded, "Yeah, the guys like to hangout there.  Especially at that brewery on the corner."
"Oooh," Emma mused, "I love that place. Maybe we could do a girls night there sometime? I'd love to get to know you more Y/n, you seem really sweet."
You smiled, "I'd love that. And thank you, you do too."
Emma smiled and put her hands on her bump, "Well ladies, I'd love to chat some more, but little miss wants a pretzel and some salsa."
You and Macee both grimace. You love soft pretzels and salsa, but definitely not together.
Emma laughed at your facial expressions.
"I know, it sounds awful. My pregnancy cravings have been crazy these last few weeks."
"Yeah," you laughed, "I can tell. But whatever makes the baby happy, right?"
She smiled, "Exactly. It was great meeting you Claire, and Macee it's always great to see you."
Macee smiled and gave her a hug goodbye. Emma turned to you and gave you a hug.
"It was nice meeting you Emma. Also, congratulations on the baby."
"Thank you," she smiled, "see you girls later!"
You waved and said goodbye as Emma met up with some other women, who you assumed were wives of other Bengals players.
"She seems sweet." you said, pulling out your claw clip from your purse and putting it into your hair.
Macee nodded, "She is. She's a little quiet sometimes, definitely the opposite of us."
You laughed at her statement. It's true, you and Macee are not the most quiet group of people, but you wouldn't have it any other way. You’ve always been an outgoing and bubbly type of person.
Macee continued, "but she's really sweet."
The concession line moved fairly quickly. You and Macee got your pretzels and drinks and headed back to the stands to catch the second half of the game.
The third quarter was pretty uneventful. Nothing happened until about two minutes left of the quarter when the Dolphins kicker, made a 20 yard field goal. Miami was now up 15-14. You watched as the offense ran onto the field.
Macee glanced at the score board, "Hopefully they score."
"I'm sure they will."
She chuckled, "I think they will, but not before they give us all a heart attack. I call them the cardiac cats for a reason."
The cardiac cats was a perfect nickname for that team.
The offense moved down the field with ease at the start of the fourth quarter. However, they came up short on third down, so Evan McPherson kicked the 19 yard field goal to put some more points on the board. The offense ran back to the sidelines. As the Dolphins began their drive, you surveyed the Bengals sideline. Joe was walking down the sideline, holding the collar of his jersey and looking up into the crowd. The girls next to you started freaking out.
"Oh my god Nat, what if he looks at us?"
"Mads, I think I would die if Joe Burrow even glanced in my direction."
As the girls next to you spoke, Joe locked eyes with you. A smirk started to make its way onto his face as he pulled his gaze off of you. He turned around and continued to walk down the sidelines until he stopped next to Ja'marr.
"Hmmm," Macee hummed, "I wonder who Joey was locking eyes with. Last time I checked he's single."
You couldn't tell her it was you. There's too much to explain and like you’ve mentioned, you can't tell her here.
"Maybe he's got a secret girl." you said, wiggling your eyebrows.
Macee chuckled, "Maybe."
The Dolphins couldn't do much with the ball, punting it back to the Bengals. Joe Mixon had a nice run, gaining about ten yards. However, after his run the guys couldn't get anything going. Joe Mixon was brought down immediately on second down and Joe overthrew Ja'marr on third down. Evan came out onto the field to try and make a 57 yarder—which he nailed, bringing the Bengals lead up 20-15. The rest of the game went by quickly, the Dolphins were struggling on both offense and defense.
There was about three minutes left of the game, the Bengals still had the lead and possession of the ball. The ball was on the Bengals 40 and it was 1st and 10. Joe snapped the ball and dropped back to pass, throwing a 20 yard pass to Tyler Boyd, giving the Bengals another first down. They ran on the next play, trying to eat up the clock. After picking up yardage and a few first downs, it was finally the two minute warning. The ball was now on the Dolphins 45 yard line. Just a few more plays and the Bengals could increase their lead, meaning the Dolphins would need a miracle in order to win the game.
Macee started to tap her foot nervously as she chewed on her thumbnail.
You looked over at her and smiled, "You okay?"
She shook her head, letting out a laugh, "Yeah, just nervous."
"I can tell," you reached out and put your hand on her shoulder, "but I'm confident they'll win."
Both of you turned your attention back to the game. There was two minutes left on the clock. As soon as Joe snapped the ball, the clock started.
Joe dropped back to pass, looking for an open receiver.
He threw the ball, lofting it into the air. Tee caught it and took off sprinting.
You and Macee both held your breath as you watched him run down the field, going past the 15, the 10, the 5, until he was brought down at the 2-yard line. The offense lined up and Joe snapped the ball.
Joe threw the ball and it was caught by Hayden Hurst for a Bengals touchdown!
The crowd broke out into cheering. You and Macee jumped up and down, screaming and cheering right along with them. Evan kicked the extra point, making the score 27-15.
The atmosphere of the stadium was just incredible. You think it's safe to say you picked a good game to attend for your first ever Bengals game. The "Who Dey" chant broke out amongst the stadium, some of the Bengals players even joining in on the chanting.
The rest of the game flew by. The Bengals beat the Dolphins 27-15, giving the Bengals their second win of the season and the Dolphins their first loss.
You and Macee left the stands and went out to the area where the concessions are. It was extremely crowded, full of fans trying to exit the stadium.
"Here," Macee said, grabbing your hand, "follow me."
You followed behind her as she pushed her way through the crowd. You had no idea where you were going, but you figured Macee knew. After a few minutes of pushing through the exiting fans, Macee brought you to an area where a few girls wearing Bengals merch were standing around and talking with one another.
Macee let go of your hand and smiled, "Some of the wives and I wait here after every game. The guys will come through here soon. And who knows," her mouth quirked up in a playful smirk as she gently elbowed your side, "maybe someone will catch your eye."
A few moments later, the players started to walk through the tunnel. Sam and Logan walked out together. Logans face lit up instantly when he saw Macee.
"Hey baby girl!" He exclaimed, holding his arms out for her. She walked up to him and jumped into his arms. He held onto her tightly, the two of them smiling widely.
"I'm so proud of you, babe. You did great!"
He kissed her cheek and set her down on the ground so he could kiss her lips.
He pulled away and pulled her into another hug, "Thank you sweetheart. It's because I had you so close to me this time." He said with a smirk.
Macee chuckled and grabbed his hand, "Come here, I have someone I want you to meet."
She brought him over to where you were standing. Oh no. This could be bad. You thought to yourself.
Macee has no clue, but You’ve already met Logan that night a few weeks ago that Joe had him and Ja'marr over to the apartment after practice.
Logan smiled as he saw you, “Oh, hey Y/n!”
"Hi Logan. How are you?"
Macees eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Wait, you know her?" she turned to you, “you know him?"
Logan nodded, "Yeah, I saw her at Jo-."
You rapidly shook your head no, making Logan's eyes widen.
"Jolene's." he finished.
"Jolene's?" Macee questioned, cocking her head to the side and crossing her arms.
He nodded, "Yup."
"Jolene's the lingerie store?"
You grimaced. This can't get any worse, right?
"Aye Burrow look, it's Y/n!”
It got worse. You closed your eyes and let out a heavy sigh. When you opened them again you saw Ja'marr and Joe had joined Macee, Logan, and yourself. Macee looked back and forth between you and the three guys, a look of both confusion and disbelief on her face.
"I am so confused. You know them?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.
You sighed, "It's a long story. A very long story, that I planned on telling you at lunch next week, but I guess I can't do that now."
She nodded, "Yeah, it seems like it. So how do you know them?"
You felt terrible that this is how Macee is going to find out about you and Joe being roommates.
"Babe," Logan spoke up, “remember how I came back home from Joe's apartment a couple weeks ago and told you about his roommate?"
She nodded, "Yeah, you said he has some random girl named Y/n living with him." Her mouth gaped open and her eyes widened as she finished her sentence.
"You're Joes roommate!?" she asked, completely shocked.
Joe nodded, "Yup. She's my roommate."
Macee shocked expression turned to a smile, "Oh my god, Y/n? This is crazy!?"
"Tell me about it." Joe said with a sigh.
"You have to tell me all about how this even happened." She said, eagerly.
You laughed, "Don't worry, I will."
Macee's smile switched to a smirk as she turned to Joe.
"Wait a minute."
Joe raised his eyebrows.
Macee continued, "During the game, when you were walking down the sidelines and gazing up into the crowd, it was Y/n that you were eyeing wasn't it?"
You looked up at Joe, seeing a faint blush make its way onto his cheeks.
"Maybe." Was all he said.
Logan laughed, "Oh he totally has the hots for her."
Joe shook his head and laughed, "Yeah right," he looked down at you as he spoke, "She was looking at me first."
You felt heat rise to your cheeks as Ja'marr and Logan let out a chorus of "oooo's". Macee waved them off, "Oh come on, leave poor Y/n alone."
You smiled, mouthing a thank you.
She smiled, "You're welcome. Now, Logan and I are going to head out. We have a very important win to celebrate."
Logan put his arm around Macee and pulled her into his side. He wiggled his eyes brows as he spoke, "Oh baby, now you've got me all excited."
Macee chuckled, "Good." She let go of Logan and walked over to you, pulling you into a tight hug.
"Thank you for coming to this game with me tonight, Y/n. I had a blast!"
You squeezed her gently and said, "Thank you for inviting me! It was a lot of fun."
When you pulled away from each other, you gave her an apologetic look.
"I'm sorry for not telling you about all of this sooner. I wanted to tell you during lunch next week, but,"
She shook her head, "Y/n it's okay. Don't be sorry. You can still tell me all the details over lunch."  She said with a wink.
You nodded, flashing her a genuine smile, "Sounds good to me."
She smiled, "Awesome, I'll see you later."
Macee walked back over to Logan and grabbed his hand.
"Bye guys, great job tonight!" She said to Joe and Ja'marr before her and Logan began to walk away. She stopped in her tracks and turned around.
"Do you need a ride Y/n?"
"Oh, I'll ju-."
You were cut off by Joe. "I'll take her home."
She smiled, "Okay. Bye guys." Her and Logan exited the stadium, leaving you with Joe, Ja'marr, and a few other players and their wives.
You were about to say something to Joe when you heard your name being called from a few feet away.
You looked around, looking for whoever called your name. It was Emma. She was waving you over to where she was standing with Sam and Evan McPherson. You smiled, excusing yourself from Joe and Ja'marr before joining Emma, Sam, and Evan.
"Sam, this is who I was telling you about.This is Y/n. shes Macee's friend." Emma said, gesturing to you.
He held his hand out for you to shake. You shook it and smiled, "Hi, I'm Y/n.”
"Sam." He said with a nod.
Emma smiled, "And Y/n this," she gestured to the tall brunette standing next to Sam, "is Evan."
Evan smiled as you shook hands. His cheeks were slightly red as he grew flustered from your hands touching.
"Hi Y/n. it's really nice to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too. You did awesome tonight, by the way."
He blushed, laughing lightly, "Thanks."
You smiled warmly at him. “You're welcome."
"You know, Emma was telling me a little bit about you."
"Yeah?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.
He nodded, "Yeah. I uh, I'd love to get your number, if that's okay?"
You glanced over at Emma. She nodded.
"Sure." You said, a small smile pulling at your lips.
He grinned, "Okay, sweet."
As you exchanged phone numbers, you felt butterflies in your stomach. Evan seemed like a very nice guy and even though you’re not ready for a relationship quite yet, you’d love to get to know him a bit more.
You said goodbye to the three of them and walked back over to Joe and Ja'marr. Joe put his phone back in his pocket with a sigh when he saw you come back.
"Ready to go?" he asked.
You nodded. You both said goodbye to Ja'marr and walked out of the stadium. Thankfully, It wasn't too long of a walk to Joe's car. You opened the passenger door and got in. As soon as you were both buckled, Joe put his hand on your headrest and looked behind him as he backed out of the spot. You couldn’t help but stare at his features and notice the way his defined jaw clenched as he looked out the back window of the car. Once he had backed out, he put the car into drive and pulled out of the stadium
"So, how'd you enjoy your first Bengals game?" He asked, breaking the silence between the two of you.
"I loved it."
He glanced at you, “Yeah?"
You nodded, "Yeah. It was a lot of fun, plus, you guys won so that makes it even better."
He chuckled, "Yeah, that always makes the games fun."
You sat in silence for a bit before he spoke up again.
"You know, I think I was right."
You furrowed your brows in confusion. "About what?"
"You wouldn't be able to keep your eyes off me." He teased, smirking as he spoke.
You rolled your eyes and scoffed, "Oh please, it was just once that I couldn't."
He looked over at you and gave you a look of amusement.
You sighed, "Okay, fine, a couple times."
Joe chuckled at your admission.
"But it's only because the girls next to me wouldn't shut up about you."
"Mhm, blame the fans, Y/n.” He teased.
You just rolled your eyes at him. Other than the faint sound of Kid Cudi playing from the Aux, the rest of the ride back to the apartment was silent. You looked out the window of Joe's car and thought about the game tonight.
You truly had a blast. So much happened in one night. You went to your first NFL game, you made new friends, you told Macee your roommates with the quarterback of the team, and you got the kickers number—all in one night!
You don't know what'll happen within the next few weeks, but one things for certain.
Your crazy journey in Cincinnati is just getting started.
hey loves!!
i apologize that this chapter was very rushed and extremely all over the place lol.
i hope you're all enjoying this story so far! i'm having so much fun writing it, especially now that we're getting into the good parts of the story.
also, how do we feel about a possible romance between you and evan?👀
Spoiler alert: it'll only last a couple chapters max. i need some drama for the plot lol
thank you so much for all your love and support with this story!!<33
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missjanjie · 1 month
🎶 for miranetra!
yk i dont think ive ever actually written them before, and highkey i dont think any song wouldve worked better so its a win-win
Party Girl - Linda Ronstadt
You'll never be the guilty party will you Maybe someday we can go hiding from this world Maybe I'll never get over this change in style But I don't want to lock you up and say you're mine Don't want to lose you or say good-bye I'm the guilty party and I want my slice But I know you've got me in a grip-like vise They can't touch me now You say you don't mind We're so hard to find I could give you anything I would give you anything I can give you anything but time
“I’m sorry for wrecking your couch,” Mirage mumbled, resting her head on the counter as Anetra set a cup of coffee beside her. “I probably would’ve made it to the bathroom if it wasn’t for the heels.”
“Next time we’ll take them off in the uber,” Anetra chuckled. “I’ll carry you inside.”
She laughed sleepily, picking her head up just enough to take a sip from the mug next to her. “You’re a saint among women. I don’t know why you’re so good to me.” She glanced over at the couch, at the spot her girlfriend had scrubbed her puke out of. 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” she asked with a frown. 
There were a few beats of silence, Mirage quietly drinking her coffee as she decided on how honest and vulnerable she was willing to be. “I know what people say about me, Neech. And I know they’re not wrong.” She sighed as she set the now-empty mug down. “You don’t ever think you can do better than the party girl?”
Anetra immediately rushed to her side, pulling Mirage off the chair and into her arms. “Hey, hey, I don’t wanna hear you talk about yourself like that. Sure, you do like to party, and… yeah, you do go a little hard sometimes. But I knew what I signed up for. It just makes me sad that you don’t love yourself half as much as I love you.”
Mirage wordlessly melted into her arms, taking comfort in her embrace and trying to let what Anetra said sink in. “I just wish I had more to offer you, ‘cause I don’t know if I’m ready to fully change, you know? And I don’t wanna tie you to anything I can’t promise a follow-through on.”
“I know,” she assured and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “I never wanted to change you, you’re my Miri no matter what. Whether you wanna keep going out or dial it back, we’ll make it work.”
“Even though I can give you anything but time?”
“It’s okay,” Anetra soothed, “I have all the time in the world.”
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gallonwghost · 7 months
Intro post + request rules!! Finally,
( tw for bright blinking lights for a gif)
Hi, I'm Kris, im Mexican, a minor, a lesbian, and I go by any pronouns!!
Im a fanfic author on wattpad, an online artist, and a furry even tho I dont post much about it. I mainly post my art, my Ocs, fanfics, or content of fixations I have.
I really appreciate constructive criticism, so if you have anything that you think I should work on or try to improve on, please tell me! :)
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Current fixations and huge interests (the main ones), are:
Total drama (mainly reboot cast)
Yo kai watch
Cookie run
And pokemon!
I will post about other fandoms other than my fixations, Someday... /hj
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My fellow mutuals and friends :)
(I might be missing some)
@ferocioustrout @deimosbreakfrost @rowebug @itscubetime @blossomfestival @skunkbutts @vlindaaa @vapefluid @numberonezeefan @alast0rs-ang3l @bald69420 @pinklemonslices @thedoctorsaidihadtomatoloss @chloeloves-td @little-silly-things @nonaverage
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Requests are now open!! I am also open for art trades but that might take a while due to school and shit
Im able to do:
Fanart (please state who they are and which media theyre from, it helps alot!)
Oc art (I need pictures before I draw them so I know it's real. You're able to use a picrew if you can't draw!)
anything sfw
Oc x cannon and selfships, show an image or picrew of the oc and the media the cannon character is from, and I'll try to draw them!
Gore? (light tho, I won't do heavy gore, I'm able to ignore it if I'm not comfortable doing it)
The stuff I won't do is basic nfsw and r34, that stuff grosses me out
Examples of my style:
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Credits to themouthofsaturne (2), ferocioustrout (3) tazamaboxed (4) and pokeboxes (5,6) for the banners! :3
I can't find the first one and last one (7) so if you know who made it please tell me so I can credit!
Thanks for reading!
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Last updated: September 6th, 2024
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bellebridgerton · 1 year
Best Buddies: Chapter 3 (Modern Benedict Bridgerton x plus size!fem!reader)
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✨Last Chapter✨
Benedict fastened his cufflinks onto his sleeves, "Love, are you ready?"
"I'm almost ready, I need your help," Y/n walked into his bedroom from the bathroom, having just finished her makeup. She turned her back to Benedict, "Could you zip me up?"
Benedict placed his hand on her waist, drawing her closer to himself. Selfishly, his eyes ate up the sight of her exposed skin while they could. Benedict gently zipped up the back of her dress, "This dress is lovely."
Y/n turned around and smiled, "Thank you, your mum picked it out."
"She has good taste, I must say," He smiled, not shy about checking her out in the dress, but it wasn't anything new, they loved to flirt.
Y/n blushed, looking up at Benedict, "I'm glad you like it, she has great taste." She slipped on her heels and checked her hair one last time in the mirror.
Benedict looked at her through the mirror, "You look perfect, don't worry, everyone will love you."
Y/n turned around and placed her hands on his chest, "Thank you, Benny."
He chuckled, "Someday, you must find a better nickname for me." He grabbed his weekend bag and car keys, "Let's go, love."
Y/n picked up her clutch purse and weekend bag, "I'm right behind you."
Benedict locked the front door of their flat after them, then pocketed his keys, walking down the stairs with Y/n. He kept an eye on her and a hand on her back, it made him nervous when she walked down stairs in heels.
Y/n felt the nervousness radiating from Benedict, "You need not worry about me, I'm perfectly fine to walk in heels. I'm a big girl, Benny." She entered the parking garage as Benedict held the door open for her, "Thank you." Y/n made a bee line for Benedict's car, her fingertips lightly grazing the rear of her car as she passed it.
Benedict took her weekend bag from her hand, putting it, along with his, in the boot of his car. He moved to open the passenger door for Y/n, "Ladies first."
Y/n blushed softly and smiled, sitting down in the car, "Such a gentleman, I can only imagine how well your future girlfriend will be treated."
Benedict rounded the front of the car and she buckled herself in, he muttered to himself, "If only you knew, love." He climbed into his seat, turning the car on.
Once on the road, Benedict's hand found purchase on Y/n's thigh, while Y/n's hand rested around his bicep. They sat in a comfortable silence, filled with music they loved and the occasional comment or joke. They didn't need the constant conversation, they were enjoying the moment.
Upon arriving at Benedict's family's country home, Aubrey Hall, Benedict parked his car and gently patted Y/n's thigh, "Ready to party? I'll take our bags up, you join the fun, and I'll catch up with you." Y/n was about to protest, possibly suggest that she'd help him with the bags, but Benedict spoke, "Go, have fun, I won't be long at all." He leapt out of the car, quick to the passenger side, opening the door for her.
Y/n took the hand Benedict offered to her as she stepped out of the car. He thought she looked like a celebrity, styled to perfection and poised like royalty. Y/n looked up at him, she could have sworn he looked like a prince that night. She smiled, "Fine, don't be long." She kissed his cheek in parting and made her way to the courtyard where she heard chatter coming from.
Benedict carried the weekend bags into the home and made his way to his room, placing his bag on his bed. He trekked around the house, looking for a suitable room for Y/n, but all seemed to be occupied by guest's belongings. Benedict walked down to the kitchen and caught his mother, "Mother, I was wondering if there was a room for Y/n to stay in."
Violet smiled, "Hello to you too, dearest. I had assumed you two would be sharing a room, you are so very close with one another. Is that a problem, dearest?" Violet was no fool, she knew exactly what she was doing.
Benedict nodded, "It's fine, Mother, I'll inform her of the sleeping arrangement." He kissed her cheek, then walked back up to his bedroom, resting Y/n's bag next to his on his bed.
Y/n was greeted by Daphne, she hugged Daphne close, "Hello, Daph, how is my favorite graduate?" She had known Daphne since Daphne was only eight years old. Daphne always saw Y/n as the older sister she never had.
Daphne returned the hug and smiled, "I'm well, I have missed you around the house though."
Y/n held Daphne's hand, "I have missed you too, my little flower, and we have all weekend to catch up."
Daphne smiled wide, excited to spend time with her chosen sister. Daphne saw Benedict approaching, "Hello, Brother, glad to see you made it."
Benedict gave her a side hug and kissed her head, "You as well, Daphne." He moved to rest his hand on Y/n's lower back, enjoying seeing Y/n be a part of his family, it was as if she was already his, in a way. Benedict gently guided her, "Daph, if you'll excuse us, I'd like to introduce Y/n to more of our family."
Daphne smiled, understanding, "Have fun, and Y/n, I'll see you later, I must steal you from my brother soon this weekend."
Y/n smiled, "Of course, my flower." She cupped Daphne's jaw in her hands and kissed Daphne's forehead. Daphne was Y/n's flower because Daphne always brought Y/n flowers she'd picked. Daphne blushed and nodded, going off to find her younger siblings.
After a long night of introductions, Benedict lead Y/n to his bedroom, but not before Violet intercepted the pair. She smiled warmly, clearly tipsy, "My dearests!" She hugged Y/n close and a bit tight, "You look marvelous, love. Thank you for coming, the party would not have been the same without you. You are a Bridgerton, dearest, in every way that matters." Violet couldn't think of anyone better for her second son to be with.
Y/n couldn't help but grin, "Thank you, Violet, that means so much to me."
Violet touched Y/n's cheek, "I know I'm not sober right now, but I meant every word, dearest. I should retire for the night. Goodnight." She looked at Benedict, "Goodnight, dearest. Take care of our Y/n."
Benedict kissed his mother's cheek, "I always do. Goodnight, Mother." He opened his bedroom door for Y/n, she walked through and Benedict closed the door behind them, "She's right, you know, you are a Bridgerton in every way that matters. My whole family loves you."
Y/n pulled a pin out of her hair, letting it fall down over her shoulders, "I love your family. They fuss over me like my family fusses over you. I'm sure sometimes my mother prefers you and your artistic soul to my analytical brother."
Benedict chuckled as he removed his bowtie, "Your mother is an artistic soul, she must be where you get yours from." He slipped off his tux coat, "Are you sure you're comfortable sharing a bed?" Benedict was more than happy to share his bed with her, but he didn't want to cross any boundaries that would make her uncomfortable.
Y/n slipped her heels off, "Of course, it wouldn't be the first time we shared a bed, Benny."
Benedict nodded, "It wouldn't be, but it's not quite the same environment."
Y/n entered the connected bathroom, washing the make-up off her face, "We have shared a bed here before."
Benedict leaned in the doorway, "Yes, but it was just us and my immediate family, not extended family and other guests."
Y/n patted her face dry with a small towel, "I suppose that's true, but anyhow, I don't see us sharing a bed as a problem."
Benedict nodded, "I don't either, I just wanted to make sure that you're comfortable with sharing a bed with me."
Y/n turned to look at Benedict, "You are sweet, Benny." She walked past him, opening her weekend bag and retrieving her pajamas; Benedict's school shirt from secondary school and shorts that hugged her bum just right.
After changing into her pajamas, she walked back into the bedroom and looked in the mirror. She was never thin, but she had accepted that, and normally she was confident, but everyone is allowed a moment of insecurity.
Benedict could sense her internal debate, he stood behind her, resting his hands on her waist, "Hey, you are beautiful, never doubt that."
Y/n rested her head on his shoulder, "Thank you."
Benedict gently squeezed her waist, "You are. The Greeks sculpted beautiful goddesses who could be your twin."
Y/n turned around in his arms, burying her face in his shoulder, "Thank you." Her words carried a tone of acceptance and appreciation. She always found comfort and solace in his arms. She looked up at him, "Why are you still mostly in your suit? It's been a long day, get comfortable."
Benedict kissed her head, then opened his weekend bag, picking out a comfortable cotton t-shirt and loose fitting pajama pants. He entered the bathroom and changed clothes, finding the need to tuck his member into his waistband in an effort to hide his boner the best he could. He had been sporting one since he saw her in her party gown, but he was a gentleman, and he wouldn't impose himself on her.
Upon exiting the bathroom, Benedict picked up his box of cigarettes. He knew it was a nasty habit, one he wanted to kick, but it was hard. He stepped out onto the balcony of his bedroom, overlooking the courtyard.
Y/n walked out into the opposite side of the balcony, "Benedict, I do wish you'd quit that terrible habit. I want you around for as long as possible, in the best possible condition, at that."
Benedict took a drag of his cigarette, "So you don't want me to smoke cigarettes, but joints are fine?"
Y/n raised an eyebrow at him, "You won't get cancer from weed, Benny."
Benedict nodded and finished his cigarette, "I know, love. I want to quit, I do." He touched her waist and pulled her close, he went to kiss her forehead, but felt her hand on his chest.
Y/n gently patted Benedict's chest, "How about this for motivation, you cannot kiss me at all until you've kicked the cigarettes."
Benedict couldn't have come up with a better motivation if he tried.
✨Next Chapter ✨
Taglist: @coolepowersthings @khaylin27 @m-rae23
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the-chattering-tower · 4 months
Speaking of Pixel Cat's End! Here's my feelings on the site so far, after three days of playing and also not yet having touched the forums aside from Guides/FAQs
I am absolutely in love with the art style. Every image on the site fills me with joy. I never knew I needed an entire site of pixel doodles in my life but goddamn I evidently did
(There is something to be said about the fact that I grew up on books illustrated by Réber László. Anyway)
At first how slow paced the game is felt weird (nothing but Adventuring to do past dailies, cats take almost a third of a year to grow up, getting new jobs or kittens will take a long time from when you join) bc I'm the kinda person who loves to putter around endlessly in games. But this game seems committed to its choice of slowness, and once you get used to it, it's really pleasant
The amount of very conscious steps taken to alleviate the anxiety that may come from starting a new game and having to do things with Consequences warms my heart
The opening sequence/tutorial in general is really good quality. I didn't feel like I needed to scour the forums endlessly from the first minute to be able to play comfortably at all
The lack of tooltips when hovering over items feels strange. Combined with the fact that the category icons are tiny to the point of impossible to pick out/tell apart means that every time I get any item that looks significant, I just rush to my Inventory and click through categories until I randomly find them
Accessibility my beloved. Petsites in my experience tend to have Issues with implementing accessibility features partly bc they think ppl with screenreaders are wholly outside their demographic, and partly bc most petsites are Old and have many years of technological debt to reckon with. So seeing a site built from the ground up with accessibility in mind (alt text, night mode, limited text colours that are visible on both site themes, keybinds for adventuring, etc) is wonderful
Pronouns :]
I am very intrigued by the genetics system and its ability to be both very complex and very well explained. I don't know if I'll ever get to get into it in practice but i am Looking
I am so excited by the amount of things that are Not Yet Added but Someday Will Be. The entire undiscovered map, the potential additions to the genetic system, the growth of Adventuring, Ascension, magic. There is so much in the future!!
I'm probably forgetting some stuff but that's it for now
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copperheid · 21 days
So I've recently gained a lot of weight
I got put on medication for my depression. Because my appetite was low and I was a bit underweight for my height my doctor prescribed Mirtazapine
And he told me I might gain a little bit but it should plateau after a while and it shouldn't be anything crazy.
It used to be that I struggled to recognise I was hungry until I was starving, but I rarely got to that point as I would be satisfied with a small lunch and a small dinner so long as I remembered to have them. I didn't have much need for snacks or breakfast.
Now since I started the medication I constantly feel like I'm starving. That painful, ravenous hunger that distracts from everything else until it is satiated, but it's never pacified long. I feel like I have to have breakfast, lunch and a sizable dinner as well as several snacks or else I'll be suffering terribly.
9 months later I've gone from a UK size 8 (US 4) to a UK 14 (US 10) and I've put on 20kgs / 42lbs, and that number is still steadily climbing.
I've started going to the gym to try to burn it off as often as I can, but I just wind up even hungrier after a workout.
I'm currently trying to muscle through it on willpower alone but I feel so awful. Food is literally all I can think about when I try to restrict my intake to what I used to eat. I feel like my whole body is on fire. And it's not working. Even restricting myself to eating the bare minimum needed to function I still see the number climb.
And while I have liked some of the changes that came with the weight gain- like bigger boobs and actually having an ass and hips...putting on weight in my belly has been very difficult to accept. Buying new clothes every couple of months even more so. Seeing the numbers go up on the scale, on the measuring tape and on my clothes...seeing the stretch marks grow in number and intensity day by day...it's scary. I worry it might never stop and I'll become so big that I can't lead a normal life anymore. That I'd need to buy a second seat on a plane. That I couldn't ride a roller coaster. That I couldn't dance. That I couldn't walk.
I worry that people are talking behind my back, saying I let myself go, that I'm ruined now. I worry my partner will stop finding me attractive.
I feel like I never have anything nice to wear because everything highlights my huge belly. I'm constantly bloated and could be mistaken for pregnant if you didn't know me. All my trousers dig in painfully and I heave over the top of them. Shirts are too tight and ride up to show off my pale, rounded skin.
And sometimes I find it sexy, in a strange way. Like my body is changing and growing softer, and soft bodies are sexy...but then the shame creeps in. Like I'm doing something wrong and taboo by finding my own bigger body sexy.
I feel forced to be more feminine than I am - dresses and skirts are the only clothes I feel comfortable in. Everything else digs in too much, shows to much, or adds bulk that makes me feel even bigger. I was never a girly girl - I'm not even sure I'm a girl at all.
I'm going to Japan next week and I had originally planned to buy clothes while I'm there. I had been excited about all the different styles I wouldn't be able to get back in Scotland. Now the idea fills me with dread. They won't stock my size in any of the normal stores there. I'll have to shop in stores with insulting names like Moo Moo Girl and Hey Fatty Boom Boom.
Maybe I'll grow to accept my body with time. Maybe I will even be able to lose the weight somehow. But i don't want to come off the medication. It's been the only thing that's made a dent in my depression and I couldn't stand to lose that. Maybe I could even be fat and happy someday - better than skinny and dead.
I just hope I figure this shit out soon.
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sparrow-in-the-field · 2 months
10 Question for 10 Writers
Thanks for the tag, @strangethings-everywhere!
1. Is writing a hobby or a way of life?
I mean technically it is a hobby, but can it not be a way of life too? Lol. Seriously though, I get like, grumpy or really down if I go too long without writing; it's my passion/creative fuel in life, so yeah.
2. A journal full of notes or a clean completed manuscript?
Clean manuscript. I don't really journal much; I have some stuff jotted down in my notes app in my phone, but most of my brainstorming just happens in my head lol, so then I write it down and edit it in manuscript.
3. Who or what inspired your writing?
I'm not really sure! As a kid I had a huge imagination, I loved playing pretend more than anything, so I think as I grew up, since I couldn't play anymore, I took to writing down the stories I thought up instead. In general though, I find music incredibly inspiring; I get my best ideas (and best writing too) while listening to good music.
4. Which is worse: Someone you ‘idolize’ reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
Oh lord, listening to me sing is worse. I can't sing! Lmao. I'm pretty happy with my writing, though, and like, if the person knows it's a first draft, they should be more lenient anyway lol.
5. Has writing from someone else’s POV changed your perspective?
tbh I don't super understand this question. Like I'm still the one writing it? so it has to be my perspective to a degree? I guess writing different POVs makes me consider things on a deeper level and to explore things maybe I don't instinctively think, but like, I still got there, so it's still kind of my perspective?? Maybe my brain is just broken lol sorry.
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
ao3 my beloved! It's the only ff site I've ever used (I was a late bloomer to entering the world of ff, I didn't get into it until my mid twenties) and I can't imagine going elsewhere. Tumblr is fun to post shorter/less edited stuff on too though.
7. AO3 word count? And are you satisfied with it?
On my sparrow-in-the-field account it's 220,866. On my older ao3 account it's 944,120 (figures I lost inspo for that fandom so close to a milly lolol; maybe someday I'll get back to it). Yeah I'm satisfied! Who cares lol, I just write what I wanna write and it ends up however long it's gonna end up.
8. What movie/book gripped you irrevocably?
Ohh that's tough! I mean besides the obvious grip that tbitb has on me currently...I guess I'll say The Series of Unfortunate Events (the books). I'm kind of unusual as a writer in that I actually didn't like reading as a kid, and this series was like, the first time I truly enjoyed and was captured by books.
9. What’s the highest compliment you could ever be given, and have you been given it?
I'm lucky enough that it's happened a handful of times throughout my ff writing, but when people share with me that my fic was healing or gave them needed comfort during a hard time. I genuinely can't think of anything that means more to me than that; writing is so cathartic and healing for me, that passing on that love and support to the reader is just so incredibly special to me. I literally sit and feel so thankful when people share something like that with me, I never want to take it for granted.
10. What defines your writing style?
Dialogue. I write such dialogue heavy stories, it's what comes naturally to me. Long descriptions are the enemy lol. Trope-wise, I'm big on hurt/comfort and angst with a happy ending.
I definitely don't have ten people to tag lol but I'll at least tag @dogwooddiaries ! (no pressure though ofc)
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chaotic-guinea-pig · 1 year
I love your SOT fic! I was wondering if you have any fave style fic recs? 🙏
AWW THANK YOU! <3 I'm glad you're enjoying my fic! And boy, oh boy, do I have some Style fic recs! I'm not sure if you're looking for a specific flavour (i.e. angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, certain AUs etc) so I'll just recommend you something from multiple categories! I'm happy for you or anyone else to send asks for fic recs for specific flavours, though.
These are just some of the fics that came to mind. Someday, I will make a masterlist of my fic recs. I'm also going to assume you heard of the classics like hollycomb etc so most of these are ones I don't see get talked about as much in the fandom (at least to my knowledge - I don't interact with other style shippers that much ;-;)
Starting with ongoing fics to give my fellow WIP authors some love <3
Alter Ego by butterstotchcandy: Ongoing, but a REALLY GOOD TFBW + COLLEGE AU!! The basic premise is that everyone from South Park lost their memories during some mysterious amnesiac epidemic, and it's up to Kyle - who has recovered memories of his superhero identity and powers - to find the rest of the gang and the culprit. Everyone's characterisations are so well done here. It's the perfect mix between fluff and mystery and I'm so hooked and excited to see the plot unfold + Style's relationship grow! There's also bonus Creek here. :)
War Games by CiceroProFacto: Also ongoing, BUT THIS IS DELICIOUS ANGST. It's a modern world and Stick of Truth swap AU where both of the Kyle's have swapped worlds. Stan and Kyle are also bitter ex-best-friends so this is a must read if enjoy reading messy Style where they hate each other. :) I really love how the author characterises both the modern and Stick of Truth versions of our two boys.
Entries from the Past by ViviBaby69420: Ongoing! Wow, this one blew my mind when I came across it?! It's a really cool take on the Stick of Truth AU where King Kyle and Ranger Stan Marshwalker meet in the forest during the war. The worldbuilding is super detailed. Read this if you're more in the mood for a something reminiscent of classical novels. It's also the best execution of first person POV in all my time of reading fanfics (alongside Strider's Edge from Homestuck)
Mood Ring by HedgehogSquadGoals: Ongoing. Honestly, I'm not sure if the author is still in the fandom as the last update was in 2020, BUT STILL, I'm happy to have read this fic anyway, abandoned or not! <3 It's a very sweet and hilarious romcom of Stan being wildly in love with Kyle, who is so terribly oblivious his affections... and everyone else watches on in pain. The banter between everyone is on point and this is one of the few high school Style fics I adore.
Now for some complete ones:
Supportive Parenting by PervertCinnamonRoll: Complete and short fic in which Randy and Sheila try to get their sons together. :) Both of their characterisations are perfect - the most in-character Randy POV I have ever seen.
Sincerely, your super-best-friend Kyle. by cocoacremeandgays (part of a series called 'Three Sides') Oh god... this one, right here. It destroyed me for days. It is the best portrayal of mental health issues and ah, my heart hurts. :( BE VERY CAREFUL THOUGH if you're triggered by heavy topics. **Read ALL the tags and content warnings in full first, please; this one can be distressing.**
Sleeping Lessons by sleep2thefr33zing: One-shot of Stan struggling to sleep after Kyle gets accepted to Harvard! Very sweet and unique. I adore all of this author's works, actually - one of my inspirations from this fandom.
I Thought Soulmates Were Supposed to Be Easy by Anonymous: My favourite take on Style in the soulmates (name on wrist) trope! It shows a more complicated but 100% realistic side of the soulmates trope.
burning apart by clovariia: One-shot of high school Post-Covid timeline - a very sad one-shot of Stan's life during his teenage years, and Style is absolutely bittersweet :(
Connection Lost by VinnieDakota: Another Post-Covid one shot, but this time before the events of the specials! Kyle gets a drunk call from Stan after decades of not speaking to each other and it goes just as well as you would expect. Damn...
Hope this is a good start! Let me know if you would like other recs. :)
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babyhoney · 4 months
hello again, rpc echo chamber, 
and happy 4/20. the original post i made was last month, and damn. it. is. dry. so, i do feel i’m speaking into some sort of void, but here goes. i’m still searching for writing partners because, someday, i’d love to publish my work. rping strengthens those muscles. i don’t write much fiction outside of rping, but my voice is pretty distinct, and i love building new universes.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. ・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
i’m 24 and i use discord & telegram to write these stories. here is a sample of my writing. 
i write as a woman, and i'm looking for someone to write as Harry Styles. some of my ideas involve just using his name and/or face claim if you're more comfortable with this.
some little things about writing with me:
i am an adult and write adult content. i will not write with anyone who’s not an adult.
i am going through some human things in my human life outside of writing, but i will do my best to let you know if i won’t be online because of it. 
i’d appreciate if we could discuss triggers/preferences before we begin.
i like being friends/chatting ooc with my writing partners. i suppose this isn’t a requirement but a preference.
instead of making separate plot posts for each idea i have, I'll summarize them here and you can like or reach out about the ideas you want to write!
and if we want to create from scratch, that's cool, too.
so, here are some plots that have been stirring in my brain recently:
she’s the boss — my muse and Harry are coworkers; she’s 25 and he’s 30. he’s in a senior role at a creative studio, where her boss reports to him. he’s an eternal bachelor and has no plans of settling down; she’s among the most talented new hires and they are extremely attracted to each other. their environment is somewhat laid back yet maintains corporate elements—but going out as a group is a huge part of their culture. when the night ends in sex, he makes it clear this can only be physical, and she agrees not to jeopardize her work situation. but he likes her. he thinks she’s mind-blowing, and it’s hard to impress him. she melts whenever she sees him, hears him, feels him. everyone at work suspects they’re fucking but no one knows for sure—he won’t confirm or deny. as they grow more domestic, jealousy arises for each party at the realization they're both free to do as they please—"the problem is you're here with him, and it's bothering me, and i don't like that it's bothering me." apple cheeks — she’s a budding creative director at a fashion house or record label. she's living between London and LA, building her portfolio and network, and creating genuine connections. she's quick-witted, grounded, creative, and talented—revered for her fairy-like aura when she meets new humans. she attends a private after-party in LA with her friend who knows the venue’s owner. still getting used to being around a more elite crowd, she doesn't view herself as more or less than any of them. to her, they're all humans—including Harry, who approaches her. mutual curiosity and warm banter ignite between them; there's an immediate, evident attraction, but her friend has to head out early, and she won’t let her leave alone. she lingers on Harry's mind. weeks later, she joins her friend at one of Harry's shows. he isn't expecting to see her, but when he does, he's locked in. his eyes are on her—her dancing, her aura, her being — “i apologize if i seem a bit distracted this evening…” melted — Harry is a Patrick Verona type—only out of high school, in the real world. he’s a fine artist and bartender/dealer, a dichotomy mirroring the depths of his intellect. tattooed, tight-lipped, and taunting, New York City is his playground. he finds ecstasy in the short-lived highs of orgasm to a hit—and he has plenty of each. he’s not looking for anything when she stumbles into the bar with her girlfriends, but he can’t exactly look elsewhere once she’s arrived. her fiancé, away on business, can’t make her climax if his life depended on it—and while she may be marrying into his shit load of money, she wouldn’t say she’s happy. she finds Harry’s stern exterior somewhat hilarious, especially since she’s had a few. but his ice melts with her fire, and she can’t remember the last time she’s wanted to taste someone’s mouth so much.
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starry-mist · 8 months
S4e11 thoughts:
I can appreciate what the episode is trying to do. It's a very obvious homage to James Bond. I just feel like it tries too hard.
We have Bond (Charlie), Bond Girl (Trina), Moneypenny (Sarah), Q (Jesse), M (Joe), and an actual character named M who gets the very obvious line about MI-6 just in case the audience has somehow missed that THIS IS JUST A JAMES BOND STORY DONE HUDSON & REX STYLE.
Of all the places they could have chosen, they went with Hamilton? Seriously? I would have gone with Toronto. I know the whole trick was to have Rex jump through the O in the Hamilton sign, but I can confirm that Toronto has one of those two, with three O options...maybe a triple jump?
However, as I'm writing this, I'm remembering that they actually didn't film all that many scenes in Hamilton itself. The interior shots (both the Hall of Heroes and the fancy restaurant) were both filmed at The Rooms in St. John's. The absence of Toronto's recognizable skyline would have been pretty obvious with those huge windows. Hamilton's scenery isn't all that distinctive, and parts of it could resemble St. John's if you squint (hilly in some areas, and close to a large body of water.)
Charlie and Sarah in fancy dress but in separate places is a crime. I said what I said.
The introduction of Michael worked in this episode, the "she's not just that into you" vibes did not. It was a little too quick to hit that so hard. But given Andrew Bushell likely had limited availability, I'll chalk it up to them needing to move that story along within the time they had him.
Also the very obvious Sarah hiding Michael from the team... *cough* Charlie *cough*...it becomes even more obvious in episode 12, but anyway. Has apparently met her other friends, but she hasn't told her parents about him, and he's yet to meet the coworkers who are basically family...this was when I started to think our lovely Plot Device was toast.
When Joe asks Jesse about the report on the Iris Cross case, I feel the tiniest tease of season continuity, and I'm totally imagining that Jesse and Sarah share a quick glance and headcanoning that they covered for Charlie after that case and just go with it, okay?
Also, Joe. Quit shitting on Jesse. We're supposed to have passed that phase.
Trina. Your flirting skills suck.
(Charlie, so do yours.)
Look, irritating as I found it at the time, I am not going to begrudge Charlie a little fling, nor will I hold it against Sarah to be stepping into the dating world. These two have each been (presumably) single for a while. They deserve a little action. (Obviously I'd have preferred that action to be with each other, but...for now, let them have their fun.)
I expected Michael to be taller, blonder, and with just a hint of scruff. But seriously, track the development of his facial hair over his few appearances. There's a definite Charlie-esque trajectory.
I had always fixated on there being some sort of reason why the camera panned down to Sarah's phone as she puts it in her purse, but I could never figure out why it was important. Tonight I finally realized it's because she was checking for a message from Charlie. Duh.
To this day I can’t watch the scene where Charlie “pumps Rex’s stomach.” Cool that Sherri Davis is there, though, maybe to keep Diesel comfortable?
The contrast between Charlie losing his shit, and Rex basically being like “quit it, dumbass, I saved the day," as he casually trots back in after the bomb goes off amuses me.
And finally, on the subject of the awkward mess that is that ending kiss with Trina...Rex is judging you, Charlie. That whine says it all.
I'm still trying to manifest a "Charlie actually got Trina pregnant, then she turns up dead and he finds out he has a kid and oooh drama" storyline, but I feel like this isn't that kind of show. Might work in a fic someday though.
Anyway, I guess the episodes I like less somehow get the novel-length posts...Objectively, this is actually a pretty good episode, it just doesn't do it for me.
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gatoburr0 · 2 years
Hey sorry if this is taking up your time but I really need to ask this, can you please tell me what you did/studied to get your art this good. Seriously your talents actually frightening...
I'm trying to really get my head into making good art and I really just wanted to ask you since I really love the stuff you make! You don't have to answer this but even just some small tips would really help because my ass is awful at focusing!
I have a college interview in two days and if I pass I'll be starting this year and I'm absolutely terrified and I need your help oh god oh fuck...
Again sorry if I'm taking up your time and thank you if you even read this!
Oh hey, what a surprise!
I am pretty sorry... I can't tell you how I do my art because I literally do not know what I'm doing and I always change my art style since I'm self taught, along with other reasons such as escapism and motivation that aren't really important.
I guess I could tell you and everyone else some few things that I consider important for improvement.
Reference real pictures, preferably in black and white so the shades and proportions go better.
There are tons of photographers online that show their art and you could take advantage of it to study anatomy; GREEK STATUES are other great references, statues in general but my favorites are the Greek ones because they look like they're real people that got petrified by a medusa hehe.
Study other artist's work and understand how they do some things, backgrounds, etc.
Just don't copy their art style completely, that'd be a kind of art theft.
Find what inspires you the most and do it your own way! I personally use music and videogames to create what I do now, for example Omori and hard acid techno.
Watch tutorials if you want to, they help a lot and practice makes perfect, once you get the hang of it it's not gonna leave easily.
That's all I think, in my personal experience I... Got good at drawing anatomy because of Cookie Run... I know, it's cringe, but it helped me with my anatomy for some reason.
You could try to combine some people's art styles and create your own, that's what I used to do.
Do what you feel comfortable with, I could post a SpeedPaint someday if that's useful, but my drawings are literally so chaotic in the process because I draw and erase, draw and erase and so on.
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naminethewriter · 11 months
I was tagged by @prince-rowan-of-the-forest! Thank you very much! 🥰 You can find their post here!
1: How many works do you have on Ao3?
92 as of yesterday 😎
2: What's your total Ao3 word count?
223,014 words
3: What fandoms do you write for?
Right now just Sanders Sides, though I have unfinished stories for both Kingdom Hearts and South Park and I am thinking of participating in a Professor Layton Big Bang.
4: What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Clyde can't handle that his best friend keeps secrets from him (South Park) - 496 kudos
After months of silence (South Park) - 254 kudos
Lookout (South Park) - 242 kudos
Always (Sanders Sides) - 184 kudos
Logan Tries Something New (Sanders Sides) - 179 kudos
I'm actually surprised that there are two Tss fics here, I was sure that they hadn't caught up to my South Park stories 😅 Apparently they have a lot more hits but aren't that far ahead in terms of kudos 🤔
5: Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I actually feel kind of weird when I don't do it... And I always like getting answers to my own comments 🥰
6: What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oof, that's a hard question... I mean, it depends from which perspective, right? One of my South Park fics, I'll Give Up Everything For You, ended with Hell invading earth but the main characters are the instigators and happy together, while they doomed their town.
Then I have a few Hurt No Comfort stories like Who's the Liar Now? or Rare Lies Hurt The Most, though they're both quite short.
I guess the one with the most ambiguous and hurtful endings are appropriately closely named: Cursed (Dukeceit Werewolf story) and Cursed Woods (Roceit with forceful separation at the end).
7: What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again, that's hard because that's most of them 😅 But without thinking about it too much, You're Not Alone an Intruloceit story with lots of hugs and comfort and a christmas party at the end 💙💛💚
8: Do you get hate on fics?
One time I got a comment telling me to kill myself under a South Park fic but apparently they went around commenting on a bunch of fics with that particular ship, so it wasn't really targeted at me. That was the only thing that I've got over the years.
9: Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don't, but maybe someday 🤷‍♀️
10: Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don't and I don't really like reading them either with very few exceptions.
11: Have you ever had a fic stolen?
If so, I'm not aware of it.
Question 12 has been lost to the ether...
13: Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't, but I'd like to try someday ^^
14: What's your all-time favorite ship?
Considering that I just wrapped up the 4th ship week in a row for these dorks, Intrulogical all the way 💙💚
15: What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
How to manipulate a rebellion, a South Park story that I still very much like but I'm not active in the fandom anymore and have so many other stories I want to work on, so I doubt I'll ever get back to it... 😞
16: What are your writing strengths?
Heartfelt moments and dialogue, I think. Sincerity and simplicity as well, maybe.
17: What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not good with poetic writing styles. I also often struggle with descriptions since I'm not much of a visual thinker.
18: Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it can be a fun addition, depending on how much you include. Since I myself am not a native English speaker, I am often tempted to bring in some German. But it needs to be inserted in a way that even non-speakers of the language can understand.
19: First fandom you wrote for?
Kingdom Hearts! They were my first online obsession 🤭 If I had discovered fandoms earlier, I might have written for Wizards of Waverly Place.
20: Favorite fic you've written?
How could I ever choose? I actually really like most of my fics still and do reread them sometimes but I guess in terms of begin proud of how much work I put into it, Hurt No One Knew About might be my favorite of them so far.
Thanks again for the tag! This was fun but a lot of work 🤭
No pressure tags: @lost-in-thought-20, @lily-janus, @candied-peach, @mimssides, @starshard17
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city-tickles · 2 years
Have you ever booked a session with a neurodivergent person?
I'd love to have a session one day but I'm nervous that I'll be rejected for my accommodations lol.
Like, we gotta do something fun to hang out first, like most people do, that way the stranger danger is eliminated.
Frequent breaks either bc I might get overwhelmed with sensory stuff (not just the tickling) and also need water and such, just to breathe bc I'm not used to being tickled even though I like it.
I also prefer what I call, "Context tickles" as in, we'll set up an every day scenario that will quickly eventually lead to tickles.
And with me as the ler, well the lee would have to be okay with me taking breaks during that as well, and also helping me brainstorm before hand because I can only go for so many minutes before my teases start turning repetitive xD
I haven’t or if I have, they didn’t tell me they were neurodivergent.
Besides paying for it, there’s only a few sessions I’ve done without hanging out with the person or at least meeting them first. It’s the smarter and safer option to meet and see if you vibe.
Don’t let these videos fool you. Water and breaks are very important for neurodivergent and non neurodivergent people. And the right ler will understand and accommodate for that.
As for “context tickles” that sounds like a fun concept. Can’t guarantee it would be everyone’s style but I think it’s cool to add some sort of scenario to the situation.
For your ler style, that would be another thing you’d have to talk about with your lee. Letting them know and hopefully them being comfortable with it. You also don’t have to be consistently teasing if you don’t want to. Some people like it and some don’t. Some wouldn’t mind quiet tickles, etc. Definitely talk and feel it out.
Your accommodations might not be for everyone, but there are probably more people like you than you think. When you get to that point, have as much communication as possible with your session partner so you both know what to expect when going into the session. And also, that comfort level can change at any time. If you think you can go as a lee for 5 minutes straight but you can only do 2 minutes, then you’re only doing 2 minutes and that ler needs to be accommodating to that request.
Maybe other neurodivergent lers and lees can share their experiences, but I hope this helps and I hope you find someone to session with someday!
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