safyresky · 3 months
21. karaoke
(From the June prompts here. Sorry for the delay! Enjoy this silly lil thang! :D)
"Are you SURE this is a good idea?"
"Dite, it's BLOSSOM."
"She just needs to get out more!"
Jacqueline frowned, looking unsure. "I mean, yeah, it's just...karaoke? I'm not sure it's a great idea. I mean, you remember what happened last time we took her to an eatery, right?"
Sauce coated their table, Blossom standing on top of it as she squished the condiments out of their bottles, coating the child across from her as she yelled right at the poor, literal, ACTUAL CHILD, "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET! THAT'S WHAT YOU GET—"
"Too much sugar?"
"Then there was the mini golf incident."
The windmill from the tiny windmill hole circled the three Legates as they watched, in varying degrees of shock, as the tiny buildings crumbled, the animatronics sparking, a small fire breaking out behind Blossom who stood triumphant, putter in the air.
"HOLE IN ONE!" She shouted, unfazed as Myles fell out of the pirate ship as it creaked and groaned, Olivia managing to just dodge the mainsail as it collapsed towards her, hitting a teeter totter and sending kids flying.
Dite looked away, flushed. "I don't think that mini golf was up to code."
"The beach incident?"
"There's no WAY she could've caused that tsunami! I bet it was Summer. Or Mel. Or both. Maybe the nymphs?"
"Okay, that one does have a lot of players, I'll give you that," Xander chimed in. "But consider this: the Spire wide three day sleep?"
"That was a while ago!"
Xander raised an eyerbow. "That was just last week, Dite. My Dad is still sleeping it off."
Xander nodded.
"He's usually sleeping, though."
"But this is unprecedented, Jacqueline. Also, I'm trying to help your argument?"
"Fair point! Look, Dite. I love you, and I love that you want to include Blossom in more of these outings...there've just been way too many incidents in a row and I can only talk our way out of them so many times!"
"Oh, but you do it so well," Dite folded her hands and lay them against her cheek, eyelashes (and wings) fluttering.
Jacqueline flushed. "Oh! Yes. I do! I mean. I know!"
"Are you flustering her on purpose?"
Dite giggled. "It's fifty-fifty," she said, tilting her hand back and forth. "She's just like that! Listen. I have considered the unbridled chaos that seems to follow Blossom everywhere we go, and I've got a plan this time."
"If something happens, I am going to TACKLE HER and fly out of there as fast as possible, before she can cause any trouble!"
Xander and Jacqueline shared a look.
"And you're sure this'll work?"
"Positive! Come on guys, please? Pleaseeeee!?"
Jacqueline sighed. Xander shrugged.
"That's not a no-o~!"
"Okay, FINE."
"I'll bring some dream sand with me."
"And I'll turn up the charisma."
"Oh, you guys! Thank you. This is gonna be SO fun!"
"But you're telling the others."
"Not a problem! I'm sure they'll understand!"
Not all of them did.
Day and Night didn't show up; Spring came in a lovely little dress coated in vines, swirling up her arms and down her legs, right to the tips of her heels—just in case, she had explained. Myles replied, in all caps, NO, and minutes before go time Olivia bowed out, citing a bit of a crisis at home, maybe related to the mini-golf incident. Charlie managed to arrive on time, a little windswept and Santa backpack bag on his back, ALSO just in case, he explained.
Still a good turn out, Dite thought, as they headed into their usual haunt, the karaoke already starting. Blossom hopped ahead excitedly, unable to hop straight as she took in the sights, ears twitching, nose as well, head spinning back and forth like a predator was nearby.
Xander watched Blossom carefully, filing in beside Dite; Charlie was chatting animatedly with Dite, Spring and Jacqueline bringing up the rear, heads close as they whispered quietly.
They were ready.
The evening went surprisingly well.
That is, until Brennan appeared.
He sung beautifully; huge round of applause all around. Magibeans fawned over him, and soon after staff handed out earplugs, because Brennan was, in fact, a siren.
And Blossom decided that he was the guy to beat.
And it all went downhill from there.
It was a new record. Blossom had lasted pretty long, making sure to sing right after Brennan every. Single. Time.
An hour or so of this back and forth, a few magibeans taking turns between the two of them, and Blossom made contact.
With her little bunny paws.
There was a rush to the exit as water sloshed through the bar. A battle cry suddenly stopped mid scream. Vines were tangled all over the roof of the establishment as Dite made a mad dash out of the pub, barking sorries behind her as she flew out, carrying a sleeping bunny coated in gold and covered in greenery. Behind her, Xander and Charlie carried a similarly snoozing siren between them, placing him down in the shore and starting the...intense process of flagging down the other sirens and explaining what had happened to their fellow merperson.
Inside, Spring and Jacqueline shared a look and a sigh.
"I'll take care of the proprietor, you take care of the wet and the green?"
"Yep. Yep yep yep yep," Spring agreed, turning and lifting her hands, the vines and water bending to her will.
Wrinkling her nose and grumbling, Jacqueline took a deep breath in before putting on her sweetest smile and rushing to the bar to smooth things over with the very bewildered nymph behind it.
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annastrxng · 10 months
Would you rather be able to jump into your favorite fantasy world, or bring your favorite character(s) to your world to visit?
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Anna would rather visit a favorite fantasy world given how STRESSFUL her life is. She would rather be able to escape. It is why literature is such a comfort during the war. Bringing her favorite fictional character to war-torn could only result in more trouble.
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Coffee or Tea?
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The mechanic’s lips sheepishly curl upwards at the inquiry. “Coffee. Tea is lovely on the right occasions but sometimes you just need that extra kick.” Of course, with the amount of work she oft had to do, coffee was her version of turbo boost. After a moment’s thought the intellectual breathes, “I guess both are bad for the teeth. Huh?”  
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honor-to-us-all · 4 years
“You...” Mulan starts, feeling rude for staring so unabashedly at the figure but she was startled. “You have wings.” Of course, the statement was rather obvious though the surprise was considerably noticeable.
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“Are... are you here about the letter I’ve received?” Mulan softly quires. She’d been notified as her classification as a guardian. A guardian what- remained a mystery. Maybe, just maybe, the winged man was here to help her discover her calling. 
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detectiverickitubbs · 4 years
If tin whistles are made of tin, what do you they make foghorns out of?
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A grin threatens to twitch upwards across Tubbs’s painted lips at the great inquiry. “Must be all the hot air spouted by loud-mouthed informants. Huh? What do you think?” She playfully muses with incredible ease. 
@someheroescarryfloss (I can’t even) 
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💬 (Jane porter - TImeguardians)
The Tooth Fairy knew he was breaking the rules by letting a human see him.   He knew that Mother Nature wouldn’t be happy with him for getting directly involved with human affairs, but his conscience wouldn’t let him do otherwise.  He had spotted a group of men closing in on her, and she didn’t seem to know they were there.  
Whatever their intentions were, it was obvious to him that  they weren’t good.  He landed some distance away from the young woman, snapped his fingers to magically render his wings invisible, and stepped out of the darkness.  It was only then that he thought about how he must look; a large man, a stranger, approaching a young woman at night.  He caught her eye, and hoped she wouldn’t panic.  He put a finger to his lips, then whispered as loudly as he dared, “Please don’t argue. You have to leave right now, you aren’t safe here”
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“Let me ask you somethin’, pal,” Justice starts plopping herself down beside him. The look on her countenance radiates all serious business.“Is it stealin’, what the toof-fairy does?” Usually, she’d take questions regarding morality to her parents  but why do that when the source was right there, right in front of her. 
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safyresky · 1 year
I just got a mental image of Alpha and Jack going back and forth at a meeting with either puns or catty comments, and Alpha finally deadpanning, "Fight me, Jack." Like, not literally fight, but declaring that she's about to verbally kick his ass! That would make for an entertaining exchange!
Oh my god yes. And I bet they'd have fun doing it too lmaooo. Nobody on the Council would stop them from sheer amusement! I bet Roy has like, a tally chart a la that scene in Anastasia and it's like:
Jack: 17 Alpha: 156
Cupid deffs takes bets about it 😂😂😂
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safyresky · 11 months
27 and 3!
Warning! This one has HELLA SPOILERS. If you don't want to know who The Man is until it goes up (or you somehow have not picked up the hints he has been dropping) I'd skip this one 🤫🤫
Chapter 27: Scene 3
The explosion of snow across the way very briefly distracted the twin princes.
It was large enough that the fallout came pretty close to the pair of them. The flakes sizzled out as they barrelled towards the fiery pair, the air too hot for snow to stay snow.
Magic ran hot. So did both summer sprites. One of which was simmering as the pair fought. Smoke wafted off of Blaise’s shoulders as he and his brother darted around one another, flinging magic back and forth like they had in their youth.
Laughter and teasing as they threw spells towards one another, growing sillier and sillier as they progressed. The goopy explosions that’d hit the poor groundskeepers. The lecture that entailed.
But the laughter was gone. The teasing non existent. The spells serious, and potentially deadly, both warlocks meaning business. One out to protect. One out to seize. One growing distracted. The other taking advantage of that distraction very, very fast.
He was weak. He cared about others.
Pyros didn’t.
Using his finger to direct his next spell, Pyros lunged, the spell heading right for Blaise’s gut.
It hit.
Blaise deflated, a strangled noise making its way out of his mouth as his hands flew down to his midsection. He hugged his stomach, staff still clenched stubbornly within his grasp.
“Ou, that looked like it hurt,” Pyros taunted.
“Barely,” Blaise shot back, hoarse. Grimacing, he stabbed his staff into the ground, using it to push himself up. “I could do this all day.”
“I’ll hold you to it.” Grabbing his staff in both hands, Pyros flipped it, the tip of the crescent moon touching the snow below him. He whirled, drawing a large circle around himself in the snow.
Facing Blaise once more, he righted his staff. The tip glowed as he stabbed the pommelled base into the snow, the circle around him glowing the bloody red of his own personal magic.
Uttering a few words, magic went flying out from around him. It spread throughout the square, the magic covering the doors in a red glow. Open doors slammed, clicks and snaps ringing out all around the town.
Elves that had been running to the doors stopped as the magic hit, watching the enchantment settle. They tried to open the doors. They couldn’t. They were stuck. Locked.
And those that hadn’t made it in were trapped outside.
“Son of a bitch,” Blaise cursed, pulling himself up.
“No escape now, oh brother dearest,” Pyros said, using his staff to knock Blaise’s out of the ground. “Can’t have you undoing that enchantment now, can we?”
Lifting his staff high above his head he chuckled, the gem already glowing with a fresh set of spells.
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safyresky · 10 months
17. Can they fall asleep anywhere? Or do they need an optimum condition to sleep in? (For any or as many!)
Thank you!!!! Any or as many. HMMM. I am going to Legate the SHIT out of this >:D
Jacqueline can sleep anywhere so long as it's A) freezing cold and B) there are a plethora of blankets for her to get COZY and WARM and SNUGGLY. She is going to burrito and she is going to be SO cozy cold
Dite doesn't usually sleep! But when she does as long as the mattress is firm and she ISN'T sinking into it she's good. Bonus if cuddly burrito blanket gf is there!
Xander doesn't sleep. But when he does. Even though he doesn't! He can sleep ANYWHERE. SANDMAN SMARTS.
Blossom is a big ol' ?????? Does she even sleep, or is she simply like the energizer bunny, and always going going going? who's to say!
Myles can (and has!) slept anywhere. Probz has a favourite pillow that he will take with him if he knows he's not sleeping in his own bed! I also think he has a teddy bear that he will always sleep with/keep near by bc he feels bad for it, and when he watched Toy Story this only got WORSE.
It had the same effect on Olivia lol, both of them have a LOT of stuffies and such and they do NOT want them to be sad! Olivia can sleep anywhere as well, so long as it's soft. Probably also sleeps better with running water somewhere, given her work as a healer has her at the Springs a lot :)
Day and Night's preferred sleep condition is time void. If they are in the void they are sleeping fine. If they are OUTSIDE of the void, they are Not Sleeping, no sirree!
Spring likes squishy surfaces for sure! And HAS to be surrounded by flowers. She also gives me "sleeps with a diffuser going" vibes, lol. She LOVES sleeping on rainy nights. She cracks the windows open, bundles up, and listens to the rain 🥰🥰🥰 v big on ambient noise around her--canNOT sleep in absolute silence at ALL
Bonus: The OTHER seasons!
Summer can sleep anywhere! Likes open windows. Favourite sleeping nights are THUNDER STORMS. Only uses a sheet. It gets kicked off by morning.
Autumn also likes a chillier sleep! Also enjoys rainy nights! Cuddles with animals when she sleeps (this is optional, but 6/7 nights in the week, there's probably an animal nearby that is hanging out with her that Will Cuddle)
Winter is like Jacqueline! She likes to be very cold so she can bundle and ideally cuddle up alongside her summer sprite of a partner without melting (which is a valid concern some times, given she can't even keep a freeze dry OR snow blow in her hair when Blaise is nearby!)
BONUS bonus: The rest of the Frosts!
Blaise overheats so fucking fast frfr. If he is not able to hold his walking AC unit of a partner throughout the night he will wake up way too hot and that's just uncomfortable! Frost Manor has the windows open for most of the year, lol
Fino prefers sleeping on an object made for sleeping but can make do without. Likes having the blankets but will kick them off in his sleep. Has on occasion woken up on the floor perplexed. Sleeps 100x better when his twin is nearby. Doesn't mind overheating but prefers not to.
Fiera can sleep anywhere and WILL sleep anywhere! Sleeps 100x better when her Twin is nearby. As an adult, she crashes on people's couches ALL THE TIME! Kicks blankets right off of her and onto the floor. Sometimes wakes up hugging pillows. NASTY bedhead most mornings. Drools. Likes to overheat.
(Fins and Fi will on occasion get into a silent "open the window a crack" battle. It is very passive aggressive and VERY sneaky! Often don't notice when the other closes/opens the window. These lil battles can rage on for days at a time)
Now Jack ISN'T an OC but I desperately need to inflict this image on other people so:
PAMPERS himself
silk sheets. humidifier. sleep mask. the BEST pyjamas. ice cold drink on his bedside table at ALL TIMES.
probably has some fancy snack for the morning laid out somewhere lmao.
weighted blanket, HIGH thread count, you THINK of a fancy sleep thing Jack 100% has it and most deffs uses it.
Probably does like an overnight facemask or something on occasion TOO, lol
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safyresky · 1 year
😈, 🛒, ✨, ❌, and 👀!
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
Every time Jacqueline mentions @shittyelfchild in Frostmas, it is done on purpose just to hurt @shittyelfwriter because I love her >:)
I also made Blaise 6'1 just to be mean to Richard lmao. That was recent and a delightful overdramatic petty moment!
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
evil uncles. this one confuses me a lot. my uncles aren't evil, they're just. you know. thy suck. but they aren't evil and haven't like done anything bad to me? one doesn't like me and the other one is too right leaning for my liking most days (and also very inappropriate with jokes tbh)
i do a lot of fluff and hugs and such. i like hugs and fluff. they heal me as much as taking a bat to glass did sunday! lots of setting matching the atmosphere, like pathetic fallacy but instead of weather it's the location, location, location!
i very much enjoy imagery that's like. idk how to explain it. but it's like this:
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✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
My dialogue fucking SLAPS. I am so fucking witty with these fucks it's ASTOUNDING.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
ANYTHING miscommunication related. ESPECIALLY if it's v stupid like y sees x talking to z and hears something out of context and instead of asking them about it, ghosts them and dips. HATE that, REFUSE to write it!!! AH! IF IT'S GONNA BE MISCOMMUNICATION, IT'S GOING TO INVOLVE HUGE ELEMENTAL/MAGICAL BLOWOUTS. AH.
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
hehehehe okay okay okay. Okay. Okay. This one wip. That I have yet to start. BUT AM GOING TO START. Is STEAMY. Involves the following:
dite and jacquie spending the night together for the first time in the traditional sense (they fuck)
dite is the goddess of pleasure. so. it's mind blowing.
so much so. jacqueline straight up sprite sleeps about it
dite thinks she fucked her gf to death. she goes on an adventure and learns about sprite sleeps from, regrettably, jack
when jacquie wakes up she's MORTIFIED but dite is v good at like, spoiling her and they spa about it and she's like okay this was pretty amazing, i just had sex so good it knocked me the fuck out
JACQUELINE IS LIKE THIS IS MORTIFYING HE IS GOING TO ROAST ME I NEED TO HIDE AND PROMPTLY GOES TO SEE MELUSINE OF @kscribbs's fic Miller's Law fame (which, if anyone reading hasn't read it, please do! K is a brilliant writer and I LOVE LOVE LOVE ML sO MUCH. IT'S GOT ME AS BAD AS DITE GOT JACQUIE)
Idk why she does this, Jacquie just told me she goes to see mel about it and Mel was like "absolutely she does" and I went "cool, gr8, let's see how this goes"
Well, Mel makes her a cupperty and they chat and like she feels less mortified after Mel roasts Jack probably and then Mel's like "woman. you got shagged so good you literally went into a coma. let's celebrate that"
and when she texts Elle and explains why Elle is liek FUCK YEAH BUDDY, HIGH FIVE, GIMMIE THE DEETS AND LET'S CELEBRATE ABOUT IT
I have yet to start it but I KNOW the beats and some of the best lines of dialogue (my favourite being "I love your dress! It looks good on you! But it'll look even better on my bedroom floor >:)" followed by a squeaky 245 and Jacqueline going "sorry, it's going to WHAT?!?!"
My god. She's so funny. She gets so flustered around Dite. What a nerd >:)
ANYWAY THANKS FOR THE ASK! SORRY FOR THE RAMBLES, BUT ALSO NOT SORRY LMAO. I am dying to write the above thing but have yet to find the time/open the doc/work out the kinks of the mel and jacquie bits, but my god do I want to have this thing existing. it's so, so fucking funny ajhdfuiehorjeo
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safyresky · 11 months
25, 7 (cs spoilers)
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Alright, alright, I see this one is in HIGH DEMAND SO! @mellomadness @definitelyy-not-a-vampire and @someheroescarryfloss, here you go!! 😈😈
(and honourable mention to @shittyelfwriter bc your child is in this scene)
(and yes, this is the whole entire scene 7)
(I am disappointed. I was hoping it was a longer one so I could split it into three amongst the three asks lmao. ANYWAY HERE WE GO)
Chapter 25: Scene 7
The tears kept coming. Her eyes stayed shut.
“It’s okay,” Elle said, grabbing her friend’s hand and giving it a squeeze. “I’m here. We got you help! You’re safe.”
She squeezed back. Hard. “I don’t think I am,” she admitted, eyes still closed.
“No, don’t talk like that! You are.”
Jacqueline’s eyes shot open. “Then why can’t you hear me?”
Elle’s heart dropped. “I’m sure we can figure it out.”
“We can’t,” Jacqueline said, desperation in her voice. She shifted, sliding upwards and resting against the headboard. “Nothing I do fixes anything." Her voice cracked. Tears were rolling faster down her cheeks now, freezing before they could drop off of her chin. “It’s all just so…hopeless.”
“No. No no no don’t say that! It’s not over yet. I mean, we figured out what happened to you! That’s good! We can stop it, now! Your dad’s here and—”
“I feel so hopeless,” Jacqueline admitted, looking up at her friend with watery eyes. “I’ve failed.”
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safyresky · 2 years
19. Secret Santa
(25 Days of Christmas Prompts)
ehehehe, I think you'll like this one! Stuck a read more bc it got a lil long, haha. Sorry for the delay! Had to put my tinfoil hat on to get into Myles's head. It was. An experience. Enjoy!
Secret Santa
"What on the goddess given Earth is that," Olivia asked, stopping in the doorway to her stepbrother's room when she caught sight of his latest piece of art.
"It is my game plan to get Charlie as my Secret Santa."
"Why Charlie? Did you have a specific gift in mind for him?" Olivia asked, stepping into Myles's room (several crumpled up papers crunching under her feet as she made her way in).
"Hmm? What? Oh! No! No I mean, to make sure he gets me as his secret Santa."
"Why? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of it? It's supposed to be a secret, you're not supposed to know and you don't get to pick and ALSO, you can't pick FOR someone else."
"No, but hear me out. There is a way I can rig it, so that he naturally gets my name."
"But why?"
"Because they make the best sugar cookies at the North Pole and every time I'm there so is Dad and it's like he's got like, 'Myles is about to consume sugar' senses and it's like. Can't a fairy just have a cookie? As a treat? It's not like I don't brush and floss!"
Olivia laughed. "Well, your teeth will thank you later."
"My Teeth thank me every day!" Myles said, with an exasperated flutter of his wings, throwing his hands in the air. "Anyway, anyone else would get me like, a toy or new goggles which I don't want and I keep TELLING Spring that and she keeps SUGGESTING it EVERY secret Santa and it's very frustrating. We really ought a get her to NOT write out suggestions for everyone. I bet we'd win that by a landslide."
"She is a bit of a control freak," Olivia agreed, staring at Myles's latest convoluted pin board.
Photos of each Legate were pinned to it, with threads running all over the place. Olivia couldn't make heads or tails of the threads, even with the colour coding Myles was prone to doing. There were just...so many of them! The very top of the board had a selfie of Myles, throwing up a peace sign, his cracked goggles glinting in the light. Below his selfie was a rather unflattering one of Charlie mid-sneeze, and below THAT a picture of a fresh plate of sugar cookies from one of the cookbooks down in the kitchen, that Olivia was sure would perplex Roy and her Mom at some point this holiday season.
(They would simply stare at the cut out image, look at each other, both smile and say "Myles" and continue on their merry way, hoping the recipe on the flip side of the magazine wasn't one of the family favourites).
Olivia looked at the other photos, relieved when she saw hers was decent. "So. How does this one work?"
"Well," Myles said, his little wings fluttering excitedly. "Each Legate has a thread that's their colour. I've matched them all up with all possible scenarios. And the bright red thread is how I think, based on the last five years of Legate Secret Santas, this year's will go. Ready?"
"Yep! Hit me with it."
"Spring puts her name in first, then passes it over to Day on her right, then Night on her left. So their names are at the bottom of the thingy. From there, it goes to Jacqueline, who always passes it across from her to Charlie, who passes it to US. Then it goes down to Xander and Blossom and ends at Dite, who is beside Jacqueline, and Jacqueline picks first. That's why she almost always gets Dite. She never shakes it. And that's why she got Spring last year! Xander shook it."
"She was so mad," Olivia recalled with a laugh.
"But Spring really liked the fuzzy socks!" Myles said. "Anyway, Jacqueline passes it over to Day and Night and Spring, so they usually get Blossom, you, or me. Then it goes to CHARLIE. So here's how I sneak in. We mix the seats a little bit. It's not like they're assigned, anyway."
"Only at Summits."
"Right! So we sneak in and get our names in there after Jacqueline, and I think that should make it so that Charlie grabs my name!"
Olivia had some doubts about this plan.
"Oh, I know that look," Myles said. "Yeah, I know, there's lots of variables I haven't accounted for, like, someone shaking the basket or hat or whatever the thing is this year, or seat changes, but I think it could work! And if it doesn't, there's always next year! And the year after that, and after that, and after that..."
"Your tenaciousness is admirable," Olivia said.
Well, the holiday Legate meeting came and went. Myles managed to sit exactly where he thought he'd need to be to get Charlie to pick him as his secret Santa. He made sure to toss his name in there at the opportune moment as the cup went across the table.
Jacqueline grabbed it before Xander could shake it, and, based on her happy little smile, Myles guessed she had once again gotten Dite.
All according to plan, he thought, with a slightly maniacal grin and a little rub of his hands. It got him a weird look from Spring, and a giggle from Olivia.
Finally the hat came to Charlie. He pulled his name; he looked at it, surprised; then he briefly made eye contact with Myles.
Gotchya! Myles thought, as Olivia picked her name and snorted. She passed it over to Myles, who drew his secret Santa: Spring.
Easy peasy, he thought.
The meeting ended with Spring and Jacqueline almost throwing elements thanks to the seasonal transition coming up in the next few months. Which was a new record, actually. Usually a snowball went flying or petals swarmed Jacqueline's face. An almost boded well for the rest of the winter season, and was a great way to close out the meetings for the year.
Myles waited for Olivia, most of the Legates mingling with one another before heading off for the rest of the day. She was chatting with Charlie. He grinned; he had so done it. Blossom tapped Olivia's shoulder, distracting the pixie. She held up a finger in Myles's general direction. He nodded, stretching his arms and back, only to come up and bonk heads with Charlie.
"Sorry, Myles! I didn't mean to sneak up on you."
"That's alright. Dad says I need to work on my spatial awareness and I think he's onto something," Myles said with a frown, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Anyway, hi! What's up!"
"I wanted to ask you something," Charlie said, pulling the teen closer. "I got your sister as my secret Santa."
Myles's heart plummeted. "Oh, you did? Cool! Nice! Great! Awesome!"
"Thanks?" Charlie said, confused. He blinked. "Anyway, I know what she wants, but I was wondering if you think there's anything she'd like! Like, appreciate? Something thoughtful, you know? Dad'll probably get her the switch, anyway. And that's like, a huge gift for a secret Santa, you know?"
"She wants a switch?"
"Yeah, to share with you, actually!"
"Oh. That's really sweet," Myles said with a little smiley pout.
"I thought so too! So, what do you think she'd like?"
"Definitely something thoughtful," Myles said, glancing over Charlie's shoulder. Olivia was making her way back. "I'll message you later, but thoughtful trinkets are very up her alley! Pixies like trinkets, especially healers like Olivia," he said with a small smile, as the aforementioned pixie joined them.
"What did I miss?"
"Oh, nothing," Charlie said with a grin. "I'll remember what you said. Both of you!" he added with a wink. "See you guys in a few weeks!" he shouted, rushing off and waving over his shoulder at them.
"So I guess that didn't go according to plan?" Olivia asked.
"I didn't even get to suggest the cookies because he told me who his was, and it wasn't me!" He sighed, looking droopy for a brief moment.
"There there," Olivia said, patting his shoulder. "There's always next year!"
Myles perked up at that.
The best part about the Legate's Secret Santa, was giving the gifts! Every Legate tried their best to very sneakily drop their gift off with their secret Santa during the year-end bash, without being noticed.
It made for a lot of fun moments, like Charlie getting whacked by a space-time present in the back of his head, for instance (which may have hurt, but Jacqueline had laughed so hard when she witnessed it, her laughter was contagious. Even Charlie was laughing as he rubbed the back of his head, eager to open his gift).
There wasn't a prize; it was just a fun challenge for a bunch of overpowered Legendary Beings to attempt! Especially during quiet years, or low work hours (COVID had done a number to their own retrieval rate, Myles had noticed. Turns out a lot less ordibeings lost teeth when sports were cancelled cross country due to pandemics).
So, Myles spent most of the party, well, enjoying the deserts and socializing and such, as you do at parties. BUT he was also ON ALERT to see who his gift giver was! He himself had managed to sneak Spring's gift into some of the vines on her skirt. That had been a very fun use of Tooth Fairy prowess. He smirked as Night poked it with his staff, Spring gasping and pulling the new flowery garden hat out of the vines.
"Nice one," Olivia said, landing beside her brother with her fist outstretched.
"I didn't even bonk into anyone," Myles replied, fist bumping her back.
"Doubly nice!"
"I know!"
"Charlie pulled mine out from behind my ear."
"Impressive given your headscarf."
"Right?! Look what he got me!" She said, holding up an ornament. It was shaped like a switch and had her name on one of the joycons, and Myles's on the other.
"Oh, that's so sweet!"
"I know! Did you tell him?"
Myles chuckled. "Well, I may have given him a bit of a pointer," he said, scratching his head under his pilot cap.
Olivia laughed. "Well, thank you, Myles. I figured I'd return the favour for you," she said, laying her palms flat in front of his face. With a small tink sound, a colourful Christmas tin appeared in a poof of pixie dust, sitting comfortably in her hands. "Ta-da!"
"You're my Secret Santa?!" Myles nearly yelled, his wings fluttering excitedly.
"Yup! And these are fresh from up North, thanks to Charlie," she said with a grin, waving at him. He waved and grinned back, his mouth full of marshmallows.
Myles was floating a bit. "Ah! Thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU!" he said with a grin, hugging her tightly.
Olivia, who was not prepared for a sudden death hug from Myles, found herself pulled in tightly to the side. She gasped, watching helplessly as the cookie tin fell and landed on the floor with a clatter, the lid flying, the cookies spilling out and breaking up.
Myles looked down at it, aghast; the sugar cookies lay in pieces on the floor. He sunk down to his knees, putting the broken pieces in his hands. His lips quavered; he looked like he was ready to cry.
"Oh, Myles, don't worry, it's—"
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Myles yelled out, throwing his head back, eyes closed tightly. The party went quiet; every Legate had turned their attention to Myles, some gasping, some making their way to comfort, others choking on their marshmallows to start this year's edition of 'who really IS the chubby bunny champion' discourse.
Olivia sighed, shaking her head with a fond smile. She'd tell him it would magically refill after the theatrics. He'd appreciate the hugs coming his way, after all.
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safyresky · 2 years
3. Their least favorite Christmas song
CHRISTMAS SHOES. Does not matter the OC, they all just dislike Christmas shoes bc I dislike it especially lmao.
Seriously. Like. Okay. I get it. Beautiful song. But also, it is the most HEART-WRENCHING SONG EVER? AND IT'S A CHRISTMAS SONG? LIKE THAT IS NOT THE KIND OF SONG I WANT IN MY CHRISTMAS. UGH!
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safyresky · 8 months
Would you ever write a crossover between TSC (in continuity with your Crystal Springs series) and another fandom?
Oh most definitely! I have notes for one with RotG/Guardians of Childhood, I read the books and EVERYTHING to see how it would work out! I GOT NOTES EVEN!
I did not date them. I threw them onto my "bits and pieces" onenote page in the Crystal Springs tab which is A) full to bursting with, well, BITS AND PIECES, and B) dated June 6, 2016 but that's when I started the page, so everything on there is uh. After that date but lord knows WHEN FROM.
I really need to start dating things. Did ARCHAEOLOGY CLASSES teach me NOTHING?!?!? (The answer is yes, when they were 8:30ams and I was fallin asleep)
You'll NOTICE that there's a whole section crossed out! I got the idea after seeing RotG for the bazillionth time, wrote it out, then went to look at the source material, the books, the Guardians of Childhood, which was vASTLY different and kinda threw my original idea out of the water? So I crossed it out and then wrote fresh thoughts below. That all would've been in 2017 or 2018, I believe!
RISE OF THE GUARDIANS XOVER: Pitch hopes that by bringing back Mother Nature he can bring back his influence since they did team up so he somehow finds out about the other dimension and decides to grab the Mother Nature there, but then discovers her council and decides to bring over the Legends as he thinks they're the evil versions of the guardians
Plan backfires: the Legends are good and also too powerful for the summoning he did so he gets the Legates instead
Mother Nature was Pitch's daughter who basically disowned him bc he didn’t come back for her and was too far gone, evilly speaking, so you'll have to work around that
Mans haunted by nightmares
Maybe they bring back his past memories of his daughter
So he tries to find her, discovers she's mother nature, tries to have her join him in taking out the guardians and she recoils like 'I had hoped…but of course not. It was too good to be true; it always is
And magics him away
And he decides he'll find his own guardians, and pull them from another universe--maybe she tips him off by saying something about 'every time, every universe, it's always the same with you, no matter what changes or who is good or who is bad'
So he goes to FT's place, Mother Goose's place, and finds tomes of other worlds and universes and finds one that will pull other people from their world into his
And he cackles and begins his work
Unfortunately, FT in the other universe sees this and manages to wave away the spells/enchantments; search is underway to figure out what timeline this has come from
But the spell is quite powerful; though it has been waived from the Legendary figures, it still needs to complete what it was sent out to do--so it grabs the Legates
This causes Xander, Myles, Charlie, Jacqueline, and Blossom to be sent to the RotG world
And that's where my notes ended! Shenanigans do ensue, of course, and Dite helps Jack sneak into the other world bc of COURSE she does since the Legates who didn't get whooshed over are under like. Strict orders to NOT get bamf'd away but Dite's like THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND!!!! I NEED TO SAVE HER!!!! and Jack's like listen. Listen. that's my sister. I'M not under any bans 👀👀👀 and off he goes!!!
the potential is so fun. slash funny. these are other errant thoughts about it:
the ANGST for rotg Jack when his SISTER is there but it's not his actual SISTER but another universe's version of him's sister just, just think of the ANGST
rotg Jack and Jacquie get caught by Pitch and he's like "YOU;RE Jack Frost. and YOU'RE Jack Frost. ARE THERE ANY OTHER JACK FROSTS I SHOULD KNOW ABOUT??? And tsc3 Jack Frost taps his shoulder, and he turns around, and Jack's like (charming Blaise-esque smile) hi :) AND PUNCHES HIM IN THE FACE
tsc Jack Frost: there's TWO OF THEM while rotg Jack and Jacquie are like 😈😈 like that meme
Charlie would have so. Much. Fun. In North's Workshop. the YETIS. the SLEIGH. the SWORDS
Imagine North trying to wrangle Charlie as he's climbing all over the place like "woah! cool! sweet!"
(he is taking notes for when it's his turn after Scott)
Sandy and Xander would be so excited bc someoNE ELSE WHO SPEAKS SAND LANGUAGE!
Blossom in bunnymund's lil place. Oh my god. Another Legate having a fucking blast and I think Bunny would be like OI GET BACK HERE DONT TOUCH ANYTHING WHILE I FIGURE A SHIT OUT and then she discovers the boomerangs and he's like "wow. time to teach. do i want a kit???" and it's all downhill from there (affectionate)
Toothiana thinks Myles is the cutest thing. He kids so squished. He also has a lot of mom trauma that gets dug up. I think they're both crying at one point. While he's being squished to death by Toothiana
So YEAH I have put a lot of thought into this, lmao. Would I ever write it? Idk! If I did I don't think I'd post it since it's more of a CS/RotG crossover and not totally a tsc one, espesh post series. BUT YEAH. It's my own personal guilty pleasure, my roman empire, if you will
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safyresky · 1 year
16. Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing
in terms of ART, uh. I think clothing creases and whooshes when it's like, a dress? but i hecking HATE it bc trying to figure out the way the cloth/material is falling makes me INSANE (derogatory)
(weirdly specific art ask game)
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