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doctorbrown · 5 months
Interview with the writer meme #1-4 & 9
1. What color do you associate with your muse?
Answered here!
2. Is there a song that reminds you of your muse?
Plenty! One of them is Journey on the Waves of Time by Arjen Lucassen.
3. How do you get yourself out of a writing funk?
Reading helps, as does listening to music that often sparks my muse/creativity. Sometimes I'll go for a ride or a drive or maybe try going to the gym. Video games. Basically anything that isn't trying to force out the words; usually with enough time/distractions I'll come back like hell yeah let's write!!
4. Do you have any advice for other writers?
Hmmmm. I hardly consider me a writer myself so what can I think about giving advice I make everything up as I go fjl;sdkj
Honestly, I'd say keep at it. Don't be afraid to change up your writing style to find what works for you. Experiment with everything! Take inspiration from writers/roleplayers whose style you like and craft something that's all your own. My writing style/language is very weird across my blogs but hey, it works for me and the words flow and I like it. The confidence will come in time.
And as for advice for 'writers' as in roleplayers, best advice is to keep at it. Don't be afraid to immediately reach out to someone you've become mutuals with because most likely, they'll be ecstatic to see you in their messages and to chat. Have an idea in mind when it comes to plotting, even if it's just a vague one/vibes, and be active in plotting with partners because it goes a long way.
9. Best scene featuring your muse? (chapter, film, episode)
Main/original answer here! But like I said, every one of these I get you get me talking about a Doc scene that I love oops.
Another of Doc's best scenes isn't one you'd probably think about when recalling the films, but I really love it—it's a scene (well a small series of them) from pt2, beginning with the moment Doc goes to meet Marty on the roof of the school: he ends up catching the DeLorean on a string of pennants and taking them with him, then on the roof you see him pulling them free of the car, balling them up, and rather than just tossing them away and leaving them on the roof where nobody would ever notice and if they did, their presence could probably be blamed on the huge storm they're gonna get that night, he tosses them in the car and takes them with him.
Now while he obviously couldn't've foreseen that they'd be useful, it's the fact that he bothered to toss them in the car in the first place and then, in the heat of the moment, when Marty's poised to be hit by Biff during the whole car/stealing back the Almanac event, he has the brilliant idea to lower them like a rope and pull him to safety. I just love that scene, the quick/creative thinking, Doc's obvious show of cleverness, his willing to make whatever he can work to help Marty. I also just love his expression when it does work.
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entriprises · 28 days
A  PEAK  AT  WHAT’S  INSIDE  HOLLY'S  ... SECRET HIDING SPOT sent by @shieldborn
holly's not so secret hiding spot is the plot of land where her old home used to be before it burned down. it's not that much of a secret to anyone who has passed by it when holly's been over there, it's just more of a space where she often got to be herself and quite vulnerable. she practices reading there, reads stories aloud, and just gets to sort of live in the memories of the place.
she has the whole house layout memorized, would walk familiar paths, but really all that's there is grass growing back and the occasional scraps and things left behind from the incident.
after a couple of years the plot is sold and a house is built where hers used to be. she would stand outside the construction zone during that process and once the house was fully set up and the family was moving in she sort of wormed her way inside by offering to help them with their belongings. after that one time of seeing the inside, it being so fundamentally different from her memory of the house that was once there, she stopped going all together. it was just jarring.
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userastarion · 1 year
tell me your unpopular opinions about ted lasso! (i.e i think the folksy charm gets a bit annoying sometimes and also the kid playing henry is way too old to be whatever age henry is actually supposed to be)
oh boy okay hmm....
i think the zava plotline was largely unnecessary and didn't offer much because jamie understanding total football and guiding his team was enough to show us his growth
though i'm a roykeeley girlie and i am really glad they wound up back together, i was OVERJOYED to see keeley have an actual relationship with a woman. even just hooking up with her onscreen was enough for me, but the fact that we got to see it??? TANGIBLE proof she is wlw?? i was in awe. (i'm kinda pissed jack turned out shitty but it did give us keeley's relationship with barbara which i do also think is really special & wish we saw more of)
i actually loved the coach beard episode last season and thought it was a really fun change of pace (and a great background for all of us to understand more of what he says now and like, how committed he is to his wild life)
idk if this is unpopular but i'ma say it. i really believe ted and rebecca are spectacular foils of each other and have an incredibly special bond. i am desperate for it to become romantic because i genuinely believe they would be an amazing power couple. i also understand she's his boss and in real life, power dynamics are icky. but this is fiction and in this case i am willing to look past that. like, an american football coach is coaching a british football team with no prior knowledge of the sport. there's some suspension of disbelief we have to do for this show and since we've seen that ted seems to be unafraid of the power rebecca has over him anyway, i am rooting for them romantically. full respect for folks who don't! but god i love the idea of them together SO much.
it's sleepover saturday! send me... whatever?
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shimuberin · 1 year
[RUFFLE] - sender ruffles receiver's hair.
“What- you?!” 
The Radiant Hero had reached out to ruffle her hair, like she was a child and not an Empress (and at one point, his employer). Like he didn’t understand that despite her status as a student, once they stepped off the monastery grounds, she would return to being an Empress. She whirls around, fiery eyes locking on Ike’s face to glare directly into his eyes. 
“What was that for?” Her voice is sharp, like she’s practiced, but maybe too shrill for her liking. Her hands reach up to settle her hair back over her headband, struggling their way around baggy sleeves. “I don’t see how it’s relevant to the task ahead of us.” She shakes her head a final time to settle her hair back down, and crosses her arms. “Don’t do that again.” 
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lee-sol · 8 months
random hcs | accepting !!
he has a bit of a competitive side, it’s just one of the things that certain people bring out, that not every one gets to see.
a lot of the books he owns are from the horror genre, stephen king is his favorite author, and his favorite book is the shining.
he’s practically nocturnal, he thrives more in the night time, when the world is more quiet. this, unfortunately, means he doesn’t get a lot of sleep.
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bucketkicked · 8 months
What makes them laugh?
How does your muse view themselves?
for elliot? :)c
Elliot likes… very corny jokes and puns. Things that make them think too hard aren’t very funny to them. They like quick, witty humor!
I think they view themselves as normal. Like just some little guy! They aren’t very aware that they’re different than most humans around and people think they’re super eccentric. They find themself to be very knowledgeable on a variety of topics, so they think they’re smart. (Which they are!)
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dichotomousvariable · 9 months
[ sumi ] 🎁🥚 be honest: do you actually like me as a person?
🎁 - christmas gifts.
wooseok is not good at gift-giving. he never has been. it doesn't matter how close he is to the person; he never feels like he's able to concisely pick a token of his appreciation that is the perfect amount of useful, funny, cute, sentimental, et cetera. he hates this time of year. not really, but just a little—giving gifts is stressful, receiving gifts is stressful, snow is stressful, ugh! so instead, he decides on an easier option. a card, slid under her door. inside the envelope: sumi, happy holidays! consider this a coupon for your gift. select one of the following: - a meal (my treat!) - one piece of hot telepath gossip with minimal complaining from me - just tell me what to buy you (within reason!!!) stay warm! wooseok
🥚 - spiked eggnog.
"do i—of course i actually like you! what kind of a question is that? if i didn't like you, i'd just... not answer your texts or something... hide... i dunno... but it doesn't matter because i do! i think we're really similar people sometimes. but also we're soooo different. but that's not necessarily a bad thing?? like, you scare me a lil sometimes, but most people scare me a little... but yeah! don't ask silly questions if you don't want silly answers!"
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0alanasworld0 · 1 year
Let's Play Getting to Know Alana (Stolen from a TikTok)
Footballer who made you fall in love with the game
First Favourite Footballer
Footballer who brings you the most comfort
Footballer who's smile lights up your day
Footballer you miss seeing at your club
Footballer you miss the most
Footballer You Would Defend Your Life for
Yesssss i was hoping i'd get one of these!
A very common one but its easily ronaldinho. this MF made the sport look like so much fun. every second he was on the ball i just couldn't look away because WOW. you could just see the love he had for the sport from the way he played the game
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2. Thomas Muller. again probably a really common one but he was and still is a fascinating player. for someone to be able to do so much with simply the mastery of the basics was so cool to see. and you can't talk about muller without talking about his shithousery cos no one does it as well as him. poking fun at a rival while making it crystal clear that he has no malicious intentions is hard to to but he manages it perfectly. he always just brought a smile to my face whenever he was on the pitch (and when i heard him yelling off the pitch)
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3. i think something about luka modric brings me a lot of comfort. he's enigmatic on the ball and a phenomenal leader. the way he lead croatia throughout their international tournament run made him so likeable and respectable. i just couldn't help but root for him. he deserves every ounce of success he's had and much more. that ballon d'or couldn't have gone to a better person, its been an honour to watch him play.
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4. the one and only... Yassine bounou. he's just a lovely human being. he seems like such a kind and warm person that i can't help but adore him. you couldn't hate him if you tried. from opposition to referees, he just sets such a good example to those around him. he's achieved astounding things in the past few years and i've loved seeing him get recognition for it recently. he's got an infectious positivity about him and i think it's just a good influence on everyone. we all need someone like him in our lives imo
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5. without a doubt robert lewandowski. i think we all remember his iconic 5 goals in 9 minutes but even aside from that he was phenomenal for us. we're still feeling the brunt of his exit and its painful knowing that we would probably be in a much better position if we could rely on him as a striker.
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6. bro's only been gone for a short while but mesut ozil. this man made me so proud as a muslim because of how well he did everywhere he went. i think what hurts most about his retirement is just the sequence of events that lead to it. knowing that he put his heart and soul into playing for germany and the treatment he received when they were underperforming broke my heart. he deserved so much better and i always wonder what could have been if he'd been cut the same slack other players had been given.
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7. there r a few players in contention for this so i'll give you the top 2.
Hakim Ziyech because this guy could make 10 key passes a match and he'd still be seen as the worst player on the pitch by chelsea fanboys. somehow he's always to blame. the man was spectacular for ajax and he's spectacular for morocco. i dont understand how when he doesnt perform at chelsea, he's the one at fault. how when the whole team underperforms, he's the one that gets singled out. he deserves better than the hand he's been dealt. he's a star, he's proven that time and time again.
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the other one is gavi. similar to hakim, its just the disproportionate level of hatred he receives genuinely makes my blood boil. this guy is 18 years old, its his first full season of professional football. yet somehow his weaknesses are viewed as complete deal breakers from the get go. he constantly being compared to players who are many years older than him as if thats any evidence that he doesnt deserve to be where he is. i genuinely cannot imagine how hard things must be for him because this level of scrutiny simply isnt fair. he's got at least 16 years of playing left in him. he's got a good working attitude and will probably be able to play for much longer than that. he's a work-in-progress and people r treating him like he's 35 years old and done nothing.
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covenofthearticulate · 10 months
🎉how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post? (if you don't, you should!)
Questions for Fic Writers
asfdgfxcagvsjkvg I actually celebrate probably a little too often LMAO. Like a lot of people, I too am addicted to the serotonin of Internet Friends Giving Me Validation. I re-read the comments section like you wouldn’t believe.
In terms of celebrating after posting a fic, honestly it’s such a relief to just turn my brain off for a few nights and watch mind-melting crap on youtube 😂 I also treat myself by reading other people’s fanfiction. When I’m actively in the process of writing, I have to turn my blinders on or else i’ll get in my own head too much, but once my fic is posted, I have a very limited window of time where I have enough brain space to catch up on fics, so that’s honestly how I celebrate!
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taiturner · 7 months
5 & 7 for sam carpenter? (i saw your header and chose her. it's a gorgeous header btw!!)
SAM!! thank you so much for sending me something for her :') i'm so glad you enjoy my header, she needed the love on my blog somewhere 💖
What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them? obviously still alive by demi lovato is a big one because of it playing in what's now, unfortunately, her last scene ever. but also superbloom by miserwives (absolutely does not include anything positive about her mother. fuck her mom).
What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like? i really enjoy the side of the fandom that refuses to associate her with the name 'loomis' + isn't team ghostface sam, everyone who understands the Tank Top Sam Agenda™️, + everyone who emphasizes the importance of the family narratives in scream 5 + especially 6. the dynamic of the core four is so special to me so i love to see the way people responded to their dynamic and the way they talk about it. chad and mindy are her family too!
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gaybaiter · 1 year
roo :3c (a very short playlist lol)
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reprise by salvia palth
open a window by rex orange county & tyler, the creator
oh how we drift away by tim heidecker & weyes blood
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
do you have any dan and cats headcannons?
oh boy! let's see if I can come up with a few.
we know that we were robbed of a bromance between dan and marx humphrey because of jenny's ALLERGIES (but really production was probably like maybe let's not have to deal with the logistics and cost of having a pet on the show)
also Marx is the cat name from the books, but we all just sort of ran with it bc that name rocks, but I think in the show Dan calls the family cat Iggy (named after Iggy Pop? I presume? who's idea was that?)
I think dan is just a animal guy, every pet who meets him loves him.
when he meets Handsome Dan and Cat Waldorf, they are both best friends with him IMMEDIATELY. Blair is annoyed because she used to be the favorite.
Dan is pretty lowkey on the purchasing of Things for cats, because he knows the first rule of owning a cat is that if you buy any toy or furniture specifically made for them they will ignore it.
Like Blair and Nate would absolutely be those people who want to buy All The Things for the cat and Dan would be like "you know they won't be interested in any of this, right?" and Nate and Blair are surprised every time.
in my current fic, Vanessa has a pet cat named Judith Butler after the acclaimed philosopher. I like to think Dan's nickname for her is "Gender Trouble" (bc one of my mom's go-to nicknames for our cats is Trouble and that sounds like a danism) (I know Kate Winslet has a dog in the movie but I like cats more. my fic my rules.) (also vanessa has a cat and dan doesn't for Jenny Reasons)
when Dair adopt cats as a grown up couple, they pretentiously name them Truman and Daphne (after Capote and Du Maurier). They like Dan more. Blair is Offended.
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babydxhl · 2 years
PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
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oc emoji asks | still accepting.
oh!!! so she's definitely not a cook, and she's also incredibly nocturnal, so on an average day she's awake in time for maybe brunch, if you're lucky.
but I think when she does have to be up that time of the day, she takes more comfort in having someone prepare the meal than what the actual food is itself. often Miriam or one of her other henchmen will cut fruit, make toast, cook eggs, and I think Mary gets a lot of reassurance from just the physical and domestic act of having breakfast made for her, by people who don't want her to get scurvy.
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userastarion · 9 months
7 & 18 for EOY asks!
7. favorite actor of the year?
honestly by voice alone i want to say rachel zegler (and ive been rooting for her back since she just posted singing videos) but i think she deserves it! i’m so proud of her success for such a young age and i think she’s so incredibly talented 💛
18. a memorable meal this year?
oooooh this is a tough one bc i don’t remember much aside from recently shflsjfkf but i THINK this year was when my mom introduced me to this new sandwich place & this sandwich that changed my life. it’s turkey + sprouts + tomatoes + cream cheese + i always add avocado (it’s more like guacamole) on squaw bread and it’s so 🤌🏻🤌🏻 like i always forget how good it actually is until i bite into it
end-of-year asks! send me a number?
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jackleopard · 2 years
3 and 76
3: seventeen going under by sam fender (song of all time)
76: the lighthouse by halsey
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drtroad · 5 months
for howard: 🤔
𝙷𝙾𝚆𝙸𝙴 +  details about ocs!
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🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc’s quirks/mannerisms?
i've compiled a lil list for your perusal:
he is boston born and raised so his yankee'll come out here and there.
habitually cracks everything. fingers, back, neck, wrist- you name it.
drums his fingers on any flat surface. in the same vain, he'll tap his foot like a rabbit.
in my head, he's got a buzzcut now but when his hair was longer, he had a habit of smoothing it back.
constantly whistles when he isn't talking.
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