#someone draw dr bella donna
grantwilson · 2 years
☕ I'm doing it again because you put more work into my random reverse vampirism bit than I thought you would.
Give me thoughts on what a fun villain version of yourself would be like (feel free to give them superpowers or otherwise)
ooh this is fun. ok i'm thinking like, evil scientist mixed with witch? like their potions and alchemy are all just chemistry, but also they do cast spells with a wand. ooh and their wand is like a test tube! or a syringe. you remember those old-ass gates from the fence question? yeah those are all around my lair. it's a castle on a hill, somehow there's always a thunderstorm circling directly above it, you know the deal. im realizing this is less of a traditional supervillain and more like "what if victor frankenstein had magic" but you shouldn't ask me open ended questions if you dont want a longass barely relevant answer. anyway now im gonna try to figure out a name for this guy.
-the witch doctor (pretty sure that's taken)
-my alchemical necromancer (not really a name for a person but it's fun)
at this point i started going through fantasy name generators, as i so often do. but i realized that this character's name needs to be completely original. i cant just steal a sick name i find online.
something combining plants with science is the direction im leaning towards. an alchemist and a druid. shit im doing slightly more fucked up poison ivy. ok less of the science/plants angle and more of the potions/tonics/chemicals. to the wikipedia. wait what am i searching. something that's a pun on a scientific name but not just like, Cy Anide or whatever. i sure hope looking at the wikipedia page for poison doesn't put me on a list. "Poison is something that causes harm." thanks wikipedia.
-colonel mustard gas (that's really stupid)
-belladonna could be something
ok im gonna try looking at elements. there's gotta be something in there.
i like cadmium. i could do something there.
belladonna has to have been used for something like this, right? too bad, i've been thinking about this for way too long and im getting bored.
name: Dr. Bella Donna, aka The Witch Doctor
gender: lil scamp
color scheme: purple/green/black
alignment: chaotic chaos
should i delete all of my ramblings: definitely. but im not going to
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caroline18mars · 6 years
A Man On Fire - Chapter 20
“What did you just call me?” he cocked his head and squinted his eyes, did she just..? Harper felt her cheeks go bright red, busted, damn, did she just say that out loud? Oh yes she did, another fit of giggles “uhm..floppy hair, in my mind I call you 'floppy hair'” she hiccupped, oh could he just stop the ridiculously cute staring he did? “I mean, you have rather sleek hair, but then there's these wavy bits too and it makes it kind of..floppy..I don't know”. Could she be any cuter? Oh she was gonna add to the cuteness, just talk to me, whatever you say is just sexy and hilarious and cute all at the same time, but then she wasn't exactly done on the topic of his hair, “you know who your hair reminds me of sometimes? Farah Fawcett! You know, like the original Charlie's Angels and..”. Oh I know Farah Fawcett, better than you do, were you even born in that era? “Ok, enough! enough about the hair already! I'm totally done with the subject, can we just go and eat now?”. Uh-oh! Floppy hair was upset, must sober up but most of all shut the hell up, and can you just stop giggling? What are you? 15? oy! “sure yeah..of course..” she took a step back and went in search for her bag and her keys. Five minutes later, they stepped back out into the biting cold that immediately seemed to sober her up, because she remained relatively quiet as they started walking, had he been a bit too harsh? “so..pasta, right? Do you already have a place in mind? Because I know this really amazing Italian place and it's right around the corner, actually” he tried to break the silence, “lead the way” she smiled, oh thank god for that smile.
“Buona sera questa sera” the classical Italian waiter waltzed up to greet them, “Buona sera, hai encora un tavolo per due?” Harper looked at the tiny dining room that was pretty much full, “per una bella donna comme voi? sempre, se vuoi seguirmi” and followed him. Jared watched the waiter pull back her chair and make her more compliments in Italian, ok, ok, we got the picture, just leave her alone, alright? “Grazie, grazie mille” yeah go on, give him a seductive smile, why don't you? Stop being so jealous, man, it's just harmless banter..aaannnddd focus back on me, yes!. Harper looked back up at Jared, not really knowing if he was still a little upset over that floppy hair comment, was it the light in here or did his eyes have a darker colour?. “De Robiano..I should have guessed you were Italian, I thought it was French..you know ever since we started e-mailing, I was wondering what your voice would sound like, hearing someone talk can paint an entire image, but I really had no image of you at all” there was that cocking of his head again. “Does everything have to be about image? Sometimes the flow of a conversation is so much more sexier and can draw up an entire world instead of just an image, looks are fleeting, but what people say or write to each other has so much more impact, don't you think?” Harper shrugged and smiled at that waiter again who was filling up a glass of water for her, pfff. Jared waited until the waiter handed them their menus and left again..finally. “Fleeting looks? Woman, you just don't realize what a stunning beauty you are, do you?” he blurted out, did he care that he already threw all his cards on the table? god no, this felt absolutely right. “Oh..well..” the compliment was as wild as it was unexpected, it was alcohol induced probably, everybody looked better after a glass too many “ have some water, because you've had too much to drink probably..but thank you, haven't heard that one in a looong time, my love life is kinda non-existant at the moment, I've just got a weird stalker that tends to lurk on me when I'm taking a bath” she raised her waterglass at him with a roll of her eyes. “Ah..Sean..I can fire him if you want” just saying that name made his blood curdle, he so didn't want to go back to Europe, he wanted to stay right here in NY with her and forget about all the responsibilities that were gonna take him away from her for months on end. “No, please don't, Shayla hates my guts more than enough as it is, but let's not talk about her or Sean, alright?” she shook her head with a painful grimace, but her eyes lit up the second their food arrived.
Watching her eat her pasta was just mesmerizing, every time a thin string of spaghetti was sucked up between those full lips, he shuffled in his seat, those suggestive sucks followed by a little lick of her lips did things to his loin that weren't exactly appropriate in a restaurant. “You ok? Not hungry?” she licked her lips again, oh could she stop torturing him? “I am, I just...got a lot on my mind..” and not just on his mind, but also a lot going on 1 metre below his mouth. “Ah, ok, because my mother always used to say that I should never trust a man who doesn't eat” she put her fork and spoon down, what was going on in his mind to put him off his food?. “Oh, so what else did your mother warn you about? She sounds like a smart woman” he looked up at her with a grin, “smart is debatable, she's a lot of things, but smart is really the least appropriate term” bye bye appetite, change of subject, right now!. “You don't deserve to be lonely, beautiful Harper Coco, can't you make things better with your family?” he hadn't even finished when she crumbled into a million little pieces “I'm..I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..” he reached for her hand but she leaned back in her chair and shook her head, no, no, she wasn't gonna start crying, not here and definitely not in front of him. “No, it's ok, no harm done and no offense taken because I'm not lonely, anyone ever tell you that you're a real bad judge of character, Joe? By the way, is Joe a nickname?” there, change of subject done and dusted, ha!. “Uhm..no, it's..” what, what just happened? “my middle name, Joseph..Joe” ok, he was gonna play along with her little game, but he would find out the truth later, that was a fact. “BJL..then what does the B stand for and Cubbins? What? BJ? I admit I thought at first it stood for..well you know..” oh he wanted to hear her say this, “BlowJob” she whispered and then started that hilarious giggle again, oh god, he so had no resistance against this woman and her ridiculous sense of humour. “I like the way you think, but in case you've forgotten, we're in a restaurant right now, maybe later, ok?” the shock on her face was priceless “but if you really must know, Bartholomew Cubbins? Dr. Seuss? It's just a name I used at hotels..to stop the fans from finding out what hotel we were staying in”. She took a sip of her water and just couldn't take her eyes off him, he was so obnoxious..and sweet and sexy..he was just..hot, but the last thing she wanted was for him to know she knew.
That twinkle in his eyes when he talked about one of the things he adored doing, like music, was one of the most mesmerizing things about him, every story was probably laced with exaggeration but it didn't matter, he was happy and that was all that mattered. Harper rested her chin on her hand, it didn't matter if they didn't do anything else than just sit here all night, talking like they had a lifetime to catch up on..but then his phone started buzzing around on the table, his face clouded over when he saw the name on the screen and the spell was immediately broken. “Sorry, I.uhmm..will you excuse me a minute?” he asked with an uncomfortable, little smile, “sure, of course..” she nodded, but her mind was screaming no, I will not excuse you, just stay here with me, this is our bubble, ignore the call. Jared connected the call as he walked away from the table and reluctantly put it against his ear “This better be important, because if it isn't I really don't want to hear it”, Shayla pulled the phone a little further away from her ear, oh this was important, mister, so important!. “Yeah, well, it's Shannon..”, his heart froze hearing his brother's name and he knew that his visit to New York was gonna be cut short, “he and his girlfriend..they had a huge fight and trashed a hotelroom, it's frikkin mayhem down here..he even gave Sean a black eye..you and I both know he only listens to one person and that's his brother”. What?! Fuck no! No, no, no “Me? He doesn't listen to anyone��� he growled at his assistant, “yes he does, and you know it, I wouldn't be calling you if it wasn't serious, I tried calling Constance but her housekeeper said she's out of town on some hiking trip with friends, and apparantly she has no cell reception”. Oh for fuck's sakes, why couldn't he get a break? “I can have the plane waiting for you in NY in the morning, your time..please..Jared?”
Harper took another sip of her wine that she ordered during his absence, for months on end she had been alone and been just fine by herself, and now that he came along and had spent a few hours together, she couldn't seem to stand the silence any longer, not even for 10 minutes, oh..there he was, finally!. “Everything ok?” she smiled up at him, he just looked so troubled, “yeah..just..something at work, uhmm..I'll ask for the bill”, ok..game over..damn. “I got this” she held up her hand as he reached for his wallet, “no..I..” he tried but she already got up and walked over to the bar, the last thing he wanted was to leave her behind, he wanted to stay here, forget about this stupid tour and just start something completely new with this wonderful, breathtakingly beautiful, incredibly talented woman. “Shall we?” she came walking back to the table, tucking her purse back in her bag but then made an abrupt turn to head for the exit, he wasn't staying, that much was for sure, better to get things over and done with, this wasn't meant to be, a clean break, story of her life, hey hey hey don't go jumping to conclusions just yet. He followed her out and when he saw her fold her arms over her chest to try and keep warm, he sped up to catch up with her “here” he shrugged off his coat and put it around her shoulders. A wave of his perfume and 'just Joe' wafted up to her and she grabbed the sides of the coat, letting the rich fabric roll between her fingers “you're leaving, aren't you?” she refused to look at him, she didn't know why but she just couldn't bear to watch him confirm her worst fear. “Yeah..I'm afraid so” he sighed and she closed her eyes, why did this affect her so much? Simple, because she really, really liked him and this kind of spontaneous crush had never happened and she wanted more of it. 
“Oh..ok” she nodded and pulled the coat a little tighter around her and kept strolling, sometimes silence was the best answer, he seemed to think the same becdause they just kept walking, both of them lost in their own little world but with the same trouble on their mind. “I wish I didn't have to leave but I've got no other choice..” he broke the silence when they arrived at his hotel unexpectedly and some doorman recognized and greeted him, “is this where you're staying?” she stopped and fidgeted nervously with the lapels of his coat. “Uhh yeah, this is me, wait how did we get here?” he looked around him like he didn't know where he was anymore, “doesn't matter” she shrugged his coat off her shoulders and handed it back to him “thank you for the coat..and for today..”. She took a step back but before she could turn around “wait..where are you going?” was she for real? Wanting to leave, just like that? “home..it's getting late” why did she feel like crying? Because this day that had started so wonderfully, was about to end in a total disaster?. “I'll get you a cab” oh just shut up, will you? Just ask if she wants to come up, force her if need be, but she's not leaving, not like this anyway, “no, it's ok, I'll walk..I need to clear my head” she shuffled uncomfortably and instead of a kiss goodbye, she touched his arm with a warm smile and off she went leaving him stunned. Don't look back, Harper, do.not.look.back, because then you'll see the ridiculousness of all this, the meeting, the few seconds it took to develop a crush on this guy..whoclearlyhadotherprioritiesandshewastooafraidtogetattachedtohimtoosoon...run, turn the corner and run like hell. No, this wasn't what he wanted, this couldn't be it..he had just been a little absentminded and wooshhh she was gone..”Harper?! Harppperrr!” he put his coat back on and ran after her.
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hottytoddynews · 7 years
We’ve gotten used to the Christmas holiday season beginning around Halloween, but how often has Halloween thriller season begun the week after Labor Day? As the studios and moviemakers have learned, there’s a huge audience for horror. If you are skeptical, look at the grosses for new latest in Tyler Perry’s Madea franchise. Major record-breaking!
For the longest time, producers/studios would grind out assembly-line horror, capitalizing on mindless or copycat sequels of original hits that would make you groan, “Been there, seen it.” But even the usual suspects have come around; and there seems to be a newbie at the game: Blumhouse Productions, which this season could be crowned Prince of Horror.
You might say that horror season began way before Halloween — even in February. That’s when Get Out! (Blumhouse Productions/Universal), featuring Bradley Whitford, Catherine Keener, Allison Williams (TV’s Girls) and young Brit Daniel Kaluuya (TV’s Babylon; upcoming Watership Down mini-series based on Richard Adams novel) hit cineplexes. It wasn’t a cookie-cutter, standard-issue thriller, but smart and well made – and had a sense of humor. It also offered a thoughtful look at the race issues making headlines.
Young Anglo woman (Williams) invites Afro-American young man (Kaluuya) for a meet-the-parents getaway, where he finds the family overly accommodating — an effort to deal with their daughter’s interracial relationship. As the weekend progresses, disturbing discoveries come to a head and lead him to a truth he never could have imagined. Something different, yes? And, going even further, it was R-rated. That usually can be the death knell to a film pitched for teens, the catalyst for a film’s opening weekend. They came, whether accompanied by an adult or with fake I.D.s. A film budgeted at a minuscule $5 million has raked in over $175.5 million. 
Jeepers Creepers III (Infinity/Screen Media) quickly followed. Set between the first and second film, it was quickly obvious it was in the lesser category. Sergeant Tubbs (Brandon Smith) went about attempting to learn the secrets and identify of Creeper (Jonathan Breck), the monster terrorizes a local farming community. Lovely Trisha (Gina Phillips) was sort of pushed aside for the introduction of Gaylen Brandon (Meg Foster (TVs Pretty Little Liars and Ravenswood), stealing the film, as someone with a history with the Creeper. It didn’t help. Initial audiences were bored, word-of-mouth was a downer. Made for $18 million, it grossed a paltry $2.3 million (JC1 exploded at the box office with sales of $35.7 million). Maybe the gross will rise – a bit – with the DVDs’ December release.
Oscar nominee Jennifer Jason Leigh, Bella Thorne (Boo!: A Madea Halloween; TV’s Famous in Love, Big Love), Thomas Mann (Kong: Skull Island), and Kurtwood Smith (TV’s That 70s Show) weren’t enough to turn the lack of horror in Amityville: The Awakening (Blumhouse Productions/Dimension/TWC) into a silk purse. After a two-year shelf life, it was comatose (like Belle‘s twin brother) on arrival.
Then Came September   
“When you are a kid you think the world revolves around you, that you’ll always be protected, care for. Then, one day: a friend goes missing.” The opening words of It (New Line/Warner Bros./RatPac-Dune Entertainment), the cinema adaptation of the 1990 three-hour mini-series based on Stephen King’s terrifying best-seller, leads audiences on a thrill ride as satisfying as any on a mega coaster. The plot line involves kids of a small town, rumored to be cursed, disappearing in bloody spades. A gang of seven, led by Richie (Finn Wolfhard, Mikie on Stranger Things), united by their horrifying and strange encounters with the evil Pennywise the Clown (Bill Skarsgård), mount their bikes determined to kill “It.” Been there, seen it? But, even with parallels to Stand By Me, The Goonies, and TV’s Stranger Things, it rises to the occasion. Here, though much condensed, it’s all about bonding and the paranormal, but the paranormal’s never been quite like this: Atmosphere (that haunted house; and especially the horrific finale, which even tops David Lean’s in The Third Man), piercing score by Benjamin Wallfisch (Blade Runner 2049, Annabelle: Creation, Hidden Figures), jump-scare sound effects, and, best of all, the brotherly-love kiss to bring back the living dead. Argentine Andy Muschietti (2013 horror thriller Mama) is set to helm the 2019 sequel.
Oddly, with a cast of youngsters, the film’s R-rated for violence and, something you don’t hear often, F words cascading out of the mouths of babes. That hasn’t stopped it from blockbuster status – grossing $179 million in less than two months, ($189.5 million worldwide) on a budget of $35 million.  Reminder: whether pouring cats and dogs or not, on Jackson Street or any other, never look deep into those corner drains!
Happy Death Day (Blumhouse Productions/Universal Pictures) is a dark comedy mystery horror thriller borrowing lavishly from the classic Groundhog Day. On her birthday, teenager Tree (excellent Jessica Rothe) concludes that it will be her last one. That is, IF she can figure out who her killer is. To do that, she relives the day over and over – dying in a different way on each one. No way you’ll snooze, as you get sucked in even before the film begins [You’ll see]. Keep a keen eye on Tree. Christopher Landon (Disturbia, Paranormal Activity) knows how to keep you on the edge of your seat. Shooting in New Orleans’ Garden District, home to the streetcar and fabled mansions, adds tons of atmosphere.
In Boo 2: A Madea Halloween (Tyler Perry Company/Lionsgate) Madea, Bam, and Hattie venture to a haunted campground where they end up running for their lives from a boogeyman, goblins, and monsters, goblins, and the boogeyman are unleashed. Perry has an audience for his sometimes amateurish movies that  segue between embarrassing and somewhat funny. He comes up with great ideas and one has to be envious of his multi-talents and following. In his films, he  plays a lot of characters – some, such as Madea, much better than others. Maybe the mistake is in doing it all: writing, directing, and co-producing.  Boo! 2. But the film shot out of the gate October 20 and astonished the industry selling performances out. Budgeted at $25 milion, it has already grossed $35.5 million. Boo! 2 became an instant hit. Budgeted at $25 million, it’s close to exceeding that in just over a week.
Jigsaw (Serendipity Productions/Lionsgate) is the eighth title in the Saw franchise, which became a popular slasher series with face-cringing, spine tingling twists to the serial killer saga and a look at the day’s social mores. Then it ended, until this past weekend when it’s been reborn in hopes of bringing in more moola. As bodies drop everywhere – each with gruesome demise that fit Jigsaw’s style, police find themselves chasing the ghost of a man presumed dead for over a decade (Tobin Bell), and become embroiled in a new cat and mouse game. Is Jiggy/John Kramer back? Is this a copy cat? Or  are they falling into a trap set by another monster? The story is told in such a fast pace that there’s little time for character development. However, it gets props for the show-stopping, head-rolling finale. The film got a knife in its back from critics and moviegoers. One reviewer’s assessment: “Watching Jigsaw is a dumb, ugly waste of energy.”
There Was Another Horror at the Weekend Box Office
Suburbicon (Paramount/Dark Castle/Black Bear Pictures) – It had the cache of George Clooney as director when it premiered at the Venice Film Festival, but was received with a few boos. Conceived by Joel and Ethan Coen (remember their 2016 misfire Hail, Caesar!, about a tough Hollywood studio “fixer”), Clooney (a Hail, Caesar! co-star), and Grant Heslov (co-writer, Matt Damon’s Best Picture Argo), is a racially-charged farce that “draws parallels between the U.S.’ ugly past and the situation today.” Damon, Julianne Moore, and Oscar Isaac, Summer of 1959, are in an Eden to raise a family: an idyllic community with affordable homes and manicured lawns. However, tranquility changes to disturbing reality in the town’s s dark underbelly of betrayal, deceit, and violence [including flaming Confederate flags]. Come critics went “Huh?” and “Huh!” The often kind Rotten Tomatoes wrote: “It’s A Raisin in the Sun Meets The Donna Reed Show. Only occasionally does an image strike a lyrical blow and yield the creepy effect Clooney is aiming for.” Worse, audiences weren’t camping overnight to be the first at box offices. Maybe it will develop a cult following.
At Home 24/7 Horror and Halloween Fright Fest  
Is this not the best time of year to revisit famous Halloween spook with everything from zombies and slashers to séances and lots of screams? There’s so much horror to enjoy spread on the couch with a beer or soda and chips and dip. Can anything top the original Frankenstein, Dracula, The Mummy, Hitch’s Psycho, Kubrick’s The Shining [Where’s Jack? Bring him back!]? Maybe a bit of Poltergeist; or some Stephen King? How about Halloween, The Fog, Christine or anything by John Carpenter, because he knows how to scare your pants off? There’s Wes Craven’s bad ole Freddy in  Nightmare on Elm Street; or the original Saw; contemporary grand guignol of Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?; and any season of American Horror Story – because Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuck know how to creep you out. Then, there’s family-friendly “horror” in Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein/Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde/The Invisible Man.
3-D is having a much-longer shelf life than expected. For a great at-home theatrical experience, check out the Blu-ray 3-D edition of the edge-of-your-cushioned-seat 1953 blockbuster House of Wax [Warner Home Entertainment, SRP $40]. Vincent Price, so fantastic playing madmen, is perfect casting for demented Professor Henry Jarrod. The Technicolor, pre-digital 3-D two-projector image realignment, and sound track have been meticulously remastered with a 4K scan. Don’t spill your popcorn as you experience one of the most incredible horror flick finales. Beware: You can’t escape the flames!
If your dream is a near lifetime of at-home horror, get 50 Horror  Classics (Mill Creek Entertainment; 3,743 minutes/12 discs; $15.65 on Amazon). The massive set contains some classics – keep in mind the majority are from the 30s and 40s and most, if not all, fall into Public Domain, so they haven’t been remastered: The Ape (Boris Karloff), Bluebeard (John Carradine), Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (John Barrymore, Silent), Allan Dwan’s comic romp The Gorilla (Ritz Brothers, Bela Lugosi), William Castle’s The House on Haunted Hill (Vincent Price),
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Lon Chaney, Silent), Roger Corman’s  Little Shop of Horrors (Jack Nicholson),  Fritz Lang’s Metropolis, Murnau’s Nosferatu (Max Schreck, Silent), The Phantom of the Opera (Lon Chaney, Silent), and, among numerous others, White Zombie (Lugosi).
Universal Studios’ horror period produced first-rate thrillers. Six have been remastered for Blu-ray for Classic Monsters: The Essential Collection (Universal Home Entertainment; eight discs/710 minutes; $45 on Amazon): James Whale’s  Bride of Frankenstein (Elsa Lancaster, Karloff, Colin Clive) – many feel this sequel surpasses its predecessor, Tod Browning’s Dracula (Lugosi) – note how the mood is set with a lack of score, Whale’s Frankenstein (Karloff, Clive, Mae Clark), The Invisible Man (Claude Rains) – with humor to offset the horror, The Mummy (Karloff), and The Wolfman (Lon Chaney Jr.). There’s bonus material galore, including an alternate Dracula score by Philip Glass, performed by the Kronos Quartet.
Ellis Nassour is an Ole Miss alum and noted arts journalist and author who recently donated an ever-growing exhibition of performing arts history to the University of Mississippi. He is the author of the best-selling Patsy Cline biography, Honky Tonk Angel, as well as the hit musical revue, Always, Patsy Cline. He can be reached at [email protected]
The post Halloween Cinema Treats That Keep on Giving appeared first on HottyToddy.com.
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