#someone give karan a hug
priapussdick · 8 months
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kristsingto · 8 months
While watching the latest episode of Cherry Magic, it dawned on me that the show does a wonderful job of using different love languages to make the audience feel the amount of love within the office, both romantic and platonic. The series highlights this part of itself through the way characters reflect on and outright bring up different ways of expressing love — but what I loved most is just how ever present it is. Cherry Magic, to me, is about all of the ways people express their love for each other.
A main one is obviously acts of service. Karan is the only one in the office who picks up on the amount of acts of service Achi is performing for the entire office. He keeps things running smoothly, unspoken and unnoticed, and he is always performing acts of service for people. Achi stays longer for people. He helps. He wants to do these things for people, out of kindness, and that is part of what Karan loves and cherishes about Achi.
Likewise, Karan expresses his love for Achi through acts of service, and it is the acts he performs which make Achi sorely feel his absence when he’s gone. The inclusion of the post-it note of times of the day Karan does things simply for Achi, like bringing down the blinds, further exemplifies this. Love is expressed through the small, consistent actions of care that our leads afford each other.
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And it isn’t just our leads. What the greater series loves to highlight is the greater community within the main cast, and how they want to help each other. In this episode, for example, we see Pai talk about why she wants to help Achi in whatever way she can. Everyone in the office wants to help each other! To put in the effort to care.
Then there’s gift-giving, which is also used a ton. In this last episode, we see Jinta absolutely delighted over a small gift Min gives him. A book. This is framed as part of the dating how-to steps, and played comedically, but it also reveals how the series itself uses gifts very often.
Karan brings Achi small, considerate gifts with a lot of earnest feelings behind it. He brings him drinks, snacks, and whatever else he can think of, because he loves him. And gifts, little tokens of affection, mean a lot. The show makes great use of objects, like pens in a pen holder or a small origami keepsake of a boat ride to physically show the courtship between the main characters.
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Words of affirmation is also highlighted by the story itself. It’s Achi’s words, understanding the effort Karan puts in, that makes him fall in love with him. And it’s through Karan’s words about Achi that he can feel good about himself. Being recognized by someone else, seen in all of your strengths, is important, not only for showing love, but for being affirmed as a person. The main cast all come to adore each other. We can see the way Rock admires Pai’s spirit, or the way all of the co-workers never fail to bring each other up. And we can see the important of words of affirmation in moments like Karan talking about just how great Achi is, even when he won’t see it himself.
Time is needed for connection. It’s always needed between people, and I see it as the currency that people deal in most of all. Everything needs time, and as such, we can see quality time through the ways the characters seek out each other’s time. This is probably the least noticeable, in a sense. But the series does make each opportunity to be together, every moment of joy through being with someone else, whether it’s one person or a group, feel special.
And of course, to top it off, touching people is highlighted perfectly because of the nature of the mind-reading powers. A slight brush of the shoulder. A hug. Touching hands when picking something up. Every small moment of romantic tension through physical touch, or every touch revealing greater community, is all significant to the story. By nature of the premise, touch is dramatized, made huge in each moment for the characters. A slight lean.
A hug. When Karan and Achi finally connect on their feelings, and Achi responds in realization of his own feelings, they hug, and it is all about the way they touch. The closeness. And that is a pure expression of love. The love they have for each other, and how sometimes, there is no need for thoughts. There’s just joy.
Cherry Magic is really skilled at utilizing different forms of love and care for people. Of course, most love stories have characters who use all of these, but I felt like highlighting this series because of how every small action contributes to it in a way that feels very special. Being giddy over being handed over a pen holder. The slight bump of shoulders. Heating up the water. Breathing in the presence of the people in your life. A kind word.
That’s a part of the joy I breathe in when I watch the show. It’s the joy of loving and being loved.
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narniancumberwitch · 1 year
Watching Heartstopper, RWRB, Good Omens, and Made in Heaven in such rapid succession has left me feeling so hollow. I see Nick and Charlie (and Tao and Elle, and Darcy and Tara, Isaac and his friend group) Alex and Henry, Karan and Nawab, the ineffable husbands, and I feel like someone gave me the warmest of hugs and evaporated into a wisp.
The way these characters are written to own who they are - to truly feel like they inhabit their skins and belong. The courage they find in themselves and the support in others to be who they are. To love unabashedly and vocally. To be vulnerable and find safe spaces among themselves. The fact that these stories are not told in hidden corners of the internet anymore. That they aren't only told but celebrated. And most of them are written by queer voices.
Everyday we're faced with some new horrors being imposed on the world. News channels here are full of ugly, hateful, and discriminatory bigots - who seem to be consistently winning. When your identity is an amalgamation of minorities, it is the escape of these stories that give you shelter. That heal that queer little child who wanted to be honest. Who had to grow up so soon that they never had a teenage or any of those experiences. Who misses a part of themselves that never was.
I'm so grateful to be a witness to this dream.
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wiredlyrelatable · 6 months
KIARA was resting on her couch watching TV on a Saturday night at 12 AM, her boyfriend KARAN came inside her house as the door was not locked, he walks inside drunk with a few of his friends, hugs her from behind suddenly saying,
She gets scared, turns the lights on, makes him sit and calling all his friends inside, shuts the door and says,
They all sit after which she says,
All the 3 boys walk into that room saying,
As they leave, KARAN pulls her close to him, making her sit on his lap kisses her saying,
She removes his shoes, socks, jacket, leaving all of them on the couch, takes him to her room, makes him sleep turns on the fan, shuts all the lights of the house, the TV too and sleeps beside him making him sleep too.
The next morning KARAN wakes up, hugs KIARA from behind in the kitchen while she was making her coffee saying,
He stops her from working, turns the gas off, makes her look at him by holding her cheeks, looks into her eyes and says,
He getting a bit sad says,
She with a little anger says,
She gives him a pissed off look saying,
He hugs her saying,
She without saying anything keeps looking at him, he continuously keeps looking at her with a sad face when she hugging him tight says,
He making her look at him, smiles with one happy tear rolling down his cheeks says,
She wips his tear, kissing him on his cheek says,
Both of them have coffee together sitting beside eachother, talk, laugh and enjoy their morning.
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mememan93 · 3 years
Hey! I’m in a hug sksw mood lately, any spare headcanons or anything? Sorry to bug you lol
don't apologize!!!!!!! I love getting asks!! (i'm gonna mix headcannons and theories here)
- So after the events of Sksw, Link and zelda really like music and instruments, link tries to build new ones, zelda learns as many as possible
-one of the things link builds becomes the spirit flute from spirit tracks, and another the ocarina of time (since its hinted at in hyrule historia that it might be made of timeshift stones)
- If link tried, he'd be a good blacksmith, since he's got a good attention to detail with his woodcarvings
-i've mentioned this in another post, but that was a long time ago, so the scattershot? Gondo upgrades the catapult part, but link carves the new base to look like his loftwing
-speaking of the loftwing, link has separation anxiety
- when told to go to therapy, Ghirahim just gets a therapy dog, the people who want him to see someone arent happy abt it, but they can't hate the dog
-(theory) the old one in the beginning of the game says that zelda got to the surface wrong, meaning Hylia's original plan was for Link, Zelda, and Fi to explore together as friends
-(theory) SPEAKING of hylia's plan, i see a lot of stuff on youtube from zelda theorists about the time paradox in sksw, heres my take: Hylias plan is what happened in the past, nothing else until you alter it. like the fruit of life, it would be pretty dumb for hylia to plan for the dragon to almost die, right? hence why its not there at the beginning of the game
- (headcannon) the gerudo exist in sksw and ride those big snail-crab dudes in lanayru (the electric ones that roll at u)
-so when the statue of the goddess falls to the ground, there is still the secret area of remlits that fall with it, introducing remits to the surface. the bird population drops dramatically (THEY ARE F L Y I N G CATS)
-(Idea if they ever made zeldas story playable) how about mental dungeons??? like to unlock her powers, she goes through both the ones in sws, but also some mental ones to recover memories of hylia, also alongside impa, Hylia is the guide character in that game. (i know this contradicts my hylia is dead headcannon but hey game design man)
-Along with a sword, I think Zelda would use crossbows and lances, they have to teach other weapons besides swords in the academy, right?
-Karane's favorite species on the surface is the kiwkis, pipit's is the Parellas, Groose likes the tiny birds, Cawlin likes the mogmas, Stritch. well. yeah, and fledge likes the robots
-(ghirahim lives au) Ghirahim hates Yuga. he just does. his favorite of the following zelda villains is vaati, with zant not too far behind
-nobody tells zelda or ghirahim about the lumpy pumpkin chandelier. Pumm gives link the stink eye and they are just bewildered
-in lorule skyward sword, skyloft is an underground city, big moles replace loftwings, the surface is still called the surface, now with a different meaning.
-I like the ghirahim is lorules master sword theory because its funny and cool, but it would be like 100x funnier if ghirahim was just teleporting between lorule and hyrule during sws cause sws ravio was calling on him
EDIT: how could I forget!
-Ghirahim just keeps showing up and people get tired of telling him to leave so he just hangs out
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jackoshadows · 3 years
Jones’ little smile at that Isobel/Noah picture... It would be interesting if he knew Noah and Karan makes a flashback cameo.
Liz is the white rabbit? lol
Maria’s vision. I can’t wait for @roswelldetails to give us the scene by scene breakdown!
 Maria and Isobel were a lot of fun this episode.
Wyatt/Rosa? Just going to ignore this plot. This whole Rosalinda stuff makes no sense anyways.
Michael’s discovery is going to be hugely useful. They can use the Turquoise to make the material used to build the ship or even their pods.
Michael and Kyle - more of these two please.
Is that the end of Kyle’s mystery box though? That felt rather anti-climatic. Michael does mention that the alien glass was transmitting somewhere so maybe someone somewhere got a message?
Slightly confused - ‘From what I can tell it amplifies the chemical properties of anything that conducts a current’ - but it looked like Michael was transforming a glass beer bottle earlier and glass is a poor conductor. 
Liz get back to Roswell.
That puppy is so adorable. Someone please make gifs! Pup makes Jones more likeable lol. Also Jones just casually walking into places and data mining.
Maria having identity issues aww. Heather and Lily’s friendship is bleeding on screen. Now hug.
Louise was a bad-ass. Why not let Jones heal Max? If he wanted to kill Max he would have already done it. 
Kyle noooooooooooooooo. Hopefully Max and his healing hands got there in time. Wait, why are lights blowing up where Liz is...
Enjoyed this episode. The only negative being Wyatt. Rosa deserves better. Apart from that, I felt like this episode moved the plot forward while introducing possible new mysteries with some fun one on one character dynamics.
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theorangestar · 3 years
Okay, Skyward Sword first impressions!
My first session was long, and there are spoilers for those who never played it before, so my thoughts are below.
- I like the ink blot opening sequence, but I’m a sucker for backstory and lore being told through illustrations and a different style than the main story.
- But why did the Goddess send all the humans to live up in the sky, but not any of the other surface peoples? Are humans just so weak that getting them out of the way is best for everyone? What about the others? I saw a Goron in that ink blot, are you telling me Gorons aren’t worthy of being saved and have to fight? Fuck you, Gorons are great.
- Also, it said humans were sent to Skyloft. Are... are we the humans? What’s the difference between Hylians and humans?
- Okay, the internet told me about Ghirahim and Demise, but who was going to tell me about the spiky doom monster?!
- The colors are very pretty. Skyloft looks great. The water reminds me of the Spyro games.
- Wow, Zelda’s bird is rude.
- Link’s got wood carving tools on his desk and I love me an artistic boi. He made all those figures in his room!
- Pipit is a little intense with severe eyebrows, but I like him. Karane is less intense, and I like her pigtails. I think she crocheted all the bird plushies in her room. I also think she has a crush on Pipit. Little evidence at this point, but that’s my theory.
- Also, if that’s the school uniform, does that mean boys get the long caps and girls get a beret? Karane doesn’t have a long cap like Pipit does. Why the different caps for different genders?
- Also Pipit doesn’t have his own room at the academy. Why doesn’t he have a room?!
- We were a year too late to have a yellow-clad hero. Bananas.
- Who made Fledge try to move these barrels by himself? Rude! At least give him a cart or something. I will help him. This poor guy!! I want to give him a hug, he seems so down on himself.
- Owlan and Horwell make me think of LOTR elves.
- But seriously, I can see how these climbing features led to Breath of the Wild. Sky can parkour, but Wild just clings onto any surface like a spider and just goes.
- Remlits are Pokemon. And I love that Link just picks it up and just keeps smiling at it. Remlits are so cute!
- Zelda is so excited to see Link, this is such a turn from BOTW. She’s so sweet!
- Gaepora is literally an owl man. He is an owl. I don’t think his eyes can go any wider.
- Also, how come the Zeldas never look like their fathers? Zelda doesn’t look anything like an owl! And don’t get me started on Rhoam.
- Honestly, if I was Zelda, I’d be a little pissed if my dad kept saying how amazing my best friend friend is and pointing out how jealous I am but saying it’s natural because my friend’s bond with his bird is JUST. SO. AMAZING.
- Wow, Link’s voice is deeper than I expected.
- Okay, someone stole my birb and I have to find it.
- Does no one name their Loftwings? Everyone just refers to them as “my bird”, “your bird.” If they’re supposed to be our soulmates or something, shouldn’t they have names? The remlit gets a name but not the Loftwing?
- ... Fledge, what do you know?
- These character designs are really weird. Obviously, Link and Zelda are made to be the most attractive characters, but the rest is a weird range of, slightly exaggerated but pretty normal to WTF.
- I don’t like Groose’s mouth. It makes weird shapes.
- Okay, he says I’m bragging about my friendship with Zelda, but so far it seems just her dad brags about it. I haven’t said anything. Sorry dude that I have her dad’s approval. Can’t beat that.
- Stop making that face at Zelda, it’s creepy!!
- FLEDGE!!! My goddess...  I may forgive you in time, but right now I’m mad. A heads up would have been nice! And after I helped with that barrel!
- I has sword.
- Okay, I do have a bit of trouble with the motion controls for the sword. Maybe I’ll get better with practice, but the precision I need for some of these cuts may be a problem down the line.
- Okay, does Link have premonition powers or something? First the dream with the monster, then he gets a vision at the blocked cave of his bird, even though he can’t hear or see it from this vantage point, and then later the dream with Fi. Is Link an oracle?
- ... It took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize that I needed to cut the gate with the sword. I’m dumb.
- MY BIRB!! :D I’m calling him Red. Or maybe Big Red.
- FLYING IS HARD OMG. I just keep going in circles over and over and over. This is going to be really difficult, and I had to recalibrate my joy cons a couple times midair.
- Okay, so Link and Zelda are the only ones around for the ceremony. Why is no one around to watch? How do they know we did it? We could’ve just skipped it and no one would have known.
- Aiming is hard when you’re falling. :’(
- Oh, this is a date. She wants to go on a date. Well okay, but only if she stops pushing me off stuff.
- Well shit.
- Also I fell again, but this time Zelda didn’t push me.
- Gaepora is really taking this well. I mean, he’s clearly concerned, but for someone whose daughter just potentially fell to her death, he’s really understanding about it.
- Fi ghost just had to lead me around the longest way possible, didn’t she.
- Also how do you pronounce her name? I’ve heard people pronounce it “Fye,” like “my”, but I keep wanting to say “Fee,” like “Do Re Mi.”
- I take back what I said about remlits.
- Motion controls once again my downfall. I’m trying to point the sword up, but Link will not follow me until my arm is completely arched over my head instead of straight up. I imagine from Fi and Gaepora’s point of view Link is just waving the sword around like a complete idiot.
- Between the sword fighting, the charging of the Goddess Sword, and all the flying, my arms are already sore. I better be ripped by the time this game is over.
- Okay, there was no chance to save any time from when I went to rescue Big Red to when I put on the green uniform. And Fi’s journey blocked all the save statues. I needed another save point in there.
- Fledge gave me a pouch, how sweet! Oh, he’s still talking down about himself. Okay, fine, I forgive him. My two goals for this game are to save Zelda and to find Fledge some self esteem.
Okay, that was my first session with Skyward Sword. I’m liking the story, but some of the controls are frustrating. I’m hoping it’s just a learning curve and I’ll get better as I go on. I know the Wii version had complaints about the controls, but I’m hoping some of it was fixed for the Switch.
Also Link is so cute!! I have to say, Link being so expressive is such a nice change from BOTW where he only makes expressions in certain situations, like when he’s taking a selfie, but he never makes any kind of expression when he’s talking to someone. It’s hard to read his character that way. But SKSW Link I feel I understand him more, and he has such a pretty smile. No wonder Zelda fell for him. XD
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spiritmaiden23 · 3 years
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Good morning, good morning!! Today on Amber’s rambling, I’d like to change a few things around for Zel’s whole romantic deal while clarifying other things too. Because of Force Shipped reasons that I went through in the past, I make things slow burn now to make sure to chase off anyone who just wants to ship and also see chemistry AND development between both characters because with romance, I love seeing how both characters grow with each other. It’ll take some time because she’s got to really know the person, be closer than just friends and something more because the bond needs to be incredibly deep. She’s going to be a bit bashful at first, it takes up some courage to finally let her feelings to be known due to nerves from both opening up that intimately to someone and lack of experience because, like I said, it does take her some time to catch these feels. She has slight fear of rejection from the other party because, hey, they may not feel the same way and while a little hurt she’ll come to respect that. Plus! She can understand this all too well after seeing Karane doing this numerous times considering she’s miss.popular. Zel is more well-liked by her peers in a sense of how outgoing and radiant she is rather than having admirers who wish to go out like Karane. It mostly comes from the super common assumption that Link and her are a secret item when they are, in fact, not. Once that shyness goes away it’s a wrap. And knowing her, it’ll probably go away quickly. She’ll take action first depending on her partner all while acting... hrm, coy seems to be the right word here but making fun of them more or less if only to ease up their hesitant nature and make the atmosphere lighter rather than the inevitable awkardness. Example: if they’ve yet to confess she’ll confess first. If they hesitate holding hands you beat your ass she’ll hold their hands first because as established: she loves holding hands with s/o. If they are shy to have first kiss she’ll huff huff and then kiss first. If they are shy about hugs she’ll be like “lol” about it before giving in to give hugs. Things of that nature, you dig? Does that make sense? Hweoh... 
If s/o is more confident, however, she’ll try to keep up with them but very pleasantly surprised by their confidence depending on the actions they say or do. More than likely having some moments of //// doki doki blush depending how forward they are!
It might take her some convincing on her part to even come to terms with her feelings along with telling them. And that’s the impression I got when Sky asks Link for that date before a certain demon lord was like ‘Lol no’. Am I wrong? Maybe maybe but hey. I do what I can uvu to make her dynamic and fun character even with romance! Even if I’m not the best at that.  
Ah yes, bonus to add. If she has very little attraction yet the character shows some subtle signs of them liking her she’ll act a bit confused (as shown with Groose and his very, very obvious crush hweoh) by their actions. Even brushing it off at some points. Until later on which she catches these feels be like ‘ah from the beginning they liked me... oh...’ and feel a bit embarrassed she wasn’t able to pick up on this. 
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luucypevensie · 4 years
Cordelia x Harry for if they had a kid?
THANK YOU MADDIE! So, I’ve been thinking about this very hard, and I think that they would have both a biological child AND an adopted child
This is the adopted child
Name: Aoife (pronounced ee-fa) O’Malley-Potter
Gender: Female
General appearance: Aoife has long red hair that gets in the way a lot, so she likes to keep it in a braid or ponytail. Her face is covered in freckles (which she absolutely despises), and she has blue eyes. Aoife also gets teased for being a twig (which causes her to get into a lot of fights). Honestly, people thought that she was somehow related to the Weasleys (which she isn’t)
Personality: Aoife is a true Gryffindor: she is never afraid to back down from a fight, and she stands tall in the face of adversity. She’s also insanely loyal; to her newfound family and her new friends, extremely dedicated to anything she puts her mind to, and is so loud, you can hear her across the room
Special talents: Aoife is very talented in sports, both soccer (which Cord introduced her to) and Quidditch. She also is really good at reading people’s emotions; she knows exactly when someone needs a shoulder to cry on or a hug. Harry and Cord think that she could potentially be an empath (she is)
Who they like better: Aoife doesn’t remember her biological parents at all (they abandoned her with an abusive uncle when she was young). When Harry and Cord took her in, she took to both of them immediately. However, she relates to Harry more because they both suffered from abusive families, and Harry can help her whenever she has a bad flashback
Who they take after more: Aoife tries to be a lot like Cord as she gets older because she adores her sm and wants to be like her (more kind and caring, and not as loud). However, Cord told her to just be herself because that is who Cord loves. Not a mini-me, but Aoife’s loud and brash fire
Personal Headcanon: Aoife has a really strong bond with Ginny; Ginny sees so much of herself in Aoife, and gives her a lot of advice on anything from clothes to boys/girls and sports
Face claim: Amybeth McNulty
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This is their biological child
Name: William James Potter
Gender: Male
General appearance: Will inherited Harry’s messy hair, though it’s a titch shorter than his. He has Cord’s dark eyes and skin, as well as her nose. Through sheer happenstance, Will manages to tower over both his parents (much to their chagrin)
Personality: A Ravenclaw, Will is a lot quieter than both his parents and his adoptive sister (but then again who wouldn’t?). He prefers to listen and observe, as well as daydream a little bit. One of his favorite pastimes is reading with his aunt Hermione, and going to different worlds through books
Special talent: Will is actually a good painter; he loves painting the night sky, and seeing how many constellations he can onto his canvas. One of his favorite constellations to paint is Scorpio, the scorpion
Who they like better: Cord; he loves being able to go to her and talk about problems that he has with friendships (because he struggled like she did)
Who they take after more: Harry (Will inherited his explosive temper whenever he gets mad; he’s usually pretty calm, but if he’s REALLY mad, then look out!)
Personal Headcanon: Aunt Drea (Cord’s aunt from her dad’s side) likes to take Will to museums, and they get into hour long conversations about different artists and painting styles
Face Claim: Karan Brar
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kunalkarankapoor · 3 years
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To: Many more milestones..... 🎉 Kunal Karan Kapoor ji, we admire your hard work and sincerity toward your craft, the passion and intensity in which you perform, the way you step into any character's mind-set by looking beyond the script, the way you add nuances and always makes sure your character becomes multi-dimensional. We are extremely proud of you! All the struggles and everything that comes with being an artist, still you keep that spark and that fire alive.....hats off to you 👏👏We love you ❤️ Digital Art by: @gokul_prathap 😀👌 Thank you @_vaishalibhatia_ @gows_qn078 @duskyhues @priyark31 @sharvarihsathe @laxmirani1982 @muthugomathi_v @kunalkkapoor_forever @thakshan9219 ❣️
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The best surprises are the small unexpected one. When you just want to let someone know, that you here for them. Few fans got together and planned this small surprise for Kunal Karan Kapoor. Big Thanks to @payalrao333 🙏 You are a star ⭐
Choc cupcakes 6pcs Coffee almond tea cake 1 loaf Mixed herb foccacia bread 
Thank you @_vaishalibhatia_ @gows_qn078 @duskyhues @priyark31 @sharvarihsathe @laxmirani1982 @muthugomathi_v @kunalkkapoor_forever @thakshan9219 ❣️ for being part of this surprise 😀 .
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Congratulations🎉 @kunalkarankapoor jhi.. Happy one year of #theraikarcase thriller web series🔥.. Dear Jaan! You are the root of acting! You are touching the highest peak to this day with your acting skills. You are flying with your acting skills !. You are the giver of curiosity and expectation, and you are the giver of it. I am still traveling with your acting with that enthusiasm.. I am still searching for those precious words and greetings in my dictionary today to praise you. Your acting involvement transcends those greetings and words. Mohit is one of the characters of the actor I was amazed to see like that. This is also one of the best in the acting of your different figures. I look forward to seeing more of you like this.. I pray to God to move forward in his endeavors as you do today, to live a long life, to live happily and healthily, and to see many successes. My heartfelt congratulations to my dear #kunalkarankapoor #mohitnaikraikar in #theraikarcase 🔥the character I have always admired !. #kunalkarankapoorweloveyou ❤️ - Gows
9th April 2021. Let's rewind.. n go back to 9th April 2020. There was such happiness, curiosity, impatience in the mind of all your fans. There was a reason why fans were in a state of frenzy.. Well..... our prince was making a comeback in a new web series.. which was a different genre for u. Finally after an excuirating wait... 'The Raikar Case' debuted on voot. Many of yours binged watched the series.. I wanted to see more of ur scenes... but then realizes that ur working with stalwarts @Atul sir and Ashvini bhave..there was so much to learn from them. Finally the moment arrived.. 'mohit naik raikar'made an appreance.. it was like time stood still. After few seconds I realized it was U and it reinforced the fact that you are a fine artist. A man who has been neglected since childhood from both his dad and mom.. dad had made a decision that the baton will be carried forward by etasha (your sis).. you were manipulated by your mother.. my reading of ur character was... that all ppl around u... were milking u for their own selfish needs. You never got the love n affection from ur dad. You craved for it..and I think that was the reason why u turned to hansal mehra.. It was he who filled up the void in ur life. The break down scene....where all ur defences crumbled and hugged ur father.. brought tears in my mind. And ur performance sent shivers down my throat.. And when sakshi (mom) gives u spiked milk.. I got a feeling u know what will happen next ..the ending was a cliffhanger.. We really want a season 2 of #Theraikarcase Dear @kunalkarankapoor u never fail to amaze me by ur brilliant performance.. many of us dont shift their eyes... when ur there on screen.. ur so captivating.. itna sara talent (touchwood).. Happy first anniversary of 'TheRaikarCase'. - Dusky
It's always a pleasure to see @kunalkarankapoor onscreen. He is one of those brilliant actors in the industry who has the ability to connect the audience to the story and the character. You can almost read the character's mind through his eyes. You can feel the character through him. Mohit was a twisted character with a lot of complexities. You can understand from the very first scene that Mohit is carrying some baggage. There's something that is tearing him apart from inside. He is wearing a mask of calmness but his eyes are telling a different story. Infact, The mysteries, pain and gulit suppressed in him making him restless. Mohit's relationship with both his parents is complex. He is ignored by his father and controlled or rather used by his mother. Mohit knew his mother was wrong but still couldn't revolt because she was his weakness and Sakshi took of that. He doesn't want to loose the attention and love of another parent. In front of Etasha he was often seen loosing his patience. The pain and the torment suddenly becomes visible in his eyes in those moments. Very naturally, he also craves the love and attention that Etasha gets from their father and hence he has a feeling of jealousy towards his sister. Parents play a very important role in shaping the relationship of siblings and here Yashwant and Sakshi made their relationship worse. Even though Mohit had a family but still he was lonely. And to make that loneliness even worse guilt and innumerable secrets made his existence even more painful. And in the last episode he broke down in front of his father in the hope of some solace but he was left alone again. All Mohit wanted and needed was acceptance and love which he never got from his family.
Kunal sir portrayed all these complexities and turmoil's in Mohit's life just brilliantly. He didn't have many scenes or dialogues but his eyes were enough to make us empathize with Mohit. - Happy_escapism
Congratulations @kunalkarankapoor for #theraikarcase one-year anniversary You #kunalkarankapoor sir deserve the bestest... Congratulations my super hero @kunalkarankapoor and the whole team for #theraikarcase first year anniversary . It's been an year still I couldn't get out of Mohitnaikraikar ... This character was so much different from the other characters #kunalkarankapoor sir has portrayed ...I totally loved and enjoyed myself watching #kunalasmohit ... It was such a pleasure to watch Mohitnaikraikar .. sir has given so much justification to the character .he breathed life into Mohitnaikraikar ...as a neglected ...manipulated...child also in showing /emoting anger...guiltyness ..hatred...in a same scene without much dialogue ..he is just wowwwww.... Such a talented artist ...he is an artist to be cherished forever ...mark this .... He is so gifted ...taking up the whole show on his shoulders / stealing the complete attention on the whole show - Kunal is the mastero in it ....he himself is just enough to take the show to the next level ..congrats my hero ❤️❤️for being awesome as Mohitnaikraikar ... - Kunalkkapoor_forever
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A post shared by 𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒑𝒂𝒑𝒖 (@kunalkkapoor_forever)
First of all Heartiest Congratulations @kunalkarankapoor ❤️🎊🎉✨💕..it's 1st year Anniversary of your first Webseries debut #theraikarcase 🔥👏.... honestly "thank you" is a very small word to praise you 😍 🥰 and trust me I am still searching top most pretentious words to express my gratitude for you and your acting skills 💕👏..You are the origin of Acting...You are on that pinnacle of Art where sometimes you don't even needs words or dialogues....your Expressions and Emotions are highly enough to reach that vertex of your portray 🙏❤️... MohitNaikRaikar is such a portray who everytime leaves me awestruck enforcing me to see that character with new angle & my curiosity level rises tremendously high...I admire your layered & complex Mohit Personality by heart ❤️ .I definitely would love to watch more of you working in this gesture 🔥would love to feel you more deeply in every of your portray...In fact I love and will love permanently to travel through your milestone characters you have gifted us till now 💕🌠🌷rather it will be my best journey ever❤️.....I wish you all the success for your bright life achieving what you have dreamt of....you will always be in my prayers and I pray to God 🙏 for your healthy,wealthy,happy Life conquering a huge success like a KING 👑❤️... Once again Many Many Congratulations to Dear @kunalkarankapoor 💗😘 #mohitnaikraikar in the Thriller Webseries #theraikarcase 🔥🙌 with loads of Love ❣️🌈🌟-  sharvarihsathe
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Kunal Karan Kapoor’s instastory 09.04.21
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mysweetestcreature · 5 years
Tomorrow Never Knows (President!Harry) Chapter 10: Not a Bad Thing
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(Banner by the wonderful noblewomankat!)
Monday November 24, 2008
It’s been days since they’ve had a normal conversation...or any decent form of communication for the matter. This past week had consisted of multiple attempts (on her part) to talk to him, but each time he’d make up some excuse to cut all dialogue short. “My mum’s waiting for me outside, maybe next time?” or “I’m actually late for practice, but I’ll catch up with you later,” but of course he never did. Beyond her comprehension is how she had managed to mess everything up so badly in so little time. 
Eleven minutes. 
Harry had arrived eleven minutes after she had accepted Jasper’s invitation. There’s nothing she can say that can justify why she’d done it because even she isn’t so sure. Maybe she was scared. She’d been so hopeful about where this friendship with him would lead them once before, and it had costed her the first heartbreak of her life. The biggest part of her wanted so badly to wait for Harry to ask her, but a small yet seemingly influential nerve had let her insecurities take over. 
She wishes she hadn’t cared so much about what other people had thought, and instead used her own judgement. She hadn’t realized just how difficult it would be for their roles to be reversed, and she only has herself to blame for it.
“I wish you’d stop stressing,” Cici tells her as they do their warmup stretches. “I doubt he’ll be able to stay mad at you for much longer.”  
“You might be wrong for once,” she smiles sadly, facing down to stare numbly ahead as she reaches for her toes. 
Once she and Harry had parted (or more accurately, when Harry had left her standing ashamed in the hallway), Cici had found her sitting on the floor beside her locker, a somber expression painted all over her face.  
“I messed up,” is all she had mustered up in that moment of fragility, dejected eyes having fallen into her lap. And Cici –– who had already passed an equally, if not more, crestfallen boy on her way to find Y/n –– was readily equipped with her words of enthusiasm, even if she was quite disappointed in the turnout of the day. “You made one mistake –– it doesn’t make you a bad person.” Doesn’t it, though? 
Cici scoffs as she tightens her ponytail. “I am many things, but I am never wrong,” she says in a matter-of-fact tone –– almost arrogantly, if you ask Y/n –– before standing up and brushing the wrinkles from her skirt. “It’s not in my vocabulary.”
“But it’s in mine, apparently,” her lips curve down. 
“I didn’t mean it like–”
“I know.” She rises to her feet. “It was a stupid decision and I wish I could redo it, but I can’t now. He can barely stand to be in the same room as me for more than a class period. He hasn’t dropped by the Home Ec. Room in who knows how long, and I haven’t been able to make a decent pumpkin pie since. Me? Screw up a pie? That doesn’t happen! This weekend I typed out twenty-seven texts that I never sent. Twenty-seven, Cici! Who does something like that?! All saying the same thing, that I like him so much that it makes my heart go crazy, and how it hurts that he might think otherwise because I’m going to this stupid dance with someone who’s not Harry and it fucking sucks!”
It leaves her chest to heave heavily, and her lungs to feel completely depleted of any oxygen. With an outburst like that, she’s managed to surprise herself. And while conversations amongst the other cheerleaders continue, it feels like she’s once again in the spotlight as the heat creeps up her neck and settles on her forehead and the apples of her cheeks. 
Cici stands in front of her, eyes rounded in astonishment and mouth hung open wide. Her eyes quickly dart down at her arm. 
“You’ve never cussed before, I literally just got chills!”
A smile slowly reemerges. “It felt good,” she admits, and she breathes out in relief as her shoulders feel lifted from at least a portion of the weight that had been set upon them. “I’ve been holding that one in.”
“No, that was totally clear.”
A restful silence falls upon them, and Y/n makes it an opportunity to reflect on the upcoming days. She needs to fix this and salvage whatever she can before they permanently fall apart. Hating to sound dramatic, but she has a strong feeling that if they can’t recover from this, then it could be over for good. 
And that’s just not in the cards.
“I’m going to tell him.”
Tuesday November 25, 2008
“Got any plans for Thanksgiving?” Maxxie asks him.
Harry lets out a heavy sigh, staring down at his jumbled pile of flashcards on his desk. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t been thinking about it constantly because it had been toying with his mind for the better part of the weekend. “You could say that, I guess.”
The answer, in all its vague glory brings about an amused grin from the boy across from him. Maxxie leans over the table and goes as far to lift his hips off the chair just invade his personal space. “What was that tone?” he gawks, wiping the cards off the surface of the table.
“Well...” he starts off timidly (a bit of annoyance mixed in because he’s going to have to clean up the mess later), and a small burp erupts from the back of his throat as a sign of his mild discomfort. “I was sort of...maybe...actually invited to...” but the tail of the sentence is nearly undecipherable to the human ear. 
Maxxie squints his blue eyes across from him. “What was that? I didn’t quite catch all of it.”
Blowing out the air from his lungs, Harry’s head falls back so all he has to focus on are the dull cracks in the ceiling. Part of him still doesn’t believe it, or rather hadn’t thought it an admissible option given the recent events. He pokes his inner cheek outwards before letting out a tired groan. “We’re spending it with Y/n’s family, okay? There, I said it.”
“You’re bluffing!” 
Harry whistles out a breath. “Not today, mate,” he chortles, rubbing the base of his palm against his left eye. “Jeremy literally asked my mum the day after...well, you know.”
“Are you going to be able to manage it?” there’s a weariness in Maxxie’s voice.
But honestly, Harry doesn’t know. Yes, he’s still broken up about the whole thing. Yet, the hardest part is being next to her and feeling as though he’s missed every chance that he’s had at being hers. Because he’s sure it’ll take him a long time before he’s over her, and that’s what hurts the most.
On Day 6, Pattern D finds itself at ten in the morning, the third class of the Tuesday before Thanksgiving break. To Y/n it’ll be the first class she has with Harry, meaning another chance to get things straightened out between them. Now that their positions are reversed, she feels even worse about having treated him so harshly the month before when there had been a hefty cloak of uncertainty to keep things understandably complicated. 
Just as Mr. Daughtry’s door comes into sight, her path is intercepted by a body suddenly appearing before her.   
“Hey, you!” Jasper greets her with a bright grin. There’s a moment of clumsiness when she predicts his fluid movements based on how his arm extends and fingers point in her direction as they rise to the height of her shoulder. In a slight panic, she twists arounds, pretending to fish for a pencil from the side pouch of her backpack. Luckily (for him) he’s able to stop himself from proceeding, and he shrugs the action off as he stretches that same arm over his head. With a skittish laugh he continues. “I feel like I haven’t seen much of you this week.”
“I’ve just been busy,” she mumbles, hugging her grey math notebook close to her chin. She can’t help but wonder if he isn’t late to some class, or club meeting, or some discussion about hair accessories (the latter causes her to snigger to herself). 
Jasper simply nods, pulling slightly on the knot of his tie. “So, I told my mom about the formal and she’s super stoked that we’re going together,” he blushes. “I mean, I’m really happy you said yes.”
Meanwhile, the metallic taste of blood starts to fill her mouth the longer she keeps her tongue trapped between her teeth. “Yeah...” she struggles to find her voice. The right thing to do would be to come clean, to be straightforward with him and give him the honest answer he had deserved from the beginning. 
Blowing the air from her nostrils, she parts her lips as they wrap around the words. “Jasper, I actually need to talk to you about that...”
“Karan! What’s up, man?” 
She forces an unbothered appearance in front of Jasper’s friend –– Karan –– as they start a whole conversation of their own. 
This is something she’s found to dislike very much, how Jasper always seems to forget that his friends aren’t her friends...well, at least none that she particularly like enough to call by such an intimate name. It bothers her because she doesn’t know if she can walk away or if this boy has any intention of including her or even continuing with what they’d started only minutes before. 
She taps her foot contempt, not even caring if either find her actions to be tactless. All Jasper does is shoot half a smile before carrying on talking about the latest scandal to hit the tenth grade. 
“I should really get to class,” she meddles in the momentary pause between speakers. “See you around.” 
Before Jasper can send her off with a proper goodbye, she turns around and keeps en route for the classroom. As soon as she’s about to cross under the arch, she collides with another body, notebook falling from her hands and falling open-faced on the floor. 
“’m sorry,” the other rushes out, his voice all too recognizable to her ears. Harry quickly picks up the notebook and holds it out for her to take, but all she notices is how his eyes remain low and unwilling to look at her. 
“Thank you,” she whispers. He gives her a nod in response before signaling for her to go enter ahead of him. But she stays in glued in place. “Do you think we can...”
“There might be a pop quiz, I heard,” he interrupts, his hand finding the small of her back to gently prod her into the room. Despite it being nothing more than a graze of his fingers over her sweater, she still feels jolts of electricity run up her spine and tickle the back of neck. 
With their arrival being just a minute or so before roll call, the only available seats are towards the very rear, two desks grouped together and pushed in the far-right corner of the room. His hand falls back to his side, the absence of his touch leaving her colder than she had just been. It makes her frown, and as they make their way to the back, the space between them only grows. 
For her, this has to be the most difficult consequence to deal with. 
“Alright, since everyone is settled in,” Mr. Daughtry starts, uncapping a blue dry erase marker. “Let’s go over last night’s homework.” And he ponders down at the reference notes on the podium, before the shrill squeaks of the marker against the whiteboard slowly begin to reveal an equation. 
Beside her, Harry opens up his notebook, each homework problem neatly organized (this includes all the work he’d done to solve them) over two pages. She looks straight ahead, slightly squinting so she can decipher the correct answers on the board. “How is it 43?” she asks under her breath, staring down at problem #5.
“It was a negative two, not positive...which would mean b becomes positive in the expression,” he answers. He orients his notes towards her. “Right there,” he points to it with tip of his pencil. He leans in a little closer, elbow coming to rest on the table as his head tilts in her direction. Her heart goes crazy as he goes on to explain the steps of the equation. It’s the first time in days he’s willingly talked to her, even if it is about schoolwork. But she forces herself to shake off the feeling for the time being, if only to prevent herself from messing this up. 
“How’d I even...” And she cross checks with his work, brows curling inward. “Oh, I’m such dummy. I didn’t even notice that!” she shakes her head and rubs her eraser over the page. 
He looks at her for the first time today with a prelude of the softest smile. “You’re not.” 
She offers him a toothy grin as she settles back down. Every now and again will she sneak an admiring gaze. 
“Harry!” she calls after him. In the short period of time she’d taken to pack her things, he had already fled the room by the time she looked up. It took squeezing her way through two bulky juniors from their class to quickly find his mop of brown curls in the crowded corridor. 
At the sound of his name, he begrudgingly comes to a stop. He sighs and scratches the back of his head, his internal monologue arguing that he should continue forward. The decision is to be outweighed by a greater influence. 
“Hi,” Y/n says in a bit of a wheeze. 
“Hi,” he returns, nodding. He watches as those around them disperse in their difference directions, until the hallway soon becomes barren during this first lunch period. “What’s going on?” he asks simply. 
She absentmindedly goes to mess with a loose strand of hair. “I was just...” she snivels (allergy season can be a real nuisance). “Wanted to say that I’m really looking forward to Thursday.” 
“Oh,” his mouth forms an o with his lips. He glances to the floor and wriggles his feet as though pebbles were buried in his shoes. “Yeah, I think my mum’s bringing trifle or some kind of dessert.” 
“That’s sweet of her,” she affirms. “Are you excited?” 
Harry looks up, noticing the hope embedded in her eyes. “It could be fun,” he says evenly. “Your dad seems pretty keen on watching the Packers game together. Mason, too, I guess.”
“Mason hasn’t stopped talking about it,” she admits shyly, but can’t help but giggle at the thought of her brother. “You know, he told his teacher that you were his best friend.”
It’s Harry’s turn to laugh. “Really?” Y/n nods enthusiastically. “He’s a cool kid. Tell him I’m honored.” 
“You can always tell him on Thursday.” 
Harry smiles. “I will.” 
Thursday November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving Day has never been more stressful for Y/n. Not only has she been baking since last night (did someone say four different flavors of pie and three fall-themed cookies, and a carrot cake bigger than her dad’s head?) but she must have changed her outfit at least nine times in the last half hour. The Styles’ are expected to arrive at around 5pm, which means she only has another forty-five minutes to come up with the perfect ensemble. Earlier in the afternoon, it had just occurred to her that she hasn’t met Anne nor Gemma, and she’d be dishonest if she said she wasn’t ultra-nervous about it.
Gosh, how her stomach feels so full of air.
She wishes she could be as carefree as Mason because all he’s been fretting over is which boardgame to play with Harry after dinner and which Disney movie he’s going to have running on the laptop whilst Jeremy slaves away to the television at approximately 8pm. 
“Do you think Harry likes Monopoly or Connect Four?” the little boy asks. She tears her attention from her cookie display to look down at her brother who’s holding two boxes up for her to examine.
“But, Mase,” she giggles, wiping her hands on her apron. “You don’t know how to play Monopoly.”
Mason looks at the box in his right hand and eyes it carefully. He gives her a signal of understanding before trotting off back into the living room to set up. Shaking her head, she continues setting up the cookies along the three-tier server. Hopefully, it’ll be enough to impress their guests. “It’ll be fine,” she tells herself.
The doorbell rings, and almost instantly does it cause alarm within Y/n. 
“Oh my god!” she panics, running around the kitchen to quadruple check that everything is exactly as it should be. “Dad! Dad! Did you–”
“How about the–”
“Okay but what about–”
“Y/n,” Jeremy says sternly from the foyer. She closes her eyes as she listens to the bottom rim of the door brush along the mat. “Welcome! Nice to see you again, Anne. Harry, ready for that Packers game? Oh, hello! I don’t think I’ve met you yet?”
Her eyes widen, he must be talking to Gemma! Harry had told her stories about how close they are since Anne’s job requires a lot of traveling. Oh gosh, she must hate her for having done what she did to her brother. She knows this because she would absolutely despise anyone who would ever dare to hurt Mason. “I think I’m going to be sick,” she breathes unevenly and braces herself over the counter. 
“Not to validate anything your father says,” Olivia sneaks up from behind, “but you really do need to relax.” She takes a good look at her daughter. “Weren’t you wearing the brown sweater?”
But before Y/n has the chance to answer, three new faces enter from the side, her heart skipping over multiple beats as she becomes tightlipped. 
“Hello!” Olivia greets them. “We’re so happy to have you join us! I’m Olivia, by the way.”
Harry’s sister nudges him from behind. “Oh, um...” he looks behind him. “This is my mum Anne, and my sister Gemma.” 
“So nice to meet you,” Anne smiles, and she extends a hand to Olivia, Gemma does the same. “You have such beautiful home. Are those chrysanths you have along the walkway? They’re absolutely stunning!” 
Olivia covers a hand over her heart. “I like you already,” she sobs playfully. “Finally, someone who gets it! Two kids and neither of them share a love for gardening.” 
“You can say that again,” Anne returns. The two share a laugh, and Olivia leads them into the dining room to continue on with their chat. 
It leaves Y/n with Harry and Gemma, and she isn’t even sure where Jeremy might have wandered off to now. Harry whispers something into Gemma’s ear, and she rolls her eyes before shoving her elbow into his side. Y/n can’t help but wonder what he’s saying. Is it about her? Has he found something wrong? Stop this! She reaches behind her and pinches herself. Relax.
Taking a bold step forward, she strikes up conversation. “Hi, I’m Y/n.”
“I’ve heard a lot about you,” Gemma replies, a warm aura radiating from her being.  
Y/n tilts her head.  “Good things, I hope.”
“Well,” the older girl starts, sending a smirk at her brother and sniggering when his eyes widen in realization. “This one never stops talking about you.”
Harry gasps, “Now wait just a minute.” But as soon as he’s about to come up with a rebuttal, he’s immediately attacked from behind with a hug. Short arms lock his legs together, and if it weren’t for his sister standing there for support, he would have most definitely fallen over. “There he is!” 
“Harry!” Mason giggles, reaching his arms above his head, a notorious signal for Harry to lift him up. “Did you miss me?”
“Duh!” Harry teases. “How can I not miss my bestest mate?” 
Dinner goes better than either she or Harry can expect. Their families seem to have taken well with one another, Anne and Olivia having already formed that instant bond over maternal care and green thumbs. Jeremy is shocked to hear that Gemma is interested in programming herself, and he’s even more impressed to learn that she’s in the process of building her own website. As for Mason, well...it’s a little hard not to fall in love this boy when all he pours out into the world is happiness, and maybe a little bit of cupcake frosting. 
A seating arrangement had predetermined their positions at the table (thanks to Olivia and her brilliant mind). As it had happened, Y/n and Harry are seated beside each other, their chairs closer than usual with the extra chair on his other side. Although, it became apparent throughout dinner of the gap –– while not visible to the human eye –– that remains between them. 
Y/n doesn’t understand why that is, especially since they’d seemed to be on better terms on Tuesday. While they hadn’t eaten lunch together, he did sit next to her during Spanish class so they could work on the conjugation exercise together. Sure, it hadn’t been the most romantic thing they could have done, but it was a start, right? But now she feels bothered that the extent of their communication today has been polite smiles and requests to pass whatever dish the other is closest to. 
Deciding she’s had enough of this, she turns to him. “I’m really glad you’re here,” she whispers to him. 
“It is the holidays, so...” he keeps his answer elusively.
She has to play it back in her mind to determine if there’s any underlying meaning behind it. Pushing around the remains of her pumpkin pie she speaks up again. “Are you still mad at me?” 
He takes his time before answering, mulling over the words carefully. Yet, there’s no intelligible way to organize them to make it sound any better. “It’s not that simple.”
And that manages to stir something within her. “It’s either yes or no.”
“Y/n,” he warns, not wanting to cause a scene in front of their families. “Now’s just not the time to talk about it.”
She scoffs, shaking her head and willing herself not to cry. “It’s never the time with you.” And she excuses herself from the table. 
Giving himself one last glance in the mirror, he wraps his hand around the copper knob. He takes a long breath as he prepares himself to rejoin everyone and pretend that he doesn’t wish he could be anywhere else today. For majority of the day, he had thought he’d moved on from the rejection. However, the more time he spends with her, the more those feelings regress him back to those open wounds. Despite how much he likes watching football with Jeremy and playing Connect Four with Mason, he can’t help but get distracted whenever she comes over and asks thoughtful questions about the game. And that distraction causes him to remember how difficult it’s been to keep up this charade. 
When he opens the door, he’s immediately met with her figure looking up at him with doe-like eyes. His jaw clenches as he tries to ignore how the pout on her plump lips makes a part of him go a little crazy. What’s worse is that he shouldn’t feel this way, not right now at least. Not when he’s trying to stay mad for a little while longer. 
“Please,” she starts off faintly, looking all too small as she stands before him. His expression softens only the smallest amount that she isn’t sure if maybe it was just a twitch. “Can we just talk?” She can see it in his eyes, the answer that’s about to roll off his tongue so blatantly obvious. And before he has a chance to decline, she latches onto his hand and starts to walk him towards the stairs. They’re careful not to draw attention to themselves as they practically tiptoe through the dining area where Anne and Olivia continue to share embarrassing stories from when both Harry and Y/n were much younger. 
The grip she has on him while she leads him up the steps surprises him. Her soft hand squeezes his so tightly that his palms start to sweat from the sheer pressure (and maybe from a bubbling sense of nervousness that’s brewing inside). “Is this really necessary...” he hears himself muttering out loud, even though he’s expecting no answer in return. Although, he may have just felt just the smallest bit of added compression around his fingers as they round the corner. 
Once they’re in her room, she’s sure to close the door this time around. If she’s learned anything from the numerous times they’ve been interrupted, it’s that one can never be too sure around her family –– or anyone really. She debates whether to take it all the way with caution, standing frozen as she stares down at the lock with hesitancy.
“Are you planning on keeping me hostage or something?” he chuckles lightly, plopping down on her bed, having already accepted his defeat. He combs his fingers through his hair a couple times before allowing himself the chance to relax.
She exhales fully and closes her eyes. “If that’s what it takes.” With the lock pinched securely between her fingers, the faintest sound erupts within the space. Click. “Then, yes.” Rotating on her heel, she presses her back up against the door, hand still loosely grasping the handle as she tilts her head back. She keeps her eyes low at first, but as seconds on the clock begin to outnumber them, she has no choice but to have them ascend. 
He raises an eyebrow. “Well?”
“I’m so sorry, Harry,” she says shakily, whatever confidence she had absorbed seems to have fizzled out. But she can’t back down now, not when the opportunity is right in front of her. “I knew you were going to ask me, and I swear I was going to wait but then Jasper completely caught me off guard and then everyone was watching and I just...I just didn’t...I just didn’t think. It was stupid and I know that’s not an excuse, but I just want things to go back to normal.” She crosses her arms over her chest, a twinge of embarrassment filling her as her own words repeat through her ears. 
He shifts uncomfortably. All the feelings he’d been trying to avoid are being unlocked, and there’s nothing he can do to stop it. It’s not even that he’s mad (he’s found it impossible to harvest any ill-feelings for the girl in front him), it’s more that he’s dreading whatever might come out of her mouth because he isn’t sure he can handle another rejection. “We don’t have to talk about it, really. We’re fine,” he says as neutrally as he can. 
“No, Harry. We’re not. And you know it.” 
He knows she’s right, no matter how much he wants to deny it for the sake of saving his own heart. But now that she’s locked him in, he has no choice but to confront the issue. “Look, whatever might have been between us, I’ll get over it, okay? I’ll be fine. I don’t want you to feel–”
“No!” she almost screams, and she marches right to where his knees bend off the side of the mattress with her lips pursed in a newfound determination. “That’s the complete opposite of what I want to happen.” 
His green eyes are fixed on her. “What do you mean?” he whispers. But she shakes her head, as though regretting the words to come out of her mouth. Because now they implicate her of the thing she’s been dying to say, and there’s no coming back once it’s said.
Not even thinking, he places his hands on her waist to bring her closer. She still refuses to look at him, her arms further wrapping around her vulnerable self. There’s something in the way her bottom lip moves in the slightest matter that intrigues him. And now he just needs to know. “Hey, look at me,” and he gently cups her cheek to encourage her. “What?”
She stays quiet as she tries to get her breathing back to a normal pace, but the feeling of his stare causes a sweat to form down her back. “I don’t want you to be over us.”
With that, she finally looks forward. 
It’s about time one of them be brave.
“I don’t want you to be over me,” she says in the most delicate manner. “I don’t want you to get over me because...” She uncrosses her arms, only to have them wrap around his neck as she settles between his open legs. “Because I don’t want to have to get over you.”
Their eyes meet, and she lets her forehead fall against his. The tips of their noses nudge against each other. A sigh of pure bliss fights its way out of him. He pulls her even closer, thumbs rubbing small circles into the plush of her hips. Her heart beats erratically, as does his as they bask in the echo of a declaration. Two pairs of lips pull up into benevolent smiles before finally coming together.    
Eight letters.
There are eight letters to be remained unsaid (until another time).
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Little Bird
Aka a little fic post-Skyward Sword that explains BoTW Zelda’s nickname. Enjoy!
“Don’t worry, Zel. Our Little Bird will be perfectly fine.” Link assured Zelda, unaware of her shocked expression as he tried to lead her out of the nursery. “Karane and Pipit love her, plus they have some practicing to do.”
Zelda shook her head, still unable to get the name out of her head. Little Bird. It was a nickname she hadn’t heard in a long time. Her mother had given her the same nickname when she was born.
After she died, her father used it for years, barely calling Zelda by her actual name. It had spread to the point that the entirety of Skyloft began to call her Little Bird. When she wandered through the Academy, it was near impossible for her to not be called that by Horwell or Owlan. Once she started class, they had the smallest amount of self control that let her just be Zelda again. Not little.
She wished Henya was like that, but the old cook was intent on the name. Henya swore that she had called Zelda’s mother by the same name until she had Zelda. This, of course, freaked her out. She didn’t want to have a child just for the cursed name to cease to exist.
Even Link’s parents had called her that, though they were respectful enough to do it when she was visiting Link or helping with his mother’s chores. She’s never admit it but the name sounded like nails on a chalkboard whenever anyone else spoke it. There was something about it that made her go crazy.
But Link’s parents had this way of saying it that made her feel more loved than anything. Perhaps the reason behind that was the fact that it made Zelda feel like a part of the family. She and Link were so close, it was only natural that his parents ended up raising her whenever her father was too busy. Which he always was, but that didn’t mean she loved him any less.
She just... liked the feeling of being accepted into Link’s family. They were so supportive of her, despite her bossy attitude and even when she and Link had their fights. It never mattered to them, since they knew she and Link would end up by each other’s side no matter what.
Zelda had always known they would be together forever, though she had a bit of trouble with transitioning from wanting to be with him to wanting to be with him. Link had the same issue, eventually leading the two of them to get into numerous fights all because they were to dumb not to notice the other was utterly in love with them. And Link’s parents... they had a front row seat to when it got really bad. She always wished they got to see the two of them now.
Last time she saw them, she and Link hadn’t talked in three days. Not the longest bout of silence the two had, but this time it was a bit different. Neither wanted to take that chance, the one where they would admit their feelings for another and just be together finally. They had been screaming about the other’s inability to notice anything else but themselves. She said some particularly nasty things, even accusing Link that he wasn’t truly her friend. Why? She couldn’t even remember now. She just knew he had yelled something about how selfish and conceited she was.
Link’s mother found her that same night, and Zelda couldn’t help but cry into her arms because she drove away the person she was in love with. His mother had hugged her real tight, murmuring that everything was going to be okay, that the two of them just needed to be honest with the other. At the time, Zelda didn’t know how that would help any of it. But she just continued to cry in his mother’s arms because she thought she lost her best friend.
They didn’t live long enough to see the two of them make up.
When his parent’s had died, from an accident in the sky during a horrendous storm, the name ended up disappearing. No one called for “Little Bird” when dinner was ready, so Zelda knew she could wake Link up or get him to stop carving a wooden figure. There were no hair ruffles after a particularly tough fight with Link that assured her everything would be okay.
She suspected her father spoke to Henya about the name, since the old cook never called her Little Bird again. It had become taboo. For the longest time, both Link and Zelda were ticking time bombs, just one nudge from blowing up or bursting into tears. That was what brought them back to normal, actually.
No one had understood what they were going through. To an extent, Zelda didn’t know exactly what Link was going through. But she understood more than anyone else on the island. She lost two people who she considered to be family. He had lost the last of his.
Until now. Until they grew up and created one of their own. And it had been years since she heard that name. He had the same way of saying it. Loving, gentle, but not condescending. Link never called her Little Bird, instead opting for ‘Zel’ or ‘Zeldy’.
But he just called Alouette, named after his mother, the very nickname that she detested for the longest time.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” She asked him, turning around as soon as he dragged her from the room. His blue eyes went wide, quickly placing a finger in front of his mouth before slowly closing the nursery door.
“Karane didn’t tell you?” He asked in a panicked whisper, whipping his head around like someone would overhear them. Maybe in Skyloft, someone would have. But on the surface, they weren’t confined to the rooms at the Academy. They had their own home.
“No, not that,” Zelda answered, lightly punching him on the shoulder as she laughed. He feigned heartbreak and she stuck her tongue out in retaliation before continuing. “I’ve known for two weeks now that she’s pregnant. The other thing.”
“Two weeks?” He repeated, incredulous at the idea that she didn’t tell him the second she found out. “Zelda, Pipit said Karane just told him.”
Zelda shrugged, momentarily distracted at the memory of Karane freaking out. Her best friend truly was something. “She didn’t know how to tell him.”
“You told me right away.” He reminded her, as if she ever had a choice but to tell him immediately.
“Yes, because I didn’t know if having the soul of a goddess was going to complicate something as mundane as pregnancy.” She rolled her eyes, interlocking their fingers as they continued down the hallway. Zelda didn’t want to accidentally wake Lou up, especially since their best friends would be there in a few minutes to watch over her.
“You still would have told me right away, right?” He inquired, though the concerned expression dulling his smile betrayed his playful tone.
“Yes, sleepyhead, as soon as you woke up sometime during the afternoon, I would have told you.” She joked, making him pout. Zelda looked over, never able to resist putting a smile back on his face. She knew Link did this on purpose, but if she got to kiss her soulmate, did it really matter?
She unraveled her fingers from his, cupping his face so she could bring his fat head back down to a normal height so she could properly kiss him. It never got old, the butterflies still dancing in her stomach as her lips met his. Sometimes he would pull back so she would have to chase him, giving her a taste of her own medicine. Sometimes she’d do the same to him, just for old time’s sake. And sometimes, like this, they were more than happy to not play any games and just be with each other. Zelda eagerly took advantage of this, snaking her arms around his neck and pulling him closer. His arms found themselves wrapped around her waist, leaving no room between their bodies. Until of course, Link laughed and reluctantly pulled away, giving her a light kiss when she frowned.
“What was the other thing?” He asked her, voice barely lauded than a whisper. He rested his forehead on hers, humming as she took a second to remember what he was talking about.
She bit her lip, her gaze flickering between his eyes and lips before she sighed. “Little Bird.”
It was two simple words, when strung together symbolized exactly what Skyloftians were meant to be. High in the clouds, free as can be, and utterly loyal to their other half. The name was suited to a life on Skyloft, even though Zelda had her own distaste for it.
Link’s lips parted as it clicked in his mind. Then, he tilted his head, the lopsided smile that she adored making an appearance. “I always liked when my mom called you that. I know you hated it when anyone else called you that but you never told my parents to stop.”
“I liked it when they called me that.” She replied with a sad smile, the memories once again washing over her. Unlike the one’s that belonged to Hylia, these ones were just for Zelda.
“They always knew you would end up being their daughter,” He told her, drawing away when she laughed. “No, really! I always overheard them talking about how much they can’t wait for us to get over ourselves so you could officially become a part of the family.”
Zelda smiled at the thought. “So... Are we bringing back ‘Little Bird’?”
Link shrugged, before his stare shifted to the door down the hall. “It just feels right. We may not be in the sky anymore, but we’ve always been a part of a pair. I don’t know if they’ll still be riding Loftwings in a few generations, but this can be our way of paying respect to our home. To our life. To you.”
Her heart surged with affection, all the love she felt for him swelling inside her. There was never going to be anyone else. Not when Link was so damn lovable.
“I think it’ll grow on me.”
“You think?”
“You hope.”
“Urbosa, do you know where my mother got the nickname ‘Little Bird’ from?” Zelda asked, peering up from the journals her mother had left behind. She saw the term numerous times in the last journal, but no explanation for why that was the name she had given Zelda.
Urbosa stopped wandering the princess’s room, a small smile spreading as she sat down next to her.
“Your mother told me it was a family thing,” The warrior started, relishing in the fact that Zelda abandoned her focus on finding the formula for an elixir just to listen to her. “Whenever the royal family had a child, that child would grow up with the nickname Little Bird. Apparently, the first ever Zelda in your family had been given that nickname. Her husband convinced her to use the same one for their child. It’s odd that such a simple thing has stayed in your family since the beginning of Hyrule. But that’s what makes it all the more special, in my opinion.”
Zelda couldn’t help the sad smile that crept onto her features, which seemed to be inevitable whenever she spoke about her mother. “So that’s why you call me your Little Bird.”
“That and you are my Little Bird.”
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Ch2 - Operation Grandpup Drop (A SitBoy Discord Crack Fic)
Created by awesome people on the SessKag SitBoy Discord, one post at a time in complete wild abandon. This is a SessKag crack fic.
Chapter 2:
mythicamagicToday at 3:20 AM Sesshoumaru, meanwhile, had taken off on his own, eyes narrow. He could still hear the words of his mother ringing in his ears as he flew above the trees. But it was no matter. He felt certain he'd smelt Naraku's foul stench close by.
Walter205Today at 9:04 AM Inukimi watched her son go after giving the strange garment the briefest of sniffs before dropping it to the ground in his haste to leave. She sighed softly before turning to glance at the others. Her Sky Palace would be a most suitable location for the breedings to occur, perhaps she should round everyone up from both camps and have them waiting there for both her son and her hopeful second when they arrive?
Even if no one else breeds on their own, they could prove a useful distraction fodder for her amusement while she waited, in addition to an added incentive for her son and the miko to come visit her, if for no other reason then to "retrieve" their companions, then she would be able to spring her growing little plan into action. Nodding to herself silently, she smiled softly as her hands started glowing pink as she called her debilitating poison to the surface of her claws…
Slayer07/30/2019 While Sesshomaru  stood shocked that this she/he incarnation  asked to play with his hair. Naraku took his moment of shock to escape in a massive cloud of miasma
Stormie Like Weather07/30/2019 Poof! Frustrated, Sesshomaru glared at the new incarnation, "Do you always do what Daddy says, or can you think for yourself?" Gritting his teeth, "Your weak blood will sully my sword if I run you through."
Walter20507/30/2019 Jaken could still hear the clashing of swords but they were fading into the distance. Earlier Kohaku and Rin had tried to flee from Inukimi, leaving Jaken free to make his escape in the other direction. Trying to follow the path his Lord took through the forest, he came upon a hot springs. Neither his Lord nor the enemy he sounded to be fighting were present, although the miko's yellow satchel and odd items were strewn about the area, along with some signs a fight or two had taken place here.
His curiosity once again got the better of him as he examined several items from the Miko's Satchel, before coming across another odd garment, this one containing straps and two cups, the latter of which had soft padding that felt very pleasant to the touch. Jaken had no idea what this was used for but them came up with the idea that it might some kind of padded armor, meant to be worn under the clothes.
After stripping and bathing in the springs, he tried putting it on, but it seemed oddly sized for a toad of his stature. Still, he managed to get it where one cup protected his head and the other gave him some comfort when he sat down. On the negative side though his clothes couldn't quite fit over the armor but to be honest the padded armor covered enough of him that he didn't need to worry about it for the time being, after all the two battling warriors could return at any moment so Jaken hurriedly collected the other things into the Satchel before carrying it off into the forest, away from the sounds of battle.
mythicamagic07/30/2019 It smelled... Fusty. Or maybe it could be described as wet dog smell, but less without the dog and more... "Ah you're awake!" Kouga grinned, looking down at her. Kagome winced. Wolf. "K-kouga.." she sat up, squeaking when the furs draped over her naked body slipped down. She quickly hugged them to her chest. "Where are we? Where's Naraku?"
Stormie Like Weather07/30/2019 "Ah, there's no need to hide. I've already see-!" Clap! Her palm left a bright red mark on his cheek. "You've seen nothing!" She held fistfuls of the fur against her chest, and repeated slowly, "You. Kouga. Have. Seen. Nothing." He scratched the back of his neck, "Uh, right." He blinked, still smiling. She wanted to slap the stupid grin off his face, instead she gritted her teeth, "Thanks for saving me back there." Not catching a hint, he patted her head, "Of course I would protect my woman!" His expression quickly shifted to anger, "Where was dog breath!?" Kagome shrugged, "Back at camp, I was at a hot springs." That wasn't the point though, she needed to know, "Were you able to get Naraku?" Kouga shook his head. "Now that you are awake, I need to track the bastard down." He tilted his chin at a young wolf youkai to his side, "This boy will take care of you until we return." She looked over at the child and winced, "Wai-t!" But he was already gone.
mythicamagic07/30/2019 Kagome sighed. Well, there was no way she'd be waiting around twiddling her thumbs. She awkwardly glanced at the boy. "Could you um.. Turn around for a second?" The boy complied, and by the time he was given permission to turn back, Kagome was standing in a dress she'd somehow fashioned out of the furs that had been acting as a blanket. The boy blinked. "How did-" "No time~" she smiled brightly, waving. "I'm gonna go now. Do you have a bow and arrow handy?" Or underwear she wanted to add.
Stormie Like Weather07/30/2019 Itchy and smelling something akin to what she imagined an opossum might smell like, Kagome left with a bow, some arrows, and a package of food she suspected might be rancid. Trying not to be rude, she'd taken the offered package despite the smell, but with no intention of eating it, she left it by the entrance on her way out.
mythicamagic07/30/2019 Sango had taught her how to track, but it didn't exactly take a genius to work out which way Kouga had gone after leaving the rocky terrain. Broken twigs paved the way, like a hurricane had swept through. Wincing as the forest floor met her bare feet, Kagome raised her head, feeling the tell tale pull of jewel shards further ahead.
Stormie Like Weather07/30/2019 Unconcerned, Kagome made her way through the path created by the brash wolf, when something strange caught the edge of her sight. The little object gleamed in the sunlight. A plastic covered ramen cup..."How did this get here?" Looking further ahead, she noticed more items from the future dropped along the path. "Oh no!" She'd left her bag at the hot spring. "Some one has my backpack!" Stomp running, she gathered up her things, carrying them against her chest until she couldn't carry any more. She eyed her first aid kit in a bush. Her brow ticked. "I'm going to kill someone..."
Slayer07/30/2019 Jaken felt a shiver run down his back and a dark sense of impending doom.
Walter20507/30/2019 That sense of impending doom proved accurate when a distantly familiar female figure emerged from the edge of the clearing that he had been taking a breathing break in. It took several moments for Jaken to remember where he had seen the lithe figure with red hair and eyes before. While he couldn't remember this particular female's name, he recognized what she was instantly.
"You...you're...," he stammered as he took a few steps back with the satchel at his side.
"Karan, of the Panther Demon Tribe. I remember you, you're Lord Sesshomaru's Lackey. I bring an proposal to him, an offer from our leader Toran," said the figure as she came closer to him.
"N...no, stay back!" yelled Jaken as he started taking items from the largely depleted satchel and throwing them at her. Karan dodged most of them with ease but one item caught her interest for an unknown reason to her. A vial with a dotted green substance inside, with a little note attached that read; 'For Buyo, do not take to past'.
The cat's curiosity getting the best of her, she opened the vial and took a quick sniff before her eyes glazed over. She stuck her tongue and gently licked the edge of the green stuff before her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she collapsed backwards, mewing and purring softly as she spasmed and thrashed about on the ground.
"Buyo must mean Panther Poison, I must keep this with me," exclaimed Jaken as he gathered the various spilled things, put them back in the satchel, then continued on his way.
Stormie Like Weather08/01/2019 "Merow...merow...merrrroooooow." Kagome swallowed hard, staring at a fully transformed panther demon as it batted at a squeaky toy she'd intended to use as a way to taunt Inuyasha. She blinked, and shook her head. The youkai suddenly hissed at the stuffed toy and it caught fire. "Merrrrrrow!" Her tail swished back and forth, and she rolled over onto her back, kicking in the air at an invisible opponent. Kagome sighed, "I'm so done today. If one more crazy thing happens..." That's when she heard the squawking up ahead. "Jaken." She seethed. His head was illuminated by the setting sun, and what he was wearing was unmistakable. The lace. The silk. The 600 yen price tag dangling from the strap. With a clatter, everything in her arms fell to the ground, and she charged the stupid toad with an arrow in her hand. "You perverted frog! Just you wait, when I get my hands on you, you're gonna pay!"
Walter20508/01/2019 The feeling of impending doom was upon him again. Turning his head as he heard a noise behind him, Jaken's eyes opened wide as he took in the visage of the spectre of death herself, an irate and familiar human female scantily clad in furs, eyes glowing as pink a color as the tip of the arrow that she held in her hand.
"Please no I'm sorry you can have it all back!" he squawked as he shrugged off the bra and dropped the satchel. All it did however was to make it where she could strike him at will without further damaging any of her belongings. With a cry of fury that channeled all of her frustrations of the day, she stabbed the arrow into his toaddy buttocks, causing him to cry out in anguish as the little purifying power there burned his slimy tooshy.
Flexing her arms that had built up years of strength from lugging around said packed yellow satchel, Kagome lifted the impaled Jaken up onto her bow and notched him into the sky as she pulled and released, sending the toad arcing into the night sky with a terrified yell on a pink contrail as she sent him blasting off again.
Collapsing to her knees afterwards as the adrenaline started to wear off, Kagome took stock of her belongings present. She picked up her brand new push up bra by one of the...uninfected straps and examined the slime and sweat infested materials within as she mentally wrote off the expense, knowing that even if she washed it five hundred times she would never be able to wear it without thinking of the toad wearing it.
Stormie Like Weather08/01/2019 After digging a small hole, Kagome said a few kind words about her bra before dropping it in, "I never got to use you, but you were one of the best bras I've ever bought online." She wiped away a tear with the back of her hand, "I wish I could have worn you at least once before the end." She pushed dirt over the tiny grave. For a moment she wondered if tempting the well's power would be worth it for the chance to have a bra again. Probably not. She could try to make one, but it'd be a sad comparison to what had been lost. There was a chance she'd run across one of the other two she'd brought with her, but the likelihood of finding them was slim, and who knew if Jaken had rubbed his slimy butt all over those as well. Backtracking to gather up the belongings she'd dropped at the sight of the filthy little creature, she noticed the panther demon had left the area. The faint sounds of battle laid ahead. With her backpack zipped closed, she pulled it up on her shoulder. Fists clenched, glaring at the path ahead, Kagome vowed to do more damage to Naraku than biting his tentacle the next time they met.
imjaneees08/01/2019 Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and she's a scorned woman who just got a few good bucks wasted. Underwears were ridiculously expensive and that was one fine pair she just got herself. Not mention if was probably desecrated by an overgrown toad with major personality problems.
A shiver went down her spine and Kagome didn't know if it was out of revulsion or her sometimes reliable sixth sense telling her that things weren't about her way again.
Stormie Like Weather08/01/2019 Darkness crept in, but she could still hear the clanging of swords and growls of youkai. Out of no where, Kagome fell back with an, "Oof!" Her back slammed into rocks while her chest felt like a brick sat on it. Coughing, she opened her eyes to the strangest visual. A woman, no a man, straddled her breasts. Glittery bearded, blood red eyes sparkling, hair tied up like Kaguras'.  "Hey girl!" Kagome blinked, "Um, hi." She winced, "Do you think you could get off my chest?" He shook his head, "Daddy says I can't, but let's be friends anyway! Okay?" The crazy look in his eyes gave her chills. She nodded slowly while praying to Kami she'd make it through this.
Slayer08/01/2019 In a flash of red and white the bearded lady was tossed off of Kagome.
Stormie Like Weather08/02/2019 Blinking through the dust, Kagome expected to see Inuyasha standing there with his sword at Sparkle Beard's throat, but, much to her surprise, it was Sesshomaru promising his death.
imjaneees08/02/2019 Still reeling from the very creepy image of Kagura with a beard, Kagome silently prayed that if was the real Sesshomaru this time. She's had enough tentacle experience for one day.
Walter20508/02/2019 Both of them had been momentarily distracted by the pink arrow arcing up into the night sky in the distance with a screaming form atop it, but Sesshomaru with his superior battle prowess was the first to recover and managed to land a fatal blow against Murakumo. The incarnation let out a hideous death scream before it changed into mocking laughter before his form disappeared and a golem token appeared, split in half.
Sesshomaru sighed audibly, recalling that after his eleventh power up while hidden in seclusion that Naraku had gained the ability to provide golems for this incarnations in addition to himself. In addition, after his 13th hidden power up, he had gained the ability to equip his bees with biological boomboxes that mocked them whenever they defeated a golem.
Right on time came by a saimyosho going "kukukukukukukukukukukukukukuku..." as it flew by before being swatted by Sesshomaru's green poison whip. Turning, he headed in the direction that the arrow had come from earlier, before coming across the sight of a beared version of Kagura sitting on the miko's chest. He stopped and stared at the two of them before knocking the bearded thing off.
"Right, enough is enough for one day," muttered Sesshomaru as he unleashed an attack on the untypical figure. The incarnation deflected the attack, but by the time the smoke had cleared, Sesshomaru had gathered Kagome into his arms and formed the ball of light around them both before taking off into the night sky. The bearded Kagura tried to pursue but was rapidly being left in the dust.
revang08/02/2019 “Boo, that’s no fun,” Murakumo pouted, coming to a stop when the pair were out of his range of detection. “And just look what they’ve done to my lovely sakura pink hakama! This is going to take scrubbing.” After a minute of dejectedly stroking his ever-sparkly beard, he sighed. “I suppose I have to go report back to daddy now. He’s, like, so not going to be happy.”
Walter20508/02/2019 Inukimi sighed as she wrapped a hand around the enchanted necklace resting on her shoulders, watching the impudent half demon before her actually try to challenge her authority over all of them. He had drawn his sword and even dared to raise it against her, in her own sky palace none the less!
"Now you'll die for kidnapping us! Take this, Blades of Boulders!" yelled Inuyasha as he used the Rock Tetsuiga to unleash boulders formed into the shapes of claw strikes at his half brother's mother.
Unsuprisingly, a barrier formed into existence to block his attack, leaving him dumbfounded that one of his most powerful recently learned attacks was totally ineffective against his nemesis. As was usually the case, he fell back on a old friend of his next as he leapt into the air for his next attack.
"It's over. Wind Scar!"
At this point Sango, Miroku, and Shippou placed their heads into their hands. They knew he had run out of options at that point, but why does he think that that'll work? All three of them sighed out loud while the old energy attack struck and sizzled out against the barrier.
"Are you done playing tantrum, Inu Child?" asked Inukimi as her eyes started glowing with warning of potential punishments to come.
revang08/02/2019 Inuyasha growled low in his throat, still brandishing his Tessaiga. He didn’t know what this crazy bitch was capable of, and he didn’t like it one bit. There was no way in hell he was going to just let her keep them here captive. He still had to go find Kagome!
Miroku sighed and shook his head at his brash hanyou friend. He appreciated the protectiveness, and knew it was his way of caring for them, but sometimes.... Well, this had gone on long enough.
He calmly walked up and placed his hand on Inuyasha’s shoulder. “Come now, Inuyasha, is this any way to treat our hostess? She has promised Kagome will be joining us here. We should listen to what the lovely lady has to say.”
This last comment earned him a glower from Sango, and he smiled back at her guiltily, scratching the back of his head.
Walter20508/02/2019 "Naraku, today is the day that I will end your reign of terror. This time you've gone too far, going after my intended like that!" yelled Kouga as he leaped to attack the demon that had been looking for his trail.
"Ah, the young demon leader of the Wolf Tribe returns. Did you come to peacefully hand over your five shards of the jewel?" asked Naraku mockingly as he prepared for battle.
"Shut up and die!" Kouga yelled as he leapt into the air and attacked with a leg kick. He surpisingly made impact with Naraku's body, wondering why he didn't impact the barrier first. The answer became clear when his leg started being absorbed into Naraku's body.
"No! I don't want this, you can't take me like this, I won't let it happen!" yelled Kouga while trying to free himself from Naraku's digusting mass.
"Heh, what would you know about not wanting something? If you had any clue you would know that Kagome doesn't want you in the least, yet you still pine for her affections at every turn as if she's going to suddenly warm up to you. But don't worry, I'll give you the companionship that she never will as you become one with me," Naraku cruelly taunted as the wolf continued to be further absorbed into his body.
revang08/02/2019 Suddenly in the sky came a bright pink projectile, squawking shrilly as it raced directly towards the fighting pair. At the last second, Naraku threw himself back, just barely avoiding the dangerous missile of purity, but losing his hold on the wolf. The arrow yelped repeatedly as it tumbled over and over itself, finally resting in a thatch of bushes several yards away.
Walter20508/02/2019 Kouga was not one to waste a good opportunity to run away. In a quick swirl of dust he was gone, taking the screaming pink object with him as it was caught up in his cyclone. Knowing that Naraku would be chasing after him though, he changed direction and instead of heading back to the Wolf Demon Hideout he instead started chasing Puppyboy's scent, although he seemed to almost be flying as the scent on the air seemed.
Stormie Like Weather08/02/2019 "See!" Kouga thought to himself while running, "Kagome just saved my life, there's no way she could have known of my being in danger if she didn't feel it in her heart."
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tujhbinnahilagda · 5 years
Kahaan Hum Kahaan Tum Episode 42
This present is about to create some jokes in the next episode for sure. But who even tries to give such an expensive gift to a person you’re not very close to? I’ve seen parents give phones to their children for birthdays and vice versa but never someone who’s known a man for like a month? Clearly Sonakshee is an all-or-nothing person.
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Also Sonakshee girlllll please. Stop flattering him so much, I feel second hand embarrassment for you, knowing where this is going.
“How are you?”
“Im good.”
“Haan woh tau, I mean you look good. Achay lag rahay ho, bohat achi hoodie hai.”
“Pata hai. Larkiyon ko main casuals mein bohat acha lagta hoon.”
Hahaha, when Sonakshee brought up the hoodie I thought Rohit was gonna say, ye bhi rakhne ka irada hai? 😂
Did the director tell Karan to up his cool for this sequence? There’s something very airy about Rohit during this whole dinner. I wouldn’t have expected Rohit to have been such an out loud person in his college days. I just thought he had been more on the reserved side from the start? So Raima tamed him in some ways? Interesting.
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“Iss liye chalte phirte kahin bhi haath uth jaata hai? Dekha tha maine uss din raat ko.”
“Woh bilkul deserving tha.”
For a second I thought they’re referring to Rohit manhandling Sonakshee on the night of the fashion show and I was about to get very angry. Thank God it’s a reference to Karan though. (Can Rohit apologise already tho??)
“Waise mein dinner pe Sonakshee ke saath aya hoon.”
“Haan tau?”
“Parvati ke saath nahi.”
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“Khullay baalon mein zyada achi lagti ho.”
Okay, this does feel like flirting?? Now Sonakshee is just gonna go around with hair open 24/7 because her crush likes her better this way.
Also the whole dinner with Sonakshee saying she’ll take a dinner as payment every time she visits the hospital? Yeppp my girl will do anything to see Rohit’s face 😂
Okay I love how comfortable Sonakshee and Rohit are around each other. I was not expecting Rohit to hug Sonakshee again. Poor Rohit is traumatised but what I don’t get is, isn’t this what he deals with on a day to day basis anyway? Why is he so worried over this particular patient in this manner? Also I didn’t really like the edit of this episode. It felt slightly abrupt in places, like this hug.
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But tomorrow we’re back to the shenanigans of the wax strips. I expect some good lols since the whole Sippy family is gonna be involved!
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wiredlyrelatable · 1 year
Both of them start searching for VIBHA and finally ABHINAV finds her sitting on the rock infront of a pond looking at the sun. He walks towards her, sits beside her, puts his hand on hers and asks,
She drops few tears when he turning towards her, holds her cheeks and bringing her close to him, hugs her and says,
She taking a deep breath, looks at him and says,
He holding her hands and says,
Both of them look at eachother, when he asks,
He continued saying,
She smiles saying,
Both of them sit there for a while, enjoy the peace in the air and later walk back home together.
0 notes
idhruven · 6 years
Baby Anni,
I know I still say baby, because that’s what you are to me today, one day before you tie the knot with the man of your dreams, that’s what you were the day Mamu and Mami brought you home from the third step of Vishweshwar Mahadev temple and that’s what you’ll always be. I just wanted to write this letter to you to tell you how proud I am that you’ve gone from wearing the fountain ponytails into this beautiful, young lady, taking on this big world and now you have the kindest gentleman by your side to help you do it.
Oh no! You’re getting married.
Oh, how many stories we could tell and how many secrets we’ve shared. It’s ENDLESS! The memories, the laughs, the tears, the highs, the lows.. we’ve lived them all. We’re about to experience yet another beautiful memory tomorrow as you say your vows in the Pheras and marry the man you were always supposed to find. I’ve got say a few things…
Tomorrow will not only change your life but also all of ours in the best way possible. Our little Anni will be a married woman! Remember the times we used to play ‘Ghar’ and you used to say, “I think I’ll be a pretty dulhan!” although we thought that this day would be somewhere with Sharukh Khan. But, girl, I’d say it’s even better than we imagined. Tomorrow is the big day we’ve dreamed about since we were little as I can remember and looking at the ‘Vaarghodas’ from our balconies! We always knew this day would be something special, but I have to say, you’ve made it even more that we could’ve imagined. I cannot wait to see you walk down the aisle in your beautiful sari taking your first steps down a path towards a new chapter. So, I sit here in this awful haircut that you are forcing me to wear, I realize that even though our relationship may not be exactly the same, I welcome new changes wholeheartedly.
I would need a thousand blog posts to tell you just how much you mean to me and just how PROUD I am of you. I will start by saying, I have been blessed in so many ways by having you as my sister. You have always been a person that I respect and admire! You’re everything “good”. What I mean by that is… you’re the kind of good that’s not just surface deep, but you’re good to the core; the purest of hearts. You always see the best in people and treat them with a kindness that is rare to find and anyone that is lucky enough to be in your life is BETTER because of it. I am so proud of for your strength and resilience. It hasn’t always been easy! You fought through difficult circumstances, and dealt with hardships, but you’ve overcome! All of those experiences have brought you here… to this special day. Through the ups and downs, God was faithful and we saw this first hand when he placed someone in your life that adores you. It is an answer to our prayers from our coutless trips to Palitana that you’ve found a man that cherishes you and sees you for who you are; how we all see you! Someone that makes you feel safe and accepts every part of you.
We’ve held hands through it all, the time you didn’t want to go to tuitions because you had a bad hair day, the time you wanted to sneak out for the night over in 11thgrade and even from all the times you were in bad mood when you had a fight with Shan! Even though I’m older, I always learned so much from you – like all those impromptu ‘Remix’ songs dances we used to do and show it to everyone in the house (more on this at the end)! Today and everyday I’m still here to hold your hand though it. I have watched you my entire life. It’s kind of also funny how nothing has changed throughout the years gone by.
I’ll start with this – you’re going to have a partner along with you during the big days of your life, the big parenting decisions, dealing with the parents and in-laws (Oh, and those Ekta Kapoor soaps we used to watch, no kidding, they’re kinda true), but you’ll also have someone to wake up with on Sunday mornings and do a closet cleaning session with. No matter how big or small just remember you’ll have fun during all those times. But, trust me when I say this – sometimes fun and magic will come easily to the both of you and sometimes you’re going to have to try hard. We’ve been best friends before I even knew what a best friend was, and have had some battles that only we can come back from. We’ve grown up side by side with one always catching the other when we fall, and catapulting one other during times of success. We’ve learned from each other’s mistakes and carried life lessons passed between us along the way. A friendship may know all of your best stories, but a sister is the one who lived them with you. And damn it that ever the truth.
I can’t wait to hear about milestones that’ll make up your early years of marriage – like you finally not burning dinner, or him bringing flowers to you at work. But I’ll also be eagerly waiting to hear about the later ones: the dinner you will have perfected over the years, or him bringing you flowers for your golden anniversary.
Remember this Anni, relationships aren’t easy and compromises are a must. There will be days that you’ll have to let Shan go for drinks with the guys even though you want to spend the evening with him and there will be days that he’ll have to take on baby duty because your friend wants to watch a re-run of Koffee with Karan and eat ice cream cause she had a fight with her boyfriend! But you’ll soon realize it is all worth it. Every night you’ll be able to come and snuggle up to your favourite man (well second favorite, after Prabu Ofcourse) and the compromises will just seem like a teeny-tiny price to pay. We are not perfect, and we never try to be. We would rather eat ‘Paanchur’ than get all dulled up and dine out at a fabcy restaurant. We laugh too hard, but never too often, and usually make a fool of ourselves (okay mostly me) in the process. We’ve defended one another without giving it a second thought.
We are brother and sister.
As we approach this big day I just thought some elder brother words of wisdom should be passed down. I am after all 13 months, and a nephew older as well as not adopted, but not so sure about the wiser part (you know I’m just winging it as it comes, right?) Even though I feel like I have already welcomed Shan into our lives (Yes Shan, I say our lives because she was and will always be mine first), tomorrow makes it official. So, before he takes you from me, and changes your last name, I am taking one last moment to make it all about us. The Shah Bro-Sis.
Anni, you’re going to make the most stunning, loving, and brightest bride tomorrow. And your dulhe-raja will be waiting for you at the mandap all ready to fall in love with that radiant smile all over again. For some siblings, that may feel a little like two people parting ways. But I know that isn’t the case for us! I will no longer be just a brother anymore, but a brother-in-law, and one day (hopefully soon), a Mama again!
Also, forgive me, because I will promise not to cry, but then of course I will, because it will be hard not to. I’ll shed a tear when you hold your husband’s hand for the first time as a married lady and pose for a picture. When you ask me to hug you one last time before you leave the venue, I’ll probably not do it because I won’t be able to stop bawling because it’s too hard. It won’t be easy to let a part of my heart go, without me mourning, even though I know this is such a happy occasion. It’s hard to share you with anyone else!
So, I pen down my thoughts today, thinking about you in that gorgeous ping Lehenga, I have tears in my eyes. I’m now not only your big brother but Shan’s too! I hope I live upto the task. But if you ask me, I’m crazy excited to have a new member in our little gang! Tomorrow marks the beginning of a new chapter. Not just for you and Shan, but for us too. Uncharted waters that neither of us truly know anything about. You will officially be writing a new story and creating a new family. A family of your own.
Besides, another apology is for being a tad too clingy. I know that I need to let you go and live this new exciting life, but it’ll take me some time to accept it! I’ll call you 10 times a day, I’ll constantly ask you to come home and meet us, and I will be tad jealous of your husband because hey, he is fast becoming as special as I am, to you! Yes, I will probably never accept that he can become more special than me to you, even though he has every right to be. I also have to open my heart to include Shan in my life as much as I love you, I will be a little rude and annoying at times. Sorry if I ever ignore him and only hug you instead!
Enjoy the day baby, it’s your once in a lifetime fairytale day and we’re all here to make it as special as the one you’ve been dreaming about. You and Shan are going to live a joyful life together, grow old loving eachother, learning new quirks about eachother and making the best team ever. I am showering all my love, flowers, blessings and anything else I can get a hold on for the two of you. The way you two look at eachother, assures me that your adoration will last a lifetime and he’ll be there to protect you whenever I can’t. Our bond is stronger than ever before, and I will stand beside you tomorrow like I have our entire lives and continue to do so no matter where life takes us.
On this day, I toast to us and the bond that can never be broken to the new life you are about to start with the man of your dreams.
Happy Wedding day, Anni! The best is yet to come…
All of my Love from the best friend and brother for life,
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