#someone please. i promise im soft and squish.
hourcat · 2 years
someone come snuggle with me. i am exhausted
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darkbluekies · 1 year
Jerry asks #2
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Previous one
Concept: I've put multiple asks into one post to avoid too much loose posts on my account! This way, you have more to read too<3
Warnings: nsfw mentions, drugs, murder
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Rahhh i love ur OC Jerry smmm, i wanna squish her like a stress ball and inhale her into my nose 😔😔Im conclusion, i can't wait to see more of Jerry and your writing in general!!! &lt;;33
youwannadowhatnow???? (thank you so much ily)
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Bro i am SO in lesbians with jerry its not even funny
Very good >:)
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how would Jerry react to reader killing someone out of self defense?(p.s. im lowkey in love with Jerry)
She will be proud over you. All that self defense she taught you actually worked. She's so pleased to know that you can take care of yourself when she's away. She'll comfort you, knowing that this most likely will take a toll on your brain.
"It's okay, baby, it's okay I promise, you did nothing wrong! You did so well. You could even have been harsher if you ask me, but you're so nice, aren't you? The nicest little baby? Come here."
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As soon as Jerry puts a colouring book in front of me bam my attention is gone I am drawing I am gone I am happy
Perfect, just like she wants :>
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"Giving you a coloring book to keep you occupied" Jerre what the actual f... do you think i'm a child ?! *is absolutely doing the coloring with an offended look*
Lmao coloring books really are fun, i love them so much
She'll come over every ten minutes to check up on you and see how far you've come.
"No need to glare at me when you're obviously having fun, you child." She peeks at the drawing. "That looks good, baby doll. If you finish the entire page before I'm done here I might let you sleep on my arm tonight."
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Does Jerry get softer over time? She’s stand offish but we get those moments of softness, when she settles down with her darling and they both trust each other will she be soft or still only fleeting moments?
She doesn't get softer in theory, but you learn how to take her behavior and analyze it. Her cockiness is a part of her personality. it's not disappearing anytime soon. However, if you match her energy she will be much more comfortable. You might even be on the same level with her instead of being her property.
"I ought to give that son of a bitch a real pounding", Jerry mutters with her arms crossed over her chest.
"You should wipe the floor with his hair", you reply. "Use it like a real good mop."
She scoffs out a laugh. "I should, shouldn't I?"
"If you don't, I will."
You're about to leave, but she grabs your shoulder, forcing you back.
"Not a fucking chance, Y/N", she says. "He would grab your hair and swing you over his head like a damn propeller. I'm not letting him hurt you, you're too important to me. You can help me, but you're not doing anything by yourself, do you understand that?"
"In that case he'll hurt you too."
"I'll be fine." She taps your nods at the man. "If you take his glass, I'll put in the sleeping pills. Let's go, baby. I'm right behind you."
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on my hands and knees begging for more information on jerry’s mommy kink
Well ... haha ... Jerry loves to be in control and know that she's the leader of the relationship. Having you call her that makes her feel important to you. Plus it feeds her gigantic ego.
She's the type to want you to call her that among others, just so people know. It makes her feel even cockier.
Of course she mocks you about it when you become shy about it, why wouldn't she do that? The more embarrassed you are, the happier she gets.
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jerry stole my heart<3 -💤anon
She will steal more than that, she will steal your entire life
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cutecherrygirl · 1 year
Maknae line imagine
Warning: soft, funny, cringe, cheesy 💛
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"IM HOME." You yelled loudly enough so Han could hear. After not getting an respond you walked around the house trying to find him. "Where the hell is he?" You thought to yourself but your thoughts were interrupted by a nouce of humming coming from your room. "This can't be good." you said to yourself preparing what to see when you open the door. Opening the door slightly you saw Han standing in front of your mirror with a powder brush and a bottle of your foundation. It took a couple of seconds for him to notice you in the reflection of the mirror. He turned around with wide eyes trying to say something but no words came out. "Soo ehm how was school?" Han asked trying to change the subject. " Why in the world are you using my make up?" You asked with a slight amusement in your voice "I ehm- I just needed- ive got the most massive pimple ever Y/N! You need to cover it up for me! I can't go to an interview like this!" He pleated. "Fine, but next time inform me please, can't have you wantedring around my room!" "Yeah I understand, wait, are you hiding something in here?" He asked curiously. "Nooo" you pulled on the word starting to cover his not so invisible pimple.
"This cannot be happening." He whispered to himself. But yes it did. You just beat Felix in a video game. "Cheer up Lixie, its not like I murdered someone." You told him while he just stared at you, with mouth wide open in amazement. "Shut your mouth sweetie, uless you want to catch some flies?" You commented cheekily. After zoning out Felix came back to reality and exclaimed " You are good at video games." But it came out more like a question "yeah, is there something wrong with that?" You asked with a raised eyebrow. "But you're a girl!?" He questioned. "Uhm yeah, just because im a girl doesn't mean im bad at boy things. Remember that time I won our wresting fight?" You lifted your point finger up after saying that to look smart. After taking in the words it was Felix's turn to raise an eyebrow. "You did not win that fight and you know that!" He said. "Are you so sure? " You asked, but before he could agree you attacked him on the couch now wrestling around on the small amount of space.
"Noo not again Y/N" Seungmin protested trying to snap the movue disk (yes the movie disk) out of your hand. "Seungmin! You promised me it was my time to choose the movie!" You fought back. "Yes, but every time you get to choose its always the same movie we watch." He said taking a bite of Strawberry. "But I love this film!" You said walking over to the DVD player, poping the movie disk in. "Fine, but dont mind me if I fall asleep like I've done the last 3 times we've watched it." He responds lifting his arm up for you to join him in the couch. "Just admit it, yoh love watching Frozen with me." You said looking uo at him from your position on his chest. "I think I enjoy this more." He said and without warning squished strawberry all over ur face. " KIM SEUNGMIN!!" You yelled at him, but before you could react he stood up, and started to run into the kitchen. Sighing lightly you started to run after him , getting your revenge by using some whipped cream and his cute little puppy plushie.
Tossing thr T-shirts in different categories Jeongin quite hummed to the music you were listening to in your washing room. "Is this mine or yours?" Jeongin asked refering to a White Dior shirt. Looking up from a big pile of socks you were working at, you stirred at it fir a moment before answering. "Try to look at the size" Looking at the little mark on the shirt he scoffted before throwing it over to your pile of clean clothes. "I can definitely not work it out in a Y/T/S size I need XS." Laughing slightly you started to throw some socks at him. "Are you calling me fat?" You asked with a fake hurt expression." Maybe?" He teased, letting you throw some more socks at him. "Why the hell do you have so many socks??" You asked " I may oray not have been stealing some from Hyunjin while being in tour." He answered. " Maybe you should return them back." "Nah, I like to see you working hard on folding them." He sahd with a wink before you threw one that hit him right in the face.
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bumbleklee · 3 years
the first week
masterlist | 1k prompt masterlist | baby series
pairings: diluc, kaeya, childe and zhongli x female!reader (separate)
warnings: babies
before i officially start the series: if you would like to be on a tag list for this series please let me know! i didn't make one for the pregnancy series because it slipped my mind but i noticed a lot of the same people returning lol. secondly, quite a few people have sent me family/baby requests but instead of making them totally separate parts, im just going to add them into this series! so if you get a tag from me, your request is in the prompt somewhere (ex: @dragontamereg​ for khanreiah eyes) ♡( ◡‿◡ ) enjoy
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If you thought one baby was difficult, try two.
And it didn’t help that you were still exhausted from the birth. Diluc felt like he was going into overdrive between tending to you and his new children. The first week felt like a never ending cycle of feeding, changing, bathing and sleeping.
Neither of you tried to be in a bad mood, but the sleepless nights and fatigue were catching up faster than you anticipated.
You had just laid down when Clara started to whine in the bassinet next to your bed. Her cries woke up Isaac and soon both babies were fussy. Your eyes pried open and you leaned over to rock the bassinet, shushing the newborn.
Diluc groaned next to you and sat up. He had dark bags under his eyes and his hair was frizzy and messy from not being able to shower in a few days.
“Can you calm Isaac down?” You asked tiredly, lifting Clara up and bringing her over to the bed.
“Why can’t you? I thought we said we would take turns,” He grumbled, though he was already getting out of bed and walking to the other side. You rolled your eyes and rocked Clara in your arms, brushing your finger against her soft tuft of hair.
“Because this isn’t something we can take turns at, Diluc,” You snapped back.
He sighed and climbed back into bed, Isaac now in his arms. The room was silent except for the occasional whines and noises from the babies. You had come to the conclusion that they just liked to wake you up for fun.
After a while, you turned your head to the side and melted at the scene. Isaac was laying on top of Diluc’s chest and they had both fallen asleep. Diluc’s mouth hung open and the baby snuggled into his warmth. You reached over to brush a lock of hair out of Diluc’s face, “My boys,” You said quietly.
At your touch, Diluc jolted awake. He was careful not to disturb Isaac, “Did I fall asleep?”
“You did,” You said, the ghost of a smile on your face. You put both babies back into their respective bassinets and Diluc lifted the blanket so you could slide next to him. “I don’t want to argue.”
“Me either,” Diluc agreed, wrapping his arms around you, “It’s just the first week. I’m sure it’ll get much easier.”
To say Kaeya was attached to your daughter was an understatement. When you weren’t feeding her, Kaeya was tending to her. He held her close to him every chance he got, even offering to change and bathe her so you could sleep.
And he was so, so gentle with her. He didn’t know it was possible to love someone so much. You had gotten into the habit of just watching Kaeya. You didn’t know if you were ever going to have another child one day, so you treasured these moments like diamonds.
“Kaeya? The shower’s open,” You called out, twisting water out of your hair and wrapping a towel around yourself. When you didn’t get an answer, you raised an eyebrow. You changed into clean clothes and poked your head into the hallway to see the light to the nursery was on. “Kae?”
You poked your head into the nursery and stopped in the doorway, a smile creeping onto your tired face.
Calla laid on the changing table with Kaeya hovering above her. She barely kicked her feet, something she was just learning to do, and Kaeya struggled to get her legs into her onesie. “Come on, Princess,” He pleaded, tickling the bottom of her feet. Calla made a noise and Kaeya took the opportunity to dress her finally.
Once he lifted her up, he noticed you standing in the doorway. “Very cute,” You said softly, teasing Kaeya. Your husband smiled proudly.
“How was your shower?” He asked, looking for a pacifier to give to Calla.
“It was nice. You can take one now if you want,” You said. Kaeya looked down at Calla and hesitated. “I promise she’ll be here when you get out.”
You took Calla from Kaeya and brought her into your bedroom. After feeding her, you held her in your arms and she stared at you with wide eyes. Like Kaeya, she had his unique star pupil. Neither of you knew that was something that could be passed down but Kaeya was beyond shocked that it was. He wished she didn’t have it, saying something about how it didn’t represent her, but you liked it.
Calla yawned and you laid her beside you in the bassinet, rocking it before she fell asleep. Kaeya joined you in bed a little while later and rubbed his face against your shoulder, “I’ll grab her the next time she wakes up.”
“How did I get stuck with someone so wonderful?” You asked, throwing your head back. Kaeya shrugged and kissed your forehead before snuggling close to you. His eyes never left the bassinet.
You didn’t know what to expect during the first week of Nikolai’s life but it definitely wasn’t a shower of gifts from your boyfriend. It seemed that everyday you woke up, there was something new on the bedside table.
“Childe, what are these for?” You finally asked after unboxing a designer dress that in no way would fit you now.
Your boyfriend poked his head into the bedroom, a coffee mug in one hand and Nikolai snuggled securely in his other arm. “Just some thank you presents,” He said casually, as if he wasn’t dropping thousands of mora with each gift.
“For what?”
Childe smiled softly and came into the bedroom, putting down his mug and climbing onto the next next to you. “For giving me this little guy,” He said quietly, “I’ll be eternally grateful.”
Your cheeks grew warm, “You helped too, you know.”
“I didn’t have to go through nine months of pregnancy and hours of labor, though.” Childe caressed Nikolai’s cheek and the baby’s eyes fluttered closed. “Do you think he knows we’re his parents yet?”
You stopped examining the dress to peer at your boyfriend, “Of course he does. You’re his father.”
“Yeah, but, you have a better bond with him. I’m just on the outside.”
You sighed and reached out to hold your hand over Childe’s, “He knows you just as well as he knows me, Ajax. You’ve been in his life as much as I have and you’ve been singing to him, talking to him and loving him. He adores you.”
Your words made Childe smile softly. Nikolai stirred in his sleep and Childe adjusted him in his arms. He was so small, so delicate, and Childe would never let anything or anyone harm him.
You snuggled back into the covers, exhausted from being a new mother, and Childe didn’t leave your side. “Thank you for the gifts,” You mumbled, your face half squished in a pillow.
“Oh, they aren’t done just yet.”
Because of your traumatic experience in labor, Zhongli was being extra precautious with you. He didn’t like when you left the bed, even to use the restroom or grab the baby, and would much rather bring Jia to you when it came time to feed her.
The help was nice for the first few days since you were exhausted and sore but as time went on, you became ansty to just be a mother. It wasn’t like Zhongli was holding you back on purpose - he was just horrified that you weren’t yet healed from your traumatic experience and something could happen while you were up and about.
So when Zhongli ran to the store and left you home alone with Jia sleeping in the bassinet, you took this as your opportunity. Gently waking up the sleeping baby, you lifted your daughter into your arms. She snuggled into your warm embrace and slowly, and somehow calmly, woke up.
You bathed Jia yourself for the first time since she was born and afterwards, carried her to the nursery to change her into warm pajamas. For the first time all week, you were starting to feel like a mother.
“Why are you up?”
A voice broke you out of your trance and you looked up to see Zhongli standing in the doorway. He wasn’t mad, just worried, and his voice expressed that.
“You can’t hold me hostage in bed forever,” You said, picking Jia up and resting her securely in your arms.
“But what if it’s too early for you to do strenuous activity?” He questioned, frowning a bit.
You rolled your eyes, “Taking care of my daughter isn't a strenuous activity.” You stepped closer to Zhongli so you could reach a hand up and cup the side of his face, “Besides, I’m feeling much better.”
Zhongli leaned into your touch, “You’ll tell me if you need a break, right?”
“Of course I will.”
You made your way to the loveseat in the corner of the nursery and you sat down in it, enjoying the change of scenery from the bedroom for once. Zhongli’s eyes softened at the sight of you with the baby and he went to leave the room. Before he stepped out, he turned his head over his shoulder and said, “I’m proud of you.”
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lasquadrasfuckhouse · 3 years
hello I am back with a request if that’s ok with you q w q ) for la squadra with scenario-hc’s with their s/o taking care of them ( can go nsfw if you’d like but for now sfw thoughts ) as much as I love them taking care of their s/o I love when the roles are switched. Can be injured or other— but the goal is to make them feel safe and loved for as much as possible, like my other ask tender emotional moments are my jam. If find the muse for it 💖 if not that’s completely ok too. Pls & thnk u 🥰
ALWAYS OKAY W/ ME I LOVE SEEING U IN MY ASKBOX!!!! it's tendie hours 😍
taking care of la squadra 😌
risotto ✂️
it isn't easy to get risotto to relax, he's a workaholic. sit on him and give him a Look that you're not moving and neither is he, and he'll be so charmed that he'll relent.
he's also more used to taking care of people than being taken care of, so it's a bit of an adjustment to sit on his ass for a few days until he's recovered from the worst of whatever injury/illness he's got, but he finds himself getting like, quietly kind of emotional about it. he hasn't allowed himself to be cared for in a long time and he expresses that to you, and how much he appreciates and loves you.
he finds he really enjoys the opportunity to relax, cause yeah he's under the weather but at least he can chill for a bit. and he'd very much love to chill with you if you have the time. quiet cuddles or existing comfortably in the same space will have him feeling very cozy, loved, and rested. kiss him on the forehead to remind him that he is soft and precious and he'll want to snuggle you all day with a little smile on his face.
prosciutto 🚬
also not used to being taken care of. he'll be grumpy and try to micromanage the house from his bed at first (and you probably banished him to bed because he wasn't getting any rest on the couch). he relaxes when he wants to!!!! remind him that he needs time to recover and he's only human, and you promise the house won't fall apart without him. not only is he soft for you but he trusts you completely, so he relaxes.
he might be a bit restless, but set him up with a book and he'll be good. you may even take on prosciutto-like mannerisms in his place, like shushing the others if they're being too noisy. if he overhears you insisting on peace and quiet so he can rest, he'll smile to himself.
what really gets him and lets him know he's loved is taking over what he usually does while he rests, like folding his laundry and putting it away in the order he likes. and if you initiate the classic forehead touch with a smile and tell him to chill so he can get better, he'll gladly lay around all day thinking of you.
pesci 🎣
he tries to power through it but no honey you need to rest. give him puppy eyes and say you really want him to relax and get better, and he'll do it for you. he will get SO better for his babe just u see!!!!
he's also kind of glad for the chance to have downtime tho, even tho he's typically eager to help and stuff. he just wishes he didn't feel like ass. cheer him up with lots of cuddles and quiet relaxing things u can do together and he'll feel loads better!!!
he may feel kind of bad at first like oh no he doesn't want to bother u. but reassure him that he is never a bother, u love him and love being with him and that doesn't change when he's under the weather. he will accept that and thank u wholeheartedly for taking care of him
formaggio 🧀
milks it for all its worth. OOOH BABE IM IN SO MUCH PAAAIN PLEASE HOLD MEEE 😩 if he's feeling like shit at least he's gonna get cuddles out of it
would love nothing more than to snuggle up and watch stupid movies with you all day. he may just cling to you if you try to get up and insists that someone else can fetch you both dinner/blankets/etc instead. you're his best medicine!!! his comfort!!!! do not seperate!!!!!
but he is a sucker for a home cooked meal. even if you go for a bit, if you come back with something u made urself, even if it's not the most amazing display of chef skills, he'll be falling all over himself with how much he loves you because you put love and effort into something to make him feel better
illuso ✨
one of the WORST when he gets sick or injured because he just complains and lays on the pity party even more than formaggio. everything sucks!!! woe is illuso!!!! he needs ur healing kisses!!!!!
he definitely goes into the mirror world to rest b/c he needs peace and quiet or he'll get cranky. but he will bring u ofc. not just to be pampered either he's just cozy and happy in ur company
lavishing him in attention aside, what will REALLY tug on his heart is taking initiative to take care of him, like asking first how he's feeling, bringing an extra blanket cause you know he likes to have a pile of them, offering to very gently brush his hair. just like, little genuine attentive things. it may get him blushing
melone 🍈
very practical about it, there's that whole thing of 'people with medical backgrounds are the worst patients for one reason or another' but he doesn't try to take shortcuts with the rest he knows he needs and he's very polite and patient with asking for/instructing on what he needs
he's great at finding ways to entertain himself so no worries in that regard. if he's worried about getting you sick he may actually discourage cuddles for once in his life but otherwise he'd love to snuggle up to his babe all day
he'd honestly just feel really comforted if you told him all about your day and shared cool things with him or the classic 'i saw this and thought of you' he'll be 😍
ghiaccio ❄️
EXTRA grumpy when he's uncomfortable or in pain and unable to work his energy out. he's very active, so his body (or you) making him sit on his ass when he doesn't want to will leave him very prickly even though logically he knows it's for the best.
he'll generally want his space but then have bouts of feeling very cuddly. picture him cocooned in blankets with only the top half of his face visible and his general grumpy glower relaxes as u massage his scalp like calming an angry cat.
he'll be very thankful for everything you do, including kissing his cheeks or leaving him to chill with some water and a book or shushing the others if they're being too rowdy. but he'll be extra super thankful and soft if you bundle him up and go for a walk with him around the block just to stretch his legs and get some fresh air cause you know how much he hates sitting around.
sorbet and gelato 🔪🍦
if one of them is under the weather, the house gets a brief respite from their antics cause you and the other one are there to entertain them and curb their restlessness. if they're both sick/injured, good fucking luck because their boredom will feed off each other and it will be a nightmare.
sorbet likes to chill but he always needs new surroundings. he'll want to stay on the couch to at least observe the house's regular chaos but if you (and maybe gelato) see that he's not getting enough rest you will have to literally drag him into your bedroom because 1) he's not letting go of his entertainment that easily 2) it's fun to watch you struggle. he is devising every way to cause problems on purpose without moving around too much
gelato HATES sitting still so he is slowly going insane and he will let you know it. get him a big stack of movies, let him have free reign of the tv, play cards with him etc if you know what's good for the whole house because otherwise he won't stay in bed or he'll do shit like scream for help just to see you rush in and then grin and be like oh nvm babe im fine :)
you thought they were a handful together regularly? HAH. when they're sick or injured together they enable each other even more than usual. you are the only one capable of placating them, enjoy being squished between your two extremely cuddly boyfriends.
cuddles and kisses and loving attention always make them feel better, a surefire way to get them to actually rest is by snuggling them. but even if you do go for a bit, what brightens them up is hearing about all the new happenings on base or this cute dog you saw or if you bring them new snacks every day or try making something different for dinner. like, not just to placate them, but cause you know they're bored and uncomfortable and you want to cheer them up, that's what gets them. and then they'll pull you down and hold you for the rest of the night.
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cloudy-leonhart · 3 years
Oooo would you want to do a drabble for Porco?? Like maybe he's the reader's bff and one day he's next to her, going over like mission plans and he just leans over and kisses her👀
I like this!! This is cute!! I need to write more for Porco anyways ^^ I’m excited to write this!! tbh I didn’t even mean to go into an angsty argument in this fic- it just happened outta nowhere- I still hope it’s up to your satisfaction anon!
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breaking point. | porco g.
summary: Porco always stuck to you like superglue. You and him have always been like two peas in a pod ever since you were kids, you even enlisted with him to the military. With growing up and going through puberty, Porco’s thought of you as someone more than just a friend and he wants to show you.
Pairings: Porco x Reader.
Theme: fluff/angst ig?.
female reader.
TW: swearing, arguing, kiss-kiss scene lol.
Recommended Song: Sunflower. - Rex Orange County.
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"Good morning, guys, Porco!" You chirpped, seeing him give you a small wave as you entered the meeting room, you saw Reiner, Pieck and Zeke sitting in their seats, Reiner was deep in thought, Pieck was taking a nap on the couch, and Zeke was taking a drag of his cigar as usual.
You excused yourself as you squeezed by Reiner to sit beside Porco who greeted you wth a small head pat as he leaned back into his seat, Pieck rose from her spot as she smiled lazily at you.
"I was thinking of eating out together today, how about it, guys?" She asked as she yawned, Zeke hummed and shook his head, "I've got business, rain check?" Pieck nodded and glanced at Reiner, awaiting his answer.
"I guess I can go." Reiner responded, he looked in a daze, like he just woke up from a nap. Pieck's gaze turned to Porco and you, but before any of you could answer, the General entered the room, catching all of your attention. "Sorry Pieck, Porco and Reader will be helping with planning a mission." You could see Pieck deflate a bit, sighing but still nodding, understanding.
“Sorry Pieck, promise we’ll make it up to you, right Pock?” You looked over to Porco, who was scratching his head in boredom, nodding subconsciously. General Magath looked around the room before closing the door and starting their meeting for the day.
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“I’ll be heading out you two, we need those plans before this weekend, so please get it done, choose who’ll be sent out soon or we’ll have to send all of you out.” General Magath reminded you and Porco once again as both of you nodded and said your goodbyes, you looked out of the window of the room, raising your hand to measure the time of day.
“What are you doing?” Porco suddenly chirped, you jumped looking behind you, “Checking the time.” You answered returning back to look at the sunset, “how do you know?” Porco prodded more. “Reiner taught me, when we uh..went to Paradis.” You mumbled, your voice starting sound small as you continued.
“He taught you? I probably could’ve done better.” Porco scoffed. He looked over the map of next week’s mission again to try and distract himself from talking about Reiner. “Don’t start with that again, Pock. He’s a helpful person.” You wanted to defend Reiner, you knew that he did a lot of things wrong, although most of it is unforgivable, you’re not a saint either.
“Helpful my ass, all he did was stand there while my brother was being eaten by a Titan.” He growled kicking the table in annoyance and anger. “I, couldn’t do anything either. I’m as much to blame as he is, Pock..” you reasoned with Porco, he rolled his eyes. “yeah, but how could you help, Reiner held you back, he basically said that he was a lost cause. Don’t try to defend him any longer.” You spun around to face Porco.
“Pock, enough!” You wanted to stop the conversation from progressing, but Porco didn’t. “No! You used to be so happy when we were kids, Reader!” You stayed silent, Porco took your silence as a sign to keep going. “Going to Paradis did something to you and none of you won’t tell me. That Ymir girl barely has any memories that could tell me shit about why you’re like this!” He cried out.
You sighed out of stress, he was pushing it and you weren’t ready to talk about it. Both you and Porco stood silent in the room, seconds feeling like minutes. You didn’t know what to say, what could you say? what’ll he take as a valid reason as to why you aren’t the same girl he used to know?
You looked at his reflection from the window, your hands clenched out of stubbornness and guilt, before turning around to face your best friend. You couldn’t even get a breath in when you felt soft lips on yours.
Your eyes were blown wide, Porco’s hands held your cheeks, almost squishing it. He was holding it as if you would pull away the second he loosens his grip. You felt yourself stiff in a few seconds in before relaxing, your eyes fluttered close as you reached your arm to wrap around his neck. Porco took this as an okay to hold you by the hips, his hands pulled you closer as you slower broke apart.
You took a breath as soon as his lips left yours, feeling like you were cloud nine after that kiss. Porco looked at you with a flushed expression, his hands gripped you embarrassingly. “I..” Porco didn’t know what to say, “I didn’t mean to do that, well I did- but-“ He jumbled his words as he looked at anything but your eyes, which stared at him with a joyous tint.
“It’s okay, Pock. I understand what you meant.” You smiled softly, still holding onto his figure. He thought his face couldn’t get any warmer as he stopped functioning. You could understand, both of you never really had time for love. Especially now, you and him barely have any time left.
“I just didn’t know what to do, I thought I was losing you. The real you.” Porco sighed as he put his forehead against yours, your noses almost touching. It felt ticklish, his staggered breath fanning your skin, he was gonna cry.
“I know, I’m sorry I made you feel like that, Pock. I promise I’ll tell you when I’m ready. You’ll wait, won’t you?” You mumbled, your hand reaching his cheek to cradle it ever so gently. He nodded, understanding as he placed a sneaky cheek kiss before a booming voice pulled you both away.
“Finally! I thought you guys would never tell each other!” Zeke rejoiced as Pieck and Reiner stood with happy smiles and even a little clapping. Porco stood dumbfounded before his face morphed into embarrassment and horror. “you watched us?! How much did you idiots see?! I’m going to literally destroy you guys-“ Zeke laughed as Porco was a flustered mess.
“We saw almost the whole thing bud. We heard arguing and thought you guys were absolutely wrecking the place, fighting and all.” Pieck’s gentle explanation calmed Porco a little bit before you started laughing. “I told you it would work.” Zeke nudged Reiner with his arm as the blonde rubbed his arm, “I wasn’t even apart of this..” Reiner mumbled.
You smiled as Porco continued to scold, at least try to scold Zeke and Pieck. The odds of Porco liking you? Who would’ve thought. “Alright, enough scolding and teasing, now who wants to go eat out? Im starving!” You pushed through your friends and your maybe potential boyfriend.
“Oh! I get to pick where we eat!” Pieck called out, latching her arm as Porco walked beside you. You looked over to him as he glanced at you, with a small smile of course. You took hold of his hand as you both continued to walk, Zeke and Reiner followed right behind.
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angstysebfan · 3 years
The Truth Will Set You Free- Part 9
Pairing: Bucky x Female Reader, Thor x Reader (other Avenger characters)
AU: Modern
Summary: You dated for two years, and thought he was the one for you. One day you came home and found him with someone else. After running away from you, you return home and found yourself in the arms of Thor. When Thor decides to introduce you to his friends at a dinner, you realize that there’s something familiar about the house you were visiting.
Warnings: implied cheating, language (not proofread)
You take a deep breath as you walk up to the door that was once so familiar. So many happy memories on the other side of that door, but 2 memories are at the forefront of your mind as you raise your hand to knock. One being the day you found Natasha and Bucky in your bed, and the other was the last time you were here and Natasha told you her side of things. Both memories leave a bad taste in your mouth.
You find the courage to knock, and wait patiently for Bucky to come to the door. After a few seconds, the door opens to reveal, not Bucky, but his sister Rebecca. Rebecca’s eyes widen, “Oh my god! Y/N, it’s been so long!” she says surprised and pulling you into a hug. You cautiously hug her back, surprised by her treating you well after everything that happened.
Rebecca pulls back with a wide smile, “Come in! Bucky didn’t mention you were coming. I’m so happy to see you!” she says as she shuts the door behind you. 
You turn and look at a the young girl, who you always loved as a sister. You gave her a tentative smile, “He didn’t know. Is he home?” you ask.
Rebecca nods but doesn’t move, instead grabs your hand. “I’m so sorry for everything that happened between you both. He has always been an idiot, but I know he’s missed you,” she says.
You pull your eyes away from her, “Yea, well the fault lies with us both I guess,” you say.
She gives your hand a squeeze, “I know I am biased, but I hope you both work it out. I always hoped we would be sisters one day. But he is out back, feel free to head out. I’ll give you both some privacy,” she says.
You nod and turn toward the back door which leads to the patio in the yard. As you take a step onto the patio, you see Bucky fiddling with the lawn mower, not sure if he noticed you entered the yard. “Who was at the door Bec?” he asked, assuming you were his sister.
“I told you awhile ago to get a new mower,” you say.
Bucky sits up quickly at the sound of your voice. You see the relief and fear in his eyes when he locks his with yours. “Y/N,” he says softly.
He gets up and wipes his hands on a rag before walking up to the patio, where you are. He motions toward a chair, one you recognize since you picked it out. He grabs a beer our of a cooler and motions to you, silently asking if you want one. You shake your head in response as he closes the cooler and sits next to you on another empty chair.
“I didn’t know if I would get a chance to talk to you again,” he says softly.
You look at him for a moment, as he fidgets in discomfort. “Yea, I, uh, had a lot on my mind, but... I wanted to speak to you, as I have questions that need answering,” you say.
“Anything you need to know, I will tell. Something I should have done when we first talked,” he said looking down at the ground.
“Well, first did you tell your sister what happened between us?” you ask.
He looks into your eyes, “I told her there was a misunderstanding and that it was all my fault. He yelled at me for a long time. You were always one of her favorite people, and when I told her you were gone, she knew I messed up,” he says.
“Bucky, why didn’t you come find me and tell me what really happened?” you ask.
Bucky’s eyes widened, “I tried. I did. I went to your friends, your parents, your sister. You had told them all what happened and none of them would tell me where you went. I tried to explain but they wouldn’t believe me. I should have tried harder, but I thought you would never believe me. It’s a lame excuse, but yea,” he said defeated.
“Why didn’t you tell our friends the truth. Even Steve, you left out the real reason Nat was there. Why?” you ask.
He sighs in defeat, “I didn’t feel like it was my place to out her. I know you should have been first priority, and I know I should have either pushed her to tell her or just tell everyone, but I... I didn’t want to be a bigger asshole than I already was. Steve knew it was my fault, and I assumed he told everyone else what he knew since he cannot keep a secret, but I guess I was wrong. I’m--”
“Sorry, yea I know,” you say annoyed. 
Bucky looked down, fighting the tears, “Y/N, if I could go back in time, I would have done things so differently. I hate that I ruined this, and I would do anything to fix it. I still love you more than anything. I.. I want to marry you and have babies with you. Everything we ever planned, I still have planned for you and me. I know you care about Thor, but do you still have any feelings for me?” he asks.
You knew the question was coming. You have avoided it, even with yourself, but now the time has come to face the giant elephant in the room. What were your feelings for Bucky. You looked at the man who you once loved and adored more than anything. You see the sorrow in his features and the anger you have felt toward him lessen.
Tears start filling your eyes as you nod. “Yes,” you whisper, “Yes, I still love you. I think I will always love you, but my anger kept it hidden. I- god I still dream about you Bucky. You were my life! You were my everything!” You say as the tears flow down your cheeks.
Bucky has tears falling also, “Oh Y/N I love you. I love you so much,” he says as he kneels in front of you, cupping your face in his hands.
You continue to cry, releasing all the pain you have held in for 3 years. You wrap your arms around Bucky’s neck and cry openly. Bucky hides his face in yours and does the same. After awhile you both seem to calm down and pull away.
Bucky holds your face and contemplates kissing you, but hesitates. You look from his eyes to his lips, but don’t move. He wipes your tears with his thumbs and caresses your cheeks. You close your eyes and lean into the contact.
“So what does this mean? Are- are you willing to try again?” He asks softly.
You open your eyes to look into his, seeing the worry in them. You know you have to be honest, “Bucky. I love you. But I really need to time to think if I’m still in love with you. I have Thor to consider and he has been amazing over this last year. I-I don’t want to hurt either of you,” you say as rears again fall from your eyes.
Bucky nods and releases you, standing back up to create distance. “I love you more than anything Y/N, but if you choose Thor, I will accept, respect, and honor your decision,” he says.
You stand and pull him into a tight hug. You feel him melt into you. You pull back enough to place your lips on his in a soft kiss, shocking him.
“Thank you. I promise I will make a decision soon,” you say.
Bucky pecks your lips one more time before letting you go. His heart hammers in his chest. The fear of losing you again bring him to point of begging you to stay. He finally got you back. He finally told you the truth.
But was it enough?
Part 8 / Part 10
Sorry this is taking too long. I have a feeling I know how I want to end this after writing both conversations, but I’m not 100% sold. I guess we will see. Feedback is appreciated.
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swiss-cheeze · 4 years
Please || Matthew Gray Gubler
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Requested, YES/NO: Can I please request a female reader where she is chubby and by about her appearance and she and Matthew are in a relationship but she is scared he is going to leave her for someone more pretty. So he gets into an argument about why she is acting weird and she confesses and basically it ends with him showing her how beautiful she is and smut and after care?
Gender: she/her, female.
Warnings: body worship, talk of food and weight gaining due to food (unhealthy mindset from the reader i guess?), reader calls themself a ‘troll’, self-abuse/hurtful words to oneself, sex.
“You ready pumpkin?” Matthew asked as he walked into the shared bedroom; only to see you in your underwear squishing your stomach with a sad frown, “oh baby” Matthew pouted as he came up behind you, his arms wrapped around your stomach and pulled you into his back, “just not a good day?” you shrugged, it was hard to speak without crying, “we don't have to go out,” his voice was small as he peppered kisses down your neck while thumbing at your stomach. Your breath shuddered as you walked to your closet and picked out your comfort outfit and sniffled, “sweetie i promise we don't have to go” Matthew stood still in the middle of the room while you stood in front of the closet trying your hardest not to break down, “you can stay here, i'll go alone bubby”
“I'll be okay,” your voice was scratchy and barely a whisper but Matthew somehow heard it.
“I don't want you to go somewhere where you’re not comfortable,” Matthew retorted, god you loved this man.
“Please,” it was a whimper.
Please just drop it.
Please just let me do this.
Please hold me.
Please tell me if I'm enough.
Please don't touch me.
Please help me.
The thing that brought you back to earth was the kiss Matthew gave to the crown of your head before exiting the room; leaving you with the click of the door and the screams of your inner demons and voices. You shook your head to try and rid yourself of the voices before grabbing your comfort outfit and getting dressed; it was a red carpet event after all, you couldn't be late, or look bad.
“Oh my god it's Jennifer Aniston!” Matthew whispered with a grin as said model and actor stepped out of her car and started making her way onto the carpet. Matthew hugged your sides - your chubby sides - and squeezed you into him as cameras flashed.
“Matthew over here!”
“Gubler this way!”
“Oi, look at me! Perfect!”
God it was so loud even in this open venue. You tried to keep your smile light and happy but anyone who was anyone could see exactly what was going on in your head; you were only brought back to earth for the second time today by the pull of Matthew. You're leaving! Finally! After a-
“Hello! I am here with Matthew Gray Gubler and girlfriend (Y/n) (L/n)!” a voice called.
Smile and wave boys, just smile and wave.
“How are you enjoying the place so far Matthew?” the interviewer asked as you finally got a good look at her; long blonde hair, perfectly chiseled face, tight waist, small stomach, skin tight dress, long legs, perfect pedicure and manicure…
“(Y/n)?” Matthew jolted you slightly as you stared at the interviewer.
“Yes?” you questioned.
“How do you feel tonight? You've got many models and actors around you, is it a bit overwhelming being with an actor?” god even her voice was sexy.
“Um, no, no it's good!” you gave a fake small and jolted yourself to a fake happy, “it's great being around those i admire and watch in shows and movies; Chris Evans, Simon Pegg; i think even Ben Hardy and a few others i admire are here too” you gave a grin and looked around while talking to give the impression you were looking for the people you were talking about.
“Well that sounds good!” The interviewer gave a forced laugh, almost like she was bored, “are you wearing anything special or is this just the sunday look?” her giggle was what caught you on the insult.
“Excuse me?” Matthews hand on your waist tightened as you spoke.
“Your outfit is a bit old…” the interviewer paused, “a bit outdated?” this made you go quiet; now your comfort outfit is ruined.
“Excuse us,” Matthew mumbled as he guided you away from the interviewer and into a quiet corner.
“Did you want to go home?” Matthew cut you off, he was stern and to the point.
“What? No of course not-”
“Your comfort outfit has just been insulted, I know how much you love this outfit and I know how amazing it makes you look every single time you wear it,” Matthew waited a moment as he looked at you with all the love in the world.
“But what about-”
“It's just a party” Matthew reminded you, he always had a habit of making bad situations into good ones.
“No, no I promise I'm okay baby,” you gave the most convincing smile you could, Matthew was hesitant but eventually gave in as you continued the red carpet and did another 3 interviews...all while being surrounded by lovely size 6 women who have flat stomachs, nice legs and nice breasts. While you were on the heavier side of the spectrum you couldn't help but thank yourself for your breasts; they were not huge but they weren't small like some actresses were because their body was small in comparison. And Matthew adored your breasts; always held them and stuffed his face in them to make you laugh, always leaving marks and bruises in the perfect places that only you know about...so you just kept that same mentality through the rest of the night.
He loves me.
That's all I need.
He loves all of me.
He could go for better.
But he chose me.
God he could totally go for better.
Look there’s Aniston and her perfect body-
No stop!
God and now A.J., and Paget; even Kirsten looks better in any outfit than i do.
No matter how much you tried you just couldn't stop thinking how much better Matthew would be with someone smaller than you; someone who could give him lap dances and not have rolls, someone he could throw over his shoulder easy, someone he could pick up from behind, someone who could sit on his face and not crush him...this is gonna be a long night.
When you got home that night all you wanted to do was law down in bed and weep, but of course you had a boyfriend whom you lived with.
“Did you like the movie (Y/n)?” Matthew asked as he hung his coat, a big dopey grin plastered on his face. You shrugged.
“Was a movie,” was your only response before walking into the bedroom and striping to your underwear.
“Okay…” Matthew mumbled, he knew something was up but he didn't want to push it, “want to order in or something then?” he called through the house, “maccas? Thai? Ooo I could go for some good sushi or honey soy chicken; oh my god AND NOODLES!” he sounded too excited for what seemed to be a weight gaining meal. Matthew bounded into the bedroom with a grin before stopping short.
There you were.
Head in your hands.
Shoulders shaking.
Silently sobbing.
“Please leave me alone,”
“Please tell me what's wrong...you’ve never been like this; you've always loved yourself,”
You sniffled before going silent for a moment.
“I've always been like this; i'm just good at hiding it from everyone,”
And it suddenly made sense.
When you get a smaller plate than you normally would in restaurants, a salad instead of a cupcake, a healthy shake rather than milkshake, exercising more, covering yourself with layers when you go out together.
“Oh sweetheart,”
Matthew sat down next to you, he was about to reach a hand out to touch you but cowered back when he realised you most likely wouldn't like it.
“You know you're...you’re a lot like Spencer Reid even if he's only fictional,” this seemed to make you smile as you thought of the times you got to spend on set with your second family, “you give great advice, you’re smart in places others aren't, you ramble...but then again you're so different: you’re warm, inviting, open hearted, head full, eccentric, extravagant-”
“Well i wouldn't say extravagant-”
“Well I do,” you finally looked at Matthew; his face faltered when he saw how tear stained and red splotched you where. But god you were still the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
“I know i'm probably a troll by now-”
“No, no no baby; never,” Matthew raised his hands and cupped your jaw to keep you looking at him, “you’re always the most beautiful thing i ever had the pleasure of meeting,” you wanted to smile, and you did, but that was only your face.
“Yeah? Then what about the rest of me-”
“Dont” Matthew was quick to cut you off, “you are beautiful, all of you is beautiful,”
“But I've got, I've got rolls! A-and marks! Hair! I-i smell, I'm flabby, I jiggle…”
“I have rolls too and you love them,” your eyes darted to Spencers stomach where you knew his soft rolls where, “i have marks,” your eyes traveled to his hips were you knew some stretch marks looked like bolts of lightning from Zeus and Thor themselves, “i have hair,” you probably shouldn't have but you looked to his pant-covered crotch where you knew there was a recently trimmed patch of dark hair, “i smell,” you giggled at this as you both did kind of smell due to the day out in the hot movie theater, “im flabby and i jiggle,” he wasn't wrong, his arms sometimes jiggled when you moved them the same as his tummy whenever he danced weirdly.
“But youre skinny-”
“No buts,”
“I eat too much”
“So do I”
“You don't gain weight from it”
“Because i couldn't swallow for 26 days and have a fast metabolism”
“You have cheekbones”
“So do you”
“You cant see mine”
“I was a model; I had to bite the inside of my cheeks”
“Chiseled jaw,”
“Jaw exercises because i was a model; plus eating you o-”
“OKAY SHUSH,” you waved Matthew off with a laugh before standing up quickly.
“Can we please just go to bed? I just want this day to end,” you asked as your hands unconsciously covered your naked stomach; Matthew only now realised you had stripped from your dress before he came into the room. The look in his eyes when he scanned you from top to bottom included a range of emotions, from love and lust, to anger; anger being that you couldn't see what he sees and saw every day of his life.
“Can you at least let me show you how amazing your body is? And how much I adore you, your body and your mind?” a red flush went over your whole body as you realised what he was asking. Of course he asked. Consent is sexy.
That’s when it all fell into place; as soon as you nodded Matthew was all over you.
The plush bed moved under you as Matthew guided you down to the pillows and left feather-like kisses along your neck while muttering praises under his breath.
“One of a kind”
Each kiss left a word, each word left a purple bruise, each bruise lit a fire inside you you never knew you had. Nibbles trailed from your neck to your panty line before dispersing around your stomach in red and splotchy hickies and bites. Matthews hands went under you to unclasp your bra before leaving it somewhere on the bed or the floor; you couldn't really care less. His rough hands were the first to touch you and play with your nipples before his tongue, mouth and teeth followed; nipping and biting your nipples, pulling them slightly, twisting and licking. It felt like a dream.
“Sh-shit Matthew,” you let out a breathy whine while your body twitched under Matthews hands and mouth, one hand went down to your waist to hold you still while the other stayed playing with the plush flesh.
“Always loved these,” Matthew mumbled into your breast, he took a moment to plunge his face in your cleavage causing you to laugh, “just gimme a sec lovely,” Matthews voice came out muffled as he sat still; your arms coming up to play with his hair. His hands gripped both of your breasts softly before pushing them into the sides of his face, again, causing you to laugh.
“Is this your way of showing me how much you love me?” you questioned, Matthew stayed silent before a nod came from him, again, causing you to laugh harder before the man brought his face back to the real world with a harsh intake of breath.
“Couldn't breath,” Matthew said breathlessly, obviously. You both laughed for a moment before Matthew dove in for a kiss; heated, breathless, full of love and admiration for you. It honestly caught you off guard and made you forget what all of this was really for; until Matthews hands started pawing at your stomach.
And suddenly you were brought back to this morning; except this was different.
Please let me.
Please let me love you.
Please let me show you how amazing you are.
Please let me show you how beautiful you are.
Please let me show you how perfect you are.
Please allow me to be with you.
Please let me hold you.
And that was all it took.
“Okay,” you smiled a teary smile, as Matthew kissed your cheek and then trailed down to your stomach, peppering kisses, nibbles and licks all over your tummy.
“I love your stomach,” Matthew mumbled, “it holds your intestines together, it holds your food in, it keeps you together,” his nibbles soon went lower; leaving marks on the apex of your thighs as well as your inner thighs.
“Babe please…” your fingers threaded through Matthews hair as you tried to guide him to the place you really wanted but he stayed at your thighs.
“Darling just let me love you,” Matthew requested.
“Love me between my legs Gube” you whined while tugging at the mop on Matthews head until finally, finally! Matthew started to pull down your underwear before spreading your legs and...staring, “Gube…” you started to feel uncomfortable and closed your legs.
“Sunshine im sorry,” Matthew finally looked to you rather than your sex, “you’re just beautiful everywhere,”
“I know, i just haven't shaved and-”
“No, stop,” Matthew kissed your panty line, “this is about loving all of you; when have I ever cared if you’ve shaved or not?” the man gave you an unanswerable question, “answer me baby,”
“Never. Exactly,” he smiled before crawling back up to you and kissing your nose for a moment before going back down and licking a stripe up your slit causing you to moan from the suddenness, “god and you taste perfect,”
“Please don't say I taste like strawberry or something,” you giggled, Matthew laughed softly before shaking his head with his tongue on your clit; giving you pleasure while saying ‘no’. You tugged on his hair some more while the pleasure lasted. Matthew swiftly tore off his pants, boxers and shirt before lifting your legs and positioning himself at your entrance.
“You ready sweetheart?” Matthew mumbled, his hair was tousled with sex hair, his eyes bore into you with love, he was breathing heavily, a slight sheen of sweat was on his forehead he was like-
“A god,” you mumbled, hands finding Matthews cheeks and holding him softly.
“You’re like an actual god,” you spoke again, your voice was quiet as your eyes started to tear up.
“Oh darling,” Matthew mumbled, his hands coming up to wipe the tears away, “then you’re my goddess,” you nodded before bringing Matthew down for a kiss the same time he entered you; a low moan rumbling from the both of you as Matthew stilled, “you feel so good around me darling; wet and tight,” that's when he started thrusting; it felt like nothing you’d dot together before.
“H-holy shit,” your moans mixed together as Matthew held you tightly, his head buried itself in your neck and started sucking on the skin he could make contact with as his thrusts sped up; your legs encased Matthew as he hit that perfect spot in you.
“God you’re so beautiful,” Matthew mumbled softly through laboured breaths, “you’re so amazing; always there for me, helping me with everything, being perfect,”
“I love you so much,” you whimpered, Matthews hand snaked down between your thighs and started rubbing your clit expertly like he always did causing your moans to become louder as well as your approaching orgasm.
“I love you so much too doll,” Matthew whispered, “you gonna come sweetheart?”, you nodded while a large moan escaped you, “you’re beautiful in every way,” you nodded as your hips met Matthews; eyes scrunched and brows knitted you placed your forehead on Matthews as his hands encased your hips and sped up yet again. You’re sure bruises would be forming on your hips later tonight but that just made everything better; it just made you want to love yourself even more with every bruise, bump, lump, mark, scratch and roll. The image of Matthew kissing every inch of your body was what set you off. A silent moan left you as your mouth formed an ‘o’ and your tongue went dry due to the intakes of breath, you keened as Matthew thrusted for a first, second, third time and came with you. The warmth spread through you as Matthew held you close; encasing you with his arms as your legs wrapped around him.
It took a moment for the two of you to come back down to earth, but when you did it felt like everything was new. Matthew flopped beside you breathing heavily as a smile grew on both of your faces, a few moments passed before the lanky man himself stood up and walked to the bathroom before coming back with a washcloth and cleaning you up.
“Thank you,” you mumbled as Matthew finally cozzied back up to you under the covers, bringing you into his chest and kissing the top of your head.
“Anything for you,”
“Yeah? Anything?”
“Yeah,” Matthew looked at you with a smile, “anything,” and it was a promise.
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janekfan · 4 years
ive been Searching and Craving for any scenario/canon divergent au where jon and tim make up because jon shows tim thats hes just as much a victim as anyone else and tim is just like... ah. so we're both assholes. and jon insists that tim didnt do anything wrong (and obviously its all very whumpy and hurt/comforty). basically just... tim and jon making up because tim wants to after jon tugs at his heartstrings enough (because im a sucker for the whole "whatve i done" bit)
Here we go!! Sorry these are taking so long but I’m still working on prompts!!!
Too Much Chapter 2!
Watching Martin remove the evidence of panic by carefully, slowly, swiping a damp flannel over Jon’s skin, Tim continued holding the cold pack in place. The man between them made a sound, nondescript, shifting enough that his lips parted with a soft sigh as he settled.
“He’s made a right mess of these.” Martin lamented, gingerly lifting one hand to examine the heavy bandages, soiled with fresh blood and coming undone. Not altogether certain he wanted to know what was hidden away beneath, Tim stayed silent. “Would you mind fetching the first aid kit while I get rid of these?” He used the time away to take a deep breath, attempting to gather his rampant thoughts now that he was roped into fixing up their boss. There was always the possibility of giving him the kit and hightailing it out of that place and never setting foot near document storage again but before he realized what he’d done he’d accumulated other supplies he figured they might need and the relief in Martin’s eyes when he slipped back into the room was palpable. Jon’s hands were bare, blisters laid over blisters, broken and bleeding sluggishly from torn welts, one palm layered over with a nasty burn. Tim couldn’t help the noise torn from his throat in sympathy as the walls he’d built around himself began to crumble under the weight of Jon’s wounds--and he wasn’t even the one to bear them! Jon had acquired more scars, more shadows in the gaunt hollows carved into his body by his bones since Prentiss. It was like laying eyes on a stranger, or opening his own and finally seeing what his negligent ignorance had truly cost.
Were these marks, this pain, not proof that Jon had every right to be scared? Paranoid? To suspect them? When it was his own “friends” raising hands violently against him?
“What. Martin, what happened?” He accepted the water, easing Jon’s arm over the edge of the bed and doing Tim the kindness of not reminding him that he’d never cared to know before.
“I couldn’t tell you what caused most of this, but you know. Daisy.” He swallowed, eyes narrowing as he dabbed away the worst of the scarlet slicking his skin and Tim saw red at the reminder. How dare she touch him. “Hush now, you’re alright.” Jon’s arm twitched, an aborted attempt to tug his hand away from Martin’s surely painful ministrations. “Just cleaning these up.”
“Hnn…” Saltwater-soaked lashes fluttered and damn his body’s reactions but Tim was at his side on the cot before he could blink and wholly unsure of what to do now that he was there, settling on running fingers through tangled curls, teasing out the knots as Martin worked. Clouded and slightly crossed, Jon’s glazed brown eyes peered up at him, through him, blinking slow, and Tim could feel the heat of his fever under his palms.
“Hey, bud.” Surprising himself with his own softness, Tim continued combing through his hair. “Close your eyes, boss. Marto’s fixing you right up.”
“Hur’s.” Badly slurred and tinged with vulnerability he wasn’t used to anymore, Jon’s voice sent a chill racing up Tim’s spine.
“I know.” He said anyway. “It won’t soon.” Trust and exhaustion won out, dragging bruised lids closed. “Martin.” Tim didn’t look up, tracing silver strands, so many, with the fingertips. “I would like to know. Please.”
Martin hummed, finished up the first hand, the worst hand, and cradled it over Jon’s stomach in a poor attempt at elevation before starting on the next one.
“I haven’t gotten much out of Jon--not because he won’t tell me!” He amended, remembering the promise Jon had made to be honest with them and clearly worried it would make Tim angry again if he thought he was keeping secrets. “He’s just. I mean.”
“I understand.” After leaving Elias’ office, whatever tenacity and fortitude Jon managed to scrape together after his ordeal with Daisy and Basira had faded quickly. Even Tim wasn’t able to ignore how bad off he was, more along the lines of being unable to explain than lacking any desire.
“I know she, she hit him. He’s bruised all over. Clocked him with her gun I assume, to leave him concussed--I still can’t believe I didn’t notice sooner.”
“It’s alright. We’ve all been. Preoccupied.” Some of them only with themselves.
“He was filthy, covered in dirt and I think bl’blood? Not his. Or, not all of it I think.” Martin rubbed his own neck thoughtfully, tracing a path that mirrored the red grin carving up Jon’s throat. “I think.” He looked into Tim’s eyes, haunted. “I, I overheard them saying he’d been made to d’dig a grave.”
“His grave.” There was no real proof, not yet. But it felt right. And Tim felt sick. “His hands.”
“The burn is bad, I don’t know how he got it.” A crease formed between Martin’s knit brows. “I. Tim.” He sighed. “You’ve been so furious with him.” He dragged both hands down his face. “Jon’s doing his best. Please, you have to believe that.”
“I think I’m beginning to.” He’d yet to stop his detangling. Jon liked when people he trusted played with his hair, especially when he wasn’t feeling well. Unbidden and effervescent, memories rose to the surface of Tim’s mind, each a different moment, beads of time strung on delicate silk strands. Sasha. Sasha, whose true face, true voice, had been written over and worn, her hands on Jon’s shoulders, working out the tension he carried there despite his complaints. Tim himself draping a cardigan over him where he slumped forward on his desk in Research when he succumbed to sleep. A rare moment at someone’s apartment, Jon three drinks in, flushed bright red and ridiculous, throwing himself into Tim’s lap and nuzzling his stomach until he got what he wanted; hands in his hair, on his back, honest to god cuddles. The embarrassment in the morning would paint him vivid with blush and he would accept the painkillers and tea with a shy grin.
That Jon was still in there.
For the first time in his career Tim chose to come into work early, heading immediately to doc storage to find Jon curled up against Martin, ruddy face squished against his chest and arm slung over his waist as though he’d recently been clinging there.
And if this had been another time, another universe, he would have teased them both, but the shadows under their eyes were beginning to match.
“We had a hard night.” Martin yawned hugely and Tim caught a quick glimpse of glassy brown at the movement but Jon passed out again in the next second. “Nightmares. You remember Crew?” Tim nodded. “Explains the vertigo. He’s going to want to work.” Martin’s palm found its way to the back of Jon’s head, tucked him under his chin as he exhaled, slow and measured.
“And you want him to rest.”
“He won’t.”
He didn’t.
But the dizziness kept him in his office for the most part and Tim helped keep an eye on him, checking up regularly, awkwardly. It was almost like old times. Except Jon was careful not to speak. Not now that he might force answers out of someone. Not now that he might be hurt because of it. Jon was smart. He tried to remember the things he learned because he only seemed to learn the hard way and right now he was trying to figure out Tim while Tim was trying to figure out himself, wary of the change towards him, confused when instead of lashing out, he asked if he needed anything.
“N’no, thank you, Tim.”
“It’s no trouble.” But it was physically painful to watch the gears turn as Jon balanced the possibility of pissing him off with how uncomfortable he was in this situation. “I’ll check back later, yeah?”
“Uh. Y’yeah. Yes. I mean, yes.” Nervously, he shifted between folders. “Of c’course.”
The day dragged and Jon’s fever and groggy exhaustion lingered, kept barely in check by Martin plying him with the painkillers and fever reducers because he refused A&E. It was frustrating, even if he was looking somewhat improved. When they caught him asleep it was often in the throes of a taxing nightmare. He was a shadow in his attempts to avoid them all, to focus on work, and now that Tim was paying attention he didn’t like how Basira was so cold, how Daisy made Jon flinch on purpose, how Melanie went out of her way to collide with him in the narrow hallways. How he was slight enough, unsteady enough that it sent him into the wall.
How he did nothing about it except murmur apologies and move past them as quick as he could.
Jon was back to pushing himself too hard, not bothering to ask for help because he’d never gotten any before so it wasn’t worth bothering with it now. He was alone. Deserted by everyone except for Martin--and oh the way his expression lit up at the sight of him. How soft his voice became when he thanked him for the tea. Tim knew Martin couldn’t see it yet, or wouldn’t let himself realize, but Jon was taken with him. Smitten. And already believed beyond a doubt that he had no worth. As prickly as Jon could be there was so much love in him just vying for a way out.
How could Tim have forgotten that?
Tim paced the length of the archives three times before heading back to check on Jon, alarmed when the office was empty. Worry, both familiar and unfamiliar, twined its way around his heart. He'd watched as the afternoon hours slipped by and Jon became worse and Tim didn’t bother asking anyone he came across; they didn’t care, he wasn’t supposed to care. But there weren’t many places Jon would go and Tim found him in the breakroom stabilizing himself on the sink. He didn’t react, didn’t turn, didn’t seem to know anyone was behind him, and Tim could make out shivery, deliberate breaths. Jon let go, lifting a hand dazedly to his forehead and staggering backwards such that Tim had to steady him.
“Whoa there, Boss.” Softly, quietly, Tim knew his head was still pounding more often than not no matter how adamant his denial. It didn’t stop Jon from flinching like he’d been struck or attempting to whirl around and only making it all that much worse as eyes filled with fear rolled back into his head and Tim had to catch him outright, lowering him to the floor and pillowing his shoulders in his lap. Unconsciously, he laid a palm over his overwarm forehead, dragging fingers back through damp strands rhythmically and wondering how he’d react to waking up with Tim staring down at him. They were dancing around each other, or at least Tim was. Jon couldn’t do much more than sit at his desk in what amounted to pyjamas and pretend to work in an attempt to wedge some normalcy back into his life.
“What happened?” At least now Martin’s inquiry wasn’t accusatory as he knelt beside them and checked over Jon himself. “How long?”
“Minute. Maybe two? He, uh. I surprised him and when he turned…” he trailed off, gesturing with a sigh.
“Ma’tin…” nothing more than a small breath of awareness in recognition of his voice, eyes still closed.
“You should be at your desk.” Lightly scolding.
“Nn...was col’...tea…” Tim met Martin’s eyes with worry at the barely coherent jumble of syllables caught on his sluggish tongue and he held up a hand, signaling him to wait.
“What’re we going to do with you, hm?”
“...Dunno…” He’d failed to understand the gentle ribbing for what it was, instead answering honestly, tearfully, and it tugged on Tim’s heartstrings. Martin chuckled kindly to ease the sting, moving forward to lift his weight off from Tim and standing still to let Jon wind a hand loosely into his jumper, hanging on for dear life with a gasp.
“You sound tired.”
“Mmyeah...tire’...” And that discordant admission alone was enough to cause alarm, doubly so when his body lost all rigidity in Martin’s hold.
“Shh, Tim. He’s alright.” Protectiveness urged Tim to follow them back to document storage. Concern made him sit down before Martin asked. “Stay with him? I don’t want him to forget and wander off again. I’m gonna get that tea and something for the fever.” Tim supported his chin with a hand, elbow digging sharply into the top of his knee, and watched Jon sleep. With his eyes, he traced invisible constellations over the worm scars dotting his skin and connected their lines to the ink dark splash of lashes twitching as he dreamed. “What’re you thinking about?”
“How much running I’ve been doing.”
“How much easier it was to ignore all this if I just hated Jon instead. Blamed him for it.” He lifted his fingers in a bitter and general indication of their unreasonably bad situation. “He’s made mistakes. We all have. And his are the only ones I’m not willing to forgive.” Tears prickled at the corners of his eyes, stung. “Why is that?” His skin blushed with heat when his voice broke on a sob and before Martin could speak they were interrupted.
“Head’spounding…” He could barely keep his eyes open.
“Ah, I’m sorry, love, I know, here,” he was like a rag doll when Martin lifted him. “This’ll help.” Tim watched the ease with which Martin navigated Jon. All sweet and kind, steadying his hands when they proved too shaky to hold the cup, testing his temperature with the inside of his wrist when Jon was distracted with swallowing down the medicine.
“Shouldn’t do this.” Whispered, lost and undone, as Martin tucked him in, gripping back tightly when Jon grew dizzy with the change. “M’sorry.”
“You say that too often, Boss.”
“Hush, both of you.” To Jon, “we can all talk later, when you’re feeling better. It’s okay to need help. It’s okay to rest.” And while he didn’t look convinced, he was helpless against the drag of that heavy, insistent tide of exhaustion.
“Never liked to owe people, our Jon.” Martin sighed, frustrated.
“It’s not a transaction. I wish he’d trust that I only want to help.” Tim snickered ruefully as Martin tucked stray salt and pepper strands behind Jon’s ears.
“He’s always been suspicious of decency.”
“That’s not right.” There was a lot wrong with it, and far too much to solve at this moment.
“You look knackered, Martin. Go home.” He needed caring for after keeping them all together like he’d done. “I’ve got it from here.”
“I don’t want to ask that of you.”
“You’re not asking, Marto.”
“I need to. I. I need to do this.”
Tim was worried that the only reason Martin left him here alone was because he was too tired to spend another night here keeping an eye on the both of them. He only had himself to blame when it came to the loss of trust.
It was no secret his dislike of Jon.
He hadn’t forgotten his treatment of him just the other day. Yanking him up off the ground and shouting at him, blaming him for his confusion and unsteadiness, for worrying Martin while he’d been the one ill and frightened and unmoored on the dusty floor. A mournful cry jolted him out of his musings, and the nightmare didn’t sound kind, wrenching Jon awake and leaving him panting, narrow chest heaving, eyes wide and unfocused in the dim.
“Hey.” Soft and quiet, it didn’t stop Jon from jumping in surprise, nearly swooning when he jerked his head in the direction of his voice. “Back with me?”
“Tim.” Real surprise, he blinked hard, trying to clear his bleary vision. “Yeah. S’sorry.” Jon offered him a sheepish quirk of his lips.
“I’m the one who needs to apologize, Jon.” He swallowed thickly and Tim could hear the click in his throat, somewhere behind the bandage hiding that yawning red grin from sight.
“I’ve treated you unfairly.”
“No, no, Tim. You. You had every right! I was out of line and suspected the worst with no proof and didn’t trust yo--” Jon was trying to get up, ignoring how it had to hurt, and when Tim made to stop him, he flinched in real fear and backed himself into the corner. “S’sorry. I. It’s, it isn’t you, I swear.” Guilt wrapped around Tim’s heart like a thorny vine at his stammering apologies, at the way Jon laughed at himself and scrubbed his face with the back of a bandaged hand, staring up at the ceiling as new tears pooled in his eyes. “A lot’s h’happened.” When he closed them, the damp rolled down his cheeks into the grey at his temple. “I,I,I know you don’t w’want to hear it. But I, I don’t have anything else left t’to offer and I’m so s’sorry.” Jon tucked up his knees and buried his tear-stained face in the blankets he pulled around himself. Scared and small and awaiting derision. Tim edged closer.
"Jon.” He reached out to touch and thought better of it. “I think. I think I'm ready to hear it now." Consumed by constant fear and torment, run ragged for months and months, when Jon risked glancing up at him Tim could finally look past his anger and see him. Flushed with fever, thin and drawn, bruised and beaten and burned.
But still Jon.
Still Jon, terrified of the kind of help he'd been taught by experience not to ask for. Not to accept. Not to trust. Not to need.
“No, n’no, Tim. It’s.” He sniffed, tried to offer Tim a watery smile. “M’not feeling w’well, heh. You know how I, how I am.”
“I know you don’t take care of yourself.” He continued before Jon could interrupt. “I know I’ve left you to deal with this alone.” Indeed, at the very first sign of trouble, Tim abandoned him to his own devices. “I understand why it’s been difficult to trust me.”
“Not just you.” Tim had to strain to hear him, voice tiny, wavering with misery. “It’s so hard to trust, I have to, to think about it, choose it, don’t I. Talk myself out of how a’afraid I am all the t’time. I can’t even trust myself, my words. I. They. It’s easier to not speak at all, if it can be helped. And I try. But. Tim.” Fraught, brown irises nearly swallowed by black pupil bored into him, begged him to listen, to see. “I’m a monster.”
“Jon--” He tugged at messy curls, ignoring the pain it had to cause, the spots of blood, and if Jon would let him, he would need to fix the wrappings after this. He’d folded into himself even tighter, rocking himself just slightly in an attempt at comfort.
“If everyone is saying it, it must be true. But I’m trying. I promise, Tim, I promise. I was hoping it counted for something, anything. I can’t. I.” He broke off, attempting to pull himself together, face contorted and when he noticed Tim’s stricken expression, stumbled on with half-thought out reassurances. “I, I won’t stop! T’trying, that is. I, I, I want to, to be better. I don’t want to hurt anyone. It’s not about counting, it’s about doing the right thing. Or something close to--it never seems to work out, I’m not. I keep doing the wrong things so I know--but I p’promise--and besides, D’Daisy’s watching, if you’re worried, heh.” He laughed, a little broken thing, tears glittering in his eyes. “She’ll put me d’down. If that makes you feel any better.”
And god how could he think Tim wanted that? Jon, living with the knowledge that any mistakes he made could lead to--
Hanging over his head. Just awaiting collapse.
“That’s. Jon, I don’t want her to do that.”
“Oh. Did.” Tim realized the pause was an attempt at managing his powers of compulsion. “Did you want to? Instead I mean?” Tim recoiled in horror at the genuine curiosity, the dull acceptance that they all might be waiting for their chance. Numbness flooded his fingers. And even though Tim knew Jon was trying to use the right words, the ones that would make him feel better, he was furious.
“How could you think that?!” Jon held up his raggedly bandaged hands, the blisters from digging his own grave and who knows what else hidden from view.
“I, I’m sorry, I. You’re right, that was stupid of me. I’m sorry, Tim, I’m sorry, I--” Tim cut him off by sweeping him into an embrace, pressing his face into his shoulder. He was little more than bones rattling around in a scarred and ruined skin, shaking in his arms, his own held away, stiff. Dear lord, what had he done? “T’Tim? I, I’m sorry I’ve upset you.”
“Stop it, Jon.” And he collapsed, spent from his outpouring, breath loud in Tim’s ear. “Just stop.” Tentative, Jon wrapped him up in return. “I’m going to do better.”
“You don’t--”
“I do. And I am.” Damp soaked into his sleeve despite the silence with which Jon sobbed, little more than uneven, ardent gasping as they clung to each other.
“B’but.” He pressed closer, starved for it. “I.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’ve been so afraid.” Murmured against his shirt, Tim could feel the shapes of his words, the trembling of his lips.
“I’m sorry.”
“Are you. You mean. If, if you--I couldn’t stand it. If it wasn’t real.” Desperately, he whispered, thick with tears. “Don’t think I’d survive losing you again.” Too much loss. Too much all around and not one time had Tim thought about who he still had.
“I’m going to help you.” Tim realized then he’d been crying as well. “Like I should have from the start of this mess.” Gently, he pulled him away, took his damaged hands. “Let me get these fixed up. If Martin sees them, he’ll have both our heads on pikes.” For a moment, Tim was worried it was too soon, that Jon would need to hide this vulnerability from him, and he held his breath, until he nodded, just once.
It would take time, but they’d made a start.
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jpegjade · 4 years
Hot girl summer - Spencer
yay requests :)) I would love something where the reader is insecure about her body, but spencer comforts her and reassures her that her beauty goes way beyond her body. no worries if you can’t get to it! thanks 🥰
Warnings: a couple swear words and a little suggestive thing at the end. Also it’s about the reader’s low self-esteem and general unease with her body so if you have a problem with reading it at any point, do not feel inclined to continue. Seriously mental health first. 
I MAY HAVE GONE A LITTLE OVERBOARD. I struggle with this so this one hit home (thank you anon for this one, like genuinely). IM SO SORRY IF YOU WANTED SOMETHING LIGHTER. 
It was hot, sweltering even. Your fan did almost nothing to cool the apartment off and there was no other way to cool off. The hotter it got the more layers Spencer took off. Right now, he was down to being shirtless and wearing a pair of khakis lounging on the couch with his hands behind his head. He was a marvel to stare at like that. You were thankful for the hot day but damn were you hot.
“You’re still wearing that hoodie? We’re at the beginning of Summer. Statistically, hyperthermia is bound to set in if you don’t shed a layer or two and stay hydrated. You haven’t been drinking enough fluids lately. I can tell because you aren’t sweating. Shedding a layer or two would help your body cool down. And I wouldn’t mind, also…” He said, sheepishly. He had the cutest grin on his face. He was so proud of himself for being smooth. 
The relationship had been steady the past couple months. It was nice to have someone who cared so greatly about you. It was also nice to know that he paid attention to you in such detail. You smiled at him as he sat up on the couch. You looked him up and down, wondering how long it had been since- 
“Y/N? Are you okay? I’m really concerned.” His brow furrowed a little as he scanned your face for any sign of recognition. You being unresponsive was concerning him. 
“Yeah… I just don’t really feel like taking the hoodie off, I guess.” You said, not able to meet his eyes. 
“Please, I’m begging you. I really don’t want you suffering from heat stroke. It can be extremely difficult to cool your body down and while I have the knowledge, I don’t have the right equipment to correctly care for you. If it’s a life or death situa-” 
“I don’t feel comfortable in my body and I hate when you see me without anything on.” You blurted out. Suddenly, everything started to come out. “I’ve gained weight since the quarantine, I’ve gotten bigger. My clothes don’t fit like they used to and you haven’t changed. You’re fit without even trying and you don’t have to worry about this stuff because you’re you. You’re skinny. You fit your clothes. You haven’t gone through what I’ve been dealing with for weeks and I’ve worked so hard to hide it from you but I’m tired… I’m tired of looking at myself in the mirror and hating every inch of what I see in the reflection. And I hate that you see me like this. Okay? Can we drop it now?” 
You didn’t mean for it to come out the way it did. You didn’t want to attack him or make him feel like you meant to hurt him. You watched as he tried to say something, his mouth opening and closing. He licked his lips and didn’t say anything. That’s when you started to feel it rising up, the anger. The frustration. The hatred. All at yourself. You couldn’t believe that you said that to your boyfriend, the only guy who had ever loved you as you were. So many people had come and gone in your life, people that taught you how to truly hate yourself and it stuck. The words, the feeling, everything stuck. And now, it was coming back to bite you after you worked so hard to keep it hidden from him, especially during these past few months. 
“I’m sorry if I’ve said something to make you feel like you… I didn’t mean to pry or make you feel uncomfortable. I thought it was-” He started, looking down at his hands.
“Spencer, it’s not you. It’s me. I’ve always been like this. It’s not your fault. You’ve been nothing but good to me. I promise. It’s always been me and especially now, I don’t… I’m sorry. I just don’t like when you look at me the way you do...” You stared at your feet, covered in mismatched socks. You couldn’t find the matches and all you wanted was to cover up today. 
There was a silence, uncomfortable and suffocating. Everything was wrong. It was your fault that this happened… All you had to do was-
“Come on.” Spencer left the couch, grabbing your hand and  leading you to the bathroom. All you could think was how he was going to break up with you now that he knew you weren’t as confident as you made yourself seem most recently. 
“Okay. Stand right here, in front of me.” He put his arms around your waist from behind and bent over a little to sit his head in the crook of your neck and your shoulder. 
“Spencer, if you’re going to break up with me, just do it. Don’t mess around and…” You felt the tears building up at the thought of living without him. 
“Shhh. Okay, tell me what you see. Be honest and don’t hold back.” He said looking in the mirror. 
“I see a really cute man with stubble and soft hands and glasses that frame his face very well.” You said, trying to hold back the tears. You hated the view of your body in the mirror, even if you were still in your heavy hoodie.
“Thank you but what do you see about the girl in front of me?” His face remained straight, unreadable. 
One tear fell. Then another. Then another. 
“I see someone who doesn’t deserve the person behind the person behind her. I see someone who is overweight, out of shape, someone who isn’t good enough because she doesn’t…” Your voice caught in your throat. You breathed a deep sign. “I see someone I hate. I hate her more than anyone in the world.” 
“Okay, my turn.” He said, still unreadable. “I see a brilliant, kind, loving, soft, unique woman in front of me. I see someone who would rather be late because she stopped in the road to help baby ducks cross the street than be on time. I see strength and power in her shaking hands. I see someone who lives their life at a pace they can handle, never letting anyone dictate who they are. I see a woman who would do anything for her loved ones. I see someone who deserves all the good in the world because that’s what she gives out. I see light and love and peace and joy all wrapped up in the body of someone who is soft, gentle, and beautiful. I’ve noticed changes but I see the changes on the inside. So what if you’ve gained some more squish? I love it like I love the rest of you. So what if I’m built like a stick? I can’t fill a dress with curves like you. You don’t deserve me. You deserve better. And I want to be better for you, in any way that I can. You deserve the best because you give the best type of love there is: Pure, innocent, and bright.” 
You looked back up at your reflection, suddenly feeling warm inside. He thought all those things about you… He thought such nice things about you… Why couldn’t you think of those things? 
“I don’t see it.” You said, your voice small. 
“It’s okay. You won’t now but being better for you means that I remind you. And you’ll slowly see it.” He said, kissing your cheek. “But for now, I would like to cool off with a cold bath.” 
“Oh, okay. I’ll go read my book.” You said, pulling away from him. Or at least you attempted to. Spencer pulled you back to where you previously were standing. 
“Here’s what’s going to happen,” His voice was low and soft but there was something else mixed in. “You’re going to get in with me and I’m going to wash your hair and massage your shoulders and help you cool off because it’s really hot but so are you. I don’t care what you say, you could literally be a cardboard box and I would still want you the way I do now. And I mean now.” 
“Spence…” You said, feeling your face grow hot. He rarely got authoritative but when he did, your world was rocked.
“That wasn’t a question.”
I WRITE SUCH LONGASS ONESHOTS. DEAR LORD I NEED TO GET TO THE POINT FASTER. unless you guys like the longer ones. i get carried away
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theladysexpistol · 4 years
( im also thirsty for mista) can you please do any nsfw hcs for him 😇
Only if you promise to take responsibility for the absolute mess that is about to happen 😂😂
N/sfw below
Letting me go off about my spicy headcanons for Mista. Smh you guys have no idea what you’ve unleashed. I’m a certified Mistafucker y’all 🥵
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Unrelated to the gif but Mista in The Rolling Stones miniarc is peak sex appeal Mista for me. Interrogation scene in the elevator has got me fantasizing about Mista pinning me to the wall slamming his hand next to my head ever since 🥵
A lot of this is just going to be building on the stuff I posted in the Bucci gang sex headcanons
- So as I said before I think Mista had a healthy amount of casual sex during the time of his “simple” lifestyle. If you couldn’t tell from my pfp I headcanon him as bisexual so I think it was men and women too, though he leans more toward attraction to women
- Jumping off that, he’s got kind of a high sex drive, and jacks off regularly. If he gets a s/o he isn’t going to pressure them, but if he knows they’re into it he’s VERY happy for casual, frequent sex
- His type, for both men and women, are generally stocky and curvy. Directly quoting myself here I think Mista is a big fan of a woman’s curves. Likes to grab and squish hips, butts, thighs, all that stuff
- Mista is hot and he knows it. He’s not cocky, but he gets hit on a lot. When a sexual partner, s/o or not, runs their hands over his muscles, it is like stroking his ego though (i could talk about mista’s muscles forever. im going to jail for horny crimes i know)
- That being said he is a little self conscious about how hairy he is, but yanno some people (me included) are really into that. You know what else Mista has that i love since I’m just exposing myself? I find shoulders really sexy. Mista’s got the wide shoulders I like. As for how he smells... Trish said its kinda comforting right? I swear i fell in love before I knew he was smelly.
- Every scenario ive ever read with his s/o seducing him into the shower with shower sex is just pure gold keep writing them please
- He is really good with his tongue when he goes down on his partner. That mostly comes from his sexual experience. Doesn’t mind if they come on his face, in fact he finds it kind of hot
- Take off his hat and tug on his dark curls, Mista loves it. He strikes me as someone who can be the dominate one in bed and the more submissive one. He’s pretty go with the flow according to what his partner’s doing
- Mista prefers slow, passionate, almost lazy sex. Lots of feeling each other up, lots of low moans and breathy kisses. That being said if they want more, he can certainly change it up. Especially if his partner has really been teasing him before they got to bed, he’s gonna be more rough
- Still going with the flow, he’ll do whatever position his partner wants. I imagine he does probably like to be on top a little more, and when he’s with a guy he prefers to give than receive, but has absolutely received before
- I know i’ve mentioned that I headcanon Mista being very reliant on touch, especially when he talks to his friends and such. That continues to the bedroom; Mista is sooo handsy during sex. His hands do not stay still
- Cuddles are necessary after sex for his s/o because again, he needs that touch. It’s almost as intimate for him as sex is. Might be even a little more. Why would you not want to have Mista wrap his arms around you. I’m literally begging the universe please give me a Mista. He is so gentle cuddling in bed, still running his fingers over their skin and planting soft kisses down their neck and back
- Mista probably prefers that vanilla lazy sex but he isn’t opposed to trying other things. I think a lot of what he would be down for involves roleplaying in bed, and no not just because those are my favorite fics that I’ve read. But Mista would also break character so fast to kiss his s/o, he can’t help it.
- I go back and forward on how I think he feels about gunplay. Like I see reasons for him to both enthusiastically do it and reasons for him to want to keep that out of the bedroom. Let me know what you guys think
- Mista would never actually hurt his s/o in bed though. He’s constantly checking on them if they’re trying new stuff and probably wouldn’t go too far into the bondage and such.
- Dirty talk flusters him. He talks such a big game but the instant someone gives it back to him he’s bright red. He’s a dork and I love him
- Other things he likes is making out and just feeling each other up, being teased, his s/o sitting on his lap, going maybe a little too far in public but nothing too bad. He likes the shot of adrenaline but wouldnt actually want to cause more trouble than its worse
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mochikeiji · 4 years
Rest Your Heart
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↠ Pairing: Bokuto Koutarou x Akaashi Keiji
↠ Warning: TimeSkip AU! Over thinking, anxiety, angst to fluff
↬ Word Count: 2,052
Summary: Everyone has that one person who will always look after them and their well being. Bokuto has had enough of Akaashi torturing himself from all the papers and projects given to him. He didn't like knowing the fact that he was always drowning into an ocean of hardship and darkness, so he steps up his game into letting Akaashi take a break.
⇢ Day 5: Touch (cuddling, hand holding, huddling for warmth), Bed-sharing! @bokuakaweek2020
Working is tiring for everyone. It's even more exhausting to use your brain into thinking with good ideas. What's worse is that sometimes, people tend to force to milk out every bit of their brain juice in order to master and reach their own satisfaction in their work.
Akaashi was not a stranger to that description.
When you work as an editorist, like he is, it's automatically embedded in you that what you must submit it worthy to be read. Like a every writer, the common thing they had was content. Will it be good? Will it be read? Thousands, even millions of thoughts would swarm a single person for that matter. There mustn't be one speck of mistake in your work. Everything must be already there, written, revised and correctly formulated.
Dealing with this especially when you were assigned to take care of a big project from your seniors was a huge amount of pressure for Akaashi. He couldn't say he hated his job nor loved it. But he can tell that he wasn't happy knowing he wasn't taking care of his health anymore.
"Akaashi~ you're taking too long."
Luckily Bokuto was there.
"10 more minutes, Bokuto. I'll be done." he replies without taking his eyes nor hands off of his laptop. Still hunched over his desk, eyes squinting on each word he's typed in so far checking to see if there were grammatical errors or spelling errors that needed to be changed.
"You've said the same thing 6 times way back now, look," raising his foot, Bokuto points it out on their wall clock above his desk, "It's already 7:30 pm. You haven't even touched your onigiri!" Akaashi takes a small glance to his left side. The onigiri's were left cold and untouched for the past hour since Bokuto had bought home, "Seriously, you need to stop over working your self. One of these days you're bound to collapse.." He mutters the last past, not wanting to imagine his beloved Akaashi fall without him around to pick him up.
He hears a frustrated sigh coming from him. When your partner is stressed and you were just trying to help, it usually ends with the stressed one blowing up on the other one. Atleast, that's how other couples work.
"I'm sorry." not for both of them though, neither one would dare to hurt the other one. For one reason, Akaashi was just not the type of person you'd want to yell at, look at him, he's just a quiet, little man trying to pass by. Next is Bokuto, you can never yell at someone who looks like a child filled with innocence, and besides, he was right at this point for scolding him.
"The deadline is in 2 days time..I'm just terrified that if I don't submit something properly written, they'd stop giving me these opportunities." looking over his right side where a stack of papers were unorganized.
"So? Atleast you won't have to over work yourself. It doesn't matter anymore if you can't be happy and healthy." sitting up with crossed legs on the bed, Bokuto observes Akaashi from there, ready to attend to any needs and necessity.
"I'll be marked with a lower rank and get paid little..."
Bokuto knew how much Akaashi wanted to help him pay for their rent and other taxes ever since they've agreed to live with each other. Even though Bokuto had a lot of money in his pocket to aid them both, Akaashi simply doesn't want to be dependent on his lover and let him do all the hard work.
That's why he loved Akaashi so much. Even up until now he was still giving his all to him like in highschool.
His 120 percent in things.
Akaashi leans back on his chair, closing his eyes for a brief moment to gather all his thoughts to think properly. That gave Bokuto a chance to get up from their shared bed quietly as he walks up to him from behind. He wraps his strong arms around his neck from behind, placing a soft kiss on his forehead as he strokes away the frustrated tears now streaming on his cheeks.
"If it ever went down to that, I'll talk to your boss," moving his hand on both of his shoulder blades, he held the male down by pressing on the tight knots that had formed way back, "No objections, Keiji. You've been working hard, if they treat you like shit I'm complaining. There's no fairness." it was endearing to hear that coming from him. He had grown up to be a mature man than he was before. If Akaashi wasn't so frustrated he would've been crying from so much love coming from Bokuto.
He raises both of his hands, cupping Bokuto's smaller ones on his chest, "You're too nice to me." smiling sadly as he let's all pent frustration out with his tears, "I can never know what'll be enough for me to give you."
That was another thing that Bokuto was saddened about. The fact that Akaashi was an over thinker he'd often degrade himself to the lowest of all. To Akaashi himself, he was nothing more than a bother. A hindrance. But to Bokuto, how he wishes he could tell him he was more than enough and that he has given him too much even before.
"You're already good enough," tapping his chin with his fingers, he pushes his head a little, making his eyes flutter open, "I mean it, Keiji."
There was a short pause of silence. Neither one daring to move as they clung onto each other's love language and affection. Pretty soon, Bokuto found this opportunity as a good sign to lead him back to bed for a break. Removing his arms away from the seated male, much to his dismay, he grabs on the plate of onigiri's and walks to their shared bed, placing it on top.
"Come on, I'll eat with you."
Akaashi watches as Bokuto sits back down on their bed with his legs wide enough. Enough for him to fit and sit in between them, and pats the free space.
"But I have to fini—"
"Your dinner, yes, you're gonna finish your dinner. Now sit here!"
He can never say no when it comes to Bokuto whining. With a sigh, using his sleeves, he wipes away all the excess tears. Not bothering to take his glasses off, and stand up from his chair.
"I'm going to get im trouble after this." nesting himself in between Bokuto's legs and leaning his back on his chest. Bokuto hands him an onigiri along with his and watches Akaashi take his first, but small bite. He didn't have the mood to eat from his constant thinking which makes the owl haired male frown deeply.
"No, you're not. Have a little faith. I know you," taking a huge chunk of the onigiri in his mouth, "You always manage to make things work, that's what I love about you." Akaashi didn't like messy people, but he couldn't make any comment on how silly Bokuto looks and sounds with his mouth stuffed.
"Please don't chew your food while talking, Bokuto."
"And please don't be sad in front of the onigiri's, Kei. They have feelings too."
Hearty laughter filled the room coming from Akaashi. Bokuto savored every moment of it. His happiness was his happiness as well.
Watching Akaashi finally take bigger bites and chowing down like a starved man, hr let's him have all the onigiri's to himself, using an excuse that he was already full. He can see the way his eyes sparkled shyly as he took all the rice filled meals into his stomach.
"Hmm, you're getting kinda chubby there, Keiji," pushing his pointer finger on his cheek, he watches it squish adorably from his touch, "Not that I'm complaining. You look hot and cute." grinning when he saw his lips pout a little with his cheeks growing red, he couldn't help but pinch them.
"Bokuto please, I'm trying tk eat."
"I wasn't suggesting anything!"
Disposing the plate to their night stand, Akaashi wipes the side of his mouth with his sleeve, Bokuto hugging his stomach with his hands rubbing them.
"You're so soft, Keiji." he hums, squishing the baby fat from the smaller male.
"I need to get to work." he was feeling embarrassed. Had he really gained weight that much? Akaashi was taking a note in his mind that he was going to join Bokuto in jogging next time.
"But its late. And you need to rest." nuzzling his head on his shoulder. He really didn't want to see another one of those nights Akaashi would be sitting, hunched on his desk until sunrise.
Stroking his stomach to his chest, Bokuto whines a little when Akaashi tries half heatedly to break from his hold, "And I wanna cuddle you to sleep. It gets lonely when you always leave and work yourself to the bone."
There were times Akaashi would slip from his hold around 3 am to get back to work. During those times Bokuto would pretend to be asleep and wait for his return. And he got pretty upset he's reached until the birds started chirping. The bed was cold without him.
Akaashi feels the guilt rising from him as he remembers all those times he's left the older male. Thinking of what was more important, he forces the arms around his stomach down and turns his body to face him. Bokuto already had a sad expression on his face knowing he was still going to over work himself. It was already part kf his nature.
Until Akaashi wraps his arms around his neck and pushes him down to bed with him placed on top of Bokuto.
"I thought you were going back to work?" nonetheless, Bokuto wraps his arms tighter around Akaashi. He flinches when he feels him started to shake and his neck getting wet.
He was crying again.
Petting his head, Bokuto reaches out for his glasses, removing them and placing it gently on their night stand near the plate. He pushes his head deeper on his neck side, allowing him to cry as he whispers sweet words next to his ear.
"I promise, Keiji. You're already fine as you are. Please, let me take care of you."
He hears a choked sob escape from his lips, "You don't have to keep doing this if it doesn't make you happy. If you're doing this for me then I'm not hapoy if you're not." sniffling from his words, Akaashi listens to him, finding his body warm and home like feeling. His words soothing like a sweet lullaby.
"I don't care about anything, Keiji. I'm hapoy because I have you. But I'm more happier to see you happy and well."
Turning his head, golden eyes meeting teary gun metal ones, Bokuto swipes away the tears again with his thumb and places a small smooch on the tip of his nose.
"You're already enough for me and others. So please," pressing his forehead against his, they both closed their eyes, feeling their breaths close and their bodies warm with fluttering feelings, "Take a break for me."
Akaashi knows to himself sooner or later he'll crumble again like today. He knows to himself that he couldn't help but let his thoughts overcome his sight on things. But that didn't matter right now.
He was in his arms, and that's all he could think of with his presence.
"I love you so much." whimpering softly as he buries his face against his neck again. He felt so safe and secure woth Bokuto around. Loved. That everything around him got a little better. Brighter. It made him nuzzle even more into him and his small arms squeezing him.
Bokuto counters back the same squeeze of affection and kisses the side of his ear. His breathing soon slowing down and into a calm one before he hears soft snores from Akaashi.
"I love you too, Keiji. Sleep tight."
That day Bokuto doesn't sleep until 3 am. He has spent his night watching over him. Occasionally stroking his hair or back whenever he moves from his position.
He wasn't going to let anything ruin Akaashi and his peace for the day.
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker CH23
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 4, 330
- Author Note: So im late, i will do double update! so please check on next chapter too~ :) thank u for whoever that read my cliche story HAHAHA i have no words to describe how im embarassed i am AHAHHAA anyways ~ 
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Chapter 23
Promotional month embarked the start of everything.  Hectic schedule, unreasonable amount of sleep time in a day, the most would be 2 hours and not to mention the studios and practice rooms would be their second home for the time being. The boys had been practicing non-stop these past few days until their official comeback early in February. This time their popularity soared higher than their previous comeback. It felt like a dream, but the boys did it. Their album sales make it digital or physical had risen drastically in comparison to previous sales.
The impact of Bangtan Sonyeondan to the industry was no joke. More people showed their support and their fanbase grew two times bigger than before in the blink of an eyes. Phenomenal indeed. Overwhelmed by the support, the boys promised to work harder this year to repay Armys’ love. Entering the last week of their You Never Walk Alone promotion, the boys were ready to start their Wings Tour around the globe. Unlike before they went to few continents depending on the demand of the respected country however this time their schedule was utilized for the first half of 2017.
Seul massaged her aching muscle and sunk on the couch with sulky face. The dorm was quiet and cold since none of the boys were home at this time.  They would only be home around dawn to get short nap before heading to their next schedule early in the morning. Following the change of their schedule, Seul would take an evening shift and went to their place right after her shift. So, she could prepare advanced breakfast for them. It became her routine to come around 2 in the morning and stayed for two hours or more, making sure the boys got a proper breakfast despite their busy schedule.
Mrs Hwang on the other hand was well informed pertaining to Seul’s unusual activity and she would make Hoon, more like force his son to pick her sister up every day from work. World is a scary place, she did not want to risk Seul’s life though that girl was the one who insisted to change her caretaking schedule out of sudden.
Glancing on her phone screen, she decided to call it a day since it was already 3 A.M and surprisingly she managed to pull her work within an hour. Seul had informed Hoon in advance so the younger guy would not pick her up considering he had exam the next day. She did not want to be blame for his bad performance later on.
“Should I watch Tae’s drama to kill time?” grinning to herself, Seul made up her mind to catch the latest episode. As she expected, the boys had recorded every episode up till the latest one.
What a supportive boyfriend!
It took Seul a moment to remember the last episode she watched, then it came to her realization she was following the drama diligently every week. Seul never missed any episode since she watched this with her mother. Of course, her mother would watch it, we were talking about her so-called adoptive son on screen.
Satisfied with her choice, Seul sat with her leg cross on the couch gleefully. She was excited to see different side of Taehyung on screen. A side which could only be seen on screen. Indeed, BTS V nailed it so perfectly. There were times Taehyung would give her a call as soon as his drama aired that particular day just to hear her opinion. She couldn’t understand why her opinion matter in this anyways.
 “Seul-seul! Did you watch?” Taehyung’s voice croaked in happiness. Apart from his members comment, Taehyung anticipated Seul’s point of view every week caused him to automatically give the girl a call after a new episode aired.
Seul laughed softly at Taehyung’s weird antic “I watched it Tae” he hummed. “So how was it this week?” he chewed his lower lips knowing how bluntly honest she could be. Taehyung valued her honesty even though sometimes Seul would never leave her sassiness behind, he didn’t care. He basically grew up with Min Suga’s sarcasm so to hear something similar from Seul, he was already immune to it.
“Hurm.. do you want to hear the good one or the bad one first?” she poked fun making Taehyung pouted in his seat.
“I want to hear good one first” Seul could imagine Taehyung’s pouty lips as a protest whenever he was forced to make a complicated choice.
Pressing her lips together to suppress her laughter, Seul regained her composure to have a decent conversation with him “You are certainly better if we were to compare with the episode which you first appeared. You look natural and comfortable with your character now. As I mentioned before, I like how you portray your emotions through your deep eyes. It is not a joke. How did you do that?” she professed earnestly.
Her compliments flustered him “Urm…Thank you..You are flattering me”
“I am not..You really did well Tae. Don’t tell me you are blushing” she teased.
“YAH I AM NOT! Alright, I am ready to hear the bad one” Taehyung murmured under his breath with hope it was not as nasty as her first comment back then. “Listen carefully Kim Taehyung, I am about to say something that might hurt your heart” the tone of her voice was stern and cold.
“Ji Seul you are scaring me! Stop sounding so serious”
“I am trying to, okay give me a moment” he heard her heavy breathing at the end of the line as if she was in the middle of night work out. What was on her mind?
“Tae-ah..I think you are too adorable for me to handle. Shouldn’t Hansung be manlier?”
Taehyung gasped “Is that an insult?” her small giggle tickled his heart. “Or is it your way complimenting me?” he pressed. There were times he craved for this kind of attention from Seul, made him feel normal guy around his age. To have a simple conversation with a friend gave him tranquillity.
“Will you take that as an insult since you really hated cutesy stuff nowadays?”
“Armys think I am cute. I will live with that if it comes from Armys and you. Yah, I am serious. Tell me right now what is my flaw?” he insisted.
Seul shook her head “Couldn’t find it. You are a rookie, but you are doing great. My mom thinks your acting is real and she really into it. Don’t ask me who is her favourite character, because she is choosing you over Minho. Aren’t that too much that she’s giving extra attention on you?” Taehyung beamed.
“Why? Are you jealous that Ahjumma favours me more than you?”
“I am used to it, Bangtan boys this, Bangtan boys that. You can take my mom’s love, I have Eodeng and Eomuk to love me” he cringed at the response. “Ew, that simply means you have Jin hyung’s love. Those two brats are the mini Kim Seokjin” she rolled her eyes in process.
She retorted sarcastically “Who are you calling brat? You are the brat!”
 She found herself smiling at the memories, being with Taehyung made her comfortable. Something that she could feel whenever she’s with Jin and Hoseok. Returning her attention back to the screen, Seul watched the drama and clasped her hand excitedly.  A silly smile would appear on her face every time Taehyung appeared on screen along with small awe in between.
Few months ago, she ridiculed the power of Bangtan Sonyeondan on her now as time passed it slowly turned her into a fan. Guess, she was being supportive of her friends.
Yes, supportive sounds fitting.
“Sejin hyung quick quick my bladder is about to explode” Jimin whiney voice filled the emptiness of the hallway. Other members stood sleepily behind him. Meanwhile, Jimin was getting impatient to finish his business inside. “Gosh, why are you so whiney” he pressed the button hurriedly, entering the password.
As soon as Jimin heard the beep, he squished his small body between the door and Sejin and ran inside ignoring the older guy that were already pressed against the wall.“That kid!” Sejin hissed while shaking his head. He gave a soft pat on Jungkook back, making the maknae moved inside with a big yawn “Get some sleep everyone, you need to be ready in 4 hours” he ordered.
Jungkook screeched softly feeling his muscle stiffened at the sight before him “Seul?” he stared in disbelief. Sleeping peacefully on the couch was Seul with Hwarang still running in the background. A soft smile spread across his face since the last time he saw her was two weeks ago. He almost lost his balance when he felt someone crashed against his body from back, Kim Taehyung groaned in frustration.
“Yah, Gukkie why are you blocking the way” his bangs were poking his eyes making it hard for him to see the obstacle in front of him. Furthermore, in this sleepy state everything appeared irrelevant to him except for his comfortable bed. Confused, Taehyung’s eyes followed Jungkook and upon it landed on Seul’s figure, his eyes widened in sheer surprise.
“Seul? Seul is here?” he spoke lowly fully aware that their manager was still there.
“What should we do? Sejin hyung is here!” Jungkook started to panic. The hyungs made their entrance with questionable look but soon they gawked at the scene in front of them. It would be a huge trouble if their manager found out about Seul. The chances of her being fired was high.
It is 5 A.M why is she not home? Yoongi cursed, taking a glance at Sejin whom thankfully still at the doorstep gathering bags in process. Everyone was trying to come up with ways to hide Seul or to face Sejin’s wrath in a minute. Without wasting any time, Taehyung marched forward taking Seul in his arm casually surprising everybody in the room.
“What are you doing?” Yoongi inquired with concern look.
“We need to hide her”
“Yes, but where?”
“Lets just bring her to my room” Taehyung suggested earning a low protest from Yoongi and Jin. Nonetheless, they followed him afterwards.
Seul stirred in her sleep a little and snuggled her face at the crook of his neck, liking the familiar smell and warmth. Even in her sleep, she knew how to play with his heart. Taehyung tried to control himself from smiling foolishly as his main concern right now was to hide Seul from Sejin.
“I will distract Sejin hyung” Jungkook blurted out and quickly dashed to the main door followed by Hoseok behind. Namjoon and Jin assisted Taehyung to his room, opening the door for him so he could move Seul to safer place.
 “Hyung I forgot my headphones!” “Me too I forgot my-my game console!” Hoseok and Jungkook hollered in unison causing the older guy to eye them suspiciously.
He wiggled his finger to his headphone which hang loosely around his neck “That is your headphone Hobi and as for you Jungkook, I didn’t see you play any games today let alone having your game console with you” closing the door behind him, he placed the bags on the floor.
Hoseok gulped nervously exchanging nervous look with Jungkook “Urm…Sorry I seem to forget, but really I forgot something in the van!” he tried his luck one more time to convince Sejin. They knew it was not easy to lie on his face since he could read them so easily. Their manager knew when the boys were hiding something, like right now.
“I smell fear and lies. What are you hiding from me?” he quirked his brows prying answers out from the two boys before him.  
“Nothing, nothing” Jungkook palmed his hand against the wall awkwardly with a sheepish smile. He heard the commotion behind him meaning the hyungs were doing something about Seul, though he had no idea how much time they needed for him to stall their manager.
“If it is nothing, why are you blocking my way? Is there something that I shouldn’t see?”
Hoseok held both his palm out while cracking a nervous chuckle in between “Jimin.. I mean Jimin peed in his pant and it is disgusting. We have to clean the floor first. It is dirty, you can’t walk” Hoseok facepalmed at his idiotic ideas. It sounded ridiculous.
“YAH WHO PEED IN PANTS?” clueless Jimin exited the bathroom as his eyes threw daggers at Hoseok way. Hoseok grinded his teeth together chasing Jimin away from the scene but of course he would not budge even an inch. Park Jimin was persistent to begin with. He never let anyone taint his name.
Jungkook rubbed the back of his head in frustration ‘Jimin-ssi, can you be a little cooperative. Why out of all time’ the manager did not buy the boys lies so he forced himself inside. Being tall giving him advantage to dominate the boys. His eyes scanned the empty living room with suspicion whilst Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok were having their secret banter behind.
“The caretaker came to clean the place?” he noticed the cleanliness of the place as he made his way to the kitchen. “I guess…” Hoseok murmured silently.
“Jimin-ssi, Seul is here we are trying to stall him! You are ruining the plan” Jungkook whispered under his breath making the shorter guy gasped realizing his own mistake. When he dashed inside, he didn’t catch a glimpse of anyone in the dorm. If and only he realized it sooner this thing could be prevented. The three musketeers kept their eyes on the manager hyung whom busy inspecting every corner of their place.
Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi exited Taehyung’s room as their eyes spotted the three boys stood in line with their hands neatly together, they shot them a bewildered look “Yah are you crazy! Don’t act suspicious, hyung might find out!” Namjoon scowled lowly afraid that the older guy overheard him.
“Get into your room now and act naturally” Jin mouthed them. The three musketeers scurried off almost bumping into each other before each of them got into their room without trouble. The sound of heavy footstep alarmed the remaining members, and they decided to avoid their manager at all cost.
 On the other hand, Taehyung had already changed into his pyjamas in order to appear more convincing in case their manager decided to appear magically in his room. From time to time he threw a nervous glance at the door feared to witness an unwelcoming sight. Judging from the message in their group chat, Sejin was inspecting every nook and cranny of the dorm started from Jungkook. Taehyung’s room is a room away from him that scared the shit out of him.
He stared at Seul while trying to find perfect way to hide her from their manager. “Screw this” caressing his fluffy hair out of frustration, he turned off the main light and slipped under the cover beside Seul. Taehyung bit his lower lips, apologizing non-stop since he was about to initiate something inappropriate. The girl was unconscious, and he was literally touching her without her consent.
She will understand, she will. Taehyung prayed in his head that Seul would not wake up until this nerve wrecking scene ended.
“Fuck” his eyes rounded upon seeing the shadow behind the creak of his door. Using his long hand to reach the lamp on his night stand, he switched off swiftly. Taehyung pulled the cover under his chin, wrapping one of his arm securely around Seul’s waist. His heart pounded due to the proximity and it doubled when he heard Sejin’s footstep approaching his room.
His body froze when he felt Seul making a slight move in his embrace. On the bright side, she’s not awake however her face was buried deeply in his chest. The heavy lump on his throat caused his breath to hitch.
Ji Seul, what are you.
“Taehyung-ah, are you asleep” Taehyung snapped out his thought, and brought Seul’s body closer to him. He shut his eyes tight pretended to sleep with hope they wouldn’t get caught by their manager today. Not today, they couldn’t risk losing Seul.
Sejin twisted the door knob, poking his head inside. He squeezed his eyes to adjust to the darkness “Guess, he is asleep. That was fast” he mumbled. Taehyung’s mind overloaded with negative thoughts and his heart thumped crazily that he swore the eerie silence in his room adding the tension. The sound of the footsteps sounded so close yet unclear. He was sure it was just few steps closer from his bed. Like a reflex, Taehyung tightened his arm around Seul’s keeping her close.
Exasperating a soft sigh, he was relieved when the sound of the footsteps faded away. The soft slam came from the door convinced Taehyung that his manager had left the room, yet he did not want risk getting caught, so he stayed like a statue for few minutes. Taehyung grinned upon hearing Sejin’s faint voice behind the door “Park Jimin, I told you to sleep. Why are you still standing there?” Sejin frowned.
Jimin cleared his throat awkwardly “Is..Tae asleep?”
“Yes, his room is dark, and I bet he is asleep”
“D-d-dark what?” Jimin continued to curse something vulgar in his head. After finding out Seul was in Taehyung’s room he couldn’t help but to worry. It triggered his protective instinct and jealousy. He couldn’t let his guard down just because Taehyung is his best friend even though Tae was never vocal about his feelings for Seul, his man’s instinct could not be wrong. Something bloomed whenever they were together.
The older guy snapped him out from his deep thought “What is wrong with you? Go sleep and stop worrying about Tae. Clock is ticking Jiminie, you don’t want to miss even an hour worth of sleep” he exclaimed.
“Fine, I am sleeping” his lower lips puckered out of habit.
“I will be here around 10, make sure everyone is ready by then” Jimin nodded obediently and threw a final glance at Taehyung’s door. Everything will be fine, Jimin convinced his racing heart.  
Groggily, Seul forced her heavy lids to open and that when she realized the unusual warmth behind her. Seul squinted her eyes one last time in order for her foggy brain to function properly. A small light from the curtain illuminated the dark room but was not enough for Seul to get a clear view of it. On top of all, she was beyond relief that her outfits were still intact, remain untouchable. Meaning no funny business happened. At least, she was not kidnapped by some sasaeng fans, she hoped.
‘I swear I was in the living room watching Hwarang’ she grew frustrated of her failure in retrieving her memory. Seul couldn’t recall whether the boys were back home or not. Shrugging her unimportant thought away, Seul fisted the sheets under her gathering her courage to face the individual behind her.
Seul, move slowly don’t wake up the tiger.
Shifting under the sheet, she changed her position slightly to face Taehyung. In 3,2,1 she was ready to see whoever beside her but to her surprise, someone was cradling her head halting her earlier intention to catch the culprit.
“Seul, you awake?” his voice trailed off. She recognized that voice.
Seul touched his hand “Jungkook?” she whispered in daze.
His low yet squeaky chuckle made her smile “Yes, it is me. Come on let’s get up quietly. We don’t want to wake Tae hyung” Jungkook stroked his hand down to her waist, slowly sweeping her off from the bed.
Setting Seul down on the ground, she inquired “Tae? I am in his room. How?” Jungkook let out another adorable giggle, embracing her tight. “You fell asleep while watching hyung’s drama. Let’s talk outside” while keeping Seul in his embrace, they exited Taehyung’s room at ease.
She pulled away making an abrupt stop facing the giggly maknae, why was he in good mood today. “Tell me why I am in Tae’s room? I thought I was kidnapped!” she pursed her lips in annoyance.
“Sejin hyung was here, so we had no choice but to hide you”
“Hiding me in Taehyung’s room? How clever” she wheezed.
“Then you wish to be in my room instead?” Jungkook look amused as playful smirk spread on his handsome face.
She squirmed under his intense gaze “I didn’t mean it that way, you could wake me up. I can hide in the closet and leave afterwards” he sent a disapproval glare at her way.
“No way we are making you walk alone at that time, now stop complaining” he took few steps forward, pulling the sulky girl into another tight hug. Jungkook nuzzled the top of her head, exhaling a low sigh “I miss you” he murmured.
Her heart did the weird dance again, “You woke up early today, I thought you were not an early riser” she wrapped her arms around him, returning the hug with equal passion. “You think I can sleep knowing you’re sleeping on the same bed as Tae hyung?” he said sulkily.
Seul giggled “Are you jealous? Then, I blame it on you for letting Tae got into the way” her tease making the visible frown on his forehead two times thicker. She looked up “Aigoo, you may develop wrinkles at this age” her hand smoothed his eyebrows, giving it a soft caress along the shape.
Closing his eyes with a soft hum, Jungkook let himself drown under Seul’s magic touch “You are losing your baby fat again. I don’t like that” she gave his cheek a soft stroke with a slight frown.
“Don’t worry I will earn that back after our promotion ended. Besides, I had a good breakfast every day thanks to you. Did you come late at night for your work just to prepare those meal for us?” he pecked her fingers, interlacing it with his.
“You guys are barely home so I thought it is wise to change my caretaking schedule a little. On the bright side, I can prepare breakfast for you guys. I bet Jin had no time to prepare proper food for all of you, I don’t want to wear him out” her eyes glimmered in concern. The mere thought of filling seven empty stomach washed away the worries in her.
Jungkook protested “But that’s mean you will be walking home alone, and it is not safe”
“About that, my mom made Hoon picked me up from work every day. Don’t worry, I will be fine. Worry about yourself, you need to eat healthily. Stop skipping meals” she cringed. “I saw your Vlive, all of you look dead tired. And, I am sorry I couldn’t make it to your Wings tour last week. I had to fill in for Sera” she sighed.
His hand skimmed, featherlight, over her shoulders “It is okay, it is just the opening tour this year, I will make sure you attend the next one. Hobi hyung and Jin hyung were not happy that you couldn’t make it to our concert. However since you bribed them with food the day after, they lowkey claimed that it was okay for you not to attend as long as you prepared yummy food to make it up to them” she chuckled at their silliness.
“As expected, how easy it was to persuade those two. Don’t remind me the long ass text that they sent to me showing off their protest and resentment” Seul’s face scrunched a little at the vivid memories. Jungkook laughed along and the couple continued their conversation in the kitchen. Seul reheat the food for the boys to savour when they woke up with Jungkook’s help.
“I think I need to go before your manager come. Oh, say hi to everyone” she hung her apron carefully and gathered her belongings. Meanwhile, Jungkook continued to sulk behind, “Can’t you stay for breakfast? It is still early, hyung will be here around 10” his voice was a little more than a whisper but in cutesy way.
She flashed him a soft smile “I can’t Jungkook maybe next time. I have an errand to run” he watched her back as she made her way to the entrance. “I want to meet you again before we fly off to America next month” Jungkook leaned against the wall with one hand inside his pocket.
She saw the disappointment in his eyes, so she walked up to him. Dazed Jungkook set his eyes on Seul as the girl tiptoed a little giving a soft peck on his lips “There. I will see you around, don’t miss me too much” a sweet rush of embarrassment coursed through Jungkook.
“O..kay..” his eyes sparkled causing Seul to chuckle. Jungkook might be a little blunt in showing his affection towards her, but whenever she initiated the skinship first, the guy would turn into a total baby.
Seul was about to push the door getting ready to leave but only to be greeted by Sejin’s confused face. She felt an extreme fear in her system, was she caught for real now? Fuck, she muttered.
“Who are you?” he pushed the door wider to see Jungkook stood frozen behind Seul with an extremely disturbed face.
“Hyung…You are urm.. early?” his voice broke into a small shriek.
Quirking his eyebrows, the older guy stepped inside closing the door behind him carefully “You have a long explanation to do Jeon Jungkook. To the lounge now. I want everyone in the room. 5 minutes” his voice was rough and Seul felt like pissing in her jeans.
Seul swallowed a heavy lump on her throat “When I said everyone, that includes you Miss” he pushed the glass back on the bridge of his nose, leaving astounded Jungkook and Seul behind. Jungkook made eye contact with Seul and they exchanged looks of panic and questions.
   This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved
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fairy-writes · 3 years
hiii! can i have a bnha & aot matchup? i’m a 5’2 bisexual girl, i’m a cancer, & my hogwarts house is hufflepuff. i tend to be pretty optimistic and bubbly, and i have a bit too much energy most of the time. i love yoga, walking, listening to music, doodling, swimming, and baking. i try to help people whenever i can, often times i go out of my way and end up looking after them more than i look after myself (a little bit of a flaw, ik, but im trying). i actually carry bandaids and lollipops in my backpack just in case someone gets hurt or is sad— it never fails to cheer them up, i promise. i have a pretty big heart and i can be a little too sensitive sometimes, taking things a bit too seriously. i get scared of bugs, but i still really try to protect them— like taking them outside and keeping my friends from stepping on them. i’m pretty affectionate and i love conversations and listening to people when they’re passionate. please and thank you!!
Hi lovely! Just a reminder, I’ve only seen seasons 1 and 2 of AOT! So this is based on my knowledge of that and also the AOT wiki!
My Hero Academia Matchup: I pair you with… Midoriya Izuku!
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Ok, first of all, he’s always in need of bandaids. Whether it’s for something like a paper cut from carrying one too many textbooks or from training and splitting skin, he’ll never complain if you kiss his injury and bandage him up!
Swimming dates! Baking dates! All the fun dates! Your hobbies and Izuku’s hobbies mesh nicely and allow for enjoyable and exciting dates and bonding time. His personal favorite is going to the beach and just sitting and watching the sunset, maybe having a picnic at the same time if you guys pack one.
Overall, very soft and sweet relationship with the sweet broccoli boy!
Attack on Titan Matchup: I pair you with… Armin Arlert!
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He loves that you look after others a lot but often encourages you to take care of yourself first. He also loves your hobby of music and baking! He offers to help with baking, but alas, talents with reading don’t translate well to doing the real thing.
Armin loves that even though you have your fears, you still go out of your way to rescue bugs and such from being squished (he has definitely squished a few bugs with books in his day, but he’s getting better after getting to know you!)
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mccnyoongi · 5 years
the yoongi thigh riding drabble 😫😫😫 sis ur tryna kill me alsooo i know u said ur trying not to go for the “riding yoongi in his studio chair” trope however i FULLY support indulging in this trope 😉 i rlly love ur writing tho omg 🥰
+ anon said:  hi im uh read your latest work and rEALLY LIKED IT so can i please request riding yoongi in his studio chair??? thanks if you would posts it!
+ another anon said: yoongi drabble, were where y / n and he have sex in his studio, pls?
hsfjksfh TWIST MY ARm why dont u !! (i told yall id do nasty soon) now i wanna write a multi-chaptered undergroundrapper!yoongi sjkfjsdf 
⇢ word count: 2K+ (lmao)
⇢ warnings: unprotected sex, dom!yoongi, starts SUPER soft then devolves into filth, undergroundrapper!yoongi bc ion like writing idol!au skdfjsdfk, degradation, yoongi’s hands
Yoongi’s passion has always been one of your favourite things about him- if he cares about something, he’ll give his all to it. Thankfully you fall under that category. The only question is whether you’re first or second on the list, constantly competing with his music.
With Yoongi garnering a fair amount of success from his life as an underground rapper, you understand why it’s starting to take over more and more of his life, you really do. You loved Yoongi, you loved his music. But you couldn’t help but start to… miss your boyfriend. A sad irony that you could miss the man who’s been, as of late, spending the majority of his time in his ‘studio,’ aka the spare room of your shared apartment that he said was about a quarter the size of a proper studio. 
How could you miss someone that was less than fifteen feet away from you, two doors away? You weren’t sure that it was possible until now, lying in bed, Yoongi’s side cold and the offensive red light of your bedside alarm clock telling you it’s far past the time your boyfriend promised he’d be in bed by. You sigh, sitting up, knowing that you wouldn’t get any sleep if you just sat there and stewed in your negativity. So instead you’d seek him out.
Thankfully there isn’t a lock on the door, he hasn’t gotten around to putting one in yet. You know the day will come soon, since last time your friends were over, Jungkook and Jimin had managed to sneak their way in, looking like guilty puppies when Yoongi had caught them. 
Lock or not, Yoongi didn’t even hear you, ears covered by his almost comically oversized headphones, his dyed blonde head bobbing to whatever beat he’s working on at the moment. You can’t help but smile fondly at the sight of your sweet boy so immersed in the thing he’s dedicated his life to.
He’s only made aware of your presence when you wrap your arms around his shoulders from behind. He finally takes those ridiculous headphones off, pausing the track and letting you rest your chin on the top of his head.
You look at the two monitors in front of him as though you have any idea what’s going on on the screens. “Hard at work, huh genius?”
You feel him cock his head under you and he hums gently, one of his large hands- something about him you first fell in love with when you saw it, pale and slender, gripping a microphone on stage- grabbing at yours. “Sorry,” He mumbles, and you can tell by the timber and the gruffness of his voice that he hasn’t spoken a word since he came into this room a couple of hours ago. “Lose track of time in this room. No windows.”
“S’okay Yoon. Just missed you is all.”
Your words are innocent but they tug at his heart and make him shut his eyes for a moment. He never wants to make you feel like second best, but the way he falls into things sometimes makes him forget that anything else exists in the world. But now he wants to be close to you, to touch you, to make it all up to you. 
“C’mere,” He’s tugging at the hand he has in his grip, and he keeps tugging until you’ve circled around his chair to stand in front of him. “Up on my lap, babe.” An offer you couldn’t refuse. So you don’t.
You’re straddling him now, well-toned but not overtly muscular thighs under you- a familiar and welcoming seat of yours. His warmth is comforting to you and vice versa. “I’ve been neglecting you, haven’t I?” You don’t want to say yes, afraid of hurting his feelings but the pout that graces your features gives it all away.
“I know, baby, I’m sorry,” One of his large hands comes up to cup your face, and he coos softly when you lean and nuzzle into his palm, as if he isn’t thinking of all the filthy and depraved things he’s been missing out on with you while he’s been cooped up in his studio. “‘M gonna make it up to you.”
And then his mouth is on yours, and you’re reminded why you love kissing Min Yoongi so much. He’s careful and intense, every movement backed by the same confidence and dominance he exudes when he’s on stage. It’s when you deepen the kiss, his tongue slipping into your mouth, skilled and tactful, that you realize you weren’t just here for a quick visit.
“Yoongi,” You murmur as soon as he’s pulling back, detaching your mouths. You’re momentarily hypnotized by the string of spit that still connects the two of you, staring at it until it breaks. Yoongi notices this fascination of yours, and give you a smirk you regret ever confessing to him you find sexy. 
“Are you getting all desperate for me, silly girl? Hm?” You can’t help but rut your hips against his own at the words, loving the way they fall out of his mouth so lazily but with as much purpose as a presidential speech. “So needy ‘nd squirmy for me… Love seeing you so fucking desperate, you know.” His hands are travelling up your sleep shirt- aka an old band shirt of his that you had staked your claim over before the two of you had even moved in together.
His hands don’t go where more inexperienced ones might immediately go but instead traverse up and down your back, leaving delicious goosebumps in their wake. You shiver both from the feeling, and from the anticipation of what’s to come. You go to take your shirt off but are stopped by two hands circled around your wrists. “Patience,” Yoongi’s voice is next to your ear now, as he’s pulled you down using the grip he has on you. 
He’s made it clear that while you may be on top of him, he’s the one with control. And he’s fucking revelling in it, you can see it in the sparkle in his eyes as he lets go of your wrists. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll take care of you, I promise,” You trust him wholeheartedly, and communicate this with a nod. You know he understands when his hands slide down, under your shirt once more, this time staying far lower. 
“Soaking wet and I’ve barely even done anything,” He’s so cocky and you should be annoyed but you can’t find it in you, instead you feel yourself get even hotter at his words. “Panties off, little girl.”
His tone leaves no room for arguing, so you scramble to stand up and follow his demands, panties lost somewhere behind him. You go to get back onto your spot on his lap, missing it already, but are stopped once more by his hands. One is on your waist, holding you steady, only using a portion of its strength and the other is on your face, squishing your cheeks, opening your mouth and pushing your lips out obscenely. 
He looks like he’s still deciding what the hell to do with you, how hard to go. Then he’s cocking his head, brazen smirk back on his face as he pushes you down to your knees. The carpeting immediately makes the position uncomfortable as you feel it grating against the skin of your knees. But any discomfort is immediately quelled, or, at least, forgotten, at the sight and sound of Yoongi undoing his belt in front of you- any thoughts of your knees and carpet burn are replaced with the thoughts of Yoongi’s cock. He had that effect on you.
He chuckled at the look in your eyes, finally releasing himself from the confines of his jeans. He sighs at the release, cold air hitting his skin a shock to his rock hard dick. “Practically fucking drooling for this cock, aren’t you?” You nod earnestly and lean forward, towards his cock where his hand works over it lazily. He grabs a fistful of your hair with his other hand, withholding you from what you really want. “So fucking desperate, you slut. You wanna suck my cock so bad? You better do a good fucking job of it, convince me you deserve it in that slutty cunt of yours.”
You barely have time to think about how quickly he shifted from the sweet, loving Yoongi you normally know to this darker version of Yoongi, the one that comes out whenever he’s properly turned on before his hand that’s fisted in your hair is dragging you toward his achingly hard cock. You open your mouth, ready and willing, and mouth at his tip, letting your spit, your drool, collect and fall over it, dripping down the rest of his impressive length. You pull back to give the tip a gentle kiss, barely holding back a giggle when it jumps angrily at you
He breathes out heavily from his spot above you and yanks you back off his cock. “You wanna be a messy fucking tease? Fine. Open your mouth. Now,” You do as he says, not wanting to anger him further. 
He collects spit in his own mouth, and you're made to sit and wait patiently, hair a mess and mouth wide open. You don’t have to wait long until he spits into your mouth, the act so filthy, so dirty, you can only close your eyes and whimper, so turned on from it all that you can feel your own wetness starting to drip down your thighs. Messy. “Don’t swallow,” He doesn’t need to explain more as he leads you back to his cock.
You let the combination of your and his spit fall onto his cock, the act obscene but astoundingly erotic. You finally start to swallow down his length like you know he wants, your hands coming up to help. Both of his hands are in your hair now, entirely controlling your actions, the speed of which your sucking his cock.
He finally pushes you down as far as he can, your hands falling to his thighs. Your nose is against his stomach, tickled by the sparse amount of hair there. You can barely breathe from this position, but you take it if only for the groans you hear tumble out of his mouth. “Such a good girl, my best fucking slut,” You moan at the praise, the vibrations making his head fall back on his chair. There’s drool covering both him and your face now, tears welling at the corners of your eyes from the intensity, and every second you can feel yourself getting wetter.
His hands fall slack on your hair, but you don’t pull back just yet, instead, taking the opportunity to swallow around him once, twice, three times. He yanks you off of his cock, his breathing ragged and heavy. He looks at you with a half-lidded gaze. “Up.”
It’s only one word, but he doesn’t need anymore, not with a commanding tone like that. You get back on his lap, immediately calmed and comforted by the spot. He finally tears off the shirt, now wrinkled and covered in drool and precum. 
“Now fucking sit on it,” And you can hardly hold yourself back, eagerly lifting yourself up and positioning the head of his cock against your slick entrance. You let yourself fall, the whole of him filling you up perfectly, and so so good.
Yours and Yoongi’s groans mingle together in an unrivalled harmony, the two of you still for a moment as you bask in the feeling. “Being such a good fucking girl,” His hands work up and down your sides. “Now fuck yourself on my cock, and don’t you dare stop. Don’t stop until you full of my fucking cum, ‘till you’re my perfect, messy bitch.”
You start slowly, lifting yourself up until barely an inch is left in your pussy, and drop all the way back down. You continue like this, deep, strong strokes, slowly speeding up until your bouncing on his lap, the obscene sounds of the two of you filling the room, your very own symphony when combined with your groans.
“So good, baby, so fucking good, bouncing on my cock, gonna make such a fucking mess out of you, yeah?” He’s lifting his hips to meet yours, making every downstroke that much more intense. 
He lands a spank on your ass, then another, the sharp pain only serving to make you wetter and bounce on him harder. He chuckles in between moans. “You like that, huh? You’ll take anything I give you, ‘cause you’re my perfect little whore.”
You can feel the crescendo coming, building up like a tsunami. “Yoongi- Yoongi please, please, you have to let me come,” Any other time you’d have reservations about begging, but when it came to Yoongi, all pride was left at the door. “Need it.”
“I have to? I don’t have to do anything, whore,” His hand is back on your face, lips puckering out again. You nod in desperate agreement. He’s collecting spit in his mouth once more and you open your mouth wider in anticipation of what’s about to come. He spits in your mouth again, this time wanting you to swallow. It’s a dirty act, so vulgar, and you both groan at the site.
“You see that, slut? You swallow my spit, bounce on my cock and cum for me, all when I fucking tell you to? You understand?”“Yes, Yoongi I do, I’m sorry, please, I’m sorry, jus’ lemme cum.”
“Yeah, yeah, do it, fucking come for me.”
And cum you do, the feeling washing over you like nothing else, eyes closing and your head burrowing itself into Yoongi’s neck, the smell of his sweat comforting. You can hear Yoongi talking himself and you through your orgasms, but the words are too much for you to focus on. You can only feel his cum fill you up, already starting to spill out of you.
You’re both panting in the aftermath, his hands, once harsh, now softly caressing your back. The two of you are slick and sticky with sweat, but it’s the last thing on your minds.
“You still need to work on that song or are you finally gonna come to bed?”
“Please, neither of us are leaving that bed for the next 48 hours, besides to get the door for the take out we order.”
“Sounds perfect.”
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angstysebfan · 4 years
Choices - Chapter 7
Pairing: Steve X Reader, Bucky Reader (not Stucky)
Summary: You fall in love with a super soldier, but after a decision that leaves you heartbroken you find yourself needing to decide where your heart truly lies.
Warnings: Depression, nightmares, wishing for death
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You feel a hand brushing your hair out of face, waking you from your slumber. You can barely open your eyes, but peek to see Bucky sitting on the edge of your bed. “Hey Doll. You have been sleeping for about 13 hours, and you need to eat.” he says softly. You close your eyes again for a moment, before blinking them open again.
“I’m just so tired, Buck.” you whisper sadly. Bucky gives you a warm smile, “Well, how about I bring your food up here, you can eat and then go back to sleep. That sound good?” he asks, continuing to brush your hair. You nod in response, closing your eyes again at the feeling.
After a new moments you hear Bucky call you, “Y/N, sit up so you can eat. I promise you can go back to sleep when you are done.” You slowly sit up and lean your back against your headboard before Bucky put the tray in front of you. He kisses the top of your head before heading toward the door. “Stay with me?” you ask quietly.
Bucky turns and looks at you, “Of course, let me get my tray and I’ll eat with you.” he says before heading out the door. He is back in a matter of seconds if feels, before climbing on the bed next to you. You both eat your meals in silence, Bucky watching you from his peripheral every few minutes. When you finish you and Bucky pile the dirty plates and tray together. 
Bucky goes to bring everything downstairs, when again you surprise him, “Bucky, don’t leave me, please.” you say in a whimper. Bucky’s heart shatters at your broken voice. He places the trays and plates on a side table and climbs back in the bed, this time under the covers. You slide back down onto your pillow, looking at the ceiling. Bucky lays on his side, looking at you.
He sees the tears flow down from your eyes, which breaks his heart. All he wants to do is reach out to console you, but he is unsure how you will respond. After about an hour, you sigh and turn on your side, facing Bucky. “Why didn’t you let me die?” you ask in a whisper. Bucky’s eyes widen at the question.
“Y/N, I couldn’t let you die! You mean too much to m-- the team. You’re my friend, best friend. I... I-I had to save you.” Bucky said. Tears are flooding your eyes, “I wish you would have let me die. The way I feel, I wish I would have just died.” you say starting to sob. Bucky pulls you into his arms and hold you as you sob.
“Y/N, I know you feel like that now, but one day, I promise you will be so happy to be alive. You will find someone who makes being alive worth all the pain you have gone through. Steve is an idiot, and he will live with his guilt, but honey, he is not worth this feeling. You have so many people in your corner, especially me. You will always have me.” Bucky says as he kisses your head.
You hear his words but say nothing, as the terrible thoughts of wanting to die continue to swim in your head. You sob harder into his neck until your exhaustion finally catches you and you fall asleep in Bucky’s arms. When Bucky feels your breath even out and your heart rate is finally calm, he pulls you slightly away from him. You look peaceful, but he knows you are anything but. He kisses your forehead and pulls the blankets to your chin. Finally he gets up and grabs the tray, leaving the room quietly.
“Nat, it’s bad. She told me she wished she would have died, and that I should have let her die.” Bucky says, running his hands through his hair, and he speaks on his phone. “Buck, you know how she feels, that’s why we all thought you would be the perfect person to be with her. She is angry right now, and definitely depressed. You just need to continue being there for her, okay?” Nat says.
Before Bucky can respond, he hears your screams from upstairs. “Gotta go!” he says quickly before hanging up and running upstairs. He enters your room to see you thrashing back and forth in your bed, crying and screaming in your sleep. He runs to your side, “Y/N, wake up baby! Wake up for me. It’s okay, you’re okay. I’m here.” he says as you continue to thrash.
You finally wake up gasping through your tears and look to see Bucky sitting there looking at you and his arms on either side of you. “Bucky!” you cry before sitting up and having his arms wrap around you. Bucky rocks back and forth as you sob into his chest, “Shhh. It’s okay. You’re okay. I’m here. I’ll never leave you.” he whispers. 
You are still gasping for breath, so Bucky grabs the oxygen next to your bed and puts the mask on your face. You look up at him with such sad eyes, it reminds him of a child. He kisses your forehead and lays you back down. Your heart is pounding in your chest, so Bucky also grabs a syringe of medicine, Dr. Cho gave him. The medicine is to help you calm down and give you dreamless sleep.
He injects you with the medicine and then lays down next to you, pulling you to his chest. Between the medicine and Bucky’s heartbeat, you fall sound asleep. After some time, Bucky removes the oxygen mask off your face and turns off the light next to you. He will stay with you tonight, to make sure the medicine works and that you are safe.
He lays there wide awake listening to the sound of your heavy breathing. He kisses the top of your head softly. “You have no idea how loved you are. I will show you. I will show how you are the most important person in my life. I will bring you out of the darkness, because it’s a path I know. I promise. You’re my mission. The most important mission of my life.” he whispers before kissing your head again.
Chapter 6 / Chapter 8
Oh my heart! Bucky is the best and I love writing soft fluffy Bucky! Feedback is appreciated!
Permanent Taglist: @hailmary-yramliah​ @tuiccim​ @comedictragedy​ @cap-n-stuff​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @swiftmind​ @aleaisntcreative​ @lookiamtrying​ @pinknerdpanda​ @morganclaire4​ @iamvalentinaconstanza​ @im-squished​ @joannie95​ @peace-love-hobbitness​
Story Taglist: @tweedlydumbtweedlydoo​ @supraveng​ @rebekahdawkins​
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