#someone talk to me about erlin Please
chompe-diem · 2 years
i thought i was almost done losing my mind over my bahumia faves but JUST KIDDING i started the tomb of horrors stream and remembered Fully just exactly how they exist again and hcdhdgzhwjfuehfhsbfhyd
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make-me-imagine · 7 years
Prompt/Plot: Valentines Reunion Request: Could u do a Merlin x reader where you haven't seen each other in years and you were friends with him in Ealdor, but like you come to Camelot to surprise him and its Valentines day, and you guys kiss for the first time and its just fluffy and cute as hell. THANKS <3333
Note: I didn’t really get to fit much Valentines stuff in here, but I hope you still enjoy it :)
Requested by: @milleniumxhan
Pairings: Merlin x reader
Gender: Any/Neutral     Triggers: None
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You smiled to yourself as you made your way through a forested area, your horse trotting easily over the paths. It was a nice day, sunny, a light breeze, not to mention the nervous excitement of where you were going. Camelot. Every since Merlin had gone there you had wanted to see it. Well, you wanted to see Merlin more, but Camelot was a bonus. As you looked around the forest you thought back to your days with Merlin.
You laughed as you ran through the trees, Merlin close behind chasing you. It was a game you use to play. You would take a old rag and run from the other. If the other managed to get the rag from you within a certain amount of time, they won, but if they didn’t get the rag, the other person won.
You rounded a tree, but Merlin managed to grab your waist, causing you to stumble, Merlin landing next to you.
You both broke into a fit of laughter before finally calming down. Merlin plucked the rag from your belt and rose it in the air “I won!”
You tried to take the rag back but couldn’t reach it “Damn” you laughed “Fine, fine, you do win”
You two lied in silence for a while, staring up at the sky through the trees “I’m going to miss this” Merlin muttered.
You suddenly felt a pang of sadness. You had almost forgotten today was Merlin’s last day before he left. You knew it was best for him, to get away, somewhere new. 
“Me too” you muttered back
Merlin reached down and grabbed your hand in his. You two lied together in silence for an hour before finally leaving the forest. As you sat in the front of your home you stared as Merlin sadly. You wouldn’t get to see him before he left the following morning, so this was it, your goodbye.
You engulfed him in a hug and held on tightly to him for a moment “Don’t forget me Merlin”
“I could never”
When he pulled away he pressed his forehead against your for a moment, his lips a mere half inch from your face. You two had almost become more than friends many times, but your father wouldn’t allow it. But this time, it was you not allowing it, if you kissed him, and realized that you did truly love him, you’d never be able to let him go. 
So you pulled away and gave him another hug “Goodbye Merlin”
Merlin smiled sadly “Goodbye y/n”
You felt your eyes blur, making you wipe them. It had been almost two years since you had seen Merlin. Apparently he had come back home while you were away with your father. You were gutted that you missed him. But since your father died recently, and you had the chance to move somewhere new, and if there were available jobs in Camelot, you’d be able to stay. That is, if Merlin would want you to. Plus, it was Valentines Day, a reunion with Merlin would be the perfect gift.
As you left the forest and rode to the end of a hill, you stopped and stared in awe at the sight. Camelot was just in the distance, you could see the towering buildings, only another half hour and you’d be entering the city. 
Riding forward quick paced with excitement you couldn’t help but wonder what Merlin would do when he saw you. Though, you did have fears that Merlin wouldn’t be here at all. Maybe he left Camelot, maybe he got himself into trouble. You new he often did that, especially with his magic, and you had heard that Camelot was not very accepting of magic users. You had been only one of three who knew about Merlin’s magic, you wondered how many people had found out since he had lived here.
Before you knew it, you were entering the gates of the city, you looked around with a smile, wondering where Merlin would be. Finding a stable that would take your horse you began walking around the market place. Many of the markets were selling flowers and small gifts for the holiday. You smiled at the many couples giving each other flowers and kisses in the streets. You had been looking at a stall when you accidentally bumped into someone making them drop the blanket they were holding.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, please forgive me. I should have been paying attention”
“That’s alright, no harm done” the girl smiled at you kindly
“I still apologize, I was distracted by everything here, this is my first time in Camelot” you excused yourself.
“Oh really? How are you liking it?”
“Well I haven’t seen much yet, I actually came looking for a friend of mine”
“Well, you just found another” she smiled brightly while reaching out her hand “My name is Gwen” 
Shaking it lightly you returned her smile “It’s a pleasure to meet you Gwen, my name is y/n”
Gwen’s face lit up with recognition “Y/n? You wouldn’t happen to be looking for Merlin would you?”
“You know him?” 
“Yes, he is a good friend, and he has mentioned you many times, to everyone” she smiled, knowing about yours and Merlin’s past.
“He’s still here then? Good, I was afraid he had left, it’s been so long since I’ve heard from him”
“Do you want me to take you too him?”
“If it wouldn’t be much trouble”
“Of course not” You followed Gwen as she led you to the palace, showing you around along the way, even offering you a place to stay the night.
 “Merlin has been staying with the palace physician, Gaius, he is also the servant of King Arthur”
“Yes I know, I had heard all of this from his mother when he came back to Ealdor, I wasn’t there unfortunately, so I missed him”
“Yes, I was there too, so was the King”
As you walked down a hallway, some doors swung open and multiple people came out, none of them noticing you and Gwen. One of them was Merlin, you waited in anticipation as he spoke to the men he was with.
Gawaine laughed at one of Percival jokes and Arthur and Merlin shared a mutual look of mild amusement. Arthur looked up and noticed Gwen, you was standing in front of you “Ah, hello Gwen, where are you off to?”
“Actually I was just bringing a visitor to see Merlin”
“A visitor,? Who-” Merlin had walked closer, before seeing you standing behind Gwen, when he froze in his tracks.
“Hello Merlin”
“Y/n” he whispered out, in shock.
Arthur and the others shared a look, recognizing the name and the stories and feelings that came with it.
Merlin lunged forward with a laugh as he scooped you into his arm “You’re here, I can’t believe you’re here”
You laughed as he spun you “Yes, I’m here, now put me down, you know how much I hate when you spin me”
Merling put you down while staring at you, a big smile on his face. Realizing that other sere watching he cleared his throat “Uh, y/n, this is King Arthur and two of his Knights Percival and Gawaine”
You curtsied as Arthur approached you “It’s a pleasure to meet you Your Highness”
“And you” Arthur replied “We’ve heard quite a bit about you” Merlin shuffled embarrassed “Well, Merlin, why don’t you go...catch up with Y/n here, we’ll finish up later” 
Merlin nodded “Thank you Arthur” turning, he took your elbow and led you down the hall, immediately asking you questions about how you had been.
You laughed at another of Merlin’s stories as you sat on the hillside near Camelot. The sun was beginning to set, you had been catching up for hours.
“You certainly have done a lot haven’t you?”
“Yeah well, it’ll take me a while to tell you about everything that’s happened. How long are you going to be here anyway?”
“Well, I don’t know. I was hoping to find a job here so I could stay, if that was alright with you”
Merlin’s eyes brightened up “That would be amazing”
“Plus, I thought it would showing up suddenly be a good Valentines gift” you mused, making Merlin chuckle.
“It’s the perfect gift. Much better than the stones we use to give each other when we were little” you both chuckled at that ”You know, I might be able to talk Arthur into getting you a job in the palace, he owes me quite a few favors”
“That would be amazing Merlin, thank you”
Merlin took your hand in his, sending a bolt of nostalgia through your body “I’m so glad you’re here Y/n, I missed you so much”
“And I’ve missed you Merlin. Though, I must admit, I was afraid you would begin to forget about me”
“What? No. I told you I could never do that didn’t I?”
You nodded before lying your head on Merlin’s shoulder and yawning “I missed these long conversations”
“So did I, but I think it’s time to head back, it’s a long trip from Ealdor”
As Merlin led you, hand in hand to Gwen’s house, you turned to say goodnight, but before you could get out another word Merlin took your face in his hands and pressed a kiss you your lips. 
When he pulled away you stared at him in shock “Merlin”
“I’m sorry, I’ve just...I’ve been wanting to do that for a very long time, I couldn’t wait anymore” he smiled.
You smiled back before leaning into another gentle kiss “It’s alright, I’ve been waiting for that for along time as well”
As you heard Gwen walking around the inside of the house, Merlin looked down at you “Goodnight Y/n”
“Goodnight Merlin”
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ireeennna · 3 years
day 10 - my best friends
isn’t it crazy to think about how 5-7 years from now, you and your friends will be having your own lives. and you guys will slowly start separate from each other without even realizing it. like someday we’ll have our last sleepover together. sometime we’ll have our last hang out, our last laugh together, our last cry together, our last conversation. and one day, our kids will find a picture of us and they will ask who we are? and we just smile, as the memories comes flooding back to us.
so i would say a few things for you all. dear my beloved best friends, thank u for always be there for me. you’re means the world to me. i am forever grateful for all of you. and you know, if i mention u here, please acknowledge that what you’ve done would forever written on my heart.
i was sobbing before i started to write this. just thinking about how lucky i am to have you all around me making me grateful. because how could someone, that weren’t come from the same blood line, could be so genuine and patient towards someone like me. like why do i deserve you all?
so starting from elementary school, i didn’t have any best friends that moment. i have many friends, but we didn’t close enough since i always move from one to another school back then. so skipped that part, junior high school. i have a few best friends. rizki, dini, ane, yaya, erin, santi, sri, and deki (yes, i didn’t mention her name since.. idk.. we didn’t talk anymore since the graduation so nah..). we had a lot of good memories. we spent so much time together in and after school. we always been on the same study group. and we weren’t the ‘cool kids’, but we also not that nerdy kids from school tho. because.. we’ve made so many troubles together, even one of us got kicked from the class once (but yeah she made her way back to the class again somehow hahah). and we’re still hanging out after we graduated. usually, we hangout like once a year. but we’re kinda a little bit distant this last few years because of covid and works i guess? but we’re good. i was hoping to hangout with them again soon, but who knows?
so.. on senior high school. i’ve been more popular and rebellious (i think?) than the junior high school. yeah.. i kinda lost my interest at studying and started skipping classes. but i had so many best friends. so theres anne, fitri, niva, dwi, azizah, (alm) putri, ani, annisa, ramdan, dian, albar, anwar, hmm.. della, ermar, kholid. that’s all i think? and they weren’t coming from the same class. some of them were my club friends. and there’s too many good memories i had with them. yes of course i got involved in so many troubles more than i could count. but idk.. high school seemed so much fun that the junior high school. i got no pressure about my study at all, my parents didn’t care that much. my friends at shs also so much different than my junior high schoool friends. like they weren’t that serious on studying. we were just having fun and making memories. we’re still talked and hangout couple times since graduated. but since i moved to a different city now, we didn’t hangout that much anymore.
and now.. college. hmm.. i also got so many friends from college. at first, i only hangout with couple person, then i started to get close with a couple guy from my class. and we’re still hangout from time to time until now. so.. should i mention them one by one? ok. there’s koko, farah, yulin, eci, dika, dea, irmana, nandang, zakky, pram, wildan, ridwan, hamdan, erlin, ipin, arman, bella, dhea, dewi, cartentz, rina, bene, dicky, krisna, ismi, dewi, ajeng.. that’s it. i probably didn’t mention everyone since i forgot their name but everyone i knew from college was good to me. we were basically spent almost 4 sleepless years together. making so much memories that i still could recall one my one. from the first introduction at class to the graduation day. i thought that my friendship with my college friends were so much serious and close since we were so much older and having the same adulting issues up until now. most of the time we spent our time together talking about how hard this adulting phrase was.
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blogmaria333ph · 6 years
Slight Differences, A Few Changes
Chapter 1: Arrival
→ Forest ←
He could feel hands on his skin. Hands that burned him with patterns.
Marking him…
Branding him…
He could hear laughing voices, mocking him. Claiming to be his owners…
Claiming the right to use him whenever they want…
“-ke up… Please…! Merlin!”
He startled awake, gasping as though he had been denied the right to breathe. He looked around in a panic, taking in his surroundings. Catheryn didn’t move to hold him, but she did not move away from him either.
“We’ll be in Camelot soon, as long as we keep the same pace. They patrol this area of the forest at night, apparently.” she spoke in an attempt to calm him down. Her deep blue eyes closed and her face adopted a look of frustration. “Honestly, though. Who goes about patrolling with beaters, of all people! They were so loud, right Merlin?”
Merlin laughed at the young girl’s words. Honestly, he doubted they would ever take beaters on patrol, but Catheryn was trying to calm him down. The least he could do was show some appreciation. He thought back to her first two statements.
They were in the forest, just half a day’s walk from Camelot, the city where his mother’s friend lived and worked. They had left his village and were now walking straight into what may or may not be a perpetual death trap…
Two peasants, with magic, heading for a city that bans magic…
Merlin stared off into the forest behind Catheryn, light blue eyes gaining specks of gold.
He looked her way, the gold no longer visible in his eyes. Catheryn gave him a worried and guilty look. You shouldn't have mentioned Camelot yet, stupid! He's just woken from a nightmare! She thought, recalling instances when his magic would lash out in a panic.
Merlin frowned at her expression, thinking she felt responsible for his nightmares.
I’ve no idea why she feels guilty. She’s only twelve, for goodness sake! Even though she was there to see, she was… He attempted to shake those memories from his mind’s eye. Catheryn had only been ten that time. Whether she was bound or not, she was not at fault for what happened.
“Let's go. We still have quite a bit of land to cover.” He spoke in a mischievous tone, chuckling as his surrogate sister smiled at him. They cracked little jokes and chuckles as they walked on. By the time they reached the city’s gates, the sun had begun to set, giving the sky a light orange hue.
→ Camelot ←
Upon reaching the city, they stopped outside the gates for a while, admiring the beauty of the place. The castle and it's towers seemed to watch over the area. People were bustling about in the market.
It looks so peaceful… Catheryn thought, brushing strands of long blond hair out of her eyes. I hope Merlin and I will finally be able to move on here. She watched her brother in all but blood from the corner of her eyes before attempting to stifle a giggle. “M-Merlin… the y-yellow leaves... do-on’t suit y-you… the-ey are  co-contra-asting with yo-your hair…!” she burst into laughter when he sent her a withering look.
He reached up to pluck a leaf from his raven black hair and chuckled himself. “I was right! You've spent far too much time with Will!” He announced in an amused tone before heading through the gates, Catheryn following a few steps behind him.
“You were the one who told me to spend time with him.” She said with an innocent look, though mischief shone in her eyes.
They talked and laughed as they headed for the courtyard, where it seems quite a bit of people had flocked to for some reason. Soon enough, the reason became clear as a man was lead to the executioner to be beheaded. The King of Camelot stood on the balcony of the castle, dressed in fine clothes, his red cape fluttered in the soft breeze.
“Let this serve as a lesson to all.”  He addressed the people in a seemingly cold voice, as though he’d rehearsed the lines many times before delivering them. “This man, Thomas James Collins, is adjudged guilty of conspiring to use enchantments and magic.”
Catheryn instinctively reached for Merlin’s right arm. She knew how much this could easily incur a panic attack. Even though they’d both heard of it already, it was different seeing it for themselves…
“... And, pursuant to the laws of Camelot, I, Uther Pendragon, have decreed that such practices are banned on penalty of death.”
Merlin could have sworn his heart froze, as his earlier doubts resurfaced. What if I slip up…? What would happen to Catheryn…? Would he really execute me or… He shuddered at the possibilities and wasn't sure whether he liked the King's final words on the matter or not…
“I pride myself as a fair and just king, but for the crime of sorcery, there is but one sentence I can pass.” the King gave the signal for the executioner to do the deed. Most people could not bear to watch the act, so they’d turned their heads away. Nonetheless, it was a swift end.
“When I came to this land, this kingdom was mired in chaos, but with the people's help magic was driven from the realm. So I declare a festival to celebrate twenty years since the Great Dragon was captured and Camelot freed from the evil of sorcery. Let the celebrations begin.”
“Merlin…” Catheryn tightened her hold on his arm. “Let's go find Gaius now, yeah?”
“Yes. Yes, let's go.”
Just as they went on their way, a commotion happened. The mother of executed sorcerer came out, wailing. “There is only one evil in this land, and it is not magic! It is you! With your hatred and your ignorance! You took my son!”
Merlin couldn't see what good her words were. He had no doubt her hatred of the King was just as strong.
“And I promise you, before these celebrations are over, you will share my tears. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a son for a son.”
“Seize her!” The King ordered his guards and knights, but she vanished in a swirl of wind and dust.
An eye for an eye? What can be exchanged for dignity, then? Nothing... Catheryn thought as she and Merlin went on to find the Court Physician. They made their way into the palace where Merlin asked a guard for directions. The guard directed them up a quiet flight of stairs.
“What’s wrong?” Catheryn asked, worried by the silence that seemed to envelop them all of a sudden. “Merlin… I’m right here. I want to help you…” she was beginning to feel a ripple of magic and she glanced around to be sure that no one was in the vicinity.
Merlin’s eyes had turned gold when she looked at him again. He's panicking. Have to calm him down. She thought, hiding her worry underneath a kind, gentle image. “Emrys… Please… We will be fine here. No one can hurt us.”
Almost reluctantly, the magic faded away and Merlin came back to his senses. His face paled upon realizing where they were, eyes wide in fear. “Cath?” he was shaking, looking every bit a scared and cornered man.
“It’s alright.” Catheryn moved to hug him. “Gaius’ chambers are just up ahead. Shall we go?” She gently lead helped him refocus on their surroundings, coaxing him to move upstairs. 
→ The Physician’s Chambers ←
Upon entering the room, they were met with a scene. An old man, Gaius, they’d learned, had been looking for something in the higher shelves, but the wooden railing along the spiral staircase broke and he fell.
Merlin reacted on instinct and the world beyond the two magic users seemed to pause. Catheryn pointed to their left. “There’s a bed over there.” she told him before watching as he moved the bed with his magic. When time flowed normally once more, the old man landed straight on the soft mattress and pillow rather than the floor.
The man hurriedly turned towards them, mouth slightly opened for a few moments, before he asked, “What did you just do?”
} Gaius’ Point Of View {
They were silent for a while before the little girl answered me in a factual manner. “My brother saved your life.” her eyes held a promise of vengeance, most likely should anything happen to her brother. I studied them for awhile before saying, “If anyone had seen that…” but I stopped at the unmistakable tremors.
The young man seemed to be panicking and I believed I could understand why. “I know what it was.” I said, hoping to calm him before his magic burst out. Magic usually goes uncontrolled when one is in a panic. “I just want to know where you learned how to do it.”
“No-nowhere! I swear…!”
“Where did you study?... Answer me!”
“Merlin did not study anywhere!” the little girl almost shouted at me, though my thoughts had just registered the name. “He could use it since birth. He never had to learn anything.” her eyes narrowed at me, and such cold eyes she had at the moment.
“I see. Just one last question.” the girl tensed at my words, she seems quite protective. “Are you Hunith’s son?” the young man nodded at me, looking quite wary. “No worries. Just be careful not to let others see.”
} End of Gaius’ Point of View {
Merlin felt himself sag at Gaius’ words. “Th-thank you, Gaius.” he felt very much relieved for both his sake and Catheryn’s. He had no idea what he would have done if Gaius reacted badly and handed him to the King.
“Well, you better place your things in the room upstairs.” Gaius pointed them to what looked to be a storage-room-turned-bedroom. “Gaius.” Catheryn called out as Merlin took their bags upstairs. “Here’s a letter from Hunith.” She handed the man an envelope before following her brother.
Gaius sat at his desk before reading the letter.
“Dear Gaius, I turn to you for we feel lost and don't know who to trust. It is our wish that Merlin and Catheryn could finally move on from a certain ordeal and that they may gain more control over their gifts. Ours is a small village and they are certainly not feeling any better or safer here. We fear what might happen should they stay. They need a hand to hold, a voice to guide, someone that might help them, Merlin especially, find a purpose for themselves. I beg you, if you understand a mother's love for children, whether hers or not, keep them safe, and may the gods shield you all.”
→ Griffon Landing ← 
“Morgana?” the King addressed his ward, who was looking gravely out the window, eyes resting on the courtyard. The young lady’s sorrow filled blue eyes looked from the executioner’s block to the king. “I’m not as heartless as you, Uther.” she spoke, her arms were crossed over her chest and her hands were closed tightly around her elbows.
“Heartless?” he asked, barely holding back his fury at being accused as such. “I have brought peace and justice to this land!”
“By killing people who have not hurt anyone? Oh yes. How honorable of you.” Morgana rolled her eyes as she spoke, thinking of how hurt the man’s friends and family would be. She sympathized with the man’s mother, whose  grief and anger would no doubt turn into hatred soon.
“You were not around twenty years ago. You do not know the cruelty and despair magic has brought to these lands!”
“How long will you be punishing people for something that happened so long ago?!”
“Until they see that there is no room for magic in my kingdom!” He turned around and began walking away at this point. “You will join us in our festivities tonight. If you can’t respect me, at least respect our finest singer.” He could only just keep the fury from his voice.
Morgana clicked her tongue before shouting after him. “You know, the more brutal you are, the more enemies you’ll make!”
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