#someone will mention to me that im like young and pretty but theyll say it in a 'but im not impressed' tone which is really
britneyshakespeare · 5 months
you know at the end of the day today i was chatting w some other paras. i was a special ed para for a seventh grader today that's what i did. and the last block for them is just learning center and it's chill and it's friday and some of the kids were making pizza and no one was really doing anything or stressed or bothered so the kids and the adults just have various little shooting-the-breeze sessions although im usually not that active in these bc Im Shy, And A Substitute so i feel very out of place a lot of the time. but anyway i had never really talked much w either of the paras i was with today and we struck up a conversation about some stuff and one of them says to me "you know just so you know i LOVE your hair" and she turns to the other para and she's like "isnt it gorgeous? dont you love her hair?"
and i kinda blushed and said thank you a couple of times and looked down bc that's what i do when i receive a sincere-sounding compliment unexpectedly. and then i chatted a little more before i kinda drifted out of the conversation and opened my book and after a page or two one of them asked me about what i was reading (it's Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human by Siddhartha Mukherjee if you were wondering and i started it a few days ago). so i told them a bit about it and started chatting again on the topic of reading and i guess i was just naturally smiling and the same one who complimented my hair said "look at those dimples. i just can't w you"
#made me wanna cry a little. i was like thank u mom#felt beautiful at work. who do i tell this to?#tales from diana#i have never had my dimples complimented not to my memory at least#i kinda forget i have them bc i don't. i don't like. smile naturally and get a good view of them when i look in the mirror#i dont think they show up when i dont smile candidly either? unless im forced-smiling really hard#yeah idrk what they look like i guess#i received both of these compliments with a little bit of an 'oh shucks' (blushes) attitude#i have to say. it's not that i don't get complimented on my appearance. but most of the time it doesn't sound... don't wanna say 'sincere'#it doesn't feel like. FELT. as a compliment. a lot of the time#like sometimes it feels like courtesy. and other times. it feels like#someone will mention to me that im like young and pretty but theyll say it in a 'but im not impressed' tone which is really#odd bc. it's not like i asked?#it's like in a small way it's to 'put me in my place' or address some elephant in the room#like it's an annoyance to them rather than an expression of. you know. admiration#not that i need to be admired for my appearance but that's what i mean. like it felt nice#like a lot of the time ppl will tell me im pretty it sounds either like flattery or like some kind of weird anti-flattery#they're trying to give me a big head or they assume it's already big and they wanna deflate it#yeah that was nice tho. i talked w one of those paras for a pretty long time abt art and photography#she has a children's book coming out soon too and it sounded so interesting. i liked her a lot#i also like the kid i worked w today. i had been w her before but not in like 6 months. she's a sweetie
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izzyfandoms · 4 years
Sleepality - Inky Freckles
SHIPS: Sleepality, background Virmile and Thomgan, and mentioned Dukeceit (though neither of them show up)
WARNINGS: Remus sends one text message with an implied threat (not towards the recipient), very very background sympathetic deceit and remus (they aren't acc in any scenes), mild swearing
GENERAL TAGLIST: @quillfics42 @ajdraws0430 @phantomofthesanderssides @creativity-killed-thekitten @phlying-squirrel @sly-is-my-name-loving-is-my-game @because-were-fam-ily @imtryingthisout @a-creepycookie @emo-disaster @littlestr @spooky-scary-virgil @fuyel @mimsidoodles @soupgremlin @aroaceagenderfluid @birdsbookshiddeninrealbirdsskin @quirkalurk @gingers-trashy-stuff @iinyxtello @justaqueercactus @melodiread
Patton chewed distractedly on the end of his pen, tapping his foot on his bedroom floor as his eyes remained on his clock, watching as the seconds and the minutes ticked by.
Five minutes. Ten seconds.
Five minutes and ten seconds until the moment he turned sixteen.
January 15th, 1:46 am on the dot: the exact date and time of Patton’s birth. Precisely sixteen years after that moment, his soul would open up, and the bond between him and his soulmate would be formed, like an invisible string from one soul to the other. Any ink spilled on Patton’s skin would show up on his soulmate’s, too, and vice versa. Of course, nothing would happen if Patton’s soulmate wasn’t also sixteen yet, but it was still a big moment in his young life.
(If he even had a soulmate, that was. Most people didn’t, but Patton wouldn’t lie and say he wasn’t hopeful.)
Four minutes. Thirty-six seconds.
Patton got up from his desk, pacing around the room a few times before sitting down on his bed, leaning back against the pillows and pulling his knees to his chest. Despite the coolness of his room, and the goose-bumps on his arms, he was dressed in a worn blue t-shirt and pyjama shorts, revealing as much skin as possible, just in case. His father, Roman, had gifted him a new pack of pens – the ones made specially to be safe for skin – and he’d picked out the glittery light blue one, his favourite colour, ready to write.
Three minutes. Twelve seconds.
“Come on, come on, come on,” Patton mumbled.
Three minutes. Seven seconds.
He yawned loudly, stretching and almost dropping his pen. It was late – much later than he usually stayed up. Patton was a well-behaved kid; he went to bed when his father told him to, never stayed out past curfew. He was usually fast asleep by 11pm at latest, so this was rather unusual for him.
Tonight was one of a kind, after all.
Two minutes. Fifty-one seconds.
The tick of the clock was maddeningly slow, every second seeming to take hours. Patton couldn’t wait for when he didn’t have to keep watching.  
He reached over to his bedside table, taking his phone and switching it on.
There was one new message, from his uncle Remus, sent a few minutes ago.
tell your soulmate if he ever hurts you ill rip off his dick and shove it down his throat
Patton sighed, switching off his phone and placing it back down beside him. He wasn’t sure why his uncle was so certain that he had a soulmate – he claimed it was because he was psychic, though his husband, Janus, had chided him and told him not to get Patton’s hopes up.  
It was hard not to be hopeful. Impossible.
One minute. Forty-nine seconds.
Patton chewed nervously on his lip, looking over his freckled arms and wondering what exactly he’d write to his soulmate.
Would a simple ‘hello’ suffice?
There was no point in writing a whole paragraph, especially when it was statistically unlikely that Patton even had a soulmate – and even if he did, perhaps they were younger, and their connection wouldn’t start until his soulmate turned sixteen, too.
One minute. Zero seconds.
A minute. A minute. A minute. Just a minute until Patton (maybe) talked to his soulmate for the first time. That was so little time – though it felt like so much.
Patton couldn’t help but burst into delighted laughter, and he was sure that if anybody was watching him, they’d think he was insane. The hope bubbled up inside him, like a cup overflowing with water, unable to be suppressed.
Fifty seconds.
He moved forward, and then lay down on his back, spreading his arms out like a starfish.
Patton tried to keep the hope down, tried to keep it from spilling over even more. Or maybe that was nausea, swirling in his stomach, but it almost felt too good to be that. Too happy. Too excited. Both, maybe.
Forty seconds.
Patton twirled the pen in his hand.
It slipped from his fingers, hitting the carpet with a quiet thump.
He bent down – wobbling slightly and nearly tumbling right off his bed – picking it back up and then sitting up again. He moved so his back was pressed against the wall, and tilted his head up to look at the pattern at the ceiling, counting each swirl.
He glanced back at the clock.
Twenty seconds.
His heart thumped loudly in his chest, and his eyes remained on the clock, watching it tick.
Ten seconds.
Zero. Zero. Zero.
Patton sat up straight, squeezing the pen tightly, so tightly that his nails dug into his palm.
He pulled off the cap, dropping it on the bed beside him and holding the tip just above his wrist. His hand shook (nervousness or excitement? Both) as he pondered what to write for another moment.
He pressed the pen to his skin.
Hopefully that was good enough.
Patton waited a few seconds, almost a whole minute, and then sighed, leaning back so his head hit the wall and closing his eyes. He was disappointed, but he knew that it was his own fault. He shouldn’t have let himself get so hopeful. Maybe he didn’t have a soulmate – that was alright, his uncles weren’t soulmates and yet they were wonderfully happy together.
(But his brother, Emile, did have a soulmate, and there was something amazing about the way he and Virgil could practically read each other’s minds, communicating effortlessly without saying a word. Patton wanted that. He really, desperately wanted that, more than anything else in the world.)
He wouldn’t cry.  
He wanted to cry, but he wouldn’t.
His lower lip trembled.
All of a sudden, Patton felt a funny sensation on his wrist, like someone else was writing on it – the non-existent pen so light on his skin he almost couldn’t feel it. Almost.
Patton’s eyes shot open, and he immediately lifted his wrist to stare at it, wide-eyed.
His breath stuttered at the words now written in black ink just below his greeting.
holy shit
Before Patton could truly process what was going on, before he could regain his breath, the sensation resumed, and more words began to appear below those first ones.
guess im ur soulmate lol
Patton couldn’t help but giggle, practically vibrating with excitement.
He picked his pen back up, ignoring the slight stain he’d left on his bedsheets. He’d spilt enough juice and milk on his bed to care about one little stain, especially right now, when he had a much more important thing to focus on.
Oh my gosh!!!!!!
Im Patton!
Patton Picani!!!
thats a lot of exclamation marks babe
Nervousness tinged the edges of Patton’s bubble of excitement, enough that he almost didn’t notice the use of the word ‘babe’, which made his heart skip a beat.
not a bad thing
its cute
Patton bit his lip, wiggling excitedly as his heartrate increased. He watched as the words continued coming. They were messy, but Patton was sure the handwriting was the prettiest he’d ever seen, though he could admit that he might’ve been a little biased. He would read a million books written in this handwriting.
im Remy
my bdays acc the 16th lol
i turn 17
Its my birthday today!!!!
Only after Patton wrote that did he realise how obvious it was – of course it was his birthday – but he didn’t particularly care. The ticking of the clock had faded into background noise, and it was hard to believe it had ever annoyed him so much, though it was impossible for him to think of anything negative right now. He was floating on cloud nine.
happy birthday
were running out of arm space
id have to strip to get leg room
wanna gimme ur number?
They quickly exchanged phone numbers, and Patton immediately grabbed his phone, creating a new contact labelled ‘Remy’ followed by seven colourful hearts – a rainbow of love. But before he could text Remy, Remy texted him first.
what time is it for u
Patton glanced at the clock.
Almost 2am
Realisation struck Patton, and his eyes widened with guilt and concern. He bit his lip, and quickly resumed typing.
Oh my gosh im so sorry!!!! Did I wake you up?
nah babe dw bout it
i was already up
i always sleep late
That sounds unhealthy :(
Get some rest!!!
u sound like my dads lol
What are they like?
my dads?
its just the three of us
their names are logan and thomas and theyre the sappiest motherfuckers on earth
gotta love em tho
theyre gonna be real thrilled when they find out bout u
bet theyll love you right away
whats ur fam like
Oh! Well ive got my dad
His name’s Roman
He works in theatre!!! Hes so cool
And I’ve got my older brother Emile hes 22 and hes a therapist
He uses cartoons to help people!!
Hes also got a soulmate his name is Virgil and hes a florist
They got married last year and the wedding was so much fun!!! So many pretty flowers!!!
And I’ve got my uncle Remus hes my dads twin hes a writer and his husband Janus is a lawyer theyre also both so cool!!!
And that’s everyone!!
if theyre all as sweet as u sugar then im sure ur all v popular
Well we do have dinner with our neighbours a lot!!!
Mrs Smith gives me lots of candy
Its often stale but I eat it anyway cos shes just so sweet!
Sweeter than her candy lol
Patton’s door suddenly swung open, and he jumped, his phone slipping from his fingers and landing right in his lap. His father, Roman, stepped inside, yawning and rubbing his eyes, wincing at the bright light that hung from the ceiling.
“You still up, Pat?” He asked sleepily.
He squinted, his eyes landing on the still-on phone in Patton’s lap.
“Who are you te- by the glittering horn of a unicorn! Is that writing on your arm?” He sat down, taking Patton’s arm and looking over the words. He then glanced back up at his son, his eyes shining excitedly. “You have a soulmate,” He breathed.
“I do!” Patton exclaimed, bouncing excitedly in place. “His name is Remy and he turns seventeen tomorrow and he’s just so cool!”
Roman beamed. “Wow, I’m so incredibly happy for you, Pat!” He said. Then, he chuckled, his smile turning a little teasing. “But... it’s late, and you really should be sleeping. And I’m betting that Remy should be, too.”
Patton pouted a little. “But it’s a Friday! I don’t have any school tomorrow.”
“But the family’s coming over tomorrow at 10 for your birthday, and I know you. You’re gonna be all grumbly in the morning, instead of our happy-pappy Patton, and that’ll be even worse the less sleep you get.”
Patton drooped, like a little wilting flower, but couldn’t deny that his father was right.
“Okay...” He frowned, picking up his phone, switching off the screen without looking at it, and holding it against his chest. “Can I at least say night to Remy, first?”
Roman smiled. “Sure.”
He leant forward, squeezing Patton’s arm supportively, before pressing a quick kiss to his son’s forehead. Roman gave him one last smile, affectionately ruffling his hair, before pulling back and standing up. He brushed the non-existent dirt from his pyjamas.
“Goodnight, Pat,” He said. “And happy birthday.”
In the excitement that was talking to Remy, Patton had almost forgotten that it was his birthday, and he blinked in surprise as Roman left the room, quietly shutting the door behind him.
Patton then took a deep breath, before switching his phone back on to see whatever messages he’d missed.
u rlly r an angel huh
Your making me blush
thats the goal babe
Such a flirt!!
im gonna be ten times more flirty when i get to see ur pretty face in person
How do you know Im pretty?
You havent even seen me yet
i can just tell
im awesome like that
i bet ur the cutest person in the whole damn world
the whole damn universe
but while were on the subject of seeing each other
were waiting to meet naturally right?
Its good luck  
Dad says I gotta go to sleep now!!
Night <3<3<3
night xoxox
Patton switched off his phone, placing it on his bedside table and getting off the bed. He wobbled slightly as he stood up, suddenly realising how tired he really was, and quickly walked up to his fairy lights, switching them on before switching off the main light. He then climbed back into bed, settling in the soft nest of pastel pillows and blankets, and his last thought before he fell asleep was of his soulmate.
He barely knew Remy, but he already couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with him.
The sound of the alarm from Remy’s phone rang through the room, waking him up suddenly. His immediate reaction was to groan, shutting it off quickly and then returning to the warm comfort of his mattress and pillows and blanket. It was the weekend, he had no plans, so if his dads wanted him up, they could come in and get him up themselves. Remy wanted to sleep.
Then, the memories of the night before flooded back to him, and he shot up in bed, pulling out his arm and staring at it wide-eyed.
The words Patton had written last night had now been washed away – likely to leave room for new words and new conversations – whilst Remy’s words still remained, though now a little smudged and faded. The only sign that Patton’s words had ever been there in the first place was the new word on his wrist, just below his palm, in baby blue, like the ones before.
Morning <3
Remy grinned, jumping out of bed much more enthusiastically than he usually did, grabbing the black pen on his bedside table and rushing to the bathroom, thankfully not bumping into either of his dads on the way there.
He washed his arms as quickly as he could, leaving them a little sore and red, though he didn’t care, and uncapped his pen with his teeth, leaving the lid in his mouth.
Do you always get up this late?
Remy laughed. The handwriting was a little larger and a little neater than his, and each i was dotted with a heart, which made him even more convinced that his soulmate was probably the cutest person on earth.
what time is it
later usually
what time did u get up
i could never
What do you do for school then?
Remy took the pen lid out of his mouth, pocketing it and twirling the uncapped pen between his fingers, watching as more light blue words appeared on his arm. The sensation was feather-light, barely there, but impossible to ignore.
Aww no!!
I don’t want you to suffer :(
dw babe ive got coffee
life saver
id die without it
Well make sure you don’t drink too much!!!!
Its bad for you!!
dw my dad always tells me that
he keeps an eye on it
Which one?
There was a brief pause, and Remy almost continued writing, but he got the feeling that Patton wasn’t done, so he just waited patiently, tapping his foot against the tiled bathroom floor.
Do you mind if I doodle on my arms?
I usually do when Im bored but I thought Id ask
I wont if you don’t want me to tho
go ahead
what do u doodle?
I usually just connect my freckles
Like little constellations!!!!
It was impossible to keep the grin on Remy’s face from widening – Patton's enthusiasm was adorable and infectious – and he sat down on the edge of the bathtub, crossing one leg over the other as he pressed his pen to his skin and continued writing.
u got a lot of freckles?
Theyre everywhere
one day  
im gonna kiss every single one of your freckles
(Perhaps that was a little bold for only their second conversation, but Remy was a natural flirt, and Patton was his soulmate, after all. He’d back down at any sign of discomfort, but so far Patton had seemed receptive.)
every single one
Thats a lot of kisses
not enough
but itll be a good start
A little, swirly scribble appeared just beside the words Remy had written – the universal key-smash equivalent for soulmates writing on their skin. Just the thought that he was already able to fluster Patton so easily made Remy very, very happy. He grinned.
Gtg! Presents time!
Ill talk to you later <3<3<3
later xoxo
Remy fished the pen lid back out of his pocket, capping the pen and pocketing it. He then strolled back out of the bathroom, down the stairs, and towards the kitchen.
His fathers were both sat at the kitchen table, eating breakfast and talking. Their legs were pressed together under the table, and it was clear they’d just been flirting. Both Logan and Thomas looked up when Remy entered the room, surprised.
“What kind of natural disaster got you up before midday?” Thomas joked.
Remy waved his arm, showing off the writing, and Logan choked on his coffee. Thomas patted his back a few times worriedly, and Remy waited impatiently for the conversation to resume, tapping his foot against the floor.
“Is that what I think it is?” Logan asked incredulously, once he was breathing again.
Remy nodded. “Yup. Can I make coffee?”
Thomas nodded slowly, but it was clear he was much more focused on the previous topic at hand.
“You have a soulmate?” He asked. “Oh my gosh! What’s their name? Aren’t you gonna tell us about them?”
“Well, his name’s Patton,” Remy began, heading towards the coffee machine and immediately getting to work to make himself a large mug. “It’s his birthday today – it was actually, like, 2am, or something – and he’s real cute. I think you’ll both like him.”
Thomas exchanged a look with his husband – the former much more openly thrilled, whilst the latter looked more confused, though undeniably pleased. He then stood up, opening his arms immediately.
“I think this calls for a family hug,” Thomas grinned.
Logan sighed, but put his own coffee mug back down, getting up obediently.
Remy groaned. “Really? Before my coffee? Do I have to?”
“Yup! Right now,” Thomas said, wrapping one arm around Logan’s waist and resting his chin on his head, keeping his other arm outstretched, awaiting their son. “This is a big moment! It calls for a family hug. C’mere.”
“There is no point refusing, Remy,” Logan said dryly. “I learnt that a long time ago.”
“Aww, you love me.”
“Of course. That is why we got married, after all.”
Remy groaned again. “Are you two really flirting, right now? Gross.”
“Well, if you want us to stop flirting, you’re gonna have to join the hug.”
Remy sighed exaggeratedly, dragging his feet as he walked up to his dads, reluctantly joining the family hug. Then, he pulled back as quickly as he could get away with, making a face and turning back to the coffee machine. He quickly made himself a large mug – with excessive amounts of milk and sugar, something his father would usually criticise, though he seemed to turn a blind eye for today.
Remy then sat down at the table, beside Thomas, sipping eagerly at his coffee and leaning back in his chair.
His fathers didn’t take their eyes off of his arm, clearly reading the words, and after about a minute, Remy rolled his eyes, placing the coffee on his table and crossing his arms.
“What are you looking at?”
“Attitude, Remy,” Thomas sighed. “Be nice. And we’re looking at your arm because we’re excited! You have a soulmate, that’s a really big deal! We should celebrate.”
Remy perked up. “Celebrate?”
Logan nodded in agreement. “Perhaps tonight we could have dinner at the Italian place that you like.”
“Ooh, the one with that fancy pasta?”
“Weren’t we planning on going there tomorrow?” Thomas asked his husband.
Remy blinked, surprised. “We were?”
Thomas blinked, and then gave his husband a slightly sheepish smile. “I don’t think I was supposed to tell you that.”
Logan sighed. “Well, I think we can put that off for tomorrow, then. Today... you may invite a few friends over.” Remy opened his mouth, but Logan quickly continued, interrupting him before he could speak. “Three friends, maximum. No parties.”
Remy pouted. “Only three? Lame.”
“If you complain, we’ll bring it down to two.”
“Three sounds great!”
Patton picked up his phone, holding it to his ear as he paced casually around his room.
“Emile!” He greeted. “How are you?”
“Happy birthday, Pat!” Emile greeted cheerfully, and Patton could practically hear the usual smile on his face. “And I’m doing great. Virgil invited his brother to dinner yesterday, so that was fun, and I had a real breakthrough with one of my clients, too. You?”
“I’m good! Hey, do you think this counts as Remy and my anniversary? I mean, I know we haven’t actually really met, yet, but it’s been a year since we first spoke, and we are soulmates. Does that count? Would it be weird to count it?”
Emile hummed. “I think that if you want it to count, it counts.”
“That’s a bit vague,” Patton sighed.
Emile laughed. “That’s just how it works, I’m afraid. How is Remy anyway? It’s his birthday tomorrow, right?”
Patton perked up at the opportunity to talk about his soulmate. “Remy’s great! He got a new job at the Starbucks near his house; he’s pretty excited about it. And yup, it’s his birthday tomorrow! He turns eighteen. It’s a funny coincidence, isn’t it? That our birthdays are so close?”
“It’s actually a lot more common for soulmates to have these similarities than you’d think,” Emile said. “Close birthdays, close locations, things like that. I mean, Virgil and I were both born in the same hospital.”
“Really? Oh, that’s cool!” Patton smiled.
He sat down on his bed, pulling his legs up to sit cross-legged, and moving so his back was against the wall, half-sitting on one of his pillows.
“Yup! I’ve researched a lot about these things,” Emile said. “And- oh, Virgil, there you are!”
Patton heard rustling on the other end of the line, like Emile was temporarily putting his phone down, probably to greet and kiss his husband. He waited patiently, humming a song from the Steven Universe movie and drumming his fingers against his leg. His eyes scanned the various words written across his arms. Shiny black and glittery light blue. There were doodles, too – lines connecting the dots of his freckles, done by himself, and little stars and moons and hearts by Remy.
Then the rustling resumed, more movement, and Patton stopped humming.
“Morning, Pat,” Virgil greeted.
Patton smiled. “Virgil! How’s work going?”
“Not bad. I helped a guy arrange a hate-bouquet for his ex-boyfriend yesterday, so that was fun.”
“Sounds interesting!”
Virgil hummed in agreement, and it sounded like he was nodding. “I’m gonna hand the phone back to Emile, now. Happy birthday, kid.”
There was another moment of rustling, and then Emile returned.
“Okay, Virgil and I have to get to work,” Emile said. “We’re stopping by later for dinner, dad already knows. And, before you ask, no I will not tell you what your gift is, you’re gonna have to wait and see.”
Patton pouted. “Aww, okay. Bye!”
Patton hung up the phone, before switching over to the texting app, and opening up his conversation with Remy.
Hey im running out of space
So im gonna clean my arm
Can you too?
Remy responded almost immediately, as he usually did.
one sec
Patton smiled, getting up and pocketing his phone. He headed over to the bathroom, quickly scrubbing away the words on his arms (he could leave the ones still remaining on his legs and torso, for now), and watching as Remy’s words disappeared at about the same time.
He then returned to his bedroom, sitting back down on his bed and fetching and uncapping his favourite pen.
The moment the tip of his pen touched his skin, a small black dot appeared just below it, like Remy was doing the exact same on his side – unintentionally trying to write in unison. All of a sudden, a wave of peace and happiness washed over Patton, but the emotions didn’t come from within himself. No, they came from an outside source, from somewhere else. Not from him.
From Remy.
At first, Patton was confused, disoriented, and then his heart skipped a beat, and he lifted his pen from his wrist.
The feeling stopped.
He then returned the pen to his wrist, creating another dot of light blue ink. For a moment, nothing happened, the feeling didn’t return, but then a small black speck appeared just beside his.
This time, the happiness was joined by an almost cautious excitement, tinged with something else.
What was it?
It felt like Patton was loving himself, except the love came from elsewhere, it came from Remy. Like a warm, comfortable blanket of love, wrapping around him and keeping him safe.
Patton beamed, wide and toothy and delighted, leaning back against the pillows and practically wiggling with excitement, careful to keep his pen tip on his wrist. A similar, thrilled feeling came back at him, and Patton quickly realised that whatever feelings he was getting from Remy, Remy was probably getting some very similar feelings in return from him.
damn babe
either something v weird is happening to me or thats ur feelings im feeling
I can feel it too!!!
Oh my gosh!
good i was worried i might be drunk
Have you been drinking?
nah thats why i was worried lmao
would be v weird to be drunk with no booze
Well that sure would be unusual!
The feelings from Remy weren’t constant, they only surfaced when both Patton and Remy were writing at once – flashes of emotions that were practically addicting. He wanted to keep feeling those feelings forever.
this is v weird
on and off
think itll get more constant the more we talk?
like we wont need to be both writing at the same time to feel it or smth?
I think so
Thats what happened with Em and Virge at least
cant wait
There was a brief pause, and then Remy’s writing resumed.
can we doodle?
might make the empathy connection thingy better
Patton giggled, unable to help himself, before pressing the tip of his pen to one of his freckles and drawing a thin line from it to another. Then another and another and another. Over and around the written words. He wasn’t making any specific shape or pattern in particular, just connecting the numerous dots. As he did this, Patton felt new shapes and doodles appearing on his legs, though he couldn’t see them through his trousers. Hearts and stars and moons and pawprints, most likely. The last one was new – Patton’s favourite.
He could feel Remy’s peace and contentment and love (love, love), like it was flowing through the air and seeping through his skin, filling him with happiness. Sometimes, it even increased for a brief moment, usually just after Patton’s happiness bubbled over into delighted giggles. It was a cycle – happiness creating happiness creating happiness.
Patton loved Remy. Remy loved Patton.
Love. Love. Love.
“Hey, Remy!”
Remy glanced up from his phone, straightening up as noticed and watched his best friend, Toby, approaching him. His foot tapped impatiently against the pavement, and his sunglasses were on to shield his eyes from bright midday sun.
“Gurl, what was taking you so long?” Remy complained, stuffing his phone into his pocket and crossing his arms, practically pouting. “I’ve been waiting here for, like, hours.”
Toby gave him a dry look. “I’m ten minutes late.”
“And that’s, like, ten hours in gay-and-in-a-hurry time.”
“In a hurry? What the hell are we even doing? Your text was very vague.”
“Well, it’s my dad’s birthday in a-”
“Which one?”
“Thomas. Bitch, stop interrupting me.”
Toby laughed, and Remy glared at him. He held his hands up defensively in mock surrender, and then gestured for Remy to continue.
“Anyway, it’s my dad’s birthday on Sunday and I’m supposed to get him a gift. I dunno what, though, so you’re gonna help me.”
“I’m pretty sure you know him better than I do.”
Remy shushed him. “Gurl, I am not letting you get out of helping me. So, we’re going to-”
He suddenly froze, going silent. Remy’s brow then creased, too, and after a moment of stillness he began to rapidly pat his arms and legs, like he was looking for something, though he didn’t seem to find it. Toby gave him a bewildered look.
“Dude, what are you doing?”
“I can feel Patton’s emotions,” Remy said.
He could, but only barely – just little hints of Patton, pricking the edges of his soul – much less than he was used to, but still impossible to ignore. He was used to these feelings by now, always recognising them immediately, though this time it was... different.
“Okay... so, he’s writing to you? Isn’t that normal?”
Remy looked back at him, looking just as confused as Toby. “No, he isn’t. He isn’t writing to me. No ink.”
“He... isn’t?”
“I can always feel it,” Remy explained. “Always. But not right now. Why... why-” He froze, his eyes widening behind his dark sunglasses.  
“He must be close. He must- oh my god, he must be close!” Remy looked around quickly, at all of the surrounding pedestrians. None of them looked right – none of them were Patton – but he could practically sense him. He was so close.
Toby blinked. “Really?” He asked incredulously.
“Yes. Yes, really. I know what I’m talking about!” Remy exclaimed, perhaps a little harsher than intended. “The empath shit only happens when you write or when you’re close. Gurl, that’s, like, common knowledge.”
Toby held his hands up. “Right, uh... sorry.” He cleared his throat. “So, how are we gonna find him?”
Remy’s brow scrunched up in thought. “I don’t know.”
His best friend shrugged, even more lost than he was.
“Maybe... maybe...” Remy continued, trailing off, before he suddenly straightened up. “It’ll get stronger the closer I get to him, so I just have to follow where it’s stronger, right? Like... like getting warmer and colder.”
Toby nodded slowly. “That makes sense. So, uh, walk around, and we’ll go in the direction that makes it stronger.”
Remy immediately began to pace in circles around Toby, pulling a slightly panicked face when at one point the feeling completely disappeared. Then, it got stronger, a wave of anticipation and curiosity, nervousness and excitement.
It suddenly hit Remy that if he could feel Patton, then Patton could feel him, too.
Patton was probably looking for him.
The corners of Remy’s lips twitched up into a smile. He was practically oozing excitement, and it was contagious, as Patton’s also seemed to increase – even Toby began smiling, too.
Toby patted him on the shoulder.
“Go on, follow your gut. I’ll be right behind you.”
Remy immediately turned on his heel, sprinting in the direction the emotions seemed to be coming from, and Toby almost tripped over his own feet following him. The empathy got stronger and stronger and stronger with every step, until it was even stronger than it usually was, and as his excitement further increased, so did Patton’s.
He rounded a corner, and immediately ran right into someone running at a similar speed, and they both tumbled to the ground with two loud thumps.
“Ah, fuck,” Remy groaned, closing his eyes and massaging the bridge of his nose as a jolt of pain shot down his leg.
“Oof,” The other boy winced.
His voice was like a bell, ringing through the air: suddenly the only sound that Remy could hear.
That was when Remy realised that Patton’s emotions were now equal to his own – mixing together in Remy’s soul until they were one and the same. It was almost like they were thinking and feeling as one, which was rather disorienting, to say the least.  
Patton... Patton was right in front of him.
Remy opened his eyes, immediately coming face-to-face with the most gorgeous person he had even seen – a wide-eyed and freckled boy, about a year younger than Remy, staring back at him with parted lips and an equally startled expression. He was wearing a blue and grey t-shirt, showing off his arms and the words Remy had written to him today, and all the constellations he’d doodled on his own skin. Now, Remy could see the stars that he’d been missing, and, in his opinion, they were even better than the ones in the night sky.
Patton, Patton, Patton.
“Patton,” Remy breathed.
Remy laughed, uncontrolled and loud and delighted, sitting up straight and taking Patton’s hand in his own, squeezing it. It was warm and soft, Remy never wanted to let go, and when Patton squeezed back, he felt... complete. Perfect. Heaven.
Patton smiled – like a shining sun, one that thankfully didn’t hurt to look at, as Remy couldn’t take his eyes off of it.
“Wow,” Remy laughed. “You’re... wow.”
“Wow,” Patton echoed.
People were probably staring at them – Toby included – but Remy couldn’t take his eyes off of Patton to check. Patton seemed to be doing similarly, his eyes slowly taking in every part of Remy’s body, before returning to his face, staring into his eyes.
Patton’s eyes were brown, like honey in the sunlight. Beautiful.
“It’s... it’s nice to finally meet you,” Patton said softly.
There was a beat.
“You are gorgeous,” Remy continued, the words coming out before he could stop himself. He almost regretted blurting it out, but then Patton’s face turned a particularly pretty shade of pink, and Remy immediately grinned.
Patton squeezed his hand. “You, too.”
“Oh, I know I’m hot, babe,” Remy said, making Patton giggle. “But you, you’re... you’re an angel. Like, damn, how the hell did I get so lucky? I must’ve done something really freaking amazing in a past life to have deserved you.”
“You’re even more of a flirt in person,” Patton smiled, a little teasingly.
Remy laughed. “I mean, I’m pretty sure I warned you.”
“You did,” Patton said, smiling fondly.
“Is it too soon to ask if I can kiss you?” Remy asked suddenly. His tone of voice was casual, like he was joking, but they both knew – Patton could probably sense – that he was serious.
Patton didn’t hesitate, answering quickly. “No. I mean, yes. I mean... no, it’s not too soon. Please?”
Remy didn’t waste any time, reaching forward, carefully cradling Patton’s face in his hand and kissing him gently. His lips were soft and warm and Remy never wanted to stop kissing him. Patton covered Remy’s hand with his own free one, kissing back a little clumsily, though it was without a doubt enthusiastic.
Then, he got a little too enthusiastic, and Remy tumbled backwards, pulling Patton along with him.
They broke apart, and after a moment of startled – slightly awkward – silence, they both started laughing loudly, and Patton climbed off of him. He finally stood up, holding out his hand and helping Remy up, too.
The pedestrians that had been watching them had mostly all moved on by now, leaving only Toby hovering awkwardly nearby. He had his phone out, trying to distract himself, give them some privacy, though he was undeniably still keeping an eye out. It wasn’t every day you saw a soulmate pair’s first meeting.  
Remy took Patton’s hands in his own, looking him over again and again and again.
An idea came to him – not a new one, one he’d thought about and talked about and dreamed and daydreamed about a million times – and he grinned in a way that he could feel made Patton’s heart skip a beat.
“Remember how I said I wanted to kiss every freckle?"
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cassyapper · 4 years
loving you may mean losing you but i dont mind (jotakak playlist)
dont talk to me about the title of this thing im embarrassed enough
anyway but okay so!!!! very excited to share this!!!! this has been in the works since september but my picky ass finally found an adequate amount of songs so here it is!!!!!! my jotakak playlist (:
special thanks to my lovely and wonderful friend jade for helping me finish this this thing <3
track list nd why i picked the songs that i did under the break!
1. the predatory wasp of the palisades is out to get us! by sufjan stevens i chose this song because it’s all about internalized homophobia and being in love with your best friend as a kid which RLLY resonates w jotakak imo. esp cause in the song, stevens’ friend ends up leaving abruptly, leaving stevens to wonder about what couldve blossomed if they had stuck together and worked through the difficulties together, which JOTARO....THAT IS JOTARO-CORE esp cause kak also “leaves” (dies). so this song was a v obvious choice for me and in fact this song is what inspired me to create this playlist in the first place
2. we are beautiful, we are doomed by los campesinos! this song is abt being in love with someone but you both have ur issues so it’s kind of a mess. considering jotaro and kakyoin’s (to point it quite frankly) trauma and the fact that both of them do jack shit to try and cope with it healthily, this song DEFINITELY fits them. esp cause this song mentions physical fighting and the imagery that goes with it (”he got his teeth fixed/im gonna break them”, “i’ve got a fist on fire”, etc) and the entirety of the bridge/last verse rlly gives me these two’s vibes so! ya (:
3. love love love by of monsters and men this song is the singer feeling like shes completely unworthy of being loved by this important person in her life, particularly because she has NO idea how to show affection and love the (for lack of better word) “acceptable” way, or any way at all really. this REALLY has jotaro vibes cause he is one repressed motherfucker and as we see the entirety of his story, jotaro is full of love he loves so much it’s just he has no idea how to properly express it cause he’s scared essentially. but that didn’t stop people from loving him, in this case, that being kakyoin. hhhhHHh
4. ribs by lorde this song is about being scared of growing up but due to the lyrics being written the way they are, i kinda spin the interpretation of it to be the fear jotaro and kakyoin had on the crusade to egypt, as they were the youngest and didnt know if they’d make it back and everything is just incredibly overwhelming there is so much going on all the time those 50 days. i can do a full analysis on why but that would be kinda long LMAO. for now let’s leave it at they have a very Unique fear of growing up but it still fits with the lyrics. particularly the last bit of the song with the “youre the only friend i need” verses,,,makes me think of these two...
5. can i call you tonight? by dayglow i interpret this song to be about trying to figure out what, exactly, your feelings are for this very specific and important person in your life. since jotaro and kakyoin r both repressed and also suckers of internalized homophobia, i think they fit that theme very well. particularly with the whole “i feel like we’re close, but maybe we’re not actually? what are we?” theme going on in the lyrics, this whole song makes me think of jotaro and kakyoin figuring out their intense and sudden (cause again only 50 days but also, those 50 days had So Much going on) feelings for each other. also the “now i’m no longer alone” line in the chorus HHHHHHH that’s them
6. la la la love song by toshinobu kubota ft naomi campbell SO I KNOW THIS SONG IS KINDA JUST FLUFF but we need some light-hearted moments in this thing hjgg;. ALSO toshinobu kubota is canonically jotaro’s favorite musician so i wanted to reference that and this was my fav love song of his that i’ve found so far so (: also the “you are my shining star” line,,,heh
7. truce by twenty one pilots so this song is very soft. it’s about tending to wounds and taking a moment before continuing to push on. it makes me think abt jotaro and kakyoin taking care of each other on the journey (for example the lovers arc/n’doul fight). also the whole “stay alive, stay alive for me/you will die, but now your life is free/take pride in what is sure to die” makes me go fucking nuts that is. that fits these two to a T fuck
8. this side of paradise by coyote theory this song has big “two lonely people are in love with each other for the first time” vibes and OHHHHHHHHHH THAT’S JOTAKAK.... there are a lot of little lines that make me specifically think abt these two, such as “love so strong it makes me feel weak” (jotaro-core...), “if you’re lonely come be lonely with me”, “i’ll be yours if you’ll be mine” (wanting some security while ur in love for the first time is common but especially for these two i think it works spectacularly) but yea this song as a whole is just...ohhh them. theyre in lvoe HK;FNJFL
9. i saw you in a dream by the japanese house EVERY. SINGLE. LINE. OF THIS SONG IS POST-EGYPT JOTARO. EVERY SINGLE LINE. and the ghost the singer talks about seeing? they hadnt changed at all? they were such a pretty vision, a perfect hallucination? BRUH... just listen i could do a whole analysis on this song it all just fits jotaro mourning kakyoin throughout the years so so so so well it makes me feel nuts holy shit i just. literally every line. every line fits i am not joking. i cried when i first heard this song LMAO
10. video games by the young professionals SO LMAO obviously kakyoin’s epic gamer moves are being referenced but beyond that i interpret this song to just be the fun parts of being in love esp when ur young (backed up with the “kissing in the blue dark” and the “watching all our friends fall” lines). also the chorus just makes me want to cry cause just, happy jotakak moments PLEASE. “the world was built for two only worth living if somebody is loving you, and baby now you do” THEYRE NOT ALONE ANYMORE THEY FOUDN EACH OTHER IM GONAN WAILLLLLLL oh my god. im nuts theynkjNJKNJF also “i heard that you like the bad girls” please. these two shitty teenagers
11. ikanaide by sohta ft. yuki kaai this song is abt not wanting someone u love to leave u cause youll miss them obviously but also ur scared of how the time will change you and if it’ll make you unrecognizable eventually. big post-egypt jotaro vibes 😔 especially cause one part of the chorus translates to “i shouldnt cry, i shouldnt cry, but the truth is i want to say dont go” and im jus like OHHHHH NO IT’S JOTARO FINDING OUT KAKYOIN DIED jkfnNKJFNJDhkld
12. therefore you and me by eve ALRIGHT. god this song is one hell of a doozy. i interpret this song to mean being sincerely in love but youre in the wrong place/wrong time. considering the uh Whole Situation in part 3 there were definitely better times to fall in love for these two. jotaro and kakyoin try to be happy w the moments they do have (i think the second verse in particular adds to this sentiment what with the selfish ghosts part) but they want a better environment understandably so theyre also just kinda ignoring things until they can properly care for a relationship. but well...who knows if theyll live to make it to that better environment ):
13. mayonaka no door/stay with me by miki matsubara this song is a v sweet sentiment abt like “it’s not just heat of the moment!! i do care about u a lot!!” and asking the person u have feelings for to stick around. big kakyoin and jotaro vibes as it would be easy to call what they have a fling considering how relatively short of a timeframe they had but i genuinely think their relationship was deeper than just that and this song nicely reflects such. “jotaro and i will share a room cause we’re both students” fuckin head ass
14. a thousand years by sting oh sting.... so since sting is kakyoin’s favorite musician canonically i had to add one of his songs here as well but beyond just that i do think this song fits them!! it kinda gives me big “if not in this life, then the next” vibes which is a big uhhh thing for jotakak. they may be doomed to tragedy but the moments they have together make the tragedy worth enduring ironically i feel like this song is mostly from jotaro’s pov considering i dont think he ever completely got over kakyoin and this song def has that kinda sentiment but hey it fits them...
15. mr loverman by ricky montgomery SO FUNNY STORY i actually REALLY. REALLY didnt wanna add this song at first cause i felt it wouldve been...idk too cliche? i guess? and i was ALL kinds of picky when choosing songs for this playlist HOWEVER. eventually i relistened to it and read the lyrics while thinking specifically abt jotakak and it actually rlly does fit quite well KJDFN; another jotaro mourning song ): it’s not just the chorus tho the whole song fits jotaro immediately post-egypt but also i feel like some time around part 4 this sentiment would come back to him cause Yknow. Gays In Morioh and the mess of his family life back in america. it just aches for him cause while he’s happy josuke is happy he wishes he couldve had that for him and kakyoin too but yea jus ... them
16. you by petit biscuit an instrumental?? in a ship playlist?? yes that’s right much like mr loverman i was hesitant to put this song in cause it’s harder to justify since i dont rlly know much abt music (and not to b controversial but interpreting lyrics and interpreting music r two different things) however i really think the vibes of this song fit jotakak. it’s got a somber melody but the keys of the piano are high which im taking to mean “light in the dark” which. jotaro and kakyoin (along w the rest of the crusaders) were each other’s lights in the dark. also the ending samples a conference/lecture talking about space flight and like. star platinum. space symbolism. jotaro. yeah
17. saturn by sleeping at last MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. this song is all about losing someone very close and important to you, but reflecting on the good they brought into your life rather than the pain of losing them. this song also has HEAVY space imagery which stardust crusaders is absolutely chalk fucking full of so also it’s a very philosophical song and considering that jotaro and kakyoin are both Nerds and both got a nice view of the stars/space in the desert with each other, im sure they had conversations similar to the one highlighted in the song. i think it’s a good note to end the playlist on cause kakyoin is dead and jotaro is the survivor but it’s not a mourning song so much as jotaro taking the love he had for kakyoin and pushing forward with it allll th way into part 6
but yeah that’s the tracklist! i might add or take away a song or two but this is mostly it (: hope yall enjoy!
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popatochisssp · 6 years
So your recent chapter in snips and snails has had me thinking. How would other skellies react if their bro started falling for their SO? Would they all be up for polyamory or would some tell their bro to get over it, or they break up with SO as to push them toward their brother. This information is important for my daydreaming
Anonymous: Heyo! Are you doing hc’s right now? If so, what are your ideas for a polyamorous relationship with sans/so/papyrus? I know you mentioned it with FGTC, but how would the other boys do? Thank you and ilysm!!             
Well, the short version of these questions seems to be– “Can I make it work if I want to smooch both brothers?”
And the answer to that question as far as I’m concerned is yes! Ultimately, all skeles would be down for this kind of relationship!
…But some of them are going to have an easier road than others.
Yes, it’s the ‘fells that are on the Struggle Bus, of course it is, those boys have issues.
They’re a great combo!
They already know each other so well and love/respect one another that looping you into their relationship as a romantic branch is the easiest thing in the world.
They both balance the other out really well, to the point that dating them both might even make for a more harmonious relationship than choosing just one: Papyrus won’t shy away from lecturing Sans when his laziness may be letting you down, and Sans knows how to gently point out when Papyrus might be unintentionally talking over you or pushing too hard at something.
There’s no jealousy between them and you’re all grown, mature adults more than capable of navigating a three-person relationship.
Another great choice!
Much like the classic Sans-Papyrus pair, the Sky-Paps match-up isn’t just functional, it’s hyper-functional.
Their brotherly relationship is strong and they’re great at meeting and handling situations as a team, and you’re no different. Most of your time with them will be spent as a trio rather than duos with an odd man out since that’s what they do anyway– you’re just along for the ride! When one-on-one time does come around, they’ll pass you off to the other without hesitation, no jealousy to be found and just a nuzzle on your cheek and an encouragement to have fun.
Even the usually clingy Sky doesn’t mind giving you and Paps space when you want it since there’s no one he trusts and loves more than his (big) little brother, and Paps might actually feel a little more driven to impress and woo you when he sees the lengths Sky regularly goes to. Maybe he can’t one-up his big brother’s efforts, but it reminds him that you’re special and deserving of the attention and he’ll show you so in his own, more understated way.
They balance each other out in so many ways that it won’t ever feel like you’re trying to juggle them to make things work. As long as you love them, they’ll love you right back and your relationship is practically self-sustaining!
You must not be shy of challenges, because you’ve gotten yourself into some rocky waters with this one.
They’ll both agree to this pretty quickly without much fuss– sharing a datemate with their brother, the only person who always had their back underground and would die for them, and vice versa? Of course, there’s no one they’d rather trust you with than their own brother!
They say that, and for the most part they do mean it, but… there are some very well-buried landmines here and you will find at least one of them in the course of this relationship.
For Jasper, it’s bitterness: here’s yet another thing in his life that he’s giving up for his brother’s sake. It’s not Pyre he resents but the situation and how exceedingly unfair the circumstances of his life have been so far. He lost his childhood to raising and protecting Pyre while he was young, and then he had to play his toady and listen to barked orders and snapped insults so Pyre could maintain a fearsome reputation and neither of them would get too severely messed with. And then now here’s this, a datemate he can’t even keep all to himself because you love his baby brother, too. It stings, but he’ll try to quash it down since he loves you and Pyre too deeply to ever want to cause problems for you.
Meanwhile Pyre is masking his own issues, namely jealous insecurity. He loves Jasper, too, and he deeply respects the sacrifices his big brother made for him Underground both in adolescence and adulthood, but…well, it’s not as if he had it easy! Jasper’s initially low HP meant that no matter how strong a fighter he was, there’d always be somebody who saw him as easy EXP, somebody trying to kill them both because they could– that was why he worked his way up to Captain of the Royal Guard and trained so hard to become an efficient, deadly soldier, so that he could be intimidating enough that most monsters wouldn’t even want to try attacking him or somebody under his command. That’s why he had to distance himself from everyone else, even the brother he was trying to protect, just in case someone tried to take advantage of a social connection. He was completely emotionally isolated for a long time, with a lot weighing on his shoulders: his duties, his brother’s safety, his own safety, and Jasper…
Jasper didn’t have to shoulder any of that once Pyre took responsibility.
Pyre knows, intellectually, that Jasper suffered at least as bad for a long time, but emotionally it hurt and made Pyre a little angry to see him socializing freely with the lowlifes at Grillby’s and sleeping openly at his illegal hot-dog stands. Jasper couldn’t have been totally carefree, no one could be underground, but he had the luxury of being very close to it thanks to Pyre’s status, which Pyre maintained at his own expense. And now, it feels like Jasper is taking advantage of him again, casually charming his way into your good graces and seducing you away from him.
He’s fairly certain he’s going to lose you, actually, since he knows that his older brother is the more personable of the two of them and he hates the waiting, he kinda wants to just end it himself and let Jasper have you…
But, same as Jasper, Pyre loves both of you dearly and he knows that abruptly breaking up with you would hurt you, and that Jasper would figure out why he did it and be even more hurt plus guilty over it, so he bites his tongue.
They’re both going to stew in silence over it and are fully committed to doing so for the rest of your natural lives– you’re going to have to mediate this if you want to have any hope of a healthy relationship.
It won’t be too hard to figure out what’s going on with them individually, they’re both very salty skeletons that can mostly keep quiet about the things bugging them, but there’s a lot of snide and bitter quips muttered under their breath that you’re usually close enough to hear and draw conclusions from. At that point, you need to sit down with them and force a discussion; play whatever hard-ball you must to get them to talk, this is too important to sweep under the rug just because it’s awkward and painful.
They’ll be stilted at first and need a lot of prodding to keep going, embarrassed that their datemate is playing counselor for them, but soon enough they’ll start talking on their own. Yelling on their own. Screaming at each other and breaking shit on their own.
They’ve been repressing a lot of emotions for a long time and now that they’re flowing it’s like a tsunami, one you should probably get out of the splash zone of while they get it all out.
You don’t have to worry about them actually hurting each other, there’s far too much love between them for that and once the anger and bitterness is out there in the open, they realize that, too. There’s gonna be tears and broken sobs and fierce hugging and that’s your cue to get back on in there and take care of your boys– they love each other, they love you, and you love them right back, it doesn’t have to be any more complicated than that.
Once the dust is settled, you’re theirs for life, no take-backs. You came into their home, showed them love and affection, and helped them get their brother back after years of tension and walking on eggshells: if you think they’re ever going to let you go now, you’re dead-wrong.
There’s going to be days when you almost regret emotionally reconciling them because when they’re not bickering over petty nonsense or competing with each other, they are the most terrifyingly efficient team you’ve ever seen. They’ll casually join forces against you whenever it suits them and you don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell. They love and respect you of course, they’d never hurt or take advantage of you, but the combined force of Jasper’s rough charm and Pyre’s slick cunning means that you’re not often going to find yourself ‘winning’ in your relationship.
On the bright side, your romantic life is positively scorching between these two fiery personalities and the loving passion they have for you is more than enough of a balm on any wounds you might take to your pride. ;3
Deceptively easy.
At first, they’re both very excited and on-board for this. As far as they’re concerned, there’s no one better in the world to share their datemate with than their own brother, someone trustworthy that they love unconditionally and don’t have to worry about losing you to, since they obviously wouldn’t try to steal you from each other.
And that’s true, because if there’s a problem it won’t be something they did, it’ll be what you did. Or maybe more accurately, what you didn’t do.
There’s really only one way to screw this up, but it’s a hard and fast death sentence for the relationship if you start neglecting Rus or playing favorites with Mal instead.
Rus is a needy guy, not too prone to jealousy but very prone to insecurity when the conditions are right, and Mal is one of the hardest (albeit unintentional) hitter of those buttons. His big brother, the one who’s taken care of him his whole life, protected him and sacrificed for him, Rus thinks Mal is a really cool guy. He’s not surprised at all that you want to date him, but he is surprised that you want to date Mal’s living disaster of a brother, too.
If you’re not careful and spend too much time with Mal or side with him all the time or do anything that could indicate you have a significant preference for one brother over the other, Rus is probably gonna jump to some conclusions and now it makes sense to him why you’re not just dating his brother– it’s ‘cause it’s a pity thing…isn’t it?
Mal is the one you really want  but you or Mal or maybe both of you noticed his pathetic interest in you and decided to toss him a bone. To make him feel better. Yaaaay.
His aversion to conflict means that he’s definitely never going to say anything to either of you, ever, but his 'realization’ (whether it’s true or not, almost certainly not) is painful and he won’t be able to help sulking and shying away from your affection for awhile.
That, for Mal, is as good as an actual, physical red flag. He’s sharp and knows his brother well enough to piece together everything that’s happened in Rus’ self-deprecating skull and as far as he’s concerned, there’s only one course of action from here: he’s gonna try to wriggle himself out of the relationship entirely and push you towards Rus.
Mal loves his baby brother fiercely and since he already blames his failings as a pseudo-parent for the anxiety and insecurity he struggles with, the absolute last thing he wants to do is hurt him by taking his datemate away. It’s a no-brainer to remove himself from the situation if he’s distracting you from Rus, but once it’s progressed to this point, there’s no positive outcome for anyone.
Rus is now convinced he’s the pity-boyfriend and feels awful that you don’t get to be with Mal anymore because he couldn’t hide his dumb feelings better. Mal is upset that he can’t be with you, and a little upset with you for not loving his little brother enough to begin with and making this choice necessary. And of course, you’re gonna be hurting, too, because one of your boyfriends thinks he’s your consolation prize and the other isn’t even your boyfriend anymore.
But of course, that’s the Worst Case Scenario.
To make this work, you just need to be fair about sharing your time and affection, which in healthy polyamory, you should probably already be doing! But if for some reason, you can’t do that, skew slightly in Rus’ favor. Mal can be jealous and selfish but he’s more than willing to make room for his brother’s happiness, and he knows that he’s welcome to edge into yours and Rus’ time together if he really wants– Rus has no problems sharing, he just gets a little upset if he thinks he’s the second choice.
If you put in the time and effort to assure Rus that you’re dating him because you care about him, this actually becomes one of the easiest bro-combos possible. Mal and Rus have a less contentious relationship than the other ‘fell brothers and with less buried anger and bitterness between them their bond is already strong and relatively healthy when you enter the mix.
Your integration is like finding the perfect centerpiece to tie an already-stylish room together. Mal plans all the dates and budgets your time between them in the most efficient way possible, while Rus makes sure you and him still get some time to relax and screw around at home. They work very well together as brothers and as your co-boyfriends with about equal importance placed on each role, so you’ll feel nothing but cherished and wanted between the two of them. Make sure to return the favor!
Yes, a fantastic idea!
They’re both delighted that you asked and agree to share you pretty much immediately, without even a little fuss.
Slate and Papy are arguably the most codependent of the brothers (understandably, considering their shared trauma of the famine) and they’re also probably the most emotionally open with one another as a result, so if a poly relationship seems like it’s becoming a possibility with you, they’re going to get everything talked out and openly agreed upon for a very smooth transition.
It’s actually…kind of an ideal situation for both of them, in a way? Their issues and insecurities are…well, there’s a good deal of them and they’re both a tad concerned that the weight of it might be too much for you alone. They don’t want to overwhelm you or put too much pressure on you just because they’re a little… ‘broken’ is the wrong word for it, but they’re far from undamaged, either!
But with the other brother in the mix, the same one who’s always been there to support his sibling even before you came along, so much of that pressure is taken off.
Slate doesn’t worry that you’re going to suffer from his dissociation and memory problems because he knows Papy is there with his sharp mind and attention to detail to pick up the slack. Likewise, Papy doesn’t worry quite so much on his bad days that you’re secretly unhappy or would be better off without him because Slate is around, who even with a hole in his skull is naturally charming and very skilled at reading people– if you had any complaints, Slate would know and pass them along so they could make you as content as possible!
The end result is that they both relax and don’t psych themselves out quite as much as they might without their brother, and you get to see them as close to their old, pre-horror selves as they can get. Papy is a little more confident and Slate jokes around more and they both treat you like you make the sun rise every morning because you’re the one that loves them both enough to let this relationship be a thing they can have and that’s so cool.
There’s not a drop of jealousy over you from either of them, especially when they can see first-hand that you’re making their brother as happy as you make them, so this is a pretty harmonious and loving match-up, with a lot of potential for success!
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p-st · 5 years
my "unkillable" quirk oc's hero name (villain? just for fun civillian name?) would absolutely be "Casualty"
a lil joke based on their casual view on death and well. death
dunno if theyd be a hero, villain, or civillian! theyre all pretty fun to explore. a vigilante would also be cool but i dont think theyd be a super morally upstanding one. definitely theyd kill a villain to restrain them bc "theyre totally fine! yeah, they're definitely dead, officer, but theyll walk it off in a few hours so it's no big!"
okay actually..thatd be a fun universe 🤔
hold on lemme just. type out loud here
Casualty: The Undying Hero! (or is it the other way around? idk how hero titles work) their wounds heal faster than most and if they “rejuvenate” you (crowdsourced name), one quick nap later you'll be good as new! (bc they also heal faster when out though not as fast as them) they will only "rejuvenate" people who have given their full consent or there is no other option (heros they work with sign contracts that give the okay and for what circumstances)(civillians give spoken consent and can request a full contract at their agency if theyre frequent fliers)
casualty decides case by case what the best course of action would be because, unfortunately, they do come across several suicidal heros and civillians alike that just want to know what its like to die. they have several connections with mental health professionals!
like eraserhead, casualty's quirk doesnt give way to much combat ability (pretty good for defense tho is still hesitant to kill someone. villain or not. some ppl can get addicted to the feeling) they compensate during fights with support tools! this isnt something ive thought about so idk what kind of fighting style theyd gear themselves towards but i think id like something pretty versatile.
also kinda looking for the secret to their death since yeah their own body can kill them but they dont really get sick and, while not immortal, they'll likely outlive everyone of their generation
Casualty: The Killer Villain! (do villains even have titles like this lol?) just THINK of the way torture would go! they can drive right up that edge and when they push a little harder and you come out the otherside unscathed you still arent safe bc youre under their whim! not a big bad with huge showy villainous actions but arguably much worse than those who make headlines.
more of an information broker! theyre the one u go to if u wanna make someone break. also takes "assassination" jobs (the PERFECT person to help you fake your death. deals identities like cards) not much in the way of morals and will give you a quick death fix but mostly to get you off their back (thinks ppl who wanna die are pretty disgusting and they revel entirely in their longlasting life. slow and steady, babey) has people contracted to kill others for them.
definitely looking for someone able to kill them. it's a big daring exciting joke to them! fellow villains will make attempts and theyll critique their effort later. also they make a very good partner for ppl trying to test out how much a new move would hurt (other villains come to these spars and time how long casualty stays down. theres a leader board for the longest time down bc it means their move was incredibly violent)
Casualty: A Name as Feared as it is Revered! (okay this one is just for fun) being able to kill but it not sticking is PERFECT for them in their mind. in this universe they couldnt think of another path being better for them (because of their black and white view of “heros save” and “villains kill” and that their quirk fits neither. not really)
theyve got a hit on them from everyone and it makes their days exciting! they compliment the more creative attempts and will drop by the place of person who killed them and leave a sticky note with a full review lol. as mentioned above, kills as a way to restrain! it's to the point where it's so common that whenever it's mentioned that they were involved w a crime a special crew comes to take care of it (you gotta be trained to compartmentalize seeing so many dead ppl that wake up kicking. it does smthn to ya)
theyll target everyone alike! heros, villains, civillians! it doesn't matter youre all ripe for the pickin! theyve got ins with a wide range of ppl and if they cant deal with them personally theyll follow what they see as the best course of action. some people deserve to be publically demolished by a hero, some deserve the horror of a villain, and some deserve the cold hand of civillian law. theyve got a little (major) god complex and believe they have the right to be the judge jury and executioner (in spirit lol) obviously this mindset isnt well received by the public (coughstainchough) but unfortunately they make good judgement calls and they usually dont get the final say in what happens to someone anyway (unless they kill the person and that person learns their lesson or whatever)
does however have a personal vendetta of reforming systems and being very against the pissing contest that are hero rankings. this occasionally makes their judgement calls biased.
the most consistent things would be:
connections. lots of them and the types of connections depend on what path theyre on. theyre good at talking
outside support in the form of weapons or people to "finish the job"
general belief that their choice is more than likely the right choice
loose morals. comes with the territory of a death based quirk
controversial in any universe (except maybe a bonus one where they claim their quirk is not being able to die and not also not being able to kill? that universe would be steeped in self hate and either a bitter death or a life dedicated to putting a mental health support system in place for people with "villainous" quirks)(actually their quirk would still be controversial bc thats the point lol)
permanent casual view on death. doesnt see the big deal
very hm. unconnected to living? sure theyre just excited to be here! but they have the most solid grasp on the inevitability of death while also not super getting that when someone dies they get to stay dead? theres also the tiniest bit of envy there
probably either never got the death talk or got it very late. no one knows how many kids were at risk while being friends with them while young bc they wouldnt put the effort into saving them from life threatening situations (bc casualty always got back up, why wouldnt anyone else)
(bonus story for above would be that once while they were a kid a friend fell off a tree and hit the ground in front of them and they just walked away to keep playing then they came back later and the friend was still there so they went to either their own parent or the kid's parents and told them "[name] is taking a long time to get back up, i wanna play again." queue the sad ending here im aiming for)
upbeat sometimes in a near manic way. genuinely happy really often and finds joy in the smallest things like a slug in the grass or a wildflower coming out of the sidewalk (life in all kinds of places in all kinds of ways!)(theyre big fans of mushrooms. in death theres life or life gives way to life or whatever. idk it's fake deep. i just think mushrooms are cool and wanna project)
anyway this is like. long as shit lol! is anyone even reading this? i love you if you are. i might try to take this character and bend it to fit some of my own worlds bc wow i think theyre cool BUT if any bnha fans ARE reading this please feel free to include them in fics or stuff if you want! link me if you do id literally fall in love (u can name them what u want, dress them how you want, give them whatever pronouns you want, etc.)(dont claim them ofc but using them is fine!)
(and if you want me to idk... flesh out a character for you? 😳 lol id be very open to that! i love worldbuilding!! you dont have to.. aha... unless..?😳😳)
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dragonwitch77 · 6 years
Subcon Apartment ch 3
Looking for a doctor was harder than anyone expected. Not to mention one that specialized for certain conditions the young girl portrayed.
For one thing, she clung to Snatcher’s side like a lifeline. Barely leaving his side even for a moment. He seemed to take it in stride, but they could see, or rather smell, his limitations when he did get those few rare moments away from her. Thankfully, Snatcher managed to be on his, surprisingly, best behavior with the child as she clinged to him.
“You’re taking this surprisingly well Snatcher darling.” Grooves commented at one time. He only got a gruff huff as a response from the taller male.
Another trait the child showed was that she liked to hide when Snatcher was out. It scared the living day lights out of everyone when it first happened, though she did reappear when Snatcher came back. He wasn’t joking when he said she was shy. The girl couldn’t look anyone in the eye much less say anything. Not even Grooves, a people person at heart, could get her to open up to him.
Cookie was the one who worried most about the young girl. She kept asking Snatcher questions like where did you find her? Which abandoned building was she in? Why is she so thin? What had you been feeding her? Where did she sleep? Is that shirt the only thing keeping her covered? Should we give her a bath? Does she tell you if her wounds hurt? Or where she got those scars? Why haven’t you wrapped them in bandages yet?
The look of annoyance was becoming a common look on Snatcher’s face. Even more than the Conductor’s.
However, her heart was in the right place for the young child. Cookie had made it her sole job to put some weight on the small girl and got every opportunity she could to make something for her to eat. Soft foods mostly. She was still worried about the child’s digestive track.
The job for searching for a doctor somehow landed on the Conductor. The old man had numbers of different doctors and specialists on hand. “Back problems. N’ a few accidents on set.” He handed Cookie a list of numbers. “They should be good ‘nough. Or at least know what tae do.” He pointed to the numbers that he circled that he deemed to be good enough to try.
“Thank you Conductor. Maybe we can try calling one of them later.”
“Or never! That’s an option!” The two adults glared into the living room. Snatcher was splayed out on the couch with the child resting on his chest. “What? If they aren’t good enough then we shouldn’t bother.” He shrugged, earning an eye roll and growl from the two.
It was midday on a Monday when a doctor was finally found. An old friend of the Conductor who had once been a doctor to his own kids long ago. He was pretty much retired but he still took house calls time to time.
The Conductor smiled as he opened the door. “Phylum! Nice tae see ya again ya old cougar!” Conductor pulled his old friend into a hearty hug.
“It’s nice to see you too you haywire.” Phylum smiled, patting the Conductor on the back. “So what’s with the sudden call out of the blue for medical attention? None of your little ones have gotten themselves hurt have they?”
“Pfft! Oh no! Not one of mine! They’re all big n’ have their own wee lil’ ones tae worry ‘bout.” The Conductor ushered his friend inside. “Sorry fer the call last night. Ah know it was late but the relief of findin’ a doctor kinda clouded me mind.”
“It’s fine. No troubles here.” Phylum looked about the living room. “So, where’s my patient? You didn’t give me much detail over the phone when we talked.”
“The spook has her.”
Phylum looked at his friend questionably. “Spook?”
“Snatcher. The one Ah told ya ‘bout last Thanksgivin’ visit.”
Phylum nodded his head slowly, humming in thought. “Ah, yes, him. You showed me that scar he gave you from a ‘little’ argument.”
The Conductor huffed but said nothing.
“So, my patient is a girl then? I hope you aren’t trying to set me up with anyone. Maisie wouldn’t be too happy about that.”
The Conductor scoffed, punching his friend’s shoulder in playful mannerism. “Yer awful ya old cougar! Besides, the lass is a weeeeee bit too young fer yer taste. Not tae mention she’s… uh… well… maybe it’s best tae see fer yerself.” He cupped his hands together around his mouth. “OI! SPOOK! THE DOCTOR IS HERE! GET YER SORRY BUM DOWN HERE WITH THE LASS!”
“Was that necessary?”
“Kind of.” Conductor shrugged, leading his friend to the couch. “He stays up in the upper floors sometimes, though most of the time he tends tae live in the basement.”
“Still not much of a people person I take it?”
“Not in the slightest. Can you believe that? N’ the nerve of him! If Ah had ownership of this place, he would be right out the door!”
Phylum chuckled a little. “I’m certain that he would be out on the streets given what you’ve told me. He certainly doesn’t sound like… like…” Phylum frowned, feeling a small cold shiver go up his spine. He glanced to the hallway, finding golden eyes glaring at him from around the corner.
Phylum jumped, his heart pounding in fear as the eyes bore deep into his very soul. “There ya are ya bum!” Conductor’s voice snapped Phylum out of his terror. “Took ya long enough tae get—!”
“Shh!” The other male hissed, stepping into full view. To Phylum’s surprise, this male was tall. Very tall. Seven feet in height or more in fact if he had to guess. His skin was pale and his build was thin. He seemed to have a theme for purple as his pants with a dark shade of violet and his vest was also a dark shade of purple over his white shirt. Shaggy dark hair reached past his shoulders, his bangs hanging over his eyes with their golden shine peeking through between strands.
The whole demeanor of this fellow screamed unwelcoming and danger all around him… had he not caught sight of a small bundle held in his long arms. “Kid’s asleep.” The man muttered darkly.
“Well the doctor’s here. She can sleep after he’s done lookin’ her over.” Conductor huffed, getting up from his spot on the couch and plopped down in a worn-down red armchair. “Best he gets it done n’ tell us what the damage is now then later.”
The younger male glared at the Conductor but said nothing as he took his spot on the couch, turning his focus on Phylum. The golden eyes looked at him questionably, darting up and down that made the old man feel… uncomfortable. “This guy is the one you had called up?”
“If yer questionin’ my choice in doctors, bum, Ah’ll have ya know he’s the best there ever is! Treated all my young ones when they were me grandkids age.” Conductor huffed, crossing his arms. “If there’s anyone we can trust with this, it’s him.”
“You really know how to put pressure on me old friend.” Phylum chuckled, though there was a hint of nervousness as he turned to the other occupant in the room. “You must be the infamous Snatcher my haywire friend spoke about.” He smiled politely, holding out a hand for him to shake.
“Uh, Phylum? Ah don’t want tae give ya any frights or nothin’ but best tae keep yerself a good distance away from him.” Phylum looked at the Conductor questionably. “New people tend tae make the spook a little edgy n’, eh, they tend tae… ‘lose’ a finger.” He quickly retracted his hand, looking at Snatcher frightfully.
The younger male stared at him before his mouth slowly went into a grin. And not the type of grin that Phylum liked. It was a type of grin that flashed all his teeth and the corners of his mouth reached to heights that he was sure were impossible for normal mouths to do when grinning. And the canines this man had were impressively long if not a little sharp looking.
This was a grin of trickster of dark deeds.
Phylum really didn’t want to be around this man alone.
It was at that moment that small bundle in Snatcher’s arms started moving. The younger adult quickly lost any interest in Phylum and turned his focus on the bundle. “Hey kiddo. Did the old timer wake you up?”
Phylum watched as Snatcher, ignoring the Conductor’s angry sputtering, pulled back some of the blanket aside and revealed a small tired face buried in the fabric. Blue eyes blinked tiredly up at Snatcher, letting out the biggest yawn. “I know I know. I don’t like my naps getting interrupted too. But the doc’s here, so you have to be awake just for a little while okay?”
The old doctor took a chance to scoot a tiny bit closer to Snatcher, adjusting his glasses on his face. From what he could see, her skin was pale too, though not as pale as Snatcher’s skin thank goodness. Her hair was a mess, short and dirty. He could see a scar behind her left ear, though he was sure that it would fade out with time. Little button nose, thin cheeks, dark bags under her eyes… this didn’t paint a nice picture.
“I’m surprised she’s even alive.” Snatcher frowned.
“What’d ya mean doc?”
“I mean with her condition she would likely be dead just about now.” Phylum answered as he set his stethoscope in his bag. “But most of that would be due to starvation. She’s very underweight, smaller than what children her age should be at, and these scars she has.” He took one of the kid’s arms, pointing at certain scars on her skin.  “They looked to have been done intentionally.”
Over in the kitchen, the Conductor did a spit take. “WHAT?!”
“Whoa whoa whoa! Hold up old timer! What do you mean intentionally?! You’re telling me someone do this—” Snatcher pointed to the wounds. “On purpose?!”
“Unless she did it to herself at a younger age with a steady grip, there’s no other explanation for them.” Phylum shook his head, letting on of her arm. “Thankfully those scars aren’t too deep. They’ll fade some in time, but I’m not sure if they’ll ever fully go away.”
Snatcher was in shock. “Someone… did this to her…” He looked down at the small child sitting on his lap. She was curled up with her legs tucked in, staring at the old doctor intently with caution and fear. If Snatcher wasn’t there, he was sure she would have taken off running.
“Peckin’ ifreann!” The Conductor cursed, stomping into the room and taking Phylum by the collar of his shirt. “This isn’t some sick joke tae ya is it Phylum?! No one in their right mind would do somthin’ like that tae a lil’ girl! Ah mean look at her! She’s jus’ a wee thin’! Who would be peckin’ stupid enough tae do such a thin’?!”
“I don’t know! What I do know is that someone did do this to her, and whoever did must be sick in their mind to do such a thing.” The Conductor stared at his friend for a while before releasing his grip, storming off in a fit.
Phylum watched as his friend disappeared behind the corner, sighing sadly before turning to the younger man seated on the couch. Snatcher had his arms wrapped around the girl, holding her close to his body. “… As far as I can tell, there seems to be nothing wrong with her. On the outside. I’ll have the blood samples taken to a lab to see if she has anything in her system we should worry about… If I may ask, how did you ever come across this child?”
Snatcher shrugged. “Found her in an abandoned building all alone. Couldn’t just leave her there ya know?”
Phylum hummed. “Well, it’s certainly a good thing you did. Otherwise who knows what would happen… anyways, I best be off and send these samples in soon. My recommendation would be to put some weight on her and keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.”
Snatcher just huffed as the doctor left the small apartment.
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neo-shitty · 3 years
no dont apologise! i didnt check until just then so np :)
mmm yeah it is a bit trippy. hehe ITS TRUE THO. yeah sadly i think ur right, and tag blocking is probably a good idea. sometimes smut written well or not in excess is okay but goddamn when its abt 01 line and thats the whole fic... *silently blocks tags*
hehe i do that all the time lol this conversation is carrying on threads from a month ago :) mmm yeah ur probably right sadly, same. HA HE DIDNT HAVE A CHOICE and now i have someone to talk to abt them, so thats good! I KNOW felix was actually the one who got me into skz with his iconique gods menu line so i guess i have a soft spot for him. i always tell myself my bias is chan but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ guess im more whipped than id like to admit. mmm yeah that does make sense dw i hope they do that as well. YES king seungmin hIMSELF. GODDAMNIT DONT GET ME STARTED ON MINHO IN GODS MENU I DIDNT EVEN KNOW HE WAS PART OF THE GROUP UNTIL I STARTED GETTING MORE INTO THEM. BITCH (affectionate) THE LINE DISTRIBUTION HAS BEEN UTTER DOG SHIT but *deep breath* its better now so were moving on adn hoping it stays that way. sis same but i may or may not have gone thru a rlly depressed phase and actively sought out the elimination episodes so i could actually force some tears out of my emotionless shell of a heart but what cna you do? lmaoo i feel that irl, binnie deserves more vocal lines. yesss channies accent is rlly prominent then, i think also the way he structures his phrasing? is more english speaking than korean? but yeah i totally get what ur saying. AJKSAL lmao
okay then! im excited for whenever it gets done! (maybe tag me?) ahh the cold shrivelled heart of a dark au writer beats again at the thought of torturing another poor characters very soul (/j) :(( yeah that would suck not being able to see them. ohhh ur on the other hemisphere to me! were just going into spring rn. mmm smth to look forward to! YES you put it into words. they rlly are pretty independent from the company (remember how jyp rejected that other dudes songs after like 3 seconds and then how he was apparently nervous to show the song hed written to chan cos chan was so good at writing hits ahhh sweet revenge) mmmYES we rlly need a mute and remove notifications button for our brains dont we?
YES CORRECT i totally agree. some people jsut dont give it a try, adn assume its bad cos its korean smh racist assholes. yes! im coming up to my 6 month anniv actually! sis sAME, i feel like theyre being tugged into appealing to the western american market and theyre not staying as true to their artistic flair as a group, especially with only writing english songs atm. *sigh* ah well, at least theyre bringing recognition to the kpop world. AHUH dead on, theyre going to be discarded pretty soon and then where will bp be? theyll prob go solo paths which is rlly sad but what can you do when the company is run by a prideful asshole? yg is not going to last much longer in the big four if they keep this up.
hehe you get it. oooh very cool! whos ur ult? (sorry if youve said this before) mmmm yeah good decision, i feel liek thats probably a wise decision. this is my first album release as a kpop stan (not counting mixtape oh) so i think ill get it for sentiments sake. yeah! im excited for the new music! mingi was the one who got me into them, but atm my bias is seonghwa followed by san, wooyoung and ateez but jonghos high notes man *swoon* he, yeah atm ive got jake, jay, nikki, jungwon and sunoo down so just trying to get the rest :) heh, yeah kard i rlly only got into cos of bm, ive seen him like interacting with a lot of idols and he seemed nice so i decided to check out the group. ikr gunshot man *another swoon*
no noe! i didnt know what it was until i got it lol. thx toffee ill try and take that to mind :) yeah lol im on a waiting list thats not going to be free until late september so hopefully i can hold on until then. hope ur okay, that sounds like it sucks, hope you can find someone. maybe ill just take you along on my phone and the therapist can get a two for one patient deal lmaooo. mmm, sorry no i havent mentioned it before, i dont rlly talk abt it much. uhhh basically hypermobility? if you google it, it doesnt seem bad, jsut joint flexibility but ive got the severe end of the stick, leaning towards ehlers danlos syndrome so thats fun. basically it just makes it hard for me to exercise, run, jump, stand or just walk for long periods of time and gives me a lot of joint and muscle pain so... thats fun! but obviously so many other people have it worse than me, so i try not to complain. normally in young people it will improve as they get older, but my doctor said bc its severe in me, its unlikely to get much better. but again, i dont have the worst lot in the bunch, so its all g.
oh its good that its not the bad type of rain, a light sprinkling can be relaxing sometimes. aww thx darl, the concern is appreciated but it went pretty well and i managed not to cough too much on stage or kill myself trying to run around to the other side of the stage in the pouring rain so thats good! oooh tea buddies! my dogs a labradoodle, but shes a bit more of a feral poodle lol not much labrador in her at all, unless its her relentless urge to hunt down every bird that has ever walked this earth smh :((( hopefully they can come back on soon, does uni have dances?
ahhh a mood if i ever heard one. hopefully things will get better for you soon, ik anxiety sucks ass. ooh thats always good! when its sunny here, its always melt ur thongs to the pavement hot so the nicely cool sunny days are a lovely change. hehe impatience is not so good for you, but good for us that get to see ur beautiful theme early. ahh no worries, itll come eventually hopefully. and if not, then just things that make you not anxious are good. it doesnt have to be black or white, sometimes gray is good. mmmmm sames i have midterms this week to catch up on and then two weeks of end of terms so thats fun! i hope u can overcome that a little, heres some channie to be ur motivation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8LWyNjzOww. hah! i hear that all the time, he seems to be everywhere. did you see that tiktok of hans slowed back door rap, i stg it sounded EXACTLY like namjoon, it kinda scared me. also teh beginning of another day, sounds so much like joon i swear.
that reminds me! idk ur biases! i feel like this should be smth i should know so please! feel free to elaborate!
ahh im glad, i was worried it is. mmm same, so no hard feelings if either of us misses a day or smth. ill start worrying if weeks/months have gone by, but if its just a little while thats more than fine. ill just picture you studiously completing notes and i wont worry lol
<3 w.a. 🐺
at some point i really think i'm going to start blocking accounts because blocking tags won't be enough. i saw ask tags the other day and it just made me want to bleach my eyeballs.
i could talk about god's menu felix for hours man. the teaser for god's menu that featured his part on the bridge made me look forward to the mv release. you: biases chan, also you: lixiesbabyhands. yes you are more whipped than you think. i can't believe orange haired minho was given NOTHING during that era but they kind of made up for it in the b-sides. i also hope it stays that way. the distribution for this era was pretty fair.
"torturing another poor character's soul" in all honesty, i used to live for this. 2017 me leading up to early 2020 wrote nothing but angst. i have another aussie friend on twt and tbh i'm still really (O.o) about the seasons! jyp should be terrified skz could easily take over that company. heck if skz grow old and start their own company, they'd probably do a great job at running it. PLEASE. i have issues on muting/notifications both mentally and in real life. sometimes, i just wish to disappear.
some people in my country are just disgusting tbh. not only racist but homophobic too. they label kpop as 'gay' and it DISGUSTS me. it's a problematic behavior/mindset people in my country need to fucking get rid of. anyway, HELP ME 6 MONTHS??? and i've been in this shit for like a decade eye. tbh, i’m not fond of kpop groups trying to appeal to the western audience :// it feels like they’re losing their identity in a way. yes recognition but at what cost? yg has my favorite groups but that’s one shitty company when it comes to promoting.
okay my ult! it’s haechan from nct but i consider chan an ult too. like a close second above my whopping list of kpop boys. oh yes! you should get the album just for like a keepsake? remembrance? how did mingi appeal to you? omg did you start getting interested in ateez back when he was still on hiatus? NOT YOU BIASING THE SAME PEOPLE I DID WHEN I FIRST STARTED STANNING. the infamous ateez thot-line. jongho is easily one of the best fourth gen vocalists out here, no one can change my mind :( good luck with memorizing the rest of enhypen! just in time for the comeback too. i hope i’ll get into kard soon but i’m pretty content (and a tad bit overwhelmed) with the amount of groups i stan right now.
please hold on though, feel free to vent here if you like. thanks for the offer tho HAHA but like i’ll try to get checked here too when the cases die down a bit. i’m sorry to hear about your condition though :( please don’t ever overwork yourself to the point that your joints/muscles would ache. it’s completely valid to complain about it tho. i get that you have others in mind but keeping that mindset really doesn’t do you (like you internally) any better? so if you need to, vent your frustrations out and don’t keep it in.
oh my god, about your performance last sunday. was the stage out in the open? glad you didn’t cough too much and did well on your concert. i’m proud of you! i can never understand dogs and poor birds T_T uni doesn’t have dances unfortunately. i think there’s just one party at the end like a graduation ball. what year are you in anyway? if it’s something that you’re fine with sharing. if not, it’s cool.
good luck with your exams! and thanks for the link! AHA what a cutie. i think he does this motivation thing once in a while during his lives and it’s just comforting. yeah joon and han my irl just freaked when we made that discovery. ult crumbs for her. oh god not me forgetting about every biases when you asked. you can ask for my biases in a few groups just list down the one’s you’re interested in knowing. 
i missed yesterday because i was grinding and finishing what if we stay + school work. finally did it today. i’m sure i’ll reply in like a day or two, definitely not a month unless i state otherwise. if i ever decide to abandon this blog, i’ll let you know.
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Overwatch Chatroom: Overprotective Family
Requested by a lovely anon!! Scenario: Can you do a chat between like the crew following the reader who is the youngest of the team on a date with someone who they met in a bookstore and they keep pestering them. -cracks knuckles- hERE I G O also pls be nice to my overwatch OC, Grayson :’^))
yIKES I GOT CARRIED A WAY THIS IS THE LONGEST THING IVE WRITTEN FOR THE BLOG SO FAR Also it got a bit angsty??? What’s up with me and turning something that’s supposed to be happy and funny into angst omg. It’s probably not what anon had in mind when they requested it iM SORRY
- Forest
Looking yourself over in the mirror, a smile found its way on your lips. Nodding in approval at your appearance, you grabbed your wallet and phone. And just in case, a pocket knife. Everyone was taking a break today from missions, and it gave you a good excuse to go on the date you’ve been waiting for since you’ve met Grayson. You accidentally ran into him in a small bookstore once, causing you to attack him Keith apology after apology. He simply smiled at you, calming you down, telling you it was alright.
After introducing yourself, you two chatted for a while, mostly about books, and your favorite authors. He was a lovely eighteen year old boy, with a head full of red hair, freckles scattered about his fave and exposed arms, stunning blue eyes that were filled with joy. Ever since your little encounter at the bookstore, you two exchanged number and kept in contact.
Until a month later, you went on a mission with Bastion, Mei, and Tracer. You were split into two groups, you being with Bastion, the unit became your friend, sharing a love for nature. Bastion protected you in battle, causing some harm to come to the unit, which upset you. Scolding Bastion about how you can take care of yourself.
Scolding him at that moment wasn’t a great idea at the time. Both of you were in the open, talon agents closing in. And when one managed to knock your weapon of your hands, a voice in your head told you this was your end. Bastion was overwhelmed as well. You held onto the units robotic hand, closing your eyes, awaiting whatever was to come.
What came next was the pained screaming of the talon agents, and the sound of fire. Opening your (e/c) eyes you were met with the sight of flailing, and burning talon agents. Apparently they didn’t know what stop, drop, and roll was as they fell to the ground, lifeless. A figure dressed in all black, a white mask with black eyes came into view, flamethrower in hand.
Bastion beeped out a warning to the stranger, standing directly in front of you. Instead of him starting his flamethrower, a familiar voice called out; “Y/n?” Walking to stand next to Bastion, the one dressed in black removed the mask, a pair of blue eyes met yours. His name left your lips, “Grayson?!” Smiling sheepishly he rubbed the back of his neck, him having to explain everything to you, while Bastion stood protectively next you you, making Grayson uncomfortable.
That was was six months ago, and not too long ago he asked you out on a date. With a smile you accepted it. Bastion was the only one who knew of Grayson, keeping tabs on your relationship with him, like a strict father watching his child fall in love. The unit watched you walk out of your room, dressed in your nicest clothes. But first you had to tell Winston where you were going, what you didn’t want was him telling everyone what you were doing.
Winston has started a chatroom. 76, Reaper, Zarya, Hanzo, Genji, Tracer, Mei, Lucio, Roadhog, Junkrat, McCree, Phara, Ana, Symmetra, D.Va, Mercy, Widowmaker, Zenyatta, Reinhardt, and Torbjörn has logged on.
Winston: Just to inform everyone. Y/n is going out on a date.
Torbjörn: WHAT
Reinhardt: They are far too young.
Winston: Y/n is seventeen.
Winston: And why would I ask them?
Junkrat: OI
D.Va: whoops, sorry Jamie, Mako.
Roadhog: it’s fine.
Winston: It was non of my business.
Mercy: Why did y/n tell you this and not everyone else?
Winston: Remember the rule.
Mercy: Ah, right. If anyone is ever leaving the base for any reason, we tell you.
Zarya: Calm down. I am sure they are fine.
Widowmaker: He does have a point.
Winston: I feel attacked.
76: Did y/n tell you where they are going?
Winston: Yes.
McCree: TELL US???
Winston: I do no feel comfortable telling you guys their date plan..
Zenyatta: If I may interfere. Y/n tells Bastion everything. I could ask Bastion if they have mention anything about a date.
Zarya: What if that chunk of metal is lying?
Hanzo: There is no time for this, Zarya.
Zarya: fine.
D.Va: wait how is Zen typing?
Winston: I modified the phone I gave him.
D.Va: oh
Zenyatta: Bastion says y/n is going to the new cafe in the middle of town. I believe it is called Rainy Day Cafe.
D.Va: I’m hurt.
Genji: Why?
Reaper: I’m already at the cafe.
Lucio: I thought you didn’t care about y/n?
Junkrat: Aw, you do care!
Reaper: Shut it. Both of you.
Reaper: I don’t see them yet.
Widowmaker: I’m on my way out.
McCree: So am I.
Symmetra: Do not bring your weapons.
Widowmaker: Just to make sure.
McCree: If he’s part of talon, then it can’t hurt.
Reaper: I see them now.
Roadhog: is he a threat?
Reaper: Don’t make y/n go on dates.
D.Va: Why?
Reaper: They’re seventeen but this boy doesn’t look like a teenager.
Zenyatta: Bastion told me that he is a teenager.
Genji: Has Bastion met him?
Zenyatta: It appears so.
Reaper: He’s a red head.
D.Va: We need more details
Hanzo: No we don’t.
Reaper: He’s wearing a tight shirt. Probably showing off his muscles to Y/n.
Symmetra: Or he’s trying to intimidate our dear sunshine.
Junkrat: Want me to throw a bomb at him?
McCree: He’s right next to y/n.
Roadhog: y/n is too close to him.
Junkrat: So what I’m getting is that it’s alright to throw a bomb at him, but he needs to be far away from y/n. ‘Aight.
Genji: Don’t throw a bomb at the boy.
Reaper: He looks like he’s hiding something.
Ana: I’m by the cafe.
76: so am I.
Genji: did all of you just leave?
Torbjörn: I am concerned about my little y/n, but I stayed.
Reinhardt: This is a serious matter.
Genji: Y/n is not going to die.
Zarya: The boy could be a talon agent.
McCree: and if he’s a talon agent?
Widowmaker: Just to make sure he doesn’t pull out a gun at y/n.
Mei: I could freeze him if he pulls anything dangerous and stupid.
Reaper: And you’re not?
Mercy: If he’s a talon agent then we call all take him down.
Zenyatta: He’s not a talon agent
Phara: WAIT MOM.
Phara: Zen said he’s not a talon agent
Ana: Oh.
Zenyatta: Grayson saved both y/n and bastion on a mission some months ago.
Tracer: No! Mei and I were there!!
Mei: We decided to split up into two groups!
Hanzo: If it wasn’t for Grayson they could’ve both died.
Mei: We were also cornered, we didn’t know they were in danger until we got to them.
Tracer: The talon agents were burned to a crisp.
McCree: Burned?
Reinhardt: What kind of weapon could burn someone?
Symmetra: Does he have some kind of power?
Zenyatta: He owns a flamethrower.
Mei: Yes. Y/n only told us about someone saving them. They didn’t tell us it was Grayson.
Tracer: We didn’t want to say anything else because they were pretty shaken up about it.
Mercy: Let’s just follow them for now.
Phara: They’re ready to leave the cafe.
Mercy: This part of town is always busy, don’t lose sight of them.
76: I’ll always have them in my sights.
McCree: They’re going into an apartment building???
Widowmaker: They’re at his apartment door.
Roadhog: I’ll throw my hook at him.
Symmetra: what if you hit y/n with it?
Roadhog: hmm.
Symmetra: Don’t jump to conclusions, Hana
Lucio: BUT WHAT IF HE IS??!?!
D.Va has added Y/n to the chat.
Mercy: Y/n if that boy is planning to do some cruel things to you, you better get out of his apartment this instant!
76: Young Lady!
McCree: Explain to us, right now.
Widowmaker: Are you sure he is not a talon agent?
Reaper: I’m coming to get you.
Genji: Gabriel, leave y/n alone.
Hanzo: You didn’t have to actually forcefully grab them.
Genji: Guys don’t attract attention!
Hanzo: To be honest, it was Gabriel.
Reaper: I did not.
Zenyatta: Oh dear.
Tracer: oh my god Zarya knocked out Junkrat
Mei: Hanzo summoned his dragons.
Genji: You could’ve left them alone.
Tracer: oh my god Jack knocked him out.
Reaper: This is y/n by the way.
76: where did Gabe take you?
Symmetra: And why are you using his phone?
Reaper: When I planned on telling you guys about Grayson I was expecting something less vIOLENT THAN YOU YOU GUYS PULLED.
Mei: You’re the youngest one on the team! And I guess,, we got a bit carried away.
Zarya: I get that you are mad but we are overprotective of you.
McCree: We had to make sure.
D.Va: Yikes™
Reaper: Edge lord wants his phone bakcishifhf
Reaper: She’s grounded, no questions.
Reaper has left the chatroom.
Y/n: He has shitty hiding spots.
Y/n: and I refuse to be grounded fOR SOMETHING AS STUPID AS THIS
76: I just knocked him out.
Y/n: Honestly guys, I’m part of overwatch, why can you trust me when I go out alone? I can take care of myself. And I did plan on telling you guys.
Y/n has left the chatroom.
Genji: They seem upset.
Zenyatta: Young Y/n is arguing with Gabriel right now. And I expect you to apologize to them. Also bring young Grayson home and explain everything to his parents.
Zenyatta: Bastion will be in front of y/n’s door for the rest of the day, and maybe the night.
Zenyatta has left the chatroom.
Ana: I can’t believe we acted so childish.
Ana has left the chatroom
Reinhardt: Y/n is seventeen, almost at legal age to live in their own, we should have trusted them for just one day.
Reinhardt has left the chatroom. Torbjön has left the chatroom.
Zarya: Hardt is right.
Zarya has left the chatroom. 76 has left the chatroom.
D.Va: before everyone leaves!
D.Va: we have to make it up to both Y/n and Grayson.
Lucio: what do we do?
D.Va: set up an actual date for them. Everyone has to pitch in though.
Hanzo: That could work.
D.Va: we should also stay with them.
Genji: Why?
Lucio: It’s a date, Hana
Junkrat: Kinda ruins the idea of a date, mate.
Roadhog: Why?
D.Va: They wanted us to meet Grayson right?
Mercy: that’s a wonderful idea, Hana!
Mei: Oh!
Tracer: This is our chance to make things right!!
Phara: well for the ones who started attacking Grayson.
Symmetra: you almost released your missiles.
Phara: ..Alright everyone should help plan this.
McCree: It’s settled then.
McCree has left the chatroom. Tracer has left the chatroom. Phara has left the chatroom. Symmetra has left the chatroom. Mei has left the chatroom. Junkrat has left the chatroom. Roadhog has left the chatroom. Lucio has left the chatroom. D.Va has left the chatroom. Hanzo had left the chatroom. Genji has left the chatroom. Zarya has left the chatroom. Mercy has left the chatroom. Widowmaker has left the chatroom.
Winston: Why do people always make everything so difficult?
Winston has closed the chatroom.
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maspwinj2 · 7 years
hey! I just wanted to say upfront that this definitely isn't an argument or anything. I know sometimes things sound rude bc it's text and not spoken, so I just wanted to say that ahead. your one of my favorite bloggers, so I just wanted to get your thoughts. you said #what will those kids feel when they find out the truth? but, maybe they already know. not the whole story, but j2 seem like their raising them like their all collectively as their children. and I don't think (1/2)
(2/2) they’d pretend in front of the kids. like when they went on that island vacay for new years and the wives weren’t there, I can’t imagine they kept their hands off each other the whole time, not even holding hands. and they prob sleep in the same bed when in Austin. so wouldn’t the kids would know that? I can’t imagine them not acting like husbands and fathers of all the kids in front of the kids, you know? what do you think?
Oh my god anon i’m so sorry! you sent me this like 7weeks ago and i’m only answering now… the thing is that when you sent it istarted answering with a very long messy rambling and i didn’t post itimmediately to reread and correct it but the day after that, all the lolliebullshit started (i’m still so pissed about all that ugh) and it sucked all myenergy so i couldn’t get back to your ask and when that babygate shit was moreor less over i tried to make a better answer but i just couldn’t??? ireally tried but i never could make a satisfying answer and so i think it’stime i give it up because i’ve been thinking about all the different aspects but im never pleased with what i write… i just don’t know!! i think i’ve lost any ability tomake a proper understandable explanation of what i think and i’m even moresorry because this is actually a very nice ask! thanks! you were very nice and i failedyou! im sorry and maybe now you’ve unfollowed me so there’s no way you’d seethat i actually wanted to answer you T-T
But im gonna answer about the first part of your ask.You’re talking about what i wrote in the tags of this post, when i said “the truth” i wasn’t talking about the kids knowing that jared and jensen are together but more about the kids realising they’re being used to sell the straight image of their fathers, im pretty sure they don’t know about that truth yet haha
like for example with this pic of shep making J/G “kiss”. shep must have been like “why should i make you kiss when you never do it in real life???” and when he’s older he’ll get that he was just being used like a tool for his parents’ bearding. that’s why i wonder how will that make him feel? or with that ad jared did where he used tom and shep to prove he has the perfect straight family (and now you can add the popandsuki video with poor odette being used right after her birth with her brothers) or with this jj pic that she will remember as a nice birthday with her parents but when she’s older she’ll see they used it to project this fake idea to the world that they have a totally traditionnal family 
that’s what i was talking about, if i were those kids i would feel really hurt/upset when i understand i was unknowingly being involved in all those lies and fakeness for the benefits of my parents
And now about the rest of your ask and about the truth of the kids knowing j2 are together well, to be very short :no i don’t think the kids know about j2 nor do they have doubts and i don’tthink j2 have any kind of romantic gesture towards each other in front of thekids either and i put under the cut the reasons why i think this way because it’sa very long rambling and no one should suffer the pain of reading all of it, i don’t evenknow if any of it make sense and again im sorry because this is a veryinteresting question and i should have answered way earlier, honestly mea culpa
but just a warning that at the end there’s the usual j2 negativity because they’re using their kids and that’s just gross and also i make a comparison with cristiano ronaldo cos i think he’s the perfect example of a closeted gay man succeeding in having a family. 
So… about if the kids know the truth : i believe theydont
 i think that j2 are letting the kids assume they’re inlove with the moms, we see with the pictures and video they post in which thekids witness their parents acting like a couple and the kids , just like thegeneral public, believe it. They are letting our heteronormative society do thejob so the kids think « i have a mom and a dad who spend time togetherwith me so they must be in love » it’s the logical thought process mostpeople have
J2 are lying by omission to their kids so that the kids willnever go and talk to their friends or teachers like « mom and dad aren’t inlove but dad is in love with my uncle » . If the kids believe their bio parents are in love theyll never be able to sell j2’s secret so its notsurprising j2 do that to protect this secret they’ve had for so long, ruiningit by letting their guards down around their kids would be a waste. They’re notgonna take such an unecessary risk and it’s way easier to let the kids form thesame opinion that the public has because what can they possibly say to explainsuch a situation « so kids if you see dad kiss and cuddle with your uncleand sleep in the same bed , while you never see dad do the same with mom whenthere are no cameras around : it’s PERFECTLY normal ! don’t worry !But there’s  one very important thing youmust remember : it’s that you must NEVER EVER talk about that toanyone !! EVER !!! » ??? it would be so confusing for thosepoor kids ! and if they ever see j2 kiss it’s 100 % sure that they willtalk about it to someone imo.
-About acting like fathers : J2 love their kids likefathers and act like fathers BUT they are the « uncle » (NOT the dadaor papa) to 3 of them so if the kids saw their dad and uncle kiss, they are obviouslygoing to mention it to someone. It’s SURE. To me calling the other jay uncle isa proof that the kids don’t know
-About not keeping their hands to themselves : if j2 canhandle not touching/kissing during filming and conventions and everytimethey’re in public im more than certain that they don’t have any troublebehaving when with their kids and even if they did act very touchy and allwhile not acting this way with the mom there’s still no reason for the kids tobelieve that « my dad and my uncle are in love » because again wereally are in a heteronormative society where same sex people doing very lovingand tender stuff are just « guys being dudes » and « galpals » (and j2 take advantage of that to hide so that even with ALL thetime they spend together people still think they’re straight and that includestheir kids) And they’re not pretending in front of their kids, they don’t kissthe wives when there are no cameras around but that doesn’t mean that they’dkiss each other in front of the kids either you know ? it’s not becausethey don’t kiss or hold hands that they’re pretending. Again to me it’s justletting the kids assume that it’s the mom and the dad who are together and notthe dad and uncle because the most common occurance is the hetero couple evenif those two guys spend all their time together and go to vacations alone withthe kids (and im sure j2 sleep in the same bed, they could simply forbid the kids to go there because adults are allowed to ask for their privacy even from their kids imo)
-about acting like husbands, well when you’re building yourlife with someone and spending all your time together, being touchy and cuddly(in public and in front of their kids) seems pretty anecdotic to me. I f theymanage time to work on their intimate relationship or act romantic in private,Im sure they can handle keeping their hands to themselves when they’re takingcare of their kids, they’ve been doing that for 12 years and it must be hardsometimes but it’s the price they chose to pay to keep working on spn and theywon’t take the risk of being outed by their kids or of messing with their kids’heads just so they can hold hands
-About raising the kids as family : Im sure the kids cansee that j2 love each other but they don’t get the extent of this love and imsure they see j2 love all of them but i think j2 spend more time with their biokids than with the others for bearding purposes and if you went to jj and askher if tom and shep are her brothers im sure she’ll be like ??? no theyremy best friends or something like that and if you ask her who her parents areshe won’t include jared and same for tom and shep with jensen
What really makes me believe they hide their truerelationship to the kids is that it’d really confuse them because if the kidssaw j2 kiss , j2 would have to discuss and explain this situation (because ontv and in their lives the kids never see other peoples dad and uncle kiss, orpeople who are not married and not officially dating kiss each other, or ifthey do see that they must know it’s cheating and dishonest and overall weird,if j2 did that the kids would know it’s not a normal situation and would askquestions either to j2 or people around them which would lead to j2 beingouted) but the kids are way too young to understand what’s at stake and if j2let the kids see them kiss and still NOT explain what’s the deal. It would beSO confusing and very unhealthy to leave the kids with unanswered questions andadd the risk of outing to all that
-end with the usual j2 negativity whenever the kids arebrought up :
Let’s be real the way j2 use their kids like tools to hidetheir lifestyle and like « proof » of their straightness iscompletely DESPICABLE . You can argue all you want aboutthem « not having a choice », « but they really love theirkids », bla bla bla at the end of the day i don’t see how j2 can feelanything but shame for using their kids like that
And togo back to the tags i wrote « how would they feel » well i thinkthey’ll feel awful and used by their fathers because of their terrible decisionmaking skills. And it must be awful to find out when you’re older that yourparents have lied to you for YEARS 
Im pretty sure no one in the lgbt community would condonewhat j2 are doing, the lies they are furthering THANKS to their kids. Even ifj2 came out, i doubt the community will be proud of what they’ve done, thelenghts they went to (involving kids) to hide their sexuality
And if you want a comparison to know how a closeted gay man can have a kid without using said kid to further his straight image just look atCristiano ronaldo. He’s working in THE most homophobic business EVER and yet he’snot married to a woman, he has beards but he’s not pretending to raise his kid (thathe had with an anonymous surrogate) with a woman. Hes not affraid of postingfamily pics and being constantly seen with his long term partner ricky regufe.He’s not trying so hard to sell the perfect family image like j2 have done andhe did not get stupidly trapped by greedy beards like j2 did
J2 are incredibly nice and hard working guys and they don’tdeserve to live like this but involvinginnocent kids in this mess is just wrong
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strawberryspeachy · 5 years
Why do all the americans who come to japan think everything americans do is stupid and romantisize the wag japanese do it??
Horse laugh??? This texan girl really just agreed and called her laugh stupid looking because some fucking japanese girl who values looking docile over letting herself laugh wrote an article making fun of americans laughing
How about this. Why do japanese girls cling to their boyfriends like their a dog whos gonna run into traffic if they let go?! If your boys gonna cheat on you, clenching him and glaring at every girl around you isnt gonna stop him.
Why are japanese ok with their school systems not teaching them their full history or about the world. America used to do that and we decided as a population that wed like to know stuff and have been fighting to get more information into our textbooks for decades. Japanese are happy to be brainwashed
Why dont japanese speak their mind and then get upset when they get stressed out over the people around them not being mind readers
Why do japanese bosses give their employees so much work and then wonder why there stressed
Why dont japanese use all the futuristic technology they have. Why is cash still a fucking thing here
Why havent they put in functional road systems instead of keeping it a free for all until an accudent happens
Why dont japanese have actual news systems. Why didnt anyone know what was happening with the typhoon till a day in advance and then only through emergency alerts. In the states we know about hurricans for weeks in advance and the authorities tell high risk places to evacuate days in advance
Why do japanese prefer looking busy over actually getting their work done in advance? Why do they like rushing around and throwing stuff together at the last minute?
Do people in this country actually wanna talk to people or do they just wanna be talked TO?! Walk around any crowded area and you can find groups looking around like they desperately want to be talked to. Ive watched people talk to these people and then the ones whod been onlooking acting so happy - only to cut the conversation short and run away to wait for someone else to talk to them. Or ive watched/experienced them come do the talking and still fucking run away at the end or at least ghost. And ive read all they do is ghost. So what the fuck?
On that note why do japanese push and carry personal conversations along even when they dont wanna talk. Going off that last one ive gotten tired of being ghosted by freaking girls who approach me and have stopped trying. But theyll still try so damn hard to befriend you. Why? And my coworker at school. Try so hard to make you like them - but once you do they never wanna speak again. WHY?!? I had a girl pull me around a club once talking my ear off, she followed me on instagram but never even let me follow her back
Why do japanese men run people down?? And why do they glare at people walking on the wrong side WHILE WALKING ON THE WRONG SIDE?!? Old people too. Why old people always on the wrong damn side - no so sure they but they turn their entire body to watch you go by just to make sure you know theyre watching you.
Like whatever. Asshole old people. Theyre the same globally i think.
But fuck these middle aged japanese men using all the strength in their body to plow people down as they walk. And push througj crowds. Oh was that your foot? Dont care. Im more important.
I already complained about the damn face masks. No one uses them when theyte coughing and hacking all over a crowd - pretty sure theyre just for people to hide their face at this point.
Put. On. Deoderant. Idc how many articles say japanese dont have bad smelling bo - theyre wrong. They do just like every other human.
Um. I guess homophobia is still rampent here? I didnt think so with how all celebrities cross dress at some point in their career but i saw the harajuku ojiisan and walking he parted the overly crowded takeshita street like moses in the red sea. People acted like he was a plague. Not to mention the comments i heard while at school about boys in dresses in general.
I watched one of my teachers limp around for the past three weeks.... and another with a hurt back for a week... they both just have pain killers - meaning the first ones problem shouldnt be so bad that hes limping for 3 weeks+ and he shouldnt be in so much pain. Either the doctor missed something which they shouldnt?! They take xrays? You only get 4 days of medicine before having to return? So the doc should really see that its more serious????? Also. Why is he in pain before his painkiller wears off. Why is japanese medicine SO WEAK?? and why are they still taking guesses at problems when they force xrays for things as simple as a cough
K ive fallen prey to this one cause the clothes are just really cute... but but but lol how come the same clothes are sold in like every store - meaning everyones wearing a slightly different variation of the same clothes. At least young people. Talk about a fashion in fashion out city.
This one isnt at japan for japans sake but. America. Ameica why. Why did i grow up in school for 12 years being told that my school system not only sucks - but that it was easy and we were little bitches for complaining and being stressed out. Laughed at and taunted being told that japanese schools were so far ahead of us. So much smarter. They go to school 6 days a week! Those hardworking japanese!
At least in the school i worked in
1) they dont get hw. American teachers were always all “you need two hours of he a night” but like... 7 teachers said and beleived that
2) they dont have to pay attention. Teachers ignore them not doing work in class - in America that can gets you kicked out of clas
3) they can clown around and disrupt class. In america - to the principals office
4) they have SO MANY EVENTS. Theyre like never in class. We could count our events in america - they were far and few between snd our teachers raged about the missed time and made us learn the shit we missed at home on our own time.
5) they move through material slow. Its fine and all but damn america - making us feel stupid for years when we had new material introduced every week at least and have legit tests every other week
6) they get answer keys to their study books... imagine. Having. An answer. Key??? Before college?? Like🤯 no thats just for the teachers.
7) idk what they do in japanese class but my teacher told me our method of reading a book, analyzing it, and writing a paper for english - is their college level japanese. We start that in elementaryyy schooll - as book reports - in addition to our grammar studies.
8) they come to school on saturday to play sports and then go to some cram school their parent pays for which i cant imagine is too different from what they do at school.
Okok school is stressful and annoying everywhere. And i dont think id be so salty having watched that IFF my school was legit called stupid on a weekly basis while being compared to japanese schools
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themoneybuff-blog · 5 years
Questions About Checking Accounts, Nintendo Switch, iPods, TSP, and More!
Whats inside? Here are the questions answered in todays reader mailbag, boiled down to summaries of five or fewer words. Click on the number to jump straight down to the question. 1. Great advice for job seekers 2. Old hometown checking account 3. Making your own seasoning mixes 4. Inexpensive Nintendo Switch games 5. Partner has extreme debt 6. TSP contribution questions 7. Uses for old iPod? 8. Job search not that simple 9. Value of authenticating sports cards 10. Financial independence and career plans 11. Advice for selling books 12. True hourly discretionary income question I wanted to offer a little update on my switch to a standing desk for professional purposes. About two weeks ago, I moved my main workstation to a standing desk. The purpose for doing this was to significantly reduce the amount of time I spend sitting in a given day, because sitting for your job all the time has some negative long term health consequences. I did recognize that doing this fully cold turkey is a bad idea, and so I planned from the start to do it in stages. My plan was and still is to use the desk until I felt noticeable discomfort, then switch to a laptop in a chair for a while, then maybe alternate back later in the day. My goal was to simply raise my average time at the standing desk a little each week as I strengthen different muscle groups. After a couple of weeks of doing this, Ive found that the big impact has been on my lower back, with a smaller impact on my feet. Im able to work for about four to five hours a day at the standing desk, with other work time spent sitting in a comfortable chair with a laptop. What generally happens is that my lower back starts to get sore, not in a something is broken way but in a this is a muscle thats getting taxed due to exertion and needs a break way. Ill sit down for a while and itll feel much better. However, its constantly experiencing a low-grade soreness, the kind of soreness that happens when you exercise a muscle group. Theres nothing wrong here if I felt something wrong, I would stop using the standing desk for a while. However, it can be a little uncomfortable. Ive had some very minor foot discomfort, mostly on my heels, but nothing significant and it honestly seems to be fading over the last few days. Its hard to tell yet whether or not the standing desk is improving my health in any notable way. I certainly dont think its been bad, but I havent noticed a big health improvement. I do exercise most days, so thats definitely a positive factor, but its hard to extract the benefits of standing with the other benefits of exercise. I think its very likely that there have been some minor benefits, and I likely would have noticed more if I didnt already exercise. Its all about feeling healthy for as long as possible. On with the questions. Q1: Great advice for job seekers I wanted to share some advice from my own experience as an interviewer [in a large corporate HR department]. The big thing is that you shouldnt be hard on yourself if you interview for a job and dont get it. Often, there is already a candidate that is pre-selected and the interview process is a mere formality. Someone thought you were a good candidate and brought you in, but you didnt actually have a real chance at the job no matter how you interviewed. In fact, you should treat all interviews like that. Dont get stressed about them, because theres a good chance that theres already an anointed candidate. I would say that 75-80% of the time, we already have our minds made up regarding which candidate to hire before the interview process begins and interviews virtually never change our minds. Sometimes we will interview someone great and put them on a list of people to call in the future but almost without fail those people already have a job when we call them back. So please dont be hard on yourself if you dont succeed at an interview! And dont get overly stressed about it because theres a good chance that theres already an anointed candidate anyway. Just go in there and answer the questions and learn about the company and let the chips fall where they may. Alison This is great advice, and in line with some of my own hiring experiences in the past. I have been on all sides of this coin at various points. I have been the anointed candidate in a hiring process. I have also been one of the other candidates in a hiring process (where I knew someone else was anointed for an absolute fact). Ive also been involved with several hirings, some of which had strongly preferred candidates and some of which did not. The thing is, you never really know which kind of situation it is when youre interviewing. It may be a more open position where you actually have a good chance, or it may be a situation where you are one of the other candidates in an open process engineered to bring in the vastly preferred candidate with minimal questions. I think the mantra of dont worry about it is the right one here. Just go in there, answer the questions, ask some questions about the company, and move on and keep looking for the next interview or opportunity. If youre the right candidate, theyll call. Often, you wont be, and it wont be due to a fault of your own. Q2: Old hometown checking account I have left a checking account open at my old hometown bank for the last 20 years. It pays a very small interest rate 0.05%. I have a balance of about $1,200 in there. I have always looked at it as a last ditch emergency fund. If anything seriously goes wrong, Ill go there and use that money. But its just sitting there. Isnt there something better I could be doing with it? Dana I dont think theres anything wrong with having a last ditch emergency fund in a bank thats not easy to access. That idea is fine by me. However, its probably just going to sit there for a long time, so you might want to consider doing something with it that earns a better return. The next time youre in your hometown, stop by that bank and see what other options they have. Simply explain that this is an emergency fund for you and you want it in a place where it earns a little more, doesnt lose value, and could be withdrawn in an emergency but isnt likely to be withdrawn. Its very likely that theyll suggest a certificate of deposit, which is akin to a savings account except that it earns a bit higher interest rate and theres a small penalty for withdrawing it early. It wont take very long at all for the CD to earn more than the penalty for early withdrawal and then, after that, its onwards and upwards. Make sure that the bank allows you to automatically roll over the CD when it matures. Right now, with interest rates a bit higher than they were but still fairly low, Id choose a medium term CD, something in the range of one to two years. That will give you a higher interest rate than a short term CD but wont lock you in to these relatively low historical rates forever. Set it to automatically roll over, then forget about it until that last ditch emergency occurs. Q3: Making your own seasoning mixes Have you ever written an article about making your own seasoning mixes instead of buying mixes at the store? You can buy the component spices and mix them yourself and save a lot of money if you use seasonings a lot. I make an Italian seasoning and a chili seasoning and a toast seasoning myself. Margaret Toast seasoning? Youre going to have to send me that one. I have a bagel seasoning mix that I like to use on buttered toast sometimes I wonder if theyre similar. Although Ive mentioned seasoning mixes before and noted how its cheaper to make your own, I dont think Ive ever written a listing of the various spice mixes we have and how we store them. I store most of my spice mixes in large baby food jars that we still have from when our children were babies. I usually make them by mixing other spices by the teaspoon into a bowl and then stirring them thoroughly so theyre mixed, then I fill up the jar with the spice mix. I use masking tape for labeling. Using a mix is a learning experience. Over time, you start figuring out how much to put in stuff. Our chili mix, for example, usually takes a tablespoon and a half per batch, and a batch fills up our slow cooker about halfway. I could write a full post about this if theres interest, including some of my recipes. Just send me a message on Facebook if youd like to see that. Q4: Inexpensive Nintendo Switch games My husband and I bought our son a Nintendo Switch for Christmas. It is his first video game console and he had been asking for it all year so it was really fun to see him open it. Both sets of grandparents got him a game for it so he has had two games to play. His birthday is coming up soon and we asked him what he wanted and of course he wanted a Switch game. We asked him for a list of the ones he wanted and it has 15 or so games on it. The problem is that they are all $50 or more. Why are Switch games so expensive? Our full birthday gift budget for him is $50. Can you help? Anna This is a consistent challenge with Nintendos consoles, and it has been since the 1980s. Nintendo makes very high quality exclusive titles for their consoles those are usually the ones that wind up filling wish lists for console owners but they rarely go down in price until later in the consoles production cycle and the Switch is a pretty young system. Trust me your son isnt being greedy here. Hes probably listing most of the best games for the console, but they all happen to be expensive ones. I would guess that in a year or two, Nintendo will have a line of some of their top titles from a few years prior as Platinum titles for a much lower price point around $20 but were not there yet. So what can you do now? My recommendation is to visit a video game store that sells used games, like Gamestop, and see what they have available for the Switch thats used. Switch games, as you know, come on small cartridges, so its very easy to test a game to make sure it works you can ask them to test it before you buy. Getting a game used in the original packaging will still cost 50% to 75% of the sticker price and the selection may be a bit limited, but this is probably a fairly safe bet for getting one of the games he wants within your price point. A used Switch game is just as good as a new one in terms of someone focused on actually playing the games, so Id look there. Another approach would be to give him a gift card to the Nintendo eShop. There are a lot of very good downloadable titles for the Switch, and you use those gift cards to buy those downloadable titles. While this wouldnt give him any of the games he specifically wants, it would enable him to get a couple of games at least, and there are some very good games for $9.99 or less on the eShop. Q5: Partner has extreme debt I recently discovered that my bride-to-be (June) has about $140K in student loan debt. She had said that she had some student loans in the past but I did not have any idea how much. I am very uncomfortable with being saddled with that much debt. This has caused a great deal of conflict between us over the last few months and I found this out during the holidays. I am not sure what to do. Daniel The biggest factor Id look at is her day to day behavior right now. Is she a frugal person? Does she watch her nickels and dimes? Is she committed not in words but in actions to getting that debt paid off? Is she making extra payments on that debt? If you see that, then I wouldnt fret about it. On the other hand, if she seems to think that such a big debt isnt a big deal, she spends money frivolously all the time, and she isnt making much progress on that debt I would think very, very carefully about this relationship, because thats a value mismatch thats going to chafe for years and years. Beyond that, I would also consider what kind of field that her degree is in. Was the degree she earned in a field with a high income potential, or was it something that will never earn a substantial income? Also, Id look at other factors, like whether or not parental support was promised and then denied. If shes aiming for a high paying career, such as medicine or law or some types of engineering, I wouldnt worry too much about it. If she took out that much debt for a career path that has a very low likelihood of earning a high salary, I would be really concerned. I would also be concerned with that level of debt if there was also significant financial support from her parents where did all of that money go? The challenge with marriage is that you are financially tied to each other in a very deep way and her choices regarding the debt she took out for her education are indicative of the decision making process she will likely employ going forward except now youll be financially liable for them. Having that much debt unless you are both high income earners will significantly affect your life decisions for a very long time, likely for the rest of your life. It will delay your ability to have children that you can support financially, for starters. It will alter both of your career choices and possibilities. It will delay your ability to have a home of your own. I guess, in this situation, what I would really look for are signs of financial maturity beyond that of the student loans. Is she focused on repaying that debt with or without you? Is she making the most of her degree? Does she spend frivolously? I cant answer for you whether this woman is worth it to you. She may be perfect for you in every other way, in which case youll be happier with her. However, having that much student loan debt, and given the alarm bells it sets off in your head, is a sign of likely incompatibility over financial issues, and thats not a recipe for a great marriage. As always, conversation is key, as is paying attention to her actions. What kind of steps is she taking (not just talking about, but taking) in her life knowing that huge debt is sitting there? If youre struggling to answer that and this debt makes you this uncomfortable, this may not be the best situation for you. Q6: TSP contribution questions I am 36 years old, single, no children, no plans to ever marry. I just got a government job that I hope to keep for the rest of my life. Knowing that I am receiving FERS and Social Security already in retirement, how much should I contribute to my TSP to be able to have a comfortable retirement?Want to retire at 65 and have about the same amount of disposable income when I retire. Janine For those unfamiliar, FERS is the pension plan for US federal government employees. TSP is an optional 401(k)-like plan for additional retirement savings. Based on this, FERS should provide about 33% of your final salary when you retire. Social Security, depending on your income level, will provide somewhere around 30% of your income. That means you need to make up about 37% of your income from TSP. If you contribute 5% of your salary to TSP, the federal government matches another 4%. Above that, theres no matching. Given all of that information, I ran some back of the envelope calculations and conclude that given your age and your aim to retire at age 65 with your full salary intact from your various retirement sources and that you want to be able to draw from TSP for the rest of your life, you should contribute 15% of your salary to TSP. This should enable you to withdraw enough from TSP each year to make up your salary shortfall when you retire at age 65 and the TSP balance should last for the rest of your life. Youll want to invest TSP fairly aggressively the target retirement options should work. While I cant guarantee that 15% will get you there, I can certainly say that it is extremely likely that it will either get you there or get you very close to your goal. Q7: Uses for old iPod? Found an old iPod in a desk drawer along with charging cable. Is there any use for this or should I just junk it? I powered it up and it turns on just fine. Adam I dont own an original iPod (I had one way back in the day but I sold it off circa 2007-2008), but a friend of mine keeps one in her car and listens to music with it every day using a cassette tape adapter. You could do the same thing with an auxiliary cable if your car has an AUX port. Just load it up with mp3s of a bunch of music and/or podcasts that you like, keep it in your car, and listen to it during commutes. If you have a charger that hooks into the cigarette lighting receptacle in your car, then you can plug into that and keep it permanently charged. My friend has hundreds of albums that she loved in her teens and twenties. If you like alternative or indie rock from about 1990 to about 2007, theres a good chance youll find a ton to love on her iPod. Just fill yours up to the brim with stuff you like and youll always have something to listen to. You can fill it up with the full archives of a podcast and listen to the entire run of a podcast, too. Old iPods are great for these kinds of things. In other words, use it for what it was intended for. Load it up with audio. Q8: Job search not that simple While I appreciate your regular encouragement to go find a new job if your current one is sapping you, its not always that simple. I have been working as a legacy systems programmer for the same company for 16 years. Most of my day is maintaining old code, migrating it to new machines, and dealing with corporate [nonsense]. I literally hate going into work each day. There arent any available jobs nearby that match my skill set. Trust me, Ive looked. I cant move because my daughter has particular health care needs and needs to be near a top notch medical facility. That also means I need good insurance. I cant just go into work and say, Well, time to find a new job today! Thats just a pipe dream. Terry All right, so what jobs are available in your area that are close to your skill set? Youre obviously in a metro area of some kind. I guarantee there are programming jobs in that area. Whats actually available? What things are most similar to your skillset? Once you know that, start honing your skillset at work so that you can make that leap. Learn how to write tools that will help you with the legacy coding you already do. Start trying to port your legacy code over to a new language for modern systems during your downtime. Use this as an opportunity to learn new languages and paradigms. Get involved with any and all local software development groups. Try to go to their face to face meetings and get heavily involved in any online spaces they have, being as helpful as you possibly can there. Build up some good relationships in your field, then just casually ask about positions that match your refurbished skill set. Also, keep your resume honed on LinkedIn so you can be discovered by people who might be looking for folks in your area. Dont aim for hopelessness. Aim for a light at the end of the tunnel. You can do this at any job. I had a job where I was literally shoveling dirt for hours and hours during the middle of the night by myself and yet I found ways to aim that toward my next step. Q9: Value of authenticating sports cards I have a bunch of sports cards mostly baseball and basketball from the 1960s. I have looked at selling some of them individually but when I look online almost all sales are authenticated cards in a special holder. I looked into this and it looks like you send your cards to an authentication service and pay them a fee and they put them in a special plastic holder with a tag that says its authentic and gives it a grade for its condition. Is this worth it for selling trading cards? Are there ways to sell cards without this kind of service? Marvin You basically described the sports card authentication world pretty well. It exists because there was rampant fraud in older sports cards and other trading cards for a while, so some reputable dealers popped up and started offering authentication and grading services so that people would know exactly what they were buying. Its become the de facto standard for any sports cards of significant value. Basically, if the card is older than about 1975 or so, the player has any name recognition at all, and the card is in reasonably good shape, youre going to make more money selling it after authentication than before, even including the cost of authentication. If its a no-name player or its beat up, youre not going to make a whole lot for it anyway, as people will just want those to help complete sets and they wont sell for more than pennies. What Id do is look for Hall of Fame caliber player cards from your collection (or, as a friend of mine said, Hall of Famers plus Pete Rose) and get those authenticated to sell individually. The rest, Id just divide out by set and sell in bulk. (I have an almost complete 1965 Topps set missing just a few commons that Ive worked on for literally decades, so Im fairly familiar with all of this.) Q10: Financial independence and career plans So how much financial independence would a person need to be able to have full career independence where you still want to have a career but you just feel empowered to make whatever choice seems exciting to you without really worrying about salary but still assuming youre earning a decent salary to live on? I make about $80K and think I can live well on about $40K so my savings rate is about 30% after taxes. How many years would I have to do this before money exits the equation as a career consideration? Barney I think the real question youre asking is how much do I need to save so that retirement is fully covered? This calculator is probably my preferred one. Youll want to play around with different settings to see how long youll need to save to hit your goals. The further you are from retirement, the lower your total savings goal will be. Also, if you assume Social Security benefits will come to you at rates similar to whats available today, the lower your total savings goal will be. You may even be at your target in several years. However, Id still recommend that you save for retirement after you hit your goal number if youre earning a good salary. This allows you to walk away even earlier if you just get tired of the rat race before a typical retirement age. Q11: Advice for selling books I have a collection of hardback books I want to sell. What is the best way to get maximum value for them? Tracy First of all, it depends a lot on what books youre exactly trying to sell. Are they novels? Cookbooks? Old Dungeons and Dragons books? Encyclopedias? Youll want to go to eBay and try to get a sense as to what theyre actually worth. You will probably get the maximum value from them by selling them individually. However, that is exponentially more work for only a fairly modest rate of return. You might be able to sell a lot of ten books for $20 or sell them each individually for $3, for example. Is that extra effort in packaging and shipping and tracking and communication for nine additional packages worth the $10 to you? Another note: if youre selling books, USPS Media Mail is your friend. Its a highly discounted shipping rate that applies to sending books through the mail, and it comes with a tracking number. (Its cheap because its slow and USPS knows a book can sit in a warehouse for a day with zero problems.) You should always use this when shipping books and magazines. Q12: True hourly discretionary income question I understand how this perspective helps to highlight the high cost of non-necessary spending now in terms of lost leisure in the future. But I think it overstates the cost of non-necessities in terms of hours worked. In your example where your annual net wage is $34,000 and your annual work hours is 2,740 (so you net $12.41 per hour worked) and your necessities cost $24,600/year, you should account for 1,982 work hours (= $24,600/$12.41 per hour) as covering necessities, leaving 2,740 1982 = 758 hours for non-necessities. In each of those 758 hours, you net $12.41/hour, and that is the cost of your necessities in terms of hour worked. So a $50 board game costs you $50/$12.41 per hour = 4 hours, not 10.5 hours. The key is to see that you still actually net $12.41/hour, regardless of whether those earnings go to necessities or non-necessities. One way to see this is to realize that the approach in the post can lead to unrealistic implications for the hours of work required to purchase non-necessities. For example, suppose in your example above, necessities are only $10,000 year, and non-necessary spending is then $34,000 $10,000 = $24,000. If your hourly wage for non-necessities is really $4.96/hour like the post says, then it would take $24,000/$4.96 per hour = 4,838 hours to earn that $24,000. But you earned the $34,000 with only 2,740 hours, so something is wrong. Max Max is referring to this article from last week, Using Your True Hourly Discretionary Income to Make Smarter Purchases. Youre just looking at the same issue in a different way. Rather than looking at each hour as being subdivided between essential expenses and non-essential expenses, youre doing the same thing with the total hours over a year. In that example, then, 1,741 of the hours you work essentially earn you nothing in terms of spending money, because all of it goes to essentials. So, frugality in essence just means that youre migrating some of the hours you work from your pool of hours spent on essential expenses to the hours you work for spending money. My angle was different. I divided the income from each hour into essential expenses and spending money. The essential expenses gobble up $7.45 of the $12.41 you earn each hour, while your spending money makes up only $4.96 of the $12.41 you earn each hour. So, then, you judge whether an expense is worth it using just the $4.96, since its the only portion you can actually freely spend. In this case, frugality moves a little bit of money from the $7.45 essential expenses per hour pile to the $4.96 spending money per hour pile. Got any questions? The best way to ask is to follow me on Facebook and ask questions directly there. Ill attempt to answer them in a future mailbag (which, by way of full disclosure, may also get re-posted on other websites that pick up my blog). However, I do receive many, many questions per week, so I may not necessarily be able to answer yours. https://www.thesimpledollar.com/questions-about-checking-accounts-nintendo-switch-ipods-tsp-and-more/
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Will my car insurance cover me?
I live at home with my mom. I am also married. I am only staying here temporarily, but will always use her address as my permanent address(military). I need to borrow her car, but she said my insurance won't cover me. Does anyone know if this is true? I have a separate insurance policy for my husband and I and our vehicle.""
Why do insurance companies hate performance/modified cars?
It seems like the ideal insurance company wants you to drive a safe and slow bumper car and have absolutely no fun driving to and from wherever you are going. They assume that any sports car or car with performance enhancements means you will crash. It means you are a reckless driver and no good to the general public. It means you will blatantly violate the rules of the road and have no remorse for doing it. All of that is a load of crap... Most of the major car companies don't even offer, when getting a free quote, to see Ferrari's or Lamborghinis prices, they just won't insure them! Your expected to report any and all modifications to the company so they can jack up the premium. So why do they hate those types of cars so much?""
Can anyone be added to insurance?
I was curious if my dad could get me on his insurance plan (medical)? I can't afford insurance and I'm suffering from tooth pains, psychological illnesses, and need medical attention. I'm supposedly too old (26), but I wanted to know if my father could add me onto his insurance another way? Thanks.""
What would be the insurance on a DeLorean for a 16 year old?
I'm about to be 16 and I'm a total Sci-Fi geek. I LOVE Back to the Future and ever since I've seen it I've wanted a DeLorean. Well we know someone who could get us a new one cheap, so that's no problem. My only concern is the insurance, and my parents aren't up for that. I don't know how much it is, but if someone our there is actually credible on the topic, could you give me a reasonable answer with a high and low. Thank you to all who answer :)""
What is the least expensive color of car to insure?
I know red is the most expensive. I've heard that white is the least from one person and green is the least from another.
Insurance for provisional drivers?
Hi all I am looking for a cheap insurance deal for one month (not a year).I hold a provisional driving license and want to practice using my husband's car. Do you know of any Insurance Companies that do this kind of service? Thanks
Cancelled car insurance?
My car insurance got cancelled for misrepresentation of garaging. I travel a lot for work and I had two places. My car got vandalized at my secondary place of residence and the insurance company and after I filed a claim, the insurance company treats is as a misrepresentation. I am about to get an insurance with a different company. Do i need to disclose this fact? How would that affect my rates. I have 1 week left on the policy.""
I am 6wks pregnant. Insurance companies wont accept me now. What do I do?
I am afraid to call other places and tell them I am pregnant b/c i know they wont accept me. I need to find a place that will cover me and my baby. I don't know where to start to look. Help please to point me in the right direction.
Car insurance help! advice needed.?
Hello and let me thank you in advance. Age: 19 Location: las vegas nevada Length of driving experience: permit at age 17, drivers license at 18, am 19 atm. Clean record no tickets no incidents, no dui's nothing. I am a collage student and i hold a 4.0 gpa Im 19 years old and have purchased my own vehicle 3 months ago Vehicle type: 2005 dodge stratus sxt 4 cylinders ( clean title, only one incident which was a fender bender.) Has had 3 owners, i am the 4th Car had 100k miles its at 105k miles and still prefect have taken good care of it. My current car insurance is Geico, which is the cheapest rate i could find. MY rate is $222.05 ( more then liability) I was wondering if anyone has had children and how did they handle car insurance for them, did you find a better rate, or if your my age how much do they charge you. (i do know that location is a big part as well.) if you can specify location will be much appreciated. If anyone knows a website that can help me lower the cost of car insurance, but has to be more then liability. Thank you for your help.""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old girl in texas?
I'm going to be driving a ford I think f150 the year is no later than 2004. I know they have discounts for students with good grades. My gpa is above a 4.650. I need the cheapest I can get. Because aside from managing insurance on this vehicle. I will need to put money aside to purchase a different vehicle. (I'm borrowing the truck, but must pay my own insurance.) And battle school. I won't make a lot of money, so I have to try with what I will have.""
Advise please im looking for a cheapest and reliable car insurance i?
For my honda civic 2012 LX, thank you!""
How come different auto insurance agencies charge different prices for the same insurance company?
yes i went to three different insurance agencys to see what quotes theyll give me. one say said ill pay 50 a month and 140 down payment for access auto insurance . the other agency said ill pay 60 a month and 90 down payment for the same company. and the third agency said i would probably not qualify for access auto insuranc. im 20 year old male riverside ca 94 accord. why would three different agencys quote diferently for the same auto company ? whyyy is it a scam
Will my parents car insurance premiums go up?
So to make this easy, I'll give a basic idea of what happened. I was driving a friends car that I got into an accident with. My friend has liability insurance and everything to cover the damage of the other vehicle. Now, the thing is I personally do not buy car insurance. The car that I drive is insured by my parents, but I am not named in their insurance policy. So my first question is, when filling out a motorist report, what do I fill in for the section under MY insurance, since I don't buy nor am I under anyones insurance policy. Second is there any way my parents premiums will go up?""
Speeding ticket and points on insurance?
I went to court today for a speeding ticket. They dropped the mphs and rather than 19mph over they put it to 9mph. They asked me to pay the court fee and that was it. They didn't mention points on my insurance or anything about my insurance. But did I receive points?
College student and no health insurance?
For all of my high school years, I was on state heath insurance. I am turning 19 at the end of this month and will begin college classes this summer, but I am really worried about not having health insurance (my services end when I turn 19.) I have bulimia and I go to therapy once a week and see a physician once a month, so it is pretty imperative that I have health insurance. I am just wondering if I will just have to be without health insurance until I'm an adult and can afford it? Or is there something out there for college students? Thanks""
If you know about car insurance (10 points will be awarded )?
Hey, my older brother has a Honda HR-V 1.6 VTEC engine which is UK insurance group 9 and tax bracket F, I am looking at a Suzuki Swift Sport 1.6 engine, insurance group 9 and tax bracket E... my insurance is with my dads business who say i can have up to a 1.6, I learnt to drive in my brothers car but the insurance company are looking into whether or not i can have a Suzuki Swift Sport, it has no turbocharger, so what is the big deal 10 Points for best answer""
Motorcycle Insurance!?!?
Im so confused right now. In the past 2 months i have been doing my homework on buying a new 2011 CBR600RR. I have been quoting progressive which is who i have my car insurance with. I have been getting around 150$ a month for full coverage. I was about to buy the bike today and whenever i quoted the insurance it was around 230$. I thought i had made a mistake but everything was the same... what the heck happend?
Modified car insurance?
2000 mustang gt. Added cold air intake, exhaust kit, engine headers, aftermarket gps and backup cam, and aftermarket rims. Would an insurance company cover these?""
Best car insurance out there?
im gonna be 18 soon, have had my licenses for a while, never been put on her insurance cause she wont let me drive. i want to buy a car but i don't want to buy a car and can't afford the insurance make about 30 bucks a week. whats the cheapest car insurance for a person with a 3.0""
Cheepest land rover defender insurance for young drivers?
Any ideas, companies past experience would be much appreciated""
Can I Switch my Auto Insurance to Full Coverage Just To Get It Fixed????????????????
Currently I have liability auto insurance and i hit a deer. I have a really nice car but can't afford to get it repaired at the moment.(THE DAMAGES COSTS SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!) Is there anyway that i can switch my car insurance to FULL COVERAGE JUST to get it fixed????? I heard that some people get full coverage and are able to fool the insurance company into paying for there damages, BUT HOW. IS THAT REALLY POSSIBLE WITHOUT GETTING CAUGHT. IF SO , PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME HOW. I REALLY LOVE MY CAR, BUT CAN AFFORD TO GET IT FIXED. I REALLY NEED SOME HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""
How to estimate landlord insurance?
Landlord insurance Flood Insurance Are there any sites that give an estimate based on the location of the house? I'm looking for something that doesn't ask for all of my info before giving out an answer (because that's their outdated marketing tactic).
Car insurance help please?
Ok, im 16... 17 in a few days, im looking at cars for when i pass my test and all that. What would be the best for a first driver.. Ive been quoted 10,000 on a 1998 ford ka.. Can any one help? Thankyou""
Adding body kit or alloy wheels increase insurance on 17 year old?
I will be 17 in January and was wondering whether adding a body kit or alloy wheels to something like a fiat seicento would increase the insurance... because it may be more desirable to steal? Please give me legit answers...
Car Insurance...DUI.
does anyone have a 2002 poniac sunfire? with DUI? esimate of might that might cost?
Loraine Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 79532
Loraine Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 79532
Will having motorcycle insurance for a few years help lower auto insurance in the long run?
Will having motorcycle insurance for a few years help lower auto insurance in the long run?
How much is insurance and a Aston Martin?
How much is insurance and a Aston Martin?
How much will my car insurance increase?
How much will my car insurance increase? I went for over eight years without getting a ticket and got one over a year ago and one recently. I accepted and paid the fine--improper-turns--learned my lesson the hard way. Anyway, I have been with the same insurer or 6 years and saw a decrease in my rate last year, despite the ticket. My insurer only views records at renewal and mine is not up for almost a year. By then, my first ticket will be about two years old--if they notice it next year. I am middle-aged and get a multi--vehicle and home discount and don't live in the city. My car and truck are about 150 a month or both, with full coverage. How much do you think it might increase to? Thanks.""
How much life insurance is enough?
We are looking to get life insurance for my husband and myself. Permanent over term. Im a stay at home mom of 3 kids and we are planning to have another baby. We are currently living in Europe because my husbands job is here. We are renting but want to buy a home. We plan to move back to the US at some point, when my husband can find a secure job there and when we can save the money to be secure in an unstable economy. Basically, if my husband dies (God forbid!!) the children and I would move back to the US and need to buy a house, vehicle and either ship our belongings from Europe or furnish a new house. Plus, I havent worked in about 5 years since I have been raising my babies and I dont have a college education. I do plan to send all the kids to a public university when that day comes. I am capable of working but dont know what kind of paying job I could get with only a hs education. So how much do you think my husbands policy should be? And for myself? Whats the average cost monthly for a married couple having permanent life insurance?""
How much does motorcycle insurance usually cost?
I'm 18 with a honda super blackbird cbr 1100x in Colorado
Dose anyone know any cars with cheap insurance for a young driver (under 1000pa)?
Im looking for a car with a small engine so the insurance will be as low as possible. can anyone think of any good cars.
Question about car insurance (easy answer)?
I am a named driver on my mum's car, she has built up a no claims bonus and so my insurance was a bit cheaper. But now i want to buy my own car, can i switch the insurance onto this new one? Can i become a named driver on my car and still get cheap insurance? I'm a little confused with it all.... thanks I live in England""
Teen Driving Insurance?
I am wondering how much the type of car will affect the price of car insurance for a 16 year old. Which if the following cars will the insurance cost the most? and the least? 00 BMW 323ci, 04 Mazda 3s, 2001 audi a4 1.8t, 04 acura rsx base, 04 mitsubishi eclipse gs""
Can I stay on my parents health insurance if I move out?
I am 23 years old and I go to school full time in California. I have a job at a restaurant that does not offer health insurance and my parents would not be contributing financially. If I move out to an apartment, can I stay on my parents health insurance?""
How much will my insurance cost?
I like in Florida, I own a 87' thunderbird no replacement coverage, I haven't been in any accidents, have no tickets and I took drivers ed, I've been driving for over a year and I want to be able to own my car so when I'm 18 my parents can't tell me I can't go out. How much will the monthly payments be on that?""
What is the best health insurence to meet my needs?
Im starting out on my own 21 and need health care that's going to be affordable to me but be a good coverage. I have an eye syndrome called duane syndrome and I need surgery done. But I don't have the money up front. Im a janitor and don't know wat would be the best choice for me? My company is called GCA. But I hear there coverage isn't all that good.
Pulled over with expired car insurance.?
I was pulled over and asked for my car insurance.It turns out it was expired.I didn't notice since I have been up to date with my payments every month and the insurance company never contacted me to remind me. My insurance expired in September. I got a ticket for it. is there something I can do? even if it expired, does it still matter that I kept paying it?""
What is a good website to compare auto insurance rates?
What is a good website to compare auto insurance rates?
Do you need insurance before you own a car and before you have your license?
I already have my permit, after I am done with my 6 hours do you need insurance to drive your own car?""
""How to get the cheapest car insurance, when just passed test ?""
How to get the cheapest car insurance, when just passed test ?""
Is ehealth insurance good?
i just bought insurance there. then checked out scams im freaking out a little but my mom says in no big deal. its just other broker trying to compete. I called ehealth and asked if i was to buy from the medical place myself would it cost me less? They said no, they charge no brokers fee. so Im a little confused. Help anyone? thank you!""
Need supplemental insurance!?
I had a CAT scan done a few years ago and owe a good amount of money still because my insurance only covered a portion of it. Im a college student and make 8$ an hour and diagnosed with mental illness. Can i expect supplemental insurance to cover the rest of it? its about 1600. And can someone explain it for me? Do i pay for supplemental insurance to? My sister told me i can get emergency medicare or medical **** or something to pay for it.. Is this true...so confused. Thanks
What are the pros and cons of purchasing a car and leasing a car. Also how to purchase insurance.?
what are the pros and consof purchasing a car and leasing a car. And how do you purchase insurance?
How much is insurance on a 05-06 chrysler 300c?
I plan to pay cash for it (around $8,000) and since I will only be 17, it will still be under my parents name although I am paying for it. Should I go with liability or full coverage, and how much would each cost?""
How much does insurance cost on an international package mailed via the United States Post Office?
I have to mail a package to France and it weighs less than a pound but the item inside is worth more than $100 and I am curious to know how much it would cost me to insure this package if I were to use USPS.
Why are my health insurance rates so high?
what causes health insurance rate increases?
I am 18 and car insurances are too fukcing high (UK)?
hello, my first car will be a peugeot 1007 and most of the quotes offer me 5000 pounds which is a super joke because its impossible for me to afford it and also my mom. I'll be the first one to drive in the family and we badly need a car soon because its so hard to carry a 100 kg. sack of rice for 3 miles from the shop to the train station from the train station to our house with a return ticket. plus also, my mom's been cycling to her work for almost 10 years now and she's getting old and the least i could do is drive her to work. 1.) so my question is, why is this rule or law so much biased and stereotyped against the youth? isn't it time to change our perspectives, to be quite frank the youth of today are a lot more intelligent than the previous generations. 2.) why are car insurance companies and the UK government such a dick? 3.) why aren't there any activists protesting about these prices? that's all thank you.""
Do you think its fair that young men have to pay more for auto insurance than a women?
Do they cause more accidents or is it the insurance companies know a young man will pay more for the privilege to drive?
How much is equine medical insurance?
I know equine medical insurance differs form breed, age, and value of the horse but what would you think a 9 year old $13,000 TB's life insurance would be?""
Loraine Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 79532
Loraine Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 79532
I live on Long Island who has the cheapest car insurance ?
I tried all the big guys the quotes are the same .who is the cheapest of cheap with no extras?
I want to go to school to learn about car insurance.?
How do I find courses or schooling that can teach me about car insurance
Cheap insurance companies in Calgary Alberta?
What is a good cheap insurance companies in Calgary, Alberta?""
Is there dental insurance with the Affordable Health Care Act?
Is there dental insurance with the Affordable Health Care Act?
How much should I expect to get from my insurance company?
My car was totaled off. It was a 96 Suzuki Esteem. It was rebuilt after a previous total loss. Its in decent condition externally and it ran fine until the most recent accident. There is however a small hole in the front bumper from where I hit a hitch of a truck. They have deducted 600$ from what they are willing to pay me for my car. I understand that this question is probably pretty vague, but I'm not looking for a very specific answer. Just an idea of what I should be expecting back.""
Advice needed on Car Insurance?
I'm a 18 sixth form student who is learning to drive. I am currently looking at getting car insurance to make it easier to pass and then for afterwards but what would work out cheaper? - Get insurance on my mums car fully comp, as she doesnt want it wrecked! - Or buy a cheap little car for under 1000, and then insure it third party, to get my no claims bonus. Just ideas would be appreciated as well as advice. Cheers!""
Is insurance required to keep a valid Florida driver's license if I dont own nor drive a car?
I am not currently driving nor do is there a vehicle under my name. If i do drive it will be a friend or girlfriends car. Will the florida dmv suspend my license now that I have been removed from my parents insurance?
Are company's allowed to bump up your no claims for you so you get cheaper insurance ?
A family member of mine bought a car last year from a dealership and bought the insurance through them for ease, they hadn't had a car for a few years and so lost there no claims bonus however it would seem that the company put that he had a 5 years no claim bonus on anyway so that he would get his insurance cheaper, is this legal ? Also a year has now passed and so they are looking to get insurance somewhere else because other places offer even cheaper prices, however the insurance company are saying if he moves to another insurer they will say he only has 1 year no claims, but if he stays with them he can keep his 5 years no claims and that seems a little bit shifty to. This isn't really a question but still any input on the matter would be brilliant, thanks.""
How much have your insurance rates gone down since the affordable care act (0bamacare) has passed?
You know , making it more affordable to keep the coverage you want ? Bonus question . How has the Medicare your parents paid into their whole lives improved their ...show more""
""Two Cars, Two Insurance Companies?""
I'm 17 and I just got my G2 Licence. I'm thinking of getting my own car, however it is going to cost me a a fortune to insure my own car. Is it possible for my father to have 2 cars but with 2 different insurance companies and put me as a secondary driver for one of the cars?""
How much would car insurance cost for me? roughly?
Right, im going to be driving before christmas and i was just wondering, instead of going through all the fiff faff of looking on the internet for a quote. I was just curious, from a very rough idea how much it would cost per year to insure me. Il be a 20 year old guy by the time i pass my test.never driven before. first time on the road.""
How do I go about finding people who are interested in getting auto insurance?
I am a sales producer for an auto company who everyone who doesn't live under a rock has heard of. I am wondering how you would want to be approached in a daily setting that would make you think about auto insurance or want to get a quote from me, and what about that quote would be the selling point is price wasn't an issue?""
Buying a car in California?
I'm moving to California next week and I would like to sell my car here in NC. I will pay cash for a vehicle at a dealership when I arrive in L.A. When I buy it, do I have to have a CA drivers license? I will not have a permenent address right away, so I was wondering what the procedures are? I have a NC drivers license but will not establish residency in California until I find a job. Any help? Thanks""
Drive without car insurance?
My car insurance just expired I can't reinstate it until I get paid on friday I only have 88 dollars until then. I don't have to drive anywhere until then But I don't have any food or toiletries. The store is 1 mi each way from my house I don't have anyone to take me to the store. Would I likely be ok if I took myself?
Can you put someone's car on your insurance so they don't have to pay a higher rate for their own coverage?
I have this elderly friend whose kids and grandkids require her financial help. She feels she has to buy cars for them to drive because, according to them, they can't own cars without losing social service benefits. Then she adds these cars to her insurance policy and gives them to these people to drive. She's in a huge financial bind, and I'm worried she's going to get into legal trouble on top of her financial problems. She can't afford to insure the people driving the cars because of their driving records and credit history. Is this legal? Insuring the vehicles without insuring the drivers? I know when my kids became driving age, I was required to add them to the policy or exclude them as drivers. But these are adults in their 20s and 40s that are driving cars registered to her and insured for her.""
How cheap is car insurance for a 16 year-old Floridian boy driving a 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer?
I'm a 16 yo dude in Florida wanting car insurance for my 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer and I have never gotten any ticket of any kind. I have not violated any rules....yet.
Why is my insurance quote 10 times higher than last year?
So, i got my motorcycle license last summer and bought a 2003 Kawasaki ZX6R for $5000. My insurance from Progressive was $1700 for the year (full coverage). I rode it for two months before it got stolen. In those two months i got one ticket for straddling lanes. Once the bike got stolen i got all my money back. Now, I'm looking to get the same bike again. I just called Progressive and they want $6056 per year for full coverage!!!! And if i were to buy a brand new 2007 model it would be $10000!! So, $6056 for a $5000 bike? And $10000 for a $9000 bike? What gives? One ticket and the theft did this? I don't get it. What are my options?""
About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl?
female no accidents new driver in school working
Can i freeze my car insurance?
Hi i am from ireland, and i am insured with Quinn insurance, I am 20. I am goin travelling for a few months in February. I am insured under my fathers policy, but he doesnt drive my car as he has his own van. I have to pay nearly 1000 at the end of January to insure my car but i am wondering could i freeze my insurance and pay for it when i get back. During my time away i am also going to try sell the car. so any help please.""
Car insurance / liability coverage?
My brother, who is insured with a different company, had an accident with my car. There were 3 cars involved in the accident. He hit the first car in the back which hit the second car and so forth. I don't know whether it was his fault or not, and we did not informed my brother's insurance because it was my car that was crash. The problem now is that, I have only had basic coverage, and my insurance is telling me that my liability coverage ($5000) can cover only one car, meaning that I have to take care of the 2 others cars. So I am wandering what should I do? Please advice""
Rough cost of car insurance for 46 year old woman in UK?
Rough cost of car insurance for 46 year old woman in UK?
How long after not having sr22 insurance does your license gets suspended?
My boyfriend is required to have sr22 but the guy that he was getting insurance from hasnt been in his office for weeks and we cant get a hold of him. Its been like four or five days since he hasnt had it and im just wondering if his license would be suspended by now and what do we do about this? Because it wasnt even my boyfriends fault.
Whats the cheapest car insurance company?
in your opinion?
Car insurance renewal?
my car insurance renewal is due on the 22 of this month. but i'm 200 dollars short. can i call them and give them a post dated check for a week later
Do car rental companies ask for proof of insurance?
Here's my circumstances, I'm 22(have credit card in my name) and am going to rent a vehicle. I had insurance for 4-5 years, have never been at an at fault accident and have one speeding ticket, so I'm a pretty good driver, when gas was near $4.00 I traded in my vehicle, and it's fine as I bike everywhere as it's all close to me. I'm having family over for a couple days and need a car though, it's easy to drive around town, I'm almost 100% sure I wont get in a wreck, but I have a feeling the insurance would be more expensive than the rental itself which is ridiculous for someone with a driving record such as mine. Can I say purchase just liability and then sign something that says I'll pay for the rental if I do any damages, what would be the cheapest way to get out of this?""
Loraine Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 79532
Loraine Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 79532
How can I get reliable insurance ratings?
I have been with Nationwide Insurance for 21 years. Your normal every day insurance can never come close to their rates and Nationwide has always had outstanding service. As we all know, money is lean these days so there are two companies I want to check out. I'm thinking about getting quotes from USAA because I am a veteran and California Casualty Insurance because, as a teacher, I get a discount through SCEA. My fear is that even though those 2 might end up cheaper, I might get a huge downgrade in service. So I'm looking for information on both companies, especially if there is a good, unbiased source on the internet. I need to cover 5 cars (including 3 teenage drivers) and 2 boats.""
Does State Farm charge higher auto rates for older drivers?
Does a low deductible plus an older driver result in higher charges for auto insurance coverage for liability and collision rates? The driver also has a clean driving record.Thank you for your response.This is for North Carolina.
I'm gonna be late on my State Farm car Insurance?
I have to pay the 6 month one and I'm late on it, I was supposed to pay for it today and it was my fault because I won't be having my paycheck til next week, on Friday. Do you think they will let me have an extension for the payment and if so, Do you think they will let me have the extension for 9 days? Please lmk, thanks.""
""How much, on average, would car insurance be raised if I added a 16 1/2 year old driver?
The vehicle would be an onld 1996 minivan.
Car insurance car change?
I am struggling to pay my insurance so if I change my insurance to a cheaper car smaller engine will my insurance go down a month, and would I keep the same policy to get my nyc bonus as I'm half way through, and does anyone one in how much to change your car details to another car with admiral or cancel your insurance price with admiral""
Will my parent's car insurance go up if I get my drivers license?
Ok I am 17 years old and will turn 18 soon. I have a lerners permit at the moment. My parents have Geico auto insurance and they will not let me get my drivers license because they said their rates would go up as long as I live at home and they can't afford to pay for my insurance. I called geico and they said it would go up,and they asked me what vehicle I would be driving. I told them that I don't have a car, and they said you have to be assigned to a car as a 'part time driver'. But the problem is, I don't need a car right now, I can drive a motorcycle. In the state of florida, motorcycle insurance is not required, but a class e drivers license is required to operate the motorcycle. So if I get my drivers license, why should my parents car insurance go up if I were to drive a motorcycle that does not require insurance at all?""
Insurance with 6 points?
Hi, I would like to get a car because I'm nearly 17 and I have 6 points on my license for letting someone ride my moped in an empty car park. Does anyone know where I could get insurance, so far I have been quoted 6500""
How would one categorize those who will not have health insurance after Obamacare officially starts?
Considering that it will be law that everyone must have health insurance. What of those who will not have insurance and did not for whatever reason sign up for the government plan? How will Obamacare address them?
Do insurance companies raise premiums based on points or violations?
I have two tickets one for stop sign, and one for speeding. My question is which one should I turn in my traffic school certificate with to erase the point. I know they are both 1 point violations on my dmv record. Will it make a difference to my insurance rates? By the way I have USAA.""
Should i get home insurance as a home owner or a rental ?
i own a house and i rent out part of it . i pay about 925 per year. i am moving out of state should i switch to rental property rather then owner occupied insurance ? which one is better or cheaper
Are hearing aids covered by health insurance?
Since I was born, I've had a hearing problem on my left ear that I have to go to the audiologist for every year, and every year they say my ability to hear in it goes down by a fragment. I'm 16 now, and in high school, and they originally tried to get me to get hearing aids in 6th grade, but I threw a fit because I was afraid people would make fun of me, and they haven't brought it up since. This year I'm really noticing that my hearing is shot. I'm constantly asking people to repeat things, and whenever someone says something to me and I'm not looking at their mouth, it's all a jumbled mess. If there are a lot of people talking, and someone is standing directly in front of me, but I'm not looking at their mouth, I miss probably a fifth of what they say. I've been thinking about getting hearing aids, but I was wondered if they were covered by insurance. My mom gets the insurance through Fl Hospital, if that helps, and as I'm just now looking into it, I don't know many more details about it.""
How much does Geico car insurance cost?
How much does Geico car insurance cost?
How does car insurance work?
Okay, I'm 17 and I'm getting my first car this summer, maybe June. Thing is, I am only going to have my car from this June until March or April of 2009. The reason for that is that I'm moving to Mexico on one of those months. I would actually have liked not to buy my car now but I'm going to have to because where I live, there's absolutely no public transportation. (I live in the northern part of Texas.) I graduate high school in a couple of weeks and need to get to and from work. Up to now I had been working but work was pretty close and my aunt (which I live with) gave me rides. She's getting a job now too so I can't really be dependant on any one and I don't want to at all either. My big question here is... when I get my car, does car insurance come with a contract or something? I won't be here for a year so if it does, what's the minimum plan available? I will also be with my aunt's insurance so I will be included in their plan or however that works..""
Switching Auto insurance company?
Hi, I want to switch my auto insurance company to a cheaper company. my renewable starts Sept 25, can i cancel my current insurance and switch to a new cheaper one now? Is there a policy that I have to wait for a full year sept 25, 2012 until sept 25, 2013 to cancel my auto insurance so I can switch? Thanks""
How much will it cost for an 18 year old to insure a BMW M3?
I am an 18 year old, I've just passed my car test and I want a 2002 - 2004 BMW M3 (1.8 - 2.0l) I will not settle for anything less better-looking than a BMW. I also just passed my full motorcycle test 2 months ago. I have 2 years no claims bonus for my Motorcycle insurance since I started riding at the age of 16. I'm planning to sell my current motorcycle and buy a reasonable BMW M3 priced around 2-3k I was wondering what kind of insurance I should be expecting? I have got way more experience on the roads than any other 18 year old out there; but I'm not so sure that the insurance companies will take in mind my 2 years NCB on my motorcycle. Either way; how much could I be expecting to pay? I'm going to be insured as the 2nd driver and hopefully not pay more than 4k anually? The comparison websites are just bull crap, they are quoting my prices of over 20k, even for a small ford ka. I know I know big car young driver - but please just answer my question :) Thanks in advance.""
Where can I find affordable health insurance for me and my family?
How can I find affordable heatlh insurance for me and my family? We are currently unemployed with no health insurance.
Motorcycle insurance/registration in IL?
Do I need insurance to register my motorcycle in the state of IL? I know I don't need insurance to register it at the currency exchange, but it's cheaper at the DMV so I rather go there, I just don't know if I need proof of insurance.""
Can you get a car without insurance?
b/c im getting a car without insurance
Rental car insurance?
I am going on vacation, and I need to rent a car to drive. I have insurance through state farm, but dont have full coverage. If I am renting, I would like to have full coverage on the rental car, BUT the insurance from enterprise is WAY TOO expensive. I will end up doubling the price for the week. Does anyone know of any other ways to get insurance for a rental car without going through the rental car agency? I keep hearing about something called Unlimited Non-Owned Car Coverage, but I dont think state farm has that because I dont see it on their website. Any suggestions would be a great help.""
Would my car insurance rates go up if I switch?
I'm insured with geico but I've found a better deal with esurance. I can't afford to pay both. I want to cancel with geico and start over with esurance before the geico policy cancels. If I did this would esurance charge me a higher rate? I know it will effect my credit negatively.
What kind of motorcycle should I get? Is insurance expensive?
I recently got a job about an hour away and would like to make my commute cheaper. I was thinking of buying a motorcycle for $3500 or less but I have never done this before. I want to know what would be the best for the size person I am. I am 6'5 and 300 lbs. So i need a big bike. Also is insurance generally more expensive than car insurance or not? Any suggestions will help me know what to look for. Thank you
6month CHEAP car insurance.! plz help?
hi, iam looking for a 6month cheap insurance policy plan for my bf's blazer. the court says he has to have sr22 with a 6month policy... if not he will go to jail. we have found one where 1200 is the cheapest at the moment but i would like to know if there is anything cheaper.""
Car insurance for young men in the uk... unfair?
I'm a 19 year old guy living in the UK.. and I get SO annoyed at how much more guys have to pay for car insurance. I understand that it's because some guys my age decide to drive like complete a*se holes, but that doesn't mean all guys do?.. and I really resent paying more, just because of the boy racers. Yes, most fast drivers are teenage boys. However, this doesn't mean that most of teenage boys are fast drivers. I drive a Hyundai Getz for crying out loud.. I'm not going to go racing in it! Grr! I simply cannot afford to insure it under my own name at my age. What does everyone else think? Personally, I think it's pretty sexist against young men, and I think there should be a test of some sort which we could take which could prove our innocence and drop the costs.. Does anyone know how much a lie detector test for the question I am a safe driver would cost?""
California health insurance?
I am looking to get health insurance for a year, more to take care of neglected issues than to cover my butt if I get sick/hurt (I'm 27, betting on youth and good health!). Kaiser seems to be the most appealing because they cover a broader range of services. I am namely interested in physical therapy (winged scapula), dermatology (oily skin/acne), perhaps mental illness services as I have suffered from depression (although I somewhat consider it a problem of my past). I'm aware insurance plans won't cover preexisting conditions, but how can they really prove these issues didn't start yesterday, right? I'm overwhelmed with my choices. Is it worth paying $330/mo for $0 deductible, 0% coinsurance, $40 co pays and a max out of pocket @ $3000? Or is it smarter to pay $166/mo, $2700 deductible, 0% coinsurance, $0 co pays after deductible, and max out of pocket @ $5000 (including deductible)? Etc. I have put off getting insurance because I'm scared I will pick a completely inappropriate plan. Can anyone shed some light on this for me?""
Should I buy earthquake insurance in california?
I've lived in the Bay Area for 20 years and never purchased earthquake insurance for my home. I heard rates were going down, and AAA quoted me a rate of nearly $1200 for earthquake coverage- there is 75,000 deductible, and they will cover up to $525,000 to rebuild. What is the consensus on this issue?""
Loraine Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 79532
Loraine Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 79532
0 notes