#something about how the shorts also aren't actually integrated in the game? at least they weren't when i was playing. kinda weird
twig-tea · 1 year
Rules: List 10 of your comfort shows, then tag 10 people
I was tagged by @sorry-bonebag and @bengiyo (thank you both!). It's funny to see so many folks talk about not having 10, when I had trouble narrowing it down 🤣 So, here are shows I've reached for for comfort recently, in no particular order:
Until We Meet Again. Listen, I get that it's depressing, but it also ends and mends the intergenerational trauma set up in the first 15 minutes, and in the Dean/Pharm storyline the show queues up typical drama problems just for everything to be fine, it is SO comforting. And if I need to cry, ep1 part 1 will get me there, guaranteed.
Azumanga Daioh. This show...is so weird lol. It's a 20-year-old anime at an all-girls high school. There is a 10-year-old prodigy, a weirdo transfer student, a butch beauty, a simp, a loud class clown...it's not exactly GL because the girl who has a massive crush on her classmate never does anything about it and that's not really the plot. There is no actual plot, it's extremely slice-of-life except when it ventures into absurdity. It's extremely quiet and chill for this reason. The stakes are so low!
Star Trek: The Original Series. Like Ben, I am a Star Trek fan forever. TOS is my favourite and I've rewatched... a lot. Rather than the stakes being low, they're high but everyone is exceptionally competent and can solve impossible situations. And I really, deeply love the problem-of-the-week style storytelling and found family vibes.
What Did You Eat Yesterday? Everyone already knows this one, it's so good. Their relationship is so wonderful and the food is delicious and inspiring. In this show, things aren't perfect and that's ok, and I get deep comfort out of that.
HIStory 2: Crossing the Line. I love a sports anime, and this hits the key notes: you have to have love for the game and play with integrity and with your team in mind, and never give up on your dream. And this installation was pretty short, so easy to binge.
Our Dating Sim. This is recent but I've already decided to go back and rewatch this rather than start something new at least twice, so I'm counting it. Something about how these two settle into the friends to lovers dynamic is just delightful their familiarity and ease transfers to me through the screen.
Ingredients the series. Everyone calls this our pandemic comfort commercial for a reason. I have rewatched it a LOT. It is incredibly domestic and very chill, and once again full of good food. It helps that the episodes are so short so again, it's an easy binge.
Avatar: The Last Airbender (series). Another one that lands on multiple people's lists. This show is incredible and has such good character arcs. I will never get over how perfect the change in Zuko was handled. This one is partially comforting because of how long it's been in my life and how many times I've watched it, but also the found family vibes and the problem of the week format once again is very comforting to me.
Love Sick. I know. But it is the first BL I saw, and it stuck with me. I usually skip around the BL cut when I go back to this (which I still do). Pun and Noh spend a lot of time together in silence or with the OSTs playing, and do a lot of talking in body language and eye contact. Even though they're young and awkward and things are unresolved for so long, when they're together just the two of them this show (and their relationship) is easy and comforting.
60s Batman. There are several sitcoms that I would watch an episode or two if it's on (Frasier, the Nanny, Third Rock from the Sun, Golden Girls, Schitt's Creek), but the Adam West Batman is just... incredible. It is so silly. It is so earnest. It was ahead of its time. And once again, that problem of the week storytelling with incredibly competent characters is deeply comforting to me.
[Also shout-out to sorry-bonebag's Taskmaster mention because i have definitely rewatched it a bunch too!]
Tagging @italianpersonwithashippersheart @callipigio @my-rose-tinted-glasses @chickenstrangers @justafriend-ql @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas @visualtaehyun @solitarywandering @thewayofsubtext @respectthepetty no pressure as always!
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rstarsims3 · 1 year
Hi! Animation anon here! The talking animations aren't actually as bad as I thought they were going to be. At least they aren't overly expressive, but I understand what you mean now. My suggestions, if these are something you might think about, the walkstyles and perhaps a cycle of poses for picture taking? I don't have anything past base game, so i can't be sure what the other games bring to the table in terms of animations. But thank you for considering!
Hey, Nonnie! Sorry for replaying days later but I needed time to sort through TS4 animations to get an idea about what you mean.
I assume that when you say walk cycles you're referring to the CAS walks. These are very short animations and are performed in place, so you'll need to use a green screen (and chromakey if you need them for a video). Here's how the original animations look in Blender:
Tumblr media
I'll convert these walk cycles, but I can't give you a specific date for when they'll be ready.
As for poses for picture taking (I didn't even know TS4 has integrated photography in this manner in the base game), it's complicated and I'll have to say no to this part. I found over 50 poses only for the "Take Photos Of" option (when other sims are posing for pictures). Didn't feel like counting the selfie and group poses because it's just too much.
For poses in general, I recommend checking out the work of the amazingly talented (and still active) pose creators like @yorithesims and @poses-by-bee.
And also check out these pose tags: HERE and HERE
Have a great day!
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You make dating hard for yourselfThere are certain things in dating you just can’t get wrong. If you do, you’re going to make your dating life a shitload harder, and you’ll be days away from writing a Tumblr post about how everyone these days sucks, and you’re just an ‘old soul’. If only you’d be born in the Renaissance.But your post would be a big old bowl of bull****.Because when we make wrong choices in dating we make it harder for ourselves no matter what our circumstances are.​Life isn’t a Hollywood movie. You’re not going to be doing a cute little shimmy at the bar and bedazzle the love of your life intro storming across the room towards you.That doesn’t happen.What does happen is that you meet a bunch of people who suck and few people that don’t. And the more you sift through the people that suck, the more you meet the people that don’t.This is why when people claim that modern dating sucks, the first thing I hear is ‘I don’t meet enough people.’As hard, and as cheesy as it is to believe, there is someone for everyone. If you’re into Magic Cards, Rock climbing, and playing video games into your late 20s, there’s a whole bunch of people out there who find that cool and endearing (I.e. me). But despite this being true, that ‘someone for you’ takes a lot of effort to find.You have to get off your ass and do something. You have to talk to a lot of people. And you have to ask out a lot of people. Or it’s not going to happen.Not doing this means dating is always going to SEEM much worse than it is. You’ll be meeting very few people, and the ones who do will most likely suck.Not a great combo.*this section goes double for Online dating​If you want to have deep, intimate, engaging conversations with someone, where you disappear into each other’s eyes and wonder how you’ve been so blessed to meet someone like this – then first you have to develop that kind of relationship with yourself.When you know yourself, your relationships with others increases. This is for multiple reasons:Because you know what your values are and you enforce your boundaries, you naturally get rid of people who aren’t right for you.Because you’re open and honest about your emotions and vulnerabilities, people are more likely to be open and honest about theirs. As a result, your connections deepen.Because you’ve done all this hard work with yourself, you’re probably pretty happy. So you’re not coming at any relationship looking for anything but the icing on an already well-baked cake.When you value the opinions and emotional validation of others over your own integrity, then you’ll never have the relationship you truly want.​Before you can be happy with your dating life, you’ve got to be happy with your own.There is no trick, technique, or radical social change that will eliminate this fact. I harp on about this a lot, but I think this is fundamental to dating, and arguably the biggest determinant of your results.If your life doesn’t take care of your basic needs and promote good feelings within you, then it’s unlikely you’re going to meet anyone who will. At best you’ll meet people as down on their life as you.You don’t get sparks from two wet sticks.​If you aren’t comfortable sexually expressing yourself, it’s going to be a lot less likely that anyone will be turned on by you.In which case, your dating life will always be a bit sexually flat.Sexuality is reciprocal. When it is accepted, people are aroused by expressions of desire and sexual interest, and it, in turn, promotes expressions of sexual desire back.When it isn’t, you quickly find out whether or not that person is into you. Aka, you’ll get rejected.Dating is a sexual process. It’s not your standard social occasion. You’re spending time with someone you want to get to know and want to sleep with. The more you allow yourself to be honest about this, the more your dating life will come to reflect this unique experience.Everyone feels nervous about expressing sexual interest. Everyone worries about being rejected, and they feel compelled to hide their intentions to prevent that rejection.But this is the opposite of what you have to do if you want a better dating life. You have to slowly learn to take risks. To make yourself vulnerable with your sexual desire.​Your dating life is as toxic as you design it to be.If you pursue the wrong values in yourself and others**, then you make a bigger mistake than not knowing your values at all.**A toxic value is any value which provides you with a false sense of fulfilment, almost always at the expense of what you truly value.For example, if you think you value sex and looks over honesty and respect, you will continually chase sexual validation from good looking people, at the expense of your own happiness and integrity.When this doesn’t work, you’ll often double down on that toxic value, and try and chase a bigger hit.Likewise, if you value the turbulence of romance over compatibility and trust, you will constantly end up with people who are exciting in short bursts but then treat you like shit in the long run. And as soon as they’re done you’ll jump onto the next one.You get toxic results from your own design. If you don’t do the groundwork of understanding your values and boundaries, and even more so, having an understanding of what motivates your toxic values (i.e. neediness, narcissism) – then you are going to have a dating life that is much more likely to be riddled with toxicity.That’s how it works. Toxic people attract toxic people. So do the right thing and pick better values to chase.​People care about looks. Sure, other things matter, but looks do always matter too. There’s no ifs or buts.And before you go shouting about modern society, Instagram, porn, and marketing being to blame – beauty has been worshipped in our society since we early homo sapiens saw their first pair of tits, washboard abs, and chiseled jawline.We like to look at hot people. It’s part of who we are.For some of us, that might seem like a bummer. But here’s the caveat:Whilst not everyone is Brad Pitt, everyone can take better care of themselves.This isn’t just a good idea for your health and general self-confidence, but it’s also just a no-brainer.It’s just basic self-respect.It’s taking care of yourself.And if you aren’t doing that – why the hell not?​Every single point involves taking responsibility for the kind of life you actually want, and like most people, actually need. Everyone wants to have a good dating life – that’s how we meet people and get our all too human needs for love and connection met.But you don’t get a good dating life for free. You have to take responsibility for your own life, and develop it into something you’re happy with.And in doing so, all your complaints about dating will cease to exist.Because when you’re saying dating sucks and it’s hopeless, what you’re really doing is absolving yourself of any responsibility. If something is hopeless and out of your control, what can you possibly do to change it? You may as well be a prisoner.At least, that’s how it seems.But not only is this untrue, it’s also not the worst part. The worst part is not that you’re telling yourself it can’t be done.You’re actually telling yourself that you can’t do it.That you can’t create positive change in your own life.The reality though is a little different:Making your life easier is always a choice you get to make.​this was a shortened version of this article: https://ift.tt/2wm52NG the main points are in this reddit post so you don't especially need to read it, but the article goes into a little more detail and has relevant links if you want more explanation via /r/dating_advice
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