#something they don’t tell you about trying to kys and going to a ward is most of your teachers won’t excuse ur missing work or care at all
nappingpaperclip · 8 months
does anyone else feel like they’ve never been not stressed out??
like idk…I’ve been chronically stressed since I became conscious. I grew up in an incredibly stressful environment. ever since I moved out I’ve been stressed about school or work or housing or just finding food . There is always something. I’ve never had a break from stress that lasted longer than a day or two. does anyone else relate? what am I supposed to do about this
#not to trauma dump [voice of a guy who’s abt to trauma dump in the tags] but#growing up under incredible stress has probably fucked me up forever so idk what to do anymore#constant screaming/fighting and like not a lot but sometimes domestic violence#also like. being incredibly poor. and living in a hoarder house#animal hoarding#being incredibly medically and emotionally and otherwiseneglected#alongside neglected animals. dealing with unresolved flea infestations#forcibly enrolled into advanced academic stuff and unable to drop out even when my mental health could not take it#like it literally took an emergency room visit to convince my mom to let me drop out and even then I had to spend months playing catch up b#something they don’t tell you about trying to kys and going to a ward is most of your teachers won’t excuse ur missing work or care at all#also got outed to my mom by the mental hospital#sorry to trauma dump I just idk. my life sucks lol and no therapist I’ve ever gone to has actually cared or listened to everything I’ve bee#thruough#oh and I got groomed. awesomesauce#then graduated hs during 2020 right at the beginning of the pandemic 💔#a couple years go by bc I’m too busy with my coworkers raging psychological warfare on me lol and my ex roommate trying to kick us out#then just starting college while working thank god I was able to move out and my mom moved back to Kentucky#but now I am just starving and I no longer have food stamps and idk I just 💔 working and going to college is so hard and I’m not even full#time if either rn#but I also fell out with literally my only close friend recently so yea.#life just feels like one big test that I keep failing over and over again#like idk how am I supposed to be normal or live a normal life after all I’ve been through. I’ve seen enough!!#the world just has always and continues to look so bleak and cruel to me#idk. idk.#maybe I’m just doomed by the narrative#trauma dumping#vent#.txt#typing it all out and reading it like this makes me idk. it doesn’t look so bad when I reread it like I think I’m just being dramatic idk#ripping out mt hair I just want to be normal
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applejuicefruit · 2 years
im here on my knees begging you to write one more chance part 2 please we need it 😩😩😩😩😩😩
Since I’ve got so many requests about part 2…
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One more chance pt. 2
Kylian’s P.O.V.
It’s been two months and y/n was still in coma.
I didn’t know what to do.
I’ve lost hope and faith. The doctors were trying everything but it wasn’t working.
My routine consisted of me going to see her every morning before training, every evening after training and when the nurses let me, I would sleep next to her. There wasn’t much they could do either. They just felt sad for me.
Her family couldn’t stay in Paris for that long so I called her mum every single day. We’ve become pretty close since the accident happened.
This morning, as every morning, I woke up, went to the hospital and then made it to training.
We have a match tonight I want to give 100% of me.
I changed and made it into the field.
Hakimi always checking on me like a brother would do.
I spoke less.
I hardly spoke with my teammates.
I’ve been eating less and training more.
I know it was bad for my health but I couldn’t help it.
After a couple of hours of training we all made it back into the changing room as it was time to go to eat.
I sat on the bench so lost in my own thoughts I didn’t even hear my phone ringing.
Instead Neymar answered for me.
“Ky…it’s the hospital” he said and I didn’t even let him finish that I took my bag and my car keys and got out of the changing room.
Neymar and Achraf following me.
I drove at inhuman speed towards the hospital that I’m lucky the police didn’t even stopped me.
I got into the level she was hospitalised and I saw her doctors and nurses out of her room
“Kylian…” one of the doctors said coming towards me.
“What is going on?” I said almost screaming.
“She’s getting worse…not even the machine is helping her to breathe, we tried everything…”
Where they thinking what I was thinking?
They wanted to turn off the machine and let her die?
“So?” I asked already knowing the answer.
“It’s been more than two months and, as much as we want her to wake up we don’t know if she’ll ever be able to do it…the machine could help someone who needs it” the doctor tried to explain to me
“Who needs it more than her?” I cried, Neymar grabbing my shoulders because I wanted to punch the doctor straight in the face.
“Kylian…” on of the nurses tried talking to me but I wouldn’t listen to her.
“No! You can’t do it! You…you need my consent to do it”
“Since you’re not married you can’t make this decision, otherwise her family has already decided”
What does it mean?
In that exact moment I saw her mom coming out from y/l’s room.
“Y/m/n” I called going towards her “tell me this isn’t your idea! Tell me you didn’t tell them to do it!”
“Kylian…” she said crying “she won’t wake up and you know it, she’s in pain and I can’t see her like this”
“How can you say this? She’s your daughter! You’re killing her!” I screamed grabbing her from her jacket.
She flinched a bit but I didn’t care.
Neymar and Achraf had to grab me by my shoulders because I was getting violent.
“As her mother I already have made that decision and there’s nothing you can’t stay that’ll change my mind…” she said leaving the hospital.
“When?” I asked the doctors.
“Tomorrow” they said before leaving me alone.
I was going to lose her forever.
I knelt down in the middle of the ward and I started crying harder.
Neymar and Hakimi knelt down with me and tried to support me but it wasn’t working since they started crying too.
It took me almost 40 minutes to calm down.
How could I say goodbye to the person I love the most?
I wasn’t ready.
How could her family do something like this to her?
“You good?” Neymar asked me while I was sitting outside of the hospital.
I simply nodded.
One night.
That’s what they gave her.
That’s all the time I have left with her.
I wanted to stay with her so I asked the doctors if I could spend the last night of her life with her. I tried to fight but I got tired. I knew this pain will never end.
Then night came.
“Hi babe…” I said entering her room.
Her face has recovered from all the bruises and just had a few scars.
I sat next to her holding her hand as I always did.
“Do you remember the first time we met? You were visiting Paris all by yourself and one night you got lost and you didn’t have anybody to call” I said laughing a bit “you kept asking people for directions but most of the wouldn’t even answer you, till you asked me in which direction you had to go…I honestly had no idea where you needed to go but I helped you” I remembered now fully crying “It took us 45 minutes to get to your hotel and that same night I gave you my phone number, you know, just in case…and the next morning you called me asking if I knew any good restaurants…that was the moment I knew I was in love with you…” I placed my head over her chest and laid there “your light and kindness made me fall in love with you, your beautiful eyes and smile, you’re the love of my life and always will be” I kept sobbing “so please, I’m begging you come back to me baby, please….please I-I can’t live without you.”
But nothing.
She wasn’t even moving.
That night I fell asleep on that uncomfortable chair holding her hand when around 3 am some weird noises woke me up.
I couldn’t focus, everything was dark and my eyes were heavy and red.
And that’s when I felt it.
Her hand slowly moving into mine.
I didn’t know if I was dreaming or if it was reality.
She coughed a bit and that’s when I knew she was awake.
“Kyky?” she tried to said in a very soft voice I wasn’t even sure I heard it right.
“Ky?” she called me again.
“Hey-hey…shhh” I said standing up and turning on the lights.
“Ky what happened?” she asked and that was when I saw her, it wasn’t a dream she was really awake.
“Shhhh…you’re okay…you had an accident but you’re awake now” I said now fully crying but tears of joy “it was a very bad accident, I almost lost you…” I tried to explain but she looked scared and confused.
“What?” she asked
“You’ve been in a coma for two months, I thought I lost you forever” I said holding her hand and kissing her gently.
She was still processing the informations I gave her. She was confused and scared…
“Two months?” she asked now crying. I nodded.
She tried to move her back a little bit but I stopped and run out of the room to call a doctor.
“Stay here…” I told her leaving her room.
After hours and hours of exams y/l was told she needed to stay a few more days at the hospital but that her injuries were almost recovered. Her broken leg and ribs recovered. Her concussion was still to keep an eye on but nothing major. The doctors couldn’t explain how she went to almost dead to being alive in so little time.
They said it was the medicine.
I said it was a miracle.
Now I was helping her standing up. She hasn’t walked for two months and now she could already felt her legs but the doctors said it was normal.
When her legs touched the floor they both gave up.
“I got you” I said catching her and helping her to get dressed “I always got you” I kissed her and God, how much I missed those lips. She smiled a bit into the kiss and so did I.
The next week came and I finally brought her home. She still needed help walking but I didn’t mind. I could carry her for the rest of my life.
“I’m so happy to be back home!” she said happily while i put her on the couch covering her up with a fluffy blanket.
“I’m so happy to have you back home, this place was so sad without you” I told her while I sat behind her and hold her. I started kissing her neck in the spot I know she loved.
“Kyky…” she said almost moaning my name.
I knew I had to stop before I hurt her more. She was still fragile and in pain but I couldn’t contain my happiness in having her back.
Instead I laughed into her neck and held her tight.
One thing I know for sure is that she’s never gonna drive a car again in the rest of her life.
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yugirl-with-dragons · 7 years
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OK SO FIRST OF ALL THANKS TO THE SUPER UBER TALENTED @aceyugiohdreamer WHO WROTE THIS AMAZING FANFIC. KY YOU’RE SO GREAT. The sketch is obv related to the fanfic below here, I HIGHLY suggest you to read and find out more details!!
[In the plot here, our dear gang (Yusei, human!Stardust, Aki, Jack, Crow, Archfiend- has already met Black Rose Dragon, but they haven’t found Divine yet. Hence, Yusei isn’t blind yet]
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Aki wasn’t sure why Black Rose had wanted to speak to her privately, or what about, but she didn’t hesitate at all to accept the invitation. With the way their last conversation had gone, she was frankly surprised the dragon had been interested in ever seeing her again at all, let alone so quickly.
But here they were, deep in Black Rose’s forest, an ancient dragon in her elegant human form and a young human witch, face to face.
Aki deferred to her hostess and waited patiently for her to speak first.
Black Rose stared at her with arms crossed, her eyes not friendly, but not disdainful either. She seemed to be evaluating her in some way, though Aki had no idea by what measure or for what qualities. So, not knowing what she could do to better present herself, she simply stood still.
Finally Black Rose tilted her chin up slightly and commanded, “Tell me your name.”
Aki decided to not point out Black Rose’s rudeness. Getting fussy over her proud attitude would get them nowhere since she hadn’t earned the dragon’s respect yet. She would just have to accept it if she was going to see what this meeting was about.
“Aki,” she answered simply.
Black vines began rising up like snakes from her hair, winding forward through the air. Aki held still, thinking she had no choice but to trust that Black Rose didn’t mean her harm. She had a feeling it might be disrespectful to flinch away from those vines, which were literally extensions of her body, and the last thing she needed was for Black Rose’s anger to flare up from an offence. So she let the vines come and feel around at her aura like a curious dog sniffing at a stranger.
“I haven’t met many witches over the years,” Black Rose said, her eyes narrowing somewhat in thought. “But I do sense something familiar in you. I suppose the magic that some of you humans have isn’t unlike that in us dragons.”
Aki started.
“What? You mean . . . you’re saying you can sense magic in me?”
“Why is that surprising? Didn’t you tell me yourself that you’re a witch?”
“Well yeah, but . . . that can’t be,” she said, shaking her head. “Divine . . . he . . . he took my magic from me. He took it, so, there’s no way you should be able sense it.”
“Hnh! What a stupid thing to say!” Black Rose scoffed haughtily. “If you’re like us, then your magic is a part of you, as integral as your bones or your blood. If he had taken all your magic, you would be dead. Just like how we dragons die when you humans steal our magic. Honestly, you don’t even know that much?”
“But I—I can’t feel anything! Not like I used to!” Aki insisted, feeling her emotions rise up. “The world feels dead to me! I can’t connect to anything, I can’t draw out the life and magic that used to come so easily to me. I feel like I’ve been cut off from everything, even myself—I’m not fully me anymore! It’s like you said, magic has always been a part of me, but I can’t . . . I can’t feel it anymore.”
“Hmph, well, that certainly sounds troublesome,” Black Rose huffed, shifting her weight onto one leg. “But the fact is, there is magic in you, just as surely as there is a heart beating and pumping blood. There’s no mistaking it—though, I suppose it does feel faint,” she conceded as the vines wandered along her limbs and body and hair.
“Then,” Aki began, feeling her heart flutter—excited, anxious, desperate—“if I still have magic in me, how do I use it?”
She had to know! She had to know how to tap into whatever was left, how to be useful to Yusei!
Black Rose raised an eyebrow.
“How should I know?” she asked. “I’m not a master or a teacher or anything, I just know something obvious when I see it.”
Aki’s heart sank. She couldn’t even work up the energy to be annoyed with Black Rose, she was just too devastated by fallen hope.
Then Black Rose sighed.
“Though, it’s not just the magic I sense,” she added softly—so softly she might have even been talking to herself. “There’s something about it that’s . . . resonating.”
She had a confused look, her head tilted and eyes scrunched as she considered Aki like a puzzle.
“I don’t know why that would possibly be,” she muttered, as if being confronted with something confusing irritated her, or perhaps it was that the idea of feeling any connection to a human was repulsive. “But . . .”
She drew closer, her vines losing length as her hair consumed the excess. She was slightly taller than Aki and looked down into her eyes.
She had nice eyes, Black Rose had to admit to herself. Earthy. They looked rich enough for her roses to grow strong in. And the magic she could feel in her—the light vibrations of it meshing harmoniously into the great waves of her own enormous power—it had a sweet flavor. Like ripe, wild berries. Sweet with a little snap to it.
It felt like this tiny human was actually part of her forest. It made her . . .
Made her want to . . .
Help her grow.
Nourish her, like any other precious living thing whose life and vitality she protected here in her ward, whose presence she noticed, feeling when it was born and when it died like it was part of her own body—her own soul.
This Aki.
Aki, whose aura was the colors of changing autumn leaves.
It was like she was seamlessly becoming part of this place—or perhaps, more like, she had always been, by nature, but Black Rose was only now able to notice it. Now that she was open to feeling the way her presence resonated, like it belonged, rather than clashed.
Like that hotheaded blond and even his Archfiend companion—despite the one being a dragon, his vibrations were jarring against hers. She felt the discord in their natures, striking and sour.
Black Rose had rejected Aki automatically at first, without thinking or feeling, so perhaps it was no surprise it had taken her this long to notice. Now that she was considering her properly, she couldn’t help the feeling, which came as naturally for Aki as it did for any other plant she nourished.
She lifted a hand and gently caressed a lock of Aki’s hair between her fingers.
Vibrant, red hair—not unlike her own plumage.
“I like your hair,” she said at last.
Aki blinked, more than a little stunned.
Black Rose exhaled sharply and dropped her hand.
“Never mind. Listen.”
She may have felt a natural desire to nurture this young, little sapling—even acknowledge to herself that she did—but that didn’t mean she would so quickly change her attitude.
“I don’t know if there’s anything I can do to help you in your situation, but I suppose it would be pretty amazing of me to find a way, wouldn’t it?”
She smirked and gave her hair a quick flip before turning around.
“Yes, I think so,” she confirmed to herself. “It’s been quite a while since there was anything new for me to learn, so that might be interesting.”
Aki stared at Black Rose’s back—at all the sleek, thick hair that draped over it down to her hips—still feeling like something had happened just now and she had no idea what.
“Hey! Are you spacing out on me? What’s wrong with you?” Black Rose snapped, looking over her shoulder.
“Move already! Come here—come with me. Jeez.”
Aki wasn’t about to refuse yet another invitation from Black Rose to get closer, so she sprinted forward to her side.
“Where are we going?” she asked as they continued on together.
“Just to a place with some particularly rich soil.”
“Oh? Why?”
“Why not? I like rich soil. It gives me good energy. And it smells nice.”
Well, Aki had no argument against that.
“Ah. I think so too,” she said thoughtfully, remembering back to all the gardening she had done at the house where she had lived with Divine.
“Of course you do.”
Aki thought Black Rose just meant it in the sense that of course her opinion was correct—how could a magnificent queen like her be wrong? She didn’t know she meant it in the sense of, You’re one of mine, of course you feel energy from rich earth.
After that, Aki wondered if she should try to make conversation—how long would it even take to get to the place anyway?
“Does this mean you have an idea?” she decided to ask.
“Hnh, well, I’m at least feeling motivated to experiment,” Black Rose answered, lifting her chin just a little.
Experiment, huh? Aki thought. Well, I guess that can’t be helped, how else are we going to find out anything?
“Are you nervous?” Black Rose looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “Do you want to back out? You had better tell me now before I waste any time.”
“No, it’s fine,” Aki answered quickly. “This is just a little sudden, so I wasn’t expecting it. But I want to do this. I want your help.”
“Hm,” Black Rose hummed with approval then turned her eyes back forward. “Just so you know, I can’t guarantee there won’t be any pain. I’m just going to be trying out a few things, so if you’re really willing to do this, you should be prepared for anything—and for possibly nothing to come of it.”
Aki nodded, her chest going tight with resolution.
“Right. No guarantees. I’m still in.”
Black Rose glanced sideways, feeling the way her aura firmed up decisively, and smiled to herself, feeling approval again.
“Very good.”
“It’s only natural, right?” Aki asked without turning. “If I don’t have magic, I don’t feel whole. So of course I’d do anything to get it back.”
“Hm, yes, that would be natural,” Black Rose agreed. She would certainly do anything too if she found herself in a similar situation—and of course rip to pieces whoever would have done such a thing. Such a crime deserved instant death.
Hm, no, perhaps a slow, agonizing death, for daring to cross her so offensively.
In any case, there would be no forgiveness.
“And I’m sure your body is naturally longing to get it back.”
“I hope so. I know my heart is.”
“Well, let’s see what we can do, shall we?”
She pointed up ahead, and beyond another stretch of trees, through the cracks between their thick and crooked bodies, Aki could just make out what looked like a clearing with some kind of lake. The forest was dimmer than the world outside it because the canopy was so densely packed that little light managed to pass through, but when they reached the open area, Aki saw that light glittered on the surface of the lake, the ripples catching every little ray and casting it about playfully. It wasn’t a large lake by any means—possibly more of a pond—but it was clear and pretty. It was fed by a stream coming from ahead and led into another that continued off to the side. The sound of the running water made her skin feel cool, as if she had dropped her hand in it. Besides the stream, there wasn’t much other ambient noise—just leaves rustling occasionally, the snap of twigs. The space seemed deeply quiet and undisturbed.
“Here,” Black Rose said, stepping toward the water. Her hair began to stretch again into black vines and dug into the earth right at the edge. “This water is sourced from a mountain not too far from here. It’s quite pure and fresh since it runs straight from the mountain into my forest.”
Aki approached too and knelt down to watch the vines wriggle their way deeper into the earth. As they took root, Aki dipped her fingertips into the water. As she expected, it was quite cool. She waved her fingers back and forth a little, then pulled them out and flicked the excess water off.
“There are more creeks and rivers throughout the forest, but this one is the closest.”
She held out her hand to Aki and beckoned her with a few quick waves of her fingers. Aki took hold of her hand and stood up, and then Black Rose twisted her arm and used her other hand to push Aki’s long sleeve up her arm. She lightly ran her nail from Aki’s wrist to the crease in her elbow.
“Since I don’t know what you do and don’t know, I’ll just explain some things,” she announced. “First, there’s no particular spot in your body where magic resides, like an organ. It’s in every part of you, all over. Which means there’s no place to target in any of this. It could be that any part of your body will be as good as any other, or perhaps it might mean that your entire body will need to be affected all at once. Or maybe there is a trigger that I’m not aware of. Like I said, we’re just going to be experimenting, so starting off at least might be rather random attempts to get a reaction.”
Aki nodded.
“Ok. I understand.”
“Good. And just so you know, I’m being serious here. Don’t think I’m just playing around.”
“That hadn’t even crossed my mind.”
“Hnh, well good. Now, let’s see . . .”
She ran her nail back to Aki’s wrist from the inner elbow.
“This would probably be easier if you had roots,” she muttered to herself. “Hmm, how am I going to . . .”
Aki wasn’t exactly sure what she was thinking, but she kept quiet to let her concentrate.
“Hmm,” she hummed with her lips pursed and pushed to the side, then she mumbled, “I guess I’ll start off non-invasive.”
Aki wasn’t against that choice.
Black Rose put her palm against Aki’s while cupping the back of her hand in her other. She closed her eyes and bowed her head, and Aki watched as a kind of faint glow appeared around the vines that were rooted into the earth. Like sap, it traveled slowly up the length of the vines, into Black Rose’s hair, saturating the whole of it with a soft light. And then her hair rose, as if lifted by a breeze, though Aki felt none. And then her dress began to flutter, though it didn’t seem entirely like a dress—it looked like it was transforming into a collection of flower petals, deep red and thick.
Black Rose’s nails went black and sharpened as they extended slightly. And then finally, Aki saw the same glow appear within Black Rose’s hands, and then she felt it sink into her own. It was warm, comforting. And she felt it spread from there, as if it had gotten into her blood and was being circulated throughout her body. It was a gentle warmth, like the sensation of a hot drink filling her up on a cold day while the steam brushed against her face.
It was nice. Nostalgic, somehow, as if it connected to all the warm, cozy feelings she had ever had and brought them back like a vague memory without any actual image to go with it. It was just . . . nice. And made her smile.
She wouldn’t have minded soaking in that sensation for a while—it was a welcome reprieve from all the chaos and misery that was going on—but after a minute, all the light faded and the warmth receded with it, leaving her with a sudden chill that made her shiver.
Aki’s eyes also had to adjust a little to the sudden dimness. Once she could see Black Rose’s face clearly again, the dragon asked, “So? Is anything different?”
Aki paused for a moment to take a mental stock of her condition.
Then shook her head.
“No, I think I’m still the same.”
The space still felt too quiet and still from what she would expect of an earthy haven she knew was alive with running streams of life and magic.
“I see,” Black Rose said, not sounding too disappointed.
“Can I ask what you have in mind?”
“Hm? Oh, I just thought I’d try running some magic through you, to see if that would jolt what little you have left in you back to its full life. Like giving your body a refill to replace what was drained. But it looks like you weren’t able to hold onto it: it went in and then passed right out.”
“Hm, I see.”
“But, I can try again, go a little . . . deeper.”
“How do you mean?”
“When I feed the plants, they soak up the magic right into their inner bodies through their roots. They drink it like water or any other nutrient from the soil. It might be worth trying something like that with you.”
“I . . . see.”
“I’ll try to be careful,” Black Rose said, probably trying to sound reassuring but instead sounding rather cocky.
Black Rose looked carefully at her exposed arm again and hummed thoughtfully to herself, turning it over a few times and spreading her fingers and pressing into Aki’s palm with her thumb.
Eventually she just shrugged to herself.
“Well, here goes.”
Aki took in a deep breath in preparation for a vague “anything” that might come next.
She looked down at her hand, as did Black Rose, and saw that her nails had returned to their human style. But then the nail on her right first finger extended again, turning black as it did, and the way it transformed slowly and threateningly right next to Aki’s skin gave her an ominous feeling.
Black Rose set the sharp tip of her nail at a soft spot in Aki’s wrist, and the next second, slid it right into the flesh.
“Shhhhhhhit!” Aki hissed as blood pooled up around the nail.
Black Rose held her arm and hand firmly in place, because even though Aki tried not to struggle, that nail hurt, dammit! She clenched her jaw while the light reappeared—in the earth, the vines, Black Rose’s hair, even her eyes which were open this time, and her hands—and that warmth began washing through her.
Warmer this time.
Like summer sunlight shinning under her skin, threatening to burn if it stayed too long.
But she didn’t mind, because it distracted her from the pain in her wrist. The nail seemed little more than a tiny papercut in that moment, making it easier to hold still, especially when that warmth coaxed her muscles and mind to relax. But she tried to focus on it, now that she understood Black Rose’s intentions. She didn’t know if her own conscious will could have an effect, but it seemed better to try. So she set her mind on that flow of the magic as it coursed through her, tried to map out all the internal crevices it touched, tried to notice if there was anything, any part of her that responded with a life of its own rather than just passively allowing the magic to pass through.
A minute went by, and Aki felt disappointed when the warmth withdrew, leaving goosebumps in her skin against the cool forest air, but otherwise no substantial change in her body.
Although now the pain in her wrist grew much more noticeable again.
“Hm,” Black Rose said, taking her nail out of the wrist and its blood and waving her hand in front of Aki’s scrunched face. “No, you don’t feel any different. Ah!”
She looked down to see that some blood had spilled over the side of Aki’s wrist and onto her sleeve.
“Oops, excuse me.”
She lifted Aki’s wrist to her mouth and licked up all the blood—much to Aki’s surprise—before setting her lips against the wound and giving it a suck. Aki tried not to let out any sound of gagging, and then a second later Black Rose lifted her face to reveal the wrist completely healed, with no sign of a puncture at all.
“Thanks,” Aki said tightly.
“What’s with that face?” Black Rose asked curiously.
Oh, was some of the queasiness leaking out into her expression? She had tried to hold that in.
“Oh, uh . . . I guess I just didn’t know you . . . drink blood.”
“Why wouldn’t I?” she asked, sounding confused. “When things die, they go into the earth, don’t they? Flesh, bones, blood and all. I am the substance of the earth, it’s the nature of my being. So if the earth can eat such things, so can I.”
“Ah, I . . . see.”
“Does that bother you?”
“No—well, not really. I guess I just wasn’t expecting it so suddenly.”
“Hm, seems like there’s a lot you don’t know,” she observed condescendingly. “If you had a teacher, they didn’t do a very thorough job. You’re going to have to do a lot of learning on top of just trying to get your magic back.”
“I don’t mind learning,” Aki replied. “I want to know more. But your right, my teacher kept a lot of things from me.”
Black Rose didn’t miss the dark tone in Aki’s voice.
Aki’s eyes were hard.
“Because he was using me. He only wanted me to know what would be useful to him. He didn’t want me to know too much, that way he could turn on me when the time was right.”
Black Rose narrowed her eyes.
“Turn on you,” she repeated. “Does that mean . . . Are you saying your teacher . . . ?”
Aki nodded.
“Was Divine.”
Black Rose met that hard stare directly for a moment, feeling her vines twitch with displeasure.
“So,” she said softly, “he didn’t just steal your magic. He betrayed you.”
Aki nodded again.
“Yes. He took me in when I was very young and promised he would teach me how to control my magic. I trusted him. I relied on him for everything. And he did teach me a lot of things that helped me develop my skills, but . . .” Her free hand flexed at her side before curling into a fist. “All that time, he was making sure to keep me close by so that I’d be convenient for him, whenever he was ready to make his move.”
It wasn’t magic, but Black Rose could still sense the anger burning in Aki’s heart. How much more intense it would have been if she had had her magic to give it form! Black Rose’s anger was torrential wind and thorns—she found herself very interested to know what this witch’s was.
Deception, betrayal, stealing . . . this Divine was sounding more and more wicked the more she learned. And she couldn’t forgive anyone who would harm one of her own.
“It could very well be that the only way to get your magic back is to reclaim that which was originally yours in the first place,” Black Rose advised, and then her voice went low and serious. “But if there is another way, even if just a temporary one, I’ll help you find it.”
Aki’s anger lifted enough for her eyes to brighten with awe.
“Thank you,” she murmured.
Black Rose nodded.
“Well, shall we try again?”
“Yes, let’s.”
A few more attempts were made, some less pleasant than others, but Aki bore it without complaint. She had entered into this willingly, and whatever she had to go through would be more than worth it if it restored her magic—in any capacity. But even if it didn’t, even if after everything she was still exactly as she had been, she was still happy that Black Rose would try to help her. That in itself was a gift, more than she would have expected after their first few encounters. It was hard to understand exactly what had changed in the dragon’s mind, but Aki wasn’t going to press. Whatever happened, she would let it bloom naturally.
“Hmm,” Black Rose hummed, holding her chin between her fingers. “I think I need a little break to think. I’ve run out of ideas for the moment.”
“Ok, that’s fine.”
“Come here.”
Black Rose snatched Aki by her wrist and tugged her along by the edge of the water until they arrived among a widespread, tangled mass of roots that belonged to a tree so big it probably would have taken ten people to wrap their outstretched arms around it completely. The roots were black and gnarled, rising up from the ground and curling back into it through the water, and Black Rose pulled Aki among them, climbing to the highest arches, and guided her to sit next to her on one so that they could look down at the water below their feet. Aki wished she could feel the energy from the tree, feel the texture of its life that flowed within rather than just the sturdy and rough exterior. She rubbed her hand back and forth over the root longingly. The tree was so beautiful, and she was missing the full experience of its character. She couldn’t help but feel her heart sink just a little.
“You know, I’ll give you some credit,” Black Rose said, leaning back a little so that her glossy hair hung loose behind her. “You’re actually taking this whole situation pretty well, considering how precious what you lost is.”
Aki smiled and leaned back too.
“Well, you didn’t see me when it happened,” she replied softly. “I was devastated. It felt like I had practically died. I didn’t handle it well then at all.”
“Hmph, well that’s no surprise, who wouldn’t be devastated by that? And of course you would feel like you had died. Considering how little magic there is in you, you quite literally almost did. But that’s why it’s surprising you’re in as good a condition as you are. Usually, I would expect such a drastic loss of magic to leave you incapacitated, possibly comatose. But physically, you seem to be doing fine. And even mentally, you seem to think pretty clearly. You haven’t succumbed to despair. So I’ll admit, I’m impressed.” Then she added with a narrow, sideways glance, “Don’t take that lightly, understand?”
Aki turned her head and nodded.
“Right, I won’t,” she said, smiling. “Thank you.”
Black Rose looked forward again, following the path of the stream until it disappeared among the trees. She thought for a moment, then without turning to Aki, she asked, “Tell me, what do you feel an affinity for?”
“Affinity,” Aki repeated.
“Yes. Everyone has something—maybe even several somethings—that they feel drawn to. Like it represents them in a way. Especially for those of us with magic. It almost always is related to the basic substance of our magic.”
Aki looked down at her lap for a moment.
“Hmm, I don’t think I ever thought about it too much before,” she began slowly. “But, I always liked being out in the garden. I liked taking care of everything there, monitoring their life, listening to them through the magic they had in their aura, learning what kinds of properties they had. I liked being around so much life.”
Black Rose laughed softly to herself.
“I knew it,” she whispered. “You really are one of mine.”
“What was that?” Aki asked.
But Black Rose waved her away.
“Nothing. So, you would say you feel an affinity for plants?”
“Generally, yes, I think so. But, I’d say I have a special affinity for anything that’s . . . a bit dangerous. Plants that are prickly or have thorns, or some kind of poison. Plants most people don’t want or avoid.”
Black Rose considered her for a moment, then held out a hand while a lock of her hair resting against her shoulder began winding up into the air as a vine. It circled around her arm like an affectionate snake all the way to her palm, while sharp thorns grew along its length in the opposite direction of her skin.
“I too feel drawn to such plants,” she said, her voice unusually kind. “If I won’t care for them, if I won’t love them, who else will?”
Aki watched for a moment in wonder as Black Rose stroked down the length of a particularly long thorn with her fingertip, then nodded.
All those years, she had wanted to show the same compassion Divine had shown her—had wanted to be as compassionate as he had been. He had inspired her deeply, engraving that desire in her heart to care for the unwanted, the unlovable.
Even though it had been a false lesson, a lie on his part, it still rang true to her. Even if he had been lying, her feelings had always been sincere. And she would be better than him. She would absolutely be better than him in every way.
“Tell me,” Black Rose said while watching her vine recede, winding backwards around her arm until it fell down as hair once again. “That Divine, when he was ‘teaching’ you, did he explain what the flow of your magic is? What you do when you’re connecting with the plants, communing with them?”
Aki blinked, rummaging through her memories for a moment to find such a lesson.
“No, I don’t think he did,” she answered. “I think, maybe . . . our styles of magic are a bit different. Because . . . I sometimes felt maybe there were some things he didn’t know. Things that seemed natural to me but he never mentioned.”
“Hm, well good,” Black Rose muttered contemptuously. “I would hate to think he could be of the same substance as me.”
Aki thought she hadn’t even known there were different substances when it came to magic, she had always assumed it was all the same, simply because she had never been told otherwise. But magic was apparently a thing with great variety, a great number of sources and attributes. Aki felt like her true education could finally begin—and she didn’t even have her magic to train with. What bitter irony.
“Well listen,” Black Rose continued. “I’ll explain how it works—for me and you. In essence, I’m redirecting magic from the earth through myself to where I want it to go. Normally, I do this to give extra life and vitality to whatever needs it—and since any single plant is so small, it’s no problem. The earth has plenty of magic in it to spare. It might be a different matter to try to heal an entire forest if it burned down, but I can’t be sure since I’ve never had to do something of that extent. Anyway, the point is that all of this redirection involves magic that is basically the same element. The earth, myself, the various plants—our life forces are very similar and we feed off of the same quality of magic.”
She looked at Aki directly.
“So, I would expect that when I direct magic from the earth and me into you that you would gain a similar vitalization that anything else I target does, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. It certainly harmonizes with you, but it slips out quickly like water in a sieve. Now, though I can tell your magic is similar and that you are compatible in spirit to me, it might be that out bodies are too dissimilar for my magic to take root in you.”
After letting that idea sink in, Aki said softly, “I see.”
“That’s just a possibility that I’m thinking of based on how things have been going. It could also be based on the fact that the plants are not magic users in the same way we are. They have it in their life force, but it’s not like they have any consciousness, they only do what their nature enables them to do. We are different. We have consciousness, we can do more than just the basic functions natural to the design of our bodies. And that means that any individual’s magic is unique to them—it’s a natural part of their very soul and body. If I redirect magic from the earth to plants, it’s the same magic they feed off of anyway, but if I pour my magic into you, even if it’s of the same basic substance, it still isn’t the unique magic that is yours. So your body and soul don’t accept it fully.”
“Wow,” Aki breathed. “I had no idea it was like that. I didn’t learn that from Divine.”
“I seriously wonder what exactly you did learn,” Black Rose huffed. “But anyway, that is also why I don’t understand how this Divine can be stealing magic from others and actually be able to use it. Naturally, he shouldn’t. His body and soul should reject any magic that isn’t his own.”
“Well, from what I understand, he needs help from magic objects to channel it.”
Black Rose looked at her, then looked down with a thoughtful frown.
“Hm, that makes sense. If he tried to take in that kind of magic directly into himself on its own . . . I can’t imagine the result would go well. If their substances aren’t compatible, I would expect it to tear his body apart.” She grinned maliciously. “I’d like to see that.”
Aki agreed.
“Maybe if I can break whatever it is he has that’s keeping my magic under control in him, he’ll break apart too when my magic rushes back to me.”
Black Rose’s teeth seemed to grow a little sharper in her grin.
Then she rose to her feet and grabbed Aki by the arm. Before Aki could stand, a gust of wind rose around them, Black Rose’s dress began to bloom with large red petals, and soon there was a whole cloud of them that caught the wind like sails, and Black Rose pulled Aki in close so that she could carry her to the ground, floating gently down with the petals keeping them perfectly balanced. When they landed, the excess petals scattered in all directions while the smaller ones on her dress stayed in place.
It really wouldn’t have taken much time to climb down, but Aki had to admit that the dramatic flair had been rather exciting.
“I just had a thought,” Black Rose announced without making any visible acknowledgment that she had done anything out of the ordinary. She released Aki and used both hands to pluck just a few of the smallest petals from her body. Aki watched curiously as she did, and looked down at them as Black Rose held them out delicately in her palm while the rest of the petals recoiled and smoothly transitioned back into their dress form.
“Here,” she said.
Aki looked up to Black Rose’s eyes, then back down at the petals, and slowly, carefully, reached out to pick them up. These had come right from Black Rose’s body, there was something sacred in that she had to honor.
“Eat these.”
Aki’s eyes snapped back to hers again.
Black Rose rolled her eyes.
“Don’t make me repeat myself.”
“I . . .”
“Are you going to refuse? When I gave you something of myself?” Black Rose asked challengingly with a raised eye brow.
“No, that’s not what I meant,” Aki answered quickly. “I just . . . it did come from you. I’m just . . . honored, that’s all.”
Black Rose’s eyebrow lowered, and she looked down at Aki with an expression that was approving, but still haughty.
“As you should be. Now go on, eat.”
Aki looked at the petals again. She had never just eaten rose petals before. She had used them as ingredients in mixtures, but never just plain like this. She wondered what it would be like.
And then she wondered, was there a specific etiquette for eating flower petals?
She felt too silly to ask, so she just laid them on her tongue. They were soft, and their flavor was light at first, but as she continued chewing, it grew and eventually filled her senses so fully it felt like she was breathing in the scent of an entire rose garden.
When she finally swallowed, Black Rose nodded, then held out her hand again. It was empty this time, and Aki filled it with her own. Black Rose set her other hand on top, and then light and warmth began to flow from her body into Aki’s through the channel their hands created. It was so lovely, like being surrounded by roses in the summer sun. If Aki closed her eyes, she could picture it so clearly.
After a minute, the heavy flow of the magic stopped, but this time . . .
This time, there was something left behind.
Aki’s eyes widened just a little.
Black Rose smiled.
“Ah, there we go.”
Her hand passed in the air over Aki’s face, down her chest to her abdomen, while Aki felt something like candle lights glowing dimly in the inner depths of her self.
“Well, it’s not a solution,” Black Rose admitted setting her hands on her hips. “But it’s something, I guess.” Then she smirked. “Heh, it actually worked.”
She gave her head a little triumphant toss.
“What is this?” Aki asked, setting her hands on her abdomen, though the lights she felt weren’t anywhere specifically linked to her body. They were just . . . there, inside her.
“Like I said, our own magic is tied to our body and soul. So, I gave you a little piece of my body, so now the magic I’ve given you has a little anchor it can latch onto. I doubt it’ll stay inside you for very long, but as long as you’ve got a bit of me in you, you can carry a little bit of my magic, too.” She pursed her lips. “I’m sure that only works because we’re so compatible though. I wouldn’t want to try the same thing with any of those others.”
And then Aki realized it wasn’t just the lights inside her that she could feel. There was . . . there was light outside as well. Light and life and magic flowing through the millions and millions of earthen arteries right there in that one little space. It was faint, like the candle lights, but it was there! She could feel it!
She felt tears well in her eyes as her body vibrated with the joy of reuniting with something familiar, something necessary. And she turned toward the tree and its tangled web of black roots and reached out. She felt the hum of its life within the root—it was old, and against her senses, it felt like a rich, deep bass, making the hair on her neck rise.
Her heart couldn’t decide if it wanted to sing or scream or sob.
She suddenly whipped around from the tree and launched into Black Rose, wrapping her arms tight around her and squeezing. Her tears fell into her hair as she buried her eyes against her shoulder.
“Thank you!” she whispered, overcome with emotion.
Black Rose looked down at her, a little stunned to be touched so suddenly and with such familiarity.
“Well, like I said, it’s only temporary,” she said awkwardly, unable to decide if she was comfortable with the embrace or not.
Aki shook her head.
“I don’t care,” she insisted. “I needed to feel this! I needed to feel . . .”
She lifted her face, and Black Rose saw how bright her eyes shined, even in the dim light—how beautiful they were.
“You’ve given me hope,” Aki said, her voice breaking, and the tears ran heavy down her cheeks, past her smile.
From her?
Black Rose had never felt hope, not since that day. She had only felt anger and hatred. How could someone like her be the source of hope for anyone?
But there it was, shining in Aki’s face, along with relief and joy and gratitude.
Black Rose stared, not knowing how to respond.
Finally Aki unwrapped her arms and wiped her eyes clear, still smiling. Black Rose watched as she breathed in deeply and tilted her head back while lifting her arms at her side, basking in the beauty of all the life she could once again feel all around her.
Yes, she had to get this back. She had to make her soul complete again. She had been so hopeless and devastated, but now, somehow, that had changed.
Now she felt determined.
This was a taste of what was waiting for her when they defeated Divine, when she and Yusei and Stardust and all the others finally had their victory. She would be restored in full, as would Stardust and any others that Divine had hurt, and Yusei would be acknowledged as the hero he was.
Yes, yes, she felt so much hope now! With just a little reminder of how it was supposed to be!
“Well,” Black Rose spoke up after a moment, still feeling uncertain about her own feelings, “why don’t we use this as an experiment and see how long this lasts? Then we can go from there.”
Aki lowered her head and, still smiling, still shining, looked at Black Rose and nodded.
“Ok, good idea.”
Black Rose didn’t even have it in her to give her usual snappy retort, “Of course it is,” because she just . . . had forgotten how beautiful someone could look when they shined with that much joy.
Just like . . . she always had.
Black Rose caught the lump in her throat before it went any higher and pushed it down, along with the sting in her eyes.
“Ehem, right, well, I’m done for now, so just let me know later.”
Black Rose forced herself to turn away and wander on her own away from that light.
It was just . . . too much for her.
Too much after being in darkness for so long.
“Oh, really?” Yusei asked softly after Aki had told him the story of her session with Black Rose. “That’s great, I’m glad you finally have someone who could tell you so much.”
“Yeah,” Aki murmured back. “Actually, I’m surprised she would, you know? It’s not like she’s one to open up to new people . . . or maybe any people.”
Yusei put a hand on hers. Everyone else was asleep in their camp space, but the two of them were sitting side by side on the soft forest floor against the trunk of a tree, and her hands were resting in her lap.
“You probably got through to her.”
Aki looked up from his hand to his eyes.
“She seems like she’s been lonely for a long time, and you were the right person to reach her heart.”
Aki looked down again, biting her bottom lip. Could she have really been something like that? Could she have been anything like what Yusei had been to her?
“I . . . I hope so,” she said under her breath. “I don’t want her to be alone . . . if she doesn’t really want to be.”
Yusei gave her hand a squeeze.
“If you do what feels right, if you just be yourself, you’ll be good for her, no matter what happens. You’ll let her see something good and honest and beautiful.”
Aki felt her stomach knot tightly and her chest burn. She couldn’t look at him at that moment, not after he had said something so touching, and sounded like it was such an easy thing for him to say.
No one had ever said something like that to her.
She stared hard at her hands—at his still on top of hers—and mumbled, “You’re saying . . . I can be like you.”
She heard him laugh quietly.
“You think I’m like that?”
She only glanced at him—caught the sight of his smile—before looking back down.
“You are like that,” she insisted. “You’re always honest, and yourself. Everything about you is good and . . . beautiful. You’re . . . the best person I’ve ever met.”
He didn’t say anything, but she could feel him looking at her.
And then it wasn’t just her chest that was burning. She felt it in her face too.
And in the rest of her.
It was rising up, an aura of warmth and light, like a halo around her body.
Yusei’s hand looked dark in contrast, and surprised, she pulled her hands away to look at her open palms.
“Aki?” he asked quietly. “Are you ok?”
She looked up to his eyes, which were somewhat concerned, but also shining with the glow reflected in them. She found herself staring for a moment, before a few tiny lights suddenly flickered in the air between them.
Aki blinked and shifted her gaze to the lights—to realize they were fireflies.
Yusei too shifted his gaze to them as they bounced and flickered around, whirling around Aki and her soft glow. Her face lit up—not just from the light, but from the wonder that bloomed in her heart. She lifted a hand, as if she couldn’t help herself, as if she wasn’t even thinking, and quickly several of the fireflies gathered around it.
“I can feel them too,” she murmured, a smile spreading across her face.
“Yeah?” he said, captivated by her expression more than anything else.
“Yeah,” she confirmed, slowly waving her hand through the air—first one way, then another, and the fireflies followed, their little bodies growing brighter and dimmer in waves. “They feel like buzzing.” She put her other hand over her chest. “In here.”
Yusei could only try to imagine what she was feeling, what the experience of her magic was like, but to him, seeing the way she experienced it was beautiful enough.
And then she rose to her feet, keeping her hand out in front of her as a beacon for the fireflies to dance around. And more were coming. He didn’t know where they all had been all this time until now, but wherever they had been, they must have felt her aura and been drawn to it immediately. Aki took a few steps, and she looked magical, with her own body emitting a soft, warm glow and what seemed like hundreds of tiny lights flickering excitedly as they spun around her, each in its own chosen pattern. She lifted both of her arms, and the fireflies moved with them, making way and then finding a new orbit around them.
Yusei heard her laugh to herself, watched her tilt her head back and spin on her feet freely in delight, and he felt a tight grip in his chest.
He was fighting for this.
To bring this beauty and light and joy back to her.
This was her natural state, he felt, he knew. He couldn’t let her continue living emptied of this anymore. He felt his determination as naturally as he felt his awe.
To his mind, the fireflies looked like hundreds of shooting stars circling her, and she had become the sun, spinning and laughing as she lost herself in the magic that coursed through her.
Aki, he thought, feeling a buzz in his own head, too.
And then he felt something push up against the bottom of his chin, closing his mouth, which he hadn’t even realized was open.
He looked over, and there was Stardust, glancing sideways with a smirk while he kept holding two fingers under Yusei’s chin.
Yusei blinked. He hadn’t even noticed Stardust slip up beside him. Had he been that entranced?
Stardust raised an eyebrow, a silent, You ready to handle this yourself now? And Yusei nodded, with gratitude to his companion for having prevented such a face from being seen by anyone else.
So Stardust pulled his hand away and crossed his arms comfortably, and Yusei returned his gaze to Aki, who was holding one arm fully outstretched and drawing waves in the air as she rotated, creating a fluttering trail of fireflies behind her hand.
And yes, of course.
Of course he had been that entranced.
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summerrrluvvv · 4 years
Chapter 9: part 2
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“Alright Henny and coke got you” I said to this Man at the bar. As I went to go make the drink, I seen Zion standing at the bar looking at md, she gave me a small smile. “Hey!” She yelled over the music. I just looked at her and walked off to finish making the drink. She already left me 10 missed calls and 4 voice mails and a lot of text messages. I mean I forgive her, and I want her no doubt, but I slick felt some type of way like she used me. I brought the man his Henny and coke. It was two other bartenders so I could slip away for a little minute just to see what she has to say. I signaled her to follow me out back. When we got outside, I lit me a blunt and leaned up against the wall. “What’s up?” I asked her. I was looking at her and She was looking good. “Look, Kyrel I don’t want you to be mad at me okay, I just, I’m scared that when I go back to Atlanta I will miss you and I haven’t been this attached since my first heart break, and I apologize for how I said things last night, I care for you it’s just I’m not ready to give my all this felt much better and safe when I thought we both knew this was a fling” She said. I shook my head at her. “But it’s not, when I met you, I wanted you, and I was dead set on making you mine, okay”. She just looked at me, “Ky, look I understand that. Most men be all over me and want me and pine for me, niggas even stalk me, but nobody has ever flipped the script on me where I cared about how I made them feel. I feel really bad, I feel really scared and I feel butterflies when I’m with you and I think maybe yes I’m falling for you, and I’m hard to get, so that’s just a weird feeling, I haven’t felt in forever”. I shrugged my shoulders, “So what Z, you want us to be together or what? Cause of this is just a game you can save all the bullshit” I stressed to her. The back door flew open, it was my homie Maurice, he was emptying the trash and probably coming to smoke a cigarette. “What’s up boss” He said to me dapping me up. “Oh, hell nah” Zion said. Maurice clenched his jaw. “You know this bitch?” He said. I looked him crazy cause why was he calling her out her name like that. “Nah homie I need you to watch your mouth” I said. He smirked. “Oh, this you playa?” He said laughing. I looked at Zion. “You know Maurice?” I asked her. She looked pissed. “Yea I know this nigga” I looked between them trying to figure out what was going on between my homie and the girl I might make my girl. “Remember the shorty I told you about that’s her” Maurice told me. He came in mad talking about a girl he fucked and how she left him hanging after dinner he was dogging her out. I felt like killing somebody. Because here she was in my face pleading with me when she fucked my homie not even a full day went by. “You fucked my homie?” I asked her. She looked at me confused. “What?” She asked. “Come on baby tell my dawg how I bussed in them guts earlier” Maurice said smirking. I looked at her. “Is it true?” I asked. She sucked her teeth in and shook her head. “If you believe anything out this slimey ass grimey ass nigga mouth then nigga we done” She said to me. “So how you know him?” I asked. She rolled her eyes. “He asked me out and I went out with him but then I realized he was a clown and for the record I only went out with him to try to get my mind off of you, you wasn’t calling me back so I thought I should just continue doing me, and yes doing me is meeting a nigga to make me feel good for the night then dip but he wasn’t worth none of my time, it only was a 45minute meet up before this nigga told me he wanted to fuck me and drive around in my car with his bum ass” She snapped. I shook my head not only was she trying to play me she went out with my home boy and maybe fucked him. “So, you lying to me? Why are you even here Zion if you needed a nigga to make you feel good?” I asked. She slightly laughed. “For the record, I would never sleep with this motherfucker and I have fucked worst niggas but the whole time I realized, I wanted the way you made me feel so after wards I came over here to see you to fix shit with you, but fuck this. If you want to believe him cool but at least I tried”. I had a lot of pride in me. She looked at me. I looked away. She sucked her teeth at me. “Whatever” She said, I watched her shake her head and go back inside to leave. I wanted to go after her. I tossed the blunt to follow her inside, by the time I got in there she had left. “Damn it”. I said. Maurice was right me, “Man fuck that hoe ass bitch”. I grabbed him and dragged him into the bathroom. “Why you lie about fucking her?” I asked. Maurice just smirked. I grabbed his shirt and pinned him to the wall. “Man, cause I don’t know, you believed it, plus that bitch embarrassed me and had me banned from the lounge!” I threw him into a staw. “Stop calling her out her name!” I yelled before walking off. My dumb ass had to do some dumb shit. If Maurice did not come outside shit would have been back good between but I had to let my pride take over.
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I woke up with a headache, from smoking all that damn weed and drinking all that liquor. I looked at my phone to see missed calls from Diamond. “Damn It” I said to myself. I rolled over and got out of bed and looked for my clothes. I forgot I had to meet Diamond for brunch so we can talk about our relationship. I listened to my voicemail from her. “Samar where the hell are you, we have reservations at the Potato bar 12:30, its 11:20!” She stressed. I sighed and looked at the clock it was 11:45 I needed to get to Diamond. My phone started ringing again, I seen it was Diamond. “Yo baby girl I’m sorry Tye and I got lit last night and passed out with her friends” I lied. I heard Tye softly groaning. I looked over and seen her turnover. “Samar hurry up and get here” Diamond said. “I got you” I said hanging up. “Where you are going?” Tye asked. “To Brunch with Di” I said looking for my shit so I can leave. “Why are you going out with her after we just fucked Samar, you not even taking a shower with yo nasty ass!” She snapped. I sighed “Yo don’t start this bugging shit, you been spazzing lately, you know how I feel about Diamond” I said annoyed as fuck. She threw a pillow at me. “Your full of shit Samar why would you go out with that bitch after she fucked somebody while yall was together?” She started getting up and putting on her clothes.Diamond had gone on tour with Brent Fiayaz and ended up fucking him on tour, she apparently got pregnant but then got an abortion and lied about to me. “Yo why you bring that’s shit up?” I asked. She knew how I felt about that situation. She rolled her eyes. “Samar what the hell are we doing?” She asked. I shrugged “Whatchu mean? I told you what it was” she put her hand on her hip and what the fuck is it? You get your relationship right with that bitch then fuck me when its convenient for you Samar, what are we like fuck buddies now? From best friends to fuck buddies. Let me know Samar because I need to just move on”. I shook my head, “Nah I’m not about to let you fuck another nigga Tye”, She opened her door and stood there with her arms crossed “Samar I don’t want to do this anymore” She said. “Do what Tye?” I sighed. “This, you trying to tell me who I can fuck and who I can date like a side chick. Samar I’m sorry for fucking this shit up, we should have never complicated things, I need space from you” She said. I smirked at her cause she just talking. “Ima come over later I promise” I said trying to grab her cheeks and kiss her. She pushed my hands out her face. “Damn you really mad?” I said laughing, I cannot Tye serious she always gone be there like we besties she aint going nowhere this just a little baby ass issue, she will get over it. She mugged the fuck out of me. “Samar get your shit and get the fuck out and don’t come back over here later, I said what the fuck I said. You not my nigga and you don’t want to be, so let’s just stop this shit where it’s at we fucked twice that’s it yeah we have feelings that you don’t really take into consideration and loving you without you knowing was better than this” I shook my head at her, “Aight Tye Whatever” I looked at her holding my stuff. “What? You can go” She told me. I walked out her room and she slammed the door on me. I went downstairs and let myself out, this girl was tripping.
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“Here you go” Daryl the sprint guy said to me handing me my phone. I felt relieved to know my shit was fixed. Melody was on my mind heavy, so I dialed her number. It rang a few times before she answered. “Hello?” She said. “Hey, can I see you and we talk?” I asked. She breathed into the phone. “Yeah”. Okay, give me like 25minutes aight” I said before I hung up the phone. Trey and Freddie had met up with me in the food court. “Aye new phone who dis nigga” Trey said laughing. Freddie had a little baddie with him. I looked at Freddie and he smirked. “Keyshawn this is my bro Isaac, Isaac this my little shorty Keyshawn” He introduced us. I smiled at her and shook her hand. My homies been pulling baddies left and right. “Well, I need the whip again today” I said. Trey smirked. “Mel?” He asked. I shrugged, “Man don’t worry about it” I told him. “My home girl Neesha having a little kick back so yall can just ride with me” Keyshawn said. Freddie nodded and threw me the keys. “Be safe dawg”. I nodded. I left the mall and went to the parking deck. I got in the rental and put her GPS in. Bryson Tiller “Been That Way” started playing “I wanna know how we became so distant girl, the way we fell in love it was almost instant, I’m trying to find a way around it, girl tell me how you feel about it, you still love me that’s the way it sounded, Thank God I would have never found this”. I drove to her Airbnb just listening to the lyrics.  “Baby it’s been that way, Baby it’s been that way. Baby I still feel the same, something I got to maintain listen to me when I say baby its always, its always been that way”. I guess my phone knew I was in my feelings cause Miguel “Sure Thing” played next and I was 5 minutes from her place, “Even when the sky comes falling, even when the sun don’t shine. I got faith in you and I so put your pretty little hand in mine. Even when we down to the wire baby, even when its do or die. We can do it baby simple and plain cause this love is Sure Thing, you can bet that never got to sweat that” I sang along. I texted Mel and let her know I was pulling up. It was like 5:15 pm.
She waited for me at the door. She had on boy shorts and an oversize crop top with her hair in two buns. When I walked in, she looked at me awkwardly. Music was playing throughout the house. I see Tye was rolling up weed on the kitchen bar stool. “What’s up Tye?” I said greeting her. She smiled and waved “Hey Isaac”. “Aye you got another blunt?” I asked her. She nodded; I passed her $10 she shook her head. “You good”. I nodded. “You clutch with it, you know I always fucks with you” I told Tye, she just laughed. Melody led me to the back yard. It was a big ass pool with a waterfall out there and a little bar area. We had to walk down some stairs to get to the yard, so we just sat on the steps. I grabbed my lighter out my fanny pack I had across my body. I lit the blunt and started smoking to ease my nerves. Melody started playing with her hands, then she stood up and started talking. “I went on a date last night” She said. I could feel the jealousy in me rising. “A date, with that nigga?” I asked. She slowly nodded. “I wanted to be honest with you”. I was mad not going to lie. “So, what he hit?” I asked. I looked at her and she looked at me, I was looking into her eyes to see if she would lie or not. She shook her head. “No”. I could tell she was telling the truth, but she seemed uneasy. “You ain’t do nothing?” I asked. She sighed and laid her head in her hands. “We kissed that’s it” She said. I was picturing her and this nigga, shit making my skin crawl, I felt sick as fuck. “So why we are talking then Melody?” I asked. Why she ain’t with this nigga then. “Because I can’t get you out of my head or my heart, it felt okay at the moment but then I had to stop because shit could have gone far and I would have been disgusted in myself cause you know that ain’t me Isaac, I feel like my body is yours okay, like I only want you to kiss me and you to touch me not anybody else it doesn’t feel right”. I wanted to be mad at her for kissing this nigga and going on the date but honestly after the other night she probably thought I was done with her. “Why you even go on the date?”. I asked her. She shrugged “I figured we was for real done, so I thought maybe I could get my mind off you but that’s it” I watched her looking stressed. I just palmed my face. “What’s up with you and that thotty you left the Pajama Party with? Tye saw you with?” She said. I sighed because I forgot all about Shorty, even her name. “Aight look I was drunk as hell and mad about you and Ole boy so yes I took her home, did we fuck yeah almost she just gave me head and she barely did that, you was blowing my shit up and she left.” I admitted. “So, when you get mad at me you try to fuck other hoes, that’s what we are doing?” She asked mad. I shook my head irritated. “Mel, right now we still sorting shit out, yes I got mad at you and dude, and yes I thought if you left with him you was fucking him and I wanted to just get mind off you and this nigga, and I felt crazy about it after you left and I broke my phone, but I’m here right now letting you know that I do want to be with you and I don’t want no other man to have you, Shit makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about this man kissing you, touching you” I said feeling all this emotion I try to avoid showing. She just looked at me and started crying a little. “Come here bruh” I said. She got up and looked at me I brought her closer to me so she could sit in my lap facing me. “You going to see this nigga again?” I asked her, looking her straight in the eyes. She shook her head. “No, it’s not fair to him for me to be in love with somebody else and lead him on, But I do need to let him know” She told me. Man fuck that nigga she can leave homie hanging. “Man, aight”. We just looked at each other before she brought her lips to mine and we were making out. My hands trailed down to her ass and softly grabbed it. “Mmm” She moaned into the kiss. I broke the kiss before things got to intense. “Go break things off with homeboy” I told her she slowly nodded. “Okay fine”. She got up off my lap and we both got up from the bench. “I want us to get to know each other again, and I want to take you out and get to know you and date you the proper way” I said. She smiled and nodded her head. “Alright”.
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“Hey Ri-Ri it’s Ant again, I’m calling you from my homie phone cause I know you blocked me but I just want to say I’m sorry mami, It wasn’t would it looked like. Nina is my ex we were just catching up” I said over the voicemail I left for Ariana. I knew she was pissed and probably thought I was playing her, but I was not, I really went to go meet up with Nina because I needed to clear my head. I was scared about what I am feeling for Ariana and I had not felt that way since Nina and I broke up. I wanted to see if I had finally moved on from her and I did. I called Ariana again, she finally picked up “Hello, who is this?” She asked sounding sleepy. “It’s Anthony, I wanted to know If I could see you so we can talk” I asked. She groaned annoyed “There’s nothing to talk about Anthony I saw you out with another girl” She said. “Look I can explain, can we please meet up?” I asked. She sighed “Fine, I will meet you at the beach” She said. We hung up, and I got up and prepared myself to meet Ari at the beach. I got in my car and headed over. When I got there, I seen Ariana leaning on The Rental Jeep going through her phone. She had her hair in a scarf and some basket balls shorts and over size tee shirt with slides on. I got out my car and went over to her. She looked at me mad as hell. “So say what the fuck you got to say, because I don’t have the time for any more bullshit” She said. “Well first of all why was you drunk at the restaurant?” I asked her curious. She shrugged, “Because for your information I met up with Marlon, he was apologizing for how he acted and that was it then I stayed to drink by myself if you really needed to know” I smirked at her irritated she got me out here trying to apologize when she was meeting up with that nigga. “So you tripping on me but you was with Marlon?” I asked. She put crossed her arms getting upset. “Nigga, I didn’t hear from you all damn day and yes I went to hear what he needed to say I was on a date like you were avoiding my calls, you know what I’m leaving” She said, I quickly grabbed her arm. She snatched her arm away from me. “Don’t touch me” She snapped. I put my hands up in defense. “I’m sorry Ari, I just don’t like how he did you” I said. She sucked her teeth at me. “Excuse me? You did me the same way fucked me then disappeared to a new bitch or is that your girlfriend or wife?” She asked. I shook my head. “No, Nina is my ex okay. I was getting cold feet about us and I wanted to make sure I was fully over her before I pursued anything with you because before you came we had been broken up for like atleast 2 months, and we had been together for a year. She was the first girl I ever loved, and I was torn over her when I found out she had got with another man when she was with me, and I wanted to make sure it was nothing there that was it” I said to her. She started laughing. “So let me get this straight, you ignored me all damn day to see if you still loved another bitch nigga just save all the bullshit, this shit is over between us. I won’t be played off no goofy shit okay?” She stated. She unlocked her car doors. “Ari it’s not like that, I just wanted to give myself to you fully without having feelings maybe for Nina, that was it” I told her hoping she would understand. She shook her head. “Just leave me the hell alone Anthony” She said before getting her car and leaving. “Fuck!” I stressed. I pulled out my phone thinking if she will not believe me maybe she will believe Nina, I told her how I felt about Ariana that day at the restaurant. “Hey Nina, can you do me a favor?”.
0 notes
paisleywraith · 7 years
Curses, Curses. Chapter 8
Junior year is often considered the most difficult year of high school. Kyle would agree with that on a regular day, he didn’t need some magical bullshit wriggling its fingers at him and turning him into an ass-old Bill Murray movie reboot.
Kyle woke up alone.
He didn’t want to look at his phone. He didn’t want to know if the day had restarted again, leaving him entirely by himself once again. He reached across the bed even though he knew Kenny wasn’t there, palm resting on the fluffy comforter.
Kyle closed his eyes.
He was alone.
The silence was so loud it rang in his ears.
Kyle dressed slowly, pulling his sweater over his head and sitting down on his bed to stare at his shoes rather than put them on.
Kenny’s thought that telling Kyle his secret would solve everything clearly didn’t work. Kenny…
Now Kyle was forced to think of Kenny dying, of himself and Stan standing by to watch and move around their day like nothing happened. Of Kenny, as a child, lying cold and dead in pieces or blood seeping into the ground. How many times had he tried to tell them? Kenny didn’t have anyone to believe him. How he hadn’t gone crazy over it, Kyle had no idea. How he hadn’t come to hate his friends, Kyle equally didn’t know. And wasn’t entirely sure he didn’t, in the back of his mind.
Kyle flopped back on the bed.
Kenny had been trapped for years. And apparently no matter what he said, what he tried, he was left alone to deal with the consequences. Kyle hadn’t asked many more questions, but the questions were burning into his brain. Why? Why had this happened to Kenny, why had this happened to him? Neither of them were bad people, neither of them deserved this. Kenny least of all, Kyle at least wasn’t hurt and wasn’t dying. Thankfully.
He ended up calling in sick. He curled up in bed, eyes reddened and underlined with dark circles and his parents believed him entirely that he was ill. Ike stood in the doorway and made fun of him before offering to make him lunch. Kyle gently turned food down and pulled the blankets further around himself.
The day dragged.
There was nothing he could do. Kenny lived with this for years, what if Kyle was going to be forced to live the day over forever? The thought made his eyes burn and he buried his face into his pillow. God, what if he never got to move past today?
Kyle genuinely started shedding tears then, frustrated and angry and scared as all hell. Was he ever going to die? Was he going to keep living Thursday until he finally lost his mind? Because even now he could barely take this. He wasn’t holding it together very well and it had only been…ten…days? Was it eleven? Kyle couldn’t remember, he couldn’t even remember anymore how long it had been.
Shaking, he reached for his phone and typed in the number he knew by heart. He needed answers to something.
Kyle B: Kenny, it’s Kyle.
He didn’t have to wait long for a reply.
Kenny M: wassup
Kyle B: I need to talk to you after work, okay? Come by my house. Might be best you don’t use the front door?
If he came up like Mysterion, Kyle could just lock his door and keep conversation quiet. He wasn’t about to tell his family any of this. Of course, Kenny had a field day with the instructions, much as Kyle had expected last night.
Kenny M: kyle, u smooth fucker
Kenny M: sneakin boys in ur bedroom wow
Kyle didn’t even crack a smile. Or a blush.
Kyle B: I know you can’t die, Ken.
He had radio silence for about ten minutes. Kyle didn’t message again, but held his phone in front of his face, tapping it every time it tried to turn itself off.
Kenny M: I’m on my way.
Kyle was startled by how quickly Kenny got to his house. It wasn’t even an hour before he heard Kenny scaling his house like a damn rock climber, slipping in the already-open window as Kyle stood aside.
Kenny immediately grabbed Kyle’s shoulders, fingernails cutting through his baggy tshirt.
“What the fuck.” Kenny’s voice was eerily calm, even as he stared into Kyle’s soul with wild-looking eyes. He gave Kyle a little shake. “Was with that message?”
“Ken, I’ve told you this for days, I’m reliving the same day over on a loop,” Kyle let the words tumble out. Onto the Big Thing. “Last night, you told me you can’t die. That I’ve watched you die, or- or kill yourself, and I- Stan and I, and I think everyone? We don’t remember anything.”
“And you believe me?” Kenny asked, fingers squeezing harder.
“I just said I’m reliving the same damn day over and over, Kenny. Of course I believe you, fuckwit.”
Kenny swallowed. Then he yanked Kyle in for a hug, nearly squeezing the life from him.
“Kyle, you amazing asshole.” Kenny spun around, taking Kyle with him. He kissed the top of his head with an exaggerated mwah.
Kyle squawked as he tried to break out of the snuggle. Kenny let him go, and Kyle was finally able to take a breath.
“Sorry, sorry, just-” Kenny reached for him, moving his hands away and back again until he was almost cupping his face. “Yeah. Okay. You’re stuck in a time loop. How can I help? Let me help you.”
Kyle ducked away from the hands, face hot.
“You’ve been trying,” The green-eyed boy murmured. “For over a week.”
“Right. Yeah.” Kenny took his hands back, chewing his lower lip. “You said that was why I told you. Right.” His bright blue eyes seemed to focus finally. “What’s happened so far?”
“Nothing.” Kyle sat back down on his bed, rubbing a hand through his tangled curls. “Nothing we try works. I’ve gone different places, talked to different people. I can’t remember how many days it’s been anymore. I’m starting to forget the first couple days and it’s been under two weeks, I know.”
Kenny sat as well, on the ground in front of Kyle. He was still in the same hoodie, looking up with soft mosaic eyes. Kyle pulled the fleece blanket from his bed and tossed it on Kenny. The boy snorted softly and pulled it off his head, wrapping it around him with a soft, sad sort of smile.
“Huh,” Kenny said, running his thumb over the blanket corner. “Sounds like me, leading you around in circles. Have you told anyone else?”
“Well, I was put into a mental ward for a while, once. I told Stan yesterday and you convinced him I wasn’t insane.”
“Good old Stan,” Kenny said wistfully. “Do you want to get him?”
“No,” Kyle said immediately. After last night, he had a different agenda. Kyle leaned forward off the bed, closer into Kenny’s space. “First I want to talk about what you told me.”
It was like a switch. Kenny’s smile turned plastic, stretched far too wide across his face. “Kyle,” Kenny had a laughing lilt to his voice, one that made Kyle scowl. “I think we need to focus on one problem for now.”
“Okay, let’s talk about the fact you’re fucking dying and I don’t remember any of it.” Kyle didn’t just push, he shoved.
Kenny wasn’t even smiling anymore. “Kyle…” He seemed to be struggling for the rest of his sentence. Kyle waited, eyes locked and still in Kenny’s space.
“Why’d I have to come in the window, anyhow?” Kenny asked, as if he’d just thought of it. “I get that I’m not the kind of boy you bring home to your parents, but jeez, Kyle. Way to make me feel liked.”
“Oh, fuck that,” Kyle said, leaning back again and crossing his arms. “You know I hate when you say shit like that, I’m not going to get into it. I want to talk about you.”
Kenny’s jaw was tight. His gaze flit to Jewish boy’s again, and for an instant Kyle could see Mysterion in those eyes. Fierce and unwavering and a little bit angry.
“Kenny.” He was happy Kyle knew, but he didn’t want to talk about it. The shiplash was grating on Kyle’s nerves. “I just have a few questions.”
“…I don’t want to talk about how or when.” Kenny grit out.
“Then we won’t.” Kyle’s voice was unwavering as well, and his greenish eyes didn’t shift from the boy in front of him. He watched Kenny sigh. “I want to know. Are you okay?”
Whatever question Kenny had been anticipating, it definitely wasn’t that. He reeled back, startled, then smiled again.
“Are you, Kyle?” He asked lightly, flopping backwards onto the ground and stretching. “Do you feel okay?”
“No,” Kyle couldn’t stop the snap in his voice even if he felt inclined to. “That’s why I’m asking you, dumbass. I had to deal with hearing you last night, you were almost freaking out, you sounded fucking terrified and I couldn’t even go to school today, it was so- it-”
Kenny’s demeanor shifted again, into something quiet. He wrapped the blanket around himself, curling away from Kyle it what he probably thought was a smooth enough move that the redhead wouldn’t notice he was trying to face away from him.
Kyle fucking noticed.
“Don’t even start with me,” Kyle warned, throwing his pillow at him. Kenny took it and nuzzled down as if to sleep. “Goddamn it, Kenny.”
“Look,” Kenny was on his stomach now, hugging the pillow against him and looking over. “How about we go out? Grab a snack, get away from the parents? You’re getting loud, Ky.”
“I don’t care!” Kyle hissed.
“Don’t care that your parents are gonna find you snuck a boy into your room?” Kenny asked, waggling his eyebrows.
“It’s not like it’s the first time!” Kyle snapped, face red.
Kenny’s eyes widened, a look of shock covering his face for a second before grinning. “Kyle! You player-”
“I MEANT YOU!” Kyle hollered, cheeks darkening to a vivid hue. Kenny was now laughing so hard he was gasping.
“C’mon, we gotta get out of here,” Kenny managed, tears still in his eyes. “Get an excuse and meet me outside, you playboy.”
“Don’t you ever call me that again, Kenneth.”
“Or what?” Kenny was already up, sing-songing his way to the window. “Don’t threaten me, babe. You’re going to hurt my feelings.”
Kyle went to put his shoes on and tug a sweater over his head, grumbling about feet up asses and how hurt feelings would be then.
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backofthebiketours · 4 years
Ho Chi Minh City Shoes Shopping : An Ultimate in Depth Guide
Imagine haggling for shoes in Ho Chi Minh City, many of you will fantasize about bargaining a great deal in the famous Ben Thanh Market. What if I told you this isn’t the best place to get a deal on good quality shoes? I wrote this article to give my readers a better insight on where to actually get quality shoes for a good price. I’ll help you dodge the majority of overpriced fakes peddled in the major tourist markets.
Using my expertise as a Vietnamese girl and a shoe fanatic, I’ll be showing you where I personally recommend buying shoes, how to inspect for quality and where to strike a bargain on high-quality shoes of all kinds. I’ll also discuss pricing so you can avoid overpaying when shopping for shoes in Saigon.
What Should You Know Ho Chi Minh City Shoes Shopping?
The footwear market in Vietnam is huge and diverse. There are many factories in Vietnam and surrounding countries manufacturing Shoes for the rest of the world. Which means travelers worldwide frequently shop for shoes when traveling to a big city in South East Asia. These travellers salivate over the idea of a great pair of brand name shoes for half the price. Here comes the truth…. You cannot find factory rejects in such big and iconic markets like the Ben Thanh Market. The truth is that most shoppers are being duped into buying low quality fakes at a high price. Any well-known shoe brands you see in Ben Thanh Market and Saigon Square are fake.
Without these tips chances are you’re going to waste a huge amount of money in return for something that is about to tear apart within a couple of weeks, or even days. Don’t make the mistake of expecting high quality at an incredibly cheap price anywhere that is known to cater to only tourists.
Okay, so that was the hard truth that might deflate some dreams of bringing back 12 pairs of legit Nike sneakers to the US for $100. Not all is lost though! I’m gonna give you some great tips on looking for quality shoes in Ho Chi Minh City, even if you are shopping in iconic places like the Ben Thanh Market.
Useful Tips to Identify Good-Quality Shoes
First, let’s discuss how to identify good-quality shoes that deserve the amount of money you pay for them. Depending on which kind of shoes you’re getting specifically, the criteria may vary. Here are four crucial tips to tell if a shoe is well-made or not.
If The Price Seems too Good to Be True, It is
Who doesn’t love a good deal? It’s such a rewarding feeling when you walk out of the store in a stunning pair of shoes after paying only a few bucks for them. That initial joy may turn sour after few weeks or even days. Your “victory” will soon break your heart as the heel is falling off or the leather is horribly scratched.
One big tip to avoiding a scam when buying shoes are to look at the price tag. I’m not advising you to buy something that costs a fortune but make sure you raise your eyebrow at a price that seems too good to be true.
In general, a good pair of shoes barely go for under $10 USD. Well-manufactured shoes cost a lot during the making process, from designing, using the right material, seaming, shipping and so on.
If you happen to get an offer of $20 USD for a pair of brand name sneakers in Ben Thanh Market or Saigon Square, you’ll know what to do!
The Tags Says it All
Checking the tags sewn on the tongue or side liner is another way to identify the quality of the item you have in your hands. Pay attention to the font, size, and colors of each digit and letter. Are they equally colored? Do they look even from letter to letter? How is it printed or sewn into the shoes?
If a tag is glued carelessly or blurred out, chances are those shoes are not gonna last as long as you would want them to. An authentic, well-made shoe should present its size on the inside or along the sole. If this is missing, I don’t recommend purchasing that shoe.
Check on the texture, color, and size
This may sound like a bizarre qualifier but premium shoes are barely covered with a flashy and flamboyant pigment. A quality shoe will look natural and eye-pleasing to customers. Poor-quality shoes sometimes come in showy colors with fun or random stickers. These shoes are much more likely to become faded and blurred shortly after a little bit of wear and tear.
The seaming lines play a big role in telling if the shoes are worth it or not. If you spot out careless stitches that are rough and off-balance, the shoe is probably low-quality.
Don’t be afraid to take a closer look at the shoe to try and check for its quality. These types of defects are meant to be hidden and only discoverable to a suspicious and diligent customer.
One of the most essential steps during the making of shoes is that the shoemakers will use their shoe own forms to produce a standard pair of shoes. These mechanical forms provide a shape similar to a human foot. This step ensures people feel comfy and confident in their walk without feeling stiff and painful.
Knowing this clearly will help you identify poor-quality shoes as most of the fakes or low-quality shoes look stiff, coarse, and they apparently don’t follow the structure of the human feet.
Take 'Em for a Test Spin
Lastly, before you decide to purchase, make sure you walk around and double check to see how comfy it makes you feel. Sometimes the low quality of a shoe isn’t evident until you put it to use.
Shoes Markets in Ho Chi Minh City
Bargaining for shoes in local Markets, or anywhere else for that matter, brings a certain feeling for shopaholic travellers. The intensity of a bargain as you haggle to get a great deal but the seller isn’t budging, finally you walk away, but then wait! The dealer suddenly offers their “very best price”. In that treasured moment you feel like a champion ready to battle with every vendor in the market.
In this section, I’ll introduce the various markets where you may choose to do your haggling battles. Each market will vary so you’ll have to understand the market before you jump in and start shopping.
Ben Thanh Market
Ben Thanh Market is large. Spanning over 13,000 square meters with four different entry gates on each side. The footwear section is near the East Gate, which is written as "Cua Dong" in Vietnamese. You can easily navigate there by following Phan Chu Trinh street.
Ben Thanh market is overflowing with fake shoes of all various makes and models from Nike, Doc Martens, Puma, or any other brand you can think of. Keep a cool head, Use our tips about quality shoes to navigate to a vendor offering a decent product. A pair of shoes here should cost around $7 USD to $15 USD depending on its quality.
That will not be the starting price though. This is a tourist market where this vendor has another customer 10 minutes later who will pay way more than a wise shopper like yourself will pay.
Address:  Le Loi Street, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 7 AM – 7 PM
Saigon Square
Compared to Ben Thanh Market, Saigon Square seems to be a better option for shopping regarding quality and price. This is also a great place to shop for those who don’t want to haggle or bargain. All of the prices here are set and most vendors won’t bargain.
Saigon Square is home to a massive collection of good-quality shoes made in Vietnam. Many native and Vietnamese from abroad like Saigon Square as their favorite market for shopping for this reason. Keep in mind that you should never expect to find original brand shoes here at a bargain, because any famous brands you see here are fakes. The fakes here should be high quality, and the selling price for them will be much cheaper than what you are told at other famous markets in Ho Chi Minh City.
81 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street, District  1, Ho Chi Minh City
176 Hai Ba Trung Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 9 AM - 9 PM
An Dong Market
An Dong Market is one of the biggest wholesale markets in Saigon. This is an ideal place if you are searching for a good shoe supplier to export or purchase in big quantities for your own retail shop. The shoes you'll find here usually come from Guangzhou, Thailand, South Korea, Cambodia, or Vietnam. Due to such a huge selection of goods, the price range and quality here varies accordingly.
Address: Cong Truong An Dong, Ward 9, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 5:30 AM - 8 PM
Binh Tay Market
If Ben Thanh is the biggest retail market in Saigon, Binh Tay is the largest wholesale market. Most of the products here, including shoes are imported from China. They come in various models and types such as sneakers, sports shoes, sandals, flip flops and kids’ footwear.
As a wholesale market, buying shoes in small quantity is difficult and more expensive than purchasing wholesale. That’s why it’s easy to understand that sometimes the sellers refuse to sell when you want to buy shoes in just a small quantity.
Since their goods are only for wholesales buyers. Not every shop is the same, so depending on the vendor, they may or may not agree to sell shoes in small quantities.
Address: 57A Thap Muoi, Ward 2, District 6, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 6 AM - 7 PM
Russian Market
This is the only place in town where you can guarantee you will find large shoe sizes for both women and men. Most of the other stores in Saigon offer a normal size range for the Vietnamese feet. If you look for a size up to 45 or 49, Russian Market is the one place you should visit.
The merchandise here is mostly made in Vietnam for export to Russia or Europe. Hence, the size of both clothes and shoes are much bigger than typical Vietnamese wear. If you are looking for larger western sizes, then the Russian Market is a great option.
The shopkeepers here are friendly and respectful, so don’t worry about being pestered to buy. The opposite of what you will experience at the Ben Thanh Market. Please note that all of the prices here are fixed so haggling is not needed.
In our video, I met a really nice gentlemen with a good shoe store in the market is name is Hoang and is stall is "Shop D35 Lau 1 Cho Nga"
You can call him at 0932828985
Address: 328 Vo Van Kiet Street, Co Giang Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
Opening hours: 9 AM - 7 PM.
Shoe Shopping in Ho Chi Minh City Malls
The shopping malls in Vietnam are where you will find multiple famous shoe brands. Some of them include Nike, Stradivarius and Zara. Don’t expect to grab a pair of Nike at a cheaper price than the price offered back in your hometown. Brand name shoes in Vietnam are quite expensive if you want the real deal. There are sometimes deals and clearance sales just like everywhere else, so hitting up a shopping mall for a bargain might be a fun treasure hunt for a shoe shopper. Below is a list of shopping malls in Ho Chi Minh City:
  Saigon Center - 65 Le Loi street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
  Vincom Centre - 72 Le Thanh Ton street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
  Diamond Plaza - 34 Le Duan street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
  Parkson Plaza - 35-45 Le Thanh Ton street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
  Crescent Mall - 101 Ton Dat Tien Street, Tan Phu Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City.
  Landmark 81 - Vinhomes Tan Cang, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City.
Famous Local Shoe Streets in Ho Chi Minh City
This is a popular option for shopaholic travelers looking for shoes at an affordable price in Saigon apart from the malls and big markets.
Ho Chi Minh City Shoe Streets
Below, I've rounded up 5 big shopping shoe streets where you can find plenty of shoe boutiques. I’ve narrowed down the approximate addresses for the best places to shop along those streets.
Walking along these streets, you can easily find a wide range of footwear, such as sports shoes, heels, sandals, flip flops, ballerina slippers and many other kinds. These are either domestic brands or imported from Thailand, South Korea, and China.
Even though there are 5 local streets where you can find shoes, the best street for shopping as a traveller that I recommend is Nguyen Dinh Chieu street where you can find almost any kind of shoe you want for a great price.
This street is located right in the city center and you can easily find it. The best shoe stores assemble around Ban Co Market. Almost every shop you see around here is a famous local brand like Juno, Vina Giay or Biti's. They sell mostly girls' footwear in these stores like heels, sandals, ballerina slippers, dockside, boots and flip flops. The price range is roughly from $15 to $30 USD depending on style, brand, and quality.
This street became popular to the white collar local Vietnamese and young women in Saigon thanks to the affordable price, and the variety of footwear for all occasions.
This section is near the backpacker area (Bui Vien - Cong Quynh).
The second shoe street worth mentioning is Nguyen Trai. This street is stretching from District 1 to District 5 but most of the best boutiques gather around the area of Nguyen Trai Hospital. This is a bit far outside of the typical Tourist area.
Luu Van Lang street is located at the right side of Ben Thanh Market. You can reach here from the West Gate of the Ben Thanh Market, which is perpendicular to Phan Boi Chau street. This is home to sandals, sneakers, pumps, and shoes which cost from $8 to $10 USD only.
On Le Van Sy street, Phu Nhuan District, there are dozens of shoe stores sitting next to each other. The area in front of the Ba Chuong Cathedral has the best shops in my opinion.
Another street that is worth a visit is Ly Chinh Thang street in District 3. There are not as many shops as on other 4 streets but the stores here are very popular. They are located near the Western Australian International School System.
Ho Chi Minh City Shoe Boutiques
The shoe streets above are great for saving time since you’ll definitely find something you like with so many options to choose from. However, for enthusiastic shoes lovers like me, I don’t mind visiting a smaller shop to grab what I like even though it’s far away from where I live.
Here are the most sought-after shoe boutiques that are always on the top of the list of Saigonese girls and guys!
There’s one thing you should note down, the Vietnamese shoe sizes are smaller than the average foreigner shoe sizes. When you are interested in a brand or a store listed below, make sure you give them a call to double check whether they offer the right sizes you need or not. Otherwise you may leave the stores with disappointment. Your hotel concierge can really be helpful with small requests like this.
Boutique Shops for Women
Most of the loyal customers at Naga are millennials who are university students or office staff. Naga offers a wide range of models which are made of polyurethane. It's durable, modern, and convenient. These are ideal for a night out with your girls or for long days working in the office.
Another reason why Naga popular amongst the young locals in Saigon is that they offer online shopping. We can easily scan through their available items on Facebook or Instagram, which are daily updated, and place an order within just a few minutes. The shop itself is spacious, bright and all items are arranged neatly on each shelf.
154 Nguyen Thuong Hien street, Ward 4, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
221/5 Le Van Sy Street, Ward 13, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 8:30 AM – 9 PM
Price range: 10.7 USD – 12.8 USD
Phone number: (+84)126.664.9635
Size range: 35 - 40
Juno is a famous domestic brand widely praised by its customers. As of now, there are 81 branches open across Vietnam. If you work in the office daily, then Juno is definitely a good brand to keep in mind. A majority of Juno collections are designed and dedicated to the modern female who require convenience, comfort and also an eye-pleasing design.
You can find a broad range of stylish footwear here at Juno, most of which are heels and stilettos. Flip flops and sandals are also available, yet they come in limited models and colors.
In terms of the price range, Juno is well-known for its affordable prices. The shoes come in around $5 to $34 USD. Other than footwear, the bags are the second most popular item here which falls in the same price range. I believe the price range is reasonable for as reputable of a brand as Juno.
The brand also offers a lot of promotions and deals all year round. Many of us locals register for Juno membership, which means we usually get good deals, especially during the member's birthday month with a 10% or 20% discount.
Regarding the quality, Juno never disappoints me. Some Juno items I’ve had at home for two years, and amazingly they last for quite some time even though I wear them often.
269D Nguyen Trai, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
246D Xo Viet Nghe Tinh Street, Ward 21, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City
360 Hai Ba Trung Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
236K Le Van Sy Street, Ward 1, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City
313 Nguyen Thi Thap Street, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City
385b Cach Mang Thang Tam street, Ward 13, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City
483 Le Quang Dinh street, Ward 1, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City
2 Nguyen Trai street, Ward 3, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 9 AM - 10 PM
Price range: $5  – $34 USD
Phone number: 18001162
Size range: 34 - 39
This Brazil-based brand can be seen as a big competitor with Juno. Both Vascara and Juno target the same market - office ladies. However, this niche doesn’t seem to stop Vascara from expanding its market. Their new collections include Vascara Bridal - feminine designs for the bride-to-be; Vascara Junior – modern and stylish models for the Millennials, Vascara Wide Fit – large-sized shoes and Vascara Leather – premium real leather.
All Vascara items come in a huge diversity in terms of colors, forms, and designs. Most of the shoes are offered around $17 to $25 USD, excellent in quality, and comfy to walk around in all day long.
35 Le Thanh Ton street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
189A Cong Quynh street, Nguyen Cu Trinh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
375 Nguyen Dinh Chieu street, Ward 5, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
478 Cach Mang Thang Tam street, Ward 10, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
58 Nguyen Trai street, Ward 3, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 8 AM - 10 PM
Price range: $17 – $25 USD
Phone number: 18006909
Size range: 35 - 39
The Nysmile
Nysmile has a big community of fans in Saigon since their products meet are diverse. Meeting the needs of ladies from office staff, feminine women, or young dynamic girls. NYsmile footwear is high-quality, eye-catching, and all of them come with a six-month guarantee. Plus, the staff here are super friendly and helpful.
Currently, blue and white sneakers are their best sellers. This is a great pick for sporty girls to wear to the gym or travel.
436/14 Cach Mang Thang Tam street, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
120 Hoa Lan Street, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 9:30 AM - 9:30 PM
Price range: $6.44 – $17.18 USD
Phone number: (+84)932.197.167
Size range: 35 - 39
Boutique Shoe Shops in Ho Chi Minh City for Men
Men usually find it hard when going out to shop for shoes. Compared to women’s, men’s shoes may not be that diverse, both in design and stores to choose from. In this section, I’ll be walking you through two options for two different styles: gentlemen bespoke and sports shoes.
Tailor-made Bespoke Shoemakers
CNES has been rocking the bespoke shoemaking industry in Vietnam since 1994 and is proudly praised as the grandest shoemaking brand in Vietnam. All pairs of shoes and accessories are finely crafted by a group of 150 "artisans" who bring 200 pairs of shoes to CNES stores each day. For over 20 years of producing shoes, CNES has introduced the technique of making shoes by the Vietnamese to more than 30 different world-class shoe brands worldwide.
The price of a bespoke pair at CNES is affordable. Which includes bonus bundled deals like a belt, shoe trees, and more. The items are also available in many sizes and forms. At CNES, they sketch your feet and design the blucher in anyway you like.
The procedure of making a bespoke product here takes around 20 to 30 days after you have your feet measured. International delivery service is available. All you need to do is to pay the total amount of your shoe price beforehand and pay for the shipping fee by COD - Cash On Delivery.
At CNES stores, ready-made shoes are available. In case you cannot find the right shoe size, then you can offer to have your bespoke shoes tailored accordingly. You may love to scan through their stocks online, but if you need to have one tailor-made, you are advised to visit the store and meet the staff in person.
Otherwise, make sure you make a call and talk to them directly so they know exactly how to make the right shoes for you. The process of making bespoke shoes requires a good sophistication and details. That’s why a call or a visit is necessary.
43A Ba Thang Hai, Ward 11, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City
206 Le Lai street, Pham Ngu Lao Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
Takashimaya - Floor 3, 92-94 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 9 AM – 9 PM
Price range: $172 – $386 USD
Fugashin bespoke shoes can be found in many big countries worldwide, such as Japan, Germany, France, Canada, Italy, Spain, and Australia. Each of their shoes are produced carefully with the construction of Mckay (Blake), Goodyear-welted, Hand-sewn Welted, Moccasin and so on. Fugashins leathers are high quality and imported from France, England, and Italy.
As a top bespoke shoemaker itself, Fugashin shoes come in a wide array of styles, price ranges, shoemaking techniques as well as models. Fugashin is highly respected in terms of quality and after-sales service. You will feel pleased when shopping at Fugashin as both the manager and sales rep are very enthusiastic and considerate in helping you choose the right shoes.
15 Vo Van Tan Street, Ward 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
Takashimaya - Floor 3, 92-94 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
97 D1 street, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 9 AM – 9 PM
Price range: $94.5 – $1.289 USD
Mangii is another iconic brand offering “Made in Vietnam” bespoke shoes. The brand puts a lot of effort into studying Orthopedics and aesthetics in order to customize the right shoes for both Asians and Westerners. You will feel like a true gentleman during your shopping time here at ManGii as the staff is excellent and accommodating.
One disadvantage is that the majority of ManGii shoes are not modern. If you are a fan of the classic look, then ManGii is the right choice. If you seek a more inventive and cutting-edge style, then other brands are probably more suitable.
Address: 196 Le Thanh Ton street, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 9 AM – 10 PM
Price range: $116 – $215 USD
Sports Shoes Stores
If you’re looking for sports shoes, then look no further! These are the two recommend big local shops in Saigon:
G-Lab is certainly one of the most famous brands in Saigon respected by the young community and basketball players since they mainly offer basketball shoes of various brands. You can find many popular shoe brands at G-Lab such as Nike, Jordan or Adidas. The customer service at G-Lab is superb, as you'll be assisted in getting the best kicks for your money's worth. As mentioned, if you are an avid basketball player yourself, especially if you're a fan of the old-school era, you may get to love G-Lab even more.
Address: 135/58 Tran Hung Dao street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 9 AM – 9 PM
Price range: $25.7 -  $730 USD
Phone number: (+84)945.378.809
Size range: 35.5 - 47
Sole Station
Founded by two passionate students in Saigon, Sole Station is the most sought-after shopping store for sneaker fans in the city. All items come in a huge assortment of  brands and categories, such as jogging, running, basketball, and even fashion shoes.
The price range at Sole Station is consistent over time, coming along with good customer service and high appeal; which makes Sole Station a remarkable destination for sneaker lovers.
Address: 140/30 Dang Van Ngu street, Ward 14, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 10 AM – 9:30 PM
Price range: $8.58 – $429.3 USD
Phone number: (+84)903.76.9545
Size range: 35 - 47
Ho Chi Minh Factory Outlet Shopping
Finding shoe outlets in Saigon is very popular, especially when the number of travelers stopping in Saigon has greatly emerged over the past few years. Here in this article, I've listed down four different well-known outlets and their branches where you can find Nike, Converse, Adidas, Dr. Martens and more.
327 Cong Hoa street, Ward 13, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City.
386 Hoang Dieu, Ward 5, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City.
Opening times: 10 AM – 9:30 PM.
Price range: 21.4 USD - 429.3 USD.
Phone number: (+84)2838.428.342
Size range: 36 - 39 for women and 40 - 45 for men.
219 Nguyen Thi Thap Street, Tan Phu Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City.
96 Tran Quang Khai street, Tan Dinh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
Opening hours: 9 AM – 10 PM.
Price range: 13 USD – 85.82 USD.
Phone number: (+84)2835.262.637
Size range: 35 - 44.
366 Cong Hoa street, Ward 13, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City.
Opening hours: 10 AM – 9:30 PM
Price range: 25 USD – 429.3 USD
Phone number: (+84)28 38.125.141
Size range: 36 - 40 for women and 39 - 46 for men
'Factory Outlet' Store in Ho Chi Minh City
Factory Outlet is home to various world-class brands such as Clarks, Dr. Martens, Goex, San Marcos and so on. You can also find multiple women and men footwear in different categories which include ballerina, slip-on, moccasin, and dockside. One thing to remember is that Factory Outlet has a limited offering of models for heels and stilettos.
52 Hoa Hong street, Ward 2, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City.
Phone number: (+84)768.999.978
212B/D90 Nguyen Trai streets, Nguyen Cư Trinh Ward, District 1, TP. Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 8:30 AM – 10 PM
Price range: 11 USD – 86 USD
Phone number: (+84)902.868.768
Size range: 30 - 50.5
Most of them are genuine outlets, but please be mindful that they are not exactly cheap. The items here are mostly imported as they don’t own any factories in Vietnam. Popular as it seems, not every outlet is offering authentic merchandise, which means you can spot some fakes out there. In case you happen to find one while shopping, it's best to use your own judgment to get your money’s worth.
Football Shoe Shopping in Saigon
Last but not least, let's talk about where to find football shoes in Saigon. Most of the time, tourists visit the Nike Or Adidas franchise stores in a mall to find the football shoes they like. Things are a little different for the Saigonese, we have some famous local-known stores dedicated only to football fans. These are where we find our favorite football shoes and other related outfits and accessories.
Here are four of the best sought-after boutiques where you can buy good quality football shoes if you ever need to find some when traveling to Saigon. You will find many different brands of football shoes, including big brands such as Nike, Adidas, Puma, Warrior, Zara and the list goes on.
Thanh Hung Futsal
Address: 27 D52 Street, Ward 12, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City.
Price range: 47.4 USD - 121 USD
Opening hours: 9 AM - 8 PM
Phone number:  (+84)2838.429.720
Size range: 37 - 45
Shop Giay Da Banh
Address: 38 Nam Chau Street, Ward 11, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City
Price range: 56 USD - 258.5 USD
Opening hours: 9:30 AM - 8:40 PM (Mon - Sat) | 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM (Sun)
Phone number: (+84)908.111.287
Size range: 29 - 48
Neymar Sport
Address: 57/1 Dien Bien Phu Street, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City
Price range: 64.6 USD - 344.7 USD
Opening hours: 8:30 AM - 8 PM
Phone number: (+84)902.970.907
Size range: 28.5 - 48.5
Sport 1
63 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street, Pham Ngu Lao Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
273 - 275 Hai Ba Trung Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
Price range: 56 USD - 181 USD
Opening hours: 8:00 AM - 9:30 PM
Phone number: (+84)903.624.466
Size range: 40 - 45 for men and 35 - 39 for women
With this comprehensive guide to buying shoes in Saigon, you now have no fears in finding the right place for your favorite kicks. Quickly bookmark our article right now and share it with your friends if you find it helpful!
Ho Chi Minh City Shopping
Read More Here: Ho Chi Minh City Shoes Shopping : An Ultimate in Depth Guide
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backofthebiketours · 5 years
Ho Chi Minh City Shoes Shopping : An Ultimate in Depth Guide
Imagine haggling for shoes in Ho Chi Minh City, many of you will fantasize about bargaining a great deal in the famous Ben Thanh Market. What if I told you this isn’t the best place to get a deal on good quality shoes? I wrote this article to give my readers a better insight on where to actually get quality shoes for a good price. I’ll help you dodge the majority of overpriced fakes peddled in the major tourist markets.
Using my expertise as a Vietnamese girl and a shoe fanatic, I’ll be showing you where I personally recommend buying shoes, how to inspect for quality and where to strike a bargain on high-quality shoes of all kinds. I’ll also discuss pricing so you can avoid overpaying when shopping for shoes in Saigon.
What Should You Know Ho Chi Minh City Shoes Shopping?
The footwear market in Vietnam is huge and diverse. There are many factories in Vietnam and surrounding countries manufacturing Shoes for the rest of the world. Which means travelers worldwide frequently shop for shoes when traveling to a big city in South East Asia. These travellers salivate over the idea of a great pair of brand name shoes for half the price. Here comes the truth…. You cannot find factory rejects in such big and iconic markets like the Ben Thanh Market. The truth is that most shoppers are being duped into buying low quality fakes at a high price. Any well-known shoe brands you see in Ben Thanh Market and Saigon Square are fake.
Without these tips chances are you’re going to waste a huge amount of money in return for something that is about to tear apart within a couple of weeks, or even days. Don’t make the mistake of expecting high quality at an incredibly cheap price anywhere that is known to cater to only tourists.
Okay, so that was the hard truth that might deflate some dreams of bringing back 12 pairs of legit Nike sneakers to the US for $100. Not all is lost though! I’m gonna give you some great tips on looking for quality shoes in Ho Chi Minh City, even if you are shopping in iconic places like the Ben Thanh Market.
Useful Tips to Identify Good-Quality Shoes
First, let’s discuss how to identify good-quality shoes that deserve the amount of money you pay for them. Depending on which kind of shoes you’re getting specifically, the criteria may vary. Here are four crucial tips to tell if a shoe is well-made or not.
If The Price Seems too Good to Be True, It is
Who doesn’t love a good deal? It’s such a rewarding feeling when you walk out of the store in a stunning pair of shoes after paying only a few bucks for them. That initial joy may turn sour after few weeks or even days. Your “victory” will soon break your heart as the heel is falling off or the leather is horribly scratched.
One big tip to avoiding a scam when buying shoes are to look at the price tag. I’m not advising you to buy something that costs a fortune but make sure you raise your eyebrow at a price that seems too good to be true.
In general, a good pair of shoes barely go for under $10 USD. Well-manufactured shoes cost a lot during the making process, from designing, using the right material, seaming, shipping and so on.
If you happen to get an offer of $20 USD for a pair of brand name sneakers in Ben Thanh Market or Saigon Square, you’ll know what to do!
The Tags Says it All
Checking the tags sewn on the tongue or side liner is another way to identify the quality of the item you have in your hands. Pay attention to the font, size, and colors of each digit and letter. Are they equally colored? Do they look even from letter to letter? How is it printed or sewn into the shoes?
If a tag is glued carelessly or blurred out, chances are those shoes are not gonna last as long as you would want them to. An authentic, well-made shoe should present its size on the inside or along the sole. If this is missing, I don’t recommend purchasing that shoe.
Check on the texture, color, and size
This may sound like a bizarre qualifier but premium shoes are barely covered with a flashy and flamboyant pigment. A quality shoe will look natural and eye-pleasing to customers. Poor-quality shoes sometimes come in showy colors with fun or random stickers. These shoes are much more likely to become faded and blurred shortly after a little bit of wear and tear.
The seaming lines play a big role in telling if the shoes are worth it or not. If you spot out careless stitches that are rough and off-balance, the shoe is probably low-quality.
Don’t be afraid to take a closer look at the shoe to try and check for its quality. These types of defects are meant to be hidden and only discoverable to a suspicious and diligent customer.
One of the most essential steps during the making of shoes is that the shoemakers will use their shoe own forms to produce a standard pair of shoes. These mechanical forms provide a shape similar to a human foot. This step ensures people feel comfy and confident in their walk without feeling stiff and painful.
Knowing this clearly will help you identify poor-quality shoes as most of the fakes or low-quality shoes look stiff, coarse, and they apparently don’t follow the structure of the human feet.
Take 'Em for a Test Spin
Lastly, before you decide to purchase, make sure you walk around and double check to see how comfy it makes you feel. Sometimes the low quality of a shoe isn’t evident until you put it to use.
Shoes Markets in Ho Chi Minh City
Bargaining for shoes in local Markets, or anywhere else for that matter, brings a certain feeling for shopaholic travellers. The intensity of a bargain as you haggle to get a great deal but the seller isn’t budging, finally you walk away, but then wait! The dealer suddenly offers their “very best price”. In that treasured moment you feel like a champion ready to battle with every vendor in the market.
In this section, I’ll introduce the various markets where you may choose to do your haggling battles. Each market will vary so you’ll have to understand the market before you jump in and start shopping.
Ben Thanh Market
Ben Thanh Market is large. Spanning over 13,000 square meters with four different entry gates on each side. The footwear section is near the East Gate, which is written as "Cua Dong" in Vietnamese. You can easily navigate there by following Phan Chu Trinh street.
Ben Thanh market is overflowing with fake shoes of all various makes and models from Nike, Doc Martens, Puma, or any other brand you can think of. Keep a cool head, Use our tips about quality shoes to navigate to a vendor offering a decent product. A pair of shoes here should cost around $7 USD to $15 USD depending on its quality.
That will not be the starting price though. This is a tourist market where this vendor has another customer 10 minutes later who will pay way more than a wise shopper like yourself will pay.
Address:  Le Loi Street, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 7 AM – 7 PM
Saigon Square
Compared to Ben Thanh Market, Saigon Square seems to be a better option for shopping regarding quality and price. This is also a great place to shop for those who don’t want to haggle or bargain. All of the prices here are set and most vendors won’t bargain.
Saigon Square is home to a massive collection of good-quality shoes made in Vietnam. Many native and Vietnamese from abroad like Saigon Square as their favorite market for shopping for this reason. Keep in mind that you should never expect to find original brand shoes here at a bargain, because any famous brands you see here are fakes. The fakes here should be high quality, and the selling price for them will be much cheaper than what you are told at other famous markets in Ho Chi Minh City.
81 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street, District  1, Ho Chi Minh City
176 Hai Ba Trung Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 9 AM - 9 PM
An Dong Market
An Dong Market is one of the biggest wholesale markets in Saigon. This is an ideal place if you are searching for a good shoe supplier to export or purchase in big quantities for your own retail shop. The shoes you'll find here usually come from Guangzhou, Thailand, South Korea, Cambodia, or Vietnam. Due to such a huge selection of goods, the price range and quality here varies accordingly.
Address: Cong Truong An Dong, Ward 9, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 5:30 AM - 8 PM
Binh Tay Market
If Ben Thanh is the biggest retail market in Saigon, Binh Tay is the largest wholesale market. Most of the products here, including shoes are imported from China. They come in various models and types such as sneakers, sports shoes, sandals, flip flops and kids’ footwear.
As a wholesale market, buying shoes in small quantity is difficult and more expensive than purchasing wholesale. That’s why it’s easy to understand that sometimes the sellers refuse to sell when you want to buy shoes in just a small quantity.
Since their goods are only for wholesales buyers. Not every shop is the same, so depending on the vendor, they may or may not agree to sell shoes in small quantities.
Address: 57A Thap Muoi, Ward 2, District 6, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 6 AM - 7 PM
Russian Market
This is the only place in town where you can guarantee you will find large shoe sizes for both women and men. Most of the other stores in Saigon offer a normal size range for the Vietnamese feet. If you look for a size up to 45 or 49, Russian Market is the one place you should visit.
The merchandise here is mostly made in Vietnam for export to Russia or Europe. Hence, the size of both clothes and shoes are much bigger than typical Vietnamese wear. If you are looking for larger western sizes, then the Russian Market is a great option.
The shopkeepers here are friendly and respectful, so don’t worry about being pestered to buy. The opposite of what you will experience at the Ben Thanh Market. Please note that all of the prices here are fixed so haggling is not needed.
In our video, I met a really nice gentlemen with a good shoe store in the market is name is Hoang and is stall is "Shop D35 Lau 1 Cho Nga"
You can call him at 0932828985
Address: 328 Vo Van Kiet Street, Co Giang Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
Opening hours: 9 AM - 7 PM.
Shoe Shopping in Ho Chi Minh City Malls
The shopping malls in Vietnam are where you will find multiple famous shoe brands. Some of them include Nike, Stradivarius and Zara. Don’t expect to grab a pair of Nike at a cheaper price than the price offered back in your hometown. Brand name shoes in Vietnam are quite expensive if you want the real deal. There are sometimes deals and clearance sales just like everywhere else, so hitting up a shopping mall for a bargain might be a fun treasure hunt for a shoe shopper. Below is a list of shopping malls in Ho Chi Minh City:
  Saigon Center - 65 Le Loi street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
  Vincom Centre - 72 Le Thanh Ton street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
  Diamond Plaza - 34 Le Duan street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
  Parkson Plaza - 35-45 Le Thanh Ton street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
  Crescent Mall - 101 Ton Dat Tien Street, Tan Phu Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City.
  Landmark 81 - Vinhomes Tan Cang, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City.
Famous Local Shoe Streets in Ho Chi Minh City
This is a popular option for shopaholic travelers looking for shoes at an affordable price in Saigon apart from the malls and big markets.
Ho Chi Minh City Shoe Streets
Below, I've rounded up 5 big shopping shoe streets where you can find plenty of shoe boutiques. I’ve narrowed down the approximate addresses for the best places to shop along those streets.
Walking along these streets, you can easily find a wide range of footwear, such as sports shoes, heels, sandals, flip flops, ballerina slippers and many other kinds. These are either domestic brands or imported from Thailand, South Korea, and China.
Even though there are 5 local streets where you can find shoes, the best street for shopping as a traveller that I recommend is Nguyen Dinh Chieu street where you can find almost any kind of shoe you want for a great price.
This street is located right in the city center and you can easily find it. The best shoe stores assemble around Ban Co Market. Almost every shop you see around here is a famous local brand like Juno, Vina Giay or Biti's. They sell mostly girls' footwear in these stores like heels, sandals, ballerina slippers, dockside, boots and flip flops. The price range is roughly from $15 to $30 USD depending on style, brand, and quality.
This street became popular to the white collar local Vietnamese and young women in Saigon thanks to the affordable price, and the variety of footwear for all occasions.
This section is near the backpacker area (Bui Vien - Cong Quynh).
The second shoe street worth mentioning is Nguyen Trai. This street is stretching from District 1 to District 5 but most of the best boutiques gather around the area of Nguyen Trai Hospital. This is a bit far outside of the typical Tourist area.
Luu Van Lang street is located at the right side of Ben Thanh Market. You can reach here from the West Gate of the Ben Thanh Market, which is perpendicular to Phan Boi Chau street. This is home to sandals, sneakers, pumps, and shoes which cost from $8 to $10 USD only.
On Le Van Sy street, Phu Nhuan District, there are dozens of shoe stores sitting next to each other. The area in front of the Ba Chuong Cathedral has the best shops in my opinion.
Another street that is worth a visit is Ly Chinh Thang street in District 3. There are not as many shops as on other 4 streets but the stores here are very popular. They are located near the Western Australian International School System.
Ho Chi Minh City Shoe Boutiques
The shoe streets above are great for saving time since you’ll definitely find something you like with so many options to choose from. However, for enthusiastic shoes lovers like me, I don’t mind visiting a smaller shop to grab what I like even though it’s far away from where I live.
Here are the most sought-after shoe boutiques that are always on the top of the list of Saigonese girls and guys!
There’s one thing you should note down, the Vietnamese shoe sizes are smaller than the average foreigner shoe sizes. When you are interested in a brand or a store listed below, make sure you give them a call to double check whether they offer the right sizes you need or not. Otherwise you may leave the stores with disappointment. Your hotel concierge can really be helpful with small requests like this.
Boutique Shops for Women
Most of the loyal customers at Naga are millennials who are university students or office staff. Naga offers a wide range of models which are made of polyurethane. It's durable, modern, and convenient. These are ideal for a night out with your girls or for long days working in the office.
Another reason why Naga popular amongst the young locals in Saigon is that they offer online shopping. We can easily scan through their available items on Facebook or Instagram, which are daily updated, and place an order within just a few minutes. The shop itself is spacious, bright and all items are arranged neatly on each shelf.
154 Nguyen Thuong Hien street, Ward 4, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
221/5 Le Van Sy Street, Ward 13, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 8:30 AM – 9 PM
Price range: 10.7 USD – 12.8 USD
Phone number: (+84)126.664.9635
Size range: 35 - 40
Juno is a famous domestic brand widely praised by its customers. As of now, there are 81 branches open across Vietnam. If you work in the office daily, then Juno is definitely a good brand to keep in mind. A majority of Juno collections are designed and dedicated to the modern female who require convenience, comfort and also an eye-pleasing design.
You can find a broad range of stylish footwear here at Juno, most of which are heels and stilettos. Flip flops and sandals are also available, yet they come in limited models and colors.
In terms of the price range, Juno is well-known for its affordable prices. The shoes come in around $5 to $34 USD. Other than footwear, the bags are the second most popular item here which falls in the same price range. I believe the price range is reasonable for as reputable of a brand as Juno.
The brand also offers a lot of promotions and deals all year round. Many of us locals register for Juno membership, which means we usually get good deals, especially during the member's birthday month with a 10% or 20% discount.
Regarding the quality, Juno never disappoints me. Some Juno items I’ve had at home for two years, and amazingly they last for quite some time even though I wear them often.
269D Nguyen Trai, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
246D Xo Viet Nghe Tinh Street, Ward 21, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City
360 Hai Ba Trung Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
236K Le Van Sy Street, Ward 1, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City
313 Nguyen Thi Thap Street, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City
385b Cach Mang Thang Tam street, Ward 13, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City
483 Le Quang Dinh street, Ward 1, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City
2 Nguyen Trai street, Ward 3, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 9 AM - 10 PM
Price range: $5  – $34 USD
Phone number: 18001162
Size range: 34 - 39
This Brazil-based brand can be seen as a big competitor with Juno. Both Vascara and Juno target the same market - office ladies. However, this niche doesn’t seem to stop Vascara from expanding its market. Their new collections include Vascara Bridal - feminine designs for the bride-to-be; Vascara Junior – modern and stylish models for the Millennials, Vascara Wide Fit – large-sized shoes and Vascara Leather – premium real leather.
All Vascara items come in a huge diversity in terms of colors, forms, and designs. Most of the shoes are offered around $17 to $25 USD, excellent in quality, and comfy to walk around in all day long.
35 Le Thanh Ton street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
189A Cong Quynh street, Nguyen Cu Trinh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
375 Nguyen Dinh Chieu street, Ward 5, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
478 Cach Mang Thang Tam street, Ward 10, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
58 Nguyen Trai street, Ward 3, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 8 AM - 10 PM
Price range: $17 – $25 USD
Phone number: 18006909
Size range: 35 - 39
The Nysmile
Nysmile has a big community of fans in Saigon since their products meet are diverse. Meeting the needs of ladies from office staff, feminine women, or young dynamic girls. NYsmile footwear is high-quality, eye-catching, and all of them come with a six-month guarantee. Plus, the staff here are super friendly and helpful.
Currently, blue and white sneakers are their best sellers. This is a great pick for sporty girls to wear to the gym or travel.
436/14 Cach Mang Thang Tam street, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
120 Hoa Lan Street, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 9:30 AM - 9:30 PM
Price range: $6.44 – $17.18 USD
Phone number: (+84)932.197.167
Size range: 35 - 39
Boutique Shoe Shops in Ho Chi Minh City for Men
Men usually find it hard when going out to shop for shoes. Compared to women’s, men’s shoes may not be that diverse, both in design and stores to choose from. In this section, I’ll be walking you through two options for two different styles: gentlemen bespoke and sports shoes.
Tailor-made Bespoke Shoemakers
CNES has been rocking the bespoke shoemaking industry in Vietnam since 1994 and is proudly praised as the grandest shoemaking brand in Vietnam. All pairs of shoes and accessories are finely crafted by a group of 150 "artisans" who bring 200 pairs of shoes to CNES stores each day. For over 20 years of producing shoes, CNES has introduced the technique of making shoes by the Vietnamese to more than 30 different world-class shoe brands worldwide.
The price of a bespoke pair at CNES is affordable. Which includes bonus bundled deals like a belt, shoe trees, and more. The items are also available in many sizes and forms. At CNES, they sketch your feet and design the blucher in anyway you like.
The procedure of making a bespoke product here takes around 20 to 30 days after you have your feet measured. International delivery service is available. All you need to do is to pay the total amount of your shoe price beforehand and pay for the shipping fee by COD - Cash On Delivery.
At CNES stores, ready-made shoes are available. In case you cannot find the right shoe size, then you can offer to have your bespoke shoes tailored accordingly. You may love to scan through their stocks online, but if you need to have one tailor-made, you are advised to visit the store and meet the staff in person.
Otherwise, make sure you make a call and talk to them directly so they know exactly how to make the right shoes for you. The process of making bespoke shoes requires a good sophistication and details. That’s why a call or a visit is necessary.
43A Ba Thang Hai, Ward 11, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City
206 Le Lai street, Pham Ngu Lao Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
Takashimaya - Floor 3, 92-94 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 9 AM – 9 PM
Price range: $172 – $386 USD
Fugashin bespoke shoes can be found in many big countries worldwide, such as Japan, Germany, France, Canada, Italy, Spain, and Australia. Each of their shoes are produced carefully with the construction of Mckay (Blake), Goodyear-welted, Hand-sewn Welted, Moccasin and so on. Fugashins leathers are high quality and imported from France, England, and Italy.
As a top bespoke shoemaker itself, Fugashin shoes come in a wide array of styles, price ranges, shoemaking techniques as well as models. Fugashin is highly respected in terms of quality and after-sales service. You will feel pleased when shopping at Fugashin as both the manager and sales rep are very enthusiastic and considerate in helping you choose the right shoes.
15 Vo Van Tan Street, Ward 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
Takashimaya - Floor 3, 92-94 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
97 D1 street, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 9 AM – 9 PM
Price range: $94.5 – $1.289 USD
Mangii is another iconic brand offering “Made in Vietnam” bespoke shoes. The brand puts a lot of effort into studying Orthopedics and aesthetics in order to customize the right shoes for both Asians and Westerners. You will feel like a true gentleman during your shopping time here at ManGii as the staff is excellent and accommodating.
One disadvantage is that the majority of ManGii shoes are not modern. If you are a fan of the classic look, then ManGii is the right choice. If you seek a more inventive and cutting-edge style, then other brands are probably more suitable.
Address: 196 Le Thanh Ton street, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 9 AM – 10 PM
Price range: $116 – $215 USD
Sports Shoes Stores
If you’re looking for sports shoes, then look no further! These are the two recommend big local shops in Saigon:
G-Lab is certainly one of the most famous brands in Saigon respected by the young community and basketball players since they mainly offer basketball shoes of various brands. You can find many popular shoe brands at G-Lab such as Nike, Jordan or Adidas. The customer service at G-Lab is superb, as you'll be assisted in getting the best kicks for your money's worth. As mentioned, if you are an avid basketball player yourself, especially if you're a fan of the old-school era, you may get to love G-Lab even more.
Address: 135/58 Tran Hung Dao street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 9 AM – 9 PM
Price range: $25.7 -  $730 USD
Phone number: (+84)945.378.809
Size range: 35.5 - 47
Sole Station
Founded by two passionate students in Saigon, Sole Station is the most sought-after shopping store for sneaker fans in the city. All items come in a huge assortment of  brands and categories, such as jogging, running, basketball, and even fashion shoes.
The price range at Sole Station is consistent over time, coming along with good customer service and high appeal; which makes Sole Station a remarkable destination for sneaker lovers.
Address: 140/30 Dang Van Ngu street, Ward 14, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 10 AM – 9:30 PM
Price range: $8.58 – $429.3 USD
Phone number: (+84)903.76.9545
Size range: 35 - 47
Ho Chi Minh Factory Outlet Shopping
Finding shoe outlets in Saigon is very popular, especially when the number of travelers stopping in Saigon has greatly emerged over the past few years. Here in this article, I've listed down four different well-known outlets and their branches where you can find Nike, Converse, Adidas, Dr. Martens and more.
327 Cong Hoa street, Ward 13, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City.
386 Hoang Dieu, Ward 5, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City.
Opening times: 10 AM – 9:30 PM.
Price range: 21.4 USD - 429.3 USD.
Phone number: (+84)2838.428.342
Size range: 36 - 39 for women and 40 - 45 for men.
219 Nguyen Thi Thap Street, Tan Phu Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City.
96 Tran Quang Khai street, Tan Dinh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
Opening hours: 9 AM – 10 PM.
Price range: 13 USD – 85.82 USD.
Phone number: (+84)2835.262.637
Size range: 35 - 44.
366 Cong Hoa street, Ward 13, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City.
Opening hours: 10 AM – 9:30 PM
Price range: 25 USD – 429.3 USD
Phone number: (+84)28 38.125.141
Size range: 36 - 40 for women and 39 - 46 for men
'Factory Outlet' Store in Ho Chi Minh City
Factory Outlet is home to various world-class brands such as Clarks, Dr. Martens, Goex, San Marcos and so on. You can also find multiple women and men footwear in different categories which include ballerina, slip-on, moccasin, and dockside. One thing to remember is that Factory Outlet has a limited offering of models for heels and stilettos.
52 Hoa Hong street, Ward 2, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City.
Phone number: (+84)768.999.978
212B/D90 Nguyen Trai streets, Nguyen Cư Trinh Ward, District 1, TP. Ho Chi Minh City
Opening hours: 8:30 AM – 10 PM
Price range: 11 USD – 86 USD
Phone number: (+84)902.868.768
Size range: 30 - 50.5
Most of them are genuine outlets, but please be mindful that they are not exactly cheap. The items here are mostly imported as they don’t own any factories in Vietnam. Popular as it seems, not every outlet is offering authentic merchandise, which means you can spot some fakes out there. In case you happen to find one while shopping, it's best to use your own judgment to get your money’s worth.
Football Shoe Shopping in Saigon
Last but not least, let's talk about where to find football shoes in Saigon. Most of the time, tourists visit the Nike Or Adidas franchise stores in a mall to find the football shoes they like. Things are a little different for the Saigonese, we have some famous local-known stores dedicated only to football fans. These are where we find our favorite football shoes and other related outfits and accessories.
Here are four of the best sought-after boutiques where you can buy good quality football shoes if you ever need to find some when traveling to Saigon. You will find many different brands of football shoes, including big brands such as Nike, Adidas, Puma, Warrior, Zara and the list goes on.
Thanh Hung Futsal
Address: 27 D52 Street, Ward 12, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City.
Price range: 47.4 USD - 121 USD
Opening hours: 9 AM - 8 PM
Phone number:  (+84)2838.429.720
Size range: 37 - 45
Shop Giay Da Banh
Address: 38 Nam Chau Street, Ward 11, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City
Price range: 56 USD - 258.5 USD
Opening hours: 9:30 AM - 8:40 PM (Mon - Sat) | 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM (Sun)
Phone number: (+84)908.111.287
Size range: 29 - 48
Neymar Sport
Address: 57/1 Dien Bien Phu Street, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City
Price range: 64.6 USD - 344.7 USD
Opening hours: 8:30 AM - 8 PM
Phone number: (+84)902.970.907
Size range: 28.5 - 48.5
Sport 1
63 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street, Pham Ngu Lao Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
273 - 275 Hai Ba Trung Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
Price range: 56 USD - 181 USD
Opening hours: 8:00 AM - 9:30 PM
Phone number: (+84)903.624.466
Size range: 40 - 45 for men and 35 - 39 for women
With this comprehensive guide to buying shoes in Saigon, you now have no fears in finding the right place for your favorite kicks. Quickly bookmark our article right now and share it with your friends if you find it helpful!
  Article Source Here: Ho Chi Minh City Shoes Shopping : An Ultimate in Depth Guide
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