#sometimes i just hate till
valkoinenlintu · 1 year
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song: get you the moon - kina, snøw
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toxifoxx · 3 months
truly at the end of the day its all about receiving validation
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moj-chhe · 5 months
My friends think I'm seriously looking for someone to date but what they don't understand is. I'm not looking to date. I'm looking for friends who I can be more comfortable with. I'm looking for something or someone where I can talk to them and I'm given a little bit of pampering. I'm looking for something where I don't have to have at least a small mask on 24/7
I don't want a boyfriend. I want a person who supports me, who I can support and someone who won't have the kind of pulling down that has a huge chance of happening in hostelite girls
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sweetshire · 1 month
So, @silv-paru sent Sherlock Holmes for the character opinion bingo. thanks a bunch for this (and for your patience. my god, i’m answering this a week late. typical me behaviour). you’re a darling :D
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Did you know, i used to tell these stories to my friends? they delighted in them AND i got a chance to sort of ramble on and on abt him and watson. it was a win-win, really. ah, those were the days! now i haven’t reblogged much of him this month at all. i miss him. I MISS HIM.
Onto the bingo: well. he’s The quintessence of gender™ to me. and i relate to him so so much. fav character of all time fr. i want to carry him in my pocket at all times & study him. like. do i want to BE him OR am i IN LOVE with him, ykwim? pssh who knows? certainly not me. uh-huh ‘a beast unleashed’ -does this refer to me or him? you choose. oh re: canon, i’m ignoring the part where holmes dies (or y’know, is dead for 3 years). that’s too angsty.
#sherlock holmes#my dearest blorbo#he’s my belovedest chewtoy basically#if i think abt how modern adaptations *looking at you bbc sherlock* have ruined his character i get so angry i have to take deep breaths#*mutters darkly* he is NOT an arrogant cold-hearted bitch like he’s portrayed; well he IS a bitch but not a cold-hearted one!!#see. the thing abt holmes is that he’s SUCH a sweet boy okay. and he’s compassionate#he cares sooo much. that’s the reason people come to him when they’re distressed. they trust him#he hates the police. he is a jester at heart. loves his watson#he’s here to help the truly desparate helpless people even if they have no money to pay him for the case. no questions asked. But-#he fucking despises obnoxious rich men. the first time he meets watson a total stranger he *very excitedly* tells him abt his experiment#it’s very adorable. he never stops trying to impress ever. infact blushes furiously when complimented by him#my guy has 0 knowledge of our solar system but he’s written several monographs abt different types of ASHES. go figure!#OH i almost forgot the most important fact he’s special to me bc holmes is an audhd gay disaster bastard. sometimes he’s even bisexual#but mostly he’s acespec and in a qpr w watson. he’s VERY adhd. behaves like an excited cat and oh so cute when he stims. everytime he does#i go SQUEEE. when he’s depressed it’s a goddamn hashtag big mood. as in many other ways he is me i am him#he’s PASSIONATE and KIND that’s all you need to know#acd stories are about just some guy who loves his job (which he invented himself btw after quitting college) that’s it#i am overcome with an almighty need to squeeze his cheeks#he’s everything to me <3#alright if i don’t stop now i doubt i ever will LMAO bye#acd holmes#if u read till the end u get a cookie and a kiss on the nose i love u#silv tag 💞
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freebooter4ever · 2 months
holy shit for the first time in ten years i forgot nicks birthday
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Saying gay Mike would be hated by the ga bc that would mean that he used El all those years, is homophobic, just like saying bi-Mike would be hated by the ga bc that would mean he could have just stayed with El if he is also attracted to girls, is biphobic.
Bylers using either of these as the basis for why their interpretation is most likely to play out in canon, just makes me cringe bc why are we even wasting time giving validation to homophobia/biphobia as having the last word for how the show has to play out?? Is that what it all comes down to then? Appeasing bigots??
Gays aren’t evil or trying to intentionally hurt others, least of all gay kids that are figuring out their sexuality. Let’s not act like being gay wasn’t seen as being broken or needing to to be fixed, meaning that going along with what society views as normal, was and still is seen as the only option for queer people in general. And I say queer people in general bc you don’t necessarily have to even be gay to experience questioning your sexuality and feeling like you have to do things because everyone else is. Arguably we all go through that! But especially gays in the 80’s bc for a lot of people back then, it was a matter of blending in to survive (for many it still is).
Bisexuals aren’t evil or trying to intentionally hurt others for falling out of love, losing feelings, or just merely not being attracted to/compatible with someone of the opposite sex. Straight people are capable of recognizing that they aren’t attracted to or compatible with every person they meet of the opposite sex. Does any of that make them less straight? No. So why is it so hard to understand it’s the same way for bisexuals and even queer people in general? Nobody, bisexual or otherwise should have to stay in relationships with someone they no longer have romantic feelings for, just bc they’re attracted to them or even were just confused and thought they were but it ended up not being enough?? Attraction is important, yes, but feelings are arguably even more so (especially when you have something else to compare it to, causing the dilemma in the first place). I mean look at Stancy/Jancy? Is Nancy viewed as problematic for being attracted to Steve and having deep feelings/being attracted to Jonathan, and having conflicting feelings about that? No! And so why should it be problematic for Mike?
The reality is, homophobes are going to hate Mike if he comes out as queer, regardless of whether he is revealed to be gay, bi or unlabeled.
This is why basing Mike’s sexuality on the backlash of bigoted audiences’ is a moot point to me.
I mean, as it is, most of the general audience already hates Mike as a result of his behavior in s3-4, and this is straight Mike we’re talking about! I’m obviously not referring to milkvans or Redditors, bc they only make up a minority of hardcore fans who hate byler and will defend Mike to the point of demonizing El. I’m talking about viewers that have seen the show once through each time a new season releases and then move on afterwards without being in online spaces. That is the majority. The majority of the general audience, homophobic or otherwise, does not like Mike anyways at this point. So, who the hell cares what they think about queer Mike in the end??? They’re already anticipating going into s5 and continuing to dislike him, so the argument that the show can’t do this or that bc those same people won’t like him?… That ship has already sailed.
If anything I could see the non-homophobic majority accepting queer Mike, regardless of what label he ends up identifying with, bc then at least it will finally give them some clarity about where that resentment they had for him was coming from, ie misunderstanding him completely and now finally getting some answers.
At the end of the day, bigots will do what they do best. They’ll make up any reason they can think of for why queer Mike is wrong. And so why should we base our interpretation of things on what will be more palatable to those that the show was never intended for in the first place?
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tvrningout-a · 9 months
to all the people i have yet to message back, i'm so sorry and i promise i love your ideas!! i'm just having a period of really bad motivation and forgetfulness. pls feel free to kick me in the butt ( ; ω ; )
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deergirlslut · 5 months
Getting drunk and posting on tumblr to create hilarious content sounds fun in theory but sometimes you just become a sad :(
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ollies-moving-castle · 5 months
dude I just remembered that one time my school had a bomb threat
I learned about it the next day from like two of my friends
it was a false alarm and there was no bomb
but we had a police officer there at school like almost everyday for the rest of the year
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xxcherrycherixx · 4 months
This is your reminder to BE the party
If no one is dancing get up there and dance like a fucking crackhead on the best high of their life
I went into this gay bar with just a couple slightly dancing together near their table, i fucking took my coat off and showed those fuckers how to have a good time.
Then people started to join me and then people joined them and the next thing you know everyone is having fun!
I had so many drunk queer men approach me tonight to say how much they loved my dancing and the fact i was just happy to move to any music. When i stopped to sit for a little, one of the people from the couple came over to say that he was shocked that i took a break, they had seen me dance nonstop literally the entire time i was there. Have fun and be free and people will admire that in you and want to join you.
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russilton · 8 months
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@hamiltvn when I am forced to witness something terrible on tumblr and immediately go to her to complain about it
(This isn’t about anyone I follow, I’m far too much of a pussy for that)
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navxry · 11 months
Bonus thought for the update because I forgot to mention
I realized painfully in my week long absence that I suck ass at boundaries, and that I am actually very serious on my update.
Hopefully I can get back to Genshin, but as of right now... Yeah, I'm gonna stay out of it. For my sake.
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bl00dw1tch · 10 months
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seancefemme · 2 years
Absolutely in love with your art and the way you color them! Do you have any playlist to listen to while drawing?
aw thank you so much :) and yes and no! my music taste is really all over the place but i absolutely have to listen to music while im drawing 😅 here's my fratt playlist though that i listen to while drawing them if you're interested :0
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oranberrie · 1 year
If you act like any one music app is better than another I will never respect you.
#idk I’m tired of saying to people that I use SoundCloud primarily and then have to suffer through “but spotify- but apple mu- but but but”#i. do. not. care.#i fucking hate Spotify bc unless you pay for it you can’t choose which song you’re actually gonna listen to first#and not only that but it fucking adds music to your playlists that you Don’t Choose Yourself. do not like that#and like I’d have used it anyways and paid for premium if I hadn’t used Apple Music first out of necessity#it was on the phone already. why should I have downloaded a separate app or so I thought#and when I got my first job I just paid for Apple Music subscription#and when I got too broke for that I used spotify for free but learned that I fucking hated it#so I went back to Apple Music for the longest time#till I started watching Corpse Husband streams and found out he made music too#and he mentioned in a stream that SoundCloud was better bc it doesn’t change the volume or smth#and I’m nothing if not influenced by parasocial relationships so I immediately sought him out on SoundCloud and realized he released more#on SoundCloud than anywhere else. so I started using it much more#and then I was too broke for Apple Music and just stopped using it at all in favor of SoundCloud#eventually got a SoundCloud subscription#and like even if I don’t have the money for it sometimes it’s still great?? bc not everything is behind the paywall and you can find new#artists really easily and it doesn’t add unnecessary shit to your playlists like SoundCloud#idk I just really like it more than anything else but I acknowledge the pros to the others#Spotify can do group playlists and does spotify wrapped and you can have friends on there#Apple Music is automatically on your iPhone or apple product and accessible (this is the only plus. the only thing I miss about it are the#playlists that I won’t get back)#okay the sentiment is getting away from me. basically I hate when people make me feel lesser for using SoundCloud.#a lot of people act like spotify is Number 1 followed by Apple Music and that everything else is absolute dogshit#like. can we all just fucking calm down#one thing I don’t like about SoundCloud: some artists don’t use it and their music is great and I wish they would post their shit on it too#a guy recommended me a good Japanese psych rock song from the 70s/80s but unfortunately the artist isn’t on SoundCloud and no user has#posted it themself.#people do that and then make sure the artist name is also in the title#i might just have to do it myself#i want it on my playlists
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strayheat · 1 year
im starting to feel the "dead" in deadlines
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