#fuck till for leaving him like that. fuck till for not trusting felix. fuck till for not realizing how much he means to felix. fuck till
valkoinenlintu · 1 year
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song: get you the moon - kina, snøw
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taeyongdoyoung · 2 years
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summary: as you begin dating both hyunjin and minho behind their backs, instead of happiness, guilt is the main emotion you’re experiencing. and just as you’re intending to come clean about your wrongdoings, karma has a funny way of biting you in the ass...
pairing: minho x reader x hyunjin
genre: high school!au, ANGST, romance, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers
warnings: swearing, two-timing, lying, secrets, a lot of guilt, confessions, shakespeare (cuz it’s me), pet names (e.g. babe, darling, sunshine), crying, yelling, car accident, hospital room, mentions of bullying, hyunho dark past revealed, the beginning of something new...
author’s note: the title is inspired by stray kids’s sorry, i love you; also have a felix cameo and remember that despite my current hyunho hyperfixation, he’s still my bias ☀️ oh, and some loona names thrown around just because
word count: 5.1k
part one: even a fool knows
part three: i wanna STAY with you
taglist: @changbinscypher ✨ @hyunjinslovelys ✨ @a-hyunjinshairband✨ @chaelinhhwang ✨ @qtieskz ✨ @lcvryu​ ✨
"Shall we go on three dates?" Hyunjin asked once he was done kissing you. Which, to your merit, lasted quite some time... "If things don't work out romantically, we'll just stay friends. If they do, we'll start being in a proper relationship. How does that sound?"
"Hyun, a million dates with you wouldn't be enough for me. I like you that much," you confessed openly, burying your head into his chest. "But whatever you wish, I'm all for it."
"Great! I'm so excited to take you out and-"
"However, I do have one condition," you said.
"Anything for you, sunshine," Hyunjin promised, trusting you blindly. God, you felt like such an asshole sometimes.
"Can we keep it on the low-low at school?"
"Are you embarrassed of me?" he feigned offense dramatically.
"Of course not! I'm just afraid a certain someone will get annoyed upon seeing our happiness and might start bullying you again," you lied. 
Actually, you just didn't want Minho to know you were seeing Hyunjin. And vice versa. Maybe that made you a terrible person but you didn't want to end things with Minho. Even though you were fairly certain he had actually changed and wouldn't bully Hyunjin again. You had grown quite fond of Minho and couldn't possibly imagine calling it quits. Deep down, you knew it was wrong. But you liked them both quite a bit. And life without either of them seemed devoid of meaning.
"That's valid," Hyunjin agreed easily. "Besides, it's just a few months till graduation. Once we go to college, I'll be able to kiss you in front of the whole world."
Your heart melted at the fact he was already thinking long-term about you two. Could Minho say the same? And when the day of graduation arrived, would you have to end things with him? No, you shouldn't trouble yourself with such thoughts. There was still time to figure everything out.
"Where are we going on our first date?"
"Hm, how about the ice skating rink?"
"Sounds fun," you immediatel agreed. "But you should have in mind I'll fall a lot. For you."
Hyunjin rolled his eyes and giggled. Then, he pretended to call an invisible phone as a joke:
"911, we have an emergency. My girlfriend is super lame."
You nudged his arm playfully and couldn't stop your laughter from coming out. He made you genuinely happy. You didn't deserve him. But you couldn't imagine leaving Minho, either. Just when he was showing you a more sensitive, kind-hearted side...It would devastate him. And you instinctively knew he needed affection just as much as anyone else.
Your first date with Hyunjin was as fantastic as you'd expected it to be. Luckily, you didn't run into anyone from school. So, your secret was safe for now. You enjoyed playing on the ice with your boyfriend (fuck, you'd never grow tired of saying that word), holding his hand and wrapping a giant scarf around his beautiful neck. Every little moment with Hyunjin sparked so much joy that you were greedy for more. More little moments, more hand-holding and kissing. But there was a tiny voice at the back of your head telling you that you didn't deserve any of this. Maybe it was right. But you were too far gone to stop.
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"Hey, babe, I haven't seen you in forever," Minho told you one night when he surprised you with one of his favourite drives to your place.
"Sorry, Min, I've been working on many assignments and college applications, you know how it is," you responded, only a half-lie. It was true you had been looking into colleges and having assignments, but your free time, you had been spending going on dates with Hyunjin. Needless to say, their number exceeded three. And you were planning on having many more in the future. "Did you miss me?" you teased.
"You know I did," he smiled sadly. "I thought you were avoiding me."
"Nooo, darling. I'm sorry it seemed that way. I'm going to spend more time with you from now on."
Homework and your future college be damned. Minho was one of your priorities right now and you needed to prove that you would be there for him.
"Promise?" he pouted and you couldn't believe this was the same guy who had once bullied your best- Scratch that, your boyfriend. Because Hyunjin was just that. What were you doing? If Minho found out, he'd be heart-broken. If Hyunjin found out, you were afraid this would be the end of, not only your relationship, but your entire friendship.
"Promise," you couldn't resist saying and wrapped your arms around Minho, trying not to think about Hyunjin while you were with Minho.
"I really like you, Y/N," he whispered, taking you aback. "I know I'm terrible at expressing my feelings but I thought you should know that."
"That's really sweet of you," you replied.
"You're not going to say it back?" Minho groaned.
"Nah, I still hate your guts," you joked. "Of course, I like you, too, Min. Would I be here if I didn't?"
"Sometimes I think you're still afraid I'd go back to my old ways and torment your best friend. I hope I'm not right."
God, why did he have to bring Hyunjin up right now? Just as you were trying to momentarily forget your overwhelming sense of guilt. You sighed and withdrew slightly so that you could look into his eyes.
"I'm not scared of you, Lee Minho," you insisted. "I'm here because I think you don't deserve to be alone."
"So...you pity me?" he frowned.
"I didn't say that."
"That's what I heard, though."
"Fuck, you can be really frustrating sometimes," you sighed. "I'm here because I want to be with you. Now, will you stop overthinking it so we can enjoy this beautiful night together?"
"Right, sorry," Minho nodded and pulled you into his arms once again. "This is the first time I've felt so happy and I just...can't help but worry I'll somehow mess it up. I didn't mean to make you upset."
"I'm not upset," you lied. That was becoming a habit. "I like making you happy. Please, don't ever doubt that." Ha! If anything, Minho had every right to doubt you. As you had done nothing but be dishonest.
"If I ever do something to upset you, please talk to me about it. I don't want this to end."
Lee Minho...wanting to communicate through potential issues. You would have teased him about it if your heart wasn't overflowing with pride.
"Noted. And the same goes for you. I would hate to hurt you, Min."
He smiled sweetly and caressed your hair.
"You could never."
Oh, how wrong he was.
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As things were becoming more serious between you and Hyunjin, you were simultaneously becoming happier and feeling guiltier for having a thing with Minho behind Hyunjin's back. At the sime time, every second you were spending with Minho, your mind was troubled by how you were not only betraying Hyunjin's trust but also potentially doing something that could hurt Minho in a way you weren't sure it was possible to come back from. Just when he'd begun to trust you and open up more, you had gotten into a relationship with Hyunjin. Despite the increasing sense of guilt clouding your mind, you couldn't picture your life without either of these boys. Ending things with just one of them was bound to devastate you. The only thing that was giving you hope was that graduation was just around the corner. And once you went to college, chances were you'd continue seeing your best friend Hyunjin but it would be easier to ignore Minho. And as painful as that idea sounded, maybe it was for the best.
"Did you hear the threatre club's female lead got really sick?" Hyunjin told you one day. "They're looking for someone to step in. The play is in less than a month. Thought you'd be interested."
"Doesn't the theatre club have other girls?" you asked.
"Nah, Haseul, Jinsoul and Yves graduated last year so currently the theatre club only has boys. And Yeji, who got sick."
"I'm sorry for Yeji and the club having difficulties but my schedule is really packed, I'm afraid I don't have much time on my hands."
That was only partially true. You were usually quick at finishing your homework and you already had a sort of plan what you were going to do in college. You needed the rest of your free time to continue seeing Hyunjin and Minho without either of them finding out about the other...
"Please, just give it a try," Hyunjin insisted. "My friend Felix could really use some help."
You sighed. It was impossible to say no to your doting, precious boyfriend.
"What is the role in question?"
"Desdemona. Lix said they're doing Othello."
You almost laughed at the irony of it. Of course, poor Desdemona was perfectly innocent and wrongfully accused of cheating on Othello. Unlike you. It would be such a cruel twist of fate if the theatre club actually accepted you to act as Desdemona. Yet again, you had to remind yourself no one knew. It could be fun. Maybe you'd even learn a lesson or two in the preparation for the role.
"When are they having rehearsals?"
"Everyday after classes," Hyunjin informed you. "I'll understand if you have less time to go out with me, by the way. Just take this chance. Not only will you help my friend but the experience could also be useful for your college application essay, right?"
"Sure, it sounds like a great idea."
"Awesome! I'll text Felix to tell him you're in."
You gave Hyunjin a half-hearted smile.
After classes, you showed up at rehearsals and were surprised to find out how easy it was for you to memorize lines. After all, you were quite bookish and you'd read Othello before. It was also tragically ironic how easy you found it to get into character. Despite Desdemona's blameless nature, you were doing a great job as an actress, according to Felix. Maybe because you had been doing nothing but lie to those dearest to you in the recent past. And were only planning to continue doing so.
As the official performance of the play was approaching, you were growing more confident in your abilities and less confident in whether you deserved so much happiness and attention. Soon enough, you got your answer. 
You were sitting in Minho's car one night, his late drives to your place were becoming a regular thing. It was strange...in the dark, you felt perfectly safe and comfortable.
"My friend Felix told me you landed female lead in the school's play," Minho said casually.
"You know Felix from theatre club?" you were surprised to find out Hyunjin and Minho had a common friend. Other than you. Well...you weren't strictly their friend.
"Of course, I know him," Minho shrugged. "We go to dance club together."
That was beyond strange. You'd heard Hyunjin telling you he also knew Felix from dance club. Did that mean...No fucking way. Did Minho and Hyunjin attend the same dance club? Could it be connected with why Minho used to bully Hyunjin? Was there some drama between them you had no clue about? Apparently, you were not the only one keeping secrets...
"Is this...the same club Hyunjin goes to?" you were too curious and couldn't resist the temptation of asking.
"I'm surprised he hasn't told you," Minho scoffed, but quickly changed the subject. You decided not to press him further for fear of making him angry or suspicious.
"Anyways, I was wondering if...you wanted me to come watch you at the play thing. I won't approach you in front of your friends, you don't need to worry about me embarrassing you."
"Min..." you mumbled, feeling touched by his consideration. And simultaneously, guiltier than ever. "You're not embarrassing me, I just don't want to make anyone upset. And of course, I'd love it if you came. But only if you want to, don't feel pressured."
"I'm not. It would make me so happy to watch my talented girl on the stage," Minho insisted. God, it was breaking your heart how much you were on the verge of breaking his, without him realizing.
You squeezed him into a tight hug and kissed his cheek.
"What would I do without you?" you exclaimed.
"Aren't I the most supportive boyfriend in the universe?"
You immediately froze into place. This was the first time Minho had referred to himself as you boyfriend. It was devastating he didn't know you already had another boyfriend. It was devastating you were lying to them both. After the play, you would finally come clean. You could no longer live with such guilt. Hyunjin and Minho deserved better than that. After the play, you would tell them the truth. If they chose to leave you, you would completely understand. It would be better for you to be alone than continue to play with their feelings and do something so unfair towards them behind their back.
"You are," you couldn't help yourself from agreeing. "I'm the luckiest girl."
And you meant every word.
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The day of the play finally arrived and it went well. You didn't mess up anything and the audience was clapping a lot. Hyunjin's friend Felix was playing Othello and near the end of the performance, he had to "smother" you with a pillow. Honestly, if you weren't constantly preoccupied with the promise you'd made to yourself to tell Hyunjin and Minho everything after the play, you would have had so much fun. But you were anxiously preparing yourself for the conversation, so in your head, the whole play went by in the blink of an eye. As you were leaving the stage, you spotted Hyunjin nearby. He hurried towards you excitedly, giving you a wonderful bouquet of flowers and enveloping you in a hug. 
"You were amazing out there!" he praised you.
You hugged him back, naturally, there was nothing suspicious about two friends embracing. But then, Hyunjin seemed so caught up in the moment, that he seemed to forget his promise he would keep things between you on the low-low at school. That he did the one thing he shouldn't have done. He kissed you. And you did the one thing you couldn't come back from. Kissed him back.
Once you opened your eyes, you noticed Minho a couple of metres away. But it was too late. He had already seen everything. You blinked in surpise and slowly withdrew from Hyunjin. Minho was speeding towards you two like a feral cat. Before you could open your mouth to explain, Minho had grabbed your hand and Hyunjin's, pulling you out of the theatre hall and into the corridor.
"We need to talk. Now."
"What's going on?" Hyunjin looked immensely worried as his former bully dragged him after him. 
You knew that trying to reassure him would be pointless. Your secret was already halfway out and it was only a matter of time before the whole of it came out to the surface. Once in the corridor, Minho yelled:
"What the fuck did I just see?"
"I can't even date in peace without you interferring?" Hyunjin was in disbelief.
"And you had to pick her?" Minho groaned in frustration. 
"What's that to you?" Hyunjin scoffed, still having no idea.
You were sobbing uncontrollably, overwhelmed by everything that was happening. Minho turned his anger towards you instead of Hyunjin.
"Tell him. Tell him or I will."
You shook your head, unable to utter a word.
"Your sweet little girlfriend has been fucking me," Minho hissed at Hyunjin. "Did you honestly think I stopped bullying you out of the sheer kindness of my heart? We had an agreement."
Hyunjin took a hesitant step backwards.
"Tell me it isn't true. Tell me he's just lying to mess with me."
You couldn't possibly deny it. So, you just kept crying.
"No," Hyunjin found it impossible. "What the fuck, Y/N?"
"I was going to tell you,"
"When? When we graduated? When we got married?" Hyunjin and it broke you that he had been thinking that far into the future.
"After the play," you murmured dumbly. "I swear, I was going to come clean. But then, you kissed me and Minho saw and-"
"What difference does it make whether you were going to tell us or not?" Hyunjin cried out. 
You tried to reach out for him and hold his hand in a desperate attempt to explain how you felt for both of them and why you did what you did, but Hyunjin pushed you away, running down the corridor and out of the building. You collapsed on the ground as your sobs only became more inconsolable. You were surprised when you felt a pair of arms holding you tightly, as Minho caressed your hair and tried to comfort you.
"I understand why you lied to me. You liked us both too much to end things with either one of us, didn't you?"
You nodded and kept crying.
"Shh, I'm right here, babe," he kissed the top of your head gently. "But if you ever lie to me again, we're over. Am I clear?"
"You...you don't want to break up with me?" you asked in shock.
"Not when I still believe what we have is worth fighting for. I'll try to talk to Hyunjin, okay? Maybe he'll come around."
"I'm not sure he'll want to talk to you but I would appreciate it. He probably would rather see you than me right now," you sighed.
"Everything will be fine," Minho reassured you, confident in his ability to magically fix things.
"Be careful, alright?"
He promised you he would be and went down to the corridor to catch up with Hyunjin.
Minho's POV
I really wanted to help her make everything work. Even though she lied to me and began dating Hyunjin behind my back. I was surprised at myself. After the initial anger subsided, all that I could think about was how devastating it was so watch her cry. Yes, maybe, she was a little greedy for wanting to have the two of us at the same time. Maybe, it was unfair of her to keep it a secret. But I could get behind her reasoning. Was it so wrong that she liked me so much she even lied to her best friend? And if she believed I could change and do better, be a nicer person, then, the least I could do for her was try and talk to Hyunjin. After all, he was in a similar position. He, too, had been cheated on. I thought we would find common ground. And maybe, if he tried to view things from her perspective, as well...To try and understand she just cared for us both. A lot. And she hadn't hurt us on purpose. Maybe it was worth trying to save this.
As I was walking home, I spotted Hyunjin crossing the street. But he must have been too upset to find out I had a thing with Y/N to see the approaching car. He was too slow. And the vehicle was too fast. Fucking dumbass. Without thinking of the consequences, I jumped into the street, pushing Hyunjin out of the way. But before I could find the time to get out of here myself, I realized my legs were frozen. It was too late. The last thing I saw were the car's lights...
Hyunjin's POV
I was alive. I had been seconds away from getting hit by a car and then, someone pushed me out of the way. And I was alive. Wait. Where was that someone? Fuck...No, no, no, no.
It hadn't been just someone. It was Minho. As I held his lifeless body in my arms, my brain refused to work for a couple of seconds. I couldn't believe he had done this. For me. No, that wasn't important right now. I had to do something. I hurriedly pulled my phone from the pocket of my jeans and called an ambulance. Soon enough, the medics arrived and without thinking, I went into the vehicle with him. Despite our complicated history, I couldn't just leave him there alone right after he'd saved my miserable life.
As the ambulance was parking in front of the hospital and the medics were carrying Minho to the operation room, I realized I had to tell her. Regardless of our recent fight. I couldn't believe it was less than an hour ago. It didn't matter anymore.
"Y/N...you have to come to the hospital on 9 Street," I told her directly.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" she asked.
"I'm fine but...Minho...he...just come, please," I said and hung up. I didn't have the energy to explain this over the phone and didn't have the heart to tell her it was my fault he got hurt. If I hadn't been so reckless, if I had watched where I was going, he wouldn't have jumped out to save me. I just had to pray he would survive this. If he didn't, I would never be able to forgive myself.
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Reader's POV
"Felix, could you drive me to the hospital on 9 Street?" you were panicking. You had no car and no idea how to get there and the first thing that came to your mind was the fact Felix was nearby and had probably come to the theatre with his own vehicle.
"Sure, let's go right now," your friend and co-star immediately said he would help. "Is it a family thing?"
You shook your head.
"Is Hyunjin alright?"
"I think so."
"Did someone get hurt?"
"Minho...he...I'm not sure what's wrong myself," you sighed. "Hyunjin told me to get there and he implied something happened to Minho."
Felix nodded in a strange way that led you to believe perhaps he knew about something (other than you) that connected Hyunjin and Minho. Something you didn't know. Some sort of falling out, perhaps? You were once again reminded of the fact the three of them were in same dance club together. You desperately wanted to get to bottom of this mystery. But first, you had to make sure Minho was okay.
"Listen..." Felix started. "When I was changing out of my costume, I overheard the three of you in the corridor."
"Oh, great, now everyone knows I'm a lying, cheating bitch," you replied sarcastically.
"Hey, no judgment here. Hyunjin seemed pretty pissed off out there but I’m sure he'll come around eventually."
"Minho said something similar, actually," you smiled sadly. "He followed him because he wanted to talk to him."
"Typical Minho," Felix chuckled thoughtfully.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
You had no idea that someone other than you viewed Minho in such a positive light. It made you happy, in a sense. But also, it made you confused as to how Felix knew Minho so well.
"It's not my story to tell," Felix grinned mysteriously and parked the car abruptly. "We're here. Do you want me to come with or...?"
"I think I'll be fine. Thanks for the ride. You should get home and have some rest. By the way, I never got to tell you that you were outstanding today, Othello."
Felix waved you off humbly.
"Go get your men, Desdemona," he joked. "And give me a call if you need anything."
"Thank you, Felix. It really means the world to me," you spoke sincerely and hurried into the hospital.
Once you got inside and asked the nurses what room Minho was in, they told you he was currently being operated and you had to wait for a while. You were on the verge of a mental breakdown but you told yourself you had to be strong for him. Luckily, you found Hyunjin in the corridor, also eager for a time when the doctors would have more information on Minho's well-being.
"What happened?" you asked Hyunjin and upon seeing his pitiful expression, just went ahead and hugged him. You were surprised he didn't reject your affection and let you embrace him. Stroking his long hair, you couldn't do much but wait for him to speak.
"I didn't see the car. Minho...he came out of nowhere and pushed me out of the way. It...hit him instead. It's all my fault."
"Don't say that," you cried out. "If anything, it's my fault for lying to you both. You must have been so upset you didn't even realize you were crossing the street. All because of me."
"It's no good if we blame ourselves, though," Hyunjin pointed out. "When Minho is the one suffering the most."
"You're right," you sighed. "All we can do now is wait and be there for him when he wakes up."
You couldn't fathom the thought of it being an if. It had to be a when. He had to wake up.
Time went by and eventually, you were sitting in a hospital room next to an unconscious Minho lying in his bed. Hyunjin and you cried quite a bit upon seeing Minho but at one point, your tears dried up and you started talking to Minho. You weren't sure if he could hear but you had to try.
"Please, Min, wake up. There are so many things I haven't told you yet. Please, I need you," you kept saying.
"I can't believe you would risk your life to save mine. Fucking dickhead," Hyunjin teased but his words contained no venom. "You know how much I hate feeling indebted to someone. You gotta wake up and tell me what I can do to repay you."
"If you really want to thank me for saving your sorry ass, you should give her a second chance," Minho whispered weakly.
"Minho!" you exclaimed happily, gripping his hand tightly, but not too tight to hurt him, as you were trying to be considerate of the fact he had recently been in a car accident.
Hyunjin, on the other hand, was not capable of self-restraint and straight-up hugged Minho.
"I'll even give you a second chance if you want me to!"
"Ouch, that hurts," Minho complained a tad bit too dramatically.
"Sorry, sorry," Hyunjin immediately let go of him.
"Y/N, tell Hyunjin what we talked about before I ran after him," Minho suggested.
"It doesn't matter, I already said I'd give her a second chance, didn't I?" Hyunjin repeated.
"It does matter. Just hear her out, okay?"
"I just...You both mean too much to me and I didn't tell you the truth earlier because I didn't want lose either of you. I like...no, I'm sorry but I love you. You two are too pretty to be just friends. And you’re also kind and talented and supportive. And I know that by lying to you, I risked losing both of you. But now that you know how I feel, I can only hope, no, pray that you would still want to be in my life."
"I get that now," Hyunjin admitted and gave your hand a heartfelt squeeze. "And like I said, I'm willing to put this behind us."
"Same here," Minho reasserted his intention, cutely smiling at you and Hyunjin.
"What I still don't get," Hyunjin continued speaking, turning to Minho, "is why you used to bully me in the first place. We were such good friends, what happened?"
They were? Was this connected to your suspicions about the dance club drama? Was that the thing Felix had labelled as "it's not my story to tell"?
"You don't remember?" Minho blinked in surprise.
"Honestly, I have no idea."
"We're here anyways and by the looks of it, I'm not getting out soon, so I might as well enlighten you," Minho conceded.
Finally! You had been dying to know what went down between these two.
"The year I came to our high school, one of the first extracurricular activities I signed up for was the dance club. Hyunjin and I hit it off immediately, we had a lot in common. One afternoon, we came up with this really cool choreo together and the teacher loved it. He gave me the center position and I was so overjoyed and excited for our first competition that I practised every moment I wasn't in class. Day and night, rehearsal after rehearsal. Until one evening I hurt my leg pretty badly. The competition was the following day. So, who could possibly replace me in such short notice but the other guy who'd come up with this amazing choreo? Hyunjin. And I was fine with that, I really was. After all, Hyunjin reassured me it was just a temporary thing. And I'd be back on my feet before I know it. And indeed, soon after the competition, I was completely healthy. So imagine my surprise when one day I overheard the teacher asking Hyunjin if he wanted to be the center for all the upcoming performances, as well. Even though my leg was alright, the teacher said Hyunjin fit the center position and the whole concept of the dance team better than I ever could. And Hyunjin agreed to do it. Fuck, I felt so betrayed back then. I used to think it was so selfish to discard me like that. But my passion for dancing was too strong and I put up with seeing Hyunjin's face every goddamn day. But outside of the dancing hall, I had to do something to let out my frustrations. And...well, you know the rest."
"My God, Minho, I didn't know you heard that. To be honest, I only agreed with the teacher because at the time you didn't seem that interested in the center position. If I had any idea how important it was to you, I would have stepped out. I would have talked to the teacher or something. I'm really sorry, Minho...For what it's worth, I think you're the most talented dancer out there."
Minho smiled gratefully and gave Hyunjin an understanding nod.
"Well, what's past is past. I'm glad we can open a new page."
"For Y/N's sake?" Hyunjin asked.
"And for each other's," Minho replied meaningfully and even winked at Hyunjin!
"Hello, I'm still here, Romeo and Julio," you teased them.
"Oh, get over it, Desdemona," Hyunjin chuckled.
"Hey! Did you even get the meaning of the play? Desdemona was innocence personified. Unlike me."
"Truly, you're the villain of our story," Minho joked.
"Not the point but whatever," you rolled your eyes. "If Othello hadn't been a jealous prick, poor Desdy would have still been alive! Ah, the tragedy of it all."
"I gotta admit, Felix made Othello seem kinda...fluffy," Hyunjin observed.
"I know, right?" Minho exclaimed. "Even when he was smothering our girl with that pillow, I was like...wait, are they cuddling?"
"Totally," Hyunjin shared his view.
And despite you being the object of ridicule, there was nothing that brought you more joy than your loved ones finally agreeing on something.
To be continued...
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aquanova99 · 3 years
Not What You’d Expect (Felix x reader)
Part 3: Jasper
Pt 2 Pt1 Next part
A/N finally decided to stick with Felix 😅 the first few chapters are definitely a lot of backstory so it may be a slow burn till we get to the love part of the story. I’m sorry! 😬 please read and let me know if I can fix something or maybe something you would like to see!
A/N thank you so much to everyone who takes the time to read this. Criticism is always welcome but be nice y’all because I am sensitive 😂😂😂
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Time seemed to slow down. We just finished saving Edwards girlfriend, again. I was still reeling from the fact that not one of us were able to track that y/n, a human, and a rather loud human due to her clumsy nature went completely unheard until she got to the clearing. I think I blacked out. Is that possible? The volturi were there and faster than what it seemed like Bella could blink they were all gone. Why did she want to save this newborn? Well, I knew why. That girl was way too empathetic for her own good. She was trying to do good and Edward still had the audacity to grab her like that, I didn’t even think about it I was just seeing red at that point. If y/n hadn’t said anything Edward would have had his head ripped. I felt a growl escape my throat as we headed back home. Bella was throwing a tantrum, when y/n told her what Edward was actually thinking she started to think he was going to leave him again. She wasn’t lying I could tell that much from forever ago, I was probably the reason y/n said anything in the first place. When Bella held that vote, Edward had agreed but I knew even then he wasn’t going to change, I don’t understand why he even thinks he has a choice the volturi said she has to be changed, that’s that. Y/n could tell I was upset that night and asked me what had been bothering me, if anyone should have empath powers it should be that human. But honestly it like she had some kind of effect regardless, being able to even calm down Rosalie when she was at ready to tear Bella’s head off. Edward interrupted my thoughts
“Bella, just forget what she said.”
“Edward you haven’t denied anything. You can’t avoid this anyway, I have to be changed.”
“No. You don’t.”
“Yes I do. So she wasn’t lying then. I HAVE to be changed.”
“Why so you can be a monster like us, like Bree over there, like the newborns?”
“Edward you have two seconds to shut your mouth before I rip it off.” Rosalie was on edge, I could tell Edward wanted me to calm her down but I made it a point to not use my powers on her. Rosalie trusted me, that trust entailed me to not use my powers on her and I do not want to get on her bad side, and as far as I’m concerned Edward deserves whatever she gives him. Edward didn’t like me anyway, he just growled at me as he read my thoughts. He quickly diverted his attention to someone he knew could convince the family otherwise.
“Carlisle, you can’t be serious bringing in a newborn, she is a danger to Bella.” Rosalie instinctively grabbed Bree and put her behind her in case something happened.
“Dude. Seriously? Just the chill the fuck out.”
“Emmett please.” Carlisle warned, “ Bree is doing just fine, I don’t see why she can’t learn our ways.”
Edward hated when he didn’t have Carlisle on his side, it was his ace. No in argued with Carlisle. He had nothing now. I could tell he was glaring daggers whenever my thoughts called him out. I wouldn’t be the one to start the fight though.
Bella started to get hysterical again, “why won’t you change me, I agreed to marry you if you would change me.”
Oh boy. Rosalie is not going to take that well. If there had been a limit to how much she could take from her brother he had pushed it a while ago, she always held back for her families sake.
That was long gone
“You did WHAT?!?!” No stopping it now “you guilt tripped her into marrying you? And you won’t even keep your end of the deal???” She lunged at Edward, he was fast but he highly overestimates his speed. She pinned him to the ground before he had time to think. Alice was about to help Edward out as usual but Emmett held her arm back.
There was the sound of crack, porcelain breaking and just like that edwards arms were off. Rosalie turned back to look at Emmett, maybe for permission or to see if he would disapprove or judge her in any way. Not a chance he was entirely too proud and he made no effort to hide his grin, she seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and before we knew it she threw his arms as far as she could in different directions. We both started laughing.
Bella and Esme were both in shock, while Carlisle seemed rather neutral about it all.
Rosalie didn’t wait for him to start chastising her, she grabbed Breed hand and started walking home. Emmett and I followed. No one could really say he didn’t deserve it. Carlisle eventually caught up with us and tried to warn us of the family meeting we were going to have. I groaned internally, the only the thing that was going to end up happening was Edward talking over everyone and getting pity our of Esme, which meant he also got Carlisle to agree with whatever he said.
“Edward will speak first this time, but we have too much to discuss that concerns all of us. Besides it will take him and Esme awhile to find his uhh missing pieces.” Not long enough. Rosalie and Emmett had just enough time to really introduce themselves and let Bree know that they wouldn’t let anyone hurt her.
As usual he went on this rant about pretending to know what was good for Bella, and how we shouldn’t condemn her to our life. Not like we had a choice, not like the volturi weren’t just here. However, this time Bella was there. She was oddly silent. Seemingly wanting everyone’s opinions before she spoke. He spoke about how dangerous and careless newborns could be, ignoring Bree’s presence entirely. If she was human I’m sure she would be crying, it was a lot to process in a day and she was being attacked for not even doing anything, she hid the whole fight violence wasn’t in her nature which was strange for a newborn vampire. Rosalie looked at me and glanced at Bree, I knew what she was asking, I began to calm her down.
Once Edward finished, Carlisle asked who wanted to go next. Alice spoke up.
“Edward Bella has to be changed, y/n already made you seem hesitant to change her. The volturi are going to check on her in a short while. I don’t even see her dying anymore as a future, she’s going to be one of us.” Alice visions weren’t always for certain. She had seen me coming and at first interpreted me as her mate, it turned out that because of my gift I was the o my vampire that could safely get her to the cullens because I couldn’t continue eating people. She’d seen Bella jump and thought she was dead, she hadn’t considered things that would take away her sight.
“No, she ca—“
“Edward you’ve already spoken your peace. Let Alice continue.”
“There’s nothing else to say Carlisle, Bella has to be changed and soon.”
I shifted my gift towards him, he was too angry. Dangerously angry. He began to glare at me, my gift often gave me a general idea on how he thought and while he constantly picked his brain, he was not fond of others knowing about his thoughts.
“And the newborn?”
“Her name is Bree.” We all turned to see Emmett, he was always the easygoing one in the family but you wouldn’t be able to tell if you looked at him now. He was getting fed up with Edward getting away with saying whatever he felt like. “If she was going to hurt Bella she would have tried already.” Rosalie just had her arm around her shoulders not holding her back but seemingly consoling her. Bree just looked exhausted.
“Emmetts got a point.” I spoke up, y/n had obviously seen something in the young girl and she was still waiting to get her head ripped off, might as well let her know she has others on her side “You’re right Edward newborns are usually naturally very wild, she’s struggling but most would have already tried to attack Bella. She’s only a kid.” I think. It was hard to tell, but it was apparent life hadn’t been exactly kind to Bree. “Now, instead of assuming you know what’s right for Bella maybe you should listen to what she has to say.”
“She doesn’t know what she wants, what she will be missing!” His tone was rising again.
“Oh my god Edward SHUT UP!” We all turned to look at Bella. “You don’t get to decide what’s good for me, it’s my life. And even if I did t want this life I am not putting the rest of your family at risk again because you’re too stubborn to turn me so if you are going to continue this we are done. Let me be clear, done.” Edwards mouth dropped. His idea of Bella would never dream of questioning him, let alone giving him an ultimatum.
“Bella, my love please. Let’s go to college and then I will turn you I promise.”
Bella wasn’t swayed. “Carlisle. Do you really have a friend that would be able to tell me if Edward is lying?”
“…Yes,” he was answered cautiously.
“Can I please meet them?”
“BELLA?!?” If vampires could go into shock Edward would have. “You can’t mean….?”
“No, Edward if you mean what you say then I’ll get the reassurance I need. And if it turns out your lying, then I get the confirmation that I may need to follow y/n. I won’t put your family through this again. Carlisle would they be willing to meet with us?”
“I don’t see why not, we would have to go there though. One of us would have to track them down for them to come here, they don’t keep up with technology the way we do. I can leave in a couple days.”
Bella nodded, “Alice, do you think you could take me home?”
“Uhm sure Bella”
“Bella I can take you home, nothing has changed.”
“Edward I need some time, we both know you will try and convince me otherwise on the drive over. Please don’t try and come over tonight either.”
Once the girls left, Edward continued to try and convince Carlisle, and while Carlisle too him to his office we could all hear that he wasn’t budging on going to get his friends for Bella. Esme hadn’t really spoken since the two came back and once the meeting was over she left to her room.
“Is he always like this?” Bree spoke for the first time, her voice was barely audible even for our hearing.
“Unfortunately.” Rosalie said, “he’s been here longer than the rest of us, and he thinks that means he’s the protector of the family, even though most of us could take him. Not that he’ll agree, his ego won’t let him.”
“Do you have any questions for us Bree?” I was surprised she wasn’t asking more to be honest.
“What do you guys eat? I thought vampires needed blood?”
“We do, but we can survive off of any blood not just humans.”
“And those people who tried to kill me?”
Emmett took that one, “that’s the volturi, think of them like the vampire police. As vampires the only rule we have is that we aren’t supposed to let humans know about us. So when there are a ton of random people missing or dead and people start to get suspicious…”
“Like Seattle? Like me?” She seemed to shrink at the second question
“Well like Victoria, you weren’t told there were rules but Yeah they have to step in and take care of the problem.”
She sighed, “I wish I could sleep. I feel like I’m so tired.”
“I know. It may not seem like it now, but it does get better. Trust me. And you’ve got us now, if that helps.” Rosalie offered. Bree offered a small smile.
“Thank you guys….uhm who was the girl? The one who wanted to save me for some reason. Why would she do that for someone she doesn’t know?”
Rosalie and I shared a look but we couldn’t really say anything yet, it was too soon. Seemed almost unreal. Emmett saved Rose from answering,
“Oh that was y/n, she’s that kind of person and honestly we can’t really tell you why.” He smiled, “so what about you short stuff what’s your story?”
“Oh I don’t want to bore you guys with that, it’s not a very happy story.”
“None of ours were always happy either.” Rosalie offered. Bree smiled again, she was starting to relax,slowly but it was definitely a start.
“Okay, if you say so.”
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binnieboyswhore · 3 years
SKZ as...
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Stray Kids as my favorite kinks Pairing: Skz x Reader  Genre: smut  Word count: 1,130 Warnings: Choking, bondage, Knives, blood, biting, bruises, wax, and blindfolds. I can’t think of anything else but ya if you feel i should add it please let me know! Authors note: This is my favorite thing I’ve ever written cause I am the center of it all and yes i am an attention whore. I am willing to die on all these hills so please don’t fight me on it 
Please if you are under the age of 18 do not interact. Thank you :)
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Bang Chan: Erotic Asphyxiation: Choking Do I even have to explain? Between the rings and watches and that mans beautiful ass hands? Fairy Tales are written about those hands. Anyway, back to them being wrapped around your throat. He loves having them on there whether he’s railing you, making out with you or even chilling with the boys. He loves having you seated between his legs, your back on his chest while his hand rests on your collar bone. It’s strangely calming to both of you to know you’re just a grip away
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Minho:  Merinthophilia: tying someone up This boy loves his ropes and I am prepared to die on this hill. He loves tying you up whether it’s just your hands to the headboard using his belt or taking the time to learn new knots and designs. He has every color of rope so it can match any occasion, even pastel colors for a pretty easter fuck. He is in love with the pained look in your eyes when you really want to touch him and you can’t. He also loves how pretty you look all tangled in his ropes. He even learns a heart knot for you on valentines day, constantly grabbing ahold of it while fucking you. He thinks you’re so pretty tied up he often takes pictures of you before he absolutely wrecks you.
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Changbin: Dressing up: Bunny One word. Bunny. Bunnies make this man's head go brrr. When he comes into your shared bedroom after a long day at work and sees those ears on you, one bent as if it were winking at him makes him go crazy. The white lace tight around your body leaves nothing to the imagination, he can’t help but drop his jaw. Once he gathers himself he asks you, “So, bunny do you have the rest of it?” You turn to show off your cotton tailed butt plug and this man loses it. He is ready to tear you apart like a wolf who found dinner after three days of hunting. It’s a guarantee you won’t be walking tomorrow.
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Hyunjin: RACK: knife play This man would be one of the few I trust enough to do this. He would love dragging the blade all over your body watching goosebumps rise up. Occasionally digging the blade in your flesh but not with enough force to break skin just enough to hear your little whimpers. On occasion you allow him to cut you, not deep enough to scar but enough to draw blood and he goes bonkers when you allow this. He’ll cut you along the top of your thigh and watch the blood trickle down a bit before flattening his tongue on you, licking it up and suckling on the wound. You let a moan out at the mixture of the cold blade, the burning wound and his wet tongue. He’ll insert the handle of the blade in you, watching you as you rut your hips along it. He’d roll his eyes from watching how much pleasure you’re receiving from this and he hasn’t even touched you yet.
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Jisung: Odaxelagnia: Biting Whether it’s to extract a dirty ass moan from you or muffle his own this man loves to bite. He loves leaving his mark on you anywhere you allow. He loves little nips at your back or big bites on your ass and thigh. There were a few times he’d accidently bite you so hard he’d draw blood. He couldn’t tell you how sorry he was that he did that, leaving little kisses around it but the devil in his brain reminded him this one would take longer to heal and knowing that his teeth were indented into your skin covered in a brown and purple bruise excited him so much. During the healing process you could expect quickies any and everywhere, in closets of music video sets to bathroom stalls at restaurants. Anytime he got a glimpse of it, it just wound him right back up.
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Felix: Temperature Play: wax Felix is an absolute S L U T for wax play. He loves to cuff/tie your hands to the bed frame and watch your chest heave up and down in anticipation for the hot wax. He’ll light multiple different colored candles too so your chest is an “absolute work of art” Felix always liked to say. He’ll start by dropping wax right between your breast watching it slowly fall through the valley and come to a droplet. He repeats this process in different colors watching your chest rise and fall in pain but enjoyable pain. He takes a candle dripping wax over your sensitive nipples letting a moan out he’ll look at you, “Are you still okay?” he lifts the candle so no more wax is falling on you. “Fuck felix please don’t stop.” You moan out causing his member to get extra hard. He’ll get a crazy look in his eye and smirk at you. You knew you were in for a good fuck when he took his phone off the bed side table to capture his work before destroying your body in every way he could.
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Seungmin: Dominance: Sir There is nothing Seungmin loves more than when you refer to him as “Sir”. It could be in a sarcastic way or a sexual way but no matter it always resulted with you bent over the nearest object taking him pounding into you. He loved nothing more than hearing you scream “Yes sir.” when he asked if you felt good. The thought alone could make him combust. He would even often record you screaming it just so he has plenty of octave options to jack off to on tour or if work has gotten real stressful. He’s still trying to talk chan into using one as a background sound on the album. He has yet to sway him considering he refuses to let chan listen to him cause “those moans are mine”.
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IN: Amaurophilia: blindfolds He hasn’t decided what he likes more, using the blindfold on him or on you. (It’s definitely you) He loves the way the silk band feels as he ties it behind your head making sure not to get your hair caught in it. He loves that now you’re having to rely on your other senses and on him to know what he’s doing so he likes to fuck with you a bit like breath on your neck then pinch the inside of your thigh, eating up every little yelp and moan you let out. He constantly teases you before entering, he’ll drag his dick up and down your folds relentlessly till you reach out your hand making an attempt to grab a hold of his arm.
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Prey for You | Part 6
Genre: Smut, angst.
Word Count: 5.6k
Summary: As Chan gets closer to his heat and you get closer to Felix, things are bound to come to a head.
Warnings: super unhealthy relationship, dom!chan, sub!reader, spanking, exhibitionism, breeding kink, violence, big dick chan, fingering, enemies to lovers, wolf!hybrid chan, fox!hybrid reader
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(If you know the owner of this gif pls let me know so I can credit them)
You barely spend any time in the house anymore, only going back to sleep. Chan can’t seem to grasp the fact that it’s really over. He keeps trying to talk his way back into your life like last time, but you don’t give him the chance. You’re afraid if you listen to him, he’ll trick you again.
You end up spending more and more time with Felix, something that angers Chan greatly. He even tries to tell Felix to stay away from you, as the cat begrudgingly admitted to you one day, but he refused. And you’re ever so grateful for that. You don’t really have any friends and if you did, you’re such none of them could hold a candle to Felix.
He was such a sweetheart in a way that was almost too good to believe. Maybe it’s because he hasn’t been through the same sort of stuff you have, and cat hybrids in general are more favored and accepted than fox hybrids. Or maybe it’s because he found a group of friends that accepted him for who he was and never doubted him. But he seemed to have so much faith and trust in the world that you could never come close to. Still, just being in his positive presence rubbed off on you a little and gave you a smidge of happiness by proxy.
It was much needed, as the closer Chan got to his heat, the more explosive his temper became. Unfortunately for you, the mere fact that you were spending time with Felix fueled his anger, and he would fly into rage every time you’d come back home smelling like the cat. So any sense of cheerfulness you may have gotten from Felix was quickly smashed to the ground the moment you walked through the door.
It also wasn’t helping that he hasn’t hooked up with anyone ever since your last time together, and not satisfying what his body was literally demanding from him just made things ten times worse. But he persisted, trying till the end to convince you to spend his heat with him. You refused, of course.
Until finally, he informs you that you will have to leave the house for a few days as he will be bringing someone over to spend his heat with him. He wanted to rent a hotel room for you but you told him you already had a place to stay. He asks where you’ll stay, the grimace already on his face telling you that he knew the answer; you’ll be with Felix.
You pack your bag with the things you’ll be needing for the next few days under Chan’s watchful eyes. He stays silent until it’s time for you to leave. That’s when he takes your hand in his, proclaiming earnestly, “I really didn’t want to do this. I don’t want anyone else but you.”
“It doesn’t matter now.” You mumble, trying to move away but he grips your hand tighter, looking down at it intensely. "Please don't stay with Felix. I'll get you a five star hotel suite."
You wrench away from him. "Because I'll ruin him?"
"No." He shakes his head vehemently. "Just please. For me?"
You snort. "I don't owe you shit, Chan."
You can barely sit still. Just knowing that Chan was with another woman right now made you sick to your stomach, and once again, you find your traitorous heart wishing you had given in to him. This just hurts too much. 
Felix is concerned about you, and he does all he can think of to take your mind off of it. He talks to you. He bakes you cookies. He cuddles with you. He tries to distract you in any way, but nothing works. 
Finally, he brings out the alcohol, knowing that that’s what helped you last time. You throw yourself into it, downing glass after glass to snuff out your jealousy and pain, but all that accomplishes is getting you more disinhibited and loud. 
“I can’t take it, Felix. He’s with another woman right now when he should be with me.”
“No. You deserve so much better.” Felix insists, trying to contain you in his embrace but you’re fidgeting too much. “Chan didn’t treat you right.”
“But he can, right? I mean he loves you so much. Maybe if we just try--” You maniacally explain but Felix’s angelic face twists into a scowl. “Do you even know the kind of stuff he used to say about you? That was the first time that I’ve ever looked down on him--when he was being so unfair to you.” 
You gulp, heart wrenching at the thought of the kind of things he must’ve said to his friends that would anger Felix so much. “But...what can I do, Lixie? It hurts so bad.”
Felix cups your face, so soft and delicate, looking into your eyes adoringly. “Let me take your mind off it.” He whispers. 
“What?” The word barely leaves your lips before his own lips are on you, kissing you tenderly. 
 You freeze in shock as Felix’s lips move over yours, trying to get you to reciprocate, but you pull away. "Kitty… don't."
He doesn’t let you go. “Stop thinking about him, please. Focus on me.” He coaxes, pressing his lips to yours in light pecks, his gaze pulling you in. 
You give into the soft feeling of his lips on yours. So far nothing has worked to ease your mind. Maybe this will. It feels nice kissing him, he’s soft and malleable, working with you according to what you want, letting you lead the kiss when you’re ready. 
You get closer to each other by the second, and when you pull him onto your lap, his crotch rubs against your thigh, and he moans out. 
“Are you hard already, kitty?” You tug on his hair, pulling his head away and restricting his answering nod.
You slide your hands down his body and pull his pants down over his dick, freeing it. “What a cute little dick, Lixie.” You coo, seeing his small member red and twitching against his abdomen. 
He blushes, burying his face in your neck and moaning out as you wrap your hand around his dick. “Fits just right in my hand.” You jerk him, the boy easily whining.
“Does it feel good, kitty?” 
“Y-yeah.” He kisses your neck wetly, trailing down towards your chest and mouthing at your breast through your top. “So good. Been wanting this for so long.” 
“You did? And here I thought you’re an innocent kitty.” 
“I am. I’m a good kitty.” He moans, trying to kiss you again but you keep his head away.
“Do good kitties lust after their friend’s girl?” 
His face morphs with annoyance, surprising you. “Shut up about him.” The way he spoke threw you off. It was unlike him and you were annoyed by the unexpected change. Narrowing your eyes at him, you hiss warningly, “Felix...” 
“Chan is literally balls deep in another girl right now. Fuck him.” He huffs insolently, his hands going up to grope your chest. 
You slap him, the wetness of his precum sticking to his cheek. “Shut up.”
“Why do you still care about him after all he's done to you?” He asks angrily. 
“Because I love him!” You find yourself answering easily. You do love him, despite everything he put you through. 
“He doesn’t deserve your love. He’s a fucking asshole.”
“He’s your best friend. He thinks of you like a brother!” You know you shouldn't defend him but you also know that Chan would be absolutely devastated if he found out that's what Felix thinks of him. It was never your intention to drive a wedge between them.
Felix scoffs, getting off you and adjusting his clothes irritably. “Yeah and I have to forever follow his every word or I’ll be an ungrateful bastard, right? I thought you out of everyone else would understand!”
“Understand what?” You exclaim. 
“When Chan took me under his wing,” Felix begins, voice gruff with a bitterness you’re all too familiar with. “I was so blown away by how nice that is, that I basically worshipped him. And he liked that about me. I know he loves me but a big part of that is because I contribute to making him feel better about himself. Chan is so fucking obsessed with having people like and respect him. That’s the entire reason he’s so ashamed of you, because you don’t fit his perfect image.”
His words lash at you. You already knew very well that’s how Chan thinks but to hear it said out loud to you by Felix just makes it hurt more.
“So when I came in, all puppy eyed and full of praise, he was ecstatic to have me around--his own personal cheerleader. And I was happy to give that to him. Hell, the guys saved my life, right? But now I can’t get out of that role. I can’t disobey anything he says or go against his word or he’d take it as a betrayal because Chan is always fucking right. Chan always knows best.”
"Felix don't be stupid. I’m sure if you just talked to him, he’d understand.”
“Yeah, like he understood you?” 
You reel back, stung, and you quietly say, “You’re different. He loves you so much, Felix. He almost ripped my head off when he found out I had hung out with you. He was so worried about you.”
Felix laughs at that. “You got it all wrong. He wasn’t worried about me. He was jealous and afraid I’ll steal you from him.” 
“That doesn’t make any sense.” You exclaim, the entire conversation thrusting your brain in a confused daze, but you quickly quiet down as you hear the sounds of keys. You look at Felix in alarm, silently asking who could it be, and from the way his face pales, you already know the answer.
Your heart drops in your stomach and your throat closes up as the door swings open to reveal a distressed Chan. He lets out a little sigh of relief when he sees you, and he starts making his way towards you. "Oh, baby. I couldn't do it. Please come home."
Suddenly, he stops dead in his tracks, face turning to stone and eyes deadly as he takes in the scent of your and Felix's arousal in the air. You see nothing but bloody murder in his eyes as they regard you, and you think he might actually kill you this time. After all, it’s the peak of his heat, he apparently hasn’t slept with the woman he was supposed to, and you had just messed around with his best friend. He must be angry, riled up, and frantic. He’s capable of doing anything.
But instead of attacking you, he pounds towards Felix, screaming at him, “You fucking bastard!” He swings at Felix, the force of his punch throwing the smaller boy to the ground. He doesn’t stop there though, aiming kicks at the crumpled form of the cat on the floor. 
“Chan, no!” You scream, rushing towards them but Chan yanks you away, gritting out, “Don’t touch him.” 
“Chan, please--” You beg, hoping to stop him from assaulting Felix again, but then the boy on the ground sits up, spitting the blood out of his mouth, and regarding Chan with a dark look you've never even thought the cute cat was capable of. “What is it, hyung? The bitch’s pussy wasn’t tight enough for you?” 
Chan throws you to the side and jumps on Felix again, pummeling his face with punches. The cat can barely do anything to protect himself, let alone retaliate--the power difference just too great between them. 
You rush towards them again, trying to stop the wolf’s attacks. “Stop it, Chan! You’re gonna kill him!” 
He stops, and Felix slumps on the ground, groaning and bloody. You try to get closer to check on him but Chan grabs you by the hair and pulls your face close to his. “Is this what you wanted, baby? Am I predator enough for you now?” 
“Puppy, please, don’t do this.” You beseech, pulling at his arm. “Let’s go home. Let me take care of you.” 
“You can take care of me here.” He replies coldly.
“W-what?” You yelp as he gets off Felix and pushes you over his body instead. “Since he decided to touch what wasn’t his, I’m gonna fuck you right in front of his eyes.”
You and Felix stare at each other in horror as Chan’s hands rip your pants off. You quickly notice the malice in his eyes, and you grab his arms, your hands clenching down on them with all your might and your eyes silently begging him to stay down. He’d have no chance against Chan if he tried, and you really don’t think he can take any more punches. 
“Please.” You mouth, hoping the concern in your eyes would get through to him. He grits his teeth but stays down, and you let out a small sigh of relief that turns into a shocked squeak as you feel Chan’s hand coming down on your ass. 
“I am the one in heat and I couldn’t bear to sleep with someone else. But you were just gonna fuck my best friend that easily?” He growls, giving your ass another smack that makes you jolt. He doesn’t hold back, his fingers spread wide to strike as much of your cheek as he can. 
“No!” You shake your head forcefully, making up for your uncertainty. The truth is you aren’t sure if you would’ve gone through with it or not, and that made you feel ashamed of yourself. Yes, Chan had hurt you but you wouldn’t have gone so low as to fuck the guy he thought of as his brother, right?  “I wasn’t.” 
"But you let him touch you." He snarls, giving you another hard slap before soothing the skin again. "Tell me, did you let him touch you here?" He pulls your panties to the side and rubs his fingers lightly over your pussy.
"No!" You shake your head, feeling the heat pooling in your stomach and you find yourself pushing your ass back into his fingers. But instead of touching you, he smacks your ass once more. 
Soothing his hand over the punished skin, he drawls, "It doesn’t matter. When I'm done with you, no one will have any doubt who you belong to." Then he spanks you again. And again. And again. 
You’re surprised by how you don’t have any desire to stop his actions. On the contrary, it felt good to finally be claimed by him. You longed for him to love you openly and willingly, and with the effect of the heat, that is exactly what he was doing. You could smell how aroused he is, and how much he wanted to fuck you. And you wanted him to. Messing around with Felix only made you crave Chan more, and like a horny bitch you couldn’t wait for him to give it to you, even in front of Felix--especially in front of Felix. You wanted to prove to him as much as to yourself that you could be Chan’s. 
“Is this what you wished to have, Lixie?" He asks the boy under you. "She has such a pretty pussy, doesn’t she? So tight…” He nudges a finger in, curling it. “But it's all mine." 
The boy under you glares up at him and you dig your fingers into his biceps, once again begging him not to fight back. 
"Puppy, please. Let’s just go home" You coax, trying to get the two boys away from each other.
“No. He’s gonna sit there and watch me breed your little pussy.” Chan says, pulling his finger out then pushing it in again, his other hand continuing to spank you. 
You think you hear a low growl coming from Felix but it’s hard concentrated over the squelching sounds of Chan’s fingers pumping in and out of your drenched pussy at a rapid pace. Delighting in the way you are rocking yourself against his hand and clenching around his finger, Chan praises you. “Good girl. You know who you belong to, don’t you?” 
His finger curls inside of you and his hand falls on your ass harshly. “Don’t you, baby?” 
You know he’s not to be provoked right now. “Yes. I belong to you.” 
“That’s my good little fox.” He grunts, pushing another finger inside you. “Would he be able to make you lose it like this just from his fingers? Have you fucking back on his fingers like a bitch in heat?” 
“No, puppy. Only you can.”  You answer while looking Felix in the eye, and you’re turned on, you could feel your arousal leaking down your leg. 
“You like this, don’t you, little slut? Is this what you were waiting for?” 
“No… I-I” You stutter, feeling yourself getting close despite your denial. Chan can tell and he speeds up even more, causing the palm of the hand he is fingering you with to keep smacking against your pussy. As your walls start spasming around his fingers, he takes them out, leaving you clenching around nothing. But he doesn’t stop touching you, his fingers rubbing over your lips relentlessly, forcing you into a painful high and never letting you down. You shake in his grip, squealing and begging him to stop. “Chan---I can’t, please!”
You try to pull away but he snakes an arms around your waist and keeps your ass in the air, his fingers forcing you into another orgasm. Your hips jerk in his hold, trying to break away, and you beg. “It h-hurts, Chan...ahhhh---please, stop! Please!” 
Finally he stops, and your body goes limp, almost falling onto Felix if it weren’t from the arm Chan has around you. As you sit there, panting and held up by Chan, he brings his other hand to your face and pushes the fingers that were just inside you into your mouth. You can barely breathe around the intrusion, so short of breath already, but you do your best to suck on them like you know he wants. 
“Good girl.” He pushes your shirt over your breasts and palms one of them greedily.  "Want me to fuck your pussy, my pretty fox?" He purrs, pulling his fingers out of your mouth, and--wet with your saliva-- he rubs them over your other breast. Despite the agonizing orgams you just had, you find yourself arching into his touch and rubbing your thighs together.
“Yes, puppy. Need you to fuck me.” 
You let out a shaky breath as he pulls your panties to your knees. You hear the sound of pants unzipping before you feel the head of his cock pressing against your entrance and slowly nudging in. You briefly wonder how you were ever able to take him. Sensing your worry, he pushes in more of his dick. “No, no backing down now. You’re going to be a good fox and take my cock, won’t you, baby?” 
“Yes, Channie.” You grit. It’s been so long since you’ve taken him, and you know this is gonna hurt despite how drenched you were. Still, you were excited, having learnt to appreciate the painful stretch now. Maybe he was right all along--he’d ruined you for all your pretty boys, trained you to crave his dick only.
He holds you still to prevent you from wiggling away as he continues to inch his dick inside you. “Take it. You wanted me to claim you and now you’re going to be good and take it.” He leans over and mouths at your neck. Instead of kisses, he nibs at your skin, the sharp pain of his canines plucking at the skin taking your attention away from the dull pain of his dick breaching your pussy. 
Once he’s all the way in, he laps his tongue at your neck soothingly. “There. Good girl.” 
You wince as he pulls his hips back slowly then thrusts back in all at once, a yelp coming out of you as his dick hits deep inside you. He chuckles, his hips picking up speed. “I have so much cum for you, you’ll be dripping my seed for days.” 
You can do nothing but whimper, holding tightly onto Felix as Chan’s hips slap against your ass and his dick pistons in and out of you. It feels like it’s the first time fucking him for how much your pussy suffers. But for as much pain it gives you, it also gives pleasure, and you feel euphoric. 
"I'll make sure no one touches you ever again. Gonna breed you everyday and make you walk around with my cum dripping from your pussy so everyone knows who you belong to." He growls, and you know he’s staring down at Felix from the way the other boy was glaring at him. “Do you want that, baby?” 
You open your mouth to reply but all that cums out is an incomprehensible garble so you give up, mouth left hanging open. 
"Look at that, Felix. I’ve fucked her dumb." He gloats, pushing your shirt up and fondling your tits. “And you thought your little dick could ever please her. She wouldn’t have even felt it after getting fucked open by me. Isn’t that right, baby girl?” 
Chan’s voice is gruff as his hips drive into you even harder, and you know he’s close. You nod, pleading. “Yes---p-please puppy---ahh cum.” 
“You want me to cum inside you? Want me to make you mine?” He growls in your ear, and you whimper, your legs buckling under you. He holds your hips up, his dick drilling into you. “Ok, baby girl. There you go. Take it all.” His dick spasms inside of you, his hot cum quickly filling up your tight pussy.
You feel so satisfied filled up like this. It feels right, and you wish you could stay in this moment forever--his arms wrapped securely around you and his face nuzzling softly into your neck as he whispers soft praises into your ear. 
But of course it can’t, especially not with the hostile cat lying under you. 
Chan is not done taunting Felix though. Pulling out of you, he inserts two fingers into your pussy and curls them as he pulls out, making the cum inside you gush out. Then he leans over you and brushes his cum stained fingers over Felix’s bloody cheek. The cat tenses up, hissing threateningly, but you quickly intervene, croaking out, “Channie…Please, let’s go.”
Chan huffs, pulling your panties back on and zipping up his own pants before he scoops you up in his arms. He sits you down on the couch and helps you put your pants back on. As he starts getting dressed too. Felix sits up, looking worse for wear but hopefully not seriously injured. You’re worried that Felix would be stupid enough to attack him but to your relief, he stays seated where he was, the both of them just glaring at each other. 
Before it can escalate beyond the dirty looks, you put a hand to Chan’s back, pulling his attention towards you. “I want to go now.” You coax, “Please.” 
Chan sighs and nods, carrying you in his arms and walking out of the apartment. 
When you get back to his house, Chan sets you down on your bed. 
Cupping your cheeks, he asks softly, “Do you want to take a shower?” 
You shake your head, too tired to even stand up at this point. Nodding, he pulls your soiled clothes off your body, doing his best to wipe you off before he grabs one of his hoodies and pulls it over your head. 
When he’s done, he just stands there awkwardly like he wants to say something but is unsure how to start. 
You sigh, defeated. “Just say what you want to say, Chan.”
His gaze is set on you, suddenly resolute, and he states firmly. "I want you to give me a chance." 
You scoff in disbelief. "I've given you plenty of chances."
"No.” He insists, jaw set and tone unrelenting. “You never really did. You always had your mind made up about me from the beginning. I want a real chance this time." 
“You think you deserve it after all you’ve done? You've never even apologized for any of the shit you put me through, Chan!"
“I’m sorry." He apologizes at once, with no hesitation, and you’re taken aback. “Why suddenly? Did I have to ask you for it?”
"No. I was being an idiot and a coward. I cared more about my reputation than I did about you and that was wrong.” His jaw clenches and he looks at you intensely. “But I wasn’t the only one at fault. You were no angel either.”
You open your mouth to protest but he stops you. “Just shut up and listen for once.” He shouts, frustrated, and begins pacing around the room, one hand messing up his hair while the other gestures wildly as he explains. 
“I was scared to tell people I was with you when I wasn’t even sure you were going to stay. Any time I tried to get close to you, you would always reject me. You made me feel so worthless and unwanted. You never thought of me as a real predator, and you made sure to throw that in my face every chance you got. Tell me how could I trust you when you looked at me like I didn’t even deserve to be a predator? That my mere existence was a shame? Have you ever apologized to me for that?” He challenges, stopping his pacing and waiting for your answer, but you couldn’t give him one. You just stare down at your hands to avoid his condemning gaze. No, you never apologized. 
“I didn’t think so.” He scoffs sourly,  “You know what the worst thing is? I believed you. I’ve always doubted myself and wondered if I’m weak and inept, wondered if I could ever be enough. And there you were, so contemptuously telling me that I am not."
"So it's my own fault you treated me like I was something to be ashamed of?" You ask incredulously. “That you didn’t even stand up for me in front of your friends?”
"No! I just want you to see it from my perspective for once." He yells, frustrated at how you seemed to twist his words. “That night at the studio, I thought we were getting somewhere. I thought that for the first time you were starting to trust me and respect me. That you could maybe see me as something more than the impotent predator you always thought I was. But as soon as I attempted to confess to you, you pulled back like I disgusted you. You undid everything I was trying to build with that one look.”
“So yeah, I was fucking bitter about it, and when my friends showed up and realized you were there, they fucking laid it on me, asking me what the fuck I was doing and reminding me how hard I had been on Jisung because of you before, and I just felt fucking stupid and humiliated by them--by you!”
“Still, I wanted to apologize after I’d calmed down but by then you wouldn’t even listen to me. You’re so fucking stubborn you know?” He smiles wetly. 
He waits for you to say something but you just remain frozen, trying to make sense of everything that he said. You had always viewed Chan as the dangerous party here, the one who was most capable of hurt, that you never stopped to ask if you were hurting him. You guess, deep down, you never really believed he cared for you and so you didn’t consider the idea that your rejection would affect him. 
Coming close again, he sits on the bed next to you and props your chin up to make you look at him. “But I never lied to you, my pretty fox. You are special to me and I love you.” You can see the sincerity in his eyes, but something still nags at you. 
“What about what you said to me about Felix? How you actually care about him?” You chew on your lip, worried about his answer. 
Letting you go, he rubs a hand over his face and lets out a tired laugh. “I was fucking jealous for god’s sake--something you would've been able to tell easily if you had paid any attention to how I was feeling.”
You wrap your arms around yourself, feeling defensive. “But why would you assume I would go after Felix?” 
“Because you and him make way more sense than you and I. He’s much more your type than I ever was. He’s kind and compassionate and sweet. I was terrified that you’d fall right into his arms, and I’d never be able to compete. I would lose both my lover and my best friend.” 
“Okay.” You say slowly, trying to make sense of all this new information and relating them to your own emotions. “But all of that still doesn’t excuse the fact that you completely fucked with my already tennous sense of self worth, Chan. You made me feel that for once, someone might actually love me and want me despite what I am, only for you to then immediately pull the rug out from under my feet and try to distance yourself from me.” 
“I know, and I was wrong and I wish I could take it all back.” He laments sadly, “But I was hurt too. You never made it easy” 
“You’re right. I’m sorry too.” You finally apologize, and you mean it. You never even suspected the extent to which your actions and words have affected him. You thought you were the only one who truly cared and you did everything in your power to hide that from him so he wouldn’t hurt you with it. 
“But,” You take a deep breath, almost wishing you could stop here and just forgive him and take him back. But you know you can’t. You’d just come back here again. “I don’t if I can trust you.”
"Don't then.” He answers simply and you’re lost. “I'm not sure I trust you either.”
You frown, even more confused, and he continues. “Neither of us has really earned the other’s trust. But we can try." He pauses, brushing your hair out of your face and looking you deep in the eyes. "Do you love me still?"
"Yes." There is no use denying it, you do. 
"Then let's earn each other’s trust. I can't promise that I'll never hurt you again but I can promise that I'll do everything in my power not to. I'll never hide you again. I'll do all I can to fix the mistakes that I've made and try to be a boyfriend you'd be proud of. But I need your help. You need to try too."
"I'm scared." You say in a small voice, and he pulls you towards his body, resting his head against yours. "I am too. I'm fucking terrified. But I will never forgive myself if I don't give us another chance."
You take a long pause, the world seeming to hold its breath as you make up your mind. Chan certainly is. And just that, the fact that he looks to be hanging so much onto your decision as if his life depends on it, is what makes it easy for you to choose. He is giving you what you’ve been after all this time--he’s showing you that he wants you and that he cares. And that’s all you needed from him. 
“Okay. Let’s do it.” 
The smile that lights up his face is gorgeous, and you’re sorry to dim it before it has the chance to fully bloom. “But you have to promise me one thing first.” 
“Anything.” He answers confidently as if there wasn’t anything in the world he couldn’t do for you.
“You have to promise me that you’ll forgive Felix.” 
He clearly didn’t see that one coming from the way he pulls back and his smile disappears like it was never there. “I can’t do that. He's the only one I have told what you were to me. He’s the only one that knew. And he tried to take you away from me!” 
“He’s just misguided.” You try to explain. “He’s young and restless and he doesn’t know who he is because he was never allowed to explore himself or the world. You’ve always dictated to him what to do and how to feel.”
“So you’re on his side?” Chan asks incredulously, “He betrayed me!”
“I did too but you forgive me. He deserves forgiveness too. The only reason he got so upset about the way you were treating me is because he saw himself in me. He’s scared that you’d abandon him if he does anything you don’t approve of and so he freaked out and crossed the line.” 
You swing your legs over the edge of the bed and stand up, wobbling on your feet and Chan rushes to steady you. You take the chance to wrap your arms around his neck and pull him close, whispering gently to him, “He just needs some space, that’s all. And trust. Show him that you have a little faith in him, and he’ll come around. I know he will.” 
You kiss the corner of Chan’s mouth and he turns his head slightly so he can kiss you fully. You kiss him back passionately, helping him stay grounded as he takes his time to come to a decision. 
Finally, he pulls away, eyes still closed. “Okay.”
You smile happily, eyes getting a little misty at the extent of emotions filling up your chest. And for the first time in a while, they’re mostly good. 
“I love you.” 
“I love you too.”
A/N: I will literally die if you don’t tell me what you think of the ending
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binniesthighs · 3 years
Can you write something like female reader teasing hyunjin before performance and like he gets kinda mad and after performance puts her in place and maybe overstimulates her but still he is soft dom but bottom. Does it make sense?😂
which you and hyunjin have 20 minutes until someone notices, or rather, 19 minutes, leaving 1 for you to put your clothes back on
thank you anon for being so patient while I got this out!! <3
19 minutes | reader x hyunjin
Pairing: self insert, female reader x hwang hyunjin
Genre: that good good smut
Tags: idol!hyunjin, established relationship au, softdombottom!hyunjin, bratty!reader, explicit language, mentions of masturbation, semi-public teasing, thigh riding, dry humping, oral (f receiving), face sitting, spanking, overstimulation + multiple orgasms, semi-public sex
Word count: 1.8k 
Gif creds to OP!
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“I know what you’re trying to do.”
It’s cold out in the back alley where you’ve led him, and the tips of your ears sting with heat. He’s slipped his hands inside your coat with curious fingers that tug at the folds of your shirt. His lips taste like that strawberry-flavored chapstick you had hidden in his pocket before.
There’s steam emanating off his body that turns into white vapor in the air. Hyunjin’s grip on you is tight, regardless of the fact that nearly anyone could see you had they turned their head.
You lean into him fully, pressing his body and yours against back door which is crinkling with old green paint. His scalp is damp, but that doesn’t get in your way of pulling his dark strands to connect your lips deeply with his.
“Is practice almost over? How much more time do you have?”
Even standing, you grind your hips into his the best you can, giggling out when you feel how hard that he’s gotten. It’s so cute; just getting riled up from this. You then let your hands slither up his shirt, and he hisses at the temperature. 
“-Not enough time to do what you want.” He answers.
“But what if I can’t wait?” You bite a smile into his lip. 
Hyunjin’s head falls back onto the door with a thud when you let your creeping fingers tug at his waistband.
“Now? We’re about to go on?” He’s slipping under your touch, but he carries an annoyed edge to his tone.
“You really don’t have time?” You teased the words out from your lips while your fingertips traced over the outline of his hard on.
“What? Do you need me to spell it out for you?”
“Spell what?”
Hyunjin swings you around, switching positions so that now he’s got you pinned. He kicks your legs open, thrusting one of his thighs between them. You’re helpless, and its like an instinct that you grind down on it. Your boyfriend flexes his muscle, just like you like it.
Hyunjin tilts your head to the side to imprint more fleeting kisses on your neck. “Just you wait till I can get my hands on you.”
“You don’t have any time at all?”
Even with a coat on, you can still feel the cold metal door behind your back.
“I could...make some.”
“Why didn’t you say that before?!” You would’ve been furious, but the pressure from his thigh on your clit dissolves your self-control.
His hands on your face feel huge where he cradles you. “After the performance, we have to sit and watch a couple other groups, I can get away then.”
“They won’t notice?”
“People do it all the time. I could be going to the bathroom for all they care.”
“Want to meet there?”
“The bathroom?” Hyunjin laughs out jokingly, tossing his head back. The dainty silver earrings he wears sparkle under the streetlights. “Hell no.”
He shocks you by moving his leg, and your thighs pathetically shudder from the loss of contact.
“Is that what you want? Me bending you over some sink?” He sweeps up both of your hands in his to warm them up with his breath. “I have a better idea.”
Your cap hides your eyes where you attempt to blend in the rest of the staff, busying yourself with a clipboard that’s been left unattended. Over the loudspeakers there’s music booming from a song that you haven’t heard before--likely a comeback stage, you think to yourself. Down the darkly lit hall, you see the glow of the dressing rooms that hustle with staff members jogging in and out. They’re shouting demands at eachother, and the shuffling of feet can be heard even from this far away.
“Are you ready? Are we ready?” It’s their manager’s voice that you recognize.
“Everyone okay? Innie, youre--” Chan’s sunny laughter spills out of the room, and you turn your head as the group starts to walk out.
Your heart beats in your throat when you see Hyunjin, no longer a sweating mess and hair and makeup perfectly fixed, trail out last. None of them see you, even as they walk right past you. Hyunjin however, in the least conspicuous way possible, twists his head around to search for you.
You tug your hat down further, walking right up to him.
“Oh. Sorry.” You bow after purposefully running into him.
He says nothing, only meeting your eyes for that one moment of understanding. Hyunjin waits until they’re nearly at their seats when you watch as he whispers something into Felix’s ear, then rubs his head like it hurts. Felix nods immediately, and pats him on the back. Hyunjin does the same to his manager who looks considerably more concerned and it looks like he’s offering to go with him, but Hyunjin nods him away.
It’s only when he starts walking directly towards you that this all feels real.
He walks right past you, muttering out, “Follow me.”
Hyunjin’s fingers lace between yours as he guides you down the length of the hallway and the pat of your hurried steps taps on the linoleum flooring.
“Hyunjin--” You hiss out the words, “Where are we going?”
“Dressing room.” He’s still wearing his green contacts, and they only make that glint in his eye more ravenous.
It’s dark and cluttered in there, and you have to tiptoe around bundles of coats, makeup organizers and to-go containers. Hyunjin shuffles around in the dark, then lights up his face with the white from his phone screen.
“What are you doing??”
“Setting a timer.” He says matter-of-factly.
“A timer?? You’re kidding.”
“We’ve got at least 20 minutes until someone might come looking for me, 19 minutes if we count the 1 it takes for us to put our clothes back on.”
Hyunjin taps the “start” button.
“You’re not kidding.”
“What? Don’t trust me? You know that it doesn’t take you that long.”
Hyunjin takes you by the hands to one of those blue (you think) plastic-feeling couches.
“Stop wasting time,” He whispers, then draws you into his arms while pulling you into his lap where he sits down. You straddle him, pouring your pent up adoration back onto his lips. In the dark, you feel him smile against you.
Once again, you grind down into him. Hyunjin’s hands fall down to the small of your back where he guides the rolling of your hips.
“Bold of you to come here thinking that you could get something out of me. You’re lucky that I have a hard time saying no to you...still, I’ve missed you.” His voice drops lowly, “Do you want to know a secret?”
You’re too breathless to give him anything else than “Mm?”
“When no one’s around, all I can think about your pretty lips sucking me off.” His fingers ticked the skin of your stomach, all the way up to your breasts which he took roughly in his hands. “When no one’s around, I imagine that it’s your hand instead of mine. Did you know that you do that to me?”
It was too much for you to handle thinking of him like that: desperately pumping into his own hand with your name on his lips. If you had more time, you would have told him that you did the exact same on your nights alone.
“But you come here, begging me...”
You circle your hips harder, both of your gasping breaths become heavier.
“I’ll give you what you want...until you can’t take it anymore.”
Your arms fall behind his back, and scrape up and down over his suit jacket--the threads of which are more expensive than you can fathom. Hyunjin holds fast to you, laying down with you on top of him.
“However long we have, I want to spend it on you.”
“Time’s ticking.” He snickers, then hurriedly unbuttons your pants.
Your chest pounds with excitement and nervousness being bare in the dressing room, as well as in front of him. The sound of your jeans hitting the ground seems to make everything go faster.
Your boyfriend tugs at your legs as you guide yourself nearer to his mouth. He uses his fingers first, plunging deep into your entrance. The sounds of your arousal wet his fingers and he’s laughing out in disbelief under you. After being together for this long, he knows exactly how to curve his fingertips inside of you to graze at your g-spot: an action that sends you biting deep into your lip. His thumb brushes over your clit as if on accident and your body jerks at the sensation.
Hyunjin’s fingers find you in the dimly lit room, granting you the taste wrapped on his fingers. It distracts you from his grasp on your hips and how he pulls you into his tongue. If this were any other time, he would have taken his time with you, but now, he was relentless. He had you by the tip of his tongue in the way that he could send your body reeling from each circle and stripe. His gorgeously plump lips kissed into your sensitive bud while he kept his unforgiving pace.
His hair might have been perfectly styled before, but now, your fingers raked through it carelessly. For seconds, you wondered what they would say if they saw it all messed up like that just because of you.
“Close, I’m gonna--”
He didn’t pause, but rather hummed tiny little moans into your clit. You had been preoccupied, but his legs were still squirming with his twitching dick between them.
You squealed when he brought his hand back, pumping inside of you once more. He stung your skin, bringing a slap downwards that undoubtedly could have been heard outside the door. He brought you to your orgasm just as you felt your arousal drip down your thigh. You choked out your moans as quietly as you could.
His hand cupped over your mouth, then ordered, “You don’t have to be so careful princess.”
You took the hint, and your moans muffled into the cracks of his fingers.
He continued, forcing your legs to shiver and your hips to writhe over his mouth. You were lightheaded from catching your breath, and your clit throbbed in the aftermath of your orgasm with another one unbearably close.
It washed over you faster than the first, and you had little time to remember that the timer was still ticking. Your entire core felt tight while he brought you back down slowly lapping with a flat tongue.
“Can’t take any more?” Hyunjin gifted one last lingering kiss in your wet folds.
“That was...”
“Felt good, hm?”
You stumbled off of him with legs forgetting how to function.
“How much more time do we have?”
Hyunjin wiped his mouth with the backside of his hand, then checked his screen. “Two minutes...You could’ve got me in trouble, showing up like this, you know that?”
You giggled, “I know.”
Your boyfriend tugged up a little at your belt loops, pulling the denim into your still-sensitive bud.
“When we’ve got more time, who knows what else I’ll do to you princess.”
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broken-balance-baby · 2 years
a meta post for an AU playlist
this post goes out to @swearingcactus for managing to read all of forgotten idols and their intertwined destinies while simultaneously screaming at me. last night was a blast homie, now i've been plunged back into au brainrot, enough to deduce that i still love this playlist. Please, enjoy it as you play it, kids, there's a lot to delve in with my mental illness being projected onto this story. This post contains spoilers from the fic, though if you're planning on reading that fic I assume you can wait until you finish to finally understand the context I'm explaining behind this.
So without further ado, here we go!
The Setlist(TM):
Karma - Sarah Kinsley
Hard Feelings/Loveless - Lorde
American Money - BORNS
Reset Me, I Was Just A Kid - Nothing But Thieves
Teenage Fantasy - Jorja Smith
Cure, Gold - Felix Rabito & Saint Dismas
Body High - Mystery Skulls
Sideways, Primavera - Santana
Misery - Maroon 5
Still Don't Know My Name - Labrinth
It Will Come Back, Arsonist's Lullaby - Hozier
Sex n' Drugs, Somebody to Love - Abhi The Nomad
Swoon - Beach Weather
Poplar St. - Glass Animals
Jesus lived in a motel room - HYUKOH
Old Soul - Saint Motel
Enchanted, My Prayer - The Platters
Fly Me To The Moon - Bobby Womack
Excuses - Shakey Graves
Superposition - Young the Giant
Cuz I Love You - Lizzo
1. On Heartbreak/Betrayal and Trust Issues
Karma - Sarah Kinsley | Hard Feelings/Loveless - Lorde | Somebody to Love - Abhi The Nomad | Up To No Good - The Hoosiers | Jesus lived in a motel room - HYUKOH | Excuses - Shakey Graves | Teenage Fantasy - Jorja Smith
Tell me, fortune teller Will I let another broken heart in?
I think this one holds up an obvious choice of words. We'll be going back to this later on in the essay, but I'd like to preface these lyrics as a way of understanding what being broken, surrounded by broken people does. Bhadra fears that the next person in her life will be broken; crooked, all wrong, someone who would fuck her up in the worst ways possible, as well as also unable to let herself relive the kind of heartbreak she went through as a child. This goes the same for Diego; after the events of part 2 it began to become unbearable to just let himself be. Will he let himself get his heart broken again? Will he let his fears get to him? Who knows.
'Cause I remember the rush when forever was us Before all of the winds of regret and mistrust Now we sit in your car and our love is a ghost Well, I guess I should go, yeah, I guess I should go
This song was honestly too good not to put into this playlist. Aside from the fact this will come back in multiple points later on, this verse specifically highlights the calm before the storm, the multitude of "it's over, this is the past, and I have to move on," details upon details that paint how much the love was still there even if it was going to be gone forever. The death of a loved one will never truly leave when their things still remain, after all. This is Bhadra's acceptance of never getting the time she had hope for Ajay to the fullest extent, for him to be the man that would save her and her country, so she decides, yes: she has to go. She has to move on. At least by the final chapter/epilogue, she finally says a proper goodbye to him and the life that she'd known for the past 32 years of her life.
Yeah, I don't wanna live like this Where were you when we needed you the most? I know exactly what you think So I'll push 'till I see you no more
Diego is tired. He's sick of psychosis, he's sick of the repetition that his life gave him. Where the most important figures of his life were were long dead and gone, he still sees them as hallucinations and delusions, people he thought he was allowed to need were simply there to haunt him. So what does he do? He works it out, unable to take medications at first, goes about his life as El Presidente like it's normal. But then, as Eric and Gary rolled into Yara, he realized something: he wanted to break this cycle. He wanted to break this repetition, this mundanity like he did before, even if his demons sat on his shoulders while doing it. He needed them, lost them, and they came back to haunt him until he couldn't take it anymore.
Words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear But not everything that you are presented is as it appears So he tells you love you now?
Oh, you think he's looking lovingly at you But it's nowhere near the truth
Another one for Bhadra's distorted affections for Ajay, but it comes with the price of having to deal with a man blind to his own volition. Bhadra's perception of Ajay prior to his betrayal is a warped one, idolizing and pressuring him to be something that he couldn't possibly achieve as a man on his own. She loved him, Ajay loved her too, but he also ripped her apart and never put her together again.
She asked him, a man she loved, a man who had given her hope, a man who belonged, if he could save her.
In her heart, he says yes.
In his lips, there was silence.
Now time to go back Ocean of tears Before the sailing gonna turn back Now it's the time to go back My tongue can make or break Before I slip and realize
There's something about the anxiety this entire song brings. Broken in thoughts, you only ever get Hyukoh's lyrics in this form, a strange poem that gives off the same thoughts-only lyricism from e.e. cummings. It's something that happens when you think fast, when everything goes out of hand, suddenly everything feels far removed from one another and you're just feeling all sorts of emotions. It's what Bhadra feels and thinks every time, she's a fast thinker, but she isn't coherent when you put her out there in the world if you want her to speak what she thinks. This comes from the fact that this is just a constant thing in her life. So what does she do, if her tongue "breaks"?
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'Cause I don't have time to fall in love I don't have time to fall in love No no no, not today Maybe tomorrow is too far away Can I change before my time runs out?
The fear of having to love in both part 1 and 2 are pretty evident, but both Diego and Bhadra can't help surrender to the feeling no matter how much it actually gave them the risk. They don't have the time to fall in love, but as the song goes, they can't wait to either. I think it also complies with the idea that they just won't have it different when they die, you know? So they beg for something different. Something to find love with. In turn, it changes them.
2. Sex and Taste, Who Knew That Was Love's Base?
Sex n' Drugs - Abhi the Nomad | Poplar St. - Glass Animals | It Will Come Back - Hozier | Swoon - Beach Weather | Body High - Mystery Skulls
Born faceless Please save me My soul's tainted It's how I've been born
With the song discussing about how the persona craves sex and drugs (as per the title) I thought it'd be appropriate to center this around Diego's adult life and how sex had become one of his many unhealthy coping mechanisms as he grew older. See, he doesn't use sex as a way to get his feelings of repression out, he uses it as a way of escaping from the things in his head as a substitute for drugs. Dissociating as you have sex just isn't a pleasant experience and chapter 1 of part 2 reflects that in this excerpt. He knows that something is wrong with him, but he just thinks that this is what he has to live with now.
His head may have been on his shoulders, but the further he went, the more his body had disconnected from the frame of reality. It was as if he was looking at a picture of himself, watching a moaning woman getting thrusted into a dinner table, something that should’ve been so thrilling but ended up with something too empty. Far too empty.
I feel like a new man Red flowers in my bed Breathe straight through the crisp air Dead flowers in the sand
If I were to put this in another manner, I would say that Diego coming into the gripes of sex as he gets older makes him into a new man. Petals fall in an image that falls fleeting, he sleeps, in love with sex, but it all dies with him even as he grows to love the woman he sleeps with.
Don't let it in with no intention to keep it Jesus Christ, don't be kind to it Honey, don't feed it, it will come back
Well, to put it into more words, it's within Diego's lust. He's happy Bhadra returns the sentiment, but it becomes more apparent that the more they play around, teasing each other in the middle of the war, the harder it is to try killing each other if they actually want each other. Still, when you have a big beefy guy who has rage as hot as the elephant's foot of Chernobyl lusting after you, chances are he might have to know how fucking dangerous (and exciting) it is.
You're my cannibal lover I feel it when you're underneath the skin Creepin' in again Well I know this chemical feeling Is making me forget about the drugs You poison with your love
It's pretty straight forward. Love can eat Diego alive, and he knows this when he's literally been poisoned and drugged, lmao. But anyway, it's an addicting thing to him altogether. Falling in love and getting to be involved is scary though, but love was also the reason he ended up having Bhadra in his life. Some things were meant to be no matter how cruel the circumstances were. The fate was intertwined, lmao.
I try to make my baby understand Move my hands like an analog Make you forget 'bout every other man Tell you stories with my body love
If you guys didn't already know, I have a thing for hands. Hands tell stories: they're the catalysts of creation, after all. Diego's hands are damaged from having to deal with the amount of death they inflicted upon people; his hands are wrapped to protect him from breaking his wrists when he punches people, and also so that the blood stains the fabric of the wraps, not his knuckles. So using his hands on Bhadra, he touches her as gently as he did with Isabel, but then takes a swing like he did with Carlos and ends up showing his history of violence with her like Mateo. It's enough for Bhadra to forget about Ajay for a moment, to make sure that he's the enemy she needs to take out, and she knows what kind of man Diego really is with how he uses his body against her.
“That’s my question.” She hissed. In the light of the day, he noticed how her eyes were colored brightly. They shone almost like gold, but upon closer inspection it seemed to have become green.
He tightened his hold on her head.
“You will answer me. You will tell me who you are working with. You will tell me,” Diego said, running his hand down her hair before pulling it up, making her wince as he spoke. “What. I. Need.”
“Or what?” she replied in a harsh whisper. The grip on her head tightened and she was met with a punch to the face.
[...] As Ajay let go of her head, Diego carded his fingers through her hair again and pulled it back, exposing her face. “Aren’t you lucky that your papa doesn’t want to hurt you?”
3. Superstitious Associations and Other Fantasies
Still Don't Know My Name - Labrinth | Superposition - Young the Giant | My Prayer - The Platters
I'm dreamin' of all of the possibilities I'm kissing all over your body, my Nefertiti And every time I think the planets aligning You're still so close, but yet so far
Aside from this song being one of those "songs to put a music video into" for this AU, but this verse blatantly opens up something for Diego and Bhadra. I think it's important to distinguish that this song is about not being able to have the love you've given, considering how Bhadra loved Ajay in a way that made her forget what he was, while Ajay loved Bhadra in a way that made him forget who he was. This also goes out for Diego, whose love has been betrayed many times in the process: losing his father thanks to his own fear, and losing someone he wanted so badly to love but ended up killing off because he couldn't drown in his paranoia and be correct about it in the process. Nefertiti is an Egyptian queen, her name meaning, "A Beautiful Woman Has Come", and the fact that Bhadra is brought up as beautiful when Diego first tries to strangle her is what provides evidence for his first instance of attraction to her. We're also bringing this song back in the next point.
It occurred to him that Bhadra was beautiful; it would be a shame to kill someone like her.
But he would do it again.
I don't believe in fate No psychic vision But when things fall into place, superposition In any universe you are my dark star
I want you to want me Why don't we rely on chemistry? Why don't we collide the spaces that divide us? I want you to want me
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I'll just leave this section from chapter 25.
“Do you believe in fate, Diego?”
Diego blinked. “Why?”
“I just think,” Bhadra said, “maybe there was a reason for us to meet.”
Diego could feel himself smile. He didn’t know why. “To kill each other, maybe.”
“But there’s always more, isn’t there?” Bhadra asked. “We were kids when everything went wrong.”
“And a revolution came upon us.” Diego finished for her. “I think I understand what you mean. What, you think it was destiny?”
“I’m not religious, but there are some things that…” Bhadra trailed off. She let out a laugh, as if disbelieving her own theory. “I don’t know. I could be wrong.”
“Maybe there is a reason,” Diego said, “especially when one of us hasn’t died yet.”
“What do you think it is?” Bhadra asked. He pictured her green eyes on him, shining against the moonlight.
“I don’t know.” Diego admitted, hair draping over his tired face. He wonders if she thinks of him too. He heard a snicker.
“Okay. I don’t know either.”
My prayer is to linger with you At the end of the day in a dream that's divine My prayer is a rapture in blue With the world far away and your lips close to mine
Prayers are always such meaningful actions of worship towards your deities; but to wish and hope for someone to be with you is a pretty big request from the universe. Obviously, both Bhadra and Diego aren't religious people, but they show a curiosity towards it, towards their coincidental situations. As per the excerpt above, it's a simple wish to be close to each other despite everything that's happened to them both. In the end, they could make their own world together.
In each other’s arms, they moved on to a future together.
4. Parallelism is Never Individual
Misery - Maroon 5 | Gold - Felix Rabito & Saint Dismas | Reset Me - Nothing But Thieves | Loveless - Lorde | Still Don't Know My Name - Labrinth
I am in misery There ain't nobody Who can comfort me, oh-yeah Why won't you answer me? The silence is slowly killing me, oh-yeah
Listen, I know we like to meme a lot on this song thanks to the fucking CPR remix, but listen. I added this song in before it got ruined. As much as this both represents Bhadra and Diego together, I like to lean a little further into Diego's side of the story since he's burdened with having killed people he's cared about for a really long time. It's hard to comfort someone like that when he knew what he was doing. He's trying to pray for something good, something different in that universe of repetition and silence, so he works on it rather than boil in his misery. Unlike Ajay, who carries a thing for being unable to do anything about his pain but take it out on the others around him, but they're both in parallel to that need of calling for Bhadra to pick up the fucking radio, to let her presence be known in their life, to let them know she's okay. It's very evident that Ajay just has nobody to help him in this time, not even Noore.
Of course I swore that next time i’d be better but it was all over before it began, cause i am dying to feel so important that now I can't even become my own friend
I think we can all agree that Ajay's canon motivation for bringing Ishwari to Lakshmana was that he also wanted to do the only good thing he would ever do in his life for her, trying to do right by her one last time as an apology for the lifetime of hell he gave her when she was still alive. Similarly, Diego is trying to do right by his country, to feel important, but in that range both characters end up losing themselves, unable to know remember who they are, but unlike Diego, Ajay suffered the consequence of it.
'Cause what if you reset me? What if we restart? What if you reset me? Before it falls apart
Pretty self explanatory, but I'll expound anyway. You know what I'm happy about? Ros pretty much brought up the parallels drawn between Bhadra and Ajay throughout the story of forgotten idols. The fact Adhrit represents as both Amita and Sabal (honestly gender goals though), Divin represents the innocence of Bhadra, but then you break the cycle as it actually does fall apart. Life is getting better even though sometimes you'll do the same things that ruined your life in the first place.
Bet you wanna rip my heart out Bet you wanna skip my calls now Well, guess what? I'd like that 'Cause I'm gonna mess your life up Gonna wanna tape my mouth shut
For Bhadra? She's blatantly threatening Ajay with this. Isabel falls into this category, even if she means it unintentionally to fuck Diego over. Pain. Smiling through it all.
Still don't know my name You still don't know my name And I would die your slave
Ugh, we're back on this song again and I've played it far too many times to count today. This part makes me think of scenes past Bhadra and Diego, really. This one goes out to the trials and tribulations on Bhadra's end, losing Ajay in the process while Noore echoes this. See, I have plans for Noore and Ajay's relationship which will later come to be revealed in part 4 and part 5, but this one pretty much parallels Noore losing Ajay to his insanity. They're losing him, doc.
She wanted for him to be part of that life. She wanted to be together with him for as long as they could have, instead of spending years upon years trying to reach and get closer to him without the burden of Pagan in the way.
5. Childhood Trauma
I Was Just A Kid - Nothing But Thieves | Arsonist's Lullaby - Hozier | Old Soul - Saint Motel
I was just a kid I needed answers I found a screen Promised adventure Just as I thought I had it all I pulled the trigger And nothing happened
You know how the reality of being a child in comparison to the fairy tales of stories always managed to make it suck? Yeah, make it the state of childish innocence, in a state of war and suddenly BOOM, the reality of war sets in! The reality of like, the promises of escape are suddenly slipping through your fingers greatly. I like to believe this revolves around Bhadra, but if we're being honest this also has a lot to do with Diego too. They both thought things were going to change if they had their finger on the trigger.
It didn't.
All you have is your fire And the place you need to reach Don't you ever tame your demons But always keep 'em on a leash
The boiling point. The culmination of matter. The repression, the anger, and the agony of being alive, it all culminates into one being and it's a taste for violence that gets both Diego and Bhadra riled the hell up. They use it as a weapon after years of having to suffer, and you know what? Good for them, good for them.
'Cause the more I get to know you Well, the more I feel I knew you In a lifetime a long time ago
Relatively self-explanatory, but I feel like this scene would suffice.
“I just… I wish that I met someone who wasn’t trying to ruin my life. I’m tired.”
Diego squeezed his fist.
“You will meet them one day.” Diego tried.
Then, Bhadra laughed. “Do you tell yourself that, Diego?”
“I gave up, but you have hope.”
6. It Hurts To Love
From The Gallows - I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME | Somebody to Love - Abhi The Nomad | Cuz I Love You - Lizzo
You're beautiful And evil too Sinister and vile For you, I'd die Or kill myself Whichever makes you smile
Vibes, man, vibes. It's the cynicism of this song that has me thinking; love is a hard and complicated thing for both Diego and Bhadra, they fear the things that might get them killed but would do it for love (or do it because it's love) in this primarily fucked up way because that was how they were taught to love.
I need something that'll get you out my eyes Take off my jacket and my tie I need something that'll get you off my mind Somebody to love me
Their lives have been intertwined in a way that provides this like, repetition of doing the same shit over and over again. It's time to break that cycle especially when you have no one to love you over it.
7. Yearning For A New Life
Fly Me To The Moon - Bobby Womack | American Money - BORNS | Primavera - Santana | Enchanted - The Platters
Oh, I wanna see what spring is like On Jupiter, on Jupiter and Mars In other words, hold my hand In other words, darlin', I love you, oh
Bhadra snorted, moving to punch him in the shoulder. “You’re annoying .”
Diego laughed, then winked at her. “You love it.”
“I don’t,” Bhadra said, looking away. Diego tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and cupped her cheek. Then, as Bhadra pursed her lips, she kissed his palm and held the hand close to her.
“I see.” Diego remarked.
He leaned away as Bhadra took a swing at him. Then, he threw an uppercut that she shoved away, kneeing him in the stomach.
As he fell down on one knee, he looked up to find a hand grabbing him by the necktie. Bhadra stood above him, so tall, and so beautiful. He yanked her by the wrist as he hopped upwards, pulling her close as their lips pushed against each other.
The kiss was long, inexperienced on Bhadra’s end— something that made the blood rush through Diego’s veins as he pressed his tongue against her mouth and was allowed to slip in for a moment before they had to pull away.
So take me to the paradise It's in your eyes Green like american money
If you noticed Isabel and Bhadra's appearances, you'd probably realize that they bare a resemblance to each other, especially in the eyes. Diego has a thing for brown girls with green eyes, that and the fact the shade of those eyes happen to shift whenever Diego focuses on her. But who's her? Gradually, the chapters where Diego looks Bhadra in the eyes changes from being reminded of Isabel to being reminded of who exactly Bhadra is, and it's an intense one.
Green eyes, dark skin, but a certain stubbornness to that woman named Bhadra made something itch under his skin and he didn’t like it.
In reaching out to take her by the neck, though, something happened. He saw curly hair, tan skin covered in freckles. He heard a sweet voice overlapping with Bhadra’s, and soft, gentle hands touching onto his callous palms.
But there was always more, wasn’t it? Something about those green eyes, the color of her skin, there were darker colors in another woman who had a fire lit in them.
Como la semilla Lleva nueva vida Hay en esta primavera una nueva era En el aire de este nuevo universo Hoy se respira libertad En primavera ya
As the seed brings new life there's in this spring, a new era. In the air of this new universe today there is freedom in spring already
Another case of self-explanatory lyrics, but I think the part that gets to me is the concept of a new world that Diego and Bhadra step into together once the story comes to a close. This song is real fun.
Living is a dream when you make it seem enchanted Lovers take for granted all the world's aglow, they ought to know When you touch a star then you really are enchanted Find a seed and plant it, love will make it grow
I remember during a depressive episode, I played this song so many times I was drowned out by my own cries as the song just kept going and going and going. I think I just find it to be a good, dissonant song, but it's also a world that Diego and Bhadra find themselves in, being that they're both people who've gone through constant episodes, living became a nightmare until they found someone they could build a paradise with. And yet, within the events of part 1 and part 2, you find that they've lost it prior to the events of part 3.
8. Identity
Teenage Fantasy - Jorja Smith
I need to grow and find myself Before I let somebody love me Cause at the moment I don't know me
Something for Bhadra, in reference to this excerpt of chapter 7 of forgotten idols. To Kyrat, she had been Sakshi Bal. If she was herself, as Bhadra Najjar, this country would have eaten her alive long ago. Nobody else knew her, not even Noore, not even Ajay, for fuck’s sake, because nobody wanted her to stay alive long enough. [...] So today, for now, from yesterday to next week, she was Sakshi— the hero of Kyrat. The fighter for freedom. She made sure of that as she shot down one soldier after another during a package drop in Utkarsh.
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mintbaby1012 · 3 years
Felix ♥ Sleepover
You and your best friend felix see each other for the first time in awhile
dom!felix x fem!reader
WARNINGS: SMUT, fluff, daddy kink, praise, dirty-talk, slight degradation
Word count: 2318
It had been a long day, a Friday. The best day of the week that seems like the longest day of the week. My best friend Felix from when I lived in Sydney as a kid was at my house staying the night as my parents and I just moved to Korea. My mother trusted Felix since she has known him since we were little tots.
"I'm going out with your father for a business dinner we'll be back around 11 PM or 12 AM as always depending on his boss," yelled my mom as she was walking out the door. I was just really happy to be with my bestfriend again for the first time in 6 years he left Sydney to be an idol which I understand. I just missed getting to see my bestfriend and crush in person everyday.
Currently we were sitting on my bed playing Clash Royale together and streaming their comeback shows to get in more views. Felix's group Stray Kids just had a comeback with the title song Side Effects and damn, it's a fucking bop.
Right as me and Felix won a battle their newest comeback show came on and Felix begged, "Let's skip this one I rather not watch this promotion show pleaseeeeee y/n pleaseeeeee let's skip this one"
Felix was begging and blushing he looked embarrassed honestly which intrigued me. "No I want to watch this once as seeing your reaction I'm interested," I stated while watching the TV intensely
"HOLY FUCKING HELL, SHIT SINCE WHEN FELIXXXX!!! WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK YOU HAVE ABSSS!?!?! I WANT TO SEE THEM LIVE NOWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!" I exclaimed as I saw him rap and hold his shirt up a good five seconds. He had just faceplanted into my pillow and groaned in embarrassment while replied to me blushing, "No I will not show you my abs, it's embarrassing... Ahhhh I didn't want to watch this one I'm so embarrassed now!" I just pouted and exclaimed, "Come on Felix~~~~ all the stays there got to see them why can't I see them live too!"
Felix just sat on my bed looking out the window blushing and ignoring me. So what do I do, I get into a play fight with him. We toss and turn on my bed fighting to become the champion. Felix was tickling me as his tactic, and I was kicking for my tactic.
In the end Felix ended up underneath me while I sat on him in victory. I took the chance while he was catching his breath, and I was on top of him to quickly lift his shirt and see his abs.
Felix's eyes widened with disbelief and I started blushing while staring at his abs. I honestly didn't think I would got turned on by seeing his abs. I've seen him shirtless many times as a kid.
"Y/n, y/n don't. Stop please y/n!" I didn't hear his pleads for me to stop whatever I was doing, or more I was to focused on his abs I forgot he was there; my hand was slowly going torwards his abs and I couldn't stop myself I was drawn to them.
I finally touched them, but I was a blushing mess. My fingers instinctively started tracing each abdominal muscles and gliding over his skin, till I was knocked out of my hypnotized state by my wrist being grabbed and pulled away.
I looked Felix dead in the eyes, he was also looking into my eyes. I started scanning his body from his eyes, to his neck, to his abs, back up to his arms, then his hand that was attached to my wrist. I gasped and pulled my wrist away, pushing myself up trying to get off of Felix but failing and landing somewhere bad.
As I landed I felt him, it, his hard on, or his dick. I froze and my entire body heated up as I heard Felix grunt deeply. I looked at his face and was hypnotized by his flushed cheeks, dark, and now cloudy eyes.
The next thing I know is he grabbed my wrist again and pulled me down on top of him. Our faces were barely an two cenimeters apart and my hands ended up grabbing his shoulders as our bodies were pressed together.
"May I?" Felix said in his deep voice while looking at my lips and I just nodded my head and within a second our lips were connected. At first our lips were just touching then, Felix started actually kissing me and I started returning the favor. The kiss grew more intense and passionate, biting and sucking on each others lips. Then our tongues, they moved together insync, connected as one desperately needing more and more.
I started getting frustrated with how needy I was and my lower half started moving on its on, grinding against Felix's clothed manhood. "Mmm fuck~~~" Felix moaned out as the heat between us grew.
Within two moments Felix was ontop of me kissing down my neck, gropping my clothed breasts, and grinding down on me desperate for friction. "Ngh~ Felix I want m-more than just this make out session," I moaned out breathily as I tugged his shirt over his head. Felix then pushed my shirt up revealing my stomach but not all the way to the point my breasts would be revealed and he said while kissing and leaving marks on my stomach, "Y/n, I really have been waiting forever for this, but I don't want to go too fast but if it's want you want as well, then screw taking time I can make you a mess right here and now!!"
I was a mess as he said I had never been kissed and touched this way before, I have never had someone leave hickies all over my stomach, and make me feel this way. I looked down at him with hooded lustful eyes and he was looking right back at me admiring every expression and reaction I made in response to his heavenly touch.
Before I realized it, he had pulled off my joggers and panties;  his tongue was instantly on my core. I moaned out loudly and my body tensed while my back arched.
Felix's left hand was gripping my waist while his right was holding my right leg over his shoulder. "F-F-Felix!!! It feels so good!" I exclaimed in pleasure. His tongue was working magic licking between my folds, stimulating my clit, and exploring as far as it could reach into my pussy. My hands were tangled in his hair while he was making me feel, oh so good!
Before I could do anything else a knot formed in my stomach it was unbearable, "I'm gonna cum, D-Daddy I'm gonna cum!" I yelled in pleasure and Felix looked up to me shocked and said, "Then do it cum in my mouth just like you're supposed to." Him saying that triggered something and I came, releasing all my fluids into Felix's mouth as he made sure to lick it all up and swallow it.
"You sure do taste good princess." He said as he came back up to kiss me. As he finally lifted up my shirt over my head and took off my bra. I unbuttoned his pants and he pulled them off after he was done with declothing me.
Felix took one of my nipples into his mouth and the his other hand was playing with and sending jolts of pleasure through my body making me whimper out my thoughts, "Felix you haven't came yet, let me make you come."
Right as I said that he flipped us back over and grabbed my hair and pushed his dick into my mouth. At first I was a gagging mess but after him thrusting into my mouth a few times I took over. He threw his head back moaning in pleasure and squeezing a fistfull of my hair as I took in his cock, slowly taking in all of it deepthroating him, sucking he tip kissing and licking up and down his hard dick. "Fuck baby you're so good at this, this can't be the first time you've done this your making me so weak" The desperate man moaned out and I hummed in response while taking him in. Which caused him to release and shoot his seeds down my throat with no warning, but I did my best to swallow ever ounce of his sweet cum.
Felix pulled me up to face level and said, "I really want to fuck you, i want to make you mine forever, I want you to be the one I crave everyday, I want, no I need you to be my girlfriend, and I can't fuck you unless you say yes. I wouldn't want to take something another man is supposed to take that's not mine to have." I just kissed him in response and said, "Of course I'll be yours I've had a crush on you since we were ten!"
With that being said Felix flipped me over and lined up his dick with my entrance and told me, "This is gonna hurt tap my shoulder three times when I can make a next move after I'm inside you, I don't want you to hurt too much but it's unavoidable." Finally he pushed in and instantly I was tearing up it was like I was being ripped it hurt and burned so bad and tears were falling down my face. "Shhhh, it's okay I'm trying to not hurt you, I love you so much baby, it'll feel good soon I promise, you're so beautiful, I can't believe someone so beautiful as you is now my princess." Felix stated while wiping away and kissing my tears, and kissing my neck leaving more hickies to distract the pain.
After a few minutes I tapped on his shoulder three times as he said to do when I was ready. He instantly started to move slowly; looking into my eyes for signs of pain. To no surprise he was right the pain was fading and I started to crave for more so I moaned out of breath, "I want more daddy, give me more, I want to feel all of your cock pounding me!" He quickly sped up his pace and penetrated deeper making both of us a moaning mess. The sound of skin slapping, moans, grunts, whimpers and words of love filled the room making a symphony.
"You are so fucking tight princess. I fucking love you!" Felix grunted as he pushed as deep as he could inside me yearning for more pleasure. I whimpered in response unable to talk for Felix pounding into my pussy.
While he was fucking the life out of me he pushed his tongue back into my mouth making us completely one, he then sucked on my tongue before moving to my earlobe biting and licking making me moan out even more.
I was sad once he pulled away and pulled out his dick but he then demanded, "Get on your hands and knees now my little slut!" So I did as he said.
Right as I did so, he pushed my back down and perked my ass up, slightly spreading my legs apart and pulling on my hair he thrusted into my vagina full force using his one free hand to pull me into him as he thrusted into me. His actions made me scream out in pleasure and weak; my thighs felt like they were gonna give out and Felix noticed so he supported my body but kept thrust into me with all his might.
That one knot in my stomach was forming again and it was way more intense than the last time so I whimpered out, "I-I'm close I need to cum again" Felix moaned out, "Hold on just a few more seconds I'm close too princess I want to o-orgasm with you...." Three seconds later he yelled "Now!" We both came together, he pulled out and came all over my back and I released my juices that were now dripping onto the bed.
Felix cleaned himself and I, putting back on our clothes, then cleaned the bed and mess he and I made. "I want to cuddle... Don't go to the guest room stay with me daddy!"
He just giggled and got under the bed covers with me while saying, "I never said I was going to the guest room but right now I want to know.... since when did you have a daddy kink hmmmmm?!?!?!?" I instantly flushed red and he snicker while I stuttered out, "I-I-I called you daddy? I didn't realize fuck I need to control my mouth, your disgusted aren't you, I'm sorry I won't do it again."
I pouted and he just laughed and pulled me close to him holding me in his embrace as he said, "No, princess I loved it you can call me Daddy whenever you please, and we should really have sleepovers more often when your mom and dad are out for business a few hours, now that you are mine, I really enjoyed this sleepover!"
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huenjin · 3 years
genre | fluff, toothbiting fluff, and slightly suggestive
warnings | hints at nsfw in slight occasions, but it's still very sfw.
members | bang chan, minho, changbin, hyunjin, jisung, felix, seungmin, jeongin
note | tried at making it gender neutral. also, this is my first hc, if this is what it is, so please do tell me if it's any good.
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downright going to be the most classic one. he'd bring you over for a christmas dinner, his mum and dad looking at you quizzically and you swear to god it was the most raveling moment ever in your whole life. the fear, the anxiety and the pain of being rejected by his parents weighs far too much in your head. however, chan would hold your hand, rub small circles at the junction between your thumb and your other fingers and tell his parents that you're his bestfriend, his lover, the one he loves in the present and hopefully for a long time. that he wants to spend his christmas with every single human being that he loves under the same roof. it is only after this that his parents calm down, cheer up and are overjoyed that their son has found someone to be with — to share his happiness and sadness with. will go down in your history as one of the best christsmases you have shared.
here to spread the college boyfriend!minho agenda. this was off this ad that i saw the other day and idek why i found it cute but it was dead cute and i knew that's definitely minho. 100%. so you're over at his lodging room in college in his shirt — minho swears to god he finds you the cutest in his shirts — watching this romcom on netflix on his laptop. you're cuddled up against him on his bed and minho's kissing your cheeks occasionally when you're too engrossed into the movie, making sure he gets the gasp and the chuckle exactly from you. and all was going well till he gets a video call notification from his mother and he's scrambling up from his bed, angling the mirror away from you as he answers, "hi, mom." his mother would ask of him to show his new room, something he was supposed to do earlier and he sighs, "can we do this tomorrow? it's late and i have this assignment to do?" but his mother wouldn't have it any other way and insists — determination running through their family veins evidently. and here you are, scrambling around his room everytime he moves to show his room to his mum, just to avoid the camera. until you can sit back on the bed and minho's rushing to end the conversation, "can i please go do my assignments now, mum?" you know you're royally fucked when minho's mother laughs, only to ask her son, "does your assignment wear your shirts now? you should introduce them to me."
changbin's whole family knows you already. in fact, if anything, it was his sister that forced him to finally ask you out because he has been crushing on you forever. the following events happen in this particular order: you're the cute cashier at his favorite drink place and if college has taught him one thing, it is never to miss out on an opportunity and he knows he must ask you out. his sister is with him and finds him all awe eyed at you and she knows. she also knows that her brother is a wimp and won't ask you out so she nags him over throwing litter all over in his room if he doesn't. changbin thinks it's the extra push he needed and he does ask you out while paying his bill — a mere, "uhm, i think you're cute. if you happen to have some, uh, free time this saturday evening, we could go watch a movie or something. oh, i mean, of course, if only you're free and if you haven't watched the movie and like everyone seems to be busy and you're just so so pretty i ha—" changbin still remembers the way you giggled, the way you held your chest and the way you smiled and nodded. changbin's family knows that very evening because siblings are snitches deep down and his sister yells as soon as she enters the home, even before she has taken her shoes off — "listen, listen! our changbinnie grew up. guess who has a lover, guess who, guess who!" all changbin could yell back was, "they are prettier than you and nicer than you!" and stick his tongue out. needless to say, changbin was found picking scrap paper off his room's floor at 2am.
lowkey his parents are suspicious of you and think you're not a great person and this is another episode of hwang hyunjin getting overly attached and loving another human. you can't blame them. experiences make parents cautious and when all of hwang hyunjin's relationship has ended him with an aching heart, you know you'd be suspicious of the next person he brings home too. he brings you home for dinner and his parents were definitely not expecting another member. it starts with frigid stares and hard, short answers and hyunjin has to hold your hand to stop you from crying because you feel like you lost your chance even before you had it. that is till, hyunjin speaks up, "mum, dad. i love them. and i know you guys are doing this because you fear they're going to break my heart—" "i wouldn't," you mumble, "you're going to break mine if this ends." and hyunjin chuckles, kissing your cheek before his parents. he turns to them and repeats the same, "i love them. so much and i hope you can accept them and not pin all my bad experiences on them. please." it takes a few more meetings for his parents to warm up to you but it happens slowly over the time, till — you're now spending every other weekend with his mum to bake cakes.
so jisung, as much as he needs the caring and loving, is an eccentric man. he's so eccentric you're so sure you fell for him because of that, because of how he manages to make you always smile. so eccentric that he had a whole ppt presentation on why everyone should be like you. and this stupid boyfriend who is oh so in love shows this before his parents to announce how he's dating you. it's like a one slide presentation. he's planned it all out for days. he'll bring you over in the guise of being a friend and then surprise his parents after dinner by turning this great one slide presentation on. it'll have a picture of you on the side and points in bullets to the left — of how you're pretty, of how you're funny, how you make him want to be a better person, how he wants to continue going to the orphanage to help every sunday with you, how he wants to give you his world. how you're the nicest person he knows. your parents are smiling and they know. they know even before the announcement that you're his lover and better half and you make him happy and so does he. and courtesy of jisung's great brain, the animations rotate and land and the last two lines are so big that you blush and are embarrassed but god fucking help you, you're so in love with him that this makes your heart race. "be like y/n. be my lover," races into the screen and you think the animations makes it even more quirkier than it already is. until his mother makes everyone laugh even more by asking, "are you asking us all out, sungie? doubt they would like that."
another one of the classic introduction types. felix asks you if it's alright for him to finally introduce you to his family and you nod, heart fluttering because you know for sure this is a huge step. upon much consideration, you agree to go for dinner with his parents at his place the following weekend. you're asking him over the week if this dress was alright or if you should go for formals and as much as he reassures you that it's not a huge deal — it is a huge deal to you. you want his parents to know how serious you are of him. you even being a gift home that night and bake some muffins and his mother is just really impressed (if she wasn't already flustered by all the stuff you brought). and when you know you have warned up enough to them, you know his mother is going to show the embarassing pictures just to fluster her son and it works. you do spend some good hours with his parents — his dad giving you a thumbs up to be new fashioned as you leave and his mum waving you good bye — and it is only after this you sigh in relief, tension off your shoulders. you've left a good impression and felix knows this too as he kisses you in his car.
seungmin is the softest boyfriend ever. i mean seriously, if the whole world already didn't know the two of you were dating would be a surprise — it's the pretty bracelets you wear, the matching hoodies found in your closets or how you're just always in his blue hoodie. always. and so when seungmin is rushing you, two weeks into official dating for you to meet his parents, you're wide eyed. all he has to say is, "i'll be going to marry you either way. why wait till the day before marriage to show you off to my parents also." and he'd be so thrilled. seungmin's mum is enthralled because he is enthralled. he is so excited to tell his parents about you and about how you're his lover. his to show off. his to love. for years to comes. and you're blushing in front of his parents, ears heated up at the term. seungmin's dad jokingly pats his son's back, laughing, "have you grown up already to bring someone home?" and he nods, smiling like the dork you fell in love with. his mother rushes to sit you down by the table, ready to take care of you and you realise — seungmin's family will always be as accepting as he is. the fruit doesn't fall that far away from the tree, after all.
trust me, he's the reckless kind. he'll care for you, love for you and be there for you but he's so bad with dates and timings and everything that mistakes like this were bound to happen at one point. he's shifted to his own place and jeongin is so excited that he calls you over — "y/n, you must come here. even the bed is warm." and you know what that meant. the bane of every mankind's downfall and every civilization's achilles' hill. that is exactly how you ended up next to jeongin, his hands cupping your face and him kissing you like he has all the time in the world now that he has his own place. until the two of you hear the door click and jeongin pulls back, swearing and in panic. you hold his shoulder in worry and he's telling you that his parents were supposed to come over, today. that he didn't know it would be this early, however. and the only thing his oh-so-bright brain could come up with in that moment is to shove you and himself into the small closet till his parents leave. and even if it meant a few sweaty minutes in the closets in each other's warmth, moans and giggles in the air albeit the warning of silence, and jeongin kissing you in places the heavens shouldn't know, you'll happily brace it all for him. the two of you come out of the closet only after you hear the door shut again. the two of you walk down carefully to see if his parents are away, only to find a small yellow post it note stuck on the fridge — you should have told us you had someone over. you bury your face into his shoulders in embarassment as you ask, "they heard, didn't they?" he chuckles, "probably. we'll get you to officially meet then soon. my mum loves pies and you bake the best ones. she'll fall for you like i did. instantly."
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comicnerd557 · 3 years
Stray Kids as Teachers!!
Bang Chan
Definitely the music teacher
Type of teacher that is super caring
Anyone can talk to him about anything
Offers life advice
Mostly good, sometimes joking
“Pay your taxes and don’t drink and drive.”
Finger guns
Tries to use young people slang
Fails even though he himself is super young
Keeps pictures of his dog on his desk at all times
“Mr.Bang, who’s that?” Points at picture of Barry
He then goes into Barry’s life story, slowly gaining an audience of other students
Every kid has a crush on him
It’s a rite of passage at this point
“Have you seen his ass?” “Duh, who hasn’t?”
Lee Know
The tired art teacher
Has sass battles with his students
Winner gets some candy
He almost always gets the candy
Plays movies once a week
Thinks everyone deserves to relax
Super chill with what students want to create
After all, art is personal
Not at all harsh with grading
Sneaks his cats into the school sometimes
Gets caught, claims they’re there to be models
Almost always has music playing
Students go to him when they need someone to vent to
Gives somewhat violent advice so.... Don’t take it
Everyone wonders when he’ll get with Mr.Han
There’s bets going
Even staff are in on it
Mr.Bang started the bets
Seo Changbin
Everyone’s favorite gym teacher
Specializes his class for students' needs
For example, the asthmatic doesn’t have to run laps, instead, they do some weight lifting
Stresses the importance of warmups and cool downs
Thursdays are pool days
Everyone worships Thursday, as shirtless Mr.Seo is quite the sight
Fridays are fun days
Students pick whatever they want to do that day
Even group nap time has been approved once or twice
He is the best spotter
Have you seen his arms?
Can be frequently found bothering Mr.Kim
Always wearing a tank top. Always
If students aren’t feeling well, he lets them take a nap in his office
Has a special cot with soft blankets and pillows he bought himself
Does not tolerate students making fun of their peers
Has the record for the most detentions given in one day
The class ganged up one on kid who wasn’t good at the sport, so they all got detention
The kid got a free soda of their choice
Hwang Hyunjin
Drama instructor
Specializes in helping students put emotion into their lines
Musicals are his favorite
He makes the Choreo himself
Kind of strict about it ngl
Still understanding somewhat
Just... Not as much as he could be
Basically a mom to his drama kids
Gets told all the tea
The Gretchen Weiners of the staff
He knows whats happening with literally every student
Has shown up hungover a few times, just lets the student directors take charge
Will fight for the theatre department to get more funding
Makes some of the costumes himself
Talented boi
Tries to modernize everything
“Listen, I know Hamilton takes place in the boring times, but Jefferson needs some shades.”
KING of improve
Actually an amazing actor
Blows everyone's minds
Like, yeah, he’s goofy and hot, and he LOVES spilling the tea, but holy shit can he do Shakespeare
Leaves the school at exactly 3:30 PM, unless there’s practice
Has stayed till 11:30 PM once
His students worship him, trust me
Han Jisung
The cheery Kindergarten teacher whos energy rivals the kids
His classroom is an explosion of color
Loves his kiddos
Is great at calming upset little ones
Works incredibly hard
Every other teacher thinks his classroom is a total mess
Blocks everywhere, paints on every table, and nap time mats still out
If you look closely, he does have a system
Only pink paint on this table
The mats are in a specific corner
The blocks are for the kids to make words whenever they understand how to spell something
Big fan of the reward system
Has had many kids call him Dad before
Parents love him so much
Their kids come home rambling about their teacher who taught them the alphabet and they can count to five now!
His kids are pretty much little geniuses
Gets sick so often since he works with little kids
Makes sure his sub is fun
Also make sure the sub isn’t as fun as him so the kids still like him best
Found in Mr.Lee’s art room… way too much
Lee Felix
The school’s therapist
His room is the definition of Happy Yet Zen
Light yellows, pinks, and blues fill the room
Basically a pillow fort
Has a scent diffuser and let’s the student pick the essential oil 
Walks around school with a happy smile always
We know he’s Stay’s sunshine, but he’s now the students
Has a wall of cheesy jokes for students who just need something to make them laugh
Let’s students show him their special interests with no complaints
Gets into almost all of them himself, just to bond with the kids
If the kids just need somewhere to calm down, his room is almost always open
Need a twenty minute nap? He’ll put on some calming sounds and supply the pillows and blankets
The type of teacher who gives gifts to his senior students when they graduate
Always ready to show students music he thinks will help them
The other teachers love him because he brings baked goods once a week
Doesn’t care if students swear in front of him
Kim Seungmin
Middle school English teacher
Students are lowkey scared of him
But they still enjoy him alot
He frequently roasts students and other teachers alike
“Mr.Bang said he’s the best producer? Next person to have his class, tell him to check his ego.”
His favorite time is independent reading time
Mainly cause the kids know to be quite
Heaven forbid someone interrupt his reading
Every time they finish a book, the movie is played
It’s a nice break for everyone
It’s also a break for him
It’s tiring being that sassy all the time
Pretty strict grader when it comes to essays
Only because he goes over what to do super thoroughly and even a baby could do it truly
You think he wants to grade a 7 page paper? No
4 Pages maximum
Definitely has favorites
Tries his best not to show it
Everyone knows
Loves the quiet kids in the back who love reading
Reminds him of himself at that age
Ya know, a whole 5 years ago
Mr.Seo shows up in his classroom all the time, just to mess with him
The kids love it
Yang Jeongin
 The other kindergarten teacher
The admins of the school put the quieter, more nervous kids into his room
Jeongin has a very gentle personality when it comes to kids
The shy ones tend to flock to him
His classroom closely resembles a herd of sheep
Just a bunch of baby sheep hiding behind protective mama sheep
Super calm, but someone messes with his kids?
He’ll fuck you up homie
While Mr.Han’s classroom is an explosion of bright colors, Mr.Yang’s is more pastels
Parents are amazed as their kids slowly open up
Seriously, sudden their super shy kiddo has like, five other super shy friends and won’t stop rambling about  their cool teacher
Prefers a quieter way of teaching, unlike Jisung
Gentle nursery rhymes, soft blankets, no dance parties
Even though him and Mr.Han are polar opposites, they’re best friends
He calms the excitable teacher, and Han brings out his energy
It’s always funny watching the two classes interact
It’s like watching a sheep and fucking golden retriever interact
When the two classes go to gym?
Mr.Seo is in for a treat
One side of the class is screaming like madmen while running around, their teacher joining them
The other is calmly waiting for instructions on the line
Not that Mr.Han’s class is badly behaved, just… energetic
Mr.Yang just chills in the back of the gym, working on some lesson plans while his kids get their limited energy out
Nap times are the best
He sometimes joins in, but shhh, don’t tell the other teachers
Only Chris knows, and has a million photos of Mr.Yang napping at his desk while his students sleep soundly
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wallwriterstuff · 3 years
Hi, I love your writing.
Can I request a sleep headcanon for Volturi guards (We can ignore Smeyer canon!)
P.S. Sorry for my bad english
We can always ignore SMeyer’s nonsensical canon, fanfic is what brings order to what was once chaos. I actually quite enjoyed this one, I’ve never considered it before so it was fun to imagine something entirely new! Don’t worry about your English either chickadee, it’s better than mine and English is my first language hahaha!
Sleepy Guards:
·        Okay but lets get one thing straight – the twins have been sleeping beside each other since the day they were born
 ·        They shared a womb, a cradle, a straw mat and blanket
 ·        You really think they don’t still reach for each other in their sleep?
 ·        They have always had separate beds since they joined the Volturi, but separate rooms? It took literal decades for them to get so bored of each other’s differing routines they decided to not sleep in the same room.
 ·        Alec sleeps on his right side, Jane sleeps on her left, and they always, regardless of whether or not they have mates, reach at least one hand out to search subconsciously for the missing twin
 ·        Alec doesn’t get as riled up throughout the day as his sister, he’s pretty laidback and kind of numb to life really so going to sleep for him? Quite easy, has no troubles falling asleep
 ·        Staying asleep however
 ·        It’s very common for Alec to wake up throughout the night, his PTSD is severe and this boy is an insomniac. You’d think centuries of falling asleep in his own bed, in a castle, down the hall from one of the strongest men on earth, would be enough to make you feel safe enough to sleep, right?
 ·        Not when you wake up unable to move because something is pinning you down
 ·        And you have vivid memories of rope pinning you in place to a stake while you burn alive
 ·        Yeah, sleep paralysis and Alec go way back, and he’s not a fan
 ·        He can’t take any medication for it because the venom dissolves it, and go to a therapist? What’s he supposed to tell them?       + Oh hi doc, yeah so I’m centuries old and when I was a human still – yeah I’m a vampire now write that down – people thought I was a witch so burned me and my twin at the stake lol but I swear I’m fine!
 ·        He suffers in silence (poor baby) but he has found one thing that helps a little. Lavender
 ·        A little lavender spray on his pillow and it grants him another hour’s rest or so. Why or how it works he doesn’t know but he’s grateful for it and uses it nightly. Mostly, he wakes early and simply stays awake
 ·        Please just give him hugs and stroke his hair if you sleep beside him till he wakes from his paralysis episodes, someone beside him reassuring him he’s okay really helps
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·        Some days he just collapses on his bed – his gift requires a lot of mental energy to be expended and it’s hard okay?
 ·        Most days he has an entire routine he goes through before he goes to sleep
 ·        Always has to fluff his pillow before he settles on it
 ·        A sucker for washing his face before bed, even if it doesn’t need washing. He simply finds it soothing, a way of cleansing himself of the day if you will
 ·        Has a single pair of silk pyjamas Felix got him with his initials on – he has never once worn them for fear of wrinkling them       + Most people think he sleeps naked but actually Demetri prefers an oversized t-shirt and some simple shorts, it’s cosy
 ·        Prefers to collect bedsheets over pyjamas. He wants every type under the sun and will not rest until this happens. The guard knows of this obsession of his and tries to buy him something fresh once a year to go towards his collection       + His favourite bed sheets are the Egyptian cotton ones, so soft and smooth against his skin, it’s like a hug from clouds
 ·        Demetri cuddles his pillow (secretly waiting for the day his mate sleeps beside him so he can cuddle them instead)
 ·        Is the type to enjoy a fancy throw blanket at the end of his bed
 ·        Tucks the duvet under his chin when he sleeps so he’s bundled up like a baby
 ·        Despite what people think, he doesn’t let many people actually sleep with him. His bed is a safe space for him. Lovers can come and go but if you get to sleep in the same bed as him and wake up beside him, that is a huge sign Demetri trusts you
 ·        Bought himself a king size bed – only sleeps on the left side
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·        The type to never make his bed. However the sheets land when he gets up in the morning is how they stay till he crawls back into bed
 ·        His bed sheets are always so plain, despite Demetri’s best efforts to buy him some fancy ones
 ·        Sleeps shirtless (because why would you hide those rock solid abs) but has a collection of comfy sweat pants he wears on bottom      + Sweat pants are to him what bed sheets are to Demetri – an obsession
 ·        Has the magical ability to just fall asleep whenever he likes. LITERALLY whenever and wherever he likes
 ·        Needs a solid eight hours or he is a major bitch. You don’t know what sarcasm is if you haven’t met a sleepy Felix       + “Why can we never get missions just next door? In Milan, say.”                     “Why can’t we ever get a mission where we get to leave your whiny ass behind?”
 ·        Can sleep in any position but always somehow ends up on his tummy by the end of the night. He just…splays everywhere. Star-fished face down with his arms tucked under his pillow and face smushed into the fabric
 ·        Such a deep sleeper that you genuinely will need to shake him awake if you need him in the night, however this is not recommended because startling Felix awake has approximately led to three missing arms, two crunched up noses and one spinal displacement
 ·        Isn’t too much of a cuddler so when sleeping beside someone else, more often than not he only has one arm around them. If his mate wants cuddles, they’ll literally just have to sleep on top of him
 ·        Doesn’t tuck his duvet underneath the mattress because he’s so damn tall, his feet have to hang out the duvet, otherwise he can’t stretch out in bed        + Besides, what monster under the bed is more terrifying than the one on it? You think the Boogeyman is gonna mss with Felix’s feet? No sir, he gives him a pedicure and moves the fuck on
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·        Everything we discussed with Alec still stands, she is always reaching out for her twin in the night, but her PTSD manifests quite differently
 ·        Jane has trouble falling asleep and doesn’t end up going to bed until the early hours of the morning. It’s part insomnia, part a genuine fear of falling asleep
 ·        She never knows when the night terrors will strike
 ·        Alec is usually the one who will run to comfort her, it took centuries for her to even consider letting anyone else so much as ask if she’s okay
 ·        One time a lower guard mentioned the screaming from her room one night, she fried him with her gift so bad he shattered into a thousand pieces – they still haven’t found the piece of skin that goes beneath his eye
 ·        Has a very meticulous routine she follows starting with removing the days make up and ending with fluffing up her pillows before she goes to bed. This routine is more for her own sanity than anything else, because then she can say she’s done all she can to try get a good night’s sleep if it fails
 ·        There have been nights that neither twin manages to sleep at all and they simply venture to one another’s room to watch some TV or read together
 ·        Jane has absolutely no need for face creams (she is never going to age or get blemishes after all) but a bit of skincare at night is her new favourite habit. It makes her feel a little more normal
 ·        Demetri converted her to throw blankets, Jane has a selection she cycles between now
 ·        Sometimes she will wrap herself in her blanket and then get under the duvet because she likes being cosy
 ·        Is the type of person who just…doesn’t move? All night? Like seriously this girl doesn’t know the meaning of the word wriggle. The only time she moves is when night terrors make her thrash, and thankfully they’re further apart now than they were before
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atiny-exol · 4 years
Vampire Ateez a Skz member is forcefully drinking from you
Warning: drug abuse, swearing, fighting, blood, drinking without your consent, nearly rape, kidnapping
A/N- Soooo I hope you enjoy it!!!
Requested: Yes
Hongjoong tried to get a long with the fact that skz is getting bigger and bigger
That they are getting more and more powerful
That he maybe has to make allies with them
But all his calmness is gone as soon as he sees the leader of skz all over you
His eyes shining in a dark red color and his fangs slightly digging on your skin
He is mad, no even more than that
Doesn't hold back anymore till the other leader finally learns his place
His place under him
After that he takes you home and tries to calm you down
Whispers in your ear
Pets your head
Makes you tea
All of that
A lot of snuggling
Will never ever let something like that happen again
,,And if you do this again." His look is cold, colder than ice and sharper than a knive as he looked at the skz leader with so much hatred. ,,I will not hesitate to kill you little boy. Never dare to lay a finger on something that stands under my protection."
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He doesn't even know how this happened
He went to a party with you
Lost you for 5 seconds
And the next time he finds you, you are laying unconscious under Minho
Skz often goes along very well, Seonghwa doesn't mind them but as soon as he sees the member of the rivals hovering over your body. Ready to suck your blood
He sees red
If Minho is alive after that a wonder happened
Because he should not be
Someone touch something that is very special to him
In fact the most special thing
And no one is going to hurt it
He leaves Minho laying on the floor and then places his jacket over you
Picking you up and carrying you home were he can nurse you back to a good state
Apologies a lot of times because he couldn't protect you
A single tear ran down his cheek and right after that a shaky sob was heard from your mate. It breaks your heart to see him like that, but there is nothing you could do to make him feel better. It doesn't matter what you are saying, he feels shitty for not protecting you like he promised you. His mate got bitten by someone else and it hurts him just as much as it hurts you.
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He is the softest person and trusts his family with his whole heart.
But one new member was very suspicious to him the whole time
Not that he would go against Hongjoong orders no
But the guy always was a little shitty in his eyes
He had the feeling to know him and to know that he has ill intentions
And he was right
One day you visited him and he had to do some things before you could leave
The guy, Hyunjin, started to flirt with you, telling you that he is the only chance for you to get out of this situation alive because skz is going to take ateez down
Of course Yunho heard that
He is angry. So is the rest of Ateez because they saw how Hyunjin tried to convince you to go with him
And after you said no he tried to drink from you even if you yelled at him to stop
No one of the holds back, but Yunho doesn't care about him
He just cares about you
Tries to calm you down
Draws small circles on your lower back while whispering calming words in your ear
,,Psssht princess/prince don't cry don't cry." his voice was barely a whisper. It hurts him to hear your heartbreaking sobs and the words you say. You are blaming yourself for that and it breaks him. Nothinh is your fault. None of this is your fault. He has to make you see that.
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Leaves you alone for 5 minutes and guys are already flirting with you
But then he sees how you are rejecting the jerk
Beforw the guy leaves he tells you that you will regret that
And he was right
Just in this night some rivals attacked you both surprisingly
San saw how the jerk feed from you and the smudge smirk on his face as he let your body fall down on the floor
He tried his best to protect you, his mate, he was so angry that he thought he can do it, but there were to much
The next time he wakes up you are gone
And he is laying in a dark basement
Before he realizes who his enemies are
He saw them before.
And now where he know that it is skz
He even more concerned about you
,,Fuck give me my mate back you bastard!" San was filled with rage as the rival stepped in the room. His brown hair hanging in his face and a big smirk shooting at him. ,,Aww you want your sweet little mate back? To bad this is not going to happen. We will use you to get the others to and then your territory is ours."
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He doesn't hate skz, he never thought they are nice or something like that but he never hated them
What mingi doesn't know is that Jeongin the youngest of straykids would cause a lot of trouble
Jeongin is sweet, kind, charming and he knows it
What he also knows is that he wants you
And he usually gets what he wants
That's why it confuses him if you say no to him
But he couldn't bother less
He wants your blood
That's why he spikes your drink and get you out of the overfilled room
Even in your drugged state you tried to fight against him but he was way to strong for you
His sucks your blood and you feel damaged
Only Mingi is allowed to do that
And the taller one never drink so much that you get unconscious
If it want for mingi Jeongin drank too much and would have ended dead
But mingi isn't satisfied with on punch
No he is going to beat the small vampire
He will never come near you again
,,M.. Mingi.. N.. No" your weak voice suddenly gets the attention of the angry vampire. His head turned to your weak body and he immediately backed off, picking you up and checking if you are okay. ,,I.. If you kill him t.. That might end in a war between ateez and skz.." You said weakly and your boyfriend nods in understanding. ,,You are probably right baby. Come on let's go home."
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He is not known for mercy
Neither is Felix
Felix saw you, he smelled your blood and he wants you
He wants to see you cry under him while he rips you away from your mate
He usually isn't that cruel but for you he has a special addiction
Yeosang knows that
Thats why he is always very careful around him
But you know that it would have happen sooner or later
Yeosang didn't watch for a few seconds and Felix already got you
It was horrible for you, it wasn't just the drinking no
He was touching you too without any consent
You cried out for help and just in the moment you thought that no one would help you
Yeosang appeared to save you
Felix immediately disappeared
But yeosang couldn't care less
He checks on you and brings you back home
He is apologizing and he feels horrible for not being able to protect you
Even if you say it's fine he knows that it isn't
But he can't turn back time
,,N.. No y/n h.. He He.. " Yeosang mumbled out and looked on the ground, his eyes fixed on one spot. His hand balled into a fist. ,,I will never forgive myself for not being able to stop him sooner." Yeosang wasn't the person who cried easily, so his tears staining his cheek breaks your heart.
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He trusted Changbin
He was friends with him and they liked eachother
So he trusted him to take care of you while he is gone for a while
But this was a mistake
Once he came home
He saw that the other vampires drinks from you while he muffled your screaming
His hands are all over your body
And Wooyoung sees red
He feels betrayed, hurt and most of all angry
Changbin doesn't get out of this alive
And you are shaking and crying in his arms
He will never forgive himself something like that
He will never trust anyone like this again
Doesn't want to face you
He distances himself from you
This one accident changed your relationship
,,N.. No leave me alone Y/N! " his heart ached just like yours. He doesn't mean it. You both know that, but the words still hurt. He is your mate, your boyfriend and the love of your life and now he is pushing you away. It hurts. It hurts so much
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Seungmin is small next to him
Physically he doesn't have a chance against Jongho
But he is smart, very smart
It wasn't easy but Seungmin got you
He wanted you, from the first time he saw you he wanted you and your blood
It was an obsession
A cruel obsession
He knows that jongho and you are mates
That you will never feel the same for him like you feel for Jongho
But if he can't have you, no body can
He drinks without your consent, against your will and tried to do everything to make you forget your stupid ,, mate"
Just in the time jongho gets you back
Seungmin is gone
And as you opened your eyes again, you didn't know where the person on front of you were
To say that jongho was shocked is an understatement
He was more than that
So much more than that
,,Y.. You.. You don't know who I am? Sweetheart don't play with me like that. It.. It isn't funny" His voice breaks a few times and he desperately hoped that this is just a sick joke of yours, but his hope got crashed down as you shook your head. ,,I.. I don't know who you are.. I-please leave me alone.."
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chanlixformysoul · 3 years
Sounds easy, right? [ Chanlix ]
rating: mature
word count: 2217
chapter: 1
next chapter: 2
➥ Felix was sent to kill Chan but he got hurt and now Chan is nursing Felix back to health, they might also fall in love on the way.
song recommendation:
estimated reading time: 17.1 minutes
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It wasn't supposed to be like this. Felix would sneak his way in, kill Chan and get his goddamn money.
But oh boy he was in for a ride. The 'Big Boss' as people would call him wasn't that big nor great at all, he was just the co-CEO of the company, one position away from being the big CEO. His brother, Chan's dad, died besides his mother 7 years ago in a car accident , leaving Chan as CEO of the company. The Big Boss used Felix whenever he wanted to, but he never put Felix in a position like this before, to kill a person. He knew that if he disobeyed the Big Boss he would get beaten up and tortured, plus he would never get the money promised back and the fact that he was a cat hybrid didn't help either. The Big Boss told Felix to kill Chan, he would sneak in his house and get rid of him because he needed to not because he wanted to.
Sounds easy, right?
Well it actually isn't, not when Felix tripped because the welcome mat at the entrance was crooked sending his head into the door with a loud thump sound. As he tried to get away fast he lost his balance and was sent once again flying down the big and grand staircase. The door immediately opened, revealing a distressed looking man, shirt halfway undone and one shoe off. Felix knew Chan rushed outside because of the noise that he made but he couldn't help but admire his figure.
'Hey buddy, care to explain?' Chan said as he crossed his arms one over another raising his eyebrows.
'I umm... actually.... sorry, I gotta go.' But little did he know that falling down a huge staircase can do this much. Pain started to shoot from his ankles to his ribs and back. The big impact with the door sure left it's mark as he felt blood dripping from his blonde locks to his eyebrows. He pulled himself from the ground, trying to not make a fool out of himself more than he actually did earlier, wincing and shooting silent cuss words at himself for being so goddamn stupid.
Before he could walk down the street, he wanted to run but he weighed his options and he knew that if he started running it was only a matter of two steps before he came crashing to the ground once again.
He was about to do his second step but suddenly a hand on his shoulder stopped him.
'What the heck happened to you?'
'Oh... as I said I have to go, sorry.'
'You're not going anywhere, not with that head of yours.'
Felix couldn't believe what just happened, he screwed up the mission. He could say goodbye to this month's rent, goodbye to any decent meal he would allow himself to buy with the money check. Maybe if Big Boss would have some mercy he could leave him and not kill him, maybe he would understand, but deep down Felix knew he was gonna be tortured again by the thoughts of affording to even live when he opens his eyes every morning.
He couldn't stop trembling and his legs started shaking with fear of being killed by Big Boss because of his failed mission. Before he knew it he started crying, like full on sobbing and at last collapsed to the ground leaving a distressed Chan picking him up and urgently calling his doctor to come see the boy.
Chan was confused, really confused. This boy, he wanted to do something, right? But at the same time he couldn't help but feel a little weird because of the younger one. He had such a pretty face, rosy cheeks accompanied by constellations of freckles, lips that looked like petals of the rarest and finest flower you could find on earth. Chan found himself admiring the boy after the doctor left. As the doctor said it there weren't such serious issues but it wasn't something little either. The paper entitled prescription was long and let's say not even close to Felix's budget.
Chan kept a washing cloth by his side all the time, slowly stroking the youngest arms and forehead. He placed Felix on his bed justifying his actions in his head saying 'the couch is too small'. As he was making his way to the kitchen,Chan saw a little head that popped up in his bed. He made sure to bring the glass of water and the pills that the doctor prescribed. Felix woke up, and by that he knew he had officially fucked up real hard.
He tried to escape the blanket, kicking it off of him but the pain started once again as well. His ribs, back, legs, head and ankles hurt like hell. As he cleared his vision he saw Chan... he was done for sure.
'Hi there, I see that you woke up. Don't worry just stay in bed and take these. Oh and the bill for the medication, I took care of it.' He simply said smiling while placing the pills and water down on the nightstand.
Felix immediately came to his senses when Chan sat besides him on the bed. He tried to get off the bed but he was once again stopped but this time not only by the immense pain, but by strong arms.
'Where are you going?'
'To my house? I didn't ask for your kindness you know? You could've just let me be on the ground. It would've been better that way for the both of us trust me.' Felix said with no emotion in his voice.
'Hey, you can go to your home once you will recover, I'm not letting you out like this especially at this hour.' That made Felix turn his head for the nearest thing that indicated time only to read it as 11:34 pm. Fucking great isn't it. He knew the busses wouldn't be out that late and he knew that from this wealthy neighbourhood to his small apartment was an immense distance that he couldn't travel by foot.
'At least tell me your name, mines Chan.'
'That's a cute name, Felix.' Chan said while trying to get the younger one to look at him in the eyes. He was getting closer and closer until he saw that Felix was crying once again.
'Hey what's wrong? Did I make you uncomfortable?'
'I failed, I'm gonna be left in the streets again, I'm so sorry. Please let me go, please. I'm a bad person, you don't want me here.' Felix continued sobbing, putting his hands to cover up his face and turning his head so Chan couldn't look at him.
'No you're not a bad person, Felix. If you want you can stay here with me, I'm always lonely, I rarely go out because of my work. I'm either at work or at home. You can stay with me for as long as you want to, I won't force you, just come here...' Chan says looking at Felix with gentleness in his eyes before climbing over the mattress to hug the youngest little frame.
'It's okay, Lix, I'm here you don't need to worry'
'Why are you being nice to me? I was supposed to do a bad thing to you.' He says sniffing and letting more tears fall down.
'Felix, I like you, that's why I'm being nice to you, I want you to stay with me, please tell me what's wrong' Chan said, voice trembling, not knowing what to do.
'Please don't hit me or do something, your uncle s-send me to kill you, I didn't want to but he would torture me if I didn't and I wouldn't get the money, I need the money so I can live, I'm sorry ' Felix sobbed harder than before as he looked at Chan. Chan shifted, Felix immediately twitched expecting a slap and then to be beaten up and thrown away just like Big Boss's men do with him all the time, Felix was shaking so much he fell out the bed into the hard and expensive wood flooring. His back started hurting more but that didn't matter he started to run to the door. Chan was quick and caught him pulling him to his chest.
'Did uncle really say that?'
Felix couldn't even look in Chan's eyes as he nodded. Tears trailed down his cheeks again.
'I'm sorry, I'm going to leave you. I don't have the money for the medication but I will give it to you, I promise just please don't hurt me. I swear I will disappear and you don't have to see me again, I promise...' Felix cried into his hands, his knees starting to give in so he dropped to the floor. He winced in pain as he made contact with the floor. He felt exhausted but he would go to his apartment, he had to.
Chan quickly went down to Felix picking him up while whispering that he's not mad at him and that he is just a little shocked. Felix was still saying that he didn't need to be carried, he just wanted to go home but Chan insisted that he will have to stay here till his pain is gone. Felix being exhausted physically and emotionally he agreed. Chan carried Felix to his bed placing him gently on it.
'Let's sleep for now, we will talk tomorrow,ok?'
'It's ok' said Felix going down on the floor again, this time intentionally. Chan just watched the younger not understanding what he was doing.
'Good night.' Said Felix as he laid on the cold flooring, feeling his back and ribs ache.
'Felix I-' Chan was cut off by Felix.
'Oh sorry, I will go in the living room'
'No, don't do that. I was just wondering what you were doing on the floor?'
'Trying to sleep?' He said looking confused as well.
'Felix, come here' Chan said as he patted the space next to him.
'I know we've just met a few hours ago but please stay with me, I beg you'
'I don't know, Chan, I have nothing to offer you, I have no family, no friends, no money, I'm also a cat hybrid. I'm practically useless, better off dead.' He said as he slowly got on the bed, staying on the edge so he could occupy less space than he needed to.
'Don't say that, come closer, I want to hug you if that's ok'
Felix didn't say anything he just got closer to the older. Raising his head to look at Chan, he found the older's eyes comforting, this time Felix hugged Chan burying his face in Chan's chest and collarbone. Chan let out a chuckle, Felix feeling the vibration through his chest.
'So what's your answer?'
'If I'm not a bother, I want to stay.'
'That's perfect then, can we sleep like this? I want to cuddle you while sleeping.' Felix turned red feeling his ears burning.
'O-ok then' Chan only nodded in agreement, setting them down. Felix didn't know what to do so he just stayed still not even daring to look at Chan.
'Do you not want to cuddle?' Asked Chan as he propped his head up a little.
'I never did it before, I don't know what to do...' he looked down in embarrassment.
'Really? That's okay. Do you want to face me or not?'
'I want to see your face'
'Okay then, sweetheart, come closer'
Felix could only smile at the sudden nickname clinging to the older, as he snuggled into him.
'I'm sorry for everything'
'You didn't do anything, bub, it's all ok now, we are together and that's what matters in the end.'
'Aren't you mad at me? I got you in so much trouble...I feel bad, i didn't want to accept the task, but I didn't have another choice, they would torture me and beat me and then throw me out like a dog... I didn't want that to happen again, I'm sorry Chan, I really am...' Felix said looking up at Chan, putting a hand gently on Chan's cheek.
Chan put his hand above Felix's hand noticing how tiny it was.
'Don't worry, it's none of your fault, you were the victim and as soon as you get better we will go and confront uncle.'
'No, please don't do that, please. You will get in trouble for me and he will come for you. I don't want to lose you' Felix started tearing up again but now Chan was here for him. Chan held him closer whispering that everything is okay.
'Don't worry Felix, uncle will be punished for everything he has done to you. I can't believe he will actually do that to someone, how cruel can one be?'
'Thank you, Chan, for helping me and letting me stay with you.'
'Felix, no need to worry, okay? You're here with me from now on. Let's sleep, it's gotten late.'
'Thank you, Channie.....' Felix mumbled cutely as he drifted into the land of dreams but this time his dreams weren't nightmares this time, his dreams were full of Chan's face, laugh, touch.....he was feeling happy. Was he allowed to feel that way?
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my ao3: Mrs_SnowPitch
my wattpad: ChanlixForMySoul
my masterlist: iza’s masterlist
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captain-yeet · 5 years
Don't You Knock? (Felix Volturi x Reader One-shot)
Summary: Finding out that vampires and soulmates existing in a single day is exhausting, let alone discovering you're the mate of one. The night after the Newborns came to Forks, you get a surprise visitor in the dead of night.
Pairing: Felix x Reader
Word count: 2.8k
A little something I’ve been working on this past week and also to celebrate a wee follower milestone. Come get y’all JUICE, enjoy!
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Slamming the door to your apartment with accidental unnecessary force, you shrug out of your frozen jacket and tossed it to the floor. Today had been eventful, to say the least. It began with helping out your supervisor with paperwork down at the police station and ended with a vampire practically starting a riot over you.
Oh, and vampires exist now. Neat.
You were only a few years older than Chief Swan's daughter and he had asked something rather odd of you a few months back after she returned from disappearing to Italy; "Keep an eye out for her, will ya?"
So, you found a way to insert yourself into Bella's life, like a friend with older sister vibes. She was none the wiser, and so were you in terms of what kind of shit the silly girl had gotten herself into.
Shrugging out of your pants, you let out a content sigh. "Right, relax time," you breathed. No vampires, no pyres of burning bodies. Just me and some pasta.
You were just planning on tailing her and the gaggle of pale friends of hers to see what exactly they were up to. You'd seen them while out on a hike and immediately your suspicion grew when you saw Bella being carried down the hillside by her boyfriend Edward Cullen, accompanied by the largest wolf you'd ever seen.
Following them at a distance, the sight you stumbled across made you let out a very loud "What the fuck is going on here!?"
Bodies burning but with no horrid stench. One of the Cullen boys ripping apart a corpse with his bare hands and tossing it into the pyre. A naked boy on the ground writhing in pain, being lifted and carried off by more shirtless guys and one woman. A teenager curled up into a ball on the ground.
"Y/N what are you doing here?" Bella cried.
"What am I doing here? What the shit are you doing here, what exactly have these people roped you into?" You had snarled the last part, backing away from the two approaching Cullens.
The doctor's wife had whispered a quick explanation to you. They weren't human, but vampires. Vampires existed what the actual heck. Bella was in danger but isn't any more.
And the Volturi, the "vampire police" were arriving soon, and you had no time to leave before they did.
An hour passed and you hummed a song to yourself while you washed up the plates after having a quick dinner. The day had turned to custard and you just wanted to forget about it for a moment and go to bed.
The buzzing of your phone made you jump. Picking it up, you saw the name on the screen and sighed heavily.
Caller ID: Bella
"What now?" You groaned, leaning against the counter. You pressed the answer key and held the phone gingerly up to your ear. "Hello?"
"Y/N, are you home?" came Bella's voice through the speaker. There was a hint of urgency in her tone that had you immediately tense.
"I am, why? Has something happened?"
"Listen to me," she urged, "you need to leave, Alice has a vision that -"
Your brows knitted together in confusion. Bella had given you some information about her boyfriend having some kind of mind reading gift but you didn't realise that extended to the rest of the Cullens being gifted too. "She had a what now?"
A short sigh. "Someone is coming for you! Please just trust me and go!"
Pushing yourself off the counter, you paced in your kitchen. "Who?" you deadpanned, fear growing in your heart.
"Y/N go!"
Suddenly you heard the creak of that one rickety window in your living room shutting. You grabbed the closest thing to you; a pan. "If I don't call you back by tomorrow morning assume the worst," you murmured in a hushed voice before hanging up.
Placing your phone down, you grasped the pan firmly and stalked to the corner leading into the living room. You couldn't hear anything but the sound of a dog barking outside and the steady rain that had begun as you drove home. Taking a deep breath, you rounded the corner and entered the room.
Nothing. No one was in sight.
"You know that pan isn't going to do much," a deep voice commented from behind you.
Yelping in shock and fear, you instinctively turned and swung the pan with just the one hand at whoever it was behind you. An ice-cold hand gripped your wrist, stopping your attack.
The tall intruder raised his eyebrows at your clumsy attack, red eyes boring into your own with intensity. You were caught off guard by how ridiculously handsome, tall and muscular he was, which you knew was probably the last thing you should be thinking about right now. You swung at him with your free hand and he caught that too. Now you were pinned.
"Easy, I mean you no harm," he said firmly, his tone ringing with authority. He began walking forward, still with you firmly in his iron grip making you step backward till your back hit a wall. "If I let you go, will you calm down?"
"You broke into my apartment and you want me to be calm?" you hissed, the last word turning into a screech.
"Please, I -" the man struggled with his words for a moment. "I just want to talk. About what happened today, if you'll give me a chance."
You glared at him for a little. He could end you very quickly if that was what he wanted to do. You knew that after what you saw of him today. He was a killer, through and through.
So, you conceded with a solemn nod.
The man was pleased with your cooperation, releasing your wrists and stepping back away from you. You set your poor choice of a weapon down on a table and leaned against the wall, quickly wiping away a stray tear that began trailing down your cheek before crossing your arms and staring him down with a hard glare.
Red eyes traveled up and down your figure, at first with curiosity that dissolved into something else, something more akin to fleeting lust and you suddenly remembered your lack of pants. "Don't you vampires know how to knock? It would have given me time to make myself more decent."
A low chuckle came from the man. "That would have been a politer choice, but I guess I miscalculated things." With a pause, he added, "not that I'm complaining, it's a nice view."
He winked and you cursed yourself for the impulsive flush of heat to your cheeks. It really should be illegal to be that good looking and that infuriatingly forward.
Padding over to the couch, making sure to have the front of your body facing him and not your rear end, you made yourself at home and placed a blanket over your lower half. Resting your hands in your lap, you sheepishly looked up at him. "I'd feel more comfortable if you sat down."
Moving slowly, you assumed so he wouldn't frighten you, he sat next to you on the couch on the furthest end, giving you some space. "Where would you like me to begin? I'll answer any questions you have if you'll also grant me the same privilege."
You thought for a moment. Many pressing questions came to your mind at once. You weren't sure where to begin. "Okay," you agreed with a heavy exhale. "Well, the first question I have to start with is who are you?"
"Fair," he smiled and again your heart skipped a beat. "My name is Felix, as you know already, I'm a member of the Volturi who are tasked with enforcing the secrecy of our kind."
Your brain took a moment to process the information. "So... you're essentially the vampire police?" you concluded with a raised brow, earning another chuckle from Felix.
"I guess you could say that although we're closer to being a governing force, now let me ask the same of you."
Glancing away briefly, you let your eyes roam around your apartment before meeting his curious red ones again. "My name is Y/N and uh, I work down at the local police station here in Forks - a cadet, got in thanks to my okay-ish GPA." You felt yourself rambling so you quickly shut up before you embarrassed yourself further.
"You don't strike me as a woman who'd aspire to be a cop," he mused, his head cocking to the side.
You shrugged meekly. "Maybe so, but I've always wanted to try making a small difference and I figured why not try and work towards becoming an officer?"
"That's admirable."
Heat flushed to your face. You racked your brain for more questions. "Well, if you're a vampire, how old are you?"
"About 2,000 years old, give or take."
A strangled hysteric laugh caught itself in your throat, making him purse his lips and stare at you like you'd grown another head. "I'm sorry," you said quickly, "it's just... wow that's a... long time to be alive." Taking a moment to compose yourself, you gave him a small smile. "You look amazing for your age, I gotta say."
A grin spread across his handsome face, and again your heart skipped a beat. You couldn't deny he was incredibly handsome - ridiculously so. "Immortality does wonders," he replied with a wink, clearly enjoying making you flustered.
A question popped into your mind at that moment, one that had been plaguing your thoughts since you left that clearing "... What is a mate? Why is it so significant for, your kind?"
You recalled the moment the two of you locked eyes for the first time. You remembered Edward Cullen's hiss of anger and shock and the way this man before you stared at you. It was like he was a deer in headlights and time itself had stopped. The pyre had disappeared, every confusing new thing that had surrounded you in a matter of minutes gone.
In that finite moment, it was just you and this tall strange man who gazed at you like a blind man seeing colour for the first time.
"Straight to the point, aren't you?" He murmured, chuckling to himself. Eyes downcast, he paused to think about how he wanted to answer. "My kind lives for a very long time," he began, lifting his gaze back to you. "Some of us will find another that we connect with so intimately that nothing else compares. A mate is a life partner, someone who feels as if they were made for you."
Resting your chin on your hand, you listened to his explanation earnestly. The idea of soulmates felt like a silly girl's fantasy, but you couldn't help but feel a tug at your heartstrings at his words. "And me?" You asked softly, scooting a little closer to really lock eyes with him. "Edward said I was your mate."
Mate. The term felt so foreign to you, it rolled off your tongue strangely.
With that announcement, the clearing had become chaos. Angry snarls from both Volturi and Cullen alike sounded through the area, you'd been pulled behind a blonde golden-eyed woman.
And many protests.
"That's absurd, Felix would never become attached to a human."
The voice of reason had come from Doctor Cullen. "It isn't impossible - look at Edward and Bella. If this is true then it's up to them to decide their fates."
Felix's reaction was the one that stuck out to you the most "You seemed so angry, back in the clearing..."
During the outcry, Felix's face was the one you focused on. After moments of staring at you with thunderstruck wonder in his eyes, he balked and you could have sworn you saw him say "No," to himself, squeezing his eyes shut and pinching the bridge of his nose like he'd suddenly gotten a bad migraine.
He sighed. “It was more shock than anger. Of all the things I had prepared myself for dealing with when we arrived, meeting my mate was not one of them.” Shaking his head, he offered an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry that the way we met wasn’t under better circumstances. Having you see me like that on our first meeting...”
 “I wish the circumstances had been better too.”
Another memory flickered in your mind. The young girl on the ground. Her screams as she cried out in pain, Felix stalking toward her with a stoic expression. There was no doubt in your mind that even if this ‘soulmate bond’ thing was true - and a tug at your heartstrings swayed you to believe that maybe it was - the man before you was dangerous.
 “You killed that girl,” you stated bluntly.
 “I had orders,” he retorted, the stoic mask returning. “I had no choice.”
You were shaking your head before he finished speaking. “That doesn’t mean that what you did was right!” Exasperated, you raised your hands. “Just because someone orders you to do something doesn’t mean that it’s the correct course to take! Don’t you have a mind of your own?”
Felix opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it, jaw clenched.
Okay, maybe don’t try to aggravate the vampire, Y/N, you cautioned yourself. Hands falling with a slap on your exposed thighs, you sighed. “Shit, I didn’t mean to go off like that.”
Silence followed. You watched him carefully and he watched you, neither making a single move for a while. 
 “You’re afraid of me.” The words left his lips calmly, not phrased as a question but rather a statement.
Lips parting slightly, you felt your face turn into a grimace. Your emotions were all over the place at this point in time and you didn’t know what to do about it or how to feel. Maybe you were scared of him - he did break into your home after all. And a rational part of your conscious knew that being afraid was probably a good thing. But at the same time? You felt a sense of hope - hope that this whole vampire mate thing may be true and that he really wasn’t here to kill you or worse.
 "I guess I can’t blame you for feeling that way,” he sighed. “Do you still want an answer to your original question?”
Biting your tongue for a moment, you nodded. “Yes, tell me.”
 “Meeting you was a shock, that is true. It’s just...” A pause for a moment, and in a more gentle voice he spoke once more. “I have been around for a long, long time. Centuries. In that time I thought I wouldn’t ever find my mate as I watched others find theirs - I even became somewhat promiscuous, because if I was never going to find the one, what was the point? Why not fool around with whomever? And then you appear before me and I’m shaken to my core.”
The room was silent save for the frantic beating of your heart, the patter of rainfall and the distant sounds of life around your apartment building.
 “I fear I’ve ruined my chances of you accepting me as yours,” Felix confessed.
 “I... may be willing to accept you - or at the very least give you, us, a chance. But you must do something for me first if you’re willing?” Is this a bad idea? A great idea? Maybe both, you concluded.
Felix’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. “What do you want me to do?”
You pointed at the door. “Leave my apartment and knock on the door.”
Suspicion turned into amusement. “You want me to leave and then come back in?” he repeated, playful sarcasm in his tone.
You felt your lips twitch up into a smirk. “Yes, that is indeed what I want. If we’re doing this I want to give it a real shot with a proper beginning - no attacking anyone with a pan and preferably with pants on.”
The two of you eyes each other a moment before you broke out into a fit of giggles. Felix shook his head muttering something along the lines of “Strange human” before taking your hand gently in his own, pressing his lips against your knuckles in a feather-light kiss, sending your heart beating overtime. "As you wish."
Letting your hand fall from his grasp he rose to his feet and walked away from you. Opening the door to your apartment wide, Felix faced you and stepped backward with a smirk, closing the door behind him.
When he closed the door, you stood up and rushed to find a pair of pants. Luckily you’d conveniently left some unfolded laundry out in the living room after a late-night trip to the laundromat. Shimmying into some comfy leggings, you murmured to yourself, "Feel free to knock now, big guy."
Not even five seconds later, and there was a short knock at your door. What, they have super hearing too? you chuckled to yourself.
Taking what felt like the millionth deep intake of breath for tonight, you opened the door for your “unexpected” visitor.
Pursing his lips trying not to laugh, Felix nodded in greeting. The man towered over you and for a brief moment, one of his hands running through the dark shaggy locks of hair, you wondered how his head didn’t hit the doorframe. And also how soft his hair was to touch. “Hello, may I come in?”
 “Since you’re so polite, of course you may,” you greeted him, stepping back to allow him to enter.
 “Does this mean you’ll give this a chance?” he took a hesitant step forward, watching you for any sign of discomfort, “you want to give a future with me a chance?”
You nodded. “It’s not every day a vampire comes to my door asking to be my lover,” you replied teasingly, winking at him as he had done to you earlier in the night. And besides... if you're serious about me being your mate, then I want to give this a go."
An earnest, genuinely happy smile lit up Felix’s face. You’d never seen a more beautiful man in your life. Beaming back at him as he entered your apartment, you knew from this night onward your life would never be the same. Were you ready for that? You weren’t quite sure.
But for now, you were certain in your feelings; if soulmates were real, you’d feel like a fool to pass up your own. Whatever the future held, you’ll face it.
You’ll face it with him.
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hecohansen31 · 4 years
Loving You Is A Losing Game
Ivar+Kidnapped Wife! Reader (Vikings! Era)
Chapter 2; Electra
“You can have your rich table and life flowing over the cup. I need one food: I must not violate Elektra.”
“Electra” by Sofocles
(Previous Chapter) (Masterlist)
(A/N): Hello there, lovelies!
I don’t know if anybody remembers this series, but I thought about bringing it back to you, since a few of you seemed interested in this and I am honestly VERY very excited about this series!
Sadly... it is slightly... too angsty for me, even more during this quarantine, so I wasn’t able to write it till I was in a mood that was sane enough to write it out, so sorry for the waiting!
As always: if you want to slip any feedback, know that it’ll make my heart beat faster and I’ll absolutely write faster!
Feedback is easy, quick and free, never forget to leave a comment, if you enjoyed this.
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SUMMARY:  Being kidnapped wasn't the hard part.
Surviving in a kingdom where nobody is your ally might be more problematic.
Even more when a new life is growing in your stomach.
WORDS: 7,3 K
WARNINGS; Unstable Relationship (I think that honestly Reader and Ivar’s relationship is borderline abusive, even more if set up in the modern era, there is no physical violence, but there might be some psychological one so please be careful sweeties), Pregnancy, Talk of Abortion, Mention of Death, Betrayal, Kidnapping Historically Inaccurate, and Not following the series path.
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On the days on the boats you’d try to keep your mind active, talking with Astrid, but the night… you were lost to feverish dreams.
Of your labor, accompanied by the death of your husband and child, to the point that you had come to dread night.
Even thought, unless one of your jailers took pity of you and would leave a candle burning out slowly, it’d be forever night in the dark of the heart of the boat you were on.
You had tried to goad your jailers into knowing where you’d be going, but they had been as silent as rocks.
They looked at you with pity and a vicious lust, that made you glad that Gustaf had stopped any man from ‘roughing you up’.
‘… she is the wife of a prince!’ he had commented, sending you a joking look, because drenched in dirty clothes and vomit, you didn’t look very much like royalty ‘… and we’ll treat her as such’.
Had Ivar ever gotten his hands on their wives or children, he wouldn’t have treated them like that, for sure.
You wondered whether he knew about your kidnapping.
Lagertha and your family certainly wouldn’t have left him in the shadow of ignorance.
But did he still care about you?
Maybe he’d have cared about the child in your belly…
A sudden impulse to retch brought you back from your treacherous thoughts, as Astrid called out your name, to check on you.
Although the jailers had simply thought your ‘illness’ to be seasickness, Astrid had caught on pretty quickly what it truly was, as once you were left alone, she had whispered:
‘Are you with child?’ she had asked, looking in your eyes, as you raised your head to lightly nod, and she had thrown her head to the sky of wood ‘… is it his?’.
‘I might be the wife of a traitor, but I certainly am not a cheater’ you had replied pointedly, as Astrid asked for forgiveness, raising her hands as you had lightly pushed your tied arms to hug your knees ‘… I loved him’.
‘… he’ll come for you’ she had spoken as she matched your pose, making you raise your head ‘… he has killed for much less, believe me, he’ll find you’.
You didn’t understand if she was doing this to calm you down or simply because she truly believed your husband was a beast.
“I don’t think he cares anymore” you muttered, as you cradled yourself tighter in your arms.
“I don’t think that he’d risk it for a simple lovers’ spat” she commented, and you couldn’t help but bit your lips, harshly, because although Astrid’s words were gentle and laced with sureness, your thoughts weren’t.
“… it wasn’t a simple lovers’ spat” it had been more like two words clashing through each other.
All the differences that you had had, spit against the other.
“… it just… it used to be quite… easier” you explained, finally uttering your thoughts “… when we were younger, before we were married”.
The ring on your finger was heavy to remind you that.
“You married quite young” commented Astrid, as you nodded “… it isn’t easy, even more when you are blessed with so much power and a stubborn husband”.
You laughed darkly at her comment, as she tried to turn to you with her piercing blue eyes staring at you.
“I just… sometimes I wished we had just kept it on like it was” you explained, confessing something you had never told anyone “… it just felt like we did it more to prove something to others than for ourselves”.
Your entire life had been this way.
Your romance with Ivar had started this way and had continued like that.
Even the child in your womb was a show of that.
To prove to those who didn’t believe it that Ivar was a man, exactly like them.
“Will you keep the baby”.
You had been waiting for that question for quite some time, because it had also tormented your thoughts, but to be uttered out like that it took the breath from your lungs as you choked on your words.
Eventually answering:
“… I don’t know” you confessed.
“Do you want a child?” she questioned you again, as those piercing eyes reminded you of Ivar.
“This might not be the best period to have a child” you tried to push away the question, but Astrid’s eyes focused on you tightly.
“Have you ever wanted children?” she asked “… if we weren’t stuck in a damned ship brought to our demise, would you keep it? The one in your belly”.
Nobody had ever truly asked you that.
You realized that not even Ivar had ever asked you that.
He had simply told you that to have peace, you’d have to give him a child.
He had ordered you to have a child.
And now you had one, but the only positive sensation you had about it had been Ylva’s gentleness in talking with you about it.
“… I…” you choked on your words, unsure of what to say.
Because it hadn’t ever been a question for you.
It had been a fact.
And now that it had happened…
… you weren’t sure of the answer.
“… I don’t know” you spoke “… Ivar always wanted children, it’ll strengthen his hold on the throne and it’ll…”.
“What about you?” Astrid focused the attention on you.
And you couldn’t help but want to vomit, and not because you were feeling nauseous.
Nobody had ever asked your opinion.
“… my mother died because of running around her children. Exhaustion claiming her… ” something had been unlocked in you as you confessed that and Astrid’s gaze softened “… I always… she isn’t something I want to be… I like children, but… I am not sure of wanting them, now”.
Even more in this period.
You didn’t trust Gustaf, in the slightest.
That man reminded you too much of calmer version of your husband.
And your husband did nothing without a second purpose.
“… have you thought about…?” she didn’t have to say it, but you remembered the talk with Ylva, the name of the herb she had told you to take in case you didn’t want the child.
Now it’d have been extremely difficult to obtain it.
“Yes” you spoke softly “… my… healer Ylva has told me to take an herb in case I didn’t want it anymore, but now…”.
“If you don’t want this baby, you don’t have to carry it” she spoke as if it was the most natural thing ever, and you froze in your spot “… I am not saying it solely because it’ll indeed change your life for the worse or for the better, but because if you don’t want it truly… if you aren’t ready for it… it’ll grow unloved”.
She seemed almost to speak from experience and ducked her head away from you, as you looked at her surprised.
“… I can’t… I don’t know how to…”.
“I’ll get you the herb, no matter what” she promised you “… just let me know if you want it or not”.
Something broke inside of you at that thought.
The question of the baby had kept you up till late, but you had never had a deep and stable solution, something that could be more than a fantasy.
But now Astrid had given it to you, her eyes speaking of true sincerity.
She would have helped you if you didn’t want the baby.
She wasn’t lying.
“… I need to think about it”.
“Do it fast” she commented simply, almost as if you hadn’t had just a heart-to-heart conversation “… the herb won’t work after a certain amount of time”.
“I’ll let you know” you promised softly “… I just… need some time to think about this”.
And then you were surprised as you heard the door open, and immediately Astrid pushed herself away from you, meanwhile you tried to look at your fiercest, even with dried vomit on your clothes.
Gustaf walked in, a smirk on his face as he looked at you as if he was holding court.
Everything in him seemed damnably royal and it annoyed you to an extent that you would have gladly hit him if you had had your hands free.
“Good morning, ladies” he called out to you both, only welcomed by a grimace on your faces “… I have news for you, don’t you want to hear them?”.
“Fuck you” commented bitterly Astrid, but Gustaf seemed too happy with himself, to properly care about her comment.
“We have arrived at my home” he promised you softly “… and you ladies will be my welcome guests”.
“I don’t fucking care about anything!” screamed Ivar as Lagertha sent him an annoyed look, as one would  with an annoying child who wouldn’t just lower his voice “… it is my wife we are talking about! She was fucking kidnapped because of your ineptitude in being queen”.
“Ivar, you either calm down or you’ll be back in your cell” threatened him the blond woman, meanwhile a few guards came closer.
“I don’t honestly know what he is doing here” commented your brother loudly, on the opposite side of Ivar, closer to Lagertha than him, and with a look of pure hate in his eyes.
Felix hadn’t been his best supporter, but he had never been an obstacle to your relationship as your father and older brother.
But Ivar knew that since he had tried to overtake Lagertha and pushed shame onto his sister, he hadn’t been his biggest supporter.
But he hadn’t expected him to straight up try to cut him off like that.
“… shouldn’t he be in prison?”.
“We called a truce” commented Lagertha.
“No, we didn’t” Ivar replied, shooting her a quick look “… I just value my wife enough to know when I have to shut up and lay down my weapons”.
“Then shut up” replied Lagertha “… I am not allowing my soldiers to get slaughtered to retrieve your wife, because they run into Gustaf’s lands blindly”.
“My wife is in their hands” he spoke harshly, before he shot a quick look to Felix “… you own bloody sister!”.
“I fucking know, you idiot!” replied Felix, getting up, as he towered over Ivar and for a moment, the cripple was truly scared, because Felix’ eyes spoke of pure anger.
One that he knew all too well.
“Calm down!” Tala, his sister-in-law screamed as she also got up, her pregnant belly immediately catching eyes.
She was near the birth date and she shouldn’t have been there, but she had insisted on staying in the council.
And Ivar could understand why.
“Your silly male arguments won’t help (Y/N)” she spoke loudly, to make sure that all attention wasn’t on her “… I do agree that we can’t lose time, because she might be in danger, but I also know that going blindly in there won’t help in the slightest.”
Both Ivar and Felix were taken aback, because Tala was usually shy and gentle, she had been a constant comforting figure, but right now, she wasn’t ready to step down.
And she had told the truth.
They were also losing time arguing amongst themselves.
“… I love (Y/N), as a sister” she spoke, and now her softness broke through her front “… I can’t even fathom the thought that I’ll give birth without her by my side. But I’ll endure it, if I know that she’ll soon be safe in my arms and that we’ll be the same”.
Lagertha gently moved to the trembling pregnant woman, whispering a few comforting words, as Felix did the same, caressing her round belly, meanwhile Tala leaned against him, the man gently adjusting her so that she could sit on him, with her front against his, as she enveloped him in a tight hug.
Ivar couldn’t help but miss you even more dearly as this happened.
He just wished that he could do the same as Felix with you.
He wanted you there with him, because he wanted to apologize for the last words he had said to you.
They burned in his memory.
And he just wished he could bring you as close as Felix was doing with Tala, whispering soft and comforting words.
But he had never been able to do such a thing.
He had solely been able to break your heart.
“… I’ll wait, but…” he commented, breaking apart the beautiful moment “… I am worried for her”.
“We are all worried for her” assured him Lagertha, as she shot a quick look to Felix, who continued in hiding in his wife’s hair “… and Astrid is with her, so believe me I have no intention to let this go”.
“I’ll gut Gustaf” he hissed roughly, after that, because he couldn’t shove his anger onto Lagertha or Felix if he wanted to have some alleys in his mission.
But Gustaf?
That fucktard wouldn’t have lasted a day once he got ahold of him.
“We all agree on that” answered him Lagertha, with a dark smile.
He’d have you soon in his arms.
And he’d have his revenge.
But for now, he’d just listen in to the what the council knew about Gustaf.
He seemed a ghost, who had risen to power during the insecurity of the throne of Kattegat, meanwhile they were in England.
He had started with small raids around fellow Viking villages, and had proclaimed himself king, raising a small but sneaky army.
Lagertha admitted to having undervalued him, thinking he wouldn’t be anything too big and that Kattegat would have held itself against him.
But it hadn’t.
And now you were paying for all her mistakes.
A few women had been allowed inside the boat to wash your body from days of dirt and to preserve your modesty from the men’s eyes, as they gently dabbed your body with water soaked tissues that they pressed to your body, then moving you to a bathtub brough inside just for you and Astrid, allowing you a bit of intimate time.
The one it took you to give Astrid your answer.
During the time that you had had before the boat had docked, you had realized one thing.
This child hadn’t been blessed by a good timing.
And as much as you knew that Ivar would have cursed you for your decision, you couldn’t deny that if the gods had blessed your pregnancy, they wouldn’t have allowed Gustaf to take you.
They would have allowed your pregnancy to appear much before.
But in truth they were all pretty lies about the fact that you were scared to end up like your mother.
And not solely a tired woman, relegated to child bearing but one that wouldn’t have loved her children truly.
For all this time you had tried your best to fake that the growing belly on your stomach wasn’t anything more than a dream, a feverish dream.
You had tried not to get too attached to the baby.
You hadn’t considered it truly, except when your belly stiffened for another vomiting session.
You just couldn’t bring this pregnancy to its rightful end.
There were so many reasons why it was cursed.
And in the end as Astrid had said: it was your decision.
‘I can’t keep the baby’ you had whispered in her long hair, free from the braids to be properly washed, as she kept her face impassible ‘… I’ll wait to know your plan to get rid of it’.
Although the words seemed to easy, they hurt your tongue.
Almost as if somebody had decided to rasp coarse paper against it.
And now your tongue bleed, crying for the injustice of the words.
‘Sweet baby’ that was the first time you addressed it in your mind ‘… I can’t have you, right now. It wouldn’t be fair to birth you in chains, meanwhile your father has his own plan to destroy himself’.
There would have been others.
You tried to console yourself with that thought.
But your tricky mind knew that although you might have been blessed with others, they would have never ever been like this one.
And yet, it was the best choice through the worst-dealt cards Destiny had given you.
Astrid didn’t give you any judgement and lightly nodded, the only semblance of an agreement appearing between you two, as she moved to wash your hair.
And you were glad she couldn’t see your tears for the child that you had never wanted and would never have.
You tried to focus on the steps ahead, instead.
Now that you were on land, you’d have both advantages and disadvantages.
It certainly would have been easier to go escape on land, but at the same time you wouldn’t have made it quite far, hadn’t you found a way to secure yourself boat back to Kattegat.
And most importantly you didn’t know where you truly were.
You hadn’t been able to keep up the time in the stomach of the boat, although you were sure that not even a week had passed since you had been kidnapped, so you couldn’t truly understand how far you were from home.
It was almost torture to think about everything that was wrong and difficult in that moment.
Because you saw no way to escape this.
But you had to keep your mind lucid to see anything that might be helpful.
So, for now you played the caught princess, as you let the guards bind your hands together, thinking about the fact that it would have been so easy to knee them in the groin, grab the rope and tighten it around their necks, as your older brothers had taught you.
You just smiled as Gustaf moved to examine you.
“Gotta make sure that you look like the princesses I promised my people” he smirked, as he looked at the dress you were wearing, something that was quite luxurious you had to say, but it just made you feel exposed “… now smile”.
“You might have bond my hands, but you don’t control my mind” replied tightly Astrid, as he moved to examine her, meanwhile the guards’ eyes ranked over her body as you heard tight whispers of ‘whore’ and ‘fucking cunt’.
You kept your mouth shut.
And not simply because you were feeling like retching again.
Gustaf ignored completely Astrid’s comment and simply turned to you, as you ducked your head, playing the submissive lady act.
You were led away and before you knew it you were in the middle of nowhere, as you tried to understand your surroundings, but it was nothing like Kattegat, although the weather was quite much more chilly and you were almost glad when Gunnar gentlemanly enveloped you in his mantle.
But at the same time, it reminded you of your first ‘date’ with Ivar, making you feel guilty for the intimate gesture.
Ivar back at that time had been too nervous for any physical contact, but as he had seen you shivering, he had cursed loudly commenting on your stupidity to wear ‘such a light dress on such a cold night’, but he had wrapped you up in his own furs, finally finding the courage to envelop you in a loose hug.
But then as you moved further on the hidden road, an hidden city revealed underneath you, spurred on by the heavy movements of the soldiers marching with you, enveloping in a tight grip your bodies, as Astrid also looked as surprised as you.
And entire population, half the one of Kattegat, but still impressive, was living in rocks-like house, something that would have almost seemed like a fairytale, hadn’t it been reality happening in front of you.
“… I know that it isn’t as majestic as your own city, but this is my land, ladies, the one that will host you till we get your weight in gold” he presented it to you, as more people came out of their small huts.
“So, we are hosts?” this time it was your voice unable to stop itself from emerging “… why then are my hands bound?”.
“For your safety, my lady” commented Gustaf with a triumphing smile “… wouldn’t want you to run off and be brought back with the hard manners”.
“My husband will have your head if you touch as much as a hair on my head”.
Because even if you and Ivar were on strained terms, he wouldn’t have allowed you to be dishonored.
If not for your honor, certainly for his.
“Then you better behave, lady (Y/N)” commented Gustaf with hungry eyes moving to your body and you tightened the mantle around your body, as you felt like a useless bratty princess.
Gustaf clearly wasn’t scared of Ivar.
He should have been.
But the fact that he wasn’t, made him bold… and dangerous.
“… she is a princess” backed you up, Astrid as her hands went to your “… I wouldn’t forget that”.
“Princes, princesses and subjects… that’s how the world works, isn’t it?” asked Gustaf, something almost fanatical appearing in his eyes “… but that isn’t how it works in my land! I brought here the rejects, the warriors that were left behind…”.
And you immediately noticed that a few of the men around you had missing limbs or didn’t look in the slightest like the typical image of a warrior.
“… the women that nobody wanted” and this time it wasn’t simply the one that didn’t look ‘normally’ beautiful, you knew he meant that one that nobody wanted to marry and the ones that had been too abused by men to want another between their legs “… and the children that nobody wanted”.
His voice seemed to shift onto a softer tone as he said this, almost as if he had personal experience in this.
You took the information and stored it in your mind.
“… so welcome to the land of nobody, my ladies” he proclaimed with a quick look at you both “… this will be your new home from now on”.
Ivar had been allowed to go back home on his own, although he knew that Lagertha’s spies trailed after him.
More because they were worried that he might try to do something stupid to get you, than because they were sure he’d try to overthrow Lagertha.
And hadn’t Ivar had that ‘small’ fight with you, he would have certainly thought about that.
But now, he just couldn’t.
You had been right in berating him, after you had searched for a solution that his goddamn pride made him refuse to accept.
And now you were paying the consequences.
He knew that you had to be treated well.
That’s what he would have done with such an emotionally important hostage.
Touching one single hair on the head of such an important hostage would have meant the captor’s death, if they hadn’t the army to back it up.
Their gain would have been more if you were alive.
But you could have been bruised.
Roughed up and… made to service men.
And he would have made them paid dearly for it.
He was trying to bring himself to move away from the hallway of Kattegat, thinking that even if he wouldn’t have slept, he would have probably smelt a bit of your perfume in your mattress, when he saw somebody walking in.
Ylva, your healer and friend.
He was surprised to find her, but she smiled at him sweetly, as she moved further up to him and the guards in the hall let her come closer, although he saw a spy dispatching himself from the others, probably to inform Lagertha of this meeting.
“Ahhh look at the lucky man!” she commented softly, as she came closer to him and he tried his best to smirk softly at the older woman.
She had been the main reason why he had been able to marry you, since she had constantly supported you in your decision to marry the crippled prince, alongside helping him to get through the pain, with brews of herbs and bottle of oils.
“Ylva, what are you doing here? Are you not supposed to be in your hut throwing curses and brewing potions?” he asked trying to appear gingerly happy.
Ylva lived isolated from everyone, so he was sure she hadn’t heard the news of your kidnapping and he reasoned with himself that it was best not to say anything, at least for a bit since.
Ylva had been like a mother to you and he knew that she was also attached to you, like one.
He didn’t want to make her worry.
“… I do that only on special days, you know me, Ivar!” she commented before shooting him a softer look “… and what are you doing out of the cage? I thought that you were locked inside”.
“I escaped” he commented dryly.
“Then (Y/N) convinced you, didn’t she?” she smirked sweetly at him and hearing your name was like a punch in the gut but he tried his best to hide it “… I knew that the child would do the trick…”.
“What child?” asked Ivar confused, although a terrible sensation started brewing in his stomach as Ylva shot him an annoyed look, almost as if she thought that he was playing dumb.
“The one in her stomach, Ivar” she commented immediately and suddenly Ivar couldn’t help but choke on his own breath “… your wife is pregnant, Ivar! But I confide she has told you…”.
You were with child…
… in some foreign island…
“… she hasn’t told me, actually” he obliged himself to speak as Ylva came to support him “… she hasn’t been able to… she… an attack overcame Kattegat, and she was taken…”.
He had berated you for not having given him a child, in your last meeting.
And now you were pregnant.
And away from him.
“Ivar…” breathed Ylva anchoring him back to earth, and away from the horrible thought he had been having about you, broken and your unborn child separated in the womb from you “… I had no idea…”.
“I’ll bring her home” he promised to Ylva, because he knew that no matter what he’d bring you back to Kattegat.
And then he didn’t know if it was the shock or stress, he passed out in Ylva’s arms.
You had been led into one of the largest rock-houses, discovering that inside they could be quiet homely, and rich, although the entire design tended to look more like a jumble of various riches that probably came from different raids.
Or so you supposed.
You saw them throwing in a few of the ones they had successfully stolen from Kattegat as you were led to your own private rooms.
More like cells, although they were ample.
You had been locked inside, till you heard a pipping voice chatting brightly with the guard, and soon the door opened under a small key that the girl hid quickly her cleavage, but you noticed the movement, trying to search a way to make her accidentally spit it out.
She was quite a beauty, although she had one missing eye, covered by an elegant bandage on it, bright pink of something that seemed quite exotic.
But her fierce attitude definitely made up for the absence of the eye.
She asked you what she could do to make your staying better, suggesting some herbs if you were still feeling nauseous from the boat.
“I’d like to know your name, firstly” you asked, knowing that to set up an emotional bond with anyone would have been useful, even more with the woman that had the literal key to your freedom.
She seemed taken aback by your request and you were satisfied by that, although she hid her surprise quite well.
“… and my stomach is slowly settling itself on his own, but what I’d like is some information, obviously if you are allowed to talk”.
She nodded, shyly, as she ducked her head away from you, almost as if she was used to hide the missing eye on her face.
Hadn’t she sided with your captors, you would have gladly befriended her.
“Of course, my lady”.
“This place isn’t on any map, is it?” because obviously the gods couldn’t make this more difficult even if they tried.
The girl shook her head.
“… it is an absolute desert spot and if you aren’t brought her, you’ll never know of its existance” she explained with her eye full of admiration, almost as if she thought this was the best that could ever come to her.
But the truth was that much hadn’t changed.
She was still a slave.
Just because they had changed her chains with the silky ones, it didn’t mean she was out of this.
Gustaf wasn’t a freer of people.
He was a man who saw the anger of rejections and used it against others.
Ivar and he would have gotten along well.
“That’s beautiful” still you played the surprised and brattish lady part “… it is absolutely extraordinary that this was all set up with no record from any other kingdom”.
You saw irritation fall on her face, as if she didn’t want any mention of other kingdoms in her own.
Well, sadly for her, you and Astrid would ruin her marvelous plans.
“… we have no other way than to shield ourselves form the kingdoms that have rejected us” her voice spoke of a pain that made your eyes soften “… sadly we haven’t many choices, unlike you”.
You wanted to tell her that your own freedom wasn’t as wondrous as hers.
But you held your tongue and simply smiled sadly.
“Do you know who my husband is?” you asked her softly “I am the wife to prince Ivar The Boneless, and I can assure you that he made many great things, even with…”.
“… he is a prince, my lady” she commented, again that tight look that this time hit straight in the bullseye “… I was nothing but a miller’s daughter, when my master’s wife caught me spying on her at her husband’s order, catching her with a slave. She made him take my eyes and then told me I should have thanked her for having done ‘a clean job’ “.
Pure anger burned in her eye, as you thought about how similar it had been to Ivar’s.
Hadn’t Gustaf been his competitor, they might have understood each other.
But men with rage that burned so brightly would have never been friends.
They would have burned everything around them.
“I am sorry” you mumbled, as you sent her a tight look “… I didn’t mean to bring back bad memories”.
“I just look forward to the future, my lady” she commented softly, as she sent you one last look “… this place isn’t so bad, once you get used to it”.
“I hope not to sound annoying, but I really hope not to get used to it” you whispered, hoping she wouldn’t hear you, and if she had, she gave no signal of it “… and I hope this won’t sound terrible rude from me, but I’d like to relax a bit, sleep even”.
“Oh, of course, my lady” she replied, hiding quite well her offended expression from you, as she ducked away, locking you in.
And you passed the following three hour counting down the minutes to make sure that you could get ahold of the time, as you watched the color of the sky change, although the windows of your chamber had been chained in, to avoid you another easy escape.
After three hours, the girl finally came back, something much more submissive in her glance as she tried to make you talk, finally revealing you her name, Kari.
But you tried to keep everything close to your chest, as if this was some kind of interrogation.
Kari had you swiftly changed in a new dress, this was far more decorated than the one you had been dressed with, although you were grateful for the fur stitched on its shoulders because the coldness of the rocks, no matter the fireplace blazing, seeped also inside the rocks.
You thought it must be the humidity that stuck to your skin like a second skin.
Although the dress was far more covering than the other, you felt naked without your chess pendant, as you fidgeted with your fingers against its original position.
The thought of having lost it making your heart break.
Although your relationship with Ivar was quite strained, it still hurt you to have lost it.
Ivar had been so proud when he had given it to you.
It had meant the world for you.
Alongside what he had told you to accompany it.
It had made you feel for once as truly his match and not simply his wife.
As you were dressed, all jewelry you wore was taken off you and you could totally understand why, although you didn’t wear much.
Anything could be a weapon, in the right hands.
‘You’ll have them back, my lady’ had commented Kari, as she took your wedding ring matched with your golden earrings.
You doubted they would ever come back to you but you tried to simply nod, before Kari informed you that your hands would have been left unbound to let you eat in piece.
‘Please don’t try anything, you’ll simply hurt yourself’ she finished explaining, treating you almost as a child, and you played along, because you were sure that trying to escape right now would have been a death sentence.
But still the tone she used irritated you.
Almost as if you were to be treated like a precious doll.
And you weren’t.
You had never wanted to be one.
But you endured it, doing your best to keep your mouth shut.
You didn’t understand Gustaf’s way of playing with you.
This wasn’t the way you would have treated hostages.
Certainly, it was good that he didn’t want to hurt you, but at the same time…
… it made things just unclear to you.
But you were thankful to be brought out of your room, although it wasn’t as small as a cell, it made you uncomfortable to say the least, and although surrounded by guards you felt comfortable in the hall as you looked around with curiosity scanning each door and person.
You were brought down a flight of stair in a bigger room, lighted up by a lot of candles laying around, because of the tough interior of stone, making everything seem quite wary, almost a war room organized to be a parlor for guests.
As if you were guests and not hostages.
And you realized that it was what Gustav wanted to make you seem like.
Honored guests coming to bless him and his people, as you came to a ragtag table full of good smelling food, something that awakened your hunger and before you knew it your own child gave you their own blessing to eat, easing the nausea.
Astrid appeared on the other side and before you knew it, she came barging to you with more emotion than she had shown for the entire time you had known each other.
But soon you discovered that there was much more behind it.
Her hands pushed something in the back of your dress, over into your fur, sticking it to the pins in it, and she whispered in your head to act natural and you did, smiling at her in the most heartsick way.
Soon the guards put themselves between you, regaining order, as Gustaf walked in.
Both on the boat and outside of it, you hadn’t been able to get a good look on his face.
You had to say that indeed he was quite handsome.
He had long light blonde hair, which had been properly set up in a combed hairstyle, highlighting the harsh plane in his face, although he looked quite smaller than you had thought.
Had you to say something about it, you would have commented that he had been a premature baby.
He still wore extremely fine clothes, probably the finest in the entire room, hiding his figure and keeping the straightest of figures.
He might have been truly a beautiful creation.
Hadn’t his eyes shone with such a wickedness.
“Princess (Y/N)” now he addressed you properly, but you knew it was all for the people looking at you “… princess Astrid, how did you find your rooms?”.
You stopped Astrid’s remark on her lips, mumbling a soft ‘fine’.
“… I am glad to hear that” he replied, as he pushed one hand out to you, as if he expected you to take it, but you simply smirked back and moved to grab on Astrid’s one, who although hid it, seemed definitely surprised “… we shall sit at the table, by my side, as the honor guests they are”.
This time Astrid’s reply came before of your reply.
“Weren’t we prisoners?” she addressed him harshly and you moved to push her back, as something dangerous appeared in Gustaf’s eyes, but disappeared as soon as his eyes settled on you.
“You are my hosts, as long as you behave”.
A veiled threat.
And your head went accidentally to your stomach, already disappearing before you could fully understand what you had done.
“Now sit down and eat with us” ordered you Gustaf and you complied, getting sat, as you dragged Astrid with you, the guards to push the chairs out for you.
You tried to focus on the food, finally able to eat something without the need to retch it completely, finding yourself famished.
It was also easier because it meant that you could avoid conversations and just hear the other speak, although not much was said, soon Gustaf prompted you both to speak.
He started asking you questions, to which you answered with tight mumbles and slight moves of your head.
“You aren’t a woman of many words, princess (Y/N), are you?” teased you Gustaf and you simply moved to raise your head to send him a tight smile.
“I don’t think that pretty words are needed now” you commented back, as you pushed to go back to your food.
“… not even with your husband?” he replied with a devious smile, something that made your anger spike up, as it almost seemed another invasion of intimacy “… because I think that’s the only thing he can do to entertain a woman”.
You choked on your breath as Astrid shot you a warning look
Still, one thing was to insult you.
Another was to insult your husband.
Mostly on such intimate things, nobody truly had the knowledge of.
As Ivar would have defended your honor, you would have defended his.
“I think that is a case in which pretty words aren’t needed” you commented sternly, as you turned to him cleaning your face in a tissue, before you raised from your chair, alerting a guard “… and so is my presence, I’d like to return to my room”.
“It wasn’t meant to offend you, princess” Gustaf’s eyes burned for the humiliation that you had put him through, but his words were pleading “… do stay and enjoy your meal”.
“I have had enough” although your stomach grumbled “… and I am tired. This is my first night on something that doesn’t move, I want to enjoy it fully”.
Kari immediately moved to follow you, meanwhile the guards waited for Gustaf’s orders, which were simply pushed out by his hand waving dismissively, although his eyes stayed on you till you left the room.
Astrid sent you one last look, her eyes sending you her ‘goodnight’.
And soon you were in your bedchamber, surprising Kari as you asked her to bring you some herbs and hot water to help you digest all the food that you had eaten.
‘… I might have exaggerated with it’ you tried your best to sound helpless and naïve.
Kari just nodded her head, leaving you effectively alone, as you grabbed the small pocket Astrid had pinned in your fur, effectively finding it was the herb you needed.
If it was like Ylva had told you, you’d have to put it in hot water and then drink it and it would have…
… it would have…
… changed you.
When Kari came back, your hands were shaking and you had hidden the herb in the ample sleeves of your dress to be able to hide it among the various herbs she brought alongside a cup of boiled water.
She tried suggesting you a few herbs as you moved to push the ones that you had hidden in the sleeves in its plate as she shifted her attention away from you, and then made your choice, proceeding to put it in the water.
Now all you had to was wait.
And then drink the awfully smelling beverage.
Kari seeing your choice brought everything away, trying to fret around you to avoid seeming as if she was wasting time and you waited for her to leave you alone, to move to check on the beverage, telling her to leave you alone so that you could sleep a bit.
‘I am truly looking forward to sleeping on something that doesn’t move’ you commented trying to brighten up the mood, although you had to hide the shivering of your hands.
And as you turned, the beverage was ready, of a dark color that made your face appear on its reflection, as you thought for one last time about whether this would be a good or not decision.
It was the best among some many bad decisions.
And right when you were moving to drink it, the door behind you opened.
And your hand almost accidentally dropped the mug.
You were halfway through telling Kari if she had forgotten you anything, but Gustaf, instead, stood on the threshold and you couldn’t help but assume an immediate defense stance and utter:
“What are you doing here?”
“I just wanted to express my apologies to you, more properly” he spoke loudly, as his eyes were kept on the cup and they slowly came back to your face “… check that you weren’t truly mad with me”.
“You kidnapped me! To say that I am mad with you is an understatement” you commented unable to stop the sass from leaving your mouth.
And you hoped it might distract Gustaf.
But his eyes were smarter.
“… this doesn’t have to be bad, if you don’t make it be” he commented, as he moved towards you as you felt your body suddenly freezing in its position, as he got the cup out of your hand, before he smashed it on the floor “… are you with child, princess?”.
You shook your head, but you were already feeling tears flowing down your face.
“Because I know for sure that frigid bitch of Astrid isn’t, but she asked for a contraceptive brew, claiming that my men raped her, meanwhile she was on the boat”.
And before you knew it, Gustaf, in his slender stature, had pushed you onto the bed, pulling on your hair, as you tried to fight back, but it was no avail, since he had quickly immobilized you under him.
The worry for your belly and the life in it that you had wanted to kill making you quit any attempt of rebellion as Gustaf forced you to look at him in the eyes.
“So, don’t fucking lie to me too, little princess” he spoke tightly “… are you with child?”.
“Yes” it was a choked sob and you tried to at least escape with your face from his harsh glare, as if it lessened the truth of your lips.
And then suddenly Gustaf’s body was away from you, his weight not offending you further.
But his eyes still scared you as they set up on your body, almost as if he could already see the pregnancy overcoming your body.
“You are much more precious than I thought, princess”.
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slytherinbangchan · 5 years
(Hybrid Jisung x Reader) Pt1.
Blog’s Masterlist.
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Warnings: Smut. Sub!Hybrid wolf Jisung, hybrid Hyunjin, hybrid Felix.
-So you live in a cabin in the woods.
-You've had Jisung for about six months now.
-The first time you saw him was when you first moved in.
-He came to sniff around and check who the fuck was moving into his woods.
-You waved at him and he growled.
-But he was so cute you couldn't help but giggling.
-You'd see him a couple more times as you hung the laundry outside.
-Also through the window at night as you cooked some dinner.
-You let some food outside that night.
-Next day at dinner you heard some scratching in your door.
-And there he was.
-'Hi' You said sweetely.
-'You're in my woods' he pouted.
-You apologized for moving in without asking for his permission and offered some food.
-Soon he didn't care anymore.
-He moved in with you after a while.
-Now you are in your living room chatting with some friends.
-'Is he a wolf then?' One of your friends ask. 'I've never seen one before. Only cats and dogs'.
-You chuckle. 'Well yeah, that's what happens when you move into the woods. Cats and dogs hybrids are not the usual here'.
-'I guess so. I think he doesn't like me tho'. He says looking at Jisung suspiciously.
-He's frowning from a corner moving his tail angrily.
-'I'd love a fox hybrid'. Another of your friends says. 'I've heard they're beautiful'.
-'I'm happy with this cutie, right Felix?' Your friend says peting her cat hybrid who's sitting on her lap.
-He purrs as she does so.
-A couple hours goes by and Jisung hasn't left that corner.
-Your friends decide is time to go.
-Everything is fine till Felix the cat hugs you before leaving.
-You can't see his face cause he's rubbing it against your neck but he's looking at Jisung with a smirk.
-Jisung growls at him and  you hurry your friends to leave.
-'That stupid cat'. Jisung says as you close the door.
-'What's wrong?' You ask.
-He was rubbing his face against you trying to scent you.
-You laugh. 'Was he? Well cats are a bit like that right?'
-He scoffs looking away and you giggle silently.
-'Ah, I'm so tired. Why don't you come here with me to watch some tv?'
-His ears up and his tail wiggling in a happiness he can't hide.
-'Ew you smell like that stupid Felix cat' He says, then he proceeds to rub his face against yours.
-You chuckle. 'Stoop, omg'.
-You try to stop him but he keeps moving.
-At some point your lips collide.
-He gasps. 'I'm sorry'. He says. His hands covering his mouth as he blushes.
-'It's okay' you say as you pet his head. 'Come here baby' You open your arms for him.
-He wiggles his tail as he lets you hug him.
-You kiss his cute nose as he looks at you so deep in your eyes.
-'What?' You ask chuckling.
-You smile at him and pet his head till he falls asleep in your arms.
-You look at him sweetely. Blowing some air on his head just to chuckle at how his ears move at it.
-Suddenly he wokes up startling you a little.
-He runs towards the door and growls at it.
-You walk to the door and listen. 'Is someone there?'
-'Uhm... Yeah'. A male voice answers.
-'It's an hybrid' Jisung growls.
-'Ok, don't worry' You whisper to him, then you slightly open the door to see who's in the other side.
-You gulp down as you find one of the most beautiful creatures you've ever seen waiting behind that door.
-He's covered in blood tho.
-'Omg, are you okay?' You say as you open the door completely.
-'Yeah a pack of wolves was chasing me but I got away in the end'.
-Jisung is circling you both nervously.
-'Calm down baby it's okay. He means no harm'.
-'You don't know that. I don't trust him'. He growls at him getting another growl in response.
-'Ok you two stop'. You say pulling them apart a little. 'What's your name by the way?'
-'Stupid dirty fox that's his name'. Jisung says.
-You sigh and look at the other guy.
-'It's Hyunjin'.
-'Ok, Hyunjin. Let's clean those wounds ok?'
-He follows you to the upstairs bathroom as Jisung waits downstairs.
-'I'm sorry to bother you. I saw how you took that idiot in some months ago and I thought you could help me too'.
-You smile at him gently. 'Yeah, don't worry about that'. You say as you pet his head.
-He kinda purrs a little as you do so.
-You chuckle. 'Are you a fox or a cat?'
-He blushes. 'I'm...'
-You chuckle as you finish cleaning his wounds. Then you kindly wash his face.
-'Thanks'. He says.
-You remember your friend's words about fox hybrids.
-Hyunjin is in fact astonishing beautiful.
-Downstairs Jisung's still nervously waiting.
-'Ok, so... Jisung...' You say as you walk down the stairs. 'He's gonna stay with us for a while ok?'
-Hyunjin slowly wigling his tails side to side as he watches the frustration on Jisung's face.
-'No way!' The wolf complains.
-'It's just for a while. You know we can't leave him out there like this'.
-'He’s a nine-tailed fox. Of course we can'.
-This one will be a rough night.
-But with some time things get a little better.
-They keep fighting eachother a lot.
-But at least there's no blood anymore.
-They sleep on your feet on the bed.
-Sometimes they climb a little higher.
-Sometimes they climb too high.
-So you end up hugged by both of them in the morning.
-If they wake up before you do they would fight over you tho.
-And tonight they woke up a little too early.
-'Ok enough'. You say. 'I can't stand this I wanna be able to sleep. It's 2am'. You sigh. 'I'm sorry but from now on you'll take turns okay?'
-They both let out a whine like a tiny howl and you sigh again.
-'Look, I'm sorry but I think it's for the best'. You pet their heads. 'You still both my idiots tho. Throw a coin or something and the winner sleeps here tonight okay?'
-They don't seem too happy about having to go sleep downstairs but they throw the coin anyway.
-Jisung howls in celebration for a moment before you shut him up.
-'Ok'. You say. 'Then tomorrow is Hyunjin's turn.
-Jisung is not that happy about missing some of his alone time with you tonight but he'll get another full night soon.
-Hyunjin sighs and leaves the room.
-'Come here, idiot'. You tell Jisung and he climbs the bed till he's completely by your side.
-'Get under the covers'. You say.
-He gladly does and you pet his head. 'Are you happy?'
-'Yes! Yes I am. I've missed being just the two of us so much'.
-You chuckle softly and lean over him to kiss his nose.
-He thinks you're kissing him on the lips tho so he closes his eyes and meet your lips.
-And you'd resist him doing that but you don't really want to.
-You can feel his canines through his sloppy kisses.
-He pulls away with a tiny whine and you caress his face.
-He whines again and you look at him a little bit confused. 'What?'
-His hands grasping on your butt pulling your hips closer to his.
-'Jisung? Don't you say... Are you in heat again?'
-He nods shyly. 'I'm sorry I can't control it with that stupid fox around'.
-'Yeah I know. It's okay baby'. You kiss him making him howl again.
-His hands pulling down your underwear.
-You hold one of his hands to stop him and kiss again.
-'W-will you help me?' He asks, shyly.
-'Help you?'
-'Yes... I need you to take care of me'. He whimpers as he squirms a little. 'Please? I know you just got wet only hearing me asking for it. I can smell your sweet juices from here'. He says as he hungryly licks his lips.
-You kinda blush. 'Are you sure this is okay?'
-He runs his hands all over your body and you close your eyes to feel him better. 'I honestly don't really care if this is right or wrong'. He says as he softly sniffs his way from your chest to your neck.
-His yellow eyes slightly shining in the dark.
-Sending a chill through your spine.
-A good one.
-He grabs your hand and bring it to his cock.
-'Fuck' you say as you feel his actual size, making him giggle.
-'I hope you can take all of it' He says biting his lower lip.
-You sit up a little and pull from his shirt so he'll lean over you to kiss him.
-'Take your clothes off already'. You whisper to him.
-He practically rips off his clothes and yours and makes himself some room between your legs.
-His fluffy ears up as he eats you out.
-So he can hear every little moan that scapes your mouth.
-And he's doing such a mess down there.
-His hot tongue licking up and down your slit.
-His head moving.
-Lips against your heat.
-Making it vibrate.
-You can hardly keep your legs opened for him.
-Your back arching as you reach your first high.
-He licks you clean and you kiss him again.
-Your hand on his cock, barely covering the thickness of it.
-You pump him a couple times before he strongly grabs your wrist to stop you.
-'I think you should tie me up'. He says, his canines showing a little. 'I'm not sure I can control myself entirely'.
-You tie him up with the bedsheets the best you can.
-Not sure if that will do but?
-You're standing right in front of him who's sitting on the bed.
-Waiting for you.
-'Come here my queen'. He says.
-And you sit astride him.
-His hard against your heat as you grind on him while you kiss.
-You bite his neck kinda harshly and he lets out an whine-like howl.
-His hands moving uncontrolably trying to touch you as he fails to bite you back.
-But the bedsheets are doing their work just fine.
-And he's so fucking hard it hurts.
-'What is it baby?' You ask, leaving a soft kiss on his lips. Your hand holding his lenght.
-He lets out a whimper. 'Fuck'. Again his hands struggling to get ride of their ties. 'Please, my queen'.
-He begs.
-So you help him slide inside you.
-Very slowly so your walls adapt to his lenght.
-'Oh god, you're so tight'. He says, eyes closed as he feels the sweet pressure around his cock.
-He's trying to breathe steadily but he fails miserably.
-His hips bucking up uncontrollably.
-Making you moan at the sudden movement.
-You hold onto him as he keeps thrusting into you.
-After a while you try and catch his pace to help a little with the movements but it's impossible.
-You hear a ripping noise and your heart stops for a moment as you see Jisung's arms getting rid of the beedsheets.
-His hands on your thighs now.
-He stops for a moment only to flip you over.
-Lying you on your back.
-His hands run all over your body for a second before he starts moving again.
-He kisses you as his cock slides inside you.
-His bright eyes and his ears focussed on your every reaction.
-His hand busy rubbing your clit.
-His mouth biting on your nips.
-And you're just so overwhelmed by pleasure right now.
-He growls as he tries so hard not to hurt you.
-The animalistic sounds he makes as he fucks you making you even wetter.
-He bites your neck and you can't hold it any longer.
-Your walls clenching around his lenght and you can feel his cock getting harder, bigger as he's about to cum too.
-'Come for me, my queen'. He says. And you just let go.
-Moaning his name, swearing a thousand times.
-'Fuck'. He says as he cums. His hands grasping harshly at your bed.
-Probb you'll need to buy a new one or something after that.
-You kiss for a while till you hear Hyunjin clearing his throat from the bedroom door.
-His fluffy tails wiggling side to side. Ears up to listen properly to the answer at his next question.
-'So... Does this mean it's my turn tomorrow, master?'
Pt2 Hyunjin
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