#sometimes it’s ok to post like a 14 year old
siliconcat · 4 months
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I tried my hand at writing something for once, give it a read if you’d like. This has been slow cooking in the works for over a year.
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vimbry · 6 months
omg wait yeah a notif tag about the "isopods are cringe" thing just reminded me: you ever see that post on here with an addition where someone shyly tagged it with, "I know possums are "out" but-" what do you mean out they're an animal 😭 don't let people who twist themselves up trying to be unauthentically different to stay on trend make you insecure, none of this matters
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theapangea · 1 year
Night Out
Chapter: Boys Night Out Pt.1
Pairing/Characters: Steve Harrington x Reader, Dustin, Mike, Lucas
Summary: You and Steve have been dancing around each other for sometime now, neither of you wanting to make the first move. All your friends decide it is finally time for you both to confess your feelings.
A/N: This is just fluff stuff so a little different from what I've been posting for you little pervs lately... you know who I'm talking too lol. Ok so this series is based on those tv episodes that like everything is happening all at the same time but split into two episodes. I just love Steve in this and everyone pushing you two to be together!! Let me know what you think!!
*Also posted on AO3: Theapangea*
Part 2 | Part 3
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“What about Y/N?” Dustin says out of the blue. The question was not posed to or at anyone, but definitely directed at the only boy old enough to date you.
“What about Y/N?” Steve is the first to answer, the words hanging from his lips. The room is instantly silent again as the three younger boys look between each other, quietly discussing who will speak first. Steve clearly still dumbfounded watching their interaction. 
Dustin begins to explain, this time in a more hush tone than before, not sure how Steve would take the answer, “You know…to get you out of this slump?” 
“What slump?” Steve refutes, deflecting the answer he already knows. He has been in a girl slump for sometime, no luck with Nancy or Robin or any other girl that would look his way. The only girl he hasn't tried to hit on in Hawkins is you. He wasn’t sure why. You were pretty and funny and smart but for some reason Steve couldn’t get the courage to actually ask you out. Plus you were best friends with his ex-girlfriend which didn’t help his situation. 
“We all see it, dude.” Mike added before tossing a cheese ball into the air to catch with his mouth. He misses by a mile, quickly grabbing another one to try again. Another miss.
“I don’t even know what you are talking about.” Steve leans back, propping his feet onto the coffee table. 
“We all see that you like her.” Lucas chimes in nonchalantly while flipping through the pages of a comic book.
“I do not .” Steve quickly protests. Crossing his arms, trying to deflect any proposed suspicion
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Dustin whispers as he throws a cheese ball at Steve’s head. Steve tries to swat it away but it hits his cheek leaving a small mark of cheese crumble. 
“You seriously just need to ask her out already.” Lucas urged Steve. Their eyes meeting for a brief moment before Steve adverts to look at the ceiling. 
“Steve, let me give you some advice from one man to another.” Dustin begins, moving forward on the couch, “Women want a man who is going to make the first move.”
“I can’t believe you just said that to me right now,” Steve confesses, a hand wiping the embarrassment from his face. 
“He’s right,” Mike agrees, still trying to catch the ball of cheese in his mouth. Another miss.
“Have any of you actually hit puberty yet?” Steve looks at the oblivious bunch. “I can’t believe I’m hanging out with a bunch of 12-year-olds.” He huffs, slumping lower into the seat.
“We’re 14 actually.” Dustin points out.
Steve lets out another huff, “Doesn’t make it any better, Henderson.” 
“We’re right though. You need to just ask her.” Lucas repeats, this time a little more demanding. 
Steve hesitates, “Okay, say that I did like someone…but she’s friends with your ex. It’s not necessarily the best situation.” 
“Who cares?” Mike declares with the other two boys in agreement. 
“ Women . Women care.” Steve retaliates, “Women care about that kind of stuff.”
“Look, the worst thing that she is going to say no.” Mike adds, finally catching the cheese ball in his mouth, his hands shooting up in triumph.
“Yeah, you’ve gone through enough rejection that it shouldn't hurt.” Dustin teases, the cocky smile plastered on his face.
“Thank you, Dustin.” Steve tries to shake off the comment.
Dustin’s eyes widened as he gets the bright idea, “You should call her now .” 
“Yeah, go call her.” Lucas agrees, putting the comic book down on the table, gesturing towards the phone. 
“I don’t know.” Steve leans forward in the old chair, the creaking shooting through the basement.
The uproar of encouragement quickly fills the room. All three boys are trying to convince Steve that he needs to confess his feelings for you. It was overwhelming to say the least. Steve really didn’t know what to do. Does he listen to them or does he just not do anything? Maybe it was time for Steve to tell you how he feels even if it does make things awkward between you and Nancy.
He must have been in his thoughts for too long as he sees Dustin crossing the room, picking up the phone, and dialing the number. Steve frantically getting up to grab the phone before someone answers. 
“Yeah. Hi I was wondering if Y/N was home?...ok…ok…yeah I will call them then…thank you…goodnight.” The conversation ends as soon as it begins. 
“She’s not home.” He lightly bangs his head against the wall. Dustin gives him a reassuring pat on the shoulder, not sure what to say. 
Was this a loss? What would he even say to you if you actually picked up? He never got the feeling that you liked him. You were normally cold towards him, rarely laughing at his hilarious jokes and always the first to put him on babysitting duty. He hated that you got under his skin, he hated that he didn’t know who you actually were. Hated that he never tried to know. Silently cursing to himself how much of an idiot he has been all these years.
“Damn.” Mike trails off, wiping the snack crumbs from his face, “We should go find her.”
“We are not going to go find her,” Steve injects before anyone else, clearly unamused by Mike's idea. 
“Why not?” Dustin pleads, tugging lightly on Steve's sleeve. 
“It’s stupid." He turns toward the young boy at his side, "This isn’t some movie. What if she doesn’t even like me?” Steve tries to explain the situation at hand as simply as possible. His feelings for you were complicated, never understanding how he felt towards you and never taking the time to realize that he actually really did like you in more ways that a friend would.
“Max says that she likes you.” Steve’s ears perk up at Lucas’ comment as he shoves a handful of cheese balls into his mouth.
Rushing over quickly to Lucas side, kneeling down beside the couch, “How does Max know that?”
“Well Max said that Robin said that she and Nancy talk about you and it seems that she likes you.” Lucas explains between chewing, every other word slightly muffled by the food.
“Dude you’re in.” Dustin beams, the look of joy washes over his face. 
Maybe you do really like Steve. Maybe Dustin, Mike, and Lucas were right and he just needed to finally ask you out. But when? He had the confidence to do it now but you were nowhere to be found. What if by tomorrow he is not able to gather the courage? What if you find someone else by then? 
Steve pushes himself onto the sofa, head in his hands, trying to make sense of this situation. "We don’t even know where she is.” 
“Well, Hawkins is pretty small. There isn’t much ground to cover.” Dustin explains, reaching for his jacket. The other boys following suit, standing, wait for Steve to make the final decision. Dustin dangling his car keys out in front of Steve's face.
“Fine.” Steve rises while chuckling at their enthusiasm, snatching the keys before leading the group out of the basement into the night. 
I'll be posting Part 2 tomorrow probably (don't hold me to this deadline)
Tell me what you think as I NEED validation!! love you!
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newtdrawz · 11 months
Ponyboy and Steve relationship (not ship) headcanons, plz😁😁😁
Omg yess ofc I love these two 🙏 big brother figure number 3 LETS GO 💪💪💪
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Ok first of all, it was SO difficult to get a picture of these two omg 😭😭 it's like there's 0 good pictures of them together which is a crime 😭 (from pinterest like all the other pictures are)
Ok so!!! These two are insane ❤️
These two argue constantly,, you would think by the way they argue that they'd actually be related or SOMETHING 😭 but they're not Steve's just some guy arguing with his best friends little bro 😭
They will find literally anything to argue over, the gang actually has a "how long can Steve and Ponyboy go without arguing over something dumb" bet (Dally always wins because half the time he's starting the arguments between the two cuz he thinks it's funny)
They try not to argue infront of Soda tho cuz he obviously loves his brother and his best friend and wants them to get along
They do actually get along sometimes tho
Steve will give Pony rides to school and once in a great while he'll give him rides home, he does this only if Pony hasn't annoyed him for a bit 😭😭
Steve, like Two-bit and Dally, will watch over Pony when Darry and Soda aren't around. He usually does it more at a distance instead of upfront like Dal and Two. Cuz Steve really does care about him deep down and he doesn't want him to get into too much trouble. Mostly at school he'll keep an eye on him, making sure no ones messing with him or if he so happens to come to the DX and Soda's busy he'll watch him from the corner of his eye to make sure he doesn't do something stupid lol
Pony wouldn't admit it to him but he does genuinely think Steve's fun to be around, he does enjoy hanging out/tagging along with Soda and Steve
When Steve's done complaining about Pony coming with them he also genuinely has fun with both Pony and Soda lol
So Soda literally doesn't understand why they BOTH complain about hanging out together and then they both end up having a great time 😭
For real tho these two do care about each other
When Pony starts going to rumbles and Dally and Johnny aren't there anymore he'll mostly stay by Pony when his brothers can't
The two always do this checklist thing before they leave the Curtis's or anywhere (PB: you got your keys? St: yeah, you got your blade? Pb: yup, you got yours? St: uh huh.) (It was a subtle way for Steve to make sure Pony started carrying a blade and it was another subtle way for Pony to make sure Steve didn't lose his keys lol)
Steve, along with Darry, was really "annoying" (annoying to a 14 year old lol) about NOT walking around on his own, he'd "reluctantly" offer to walk Pony places or drive him if he could
Giving a gift to Steve is the hardest thing on the planet for the gang
Pony one year for Steve's birthday drew a picture of Soda and Steve and gave it to him and Steve actually really loved it. (Soda nearly cried lol)
He keeps it in a frame Two-bit stole for him lol
I think this is all I really have for them 😞
I wish I had more, hopefully soon I can come up with more hc's and I can update this post cuz I really do love their friendship/the potential their friendship has. I've read a really good fic abt them being friends and how Steve really did care for him lol sorry for such a short post tho 😞🙏 promise to add more when I can!!!
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sodabytes · 11 months
sometimes i'm like "maybe i can post something self-indulgent and embarassing just this one time" and then i check my notifs to see "14 year old just liked your post" "one of your biggest inspirations followed you" "family member just liked your post" and i'm like "ok never mind"
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weirdmageddon · 11 months
long mediation on jade and dave’s relationship - part 2
part 1 is here
this part is essentially about dave and jade’s personalities, their basic dynamic, and how it works. and addressing some things ive seen said about dave in moments that people remove from context because they dont weigh these contexts and prior ones. if you want a post that goes into dave’s attitude towards jade (conclusion: he cares about her a lot) here it is
part 2: switcheroo + misconceptions about dave's role in dave and jade's relationship
something interesting i realized while writing this is the thing about grimbark jade is that she is no nonsense when her normal self is all about nonsense and entertaining silly things because she can see the merit in them. in fact she is always having a chuckle caused by dave's sense of humor and im sure dave got used to interacting with jade like that so wtf with grimbark jade
EB: so i think i have to get TG to use his copy to save her! EB: but that jackass won't shut up and stop rapping and stuff. GG: hahaha GG: he is so silly! (p.293)
TG: snows a big chilly carpet of nobody gives a shit TG: like old man winter spread around his nasty mayonnaise and turned the landscape into his personal asshole sandwich GG: eww dave no TG: when i look around all i see is the miles of unharnessed snowmen im just too damn cool to build GG: no this is so lame GG: i am hearing an insane and stupid guy say stupid idiot things while wearing dumb sunglasses for lame morons! TG: whoa jade with the fucking haymaker TG: i need to go look for my teeth on the canvas as soon as shit stops spinning and there stops being like ten of you GG: heheheh GG: why dont we play in the snow later (p.3024)
GG: i cant get over how tiny this thing is! GG: its so cute GG: so the baby frogs show up on this pad here? GA: Yes GG: i cant wait to try it GA: What Are You Laughing At There GG: oh GG: lol GG: dave just has a lot of funny stuff to say about all this GA: What Is He Saying GG: oh you know, a bunch of silly stuff GG: theres too much to copy/paste! GA: Hmm GG: here ill save it all to a file and send it to you -- gardenGnostic [GG] sent grimAuxiliatrix [GA] the file "daveisafunnyguy.txt" -- GA: Okay Im Laughing Pretty Hard At All That GG: hahaha (p.3312)
JADE: *snicker* JOHN: what? JADE: nothing JOHN: is someone messaging you through the game? JADE: hehe JOHN: who is it? JADE: pffff! JOHN: dammit, jade... JADE: its davesprite, hes playing too JOHN: oh. JOHN: don't tell him any of our strategies. he is the enemy! JADE: we have strategies? JOHN: um... JOHN: ok, first, tell him we have strategies. then, don't tell him them. JADE: hahahahahahaha JOHN: oh god. JOHN: what is it now? JADE: did you know... JADE: davesprite is a funny guy? JOHN: meh, he's alright i guess. JOHN: i give most of his jokes a passing grade. sometimes as high as a solid b+! JADE: i just told him you said that JADE: davesprite says to tell you "youre basically welcome for being born 14 years ago and 1 year ago you ungrateful douche" JOHN: oh, like him taking credit for my existence isn't so old by now! (p.4732)
in a way i feel like their roles parallel dave and jade in the earlier acts from homestuck, but inverted (and twisted/not as nice cause grimbark jade is under nefarious influences)
dave approaches the world from a highly pragmatic position. his ego (in the purely psychoanalytical sense) that he holds himself to, shows to the world, and what he tends to reason through is one that’s about relaxed competence. he’s critical of unreasonable actions and takes it upon himself to guide others into being more efficient in practical, realistic ways. he sees that jade struggles in these initially but she readily accepts his help, which is more than glad to provide.
this doesn’t say anything bad about jade harley. this doesn’t make her stupid, or in need the saving from a knight in shining armor nor does it make dave condescending towards her. it’s information that he is able to provide and that she appreciates and trusts his assistance with while she sees through the things that she prioritizes like helping others with matters of hidden opportunities / the big picture and interpersonal needs which are completely out of dave’s league, something he highly respects but doesnt feel its his greatest asset towards other people like jade does. jade is very into science and gadgetry, but remember that she relies heavily on her sharp intuition rather than straight up pragmatism like dave would. jade really is exceptional and multitalented but she doesn’t know how she does the things she does half the time!
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even though dave acknowledges this it doesn’t really bother him
TG: hey TG: oh TG: youre asleep again arent you TG: or do you even know if you are TG: i still dont know how that works TG: its like nothing means anything TG: its so cool getting hella chumped by your coquettish damn riddles all the time TG: i dont know why i believe anything you say im like the grand marshal of gross chumpage (p.829)
GG: i want to tell him happy birthday and ask him about his birthday package! TG: oh yeah TG: i was being sort of cagey and told him to check the mail cause i was wondering if mine came yet GG: i think it did! TG: yeah? GG: and i think mine came too TG: so uh TG: i guess you want to know if he likes it or something? GG: no!!!!!!! GG: he will not open it GG: he will lose it!!! TG: oh TG: uh TG: wow sorry to hear that i guess? GG: no its good actually! GG: because he will find it again later when he really needs it GG: which of course is why i sent it in the first place! TG: see like TG: i never get how you know these things GG: i dont know GG: i just know that i know! TG: hmm alright (p.382)
TT: Jade is connected with you? TT: Where did she get the discs? TG: i dont know how does she do any of the loopy batshit nonsense she does (p.1401)
but because she’s gotten by on intuition and her dreams for most things, she’s not as adapted to the rationale behind actions. dave can sense her struggling and wants to help because it’s basically his mission for everyone, not just jade. but that’s the information that jade is glad to be led by and continues to unconsciously prompt him with. she encourages his practical ways and doesn’t tell him to fuck off or just straight up ignore his advice which dave interprets as his strengths being needed by someone else
GG: dave! GG: are you busy? GG: i dont have much time! GG: i am about to make my entry item, and its a little confusing GG: i think the more players we add, the trickier they are to... um...... GG: activate! GG: like yours was GG: i figured we could brainstorm about it, while john fusses with the kernel GG: helloooooo? TG: nak nak nak GG: :o (p.2907)
TG: yeah honestly i figured wed have to do something like this TG: so i guess here we are doing it GG: doing what?? TG: well youre my server player remember GG: yes TG: i need you to deploy something first TG: in my apartment TG: in a few hours ill go back there and we can continue this GG: oh jeez, a few hours???? -- turntechGodhead [TG] ceased pestering gardenGnostic [GG] -- -- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering gardenGnostic [GG] -- TG: yeah TG: as in a few seconds TG: im back at my place now GG: fastest hours :o TG: yeah TG: now TG: deploy the intellibeam laserstation GG: but that costs so much grist!!! TG: no it costs practically nothing TG: check out how much ive got GG: omg... GG: what does this thing do? TG: its mostly pretty stupid and useless TG: but itll come in handy here TG: it reads captcha codes GG: on the back of cards? TG: yeah GG: but GG: we can already read those! TG: some are too garbled and complicated TG: the human eye cant decipher them TG: needs sophisticated scanning technology TG: and artificial intelligence to figure it out GG: hmm GG: but isnt the whole point of captchas that only humans can read them? GG: and not robots??? TG: yeah well TG: thats why this is so dumb (p.3025 / 3026)
TG: thisll be the disc i use for your connection TG: while the original will stay bound to roses connection GG: so you will be the server for BOTH us ladies??? GG: you just keep getting smoother, i cant handle all this smoothness TG: well technically TG: i will be your server TG: and past me will stay as roses server TG: which is to say present me will TG: the one in the black suit GG: ohh... GG: i guess that makes sense TG: he can keep managing her for a while TG: until she sorta checks out soon and becomes totally useless TG: then he can start hopping around time like i did TG: make a ton of money and stuff TG: eventually become me TG: and become your server player GG: ok i think i understand that! TG: yeah see its not hard to get the hang of TG: in the meantime ill kind of loiter around this timeframe to help you out for a while GG: yessss thanks dave <3
TG: im just going to cut right to the chase and upgrade your alchemiter so you can avoid a lot of bullshit TG: ill give you some codes and you can punch cards and slip em into jumper blocks GG: yaaaaaaaaaaaay! (p.3030 - 3032)
jade has strengths that dave has weaknesses in too, which dave himself points out!!!
TG: ok so TG: the egg is now in a nest made of shitty swords and soft puppet ass TG: please advise GG: i think your sprite wants to hatch it! GG: awww TG: do you think thatll take more than four hours GG: hmm... GG: i dont know it looks like its pretty warm where you are TG: its hot as the sizzle side of the steak GG: maybe not too long then???? GG: i guess we'll find out! TG: maybe i should try to get it back TG: and put it in the microwave GG: :( (p.1507)
dave assumed the egg needed to be heated to break and allow him to enter the game, so his course of action is to go up there and get it himself and use whatever means are at his disposal. that is a logical, straightforward thing to do. he doesnt rely on uncertainty and blind trust that things will just work out when he has the ability to take action in a way that makes sense; that’s jade’s thing. but it turns out jade’s intuition for how to solve dave’s entry puzzle was right! it was actually a test of patience. he later says this to jade
GG: you guys are all so much better than me, i feel sooooo lame TG: we all start out somewhere TG: remember how i was scrambling up that tower to get that egg like an idiot TG: what the hell was i doing TG: i was like goddamn pooh bear in a tree reaching up his fat fuckin pooh paw for some mother fuckin honey GG: heehee TG: so even though im awesome now at one point i was plausibly likened to an autistic stuffed animal TG: and you even knew what to do TG: you told me how it worked all christopher robinning my ignorant ass about that egg TG: but i was all like IM A LITTLE BLACK RAIN CLOUD BITCH WATCH ME CLIMB TG: so maybe youre startin out with more sense than me GG: maaaybe GG: :) (p.3025)
hes pretty much like jade's hypeman but in his own sort of lowkey way and is actually sweetly reassuring to her. this includes davesprite btw
GG: those stupid things are impossible to kill :( TG: no you can kill them TG: youll get better dont worry (p.3024)
GG: hmmmm... GG: i dont know if i get that but ok! TG: well yeah TG: my thing is time yours is space TG: pretty different things TG: you GET things about space i dont TG: or you will GG: i will? TG: yup (p.3024)
DAVESPRITE: as a sprite im supposed to help him with his quest JADESPRITE: oh yeah JADESPRITE: im supposed to help jade too, but...... JADESPRITE: *sniffle* DAVESPRITE: shes doing alright dont worry about it JADESPRITE: ok, ill try... JADESPRITE: shes a lot more brave than me i think JADESPRITE: she brought me back thinking i could help her and all i did was disappoint her and everyone else JADESPRITE: you came back as a sprite and youre managing to do important things... JADESPRITE: but i just feel so scared and helpless DAVESPRITE: sounds like you came back because jade made the decision for you DAVESPRITE: i made the decision to come back myself maybe itd be different if you had the same chance JADESPRITE: i dont know if i would have if i had the chance JADESPRITE: but i would like to not feel so useless to everybody DAVESPRITE: i think everyones on top of this DAVESPRITE: theres not much for us to do anymore (p.3927)
DAVESPRITE: so jade must have done something right DAVESPRITE: to wake her up and get the forge going DAVESPRITE: dont know what she did though JADESPRITE: probably something amazing JADESPRITE: she is still working so hard to help everyone JADESPRITE: i guess i used to be that way... JADESPRITE: but ive completely forgotten how DAVESPRITE: are you sure (p.3945)
JADESPRITE: it reminds me of when i died JADESPRITE: and i was trying to wake john up JADESPRITE: i was scared then too JADESPRITE: but i didnt let the fear stop me from trying to save him DAVESPRITE: what would you want to do DAVESPRITE: if you werent scared JADESPRITE: i have no idea JADESPRITE: i guess try to help JADESPRITE: what is there to do? DAVESPRITE: well DAVESPRITE: i was going to bring this sword to dave JADESPRITE: oh noo JADESPRITE: does that mean youre going to leave? DAVESPRITE: no DAVESPRITE: i was gonna say DAVESPRITE: im not in any shape for more adventuring DAVESPRITE: i figure this is probably my last stop JADESPRITE: :( DAVESPRITE: but maybe this is a way you can help JADESPRITE: you mean... JADESPRITE: that i should give him the sword? DAVESPRITE: if you want JADESPRITE: but i dont want to leave you here either DAVESPRITE: maybe you dont have to actually go anywhere DAVESPRITE: you oughta have a lot of special powers remember DAVESPRITE: because of ascending to doghood JADESPRITE: oh yeah! DAVESPRITE: try doing your spacey thing DAVESPRITE: i mean not to sound condescending or anything but its got to be like borderline omnipotence pretty much DAVESPRITE: just put your mind to it (p.3946)
knowing all of this about dave and jade’s personalities and how they work together, i’ve see people get on dave’s case about making jade slap herself in the face after she put the dead bird into his kernelsprite while he was preoccupied with taking a leak
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dave freaks the hell out when he realizes she’s asleep; he needs to wake her up because she needs to help him get into the game while requires pragmatism and reasonable actions so that he’s not crushed to death by an imminent meteor. or falling plumbing fixtures. the goal wasn’t to show her who’s in control or whatever or to be mean (do people seriously think he would do that to be mean to her just to slap a girl?) it was strictly to wake her up since he has no means of influencing that besides getting creative
while asleep, jade doesn’t think logically and certainty not to the extent dave needs her to be right now. she’s scattered lalalalala and can forget about limitations or consequences in the real world and also has a short memory span while dreaming: e.g. “4 hours until what?” and she put something into the kernelsprite right after dave asked her not to because she forgor </3 and jade does acknowledge this about her dreaming self btw
GG: i mean, i only talked to you when i was asleep! i am kind of different when im dreaming... GG: i forget things, and at times im not totally sure whats real GG: dont you remember thats what its like to dream on prospit? (p.3056)
dave literally says “we need to wake you up youre not very logical like this” and he does apologize about making her dreambot wake-up slap her
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i also see people say that dave thought of jade as helpless and he needs to be the hero and that's why "davejade is not good actually"
TG: but ok i mean isnt that what heroes should be doing TG: working to take down the bad guy without a whole lot of this fuckin grandiloquence and these huge sweeping plans that got nothin to do with fighting him TG: like always biding our time and tiptoeing around the unbeatable god boss TG: johns too nice to get mad TG: rose spends all her time calculating TG: too focused on machiavellian ploys of sabotage to try anything drastic TG: jade is TG: i dont even know TG: probably more a liability if she got it in her head to take him down TG: if anything id bet she just needs protection GC: WH4T 4R3 YOU S4Y1NG H3R3 D4V3, 1N TH1S CONV3RS4T1ON TH4T 1S ST1LL B31NG 4BOUT YOU TG: im just wondering TG: when does someone actually step up TG: jacks got shit to pay for (p.3703)
this minor thread gets followed up on in the pesterlog where jade contacts dave and eventually she concludes jack needs to be stopped and dave's like ... "oh shit" in his head. "oh shit" as in jade's got Game good for her go jade, "oh shit" as in she's going to be ripe for the stabbing cause the idea is in her head now, and "oh shit" as in this moment is the seed of why im going to have to rehearse jade accidentally killing me over and over and i cant tell her about it. due to this he is always fated to die in the alpha timeline both standing up to jack and to protect jade. it's woven into his story. but he was wrong about everyone else also! which i dont see brought up when that quote is used? rose does something drastic (pilots the moon into the furthest ring) and john gets mad (on the ship) and jade is the opposite of needing protection (she’s the only one jack won’t stab and also she ends up so fucking OP she has to be basically written out of act 6) so it's less a thing about jade specifically but to show that in hindsight dave was wrong about ALL his friends. which is an interesting discussion to be had about him in itself, but not now. this is the most sane and well-thought out interpretation of it ive seen
"In general, though, I think Dave has a tendency not uncommon to [thirteen] year olds (or… humans in general, if we’re being honest here) to cast everyone else as a player in his own story and characterize them in ways that fit what he wants. There’s the famous chunk where he says John never gets angry, Rose will never stop scheming long enough to take action, and Jade’s a liability, only to be proven wrong in every count. That fits his understanding of these people and his ideal relationship with them - friend, actor, protector, the one in the group who can be the hero." "Yes, I think Dave probably saw Jade as the most supportive and least judgmental friend. I’m not sure if that impacted his incorrect judgment of her since that’s kind of a pattern for him in general, but I guess it could’ve."
and also putting this solely on dave is kind of ... ehhhhh? because john says the same thing about jade but i don't see anyone getting on his case for it.
and also keep in mind dave does absolutely change his perception about jade's strength??
DAVE: youll probably annihilate me worse than my bro used to DAVE: dont you have all of your dogs insane powers and like DAVE: god tier space powers on top of all that DAVE: how exactly am i supposed to compete with that (p.6384)
DAVE: gotta keep em napping DAVE: especially jade im sure you know what kind of crooked ass baloneyfuck powers she got DAVE: cant let her turn those against us (p.7485)
so back to grimbark jade and the switching of these roles, dave doesn’t entirely lose his pragmatic bent. that’s still the way he thinks about stuff through but his time on the meteor has softened him and allowed him to become more reflective on big-picture things such as his role in everything
ironically this is the exact reason for his clash with grimbark jade is because she’s trying really hard to make him do stuff and it’s stuff that he’s not going to budge on because he doesn’t think it’s practical
JADE: why not? JADE: our empress can hardly have a knight with such rusty combat skills in her service DAVE: will you cut it out with the evil jade baloney DAVE: im not going to fight you DAVE: my rooftop dueling days are OVER JADE: en garde! DAVE: ugh DAVE: even if we just went balls out jackass BANANAS with our swords here i mean realistically how much appreciable advancement in my battle skills would even result from that DAVE: are you actually thinking this through or just going through the vaguely nefarious motions that come with the territory of being evildog!jade JADE: im gonna go through the vaguely nefarious motions of kicking your ass in a minute if you dont put up your dukes!!! DAVE: yeah you probably will DAVE: youll probably annihilate me worse than my bro used to DAVE: dont you have all of your dogs insane powers and like DAVE: god tier space powers on top of all that DAVE: how exactly am i supposed to compete with that JADE: by using your time trickery! JADE: come on dave do your timey thing JADE: get creative, make lots of copies of yourself or something... outsmart me! DAVE: no! JADE: yes!!! DAVE: ok here i go JADE: !!!!! DAVE: wait DAVE: nah JADE: grrr JADE: dave, just try a little time travel to get this fight started JADE: see look, one of your time doubles is surely predestined to come from a few minutes in the future and appear behind me for a surprise attack, riiiight about... JADE: now! JADE: ... JADE: no wait JADE: riiiiiiiiiight... JADE: ... JADE: ... JADE: NOW! JADE: .... JADE: ..... JADE: dave why is your future self being such a wet blanket DAVE: i told you DAVE: im not time traveling DAVE: i think im giving it up for good actually (p.6384)
one thing floral mentions in her post is that dave is pushing jade for answers about her failed relationship with davesprite
DAVE: why are you dragging that guy into this DAVE: what happened with you and him anyway JADE: none of your business >:p DAVE: it kind of is DAVE: hes bird me DAVE: that clearly means i have a right to know JADE: that doesnt make any sense! DAVE: you said he had issues DAVE: what issues JADE: augh! JADE: forget i mentioned it DAVE: was he talking shit about me the whole time or something DAVE: i know he resents me for being the real dave JADE: dont say that, you arent the real dave! JADE: well you are, but phrasing it like that is so mean! JADE: hes just as real as you, and when you imply he isnt you sound like a jerk!!! DAVE: man i knew it DAVE: i knew he was poisoning your view of me all those years DAVE: and i wasnt there to say anything or defend against his slander so now of course you think im a neurotic douche (p.6386)
and while it is true nobody is obligated to share the details of their relationship, there is a LOT of evidence to believe dave was asking because he wants to be a good person and, to me his words here, and his past and future actions relative to this point, show that he’s not as messed up of a person as grimbark jade is making him out to be. let’s dive into it. think on this: why does dave care so much what jade thinks about him? he started getting “neurotic” halfway through the conversation once jade brought up her feelings about him
JADE: THE ONLY REASON I THINK YOURE A NEUROTIC DOUCHE IS BECAUSE YOURE ACTING LIKE ONE NOW!!! DAVE: yeah but i only started acting like a neurotic douche like half way through this conversation DAVE: you clearly had an axe to grind with me from the start and i want to know why DAVE: what did i ever do to deserve this shit from you JADE: YOU BROKE MY HEART!!!!!! DAVE: what DAVE: i did DAVE: when (p.6386)
he’s genuinely so lost because he hadn’t had contact with any extension of jade in 3 years. alpha timeline dave has been sensitive towards jade for basically forever and especially now that he’s had time to grow up. he is not going to allow any version of himself hurt jade, and thats why hes asking so many questions to her about the nature of the relationship and what happened
JADE: ok not you JADE: davesprite did JADE: BUT YOURE BASICALLY THE SAME GUY! DAVE: whoa no way DAVE: thats such an unfair characterization we are completely different dudes JADE: you just said you had a right to know what happened between us because, and i quote, "hes bird me" DAVE: no i know DAVE: i was playing the "hes bird me" card because it was convenient to whatever it was i was saying at the time DAVE: i forget what point i was making when i said that JADE: *growl* DAVE: but thats not the point im making now DAVE: he and me are just DAVE: crazy different yo DAVE: hes got fuckin wings!!! DAVE: he also presumably takes a dump and lays eggs out of the same ghostly hole DAVE: ... DAVE: ew man whyd i have to go there JADE: *SNARL* DAVE: ok if he broke up with you or whatever that was because of his dumb bird issues not my issues DAVE: theres no way i would have done that to you (p.6386)
what dave means to say by “hes bird me because it was convenient to say at the time but it doesnt apply to this circumstance” is exactly what i was getting at in part 1 of this series of posts. yes, they are the same people at their very foundation, different reflections of a single character, but up to a point. there’s a gray area of whether or not we can call dave and davesprite the same person. in terms of this conflict though, dave should be regarded as a separate individual because of their diverging history up to that point and adolescent-teenage growth in different environments and under different circumstances. even if dave doesn't know what hes trying to say
he wants to know what this alternate version of himself did to hurt jade so much. even if grimbark jade really is bringing dave into some shit he had nothing to do with.
see the thing is, to me dave could have easily handled being accused a lot worse and say something like “youre overreacting” or something. that wouldve been dickish. but he doesn’t, he never does. he really seems to be more motivated by like, “woah what?? whats his problem? are these about issues i still have and dont know they were hurting jade or are they uniquely davesprite’s?”
like, this isn’t a joke to him even if his main form of communication through humor to lighten the mood (jade loves dave’s silliness dont forget all the times she’s giggled because dave was “so silly” and “hes a funny guy”). immediately after rescuing the mayor from eviljade’s lava kick, he was going to give davesprite a piece of his mind and this shows he is sincerely concerned about what an alternate version of himself did to break jade’s heart. he REALLY fuckin wants closure on it because he cares about her feelings so much
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i don’t see this other side covered in floral’s post, but evildog jade here is Also pushing dave to do something that he is uncomfortable with as well, which is to use time travel.
dave stopped time traveling so he wouldn’t “have to wonder all the time if i was taking a wrong turn and dooming everybody”, stating he was “never that cool with it” to rose back in act 5. around the same time when karkat talks to john, he says “TO MY KNOWLEDGE, HE DOESN'T TIME TRAVEL AFTER [FIGHTING JACK WITH JADE], AND HE AND ROSE STAY ON DERSE WAITING FOR THE BOMB UNTIL YOU START THE SCRATCH” which honestly makes me think that whole event was the nail in the coffin for dave on time traveling. seeing himself die fighting jack and knowing it was coming and he couldnt tell jade no matter how much he wanted to that her bullets were going to be the cause. this is the last straw for him regarding time traveling it affected him that much
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remember the last lines of pesterlog jade had with dave before being separated? i mentioned it earlier--the one where jade decided jack needs to be stopped and they should “come up with a better plan than Rose’s suicide mission to stop him. Dave suggests the idea is futile, but lets her know she’d come to her own decision regardless, and he’d be available to talk later if needed” (from recap 3)
GG: well maybe im just being naive... GG: but a crazy suicide mission does not sound like the ideal solution to me! GG: are you suuuure we cant beat him? GG: i dont know if we should rule it out! TG: well TG: youre about to do what youre about to do TG: and im not going to tell you not to TG: i wont do the bullshit troll thing and tell you what youre going to do and then just dare you not to TG: while knowing damn well you will anyway TG: so ill just say TG: whats next is up to you TG: and if later you want to talk about it TG: im here GG: ok GG: thanks dave! (p.3204)
this was dave’s nice causality-free way of saying “youre going to end up killing me during the jack fight that winds up happening. i cant tell you that im going to die and that youre going to be the one to shoot me, because i know you wouldnt go through with it. that would drag us in a doomed timeline and we’d all die anyway, not just me. youre probably going to be freaked out when it happens since i can’t tell you this, so if you want to talk me about it later, ill be here for you”
which, first of all is, holy shit. he cares about her and her feelings so fucking much. and it’s nothing new
TT: What about why you went to fight Jack? TG: sure TG: i did that TG: because i wanted to TG: and because i was supposed to TT: Are you sure? TG: yeah i saw my future self fighting him so obviously that had to happen or else id be dead anyway TG: without even getting the satisfaction of standing up to him TT: So what about Jade? TG: what TT: You didn't tell her your expedition with her would result in your death, let alone one she'd inadvertently cause. TT: Or that she'd be stuck with the job of resuscitating you. Did you? TG: what am i really supposed to say TG: hey were gonna hunt frogs til you shoot me through the jack TG: then i die and youve got to make out with me TG: that kind of changes how the whole thing goes doesnt it TT: Not if you're "supposed to," right? TG: what does that even mean TT: I guess you're right. No reason to make an effort to empathize if doing so comes at the price of oblivion. TG: wtf TT: It must be comforting to have your ASPD tacitly supported by predestination. TG: aspd TT: Antisocial personality disorder. TG: oh no TG: this conversation just got bumrushed by a mudslide of fucking awful TT: It wasn't already awful, believing you might be dead? TG: you dont know anything TG: about what i was feeling or what happened on lofaf TG: you were all pavement faced and babbling your throefester speak and flipping off the shit with your own crazy deathwish thing why do you think you know what was going through my head TG: youre just assuming and throwing around psyche buzzwords like aspd complex disorder TG: im telling you if i said anything at all about it she probably doesnt even fire her gun once and all im doing is dragging her into a doomed timeline with me TT: I guess I'm learning to be impressed by your sense of obligation to inevitable misfortune. It's a strange case of inspiration through futility. TG: none of this is that big a deal TG: i just mentioned the basics to her TG: that id stop time traveling soon TG: break out of the loops TG: not have to wonder all the time if i was taking a wrong turn and dooming everybody TG: i was never that cool with this (p.3896)
dave got suddenly super fucking defensive about rose making assumptions about how he felt about fighting jack and knowing jade was going to inadvertently kill him, knowing damn well how jade reacts to seeing corpses (remember that time dave threw his slain body out the window so jade wouldnt see it because “it would probably freak her out”), and the fact that he couldn’t warn her to protect the alpha timeline and also protect both of them and everyone from falling into a doomed timeline. and he knew it was coming the whole time. he was right, rose didn’t know what was going through his head. but his defensiveness here means he had strong feelings about it. not only that but dave saying “whats next is up to you, and if later you want to talk about it, im here” shows the amount of trust he has towards her
we see him tell this to grimbark jade straight up his thought process for why he stopped time traveling. and it’s spot on with what i said. again, remember that this is the first conversation he has with jade after 3 years being separated
DAVE: but see with time travel DAVE: all the stuff about learning it so you dont have to use it is true DAVE: theres no good that can come of it DAVE: you can crunch the logic on the loops all you want DAVE: but all youre doing is painting yourself into a corner DAVE: creating inevitabilities you have to rehearse and enact or face death for yourself or everyone you know DAVE: and sometimes facing death is the very inevitability you have to rehearse DAVE: and then you wait and wait knowing its coming and knowing it has to happen DAVE: how do you think it made me feel when we were gathering up all those frogs DAVE: and i knew the whole time in a little while you would have to watch me get shot DAVE: but i couldnt say anything or it would mess it all up DAVE: all cause i thought it would be cool to be marty mcfuckin fly DAVE: but instead of shredding johnny b goode on guitar to get my parents to bang DAVE: my crowning performance was doing a funny dance while getting pumped full of lead JADE: ...... (p.6385)
and what fucking broke me yesterday was realizing after all this time, ironically it was DAVE who wound up being the one who had to talk to jade about it.
JADE: sorry dave, you lost me there after the part where i shot you DAVE: damn DAVE: ok lemme start over (p.6385)
“damn ok lemme start over” bro he really wants to open up to her about this thing he’s been stewing on for three years only for it to fall on deaf mind controlled ears. it’s so fucking sad
part 3 is cooking and it’s going to be about dave’s character growth post-meteor and what that means for dave and jade
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thestrangestthing89 · 8 months
This situation with Noah isn't a new problem in the fandom. These fans have been harassing everyone for months in them name of progressive causes they aren't well-informed about. This is obviously not specific to the Stranger Things fandom. Go anywhere online and you will likely see a bunch of teens screaming about something even though they clearly skipped the step of educating themselves. Not only have I been the target of the dumbest shit, but so many other people have too. No one can post here without someone getting self-righteous and yelling about it. I have been accused of the following simply for posting something to my own blog: - I've been called misogynistic because I said El wasn't the main character. A thing the writers have said several times now (it's Will). The writers aren't misogynistic either. - I've been called misogynistic because I said El has character flaws like everyone else. - I've been called a condescending bitch when I politely tried to explain what misogyny actually is. A thing you'd think they'd be interested in learning if they actually cared about that cause (clearly they don't or I wouldn't have been called a bitch so much). - Been called racist because I said Hopper wasn't copaganda, even though I explained clearly why I thought this was. - Got called racist because I pointed out that Lucas was often filling his Ranger role and that's why he is helping Mike in S3 (the boys all play their D&D characters). But the trendy thing to say at the time was that he was being written in racist way so obviously this means I'm racist too. - Had multiple people say I was silencing them when I wrote my own damn post (not a response to theirs) about many of the above topics. I just simply disagreed with their points and that isn't allowed here. - Had someone I never interacted with spread a rumor that I sent them anonymous hate filled asks even though I had no fucking clue who they were. And those posts were anonymous so they have no idea who actually sent them. They just wanted my attention. But I never sent anyone an anon ask before anyway so this was just bizarre. But a several people believed it. - Pretty much every adult on here has been accused of pedophilia for watching a show with kids on it. This gets pretty relentless sometimes. I'm sure I could think of several others and other people have had a lot as well. The thing about this as someone who has actually experienced things like misogyny first hand is that being called this is incredibly upsetting, especially when you are being called this by someone who doesn't know what they are talking about and doesn't care about the impact of these words. They just want you to shut up and stop telling them they did something wrong.
This is all happening because they are watching a show that is overwhelming them and they can't deal with people discussing it in a more nuanced way than they are. This wouldn't be happening if there were more adults here to drown it out. But as it is, no one can actually discuss this show and it has nothing to do with Noah. It's because kids are watching when they shouldn't. And they have weird, boundaries with the fandom and the cast that are constantly causing problems. This didn't happen back in the first 2 seasons because it was only adults watching. I'm not saying adults can't be problematic too, but most of this shit is from people who are way too young to handle this. And now we are all getting lectured by 14 year old foreign policy experts. It's not ok and they need to spend a lot of time learning about how to interact with people online better. This isn't the shows fault. But they can make it clear who this is actually for. Because these kids are going to throw a fit over everything. They always do. They aren't going to like S5 either. They are only watching because it's cool and they have FOMO. They can't understand it and are constantly insulting it and everyone associated with it and the fandom. Seriously, amp up the horror. Make it rated R. A lot of us would really love to be able to discuss this show and can't because of how awful it is here.
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cindyneilly-arts · 1 year
✨Neilya Cinders✨
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Told ya I will make a ref! I was just very lazy!!!
Thanks you @amoexii for the service of a ref sheet, 🫡 I will now join in with the line of artists with mc ref sheets 🎉
Also who wants some more fun facts? Ya'll? Well *opens floodgates* HERE YA GO:
1. She was born on November 26✨ and a short lil feller going about 5'2 ft (157 cm) (It was the Filipino genes)
2. She got the ADHD goodness, doing late night zoomies and have the greatest urges to play with her wand at all times. I mean, why else would her weakness would deadlines amirite?/j
3. As said in the first fact, and a post before, she's a Filo-Brit! Her mama's a Filipino and her pop's a white guy from 1985/jjj (please take the reference of this joke PLEASE take the reference of this joke at that year pop's is like... 14 years old lmao)
Aside that she is also a half-blood. Her mom's the pureblood and dad's a muggleborn.
Mom's a researcher and taught Neilya a few spells before she went to Hogwarts (reason why she's a menace with Incendio) and Pop's is a magizoologist who made Neilya hyperfixate on magical creatures. And magical creatures are cool
Especially the dangerous ones like fire crabs and screwts and dragons and-
Tldr: Cool af parents.
4. She's bisexual and bigender. Although she'd pass as her assigned gender at birth most of the time (AFAB) he loves to spice it up and look masc (especially as he got older). And now she just basically ping-pongs between the two for euphoria and giggles.
Just yk, not giving two shits how she presents (ok a lil bit, but juuuust a lil bit.)
5. She can play the electric guitar and know a thing or two about self-defense/punching the shit outta people. Why would she ever need to learn the last one? Bc sometimes going physical on a person is ✨satisfying✨
6. Although he looks like she's the last person you should put in the kitchen, Neilya is a great cook! And she visits the Hogwarts Kitchen nightly or whenever she has time to chat with the elves and show them new (*ahem*Asian and other*ahem*) dishes to try.
7. So protective of her loved ones, she is. Her grandmother, Lola Eli, taught her the Alvarez family belief to be strong enough to protect their relatives/loved ones no matter what to any extent, and she helps Neilya be strong enough to do so. So sweet of her huh?
8. Last! ^^ Her nicknames are Nel, Nelsy, and Iya. Altho Iya is just for her mom and her side of the family cause it sounds like iha lol.
Ok done with the facts, see you guys around next time✨
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eway · 4 months
Alright! I have many sprites ripped from Puyo and Madou. And so, I decided to find my favorite Sprite for each character I ripped. But only looking at the Sega Era sprites. Which Sprite it is will be in the ID
So let's start with Arle!
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I love this sprite, because it reminds me of this one from Madou Monogatari: Chaotic Final Exam
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Next up, Carbuncle!
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I mean come on! Look at him! For once he looks small like he did in early Puyo! And he looks so happy!
Alright! The Dark Prince
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He looks like he's DANCING!
Now for Schezo!
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One, I love Schezo's Puyo 7 design. Two, his expression. He looks like a teen. A kid. Which fits. He's an immortal 14 year old who will never age beyond that. He should get to look like one sometimes. I mean he always does look like teen because of like, build and size and other design factors, but he really looks like a kid here.
On to Rulue
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It's a cool sprite
Then we got Witch
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I like the Puyo Puyo 7 Design
Draco time!
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I love her Puyo 7 dress, and her waving that little white flag? So cute.
Next up is Ragnus
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Now I'm not a fan if the way Ragnus was handled by Sega. They didn't even bring in his gimmick of changing ages because of a curse. He's just always 10 now. But this Sprite is badass
Moving away from the World Of Sorcery Characters to Primp, let's go with Amitie
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Sig time
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His happy face and ghost thing waving! I love it!
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I just wanna hug her...
Ok Klug time
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Ok I love this one because, well look at him. He looks like he's in a trance. And with the Tome Of Sealing in front of him, it makes me wonder of the lore implications...
Strange/Possessed Klug!
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I have SO MUCH to say about this one. First, The Crimson Spirit leaving the body, mostly. The way Klug's body hangs like a marionette. Heck, The Crimson Spirit's hands look like they could be holding invisible marionette strings! I love villains literally using people as puppets, it's so creepy and unsettling. And of course Klug's ghost being terrified and shaking inside the Tome Of Sealing. Seriously, I made a post about a potential game where Strange Klug is a serious threat and designed the final boss based in this sprite!
But enough about that, let's move on to Lidelle
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I wanna give her headpats!
Now let's do Feli!
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It's spoopy
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This Sprite makes me want a Heavy Is Dead parody with Lemres as Heavy and I do not know why
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Silly. You're already dead!
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The blank expression, the scorecard, and the fact the scorecard has no number makes me giggle.
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It's so silly and looks hand-drawn
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I like this design. Why it change?
Anyway, maybe I'll reblog this and add more sprites when I get more.
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notedchampagne · 3 months
20 questions for 20 writers!
tagged by @waitineedaname i am surprised i qualify for this game thank you
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
15 :] thats a good number can we all pretend like thats all im going to write forever now
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
148,323 oh my god
3. What fandoms do you write for?
homestuck before, tlt now. i had one haikyuu draft i was too embarrassed to post or finish
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
intern the sixth - 975 kudos (holy crap)
songs made on the meteor - 636 kudos
love in its disrepute - 587 kudos
secondhand confession - 485 kudos
first kiss second time around - 433 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
i try to reply to all of them but i lose steam Very Easily
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
M.I.L.F! it is also the ONLY fic i wrote with what i consider an angsty ending. im ridiculous for putting only hideous fluff out there im sorry someone has got to put me down
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i cant answer this because all my fics were engineered to rot your teeth with sweet stuff. i cant reread my old fics to determine which is the worst because they make me embarrassed
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i got hate exactly once but it was more like unwarranted criticism of intern the sixth - someone complained that they felt the dialogue was complicated and that harrowhark was swearing at the age of 12 because she has been running the ninth for 2 years. personally i just disagree with their interpretations of the characters so haha
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
no and if i ever do take it as a red flag ok?
10. Do you write crossovers?
i actually hate crossover fics most of the time im sorry daljfsjacio30
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
dont think so
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no but @/thatneoncrisis revises + writes dialogue chunks for intern the sixth sometimes
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
haha. [gritted teeth] grdlhrk..
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i have a wip where gideon and harrow undergo perfect lyctorhood and live forever. i hope i PRAY i finish it one day. i also wrote 3328 words for that one sakuatsu fic and i dont think ill finish it but it TORMENTS me that noones read it. if you wanna read it just dm me
16. What are your writing strengths?
i know uhm... how to sway the algorithm. ive read enough fanfic to know the exact diction and order of words that will get people hooked. sometimes i edit my friends' fanfic summaries so that theyll get more clout on ao3
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
finishing the damn writing. i write so slow ok its a miracle if i can make 200 words in one day. also i write dialogue in 'my' voice before translating it into character voices so i struggle with keeping things in character
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
impressive! could never do it though
19. First fandom you wrote for?
[gritted teeth] hmstck....
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
im really proud of MILF because i wrote that thing in one fevered afternoon and i dont know what came over me
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sybaritick · 7 months
a thought re: the post I have seen a few mutuals rb about the demonization of doms into hard kink, like how some people online are seemingly OK with someone having a sexual fantasy about receiving pain but find it morally unacceptable for someone to have a sexual fantasy about inflicting pain. (I mean one issue with this is then who's supposed to inflict the pain? Presumably someone who swears on their life that they totally aren't enjoying it?)
jokes aside I agree with the post, and I wonder how much that influences the fact that it seems like there are more submissive folks on Tumblr by a significant margin. I used to think that this was just because of the demographics of Tumblr, but the other part of course is that I don't believe the world is naturally divided on every kink into 50% givers and 50% receivers: for one, many people are both, but also sometimes there are just more people who want to suck people's toes than people who want their toes sucked (or vice versa). And I wonder about this in combination with how people "become" more dominant or more submissive.
To me it feels ""normal"" that it is sexually arousing to see someone you're attracted to in a position of weakness or vulnerability, or to see their deference to you, or to feel like they're under your control, especially so if you are the one who "put them there"/that you have intentionally cultivated this dynamic. And by "normal" I just mean that I remember feeling this way when I was 14, 15 years old/having my sexual awakening. In some sense I felt that this was a natural result of the fun of just... problem-solving and playing games. A romantic or sexual relationship can be a social game. Playing (and "solving") the game with a partner to get them into your desired position, while knowing they are trying to get you into theirs, is a great joy. Winning even more so, but there can still be fun in losing to a worthy opponent.
But of course that doesn't mean it's universal. There are many people who would agree with me but there are many people who wouldn't. And for a time I thought surely most people harbor these feelings and some people just repress them, or are forced to repress them/taught that they are not OK. But clearly it's more complicated than that-- I am not going to claim everyone is a dom deep down, lol. there must be things happening before your sexual awakening/puberty that determine some of this, based on your experiences and maybe even your genetics.
and so... do whatever-those-causes-are just tend to produce more submissives? and I would guess it must vary by society, by culture? I'm curious.
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aniron48 · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you for the tag, @anyawen! These were so much fun!
Answers under the cut, and tagging @sweetbabyangels, @mr-iskender, @stinastar, @aprettyspy and @thestalwartheart, in case you haven't done this already and it's of interest!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 30! That number seems astonishing to me now, considering I started writing fic in earnest like a year-and-a-half ago. 😁
2. What’s your total A03 word count? 138,358
3. What fandoms do you write for? James Bond, Glass Onion/Knives Out, and I just wrote my first fic for The Old Guard fandom, which has pulled me in by the lapels and refused to let me go. And the very first fic I ever wrote was for Stardew Valley.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? 1. A Good Man (Benoit Blanc/Phillip) 2. rain (00q) 3. open line (00q) 4. The More Loving One (00q) 5. Must Love Cats (00q)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Ok yes I definitely do and I love to *and also* I'm so sorry, I'm 288 days (yes I just checked) behind in responding to comments, because this year has been...something else. So, taking the opportunity to say that a) all of your comments are incredible bright spots for me, and b) I am working my way steadily through and enjoying your comments all over again as I re-read and respond to them.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? WELP (eyes my pile o' fics warily). If we go based off the fics with "Major Character Death" as a warning, for a certain value of angst, it's a tie between offering and and the wind at their backs. But both of these fics deal with grief, and the complicated emotions that result from the persistence of love even after the object of that love is gone, and there's some hope in that, too, I think.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? lmao most of the rest of them other than the two in number 6? 😂 this is a hard one to answer, so I'll list my RomCom-iest fics for now (Must Love Cats for 00q and in a space that they belong for The Old Guard). Special shout-out to 'tis the damn season, though, because the happiness at the end of this fic feels like some of the hardest fought, to me, and some of the tenderest I've written, I think.
8. Do you get hate on fics? No--I've gotten a few less than diplomatic comments, and a couple people making unflattering notes in bookmarks that I don't think they meant for me to see, but nothing terrible.
9. Do you write smut? ::offers you rain and for the age of the earth, and after as if I am a sommelier presenting you with some very fine wine:: "this one has notes of--" you know what I'm just going to stop there.
10. Do you write crossovers? I haven't yet!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? No, thank goodness (knocks on wood).
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not yet! #goals
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Use. Your. Words., which was a collaborative poem for 007 fest 2023. 😁
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? I spent about five minutes hemming and hawing about this but you know what, it's impossible to pick. 😂
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Like Anyawen, I have aspirations of finishing all the ones hanging out in my Scrivener app...someday. Probably the one I have the most doubts about is a 5 + 1 fic where Bond tries out different activities post retirement. I still love the idea and some of the vision I had for this one, but it lives almost entirely in my head, still.
16. What are your writing strengths? I think maybe I have a good ear for language, both in terms of the rhythm of sentences and paragraphs, and for conveying a character's voice or accent. But it's hard to assess your own strengths, sometimes, so that's just my best guess!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I'm actively working on trying to be better at descriptions, especially in giving details about setting or background. I realized I give these things short shrift, sometimes, and want to change that!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I'll do it with languages I'm fluent in (and have done it with Spanish, since I'm a native speaker).
19. First fandom you wrote for? Stardew Valley, in What Dreams May Come.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written? Omg, another one that is almost impossible to answer! I think I have to go with all the flags we've hung. This is one of my least popular fics--it's a rarepair, the love depicted in it is complicated (though no less real), and it deals with light topics like, you know, structural racism in the United States. As one does. But it's a fic that's incredible close to my heart, for many reasons, and I remain so proud of this one.
Phew! If you have read all of this you deserve a cupcake. 💜
xoxo, Ani
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cursedmagician · 2 days
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welcome to my blog everyone! i’m glad you’re here because i’ve been meaning to post here for an… unceremoniously long time.
here are some things that you should know about me!
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you can call me magician or holograph, my pronouns are he/they and i’m 14 years old and taken already… sorry ladies…
insta: cursed.magician
pinterest: thecursedmagician
twitter: illumigraph
spacehey: https://spacehey.com/cursedmagician
i’m a pretty weird person you can deeefinitely tell!! i’m like the stereotypical weird kid because i make fanfiction fanart fan merch fan EEEVERYTHING and i like shipping, like how much worse can i get /silly XD
i love fixating on things for weeks at a time before completely forgetting about them, but i never ever forget… and they can be revived very easily…
i’m also a huge nerd which is gonna blatantly obvious by the time you read my interests section but i LOVE ranting about this stuff so feel free to chat with me hehe
yes, i have a golden retriever personality so. please talk to me PLEASE I WANT TO MEET COOL PEOPLE i promise i don’t bite :3
im always looking for new friends to talk to! that being said, sometimes i can get kind of inactive for periods of time but not for long I PROMISE!!!!
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⋆ ★ BYF:
i tend to use a lot of flashing imagery and eye straining colours!
you will see me talk about triggering topics sometimes here. my art may also include triggering topics, so i will add a trigger warning if it does have those.
i’m pretty sarcastic and can make offensive jokes, however i do use tone tags to indicate as such. feel free to use tone tags on me too!
at the time of writing i still have no idea how to interact with people on tumblr since i never really used it much before. if i get things wrong, do tell me :P
this is a pretty fandom focused blog. i cant help it, but yes there will be a lot of fandom posting and shipping and everything like that. i might try to keep it balanced but i won’t try too hard because i’m just gonna post whatever i want here
⋆ ★ interests:
object shows, gravity falls, south park, amphibia, toh, ok ko, scott pilgrim, chainsaw man, wonder egg priority, murder drones, tadc, fnaf, omori, undertale, deltarune, oneshot, hello charlotte, tloz, pokemon, sonic, ultrakill, geometry dash, regretevator, backrooms, scp
drawing, writing, voice acting, video editing, animating, math (especially different ratios and algebraic formulas), old web, old technology, computer/game history, nostalgia, dark web, computer science, building computers, brain rot on instagram reels 🤤
⋆ ★ DNI
basic dni, nsfw, people who are just going to make fun of/harass me, people against my interests (this means you are actively against it, not just uncaring about it), people who are just going to get on my nerves, close minded people, genuinely narcissistic people, people who sexualise EVERYTHING GRRR
TAGS (more may be added later?) ⊹ ࣪ ˖
magician.iso - life, journal sort of thing and general posts ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
sketchbook.folder - serious art, official art and all that jazz ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
scrapbook.folder - sketches, studies, and other misc art ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
stage.drive - rambling and yapping because i’m a chronic yapper bro ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
type.txt - writing of any kind! may include links ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
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the-magic-school-bus · 10 months
hi one of your posts came across my dash where you said that the kotlc fandom bullied a 12 year old off tumblr for a headcanon?? and i don’t think that’s true. the “headcanon” in question was very insensitive and racist of her, and while it was an honest mistake, it was ignorant in a fandom with a high asian demographic and so many people who were willing to educate the fandom.
the knee jerk reactions were hostile, and it’s understandable that the 12 year old went on the defensive immediately. but she was being called out for racism, and told to check her biases, which is something that the fandom does to each other a lot. and in the end, the whole thing was resolved civilly. a lot of people explained to her what was wrong, and she apologized and swore to do better
tl;dr she wasn’t harassed for a headcanon, she was being called out for racism. she didn’t deserve the harassment, but many people informed her what she was doing wrong. it wasn’t bullying
it only took three months of sometimes rambling in the notes of posts to finally get an ask about this lol
like you said everyone’s knee jerk responses where hostile, instead of going “hey it’s obvious you don’t realize this because you are literally 12 years old and probably are pretty new to the internet and the world around you, but that’s considered racist so you really shouldn’t do that”
being hostile because someone makes an a honest mistake isn’t education, it doesn’t matter the intention, it doesn’t matter the reasoning and if she needed to check her biases, it makes it an attack, and attacking isn’t education, to me that’s bullying though and through.
yeah it got gentler later, and people acknowledged that she shouldn’t have been harassed, while still trying to educate her, but there was also asks telling her that she was wrong for being upset about being attacked and to listen to the people attacking her, and that still doesn’t change the fact that there was like almost a dozen people telling her what a horrible person she was (weather they meant to or not) for like you said a honest mistake.
on top of that i don’t think it should have been made public in the first place, Maya was a super sweet kid ok, instead of publicly calling her out she could have been dmed and told her, “hey kid, i realize you didn’t mean to but that was actually racist and here’s why” and she would have responded great to it, i know it.
and i wish, i wish, i had done that when i first saw that post, for some reason, for some idiotic reason i thought the fandom wouldn’t get hostile, when i knew better. because i had experienced it firsthand. twice. i’ve seen the fandoms way of educating one another, the way it end ups being hostile and guilt trippy, i’ve seen the way people go through others blogs in a public sever just to mock them. i knew better and yet i wanted to believe that the people i had considered my friends wouldn’t attack/gang up her and they did.
she literally left the site completely two days later because it was that bad, not because she thought she didn’t do anything wrong, but for how she was treated for making a mistake, like everyone does, especially at 12yo, and that’s why i’m upset about it
i really don’t think anyone under the age of like 14 should be on tumblr, i don’t think kids that age need to exposed to the things that are talked consistently on here. so i am relieved Maya is off the site, but like that was the worst way for her to leave. i loved that kid ok, she was so so sweet, she was sometimes the only reason i would write because she left the best comments in the world. she was sweet and kind and i desperately wanted to protect from how hostile i knew the fandom could get when they decided someone was in the wrong. i do hope she’s still on Ao3 and the experience on here didn’t scare her out of the fandom entirely.
like seriously!! guys?? i know just about every person who was involved by name, and i know y’all can do better than that. i know that you’re capable of being kinder, that doesn’t just need to be reserved for your friends. kindness is for everyone, even when some random internet child makes a mistake, you don’t need to guilt someone to tell them their wrong, you don’t need to make it public, nothing really needs to be a public call out, all it takes is a kind dm, if you really feel that it’s that important to address…for goodness sakes
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somniatory-circus · 11 months
. • °✧༺ 𝕽𝖔𝖑𝖊𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖞 𝕴𝖓𝖋𝖔 ༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
: ̗̀➛ 𝔹𝕒𝕤𝕚𝕔 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕠 ❀
hyello, i'm Mirth, 22 years old n NB looking for a long term rp partner. i won't rp with anyone below 18 for my own comfort. i've got around 14 years of experience, though i've gotten a bit rusty lately. would love to do world building, character discussions, pinterest boards, playlists, and other such things for our rp's and characters.
⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙
: ̗̀➛ ℝℙ 𝕊𝕥𝕪𝕝𝕖 ❁
reply lengths tend to be a paragraph long, though sometimes they can be longer. i usually play male or nonbinary characters, though i can play women too if i have enough interest. replies are written in 3rd person perspective. there's many oc's that i could play as, but i'd be happy to play as a canon character if i'm familiar enough with them. totally ok with oc x oc or canon x oc shipping as well as canon x canon if it's a ship i'm comfortable with. polyam ships are, ofc, also ok. i like to discuss plots beforehand, the whole story doesn't need to be gone over but a rough outline and general wants n ideas from both parties is ideal. that being said, my favored genres are slice of life, romance, horror, fantasy, and possibly others. I prefer partners to have some sort of plot idea before approaching me. prefer to use discord for this stuff, our user can be found on our pinned post. usually like using servers to keep things more organized. i'm happy to write multiple characters if wanted, though i'd like it if you could do the same.
⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙
: ̗̀➛ 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕞𝕤 ❀
Final Fantasy (6, 7, Dissidia)
Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss
Slenderverse / Creepypasta
+ More interests/fandoms in our carrd
if you find yourself interested, DM me, add me on Discord, or comment below.
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entamewitchlulu · 1 year
did i just spend an afternoon making up fankids for the katacule? maybe. you can find out if you click on the read more
so ok. my personal canon for post-series is that the polycule all stays together though they do have some beard marriages between them for appearances - it's pretty much an open secret to the entire kingdom tho that they're all together. and who's going to say anything about it when they're the most powerful people in the kingdom (and particularly jeord will silence anyone who tries to get between them with prejudice).
So anyway, the ""official"" appearance marriages are:
and Sora and Raphael just kinda chill as eternal bachelors
But despite this they are all having their own interactions with each other and romances all across all the "pairings". Some of them are platonic with each other, some are romantic, and etc. Anyway this results in an awful lot of kiddos, and if they're completely honest they don't always know who the dad is so the plan they come up with is that whoever's the mom, their ""official"" husband will just claim them for inheritance purposes, but they're ALL the moms and dads for all these kids. for that reason i'm not gonna say straight up who the parents of these kids are but you can probably make some guesses based on their appearances/magic, etc.
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Sylvia Ascart (left) is the oldest. She's 18 and she's hard-working, cheerful, and flexible. She wants to be the best she can be, but she doesn't mind chilling out once in a while. Her dream is to succeed Nicol as the prime minister, and her magic type is Light.
Amelia Ascart (right), is 17. She's quiet, thoughtful, and has a talent for memorizing books she's read. Her only real goal in life is to be surrounded by books. Her magic type is Wind.
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Colette (left) and Felix Stuart (right) are twins, both 17 years old. They both have water magic. Colette is a little antisocial, preferring to spend time with horses rather than people, but due to her quiet nature, she tends to overhear a lot and knows dirt on almost everyone. Her brother is very ambitious, and wants to succeed the throne. He's irritatingly smug and smart and loves to talk circles around people.
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Next is Ethan Stuart (left). He's 16 and his magic type is fire. He is a sweet, sort of shy young man who loves cats and is very genuine. He's scared of ghosts and bad at swordsmanship, and prefers to spend time with Mary in the garden.
Silas Claes (middle) is 15. His magic type is Earth, and as the only official son of Keith, he's intended to succeed as the Duke Claes. He has the appearance of an incredibly sweet young man who looks younger than he is, and he loves sweets and mischief. His favorite thing to do is to lull people into believing he's a perfect angel who could do no wrong while he's actually pranking or manipulating the shit out of you.
Adeline Ascart (right) is 15 and her magic type is Light. She is a sweet, optimistic to a fault girl who loves sewing and cute things, though she's afraid of horses and flustered in crowds. She has a talent for making plushies, and wants to join the Ministry of Magic.
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Victoria (left) and Noelle Stuart (right) are also twins and are 15 years old. Both have Earth magic. Like Nicol, Victoria has the same alluring aura that flusters almost everyone around her. However, she finds it tiresome, and is most exhausted of getting marriage proposals from people, as she wishes not to get married. However, she is quietly rather ambitious, and wants to succeed the throne. She's very protective of Noelle.
Noelle is shy and very attached to Victoria, and hates crowds. She has a talent for music and likes to spend time playing piano with Alan when she's not with Victoria.
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Charlotte Stuart is 14 and also musically inclined, liking to play the cello. She and Noelle sometimes play together. She's kind, but is no doormat, quick to stand up for herself and her siblings even against people stronger or more influential than her. Her magic type is Water.
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Miku (left) and Aoi (right) Stuart are another set of twins, age 13. Miku has fire magic, and Aoi has earth.
Miku has Katarina's inability to stay still and a deep wanderlust. She loves climbing anything she can find, hates dresses, and wants to be an adventurer.
Aoi is nearly as adventurous as his sister, but he's more interested in trying new foods. He likes to cook but even more than that he likes to try exotic dishes and will eat just about anything. He struggles to keep his clothes clean, but he's so lovable that he can make friends wherever he goes.
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Peony (left) and Poppy (right) Ascart are the last set of twins, age 12. Peony has Light magic and Poppy has fire. Peony is a bit on the lazy side; she likes to nap wherever she can. She's actually quite responsible and gets things done, but then she'd just like to doze off under a tree. Poppy is an budding artist who likes to spend time painting landscapes. She's laid-back, but will snap easily if interrupted while painting.
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Then there's the two youngest! Darian Stuart is 10 and has water magic. He loves swordplay and wants to be a heroic swordsman. Despite his desire to be a hero, he's still quite young and cries easily.
Penelope Stuart is 9 and has earth magic. She's exuberant, adventurous, and loooooves bugs. She's pretty loud and hyper and loves to grab big beetles and show them to everyone.
Generally speaking, the "official" families are as follows:
Katarina/Jeord: Ethan, Victoria, Noelle, Miku, Aoi, Darian, Penelope
Ethan is considered the Fifth Prince, as he's the second eldest of Jeord and Alan's kids, and Jeord and Alan's brothers have three sons between them (idk about them yet). Atm I think Ian is king so his son(s) are first in line, but I haven't really decided that. Victoria is the Third Princess, after Colette.
Keith/Sophia: Silas. He's their only "official" kid, so he's the heir to the Dukedom.
Maria/Nicol: Sylvia, Amelia, Adeline, Peony, Poppy
Alan/Mary: Colette, Felix, Charlotte. Felix is considered the Fourth Prince.
Andddd that's it lol. I have no other thoughts at the moment.
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