fishsticxz-art · 4 months
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doodle of my friend @grave-cleric's character in the campaign ive just started to run!
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Good Omens Fic Rec: Somn
Aziraphale’s spent the last three months at the bottom of a bottle, heartbroken. Tracy says his heart will mend itself eventually, but every morning when he wakes up it's like the edges of the piece he ripped out and took with him have gone more ragged. Where he keeps waking up probably isn't helping matters.
Length: 44,674 words
AO3 Rating: Explicit / Spice Level 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Best for: At Home, Hurt/Comfort, Human AU
Triggers: Alcoholism
Read it here, fic by snae_b
*Minor Spoilers* There are a couple of things that drew me to this story when I saw the summary. First, we are used to seeing a lot of fics where Crowley is the one who is a mess and needs taking care of. There's nothing wrong with that dynamic at all, I love those stories. But Aziraphale gets hurt too, and I think his character deserves the chance to be the one to break down and be taken care of. And second, I'm slightly obsessed with the idea of an alcoholic human Aziraphale. It's maybe a weird hill for me to die on, but I fully headcanon that human versions of Aziraphale would have predispositions towards alcoholism. So needless to say, I was eager to see how this story handled the topic.
It did so excellently of course. In this Human AU, Aziraphale has just been swindled by Gabriel. He's lost his collection of rare books, and his heart in the process. With his life in shambles, he starts drinking heavily, which triggers his sleep walking. His sleep walking into his new neighbor Crowley's bed. It sounds like such a heavy story but I promise it's not really. This is about the moving forward, learning how to trust again, how to not only ask for help, but let yourself be helped. It's a really beautiful story.
I have to gush about Crowley a bit here. I loved this version of him. He's playful, silly, eager to help and please. He moves way too fast, not thinking of consequences, nor for what is really appropriate. But if he were more responsible would any of this have happened? Aziraphale needed to be thrown into another whirlwind and be shown that not everyone will hurt him. Crowley was there with open arms, and an unlocked door.
I really loved this story. My heart hurts for Aziraphale, I've had alcoholics in my life, and have my own substance abuse issues. Crowley doesn't fix him, he has to do the work himself, but sometimes you need someone to help you get to a place where you can help yourself. Like I said, this isn't a heavy story, but there are heavy moments so take care of yourself. But there's also some really wonderful, loving, fun sex to balance out the heaviness. So save this one for at home!
Read it here, fic by snae_b
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slice-of-heroism · 11 months
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Slice-Of-Heroism- Character Design (2023)
Here they are. A personal project of mine that I have started since 2013. Drawing them over and over again, has helped me perceive how much my art has improved over the years.
I'm really happy with how this one turned out.
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theyuniversity · 3 months
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Feeling sleepy? 😪   
These words share the root SOMN (sleep): 
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citrusitonit · 1 year
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pretty lady with the stawberry 🍓🍓
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voltzro · 1 year
Recuperarea Musculară: Ghidul Complet și Rolul Aplicației MotricRecovery în Procesul de Refacere
Recuperarea musculară este un subiect de mare interes pentru sportivi, antrenori și oricine dorește să își îmbunătățească performanța fizică. În acest articol, vom explora detaliat cum să abordați recuperarea musculară într-un mod eficient și cum aplicația MotricRecovery poate juca un rol crucial în acest proces. De Ce Este Importantă Recuperarea Musculară? Recuperarea musculară nu este doar o…
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unsarutsiamplecat · 2 years
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eudorm-romania · 5 months
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hopernicus · 6 months
Sunt rupt de somn,De istorie,De parinti, de razboi,Familie, prieteni,Fac pasi inapoi,Fara niciun gand,Si nu mi doresc nimic. Poate doar inexistenta,Dar pentru astanu am destul curaj. Sunt rupt de somn,De istorie,De parinti, de razboi,Familie, prieteni,Fac pasi inapoiSi mi promit sa tac. Las sila, vorba poetului,Sa mi supravietuiasca.
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kenchann · 4 months
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wakey wakey
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memewife · 8 months
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ghost boy
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coolladydot · 2 years
Somnul de calitate nu este doar un vis!
Somnul de calitate nu este doar un vis!
Chiar dacă o mare parte din viață o petrecem dormind, nu acordăm acestui aspect importanța pe care o merită. Somnul de calitate lipsește tot mai multor persoane, iar eu mă număram printre ele. Lipsa somnului (ma refer la un somn odihnitor, pentru că de dormit, dormim cu toții) își pune amprenta asupra organismului nostru, dar mai ales asupra calității vieții noastre. Starea de somnolență și…
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uglytheater · 5 months
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Sage of TV Dinners (You will become dinner for the TV)
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theyuniversity · 1 year
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todayisafridaynight · 2 months
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voltzro · 1 year
Cauzele stresului, tehnici si aplicatii
Cauzele stresului Stresul la locul de muncă În epoca contemporană, stresul la locul de muncă a devenit o pandemie silențioasă, afectând productivitatea și sănătatea mentală. Factori precum sarcini nerealiste, termene limită strânse și relații tensionate cu colegii contribuie la acumularea de tensiuni. În acest context, echilibrul între viața profesională și cea personală devine o utopie,…
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