#somnic speaks
en-somniac · 7 months
man there's something so painfully unique about the relationship with someone in your same system
like. hi. we're strangers. I know everything about you. I've seen you maybe twice in my life. I know every edge of your being viscerally. I've walked in the same skin as you. I love you inherently. I barely know you. I know you. more than anyone ever could. I'm walking the exact same existence as you. I've lived in your skin.
We've barely been introduced.
Here we are. In this terrible experiment. We're in this together, and fuck if that isn't terrifying.
there's something so painfully unique about the relationship with someone in your same system.
you know?
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etherian-affairs · 5 years
Entrapta fixing Hordak?
Let’s DO IT. I’m assuming L&L, because I want to. I need this. Expect some others today too.
It had been rather difficult getting Hordak out of Bright Moon. She had to make sure no one saw her with the very conspicuous body bag. It became less of a problem when the bomb went off and drew everyone’s attentions to the morgue. It was a matter of timing for that really, as soon after security closed in tight around the palace. Entrapta was already gone by then though.
The journey to Dryl was easier. She had Emily and some bots help her along and even had a chance to do a better analysis of Hordak’s state during transit. It was bad, but it was not terrible. His diagnostic readout showed her that while many of his artificial components were showing red many more were in the yellow, and a few even in the green. This was good. Yellow she could fix, green she just had to patch at most. Red would require replacement, she prepared for that though.
In the months Entrapta had been back in Dryl she had dissected the medical data on Hordak, on his prosthesis. The Horde documents she came back with included the information on them, even schematics for a few. Other she had to reverse engineer from documentation and her own personal experience in performing maintenance on Her Hordak. This work served as both a distraction, and as much needed preparation. It allowed her to construct spare parts, replacement parts, just in case. They would be of use now. 
The moment Entrapta makes it to the lab she places Hordak down on the operating table she had prepared, her mask comes down, and her bots are commanded to fetch her materials. Her lab computer is connected to one of his remaining good ports, and the readout is put up for her. His brain remains in stasis, the somnic node forcing his brain to remain inactive and conserve energy. 
The blade goes in, and slices his chest open, peeling skin and muscle away so she can access the retaining bolts on his artificial rib cage. Extensive damage. Lung replacement required. New casing needed for internal generator, that might need to be replaced entirely in fact. Part of his battery stack is destroyed and leaking caustic fluid into his body. His heart is only superficially damaged and is still running, operating off of its own power and the remaining portion of the battery stack. His remaining lung is visibly operating at a shallow protocol as well.
Remove damaged components, clean interior. Entrapta works almost on automatic. Severing and pulling out the damaged parts of Hordak, cleaning away the his interior. The disgusting nature of the work she is doing does not even cross her now. This is too important and every moment counts. 
Replacement of removed components. Lung first, take strain off its companion. Examination of generator casing reveals that she cannot repair it in a timely matter. A replacement based on First One’s power crystals is installed instead. Hordak was initially against such a replacement when she suggested it months ago, despite the inherent benefits, but now there is little choice. The battery stack is repaired using spare Horde units she has salvaged. Other components are replaced one by one. She decides to remove and replace the heart while she is in here. Her replacement unit is a carbon copy of Hordak’s existing one but completely unscathed. Luckily bypass is easy, the valves are designed for this sort of work. Some other organs are replaced based on Horde medical data. She cannot work with organics, but she can replace them too. 
Repair of damaged components. Perhaps the longest portion of the interior work. She has to remove damaged parts, inspect them, do what repairs she can. As the diagnostic board lights up with more green she begins to close him. Sewing the external torso damage together and hoping his bodies regenerative abilities can handle what has been done.
From there she moves to the rest of him. His external facing interface ports primarily. They have suffered extensive damage and require repair and replacement. This portion angers her, she should not be having to do this yet she is. These should not be so damaged, yet they are. She has prepared for this as well though. She has prepared for so much.
The final parts she must replace are the eyes. His current retinal prosthesis were heavily damaged in the battle. She-Ra’s light. She-Ra’s raw power. Again carbon copies of his existing prosthesis are used.
The work takes her hours. Over half a day. She does not rest or eat she only works. When the final suture is done, when the last gash is closed and the final bandage wrapped around him she finally lets herself slump in exhaustion. She finally lets herself go clean herself off the stink and the filth. 
It’s another hour before Hordak’s systems re-initialize his higher brain functions, bringing him out of stasis. 
The anger and hurt leaves her when she sees him awake. When she hears him speak. When he compliments her work as impeccable. She feels it in every inch of her being. She feels warmth and familiarity and respect. 
For the first time in months she doesn’t have to be angry and afraid.
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en-somniac · 9 months
Sometimes its insanely annoying having a special interest that's generally a bit of a white guy orange flag
Yes please let me tell you about military aviation no I do not believe war is good no I fo not think any of the various horrible actions of the military are olay I just think planes are Neat
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en-somniac · 4 months
Hazbin hotel fascinates me because it's not... like.. objectively, good. It's Good, don't get me wrong, but its not the writing or the animation or the songs. THey're all relatively good, but not yknow. Good.
And yet. And fucking yet. It has grabbed me by the brain and is shaking me so violently and constantly that I cannot fucking Do Anything Else. I cannot get these fucking sinners out of my head, and that's not even in the plural way. There's something fucking compelling about how it handles trauma, and adult themes, and existing as a person in an immoral state that makes it. Really Fascinating.
I love this beautiful hot mess and its terrible people, thank you.
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en-somniac · 1 year
You interact with one thing and this website puts you in a box huh
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en-somniac · 1 year
I think tim drake should be plural.
You know.
As a treat
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en-somniac · 11 months
Love our partner making a tumblr n using a tagging system
Couldnt be me
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en-somniac · 10 months
Singlets/non plurals no longer get opinions in plural discourse.
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en-somniac · 1 year
love trying to find actual types from people with BPD as to how to best support my partner's own struggles with it and only finding posts and articles from people without BPD telling me that I should just break up with them and a thousand other shitty things.
I just want to fucking help them. They aren't inherently some horrible fucking person. They're just fucking scared. I just want to help, I want to make sure I can best support them.
It's so fucking hard to find anything helpful.
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en-somniac · 1 year
Honestly? good for both Phil and Nikki for saying they aren't continuing into season 2 because they don't want their characters to forget Techno. Good for them.
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en-somniac · 3 days
House is a system Send Tweet
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en-somniac · 1 month
What the fuck is happening in the ace tag
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en-somniac · 3 months
"I like when they say words, it's very relaxing." - Rwen 2k24
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en-somniac · 3 months
with my boyfriend
Watching an insane action movie
God he's cute
Hod he's cute
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en-somniac · 6 months
3, 11, and 13 for that system ask game
3. Which headmates were enemies at first and now best friends and/or a couple? I mean there's the constant soap opera on-again off-again of Burnout, Met and Casino. That's the only one I can think of right now
11. What are some pet peeves headmates have about other headmates? Berlin will murder people for not plugging in our headset. But also a lot of. leaving shit in weird places habits.
13. What headmate has a skill that the body doesn't usually, but when they front the body gets it (or almost gets it)? Aim. Specifically in video games but more in general. Our aim is normally terrible but if you put Any of the snipers in front it suddenly becomes second nature.
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en-somniac · 6 months
I love being a system it creates such fun Die Hard Headcanons as "Trafalgar Law is a stoner"
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