#sonder yantober
kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Sonders YanTober day 1
yantober masterlist
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The Castle
Yandere! Dark Choco x Gn! Reader
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The castle was big.
The castle was cold.
The castle was quiet.
The castle never let a sound out.
The castle never let an outside sound in.
The castle had heavy doors that kept you locked in.
The castle, it was all his castle.
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Your family sold you off to the highest bidder.
You were always told you were never good enough to run your family’s kingdom, that you didnt have what it takes to rule. Your perfect younger sister was put in charge.
Your family didnt want you anymore, thought you were just weighing your sister down. So they sold you. They didnt care who wanted you, just wanted you out. Your sister was ment to marry Dark Choco, heir to the Dark Cacao Kingdom, a powerful nearby kingdom.
You father had letters sent to kingdoms saying he was marrying you off to anyone that had interest.
a mysterious letter came in saying they would buy you for four million. Your parents of course accepted and had your bags packed and sent you off as fast as they could.
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thats how you got in this situation. In the arms of the man your sister was ment to marry. You didnt love him, he treated you like a pet, a doll even. You tried countless times to offer back the money he spent for you but he always declined. His eyes held a certain look of lovesick, obsession, and possessiveness. The way he looked at you made you wanna curl up and cry, the way he would pull his sword out every time someone that wasnt him talked to you.
“My love, you’re so pretty..” One of his hands snake around your waist, other placed on your collarbone playing with the black gem necklace he dressed you up in.
You choose to look off into the distance, ignoring what hes saying.
“hm. Wont you speak for me darling?” Dark Choco’s hand inches closer to your neck until its loosely around it.
You look at him in his eyes. “I wanna go home” you whisper.
Dark Cacao just looked at you, his hand on your neck moves up to grab your chin, forcing your face closer to his. He stares into your eyes for a bit before speaking. “You are darling.”
Tears escape your eyes, onto his hand trailing down is wrist, then falling onto your lap.
“My family needs me” you sob. Your vision begins to blur and you cant see the his menacing smile.
“If they needed you they would have never sold you off, now would they?” He loosen his grip on your face and caresses your cheek with his thumb. “You should be on the throne right now, ruling the kingdom that is rightfully yours. But no, they chose your younger sister.”
He was right, he was always right.
“But its alright, your mine now. I’ll give you the life your parents couldnt seem to give you.” He kisses your tear stained cheek.
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None :)
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kalopses-sonderes · 1 year
Sonders Yan/Fluff C.ai masterlist
Sonders 2023 yantober/flufftober Cookie run C.ai bots! All C.Ai bots will be linked here, new bot everyday or other day during October! All cookies are in human au
A/n: its not tober anymore but whatever☹️
Status: 12/30 finally continuing!
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Day 1: Fluff! Clover Cookie (coming home)
Day 2: yan! Pure Vanilla Cookie (secret admirer)
Day 3: fluff! Herb Cookie (Halloween decorating!)
Day 4: Yan! Lilac Cookie (assassin)
Day 5: fluff! Earl Grey Cookie (cold tea)
Day 6: yan! Earl Grey Cookie (friendly neighborhood hotel owner)
Day 7: fluff! Almond Cookie (co-workers and a tense game of chess)
Day 8: yan! Lilac and Yogurt Cream (doll)
Day 9: fluff! Raspberry Mousse Cookie (swordplay)
Day 10: yan! Pure Vanilla Cookie vs. Millennial Tree Cookie (cats and mouse)
Day 11: ???
Day 12: ???
Day 13: ???
Day 14: ???
Day 15: ???
Day 16: ???
Day 17: ???
Day 18: ???
Day 19: ???
Day 20: ???
Day 21: ???
Day 22: ???
Day 23: ???
Day 24: ???
Day 25: ???
Day 26: ???
Day 27: ???
Day 28: ???
Day 29: ???
Day 30: ???
Day 31: ???
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All bots created by @kalopses-sonderes on tumblr
Link for main post
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Sonders Yantober day 9
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101 to bring Baker home!
Self aware! Crk x Creator! Reader
(pt.2 on Halloween)
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Pure Vanilla is in his study. Crumpled paper laying across his desk and floor. Hes been looking for a way to get you back so you can celebrate Halloween with them. Looking at old scrolls and making plans to talk to all the alchemist and magic cookies in the kingdom to help him.
Many days had passed, Pure Vanilla came up with a plan. He grabbed a special box then left his study to go tell the other ancients what hes going to do.
“This plan is to dangerous, what if it doesnt work? What then?” Hollyberry had her head down, fist balled. She couldnt even look at Pure Vanilla.
“This is outrageous, do you know how stupid you sound.” Dark Cacao said in barely above a whisper.
“I know I know, but this is the only way.” Pure Vanilla walked out the room to begin his plan.
“We cant lose another..” Hollyberry said defeated.
“We’ve waited too long to have baker back, this is the perfect time! Its their favorite holiday!”
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“Put the decoration higher!” Pumpkin pie yelled. Pumpkin pie was the director for decorating the kingdom for your arrival for the holiday. “Baker wouldn’t like that color, here, use this one!” Pumpkin Pie passes Yam more decorations.
“Pumpkin Pie.” Pure Vanilla said walking passes all the decorators and loose tools and decorations that lay on the ground. Pure Vanilla came to a stop when he was a gew meters away, he gave her a knowing look.
“Oh! Go all the way down there till you see, you know what, then take left and you’ll see them,” Pumpkin Pie pointed down the street. Pure Vanilla nodded and left.
“Whats that all about….” Milk asked while hanging decorations on lamp post. Yam shrugged.
Pure Vanilla walked into the underground passage. He saw the magic users and alchemist waiting in anticipation.
“Oh, you’re finally here.” Espresso was the first to speak when they saw Pure Vanilla.
“Is all the preparations ready for tomorrow?” Pure Vanilla said with a hint or weariness in his voice.
In the room, theres a rounded portal placed against the back wall. It was been in the making for six months, they have not turned it on once. Theres counters against the opposite wall with technology sprawled across them.
“Yes, but I do have a question..” Latte asked, leaning on one of the counters. “What if the portal doesn’t work? What then? We’ve never turned it on for bakers sake..”
The room went silent, everyone looking at each other for an answer. “So your doubting yours and everyones ability to bring Baker here?…” Pure Vanilla said.
“Im doubting no ones ability- its just… we havent worked any safety precautions, what if something goes wrong?” Latte said. She picks up a book and flips a few pages. She skips to the a page labeled ‘Safety’ with nothing underneath. “I believe we shouldn’t do this, you and us cant promise your safety.”
“I will be fast, thats all I can promise.” Pure Vanilla says before walking out.
Pure Vanilla walked back to the site of decorations. More have been put up since he was gone, the lamp post are covered in orange and purple, the streets have pumpkin scattered all around, and all shops have a halloween theme. All that hasn’t been decorated is the castle, that job is left to the legendarys, ancients, and pumpkin pie.
“Pure Vanilla! Pure Vanilla!” Custard the lll comes running. Custard has his halloween costume on, its an imitation of Pure Vanilla. He smiles.
Custard threw himself on Pure Vanilla, he picked him up and spun him. “Yes Custard?”
“Is Baker really coming back for halloween?”
Pure Vanilla nods.
“Oo I cant wait!” Custard throws himself out of Pure Vanillas arms.
The day of Halloween came faster than expected. The time to bring Baker home was now.
“Are you really sure about this? This is your last chance to go back..” Alchemist said, their hand on the lever to start the portal.
“Im ready… Like I said I’ll be fast.” Pure Vanilla steps up on the steps leading to the portal.
Alchemist shuts their eyes and pulled the lever.
“The portals stable. When your ready, step in.” Espresso says standing in front of a wall that has the portals data and info across it.
“Before you leave, take this.” Latte hand Pure Vanilla a damp cloth. “If things get out of hand and Baker doesn’t wanna come, use this. You dont have time to waste.” Latte whispers.
Pure Vanilla doesn’t hesitate and walks in.
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It was Halloween, you and friend were on a call, playing cookie run kingdom. You both had your halloween costumes on, you went as a god/goddess/deity.
“Did you see the knew update?” You ask, finally looking away from your phone.
“Huh? What update?” They say back at you.
“Where your kingdom is full of decorations! They actually added a feature of watching them put them up!” You shared your screen to them.
“Whaat! I didn’t get that update!” Your friend whines.
“Haha, that sucks!” You begin to chuckle.
“Anyways, I gotta head out. I have tons of homework to do.”
“See ya!” You leave the call, you set your phone down to get a snack.
You enter you kitchen and make a quick snack, you hear weird noises from you room. You ignore it, it’s probably just the update, you think. I do wonder why I only got this update..
You walk back to your room, your phone is now vibrating on the floor and the screen is a bright white. You let out a loud gasped and speed walk back to your kitchen. “Ok, not just an update!” You whisper yell.
A loud thud is heard from your room, them began footsteps.
You pick up the first sharp object next to you and start to slide down the wall. You could here muffled words being spoken from your room. Your door creaked open and the footsteps begin to get louder. Your heart was racing, you held your hand over your mouth to keep yourself quiet.
“Baker? Where are you?” A familiar voice says. The footsteps stop. “Baker! Are you alright? Why are you on the floor?” A man that looked like the human version of Pure Vanilla leaned down and said to you, putting his arm on your shoulder.
You started to scream and scooted as far back as you can until you hit another wall.
Was this what Latte mentioned, Pure Vanilla thought. “Dont be scared, please..”
“How did you get in my house!” Pure Vanilla started to slowly crawl closer to you. “Get away!”
He grabbbed your ankle and yanked you under him, “Relax dear Baker, you’ll be in your paradise soon enough.” He placed the cloth over your nose and mouth, you struggled more but it was fruitless when you started fade in and out of consciousness. “Its alright, you’ll wake up to what you’ve been dreaming of.”
When you were fully unconscious, he picked you up bridal style and cared you back to your room. He didnt see the portal, just your phonr shining bright white, the white would cut out, your phone was buring up and let out smoke. He decided to touch it, his vision turned white.
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“The portal is unstable!” Espresso exclaimed. The portal was shaking back and forth.
“What the hell is he doing in there?” Latte hit her fist on the counter.
“We cant keep it open for much longer” alchemist said.
“Alchemist! Cose the portal!” Espresso said.
“Wha?-“ Alchemist looked shocked.
“Just do it!” Latte yelled.
She pulled the lever, the lever broke off. The portal continues to go haywire. “Uh oh…”
They all backed up an hid in the safety room they made if something like this happened. The portal started to shake even more, wires begun to come out and the base was even more unstable. Just as, Pure Vanillas came flying through, with baker in hand. He was laying on the ground groaning in pain.
“He actually made it…” espresso opened the safety door and said, “Pure Vanilla!” Espresso ran out and helped pure vanilla up, their backs to the portal. “Come on, just a few more steps.” They made it to the door just in time, Pure Vanilla slumped to the ground, and the portal exploded.
“I.. I really need a nap..” Pure Vanilla said aa he tightens his hold on You and passes out.
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Sonders YanTober day 3
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Cant Stop Watching
Yandere! Red Velvet x Reader
Warning: Stalking, kidnapping
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This should have never happened. Its all because you treated him nicely when no one wanted to.
Him and a few others were on a mission for Dark enchantress, they were ambushed midway. The cookies that were with Red Velvet left him injured and behind. Now he’s sitting, propped up against a tree.
Thats when you came along, you were like an angel in disguise. You took him to your home and patched him and fed him. He was hostile at first but warmed up to you eventually. You treated him like a normal cookie. Luckily chiffon was never hurt and found his way to your home, greeting you with kisses.
Red Velvet fell deeply in love with you during this three week recovery. You were so sweet and innocent, he wanted to keep you from the cruel world. But, when it was time to leave, he left.
its been two months since the incident happened. He wants to repay the favor, so hes been watching over you from a distance, he told himself it would only for a week but he just cant stop watching. The way you move yourself with grace captivated him. All his free time is spent watching you sleep and doing thing through out the day. He has notebooks with all the things you do throughout the day. He also writes you letters and puts them on the desk next to your bed when your asleep so you have something good to wake up too!
Dear (name),
Good morning love, how’d you sleep? Do you remember the guy from yesterday, the one you tried hurting you? Well. Hes been taken care of, you need not to worry while doing your daily stroll past the jewelry stores.
The sender never puts their name. You have been waking up to these letter by your bed. It all started not to long after Red Velvet left your house.
You were sitting on the couch with your detective friend, Almond Cookie. The letters were sprawled out onto the table in front of you both.
“This all just started not long ago!” You never mentioned Red Velvet because you didnt want anyone to think your a traitor for helping a cookie of darkness.
Red Velvet is watching from the bushes outside your house, he doesnt know what your talking about but clearly something or someone made you upset, its his duty to keep you safe. Hes knows this is wrong but he just cant stop. It feels too good watching over you.
His breaking point is watching you hug Almond, you always said how much you cared for Red Velvet then you go off and hug another man behind his back!
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“Did you hear about what happened?” You cookie friend asked as you both were walking up and down the kingdom’s streets.
“Uhm, no?” You fiddle with your basket that has all the items you’ve purchased.
“Well, Almond cookie went missing this morning. There was no sign he left the kingdom but hes not in the kingdom either.”
You ponder over this, Almond was just at your house the night before but hes suddenly gone?
“Well.. I hope hes alright!” You say.
You continue to hangout with your friend until the sun started to set, you walked back to your home. The thought of Almond going missing continues to fog your mind. You stopped focusing on where you were walking and bumped into someone.
“Oh! Im sorry, i wasnt paying att-” You went quiet when you saw the face of the man you bumped into, It was Red Velvet. “Red Velvet! You cant be here! If someone sees you you’ll be in trouble.” You whisper yell at him.
“I just.. I just wanted to see you again. I wanted you to know whos doing all the things behind the scene.”
“Huh? What are you talking about?”
“Im the one who got rid of all the people who harassed you, I give you the notes in the morning, im the one who cares for you more than anything. Since the time we spent together, you were the only one to treat me normally and I couldnt just let you go!” He grabs both of your hands, pulling you closer to him. “I love you so much..”
You stay silent and just stare at him. You noticed his hands are covered in sticky liquid thats covering your arms. You take a better look at him and his clothes and see dark splotches at the bottom of his shirt and the sticky, dark liquid is all over his skin. You piece it together.
Red Velvet sees your discomfort and lets your arms go. You suddenly drop all the bags you were carrying and punch him in the face. You then went sprinting, trying to get as close to the main part of the kingdom, since you live pretty far from others.
You thought you got far enough so you started to slow down to catch your breath.
Next thing you know, you’re pushed up against a wall, Red Velvet trapping you in. Theres blood running down his face. You try to kick and push but its all useless when he pins your hands to your side.
“Why wont you just accept my love!” Red Velvet yelled.
“Because I dont love you!”
“Liar! The way treated me, how you talked to me, the way you understood and listened to me, and held me. You’re telling me that wasn’t love!”
“No, it wasn’t. I would never love a cookie of darkness.” You say, you finally look him in the eyes. He had a pained expression for a split second before he looked back into you eyes.
“You’re just in denial, come on, we’re leaving.” He lets go of one your hands but still has a grip on the other.
“Where are taking me!” You try to pull away but he yanks you forward.
“Home, these cookies are just brainwashing you.” He stops in his tracks when you keep trying to pull away. “Either you come willingly or I’ll use force.” Red Velvet glares at you.
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None :)
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Sonders YanTober Day 7
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Love me, love him not
Yandere! Pitaya vs Yandere! Ananas (x reader)
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Two old dragons, they have seen all.
They fell in love with nice cookie.
they do not want to share with anyone, not even eachother.
They believe fighting to the death is the answer to all.
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“Yo, (name)! Theres a dragon fight going in the woods right now! Wanna get a closer!” Said your best cookie friend, (friends name).
“I dont know, that seems really dangerous…” It was twelve at night. Not a single cookie roaming the streets.
“Come on! We wont get that close, just enough we can see our way back and see the fight!” Well, you’ve always wanted see what dragon fight looked like.
“Wait, theres dragons stil alive?” Your finally process what your asked. Dragons havent been seen in along time.
“I know I know, sounds crazy, but we have to go see it before it ends!” (Friends name) grabs your arm and rushes out the house.
You both are in the forest, you cant see the kingdom from here and theres no trail back. “Theres no way we’ll make it back to the kingdom…”
“Its a once i life time chance! You need to get out the house more often..” (Friends name) stops in their tracks, “Over there! I hear them.” They go running, you follow behind.
You made it to the edge of a cliff, you look down and see two dragons. Theres blood on the ground and covering their scales. Those scale patterns remind you of the gifts you received at your door, they was a yellow box with the scale of one dragon and a pink and black with the scale of the other dragon. You decided thats not a good sign, you take one step back.
“Huh? Where are you goin-” your friend instantly closes their mouth and look back at the dragons who are now staring at you both. “Uh oh..”
You both blink and The dragons seems to disappear in thin air. “What, What happened?” You both look around and see no one. You look farther down the cliff and see two small figures. “Is that them?” You say. Your friend waves. “You idiot, what are you doing!” You say pulling (friends name) arm down.
“Whaat, they might be friendly.”
“Do you see the blood covering the ground! Thats not friendly…. come on we need to leave.”
When you got home you went to your room and fell asleep, (friends name) complained how tired they were and went to sleep on the couch. Knocking in the middle of the night woke them up. They opened the door to see the same cookies they say earlier that night.
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It was nine am, you woke up and went down to see if (Friend name) was awake since there was a weird smell filling the house.
“(Friends name)? (Friends name)-” you stopped talking when you saw the front door wide open. “So forgetful….” You close the door.
You walk over to the living room to see if (friends name) left that a mess too. You instead see two half cookie half dragons on your couch, they both look like they’re about to rip each other’s throats out.
“Oh, hello treasure. Howd you sleep?” The one with long white hair said.
“Dont, call them treasure, they’re mine.” The one with golden hair says.
You just stare, unresponsive.
“Oh please, like they would ever choose you Ananas.” The one with White laughs.
‘Ananas’ tackles the white haired one to the ground and start choking him. “I should have killed you when i had the chance.”
“How about we not! Atleast not in my house..” you say.
“Our first impression with them and you already made them upset, good job.” The white hair one says, still struggling under Ananas chokehold.
Ananas grabs the white hair one with one hand, gets up, and throws him out the door. “Mine.. You will never be Pitayas….” Ananas grabs you and forces your face into his chest.
“Oh come on..” Pitaya Groans as he get up. “That was a low blow….”
You finally were able to push yourself out of Ananas iron grip. “What is going on?!”
“I have been-”
“We, have been fighting for your love.” Ananas cut Pitaya off.
“Huh? I dont even know either of you..”
“You basically did. With all the gifts and protection we provided you. Last night was to decided-” Pitaya said.
“No, no no no! Im an not gonna be apart of this, you both need to leave. I dont know nor like you.” You begin to slightly shove them.
“After all this hard work, you wanna push us away? This isnt a safe option..” Ananas said.
“Just leave! I would never like either of you!”
They sigh and leave. “Playing hard to get huh? I’ll impress you one way or another…” Pitaya says.
You closed the door and walked back to your room. “This is all just a bad dream….” You put both your hands on your face. “I’ll just go back to sleep and tell (friends name) about it later….”
You woke up to the smell of burning. You look out your window and and see smoke covering it. You rushed out the front door and see fire spreading across the village. You continue to slowly walk out.
“Ya impressed yet?” Pitaya flys up next to you.
“Why would I….” You stop walking, looking down at the ground.
“You made us do it, I told you this wouldnt be the best option but you pushed us to it.” Ananas said flying to your other side.
“Now, Ananas are you ready? For the fight to the death..” Pitaya says flatly.
“Ive never been more ready Pitaya..” Ananas looks at you. “Dont think about running (Name), it’ll only make this situation worse…”
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Sonders YanTober day 2
yantober masterlist
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Medicine & Fences
Yandere! Millennial Tree x Reader
Warnings/tags: Needles, Kidnapping, Memory loss, drugging
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He was your everything. He treated you great, you never had to worry about danger reaching the house due to his strong companion. You could do anything you please as long as you didn’t go past the fence. That was the first rule, the second was to take your medicine and tell your lovely boyfriend when its running low, you dont mind tho, you had everything you’ve wanted and needed right here at home! So whats so bad about a few rules!
You do get lonely at times, you try to busy yourself with books, puzzles, stretching, baking, gardening, but after doing it for years, you’ve mastered those things and have barely anything to do. Sometimes you try to think of your life before Millennial Tree, but you just cant. Cant even remember when you both met! Its all just blur, it makes your head hurt trying to think of it. Millennial Tree just says take more medicine if that happens, so you do.
Today, you just used the last bit of medicine. Your head hurts so much, like Wind Archer shot an arrow through your head. Millennial Tree wasnt there and Wind Archer was out patrolling, so you went up to your bed and took a nap.
Usually you never have dreams, but today was different. It was your past, your family, friends, work, and everything. You then saw Millennial Tree. Youve never noticed the way he looked at you, it made you sick. he put something in your drink, sleeping powder maybe? As you continue to watch you noticed how tired you looked and how your eyes began shifting colors, then, it went dark. You shot up in a cold sweat, Millennial Tree besides you trying to get you up.
“My love? Darling!? Are you alright!?” He wraps his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest.
You just found out everything, The medicine was a way to keep you around his finger.
you dont respond to his question, you just stay quiet.
“Darling, please talk to me.” Millennial Tree pulls you off of him and looks you in the eyes.
“I..” You dont know what to say, what would you say. The man you thought you loved was just a lie. “Could you get me glass of water?” Anything to get him out of your sight.
“Of course.” He smiles and walks off, closing the door behind him.
You look out the window to the fence, what secrets does that hold?
“My love I’m-” Millennial Tree walks back in, your faced towards the window, you look more lifeless then before. “Maybe I should grab your medicine dear, sound like a plan?”
“Why?…” You’ve never mentioned the fence before.
“What are you talking about.”His smile drops, he places the glass of water on the table next your bed and sits next to you.
“What did you do to me?” You whisper, you look at Millennial Tree and see him start to frown.
“Seems like your medicine ran out, come on lets go.” Millennial Tree tries to grab your hand but you pull away. “Dont fight this.” He goes in to grab your leg, you try to kick him away but hes to strong.
“You disgusting bastard! You took me from my home and kept me like a some toy!” Millennial tree threw you over his shoulder, you kick and punch but its all useless.
“You wouldn’t accept my love so i had to show you somehow.” He walks down the stairs, past the main room, and into his study.
“So you kidnap me? You’re sick!” You continue to yell. Millennial Tree opens a secret hatch in the ground behind his desk. It opens and its a dark passage way.
“All you had to do was love me, thats it! You wanted Pure Vanilla, he would have never treated right.” His yelling made you silent, hes never yelled before.
When he reaches the bottom of the stairs, its a small room, one chair, one counter, and one needle. He grabs the needles then sets you in the chair. Without missing a beat he shoves the needle in your neck.
“Wind archer, write down this is our fifth time have a situation like this. We need an even stronger batch next time.”
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empty :)
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Sonders YanTober day 4
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Not Coffee
Yandere! Espresso x Reader
Warning/ Tags: Drugging, kidnapping
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You and Espresso met when you were both in school, you both were the best of friends. You parents forced you to move away because they didn’t want you practicing magic. They chose a private school in a far away kingdom. Espresso was heart broken when you left, you never told him you were leaving you just disappeared. He went to your house to see a ‘for sale’ sign in front. He asked your friends and family that are still in the kingdom, but they didn’t know either. Once he graduated, he went searching for you in near by kingdoms just to turn up empty handed.
He believed you would never forget him, that you’ll come back to him once your studies are done. He continued to practice dark coffee magic and get a job at your dream school, Parfaedia Institue, so once you come back he can the one to teach you everything you need to know.
You were an adult now. You still missed Espresso, you missed learning magic, and you definitely missed having the opportunity to go to your dream school. So, you decided to go back to see what changed.
Does Espresso still live in this kingdom? You thought as you were walking in to the kingdom you grew up in. Probably not, hes probably some magic genius in a well known kingdom.
You walked through the street, stopping and talking with old friends. Until, you spotted someone familiar. He had the same hairstyle and big glasses like Espresso, but could it really be him? He walks into building with a coffee bean in front. You decided to run after him. You open the builds doors and see brewing equipment.
“(Name)?” Espresso said with wide eyes.
“Espresso!” You run over and jump into his arms. “I’ve missed you so much!”
Espresso holds you tight, “Ive missed you much more.” You whispers into you ear.
You let go of him, “What have I missed?” You say with a toothy grin.
Espresso cheeks flush, he hasnt seen you in forever and you remember him? Its like a dream come true for him! “Not much, but do tell, what happened when you moved?”
You forgot you never told him about moving. “Well, I went to a school to prohibited magic.” You try to laugh it off.
Espressos face has a look of displeasure written over it.
“Dont be to upset! You stil learned dark coffee magic, right? Cant you teach me?” Espressos eyes lit up when you said that. You’re still avoiding to tell him that you cant stay in the kingdom for long, only a week.
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As the week progressed, he taught you the basic magic spells. Since you still remember the things you learned from last being in the kingdom it all went smoothly.
The week was coming to an end, you leave tomorrow afternoon. You had to tell Espresso this time and not let me suffer with you leaving randomly again.
You and espresso where hanging out in his office, he had some paper work and you decided to tag along.
“Is everything alright? You’ve been on edge this entire time.” Espresso says, still looking at his paper work.
You take a deep breath and tell him your leaving tomorrow. Espresso stops writing and you both sit in awkward silence that lasted seconda but felt like hours.
“Well, before you leave. Could I take you out to get coffee? I made anew batch and I want to try it at least once.” Espresso looks at you and smiles.
“Well, why not!” You say, your racing heart starts to slow down.
That night, espresso spent it all working on a love spell. He loved you so much and couldn’t let you leave him again. Lattes body is in the basent for trying to flirt with you, no one can have you besides him!
Once he perfected the love potion, it was about time for you both to meet for breakfast and coffee. He started some normal coffee and the coffee with the love potion infused into it.
That was you, you both decided to meet at espressos house so you can have coffee fresh from the pot.
“Welcome (name).” Espresso greets you, he smelled of strong coffee.
“Hello Espresso! Im glad we decided on an early time, my mothers carriage will be here earlier than planned to get me.” You walk into his house, the coffee smell is even stronger than before.
I guess I must move faster than planned, he thought. “Well thats just fine, everythings already ready.” Espresso leads you to the dining room, the table already set.
You both sat and talked, he said the coffee will be just a little while longer. Once he brought it out, you couldnt help but take sip instantly. The flavor was oddly sweet and not bitter.
“W-wow! Um, may I ask whys it sweet?” You say, not trying to be rude.
“What do you mean dear?” Espresso says smiling.
The world began to spin and you saw stars. That was definitely not coffee. You began to cough, “What was in that?”
“My love, you think I would just give you up so easily? I finally have you after all this time, you owe me this.” He picks you up bridal style and carries you off as you fade out into unconsciousness.
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Sonders YanTober Day 5
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Me not You
Yandere! Lilac x Reader
warnings/tags: kidnapping, death, manipulation
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You always felt like you’re not alone. You feel something or someones always watching you.
“You are just paranoid! I would never let that happen to you!” Your lover, Yogurt Cream, said.
“I mean, maybe? But I swear theres someone always watching, even when Im in the bathroom!”
“Enough with the jokes, this has been going on for months.” Yogurt Cream put his hand on his head and sighs.
“I…” you’re done trying to defend yourself. But you weren’t done trying to find out whos watching you. “Fine.” You walk off, back to your room.
While walking down the corridor, you still felt eyes on you. You look around, theres no one, all the doors are closed. “Who ever you are, just show yourself!” Of course, no one comes out, so you sigh and continue walking. The scent of lilacs lightly filling the air.
You knew of your lovers bodyguard, Lilac, but since Yogurt Cream is back home for the meantime. He let Lilac go of and do whatever he pleases. Ever since they’re been back, someone has been watching you. The scent of lilac can never seem to leave your nose. It just had to have been him! When you both met he was odd, whenever you were alone he kept saying something under his breath. He would always stare at you, no matters who’s around. Yogurt Cream just says ‘he just wants to protect you as much as me. I have many people after me, he wants to make sure they’re not after you to.’
During the night, the scent was stronger, like he was right next to you. The smell was the over whelming, your head felt like it was spinning and you were on the brink of passing out. Your heart began to beat faster and breathing felt harder. A cookies comes into vision and covers your mouth with a cloth.
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“Where are they!?” Yogurt Cream yells as he runs out do your room. He expected to see you still asleep in bed, his schedule at home always starts with waking you up.
Lilac comes around the corner. “Lilac! Have you seen anyone odd in the castle? My love is gone!”
Lilac shakes his head, and seems to start a patrol of the castle. Yogurt Cream had everyone interrogated, but not his dear bodyguard, he set up poster around the city.
“I dont know what im gonna do if I cant find them.” Yogurt Cream sobbed.
“I promise sir we’ll find them.” One of the cookie servants said.
“Im back from setting up the posters.” Lilac said as he’s walking in.
“Well..” Yogurt creams wipes his eyes. “We’ll continue the search in the morning… I just hopes they’re alright.”
“You’re finally awake..” You heard a voice say.
you slowly open your eyes, you cant move your arms nor legs, and your laying on the floor. You’re in what looks like an abandoned building. The walls are yellow with black mold spreading across them. The carpet is torn up in certain spots. “Wha- What happened?”
“You’re tied up, thats all you need to know.” Lilac walks closer to you, leaning down to be closer to you. “You’re a waste of my time so I’ll make this short. You are not worthy of Yogurt Cream.”
“What are you talking about?!” You always believed you were a good lover to Yogurt Cream.
“He needs someone that will always he there for him, your just here, i dont know what he sees in you..” Lilac grips your chin and forces your head up. “Just stop trying while your ahead.”
“How could you! He trust you so much!-” Lilac drops your head and it hits the hard floor, you grown in pain.
“Exactly, he trust me but chose you..” Lilac, walks across the room, metal clinks, he walks back.
He drops the items in front of your face, its his chakrams.
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“I will make this quick and painless, Im feeling merciful..”
“Sir Lilac! Sir Lilac!” A servant cookie came running to find Lilac throughout the manor.
“Sir Yogurt Cream needs you!”
Like the flash, he was gone to go find Yogurt Cream in a second.
Lilac walked into Yogurt Creams room. Yogurt Cream is holding a piece a paper, hes sobbing worse than he did.
“Lilac….Th-they’re gone..” Yogurt Cream say between sobs. “They found their body this morning..”
Its alright, Lilac will always be there for him..
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Sonders YanTober Day 8
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Hotel Horror Story
Yandere! Eclair x Reader, Earl Grey x Sonder
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“Hey Earl Grey! I found this old book in one of the older hotel rooms..” Sonder says walking up to Earl Grey whose cleaning the front desk off.
“Whats it about?” He asked.
Sonder skims the back of the book, some words are crossed off. “Hm… Royalty, knights, a scholar, ooo and a hotel…. Seems like its about the old kingdom. Remember the one that was taken over by a mad man then it crumbled when he took control? Yeah, that one, the books called My Love for them, wanna read it together?”
“Im a little busy cleaning, do read it aloud for me Dear?”
“My pleasure” Sonder sits in one of the chairs behind the front desk and begins to read aloud.
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Once upon a time.
Deep into the unknown forest. The sun does not shine, only the light of the moon. Where dragons roam.
Theres a hotel, hiding away the kingdoms queens first born. They was taken the day they turned eighteen, the day they were supposed to get married to prince of foreign kingdom. Never to be seen again.
Before all this, they were in love with their dear bodyguard, such a forbidden relationship. The knight was hurt beyond belief, a month into his grieving he told his parents he was off to go find you. They pleaded and begged for him to not go, not to risk his life. He continued to get his armor on and left on a journey that will risk him his life. Many knights have went and have never returned.
it was long and tedious journey. bugs would keep the knight from sleep. Monsters coming and going. His chest plate was holding on by a thread it seemed, it did him no good. It covered little to nothing but he still kept it on. His food supply began to dwindle but he never lost confidence or hope.
After days, maybe weeks of walking and fighting. He was just outside the hotel. He noticed no dragons in sight. The outside of the hotel was freezing to the touch. There were lights coming from all around the inside of the hotel.
He began to push the huge doors open, they creaked and fought against him. When he finally got it open enough to get in, he walked in to see an elegant interior. The walls had intricate designs, there were paintings hung all around. As the knight got closer looks, it was you. He walks further into the hotel, the stairs creaked and groaned as he walks up them. He goes to the second floor, the corridor has different wall designs but still theres paintings of you. His cheek started to heat up and heart began to skip beats as he proceeds further in the hotel, the you in the paintings seem to loose more articles of clothing.
the lights at the end seem to not be lit, but by the moon light shining through the windows he can see a door at the end of the hallway, Its made of some type of metal.
The dear knight reached the door, he got a closer a look and the door seems to be rusted in some areas. He tried the door nob, no use. He then tried to shove it open with his shoulder, no use. He fidgeted with the nails to see if he can completely take the door off.
He heard muffled sounds coming from behind the metal door, it came to a stop, he stopped, the door cracked open. From just the crack in door, it seemed to be a bed room. He walked in, you were tied up on the bed, gag covering your mouth. You were in a blue and vanilla outfit, sitting on top of an elegant king sized bed. More paintings filled the room, but it was you with another man.
He looked back over to you when he heard you muffle words. There were tears pooling in your eyes, you kept looking at something behind him and then back at him. He quickly figured out and turned around. There was a man in red stained clothes, sword in hand. But it was too late, the man in red stained clothes stabbed him in the heart, his broken chest plate not provided any protection. You began to scream, still, they were muffled.
The man walked over to you, he was also the man in the paintings, Eclair. His clothes has been stained red over the countless knights that came for you.
Eclair undid you bindings, he kept your gag on. You began to thrash and cry, trying to reach the dead man that layed across the floor. Eclair gripped your wrist tight, pulling you to his chest, blood began to smear on you and your clothes.
Your lover, your suppose-to-be knight in shining armor was you last hope at escaping this hell. So many knights came, all received a similar fate.
You reach for your gag and yank it off. You look Eclair in the eyes, ready to say something. You open your mouth and nothing comes out, tears continue to blur your vision. Eclair looked at you and smiled, not saying a word. He picks you up and places you in chair thats in the corner of the room, his painting chair. He places your dead lovers body next you, then gets a canvas and easel. He grabs his paint and brushes, stands in front of the canvas. Before he starts he says,
“This is a big celebration, your dear bodyguard has been killed, it deserves to be remembered through out history. Once your parents are dead, I’ll paint their heads on pitchforks and hang it for all to see. The entire world deserves to see how much work I put into loving you, but for now, things that happen in the hotel stays in the hotel.”
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Sonder stops reading.
“Hm? Why’d you stop reading? I was actually interested..” Earl grey says.
Sonder and Earl Grey are now curled up together with a blanket on a sofa to the side of the hotel lobby. The lights are off besides a small lamp to their left.
“The pages are ripped out… I’ll go back to the room to see if I can find them.” Sonder got up and left for the room.
Some time passed, Earl Grey was getting inpatient. He decided to look around the hotel for Them. He first went to the second floor since those are the oldest rooms in the building. He started calling out their name, no answer. He saw a slightly cracked door at the end of the hallway and went to it.
Some more time passed. Sonder found the pages and went back to the lobby. “Sorry it took so long Earl grey, but I found some more pages and this weird painting of (name)… Earl Grey?” The blanket was on the ground and Earl Grey was not in sight.
Sonder decided to walk up the stair, they knew Earl Grey would probably go looking for them sooner or later. the stairs started squeaking. “Thats weird, that never happens…” They continue down the hallway. “Earl Grey! Earl Grey are you here?”
As Sonder continues, as she gets closer to the end of the hall, the last door slightly cracks open. “Earl Grey! Haha, if you’re trying to scare me you’ll have to do better.” The door fully opens, the silhouette of Earl Grey is seen in the dark. “Oh! Is that the room thats similar in the book? Awesome!” They cheerfully say.
Earl Grey suddenly drops once Sonders basically touching the door, a cookie with a big hat and blood stained clothes is shown. Earl grey was bloody and dead on the ground. They started walks closer to Sonder as they back up. “Wont you tell me where (name) is? You have my painting of them…Give them back..”
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Sonders YanTober Day 6
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Your eyes only
Yandere! Raspberry mousse x Reader
Warning/tags: Manipulation, mentions of forced marriage
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He just wants your eyes on him only. He doesn’t care how man people came to watch his sparring match, as long as your watching, its all that matter. Please, just keep looking at him.
You were in the crowd for his sparring match. Youve been friend since you were both young.
“Raspberry Mousse Cookie! White Choco! Are you ready?” Said the announcer. They both nod and get into position.
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It was after the match, everyone was waiting for Raspberry Mousse outside so they can congratulate them. But you, you were invited inside. Since the match was held at the Raspberry Manor, Raspberry Mousse went there after he won.
You were roaming the bright halls, red and white intricately designed walls could be seen left and right. You look at the huge windows and see a crown of people waiting.
“(Name), over here.” You look forward and see Raspberry Mousse, he was taking off his hat.
“Oh! Raspberry Mousse!” You went running over there to him.
You both started talking, mostly about anything. The conversation lasted for a while, time flying by.
“Sir, the people are waiting-” A guard came up and said.
“Well let them wait longer, Im busy.” Raspberry Mousse snapped back. The guard left immediately.
“Maybe that was a little to much Mousse, the people have been waiting-”
“But Im with you right now, you’re more important.”
You walk over to the window and see the crowd, theres pictures being taken, mics, and more entourage. Some of them start to notice you, cameras start facing the window.
“Uh oh, I didnt mean to get their attention.” You tried backing up but run into Raspberry Mousses chest.
“You said they’ve been waiting, right? Why cant we give them a show..”
“Huh-” He turns you around and kisses you. “Mousse! What was that for!” He doesn’t respond, he just holds you closer to his chest.
“Im giving you want you wanted. You said they shouldn’t wait any longer..”
“Thats not what I meant! And, I see you only as a friend..” you say the last part quietly while walking off, heading off to the backdoor so no one will see you.
Raspberry Mousse waits a second to process everything, then goes after you. “Please (name)! Wait up my love, don’t be mad at me.”
“Im not your love!” You say as you speed up.
“Dont say that!” He gets faster and grabs your arm and yanks you closer to him. “(Name), please look at me..”
“They took pictures… They’re gonna think we’re together-"
“And your saying we havent been this entire time?”
“We haven’t-” Raspberry mousse continues to cut you off.
“Dont lie, we treat each other like lovers. I see how you look at me, how you smile every time someone mentions me. We are basically together.”
“Well I dont love you, i see you as a friend and thats it!” You yank your arm back.
“Like you said, they took pictures, everyone already believes we’re together, we must make it official. I truly never wanted the public to know of my private life, but if this is what it takes for you to love me then Im willing to risk it all for you.” He lifts your chin with his finger.
You pause before responding. “You’re disgusting…”
“I love you too (name).” He begins to walk off, leaving you to process everything in the middle of the corridor. “Also, you wont be leaving anytime soon. Ive already had a letter sent to your family about an engagement I plan to do and I need you here for it to go through.” The clicking of his shoes slowly fade out as you continue to understand what your life has become.
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kalopses-sonderes · 1 year
Day 2 of C.ai Yantober/flufftiber is out!
Yan! Pure Vanilla cookie
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kalopses-sonderes · 1 year
Any character yall do wanna see if I do make the fics im time?
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kalopses-sonderes · 1 year
Yantober/flufftober day 4 out now!
All links on pinned post^^
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kalopses-sonderes · 1 year
Day 3 of fluff/yantober out!
Fluff! Herb cookie
All links on pinned post^^
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
yantober day 9 will be delayed‼️
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