#song xuanren
mcheang · 4 years
What if Feng Jiu was an experienced kisser
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I assume Song Xuanren knew how to kiss someone. Sure he had a lack of interest in women, but so did Dijun, and he clearly knew what he was doing.
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So when Feng Jiu woke up in Aranya’s Dream, she believed she just finished being Dong Hua’s love trial. Seeing Dong Hua, she thinks she is dreaming because she thinks he is still Song Xuanren, but since she just broke Xuanren’s heart, and she won’t ever get another chance like that, why not take advantage of this dream and fulfill her heart’s desires?
Tugging on Dong Hua’s lapel, Feng Jiu latched her lips to his.
Initially she did nothing beyond crushing their lips together, but then she poked her tongue out and licked his lips, exploring the icy, glassy taste.
Dong Hua trembled at that, his eyes staring at her closed lids.
Recalling how Song Xuanren kissed her, Feng Jiu decided to return the favour. But since this was no longer a love trial, she wasn’t going to hold back anymore. Also, she never did get to explore the emperor’s mouth...
Feng Jiu’s tongue entered Dong Hua’s mouth and started to explore every inch. Her tongue pressed down on Dong Hua’s so it couldn’t hinder her movement.
After Feng Jiu was sure she had given Dong Hua a thorough kiss and could be satisfied with how well she had taken advantage of this dream Dijun, she retreated and stared at his handsome visage. Beaming, at least she got to live her dream in...well, her dream.
Then Dong Hua leaned back down to kiss her some more. Feng Jiu easily kept pace. She was surprised by the dream’s initiative but hey, she wasn’t going to complain.
After a very long makeout, things started to get even more heated. Feng Jiu’s experience with romance was limited. She got as far as pushing Dong Hua down to the bed, straddling him, and finally tugging open his lapels before she just sat there staring at him, dazed and confused. What was she supposed to do next?
Dong Hua’s clouded gaze landed on her. “Why did you stop?”
Feng Jiu: I’m not sure what to do next. In aunty’s plays, the candles are supposed to be blown out and then morning comes. But there are no candles now.
Dong Hua: did you also learn to kiss from the playscripts?
Feng Jiu shook her head. “No, you taught it to me.”
Dong Hua: I did?
Feng Jiu: well, your mortal incarnation did.
Dong Hua:...how many times did my mortal incarnation kiss you?
Feng Jiu: I’m not sure.
It was only a few times but Dong Hua suspected many times. How unfair that he could not remember!
Feng Jiu: what am I supposed to do next
Dong Hua: I don’t think I should tell you right now.
Feng Jiu: why not?
Dong Hua: first, answer this question. What is the last thing you remember?
Feng Jiu faltered. “How could I forget? After I left you, I brought Ye Qingti’s body to Xie Guchou. He told me that the way to save Qingti was to retrieve the Saha fruit. But where am I supposed to find one? Since you are just a dream, do you have any suggestions from my subconscious?”
Dong Hua: so the reason behind your actions is that you think you are dreaming. I wondered why you didn’t get mad.
Feng Jiu: aren’t you a dream?
Upon realization, Feng Jiu’s face flamed and she leaped off Dong Hua’s body and quickly hid under the blanket.
Feng Jiu: I am sick! I am delirious with fever. You should leave me be and ignore whatever just happened.
Dong Hua, of course, does not. Since Feng Jiu was currently suffering amnesia, she wasn’t angry with him. This was going to be much easier for him.
Cue Dong Hua introducing Aranya’s Dream, apologies for neglecting her as a fox, and lying that they are engaged. He had chased after her once he returned to Taichen Palace. And after all, if they weren’t engaged, why would he have allowed her to kiss him.
And the rest follows as Canon.
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dreamingsushi · 5 years
Eternal Love of Dream - Episode 22
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Still trying to move on. Still trapped by my love for Ye Qingti. Don’t show me donghua, I don’t care about him and his tears. He woke up and a servant whose I don’t remember his name comes. He says that if he wants to know what happened, he can just ask Siming. But Donghua is like no need to since it’s already all in the past.
Nie Chuyin got his hands on the soul sealing jade and is hesitating about if he should give it or not to the Demon queen. What if she doesn’t keep her promise? Then he won’t be able to give back the power to his tribe and he might even die.
Yan Chiwu is working really hard to make Ji Heng get back her memories. Seems like he found a way. But the process hurts her a lot. I think she sealed herself her memories. He says it’s okay if it didn’t work, he’ll find another way, even though he already tried many. But it worked and she remembers everything. He’s so happy when she call out his name. I am sad for him somehow. Because he will never get her, I can feel it. Nice guys never get the girl. She asks him why is he so nice to her and he just says because he likes her, of course he should treat her well. He says he will never give up on her. She asks him to go get some herbs for her, but she’s probably going to leave.
Lian Song goes to see Siming and asks about what happened to Donghua for his trial but Siming won’t say anything. So Lian Song asks him if tries to keep protecting that person, isn’t it because he has a crush? He denies that and says the person who wants to protect that person is Chengyu. lol. He asks if it was a woman or a man though, and Siming is like who do you think Donghua spent his trial with a man or a woman?
Nie Chuyin decided to give the demon Queen the soul locking jade.
Chiyan gets back home only to see that Ji Heng left. She gave a note in which he instructed not to follow her. He then finds Nie Chuyin and fights with him. He asks him he would hurt her but he claims that he saved her. That she stayed in the mortal realm willingly.
Fengjiu is going back to Qingqiu. Chengyu is waiting for her there. She asks her if she’s wearing so plain clothes because of Song Xuanren, but she says it’s because of Ye Qingti. Yeah, you should. Poor Qingti. She says she realized now that she wasn’t trying to pay back her debt, but she just couldn’t give up Donghua. It cost the life of Ye Qingti and almost ruined Donghua’s trial. Now she really gave up.
BAI QIAN! My dear Bai Qian, she’s going to ease my heart, sill so hurt by Qingti’s death. Awww my Bai Qian <3 She scolds a little bit Fengjiu and asks how come her body’s hurt from using her powers in the mortal realm. She scolds her a little bit more, she can lose face, but she can’t let Qingqiu lose face. She trusts her though and we make the medicine for her to heal. When Fengjiu leaves, Bai Qian asks Ahli to go and see if he can make Fengjiu a little less sad.
So Fengjiu makes Ah Li dress like a girl, Wow. Maybe they used a little girl to play Ah li just for that scene, I don’t know haha. There are going to the village. Really quickly, Fengjiu lost Ahli. His love for bingtang hulu hasn’t changed. When Fengjiu tries to look for him, she saves somebody. Then that person asks for her name and she’s trying to not say it when Ah Li runs in calling her Fengjiu which makes everybody recognize her and bow to her. Hahaha. Ah Li <3 They have no choice but to go back then. Back home, Fengjiu sends Ah Li back to his mom. Ah Li is such a smart child though.
Lian Song tries to convince Chengyu to help him at organizing some event, but she doesn’t want to and he keeps on humiliating himself. I like that couple much more than the main one haha. They are more interesting. I really don’t care for Donghua and Fengjiu hahaha. Why I am still watching this? Just to know if my Qingti will come back and meet a girl a thousand times better than Fengjiu. And because the ost is beautiful. I always listen to the whole opening and the whole ending songs. I love them a lot!
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sarah-yyy · 5 years
protect!!!! ye qingti!!!!!!!
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woo-do-hwan · 5 years
sneak peek at my commentary/review for eternal love of dream: ‘GOD DAMNIT SONG XUANREN!’
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spontaneousellipsis · 3 years
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VENGO GAO WEIGUANG as SONG XUANREN Eternal Love of Dream (2020) dir. Yang Xuan, wr. Liang Zhenhua
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emynarnen · 4 years
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Costume Appreciation: 三生三世枕上书
50 Shades of Purple Donghua/Song Xuanren (21/?)
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        For those going into Three Lives Three Worlds The Pillowbook, don’t expect Song Xuanren - he’s a fabrication of Eternal Love of Dream. Emperor Song was in his 40s, had an 18 year old son, many wives/consorts, and literally yeet Lady Chen (Feng Jiu) after four years because she wrote a love letter to one of her fellow consorts as an attempt to break his heart. When all he did was give her to Qingti to have as a second wife (while also giving him a main wife at the same time). Qingti was married to her for five years until his time of death (age 23 til age 28). Those five years which he spent in love with Feng Jiu, who he knew was an immortal, and who refused to return feeling (note, it does not say she d i d n ‘ t have feeling, just that she refused). 
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heartgateway · 5 years
To those who have read Three Lives Three Worlds, The Pillow Book . I’m watching the drama and out of curiosity I went and give a look at the book’s synopsis and noticed the book begins with Bai Qian’s marriage. So I was wondering: the part in the drama that takes place in the mortal world, with Song Xuanren snd Ye Qingti, was it completely invented by the scriptwriters or is there a corresponding part in the book later on?
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outpostsofbabel · 5 years
On Names
Demigods and Semi-devils is a phrase that comes from Buddhist scripture. Many Mahayana scriptures describe how eight non-human beings looked on as Buddha preached to bodhisattvas and monks. In the Lotus Sutra, for example, it is said that these eight beings “beheld from afar the dragon’s daughter becoming a buddha”. These eight mystical beings may resemble humans, but they are not human. Chief among them are the Deva and the Naga; the other six are the Yaksha, Gandharva, Asura, Garuda, Kimnara, and Mahoraga.
According to Buddhist scripture, Deva are gods but not supreme beings; they merely enjoy greater and longer-lasting karmic rewards than mortal men. Buddhists hold that everything is transient, and therefore even the Deva must die. There are five signs of a Deva’s imminent death: their clothes will be soiled, the flowers on their head wither, their bodies will stink, sweat will come out of their armpits, and they no longer delight in their place. These are the five great sorrows of heaven, and they are a Deva’s greatest sorrows. Indra is the leader of the Deva.
Naga are dragon gods. The dragons in Buddhist scriptures are not so different from those in the tales of our own country, except that they have no feet, and pythons are occasionally called dragons. In actual fact, the Chinese understanding of dragons and dragon kings is largely derived from these scriptures. Buddhist scriptures make mention of the Fifth Dragon King, the Seventh Dragon King, the Eighth Dragon King and so on.
The ancient Indians revered dragons. They felt that the dragon was the strongest of all creatures living in the water, and that the elephant was the most powerful of all creatures living on land. This is why greatly-respected personages are called “dragon-elephants”*. When someone says that “a dragon-elephant approaches from the west”, this refers to an eminent monk that has come from the west. In ancient India, people believed that rain was water that dragons took from the sea and scattered on earth. The Chinese also accepted this belief. The almanacs indicate how the number of dragons carrying water impacted rainfall for the year. One of the dragon kings was called Sagara, and his eight-year-old daughter spoke of the scriptures to the Shakyamuni Buddha, became a boy, and attained enlightenment.
The Yaksha are a type of demon, and some have been termed the “Eight Yaksha Generals” or “Sixteen Great Yaksha Generals”. The original Yaksha were gods that ate demons, were nimble and agile, as well as brave and secretive. The Vimalakirti Sutra divides the Yaksha into three categories: those that live on earth, those that float in space, and those that live in the fork between night and day. These days, when we speak of Yaksha, we typically refer to demons. But in the Buddhist scriptures there were many good Yaksha. Indeed, the task of the Eight Yaksha generals was to protect all the beings of the world.
The Gandharva are spirits that neither eat nor drink, but subsist on fragrances. They are the chief beings that wait upon Indra, and their bodies give off a fragrance. In Sanskrit, gandharva means “inscrutable change”. For that reason, magicians are also known as gandharva, and mirages are called gandharva cities. Their fragrance and music are faint, indistinct, and hard to capture.
Asura are a unique race of spirits because the males are terribly ugly, while the females are exceedingly beautiful. The King of the Asura often goes to war with Indra and the Deva, for the Asura have beautiful women but not good food, and Indra has good food but not beautiful women. There is a mutual jealousy and a desire to possess what the other side has. Every battle between the Asura and Indra sets the earth into tumult. For this reason, the aftermath of terrible, corpse-strewn battles are known as “asura grounds”. The King of the Asura is typically defeated in these battles. Once, after being roundly beaten, he had nowhere to hide and slipped into the hollows in a lotus root. 
The King of the Asura is irascible, stubborn and quick to jealousy. When the Shakyamuni Buddha speaks of the four domains of mindfulness, the Asura king is quick to speak of the five domains of mindfulness. When the Buddha speaks of the 37 qualities conducive to enlightenment, the Asura king is quick to say that there are 38 qualities. There are many examples of this in the Buddhist scriptures. The King of the Asura has great power and ability, but he is often deliberately contrary and his mindset is “the more chaos, the better”. He is also very suspicious. In the Great Treatise on the Perfection of Wisdom, it is written that the King of the Asura “was frequently suspicious of Buddha... when Buddha spoke of Five Clusters, he said there were six; when Buddha spoke of the Four Noble Truths, he said there were five.” The Five Clusters and Four Noble Truths are all basic concepts in Buddhism. But the Asura king feared that Buddha deliberately left out one of each because he sided with Indra.
The Garuda are large birds with many solemn colours on their wings. They have a large growth on their heads, which contains a lucky jewel. These birds have sorrowful cries and eat dragons. The old myths say that the general Yue Fei was the reincarnation of a “mythical, golden-winged bird”. The Garuda is that bird. The Garuda need to eat one dragon king and 500 smaller dragons each day. When they are about to die, they spit poison and are unable to eat. They fly up and down seven times before flying to the Jingganglun Mountains to die. During their lifetimes, Garuda accumulate a great deal of poison in their bodies from all the dragons they eat. When they die, this is released and they burn to death. All that is left of a dead Garuda is its heart, which has the clarity of green glass.
In Sanskrit, Kimnara means “the one who looks like man, but is not man”. Kimnara look like men but have a single horn on their heads, which is why they have been given this name. They enjoy music and dancing, and bring happiness to Indra.
Mahoraga are huge python deities. They have a man’s body and a snake’s head.
Demigods and Semi-Devils is set during the Northern Song Dynasty. It is a story of the Dali Kingdom in Yunnan.
The Dali Kingdom was a Buddhist kingdom, and its kings were Buddhist. They often set aside their station to take up monkhood - a very strange and unique phenomenon in our country’s history. Of the Dali kings, Shengde, Xiaode, Baoding, Xuanren, Zhenlian, Shenzong and others abdicated to become monks. The South King in The Legend of the Condor Heroes was a Dali king. Demigods and Semi-Devils takes place before the events in that book. This book takes place between the Yuanyou and Shaosheng eras, around 1094 AD.
The eight beings classified as demigods and semi-devils have their own characteristics and magical abilities. Although they are beings from outside our world, they experience the joys and pains of the mortal world. This novel does not contain such mythological beings, but merely uses these beings from Buddhist scriptures to represent certain characters. This is similar to how Sun Erniang in The Water Margin is known as the Female Yaksha, or Ou Peng as Golden Wings Brushing the Clouds.
* I couldn’t find a proper translation for this term.
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dreamingsushi · 5 years
Eternal Love of Dream - Episode 16
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So the King gives a lot of gifts to Xiaojiu but she doesn’t seem to be very happy about them. And she indeed isn’t really happy and asks him to take them back because it makes her feel uncomfortable. Being appointed as a wife is already more than enough. So he was giving her all of this to make up for having her sent to jail when she was innocent and he’s worried that she resents him. But of course, she doesn’t. So he asks her what does she want then. So she holds his hand and starts a phrase, but she can’t seem to remember. It’s something Ye Hua says to Bai Qian and makes happy. She tries to says it again, but she really can’t remember, but Xuanren completes it for her. So basically, it’s a wish to grow old together.
While doing his round with the other soldiers, Qingti comes across Fengjiu’s palace and she asks to have a talk with him. He agrees. He also had something to tell her, but before he can even say anything, she gives him a whole bunch of ointment. He was about to give back to her the ointment she gave him previously. Poor Qingti. If he finishes it, just ask for some more so she doesn’t have to see him injured anymore. My heart aches so much for him TT
Next thing you know, Xuanren wants to take her somewhere, but when they are about to leave, the eunuch comes in because Chuwan is sick. It seems like Xuanren doesn’t really want to go see her, but Fengjiu convinces him to go and have a look, they can go out some other time, somebody’s life is more important. He agrees, but she has to go with him. He called the imperial doctor, but when he takes her pulse, he can’t really understand why it is so weird, he never saw something like this before. Fengjiu says it’s normal that her pulse would be weird since she’s from the demon clan. Chuwan also knows that, well she knows she’s not exactly normal and asks to be able to rest for two days before they invite doctors to look at her.
Oh wow. He takes her to the secret hiding of the jade. Then he kind of pats underneath her jaw and her fox side kind of gets awaken. She’s like “how nice Diju” and then realizes what she just said. And did probably, because it’s extremely weird. He touches the jade and starts shining. His said that it’s because it’s a sign he should protect it. Then he tells Fengjiu to touch it too and see if it will shine too. And it does and he’s so excited. He wants her to help to enhance the traps in the hidden palace, so it’s better guarded.
Xuanren hurts himself and Fengjiu gets angry because he wasn’t paying attention hence got injured. She fortunately had ointment on her and she treats his wound. Then realized she didn’t follow the rules again and she asks for punishment. But then he’s like I liked how you were treating me, I am sure my dad and mom were like this together too. And they finally kiss. It was kind of about time. However, she shouldn’t let him kiss her. She has to break his heart... Anyways. She then remembers what Siming said, that Xuanren isn’t Donghua and she stops kissing him to go back working on the plans.
A few days later? Xuanren goes to Fengjiu’s palace to enjoy the full moon and he plays guqin for her. So she dances for him. Then... I am not sure, is it a dream or did it happen? They did sleep together? I hope not. So it was a dream, she never came to his palace. Good. Yep, he drank too much and Qingti took him back to his own palace. It’s sure they are going to use Qingti to break those two apart but... it’s going to kill the poor guy... He won’t even have a little love from Xiaojiu.
He calls Qingti and asks if he ever said anything weird when he was sleepy, but he was passed out because of alcohol. Then he says he actually called Qingti so he could taste his baked sweet potatoes. Qingti is like what the hell. Xuanren asks him how does it taste and he’s like... erm... well it tastes like baked sweet potato? But Xuanren is like, no but compared to the baked potatoes you had before, is it better. Poor Qingti, he doesn’t know, he doesn’t eat that. So he’s like, but is it better than the ones you baked? And Qingti is thinking omg he’s going crazy, I never baked sweet potatoes. Xuanren is just so happy about that. He says lately he just loves eating baked potatoes and is doing research in how to make it even better. Qngti probably thinks his king has gone mad and apologizes for not being able to help.
Xuanren made a cake for Xiaojiu and calls it Baihe. The name comes from 百年好合(bǎi nián hǎo hé) which is a wish Chinese people make for a couple to live happily ever after, basically. He made them like this so the meaning behind it is even better than the Wuyou gao. He really wants to surpass that man in Fengjiu’s past.
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dreamingsushi · 5 years
Eternal Love of Dream - Episode 13
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The episode just started, like... it has not been more than a minute and I am already heartbroken. Fengjiu becomes a girl all over again and... YOU SHOULD SEE THE FACE OF THAT POOR QINGTI. I am so sad. Poor little baby. He was doubting his feelings for Xiaojiu and now he realizes she’s a woman. And if she decided to reveal herself, than probably she has feelings for Xuanren, aka his best friend, sworn brother and master. That is just sooooo cruel.
Arrrgh. That Xuanren annoys me so much. And poor Qingti in the back. I hope she won’t keep on falling in love with Xuanren as he is somewhat Dijun and actually will notice how Qingti is better for her. And that they will die together for betraying his majesty. At least, I would be satisfied, even though I absolutely don’t want Qingti to die. He’s my favorite TT
Fengjiu get to chose a maid to take her of her and she choses one that has a butterfly mark on her neck. Seems she’s the reincarnation of that butterfly she liked back at the palace. While talking with her, Fengjiu realizes she might have to sleep with Xuanren hahaha. It’s okay, Qing qiu people aren’t so strict about that. But I believe Fengjiu never spent the night with any guy, so she must be startled.
Naturally, when she comes back from her bath, Xuanren is there waiting for her. Ayo. Poor lady. Oh god. They are sitting on the bed and Fengjiu is just so uncomfortable and Xuanren keeps on touching her. And he’s... why so unoriginal? “the more I look at you, the more I think you’re beautiful” Please. We know you think she’s gorgeous, you saw her like three second and decided that you were in love with her. And he’s just... so confident that she likes him back. Well she kind of does, but... dude, you’re the king, she doesn’t really have a choice. She then starts coughing and says she’s worried she would transmit the disease to him and he seems so disappointed that he has to leave now.
Next thing you know, Fengjiu is baking sweet potatoes again and as you would expect, mister King wants to have a taste. Then she explains why she loves sweet potatoes more than anything else, as it was someone who baked it for her once and he gets all jealous and unhappy. Well, that person is you, but also not you, but you, so don’t be too unhappy.
Ji Heng tricks Xuanren into giving her attention by making him think of his deceased mother. Then, on her way to see the empress dowager, she bumps into Xuanren’s big brother who intercepted her letter to Nie Chuyin. He threatens her a little bit, but that’s about it.
Then as he promised, Xuanren goes to keep company to consort Chuwan for her mother’s death anniversary, but he doesn’t really look like he wants to be there and not long after, there are news that Xiaojiu fainted so he rushes to her. Sorry Ji Heng, you won’t have the opportunity to keep his majesty’s company. He’s not interested at all into you.
An episode rather slow, not a lot of action, just Fengjiu being a consort and a little sick. Absolutely not enough of Ye Qingti. I hope we will see him later. And that Fengjiu elopes with him. And then kills herself when Xuanren catches them because he killed Ye Qingti. That would be enough of a love trial for Donghua and I would be satisfied about my poor baby. I am not really into fanfics, the last time I ever wrote one I was probably thirteen year old (makes me feel so old now), but if I am too displeased with the development of that story, I might as well just do it and ease my heart on that matter. Anyone else wishing for Ye Qingti and Fengjiu to be together? Or am I just the crazy one because I love the guy so much? Actually, Fengjiu is probably no good for him. He deserves much better but the heart choses where it belongs and doesn’t listen to the brain...
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dreamingsushi · 5 years
Eternal Love of Dream - Episode 21
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Xuanying rushes at his little brother to kill him with the demonic blade Nie Chuyin gave him. Xiaojiu is fighting alongside with Xuanren and she gets stabbed in the process.
Qingti comes along and meets with Nie Chuyin’s underling. NOO. If he dies, I am going to be sooooo mad. Thank god he did not. THANK GOD. That other dude uses his magic powers to flee. Qingti doesn’t run after him and rushes inside the tomb instead. And he stops Xuanying from taking the jade just in time. BUT DON’T FIGHT WITH THIS GUY. HE HAS DEMONIC BLADE TT I swear if Qingti dies, I am not happy. Xuanren seals the jade away again. Qingti pushes Xiaojiu and Xuanren outside. NO. He’s so going to sacrifice himself. I am screaming extremely loudly and I am happy I am living alone otherwise I would be scaring people. Well, maybe my neighbours are scared though. Xiaojiu runs in to help, but Qingti tries to protect her and gets stabbed fiercely by Xuanying. You have no idea how loud I screamed. And now I am crying really loudly. I am... They had no right to kill him TT He was the best. Xiaojiu, take him to Qingqiu, fast. Before he dies on you TT QUICK. It’s not an option you have, you must do it. She uses her magic to push Xuanying away, but Qingti pushes Xiaojiu out and jumps on the whatever it is called, and pulls it down, thus trapping himself inside with the criminals. Qingti TT I yelled so much again. Honestly, I won’t be able to speak tomorrow.
Xuanren has to pull Xiaojiu away while she screams Qingti’s name on and on. Now every time I will watch the opening of this drama I am going to be crying endlessly. I don’t know why, but I loved Qingt just so so much. The drama could have been only about him and I would have been satisfied.
Nie Chuyin’s underling comes to report and says that the king is actually Donghua. They are going back to Chongan for now.
Back at the palace, the doctor has a look at Xiaojiu, but he can’t heal her. She might never wake up again.
Xuanren goes and sees the dowager queen. She’s devastated. She always feared that day would come. She says Xuanying isn’t her son and they shouldn’t bury him. She asks Xuanren to stop hating Ye Qingti, he gave up his life for him, it’s enough. It’s more than enough, you didn’t deserve that he dies for you. As for Xiaojiu, she doesn’t care, she won’t interfere anymore.
Xiaojiu is looking for Qingti in a world of clouds. She found him. My Qingti, but then he disappears. And she wakes up. She misses him. Why do they play a flashback of Qingti’s death? Am I not already destroyed from the first time we saw it? I loved him so much. And now I am crying again. Mu Yun helps her to stand up and asks her what’s that in her hair. She put a white ribbon in it, to commemorate Qingti. She finally fell for him. Well, she finally admitted that she fell for him. Was about time that she acknowledged her feelings. She’s really out of it and is going out for a walk. Mu Yun wants to go with her, but Xiaojiu won’t let her come.
Chengyu comes once again to visit her. Fengjiu tells her how she feels so bad. Chengyu says she can only wait for his next life, maybe then, they will meet again. I hope so. I wish for it so much. Omg, I filled with fictions ideas right now. Should I write them? But what if my understanding of  the characters are wrong ): I just.. I need something to get over Qingti’s death. I was so not ready for this.
Xuanren finds her and wants to take her back, but she won’t go back. She’d rather stay there and look at the moon. So he decides to keep her company. He asks her to be his queen. What a bad timing. Why do you only think of yourself? Qingti just died in front of them and he’s just thinking about how they should start anew. What is wrong with you? Can’t  you see that she’s sad?
The next morning, Fengjiu has disappeared again. She took a horse and left. They can’t find her in the palace, they had news though that somebody saw her riding a horse in direction of the west. So Xuanren orders to get his horse ready. He finds her near the cliff Qingti brought her to. She’s blaming herself for Qingti’s death. When he moves closer to her, she tells him not to come. He tells her he won’t but she has to stay away from the cliff. Then she asks him, didn’t he want to know who was in her heart all this time? And she tells him that the person she liked was Ye Qingti. He says he doesn’t believe her, he asked Qingti. She says that ever since she came to the palace, she never was happy. Then he tells okay, even if you liked him before, now he’s dead. SO INSENSITIVE. HE DIED FOR HER. How can he be so selfish? I dislike him very much. Then he agrees to set her free, he doesn’t ask anything of her, she just needs to come to his side and he’ll free her. She says she’s sorry for hurting him and jumps down the cliff. He tries to grab her arm, but his hand slips on the bracelet Chengyu gave he. His soldiers keeps him from falling down. His acting is so bad then. He’s just like opening his mouth. He doesn’t look sad at all.
Xiaojiu is having a talk with some other immortal to ask if he can revive Qingti. He has been contaminated by the demon blade so if they tried, he would always be a demon, always in pain.  Poor Qingti. The only way would be to make him an immortal’s body. So Xiaojiu thinks it’s even better, this way she could see him all the time. WHAT? Is it going to work? But I don’t believe it will. That would be too good to be true. But to make an immortal’s body for a human would be extremely difficult.
The dowager queen begs Xuanren to come back to his senses. She can’t lose both her sons. He tells her he’s sorry for not being filial. And he’s gone crazy. All he does is thinking of Xiaojiu and he’s letting himself die slowly. I dislike him so much. He was blaming her for giving up her life after Qingti’s death and yet he does the same. But then at least Donghua’s trial has ended and it was a success.
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dreamingsushi · 5 years
Eternal Love of Dream - Episode 20
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When Nie Chuyin hears that Qingti betrayed Xuanren, he’s quite happy. Even if he gets back those two, there is no way he will ever believe again in him and without Qingti in the way, that’s a good thing for the two of them.
Qingti and Xiaojiu take a little break and she asks him how long before they get out of the country. He says two days two nights. He asks her if she regrets. She tells him she just feels sorry for bringing him along. She’s going to break his heart TT She moved away when he took her arm ): They have to keep going, by now all the palace soldiers must be chasing them. What? Already? Their horses are so slow.... How can they only have like one minute? They left really late or their horses have been poisoned to be that slow... He fights the soldiers and tell her to leave, but she won’t leave him behind. Since he can’t protect her in this new life, then he will die with her TT Nooooooooooooooooo
I do not agree with that. Qingti doesn’t deserve to die... Xiaojiu don’t be stupid now. Leave, take him away with you.
Oh crap, she really went back to the palace. I would rather have her jump off a cliff. That would have been much more  dramatic. I would love it like that better.
Anyways, she stays on her knees crying. He tells her he knew that that night she was with Ye Qingti. She only says that she’s the one who asked Qingti to take her away. Then he keeps on going on about how he doesn’t even know whats the truth and are her lies. He grabs her face. Wow. That must hurt a lot. You wouldn’t do that to someone that you really love. Anyways, he never liked her. Because he just fell in love with her looks and wanted to believe that’s love. He’s too selfcentered to know what love truly is.
They are both crying. Then he says she regrets meeting him and she says she doesn’t. She feels sorry. He ask for people to take her away as he doesn’t want to see her ever again.
Qingti TT I don’t care about those two. I want Qingti to be saved. As she exits the palace, she starts coughing blood again. Of course, he runs to help her. The Queen wants to send her to the dungeon, she forbids him to help her.
The king goes to the dungeon see Qingti. He asks him when did they start having an affair. Qingti says he fell in love with her as soon as he knew she was a woman. Well no darling, even before that. He then asks him how she feels about him, but Qingti says he doesn’t know. He only knows that Xiaojiu  told him she doesn’t want to stay in the palace and since he’s the one who brought her in... He doesn’t explain himself more than that.
Chengyu goes to see Fengjiu in jail. She tries to comfort her a little. Xiaojiu feels really bad for what she has done, especially for Ye Qingti. Yeah, you should. Poor Qingti TT She gives her a bracelet so she can go back easily to Qingqiu when all of this is over.
But wow. This dude. He begs his mom not to kill Xiaojiu. So he plans on not killing the both of them. Sending Xiaojiu back to where she comes from and that’s it. Qingti is the only heir to his family so he’ll send him back, but he can never work at the palace anymore. Even though he’s imbued of himself, that king isn’t a bad guy. If she won’t promise not to kill Xiaojiu, he will keep on kneeling. She can agree to let Qingti alive, but not Xiaojiu.
That same night, Nie Chuyin and Xueying are implementing their treason.
In the dungeon, Chengyu is helping Fengjiu to recuperate and she feels something is odd.
Knowing what’s happening, Xuanren orders to take Qingti out of jail to protect the palace. And then a soldier comes saying that Fengjiu insists on seeing Xuanren because she feels something wrong is happening. So basically, she jsut wanted to beg him to release Qingti so he can help protect the town. He’s pissed, but he asks her to follow him.
Qing ti is the first one to jump in the battle. He’s so handsome and fabulous. I love him so much.
Xueying goes to the royal tomb and kills all the guards to get in.
Xuanren is trying to send Xiaojiu outside the palace, but she says  there’s something weird. And she believes it’s Chuwan’s country trying to get the jade. So he orders to get Qingti and leaves to the royal tomb to protect the jade. When they get there, the traps have already worked. Xueying is already getting inside. It’s a little too easy, considering that Xiaojiu spent so much time designing them. Then mister king comes in and we are the lovely witnesses of a jealousy crisis between brothers. Then Xueying accuses Xuanren to be ominous to the country. Lol. That would be you, greedy prince. If my Qingti dies because of you, I am going to kill you :D
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dreamingsushi · 5 years
Eternal Love of Dream - Episode 11
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Siming pays a visit to Fengjiu and asks her if she went to help Dong Hua. He suspects she did and he takes her pulse. And he knows she did, he feels angry because if she interferes it could have an influence on his recovery. Then she’s really shocked because she didn’t know he was injured. By saving him, she changed his fate and and didn’t meet the girl he was supposed to meet and fall in love with. So the only way to make things right, is to make them meet.
Back in the mortal realm, Fengjiu dresses as a guy. I am sorry. But none of them look like a guy. Even in Eternal Love, they at least played on the fact that Siyin looked like a girl even though nobody ever knew who she was. Dilraba Dilmurat is even more girly than Yang Mi... anyways. The princess is coming in town to marry King Song Xuanren, but they get attacked. If it wasn’t for Fengjiu, Ye Qingti would have been shot. When he sees her, it’s love at first sight. Oh god. Oh my god. That Ye Qing ti. He’s awesome. I hope we get to see more of him.
Wow, so many people came to kill the princess. They all have poison and kill themselves when they get caught. Anyways, everyone is safe and Ye Qingti sends his men arrest everyone who looks suspicious. Which seems to include Fengjiu. But as soon as Ye Qingti see her, he releases him and says he will take her to the palace to meet with the king.
Of course it was the jealous brother behind it.
When she gets in the palace to meet with the king, Fengjiu realizes that the princess that was sent was actually Ji Heng. She wonders wether she came for a mortal trial or if she’s there to help Dong Hua too. As she get in and sees Dong Hua, she completely forgets about etiquette and she only remembers with the reminder of Ye Qingti. But as soon as she’s done bowing, she barely touched the ground, Xuanren makes her stand back up, with a big smile. He wishes to grant her any wish she has, but she has none. He insists and she asks to stay by his side as his servant. He agrees really easily ._____. Is he dumb?
Fengjiu and Qingti get along pretty well. But is she faking it? I would rather like that she’s genuine. I love Qingti. Why do I always like better characters that are not main leads?
Fengjiu takes a stroll in the parc and sees a snakes which scares her and she runs into the king himself. And pushes him into the water. Then Xuanren sees her flower mark on her forehead and she dives in the water to hide herself. Has he noticed that she’s a girl? I mean, it’s pretty obvious. He didn’t realize that the girl is Fengjiu. Oh well. She managed to escape.
Oh well. Now he fell in love with Fengjiu for real. He’s too dazzled to drink his ginger soup properly and the eunuch suggests he goes to sleep with Chuwan. Hahaha. Eunuch guy, I like you. He’s openly saying: go make babies please. Thank you. But I don’t think Xuanren will ever sleep with Chuwan now that he fell so hard for Fengjiu.
Next morning, he even asks Fengjiu to find the woman that pushed him in the water. Qingti is like “we are looking for a suspicious woman” and Xuanren be more like “we are looking for the woman who stole my heart, she’s a goddess.” I guess there won’t be any way that Siming’s plans get realized now... She basically ruined it all.
Both Qingti and Fengjiu decides not to find that lady for the king, since it’s too suspicious haha. Qingti introduces Fengjiu to the other soldiers. They want to test out her strength because looking at her, they are not convinced. So she fights each one of them. EASILY LIKE THAT. I don’t get it. I thought she was unable to fight? Since when and how did she get those skills? Did she eat some kind of magic pill or what?
Qingti looked for Zhou Mengxi, the girl Dong Hua should have fell in love with, but there are no traces of her at all in the palace.
Conclusions for now, so far on this drama. Basically, it’s almost everything that happened in Eternal Love. But a little bit different. I think that’s mostly why I am not interested in Dong Hua and Fengjiu’s love story: I feel like I have seen all of it and the new characters are way much more interesting for than those two. So far, I especially like Qingti, Xu Yang and Siming. I am also wondering a little about the relationship between Lian Song and Cheng Yu. Normally I would love Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen, but I liked better the Zhe Yan from Eternal Love. The style is too different with Baron Chen, not that he’s not doing a good job, I just like him less for that role. For now, I just hope that we stay in the mortal realm for a while, because after that, no more Qingti ):
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dreamingsushi · 5 years
Eternal Love of Dream - Episode 15
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Xuanren is taking a walk in the palace and Chuwan happens to be lighting lanterns on the pond, asking her mother to help the king her husband disperse his troubles. Just... magically there, it’s a pure coincidence. Of couuuuse. So it’s supposed to be her mother’s death anniversary. Wasn’t that the same thing a few days ago? Or so much time already went by? I don’t get it? Anyways, he praises her for being so filial and asks her why did she bring her guqin with her. She says her mother liked to listen to music, so he tells her to play for her mom and he will also listen.
Am I the only one? But I love the sound of guqin so much. I really wish I knew how to play that instrument. When I have a little extra money, I am definitely buying a guqin and learning how to play. If it’s not too late for me haha.
In the dungeon, Xiaojiu and her maid hears the sound of music and wonder what is Xuanren up to.
Qingti reports to Xuanren and says he didn’t find any proof of their innocence yet and the delay is almost up. He begs Xuanren to free Xiaojiu, because it’s impossible that she did it. Xuanren knows that too, but all the evidence points towards her doing it. He doesn’t know how to protect her anymore. Qingti gets a little to overwhelmed and blames without doing it on purpose Xuanren. Xuanren then gets angry and says he wants the proof and not his words only. Qingti gets on the ground and promises to find the evidence.
DON’T FIND IT AND RUN AWAY WITH FENGJIU. Can’t I have it my ways? That’s easy, Donghua gets his love trial, Qingti gets a little happiness. All would  be perfect. But I am not hoping too much. I never get what I want.
Qingti begs her to tell him how to make the cake, even if he wants to protect and save her, without the evidence, he can’t do anything. She tells him that the main ingredient is the wuyou flower which comes from her home town. Then he asks her where it is, but... hard to tell that she comes from the nine heavens (well not exactly, but close to). He begs her to tell him, and she won’t and tells him to leave. Since she won’t trust him, he doesn’t have any ways to help her. She promises Mu Yun that she will not let her die.
Chuwan goes to pay a visit to Xuanren and she gives him a sleeping soup so she can search for the jade. However she didn’t find it. Then... I believe Xuanren has his doubts, because he’s really surprised he fell asleep and orders the eunuch to follow Chuwan.
After having a nightmare in which she dies, Xuanren goes and meet with Fengjiu in jail. He says he’s taking her away. Only if she tells him where the flower comes from, where is she from. She tells him she can’t tell him and tries again to convince her otherwise he can’t save her. He asks why did she come to the palace, but she won’t answer, because she really can’t. He’s hurt, she’s hurt, he thinks she lied to him. Well, not really, ever. Xiaojiu thinks that this should be enough of a love trial, so that’s why she keeps silent.
Back in the Nine Heavens, knowing of that, Chengyu is super mad and since Siming won’t help Fengjiu, she decides she will go and help her. Well, actually save her. Siming stops her from doing so, because it would ruin Donghua’s mortal trial and thus Xiaojiu would have suffered for nothing. He says that when the time is right, he will help her.
Qingti comes to get Xiaojiu. He looks so sad. Is he taking her away? He asks her if she’s going to give up like this and she says well the king gave up on me. So he’s like, so what if he gave up on you, is that a reason to give up on yourself? Yeah Qingti! Good boy <3 See, Fengjiu, that’s the guy who truly loves you. Not that mighty king. Then he tells her, if there’s something different, to think of all the details. Then she remembers. The cake she made only had 5 petals. Then the one that were served didn’t have the same number. He runs out even before she finishes speaking.
Chuwan takes care of his majesty and while she’s getting the ink ready for him, she asks him about the jade. He says it’s just a legend, that stone doesn’t exist. If she likes jewels, he will just get it for her.
So it’s the day of the trial and Qingti has proof that Xiaojiu isn’t the culprit. And he’s going to eat the cake, because there is no poison in the cake.  So he eats it and he’s fine. Well he eats a part in the middle. Then he gives a piece of the same cake to a dog. I don’t especially like dogs but.. Poor doggy. It was cute and it’s going to die ): It has nothing to do with the humans’ games for power. So the poison was actually on the plates, so it has nothing to do with the one who made the cakes. They ask if he has the plates to prove it. Then he says, of course, they have been thrown away. So they tell him, then it’s just his guessing, there’s no proof buuuuut. That’s my Qingti. He found a broken plate from that evening. And it wasn’t the plate coming from Xiaojiu’s palace and a plate coming from Chuwan’s palace. Then that maid says she did it because Xuanren shouldn’t be the king. She then grabs a sword and tries to kill the king. But she’s stopped by the elder son who kills her. Wow. Such a pernicious guy. She obviously worked for him...
The king goes to take Fengjiu back home. He says he’s sorry for not believing in her. Then she hugs him and cries. And Qingti is in the back seeing this. He’s the one who saved you. Gosh. Xiaojiu, you are hugging the wrong person. My heart is so sad for my poor general. And they don’t stop being lovey-dovey in front of Qingti. He wants to appoint her as his wife (so more than just a consort) and move her to a better palace. Because he feels he owes her too much. Poor Qingti in the back. He now has no chance to ever have a little love with Xiaojiu. He liked her first for who she was, not just because she’s beautiful. I DON’T LIKE THE KING. I hope he gets his heart extremely broken and shattered to pieces. There you go love trial. MAKE IT HARD.
Poor Qingti. He’s alone in his room, looking at the moon and smelling Xiaojiu made for him ointment. And he blames himself for being greedy by wanting Xiaojiu TT I’m so heartbroken for this guy. He deserves better. He tells himself to give up. Don’t give up. Take her away before that ugly king hurts her again and again. Because there will be next time. I can feel it.
And I don’t like it.
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dreamingsushi · 5 years
Eternal Love of Dream - Episode 10
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Battle scene to start. Not bad. I love the chemistry between Ye Qingti and Xuanren. And I love the high ponytail. Guys should wear it more often. Fengjiu gets on the battlefield and sees Dong Hua getting injured so she disguises as a soldier and fights her way. Since when, really, is she a good fighter? She uses her magic also to save Dong Hua a few times. Their eyes meet. Love at first sight? When she gets in danger for saving him, he gains back strength and saves her again. She’s never going to be able to repay her debt. She got hurt pretty bad anyways. 
Awwww. That bromance there between Ye qingti and Xuanren. How cute. I love that Ye Qingti guy, even though there’s something with his speech that bothers me, but at some point it makes him loveable.  Then Xuanren declares him his brother.
Fengjiu goes back to Qing Qiu and she’s pretty in a bad state.
Back on the battlefield, Dong Hua looks for Fengjiu. Isn’t this familiar? But there are no traces of her. No wonder. I vote for the ponytails. More ponytails please in xianxia drama. It’s so handsome.
Proud king dady brings his perfect son to a secret room where is hidden the soul gathering jade which protects their country. He has to protect it because without it, their country is nothing. When he touches it, the jade responds and Nie Chuyin sees that the “miracle” happening in the sky is probably related.
Bad Nie Chuyin uses the fact that he rescued Ji Heng to make her do something for him. Because she feels grateful, she accepts really quickly without even knowing what he will ask of her. So naive. Naturally, he wants her to take back the jade and invents some sad story that it used to belong to someone he held dear and promised on their tombstone that he would bring it back. She’ll help with all her power.
Xuanren’s dad is dying. And he dies. So Xuanren becomes king.
Nie Chuyin gets to meet another king to help him get the jade. He’s going to make Ji Heng marry Xuanren. Lol. Naturally. But that king isn’t so stupid to accept so he arrests them in case they are spies from Xuanren’s country and sends them to the dungeon. Well Ji Heng’s room doesn’t look like a dungeon. I knew it. That king is a pervert and he tries to force himself on Ji Heng. Poor girl. So she says if he keeps going, she’s going to kill herself and she hits her head on a pillar. And dies. Ah? Really? How can you die from that? Okay anyways, Chuyin comes in and says that he will make her alive again and he’s giving him one last chance to make the right choice.
So we jump back in time and right after Chuyin’s offer, the king makes Chuwan-Ji Heng a princess. Which makes the officials think it’s weird. But oh well. Here’s the princess.
Only Ye Qingti thinks they shouldn’t accept the new princess as a consort, but actually I believe Xuanren doesn’t really have a choice but to accept anyways. Otherwise it would be war again. And he’s still looking for Fengjiu.
Nie Chuyin is also in a bad condition because he used his magic and the person healing him looks exactly like Minsu. It seems to trigger something in Ji Heng’s mind. But not enough and then Ling Xiang will take Nie Chuyin’s place and protect Ji Heng.
Still no news about Fengjiu, so finally Xuanren starts doubting that maybe she isn’t part of their army to begin with, that’s why they wouldn’t find her. He absolutely wants to find her.
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