#Ye Qingti
pctaldrunk · 2 years
her!!! greatest!!! fear!!! is!!! snakes!!!!!!!!! and she had to throw herself in a giant snake pit to steal a prize she already w o n w/ her own sweat and blood!!!!!!
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@hyeyouuu asked : thank u for the translations for the excerpt from lotus step!!! do you have any expectations about Bodhi’s Fate in terms of storyline? of course, at this point we would all be happy if the novel could just see the light of the day but I think the characters of mo yuan and shao wan really open up a lot of room for a potentially very exciting story. also going with the current timeline and considering that the prehistoric era didn’t really have a separate mortal realm yet, I’m not very sure about having a long mortal arc with many reincarnations and stuff for the two of them… like has mo yuan not suffered enough during the 200000+ years that shao wan has been gone for 😅
You're welcome!
And no, we don't really have any solid guesses for what bodhi fate's plot is going to look like. Everything that's been uncovered in terms of when Mo Yuan and Shao Wan shared exposition/past page time in the pillowbook extra and lotus step seems to be building toward lotus step plot more than bodhi fate. What we do know is this: Shao Wan is very good at building arrays, and she's left them intact and behind in places where they still now activate in the present timeline. We also know that Mo Yuan has hidden away all of her information - including presumably her writings and also any arrays she might have been working on. Whether this was simply because he missed her or because something in those papers was important to the fate of the universe - that's yet to be known.
I think once Shao Wan comes back we can assume that it's likely the demon realm, currently in 7 pieces in present timeline, may come together again. Or she'll just advise all 7 as their ancestor. This may very well overturn some of the Realm's politics as we know it. Very likely we're going to reach a scale of powerful antagonist as of yet previously unseen because our main characters are a pair of ancient gods rather than the previous ancient god/not quite an ancient god combo. We'll very likely have to deal with Mo Yuan's grief and refusal to understand Shao Wan's choice to make sacrifices for the universe when he believed there to be another way, and probably Shao Wan's awkwardness in terms of being a person with personal feelings who already realizes (as seen in some passages of lotus step) that she's hurt Mo Yuan very deeply.
I think xianxia as a genre likes to play with the mortal realm. I don't know that bodhi fate will necessarily have one, however! Historically there have been cases in this series where the mortal realm arc doesn't take much prevalence - in pillowbook, for example, the mortal realm only took up half a chapter of page time through the point of view of Ye Qingti. So, I don't think bodhi fate will have a long mortal realm arc unless the themes or the plot dictate that it must be so - which was the case in lotus step. And, if I'm honest, personally prefer the mortal realm portion of lotus step currently - so you'll never know until you read the book if you'll like a mortal realm arc or not.
As for suffering - I gotta tell you, I don't think anyone doesn't suffer in these books. If the fave is a protagonist, a 40 meter angst knife is comin this way.
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irisflammea · 4 years
Pillow Book headcannon:
Dong Hua decides invite Su Moye and Ye Qingti for a meal to thank them for their role in his fate with Xiao Bai.
Su Moye for getting in between Chen Ye and Aranya's fate/destiny.
Ye Qingti for sneaking out of Taichen Palace to tell Feng Jiu about being Dong Hua's successor, alarming her of his possible death.
Dong Hua serves them his sweet and sour fish. Su Moye politely refuses and tells him that seeing Feng Jiu happy is enough. Qingti doesn't know any better and eats the fish then proceeds to regret ever being reincarnated as an immortal.
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mcheang · 4 years
The employee
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After seeing Feng Jiu worry about how Qingti is adjusting, Dong Hua can’t help but wonder what their relationship had been. He knows Feng Jiu went to the mortal realm for his sake, and had somehow caused the death of Qingti by her interference. She had then mourned him for all this time...gave up half her cultivation...
What was their relationship like?
Dong Hua demanded Si Ming give him the real scroll for his mortal trial.
As Dong Hua reads through it, his mortal memories begin to resurface, along with a mistrust of Qingti.
Oh, he still trusts Feng Jiu, after all she had done to be with him as a pet, and literally taking a dagger to her heart after she ran away from their wedding, he knows why she committed ‘suicide’, and it wasn’t because of Qingti!
Ok, so maybe Dong Hua is feeling a little insecure. He can still hear Feng Jiu crying out for Qingti before the tomb collapsed.
He reminds himself that Feng Jiu chose to marry him, she did everything for him, she only liked Qingti as a friend...
But Qingti liked Feng Jiu, had dared to steal her from his sworn brother and emperor in the most disrespectful way...yeah, he saved the emperor several times too. Why else would he still be alive right now, and not impaled with the Canghe blade?
Qingti’s memory may have been fuzzy, but he behaves so casually in front of Dong Hua’s empress.
Currently Dong Hua watched Qingti place a hand on Feng Jiu’s hair, pointing out a knot.
That’s it! Qingti has to go.
It was a simple matter, Dong Hua merely gave Siming a new employee. Considering how Siming lied to Dong Hua before; he accepted this with good nature and claimed he was lacking help to Feng Jiu.
Meanwhile, Dong Hua set about cuddling with his empress. He wanted her to be intimate with him only.
Feng Jiu: you need to learn tolerance.
Dong Hua: I disagree.
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moonstone-vibe · 5 years
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General Ye Qingti being precious.
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bahoreal · 4 years
i made it through all of pillow book (finally omg) and i gotta say what was THAT i waited like FORTY EPISODES AND THEY SHOWED ME YE QINGTI RIGHT AT THE END? FOR TWO MINUTES? AS A BABY EMPEROR AND THEN NOTHING? if theres no yqt spinoff im gonna go over there and make one myself
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dreamingsushi · 5 years
Eternal Love of Dream - Episode 22
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Still trying to move on. Still trapped by my love for Ye Qingti. Don’t show me donghua, I don’t care about him and his tears. He woke up and a servant whose I don’t remember his name comes. He says that if he wants to know what happened, he can just ask Siming. But Donghua is like no need to since it’s already all in the past.
Nie Chuyin got his hands on the soul sealing jade and is hesitating about if he should give it or not to the Demon queen. What if she doesn’t keep her promise? Then he won’t be able to give back the power to his tribe and he might even die.
Yan Chiwu is working really hard to make Ji Heng get back her memories. Seems like he found a way. But the process hurts her a lot. I think she sealed herself her memories. He says it’s okay if it didn’t work, he’ll find another way, even though he already tried many. But it worked and she remembers everything. He’s so happy when she call out his name. I am sad for him somehow. Because he will never get her, I can feel it. Nice guys never get the girl. She asks him why is he so nice to her and he just says because he likes her, of course he should treat her well. He says he will never give up on her. She asks him to go get some herbs for her, but she’s probably going to leave.
Lian Song goes to see Siming and asks about what happened to Donghua for his trial but Siming won’t say anything. So Lian Song asks him if tries to keep protecting that person, isn’t it because he has a crush? He denies that and says the person who wants to protect that person is Chengyu. lol. He asks if it was a woman or a man though, and Siming is like who do you think Donghua spent his trial with a man or a woman?
Nie Chuyin decided to give the demon Queen the soul locking jade.
Chiyan gets back home only to see that Ji Heng left. She gave a note in which he instructed not to follow her. He then finds Nie Chuyin and fights with him. He asks him he would hurt her but he claims that he saved her. That she stayed in the mortal realm willingly.
Fengjiu is going back to Qingqiu. Chengyu is waiting for her there. She asks her if she’s wearing so plain clothes because of Song Xuanren, but she says it’s because of Ye Qingti. Yeah, you should. Poor Qingti. She says she realized now that she wasn’t trying to pay back her debt, but she just couldn’t give up Donghua. It cost the life of Ye Qingti and almost ruined Donghua’s trial. Now she really gave up.
BAI QIAN! My dear Bai Qian, she’s going to ease my heart, sill so hurt by Qingti’s death. Awww my Bai Qian <3 She scolds a little bit Fengjiu and asks how come her body’s hurt from using her powers in the mortal realm. She scolds her a little bit more, she can lose face, but she can’t let Qingqiu lose face. She trusts her though and we make the medicine for her to heal. When Fengjiu leaves, Bai Qian asks Ahli to go and see if he can make Fengjiu a little less sad.
So Fengjiu makes Ah Li dress like a girl, Wow. Maybe they used a little girl to play Ah li just for that scene, I don’t know haha. There are going to the village. Really quickly, Fengjiu lost Ahli. His love for bingtang hulu hasn’t changed. When Fengjiu tries to look for him, she saves somebody. Then that person asks for her name and she’s trying to not say it when Ah Li runs in calling her Fengjiu which makes everybody recognize her and bow to her. Hahaha. Ah Li <3 They have no choice but to go back then. Back home, Fengjiu sends Ah Li back to his mom. Ah Li is such a smart child though.
Lian Song tries to convince Chengyu to help him at organizing some event, but she doesn’t want to and he keeps on humiliating himself. I like that couple much more than the main one haha. They are more interesting. I really don’t care for Donghua and Fengjiu hahaha. Why I am still watching this? Just to know if my Qingti will come back and meet a girl a thousand times better than Fengjiu. And because the ost is beautiful. I always listen to the whole opening and the whole ending songs. I love them a lot!
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sarah-yyy · 5 years
bodyguard au prompt #4 and/or #20, wangxian please!
#20 - “please don’t pretend to care more than you actually do”
Wei Wuxian is unhappy, this much Lan Wangji can tell. 
It shouldn’t have been so. Lan Wangji has crossed a desert to save Wei Wuxian, brought him into the palace, and reunited Wei Wuxian with… With the one he loves. 
Lan Wangji has done so at great cost to himself, thinking that he had done the right thing, and yet. 
Wei Wuxian is unhappy.
“Tell me how to fix it,” he says quietly to Wei Wuxian. “You are unhappy. I can fix it. Tell me how.”
Wei Wuxian flashes a smile that isn’t really a smile at him. “Please don’t pretend to care more than you actually do, er-dianxia,” he tells Lan Wangji, and turns back to staring out the window. He does that often, these days, as if wishing he could leave the palace walls. “It hurts more when you do that.”
His words are too cryptic; Lan Wangji doesn’t understand. “Wei Ying?” 
“You serve your emperor well,” Wei Wuxian murmurs. “Lan Xichen is rightfully proud of you.”
Even Lan Wangji would not use His Majesty’s given name, but it seems unimportant to point that out to Wei Wuxian. If it would make Wei Wuxian happy, Wei Wuxian should be able to call the emperor anything he wants. 
Besides, they are to be married soon. Who is to say that the emperor has not granted him leave to do so?
“You are unhappy,” Lan Wangji says again. “You weren’t like this, before.”
He means of the journey back to the imperial city, back when Wei Wuxian thought that Lan Wangji was just a random soldier, a hired bodyguard, sent by the Jiang family to escort him back, back before Wei Wuxian learnt of the alliance, back before Wei Wuxian realised that the reason why it was so important that he be taken to the palace was to serve as consort to the emperor. 
Wei Wuxian had been happy, then.
Lan Wangji had been happy, then.
Wei Wuxian doesn’t speak. 
Lan Wangji advances towards him. 
“That’s close enough, er-dianxia,” Wei Wuxian says lightly, when Lan Wangji is about three paces away. “We should keep our distance. After all, I am to marry your brother.”
Lan Wangji’s heart clenches at the thought, and he hurts, he hurts the same way he had when the imperial edict announcing the upcoming union of his imperial brother and Wei Wuxian was read out. 
“But you are unhappy,” he says again, for the third time, soft but fierce. 
It’s important to him that Wei Wuxian is miserable. He needs to know how to make it better.
“How could I not be?” Wei Wuxian snaps, turning to face Lan Wangji properly. “How could I not be unhappy, when this is happening to me?” 
Lan Wangji can feel his own heart shatter at the admission. Wei Wuxian is unhappy, and Lan Wangji would rather die than to let him keep being unhappy.
“How could I not be unhappy, when I have spent two months on the road, slowly falling in love with a man I thought was my soulmate, only to find that I have been brought back to marry his brother?” Wei Wuxian closes the distance between them, fists his hands in Lan Wangji’s robes. His eyes shine with tears. “How am I supposed to be happy, er-dianxia, when you’re the man I love, but not the man I’m meant to marry?” 
Lan Wangji’s lips part in surprise. 
Wei Wuxian loves him. 
Wei Wuxian loves him. 
Lan Wangji lets out a ragged breath. “You love me,” he whispers. “You love me.” 
“Of course I love you, Lan Zhan,” Wei Wuxian says, crying. He pitches forward, wraps his arms around Lan Wangji’s waist, and presses his face to the crook of Lan Wangji’s neck. “I love you, and it’s killing me that everyone wants me to marry Lan Xichen. That you want me to marry Lan Xichen. I can’t, Lan Zhan. I only love you.”
Lan Wangji closes his arms around Wei Wuxian’s back, holds him close tightly. “Wei Ying,” he breathes out. It’s all he can manage, he’s so overwhelmed. Wei Wuxian loves him. “Wei Ying.” 
“Can you fix this, er-gege?” Wei Wuxian whispers. 
Er-gege - it’s the most wonderful words to hear out of Wei Wuxian’s mouth, after enduring weeks of his overly polite er-dianxia. Lan Wangji finds himself smiling, and then unable to stop. 
“I thought you would want to,” he says. “Everyone wants to marry the emperor. To be consort. You joked about it often, on our journey back. You said one glimpse of the emperor was all it took for him to steal your heart. I thought you loved him. I thought marrying him might make you happy.” He takes a deep breath. “His Majesty does not want to marry you.”
Wei Wuxian pulls away. “What?”
“You’re not the Jiang he wishes to marry,” Lan Wangji confesses. “But I thought it might please you, and I spoke to His Majesty about it. I thought… I thought that was what you wanted.”
Wei Wuxian blinks, slowly. “You…asked Lan Xichen to marry me, because you thought I wanted to marry him.”
Lan Wangji nods. “I’m sorry,” he whispers. “I misjudged, and made you unhappy. I will speak to His Majesty. I will fix it, I promise, Wei Ying.”
“I won’t have to marry him? You promise, er-gege?” Wei Wuxian asks, hope shining brightly in his eyes. 
Lan Wangji nods. He will make sure of it, no matter what he has to do. He doesn’t expect that it will be a hardship, convincing his brother to recall the edict. 
“And us?” Wei Wuxian asks. “What of us?” 
“If Wei Ying loves me,” Lan Wangji says, heart rabbiting in his chest, “if Wei Ying would be happy with me, then will Wei Ying agree to marry me?” 
Wei Wuxian reaches a hand up, cups Lan Wangji’s face gently. “Will that make you happy too, er-gege?” 
“More than anything else,” Lan Wangji tells him hoarsely, honest. 
“Then yes,” Wei Wuxian murmurs, and presses his lips to Lan Wangji’s. “Oh, yes, Lan Zhan, let’s get married.” 
(buy me a kofi!)
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dreams-of-fate · 4 years
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@pcachlovc​ asked:  ❛ stay . i need you more than you think . ❜ (jiu for qingti cause i love them)
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       He paused in his rise then sat back down on the edge of her bed, hand rested on the body-warmed bedding. “What’s wrong, Feng Jiu?” His other hand brushed hair away from her forehead, a soft and worried expression crossed his features. 
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moonedhalo · 4 years
@a-mighty-thunder​ ,    wen  ning  &  ye  qingti  !
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‘  it’s  an  HONOR  to  attend  a  cloud  recesses  lecuture ,   the  gusu  lan  sect  are  amazing  cultivators  but   .  .  .  ’    shoulders  slump ,   fatigue  apparent  with  eye  bags .    ‘  so  many  rules .   and  they’re  so  strict !  ’
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flowcrsoul · 4 years
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@a-mighty-thunder​ asked   :    “Remember me in the same way I remember you.” (Qingti @ Jiu)   -   PANIC AT THE DISCO STARTERS (accepting !)
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━━  ❀ “...I’ll remember you. I’ll remember for both of us.” She doesn’t like to THINK about it. To pop the bubble of inevitability - to admit that she won’t always be here, and he won’t always be here either. That their future will be spent remembering and trying to remember the other person. She couldn’t even give him ONE LIFETIME. She couldn’t give him growing old together. She could barely give him a family. On impulse Feng Jiu wraps her arms around him - warm, real, alive under her hand. Buries her face into his shirt, mumbling. "It'd be better for you if you forgot me.”
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@smileymimiwhat submitted: I cannot wait until lotus step is completed!! I feel like the longer Tang Qi released the volumes, the better the future production of the drama adaptation will be.
Nowadays there’s been some lovely dramas that have come out lately based on popular novels like Love.Like.The.Galaxy and Love.between.Fairy.and.Devil.
Really hope that if Lotus Step and Bodhi Fate are made into shows that they follow the novel. TMOPB confused the hell out of me and made me hate Fengjiu.
Also , 100% believe that the last volume of Lotus step is spoiling everything and definitely has something to do with why Shaowan and Xie Ming are resurrected.
Donghua and Fengjiu’s recent extra novel kinda hints it that Zuti uses time travel so can’t wait for that! What are your thoughts guys? Love your insights 🥹❤️
We can’t wait for the novel’s finish! But, oh boy. Well, here’s the thing, it depends on who gets the copyrights and right now the subsidy that owns Lotus Step’s copyrights right now are apparently one that are not very good / their parent company isn’t, when it comes to rights and adaptions. : ( So, hopefully a better group owns it by the time production comes around!
We will say, Admin Ro has read Fairy.And.Devil - and the adaption’s success really comes from the fact that the people behind it had a lot of creative liberality as the novel is pretty typical to 2010s cheesy and wild Xianxia, which if just straight adapted from the source wouldn’t get as much attention as it has (such as I don’t think anyone even recognizes there’s a donghua with mostly novel plot). It wouldn’t have done as well without more than 75% of the plot being added by those behind the scenes and the actors working their butts off!
So, really when it comes to adaptions of that nature, it’s different than what we’re hoping for Lotus Step because it’s so source heavy where at least Love.Between.Fairy.and.Devil had so much wiggle room to do what they want. Where what you’re looking for is the same company / person to own Lotus Step and Bodhi Fate’s copyrights or at least people who are willing to connect their adaptions.
Also when it comes to adaptions, we will say Lotus Step the novel itself is “more mature” by China standards in some of its nature (sexuality (both in terms of physicality, and more lgbt characters / them being more obvious / “explicitly” stated), and some of the other things it touches on, specifically) than the last two adaptions, so it’s possible it’d get a little censored depending on what’s going on in those years in the industry rules.
Also to address the TMoPB - it really was because there was a copyright issue that was sadly unavoidable! Two different groups owned Peach Blossom’s script and Pillowbook’s - and because of that, they couldn’t overlap and the thing is those two novels’ plots overlap/they needed to have a second lead female and male love interest set. Also, we mustn’t forget - Feng Jiu is only about fifteen years old in the TMoPB timeline, and it obviously showed in the drama because of its lack of Ye Qingti plot, that made her grow up. So, it kind of threw her whole arc off a lot.
AH - yes, correct! Zuti does use time-travel because it’s one of the aspects of her abilities (Zuti may be a science queen XD) and TQ and her assistant have already said that comes into play when timeline 2.0 comes into play, meaning she’s probably the one who throws us into that timeline. Which is basically what the timeline is for TMoPB, Pillowbook, the Extra, is set in. As for how Shao Wan and Xie Ming will come back, we have no clues yet, but we’re excited to see if it will come up in the last volume of Lotus Step!
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woo-do-hwan · 4 years
Eternal Love of Dream: episode 56
The final episode. Ah... here at last. This also includes my review about the drama as a whole... so if you want to check that out... you’re in the right place I guess? 
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Last time we’ll be seeing the opening credits. I don’t really tend to rewatch dramas unless there’s a strong compelling reason that draws me back to it. I would just also like to give a shout out to the staff or person behind these beautiful opening credits. The background and colours *chef’s kiss*
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Some praise for the special effects one last time.
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You sure do doubt Donghua a lot.
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Very practical thinking here... like... is no one going to stop her? Did you forget about your child? Bai Gungun has not spent a day away from his mother until she came back up to the nine heavens, and yet, she’s willing to go die with the love of her life with not a single thought about her baby. I mean... I do get that there are people who would be willing to do this but when there’s a kid involved, I would also think about the kid too. Also I’ve always wondered whether Fengjiu would have told Donghua about Bai Gungun. Would she have told him in this situation or she left and Donghua didn’t have to succumb to his fate. 
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It is his fate after all. 
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The evil queen gave us an iconic eye roll. I’m so sorry I have to give it to her. Yes. Queen. 
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What a badass couple they are. 
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Ngl gonna miss her. She was iconic. But also props to the writing team, they had to make do with who they had actor wise. (In the novel, Ye Hua, Mo Yuan & Bai Qian are involved in this final fight as well) 
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I recently reread this scene in the novel and let me tell you, I teared up. 
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Will I ever get tired of the love confessions being told at the last minute? Probably not.
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I felt this. 
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Is it just me or is Donghua an acoustically pleasing name to hear? Sounds weird I know but I love the pronunciations of some words in different languages. 
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The most upsetting part of this episode was not because the series is ending (well has already ended) but the last thought Fengjiu had before she fell unconscious was Donghua being potentially dead. 
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I’m still not on board with this couple... Yan Chiwu deserves so much more. 
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I dig this friendship though. 
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My bby is back. 
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Love this. Especially Xiao Yan’s reaction. I kind of wanted it to be dramatic and Xiao Yan would faint, I could imagine him doing that. 
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Finally they meet. This also marks the end of the novel. 
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Ahhhh... Bai Gungun gets the final line of the series. Too stinking cute. 
I bid you all adieu... thank you for your patience, lovely comments and thoughts on this drama. But before I finish, let’s do an overall review. 
Would I recommend this drama? Yes.  Will I be rewatching? Maybe.  Do I prefer the novel or the show? Novel. *I’m just a book person...* 
Viewers who consumed the hit Chinese drama, Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms (Eternal Love) will also recognise cast returning to their respective roles. Dilraba Dilmurat, Gao Weiguang, Li Dongheng and Wang Xiao all return bringing a familiar essence to the show. However, there are fresh faces that each brings something new and exciting to the show: Huang Junjie, Baron Chen, Yuan Yu Xuan and Fang Zhi Xin.
The main focus of this drama is one couple navigating together - sometimes not - through three lifetimes. Our leads, Fengjiu (Dilraba Dilmurat) and Donghua (Gao Weiguang) are supposed to have no fate with one another. However, Fengjiu, the female lead, refuses to believe this and consistently follows the male lead. What little destiny they had together begins to form into one and probably considered to be an epic one at that, in its own way. A drama that you can easily be swept away in through its storytelling, chemistry or the moments that can easily make you laugh. It's relatively easy-going and watchable at either a binging rate or a relaxed pace. By the end, you'll find yourself to be charmed by the sweet and well deserved ending for the main leads. 
There’s just a couple of things I want to nitpick briefly, (please remember just because they didn’t sit well with me you may find they were alright). 
1. I felt there was a lack of relationship building between Fengjiu & Ye Qingti. When I look back on their scenes together, there hardly feels as if a friendship was formed between them. In the novel, it’s just mentioned Ye Qingti was Fengjiu’s husband and I think that aspect would have worked quite well. 2. I wish we saw more of Donghua’s despair, his heartbreak and his pain after Fengjiu disappeared. The search for Fengjiu was so extensive, he didn’t want to lose her, he assumed Fengjiu had gone to the mortal realm but didn’t check for her there because there was billions of realms. The scenes I wanted to see with Donghua were taken away and the brief search for Fengjiu was given to Cheng Yu and Lian Song.  3. I really hoped to have seen a scene between Donghua & Bai Qian (Donghua personally invites Bai Qian to view blooming lotuses however the subject changes to Fengjiu) The scene is included in the show however between Lian Song, Bai Zhen and Zhe Yan.  4. Some of the camera shots. For example, when Fengjiu discovers she is pregnant and the camera zooms in. I felt they were really out of place and slightly awkward. 
Overall rating: 9/10 
episodes 54 & 55
episode 1
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mcheang · 4 years
Zhihe meets Gun Gun with black hair
This is a draft
Zhihe has recovered from the shock of learning that Feng Jiu is now foster brother’s wife and has bore him a son.
So instead of insulting the fox queen like she so wanted, Zhihe plotted. Haste will not get her anywhere. Patience will.
Dong Hua was already willing to let her exile be over, but with his wife having already stated her displeasure at her return, that was now compromised. After some obscure misunderstanding that had Dong Hua searching for centuries, he was unlikely to do anything to offend the fox queen again, including bringing his unwanted sister back home.
But there were times for family reunions. The new year and Mid-Autumn Festival were good examples.
Zhihe decided to wait until the new year to visit her brother on the first day. Technically they had no parents and he was her oldest relative.
During this time, the family was no doubt at Qingqiu to prepare for all the reunion meals. And Zhihe was definitely not banned from the fox kingdom.
Zhihe had to be very careful. Judging from Baizhen’s actions, he obviously knew Feng Jiu disliked her. As such, it should be assumed that the fox clan didn’t like her. This would make it harder for her.
But the point is, enough time has passed, shouldn’t Zhihe’s exile be over? Can’t her foster brother give her a trial to merit her return to the Sky kingdom? Granted he would not want another woman in his palace but Zhihe was willing to suggest he set her up with suitors.
As if she was going to put up with them. No way. But the supposedly kind fox queen might be more willing to put up with Zhihe if it meant another chance to send her from Taichen Palace for good.
But first, winning over Feng Jiu was about as likely as the sun rising from the west.
Dong Hua was duty bound to look after Zhihe but he was influenced by his wife.
That left the impressionable Gun Gun. Surely mother and father would be more relenting if their son pleaded on her behalf to show mercy.
And once back in Taichen Palace, Zhihe would do all she could to insert herself between the happy couple. She can dodge her suitors all she likes.
Besides, just because Dong Hua has an empress doesn’t mean he can’t have a concubine.
That day, Zhihe browsed the marketplaces to buy sweets to bribe the boy with. She unexpectedly ran into trouble when she wanted to buy some bakkwa.
There was a long queue for the sweet and salty meat. Zhihe was in a hurry. She didn’t have all day.
She tried to cut in front of others, using her princess status. The people of Qingqiu were not amused and even the meat seller demanded she go back in line.
A little boy in blue politely admonished her for her rude behavior. Everyone has waited a long time and if Zhihe is really a foreign princess, she should not be so pretentious and snobbish.
At this the crowd jeered and laughed at Zhihe.
Humiliated and enraged, Zhihe actually slapped the boy. (She actually pushed Ali to the ground in front of guards. I don’t think a crowd of people from a foreign kingdom will deter her) “放肆! Learn to show proper respect to your elders.”
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The young man next to the boy rushed to him, “Young master!”
The crowd roared at this and began crowding on her, wanting to bring her to the Bai clan or chasing her out of their kingdom.
Crap. This was not Zhihe’s plan. She used magic for a swift getaway.
Later, Zhihe had to make do with what sweets she already bought since word had spread of the mean foreign princess and nobody would sell her anything anymore.
Still, she made the trek to the bamboo house her foster brother was living in. Ugh, to think that the fox princess had dragged her brother down so low.
Knocking on the door, Zhihe was present to see the bright smile of Feng Jiu be replaced by a disappointed frown. “Oh, it’s you, sister in law. What are you doing here?”
Zhihe faked a smile. “It’s the new year. It’s only proper I visit my brother and see my new nephew.”
Feng Jiu reluctantly let Zhihe in. Their bamboo house was pleasantly furnished. Not extravagant but charming.
As Zhihe went to announce her entrance with her few bags of sweets, she was surprised to see the young immortal from earlier standing at attention while Dong Hua and a white-haired boy who could only be Gun Gun nibbled on Bakkwa.
The young immortal was startled. “是你!”
Gun Gun turned a disdainful glance at her, his face full of dislike.
Dong Hua calmly watched his foster sister pale as the implications of what she had done earlier in the day hit her. “You know this young lady, Qingti?”
Qingti nodded, “She was the rude princess from earlier who slapped his little highness when he scolded her for cutting in line.” Addressing Zhihe, he asked, “Are you here to apologize?”
Zhihe quickly bowed. “Yes. Greetings Foster brother and nephew. I apologize for my actions earlier. I was in such a rush to make it here on time that I lost control of myself.”
Gun Gun coldly replied, “Such trifles are not worth bothering about anymore.”
Feng Jiu’s own chilly voice broke in, “you were the one who slapped my son? And you actually came here to apologize? Funny, from what you said earlier, you were only here to reunite with my husband.”
Zhihe struggled to keep her smile in place. “I would have visited the little boy later after I had learned who he was. But seeing he is my dear nephew, it saves the trouble of seeking him out later.”
Dong Hua was getting a bit of a headache. He said, “enough. Since Zhihe is already here, please join us for a snack. But I am afraid there is no room for you here to spend the night.”
Zhihe nodded. Great, her one chance of getting back to the Sky kingdom was gone. Still, she was nothing if not determined, even when the odds were against her.
As Zhihe reluctantly ate the oily meat, she made her case to her brother to return from exile, if he would just help her find something worthy to do to merit her return.
Dong Hua promises to do so, aware of the disapproving looks from the others.
After Zhihe leaves, elated to have gotten the promise from foster brother, she decides to prepare herself for whatever battle might come her way.
Feng Jiu angrily asked Dong Hua how he could allow his sister to come back to Taichen palace. “And after she slapped Gun Gun too!”
Dong Hua assured his wife, “I only promised to help her return to the Sky kingdom. I never said anything about letting her enter my house.”
Feng Jiu: well it’s not like she has any other residence there.
Dong Hua: no there isn’t. However there I heard that the ghoul king Lijing is looking for a new bride after his first wife Xuan Nu was executed on charge of treason. Relationships with the ghouls are neutral at best but it is sad that we were the ones who had to keep watch on his father’s bell prison and lose my uncle in law for a few centuries. And there is the fact that he also helped me search for you during those 200 years.
Feng Jiu: your plan for returning Zhihe from is by proposing her as a new treaty bride for Lijing?
Dong Hua: as I understand it, Bai Qian herself dislikes the man, so the fox clan won’t disapprove too much. The Bai clan is already related to Zhihe and Lijing as in-laws.
Feng Jiu: I almost feel sorry for Lijing. But aren’t you just making Zhihe a queen???
Dong Hua: I promised to my foster parents I would look after her. After I hand her off to Lijing, I will make sure everyone knows I want nothing more to do with her and she is to be forbidden from entering my homes. Besides, who has more influence. The foster sister of the first emperor, or the bride of a playboy king? I will also make sure Lijing knows not to spoil her because Zhihe needs to learn discipline and respect. (This is a rather long speech from him but he is facing an angry Feng Jiu and disappointed Gun Gun)
And so Zhihe’s recall to heaven to perform a task was gratefully received. At least until she heard her task and then she began to complain.
Dong Hua: I cannot look after you forever. You are going to be a queen, and you still complain? It seems you have not yet learned your lesson. Take her away.
Zhihe would have been a runaway bride but Lian Song stunned her. He tells Zhihe that after making this engagement for Zhihe, Dong Hua officially cut all ties with her. If Zhihe runs away, there will be no one left who will support her.
Zhihe tearfully married the unimpressed Lijing. She lived a comfortable life as queen but it was no secret Lijing preferred his lovers.
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moonstone-vibe · 5 years
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Seriously, why isn’t there more content on him?
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bahoreal · 5 years
dong hua really brought a handkerchief to a sword fight
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