sunofpandora · 3 months
I went on a beach date!
I went surfing too and found some amazing shells I kinda wanna use as references in my future writing. Feel free to use as well!
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I’ll definitely post more of these bc I’m trying to surf at least 15 states this summer.
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
“You can not ask this! The children, the forest, OUR SON! Everything! This is our home!” Neytiri yelled, Spider song chord in her hands as it fell when he was taken just hours ago.
“I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE EITHER NEYTIRI! THEY TOOK OUR BOY BUT I'M NOT LETTING THEM TAKE OUR OTHER CHILDREN! He had them under his knife and he got away with our Spider...” Jake's head faced down to hide the tears on his face. “ I failed our son, but I will not fail my people. As long as we stay here the more they are in danger, the more our children are in danger. He took one of us. Please I don't want him to take any more.” Jake covered his hands with his eyes trying to stop the tears from falling. Neytiri stood there grasping what she had left of her son before she started to cry again herself. Not knowing their other children are watching and feeling helpless about their brother.
I'm gonna make this so much angstier then it needed to be, and I'm gonna enjoy it.
neytiri felt sick; the chord had broken during the fall and all but a few beads had been found. she had gotten onto her hands and knees, searching the forest floor for the lost beads but to no avail; the bead for his first hiss, the first test of iknimaya he completed, his first hunt, and his adoption of all things. part of her baby's story was missing, the most important parts, to her at least. she had made the decision to adopt him, she was the first to hear him hiss, she was the one to lead his first test, she was the one to take him on his first hunt. she had lost her boy, she was losing her home, the home she raised her child in, and she could do nothing. she couldn't even hold onto his song chord, recite his song, his life, in its entirety, because it was gone.
She had tried to busy herself restringing it, but the gaps made her feel nauseous. now she fiddled it in her fingers as jake and the kids started to pack up their things to leave.
jake tried to speak to her, the kids kept trying to nuzzle up to her, but the grief of the situation made her freeze up. she tried so hard to answer, to ease her children's cries, but she couldn't.
"mom," it was kiri, "we'll look in the daylight, before we leave, we'll find them I promise. but, we need to pack his things, and... I can't do it alone. we can't take it all, you should decide what we bring to our new home, what will wait for him when we get him back." she spoke with a sense wisdom that proceeded her age, sounding just like grace.
she finally stood, unable to look her heartbroken child in the eye, before turning to his section of the pod; she finally cracked, balling her eyes out as she begin to shift through his things. the blade, now too small for him, she carved when he was only a few years old. the jewelry he helped make with her, his nimble fingers making intricate designs with ease. the weaved blanket she had made him the night after she first met him to replace the old scratchy one they had on hand in the lab. what remained of her child was right there in front of her.
kiri shifted under her arm, holding onto her torso, practically holding her mother up until she could get her to sit again. as they went through spiders things, packing up what was most important, both functionally and sentimentally, jake returned for wherever he had been.
she turned to look at him, and found anger boiling under her skin; she knew he was doing what was best for their family, but she was still enraged by his request to leave everything.
she didn't let him speak, cutting him off as he tried by gently releasing kiri before storming out of the hut, brushing past him, shoulder checking him before slapping him with her tail.
"I go, kiri can finish packing his things... I will say goodbye to my home now," she bit at him, not yet ready to accept her fate, not without a fight.
she needed air, she needed to find those beads, she needed her son's story back in her hands before her mate pried her from their home.
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tenebrius-excellium · 2 years
Lyrics as heard by Tekre on Youtube:
(Irayo) Lie si oe Neteyamur - I experience Neteyam 
Nawma Sa'nokur mìfa oeyä - to the great mother my inside (maybe a reference of Neteyam, born from her inside, going to the great mother?) 
Atanti ngal molunge - You brought the light 
Mipa tìreyti, mipa tìkanti - (you brought) new life, new goal 
Lawnol a mì te'lan - great joy that is in the heart 
Lawnol a mì te'lan - great joy that is in the heart 
Ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe - We thank you 
Tonìri tìreyä - for the nights of life 
Ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe - we thank you 
Srrìri tìreyä - for the days of life 
Ma Eywa, ma Eywa - O Eywa, o Eywa 
Zola'u nìprrte' ma Kiri - welcome, Kiri 
Ngati oel munge soaiane - I bring you to the family 
Lie si oe atanur - I experience the light 
*Pähem parul, tì'ongokx a oeta - A miracle arrives, a birth that comes from me
Lawnol a mì te'lan - great joy that is in the heart 
Lawnol a mì te'lan - great joy that is in the heart 
Ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe - We thank you 
Tonìri tìreyä - for the nights of life 
Ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe - we thank you 
Srrìri tìreyä - for the days of life 
Ma Eywa, ma Eywa - O Eywa, o Eywa 
*Big ?? on this line. What I actually hear makes no sense at all, even after combining with what a few other Na'vi speakers heard here, so we tried to put something together that makes kinda sense with the meaning and is not too far off what she sings. Since her pronunciation is good, but not flawless, I think this might be correct, but this line might also turn out to be something completely different honestly Will edit this when I find mistakes!
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sylwanin-was-right · 2 years
Omg one critic said the songchords are metaphor for rosary beads 💀
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cornfield-chase · 2 years
The Songcord is so haunting yet beautiful combined with Zoe Saldaña’s mournful voice I LOVE IT SO MUCH IT’S MAKING ME CRY
spoilers: she first sang it when neteyam WAS BORN AND AGAIN WHEN HE’S DEAD WHAT IS THIS MADNESS I CANNOT
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avatar-trash-ayyy · 1 year
Waytelem Neytiriyä stuck in my head, constant loop, no complaints
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oasiswithmyg · 8 months
First Meetings
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So’lek x Sarentu!Reader
Hi everyone, this is my first fic ever for anything, this will be with AFAB reader in mind and will follow closely to the storyline of the game, so there will be spoilers. As I'm making this a series, each of these can be read as standalones. I hope you enjoy it ! Any Na’vi words or phrases I use, the English translation will be right next to it, if not then it will be at the end of the fic!
Word count: 2.6k
Masterlist - Next
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“It's our world, it's lost…dying, because we didn't fight for it when we had a chance. Now we’re fighting for yours. We’re going to make a difference here. Together.” Priya passionately declared as she looked at you sincerely. Then her eyes widened as she remembered something, “Oh! So’lek was hoping to catch you too. Promised him I wouldn't forget. Tell him I didn’t forget !”
You giggled at how cute and bubbly Priya was, out of all the humans here at the resistance base, you liked her cheerful mannerisms a lot. You could tell that she would be a wonderful friend to have. You nodded and thanked her before you head over to find So’lek.
As you slowly walked through the base, your mind had shifted to the recent events that occurred while you and the others were at the TAP facility a day ago. The reason for the shift being a certain resistance Na’vi.
Oel ngati kameie. I see you.
Those were the first words you heard from him when you woke up after the cryo sleep. Even with all the chaos that was going on at the time, you couldn’t help but feel drawn to the Na’vi who seemed to be very straight-forward, blunt and yet understanding of the situation that you and the rest of the Sarentu had faced.
So’lek, he said, was his name (‘what a lovely name’ you had thought) when you asked him while on the run from the RDA, one of the last remaining survivors of his clan. Although, everytime you think of that memory, alone and running from the RDA, you remember the fear of being separated from everyone and wondering if they were safe. After what happened to Aha’ri, you couldn’t stand anyone else being hurt. But So’lek’s voice kept you moving forward and when one of the RDA in the AMP suit caught you, holding you down as that horrible man, Mercer looked down on you, comparing you to your sister, the only thing you wished and hoped for was that So’lek would keep the Sarentu trio safe, as you almost gave up, He came out of nowhere, shooting at the RDA to save you and told you to run.
When you finally got out of the TAP facility, Pandora was nothing like what Mercer or the TAP said it was. They said that it was a terrifying, vicious, and cruel world. However, to your eyes, It was beautiful, the bright sun, the sounds of the creatures and water of the forest. It was like a new world and you couldn’t believe that you spent so long without it all.
As you walked forward, finding So’lek and the others immediately became a priority, when you finally found So’lek, he was hurt, the concern in you washed over like a wave in your chest, he must have gotten injured while protecting you. You knew at that moment that you wanted to protect him as well, taking his bow and using your Na’vi sense that So'lek told you about, made you realize how much you missed out on life, then getting the dapophet plant to heal him and fighting the RDA, gave you a feeling like no other, it made you feel that you can help, that you can be a protector as well.
However, It was when So’lek asked about your songchord, that made your heart flutter. You can still remember the conversation even though it hadn’t been that long.
“You have no songchord.” So’lek said as he got up after repositioning his shoulder, noticing that the Sarentu he seemed to run into a lot was missing a songchord. There was just something different about her, she seemed very caring and yet so strong in spirit, as he could tell as they were on the run from the RDA. “We had my mother’s, but they stole it” Your voice cracked as you said it, the pain of losing both your sister and the songchord, the only piece of your mother left still hurts you to this day.
Hearing that, So’lek felt anger and resentment flare up in his chest. Not only did they kidnap the Sarentu children, kill his clan and hurt the lands of Pandora, they had the audacity to steal something precious from a child as well. He could not explain the feeling in his chest, he wanted to do something for the Sarentu. “Then we must change that” his voice seemed to soften as he said the words and as he questioned, “What is your name Sarentu ?”.
Hearing his voice being gentle brought heat to your cheeks, and more flutterings in your chest, a feeling of happiness seemed to spread through you, “Y/N, my name is Y/N” you looked at him as your name rolled out your mouth in a hurry. Hearing it, So’lek lips curved up a tiny bit, his smile although small was gentle.
The rest went on with him making sure you understood that you must find your own way as you are a Na’vi and by doing so on your own was the way you can learn and then he finally asked you to join the resistance, hearing how he talked about the resistance made you understand why he was in it and you wanted to join them to help other Na’vi, to help save Pandora. After reaching the resistance base and meeting many new human faces, it was a breath of fresh air, they seemed so kind and you could tell that they were sincere in their welcoming and the work that they do here. The only person you still felt a bit weird with was Alma, but you discarded it as it was probably a long time of not seeing each other. She must have felt that she lost all of you after putting you all to cyro sleep.
Seeing the rest of the Sarentu trio free was another happiness that you could not describe, as you saw them as your family. With you being the second to last youngest, you looked up to Ri’nela and Nor a lot, you tried to be there for them as much as possible, to be listening ear or someone they could find comfort in, especially Nor, as he lost his best friend, your big sister. He was the only one that would rebel at the facility, trying to follow Aha’ri’s footsteps. Ri’nela, she became a big sister to you, but was always worried about what would happen if things didn’t go the way TAP wanted. Then there was the youngest, Teylan, he was like a little brother you never had, he would always hold onto your shirt when he felt overwhelmed and sometimes at night when he felt no one would notice, he would sneak into your bed and cuddle wanting to escape whatever nightmares would plague him. It was why you made a very simple doll out of one of the old clothes you had, you gave it to him saying that at times if he couldn’t see you, that he can always hold on to it to know that you’ll always be there for him. The day you gave him that, he hugged you so tightly, he didn’t let go for a long time. But it worried you how much he seemed to praise and think about Mercer.
Then you were given your first mission, take down one of the RDA facilities near the base which was polluting the land, Pneumatic Tower Echo. It felt overwhelming at first but after seeing how the land, your land, the land of Pandora, was ruined because of the RDA, a determination had stirred up in you. It was what made you destroy the RDA facility as soon as possible. In wonder you had seen Eywa had worked in mysterious ways, the land rejuvenated after the facility was destroyed, with creatures from the forest returning to the land, the flora coming back to life. Teylan called you through the radio in worry after hearing the bang, he and the others were at a flower they found. He wanted you to be there with the others so you could check it out, you had hurried over to the group, slowing down as you and the others came closer to the flower, Ri’nela had gasped in wonder, saying how that it was the flower that opens only for the Sarentu, to connect to Eywa, a Tarsyu. You had looked at it in awe, as you could only barely remember seeing the flower when you were a toddler. Finally, pulling your kuru forward, you connected to Eywa and met your ancestor Entu, the first Toruk Makto, with your will renewed, your heart became content and excited at the prospect of learning more and more about what it means to be a Sarentu.
You stopped reminiscing as you finally headed over to the armory where So’lek was at, looking over his gun. For some reason you didn’t think twice when Priya told you that So’lek was looking for you, your feet seemed to have a mind of their own. So’lek ears turned to your direction as he heard your footsteps approach him, he looked up and his lips curved up automatically, he looked proud as he said, “You did well out there”. You felt happy at his words, that you had helped the resistance in some way. As you looked over at him, you felt curious about the weapon in his hand. “Did the humans teach you their weapons too ?” you asked.
So’lek’s eyes became dull at those words, a resentment growing in his chest as his thoughts went to his clan, from when he could last remember them. You wanted to take back the words immediately, not wanting to see his eyes fill with such emptiness ever again. “No, I saw the RDA butcher my clan. Their bullets slicing them to shreds. That was my lesson.” he explained, his voice low and tense as he continued, ��I know how it feels to be among the last of your people. The humans…they are like their guns. Brought here to cause pain.”
You took in his words and you honestly agreed to what he exclaimed. Guns and those strange machines just brought more destruction to Pandora, especially the humans who operated them. But you were confused as well, were the humans here at the resistance base not RDA once ? Voicing this concern of yours, he firmly replied in a hurry, “and I will not make it easy for them to forget. They are our allies now, yes. But, this is not their war. They fight for the ghost of their home world. But we fight for our home.” His words made you think about your time spent at TAP. Although the program was to ensure a healthy relation between humans and Na’vi, it never felt like that. It felt like that evil man had won, “In the end, Mercer got what he wanted, he made us into soldiers.” Your hands clenched tightly at your sides, your tail swishing, agitated and just saying it made you frustrated.
So’lek looked at the Sarentu thoughtfully, he could understand her frustration, her pain and sorrow, he could see how much she wanted to change the way things were and he felt like he wanted to help guide her on her journey, to be her helping hand, he could not explain these emotions well. So he advised her, “You are not what they made you. You are Na’vi. You will learn what that means in time. Starting with this,” he pulled something from the back of his gear, it was a songchord, “I made it for you” he passed the songchord to you, looking at it, you could feel the crack in your heart when they had stole your mother’s songchord from you lessen. You held it in your hands gently, as if it was the most precious thing in the world, which probably was as this was the first time someone, other than your sister and mother, ever made anything for you.
“My own songchord, like my mother’s…” you gently noted.
“All Na’vi wear one. It is your life’s journey for the world to see. For you to remember” He explained the significance of the songchords to you.
“Her’s had more beads on it” you exclaimed in a low tone, trying to remember what it looked like when you last saw it, before Mercer had taken it right out of your hands. You tied the songchord that So’lek had given you on your wrist and examined it carefully, noticing a bead on, your eyes looked at him curiously.
“Each bead is a moment of great importance to the wearer. I have put one in place to commemorate your first steps to freedom. Build on it. Build your own memories. Each one, a new song in your heart.” So’lek explained, noting the soft and gentle look grace the Sarentu’s face. This expression was something he hoped to see, to brighten whatever dark clouds that had been swirling in her mind.
You looked at him, hoping to convey your will to him, “I hope we can. Ri’nela really wants to try. To know what it means to be Sarentu. But at the Tarsyu…Nor seemed confused. Upset.” Thinking about it, after your sister's death, Nor took it hard and felt that it was his own fault for her death, that he did not try harder. He always used to listen closely to Aha’ri with you when she would hum the songs or tell stories of the Sarentu.
“Eywa shows us who we are. And who we can be. But she also reminds us of what has been lost. For your people, that is a heavy burden” So’lek said somberly. He then picked up his gun and started inspecting it again. “The back exit is not so exposed, he may be there.” Noting the worry on your face for Nor, he stated. You nodded with a smile at him, you were about to turn and leave when you remembered, “So’lek,” he turned his head to your voice, a slight shiver crawled up his spine at the gentle caress in the way you said his name, he could see your expression and he felt shocked at the way your eyes looked him in gratefulness. “Irayo So’lek. Thank you so much. For saving me and the others. For giving me strength. For making this songchord and the bead, I will treasure it always and I hope that I can show you my journey through it.”
You turned to leave, feeling the heat rush back to your cheeks at the honest words you blurted out to him, your feelings all over the place. However, before you left, you heard him whisper to you, so that only you would hear, “Be safe.” You felt your heart skip a beat as you nodded to him and rushed out of the base in order to search for Nor.
So’lek did not expect the Sarentu to say such heart-felt words, he had to cover his face because it felt slightly heated. He did not understand what he was feeling, as he did not feel the same with the other Sarentu trio as he did with her. Maybe it was her honest and caring nature that made him feel flustered. For now though, he decided to ignore those feelings. He needed to focus on gathering intel about those who killed his clan and defeating the RDA.
Little did either of them know, that in the future that he would not be able to ignore his feelings and that there would be a bead that represents them on her songchord.
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∘ Oel ngati kameie - I see you
∘ Irayo - thanks
Thank you if you've read through to the end ! I would greatly appreciate comments on how it was and any tips to further improve my writing.
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mayhemories · 2 years
Hi! Can I request a continuation of Teacher's Pet if you're okay doing it? reader takes the kids on a field trip to see whatever animal/cool thing in the rainforest (up to you) Neteyam and a couple warriors volunteer as chaperones to protect you and the kiddos for safety. He volunteered cuz duty but also saw this as a opportunity to get closer to reader 😈 During the field trip he notices one of the warriors try to flirt with Reader. Neteyam is SO jealous about this.
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gif: @world-of-pandora
Teacher's Pet Pt. 2
Anon when I saw this request I nearly passed out bc I thought I had accidentally leaked a part of the plot to this chapter. Wtf great minds think alike <3 hope my vision was satisfying for you!! I'm incredibly anxious about this one not being as good as the first one.
Don’t attack me because this part took so long. I was travelling between continents, have two assignments due and writing multiple works at once 🫡 trying my absolute best here. Some of my tags are working and some are broken! I’m so sorry if you asked to be tagged and it did not work for you - it was not on purpose. 
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x Reader (James Cameron’s Avatar) 
Requested: Yes | No
Warnings: Swearing. Reader is slightly harassed/made uncomfortable by a male character (Neteyam doesn’t let it last for long). Neteyam is an adult with adult thoughts, Reader is an adult with adult thoughts, albeit a little innocent (just in her nature).
Words: 3.2k
Author’s Notes: Direct continuation of Teacher’s Pet, you can find part one here ← 
Taglist: @lilprettypetite @nyotamalfoy @weasleytwinwheezes @aonungs-tsahik @rainbowsocks @glitterandgoldfinds @bluealiensimp @melsunshine @ussoppl @wondxrgurll @luvlykrispy @myheartfollower @gloryavila @itssiaaax @mashiromochi @punkrockrogers @simpforboys @casiia @neytirqs @oh-austin @eywas-heir
Fic Taglist: @neteyamore @waaakemeeeup @tejas-kris @gardenofvows @nuhteyam @m4nd0l0r @bobojojoba69 @sydhersom @fanboyluvr @humbug5 @viviartsy @izzytheconosieur @dreamybiitch @heaven1oo4 @myheartfollower @agelsully @slythermania @neteyamyam15 @bealone-prm @okaylorrainee @koryianders @uwu-i-purple-you @jackiehollanderr @b-tchymoon @gloryavila @reneyahh
Continue reading under the cut:
It had been a week since dinner with the Sully’s, with your favourite student and her incredibly, incredibly attractive brother. 
His name has been running around your mind, stretching and weaving its way around every thought like a songchord every moment since you left his family home. You could not help but feel ashamed at the thoughts your mind had conjured regarding the warrior, regarding his hands and lips and strong arms. A blush broke out across your face, recollecting the private crevasses of your own mind, feeling as though everyone around you could see, could hear, what you dreamed of. 
“y/n!” Neteyam yelled out to you before he could stop himself. He had just come home from rounds, and his visceral yearning for you could not be halted, if he did not see you immediately he probably would’ve ripped the entire village apart until your figure appeared. And how Eywa had blessed him with seeing your face straight away. 
You spun, facing him, looking almost shocked that he had found you in the bustle of the afternoon. And, to his delight, he could’ve sworn that a light smile graced your beautiful face, in addition to a light, fading blush. 
“Neteyam,” Your voice was so beautiful, so, so, so beautiful. Like a song Neteyam never grew sick of. “Can I help you with something?” You asked, gently. Head slightly cocked. Neteyam couldn’t help himself, his body reacting without his brain, his arm reaching for your own, resting it just above your elbow. 
Your entire body felt like it had been set alight. Neteyam’s light grip on your arm made you feel numb, made you feel like you were floating. And how, how, were you supposed to listen, to comprehend anything he said to you? 
“No, no, but I was uh-” Neteyam stuttured, he hated how unsure he was around you, how nervous you made him. “I was wondering if I could help you.” He finished. 
Yes. Yes, he could. He could help you in so many ways that you wished you could voice to him. 
“How so?” You tried to remain professional, remain calm. But Neteyam still hadn’t removed his damn hand and all you could think about was how you wanted his hands. Both of them. Everywhere. 
Neteyam let out a nervous chuckle, his hand retreating from your arm, finding its home at the back of his neck. Something that you had clocked as a nervous tick, though you could never work out why someone like Neteyam, a handsome, strong and mighty warrior was nervous talking to you, a simple teacher. 
“Tuk let it slip that you and the kids plan to visit the syaksyuk tomorrow,” Neteyam felt his cheeks start to burn. He felt like slapping himself in the face, he needed to wake up, needed to collect himself. His father and brother would laugh at him for this interaction, he knew it. “To go that far into the jungle, alone, looking after twenty-something kids is dangerous.” 
You looked down at your feet, and Neteyam felt guilty, felt like he was scolding you. God, he wasn’t much better than his father. 
Your mind was wheeling. You and the kids. You and the kids. You knew, realistically what Neteyam had been referring to. Was it so wrong to wish for him to mean something else by it, though? You and our kids. That was what your heart longed to hear one day. 
“Would you chaperone us, Neteyam?” You asked sweetly. You tried to catch his strong eyeline, and when you did you felt the warm, flowing feeling pool in your chest. Looking at him was like taking your first breath after emerging from a pond, being around him was like feeling warmth after your marrow had been frozen. He made you feel so, so very alive. Alive and incandescent and important. 
Maybe, maybe it was incredibly selfish of you that you used your students as a front, used his sister as an excuse to see him. But you chased that feeling, you sought out his defiblirating presence. 
Neteyam felt like he was flying, felt like he was dying. Like he had flown too close to a tree and his actions had finally caught up to him. And here you were, offering him everything he has ever wanted, so simply, like it was nothing at all. Fuck, he loved you for it. 
You made a reach for him, your own hand mirroring the placement he had on you only moments ago, desperate for that blood-pumping high.
“Only if you’re not busy of course-”
“Of course. It would be my pleasure-”
Neteyam and yourself had spoken at the same time. Two bashful morons who could obviously not contain themselves in eachothers presence. Well, thats what it felt like to Neteyam, anyway. Despite the fact that you were the most intelligent Na’vi he had anything to do with. 
“I can bring a couple of hunters, if you’d like.” Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Why would he do that? Neteyam can’t help run his dumbass mouth, he had secured the situation and fumbled it within seconds. All he wanted was to have more moments with you, alone. Or alone as one can get with a gaggle of children at your feet. 
Not that Neteyam minded seeing a bunch of children at your feet. 
And just like that, that beautiful blooming, romanticism errurpted in your chest, it died. You felt naive, you thought that Neteyam was angling at a moment, somewhat, alone. But him being the perfect, golden man that he was, cared genuinely about your safety. Cared about your class’ safety. Eywa damn it, his sister’s safety. All over again, you felt yourself running amock in your own thoughts. Was it not incredibly kind that he would give up his time to chaperone you and your class? He would only offer if he cared. You did not stop the love that unfurled in your chest. 
“Thank you, Neteyam.” You offered the man a smile, hoping he would sense your genuine excitement. “That’s extremely generous of you, I know how short on free time you are.” 
Neteyam was so, so happy. He felt like crying. He just doesn’t understand how you do it. Neteyam, as if being controlled, like a ghost in his shell, let his hand find yours that laid still on his arm, covering your hand. 
Everything was so effortless with you, so right. He did not just feel acknowledged or witnessed. But perceived, you saw him. Neteyam knew he was projecting. All he did know, though, was that he saw you. All he could wish for was that maybe, Eywa willing, you would see him too. 
Lo’ak was getting increasingly more pissed off. Watching Neteyam pussyfoot around you was painful. At first, it was hilarious. So hilarious that even his Dad got in on it. Jake found himself leaning against a support beam, Lo’ak a hairsbreadth away from him. The two of them watching his eldest son, watching his baby boy absolutely make a fool of himself.
“I don’t know how much more of this I can take, Lo’ak.” Jake laughed lightly, shaking his head. Lo’ak had heard that sentence alot, usually in regard to his behaviour, but this time it was his father laughing at his older brother and Lo’ak was incredibly thankful he wasn’t on the end of it this time. 
“It’s embarassing.” Lo’ak agreed. 
Jake sighed. He didn’t realise how much Neteyam lacked in confidence. In the back of his mind, in the deep, dark part that Jake kept hidden, he couldn’t help to wonder if it was his fault that his eldest struggled to express himself.
Immediately your hand flew to your side, a blush exploded across your face and ears, you did not know why you were embarrassed that Jake Sully had caught you and Neteyam out- you were doing nothing wrong, anyway. 
But Neteyam’s mirroring blush said otherwise. 
“Time for dinner, boy!” As quick as he announced his presence from a few tents away, Toruk Macto was gone, disappeared into the threshold of his own home. 
“Bring your girlfriend!” Neteyam’s younger brother, Lo’ak called out. Following his father he quickly made himself scarse. You felt Neteyam grow rigid at the younger boy’s teasing words. 
Your blush deepened, and you cursed yourself for turning into a blushing, dumbstruck girl everytime Neteyam was near. 
“I’m uh,” Your heart fluttered everytime the precise, calculated warrior stuttured. “I’m sorry for them, they’re just teasing.” Neteyam looked sincre in his apology, but just as embarrassed as you had been. 
You laughed, shooing him away. His searing presence had become too much. 
“It’s alright, ma Neteyam.” You giggled, you were obviously unaware of what you had just said. Neteyam felt like a hunter going in for the kill with how aware of your words he was. He was enamoured. So fucking in love with you, it was beginning to hurt. “Go, go have a feast with your family.”
You smiled and Neteyam wanted to commit it to memory, etch it into his brain, a permanent reminder of your glowing nature.
“I’ll see you tomorrow!” Neteyam returned the smile, stalking his way to his family home. 
And maybe it was his broad shoulders, or the way his braids moved as he walked. Maybe it was how confident he made you, or how much you wanted him, you didn’t know. But you could not stop the bold streak that only Neteyam could conjure: 
“Neteyam!” You called out, the boy spun, halfway home, brow cocked. “It would be an honour to be your girlfriend, you know!” Echoing the words that his brother had teased him with, you decided not to stay to give him the satisfaction of the last word, you waved goodbye before ducking into your own tent. 
Neteyam chuckled, like a young boy in trouble. All the way home. 
Later that night, while he was trying to find sleep in his private quarters of his family home. Neteyam tossed and turned in his hammock. His thoughts chasing the ghostly figure of you in his minds eye. As he so often did. But this time, words that he would only imagine you saying were replaced with memory. 
Ma Neteyam. Ma Neteyam. Ma Neteyam. 
God. He wanted nothing more than to be yours. To court you, to mate you, to build a home, create a nest for your eventual tribe of children. 
Normally at this point, Neteyam would start to feel guilty, to hold thoughts of you this way in his heart, and dirtier thoughts of you in his head. But as his hand snaked down between his legs, to his throbbing member, Neteyam dwelled on your parting words to him. 
It would be an honour to be your girlfriend, you know. 
And the guilt did not come for him. 
“Children, before we head out to go see the beautiful syaksyuk, I want you all to say a big thank you.” You gestured to Neteyam, and the two other warriors he had conned into chaperoning you and your class. The four adults and twenty-two Na’vi children stood at the precipice of the wild jungle.
“Thank you Ayo’to,” Your class echoed as you placed your hands on the shoulder of the youngest Na’vi warrior that had joined you today, working your way down the line, behind the young men. “Thank you Marek,” you moved along to the shoulders of the next hunter. You found your hands stalling when you reached Neteyam. You went onto your tippy toes, your eyes just peaking over Neteyam’s broad shoulders, giggles rang out from the kids, as one of your hands found Neteyam’s shoulder, the other one wrapping around his taunt bicep. 
“Thank you Neteyam.” You said, along with your kids, his honey eyes finding your own and you wished you could live in his line of sight forever. 
You pulled away, after leaving your hands a beat too long. You ushered the children to follow you, as your chaperones dispersed themselves around. Smiling to yourself, as you realised that Neteyam bought up the rear, sticking incredibly close to the few children in the back of the group. 
So fatherly, so protective, your heart swelled at the sight. 
“Neteyam is my brother.” You heard Tuk whisper to another boy in the class, who was watching the man in awe. Smiling softly to yourself, you were so thankful that you had the confidence to accept Neteyam’s offer of protection in the first place. 
Neteyam felt the smile plaster itself to his face, as he watched you teach the kids. He felt alive as your tail swished back and forth, happily. As you crouched down to be the same height as your students, to point out flora and fauna, to help them learn and love the gift of nature around them. 
He could not help to think how stunning you looked, out here in the morning light of the jungle. How your big, bright eyes glittered when your students answered something right, or engaged in asking questions. 
But to his dismay, the two young hunters Neteyam had pulled to help out, noticed your beauty too. And this soured his mood, greatly. 
He felt livid as he watched Marek’s trained eyes find their target on your ass. He wanted to punch Ayo’to in his square, stupid face everytime he pulled a large leaf back for you. But, the worst part of it all was that this was Neteyam’s own fucking fault. He offered additional help, he picked these two grunts. 
He was incredibly unhappy with his choices.
As you held a slender finger to your plush lips, signaling for the kids to be quiet as you ushered them into a clearing, Neteyam felt guilty for his sudden shift in mood. You were so stunning, so happy. You did not notice how the other two men treated you. You were so focused on the kids, on their education, on their happiness. 
Neteyam felt a tug on his hand, Tuk had almost ignored him the whole walk, enraptured with everything you had said. 
“What’s wrong Neteyam?” Tuk asked, her voice no louder than a whisper. Neteyam loved his sister, loved her keen eye for her family. He noticed that she shared that keen eye with you, too. Like you were her family, too. 
“Shh, nothing, go sit with the others and listen to (y/n).” Neteyam urged Tuk on. The young girl quickly sat in the grass with the other children, their eyes trained on their teacher, despite their surroundings. 
That was just another thing Neteyam found himself loving about you. Your ability to hold a room, to command attention without explicitly asking for it. He smiled to himself as he thought it was a great trait for a Tsahik.
“Kids we must be quiet, must be still as we wait for the syaksyuk.” You walked from the front of the class, to the back, watching them as every Na’vi child had their eyes glued to the tree canopy, waiting for any sign of the blue and yellow primates. 
“You’re a great teacher.” One of the hunters, Marek, had suddenly appeared next to you, whispering in your right ear. "Maybe you could teach me something, sometime." You blushed at the young man’s comments, but it was not the same blush you held for Neteyam. It was different. You were in discomfort. 
“Thank you,” You willed yourself to remain calm, remain professional, in a hushed voice to not scare away the syaksyuk, or be loud enough for the children to hear. “I appreciate that you’ve given time to assist me and my class today.” You kept your words clipped, hoping that your tone and lack of eye contact would push your feelings clearly.
Though you doubt the boy, the man, Marek, you doubted the fact that he cared much about your feelings. 
“Is anyone courting you, (y/n)?” You felt the hunter’s hot breat fan across your neck, you felt like his prey, trapped against his chest and an invisible wall of professionalism standing behind your class. You knew there was nothing explicit in his question, outright. But it was the lewd undertones that had you nervous.
Where was Neteyam? 
“I do not think that is an appropriate question, Marek.” You wished your words had not fallen out of your mouth, shakily, but they had. They had and now he knew you were nervous. 
Where the fuck was Neteyam? 
Neteyam was seeing red, was fuming. 
Marek had crossed a line getting so close to you, that was a given. But as Neteyam watched the bead of sweat roll down your face, watch as your eyes flicked back and forth in front of you, that was enough. 
Silently, as to not interrupt the children’s viewing of the syaksyuk, Neteyam made his way over. 
He heard Marek ask about courting. 
He heard your curt reply. But between your words he could hear your uneasy nature. He could hear the rising panic. 
“You’re excused, Marek.” Neteyam put his hand out to you, relief flooded him as you quickly pulled yourself against his arm and chest, a beat away from Marek and his looming figure. 
“But-” Neteyam cut the hunter off, sick of seeing his stupid face. 
“I want you gone, now. Be quick and quiet about it.” 
You felt like a fool, holding onto Neteyam’s strong hand for dear life. Marek wouldn’t have done anything to you here, not infront of the kids. But it was the fear of it, creeping around in the back of your mind that upset you, nonetheless. 
“Yes Sir.” 
You watched quietly as Marek fled through the brush of the jungle. Silent like the hunter he was. You watched as he pulled the other young hunter, Ayo’to along with him. 
It was you, and Neteyam, and the kids, of course. 
“Are you alright, ma (y/n)?” Neteyam asked softly, pulling your back to his toned chest, his chin resting on the top of your head, large, muscled arms snaking around your waist to hold you tightly against him. Protecting you from any harm. 
You could not help but to lean into his touch, lean into your love for the man. You knew your brain would pick itself raw over the use of that prefix later, now was for you and him. Now was for your kids and the swinging syaksyuk that had appeared through the canopy. 
You rested your hands on top of his own, “I’m alright now, ma Neteyam.” You whispered as the kids began to ooh and ahh at the syaksyuk. Giggling as the primates chattered through the trees. 
You allowed yourself to laugh with the kids, allowed your mind to wander to the daydreams you have of loving Neteyam. Allowed yourself to conjure and image of your firstborn sitting on his father’s shoulders, enraptured with the world around them. 
You let yourself feed into that dream as you felt Neteyam’s very real lips ghost over your hairline, above your left ear. He left nothing but a thought of a kiss there, and you felt that same blooming in your chest. 
“Have dinner with me tonight.” Neteyam gently whispered once more, this time laying a tangible, corporeal kiss above your ear. 
You could’ve folded, in half, then and there if it wasn’t for Neteyam’s strong hold. 
“Anything you want, Neteyam.” You whispered back to him, cocking your head to look up at him. You noticed the muscle flick in his jaw as he looked ahead, pretending not to see your line of sight. Gently, you placed a small kiss on his jawbone. Featherlight, it could’ve vanished if he wished it to. 
You hoped he did not wish it to. 
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onskepa · 1 year
Stxeli: new life.
Hi everyone! this is the ongoing series for mo'at's fic "a daughter for daughter". If ya'll read that one, it is like an overall cover of what stxeli life would be like. However, I wanna truly start it with this.
Stxeli series
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Sun has once again shine brightly all across Pandora. A new day has begun. Mo'at and Eytukan were starting to awaken when they hear soft babbles of their little one, Stxeli. She was wide awake and was staring at them while having her little foot in her mouth. Both smile down at her cute face. Mo'at gently takes stxeli's foot out of her mouth, "You're feet is to move, not to eat ma'ite".
Eytukan looks at his long time mate. Her bright smile returned to her face. The sparkle is back in her amber eyes. Mo'at was back to being herself. And it was thanks to Eywa's gift. Stxeli was what they needed, she was the cure, the medicine, the answer to heal from their inner wounds. And Eytukan would do what it takes to make sure his new daughter wont ever suffer.
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They went to where all the na'vi are, all having breakfast together. Neytiri was already there with tsu'tey and other children. Saying their good mornings, both leaders take a seat and began to eat. Mo'at was given some soft foods by recent mothers. Though mo'at worries if stxeli might not like the foods. Only one way to find out.
First she offers a bit of soft mushed fruit to stxeli, letting her nibble a bit before taking a whole bite. Mo'at sees it as a good sign and began to feed her more of it. Stxeli makes a happy sound as she noms away the mushed fruit.
Neytiri simply stared at little stxeli, not saying much. "You consider the child your sister?" Tsu'tey asks as he takes a bite of his food.
Neytiri took a long minute to answer, "I am not sure" and returns to eat.
Eytukan finished his meal first and faces mo'at, "mo'at, hand her to me, you must eat as we have a long day ahead of us". Agreeing, mo'at hands stxeli over to eytukan as she begins eats.
Stxeli made some babbling noise again, as if trying to talk to eytukan, to which, he is all ears for. He gently traces his little daughter's features, taking in her soft squishy cheeks, her smooth skin, and her little button nose that he likes to boop a lot.
"every morning you are always the first to be up" he tells her, mo'at looks at them both with a smile. "She enjoys the first morning sunlight rays".
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After breakfast, mo'at would usually be the one to take stxeli with her as her main grounds is either the healing tents or visiting the spirit tree. Safe areas for stxeli.
And where ever she goes, the clan would stop and greet little stxeli. Many children would even ask to hold her, and mo'at would grant their little desires, as long as the mothers are near and mo'at guides them how to properly carry stxeli as she is smaller than a na'vi baby. Mo'at feels at east that the clan has accepted stxeli. Even better that the children seem to genuinely love her little girl.
Well, almost everyone.
Unfortunately, However, there would always be a bad fruit in the basket. Ateyo and Artsut. Tsu'tey's parents. Such stubborn people they are. They are the only ones who could never seem to accept stxeli yet.
And speak of the na'vi. When mo'at opened her tent, artsut was there. Frowning, mo'at asks "is there something you need artsut?". The woman in question turns to her. But artsut wasn't looking at mo'at, no, she was staring at stxeli with pure hatred in her eyes.
Stxeli was just playing with mo'at's songchord, being blissfully unaware the hate she is getting.
By motherly instinct, mo'at held her daughter closer to her, as means to protect her baby from the possible threat in front of her.
"I see you still haven't gotten rid of that demon" artsut hisses. Mo'at's tail swishes in anger, but does her best to be as composed as possible. To insult a child is to insult the mother.
"and why would I rid of my child? Eywa's gracious gift to me?", artsut scoffs. "A gift from our great mother, I dare say, don't be foolish tsahik. Why would Eywa accept those demons? That is what those demons want. To intertwin themselves with our people! That thing has your mind warped!".
Mo'at scoffs at such false accusations. Before artsut could say anymore, she was interrupted by a loud squeal from stxeli, sounds like she is a bit fussy. "If all you have come is to insult my child, then it is best you leave. I am only kind to your for the sake of your son. But dont try this again or I will have Olo'eyktan to speak with you".
For once, choosing the right thing, artsute leaves in huffing anger. Once mo'at finds the space safe, she puts stxeli down letting her explore the familiar place.
Whenever someone seeks mo'at for treatment, you can bet stxeli plays a important role. She distracts the patient while mo'at treats them. Stxeli would often play, talk, or be carried by the person. As means to keep themselves occupied and not be as in much pain.
Mo'at heals the physical wounds while stxeli heals in emotions. A nice duo. And mo'at already plans to teach stxeli the ways of a healer. She can see her darling girl treating others in time of need.
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By the end of the day, curing the communal dinner, eytukan was holding stxeli, missing her all day as he did his duties. "have you been good for your mother" he gently asks to which stxeli answers in sounds only she can understand.
Mo'at chuckles as she smiles, "she has been doing well in assisting me". She turns to give neytiri more food but catches her child staring at stxeli again. Neytiri has been doing that since their new daughter arrived. "What is wrong ma'ite?" she asks. Neytiri doesnt turn to face her, but answers while staring at stexlie.
"nothing....nothing......" was all she said.
Mo'at hopes that neytiri can see the way she and eytukan sees stxeli. She prays to Eywa that neytiri will hopefully soon come to love her new sister.
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Okie that is it for this one! Hope you all enjoyed it! Until next time! see ya!
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noodlesfics · 2 years
Avatar characters reactions to you beating them in a fight
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He's very proud of you being able to take him down. He loves helping you out in your training and seeing how you are improving. He will gladly accept defeat, but he drags it on to see if you can beat his stamina. And when you do, he so proud of you and boats to everyone that he has such a fine fighter. He loves seeing you defend yourself against other people and he feels that you both look really powerful. 100% your cheerleader.
At first, she absolutely hated it that you beat her. She has always been an incredible fighter, and having you beat her makes her feel like she's no longer worthy of a title. However, she loves you very much and is very proud of how far you have come. She will make sure to gift you with something special and heave a gem into your songchord to remember your glorious moment.
Much like his father, he helped a lot in your training. He loves cherishing the memories tou have together. You told him not to hold back, he was skeptical of this as he didn't want to hurt you, however, when you absolutely thrashed him, he was so impressed. It's a massive weight off his shoulders knowing that you can defend yourself if he's not there at any moment.
He's only really had experience in little fights against other boys, so it's no surprise that you beat him. However, he showered you in praised but also told you not to push yourself to much so you don't get hurt. After having you beat him, he likes to watch you train and maybe even ask you to help him learn to fight properly to protect you.
He held a grudge against you for a while. He didn't want to accept the fact that you beat him, it just wasn't working. But when he saw you upset that he was ignoring you, he decided to accept the fact that you can defend yourself. He always liked the fact that he was the one to protect you, and you beating him made him feel like he lost his purpose.
He's extremely impressed. People have fought against him countless of times and lost and everyone was expecting the same outcome for you. However, when you beat him, it seemed that everything slowed down. He was happy that you were as strong as him, it made the burden lighter on him for being the defender of his people. He loves recalling the memory of you happy face after his defeat.
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m0chisenpai · 2 years
Why So Blue
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Pre Avatar Way of Water
Jake Sully x black!navi!reader x Neytiri
Part 2: Somethings Off
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Pregnancy on Pandora was weird. Not that you had anything to compare it against to human pregnancy. But you could just feel how…unnatural it was. You didn't start showing until you’d reached around four months. And even at that point it didn’t feel like life was growing inside of you till you caught a glimpse of yourself by the waters. 
One thing that was different about the women of the Na’vi was that they did not allow their pregnancy to put an end to their work. You recalled how Neytiri continued to go on hunts and ride her ikran while pregnant with both Lo’ak and Netayem. 
So why couldn't you be like her? Your fingers thumbed at the songchord chord you'd made. One for each of your loved ones, the boys, and the one on top, a glassy rigid milk white stone you’d found to represent your passing through the eye of Eywa. You’ve yet to find one for the little one. 
Your eyes watched on as the hunters returned, but your eyes lingered on another expecting mother. How she effortlessly moved despite just being at the point of birth. How she clicked her tongue and yelped with her bow held high as the fellow warriors dragged in the freshly killed game. 
She was so much farther along than you, yet she moved so effortlessly. Why did you feel so small? So out of place? Your other hand cupped beneath your bump and smoothed over it. You felt so exposed. It felt shameful to have your bump on display. And Neytiri saw this when you first began showing.
That afternoon as Jake prepared to join the hunt he knelt before you and pressed a kiss to your bump, and your hands pressed into his shoulders gently. But you gave him a small smile to ease the worries that sat in his brow.
Neytiri loved to hold you from behind but lately you would move yourself into her side. It was embarrassing how her hands slid beneath your bump. Your hands would fold in front of you often as you walked among the clan, you opted to stay home during hunts now. “The boys need me, my loves go on without me.” That’s when Jake and Neytiri got concerned. 
Neytiri felt you drifting and it broke her heart. Because in her eyes you were breathtaking. When she looked upon you she looked as though you hung the very stars above. 
And Jake tried explaining to her the culture of human pregnancies. How women didn’t leave. Pregnancy in a way was extremely private on Earth. It broke her heart to hear how this gift of life was watered down to humans, but it came as no surprise.
And as Neytiri sat behind you, her gentle hands sliding new beads into your braids, she spoke up with love dripping from her lips. “I thought when I first saw you, unlike the skxawng you would see. But now I see much more.” her hand reached over your shoulder to press against your chest, “Eywa shines upon you. Beauty shines in you so purely. You will be a strong mother, just as you are a strong mate, My Y/N.”
And you held her hand pressing a gentle kiss to it as she returned to braiding. “Do you think I’ll be as good as you?”
“No, you will be even better. You will be you.“ And you cursed your hormones for the tears that trailed down your cheeks as she wrapped her arms around you and pressed kiss after kiss to your forehead.
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neteyamyawne · 8 months
💗 — Somnophilia
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『 Pairing 』 Jake Sully x Fem!Reader
『 summary 』 Even after years of being together, Jake doesn't seem to get enough of your beautiful curves, even when you're fast asleep.
『 warning 』 Somophilia, male masturbation, being watched while sleeping, explicit, praise kink (slight), voyeurism? Maybe, definitely perverted, handjob (m receiving).
『 word count 』 730, proof read.
『 Notes 』 yes i wrote this inbetween my exams and no I have no regrets because uni already sucks 😔
『 Glossary 』 Yawne - beloved, Tiyawn - Love, Paskalin - Sweet berry/Honey, Yawnetu - Loved on.
◦ Masterlist || M.Masterlist
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The dim light in the tent glowed from the small fire at the entrance, casting deep shadows through the quiet atmosphere of the tent, soft snores resonated in the dim settings, the gentle rocking on the hammock that lulled you to sleep.
Jake laid beside you awake, softly raking his fingertips over the expanse of your back, your body resting almost on top of him, one leg thrown in between his long and muscular ones, his other hand rested on your plush thigh fiddling with the songchord dangling from your waistband, the warm firelight giving your azure skin a yellow tint making his breath hitch.
It was so quiet… oh so quiet when he pulled you closer in his arms, a strong arm around your shoulder, fingers skittering over the joint of your shoulder, kissing your forehead once in a while “You're so fucking pretty, babygirl…” his voice was rough from not being used throughout the time when he watched you slept in his arms.
Jake slid his hand to his loincloth, slipping past his waistband and cupping his raging hard on, a soft hiss of pleasure leaving his pursed lips as he watched your chest rising and falling with each breath “mmmhh” the soft noises you made in your sleep only heightened the sense of pleasure for him.
He moved slightly, straddling your hips efficiently as you slid to the middle of the hammock, turning to lay on your back after sleeping on your side for so long, Jake ever so slowly touches the soft skin around your waist, gently squeezing the warm flesh as he peppered feather light kisses on your collar “Fuck Eywa you're so soft…” he murmured to himself but stops and freezes when you grumbled in your sleep and lightly swatted at the places he kissed as it tickled your skin, a solid frame over your body as he watched the shadows dance across your peacefully face.
“Shhh shh go back to sleep, Yawne” he whispered leaning down to your ear, licking the shell of your pointed pinna, the earring Swaying side to side with his lick, tracing his fingers down to your abdomen, your eyes screwed as simultaneously a little sigh left your lips in response to him.
he smirked as he kneeled, his knees right beside beside your hips on both sides, “good girl, tiyawn, such a good girl, even in your sleep” he growled lowly as he stroked his own length, the rigid member bouncing at its own accord as he pumped his hand up and down “Fuck… paskalin, just watching you gets me riled up”
He was on his knees, fisting his painfully erect cock as his other hand fumbled with the waistband of your tweng, brushing aside the songchord attached to it, the mere sight of your plump lips had him combusting, he reined in his hiss as the pearly white pre-cum had already lubricated his shaft enough, the thick head of his veiny cock still poured more of the milky white substance when he cupped your cunt.
He was shaking, thighs quivering as he stopped himself from fucking you raw right then and there, the sight of your peacefull slumber only made tightened the coil turning in the pit of his stomach, a man could only hold back for so long, as he came all over your thigh, cum sliding down your leg, he panted heavily and leaned back looking at his mess and more of your pretty pussy, getting up and preparing to clean with a string of curses when he was pulled back by his tail.
Surprise was written all over his face, seeing you wide awake, holding his tail, a small smirk playing on your lips, a little fang poking out “we're not finished yet, yawnetu.. or are you..?” Your voice and suggestive chuckle said everything as your eyes trailed down to his already erecting cock.
He didn't waste a single second, pouncing on you like a hungry cat, tail swishing behind him in excitement with a playful grin “you were watching me, weren't you?” He mumbled in your neck, knee sliding between your thighs, rubbing on your clit as you suppress a moan “of course I was..” your own voice strained from the delicious pressure on the bud.
“Such an eager little slut for me, babygirl… let's get to business, shall we?”
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Yawne : @eywaite, @tallulah477, @luvv4j4ybe11, @ikeyniofthetayrangi, @am-ka, @jooniexmoon, @wanabekanae, @luvteyams, @nerdybouquetofkittens-blog, @dhdidndidn, @erostothenus, @rO-xy, @jakesullywhore, @m3g215, @lis4lipsi, @your-lover-died, @heisbetterthanwaffles, @suinhee, @teymars, @taronyuhunter, @chesireleah1999, @moonchildxoxx, @celessO, @marydiva-17, @thepeonysbackup, @j1b-b, @huntthefreaky, @myloveforyourisforever, @st4rgi4l, @pheonixfucu, @nailOv3r, @neteyamsoare, @pandoraslxna, @neteyamswillow.
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undercoverpan · 1 year
Say what you mean (I can't, sorry)
"Why didn't you make me tea when I was sick?"
The room they're in is quiet. Spider isn't looking at him, rather, he's staring at his cup of water as he sits down in one of the cold, metal chairs the RDA had left behind. Jake's place within the four walls is at the small counter, leaning other it with his elbows as he grips a piece of bone, whittling it into a bead. Neither face the other.
"What?" He asks, resuming with his carving. Spider glances at him from the corner of his eyes, catching the dismissive tone, and thinks of shutting his mouth. Just dropping the conversation. But with a second glance, he catches amber on the man's songchord, and thins his lips. Proof of his place within the family is reflected in that insignificant amber, the same blood that courses through his veins now. How he hated his blood; how he wonders why and how Jake could cherish it. His blood beckons him to speak, rushing to his cheeks as he opens his mouth again.
"When I was sick, you never made me tea." 
Jake regards his words in the way you might regard the core of an eaten Yovo fruit. Past its sweet flesh, what is it worth? The seeds may be cultivated by Eywa, but not necessarily the Na'vi. By Jake. But Spider wants to be valued beyond his metaphorical and literal flesh. 
"Did you want some tea?" He offers; and Spider stills. His rational mind, the one that never made any effort to shield him from the less rational parts of himself that dwelled within his heart, tells him that that is what he wants. Tea. He's asked for tea and he's being offered tea. He associates that part of his thoughts with cowardice and willful ignorance, because this isn't what he wants. 
"No, not right now. Back then, when I was a kid. You used to make the others tea; but never me. Why?" He presses, and though he shows great restraint with the emotions seeping through his teeth like blood through a white bandage, it is still as palpable and intrusive as the past comparison. Jake pauses, turns, and looks at Spider. He feels microscopic beneath his intense gaze, like an insect, like a yerik, like prey and insignificance all at once. Their relationship is one of commensalism, maybe parasitism if you push it. Spider certainly is.
"That's because you rarely got sick. Also, Norm wanted to keep you away from Na'vi foods and drink when you got sick–" he starts and Spider feels shame welling up in his throat like bile. Embarrassment. "No. Not that. Why didn't you make me tea?" He says. It's simple, a simple question. But below the surface, it's a heavy; loaded question. It's not stupid, or petty, or childish; it is a plea. A plea for understanding, a plea for please don't make me really say it.
"I never thought to make you tea. I…I thought you liked making your own tea." He offers instead an odd olive branch of sorts. Spider tightens his grip on his cup. "I always wanted someone to make me tea. It–, I like my tea, but I've never compared it to anything else. I don't know if I'm doing it right; I don't know what tea is supposed to taste like." He says, admits with some embarrassment and hesitance. Jake takes a breath; it feels like he's taking the air straight from Spider's lungs.
"Is it so bad, not knowing what tea is if you like what you make?" 
He asks. 
"Is it so bad that I want you to make me tea?" Spider counters. Jake sighs and Spider feels ridiculous. An 8 year old tugging at someone's sleeve, saying come look, I hit it right in the middle this time! I carved it myself! I wove it myself! I saw this and thought of you! I learned how to do this today! I made this for you!
"It's not that I don't want to make you tea, Spider, I promise. It's just…" he hesitates, searching for something inside himself, something more genuine than he wants to be right now. "...With the kids, and Neytiri, and the rest of the clan, I was just so busy." 
Spider feels something in him deflate, filled with some delusional hope that because he is part of 'the kids' and 'the clan' he'd get tea, but he wasn't. Never was, never will be. He bites his lip, hunching over like Jake punched him in the stomach and with the pain in his chest, he might've.
"Okay." He says, tersely. He doesn't dare meet his gaze. Doesn't want to imagine what he'd find in that golden eyed gaze.
"Spider…" He trails, reaches a big blue hand towards Spider in some kind of attempt at comfort. It's a cruel thing, reaching when you've made it clear you have no intention of holding. Featherlight touches grace him occasionally, but he wants the real thing. He wants somebody to care in the same way a father was. Anyone, anyone at all.
"It was stupid to ask," he says, standing up, "Sorry. It's stupid–, I'm stupid–,"  He rushes out of the room, water forgotten, eyes red rimmed and body stiff, trapped in rigor mortis. His body is tense, reeling from some kind of impact. He grits his teeth as he makes it to his little bedroom. He opens and closes the door behind him, a quiet click as it shuts behind him. His room, small and usually suffocating, is his sanctuary.
Sanctuary.  His uturu from the rest of the world, when it all became too much. And it's so stupid and he's so stupid because it's just tea. It's just tea, it's something he can make on his own, it's something he doesn't necessarily love; it was such a stupid and petty and desperate thing to ask. He feels like there are bugs under his skin, he wants to rip them all out. 
Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid
He feels hot tears down his cheeks. Embarrassing.
He sinks to the floor, knees tucked beneath his chin. He heaves.
The room blurs, turning into a muddled sea of colours in his vision. His head is cold against the hard floor as sobs wrack his built frame. And yet, from the corner of his eye, he spots something. It's in a brown can, a familiar one. He reaches out his hand and touches cold metal, pulling it from beneath his bed. 
It's one of the better drinks the RDA makes. Coffee flavoured energy drink, a favourite amongst the science guys. He always thought it tasted like dung, the bitterness juxtaposed awfully with the artificial sweetness. But when it's in a chipped mug, topped with copious amounts of whipped cream and chocolate, it's good. When it's shared around a campfire with Quaritch, it's good. When it's put into a microwave and subsequently blows up said microwave, it's good. 
He ignores the warning labels and drinks it down. It's good.
Spider not asking what he rlly wants <333 turning to an unhealthy imitation of what he truly desires <333 he cant ask his dad for affection or why he feels unloved, he like frfr
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tenebrius-excellium · 2 years
I totally don’t know The Songchord by heart... or something
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skylarstark4826 · 8 months
Sometimes, Jake and Neytiri play a game. A competition, more like. They don’t play this game often, and the winner usually gets to revel in their victory for at least a fortnight before the chance to challenge arises. It’s a game only played by the two of them, and while their children may have some inklings as to the nature of it, they are content to let their parents be the sole competitors.
As Polyphemus rises in the sky and eclipse begins, so does Jake and Neytiri’s game. 
Evening meal is being cleared away, and the children romp and tussle around the tent until Jake and Neytiri lower themselves onto their sleeping mats, signaling that it is time to finally settle down.
Neytiri begins at an advantage – Tuktirey is barely a year old, and thus still sleeps most comfortably with her mother close by. Neytiri smiles at Jake with savage delight when Lo’ak stumbles over to her, sleepily rubbing at one eye and laying himself across Neytiri’s lap for the night.
She almost secures victory before Jake can even begin his counterattack, Neteyam approaching her for a goodnight hug and kiss. But that is all he apparently seeks, bending down to kiss Lo’ak and Tuk’s heads as well before joining his father. Jake shoots her a victorious grin as he wraps their eldest in his arms.
Neytiri doesn’t want to give Jake any more reason to gloat, but she can’t help but scowl as Kiri also heads Jake’s way, attention absorbed by the intricate leaves of the flower she has plucked on her morning walk. Jake takes it from her hands and sets it aside gently, whispering promises that it will be waiting for her in the morning when their daughter complains. Kiri grudgingly accepts this answer, and squirms in between Neteyam and Jake.
They lock eyes over the heads of their dozing children. They are at a stalemate.
Their gazes shift to the last of their children still awake as he finishes putting a fresh battery into his exopack. Spider’s jaw cracks with the force of his yawn, and his eyes are mostly closed as his body sways where he stands, fatigue overcoming him.
Jake opens his mouth to call out to Spider, but Neytiri shoots daggers at him with her eyes. The only real rule to their game is that they are not allowed to try and coax any of their children to their side. They must come completely of their own will.
Neither truly knows where Spider may go. For the most part, the family slept together, a miasma of limbs and braids and the soft exhales of sleep. Nights like tonight were rare, and usually only implemented when the children seemed so tired that an accidental kick or kuru tug would send them into tears. 
Most nights, it can be guaranteed that wherever Kiri goes, Spider will follow. But Spider had been annoyed when Kiri had left the tent this morning without waiting for him, and his resentment at being left behind may still linger. But, Tuk still wakes at least twice during the night, and Spider is a light sleeper. He may not want to sleep with Neytiri if there’s a chance his littlest sister may wake him before eclipses’ end.
As if summoned by the thought, Tuk begins to fuss, tired whimpers escaping her mouth as she tries to fall asleep. Neytiri sings to her softly, rocking the babe with one arm and smoothing down Lo’ak’s braids with the other.
If the song Neytiri chooses happens to be Spider’s songchord, that is between her and Eywa.
As if summoned, Spider begins to drift her way. His eyes don’t open as he stumbles across the tent, guided only by his mother’s voice. Tuk quiets as Spider nestles into Neytiri’s stomach, hand intertwined with Lo’ak’s over her navel.
“Night, mama,” Spider mumbles. Neytiri tucks a braid behind his ear, fingers stroking a soothing pattern at the nape of his neck.
“Goodnight, my son,” she whispers back. She soaks in the bliss that is the gentle rise and fall of her children’s chests as she settles herself finally for sleep.
Before closing her eyes for the night, she looks across the smoldering embers of their hearth at her husband. Even as he holds Kiri and Neteyam with love and gentleness, he looks at Neytiri with pure betrayal.
“Traitor,” he mouths at her. Maybe her trick with the songchord wasn’t as subtle as she thought. 
No matter. Both Neytiri’s home and heart are warm, and that is prize enough.
For the record, however, she still won. 
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katerinaaqu · 5 months
Hello and welcome to this corner of contradictions! I am a proud Greek archeologist and singer who loves mythology and worldbuilding! This page will be dealing with various themes but mostly the collaboration with the amazing @artsofmetamoor and our collaboration for fanart related to the TV series, comic and manga called W.I.T.C.H as well as about millions of AUs related to that! (for instance check this AMAZING sketch with a Greek Mythology High Fantasy AU!)
Some of my work includes creating music such as:
Ballard's Sad Flute
or singing:
Dilla's Songchord (Avatar AU)
Some of the fanfictions that I do write on this fandom do include the below works, mostly one-shots and analysis on the worldbuilding
Hidden Truth Prequel: The Peak of Madness -complete-
(Diego -OC- slowly loses his mind and agony while waiting for his brother Caleb to show signs of life. Believing he truly is abandoned by everything and everyone, Diego uses his magic to do the unforgivable; take Caleb's form and hold his brother prisoner!)
Aditionally this page is also on occasion dealing with Greek mythos and poetry, particularly the homeric epics (Iliad and Odyssey) and the characters involved at them (with some special emphasis on Odysseus and the people who got related with him)
Some of the stories:
(Odysseus is being guilt-stroke and horrified by the success of his plan to take Troy and by the Greek rage upon it and sinks to a series of thoughts and flashbacks) -complete-
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Survivor's Guilt and Survivor's Duty:
(Odysseus loses his last ship and last comrades at the sea, roams about for 9 days helpless and beaches at Ogygia where even more trauma awaits him) -complete-
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Gone with the Wind:
(Odysseus remains awake for 9 days guarding the sack given to them by Aeolus in order to reach his home faster. However soon he finds out that sleepless nights take a toll on him and the consequences are severe...) -complete-
Part 1
Part 2
The Death of Odysseus:
(The final moments of the king of Ithaca, based on the prophecy of Tiresias in the Odyssey. Odysseus has lived a long life and meets his end while finally meeting with an old friend...and his journey to the Underworld begins...) -complete-
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Ismarus! Ismarus!:
(Odysseus and his men leave from Troy but are devided from the rest of the fleets by a storm. They find themselves in Thrace to the city of Ismarus where Odysseus decides they should raid the land of Cicones)
Part 1
Part 2
Short Stories
If I never knew you
Odysseus Leaving Ithaca (random Pocahontas inspo)
Odysseus and Helen
Argos (analysis and tiny scene A Tribute to Argos)
Screams and Shadows in the Night
Philoctetes Inspiration
Philoctetes Inspiration 2
Ruthless Justice
The Will to Die The Need to Survive
Escape from Cyclops Island: Hubris
I Take that Back
The Why never asked and the Because that never mattered
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