#sonic gameplay
spruzu · 3 months
Sonic frontiers chat
Before i start i don’t have the game and as much as i want it i definitely have to wait because it’s expensive as heck.
Over the past couple days i’ve been watching the vods on Snapcubes second channel from about a year back and oh my GOD i’m enjoying it so much. What does make it so much better is the way Penny plays the game, she makes the game seem so fun and i hope that when i do play it, it’s as fun as she’s made it seem. I’m on the last part now and if i’m honest this seems like an incredible game. It’s made me really really want to buy it and of course there probably some negative parts with the controls that i obviously can’t say anything about because i literally haven’t played it myself but the story line is amazing and the game play looks so fun.
An open world sonic game is so fun to watch, there are some parts where i can just have it on in the background while i’m drawing or doing drum practise but there’s also some parts where it’s like a movie and i’m hyperfixes on watching it. Yesterday all i did. was watch the third part because it was so good and the story just made me want to keep watching. It hurt to see sonic in his whole glitching thingy form and tails worry about him made me want to curl up in a ball and cry it was so sweet. Also the chat that sonic and tails have about tails feeling as though he’s not as good as sonic and he just “stands on the sidelines” honestly made me feel so bad for tails. He deserves so much better and i kind of want a tails game now where you just play as him, that would be amazing.
I would say though, i haven’t finished that last part so i can’t say too much but it does feel like sega skipped the edges with some parts of the game and story line especially with the islands. The last two islands look like Kronos island which is slightly disappointing. Don’t get me wrong i adore the vibe of the islands but it would be so much cooler if we had a new island with a different style specifically with the last island.
I want to say that these ‘memory tokens’ could have been so much more relevant if they fully kept in the “My name… My name is?” lines that sonic does. There was an open socket for sega to do the shadow the hedgehog move and pull out the amnesia on sonic but i get they probably didn’t have enough time and had to focus more one other part of the game but i would love to see it i a different game at some point… maybe sonic x shadow generations :^
Over all though this game seems amazing and the only parts that i can SEE are bad are some cyberspace levels and parts of the controls that Penny has pointed out. Until i manage to play the game i will be able to say my full opinion on what’s good and what’s bad about the game.
Also i really like the flower fields, i want to be in one.
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artist-issues · 2 years
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Say I won't literally run around in a never ending circle of light for hours getting thousands of rings to pop out of the dirt.
say I won't
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siggiedraws · 6 months
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1st Mission: Escape from the military pursuit!
This was made for Emi Jones' City Escape cover!
HUDless version:
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pestopastaenjoyer · 3 months
“Advance takes place before both adventure games!!1!!11” my brother in Christ. If this was supposedly set before sa2 then why would Sonic stay Super in space by himself for DAYS & come back w a solemn expression before smiling at the player to congratulate them for beating the game
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theamazingian · 17 days
When I say my jaw was on the floor the whole time - I really do mean my jaw was on the floor the whole time
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chelsiegeorgia · 4 months
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Been playing a lot of generations lately, i like using the slugger sonic mod when i do XD
thank you sonic modders you are everything to me <3
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 30 days
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Here’s both fake screenshots
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spruzu · 2 months
Thoughts about controls: I want to get my negatives out the way first before i talk about all the positives about this game. The main thing that i didn't like where the controls. Now don't get me wrong this is being REALLY nit-picky because most of the game i was completely fine with fighting and moving but sometimes it was really iffy. For example, Sonics homing attack was sometimes really janky. It would make you fall after pressing the homing attack half a second too slow which was what got me out half of the time with the Sonic stages. With Rouge, it would just send me flying which did genuinely make me laugh sometimes but there were other times where i got annoyed over it because i was close to finishing the stage. I don't have any criticism for Tails and Eggman's controls because they were the easiest out of all the stages overall. I don't have much for Knuckles either as he is very similar to Rouge. There was another thing that comes with the controls however which is the camera angle. If you mashed the attack button it would sometimes get really confused and just fly you about the place, making you camera angle stuck in specific way where you can't see the character (having a platform or a wall in the way of your vision/the character) then ending up dying. One thing i can say is that this happened mostly in boss fights and less in stages however, in the last stage with Eggman, i was hovering then managed to let go for a second, making the platform near me fill my screen then i couldn't see ending up in me falling. I don't have much to say other than that, again this is me being really nit-picky and it didn't bother me much until i was trying to actually get through something quickly or was close to finshing a stage.
The story: OH MY GOD! THIS👏 WAS👏 AMAZING👏!! There was no part of it that i was bored by or i didn't enjoy seeing. I was so excited every time i got a cut scene after a stage. The ending was incredible to. I was sat there crying doing the Biolizard, Super Sonic and Super Shadow boss fight. Watching that last cutscene was an experience that will stick with me forever. Watching Sonic and Shadow go super was adrenaline rushing it was so COOL! And the end credits, JESUS... i was BALLING. ''Sayonara Shadow the hedgehog'' HE DID FUCKING NOT. HE. DID. NOT. I screamed when he said that no joke. The end credits where so sweet to, the music was so nice. Honestly the ending was so worth it i'm So glad i played this game. I can see why people say this is one of THE BEST Sonic games especially counting the ending and sound track.
End boss fight: Now, with the Shadow Biolizard boss fight, that crap took me SO. MANY. TRIES. It took me at least 40 mins and a billion (joking) tries to get past that boss but there was no part of it that made me angry! It was a boss fight that made you learn what the bosses attacks and moves were along the way which is something i adore. Boss fights like that always have a special place in my heart. And the Super Sonic and Super Shadow boss fight, there is no bad part to it. It was such a nice boss fight to have finish off the game. Right after a hard-ish boss then throwing in an incredible song with two amazing characters and an easy boss!!! AH AMAZING!!!
Overall thoughts: I'm going to stop myself here because i know i could go on for ages talking about this. Overall, this is defiantly my favourite Sonic game. Its my first proper Sonic game that i have played (that isn't tmosth and 2012 Olympic games) and my GOD was it a good way to start of my intro to Sonic gameplay. You BET i'm ordering Sonic Unleashed soon so i can play that. But for any new sonic fans, i'd really recommend playing sa2 as one of your first games because its a really good way to get into Sonic and you don't need too much information/lore about other characters to understand the story line!
This game was incredible, i am going to try to 100% it... over the span of a reeeeaaaallllly long time.
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rancidrubysoho · 4 months
i think part of what makes the IDW Sonic supporting cast so endearing is how well they fit into the franchise as a whole. like the Archie Sonic characters were created by and large to match the SatAM continuity, which was created by and large to give context to things happening in the games because it was made at a time when audiences knew shit from fuck about these characters or their world... so those characters kinda retroactively just don't mesh with the games at all. they're adjacent to an adjacency to the main franchise, so trying to imagine them existing in the tone and context of the modern games doesn't line up.
but then you look at the IDW characters, and they are entirely, wholly made to fit into the same mold and world as the games without being redundant expies of existing characters. Surge might be "another rival to Sonic", but she fits a narrative purpose Shadow, Knuckles, and Metal Sonic completely don't; the stories you can tell with Surge and Kit are unique to them, and no other characters would fit those roles. same with Tangle and Whisper; they make the world feel lived-in, remind you that things are happening and having an impact on people whenever Sonic and co. aren't onscreen.
they also have that quality that Pit has in Smash Brawl, where they feel like they have this super storied history and evolution over the course of years that we just didn't get to see. until i actually read IDW you could've 100% convinced me the IDW-originals were all updated versions of forgotten side-characters from spin-off games like Dark Brotherhood or Rivals, and i think that says a lot about how well-conceived they all are.
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sonichedgeblog · 8 months
'Klonoa Gameplay Mod' (SADX Mod) by Sora-yx Wahoo! Adds Klonoa to the game! https://shc.zone/entries/contest2023/870
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tttomatooo · 3 months
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kinda rushed lookbook 👾😽🙈
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ruviart · 2 years
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I really like Amy and the Kocos in Sonic Frontiers
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d0d0-b0i · 2 years
completely obsessed with how the werehog is meant to be this huge, scary beast, representing destruction and dark gaia energy, but is still just the size of a human child
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000marie198 · 9 months
Tails flies
Knuckles glides
Amy hovers with her cards
And Sonic... faceplants into the dirt
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mike-the-hedgehog · 11 days
Sonic X Shadow Generations - Shadow Gameplay
Gameplay of Shadow In Sonic X Shadow Generations.
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youhalfwit · 1 year
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Be gay, fight crime
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