#sonic x eclipse
totaleclipse573 · 5 months
Yk what I'm gonna do it. Soneclipse songs anyone?
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hypermo0n · 2 years
Would soclipse be a good sonic x eclipse name?
That or Sonclipse. Ecliponic? I dunno lmao. But i love them. Literally popped into my head one day.
Shadow and Eclipse just spending brotherly time together. Shadow finds out that Eclipse has a crush and Eclipse is just causally brushing it off and not answering who it is.
Then Sonic speeds over, chats for a bit, and leaves.
Shadow, scoffing: He's something, isn't he?
Eclipse sighing dreamily: yea....he sure is...
Shadow is confused by that tone at first until it slowly dawns on him: OH F U C K NO
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howlingmoon08 · 2 years
Hear me out. Shadow helping his brother come to the good side is great. But I recently had an idea where Sonic meets Eclipse and offers to go with him to talk to Shadow and explain HIS side. Cause Sonic is that kind of guy and he can tell the brothers don't REALLY wanna hurt each other. But he can also tell no one is trying to hear out Eclipse either.
Eclipse: why do you wanna talk to me???
Sonic: cause I think your voice deserves to be heard too
To this day, one of the biggest crimes committed by Archie's run getting canceled is that Eclipse never got to interact with any characters outside of the universe comics, ESPECIALLY Sonic.
Shadow eventually turning Eclipse to the good side is always a fun development, but I 100% think Sonic is a better and more realistic option for that arc. There's a LOT of possibilities for that development.
Where Eclipse and Shadow left off in Archie was pretty bad, Shadow was extremely paranoid about Eclipse being around to the point he had this imaginary Eclipse haunting him in his head (and yes I know the comic tries to be like "oh am I the real Eclipse or a figment of your imagination" but then immediately cuts to Eclipse running back to the dark arms to take care of them so I doubt its suppose to be the real Eclipse in Shadow's head) so for him to eventually WANT to bring Eclipse to the good side would take a while.
Sonic would be a lot more receptive to Eclipse changing sides. That's not to say he would help him right away, if he saw Eclipse as a threat he wouldn't hesitate to fight him, but the second he caught wind of how Eclipse really feels about Shadow or if he found out about the dark arms, Sonic would change his approach pretty quickly.
Sonic is easily the best person to change Eclipse's perspective on things. Sonic's skill in battle could leave an impression on him, it did with Shadow during/after the final boss in SA2, and maybe have Eclipse consider other species aren't as inferior as he thought. Sonic's love of freedom and nature could help Eclipse come to appreciate their planet more. Sonic would eventually find/interact with the dark arms and they'd probably take a liking to him right away while Sonic might resonate with the fact they're part wisp. Seeing the dark arms and Sonic interact would ultimately sway him into thinking "Okay, maybe I should hear this guy out." Then cue Sonic getting to work on the two brothers figuring things out.
WOOOOO a long post for me but I cannot end without mentioning this. If you're looking for a great story that includes Sonic and Eclipse interactions (or even the rare Sonic x Eclipse) I HIGHLY recommend Tides of Chaos by LightningHikaru on AO3. It's a Sonadow fic, but even if you don't ship it, I would give it a shot anyways because of how amazing the story, worldbuilding, and characters are in this story. This is one of the BEST pieces of writing I've seen for Eclipse EVER and I don't think a lot of Eclipse fans have read it because (well besides if they don't ship sonadow) Eclipse isn't in the tags, despite playing a MAJOR role in the story.
If you just want a taste of some Sonic x Eclipse content (because the fic pretty heavily implies Eclipse has a one sided crush on Sonic) I would recommend reading Chapter 34: Midnight Nightcap.
If you're disinterested in a Sonadow story but want to enjoy what an amazing story Eclipse has in it, His story kicks off in Chapter 21: Long Time No See.
Again, always want to thank ANYONE for sending me an ask, I just adore talking all things Sonic.
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alpa-kami · 2 years
so i ship sonadow, like otp and all that but i think sonic/eclipse would be an amazing ship, just because i think shadow would be pissed Shadow: This is my brother, Eclipse. Sonic: Is he single Shadow: I'm going to break your jaw in half
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anbura · 2 years
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bottle-of-harpoons · 3 months
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I have a headcannon that Shadow was born with more alien features but lost them as he got older.
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underratedgrapeju1ce · 8 months
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jumpingjoolie · 3 months
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Flash back to me last year obtaining this beautiful, sparkly art style to it now just disappearing from my finger tips. Im unbelievably disappointed that i can no longer do this style the way i used to. 🦕🐋🪲🎸🌀🪼🐟
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sonicjustbecause · 2 months
Something odd...
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Did you noticed the shape of Shadow's quills? More like Black Doom (phantom version) head shape.
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or more precisely...
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I wonder if Shadow will be transformed in a monster. Will we get 'Eclipse Shadow?' Is thos design being recicled?
Anyway at this point he will fight to get back to himself... The current one, unfortunately, but still...
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tenebraevesper · 4 months
curious question, what do you think about Eclipse The Darkling? and his character and do you think Eclipse could be redeem
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Eclipse the Darkling is my FAVORITE Sonic Archie original character, both Pre-Reboot and Post-Reboot.
I absolutely love how his character contrasts Shadow, they share a lot of similarities. Both were created as weapons, with Eclipse basically being what Shadow would be like if he were a pure Black Arms alien instead of a hybrid, with his own Super Form to boot. That, and his Dark Arms give him a lot of variable weapons, meaning that he is a bit unpredictable in a fight.
Both of them have loved ones, but while Shadow distances himself from his friends/allies after what happened to Maria, Eclipse genuinely still sees Shadow as his brother and wants to connect with him, even after Shadow destroyed his whole Black Arms race, giving him chance after chance and relenting when Shadow tells him how that isn't going to happen.
Both also follow their own ideologies, with Shadow wanting to protect the world, while Eclipse wants to turn into a food source, as Black Doom and Black Death before him.
I enjoy Eclipse being written as Shadow's arch-enemy and I do think that Eclipse can actually be redeemed (as a matter of fact, I'm also working on my notes for my own adaptation of the Black Arms invasion in my Sonic Cyber Revolution story, which will feature Eclipse front and center). There are so many stories that can be written around Shadow and Eclipse's relationship and I'm all for that.
Not only that, but I'm seriously hoping that Eclipse can be brought back, as Ian Flynn stated on the Bumblekast that, if there's one character from the Sonic Archie Post-SGW era that has the chance to appear in Sonic IDW, it would be Eclipse.
Add into that that with Sonic X Shadow Generations, SEGA is reaching back into the Black Arms lore, and I will allow myself to hope that there will be demand enough for Eclipse to also be featured in some form.
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st1ckart1zt · 4 days
Who is the new character on Sonic x Shadow Generations?
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This was the question that was going non-stop in everyone's head.
It definitely isn't Tails since Shadow absolute hate him for no reason
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Since the game drops in october, i might as well make a theory about it and guess it.
So here are some characters that might be teaming up with Shadow.
Let's start with simple ones
1. Omega
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We saw him appear in some of the games(Sonic adventure 2, Sonic Heroes, 06), and he was teamed up with Shadow and Rouge mostly.
2. Silver The Hedgehog
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He was also like Omega teamed up with Shadow in 06 game. But unlike Omega he was sent to kill Shadow but teamed up with him to stop Mephiles.
He is also in Sonic and the black knight, a son, Galahad, to Shadow, in other words, Sir Lancelot.
Also, they have some similarities in their personality, powers, and form.
3. Cream The Rabbit
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She hasn't appeared in Sonic games for few years now and it might be her who will assist Shadow.
Shadow and Cream seems to have very good relationship together. He acts like an older brother or an uncle to Cream. We can see that in archie comics.
And last one who i think it will shock many Sonic fans and that it will finally make their appearance in the game.
And.................... that character...................................... is.................................... no other than............................
4. Eclipse The Darkling
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Yes i know what you're all thinking but hear me out.
Eclipse and Shadow share some similarities towards eachother.
Eclipse is fiercely loyal to his race and is willing to do whatever he can to make sure that they will not go on the verge of extinction. He is at times is playful in cruel ways and even at times mocks his foes while fighting them. He is the only one in Black Death's army to have a free will.
Even though he was created to destroy Shadow the Hedgehog, he decided that it would be better if he can convince him to return to the Black Arms. He often refers to Shadow as "brother" even though they were both created by two different masters.
While Eclipse is loyal to Black Death, he, at times, questions his orders or even tries to make the situations for the Dark Arms better. Sometimes it works, while other times it doesn't. Eclipse cares for no individual that isn't part of his species. He would rather them use them for the good of the Black Arms or just to rid them of their existence. All he wanted is to do right for his endangered race, even if it means destroying another to save it.
He holds a sense of responsibility and greatly cares for the hatching Dark Arms, despite the fact that they are a hive mind.
Doesn't this reminds you a bit of Shadow.
Shadow was created by Gerald Robotnik in order to cure Maria but after Maria's death he brainwashed Shadow by changing Maria's wish.
He also taunted Sonic in Sonic x many times and also in the games too.
After his redemption he starts to care about people around him and he doesn't admit that aloud but he does care. We can see that in archie comics, games and shows.
We can see that in archie comics, Sonic x, 06, Sonic Generations, Sonic Forces, Sonic Prime and etc
The difference between them is:
1. Their form
2. One of them choose to rebel against Black Arms, defeat Black Doom and become better while the other one didn't but still try to get better
3. Shadow didn't care about his kind but cared about his friends and people on Mobius. Eclipse cares about his kind but doesn't care about people on Mobius.
Well that’s it for this theory. Please Share Your Thoughts About This.
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totaleclipse573 · 4 months
Sonic x Shadow gens spoilers under the cut…
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Alright but can we talk about THIS (there is more than likely zero correlation to Eclipse here but THE POINT IS. THE EYE GLOWY THINGY. FROM THE HIVEMIND ASSIMILATION. HMMMMM….)
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hypermo0n · 2 years
Sonic: This is my friend who I like to kiss.
Eclipse: Sonic, I'm your boyfriend ...
Sonic gasping: no fucking way! AWESOME!
Shadow: ......And this is who you're settling for, Eclipse?
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howlingmoon08 · 2 years
Hear me out. I have a few crackships for Eclipse but my friend came up with a HILARIOUS one that kinda works? Sonic x Eclipse. Its funny cause you know Shadow would be pissed to find out his little brother is dating his RIVAL. But hey. More reasons to give him the threats lmao
I CAN HONESTLY SEE IT THOUGH- I'm kinda of the opinion that anyone could fall in love with Sonic though, Sonic is just SOOO shipable.
But Shadow would absolutely HATE that, it'd be such a fun dynamic.
I mean maybe internally there's a part of me that likes the idea of Sonic and Eclipse's aesthetic and that's why I eventually paired Eclipse up with Metal Sonic, maybe if i'm not lazy i'll dig deeper into crackships that could actually work.
Also thanks for the ask! This is my first ever, and if anyone else wants to send one I'm totally open to it! It's probably obvious from my reblogs that i'm always itching to talk about sonic, eclipse, mephiles, metal sonic, shadow, etc.
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alpa-kami · 2 years
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I woke up today and this was the first thing that came to my mind
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hall0wedwyrm · 3 months
I want to revive that 'Black Doom Lived' AU I wrote ages ago just so Eclipse can make fun of Shadow for being in a relationship/having a crush on Sonic.
"Darkling, do not make fun of him. They've been with mortals longer than we."
Eclipse rolls their eyes, and Shadow triumphantly smirks.
"... but it is rather pathetic though." Black Doom adds. If he could grin he would.
Eclipse howls with laughter. Shadow stares, slowly turning red.
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