#sonya lcb
pobopolybius · 1 year
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Tegst poast 👍
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balis77 · 2 months
Hermann: "Good work retrieving that Golden Bough for us Nelly. Welcome to my team here at N Corp. You've already met Aseah."
Aseah: "Ah, that Linton fellow truly did make an excellent dough. I wonder what we shall bake next..."
Hermann: "We also have another of Yi Sang's old compatriots, Gubo."
Gubo: "I heard you were with Yi Sang for a while. Did he ask about me? Does he want to come home? Did he-"
Hermann: "Hong Lu's brother, Jia Huan."
Jia Huan: "Ah, did my brother get you to finally wash those filthy rags of his?"
Hermann: "Sonya, who's technically only hired help."
Sonya: "Ah, I heard you were a Butler. Would you like to discuss workers rights some time?"
Hermann: "Our newest addition before you, Captain Ahab."
Hermann: "And of course, me. I'm sure you've seen the excellent work I did with my ungrateful son. A shame my current Wing doesn't allow insectoid hybrids to be created under their watch."
Nelly: "...please tell me I at least get to wear the cool longcoat at this job."
Hermann: "You do."
Nelly: "Thank god."
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lu-is-not-ok · 11 months
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Sonya doodles, because man is now stuck in my head
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thisearthycat · 7 months
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colored the rest of these ‼️
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protagfolly · 4 months
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fighting the war on deminya on the side of deminya
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nocturneofrecollection · 11 months
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Limbus company acrylic charms are now up for preorder here!
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thelostpretzel · 4 months
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soooooooooooo yeahhh i was possessed and drew this
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citroncynique · 1 year
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Sonya and Rodya and that one german communist kangaroo film meme
@ project moon please let us see Sonya again soon
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amystarrstuff · 6 months
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part 6 (part 5)
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idflli · 4 months
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У меня есть хэдканон, что Родион любит пить всякие помойные чаи
что вы мне сделаете
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melonisopod · 1 year
Broke: Rodion never cared about helping her neighbors and just wanted to be special.
Woke: Rodion did the right thing by killing the pawnbroker but was doomed to fail because the system was too strong.
Wired: Rodion’s arrogance was not in her approach but in her individualism. While her heart was in the right place and she genuinely wanted to keep her neighborhood from starving to death, she believed she could save everyone single-handedly instead of building a united front to empower others to fight against systems of oppression. Both she and Sonya tried to change a broken system on their own and they were both doomed to fail because of it.
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lumi-hl · 1 year
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some favourite NPCs from the chapters currently out in Limbus Company
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lu-is-not-ok · 11 months
Rereading Canto 2 while being more analytical of the text has really made me appreciate Sonya. He is such an interesting character to dissect once you know what's coming in the chapter and don't let the comedy blind you to what is actually being said.
Like he is. Such a complete foil to Rodya in almost every way it's not even funny.
Rodya acts directly. Sonya steps back and thinks. Rodya seeks independence. Sonya seeks connections. Rodya plans in the short-term. Sonya plans in the long-term. Rodya is at her best as the center of attention. Sonya is at his best away from attention. Rodya is highly expressive. Sonya never changes his expression and barely has any shifts in his tone of voice. Rodya hides the truth by making shit up to cover it. Sonya hides the truth by avoiding talking about it. Rodya gets hit extremely hard by unseen consequences. Sonya sees them as just par for the course.
The one thing that they have in common is that they stay true to their principles no matter what.
There is also something to be said about how very intentional his design is in many ways.
Sonya does not like standing out. He sends other people to do the job of redistributing wealth, he tries to put attention on other people if he accidentally gets it on himself, and he's very quick to withdraw himself. And yet his design is quite striking, with white hair and vivid purple eyes that we have yet to see on any other character.
Compare that to Rodya, who wants to be the center of attention, who wants to be special, who wants to be the one taking charge. And yet, compared to Sonya, her design is almost plain. Wheat-colored hair and blue eyes, that's the kind of thing anyone would think of if they tried to imagine a slavic woman.
There's also something to be said about the specific choice of implying Sonya is albinistic through his design. And I don't mean due to just his hair and eye colors here either, this is further implied with him being the only member of the Yurodiviye who wears gloves and has tinted goggles, things one would use to protect one's eyes and skin from the sun. The one shying away from the spotlight is also quite literally averse to light.
Oh, and also. You know how his name is also colored purple? On one hand, that is his eye color. But on the other hand, we also know he's connected to Both Demian and Hermann. Demian's group is represented by blue, Hermann's group is represented by red. I think you can see where I'm going with this.
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thisearthycat · 8 months
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astragatwo · 1 year
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Rodya being annoyed at the other 3 for being halfhearted is exactly how I feel when I'm doing a group project with my friends (not just classmates, but people I regularly talk to) and I want to get a good grade when they just want to pass so the just goof off while I try to think of what to do... It's really annoying.
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