#soooo sorry it took so long to answer this
lovelyisadora · 3 months
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP!
i am very curious
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
Marcia Overstrand gives out too many second chances to those who repeatedly screw her over and she finally decides--fuck it.
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
"I'm not taking on apprentices, and certainly not you."
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r3tr0s-posts · 3 months
I would love seeing the ship cheeseball again :>
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>>Here's some cheese crumbs 0]
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carnagesaw · 8 months
i would really really really really Greatly like to hear your morikaze and takahashi headcanons so much that im willing to very briefly get over my fear of sending asks to people. I wanna hear it theyre both very dear to me
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mmnbvjklslm.........skl/./.....n starts cackling maniacally twisting twisting twsiting turning wriggling in the fdirst like an earthworm.
-SOMEWHERE IN HIS MID 30S-LATE 30S he seems like a really tired guy who just wants to do his job. the fact he gets to be a bitch is just a plus to it. workaholic maybe since he was kinda pushed into working for mdcr. stays hours after the workday is over to fix and look over stuff
-if i had to describe him itd be standoffish and loyal, even if he doesnt want to be. i think hes definitely a coward when it comes down to it though
-does not like working for mdcr too much, but the benefits are insaneee and also jungle makes it bearable
^-otherwise, morikaze doesnt like kirimi at all. they have a little work place rivalry but manage to keep it civil since theyre higher up. also because morikaze is petty as helllll
^^-morikaze resents working for someone so young, and is also oddly a little terrified of jeraldy just cause of his sheer anger. its what keeps him in line
-probably workplace besties with ven, and i use that term loosely. they have a sort of camaraderie. after ven leaves mdcr for good, he envies her escape from the company, but in the end sticks with mdcr cause where else would he go?
-jungles the executive, but morikaze mostly carries out jungles duties ( assistant executive ? ) for him since jungle gets bored working after like 5 minutes. hes definitely the backbone of the company, and he doesnt hate it since it makes him feel important to mindy
^-aside from ''assistant'' executive, i like to think he does tech ( diagnostics , etc. ) stuff and money management for the company
-when he was younger he learned how to master a ton of brass instruments. i dont think hed be the kind of guy to play in a band or live solo, but hes probably dreamt about it. trumpet was his favorite but i like to imagine he was also a big tuba and saxophone guy
-ive said this before but hes a big ska fan. jazz too but i think moreso noir jazz. i cant decide whether hed like fast paced stuff or slow so its a bit up there for me
-definitely a frequent to places that play jazz though, and even concerts
^-morikaze is fat mostly but hes definitely got a little muscle there
-CARES GREATLY for how he presents. 40 step skin care routine and he always irons out his clothing. has like insanely good hygiene its kinda scary
-hes def a real sour guy. if youre tryna have fun at a work outing with him youve gotta get some alcohol in him for him to start lightening up, otherwise hes not budging
-big fucking fan of spicy food.
-not a natural born ice elemental numa unlike koritora. he had to learn how to curate and harness ice himself. i imagine this took years and he only really got the hang of it by the time mo4 takes place, but hes pretty skilled with it regardless
^-as such, i think his body would have scars and visual damage from the ice depending on where and how hed use it. even if he can create ice from himself, it definitely takes a toll on his form after a while, especially in battle if he doesnt have his mech or a weapon. the more power and force he uses the more it kinda nips away at him
-wears makeup. not all too much, just stuff like eyeliner and mascara. i also think hed draw in his eyebrows since i feel like hair in the numa eye is a symbol to be respected
-i think even if he is a little cold, a lot of employees at mdcr still look to him for guidance
-obviously, he has a very hard time differentiating limerence and love, as he has not experienced the latter due to how much work he buries himself in
^-honestly i chalk this up to kirimi experimenting on him in several unethical ways without his consent or knowledge but this also could just be how he is its anyones guess but the former is more fun than the latter
-aware of jeraldy and kirimis corruption, but compared to the two, he cant do anything
-older than jeraldy ( only by a couple months id say maybe 18 at the time of mo4 ? but very freshly. imagine dying right after u turn 18 fuckkkkk ) , but also a bit more immature than him. while he tries to act like an adult, he always seems to fall flat
-whatever is the numa equivalent to being indigenous, jungle is that. the markings on his head and face are a family community tattoo. got them a couple years after the massacre to honor his family. each of his relatives had different tattoos, probably got the same as his ma when he was younger to honor her but probably stands for the natural process of life ( birth, growth, death )
-even for a numa hes terrifyingly skinny and tall ( about the same height as kashikin who stands at around 5'2" ) , doesnt eat a lot unless he needs to, oddly agile and freakily flexible, you put him in a tight space and he could easily be out in seconds
-often seen jumping around mdcr often. youll see him in one room one second and then 6 floors up he'll be there too somehow. hes probably wandered through mdcrs rafters a time or two lol
-he didnt like anyone at mdcr aside from jeraldy and kirimi for a very long time. i think hed have issues trusting people and feels like he can only rely on the two for anything
^-after vens recruitment i think hed slowly start backing away from the two out of concern, and morikaze talking about the two would just reaffirm what jungle feared to be happening. while he cared deeply for kirimi and jeraldy he realized the path they were going down wasnt exactly healthy or the solution. even with the space however, hed always remain loyal to jeraldy
-i think somehow he managed to avoid kirimis mistreatment, whether kirimi saw him as bait or just another thing to watch, he was definitely not a concern for him, so he got out of it by a hair
-minimal nocturnal ability, he cant see too far in front of him however. definitely needs glasses but refuses to even consider it in the end lol
-sees morikaze as more of the weird distant father, but its still the closest thing aside from kirimi and jeraldy he has to family. in a way i think he looks to morikaze for assistance ( bad idea ) but doesnt like to ask for it. as such it kinda comes off as jungle berating or using morikaze for his own profit, whatever that may be
-he has his own room in the mdcr building, as do jeraldy and kirimi. the closest he'll get again to having a home would also end up being the place hed be killed
-bare minimum of idea of what it means when it comes to self care and hygiene. also hes like the average guy on malelivingspcae when it comes to shit like that hesso bad at it i promise you. funny but also terribly sad to the point you can only give like a nervous chuckle before remembering
-the phone is a replica of his moms
^-hes very obviously a huge mommas boy
^^-any topic relating to parents or the such if you bring up or try and jestwith the guy he will breakdown. Angrily.
-tries to keep himself busy with a lot of stuff that isnt mdcr related, cause he gets super fuckin bored and eventually hell just start thinking about everything going on again. im saying he likes to try and remain blissfully unware but hes certainly very Painfully aware of the demise incoming
-worlds worst posture goes to jungle, even worse than sigkin and arakawas probably, but i think itd be a tie
-his puppies were a gift from jeraldy............ smiles
-got a little too attached to the robot of his mom. jeraldys probably walked in on jungle napping on it at some point beneath mdcr. hes never brought it up to jungle
-this guy will purposefully piss people off at mdcr to spar with them, doesnt matter in meeting, lunch room, etc etc always looking for a fight to dominate
^-despite this, hes definitely gotten his ass whooped by kirimi and morikaze, but thats because their moves can directly counter or overwhelm jungle, especially with how cocky he can be. only reason he fought kirimi was because kirimi likes to push buttons and knows exactly how to get jungle mad
^^-i dont think hed have the heart to try and spar jeraldy
-hes one of the rare cases of characters where i dont think he cares for music. regardless hes definitely a breakcore / noise guy. just any type of loud noise. hed listen to construction metal if it meant there was background noise
-his powers are wayyy too strong for him to fully control since hes not exactly using an object to try and concentrate the power ( ill compare this to how fukurou has the book and marikin has his cards, or how any other mo4 character has a weapon they can channel something into ) , which has led to a bit of destruction around the building
^-id also like to mention i think his powers revolve around raw energy. as such he can collect and transform the energy into anything ( those mostly being chemical, thermal, etc. ) he needs, unlike the other numa who can channel these into only one or two types of energy
-in conclusion, hes a big ball of ( potential ) energy that could go off at any second depending on the situation and hes always seeping energy from the surroundings
^-this would have been of use to kirimi theres no way to control it since even jungle cant. no way of using it, for good or bad, so there isnt a point in trying to harness it if the main user doesnt realize the potential ( and may never )
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marshmallowgoop · 1 year
So if DC were that kind of series, how well do you think a HeiShinRan love triangle would work?
A-are you reading my mind? One of the posts I wanted to make is exactly about this!
I... even put together ranji.psd for it... a lot longer ago than I thought, wow.
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Thank you for encouraging me to finally actually write this.
So, first off: I'm admittedly not the most familiar with the Detective Conan manga. But I've scanned over some assorted cases in the manga, particularly Heiji cases (of course), and I couldn't help but be immensely intrigued by a few extra interactions between Heiji and Ran that weren't adapted into the anime (Files 93, 151, 152):
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The second one isn't too noteworthy—and honestly, it was probably cut from the anime because this plot point of Heiji deducting in an exaggerated accent is, as far as I can tell, never brought up again or resolved—but the protectiveness that Kogoro displays there does catch my interest. He clearly seems to see Heiji as a potential romantic partner for Ran, something that I don't think ever comes up anywhere else.
But it's the first instance that gets to me the most. Something the anime does adapt is that Ran only starts warming up to Heiji because he reminds her of Shinichi (Episode 48):
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Further, it's later revealed in the series that both Ran and Kazuha love seeing their detective friends smile upon solving a case (File 319):
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So, that moment of Ran pushing Conan out of the way so that she can watch Heiji work is loaded with stuff, for all three characters. For Ran, she misses Shinichi so desperately that someone who merely reminds her of him is enough to make her grin and blush and feel at ease. For Heiji, constantly compared to others—even called "The Kudo of the West" in FUNimation's English dub!—there's something achingly tragic about being admired not for who you are but for the person you resemble. For Shinichi, Heiji represents everything that he has lost. He can't give Ran the victorious smile that she's looking for anymore, and she scolds him and removes him from the picture.
But the third "Ranji" example, from File 152, perhaps points to a shift. When Ran lists what she likes about Shinichi (Episodes 2, 42), thoughtful isn't an adjective that leaves her lips:
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(That last one, though... girl....)
Ran appreciating Heiji for his own qualities, rather than seeing him as only an echo of Shinichi, does grab my attention.
Of course, personally speaking, I don't really like love triangles. They tend to be tired, exhausting drama, and in this case, I'm a HeiShinRan (and HeiShinKazuRan) supporter, so ultimately, I'd like them all happily loving each other.
But I do find it unfair, in my probably embarrassingly limited experience with love triangles, that they are often composed of two women longing for the affection of one man. So, I can't lie—I maybe yearn a little bit for the love triangle that was arguably being set up here before getting scrapped?
If nothing else, it would mean more interactions between Ran and Heiji, and I would adore that. Out of the main cast, Heiji's pretty much only allowed meaningful interactions with Conan/Shinichi and Kazuha, and, yeah, I don't love that it'd be a love triangle giving him more meaningful interactions with Ran, but I would love the additional interactions. I'd love to see Ran more involved in the cases that the boys solve. I'd love to have moments where Heiji and Ran bond over being accomplished practitioners of their respective martial arts, or how they both have famous fathers, or literally anything.
Plus, I think a scenario where Ran is genuinely interested in pursuing Heiji romantically would also have a huge impact on Shinichi's actions. He likes Heiji! If he saw that Heiji makes Ran happy, would he really keep breaking her heart and asking her to wait for him?
And, for Heiji, I feel like this setup also allows more opportunities for him to seriously confront his insecurities. "She only likes me because she can't have you" is a conversation I could see between him and Shinichi, and that would absolutely have my interest. I have so many feelings about Episode 479 and will finish that 20-page essay someday maybe because it's probably the biggest example of tackling Heiji's insecurities that I know of.
There's something similar with Ran and Kazuha already (File 280), and gosh, I so wish that we got more exploration into it than just a, "Kazuha... You're so cute! ❤️" from Ran.
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All this said... it's way easier and less messy to not go into love triangle business at all, and I'm totally cool with that decision! It's cute that Ran and Shinichi are so supportive of Heiji and Kazuha, and vice versa. Love triangles tend to be pretty obnoxious. But I do think there is some compelling character exploration that could be done with a HeiShinRan triangle that I wouldn't hate—especially if it ended with happy HeiShinRan/HeiShinKazuRan.
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aycief · 5 months
Heya ! Im curious about your OC Azor! He seems cool :0 First, is his ace a bug type eeveelution ? Do you have a design ? And second, i wonder why no sewaddle when it seams like the perfect match for a bug type specialist and tailor ?
oh my god i'm KICKING myself bc it somehow never occurred to me to give him a sewaddle/leavanny OTL he wasnt always a tailor so i didnt consider it when i was originally building his teams but im kicking myself for not including it in that sewing room piece.. i was thinking less about his actual teams when drawing that (bc half of his 'main' team is fakemon) and more just thinking about getting bug rep from as many gens as possible (sorry to iv and vii for not making it 💔 tho kricketot made it in as a desk sticker at least) but leavanny was the mvp of my original white team so it's Very dear to me and youre right that it's Perfect for him !!
but to go back to the first question !!! yes his ace is a bug-type eevee ! i realised wayyy late that the piece maybe made it look like it'd be a spider-vee since it's an arachnid-heavy drawing but it's a moth called papilleon !! ^__^ it's one of the first fakemon i designed for our fan region. my beloved bug baby
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[ID: three digital drawings of a bug-type eeveelution fakemon. its main body is an off-white yellowish colour and it has mossy-green ears, long-tailed spotted wings, and fluff around its neck and abdomen. it has six legs, two compound eyes and two simple eyes, and the ends of its legs are exoskeleton rather than paws. it lacks an actual tail. the second image is pixel art. /END ID]
i had some drawings of it with an older azor design somewhere but can't find it at the moment :")
EDIT: found one !
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[ID: a digital drawing of Azor holding Papilleon. in this design, Azor wears red-framed square glasses and his hair is slightly longer and fluffy at the bottom. /END ID]
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kiwichaeng · 11 days
Hi Evie!! For the Lone Star ask, if you don't mind!
🦋Give us a headcanon about TK!
Hi, thank you for the ask!
When TK was a kid he would sneak in a new animal into the house every month. the puppy was lonely and the rat was all alone :(. So imagine if you will TK bringing a rat home in his backpack and hiding it in his closet for a week before it gets out. He would always think he could just take care of them for a little while and let them go but he would get so attached to them. After this incident he gets searched daily upon getting home...for a while and then he sneaks in something else. See the puppy above.
I do hc he was a little menace child growing up <3
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cinnamon-bunni · 1 month
❄️ and ☔ (if you want to share any!!) for the ask game!!!!!
❄️Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing. ohhhhh, im having a hard time choosing which wip i should choose from...as much as i would love to have a part of my tmnt fic, nothing much is happening in it yet </3 (im like a few paragraphs away from the Shit Hitting the Fan part lolol but oh well) so! instead, i shall do a snippet of a ghostbusters fic i have, featuring a (ghost) oc, a fic which i may or may not finish, not sure yet (probably the latter sadly) but i am still quite happy with this part! so here <33
Jack couldn’t breathe. “Too fucking dark, I can’t-” You can, please, go over there, let me see him, let me- “Can’t fucking do this–shit, Venkman, please wake up, don’t leave me in here alone. I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry-” Calm down; breath, slowly, in your nose and out the mouth. Come on, I know you can do it- He squeezed his eyes shut and, for once in his life, listened to his thoughts. “I’m sorry,” he whispered out once more. [...] The reality of it all, after saying it aloud, came crashing down around him again, and the walls suffocated him and the dark consumed him. “Fuck, I killed you, didn’t I? I killed you and you’re gonna rot in this basement like me-” NO. No, he’s not dead, please move, please let me back in control- Jack opened his eyes again. It wasn’t as dark now, as his eyes adjusted to the new set darkness. But the room was still suffocating, still the same as the day he died, still haunting and horrible and distressing. [...] His eyes fell onto Peter’s unmoving body. He quickly looked away before squeezing his eyes shut once more. “Listen Venkman, I promise you, if you wake up right now I’ll go into that box of yours, no complaints. And I’ll go happily into where ever the fuck you store your ghosts, no matter how cramped it is, as long as you wake up right now and be fine. Please.”
(in which a ghost, possessing ray, may or may not have possibly and accidentally peter and is panicking about it) (peter isnt dead dont worry but oh boy jack does freak the fuck out for a bit over it <3)
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it? ngl i feel like i could share so many ideas here, it's so hard to tell if i would ever get around to finishing my wips and ideas...
i have many tmnt ideas i wanna write! four to be specific, a fic centered on each turtle, all multi-chapter fics, which sadly lowers the chance of me ever finishing them ^^;;;; the first one (which i'm close to finishing the first chapter of!!) is where Donnie makes contact with an alternate version of himself! the two donnie switch places (which normal donnie did not agree to this, he was kinda sorta drugged, knocked out, and woke up in the other universe), and is forced to try his way back home while also pretending to be someone he isn't so others in this new world won't be suspicious of him. while i love this idea, im very unsure abt posting this one;;;
my other tmnt fics include: raph being kidnapped and being thrown into an illegal underground mutant fighting ring (underground nexus my beloved); mikey being sent into the spiritual plain without his consent and his chilling as basically a ghost while his brothers scramble to try and bring him back; and then one where leo is stuck in a time loop, because i HAVE to do a time loop for like every fandom im in lmao <3 these three im less confident i'll get around to writing, but i really hope i do!!! (i also have a transfem leo fic i wanna write, a oneshot, but im really hoping that i'll at least finish that one)
moving onto my other wips, i have quite a few for ghostbusters! im not really sure if i'll get to finishing any of them though--i really hope i do, but gb for me is something i easily get in and out of the mood to write for one of the fics i wanna write, but very much doubt i'll finish, is the one i quote above. ray and peter go deal with a ghost haunting, until it then possesses ray. story stuff happens (revealed that ghost was murdered, egon and winston get held at gun point, all very fun stuff <3), and its a bit of a long oneshot! since it involves an oc, im not too sure if i'll finish it i have another ghostbusters fic that features an oc, two in fact, and is multi-chapter. this still goes into the category of where im not too sure if i'll finish it, BUT it does feature vampires!! and also peter may or may not also be vampiric as well!!! and damn have i fell in love with that concept!! I also have a short lil' soulmate au i wanted to write that's kinda cute <3 and finally (a fic which i'm most likely to finish, or at least for the first chapter for lol), i originally wanted to write a cute oneshot about Elon and Egon and their relationship (when i first learned abt elon i just absolutely fell in love lmao), but now it has turned into a multi-chap story about Elon, his work, the ghost that sorta haunts him bc of said work, his differences from Egon, twin telepathy, and finally of course his relationship with the Ghostbusters in general (he deserves to be a little antagonistic, me thinks. as a treat <3) i am so excited to hopefully finish and post it, i so badly wanna explore their relationship <333
okay im done now!!! i couldve gone on but this is way too long to begin with so! thank you so much for this ask ily <33333
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des-no9 · 3 months
Oc ask: Secret, wound, torture
Questions from here!
secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
Some of the things she did for Nezarr. Willingly, and not.
I think...a lot of it is that she doesn't even necessarily feel guilt over all the acts. It's more a 'sorry I got caught and you found out this horrible act because of its social stigma' and 'I'm so fucking boiling alive with rage that Nezarr made me do that. That's why I'm angry. Because he took my agency, over what I actually did' and I think she's probably more worried about people's perceptions at her reacitons to things.
She's a smart girl. She understands peoples emotions, words, minds. Nezarr taught her so very well how to utilise your words for better and worse, and exactly how to manipulate people. That, she's at least thankful for.
Funnily enough, Voss isn't the first person to learn some of these secrets. Orpheus is, when he helps her uncover lost memories with the aid of his psionics. And she uh...doesn't like that much lol.
wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
Vanquish generally has a high pain tolerance. A bit from column her patron(s) help her out with her, a bit from column she was moulded under cult leader Nezarr how to handle and tolerate pain. Even how to enjoy.
But, the burn she received from [redacted] has kind of put a dent in all of that (which is probably the worst physical wound she has received). Her burned skin is pretty sensitive all in all (it's from void fire so her skin acted a little differently to a normal fire burn. also. magic). And pain there feels different. Heightened. Lke it's seeking something else.
Vanquish is reckless as fuck though, so often suffers wounds. And she just kind of takes it as part of who she is now. Because she thinks it is. Anyone looking at her can see that. Half of her body is scarred to shit.
Most of her wounds though, are emotional. The worst too.
torture: Has your OC ever been tortured? Would your OC ever torture someone else?
Yes. Yes.
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lesbianlotties · 2 years
Oh we’re asking Ronance questions! Do Ronance move out of Hawkins? If so, where? Also is there anything in particular you’d like to talk about for them? Please take this as permission to talk away!
i'm SO sorry i took so long to answer!!! and no worried about your other message it's all good!!
i like to think that they 100% move out of Hawkins. I mean, judging by sort-of-canon Rebel Robin, getting out of Hawkins is everything Robin ever wanted. and Nancy simply deserves soooo much better. she's going to take over the world basically
i couldn't tell you where exactly but i can tell you they WILL travel Europe just like Robin dreamed, and they will be so cheesy and in love the entire time and it will be glorious!!!
since it's very obvious that Nancy does not share Steve's dreams, why not make it so that she wants the exact opposite? so Nancy and Robin wouldn't have any kids, and they wouldn't settle in a single place, they would live in so many many place throughout the years, staying a couple months in one city, then seven years in a different one, 2 years in another country, anything they feel like it! they're free and in love and they've fought monsters and demons and society together, they can make it anywhere they want <3
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maiteo · 5 months
hi maiaaaa🤭 hope you’re well<3 do you have any music that you’ve been enjoying lately? always love your recs🫶
hello love🫶🏽 I’ve been great, hope you are too!!!
n pls im blushing🤭 I’ve been going thru some transitional period when it comes to my music & purging my whole library lately lol but!! here’s some tunesss🎶🎧
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mutxnts · 6 months
Fic meme: 22, 23, 24!
22. Share an excerpt from your favorite scene.
okay maybe don't read this oodly since it does have a bit of an aa4 spoiler KJLSDFKLJGDSKLJFG but this was one of my favorite fics to write this year, and also maybe the paragraphs i'm most proud of. from good old days:
“You look like a true defense attorney now,” Miles complimented with a warm smile. “Take a look for yourself.” He gestured toward the full-length mirror nearby, indicating for him to turn toward it now that his outfit was complete. Phoenix did just that. What he saw in the mirror wasn’t just a reflection of the outfit he was wearing, but was also a reflection of the man he’d once been—of the defense attorney he’d once been. But now he was older, made stronger by all the adversity he had faced in the past decade. The gray hair at his temples showed clear signs of aging, and there was a certain weariness in his eyes that seemed to have been a permanent fixture since his disbarment, but the attorney’s badge on his chest still shone proudly in the face of all that. He had grown and changed so much as a person since the last time he had worn his attorney’s badge, and yet who he was at his core remained unchanged. He was still the same Phoenix Wright that cared about finding the truth and believing in people when no one else did.
23. Share the final version of a sentence or paragraph that you struggled with. What about it was challenging? Are you happy with how it turned out?
okay it's kind of stupid but this part from sweet, sweet bliss was challenging to me:
“Hmm… pancakes sound good,” he answered. And then, because he couldn’t resist teasing his boyfriend to get him worked up, he added, “Along with a side of bacon, eggs, and toast, perhaps. And a parfait, don’t forget that.”
i don't know why but i always struggle with food in fics? i'm always trying to decide if it's like, a normal dish to have or if it's too fancy or not something that the character would be able to make. or, if it's even something people normally eat KJSKJFDGSJKDFG and don't get me started on writing restaurant scenes, i am always so bad at deciding what a character would order so i try to be vague about it 😭 idk why food is such a challenge to me but it is jskdfgjkldfjkldfg
24. What's something that surprised you while you were working on a fic? Did it change the story?
hmmm, i think one of the things that surprised me the most while working on a fic is that i actually had an idea for how i could make hot, sticky, sweet (warning that is an explicit fic) into a two-parter instead of just a one shot. i've never written anything that wasn't a one shot, so the fact that i had ideas for how to continue the story surprised me. i wasn't sure if i was going to actually write the second part or not, but it did reshape the way i ended that fic. i had like 3 different ideas for the ending, but decided in the end to go with something more opened ended in case i ever came back to it and wanted to write that second part. (and surprisingly, i did start working on the second chapter!)
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goddevouringserpent · 10 months
38 from the character development questions, dealer's choice of who :)
38. Is there anything they wish they could change about their worldview or thought processes? What, and why?
ooh this is a very good one for Irenni (my other KC that I haven't developed as much despite loving her almost as intensely) because the thing about Irenni is... she's unequivocally, objectively Good—at least as per the rules of a world where Good is something you can be and not just something you do—but she is also torn between many different sides of herself & their accompanying mindsets
Irenni is Neutral Good and in the Angel path and her first and foremost priority is always, always to help people and make the world a kinder place and become the better version of herself she can be—but there's so many versions of Irenni. it's a kaleidoscope. she's an Angel of Compassion but as the game progresses she becomes absolutely obsessed with the concept of attaining divinity to the point where it clouds her judgment and she makes some... questionable decisions for the sake of love; she is a Rakshasa-blooded tiefling with fey ancestry (or at least she assumes so, considering her abilities as a Sylvan Sorcerer) and sees that as a burden on her, which is why she actively, openly rejects Chaos and Evil as fundamental forces of the universe, because she has to prove she's More Than, perhaps over an innate desire to just do Good. and there is little place left amidst all that for Irenni Korez, for whoever she is without the Mythic powers and the tiefling blood and the fey ancestry.
so with this ABSOLUTE BEHEMOTH of an introduction out of the way, and please do forgive the behemoth I just get carried away sometimes & moreover it is relevant to the answer, I swear: she is, overall, satisfied with her worldview, with her moral compass, even if it's less than perfect and all too often hinges on sentiment. however, her thought process is... another matter entirely. every single time she has a less than charitable thought, something rude or mean or chaotic, the temptation of an easy way out, she wonders if it's Irenni -the-person thinking that or Irenni-the-tiefling, or Irenni-the-fae-blooded, or a mixture of that. as of late, all her good thoughts are met with the same amount of existential suspicion: is it her, or the Light of Heaven? (and... the less I say about the state of her thought process post-Areelu's reveal, the better.) and she wishes, oh-so-dearly, that she could stop nitpicking and overanalysing every thought that crosses her mind because ultimately it matters little, her actions are what's important, what define Irenni-the-person in opposition to Irenni-and-her-trillion-influences. but it's difficult, and she can't take one single step without asking herself where the urge to take said step came from, and is it benefitting anyone, and is it hurting anyone, and there a better way, and and and and—
she thinks circles around herself and, despite knowing it's hardly ever of use, she can't stop it because she's terrified of what might happen to her identity if she does. but she wishes she could. she wishes she could allow herself to just... be.
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Let’s gooo
Okay so this is like a two parter and you’ll see why in a sec lol. I really didn’t care much for Eddie. Like I love him but it’s worn off as time goes on. And I just don’t care for him as much as I did in the beginning. And I didn’t like how he sometimes treated the kids.
For the second part: it would have been way more interesting if Eddie was solely used as a device in the show. I mean he sort of already is but let me explain. Okay so I think Eddie would have been a very good catalyst to show how the kids are traumatized and cannot function in society. Eddie partly represents what the party was once upon a time ago. He is very active with DnD and has extreme passion with it. The party in the first ep of season 1 have a 10 hour long campaign in DnD. So they are very dedicated towards DnD as a whole. So Eddie and hellfire in general could have been a very good way to show how much they’ve grown up and how much they struggle in society. Eddie and the hellfire club has a dedication towards DnD. So it would have been a good way to show that the boys can’t even fit in with people that have the same interests as them. It could be amazing to show how complicated their relationship is with DnD (since they call all of their monsters in their life DnD related names) and show how no one else could possibly have that complicated relationship. This could show up in their scenes together. For example scenes were maybe Eddie says something DnD related but the boys just flinch and shrink in on themselves cuz Eddie mentioned about doing a campaign with a demogorgon or mindflayer. And they just flinch and Eddie looks at them like suspiciously and he comments on it. And the boys just look at each other and never answer Eddie. Like this is so fascinating and does add to the whole plot of everyone growing up that the duffers always mention. I do like how they fleshed out Eddie more and gave him a personality but I just think it would have been so good to just see him as this device. To show the audience that the party have grown up and along with that their feelings about interests changed and how it’s conflicting for the party. Like idk I just think the character of Eddie could have been used more as a device so that we can see how the party is struggling and how traumatized they actually are.
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lunchboxtrolls · 2 years
hmmm hey cheryl how are things going w/your business (:
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"Um. It's like...fine? I guess? Things are going smoothly. I'm still important. Not like that should change anytime soon. Or ever, now that I think about it."
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beachghoulz · 2 months
John mulaney watch part part 2 electric boogaloo kid gorgeous. STREET SMART
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snapbackslide · 5 months
tomorrow is my birthday and i’m trying to remind myself it’s okay that i’m 26 and have never been in a real relationship and im trying to be okay with the fact i’ll probably spend another year single 😭😭 im sure ill end up crying at some point tomorrow since i usually do on my birthday hahah (not sharing for sympathy or anything just wanted to share because im sure other people relate!) 🫶🏻
I RELATE !!! AND IT IS OKAY !!!! I’m not gonna sit here and say things like “it’s better to be single than with the wrong person!!” or “focus on self love!!” bc those are unbearable things to hear. I saw a tweet recently that said something like, the craving for romantic love cannot be fulfilled with self love, and that’s so important to realize.
Yes loving ourselves is absolutely crucial for both us and our future & current relationships, but it is not a replacement. And those of us who crave romance know this, we feel it on the daily. Being single can be amazing, but it can also SUCK when you need the comfort and warmth of loving arms & having no one to turn to.
I’m really sorry you’re struggling with this, I also cry on my birthday every year, and every year it gets harder and harder to be single 💔 especially being in our mid-20s and still never having been in real relationships, it feels like we’re part of some extinct species. Almost everyone I know has been in relationships and had all their firsts and have anniversaries, and I’m here like… damn… I never had anything last longer than 3 months 🤠
I want to believe that real love will be worth the wait but I also don’t know what the future holds, and false promises aren’t the solution… but I do hope you get everything you want in life and I hope you get to experience everything your heart desires ❤️❤️
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