#sooooo embarrassing
fridayiminlovemp3 · 4 months
i love having anxiety and adhd like i’m looking at my do-list and calling my doctor, finishing my grad school application, and plucking my eyebrows are all the same level of importance to me and make me equally as nervous
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pippindot · 3 months
We went on a walk with my grandpa and his dog. There's a Bernese Mt Dog in his neighborhood who was out and off leash at his house and we were all meeting him, and for some reason he gave Pip the zoomies, so I let her off leash so she wouldn't clothesline everyone or get hurt...she RAN TO THE DOOR and INVESTIGATED THE GROCERY BAGS and finally just RAN IN THE STRANGER'S HOUSE
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
Emmet finds out about the possession when they're children and through a series of misunderstandings thinks it makes Ingo uncomfortable to talk about, so he never brings it up but 100% thinks this is a secret they're keeping together. Ingo thinks he doesn't know. Until the reveal when Emmet is immediately by his side and getting him away from the crowds and Ingo thinks he just accepted the situation fast. They only find out that the other knew/thought he didn't know months after the reveal.
This is so funny... Ingo thinks that he was able to successfully cover up whatever slip up he made, and Emmet thinking thinking that Ingo realized he knew the truth now, but just didn't want to talk about it and being okay with that! It's their shared secret even if they don't discuss it. <3
Instead of being shocked when Ingo is revealed, Emmet hurries to his side to help him... okay, he's probably still a little shocked, but that has more to do with just how massive his brother's Zoroark form is, and not you know... his brother being a Zoroark. But he helps him get out of the situation, and Ingo just thinks his brother accepted him on the spot, warming his heart... and then he learns that one fuck up he made when he was like, eight, wasn't covered up as well as the thought and Emmet has known the entire time. And now he's just reflecting on all the times he's angsted about lying to Emmet...
...oh sweet dragons. The secondhand embarrassment is real.
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yersina · 1 year
Whenever I get a comment on love me, love me not that mentions what Yoohyun is thinking during the fic, it’s always so so embarrassing bc like. I straight up forgot abt Yoohyun while I was writing. The fic is literally abt him by proxy, he’s there in every word even tho he doesn’t show up a single time and I!!! Forgot that this paranoid bastard has eyes on his brother 24/7!!!!!!
So anyway. The answer to “I wonder what Yoohyun is thinking????” is no. Just… no.
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gumsbiter · 5 months
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This is from a rp. Please imagine Nash’rah yelling fag in the background
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golyadkin · 19 days
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Last night was scary
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drawthething · 4 months
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"Don't you ever get tired of drawing Jimmy Jr- " NAHHHHHHH
Happy Jimmy Jr day! (it's everyday) SEE, see, I DON'T draw him in just flannel shirts all the time-
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bucksboobs · 5 months
Fishman Island Arc more like spending 6 hours laughing at the terrible pacing and frankly obscene amount of gratuitous booba shots only to get randomly punched in the face by Zoro saying the gayest shit he’s ever said.
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codenamesazanka · 2 days
as much as i want shigaraki back (PLEASE) it does serve the plot and his last words better if this Mystery Person is just a random guy - one mistreated by their family, missed by Heroes all this time, then left to die in the wreckage of the world.
Shigaraki wanted to destroy everything - and yes, that was partly because of how AFO manipulated his life and cultivated him into the Symbol of Terror - but by the end of MVA, it was truly his genuine conviction, and one reinforced by his bond with the League. They shared his goal (like how Toga still dreamed of the easier world even after Ochako saved her heart). Shigaraki wasn't entirely wrong, the League wasn't entirely wrong, and that was how he wanted to be Hero for the Villains - to destroy the sources of their pain. Quirk Counseling, Heteromorph Discrimination, Abuse, the Hero System, etc. His destruction has turned heroic by the end - it's the famous SMASH by another name and look.
In Chapter 423, Shigaraki reflects that he didn't manage to destroy anything, and his message to Spinner was that he tried, all to the end. Deku, because he's got a brick for a brain, doesn't understand what Shigaraki meant, and tries to tell Shigaraki that he already destroyed it. What does 'it' mean, for Deku? AFO? Hatred? Who knows; it doesn't matter what Deku thinks. What matters is the destruction Shigaraki was talking about - everything he has witnessed in this world. The rejection, the injustices, the sources of suffering. None of it was destroyed, though he and the League had shaken things up. Hence, "it depends on you guys tomorrow."
Hence, Mystery Person. Treating them as a reborn!Tenko feels nice, but is essentially seeing only a Crying Child and caring only because of that. Because if they're not 2(?)-weeks-old Reborn!Tenko, then they're someone who's been suffering for a lot longer than that. They're someone who suffered under the way things were back from before the war started, before the League of Villains ever made a move. If my observations are any bit correct, they're someone who's been mistreated and abandoned, and was unsaved by Heroes all this time. Now the war has ended, things are going back to normal, and people are working for a Bright Future, and all these Heroes are out there, being there for the country... but still not for Mystery Person. No one is there for them, so their first act is to destroy - with trembling hands, they cut away their restraints.
They were (and still is) in the exact circumstances Shigaraki wanted to destroy. They're the exact type of person Shigaraki wanted to be a Hero for.
And it depends on Deku and the others to do something about this, and whether Shigaraki's 'do your best' to Deku meant anything at all.
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abigail · 7 months
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this is from 2020 but I realised I never posted the outfit on here so here u go :-) happy halloween <3
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moony-ghoul · 8 months
the first night swiss and phantom spent together was supposed to be soft and NOT horny
just some pals sharing a joint and cuddling together giggling about stupid shit and watching shitty youtube video essays
they end up passing out like that and swiss wakes up to find a half asleep (definitely still stoned) ant whimpering into his chest and lazily grinding on his leg
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nakasomethingkun · 9 months
Man-san: I have a husband 🥰🥰
Segasaki, who has been ready to throw hands with her because he thought she likes Yoh:
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nerves-nebula · 5 months
*voice of exhaustion* you guys are like, so moronically white
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ethoslove · 3 months
rewatching etho's secret life and clutching my face in cringe embarrassment at him doing the "AHA" bit
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cinnarulean · 5 months
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punk rock cutie ! 🎸⚡🖌️
(really reaaally old messy iris redraw doodle i made in dec 2021 that ive finally decided to post)
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sleepy-crypt1d · 4 months
love people making jack this suave sexy put together badass like babe we are talking about a man who canonically wont say fuck and says "yahtzee" when hes excited
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