#soooooo many people
HAPPY SPOOKY SEASON! Have some merch
recently received new stock photos for the Terrible Pink T-Shirts i sell on etsy, and i find them so funny for some reason...
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look at the smiling attractive people wearing their (also smiling!) attractive fashion wear!
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vampryn · 6 months
i love making internet friends. when ur mutuals w somebody for forever and then eventually start chit-chatting and then ur like wow we are friends now officially!!! lets make internet pancakes together and dance!!!!! lets make plans to meet that will never happen bc we live on different ends of the globe!!!!! lets jus be supportive and love the ppl in our community!!!! they are so cool!!!!!
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electricpurrs · 1 year
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this is how people talk about you online when you dont use they/them pronouns
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prompt-master · 3 months
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Kogoro is out here thinking he's being possessed by himself
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deus-and-the-machina · 4 months
hythlodaeus be like "teehee I hope I can be of some use" *clean headshot* 😊
bitch they wanted you for the aether-centric governmental position I know you think your curmudgeony cunt husband is amazing but stop selling yourself short its a slippery slope to sacrificing yourself to make god smh
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fromtheseventhhell · 3 months
it's wild to see people say stuff like "sansa is a politician, arya is a warrior" while not being able to point out a single political act sansa has achieved, and not being able point out any of arya's "warrior skills" that isn't the handful of fencing lessons with syrio she received for like five months max lol
Politician!Sansa and Warrior!Arya are two fascinating ends of a fanon ouroboros; Neither concept exists outside of the other and neither concepts are based on the books. This fandom is just so attached to the idea of Sansa being this incredible politician, with intelligence above every other character, that her having nothing in her own chapters to support that idea doesn't stop them. That's why Arya's intelligence, skills, and entire character arc get reduced to her being nothing but a walking, talking weapon. Like you said, her "warrior" capabilities are essentially the handful of lessons she had with Syrio where her most important + relevant lesson was how to observe her surroundings. Her only "combat" training with the FM was her defending herself with a staff when she lost her eyesight. There's nothing to suggest that she's going to be a warrior, in fact we get the exact opposite. We get constant reminders of Arya's small stature and lack of strength that prevent her from fighting/defending herself in certain situations. All her kills rely on sneak attacks/stealth and she's never been in an outright swordfight with anyone. George even refrains from calling her a warrior like Robb and Jon. Brienne and Asha are examples of female characters who are actual fighters and if you compare their chapters, you can see the difference.
But then Arya's entire existence is antithetical to fanon!Sansa's. Her Harrenhal arc is what people pretend Sansa was doing in KL, her relevance to the North gets transferred to Sansa, and her intelligence and political activeness are erased so that Sansa can shine. They'll write essays on how Sansa is the most intelligent, politically savvy character and how Dany/Jon/Tyrion's arcs only exist to highlight her own ruling arc but the second someone asks them for evidence from the books, it's crickets. I don't understand why their enjoyment of her character hinges on her being the most important/intelligent one. No Arya stan is under the illusion that she's going to be the political character or outclass Dany, Jon, or Tyrion. It's just part of her story so we acknowledge it. Arya is going to have her political arc in Braavos and Sansa is going to have her political arc in the Vale, they aren't mutually exclusive. The only issue is that some people want Sansa to be the only one with a political arc and that's not the story that George is telling.
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coollizzylou · 28 days
Fellow SotO lovers, please please interact I want to discuss the themes and motifs in a low sodium environment.
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No you don't understand I love Barnaby x Howdy with x Wally planoticly-
It's in my mind a little more often than it should be lmao
But its there
Living and thriving
oh please, i think i Do understand. so so much.
i have this delusional little world in my head that i often retreat to where the three of them live together. wally is their special lil guy. they all have dinner together. they do activities. sometimes barnaby/howdy wake up and he's in bed w/ them bc he got lonely and wanted to listen to them breathe itsnotcreepyiswear-
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pavlovean · 2 months
if you’re taking “you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me” literally and think it’s about her actual childhood you may be illiterate, hope this helps
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itspileofgoodthings · 2 months
on the one hand we have many people treating me like Mrs. Bennet trying to marry off her daughters, just like Maria pls date someone go on a date once, anyone, just GO, get out there and then on the other hand we have my mom saying she doesn’t think you should try to make Romance happen but only take opportunities as they come if you want to. so.
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xhanisai · 2 months
I think one of the main reasons why I don't go out of my way to follow a lot of people on socials even if I think their art is amazing is because at least half the time, they're shitting on the canon source material and act very big-headed. It happens too often.
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skyburger · 28 days
every nintendo character is trans & if anyone complains we double their transgender levels. hope this helps 🏳️‍⚧️
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bruhstation · 1 year
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the journey of gordon juniperus gresley (and still ongoing)
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tsuchinokoroyale · 3 months
How are you not someone's wife already???
I’ve licherally got no room for a man like where’s he gonna fit??
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Not to mention…
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wishingly-mesh · 7 months
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What are the opinions on transformers oc on tumblr 👁👁
this is SilverCross
I’ve posted him before but it’s been awhile :)
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nico-di-genova · 2 months
The absolute switch up in the comments on the Aston Martin video about Lance rn 😭
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