#sophia's diary entries
chaoticmunsons · 1 year
i'm about to present in front of my entire gender studies class about gender stereotypes and stigma/shame surrounding sex and bdsm so i'm basically about to out myself in front of my whole class by letting them know that i'm so passionate about being fucked like a whore that i wrote a whole research paper on it 😀
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coquette-66 · 9 months
i don’t like being in pain. i don’t like being depressed or sad or insecure and uncomfortable with myself.
if i could change myself for the better, i would. but i am so broken, so lost and hopeless that staying where i am is nothing short of a comfort to me. i throw myself into cinema and books just to get by because the real world is so painful. so unfortunate. so hateful. there is no love here. there is no joy. there is no happiness.
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it is strange because i want to be happy. i want to experience the world. but how can i? when everything i am is confined to my room? when everything i want requires confidence?
it is easier to stay in bed. it is easier to rely on nothing and no one. i am probably better off doing nothing. i am probably better off saying nothing, speaking to no one. even if i don’t want to be.
regardless, though, through my illness i still experience love. i see it for what it is. though i will never have it; there will be no one to return it to me. and that is alright, as long as i can feel it. no matter how much it hurts. i just want to love and be loved. i just want love. i just want love.
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fazcinatingblog · 2 months
"I'm going into a webinar at 1pm... Maybe I'll have some lunch... I might have a packet of chips" - Sophia
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workingclasshistory · 2 years
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On this day, 25 January 1911 Kanno Sugako, a Japanese anarchist feminist, was executed for her part in a plot to assassinate the Emperor. She remains the only woman to be executed in Japan for treason (content note: sexual violence). Radicalised at the age of 14 after being raped, she was one of Japan's first women journalists and advocates of women's rights, as well as a prolific writer of fiction and non-fiction. She was inspired by Sophia Perovskaya, who helped assassinate the Russian Tsar. Sugako had admitted her guilt in the plot, as had her half-dozen or so co-conspirators. But 24 anarchists, who were mostly innocent, were sentenced to death, which enraged Sugako. In her prison diary she wrote: "Needless to say, I was prepared for the death sentence. My only concern day and night was to see as many of my… fellow defendants saved as possible… I am convinced our sacrifice is not in vain. It will bear fruit in the future. I am confident that because I firmly believe my death will serve a valuable purpose I will be able to maintain my self-respect until the last moment on the scaffold. I will be enveloped in the marvelously comforting thought that I am sacrificing myself for the cause. I believe I will be able to die a noble death without fear or anguish." In her final entry she wrote of how he felt upon learning that 12 of her fellow defendants were reprieved, and so would not be executed: "I am very happy that some of the defendants have been saved. They must be the people who I was certain were innocent. After hearing the news I felt that half the burden on my shoulders had been lifted." You can read her full diary here: https://libcom.org/history/reflections-way-gallows https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.296224173896073/2194604487391356/?type=3
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theskylarkin · 2 months
KHOC Week Day 7 - Journal
Well, diary, but same thing right?
(Thank you to the mods for hosting this event again this year! Though I wasn't as prepared as I would've liked, I always look forward to KHOC week for the chance to check out everyone's neat OCs and for the motivation to actually write something about my own kiddos!)
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Art commissioned from @naab_ascanio on Instagram
Word Count: 2545
Sophia’s diary lay open on the Gardener’s dining room table, being read by another keyblade wielder for the first time in five years while the rest of the family watched in silence. The exposed edges of the pages had begun to yellow with age, the bits of ribbon and paper she’d used as bookmarks were frayed, and the dyed lavender cover was beginning to crack and peel off at the edges and along the spine. However, Sophia’s parents had done all they could to preserve the last memento they had left of their missing daughter, something Sigyn seemed to be intrinsically aware of by how carefully she flipped through the pages.
Neither of the twins had been aware that their aunt and uncle had managed to save their cousin’s diary in the chaos of Radiant Garden’s fall until Uncle Mundi decided they were old enough to read it when they began highschool two years ago. Mariss never understood why he’d chosen that as the right time for them to have that information; Aunt Anima seemed to disapprove but she didn’t stop him.
In retrospect, Mariss thought that letting Relai read Sophia’s diary had been a big mistake. Even if both of them were entitled to know the truth about their cousin, reliving Radiant Garden through Sophia’s eyes and then reading all about her journeys to other worlds as a keyblade apprentice only served to let Mariss’ twin sister retreat further into her daydreams. Relai was forever stuck on the past and what could have been, drifting further and further from Mariss as they tried to move forward.
Mariss, on the other hand, had taken something very different from their cousin’s diary. While her recollections of the worlds she’d visited and the things she’d learned were fascinating, there was still a stark contrast in Sophia’s writing before and after the event that seemed to have made her realize the gravity of her choice to become a keyblade wielder: the death of her friend, Ferrum. In the entries after, Mariss could see how Sophia struggled with the expectations of her role and the emotional toll that keeping secrets from her family and friends in Radiant Garden was taking on her.
When Mariss got to one of the final entries, the one where Sophia had visited San Fransokyo and pondered what her life would’ve been like if she’d never taken up the keyblade, they had to put down the journal and stare at their bedroom wall in silence for a bit. The thought of a single decision setting their cousin on a path of pain and destruction that she couldn’t escape from made their skin crawl.
If there was such a thing as destiny and that had been what Sophia was destined for, then Mariss wanted no part of it.
Mariss always wondered what Uncle Mundi and Aunt Anima thought of Sophia’s diary, but was too scared to ask in case it just made them more upset. The two of them sat at one end of the table, her staring ahead at their guest with an unreadable expression and him gazing down at his lost daughter’s diary with a muted melancholy.
The twins sat across from each other on either side of their aunt and uncle. Relai was trying to lean back in her chair casually, but the way her eyes darted from her aunt and uncle to Sigyn and back made it clear she could barely contain her excitement, dread, or possibly both.
As for Mariss, they weren’t really sure how to feel about it all. Heart still racing and hands still slightly shaking after the encounter in the alleyway, they elected to sit back and let the keyblade wielder at the far end of the table explain herself. Better to get the full picture before they made any decisions they might regret later.
Sigyn, second daughter of Keyblade Master Urd and the younger sister to Sophia’s friends Brandr and Virdandi, had taken on the burden of being the last wielder of the Scala ad Caelum lineage after her own world had been destroyed. Mariss had recognized her name from Sophia’s diary when she’d introduced herself in the alleyway and it was because of that same diary that Sigyn was here in the Gardener’s house, sitting in silence and utterly focused on the book in front of her with only the occasional sharp exhale of surprise as she devoured the information on the pages.
Finally, the blond girl looked up and jerked back in surprise as she realized the family had been watching her intently this whole time. “Ah… my apologies,” she stammered. “I didn’t really get to spend much time with Sophia because I wasn’t an apprentice like my siblings yet, but I always remember her constantly writing in her diary. These notes she took about Master Vor’s teachings and the about all the various worlds are so detailed, yet so easy to follow…They’re amazing! There’s so much here I’ve never learned!”
“I thought your mother was a keyblade master. Did you never learn any of this from her?” Aunt Anima asked, still staring at Sigyn intently but Mariss could swear they saw some of the lines on her face soften just a little.
“No, ma’am,” Sigyn answered sadly. “My mother wouldn’t teach me until one of my siblings earned their Mark of Mastery, which neither of them did. Master Yen Sid and his apprentice taught me all I know about the keyblade, so I never learned many of the techniques unique to the Scalan tradition that are described here. This journal might be the only surviving firsthand record of knowledge passed down by the original founder of Scala ad Caelum.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, young lady,” Uncle Mundi spoke in a choked voice, not quite meeting her eyes, “but I’m afraid I— we can’t let you take that book.”
Sigyn’s face fell for half a second before she quickly recomposed herself. “I understand completely, sir, this diary must mean the world to you. My mother’s old sash from when she was a keyblade apprentice is all I have left of her and the rest of my family after my world was destroyed.” She stood up so that the Gardeners could see the white and gold garment around her waist and then sat back down again. “I would never forgive myself if I let anything happen to it.”
“But,” she continued, “would it be alright with you if I were to just copy down the information relevant to me as a keyblade wielder? I’m sure it wouldn’t take more than a few days.”
“A few days?” Mariss repeated incredulously. “Sigyn, Sophia’s field notes are more than half of the book! It’d take several weeks at least!”
Sigyn shifted in her seat uncomfortably. “Yes, well—”
Relai, it seemed, could no longer hold herself back. “Or I can just go with Sigyn and make sure than nothing happens to Sophia’s diary!” she blurted out.
Mariss winced. Leave it to Relai to take the most dramatic option possible. “Excuse me?” Aunt Anima raised an eyebrow and even Uncle Mundi looked up in surprise.
“Yeah!” Relai continued. “I mean we’ve all read Sophia’s diary; being a keyblade wielder is hard enough even without being one of the last ones left! We can’t leave Sigyn to be harassed by those jerks again—”
“Excuse me!” Sigyn retorted, turning red. “I can handle myself just fine—”
“Oh yeah, then why did you need Mariss and I to save you earlier, huh?” Relai retorted. “And there’s—”
“Enough!” Aunt Anima bellowed, standing up from the table. “Lorelai, you are not going and that is final!”
“But Auntie!” Relai protested, rising to her feet. “I have to! There’s a chance—”
“Relai,” Mariss tried to interrupt and Sigyn shot her a concerned glance but both warnings were ignored.
“—a chance that Sophia might still be alive!”
If Mariss’ legs could reach, they would’ve kicked Relai under the table or at least poked her very, very hard.
The expression on Aunt Anima’s face was almost murderous; Mariss couldn’t recall the last time they’d seen her so angry. “What did you say?” Uncle Mundi asked in a voice barely above a whisper, some long lost flicker of emotion in his eyes.
Relai turned to Sigyn, nearly bouncing up and down with excitement. “Yeah, tell them what you heard about the other keyblade wielder!”
Sigyn shot her a furious glare that could rival Aunt Anima’s then turned to the adults, trying not to shrink in on herself in embarrassment. “I’ve been looking into rumors of another keyblade wielder who’s been spotted in various worlds,” she admitted hesitantly. “But the descriptions I’ve gotten from those who saw this person are so vague that it could just as well be one of my siblings or one of the other three apprentices that went missing around the same time as Sophia.”
“So that’s a one in six chance then,” Mariss noted, watching the reactions of their family intently.
“But…but that means there’s still a chance!” Relai protested. “Auntie! Uncle! Please!” She looked at the two of them pleadingly. “And…and even if it’s not Sophia, then we owe it to her to reunite Sigyn with her siblings! Or at least find another keyblade wielder who can watch her back against those freaks in the black coats! Please! We can’t just do nothing!”
Relai’s words were followed by a deathly silence. Aunt Anima looked away with an unreadable expression and Uncle Mundi stared down at the diary again, as if lost in thought.
As Relai waited for an answer, tears beginning to form in her eyes, Mariss flicked on their holographic visor they usually saved for bot fighting purposes. This time, hovever, they flipped through the applications with a wave of their fingers and began to type up two emails. Out of the corner of their eye, Mariss saw Sigyn staring as they moved their fingers over a keyboard interface only they could see.
“Sometimes I wish that you’d disappeared instead of Mom and Dad.” That’s what Mariss had nearly said to their twin sister in the alleyway before they’d run into Sigyn earlier. While it was true that Relai’s attitude frustrated them beyond belief and it was easier to ignore her than keep fighting, Mariss could never say that and mean it. Ever.
Aunt Anima finally spoke again after some time. “Lorelai,” she said after a long sigh, “if you think that your uncle and I are going to let another member of this family disappear—”
“Dad at least tried to find Mom when she disappeared!” Relai retorted, the desperation creeping back into her voice. “No one here would miss me anyway if something happened! I—” Relai paused mid sentence to glare daggers at her twin. “Mariss, are you seriously playing games right now? At a time like this?!”
“No, I am not,” Mariss replied through gritted teeth, putting the finishing touches on the second, much more personal email before they shut off their visor and turned their attention back toward their three remaining family members. “I’m sending an email to our highschool to get us transferred out and officially declared homeschooled, so they won’t send anyone looking for us. And,” Mariss took a deep breath before continuing, “I’m sending my official resignation from the South Bay Surfriders so I won’t have any outstanding obligations to worry about while WE look for Sophia.”
The rest of the team would probably hate Mariss forever for quitting so close to a major tournament, but Mariss wasn’t going to think about that right now. Nor were they going to think about how they were throwing away all the future plans they’d made in San Fransokyo right now. Nor again were they going to think about how there would always be a tiny part of them that would resent Relai for this moment, possibly forever.
Anything for family.
Relai’s eyes grew wide as she processed this information. Even Uncle Mundi looked up in shock at the news. “You don’t have to come with me, Mariss,” Relai finally said in a small voice. “I know you’ve actually got a life you care about here, why would you—”
“OF COURSE I HAVE TO COME WITH YOU, IDIOT!” Mariss screamed at her. Even Sigyn flinched a little this time. “If it wasn’t for me, you would’ve been sliced to ribbons by that lady earlier! You’re always rushing into things without thinking! Mom and Dad would never forgive me if something happened to you and I wasn’t around! And neither would I! So…so you’re not going unless I’m going to, is that clear!?”
Mariss was breathing like they’d just run a whole marathon as they stared down their twin in righteous anger. For once, Relai was so stunned she couldn’t even respond to their insults properly.
Sigyn cleared her throat loudly. “I’m the one with the gummi ship here,” she reminded the twins calmly, “so I’m the one who gets to chose who I take with me. And neither of you are going unless your Aunt and Uncle allow it.” She stared back resolutely as Relai shot her a betrayed look.
For one brief, shining moment, Mariss thought Aunt Anima was going to forbid the two of them from going. Then they could just send apology emails to the school and their team and pray they weren’t too mad about the “prank”, and they could get back to their normal life.
And then Uncle Mundi suddenly stood up. “Excuse us,” he said as he took Aunt Anima’s hand and lead her out of the dining room and into the hallway. She looked at him in confusion but followed, the door slamming shut behind her with a loud thud.
Time passed slowly without any noise that Mariss could hear from the hallway. At one point Relai stood up to suggest they sneak out while her aunt and uncle were occupied, but quickly sat back down when she saw Sigyn’s expression.
At last Uncle Mundi and Aunt Anima returned. “Your uncle and I,” Aunt Anima began, “have decided that the two of you can go. It’s what Sophia would have wanted.”
“Yes!” Relai screamed, leaping out of her chair. “Thank you, thank—”
“But only if,” Aunt Anime continued, cutting her celebration short, “the two of you never become keyblade wielders.”
“What?!” Relai shrieked, but Mariss understood. Their aunt and uncle didn’t want them to end up just like their cousin.
“Okay,” Sigyn said as she stood up and summoned her keyblade. “On my honor as the last keyblade wielder of the Scalan line, Mariss and Relai will not be bequeathed a keyblade by me nor any other wielder. My word is my bond.” The keyblade disappeared from her hand in a shower of golden powder as she turned back to Aunt Anima. “Is that acceptable?”
Aunt Anima nodded stiffly. Mariss glanced over at their twin, a sour expression on her face from being denied a keyblade. Relai had gotten nearly everything she wanted, and yet she was still unhappy?
Good. A petty sort of smile slid across Mariss’ face as they began to make a mental list of what they’d need on this journey they’d signed themselves up for.
To Be Continued
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Diary Entry of a Straight A student #23
Hi everyone,
I haven't done one of those in ages...because I do not really know whether they are helpful. What I am certain of is that they are very real and honest.
So let's get right into it. I spent last week in Berlin and worked a lot. My life is amazing, don't get me wrong. I'm a straight A student, I have a top tier job, I have a wonderful boyfriend and amazing friends. My life is perfect against all odds.
And somehow it isn't.
I struggle with anxiety at the moment. Everything bad about this world hurts me deeply. I want to give my all to help everyone, to help the planet. But I just cannot save each and every person, each and every animal, all that there is. I am working so hard to really make a difference. But will I ever? I feel like my life is monotonous. I want to experience the highs of life again, but somehow alI I do is work. I know this is all worth it. But it just does not feel like it at the moment. I need some new goals, I guess. I actually have some. I would love to be a research assistant at HBS. I just love writing papers, etc. I want to contribute something that really has an impact. I hope this dream will somehow become reality one day!
My question to you: How can I give you all more support and love? I want to be a big sister to you, inspire you and make you feel loved and wanted in this world. I hope I already do that. But how can I improve?
I will see you soon, until then, enjoy some pictures:
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JEEEEEZ 34 emojis! THAT's 102 SENTENCES FUCK. I LOVE THIS! WHAT A CHALLENGE. let's gooooo. This will probably involve a line break and take us close to the end of the chapter.
He trods over to the fridge and raids it for anything easy to steal without making a mess. He misses Buck’s cooking. Well, he misses Bobby’s cooking the most. And, if he’s being honest, Abuela’s. But Buck’s is a very close third. He spots a collection of mason jars with overnight oats and fruit and snags one. Not exactly a home cooked meal, but he’s feeling ravenous. He grabs a spoon from the drawer and scarfs it down. 
He gives the empty mason jar and spoon a quick rinse, places them in the dishwasher, and hopes it’ll go unnoticed. He grabs a Gatorade out of the fridge and a few protein bars from the cupboards to take with him.Then, he takes a final look around the house. That’s when he notices it. Hanging in the living room. 
He’s not sure how he passed by it the first time. Maybe because he was so hungry and tired and hurting. But there it is.
In the same black frame on the wall where Eddie always kept Christopher’s school photos, is a new one. One he hasn’t seen before. Christopher’s hair is cut shorter. He’s wearing a short-sleeve burgundy button up. He has new glasses frames. He knows it hasn’t been that long, in the grand scheme of a person’s life, but Chris looks older. Like he has grown. Changed. His smile is a bit muted. Forced. 
“Oh, Chris,” Eddie exhales, reaching to hover a finger over the glass. 
Does he think Eddie is dead? Has he spent all this time believing that he’s an orphan? 
“I’m so sorry, son.”
Eddie can’t bring himself to look away from the picture. The only glimpse he has of Christopher as he is now. 
So Eddie does something risky. As risky as eating the oats, if he’s being honest. But just as sustaining. 
Carefully, he takes the frame off the wall. Flipping it over, he removes the back and slips the new photo out. The old one is still in there, slipped behind it. Eddie positions that one in the glass, refastens the back, and hangs the frame back on the wall. A smiley, younger Christopher sits in the place Eddie remembers him. 
Eddie holds the new photograph in his hands like it’s treasure. He traces the outline of Christopher’s face with his finger. 
“I’m going to get you back,” he promises the boy in the photo. 
Then, he slips the picture into the pocket of his sweater, walks back towards his - Buck’s - bedroom, and leaves the distorted funhouse reflection of the place he used to live. 
“Fuck,” Buck hisses, rummaging through the center console of the Jeep in the parking lot after the service. 
“Language, honey,” Sophia deadpans. “Big brother might be listening.”
Buck spares a glance out the windshield to see a huddle of church ladies a few parking spaces over, chatting amongst themselves.
“Fuck,” he amends in a whisper. 
“What’s wrong?” Sophia asks.
“Notebook isn’t in here,” Buck grumbles. “Must’ve left it at the station.”
He keeps his notebooks meticulously. Not only does it help to have things to cross reference, but after months of practice, it’s started to feel like a form of meditation. 
“Hmm. You could type your diary entries in your phone,” Sophia suggests. Sometimes she is so much like Eddie it hurts. The way she can poke fun at him and sound concerned at the same time is truly a Diaz art. 
“Don’t want it digital,” Buck replies. “What if my account got hacked?”
He’s not trusting Eddie’s life, or any of the information he learns at these things, to Google Keep or Apple Notes. 
Sophia gives him a sad look.
“You know who you sound like?”
Buck sighs.
The thing they have most in common, the source of their mutual love, also hurts so damn much some days. On her mind constantly, the way it is his. Maybe Christopher coming home will give them something happier to share. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Buck replies. He taps his temple. “I’ll just have to keep it all up here.”
“Steel trap,” Sophia teases. 
“Titanium, actually.”
She rolls her eyes. 
Buck drives them home. The moment they’re out of sight of the church, he pulls the tie off from around his neck and tosses it in the backseat. He itches at the skin of his throat, careful to avoid the scar tissue bite marks Eddie left behind. 
“We won’t be able to come as much soon,” Sophia exhales. “Can’t say I’ll miss it.”
“Really? I was thinking of showing up next time with a bi pride flag and showing all my tattoos.” 
“Oh, Percy hates tattoos,” Sophia chides. 
“Nah, I think he’s probably got, like, a Jesus fish one or something.”
She snorts. “Top secret information.”
“But, yeah, we’ll have to figure it out with Chris,” Buck agrees. “He’s old enough to be home alone for a few hours.”
“As long as he doesn’t tell anyone,” Sophia agrees. 
“I don’t think he’d tell your parents.” Buck frowns at the thought. “He’s… Unhappy with them, to say the least.”
“He’s still close with Adri,” Sophia whispers. 
Sophia misses her sister. Badly. Adriana isn’t talking to her more than a few words here or there. She doesn’t understand Sophia’s choices. She’s much younger than Eddie and Sophia, and the closest of the three of their parents. According to Sophia, it wasn’t always like that. She used to be the golden child. Now Adri is the only one who hasn’t disappointed them, Sophia explained once.  
“We’ll explain to him,” Buck insists. 
Sophia nods.
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multifandom-worlds · 5 months
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MCU MasterList!
This Masterlist includes fics and series related to Loki, Bucky, and my OC, Olivia Dawns!
Preparing for Christmas (Catherine x Loki) (AO3 link)
Loki's Letter to You from Asgard (F!mc)
Late Night Visitor (F!mc)
Morning Confessions (F!mc)
On the Roof in the Rain (F!mc)
The First "I Love You" (Eleni x Loki)
Loki's Confession Letter (GN!mc)
Home At Last (Eleni x Loki)
A Birthday Kiss (GN!mc)
A Moment for Respite (F!mc)
My First Noel (F!mc)
When the Moon Hits your Eye (Eleni x Loki)
New Agent in the Building (F!mc)
A Lesson on Behaving (F!mc) 18+
Praising Him (Sophia x Bucky )(AO3 link) 18+
Save a Horse, Ride Bucky's Thigh (Hannah x Bucky) (AO3 link) 18+
The Pains of Being a Woman (Fem!MC) 18+
Back in My Arms (Holly x Bucky)
Fatal Jealousy (Fem!OC)
Letter from New York (GN!mc)
When the Lights Come on at Christmas (Fem!mc)
OC - Olivia Dawns
Getting to Know the "Other" (Loki & Bucky)
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Life in Asgard (Loki)
Loki's Diary Journal Entries (Loki)
Reincarnated Love (Bucky)
My Dear General (Loki)
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emsee22 · 6 months
Some interesting Gimple interviews
Q: So many main characters died in season 3. Was there a conscious decision on your guys’ part as you mapped out season 4 that you wanted to lessen the kill count a bit?
A: ...So it’s just in telling the stories and seeing where the stories go. You can do that in any episode and even in its least incarnation it has a great deal of power, but you shouldn’t lean on that power. And just in the stories we were telling this season, it really didn’t seem like our stories with these characters were leaning that way. They often do and there are plenty coming up. And I don’t even mean season 5, I mean season 6 and season 7.
Q: Scott, your first season as showrunner is in the books. What was the most valuable lesson you learned?
A: You can do irrefutably impossible things with the right amount of planning and support from intelligent and hardworking people and pizza.
Q: Season four explored the things people do to stay alive. What’s the theme of season five?
A: Are we too far gone to be people anymore, to actually be human beings, to be able to relate to one another on an emotional level, to be able to live a real humanistic and emotional life — are we too far gone? Next season really is who do we become after that? Once that question is answered for ourselves, who are these people? That idea will be explored a few different ways. Commentary from me: I think we will see Georgie again once Rick and crew prove that they are NOT too far gone. This was the same question Heath was talking about with Tara before the PPP card. I don't think we will learn what PPP is until that question is answered.
Q: This season was a remix of the comics. Will you continue with that approach in mind?
A: Absolutely. As we said during our first conversation, in “Pretty Much Dead Already” when Sophia comes out of the barn, that’s a remix. If we use verbatim from the comic, that’s awesome. And if we have to change it, that’s an opportunity to tie character and theme to it in different ways. There are ways we even chose to remix it, like with Lizzie and Mika, to find ways to take things that Robert did. He long played that [with Ben and his brother, Billy] in the comic, and we can do the same thing even a bit longer than he did it just because I liked the way he did it in the comic and I wanted to turn it up that much more.
Commentary from me: He says they can take a comic book storyline and really stretch it out and do it a whole lot longer than the comic dead. Ringing any bells? Issue 44 anyone?
Q: Of the ones that I've seen recently, including "Daryl" and "The Ones Who Live," they've been driven less by a sense of survival than a sense of hope. And this seems to be the case, particularly after the pandemic. I'm wondering if this notion influenced the shape that this show and "Daryl" have taken.
A: That's interesting. I feel that hope has been integral to the show all along. Granted, it was sort of, "We can find a safe place; we can actually live. We can do more than survive; we can live." But then you get pulled down by the things you have to do to survive.
Commentary from me: This just makes me think to Beth's diary entry monologue in Inmates.
Robert Kirkman on if the Walking Dead will ever have a cure ^^
And this more recent article contradicts Kirkman.
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corallapis · 1 year
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Henry ‘Chips’ Channon: The Diaries (Vol. 1), 1918-38, entry for 30th April 1923
Dined at Claridge’s with Lord and Lady Curzon before the great charity ball she organised at Lansdowne House, which made £10,000 for hospitals and starting the season. The Prince of Wales very charming, Prince George pink, with his ‘just-spanked look’, Princess Helena Victoria,¹ Princess Patricia² and her husband Ramsay and others at dinner. The never-so-crowded restaurant rose like an army and remained standing until we were seated at a table at the far end of the room. After the ladies left the Prince of Wales and Lord Curzon had an animated, friendly conversation about the House of Lords. The ‘hush’ party of the other evening was not mentioned . . . although five of us at the dinner had participated.
1. Victoria Louise Sophia Augusta Amelia Helena (1870-1948), Princess Helena Victoria, daughter of Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein and Princess Helena, third daughter of Queen Victoria; she was therefore the King’s cousin.
2. Princess Victoria Patricia Helena Elizabeth (1886-1974), known as ‘Princess Pat’, daughter of Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, third son of Queen Victoria; therefore she was the King’s cousin. She married in 1919 Commander Alexander Ramsay (1881-1972), third son of the Earl of Dalhousie, aide-de-camp to her father, on which occasion she relinquished the style and title of Royal Highness and Princess and as the daughter of a duke became styled as Lady Patricia Ramsay.
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chaoticmunsons · 1 year
alright i no longer wish to be autistic wheres my receipt i would like to return the autism thanks
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canary-prince · 2 years
Richard Talmei's diary entries about Goncharov, 1-3.
"My agent called me today...she has an interesting script for me. A movie...a Scorsese movie, at that! She says that it is a mafia film, but also much, much more. I'm going to her office tomorrow to read it, but I'm not sure. The biggest thing I have ever done was a dishsoap commercial, for christ's sake. But Pearl is insistent. She says the main character reminds her of Thomas Crown--the WW1 soldier I played in Terrence's play a few seasons ago."
--November 3rd, 1969.
"It has been three days, and I cannot get the script out of my mind. This Goncharov--both the script and the character--are not quite like anything I've seen before. I can see why Pearl thought of Thomas Crown: like good old TC, Goncharov is obsessed with his family. With ancestors he never knew, whose glory and fortunes were built on blood, yet he defends them like sainted heroes. Yet, he seems to miss the point of them. Of their stories, their fates. He tries to live as they did, yet thinks he will avoid their gruesome fates.
"His wife is a tremendous presence. Katya...she is like an angel, fearsome and beautiful and cold. Brutal justice from on-high, unavoidable, incapable of mercy. Or, at least, that is how Goncharov sees her...I did too, the first time I read the script. The second time, I thought of Queen Maria. Do you remember Queen Maria, journal? The villainess from Mother's novel? Her power is illusion, she is just a woman! Katya too, is just a woman, just a human woman, who's husband doesn't love her anymore and blames her for it...
"Pearl wishes for me to audition for Goncharov. No. I am not right for him (as I was not right for Thomas Crown!) but I shall be part of the project. Like Goncharov's ending, this is my fate, I can taste it!"
--November 7th, 1969
"I have it! I have the part! Scorsese listened to my excited chatter with great patience, and he especially liked my insights about Katya. He said that yes, indeed, the most important person in her story (besides Goncharov, the sun around which the others forever revolve) is Sofia! Oh, how the two of them remind me of Mother and her dear friend Sally. Scorsese told me that he would be re-writing some of Sofia's scenes. Make her more of a serpent than a mouse. While I am excited to see the changes, i think I shall mourn the Mouse Sophia. I have a great love of mice."
--From Dirty Mask, 1972. The last few chapters are partially edited diary entries, selected by his sister and his agent, Pearl Hammlin.
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fazcinatingblog · 8 months
Tally of food eaten by my boss today:
Half dozen cheese biscuits
Another half dozen cheese biscuits
Half dozen choc chip cookies
Another half dozen choc chip cookies
One pod espresso coffee
Glass of sparkling water
Whatever sandwich she brought from home (if any)
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kyllesdl · 4 months
Hi, I'm Kylle Sophia D. Librojo, and welcome to my blog! In today's fast-paced world, digital and smart technology seamlessly integrate into my daily life, making it more efficient and productive. Stay tuned as I share more insights and tips on how digital tools can enhance your life too!
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Using my iPad for reviewing has completely transformed my study routine. Its smooth navigation through notes and transcripts enables me to effortlessly switch between topics and locate information rapidly, resulting in more effective study sessions. The greatest advantage is that I no longer have to print out countless reviews, saving both time and paper. The GoodNotes app is an indispensable tool that allows me to annotate, highlight, and arrange my notes in a single location. This digital method not only boosts my productivity but also ensures that all my study materials are neatly organized and readily available. ✏️
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My iPad is quite beneficial for online classes. Its efficiency and portability allow me to attend classes or meetings from anywhere. Staying organized and connected has never been easier, thanks to having all of my study materials and apps on one tablet. 📱💼
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Engaging in Netflix series and YouTube vlogs on my iPad has significantly transformed my free time. Whether I'm exploring new content or catching up on my favorite shows, it is the perfect companion for unwinding. The iPad's portability and convenience enable users to unwind and appreciate high-quality media at any time and in any location.  📺🎬
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My laptop is the device of choice when it comes to transcribing lecture recordings and generating reviews. The increased screen size offers sufficient area for performing multiple tasks at once, enabling me to concurrently observe lecture transparencies, jot down notes, and view recordings. The full-sized keyboard facilitates and accelerates typing, a critical attribute when transcribing in-depth teachings. By utilizing advanced word processing and organization software, I am able to format my notes and reviewers to enhance legibility and retention. Additionally, the ability to utilize advanced features like split-screen views and expedient access to online resources further enhances my study efficacy. This configuration facilitates the generation of evaluators of superior quality and enables me to maintain a focus on my studies, thereby enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of my learning process. 💻📚
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Spotify is my go-to app when I need to unwind, because music really does that. My favorite R&B songs are great to have playing in the background, whether I'm relaxing or studying. The soft beats and flowing rhythms maintain my attention and delightfully enhance my study hours. Though the perfect music can excite me and improve my ability to focus, silence can make me sleepy. As I can create the ideal playlist for any occasion or activity, Spotify is a necessary component of my everyday life. 🎶
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Using my iPad to journal has become a valued habit. In order to capture priceless moments, I log my day, reflect on my ideas, and, as a sentimental person, make it a point to journal at least one picture per day. GoodNotes allows me to write beautiful, unique diary entries, while Notion keeps me organized with to-do lists, project ideas, and an allowance tracker. Notion's adaptability enables me to construct custom templates for various elements of my life, ranging from daily duties to long-term objectives. It's an effective tool for keeping track of my responsibilities, managing my funds, and making the most of each day. This digital journaling arrangement helps me stay busy, organized, and attentive. 📓
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lesbianlenas · 5 months
ok i lied i’m going to listen to the rest rn i’m just going to skip thru them a little bc i have to go to bed maybe i will give them a second listen in a few days or smth but anyway.
the black dog: ok hold on perhaps i like this one the way the music went when she said screaming ok…..smth interesting taylor??? this one was pretty good better than most of the songs on the og album lmfao 8/10
imgonnagetyouback: this sounds exactly like some other taylor swift song but it’s not bad it actually like has character to it and is enjoyable to listen to 😩 7/10
the albatross: this song is just ok but what i like abt it vs the songs on the og album that were slower is that she is not doing the breathy vocals and is actually singing w her whole voice so it’s immediately more engaging 6/10
chloe or sam or sophia or marcus: feel similar abt this as i did to the last one. again way better than the slow songs in the original. 6/10
how did it end: i like the use of the piano in this song not a big fan of the song itself but i like the use of a different sound here. otherwise kind of boring 4/10
so high school: oh god she’s doing the breathy voice again 😭 i was like oh an interesting sound? and then the vocals i’m like ok 😩 i just think this sounds like so many of her other songs 5/10
i hate it here: this is ok i might like this better if i listened to it while looking at the lyrics but yeah 4/10
thank you aimee: funny of her to make a kim k diss track so many yrs after the incident lol look what you made me do is vastly superior maybe that’s controversial to say….i do like that this is smth much different lyrically and there is some nice variation in it 7.5/10
i look in people’s windows: ok back to the breathy singing 😔 i skipped thru like this whole song it sounds like so many of the other ones i heard this already 3/10
the prophecy: this is whatever. not very interesting maybe i would like it better if i was reading the lyrics 4/10
cassandra: here’s the thing. cassandra by florence + the machine is one of my favorite songs of all time so the fact that she ft her on the album and then called a song this is immediately going to make me compare them and it isn’t going to compare bc taylor is not on the same level artistically as florence is 😩 yeah this is not cassandra by florence for sure lmfao. i don’t hate it tho it’s nice actually. i feel like she could have done smth more interesting musically w this one tho. 7/10
peter: this sounds like so many other of her songs 😩 like girl you can’t just make so many songs w the same sounds 😭 i like the use of the piano on this one also tho and the bridge is nice and is really good vocally from her 4/10
the bolter: this again sounds like a lot of her other songs but it’s at least p engaging and the bridge and the chorus are nice 6/10
robin: too slow for me but she sounds really good vocally on this one vs the songs where she is very breathy so i like that. also liked the ending. again would be better if i was looking at the lyrics probably. if i was objective i’d probably give this one a higher rating but i’m not 5/10
the manuscript: i like the opening of this w the piano keys….i do not like this lyrically tbh. these lyrics are like why are you reiterating a convo like this. it’s like she’s reading a diary entry to music or smth i just think it’s kind of clunky. despite it being slow if i didn’t dislike the lyrics i would give this a way higher rating i think the music on this one is beautiful. if it was better lyrically i prob would have loved this. 4/10
final thoughts: these songs were way more varied than the original songs i wouldn’t say any of these sounded like another one of these despite several of them sounding like other songs of hers these definitely weren’t like you could splice these all together into one song. i think some of these def should have been on the og album instead. but the same issues from what i said before still stand holistically. anyway goodnight.
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whatifbutnot · 7 months
Undated diary entry, Villa Diotari, Switzerland
I am at my last, I can do no more. We must leave, weather or not. My only hope is that there remains a sanatorium in Europe which news of us has not reached, that we might be taken in. Not only are my nerves most hotly strained, but the infamy of this place has grown to a degree which must surely end any hopes of returning to polite society. We will be forever pariahs, the subject of knowing looks and outrageous gossip. I truly believe we will never be able to return to our lives. Once the immediate scandal has died down, we must assume new identities in a place where we will not be discovered by our old acquaintances, maybe Patagonia, or the Dutch trading colonies.
The final extremity was the appearance of Augusta Mary, Byron's older half-sister. I had known her, lightly, during my earlier acquaintance with Byron, and recall finding her somewhat over-awing in her worldliness. It seems she had a corresponding sense of me, as something of an ingénue. While time has changed my feelings - if nothing else Byron's correspondence has rendered me knowledgable in the ways of the world - it appears she still sees me in the manner of a nut to be cracked from its husk and gravely masticated.
It started with her very greeting, which was much more physical than the moment called for. She took the opportunity to whisper a remembrance into my ear which was not in any way appropriate for one of my now married status. There followed a series of implications which betrayed her lineage, being the sort of suggestions that only a Byron would make. I warm even thinking of them. Thank God that Sophia truly is an ingénue, in her condition she could ill bear the anger that full understanding would have granted her.
No word would discourage her. If anything, resistance made her more outrageous in her behaviour, progressing from mere speech to physicality, the caressing of a hand, the touching of a knee. And then, during dinner, the placement of her stockinged foot in a place where only a wife's foot should be placed.
This cannot go on. Though I know I am strong enough to resist her brave physicality with its threat of robust and degenerate carnality, I fear that her determined assault may give me no choice in the matter. Even as I sit here writing this, Augusta Maria may be slowly removing her stockings, the concentration needed necessary leading her to bite her lower lip, in preparation of a further assault on my dignity. Even thinking about this makes my manhood warm with anger. No, no, I cannot place myself in a position where I might be unable to resist, perhaps tied down, being disciplined for my resistance, maybe being roughly penetrated in a way that only a wife should roughly penetrate a man. One's dignity and reputation could not bear it.
Tomorrow we will leave. Tonight, when Sophia has taken the draught I have made her and is securely asleep, I shall go to Augusta Maria to tell her of my escape and the failure of her plans.
I fear my masterpiece will not be completed. I shall leave it here with the memories of this place. On balance, I do not think I shall be too sorry to end the enterprise, I do not think the world is yet ready for the sort of work I was creating. It is too adventurous, pushes too many boundaries. I will leave Theodoric where he stands, having killed the villain but turning to find the body it not where he had slain it.
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