#sophisticated bedroom mirror
minimalisation · 1 year
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Formal - Living Room Living room - mid-sized contemporary formal and loft-style medium tone wood floor living room idea with blue walls, no fireplace and no tv
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functal · 1 year
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Contemporary Living Room Example of a mid-sized trendy formal and loft-style medium tone wood floor living room design with blue walls, no fireplace and no tv
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forever-lunasea · 1 year
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Loft-Style Santa Barbara Mid-sized contemporary formal and loft-style living room idea with blue walls, medium tone wood floor, no fireplace, and no television
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starwarsarthistory · 1 year
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Loft-Style Living Room in Santa Barbara Example of a mid-sized trendy formal and loft-style medium tone wood floor living room design with blue walls, no fireplace and no tv
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hayleymulch-art · 1 year
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Master - Contemporary Bedroom Mid-sized, modern master bedroom idea with carpeting, blue walls, and no fireplace
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Loft-Style in Santa Barbara Living room - mid-sized contemporary formal and loft-style medium tone wood floor living room idea with blue walls, no fireplace and no tv
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michaeldirnt · 2 years
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Living Room - Contemporary Living Room
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zillifurniture · 1 year
Mont Noir Chest | Elegant Furniture For Bedroom Storage| Alf Italia | Zilli Furniture
Discover elegant and functional bedroom storage with the Mont Noir Chest from Alf Italia. Elevate your bedroom decor with this sophisticated storage solution. At Zilli Furniture you find all types of beds, mirrors, dressers, chairs, sofa sets, and many more. Explore now!
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facexclaimxcafe · 2 years
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Master - Bedroom
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yesihaveaobsession · 5 months
The Lean
Alastor x female reader
Summary: You ask Alastor to do THE LEAN on the doorframe that the book men do ;)
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You always had your nose in a book, usually a romance novel featuring tall, dark, and handsome men. On this particular day, you wanted to conduct an "experiment," and you had the perfect candidate: The Radio Demon. You had asked around to find him because he was ALWAYS somewhere.
"Did you check the radio tower?" Charlie said.
"His shady bedroom?" Angel said.
Well, he just so happened to be walking down the narrow hallway of the hotel, humming a merry tune with his head up, eyes closed, and spinning his cane.
"Alastor! Just the man I wanted to see," you said. He stopped humming and halted in his tracks, turning to look at you.
"Is that so, my dear? And what can I offer you?" he smiled at you. You hoped he would agree to your experiment.
"Come here," you instructed him, and he obliged. "Do you think you could imitate the book men leaning against the doorframe for me?" you asked. He only raised a brow, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips.
"Why, my dear, whatever for?" he inquired.
"Just for an experiment," you said, one step closer to your goal. He is the perfect candidate: tall, dark, and, as some like Angel Dust would say, creepy, but you generally found him quite handsome. You weren't sure why or what brought you to this conclusion, but hey.
Although Alastor let out a hum, his interest was piqued. "Alright then, I shall indulge you. What is it that you wish to accomplish with this?"
"You know how in those romance novels, the book men always lean against the doorframe all casually, with one arm up like this?" you mimicked the pose, raising your arm and resting it above your head. His stance mirrored that of a book man leaning against the door frame as you had described. His dark eyes roamed you slowly, his lip curled in a taunting smirk. "Like this?"
Effortlessly adopting the pose you described, his tall frame seemed to fill the space with an air of charm and sophistication, sending a shiver of delight down your spine. Alastor's gaze softened as he looked down at you, his eyes hooded with a hint of affection. A warmth spread through your chest as you gazed into his mesmerizing eyes, completely lost in the moment.
You couldn't help but feel giddy and have a blush creep up on your cheeks. Alastor let out another hum as he observed your reaction, replying with a big toothy grin. "Was this the desired effect of this experiment, my dear?" he asked playfully, as his one arm rested above his head, his other hand on your cheek.
His fingers gently trailed along your jawline, noticing that your blush was deepening by the second, while his one arm still rested on the doorframe above his head. "Okay, okay," you said, getting giddy again as you looked into his eyes, which looked right back at yours. You couldn't bring yourself to not fall right into him and lean on the little space he left on the doorframe; it was almost like he was caging you in.
"You know, my dear, watching you blush is rather... endearing..." You shoved him playfully, and he soon pushed off the doorframe. Turning on his heel, he paused and looked back at you.
"Thanks for letting me be your test monkey," he said, making his merry way, leaving you standing there stunned.
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shirtlessfrank · 2 years
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Master in San Francisco
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jazjelspen · 4 months
my angel baby (special chapter!)
alastor w/ angel daughter reader
(notes: This special chapter gives us another glimpse at Alastor's relationship with his only daughter, you, and how unique his parenting skills are. Currently set in the 30s where you two are still living and breathing so far.)
( Welcome back to my fellow angel baby readers! Also much welcome to any newcomers!
Here is a new chapter for my alastor and daughter series, I know it's been such a long while and I understand if a lot of you have moved on qwq I did take quite awhile so I can't blame you. But school finally ended and it's summer! I have much more time on my hands now! If thee are people still interested I'm totally willing to focus my time on updating!
Thank you so much for staying tuned! Let's start then shall we!)
(caution: alastor being manipulative(?), more or so cruel, he makes you cry :( )
(Tags: @maksdust @willowwillflower @sunshinesetsstuff @0willowwisp0 @projectdreamwalker @1potato2rulethemall @just-here-reading @avitute @pooplyface1423 @insomniacfigure @mo-0-o @thekanrojimitsuri2 @nevermorekisses @wildfire153 @sirenetheblogger @potaturkey17 @barrythestrawberry041)
(p.s. NOT PROOFREAD, I also apologize if the pacing and writing is a bit weird qwq I have written in awhile so I'm slightly rusty..!)
It was yet another particular day in the 30s of New Orleans.
Word of mouth of politics, money, entertainment.. everything was nothing but as normal as it could possibly be for a seventeen year old girl.
You woke up to the sound of soft birds chirping yet soon being covered by human made sounds like chatter and metal clanking. You fixed yourself up once you got out of your puffy bed that kept you in sweet dreams each night.
You looked at yourself in the mirror as you fixed your chosen outfit for the day, a small smile cheering yourself up at how you felt a soft gleaming feeling in your chest.
'today will be a good day.' you thought.
Something was missing, there was a little gleam of excitement that you couldn't wait for.
You could start it anytime soon but-- it felt wrong.. it was wrong.
'maybe later, I can wait much later...'
Walking out of your bedroom and down the hall, passing by your father's study and your family bathroom ended up in between the kitchen and living area, your nose led you down to the kitchen.
It was a fairly early morning but your nose could smell your father's presence despite him leaving half an hour ago, your feet tapped against the hardwood floors as you went up to the stove with your eyes also noticing a note with writing on it on the counter beside the heating appliance.
Eyes flicked between the warm pot on the stove and the note, your nose took another long whiff of the comforting aroma to be a dish you absolutely love to have in the mornings.
Your hands went on to pick up the note and raised it up for your eyes to see, your father's neat and sophisticated writing made you smile as you started to read:
'Good morning my dove, I do hope you had the sweetest of dreams last night. I know you over exerted yourself the other day and I just hope you aren't slugging like a sloth this morning!-'
Giggling slightly, you continued reading.
'Nevertheless, I made you your favorite before I left off to work. Don't forget to tune in soon!
Love, Father Dearest.'
Right.. his radio show will be on soon!..
You smiled as you folded the note and tugged in into a small pocket/spot on your person before going on to plate yourself breakfast that your dad made and getting a glass of your preferred drink before skimming past the dining table to eat on the living room.. you weren't exactly allowed to eat here but it's not like your father was here to scold you.
Carefully yet hurriedly sliding your glass and plate on the small coffee table your father recently bought to 'bring more life to the house'. You would then scramble up to the home radio and flick with it for a bit until you finally reached your father's signal.
Turning up the volume to hear it loud and clear you proceeded to go back to your break fast and set yourself nicely.
A small opening of music played, his show's theme was a tune you knew by heart and you never missed a day where you wouldn't hum it to yourself.
"Good morning New Orleans!"
Cheered a familiar voice, your own responding back to him despite you fully knowing that he cannot hear you at all.. yet a part of you knows that to a certain extent he knows you're very much present.
"Morning papa!" you smiled as your father's voice continued on to start his daily morning schedule. You proceeded to pick up your eating utensil to start eating.
"This is Alastor! Your favorite radio host here to join you on today's morning broadcast to start off your day with the latest news and weather! Today it's described to be of a nice warm sunny day with little to no clouds, yet it is said to get very chilly once the sun starts to set. So prepare those coats and scarves ladies and gentlemen!-"
You took note of the weather for today, remembering that you needed to have a fire on in the fireplace by the time father came back as well.. he’d probably arrive cold.
He continued on talking about small updates on politics but more or so on the music and entertainment industry, maybe even a little bit of 'gossip' talk about famous figures in pop culture at the time.. talking about latest trends and such.. you sorta admired that about him.. you ate your breakfast whole as you listening to him while sometimes he faded into background noise here and there.
During both your times alive, Alastor always kept up with the latest rages and knew as much as he could about the most recent fads while he was kicking it, even as he raised you he somehow always kept up with all these details.. it was almost fascinating.
Speaking of fads..
You couldn't help but frown slightly.. you were home alone, you could just sneak a peek and father wouldn't know.. but guilt ate at you.
'..I'll do it after chores.. ' you thought.
You finally finished your food and drink and placed your glass and silverware on your empty plate, prepared to pick it up and take it to the sink until you couldn't help but listen to him a little longer until his broadcast ended, which should come to a break segment.
You sat on the sofa and rested your arms and head against the arm of the furniture, feeling slightly full and a bit sleepy from what you ate but in the end it was all worth it.
You let out a huff of air from your lungs out your mouth, the sigh full and heavy.
Your father's voice deafened slightly as your eyes closed for a few seconds, your mind wandering off to your current life and how you were mostly content with everything.
Mostly everything.
You were mostly satisified with your life, you were happy. How couldn't you? You have a warm home, a bed, food, a caring father, caring friends-
Everything minus the friends.
Sure, you have befriended a few people but your father never let you ever hang with anyone your age. Ever since you no longer needed babysitters, you would lack communication with young people such as yourself.
It was nice that a few people around your age recongnized you as being your father's daughter, you enjoyed people seemingly knowing you off the bat simply because of who raised you but.. father would constantly deter you away from befriending others.
According to him, because of your connection to him there could be people in the world who want to do you wrong.. of course you believed him, you never really knew any better.
Sometimes the loneliness kicks in, you yearn to befriend those similar to you and to have the life of the average ordinary teenager.
But father wouldn’t let that, not for a second.
That is- of course if he never finds your hidden teen fashion magazi--
“And to my lovely daughter, ______, who must be leisurely resting at home.”
Your eyes opened up as your head perked up at the mention of your name. Your heart skipped a beat—
“Ughhh.. daaadd!..” embarrassment creepep up your neck into your cheeks, highlighting the red in your face while you groaned and shoved yo ur face back into the arm rest.
“Don’t forget that we’ll be heading out soon! Get your shoes and coat ready! Don’t forget, father loves you dearly!
And with that, our morning broadcast concludes as the afternoon is now setting. Don’t miss out on our evening broadcast where we’ll be singing a few gentle tunes to soften your night!”
Right.. it’s been a few short hours. You always wondered how your father could never stop talking or run out of words while on air, another talent of his you supposed.
You sighed as you dragged your arms and legs to pick up your dirty dishes, head back to the kitchen and clean them up before father came home.
Oh! And you almost forgot— you also went to set up that small fire in your home’s fireplace. It was rather easy for you to install, you’ve done it many times. Alastor wouldn’t let you do this unless he knows to trust you well and that you know exactly how to do it without burning yourself or the house down.. so you did this part without a hitch.
Even let your arms warm up to the soft ever glowing flames as well..
You knew that he was now wrapping things up with his coworkers and heading back home so you sped slightly so you would be able to get ready on time.
Once you were done you checked the time,
You read on the nearby clock, father gets here at exactly 2:00 at most times.
You stood there for a minute, pondering if you should scratch that hidden itch to the back of your head or if you should patiently wait.
But you’ve been waiting since yesterday to look at it..
Should you risk it??..
"One second wouldn't hurt.." you mumbled to yourself, and just like that you were gone in a flash into your room.
You sped so fast to the point that you almost stumbled slightly as you tried to carefully slide down to your knees and your head peeking under your large and heavy dresser.
Your hand reached under and moved side to side with your fingers trying to grip onto the familiar texture of flimsy paper-
You exclaimed as you felt your fingers curl around the sudden sound of crunchy paper.
Pulling it out you were met with three various magazines that you saw around the shops as the ideal fashion magazines for teen girls such as yourself.
You remember how you wanted one before but father says that it's not appropriate for a 'pure and gentle soul' such as yourself.
Oh boy if only he knew you had them now.. he’d absolutely go bananas! He would never let you out to get groceries again!
You quickly flipped through the first few pages of the first magazine, it's thin pages full of color and various designs of trendy clothes, accessories, make-up, hair, even love and school advice here and there.
Heck- even the celebrity photos caught your full attention, stars like Clara Bow, Louis Brooks, Anita Page, Madge Bellamy, Jean Harlow, Constance Bennett.. the list could go on forever!
It captivated you, making you curious of the outside world.
You stopped at a certain page, one where you purposefully bent the corner of the page as to remember the spot you wanted to go back to.
It was a particular piece of clothing, one that was all the rage. You stared at it for a bit in admiration and yearning.. you wished father would let you wear something like that. It was that unique shape, style, color/pattern, accessories and other smaller details that simply made you want to wear!
You slowly flipped the page over to the back, a part of the magazine you haven't yet explored, and your eyes widened.
'Call ****! And get your free order of this piece's sewing pattern straight to your home as to make it yourself at home with your own unique choice of fabric, colors, and/or patterns! CALL NOW!'
"No.. way.." you mumbled breathlessly, the sudden realization hitting your head like a broken wine glass to a skull.
Free sewing pattern?.. make it at home?? This is just a GAS! Perhaps you could order it and while making it you could most definitely tweak it a bit!.. to make it into something father would approve of or even let slide!
"I.. I've GOT to get this!-"
Before you knew it you were yet again scrambling on your feet to run towards the living room to the telephone with your magazine in hand, excitement rushing into your veins up your face as you now knew what you had to do!
"With the patterns maybe I can make it myself! make it my own!.."
Your hands esthetically rested the magazine with the number attached on the table the telephone rested on and you quickly started to dial the numbers to the device one by one. You awaited eagerly..
"Cmon cmon.. pick up pick up..!"
"Hello this is Everygirls Magazine, what can I help you with?"
"H..Hello! I—“
The phone was snatched right from your hand, you still tried to reach for it due to confusion but then realized who it was that took the phone from your hand.
"Hello there! My apologies for the disturbance-" rang Alastor's voice, sweetly apologizing to whomever was on the other side of the line.
"-but we accidentally dialed the wrong number. Thank you!"
Alastor gently placed the phone back on it's stand, in an almost threatening type of way.
There was silence, your father stared at the magazine before slowly picking it up. You couldn't bear to look at his face, not with that smile you were sure was plastered across.
Minutes passed that felt like hours, the silence was deafening with the only thing cutting it was the sound of paper rustling.
"Father.. " you mumbled, your hands curled and resting onto your chest in slight fear "Are you.. alright?.."
With no words he turned towards the hall, his steps sharp and loud as if confirming his presence and his title in the house.
He was going straight to your room.
"Father?... Father!.." you rushed to follow him, lagging a bit behind him. "Father where are y--"
You couldn't help but softly gasp as you saw him walk into your room and bend down to grab the rest of the magazines to take a closer look. He did all this without saying a word-- and that smile never faltered either.. not for a second.
He flipped through the pages a bit erratically but eventually just clenched the thin booklets in his right hand before suddenly walking up to you and grabbing your wrist with his left. He dragged you with a sudden uncharacteristically harsh and aggressive demeanor.
He was getting tired of your growing rebelliousness. He hated it.
Why couldn't you just listen?.. he was trying to keep you safe! In how own way!
"Father!.. hey!-- that hurts!--"
“Listen here young lady.”
Alastor’s voice was stern and commanding, as if intending to intimidate you.
And it did, you stood there in disbelief and fear.. yet you haven’t fully realized that the both of you were now in front of the fireplace. Its flames dancing, waiting.
“There will be absolutely no secrets under my roof, no misuse of your allowance, no misuse of your time outside that you are more than privileged to have." He was angry, fuming even despite the vaguely cool tone he tried to emit--yet..
His smile, was still there.
As if he was mocking you..
"I told you many, many times that these magazines are full of garbage only intended to rot your head with silly and useless ideas.."
You feared him.
"You've been disobeying me more than I hoped. you're rotting from the inside--"
It wasn't until you saw him turn only to throw your magazines into the fireplace, tossing them mercilessly as he knew you'd watch with distraught eyes.
Tears were brimming in your eyes, your hands held together against your chest as to hold back any sobs.
To him they were just magazines, to you was everything you wanted to know and more.
"I'd hate to do this to you little dove, but no daughter of mine will get consumed by filth that'll decay your pure little mind."
His neck snapped quickly towards you, making you jump slightly and how fast and abrupt it did so.
"Do you understand, dear?"
You opened your mouth to speak but to your dismay nothing came out, but you cried.
Just cried, without warning the tears you tried so hard to hold back just spilled out the moment there was silence after his last sentence.
Your hands snaked up to your face to cover your eyes and tears from being more visible than it already is.
"Oh, darling. Shh.. no need to cry.." Alastor said, you heard his footsteps come closer and you couldn't help but have your shoulders stiff up when you felt his arms go around your shoulders, one of his hands gently patting your head as if trying to soothe you.
After destroying your things.
Even while speaking, you could hear him smiling.. you just knew he was.
"I saved you, little dove. You truly have the world's greatest father.."
(THANK YOU FOR READING THIS SPECIAL CHAPTER OF MY ANGEL BABY!!! AAAAAAAA thank you sososos much! for anyone who's still reading this now thank you so much for looking for my pics yet again and thank you to anyone new for checking this out! much thanks! I once again apologize for the lack of proofreading this time and any other potential issues, I'll try my very best to get back in the zone!
I hope to see you in the next chapter of My Angel Baby! Where we will continue with it's current story in hell and the usual format of the flashbacks at the end as a treat, bye bye!!)
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ktsumu · 10 months
A CHILDHOOD BEDROOM tw: allusions to divorce/his family dynamic, holiday comfort for the soul
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Ushijima’s bedroom is nothing like the one you share. 
His walls are bare, save for a few frames with pictures that are older than the two of you. There’s a bulletin above his desk that’s naked down to the cork, a few tacks littering it at random.
He has his dresser, a small mirror on the wall hanging above it. The room is nearly devoid of colour aside from beige and navy, but the Christmas lights from the house across the street give it some red and green. Not much, but it’s good enough.
You walk along the perimeter of the room, the floors cold, hands tracing over his desk and chair. He watches you from the doorway, the door closing softly behind him as he does. You hear the same floor creak beneath his feet as he crosses to his bed, the frame sighing under his weight.
A print-out picture of him and a redhead (Satori, he’s mentioned) standing side-by-side in school uniforms is framed on said desk, thumbs up on all four of their combined hands. A team in maroon stands tall beside it, and he’s dead center. A three-person family — father, mother, boy — takes up the space beside that, the frame much more sophisticated than the others. He looks about ten.
The clock on his wall tells the time wrong; it hasn’t been reset since he graduated and moved out at eighteen. It looks like it’s a few hours behind, but it’s really telling you time six years back. 
“Your walls are so bare,” you comment, turning back to look at him where he’s sat. He offers an almost unnoticeable, lopsided smile. “Where are all the medals, huh? I’ve heard big things about Ushiwaka the Great, you know.”
You’re joking, but he answers, “In my drawer.”
(You check; it’s full of them.)
Ushijima watches you hold them, looking at all of the engravings before setting them back, the years stretching further back the deeper that you dig. It’s like your chest is swelling with pride over things he won before you knew him. 
“What is it?” he asks, eyes following you as you cross over to his bed, sitting down to face him. His brows furrow, leaning his back against the headboard that looks so comically small; then his lips tug up at the sight of gold around your neck. His teenage pride rests on your chest.
There is something so invasive about a childhood bedroom, about wearing what once was his entire life as he looks at it — a whole life you didn’t have the chance to watch lays itself out in front of you. This childhood doesn’t exist anymore (maybe it never really did) and yet you see it around you all the same. 
(It is invasive, but it is full of love. An empty room that feels so full.)
“Why doesn’t your mother display your medals in the house?” you ask, tilting your head. “Hell, my mom would’ve lined mine up in the window. And your desk is like a trophy factory.”
 “It’s not practical, I suppose.”
“So they just sit in here?”
Ushijima looks at you like he’s in thought. 
He shrugs. “Mostly,” he says, “my father has a few in California. My player portrait is on his office wall. My mother shows her affection in her own way.”
“Can we take some back home?”
“Why? They’re old.”
“I don’t mind,” you say, shrugging. “I’ll display them around the room for a bit, swap ‘em out when you rack some up this season.”
Ushijima just chuckles shortly, shaking his head as he moves down the bed, laying down flat. His feet hang off the end a bit, and the pillows are the same as they always were. “If you wish. You know I never stop you from anything.”
You hum. “God, does it echo in here?”
“Sometimes. It never used to.”
“When did it start?”
He knows when. “I’m not sure.”
You know, too. “That’s okay. Our room at home doesn’t echo, at least.”
“No, you won’t let it.”
Ushijima reaches out a hand, his left, and he twirls the medal you picked in his hand. You wear it still, and it looks like it gleams. His eyes flicker up to yours. 
“I love you,” you tell him. “You and your empty room.”
He sighs a laugh, one you taught him how to make, and he pulls you into his chest by the ribbon around your neck. He breathes, your head rises and falls with his chest, and the room comes alive; breathing with its maker, welcoming him home the best it can. You certainly help.
Ushijima looks at his bedroom walls, his broken clock; the house is not resetting, his parents’ old bed will always be half full and half made, but he thinks this is enough — coming back with you was enough. Now, when he leaves, he will remember a warm bed and leave to sleep in a warmer one. 
“When we find a home we like enough to live in,” When. Not if, when. “I’d like to paint the walls with you.”
“Ooh, what colour?”
“Not white — or beige.”
You grin, angling your head up to see him. Ushijima is looking up at his clock, six years behind like he just got home from training camp, his boxes packed for the city.
(He meets you two years later.)
“Pick a swatch, baby. Just no neons.”
“Oh. I was thinking of a traffic cone orange.”
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buckets-and-trees · 1 year
Title: Talk Fandom: MCU Characters/Pairings: Pleasure Dom!Bucky x Female!Reader Word Count: 2k
Summary: He's ready to give you everything you want and things you don't even know you need yet.
Content/Concept Warnings: BDSM AU, discussion of BDSM themes, oral female receiving, praise kink, dirty talk, overstimulation, forced orgasm
Notes: TRIPLE THREAT SUBMISSION for @buckybarnesevents WEEK TWO of Hot Bucky Summer: "What Should I Call You?", my fourth square of @buckybarnesbingo K4 "Kink: Forced Orgasm, and my second square for Connect4 Alternate June-iverse: C2 "BDSM." Also, @biteofcherry, you totally called the BDSM vibes from that little last line tag game sentence I posted the other day - it was this, mwahaha!
Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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You sat sideways on the couch, your arm draped over the back, legs tucked up comfortably beneath you. He mirrored your position, though with just one leg brought lazily up onto the couch, leaving his impressively thick thighs spread wide, teasing your fantasies.
Indulging fantasy was why you were there in the first place.
And you almost felt like this was any normal kind of Saturday afternoon with the new boyfriend you were eager to crawl into the lap of and be devoured by for the first time.
The setting fit – cozy living room of a sophisticated man’s apartment with leather furniture, modern art on the walls, small but sufficient kitchen, floor to ceiling windows along one side of the room that led to a private balcony, and a door that you knew would lead to the bedroom.
But it was just a little too tasteful to be real.
And he didn’t live here.
It was all designed to make you feel comfortable, an indulgent illusion of reality.
“You’re sure you’re not thirsty?” he asked.
He hadn’t offered anything alcoholic – strictly against policy so you were both sober – but you declined again with a shake of your head.
“Okay,” he said, “but remember it’s my role to make sure you always feel safe and taken care of, and that includes the small things like getting you a drink, and you can change your mind at any point. You’re not a burden. We are here for you and what you want.”
Warmth bloomed through your core – tinged with desire, but mostly just heat that was part comfort and part reticence. You had never taken such a bold measure of self-indulgence or self-care or self-discovery or whatever this could be called. It had taken almost two months for you to get from scoffing at the suggestion to sitting in the room on this couch across from the brunette Adonis who had said to call him Bucky (a nickname – you were asked to give a nickname as well when you registered and had gone with Rio).
“The last thing we should discuss, if you’re ready to move forward, is your safe word.”
“Brazil,” you responded without hesitation.
He smirked, but it was in no way unkind. “Rio and Brazil – I’m sensing a theme.”
“Another thing on the list of dreams to finally indulge,” the words tumbled out of your mouth.
“I hope that’s another thing you’ll choose to pursue.”
You laughed. “God, it’s so weird just how normal all this conversation feels. We just spoke at length about my kinks and limits and now I’m telling you my hopes and dreams. I’ve rarely shared this much of myself to anyone, and certainly not after only knowing them for less than an hour.”
“Well, part of that is that we all feel a little safer exposing ourselves to strangers because they’re not part of our routine,” Bucky said, “but there’s some trust that’s established by the mere act of us talking about your boundaries. It’s certainly a foundational part of the process. This only works when you feel comfortable with me, if you trust me – otherwise you cannot truly submit to me as your dominant in this arrangement.”
You nodded.
“Trust, strong communication – without them, there’s no way I can expect you to reasonably let go of your inhibitions either,” he soothed, moving his hand forward to brush his fingers over yours.
“The world of BDSM and kink is vast, but it shouldn’t be overwhelming. I never want you to feel like you’re an Alice who’s fallen down a rabbit hole and exposed to and expected to navigate the wonderland on your own.”
“I appreciate that. There’s…” you hesitated, but his rapt attention helped you feel like you could continue the thought on the tip of your tongue. “There’s a lot on the internet – a lot that I thought I knew about this stuff, but even just the registration and profile of preferences I had to fill out was pretty illuminating.”
After the basic registration you had been directed to complete an Experience and Curiosity Checklist that walked you through over 250 different activities and indicate whether you had tried it before or not, your pleasure during that activity if you had, and then a ranking of if you would like to try or do it in this setting – from never to need, if each activity was something you would entertain in a consensually forced situation, and if you would give, receive, or were up for both.
“Illuminating, huh?” Bucky grinned.
You felt just a touch of heat rise in your cheeks.
“You’re incredibly smart, and I like that,” he said, his grin turning to a softer smile. “That long and thorough profile? It’s the key to all of this – it’s not only for you, but also for me. I was matched to you ahead of anyone else on our staff. I’ve been preparing for you.”
“Like studying up?” you interjected.
“Of course, and the time we’ve spent up until now talking is for both of us, as well. You have a question you want to ask, something that wasn’t fully clear to you through your own research and filling out the profile. Ask it.” He tapped gently on your fingers, another motion of reassurance, connection.
“Forced orgasms.”
“I’m not surprised you would want to know more about that particular aspect.”
“I get the general concept, but I guess I don’t understand how that translates into practice,” you admitted.
Bucky nodded. “Sex should be engaged in for intimacy and pleasure – sometimes only pleasure, but not all the partners we are involved with are people we would trust to push us beyond our limits – either because a relationship is new, it’s a one-time thing, or because we don’t know how to communicate the limits and boundaries. Just like anything else, sex is a part of our experience as humans that we learn and grow and change with. A forced orgasm is a way to explore pleasure and power dynamics, but there must be that established trust. They can be both physically and emotionally intense because it could be exploring something new or pushing you past limits – you would give up power and be subjected to my whims.”
You took a deep breath and nodded.
“You give up power, but not safety – that’s important for you to remember. You always have your safe word or tap me three times if you can’t speak, I’ll always stop immediately. Forced can also be a specific part of roleplay scenarios. We can discuss it more, but I think you ought to experience it. Do you think we’ve built enough trust for us to begin?”
“Oh, now?”
“Yes, now, or we could talk more before we begin, we could talk and do nothing more tonight, or you could leave now and go think before your next appointment.”
You bit your lip, but only out of concentration for deciding, not out of nerves.
“What do you want?” he asked patiently.
“I want to begin the physical experience.”
“That kind of specificity will be rewarded, Rio.”
You grinned.
“You didn’t mark this very high on your profile, but I think you’re going to find out you have quite the praise kink.”
You half-gasped and half-giggled, surprised that he would say something so bold and yet also not.
“Strong independent woman like you? High achiever, determined. You’re not vain, and you don’t chase it, but you like recognition outside the bedroom, right?”
“Well, yes.”
“You’ll love it here, too, doll.”
You pressed your thighs closer together. A slow undercurrent of desire had been present since the night began, but as things began to transition, your core was beginning to thrum with anticipation.
“Before we get started, I – well – just – thank you for not asking me why I decided to come here.”
“You didn’t ask me why I chose this profession. It might be oversimplification to say we’re both here because we want to be, but that’s the bottom line, isn’t it?”
“Know there will never be an ounce of judgment here – not for your desires, your kinks, your fears, your motivations. Don’t worry about doing anything wrong in there – we’ll be learning what your body wants together. You need to stop, we stop. You need to pause, we pause. You want to go slow or try something again or from a different angle, you tell me. Deal?”
“Deal.” God, he made you feel like the world was at your feet even though you were surrendering to him.
He stood up and pulled you with him. “One more thing.”
“In there, you call me ‘sir,’” he said. He brought your hand up and placed a whisper of a kiss on the inside of your wrist.
Everything in you melted instantly and you had to remind yourself to breathe.
“You got that?”
“Yes, sir.”
He smirked.
You knew he was going to ruin you.
You knew this, you knew you were ready and eager, and yet you also could tell nothing in your life had quite set you up for what you were about to experience if he had you pliant and nearly pleading for him after that mere gentle touch.
“Why don’t you head to the bedroom, I’ll give you a few minutes to get comfortable, and then I’ll come in.”
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Two hours later, you were a writhing mess on the mattress, completely naked and splayed out for him while he was still fully clothed. His head was buried between your thighs, your hips firmly in place by his left arm pressing down on your pelvis. The fingers of his other hand were buried in your cunt, stroking the sensitive spot on your inner wall slowly and torturously – because every sensation down there was too much now.
He had traced his fingers over every inch of your limbs, teased your nipples, stroked your neck, ghosted his hands over your hips, teasing until you were pleading for him to touch your pussy.
He had told you once he started, he wouldn’t stop.
You knew he wasn’t lying, but you had never known an experience like this.
He had edged and denied your first orgasm until you were desperate and crying. The ultimate bliss had been blinding. He had praised you, told you your first orgasm with him had been truly beautiful, and your back had actually arched at his words, an inner keening. He’d been right about that kink.
And then he’d been nothing but relentless, bringing you to the edge and back again, then hurtling you over numerous times, with only brief moments of reprieve before torturing you with his lips, teeth, and tongue, with his hands, and with his words. Filthy promises of things he would do, dangled your fantasies in front of you, teased out admissions from you of even darker desires he as he presented new options you’d never considered, all the while pushing you into orgasm after orgasm. You keened and cried.
It was too much, and you told him so.
He disagreed, coaxing that you could give him another, and another.
“Sir,” you sobbed, “sir, stop, I can’t.”
Now the crying was continuous, and those were the only four words you seemed to be able to utter. When it devolved to only hitched breaths and sirs, Bucky slowed and stopped.
“Do you remember your safe word?” he asked.
“Yes,” you rasped.
“I didn’t say it.”
He chuckled. “Just checking, Rio.”
“I know it’s Brazil! Break over, keep going.”
“It’s the endorphins – even though the overstimulation is there and it’s uncomfortable, the high with the endorphin release through the pain is its own trip, isn’t it?”
“Yes, yes, now keep your word and don’t stop until I’m utterly broken,” you whined, wiggling your hips as much as you could manage.
His low laugh made you shiver. “You’re going to be one of my favorites, I can tell.”
And then he pressed firmly on that spot inside of you and sucked hard on your clit in one sudden moment and ripped another orgasm and scream from you as you twisted one hand in the sheets and tugged his hair with the other, not ready to stop yet. He was as addictive as he was relentless, and you were not going to leave an ounce of this unexplored, and this was only the beginning.
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Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
End Notes: I feel like I knew some of the basics when it comes to BDSM and some of my fics have had BDSM elements, but I did a fair amount of research because I didn't want to do any disservice to the what a healthy relationship exploring BDSM might look like. This is one take. I found some very helpful insight at theduchy.com (specifically their BDSM Experience and Curiosity Checklist) and an article Bustle published by two sex educators that took a very straight-forward approach in discussing some of the basics. I'd go so far as to say there things that I learned or had reaffirmed or got better language/theory about by studying about BDSM that I think should just be base safe sexual practices (around consent, boundaries, exploration, trusting your partner, etc).
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alastor-simp · 5 months
Caught In Her Web - Angel Dust x Zestial Daughter Reader
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❥Summary- Zestial is holding a special event for all of the spider demons in Hell, and surprisingly Angel Dust was invited. It was hard for him to vibe with this kinda crowd, but that all change when he met Zestial's daughter
❥Tags: Angel Dust x Reader, Zestial , Zestial Daughter, Female Spider Demon, Hell Event, First Meeting, Developing Relationships, Fluff.
❥Notes: This is a request from my friend ValerieWinks777 on Wattpad. Decided to post it here as well for all of you to enjoy.
"Y/N? Hast thou finished getting dressed?" Zestial, your father, knocked on your bedroom door, curious if you were in your proper attire for this evening. "Almost Father. I'll be right out." You called out, as you slowly zipped up your dress from behind. Your name was Y/N, and you were the daughter of the powerful overlord, Zestial. Your birth happened between the undying love between Zestial and your deceased mother, who sadly passed away during your birth. Zestial took it upon himself to raise you properly with care and love. Similar to him, you possessed spider like features similar to him as well. While being the daughter of Zestial, your personality leaned more towards a rebellious nature, but you still carried yourself with grace and kindness, something that you had obtained from your mother.
Today was the day of the Spider Festival, it was a common event that Zestial held for the sophisticated spider demons of the Pride Ring, and this time you would be able to attend as you were now old enough to watch over yourself. Taking a look in the mirror again, you smiled as you watched your beautiful dress swaying in the reflection.
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“Perfect.” You said to yourself, as you made your way to the door, opening it to see your father standing, wearing a heartwarming smile. “How beautiful thou look. The dress suits thou perfectly.” Zestial placed a hand on your cheek, giving it a little pinch, earning a laugh from you. “Thank you, father.” Zestial removed his hand, and began to walk to the castles ballroom, with you following next to him. “This shall be thy first time attending the festival. Try to hast fun, yet also forbear mischief. Many of the guests are close friends of mine, so I wouldn’t crave 'em to regard mine daughter is a silly little wench.” You felt your stomach tightened at that. Last thing you wanted was your father to see you as a disappointment. You nodded your head at that, face wearing a somber look. Zestial caught on to your reaction, and stopped walking, leaning closer to wrap you in a hug. “Forgive me. 'I didn’t intent to causes thee upset. All I do lack is for thou to hast a fun night and enjoy the festivities. Possibly meet someone whom suits thy interests.” Hugging your father back, you told it was alright, while also laughing at the last thing he said. Zestial chuckled before removing himself, as the both of you headed to your destination.
The ballroom was decorated, from head to toe in webs, giving it an eerie feeling. The chandelier hanging above was lit with colorful flames, basking the ballroom with beautiful colors. The tables were covered in delicious hors d'oeuvres and cakes for the guests to enjoy, along with a large glass bowl containing refreshing punch. The guests were all a mix of different spider species demons, some as black widows and others as wolf spiders. Both you and Zestial had made your way down the stairs, causing everyone to stop and stare, as well as bowing to the both of you. Zestial smiled with pride and addressed everyone in the ball room. “Greetings ev'ryone. Thanketh thee f'r attending tonight’s festival. I desire thee all enjoyeth tonight and has't a pleasant exp'rience as at each moment” Zestial gave a small bow, while you gave everyone a polite curtesy, earning a small applause from the guests.
Zestial had to go and speak to his old friends, so he motioned you to go on and enjoy yourself, as he departed you. Feelings of anxiety began to rise in you, as you felt like a bug underneath a magnifying glass, being watched by everyone. You slowly made your way to the ballroom, observing everyone and making idle chat with some of the guests. Your emotions had finally calmed down, but you still felt a sense of unease. Probably due to it being the first time you attended the festival. As you wondered aimlessly, your eyes darted towards a tall peculiar spider. He certainly wasn’t someone you recognized. Out of all of the spiders you had seen, he was the only one that was coated in all white fur. He was wearing a black and pink tuxedo and tall heal-like boots. His hair was puffed up and slightly curled, and his heterochromatic eyes were very mesmerizing. You didn’t know what had possessed you to want to talk to him, but you body slowly made your way over to him.
Angel Dust POV
“Alright alright. This ain’t so bad. Just be yourself and not make a scene” Angel dust whispered to himself, as he observed the higher rank demons around him, as they conversed with each other and danced to the music playing in the back. Angel Dust still couldn’t believe he was even attending a fancy shamancy thing like this. He only got roped into going by Charlie, who heard about the event and advised Angel to go and make some friends, while also promoting the hotel a bit. Angel had expected the event to just be some typical orgy party, but not this. He knew how famous he was in Pride, given his porn status, but he knew he stood nowhere near the same level as the others here. He could feel the hard stares being directed at him, knowing he didn’t belong to this. “This is stupid. Should have never agreed to come to this little shindig.” Mumbling to himself, Angel motioned over to the punch bowl, pouring himself a drink, thinking that it may help calm him down. A sudden tap on his shoulder behind him, made him turn around. His eyes widen at the sight of you behind him. He had never seen the likes of you before, but my lord, weren’t you quite the looker. Your warm smile and eyes were looking at him, which confused him greatly.
“Hello. Are you alright, by chance? You seem a tad bit nervous.” You calmly spoke to him, while he continued to stare at you in awe. Shaking his head, he moved one of his hands to fluff his hair a bit. “ Y-eah yeah. I’m all good.” Nervously answering your question, he shot a small smile back at you. The two of you continued to stare at each other, before Angel sighed in front of you. “Sorry. I ain’t use to this kinda scene. More of a club life kinda demon.” His response earned a laugh from you. “Don’t worry. I’m not use to this kinda thing either. It’s my first time attending this festival. I’m guessing it’s the same for you?” Angel nodded his head, as he sip his beverage, but he quickly stopped, confused at your answer. “Whatcha mean it’s your first time? You look like you have been to a million of these fancy events. Especially when your dressed like that.” Angel pointed up and down at your dress, making you blush. “Haha. I wasn’t old enough to attend before, but now that I’m older, I can attend by myself. So we are in the same boat, you and I.” Kindly smiling back, you moved closer to him and stood next to his side, leaning back a bit against the table holding the punch bowl. Angel just continued to watch you, while you heard him mumble and “I guess.”
Standing next to each other in silence, the both of you watched the others around you, until you heard the man next to you speak up. “The name is Angel Dust. What’s your name, toots..I mean miss.” He quickly corrects himself, causing you to giggle. “Haha. First time I have been called that. My name is Y/N. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Angel.” You turned towards him, and gave a small curtsy, while he followed back with an awkward bow and then a handshake. You noticed he still looked a bit uncomfortable being surrounded by all these upper class demons, so you grabbed one of his hands. "Hey, we can go outside, if you want." Angel dust's eyes shot for a bit before he gave you a small smirk, saying "Lead the way." You held his hand as the both of you made your way through the crowd of demons, before you were stopped by a voice behind you. "Where are thou off to, mine sweet?" Turning around your father was standing behind you, eyes glowing in confusion. "Oh father! I was just going out to the outside garden with my new friend. Is that alright?"
Angel Dust nearly fainted from shock. This tall scary-a** demon was your dad, and an overlord as well?! His hands quickly started to fidget, thinking your dad was gonna kill him for simply conversing with you. Zestial eyes scanned Angel up and down, without any emotion on his face. Whispers could be heard from behind you, from the other demons, mostly saying "What is a commoner demon doing here?" "Wait, isn't that demon part of Valentino's group?" Your eyes widen at what you heard. How rude! Why did it matter what field of work he was it? He seemed like a friendly demon, and they shouldn't be so quick to judge a book by its cover. "Y/N. May i speaketh to thee in private?" Your dad had placed a hand on your shoulder, moving you away from Angel, who watched you with a sad expression. Both you and your dad had moved to speak against one of the pillars. "Dad, I know your going to tell me not to speak to him, but he's not a bad guy I swe-" Zestial had cut you off by placing a hand up, telling you to stop talking. You expected he was mad at you, but his face didn't show it. "It is alright y/n. I told thou to converse with other demons, didst i not? That young man possesses a kind soul, yet he hath been chained down and ridiculed by others. Do not let him slip past thou, mine sweet. Now run along!"
Your dad motioned his hand for you to go. Smiling, you gave him a quick hug and went to go back to Angel Dust. He wasn't in the spot you had last saw him, and began to look for him, heading to the courtyard. Angel Dust walked along the path that lead to the castle gardens. The area was covered in exotic plants, along with small statues of mini gargoyles. Hugging his arms around himself, Angel took at seat on the grass, heaving a sigh. He knew what had happened when your dad pulled you away. He could hear the negative things he was probably calling him right now, telling you not to associate with a whore like him. The sounds of feet stepping on the grass alerted him, and he turned seeing you coming towards him, with a smile. "Oh thank goodness. I thought you left." He watched your figured move closer to him, before taking a seat on the grass as well, causing your dress to ruffle up. "How are ya out here right now? Didn't your dad just speak to ya about me?" Angel exclaimed. You laughed at his reaction, saying it was alright and that your dad didn't mind at all.
The both of you just sat in silence, while you gazed around the garden and up at the blood red sky. "I don't care, you know." Angel looked at you in confusion, wondering what you meant. "About you being a sex worker or whatever. I don't care what rank you are or what you do for work. I would just like to get to know you." The lovely smile you aimed at him was making his heart skip a beat. Angel was at a loss for words at what you said. He was used to the ugly looks and stares people gave him when they knew what line of work he did, but you were the first that didn't care about any of that. Angel shook his head, chuckling as he smirked at you, flashing his gold tooth. "Ya wanna know me toots? Haha, buy me dinner first at least." You quickly laughed at his response, as you smiled back at him.
The two of you continued to chat amongst yourself in the castle gardens, discussing your hobbies and interests like music, fashion choices and what not. The both of you were just lost in each other, just enjoying each others presence and laughing at each others jokes. "HAHAHA no way your boss has that bad sight." You cackled, as Angel continue to tell his story. "AHAHA I'm serious toots. He can barely see whats on his phone half the time. It probably takes him hours to even send a text to anyone." He laughed out, as you followed along with him. Sadly, the peaceful evening the both of you had was coming to an end. Still wanting to spend more time with him, you walked with him back to the front of the castle, where a limo was waiting for him. "I really enjoyed tonight Angel. I would love to spend more time with you again." The fluff on his face, became dyed a soft pink, as he rubbed his neck with one of his hands. "Tonight wasn't all bad. I-I can give you my cell, if you wanna chat again." You widen your eyes at that, happy that he wanted to meet again. "Well, I don't have a cell phone at the moment. My dad is a little old fashioned, but I'm sure he can give me one if I ask him." Angel smiled back at you, as he pulled out a small pen from somewhere in his pocket, as he wrote his number on your palm. He soon hopped into the limo, and shut the door. The window rolled down, and he flashed a smile back at you, along with a wink. "See ya around, toots." You smiled back at him, as you nodded your head, waving him goodbye, as the limo drove off.
Back at the Hotel
Angel dust heaved out a tired sigh as he walked through the hotel doors. Charlie happened to be awake, wanting to stay up to make sure Angel made it home okay. "OH ANGEL!!! YOUR BACK!! HOW WAS IT?! DID YOU HAVE FUN? DID YOU MAKE ANY NEW FRIENDS?" Charlie enthusiastically chattered along. Angel was a bit too tired to answer all of Charlie's questions, so he just said it was okay and that he did meet a cool person at the party. Charlie was happy that Angel enjoyed himself and that he met someone there, but she knew he was exhausted, so she wished him a goodnight, while giving him a quick hug before running off back to her bedroom. Angel smiled at Charlie's cute actions, as he made his way upstairs to head to his bedroom.
Entering inside his room, he deeply sighed as he shrugged off his clothes and removed his shoes. Fat Nuggets was awake and ran up to him, oinking happily while trying to climb up on of his legs. "Aww Did-ja miss me?" Angel cooed, picking up Fat Nuggets and kissing him on his head. Angel walked over to his bed, and laid back on it, reminiscing about this evening. He couldn't stop thinking about you. Everything about you, your smile, your laugh, your kindness, your jokes was giving him butterflies. He wasn't use to this kinda feeling before, and it made him feel funny. You weren't what he expected when he first saw you. You were the daughter of one of the most powerful overlords in Pride, and yet instead of being a snotty bit**, you were thoughtful and compassionate. Even when you knew what he did, you still treated him normally, which made him melt. He felt trapped, caught actually, in your web. His body and soul was wrapped in your sticky threads and instead of struggling, he accepted it.
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@artemisandhunters , @thereeallink , @ask-theradio-demon ,
@lousypotatoes , @l4zyb0n35 , @midorichoco
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peachybeom · 2 years
hickeys ♡
slight suggestive
beomgyu x reader
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You stared intensely at the empty bottle of concealer in your hand, as if your continuous gaze would magically refill the product which was now hollowed out inside it.
Defeated, you set down the bottle on the slab and inspected yourself in the large mirror situated in front of you.
You were dressed in a strapless black dress, for which you had saved up for almost an entire month.
Your makeup was light but sophisticated and hair rested gently on your shoulders in long beachy curls.
This look was as admirable as you can present yourself to be, and you were satisfied with it- until your eyes again travelled to the giant reddish blue bruise imprinted firmly on your neck.
You cursed your luck, when you found out that you had run out of the concealer, one you usually used often to cover these love bites, because everything else in your makeup kit just seemed not to be doing the trick.
You tried everything-using three different shades of foundation, excessively rubbing your skin with a toothbrush, even spraying your hair stiff to hide the sore spot but nothing seemed to be working.
You let out an irritated scream and slammed your hands loudly on your vanity.
Today was one of the most important day in your and Beomgyu’s relationship. You two had been going out for almost an year and Beomgyu’s parents had invited you to their yearly business celebratory dinner.
You knew this dinner was a big deal because it was supposed to be attended by important people along with family, the higher ups who held valuable assets in Choi Businesses so naturally you had planned well in advance, picking out your dress weeks ago, practicing civil conversations one could have with their boyfriend’s parents again and again in your head so you could leave a good impression on them.
“Is everything alright babe?” Beomgyu asked in a concerned tone.
You turned to look at your boyfriend and your breath almost got caught up in your throat.
He was still in the middle of getting dressed, hair slicked back neatly and shirt buttoned up halfway through the top.
Choi Beomgyu screamed perfection, without even trying.
You quickly brought yourself back to reality and scowled at him.
“This is your fault,” You said pointing at the hickey now almost turning red.
It was indeed his fault. Last night Beomgyu acted unusually needy and demanded attention. One too many glasses of wine later you both found yourselves on the couch exploring every crook and crevices of each other’s body while a marvel movie played out in the background softly.
Beomgyu stepped closer, and bent slightly almost closing the gap between the two of you.
“Wha-what are you doing?” You stuttered at the sudden proximity.
“Hmm I think I could have done better,” Beomgyu responded in an amused tone, touching your neck gently.
“Beomgyu!” You slapped his arm and pointed at the clear bottle placed at the side of your table.
“I ran out of the concealer and now I have no idea how to cover this up, I’ve tried doing everything-oh my God we only have an hour and half left!” You panicked burying your face in your hands, this was not how you planned to start your evening.
“Hey hey hey it’s fine we will figure something out,” Beomgyu said holding your hand in his, biting back a smile.
The truth was that you were making a big fuss of the party. Though today was an important day, Beomgyu knew that his parents would adore you as soon as they met you.
They wouldn’t mind if you didn’t act perfect- nobody would but still he let you plan and plot every move for tonight just because he thought you looked cute doing it.
“Let’s try looking up on the internet yeah?” Beomgyu said in an attempt to calm you down.
After a few minutes, there you both sat on the floor of the bedroom, makeup brushes and palettes scattered everywhere in the room.
“How about we cover it up with a band aid?” Your boyfriend suggested as he scrolled through his phone searching for remedies on hiding hickeys- his search history similar to a teenage girl who just spent the night at her crush’s house for the first time.
“No that would look too odd,” You responded pouting.
“You know what I think I should just give up and change into something else, even though this dress costed a fortune,” You continued in a disappointed tone.
“No I found something! wait a minute,” Beomgyu exclaimed loudly before getting up and leaving the room hurriedly.
After a while Beomgyu returned with an ice filled bowl and sat down next to you.
“Tilt your head,” He ordered.
You carefully obliged and closed your eyes involuntarily when the small block of ice came in contact with your skin.
“I’m supposed to rub it on the hickey for a few minutes and it will disappear,” Beomgyu explained, but you hardly paid attention because the sensation of the ice mixed along with his breath on neck for even just a second had you on cloud nine.
A few minutes would be torture.
Beomgyu seemed to have caught on your reaction and decided to tease you further.
He purposely added another ice cube between his fingers and your neck and applied slight pressure causing it to melt faster.
“Almost done, just a little more,” He whispered, lips grazing your ear seductively.
You bit your tongue in response holding back your breathe successfully.
“Or we can speed it up a bit,” Beomgyu moved closer to your neck and gently licked the droplets of water forming just on top of your hickey.
“Oh my god,” You let out breathy moan, tightening your grip on the chair next to you.
“You don’t want me to stop, do you Y/N?” Beomgyu smirked as he moved his lips upwards to nibble at your ear.
You tried to reason with yourself, reaching out for Beomgyu’s hand which was now slowly making its way towards your cleavage. He applied a bit more pressure pressing the now melted cube of ice to your hot skin, this caused you to squeak.
He was right, you couldn’t ask him to stop, you won’t ask him to stop. Maybe if you were in the right state of mind you would, you both had to leave in an hour and neither one of you were close to being ready- but to hell with it, you thought as you grabbed Beomgyu by his shirt collar.
“No don’t stop,” You pleaded, eyes filled with desperation.
This was enough of a response for Beomgyu to pull you towards him and hurriedly pull down the zip of your newly bought dress.
You were late to the party- fashionably late, as Beomgyu described it.
But you had a good time. With Beomgyu by your side, you seemed to have bonded well with both of his parents.
His mother adored you, continuously passing lovely comments, few directed especially at the slick turtleneck dress you were wearing that night.
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