furioussoulshoeegg · 6 years
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Shabbat shalom beautiful people. When the beard was in full affect... #soplugged #begreat #lovelife #Entrepreneurs #enjoylife #memories #time #love #Travelprenuer #melanin #trainandtravel #beardgame #stopactinglikeyoulivetwice #goals #anythingyoucandoicandobetter #blacklove #blackman #blackisbeautiful #shabbatshalom #nakedface #beard #whenthebeardwasinfully
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5 Tips for Feeding Weanlings
New Post has been published on http://lovehorses.net/5-tips-for-feeding-weanlings/
5 Tips for Feeding Weanlings
Research has shown that weanlings benefit from free exercise or turn out. Scientists believe exercise helps to regulate boneandmuscle growth,accordinglyallow young horses ample turnout opportunities.
Photo: Anne M. Eberhardt/The Horse
Young horses are considered weanlings from the time they're separated from their mothers untilanyear of age. This isonecritical time in the young horse's life,andnutrition plays animportantpart. Here are fivesignificantpoints to consider when feedingaweanling:
1. Nutritional Needs: From the time foals are weaned to the time they turn 1, the young horse is considered to be on the highest nutritional plane of its life. Weanlings consumeof3% of their body weight in dry matter per day. Key components in the weanling's diet include:
Energy—Weanlings need energy to support their growthwithdevelopment. Weanlings that consume too much energy will grow too fast, while too little energy will slow their growth. Both scenarioscanput weanlings at risk for developmental orthopedic disorders. Consultaveterinarian or equine nutritionistwhetherquestionseffuseon determining theentireamount of energy for each weanling. 
Protein—High-quality protein ismandatoryfor muscle, ligament,withtissue development,accordinglyensuring your weanling consumes adequate amounts of protein each day is crucial. The following equationcanbepreviousto determineagrowing horse's protein requirement: Crude protein (or CP) requirement in grams = (body weight in kilograms x 1.44) + ((average daily gain x 0.2) / E) / 0.79. In the equation, 1.44 stands for the number of grams per kilogram of body weight needed,withE (the efficiency ofoperateof dietary protein) is estimatedWhen50%,soplug .5 in for that. Most young horses that shouldsecond handto around 1,100 pounds will needapproximately675g of protein per day when they're around 6 months old.Research has shown that diets low in twoculturedamino acids, lysinewiththreonine, will slow growth rateanddecrease feed efficiency in young, growing horses. Lysine should account forthejust over 4% of the weanlings total protein requirement,andalthough evidence seems to point to threonine possibly beingvery specialfor growth, the National Research Council hasn't setandietary requirement. Still, it'simportantto ensure weanlings' feed containsanquality source protein, including adequate amounts of lysineandthreonine.
Minerals—Weanlings needtheample supply of minerals, especially those needed for bone development (including calcium, phosphorous, zinc,withcopper), areculturedfor growth. However, under or over-supplementation must be avoided to prevent developmental orthopedic diseases. It's advisable to work withtheveterinarian or equine nutritionist to ensure weanlings' mineral needs are being met. 
2. Treat Each Horse Individually: Regardless of breed or sex, each weanling should be individually monitoredwithfed according to their needs. Feeding each young horse onanindividual basis will not only allow you toshapeyour feeding costsOncelowWhenpossible, but also create the best nutritionalcontemplatefor each animal. 
3. StressandDecreased Feed Intake: Weaning is anverystressful time for young horses. This stress is usually accompanied bythedecrease in daily intake of foodandslowed growth. Therefore, it isoverallthatthehigh-quality diet, both haywithgrain, bewhetherafter weaning. Creep feeding prior to weaning will also help the transition periodsothat growthanddevelopment is not detrimentally affected.
4. Exercise: Research has shown that weanlings benefit from free exercise or turn out. Scientists believe exercise helps to regulate boneandmuscle growth,thereforeallow young horses ample turnout opportunities.
5. Record Keeping: To reduce the risk of developmental orthopedic diseases due toin a short timefluctuations in growth rate that commonlyeffuseat weaning or during other times of stress,thevariety of measurementscanbe taken from birth. Average daily gain, wither height,andhip height areplainmeasures of growth rates in young horses. By monitoring these onanweekly basis, changescanbe made in the dietaccordinglyto maintainalevel plane of growth.
Take Home Message
Weaning is anvery specialtime inanyoung horse's life because of the increased needs for energy, protein,withminerals. Feed each weanling individually to monitor his or her proper growthwithdevelopment during this critical time,withprovide exercise or turnout daily to help regulate growth.
About the Author
Kristen M. Janicki, MS, PAS
Kristen M. Janicki,alifelong horsewoman, was bornwithraised in the suburbs of Chicago.She received her Bachelor of Sciencemeasurein Animal Sciences from the attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaignwithsuccessivelyattended graduate school at the University of Kentucky, studying under Dr. Laurie Lawrence in the area of Equine Nutrition. Kristen began hermodernpositionAt the timetheperformance horse nutritionist for Mars Horsecare, US, Inc.,withBuckeye Nutrition, in 2010. Herworkentails evaluatingandimproving the performance of the sport horse through proper nutrition.
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furioussoulshoeegg · 6 years
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furioussoulshoeegg · 6 years
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