#sorry!!! ;;
hungee-boy · 5 days
youtube comments not realizing that sjws and mcu-esque writing and shitting diablo cgi trailers are what make dragon age dragon age
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taintedtort · 11 days
No masterlist? :<
ive been thinking abt making one actually, i’m just really lazy, lol
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unveiledshroud · 17 days
Literally the hottest raccoon ever
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spoopy-sloth · 21 days
Sometimes I think about the time someone sent me a link to ASoUE discord letting me know that "they're happy to have me join them", and then I just forgot to click the link, and now I I just ._.
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daily-polyshow · 24 days
Important Announcement!!
i’m really sorry, but daily polyshow will be pausing for some time. it’s been really fun running this blog! i don’t plan on permanently stopping this blog any time soon though!! i will come back!! i just need a break for now. thank you all for keeping me going here for so long!! over a hundred days!!! i never thought i’d make it this far at all!! i’ll be back eventually ☆
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squirmywet · 27 days
Well if youre drinking more you must not have needed to go that bad. Youre such a Good girl for drinking though.
>/////< i really really needed those leaks I-- no I mean how could you doubt me???? ive been nothing but truthful this whole time. shush im not-- im not a good-- im just thirsty is all
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maybecould · 27 days
I haven't seen an episode in nearly ten years but upon hearing recent commentary the general retrospective opinion seems to be that scott mccall from teen wolf was a detriment to the show. Which should not be surprising, considering this was also the prevailing fan narrative at the time!!! but I just really thought there was gonna be a more nuanced view of him over time, not less!!!
I couldn't disagree more strongly and this is in fact the hill I'll die on- not a hill, THE hill
apparently im alone up on my hill!!! (I'm not there were at least several dozen people fighting this fight on tumblr dot com in 2013) ...guess I'll die here!!!
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10reallybigants · 1 month
people actually really legit think doja cat signed her soul to the devil and that's how I know we are cooked as a society
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thesem · 1 month
I’ve been so distracted this week by video games and my phone dying I forgot I had asks. I will get to them soon
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gnosistikos · 1 month
"if i didnt taxidermy my grandpa then it mustve been bec"
did you write this earlier or did someone else?
oops!!! i had to scroll down to see what you were talking about XO i mustve been asleep when i posted that!
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radicalrascals · 1 month
@etxrnaleclipse gets a monster of a drabble for he following prompt:
😈 (dark au's for any of your muses based in our universe!)
Gabriel lay awake in the cheap motel room bed, staring at the stained ceiling and asking himself: where had he gone wrong? How did it all spin out of his control? One moment he was Diego Alvarez. He was happy with Steven. It had been perfect. And then? Where had he gone wrong? Had it been just one simple decision which had cost him his happy ending?
If only he hadn't gone back to save the cop in the alley that night! He wouldn't have left his fingerprints all over the car, lost his epipen, held Steven at gunpoint, sent him to hospital in a selfish attempt to flee the scene.
If he hadn't gone back, everything would have been fine. He would be happy. He would be with Steven. If he hadn't gone back. If only he hadn't gone back...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The day after the botched robbery, Felix arrived at work with an uneasy feeling. Sick to his stomach, unable to eat all morning, unable to shake the sense of foreboding, he'd been seeking council with the man he trusted the most. Yet all of his texts to Theo went unread. Sent into the limbo. Waiting. Foreshadowing.
He tried one last time when he entered the morgue, hearing a prompt vibration but not thinking to much about it. It was as if the analytical part of his brain had shut down completely, prolonging the painful revelation until the pathologist removed the cover from the dead body before him and almost choked on his shock.
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His Theo.
Felix was shaking all over, dropping his clipboard twice, unable to read the name for his tears clouded his vision.
It must've been an hour later, maybe two, that Steven and Evelyn made their way to the morgue and found Felix on the floor, as pale as his love, and catatonic. The two managed to talk the pathologist back into the realm of the living, urging him to seek professional help, which Felix agreed to, but only after he'd done one last thing;
He knew Nick was most likely to oblige without asking too many questions, so Felix sent him to Rafael's home before joining them. He didn't have to say a word, it was written all over his face, in his reddened eyes, the tragedy, the anguish, the loss.
Rafel went unwontedly, unbearably silent. Even in the following days, weeks, months, he barely spoke. All his words went onto paper as he threw himself into work, numbing his grief with it, and putting a strain on his marriage. Eventually Isabella and him recovered. Barely. But they recovered. And they would adopt Felix into their little family, keeping him close, at least for another year, before Felix' increasing recklessness and hunger for more and more extreme sports and thrills finally reunited him with his lost love.
Nick on the other hand felt incredibly sick. He held his stomach right where the knife had fatally wounded his twin, feeling as though he'd been cut open as well, and he needed to keep in that half of him which was violently torn from his very soul. As the months went by, emptiness was replaced with unfathomable wrath and the desire to bring those to justice which had taken his twin brother from him.
The man who had delivered the fatal blow fled the States, leaving behind his partner in crime who rejoiced in his preserved anonymity for a while, before the guilt got to him eventually. Only in Steven's arms could Gabriel find peace, only when he was Diego Alvarez, could he escape the horrors of that night. And soon he was to become Diego Carlisle. It was almost too perfect, and he deserved none of it.
And fate made sure that justice was served; it was just one mistake, one little mishap, but it was enough to get the ball rolling, until a week away from their wedding, Steven ripped off his mask and everything that Diego had, shattered in an instance. Gabriel fled across the border, wallowing in self-pity and guilt. Whearas Steven, without Gabriel trying to make it up to him, lost himself in work and eventually perished with it.
In Mexico, Gabriel and his once partner in crime reunited, shortly, only to become prey to a vengeful werewolf who'd been led on their trail by his brother and niece's relentless digging. Battered, bleeding, the two criminals waited for the final blow, when Ben managed to talk some sense into Nick at last.
But he wouldn't remain the only hunter trying to save the lives of those unworthy of saving. Carolina and Miguel Guerrero had been lying in wait to slay the beast which had been marked by the same beast that had killed their parents.
With all the blood and the badly beaten criminals, it didn't look all to good for Nick, and no matter the soothing words Ben tried to offer to calm the waves, a fight ensued no less. Leading Carolina to eventually slay the 'monster', whilst her brother made sure Ben would not interfere. They fought relentlessly. They fought dirty. And it only ended, when Miguel's knife was thrust in deep between Ben's ribs.
Ben died in Miguel's arms to the sound of the younger hunter's requiem of regret and weeping. When the police came, they would not only find the American criminals, but two lovers, reunited in death, holding hands; and then there was Miguel, waiting for them, demanding to be arrested for killing his friend. Willingly accepting to be torn away from his sister to repent for his crime.
If Gabriel hadn't gone back, nothing would've been fine.
Gabriel jerked awake from his nightmare, looking around him with a slight panic. How dare he even think it would've been better to let someone else die to keep his secret! No. The truth was painful, but it was an opportunity.
He wasn't a bad person. If only Steven could see that too.
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jgracie · 1 month
Hi!! Could you do argument hcs with the pjo boys and what they'd be like after? I love your work :D
hello!!!! tysm, im glad you enjoy what i write 🤍 however, i won't be doing this as requests are closed at the moment 😓
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lcdrarry · 1 month
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6 May 2024 | 2/2 | LCDrarry Fic
Twin Blades
Prompt: “Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith”, 2005, George Lucas Author: Anonymous Word Count: 3,525 words Rating: Teen and up Warnings: lightsaber combat, nightmares
Notes: I had a lot of fun taking a romp into one of my favorite worlds by way of one of my favorite pairings—maybe I'll get around to writing an actual Star Wars, or an actual Drarry, one day. I hope you enjoy my weird brainworm ❤️ Thank you to my lovely friend C for betaing! (Also, I am throwing out the rule where Jedi can't have relationships, because I can.)
Summary: Harry advances a few steps toward Draco, who doesn’t move, only watches him approach with narrowed eyes. “If you’re so sure the Jedi have no power, duel me. If you win, your master will be proud of you.” Draco’s eyes glitter. “And if you win?” “We’ll find out, won’t we?” Harry raises his lightsaber, readies himself. “Come on.” Without another word, Draco lunges at him.
Or, a Drarry-flavored reskin of the battle on Mustafar.
Read it now on AO3.
Please help promote the fest by sharing your favourite submissions, so more people can enjoy all the amazing new Drarry works of LCDrarry. Thank you!
Creator reveals are on 15 June.
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miss-wizard · 1 month
sorry to all my american friends but i think we gotta kill you
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Had a conversation the other day with a mutual about what the most devastating track run on TTPD is. And yes, The Prophecy-> Cassandra is pretty tough but I actually think the most heartbreaking/telling track progression is
Peter-> The Bolter-> Robin.
Because: (prepare to cry) a song about lost childhood and growing up into something you don’t recognise anymore-> a song about bearding for the sake of ‘having the best stories’-> a song about the child you love so much you would do anything to protect their childhood innocence so they don’t have to grow up in the spotlight that ruined your own childhood. 😭😭😭
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She would tell that girl to run. Turn around and run the other way. Stay flying, Peter ✨🧚🏼
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noodleblade · 2 months
do youhave any sparkling headcanons (tfp or mtmte???)
Sorry, no I don’t not x—x I’ll be honest, I have very little interest in sparklings or really any like kid ocs. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but I know quite a few people out there have some fun kiddo concepts:)
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