#sorry I thought about That One FIC again and got mad. tehe.
jonahmagnus · 5 months
I dont think the Eye "hates Jonah and wants Jon more" I think that Jonah is the Eye's precious little german boy that it adopted under its wing and raised with love and affection for over 200 years and Jon is some stray animal that wandered in that Jonah took home and the Eye sighed and scheduled a vet appointment for
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izukukuzi · 4 years
People really don't care about bullying and abuse victims at all lmao and u can see it by the way everybody keep reacting to the bare minimum from both endeavour and bakugou. Honestly at this point I'm not surprised. I never was. But the fact that. Allmight (the closest thing to a dad 2 Deku) is gonna react in a ooc way just so bakugou isn't brought to acknowledge his faults. And that hurts. So so bad. Because izuku is the VICTIM but obviously his tormentor deserves more care and love
(2/4) Add to that that bakugou wasn't just bullying him with words (and that is in itself bad like. Really really bad). He said it himself that he didn't want to be his PUNCHING BAG anymore. And just look at the time @ UA. Where he treated him BADLY. no fr. Before yuuei he was even worse and in just???? Like hello. Are we gonna just take 10 years and more of constant abuse and care more about the one who inflicted it? Like tehee he made me feel weak and everyone is like it is ok baby!!!
(3/4) It is just tiring seeing the way everyone just doesn't care about izuku and don't take him, his issues and his pain seriously. And yes I'm mad. Because there won't be any serious consequences (AGAIN) and I'll just have to read (the few but still there) fics where people ACTUALLY take all of /this/ seriously
(4/4) HSHSHS SWEETHEART I'm sorry for ranting but🥺🥺🥺🥺I know u get what I mean sbbsbs
ah nooooooo, don’t ever worry about getting your thoughts out there!!! I’m always happy to hear them (also this shit got a little long, so the rest is below jebdfuwdnjwq sorry about that!)!
but on that note, I do feel you completely. I’ve struggled with juggling the mentioning of bk’s “atonement” with the rest of what happened in 284 and part of that is because a lot of people are framing izu’s current struggle and prospect of injury as... more about how they impact bk, and not as things that are happening to izuku. does that make sense? along with the likeliness that, as you said, no serious consequences will come out of bk’s sudden “realization” or whatever, I think it makes sense to not only be mad, but to also wonder why everything is playing out the way it is in the fandom (because I ask myself that shit literally every single day djebubdwjdunwd). 
and I know, for me, I struggle with all of this similarly. I think the most productive thing to do that allows people to feel how they feel without stepping on the toes of those who see the worst in a character like bk (because fiction is more than just fiction dbudnwnd it connects people back to the good and bad parts of life) is to not try to downplay his actions or reason away everything with seemingly shallow justifications.
like, you like his character? fine, that’s one-hundred percent your choice. but your love for him should never be a factor that makes you blind to things he’s done/said, or forces other people into silence when they don’t agree with how you feel (and I mean, that’s a very Adult Like answer about it because I recognize that people feel strongly about shit and it’s not that easy to just let someone be if you feel like they’re really reaaaaaally wrong BUT fjnwnjnfwjnf I think you get what i’m saying, nonnie). 
BUT ANYWAYS i will stop taking up your time, doll. just know that my inbox/ask/chat/whatever are always open anytime you want to talk or vent, because I do get it. take goooooood care of yourself and read a good fic or two to try and balance all this shit out cause we’ll make it work, yeah? ♡
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darisu-chan · 7 years
Hi darisu-chan, if you still are taking requests can I ask for a Touken Fic that shows kaneki's reaction at finding out touka´s pregnancy, and off course a little smut will be very much welcome tehee. Thank you so much in advance :)
Sorry for the delay! Here’s the fanfiction. It isn’t smutty, but next time I’ll publish smut. hehe. I also based this one-shot on this post. I figured that after today’s chapter we needed something light-hearted and fluffy. I hope you enjoy it!
Summary: When Kaneki starts feeling weird, he sets up to findthe cause of his mysterious illness, which might be contagious, for Touka isfeeling bad too.
You can also read it here.
“And then,we found out that a group of Oggai was seen at the 19th ward…”
Kaneki triedto drown Tsukiyama’s voice out, but to no avail. It was honestly giving him aheadache. Kaneki felt like someone was hitting him hard with a hammer. Herubbed his forehead, sighing a little bit. He couldn’t wait for this meeting tobe over, although it was important for their safety. The Oggai were movingfast, and they also had to move to places where the chances of being caught wouldbe less likely. Still, Kaneki felt like he needed to rest for a couple ofhours. His head was killing him.
“Onii-chan,are you alright?” Hinami’s sweet voice startled him a bit. She had whisperedher question, so as to not interrupt Tsukiyama. She was also looking at himwith worried eyes.
The mansmiled. “Yes. Don’t worry, Hinami-chan.”
“Really?Because you look a bit pale.” The girl next to him replied.
Kanekiwasn’t surprised at all. He figured that since he wasn’t feeling well, it musthave been showing on the outside already. Still, he didn’t want to worryHinami.
“It’snothing, really.”
Hinamididn’t look convince, but she nodded and focused back on the meeting. Kanekisighed again, praying Tsukiyama would finish soon, or that someone wouldinterrupt him. His prayers were answered when Touka started speaking.
“Could youjust cut straight to the point already?” She barked at him. Next to her,Nishiki stifled a snicker.
Thank you, Touka-chan. Kaneki mentally thanked herand sent her a smile in appreciation.
Tsukiyama,ever the drama queen, got offended. “Excusezmoi, Kirishima-san, but the background information is important!” The manhuffed dramatically.
Touka rolledher eyes. “Then, proceed.”
“As I wassaying before being so rudely interrupted−“
Kaneki felthis head throbbing harder. “Tsukiyama, please just tell us your conclusions.”
“Oh, oui, of course my king!”  Tsukiyama Shuunodded happily. “We have concluded that the best course of action is to remainhere for at least this week. We’re far away enough from the Oggai to not be inany immediate danger. However, we might have to split again soon.”
Kanekifrowned at his answer but nodded. “Alright. Then we’ll wait. In the meantime,Tsukiyama, Ayato-kun, start looking for appropriate hideouts.”
Both mennodded.
“Then,you’re all dismissed.” Once they heard their king’s dismissal, they all exitedthe room, and went their separate ways. Only Hinami remained, looking atKaneki, still obviously concerned.
“You’reworking too hard, onii-chan. You should rest.”
“I know, andI will, don’t worry.” He patted her head tenderly.
Hinamipouted. “You should really rest and eat properly, or else onee-chan and I willget mad at you.”
Kanekilaughed. “It won’t have to come to that. I promise.”
“Okay. Seeyou later, onii-chan.” And with that, the girl left, joining Ayato, who hadbeen waiting for her at the door.
Once he wasleft alone, Kaneki rubbed his eyes tiredly. The truth was he had been feelingweird lately. His head tended to hurt, and he also felt weaker and sleepiermore often now. He guessed he had probably exhausted himself from all thethings that had happened, one after another. Things would get worse soon, andworrying so much was taking its toll on him. He sighed. Hinami was right. Heneeded to take care of himself better now. Everyone was counting on him.
He stretcheda bit, as a yawn escaped his lips. He definitely need to take a nap. Oh well,it’s not like he was going to do anything important. With that in mind, hewalked towards his bedroom. He opened the door softly, and smiled tenderly whenhis eyes gazed at a certain scene. Touka was on the bed, eyes closed, sleepingsoundly. She looked so pure and innocent. Simply breathtaking. Kaneki blushed abit, and started walking towards the bed. Careful of not waking her up, he tookboth his pants and shirt off, and then slipped right next to her, wrapping oneof his arms around her hips, bringing her to his chest.
“Hey.” Shesaid, sleepily.
“Hey,yourself.” Kaneki replied, grinning down at her. God, she was so cute.
Touka justsmiled back, and then pressed her head on Kaneki’s chest, using him as apillow. Her hands started playing with the ring which lay on his chest. Herhair tickled him.
“Are yousleepy?” He questioned, laughing a bit at the feeling of Touka’s hair on hischest.
“Hmmm.” Shemurmured, not opening her eyes.
“Me too.” Hesaid, and started rubbing her back.
Touka openedher eyes again. “Then let’s take a nap.”
Kanekikissed her softly on the lips. “Great idea.”
Then, bothgot into a better position, still holding each other, and closed their eyes.
Kaneki’sexhaustion was just the beginning of what he called his mysterious illness. Firstthere were headaches and feeling sleepy all the time, then he started being abit moody, which he attributed to his aforementioned pains, but things gotworse that week. For instance, one evening he had been reading some reports,when he suddenly got very hungry. Itwasn’t that strange, since he actually was supposed to eat soon anyway, butwhat was weird is that he was craving a specifickind of food.
“God, it’dbe great to eat some eyes now!” Heexclaimed, referring to no one in particular.
Nishiki, whowas next to him, raised an eyebrow. “Eyes? Since when do you prefer them? Ithought you didn’t care about what kind of meat you eat.”
Kanekifrowned a bit at that. “I don’t… I just thought it’d be good to eat some rightnow.”
Tsukiyama,who was just passing by, heard the conversation and decided to put his twocents. “Oh, Kaneki-kun! You read my mind! What kind would you prefer? Blue yes?Green eyes? Big ones? Smaller ones? Or maybe dark ones like yours?” At this, hewalked closer to Kaneki, until they were face to face, trying to touch hisface.
Kanekislapped his hand away. “Any would do, really. I don’t have a preference.”
“Then I’llgo fetch you some de inmediato!” Tsukiyamaexclaimed, and dashed through the door.
Touka chosethat exact moment to walk in. “What’s got Tsukiyama in a hurry?” She asked thetwo men in the room.
“I wascraving eyes, and Tsukiyama went to fetch some for me.”
Toukanodded. “Yeah, they do sound niceright now.” She drooled a little.
“Right? Iwish I could eat them all day!” Kaneki said, drooling too.
Nishikilooked at them with disgust clear on his face. “You two are acting weird.”
“What’sweird about eating eyes? You eat them too, shitty Nishiki.” Touka replied.
“It’s weirdthat you’re having a fascination for them out of the blue!”
The youngwoman rolled her eyes. “You’re exaggerating.”
“Whatever.”Nishio scoffed.
Kanekithought too that Nishiki was blowing the situation out of proportion. But thatnight, he started questioning if it was actually weird or not to suddenly havecravings. He had never craved any specific human part before. He had justcraved meat in general. He supposed that if humans could crave any specifickind of food, so could ghouls. He shrugged and stopped worrying about it, untilnext day he was craving liver.
Things tooka turn for the worse the morning before Goat’s next meeting. Kaneki was fastasleep, when he was woken up with a startle by a sudden movement on the bed.Touka had sprung from Kaneki’s arms, and had dashed straight to the bathroom,where she began throwing up on the toilet. The sounds alarmed the man, who rantowards the bathroom, and started gently rubbing his lovers back.
“There,there, Touka-chan.” He said softly, still rubbing her back, and making sure herhair was out of the way.
Although hetried to appear calm, he was panicking inside. Had Touka been eating human foodagain? No, that was impossible. She had no reason to do such a thing. Maybe shewas just sick. But what kind of sickness was that? Did ghouls even get sick?
Once she hadstopped vomiting, she sat on the floor heaving. Kaneki leaned down and cleaned theremains off of her face with a wet towel. He then flushed the toilet.
“Thank you.”Touka said in appreciation, and smiled weakly at him. With Kaneki’s help, shestood up, her legs shaking as she did so.
“Are youfeeling better?” He asked her.
“Yeah, mystomach’s not queasy anymore.” She replied. She still looked very pale, andKaneki didn’t like that.
He frowned,but before he could say anything more, his stomach began cramping, and nextthing he knew, he was on his knees, throwing up on the toilet. Touka cried outhis name in alarm, and sat next to him, rubbing his back much like he had donewith her earlier. Once he was done, he flushed the toilet again, and rested hisback on the cold wall.
“How are youfeeling?” Touka asked him worriedly, pushing his hair back.
“A littlebetter.” He replied.
Toukasighed, and sat closer to him, putting her head on his shoulder. Kanekiimmediately hugged her, pulling her even closer to him. Both were breathingheavily, and were pale. On the back of his mind, the man thought it wasprobably better if they both walked to bed and tried to sleep more. However,they were too weak to stand up yet, and remained in that position for a fewminutes.
“Maybe weate rotten meat?” Touka elaborated.
“Maybe…”Kaneki replied, definitely not convinced that was the cause.
He stood up,using the wall as leverage, and pulled Touka up with him. “Let’s go back tobed.” He said, taking her by the hand, and leading her to the bedroom. They laydown, Kaneki wrapping his arms around her like he liked to do. They instantlyfell asleep, being exhausted and weak.
They woke uphours later, still weak and pale. They shrugged and got ready for the meeting,but deep down, Kaneki’s mind was reeling, trying to find the cause for thesickness. He tried to recall if they had, in fact, eaten rotten meat. If therewas even the slightest possibility of that happening. But he couldn’t rememberanything. As far as he knew, the meat he had eaten had tasted just fine.Besides, the rest of his companions would be ill too, and they all lookedhealthy, their cheeks rosy, and acting like normal. The other probability wasthat either Touka or him had caught a virus, and had infected the other throughsaliva exchange. Then the question was what kind of virus they had, and howthey had become infected in the first place.
During themeeting, Kaneki’s stomach kept cramping. He prayed he didn’t start throwing upright then and there, alarming everyone. He also kept shooting glances atTouka, who still looked pale but remained impassive. He couldn’t see if she wasfeeling well by her expression, so he hoped she was doing better than he was.Shaking his head, he focused back on the meeting taking place.
“The bestcourse of action is to separate again, and meet in another location after aweek.” Kaneki said, after having listened to all reports. “Let’s divide insmall groups, so as to not attract attention.”
“He justsays that to be alone with you-know-who.”Nishiki joked, then a thud was heard, and the man yelped. “What the hell wasthat for, Shitty Touka?!”
“I don’tknow what you’re talking about, Shitty Nishiki.”
Kanekirolled his eyes, but did his best to ignore them. “Then, if there are noquestions, let’s prepare. We leave tomorrow.”
As he packedhis few belongings, Kaneki started thinking hard about this mysterious illness.Now that he thought about it, yesterday he had felt slightly nauseous when hehad smelled the coffee Yomo-san had prepared. It was weird, but he didn’t thinkmuch about it then. Then, he thought about his other symptoms, like havingheadaches and feeling weak. Perhaps they were correlated. However, he was nodoctor, and couldn’t possibly pinpoint the cause. Asking Banjou was out of thequestion, he didn’t want to alarm anyone. He looked at the computer they usedto read the news. Maybe if he searched for the answers on the internet? Itseemed like a stretch, but perhaps it could give him an idea. He had nothing tolose. Shrugging, he turned on the computer, and then proceeded to write hissymptoms on the search bar.
“Let’s see…”He spoke aloud. “Headaches, sleepiness, feeling tired, cravings, nausea, andvomiting… Hmmm… it seems kind of general… Whatever.” And he pressed enter.
The firstten results were all about the same illness, or rather, situation. Am I pregnant? Howto know you’re pregnant, Pregnancy symptoms, and such articles appeared infront of Kaneki’s eyes. His first reaction was to mentally yell But I’m not pregnant! Then he felt sillyfor even contemplating that possibility and laughed at himself. “I should’vespecified my gender.” He chuckled. Out of curiosity, he started reading thefirst article. All of his symptoms, plus some more were listed there. “Yeah, itdoes sound like I’m pregnant. Too bad it’s impossible. I’m a guy after all.”Then his mind came to a halting screech. It dawned on him that he wasn’t theonly one feeling sick. Touka had alsobeen sick lately.
“I’m justsleepy.” She had told him one time that he had found her taking a nap on thecouch.
“Are youokay?” He had asked Touka one time, when she had been rubbing her forehead.
“Just aheadache, it’ll pass soon.”
Then therewere the cravings they had both shared, and how they had thrown up thatmorning.
“What elsedoes this say?” He asked, and started reading the article closely. It listed asa first symptom missing your period. Now, he didn’t really know about thatstuff. But he hadn’t seen or smelled blood on her, so she hadn’t had hers yet.He skimmed the list until he found other symptoms beside the ones he hadalready checked. Moodiness. Well, Touka was sometimes moody on a regular basis.There was no change in that. Swollen breasts. He flushed at that. He ponderedfor a moment, asking himself if they had seemed bigger lately, but couldn’tactually remember. Being horny. He went red again. The truth was, ever sincetheir first time together, they had been unable to keep their hands off of eachother when alone and not in public. Most nights had been spent in the art oflove making, exploring their bodies, finding out what made them moan, and whatmade them scream. They hadn’t been using protection, though. Kaneki wasn’treally thinking, and he figured Touka wasn’t either. He blanched.
“Okay… itmight not be that. I mean, we bothshare the symptoms, and I can’t be…” He shook his head to clear his thoughts, andtyped again on the search bar Pregnancysymptoms in males. The results made him gasp. Couvade syndrome, it read. A condition in which a father-to-be canexperience the same symptoms as his partner. A type of shared pregnancy. Hestood up, shaking and having trouble breathing. Touka could be pregnant! OhGod! What were they going to do now? What was he supposed to say? Was shealright? What if she was feeling sick right then?! Driven purely by instinct,he rushed to their bedroom, opening the door frantically. Touka was resting onthe bed, reading a book, but became alarm when she saw Kaneki’s appearance.
“Iseverything alright?” She asked, already standing up.
“You’repregnant.” Kaneki blurted out before he could even begin to explain himself.
Toukablushed. “Wha−?”
He cut heroff before she could continue. “It makes sense! You’re sleepy, and probablynauseous since you threw up this morning! You have headaches! You look pale!And we haven’t been careful, so it could be…” He ranted, not pausing to breatheuntil she stopped him.
“Sit.” Sheinstructed, patting the space next to her. He did as he was told. Toukabreathed deeply. “You’re right. I haven’t been feeling well lately.” She beganexplaining. “And I haven’t got my period yet…” She mumbled quietly. Then, shetook his hands and placed them on her flat belly. “So, I do think that I might bepregnant.” Her cheeks turned the most beautiful shade of pink, and she gave hima bright smile.
Kanekisucked breath, before beaming at her. His hands started gently caressing herabdomen. “I’ll take care of both of you… My family…” He whispered, and thenleaned down to kiss Touka. She held him closer to her body and deepened thekiss.
“I know youwill.” Then she frowned. “But this doesn’t explain why you’ve been sick lately.”
Kanekilaughed, and scratched his head in embarrassment. “Well it seems guys can sharethe symptoms with their pregnant partners.”
Toukasnorted. “Figures you’d feel pregnant too.”
They bothlaughed, and held each other again.
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