#sorry Ireland I’m a hater this year
hayleysayshay · 1 year
The Irish band blaming politics for not getting through when it was a naff song that was ‘made for eurovision’ instead of sending something genuine or exciting from the heart.
Like the UK kept blaming political factors for being shit and then last year we came 1st in the jury vote and 6th in the televote, with points from nearly every country. A song that does well will do well with multiple countries more than just neighbour/diaspora voting and Ireland isn’t clicking with anyone
Like I always do want Ireland to go through due to being our neighbour (I acknowledge it’s a mostly one sided feeling lol) and thought it was a shame ‘that’s rich’ didn’t go through last year but I fucking hated this years song so shrug 🤷‍♀️
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monsteraddict1 · 2 days
Red Sky Warning
This is a cod fic that I’m working on. It’s also on Wattpad I swear it’s good. A lil Simon Riley x reader
A nice warm day. The tree outside of my room casted a shadow from the sunlight outside.
Dancing Queen had been blasting in my headphones since I woke up. It's my seventeenth birthday. What else would I be listening to?
  I was sat at my desk with my headphones as I was peacefully playing CSGO. Well as peaceful as I could play CSGO. It mostly ended in me screaming profanities at my mic and my step mom telling me to watch my mouth while my friend Jackie burst out laughing.
   "You got enough money to move out yet?" She asked with a laugh.
  "Almost." I said with a smile on my face. "My Aunt said when I turn eighteen I can move in with her. She's never really home so..."
   "Oh so you'll practically be by yourself."
  "Yup! It's gonna be great!" I beamed as I got another kill in.
  We played a few more rounds a few friends joined. Our friends Darragh and Damien joined so we messed around a bit.
  "What time is it over there anyway? Do you guys just not eat dinner?" Jackie asked them.
  "Ate just before joinin'." Darragh's Irish accent rang through my headset.
  "It's 6:30 over here." Damien joined in.
  "It's 1:30 over here. Jesus, I haven't left my room at all today." I laughed.
  "It's yer birthday! Go do something!" Darragh yelled through the mic.
  "I am doing something! I'm hanging out with you guys!"
  "Ye're a feckin lost cause."
  "Oh fuck off!"
  "Language! Young lady!" My step mom's voice yelled though was muffled by my headset.
  "Sorry!" I yelled back down.
  "I swear my dad married her for a green card." I grumbled.
   "HA! Imagine living in America!" Darragh laughed then immediately got shot.
"Karma." You could practically hear the smirk on Jackie.
   "I remember when you came here and said that everything is more exciting here. And I agree. Ireland is boring as fuck." I replied to Darragh.
   "You guys do have better food." Damien spoke.
   "Bro went to Buffalo Wild Wings once and wants to go to America." Darragh made fun of Damien and we all joined in with laughter.
"I'M FUCKIN DEAD AGAIN!" Darragh screamed, full fuckin diaphragm.
"Alright Will Ramos, calm down."
  "You guys should come to America next summer." Jackie suggested. "We can all crash at (Y/n)'s place since she'll practically be alone."
  "I don't think my Aunt Kate would be okay with that. And I think I'm going to Ireland with my uncle to visit family."
  "And us too!" Darragh cut in.
  "Eh. If I have time I might stop by." I smiled sarcastically.
   "Your aunt Kate is friends with British people. I don't care for her opinion." Damien said in a serious tone but we all knew he was joking... kinda. "And you better visit us." He huffed.
  "Oi! I'm half British!" Yelled Darragh.
"She works for the government. I don't care for her opinion." Jackie joined in.
"You guys are just haters. She's not that bad." I smiled. "Not bad at all if she's willing to take me in."
"She doesn't know what she's in for." Jackie laughed.
  "Don't think she does, but whateveh."
We played for another two hours before we got off. I walked downstairs and saw my step mom at the table.
The lights were dim and my feet were cold on the wooden floor. Next to her was a smaller table dressed in a baby blue tablecloth. A few pictures of my half brother. His deep brown eyes smiling through the photos. A couple of his favorite plushes on the table as well.
  Along with his urn.
Luke died of leukemia two years ago. Almost exactly eight years after my dad died. My step mom hasn't been the same since my father's passing. So you could imagine what it was like after her only baby boy died.
I truly felt bad for my mom because Luke was her blood child but she acts like I barely exist anymore. I know I'm not really her kid but I've known her a long time and it's like it doesn't even matter. Her whole family is like that though. Well, except her sister Kate. She's the only normal person in her family. My mom doesn't really like her all that much but she's one of those people that won't cut people off because their family. It works out for me because I love my aunt Kate.
"Mom?" I asked looking at her. She looked at me with a dead stare. I only call her mom because I've known her for so long. "Are you okay?"
"It should've been you..." She mumbled. Her eyes were dilated and she looked out of it.
She was referring to my brother. It wasn't the first time she's said something like this but usually she was sober. Right now there was clearly something in her system. I didn't know what exactly. She's not a big drinker and I know the only alcohol in the house is the box of Mikes in my room.
"I know." I mumbled. I gave up on fighting her about this long ago. She's Grieving, I'll give her time. I'll be out of here soon enough.
"You never help around the house, you sit in your room all day doing god knows what!" She attempted to rase her voice. It came out strained and slurred.
She suddenly stood up though she was swaying from side to side. I walked to her side to help her. Next thing I knew I had a stinging feeling on my cheek. She must've used all of her strength to slap me because I stumbled back. I barely even moved. My mouth slightly agape. I just stared at her as she tried to steady herself.
Her lips were turning blue and she was shaking.
"Mom?" No reply. All her hair was in the front of her face. She was sticky with sweat. "Mom?" I asked a little louder. "Mom you're scaring me!" I walked closer to her. An orange bottle caught my eye when I looked over at Luke's memorial.
"MOM!" I yelled as I laid her down on the floor. I quickly grabbed my phone and called 911. My heart was going a mile a minute.
The paramedics took her away. Her skin was graying as she was being loaded into the ambulance. My face felt wet with tears.
If she dies on my fucking birthday.
It's not fair! She gets to overdose on my birthday! Like I didn't lose a father and a brother! I'm losing the only mother I've ever known?!
  I walked back inside. I grabbed my phone from my pocket. A picture of the four of us as my Home Screen. I screamed and threw it at the wall.
  It's not fair!
   I went over to my now shattered phone and opened it. Slightly cutting my thumb on the glass. I hit the contact and it rang twice before picking up.
"Aunt Kate?"
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First Impressions part 2
Well....m-my first “no” came....but not in the way I would���ve liked.....
Will this FINALLY be a lucky year for the Irish?
Hmmmmm.....I like these lyrics, but at the same time...There’ve been a lot like it.....
But hey, I don’t mind more songs about getting back up again! I could use more of those!
Also the chorus is really nice and soaring
Not one of the best so far, but I can see this being one I have a steady liking of, as in, reliable and not getting old
Oooo, cool ending!
Better than last year?: About the same?
OK.......go on....I’m interested......O__O
I don’t know what’s going on, but it’s....
It’s.....catchy! It’s winning me over! It’s weird, but not bad!
Catchy catchy catchy- wh- abrupt ending? Dang.....I was getting into that.....
So, uh.....potential grower for sure. Right now I’m mostly confused, but intruiged.....and there are parts that I found catchy, for sure, so....yeah, gotta give it time, sorry! For now, I think I like it....?
Better than last year?: At least I can say YES to this!
A song called “Watergun”....? What this gonna be about? O.o
Uh....another “when we were young” song...?
Uh.....I-I.....I don’t think....a-anyone does......
.......god, seriously....? I-I can’t say anything, or I’ll look like a....
Uh.....I like the drums?
The lyrics are.....good....? E-emotional.....?
But.....why Eurovision....?
Why? WHY? It’s been years since the last song like this......I thought we all understood not to DO this......Eurovison is FUN......FUN.....FUN, dang it......
It’s a good song, but......it’s SO FLIPPING HEAVY......and it doesn’t even have an addictive beat to compensate for that (like the last song like this, “Non Me Avete Fatto Niente”).....I-I don’t want it here.....sorry.....
Better than last year?: Gonna still be honest and say yes to this, tho. This is the more memorable song by far
Can we go back to fun now....?
Sounds....like it....?
OK, this sounds like.....an anti-hater song? Cool...
OK, this is kinda silly......That’s all you have? “The power of a unicorn”? I-I mean, I guess having the power of Twilight Sparkle would be scary, but-
Why a unicorn in the first place? Why is THAT what your mind jumps to? A creature that doesn’t exist? How will your haters take you seri-
.......Sorry, I’ll try to turn my brain off and have fun
Ohhhh, the beat’s picking up, I like this
Why was that ending so abrupt??? C’mon! >__<
Ummmm.....d-dunno how to feel about that one, sorry......Gonna need another listen or two.....Gotta get used to it, just like Croatia’s, but I think I like this one less
Better than last year?:  About the same when removing my stupid bias toward “I.M”’s lyrics, leaning slightly no when factoring in said bias
I’m expecting this to pick up....It’s Moldova, after all......They know how to have fun.....
Here we go!
Not....the BEST beat I’ve heard so far, but good! This seems catchy!
This is REALLY GOOD- I feel hypnotized by this thing almost! I didn’t expect this to become so catchy, but that chorus....How it keeps repeating....I like it O.O
It’s official, I’ve eaten my words in record time. I LOVED that! Not quite Love At First Listen, and I think I still had a stronger reaction to Malta and Norway, but this is a close third to those two, with the potential to surpass them! Good work to Moldova! Not as silly as your stuff usually is, but it’s got the energy it needs!
Better than last year?: Y......y-yes.....? JUST for me tho! I get that’s probably an unpopular opinion, heh.....
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snlangford · 4 years
Let’s Talk About Trackers...
Because of the major talk about them yesterday and how an anon tried to throw me under the bus, I want to make an informative post about the specific tracker I use and certain others do too (assuming they still use these). This will also go under a keep reading so you don’t have to scroll in case you read it and then don’t wanna scroll past it a second time.
I personally use a site called statcounter. What is stat counter? Well, let me explain with an excerpt from Wikipedia!
“StatCounter is a web traffic analysis website started in 1999. Access to basic services is free and advanced services can cost between US$5 and US$119 a month. StatCounter is based in Dublin, Ireland. The statistics from StatCounter are used to compute web usage share for example. As of May 2019, StatCounter is used on 0.9% of all websites. StatCounter statistics are directly derived from hits—as opposed to unique visitors—from 3 million sites, which use StatCounter, resulting in total hits of more than 15 billion per month. No artificial weightings are used to correct for sampling bias, thus the numbers in the statistics can not be considered to be representative samples.”
Statcounter I find has some cool features too if you do run a business site, which I aim to do in the future, here’s some of the cool analytics stuff they have if you’re a business marketer:
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This above is a capture taken for the tracker on my OC blog @ / barashikki-dialoversoc
This tool here provides where the majority of your people come from, so it will help businesses to have features such as this, so StatCounter is cool to use for business and marketing.
But that’s not why we’re here, are we?
StatCounter says they provide you with IPs in hopes of blocking/banning them from your site and/or stopping fraud on your website.
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Sure, that’s useful as I personally use that to block people’s IPs if they send me hate anons. But here is how it’s an issue... This specific tab, which I know M/C uses quite often from my former friendship with her: Visitor Activity
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Now, let’s go there and break it down. I will be censoring sensitive information like people’s locations and IP addresses to protect them.
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I want to also address the “xxx is now using 100% of its log space” too.
It may be hard to read, but it says the following 
“Your Project Bara Shikki is now using 100% of its log space. This means that your website traffic data for detailed stats older than 7 months* will be overwritten to make room for new data. You can upgrade for $9/month to increase your log to 10+ years*. If you don't mind losing this old data for detailed stats, then no action is required on your part. Summary Stats are included with all plans and are unlimited.
* Estimated based on your current traffic”
For my other blog @ / dialoving-lemons, it deletes this info in 7 days due to the high demand traffic (it is a LOT more popular than any of my other blogs despite me being on hiatus there).
So while that is good, this information stays for a while. If someone is paying for this service, they can keep this info for a long time.
Now onto the part we are mainly addressing, addresses and IPs. I will use my own visits for the example (the white censor). And yes, you can appear on your own tracker as it picks anyone up who visits the URL.
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I color coded this so we can do a breakdown. 
Yellow is my city. Green is the state (will be providence if you are in another country). Then you see “United States” as the country it says I’m from. Your country’s flag also appears before your location.
^^^This here is already pretty accurate and sensitive information, and we haven’t even gotten to the second line yet.
For the second line, we have these: Purple is your internet provider. White, that’s your IP. See that tag next to it? You can click on that and make notes in it for when that person returns to your url. You can even sign up for notifications to get emails or alerts on your phone (if you have the statcounter app). How do I know this? This is how:
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Incognito doesn’t have dark mode, so sorry for bright image lol
Idk about you guys, but that’d make me uncomfortable to know someone could just get a ping saying I’m visiting their page. Again, I don’t know what features M/C uses, so I can’t say if she has this or not.
So not only can you find someone’s location, internet provider, and IP (which I think is enough for someone who hack or screw you over somehow, idk. I’d want to look that info up) but you can also stalk when they’re on your blog. This is a big YIKES.
Now back to the breakdown of the image from earlier...
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You can learn what device they used, their browser, get a timestamp, and also how long they were on your page. I personally don’t care sharing this info, many of us use the most updated browser of our choice and most of us are on windows 10 for computer users.
So... yeah. While I use statcounter myself to block haters and redirect their IPs so they can’t get on my page anymore, I feel this site does give out too much information. On top of that, the one we all know who uses this software also has some software that checks who unfollows her. She uses these to get dirt on people and to expose them, it is not for her safety.
Now some tips on how to be safe if you don’t want to be tracked thanks to me testing things out:
Use the tumblr app.
The tumblr app uses coding for mobile usage. It does not rely on urls, but another form of code. StatCounter cannot log this code, so you will not appear on the visitor activity tab.
View blogs in side view
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This is side view for those that don’t know. Side view acts a lot like the app in terms of the coding. So viewing like this is safe for you to not appear on trackers.
StatCounter relies on you typing in and clicking on urls on someone’s tumblr page (if installed on a tumblr).
As long as you are on a way that doesn’t rely on url systems, you are safe from appearing in someone’s tracker.
And a final note, if you are going to use one like I do, for blocking haters’ IPs, then I highly recommend putting a disclaimer in your description. I immediately did that when I installed mine so people knew they’d get rerouted if they started crap with me. I personally feel that keeping it secret that you have a tracker is violating someone’s consent as you are gathering info without their permission. By saying you have one, them being able to use ways where they won’t be tracked is very useful and helps them feel at ease knowing they can decide if they’re fine popping up on your tracker or not. Here is an example disclaimer you can put if you do put one in. Feel free to copy and paste too!
"Disclaimer: I use a tracker that allows me to see visitors’ IPs so I can block them if they cause problems for me, proceed at your own risk"
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I was tagged by @heofspeckledplumage <3 (TY!)
(Nick)name: Just call me Red. Or Ushedi. Or Ushedimuti. Or Star, even. I’d rather not give out my real name because reasons.
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Height: 5'2″, 5′3″ on a good day 
Orientation: Bi, but probably more accurately to say pan.
Ethnicity: White. 
Favorite fruit: Strawberries, or maybe watermelon. Or a good red apple. Food!
Favorite season: Fall/Autumn. Also springish. And monsoon season, because warm summer rains are the best! <3 Just... rain. Any time it rains. Rain is good, because desert dweller.
Favorite book series: Um, idk. A Song of Ice and Fire probably. I don’t read as much as I used to.
Favorite flower: Lilies. Maybe roses. 
Favorite scent: Earthy, spicy, floral scents, like sandalwood, lily of the valley, frankincense and myrrh. For candles and just stuff around, I also like pumpkin spice, pomegranate, cinnamon definitely, fresh baked bread, fresh baked anything. Food smells. Yum. 
Favorite color: Purple! 
Coffee, tea, or cocoa: Coffee, tea AND cocoa!!
Cats or dogs: Anything that cuddles and loves me and is not annoying is good in my book. 
Average hours of sleep: Uggghhh. So. Chronic pain and chronic fatigue make this difficult af, not to mention being used to getting up at about 7:30 am every morning. So. Given the chance, I’d probably sleep about 10 hrs, because chronic fatigue sucks. But if I’m having a bad pain night, or just plain insomnia from anxiety or whatever condition I have (trying to get diagnosed), it’s closer to 6.5 or less if it’s super bad. 
Favorite fictional characters: Soooo maaaany. Right now Wonder Woman is at the top of my list because the movie was literally perfect and also I got a ton of Mama Sekhmet feels from it. Sansa Stark, because I identify with her so much. (I’m a show-hater, tho. Sorry, but I won’t smack you over the head with it, promise. Unless you ask.) Also, Thrawn. Because. Other than that... sooooo maaaaaany otherrrrrsssss.
Number of blankets you sleep with: One; I’ve had it since 2009 though. It’s my favoritest favorite: big, but not heavy; warm, but not overly so for a desert dweller. Good for all but the very hottest days. It’s soft on one side, maybe microfleece? And also a forest green. Queen sized, so I can burrito myself, but isn't too much for me to handle or deal with. Literally the best blanket you guys.
Dream trip: Europe, like Italy. Spain, UK, Ireland. Maybe throw Iceland in there too. I wouldn’t say no to Egypt either. But honestly I’d just like to be able to explore my state again. Grand Canyon, and other places.
Blog created: Hm. Don’t remember. Probably about a year and a half. But I had a witchy/pagan blog before that; I had to ditch it due to an abusive ex finding me on it. Praying they don’t find me here either. 
Followers: 426.... whyyyy?? I don’t even post that much?? And it’s usually shit anyways ????????? I mean, I love you all, but why???????????
I tag.... look, I’m bad at tagging, but if you want to do it because you saw me do it, just say I tagged you XD I’d like to get to know others anways.
So I tag you!
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hayleysayshay · 1 year
Honestly fairly happy with the qualifiers but would have preferred anyone else other than Poland
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