#sorry complaining about bleach is like. a hobby of mine.
thatlittledandere · 1 year
God DAMN. The second cour of Blood War started today and I decided to jump on the weekly broadcast even though the dub isn't out yet because well. I watch the dub for one actor, basically, and I figured Ichigo's human friends were probably not gonna show up much in this arc. WELL GUESS WHO'S HERE.
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builder051 · 3 years
The talk
Chasing Ghosts
(I generally do not play in this arena; DO NOT ask for other stories with PMS, etc., as illness features. I do loosely plan to continue this thread, though. Or @mohini-musing might pick up for me.)
Warnings: weight (though not ED context), SA inc. prostitution, blood, emeto
Tasha comes down the hall and stands like a ghost behind the sofa.
James is in the recliner across the living room, and he barely looks up from the textbook he's pretending to peruse. The quiet music he's had playing in one ear has long since captured his attention more than the multiplication of matrices. He's fairly sure he'll never use the skill lest he become a software engineer post-graduation, and the prospect of that's looking pretty slim.
He sees Tasha out of his peripheral vision, but doesn't move his head or lift his eyes for acknowledgment. She's probably drifted down from her weekend high, realized it's Sunday night, and gotten up for a Gatorade and maybe a glance at her homework.
Steve, though, who's lying on his stomach and taking up the whole of the couch, practically jumps to attention. He stands, scoots, and sits again in the amount of time it takes James to blink and make the first inhalation of a laugh.
"Sorry," Steve says, as if he's personally offended Tasha and just been called out. "I didn't mean... I was just, like, studying..."
Tasha shrugs. "Didn't come to sit with you," she says, in a voice that recalls the 'boys are gross' tone of young teenagerhood.
"What's up, then?" James asks, trying to bring back the balance of the room's atmosphere.
Tasha makes an ugly face. She opens her mouth, then shuts it. "Can I talk to you alone?"
James scoffs. "You think there's privacy in this apartment?"
"I can go, I don't know--" Steve looks around.
"Just talk," James says. He almost rolls his eyes, but the undercurrent of Tasha's affect seems to hold an air of seriousness. If there's something she needs to confess or ask for help with, he doesn't want her to feel less than secure.
Tasha lets out a breathy sort of sigh. "Blood," she says. "There's blood."
"Huh?" Steve responds first. "Where?"
James takes a little longer to contemplate the admission. Has she cut herself? There's no visible damage; Tasha's not holding an injury or howling in pain. Bloody vomit? That's nothing new, really, and even with vampire-red teeth, which she doesn't have, Tasha probably wouldn't come crying to him.
James is still thinking when Tasha points vaguely down the hall and to the left, which is, technically speaking, her side of the apartment. Or at least the bedroom and bathroom they'd parceled out for her when they'd unofficially moved her out of her dreary campus housing.
"What, in your room?" Steve asks.
"No." Tasha screws up her eyes. "I mean... I'm bleeding."
The cogs continue to turn in James's head, and just as he lands on an answer, Steve gives up, shaking his head and saying, "I don't get it."
"Fuck you," Tasha mumbles. "Both of you." She turns and starts to head back down the hallway.
"Tash." James jumps to his feet, his algebra book falling to the floor.
"You guys are fucking gay..."
"Hey!" Steve interjects.
James flaps his hand at Steve to shut him up. "Maybe we're gay, but I'm your big brother." He shoots a quick glance at Steve, hoping this won't surpass his no privacy promise. They've done some pretty wild stuff together: partying, puking, cleaning the carpet... Period talk shouldn't be too far out of their wheelhouse. At least, not if Tasha wants to talk about it.
Tasha huffs and rounds the edge of the sofa. She stands beside the arm, leaning her hip against it for a moment, before finally deciding to sit down, as far away from Steve as possible.
"I..." James starts, assuming it's his responsibility to keep the conversation going. "I assumed you hadn't been, um. You know."
Tasha's 100 pounds soaking wet. In her usual cutoff shorts and tank tops, he'd give her 95. Maybe 92 if she's detoxing. James assumes she has something like female athlete triad going on, except without the athlete. He doesn't like to think she's just too skinny to go through... normal biological processes. If he blames the drugs, sees them as wrecking her body instead of bringing her solace, then he'll have to turn eyes on himself, and there's no way in hell he wants to do that.
"Smart one," Tasha says. "And exactly how much thought do you give to the functioning of my uterus?"
Steve gives an 'oh shit' face, looking from James to Tasha and back again as if wondering how he's been so thick headed. James agrees, but is also relieved, in a way, that his boyfriend hasn't been thinking about his sister in, well, that way.
"Seeing as I have, more than once, pulled you out of an R-rated situation with iffy consent, and you have yet to become pregnant--" James starts.
"Yeah, ok, you don't have to..." Tasha shakes her head.
James decides not to stop his momentum. "Do you know how much sex you're having? How often you're using protection?"
"I said, you don't have to." Tasha glares at him. "I don't have one. A cycle, or whatever. I can't get knocked up."
"Well, I figured that, but you can still get an STD--
"I don't think you're hearing me," Tasha says. "I don't have one. I haven't. Like, ever."
"But--what?" James squints and cocks his head. "What about, what was it? Cheerleading camp?"
"That stupid summer program when I was 16?" Tasha bites her lip. "Yeah, that was a lie."
"You're losing me." Steve reminds them he's part of the conversation as well.
"What, didn't your mom send you to cheerleading camp when you were a sullen teen?" Tasha asks him, seemingly in all seriousness.
"Um. No." Steve withers a little under her stare. "There was a threat to beat it out of me with a bible when I was that age, but that never came to fruition."
"Mm. Fun times." Tasha scrubs her hair back from her face. "I told mom of the moment I started at camp, so then she couldn't go nuts about the moment I 'became a woman,' or whatever."
Tasha has always seemed like a little kid to James. Her stint at camp had only taken place... he quickly calculates... 3ish years ago. Tasha is a kid. She hasn't busted 20 years old yet. But, for the first time James wonders if other, more metaphorical factors are at play.
The idea quickly fades, though, when he remembers the actual topic at hand. "Ok, but Tash," James says. "What's actually going on right now?"
Tasha practically sinks into the couch cushions. She wraps both arms around her abdomen. "Blood," she says. "Kinda...everywhere."
"We'll clean the bathroom later," James says dismissively.
"And I'll do laundry," Steve offers. "I used to be the scrawny kid who got beat up a lot. I can do bloodstains."
"Not helping, babe," James tells him before Tasha can get a word in.
"Feel sick," Tasha admits, rather suddenly.
"Bathroom it is, then," James decides. "But, let's use mine."
Tasha seems to have turned into a shapeless blob on the corner of the couch, her chest meeting her thighs with her arms still wrapped around her stomach. Her face is in her knees, which James has to admit, would be easier to clean than the carpet.
"Come on," he says gently, taking Tasha's shoulder. "If you're gonna puke, don't do it here, please."
"But I already diiiiid," Tasha complains, drawing out the last word and adding the hiccup of a fake crying fit.
"Sorry." James hooks his flesh arm across Tasha's chest and lets her cling to him down the hall. He takes her into his and Steve's disorganized yet bleach-shined bathroom. Cleaning was practically Steve's hobby. Yet keeping down the clutter? Not his strong suit.
Unsure of exactly what kind of sick his sister intends to be, he sets her down, fully clothed, on the toilet, which, of course, has the seat up. Then he dives for the trash can and shoves it into Tasha's chest.
She gives James an appreciative glare, then sets her chin on the edge of the trash can, ostensibly to wait for an upcoming retch. James can practically see it, rising from the bottom of her spine, up her back, to her neck and throat before finally pushing a pitiful amount of spit and bile out of her mouth.
"Ok..." James sighs. If she's down to just that, she's been at it a while. Lost a lot of fluids already.
"Gatorade?" Steve asks in a chipper tone, putting voice to what James is thinking without a trace of delicacy.
"Hmph." Tasha spits. "If it'll... make it stop burning..."
"Lemme guess, vodka last night?" James tries to make her laugh. Maybe cough.
"Fuck you."
"Eh, we'll talk about that later," James says, hoping he doesn't sound threatening. "For now, how about I go with you?" James pulls on Steve's arm and heads for the bathroom door.
"Hey, you said no privacy here..." Tasha's irritated and sickly voice trails after them.
"Yeah, well, puking people aren't allowed to leave the bathroom," James says. "That's the house rule that trumps all the others."
"But I puke on the couch all the time--"
"That's because it's too hard to get your fucking limp-ass octopus body into the bathroom in the first place." James rolls his eyes. "Just sit tight."
He quickly drags Steve into the kitchen. "Ok," he says. "You have to know about this stuff. You took health class in high school, right?"
"I've lived with a woman," Steve reminds James, a little shamefully. "But Peggy was super private. You know, like inhibited, about, like, um..."
"Yeah, I get it." James shrugs. Then, "Did you know you can stem a nosebleed with a tampon?"
"Why would I?"
"I don't know..." James shakes his head.
"Why do you?" Steve looks a little take aback now.
"The field. Desert air's pretty damn dry."
"Ah. Ok."
"We'd get donations of shit from the states. Care packages, Costco overstock, you know. Just, whatever. When we got pads and stuff, whoever was unloading the box would just hold them over their head and yell 'who needs them?'"
"And I'm assuming people would just raise their hands?" Steve postulates.
"Yup." James pops the P. "No privacy. Everyone knows everyone else's bathroom habits. When you're deep in the field, there's no men's and women's facilities. Half the time the privies don't even have doors."
"Ok." Steve nods. "Experience, then. You have lots of experience."
James shrugs again. "You have to be chill, ok?" He opens the fridge and pulls out two bottles of Gatorade. He holds one to either side of Steve's neck, as if to physically cool him. "This is, like, super weird and awkward for her. She's really scared, I think, and her brave face just looks...jerk-ish."
"Yeah." Steve takes the Gatorade. "I can be good with this. I really care about her, even if she doesn't think I do."
"I know you do," James says. "It's all in the presentation right now, though. She's skittish. But, also, for some reason, willing to talk. We have to tease it out. And you can't ruin it, ok?"
"Ok, ok." Steve seems to understand, even if he doesn't appreciate the words.
They head back to the bathroom, where Tasha has, for whatever reason, decided to heave into the toilet instead of the trash. She squats awkwardly, sitting on one heel. From the angle he's at, James can see a spreading stain on the back of Tasha's shorts, which has made an imprint on her ankle and the bottom of her foot.
"Don't move," James says, reaching for a towel.
"The fuck would I?" Tasha coughs, holding her stomach and moaning.
"Well, when you're done, stand up slowly and wipe your feet."
"...Shit..." Tasha spits. "Like I said. It's fucking everywhere."
"Yeah..." Menstrual blood, James has no experience with. But blood in general, yeah. It does get fucking everywhere. There's that first moment when the entire body and all its systems are still in shock, like when the arm is first blown off, and then all he can see is red. Even the bone that was white just a second ago is lost in a sea of scarlet--
"Well, I suppose congratulations are in order," Steve says with a grin, clearly trying to be friendly, but missing out on one, or more, of the points. "You're not pregnant."
"Well, of course I'm not, you dingbat," Tasha replies, rolling her eyes so hard that James is sure it must give her a headache. If she doesn't already have one. "And besides. He used a condom."
"Wait," James says. He's been preoccupied by not looking at Steve. "You know that?" he pokes cautiously. "For sure?"
"Every time?"
"To be honest," Tasha starts, spitting and pushing herself away from the toilet. She crab-walks to the towel, wipes her feet, then sits on it, criss-cross like a little kid. "I don't know if he actually gets off every time." She draws her mouth into a straight, defensive line.
"The fuck does that have to do with anything?" James asks.
Steve looks very much like he wants to get the bleach from the cabinet under the sink, pour it into one ear, tip his head, and see if it comes out the other.
"He pulls out," Tasha says bluntly. "And there's never any, you know. Gunk."
"Wait, he does both?" Steve's eyebrows disappear into his hair. "A condom and--"
"Ok, ok." James puts up his hands to shush them both. "And this is, what, this is your dealer we're talking about?"
"Yeah, I guess, if you want to call him that," Tasha says with a shrug.
"What else would we call him?" Steve now looks disgusted. "That'd be stupid to let him just, like, defile you every week."
"He doesn't--" Tasha starts, but then she hiccups, and maybe thinks better of what she was going to say. She still stares Steve down, though, then looks to James as if grasping at straws of support.
"He's, like, a manufacturer?" Tasha turns her gaze sideways.
"Oh, for fuck's sake." James puts his hand over his face. He'd assumed Tasha was getting her stuff on the street, through a framework of various interlopers. Now he's getting news that his kid sister is taking substances thrown together in some coed's bathtub? This is too much.
"Tash--" James starts, trying hard to keep his bubbling anger and concern from spilling over.
"He's a PhD candidate," Tasha says defensively. In Chemistry. And--" her eyes flicker from side to side as she seems to wonder what's appropriate to spill. "I won't tell you his name. But... I'll tell you that he got kicked off the football team for being too violent, but he still wears his green jersey all the time to prove how much better and calmer he's become since that happened, which was only in the freshman year of his undergrad..." Tasha babbles on.
The more she defends the guy, the more James hates him. He feels bad for him a little, slinging synthesized crack to get by. He feels better for Tasha, knowing that what she's taking is most probably pure. But the sex thing is--
"It's kinda creepy," Steve says, taking the words right from James's mouth. "Like, how much older than you is he?"
"I don't know." Tasha shrugs. "Not that much, I don't think. Started school early, finished fast. And I'm not sure this is his first post-graduate program..."
"Maybe shouldn't've added that last part," James says, screwing up his eyes. "So he's had, like, however long to prey on girls who are barely legal. Who might not even be legal..."
"Well, I'm legal, and I can do what I want." Tasha crosses her arms in front of her chest.
"Yeah," James sighs. "Unfortunately."
"But what about the thing with the handcuffs? The gang rape? Losing your bra?" Steve blurts out.
"Wait, you..." Tasha's eyes flash with anger. "You told him?"
"What did I say about privacy?" James quickly reminds her. "The non-puking kind? And, um," He looks to Steve. "Maybe a little respect?"
"Sorry," Steve mutters. "But--I really do--"
"I don't really remember that stuff," Tasha says.
James studies her face, but he can't tell if she's lying.
"Probably just party stuff that got out of hand."
'You mean you were too stoned to know the difference between your regular and some random dude off the street,' James thinks. 'What do you do at parties? And how the fuck do you slip past me?'
"He's your pimp, too, isn't he?" Steve asks, pointing at Tasha rather accusatorially, in James's opinion.
"No!" Tasha leans forward and brings her arms down to cover her clearly still sore abdomen. "Bruce wouldn't--" She swallows. "I didn't-- You didn't hear--"
James hasn't been a student long enough to know who was on the football team 4, 5, 6-odd years ago. He supposes he could look it up, crossing the name with accounts of any violent incident that amount of time ago. He's not sure he wants to, though he'll probably wind up looking it up later. Either that, or Steve will. James still has his ex-mil connections, a few of which were absorbed into the local police force. Steve, on the other hand, is better with social media and navigating the niceties of such mysteries as SnapChat and TikTok.
"Ok, fine," James says, just ameliorate his sister's panic.
"He doesn't even drug me at parties," Tasha goes on, probably unaware of how terribly young and desperate she sounds, making lame-ass excuses so she can keep her boy toy.
"And you've had other guys who did?" Steve asks incredulously, even though James shakes his head frantically at him to try to get him to shut up.
"You know Rumlow?" Tasha asks, since apparently she's now all about spilling names.
James shakes his head, but Steve screws up his eyes and says in a disgusted voice, "him?"
"Yeah..." Tasha sighs and looks down at her fingernails, which are stained rust-red at the root. "Remember the night I didn't come home?"
"Yeah, and scared the living shit out of us because your phone was off," James fills in the blanks.
"Well, I didn't turn it off."
"You mean that asshole kept you overnight without any means of getting yourself out of there?" Steve looks downright sick. "I mean, I know he looks slimy, but that?"
"I think Maria accidentally slept on the couch and found me at, like, 6am trying to stick my head in the linen closet because I couldn't find the bathroom." Tasha laughs, though the situation is anything bur funny.
"And I was so pissed at her for having you out all night..." James trails off.
"Yeah, maybe respect my choices a little more?" Tasha glares at him. "I mean, Maria's studying to become an EMT now. You can't think that badly of her."
'Great,' James thinks. 'Someone who'll drug Tasha to the gills every weekend.' She'll be less likely to overdose, but James has seen it all too often in the field. Newly minted medical personnel eager to sow off their skills and rushing into action.
"Yeah," James says, trying not to smirk. "So you got a girlfriend and a boyfriend now?"
"Ew, no," Tasha replies. "Friends with...benefits, I guess. If you even want to call it that. Folks who look out for each other, using a barter system?"
"Did you recently take World History?" James can't help but poking at her vocabulary.
"Fucking-a, I don't know. Once I pass, it's in my past."
"That's actually a good motto," Steve points out.
"Anyway," James says, bringing the conversation back to topic. "None of your...friends... are invited to this house."
"It's not like I want to bring them over for dinner," Tasha replies. "I guess drop off and pickup might happen, since, well, you know now, and I don't have a car." She shrugs. "Cool?"
James hates the idea of someone inebriated driving a car in which his sister is a passenger, despite the fact that he's done it before. Regularly, actually. Maybe he just hates the idea of the driver being someone who Tasha just fucked. The air might be heavy between them. They might smell like each other's deodorant and musk. They might kiss each other good bye. The thought makes James's stomach turn.
But, "sure," he says. "That's fine.” At least she'll come home.
James shares a glance with Steve, which seems to confirm the same sentiments, "Yeah," Steve echoes, as if his opinion counts for anything. "Fine."
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lostlittletiger · 6 years
I hate spoiled kids who just ask their parents for whatever they want and are given exactly what they want with nothing in return like grades or just being good kids. If my grades aren’t perfect I can shamed and dubbed stupid irresponsible unsuitable to live unsuitable for college and what have you. Other kids get a 70 and a pat on the back a trip to a concert a gift a dinner. I’ve never been to a concert. After school I have to come straight home otherwise my parents think I’m throwing my life away by sucking some guys dick or doing drugs. No boyfriend. They’re a distraction a gateway to drugs and sex and rebellion. I can’t pick out my own clothes. If I say I don’t like the clothes my mom picked out because they’re just not my style I get called ungrateful and my mom walks away like a toddler who lost an argument. Can’t pick where I want to go to college either. Can’t pick my profession. Have to take nursing even tho I suck at science and don’t give a rats ass. Had to take AP English which ruined my love of writing. Can’t cut my hair. Never died it. Piercings don’t even think about it. Yet there’s a girl at my school who’s mom offered to take her to get her nipples pierced. Never been to Disney world, dream of mine really. No parties unless friends are going and I can’t be out past midnight. No car, don’t even ask. No makeup even though it’s a hobby of mine. I barely have clothes. Can’t ask for them or else I come off as ungrateful. I hate people who say their fat when they’re not only toned but muscular. Meanwhile I’ve been trying to loose belly fat arm fat rolls love handles what have you for a while and am not getting anywhere. Love being made fun of by my parents for being “fat” and not fitting in a dress that I won’t be able to choose. Never had a sweet 16 or quinceaneara. Always wanted to try on the pretty call gown and tiara and sparkly shoes for my inner child’s sake, sorry can’t. Those dresses look “ridiculous”. I’m ungrateful for complaining that I never had one even tho all the basic bitches I know not only had one but they were extravagant and I was made to go and watch. I want to move away from this prison and just do stuff I never got to do and do the stupid stuff other people get to do. Can’t move out tho. I would kill for a tattoo I love tattoos don’t even think about it. Some white people are assholes. They scare me. One time I was told that I would look better if I bleached my skin. Boy I wish I was some hot blonde with green eyes and an amazing figure. I hate the way I look. I’m trash and just want to die. I don’t see the point of life. I don’t have goals or aspirations. I’m lonely and bored and am not getting adventure anytime soon. I just want death. Or at least to sleep (deaths sister) forever maybe then loose weight. I want to jump into a tv screen and just be the handsome detective that gets all the women and is just so smart. Or the supermodel whose a superhero and a doctor.
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