marejadilla · 2 days
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Martine Johanna, “Voices”, 2022, acrylic on canvas, Dutch.
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nonlethal-au · 5 months
If dying is gay then you are that one goldfish that I won from the fairgrounds
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V3: its for tthe bit plspslpsls
NOL: nO.
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Why do sometimes really weird & unexplainable things kind of happen?
Looking at the Theoretical Intersection between Anatomy & Physiology & Electronics
***This is coming from the perspective of attempting to explain (in the most simple ways possible) how foreign advanced technology possibly “hacks” the foundations of organic life. ***
Our bodies are composed of nerves. When electricity goes from one nerve and travels to another nerve then an action occurs. When something in our environment is sensed (like hearing a noise) our organs are able to sense the information & produce electricity to carry that information back to the brain to be processed.
Anatomically we have the brain, the spinal cord, our sensory organs, cranial nerves, and “all the other individually named nerves” that branch off of those.
(There is further differentiation between central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, & autonomic, and other ways to differentiate in anatomy and physiology, but for simplicity this is how I will refer to it).
Cranial nerves are differentiated out on the list in comparison to “other nerves” because they are a specific list of major nerves that do very important & essential functions in the body.
So, nerves act as a path for electricity to follow. This electricity can produce voluntary action or involuntary actions.
Choosing to raise your hand we consider voluntary action produced by the nervous system. When something occurs without your conscious choice & occurs automatically, it is considered an involuntary action of the nervous system. For example, your heart beating would be an involuntary action.
Nerves have gaps between them & in this space neurotransmitters are released. Neurotransmitters are chemicals with the ability to cause another nerve to have an action. Neurotransmitters have different actions at different places in the body. After neurotransmitters are released they stay in this space until they are broken down by the body. The body breaks down the neurotransmitters and attempts to recycle the components to be used to make other things in the body.
Our bodies are able to use electricity because of many processes, but one major one is because we store electrolytes. Our organs and tissues use electrolytes like Sodium and Potassium to create electrical charge. This “electrical spark” causes electricity to generate so that it can be conducted through the nerves.
The human body is very complex & requires more than just electricity to function due to many components of its design, but each neuron as an individual unit is incredibly similar functionally to wires bundled into computer cables.
How does this process intersect with technology?
If someone were to attempt to hurt you with insidiously with technology it could create A LOT of very weird experiences.
If you know how to electrically stimulate parts of the body, like if you put an electrical stimulator/microchip/or another component that alters electricity in someone’s nervous system you could do a lot of weird things that people with no medical background would struggle to explain.
Machinery causing electrical impulses or “shocks” to be sent to certain part of the brain can produce many effects.
If someone sent electrical impulses down the cranial nerves it would produce a wide range of effects.
If certain cranial nerves were stimulated by someone controlling a technological component then someone could cause your body to involuntarily do the following by stimulating one of the 12 cranial nerves with electricity:
Involuntarily, as if your body moved on its own, you could feel the following:
> Your eyes to move in a certain direction, like your eyes are “locking on” to an object. Similar to how a computer program is able to “lock on” to a target
> Cause your vocal cords to move even when your mouth isn’t open
>Jaw movement & other motions of the face
>cause vertigo/dizziness/altered proprioception or your sense of orientation in space. So a lot of the symptoms of being inebriated
>control of your tongue muscles
> ***Vagus nerve or cranial nerve 10 does a lot, tampering with it could do a lot of weird things *** Possibly weird respiratory and/or internal organ symptoms like shortness of breath, changes in swallowing like dysphagia, vocal hoarseness, & many other possible and serious side effects
> Specific neck movements & turns of the head
You could also produce the sensations in someone of:
>hearing voices that aren’t there or altered processing, they talk but it’s like you can’t understand
>hearing sounds that aren’t there or altered hearing
>seeing images that aren’t there or altered sight
>smelling things that aren’t there or altered smell
>feeling things that aren’t there or altered feeling
>tasting things that aren’t there or altered taste
All of these actions and the degree to which you could “control it” would vary. Some of these are more technically complex to do, but at the most basic level “micromovements” from even just these few nerves are highly likely.
Our bodies have more than just electricity that contribute to our ability to do voluntary control as a defensive system to prevent these types of tampering events from occurring, but I think on a basic level it would still be possible to do some of these micromovements.
Without a lot of technological advancement required, the most worrying to me is a combination of seizures (which can occur when you just overload something with electricity) and/or lots of trauma producing something similar to disassociation & making people hear voices. It unfortunately often produces a mind control like feeling where other people attempt to control and/or influence your behavior.
I think in the quest for mind control, some very bad people use these types of things to hurt other people & technological advancements in subliminal messaging have greatly hurt the world through our time.
In order to fix things I think we must first understand them.
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vaxolang · 11 months
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Acrylic painting on canvas
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prokopetz · 11 months
I think any artist who's dreamed up enough OCs eventually ends up with that one supporting character who's voiced by Patrick Warburton. They may not intentionally have designed the OC in question to be voiced by Patrick Warburton; they may not even realise that the OC in question is voiced by Patrick Warburton; but once it's pointed out to them they'll literally never be able to un-hear it.
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ayyliencat · 6 months
Hey there, just needed to say something quick. ALL of this misrepresentation about schizophrenia everywhere is ableism. People that say “schizophrenia is spiritual”, “schizophrenia is satanic”, “schizophrenia is demonic”, “schizophrenia means that you have demonic entities attached to you”, “schizophrenia means that you are in spiritual warfare with demons”, “schizophrenia just means that you are going through a spiritual awakening” is just so frustrating for people who ACTUALLY have this mental Illness or suffer from psychosis. It all comes from people who don’t even HAVE this illness or experience these things. It is dangerous to tell people who have or don’t have schizophrenia/ schizoaffective disorder, people who are on the schizo spectrum or people who experience psychosis that what they are experiencing is real and is caused from external forces or that they are just in a “spiritual awakening”. Stop spreading your misinformation on this mental illness and do some research, your ableism is showing. This goes to all of you new age spiritualists that say “people with schizophrenia just experience the world differently than us” No, we are suffering from psychosis/hallucinations or delusions. It is a mental illness, not what your idea of what schizophrenia may seem like to you. I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, I’m not haunted or “woke” I’m mentally disabled, It is a mental illness PERIOD.
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palatinewolfsblog · 3 months
Truths remain truths even if they are spoken quietly or poorly,
with a hoarse or a tired voice
or a voice that is searching for the right words.
Lies remain lies even if they are spoken with silver tongues.
U.N. Owen.
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galina · 11 months
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June Jordan, 'Intifada Incantation: Poem #8 for b.b.L', from Kissing God Goodbye
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sad-empty-lost · 2 years
You know you’re fucked when……..you’ve accepted that your life will end by suicide, and you’re okay with it.
That is where I am right now.
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dougielombax · 15 days
I imagine that the Jedi temple was haunted after Order 66.
Even after Palpatine turned it into his palace.
I like to think whole sections were left to decay, closed off to the public and kept under guard by stormtroopers and imperial patrol troops.
Visits are allowed but only under strict supervision and only at certain times.
Some visitors, workers, imperial troops and cleaners report hearing strange noises.
Blaster fire, screams, random voices speaking to them (“have you been to the archives? They’ve got some fascinating new books on xenoarbology.”), children laughing, hushed whispers around the corner, barely audible.
Sometimes those imperials report getting lost or claiming to get stuck in areas not on the map or walking the same hallway with no memory of how they got there.
Some even claim to see living Jedi wandering the halls, even speaking to them. But nothing shows up on the security cameras.
“But he was right there!”
“Well there’s nothing on the camera.”
“I saw him! Clear as day!”
I imagine that even Palpatine heard and/or saw things and found them so terrifying that he preferred to stay in his office instead.
Some visitors and imperials find the place to have an unsettling aura. Even without knowing what happened, they feel overwhelmed and think they’re being watched or something.
“It’s too quiet…”
“Not to me, I swear sometimes I can hear this screaming…”
I’d love to see future Star Wars content delve into this idea.
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nonlethal-au · 6 months
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Error you really need to get more friends... Or really, just,,, maybe A friend, y'know? ....hm, no, actually, let's actually give you a friend right now! Multiple friends even!
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discircuit · 5 months
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when you see something
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soracities · 2 years
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Antonio Porchia, Voices (trans. W.S. Merwin)
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darktraumabomba2 · 2 months
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The voices.
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satanasvincit · 4 months
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ayyliencat · 6 months
Hey there 😊 just wanted to say a thing quick.. 💖
If someone has schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder or on the schizo spectrum, please do not say that they are gifted, that they’re clairaudient, telepathic or anything of that sort. I know you’re just trying to make sense of it all but please 💖✨don’t✨💖
It feeds into their hallucinations/delusions that they are experiencing and that is DANGEROUS to someone who is hallucinating *them already thinking that the voices are REAL, that they actually can read minds or that they are thought broadcasting and everyone can read their minds all while actually believing it to be real* and can lead to them thinking they have a gift and can lead to them putting themselves in danger by thinking that what they are being told while hallucinating is REAL because they “have a gift” or are “gifted”. I’ve been told this before early on when I was first diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder about 5 years ago I had to find out on my own with my diagnosis that not knowing what’s real and what is real is just apart of having this mental illness. We are not being haunted by demons or ghost’s, it is a mental illness just like anxiety or depression, and unfortunately we suffer from hallucinations, catatonia, depression, and labile affect(Inappropriate involuntary laughing and crying) amongst a lot more symptom’s, just like you take meds for anxiety and depression we also have to take medications, it is a mental illness and should be treated as such, with knowledge and treatment can help someone get clarity about their recovery and can help reduce their symptoms. Thank you for reading 💖✨😊
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