#sorry for how long this took! i had to quickly revise and submit an essay djsjkd
crobby · 4 years
thank you so much just reading that gave me so much dopamine 🥺🥺 if you're still up for it, maybe some of your favorite storylines or character moments? i just really like hearing your thoughts shdjfjskkfs
awwh i’m so glad! and of course! it’s all under the cut!
ok so i’m gonna do a big mashup of comics and movies here simply because i can! so i’m absolutely in love with the moment in iron man 1 when tony says “i am iron man” because YES KING GO OFF!!!! i love tony stark and i just. i love him being an ass in front of the entire world LMAO. my memory is SO fuzzy rn because it’s late at night and generally just don’t have the best memory so i might not be remembering things 100% accurately skdfjsdkfjs.
i generally only read spidey and f4 comics, but i love the scene in f4 empyre when sue helps val and franklin gamble against some aliens kfjsdf i found that moment so FUNNY i love chaotic mom susan. 
i also will NEVER shut up about that one gwenmj page “because of her” because!! my RIGHTS!!!! hdkfjsdfks that gives me so much joy i reread it often just to feel something, anything. 
i always cackle at the scene in thor ragnarok when bruce jumps off the spaceship, thinking he’s gonna hulk out, but just flops on the ground. i just kdjflskdjfs that SCENE. that whole MOVIE! it’s what got me into marvel in the first place! i had No Interest in superheroes and then i saw thor ragnarok and was immediately in love! now i have been fully consumed by the Superhero Brainrot. i love it here.
i’m ngl i don’t remember like half of canon bc i really just took the character and ran with them, but i love love love the iron man movies. they’re so GOOD. tony stark is such a BASTARD i love him. i’m obsessed with the scene where he’s standing on a table like a petulant child fjskdjfs
oh my gosh i love ALL the scenes with pepper in them! i love her!! she’s so cool and smart and i!!!! ah!!! i love when she cradles tony’s head to her chest bc it’s so soft and fluffy!!! cuddles!! i love cuddles so much u have NO IDEA anon. my friends have described me as an “octopus” and a “koala” because i have a tendency to cling. i always wake up half on top of whoever i’m in bed with at sleepovers LMAO. i can’t help it!! i love cuddles!
hmmm i’m trying to think of more moments to yell about,,,, there’s that one scene in age of ultron where they’re having a party and i got a glimpse of my “the avengers actually like each other” dREAMS. i wish the writers of the mcu actually. you know. knew anything about their dynamic. but at least we have comics! (i say, internally crying because comics aren’t much better).
hmmm OH i LOVE that moment in the comics when peter and felicia are trying to get a baddie to talk and peter’s just flinging web balls at the guy while felicia sings on top of a building sjdfksjdf i love them
that’s all i can think of at the moment! feel free to keep chatting to me, i’m here whenever you need me <3
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t4bi4-and-b4ba · 4 years
Ouran Host Club ~ You Call Them Papas/Mamas
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You were well-aware of the role Haruhi played in school. You didn’t find it weird since Haruhi was so casual about it. She took her situation with grace, never feeling the least bit uncomfortable. The guys were to thank for half of that.
But you did have to be careful in how you addressed her in front of others who were unaware of Haruhi’s actual gender. That included nicknames.
You saw Haruhi speaking to a girl. She was tall and lithe, giggling at whatever your girl said to her. And knowing your lover’s sense of humor, you were certain that what she said couldn’t be that funny. But, you didn’t let the green-eyed monster wash over you for you knew good and well that Haruhi was simply playing her role as a member of the Host Club; and beyond that club she was loyal to you and your relationship. She had nothing but respect for you and refused to have you think otherwise.
“Hi, Mamas,” you greeted her, smiling lovingly.
Haruhi looked at you with wide eyes, which gleamed with shock. But why would she be? She took in the fact that you were behind her, so why the look of shock the moment after?
“Mamas?” the girl questioned, her brows furrowed.
Then it dawned on you. Oops.
You laughed, waving away any suspicion. “Whoops! I’m sorry. I was talking to my friend not too long ago and called her ‘Mamas’. I meant to call Haruhi ‘Papas’. Just a little confusion.”
Haruhi appeared less tense, a smile blessing her face as her eyes glowed. Boy, was she happy to have a quick-witted lover like you.
You gave her a wink that was meant for reassurance and slight flirting. “Hey, Papas.”
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Tamaki and Kyoya were conversing about the upcoming event they and the rest of the club had planned before spring break when you were working your calves out as you speed-walked down the hall, toward his homeroom.
“Papas, you forgot your peach milk,” you said hurriedly as you put the small, plastic milk bottle onto his desk. You gave him a sweet-like-honey smile and a wink before quickly exiting the class. As you joined the foot traffic, you didn’t look back at your boyfriend. A good thing, though, as red dusted his cheeks.
Kyoya pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose with an airy chuckle. He found his friend’s bashful state humorous as the princely blonde looked between the peach milk and the door. As if you appearing was all a dream.
“Kyoya,” the violet-eyed boy called softly.
“Hmm?” The raven-haired boy asked, the amused smile never leaving his lips.
“Y/n called me ‘Papas’.”
“Yes. Very observant.”
Tamaki sighed dreamily as he reached to open his milk. “I think I’m in love.”
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Kyoya was hunched over a desk, clicking away on his calculator as he calculated what him and his fellow Host Club members would make from their exclusive tea party with many of their female classmates/customers. He didn’t mean to have such poor posture as he was subconsciously sitting with a hunched back.
You left briefly to go to the bathroom but took longer than expected due to a friend stopping you to chat. Once you returned to the club room, you halted as your eyes examined your boyfriend’s poor back hunched over the table. You sauntered over to him and clicked your tongue. The man’s eyes were on you instantly.
“Papas, do you want lifetime back problems? Sit up and pull your chair closer!” Your demand was gentle and oozing with love as your hands gestured over his terrible posture. You weren’t about to have your boyfriend have an achy back. Not on your watch at least.
Kyoya blinked at you before an amused grin graced his face. He placed his pencil down and did as you said. You hummed in approval as he sat up with his back straight against the backrest of the chair.
You sat back down in the chair you occupied across from him, sighing lightly as you crossed your legs delicately.
“Thank you, Angel,” Kyoya said gently, the smile never leaving his lips.
You peered at your gentleman of a boyfriend and nodded. “It’s no problem. Just don’t want you to start having problems with your back anytime soon is all.”
Kyoya hummed in appreciation as he finished his calculations. Unbeknownst to you, though, he was mulling over what you called him as you lightly scolded him.
Papas, huh? I like it.
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(I’m so bothered that all the gifs on this site/app regarding Hikaru or/and Kaoru are of them together; and I know which one is who which makes me even MORE bothered so I just took matters into my own hands and found a gif of my own)
Hikaru was doing what he knew best: being immature and borderline annoying. You loved this boy with every fiber of your being, but sometimes you wished he could be a little bit calmer. Specifically now when you had to submit this 5-page essay that was two pages from being completed if it wasn’t for this aggravating case of writer’s block. You wish you could lie and say that it wasn’t majorly caused by your overly playful boyfriend poking you and trying to get your attention for the last thirty minutes.
You knew he was simply growing restless and wanted to spend time with you but this essay was important toward your grade, and if you completed it now, you had time to check with your teacher if it needed minor (you really hoped not major) revision or not.
“Hey, y/n, how about now, huh? Can we finally watch some TV and cuddle now?” Hikaru asked for the umpteenth time now. His eyes sparkled with childlike glee as he awaited your answer, despite the fact that you have been turning him down with no falter.
You sighed heavily as you let your head fall into your hands. You closed your eyes, honestly wishing you chosen to go home instead of thinking that work was gonna be done at Hikaru’s house.
You have to give your boyfriend credit, though. Although he was extremely playful and carefree, he was not ignorant to people’s emotions - specifically you and Kaoru’s. The sparkle dimmed and his smile lowered. He sat back on his heels as he cocked his head, observing you with concern in his eyes.
“Oh, I’m sorry, sweetness,” he conveyed gently, finally realizing that he may have taken it too far. “Are you struggling with your essay? I’m sorry. I should be offering help instead of hindering you.” He then carefully placed his chin on your shoulder, his eyes scanning the page you were currently on. He was honestly impressed how you always articulated yourself so beautifully.
You inhaled deeply as you spoke with your head still sandwiched between your hands. “Papas, I just need an hour of quiet so I can finish this paper. I know it’s a lot to ask-”
“It’s not,” he cut in, as serious as ever.
“-but I really want to get this done way before the deadline so I can ask my teacher if there is anything more I can do. The minute I’m done, I swear to you I am all yours.” You finally look up at him, his eyes unwavering as he stared back at you. You cupped his chin, causing the male to lean into your touch. “Can you do that for me, handsome?”
Hikaru short-circuited for two beats, thinking back to the fact that you didn’t just call him one nickname, but two. And the first one was a brand new one. He wasn’t sure if that was going to be his favorite from you but he was sure it would be if you called him that more often.
He tilted his head as he pressed his lips to yours. He smiled as he felt you sigh against his lips as you melted into the kiss. He was glad that he could help you relax, even if it were for a second.
He pulled away reluctantly, keeping in mind that if you finished this essay in the next hour your lips would be his for the rest of the evening until you went home. He gazed at you lovingly as he spoke. “Of course, Petal. I’m sorry for disturbing you.” He kissed your cheek before standing up and laying down across the couch. He chose to entertain himself with his phone as he waited patiently for you to finish.
You threw him a smile over your shoulder, grateful that he wasn’t inconsiderate. With renewed vigor (and the hope of more kisses), you typed rapidly as all the words came to your mind fluidly.
The moment you announced you were done, you were tackled to the floor. You could barely let out a sound of surprise as soft lips touched every part of your face. And that is how the rest of the evening was happily spent.
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You and Kaoru were indulged in your respective homework assignments. You were doing math while your boyfriend was completing his essay. You both worked in a comfortable silence, scribbling on paper and keys clacking being the white noise that didn’t make the space fall completely soundless.
You were stumped on a fairly complex math problem that had you groaning. You knew you knew how to solve it but nothing was coming to mind. The expression just threw you for a loop and it aggravated you.
“Everything okay, muffin?” Kaoru asked, hearing your groan and peering up to look at you from his desk.
You slammed your mechanical pencil down onto the packet, your bottom lip jutted out. “No.” You eyed your boyfriend with puppy eyes. “Papas, could you please help me?”
Kaoru melted at your cuteness. “Of course.” He stood up and strode over to you. “I could use the stretch.”
He then laid across your back, pressing you deeper into the mattress. You welcomed the closeness as you two been stationed at your respective places for the past hour or so.
Kaoru hummed in thought as he peered over your shoulder to read over the problem. His eyebrow knitted together. “Heaven, you’ve done problems like this before. Look back at your notes and then try it.”
You groaned once again, not pleased with his answer. “Can’t you just tell me?” You whined as you shot him your best puppy eyes.
He held his ground as he gave you a stern shake of his head. You pouted in displeasure. He chuckled as he caught your expression in his peripheral. He pressed a kiss to your temple as a mood booster. “Baby, you got this. You just have to retain the formulas, instead of just memorizing the steps. If you keep doing the latter, you’ll keep getting stumped like you are now.” He pressed another kiss to the same spot. “Just look over your notes and try, Sugar. That’s all I ask of you. If you still don’t get it, then I’ll help you. Okay?” He gave you his most charming smile.
You sighed in defeat as you picked your pencil back up. “Okay,” you said dishearteningly. You then placed your chin on your forearm as you read over the problem once more. You huffed. “I’ll try, Papas.”
Kaoru hummed in appreciation as he nuzzled your neck affectionately. As he sat up, he spared you one more glance, a smile dancing along his face. “And keep calling me ‘Papas.’ I like it a lot.”
A smile graced your lips despite you’re grumpy demeanor. “Will do.”
Another kiss was gifted to you before you both were once again encased in the serene silence.
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You were part of the event committee and volunteered to take the lead on the upcoming event you lot had planned for the school. However, you quickly came to the realization that you may have been way over your head.
For the past week you have been scrambling to secure a venue and caterers, with absolutely no help from your fellow committee members. Huh, some group you guys were. You wondered the majority of the time why most of them even signed up to join.
It was finally the weekend and instead of resting a bit and sleeping in late, you were sending emails left and right and on the phone from noon time to the early evening. You wanted to pull your hair out as this event no longer seemed fun to plan. It felt like a whole job, all thanks to the lack of help and support you were receiving from the other committee members.
Your stomach growled, twisting angrily as it demanded something substantial for it to be filled with. You ignored it, though, even if you would loved to sink your teeth into an apple at least.
Suddenly, the doorbell rang. You dropped your pen in despair, not very pleased that you were interrupted. The longer you were prevented from getting all this planning down, the longer you were pulled away from your academics.
You reached the door and tugged it open after unlocking it. Your tired eyes brightened as they shined with excitement and curiosity. “Papas, what are you doing here?”
The corners of Mori’s lips tugged upwards, amused by the pet name you often called him. It became a thing unintentionally but Mori couldn’t find it in himself to complain even if he was paid to do so.
Wordlessly, your boyfriend lifted a large paper bag in your view. You cocked an eyebrow, eyeing him for an elaboration.
“Food,” Mori deadpans.
You tensed slightly. How was he always able to swoop in at just the right time to your rescue?
As much as you wanted to pepper your forever-brooding lover for thinking of you and going out of his way to get you food, you couldn’t bring yourself to do that. You didn’t want Mori to see just how neglectful you’ve been to your well-being. But, you could imagine that he could see you have with the way you didn’t bother to change out of the stained jersey you’ve had since middle school and the errant stands that fell out of your bun. You completely disregarded washing up as you placed all your attention onto this event planning.
Mori confirmed your thoughts as his brown eyes traveled over your body, leading you to nervously chew on your bottom lip. He didn’t comment on your appearance, though, as he simply stepped into your house and moved to take his shoes off after closing the door behind him.
You sputtered as you worked your overly tired brain to form words. “Mo-Mori, please! You don’t need to stay! I’m fine, seriously. I’m just busy at the moment with homework.”
Mori didn’t spare a glance your way as he strode to the kitchen. However, he did glance at the papers that were haphazardly placed on your coffee table and laptop. He quirked an eyebrow at the sight before looking forward once again. “Homework, huh? You sure it’s not this event planning that has you busy?”
You blanched as you hung your head. There was no use in lying to him.
You entered the kitchen to see he was taking all the contents out the bag. Against your will, your mouth began to salivate and your stomach grumbled loudly. Mori looked up and met your eyes with a blank expression. You hid behind the wall, a blush decorating your cheeks as you smiled bashfully.
Mori sighed lightly before continuing to set the table. “Come and eat, Diamond. You need your strength. And then we can talk about those lousy committee members of yours.”
You gulped, your blush deepening. You didn’t try to fight him, though, as you slowly made your way for the table covered with a delicious feast. You noticed the shrimp tempura and eel maki sitting in the center of the table. They practically called your name, you were so hungry.
Mori pulled out a chair for you, kissing your temple when you settled in it before he scooted you closer to the feast.
With a shy smile, you looked at your knight in shining armor as he settled into the seat next to you. “Thank you, Papas. You always manage to come to my aid at the right moment.”
A small smile graced Mori’s face as a low hum came from his chest. He rolled up the sleeves of his sweatshirt as he reached for a pair of chopsticks. “Go ahead and eat, Sugar.”
You beamed at the food, unapologetically indulging in the scrumptious food ready to be devoured. And, as you ate, each bite tasted better than the last. More than likely due to your handsome delivery man.
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You shifted a bit in the canopy bed, letting out a soft sigh. Your eyes fluttered open, slowly taking in your surroundings. 
Oh, that’s right. Me and Honey decided to take a nap. 
You smacked your lips as you sat up a bit. You looked over at your boyfriend and chuckled at the sight. 
Honey was peacefully snoozing as he had his arm loosely looped around your waist, so you could slip out of it with no problem. His blonde hair fell beautifully over his face as the sunlight that bled through the windows and canopy caused his hair to shine as it was lacquered. 
Your thumb came to rest on the sleeve of his button-down, slowly caressing the skin it covered. You then carefully took a hold of his hand and kissed the back of it before laying it back down. You paused then, suddenly becoming aware of something.
Where’s Usa-chan?
You began to look around for it, your eyebrows knitted together. You knew your boyfriend was holding it tightly to his chest before you two fell asleep. So, possibly after he reached out for you, he must have accidentally let his rabbit go in his sleep. 
You peered over the edge of the bed and, sure enough, you made eye contact with Usa-chan. You smiled down at the pink bunny as you slipped from Honey’s arm and squatted on the floor. You gently grabbed Usa-chan just as you heard your boyfriend’s sleepy voice call out to you.
You peeked over the bed, meeting the sleepy gaze of your prince. You shoot him a wide smile. “Hi, Papas.”
A smile twitched at Honey’s lips at the nickname. He rubbed his eyes before refocusing onto you. “What are you doing out of bed, Sugar Cube?” He failed you stifle a yawn, his mouth opened wide as he covered it with his hand.
You sat back on the bed with Usa-chan on your lap. “You dropped Usa-chan so I got out of bed to pick it back up for you.”
A soft smile bloomed across Honey’s lips. “Thank you but you could have just waited until we woken up. I had you to cuddle with so I was fine.”
You gasped at his statement. Everyone knew how much Honey loved his stuffed rabbit as it was a gift from his late grandmother. He never let it out of his sight and would burn down everything around him if something were to happen to it. But, yet, his eyes held sincerety as he uttered his words, which swayed in the ear between the two of you as you racked your brain for a response. 
You blinked at the boy laying before you as you swallowed. “You’re aware of what you just said, right?”
Honey nodded slowly. “Yeah, and I meant it.” Without another word, he yanked you by your arm so you were laying back down. 
You yelped at his sudden action but then calmed down and giggled as Honey snuggled into you. The boy then took Usa-chan and placed it snugly between the pillows. Once the rabbit was settled, Honey snuggled back into your shoulder, breathing in your homely scent down to his belly. Like no time at all passed, he was out like a light, holding you securely this time.
You smiled softly as you sunk into the high-quality mattress and pillows, allowing the dream world to pull you into another hour of a peaceful slumber. 
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Relic ~ 11
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten
Tags: @omgcupquak3stuff @dora3374  @the-butterfly21 @oakenshieldgisborneandwinchester @everyjourneylove  @russian-empress @cd1242 @the-lupine-sojourner @ara-toa-min
(sorry to those who I can’t tag for some reason. If you like, you can message me and I’ll just start sending you the link to the chapters as they come out)
Add yourself to the taglist here
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It’s always difficult changing one’s routine. After so long at the museum, it felt as if you were starting over again. At first you had thought it a tragedy; on par with those of the Ancient Greeks and Shakespeare’s unending repertoire of doom. And then you had come to accept it; embrace it even.
Had you even been happy working in the stuffy museum?
Until James had mysteriously appeared and aroused your suspicion of some mythical history thief, there had been little excitement. Without him it would have felt wrong to stay. At least telling yourself that didn’t make your departure feel like a ridiculous mistake.
You had quickly cleaned up after the CIA and begun the tedious process of having your possessions stored and moving back home. Your mother didn’t mind the company so much and you couldn’t stand being hounded by agents. You still spied the occasional eye watching you, knowing well you would not so easily lose your tail, but now you didn’t have to reminded of all you had lost.
You pondered applying at another museum but you had enough saved to take some time to figure it all out. In the meantime, you sold articles to scholarly journals and even managed to give a few talks at those conferences Holly spent so much of her time at. You were fortunate enough not to have run into her yet, but you assumed it may be due to her lack of an assistant.
It felt like you were taking a breather. Immersing yourself in research, rekindling that old curiosity which had driven you to your field, was intoxicating. And after your run in with underworld operatives and government agencies, you wanted to reveal all you could. All the history you had ever known was coloured with conspiratorial underlining and cruel reality.
You couldn’t blind yourself with the narrative you had painted in the gallery. Staring at the past as James had. You wanted to know more. You felt like a child who had waded into the deep end. Truly though, you missed him.
It was preposterous that someone you had known for only a few months should affect you so much but you couldn’t help it. There was much about him you wanted to know still. That you needed to know.
“Y/N,” Your mom called from downstairs as you shuffled through the books and papers which blanketed your desk. It was like your university days. Hidden behind a barricade of words; the queen of your castle, “You’ve got mail.”
“Mail?” You echoed, “Alright. One moment.”
You moved the open folder from your lap as you almost dropped it and stretched your arms with a crack. You spent too many hours bent over your desk and your mother’s warnings about your posture were starting to resonate with you. At least in the museum, you could walk around on tours or set up displays.
You nearly tripped down the stairs, entering the kitchen where your mother was cooking dinner. The smell of onions and garlic filled the air and you looked at the clock in surprise. Time passed when you locked yourself in an office with your blinds drawn.
“I thought you would’ve grabbed it yourself,” She muttered as she pointed to the counter with a knife, “I don’t think it’s healthy for you to be cooped up there all the time.”
“It’s how I make money, Mother,” You replied, “Which I don’t see you complaining about when I cut you a cheque.”
“Just take your mail,” She rolled her eyes, “It’s quite fancy for regular delivery.”
You looked to the envelope; black with a silver line down its flap. It was a letter sized packet and you had never seen anything like it. Eager, you tore open the lip and dumped out the thick stack of paper within. Your mother watched between chopping, her curiosity getting the better of her.
“Well, who’s it from?” She asked impatiently.
Dear Y/N,
It is the our honour to inform you that you have been selected as one of the speakers from your country for the Wakanda International Historical Conference. After reviewing your qualifications, we have found you to be an ideal candidate for our lecture series and hope you can join us.
This year’s inaugural theme is Hidden Imperialism: Past and Present. Your paper should be fully edited and ready for presentation upon arrival. Within we have included any resources you may need for your last-minute touches as well as an outline of the event.
Thank you and welcome to Wakanda,
The Wakandan National History Commission,
And His Majesty; Prince T’Challa
Your eyes were wide and you could barely breathe. You hadn’t given much thought into the application as you had believed it to be a long shot. Instead you had carelessly ticked the boxes and revised an essay you had written far too long ago. You didn’t truly recall when you had submitted it and thought it was some twisted joke.
“I’m going to Wakanda…” You said dumbfounded and your mother took the letter from you, “I can’t believe it.”
You had watched on the news as Wakanda’s borders had been opened to the globe and you had never dreamed of seeing it yourself. Now you would be part of a history conference which would bring the world inward and the country outward. You really needed to pinch yourself. Ow.
“Congrats,” You mom smiled handing back the letter, “It’ll be nice to get a break.”
“Hey,” You shook your head, “ You know, I still have another month to prepare so you’re stuck with me until then. I have to go make sure all my documents are in order, too. And what if I can’t go because of all this stuff with the CIA?”
“Don’t worry so much, you’re starting to sound like me,” Your mom laughed, “I’m sure it’ll be just fine. Just don’t go getting eaten by a leopard or whatever beasts they have over there.”
“Mom,” You sighed, “I’m not going to be in the middle of the Savannah.”
“You never know,” She shrugged, “You remember when that Koala attacked you at the zoo. You’ve a knack for attracting trouble.”
“Don’t remind me,” You muttered, looking at the letter once more. There was much to be done before you left.
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