#sorry for the delay in answering
Hi, I'm always very impressed by your world building skills, even in shorter stories! Do you have any advice for aspiring writers on how to build their fantasy world?
So i drafted a response to this in between working just far too much and then my computer crashed and i lost it. Then i was even busier so i never got around to writing it again but i am making some time this weekend, so worldbuilding post - take 2
My main, high level worldbuilding tips are:
Rule of Cool: worldbuild things you think are fun and interesting. not only is that the best way to get ideas you like and are motivated to write about, but other people will also think they're interesting too. have fun with it.
Iceberg theory: know more about the world than ever makes it into the story. people can sense when worldbuilding is shallow, so even if they never see the true depths of the world they can often sense it's there. plus if u know the whole picture, everything the readers do see will seem more coherent
Integration: i heavily integrate the world i'm building into the story i'm telling--so dig into the plot and characters and make sure that the world and the story serve each other well. your world is there to contribute to the story so make sure its fulfilling that purpose
For more specifics about how i personally world build and for some examples from my stories of the above guidelines, see below.
So firstly, i love worldbuilding. i just think its a ton of fun and could easily spend hours just thinking about worlds in my head. (i mean what else is there to do when ur commuting to work, amiright?) i think that does make it easier for me to take the time to do it right and makes the world come through more vividly in my writing. it can get annoying or tedious or be more challenging at times, but since i like it/find world building interesting, i'm more willing to put in the time and effort to whip it into shape and i get less frustrated with that part of the process in general.
i'm also always thinking about world building to some degree in the back of my mind. picking up interesting information, facts, snatches of cool ideas or images or whatever. then i throw all that in like a junk drawer in my brain so when i sit down to more officially write or flesh out a world, i already have spare parts at my finger tips to use or drawn on.
Reading and consuming other art and worlds also makes it easier to make your own, just lik reading is a key part of writing practice. i don't just mean fiction, but just anything about the actual world makes it much easier to make up your own--that can manifest as awe at the fireflies that actually exist or spite that dragons dont. Whether that's random youtube video essays about the history of musicals or drinks or fashion to books and articles and documentaries or just my friend's niche interests (or their regular jobs). i'm always taking worldbuilding notes in the back of my mind.
For a more writing specific example, i read this short guide '50 Ways to Kill a Mermaid' (its locked for AO3 so u hav to sign in to read it) and it was super fun and cool to read that info from a writer who had studied marine biology. then when i was fleshing out Don't Shoot the Messenger a year later, the problem of Satrasi being a sea demon in a fresh water pool and bloating came to my mind because i'd stored that tidbit from the article away for later use.
My personal method for worldbuilding and plot outlining is sort a brainstorming/Q&A i have with myself (i hope this makes sense when i'm done writing this all out lol).
I've mentioned this before but the prompt that inspired Dale was: "You’re pretty sure your boyfriend was replaced by an eldritch being that can barely emulate being human. Weirdly, you enjoy a better relationship with them than your actual boyfriend."
So when that idea grabbed me, i started brainstorming about the world and asking myself questions. Why is the reader with the boyfriend if they don't really like them? What would make someone stay in a relationship like that? Do i want to make this a dark story? And i did not, i wanted it to be fun, so the arranged marriage angle came to mind. And if that's the premise then when is the story? is this our 'past' or another world entirely? diff world means more freedom so i automatically leaned in that direction.
Can the reader tell the 'boyfriend' has been replaced? Are demons a thing people know about? does the reader know that's an option? which is more fun? if the reader is worried about Dale getting caught, that's more room for hijinks so then yes, demons are known, but not common otherwise too many people would notice.
So my plot and worldbuilding are evolving in tandem and informing each other, based on the type of story i want to tell and how the characters i have in mind will react etc.
i run through a lot of ideas and turn them over in my head--trying out diff pieces to see if they fit--and am always willing to drop an idea or save it for another story if i don't think its working for the current one
For iceberg theory, i mentioned above for Dale would be the religions in that world. When i decided to introduce a priest like character (for discovery danger) i knew i needed to focus more on the religions than i previously had noted. the majority of what i came up with isn't int he story, but i think the fact that i know it helps me write when did end up in there, helped make it consistent, and means i can more easily work in allusions to it without having to work so hard those singular times.
For example, i'd decided to call the demon realm "the Depths" early on, which to me already invokes deep water and darkness, so i followed that through to sort height and air and light as being perceived more positively. fire and light are important symbols in this world and they primarily burn their dead--to bury someone below ground would be seen as almost condemning them and someone drowning is also seen as like, not good for their soul because what if it is 'pulled down' rather than 'ascending'. some of this was alluded to in the chapter, but most of it is not. this also helped me come up with the various "by the light" "dawn's ire" and other similar little 'religious' phrases and exclamations different characters use at times.
Meanwhile, in Sacrifice, the people living their are relatively non-religious--thats why they both don't pray to any other deities and it takes 5 years of problems to even bother trying an old god. it's not sacrilege because they're desperate people trying a long shot, not violating or abandoning a different belief. because i wanted the reader's main problem with it all to just be that they didn't think it work.
And why is she a translator? because i wanted to use the idea from that one post that goes around about how ridiculous it is in movies when their translated prophecies rhyme in english. why are they arguing about the translation? because its a dead language so no one really speaks it, that means the people who came up with it were here a century ago or longer. why aren't they here anymore? nomadic so they left and ended up staying away because of a natural disaster elsewhere. why is this town here now? a particular export/resource in this area became valuable enough for people to try to live here. the fact that its a lumber town due to some rare wood native to the area doesn't come up in the story, but i know it and i think that i know that about the town helps it feel more real, makes it easier for me to reach for new details when i need them
and going back to anything can be inspiration, let's talk about the doorlock in the very beginning of Finally Woken. its literally just a magical keypad/number pad but with different colored tiles instead of numbers because i wanted the reader to be able to get in, but i felt it didnt make sense for them to hav a physical key. and i thought it would look cool in Heshi's door and it went well with the fact that he's a glassblower . also, why is Heshi a glassblower? because i frickin' lov blown glass - i just think its so cool and pretty. that helped lead into the sort of artisan economy feel that world has.
Each of these stories has an outline and notes doc at a minimum. the notes doc is where i throw lik pics, inspiration posts, random worldbuilding ideas etc. only much shorter stories or stories that are heavily based in 'modern' world don't hav extensive random notes.
my Dale folder has subfolders for characters and the setting, as well as random worldbuilding files such as "demon summoning/magic" "spiritual belief and org" "fashion - feminine" and so on. Even excluding the plot outline and chapter notes (and not counting pics) i've got like, over 4k of random notes saved. dale is the one i hav the most of that for, but all my fics have some little section with stuff like that jotted down
in the end, i think the best way to sum up all that is with my three original rules of: put stuff u think is cool in your world, known more than you tell to help everything fit together and seem deep, and build your world around your plot and characters because they should all be working together to tell the story you want to tell.
honestly, i could ramble about worldbuilding all day so if anyone has any questions or wants more examples, just let me know ^^
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lostinfantasyworlds · 1 month
FanFiction ask game 18, 20, 24, 43 please 🙂
Hi Liz!!!
18. Do you enjoy research? Which fic of yours required the most research?
Not really 😅. I actually go out of my way to write most of my stories in settings I already am very familiar with, or make it a total fantasy version of a real place so that I can kind of make up my own rules/explanations for things. If I'm going to write a story in a real-life setting that I don't know much about, I would want to make it as accurate as possible, which means I would have to spend tons of time on research when I'd rather just be writing. Under the Northern Lights involved SO much research, because I've never been to Alaska before and most of the plot was centered around InuKag traveling to specific locations within Alaska. So I had to research driving times, weather patterns, the lengths of certain trails and what they look like, and much much more 😵‍💫. I was so engrossed in that story that I didn't mind too too much, and Jane (goshinote) helped with some of it, but I don't think I'd want to do that again.
20. Do you prefer writing AUs or canon fics?
When I first joined the fandom, I was only interested in reading/writing canon fics. I don't think I had really read AU fanfiction before, so I didn't "get" it. But then I read a few and was like ohhhhh this is why everyone loves these so much! And have been a fan ever since. I think at this point I prefer writing AUs because you get a lot more creative freedom to come up with your own world, and it's a fun challenge to imagine how these established characters would react in totally different scenarios. But it's kind of my dream to write an epic length canon-based fic because I love reading them so much. I just haven't had any ideas whatsoever for something like that...hopefully one day!
24. How do you choose whose POV to write in?
I...don't choose 😂. I know that "head-hopping" is sometimes frowned upon, but I typically always write in both Inuyasha and Kagome's POV, often flowing between them within a scene/chapter. My writing is really emotion-heavy, so I like to get in their heads and dig deep into what they're feeling. I've been trying to challenge myself with some of my WIPs to at least just stick to one POV per chapter, but I've already found myself breaking that a bit. I honestly think it would be difficult for me to write a whole story in just one POV, but I'd like to do it at some point.
43. Is there a trope or idea that you'd really like to write but haven't yet?
I mentioned above that I'd really love to write some kind of epic canon-divergent or post-canon story, but other than that I want to write a royalty AU. I have one "started"...as in, I jotted down a couple scene ideas and have thought about it a lot but haven't really started writing it. I'm trying to focus on actually finishing my two WIPs that I've been working on for over 2 years...but once those are posted I'll probably put most of my focus on the royalty AU.
Thank you so much again for the asks @liz8080 !! You're the best🥰
From the Fanfiction Writer Asks
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wonder-worker · 4 months
hello, Happy New Year! Is there any history book you're reading and would recommend?
Happy New Year!!!
I'm reading "The Life and Afterlife of Isabeau of Bavaria" by Tracy Adams and "The Creation of the French Royal Mistress" by Tracy Adams and Christine Adams. I would definitely recommend both, they're fantastic!
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drbarty · 11 months
You're cool with fanart right?
I am as long as it is SFW!
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sunofmoon · 1 year
hey man i hope youre feeling better!!! <3
being honest i am still not 100% but i am trying to improve little by little and ty very much for caring 🤍🤍🤍 btw i was bored and started looking for modramos content and now it has changed my brain chemistry i found some videos sooo good that i just need to share with someone 😭😭
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jmflowers · 9 months
15 questions for 15 mutuals
I was tagged by @bamboo72498
1. Were you named after anyone?
Yes; my great grandmother, my great aunt, my grandmother, my mother, and my great grandmother’s sister. My writing pseudonym is also an ode to three of those women and my other great grandmother.
2. When was the last time you cried?
A few days ago, standing outside the house my grandparents built. It’s very loved now and it shows and that made me cry happy tears.
3. Do you have kids?
No, and I never will. I have 3 nieces and a nephew that I love completely.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Only to reiterate a point when someone is being ridiculous. Mostly, my work requires me to be earnest and straightforward.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their demeanour; if they seem kind, warm, welcoming or the opposite.
6. What’s your eye colour?
Light blue
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
I like both. My preference changes depending on the time of year, usually.
8. Any special talents?
I can make a lot of strange noises with my mouth and I have a wicked memory. I can recite all 50 states in alphabetical order, even though I’m Canadian and have never needed to know them all.
9. Where were you born?
Southern Ontario, Canada
10. What are your hobbies?
Right now I’m really into reading and being outside - hiking, swimming, camping, tending to my vegetable garden, driving. In colder months, I like to write, play music, watch shows, etc.
11. Have any pets?
Yes: 4 cats, 2 rabbits, and 1 foster rabbit who is currently living on the farm again.
12. What sports do you/have you played?
I was a ballerina for many years. I also really liked riding horses for a time and cross country running. Everything else was a fleeting interest - I’m not into team sports and I break easily.
13. How tall are you?
5 ft 8.5 in., which translates to about 175 cm.
14. Favourite subject in school?
I loved anything with words in elementary school. The Writer’s Craft was my favourite course in high school. In college, I really enjoyed The Art and Structure of Film.
15. Dream job?
You know that spot in the opening credits of shows where it says “Created By”? I want my name to go there. Or in that long list of Executive Producers. Or just anywhere in the collection of people who work in the writer’s room. Script Supervisor would also make me happy. Anything where I’m getting to write with other people, telling stories, and making enough money to have a quality of life that involves adventure and travel. I love being on set, too, but those hours…
I am tagging… @cuteasducks9 @englishstrawbie @slipperygaloshes @drlaurenb @trying-to-get-somewhere-real @buildawall0fbooks @piratekane @heyfarfallina and anyone else who wants to do this
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autistic-paul · 2 years
This is like a weird question but how would you characterize Paul for an occasion where he's genuinely angry? Asking for no reasons ahem ahem
Paul has a bit of a short fuse. We see him get pretty disproportionately angry when questioned by Greenpeace Girl, and we see how he responds to frustration in Forever and Always. He's very expressive in all ways, so he just kind of blows up. He rambles, uses a lot of active body language, and gets pretty close to the person he's mad at. He's not one to hide it, go cold, or shut down. He's straightforward!
I also think Paul holds grudges a little longer than he should, but can be distracted from them pretty easily and isn't inclined to revenge, but I have no real canonical evidence for that one.
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melodyofthevoid · 1 year
Motion and stillness
Alrighty, since I got an ask with these for the royals, I think I'll do my hero ocs
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
Siren: Siren's movements are heavily practiced, she's been at this sort of thing for a long time and dance choreography requires a lot of awareness of one's body. She caries herself like she's on a stage (when she's doing crime stuff). Otherwise there's more of an... exhaustion. She dresses practically, and very protectively, so at times she doesn't have as much mobility as she'd like.
Atlas: Atlas is one of those people who can do incredible stunts/tricks but the second they're not paying attention can and will fall flat on their face. When he's focused, he moves like a freight train, a heavy hitter who can hold is own. In civilian life he has run into poles and tripped on flat ground if he's heavily zoned out. It's a good thing he's as good at first aid as he is. Man's a disaster.
Seine: Stereotypical as it is to say she moves like water, Seine's movements are calculated. It's just occasionally she's real bad at math. Pretty flexible. Tends to dress in athleisure style clothes. Doesn't like things weighing her down or getting caught. Or wet. She can get most of it out but no one likes walking around in wet clothes.
Ampere: Moves with energy and quickly, can appear very "stop/start" if you don't know what to look for. He's always going a million miles an hour which can result in a bit of a mess when he forgets to zip up his backpack or moves out of someone's way into a wall.
stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
Siren: Always on high alert, searching for exits, tense as a bowstring. Constantly torn between acting "not suspicious" and examining everything and everyone around her like a hawk. If she's alone then she might let herself unwind and breathe but it's unlikely. She does fidget with her knife if she's in her villain persona or alone, it helps her feel more secure.
Atlas: Doesn't fidget much, but is usually alert in a public setting. Only really relaxes in private. If he's wearing a hoodie he can occasionally be seen playing with the drawstrings. He will deny this.
Seine: Tends to shift her weight around if just sitting in a chair or standing. It's really gradual but you notice it if you see it. Her hands on the other hand are usually moving. She really likes flow style stim toys if she has access to them.
Ampere: This boy is always moving, cannot sit still for the life of him. If he does manage to sit absolutely still he ends up generating a ton of static electricity and will shock the fuck out of whoever touches him. Will generally fidget more if he's wearing long sleeves or any accessories on his wrists.
If he's really excited his hands will flap and give off little sparks. Similar things happen if he's nervous but the sparks tend to be a little more... uh. Shocking for lack of better term.
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basmathgirl · 2 years
Happy Birthday! Hope you're having a great day!
Thank you, @noblegirl91!
I had a lovely birthday with beautiful scenery, excellent food, loving family, wonderful sunshine AND I managed to tick a long-desired destination off my bucket list. What more could I want?
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Shame it's been hectic and sad since we got home, but you can't have everything...
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Do you have any visuals we could see to better help imagine Dale? Or any art of the time period?
thanks for asking! i'm honestly not a great visual person tbh and since these are reader insert i try not to give too many specifics so everyone can have some freedom in how they picture Dale more suited to their tastes.
however, please see this post i made answering a similar ask as well as my tag "dale appearance" which doesn't have much but will continue to be where any post's i've made about his looks can be found and is how i will tag anything i reblog that vibes with his style lol
also, the lovely art @roguetraining made of Dale is of course available to behold
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1dcountryfest · 2 years
how many fics a week will we get once posting starts? i can’t wait to read all the new country fics!!!!!
Just like last year, there will be 3 fics/week. They will be revealed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Posting starts July 4th! 🤠
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Here's a fun game: if you had to assign an Avatar the Last Airbender character to each of the MunchyMc peeps, who would they be?
ooh this is a tricky one. In order of how I thought of them
BBH: Sokka. While his aesthetic is more firebendery he's the ideas guy and often becomes the defacto leader
Dream: Aang. Everyone expects him to save the world and also he's too nice for his own good sometimes and also he get's to be an airbender because he's so good at mc parkour. (Patches is Momo)
Sam: the mechanist (the inventor dude living in the air temple) because of how skilled he is with red stone
Sapnap: Toph. Bc he’s insanely good at mc and also short
Punz: combustion guy
Ponk: the cabbage salesman. His lemons are the cabbages
Skeppy: Bumi. He’s slightly unhinged and the rock crystal candy kinda looks like diamonds
Velvet: one of the old women that followed azula around
George: Suki. He’s constantly underestimated
Callahan: Iroh: he’s connected to everything and does lots in the background
Ant: the other old woman who followed azula around
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frances-limon07 · 6 months
The Spectral Burrows by Slugdge
Oh nice recommendation, I have to admit I didn’t know the song, but I liked this one
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asmymindcrumbles · 7 months
Please tell me about your parrot (or parrots). Your headline told me to ask you.
Hello hello hello!!! The parrots are doing well! I have four budgies (Lemondrop,Toblerone,Shoomie, and Big Weed) who have just collectively laid 8 eggs. Very exciting. I also have a sun conure named Paprika who is a very spicy boy. I love them all sm.
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Here is the spicebird himself.
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ara-meyy · 8 months
🌸💕 for being kind and lovely, have a kiss on the forehead! pass it on to 10 people 💕🌸
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