#sorry for the god awful lighting btw
doll3tt33 · 6 months
Everybody knows I’m a good girl, officer ♡
(colin zabel x under arrest!reader)
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Summary: once again, you find yourself being arrested by Colin, adding to his piling stress from an unsolved case. However, you discover that a tiny favor for the detective might bring him some much needed cheer…
Wordcount: 5.7k
Warnings: oral sex (m receiving), car sex, coaxing, reader is under the influence of alcohol, brief mention of a bar fight, aggressive and rude reader, rly vague implied age gap, technically abuse of authority (it’s obvious, but I’m still putting it out there. I advise not to read if any of this makes you uncomfortable)
A/N: sorry for the major inactivity guys, I’ve been busy! And this fic ended up being longer than I expected, but I hope it’s good enough quality. My first ever smut, so hope u guys enjoy <3 (also sorry if any typos btw T^T)
You stood motionless, reeling from the adrenaline coursing through your veins as the alcohol's effects faded. The rush of emotion receded to an eerie calm. As your vision adjusted in the dim light, the scene came into focus - onlookers surrounded you and a woman now being helped from the floor. Through the buzz still clouding your mind, one detail emerged with painful clarity: her bruised and bloodied face, a stark reminder of the harm just caused in a moment of impaired impulse and from your god awful temper.
Now the woman who you beaten black and blue, almost to the point of passing out, wasn't the focal point for dispelling the haze of your impulsive rage. Nah, this lady had it coming when she slut shamed you for being oh-so-bold enough to wear a tank top tonight. No, it was the bright flashing hues of blue and red seeping through the windows that acted as your wakeup call.
Just like that, a realization hit with sobering clarity - “Shit. Cops.” Without pause, you shoved through the crowd, desperation driving every move. Bursting through the door, the frigid night air raised goosebumps across your skin. Damnit, maybe the tank top wasn’t the best choice after all. Intoxicated or not, you were in no shape for an arrest. Stumbling at first, you found your footing and picked up speed, putting distance between yourself and the scene of the incident you started. You were gonna make it through! You were gonna outrun those pigs and they would never get their grubby hands onto you!
…That was until, a loathsome voice sounded from behind.
“Hey- hey! Where do you think you’re going?”
Before you knew it, you felt hands locked around your arms, yanking you to a halt. The telltale jingle of metal broke through your panic and with a sharp click, cold steel encircled your wrists. A glance back confirmed your dread. You weren’t being handcuffed by just any stinking cop - it was that good for nothing detective Colin Zabel arresting you once more, and for what, the third time this week? That’s one hell of a streak.
You sighed inwardly, the fight draining from your limbs, knowing any attempt in resisting would be in vain. “Goddammit Zabel, can’t you give it a rest?…” you muttered under your breath, as he hauled you back to the police car.
"I know, I know - save your excuses," Colin cut you off wearily, the smile not reaching his eyes. “Jus’… don’t start, ‘Kay? Do me a solid and quietly get in the car.” He opened the car door to the backseat, gesturing for you to step inside. Despite his perpetual mask of affability, you detected an edge of irritation - his good humor and patience clearly worn down by your repeated encounters.
“Whatever man…” you sighed as the door clamped shut with finality. Through the window you watched Colin slip into the driver's seat, releasing a long exhale as if to shed the stress of your latest encounter. At least you provided some diversion from his endless paperwork, though you doubted he'd admit as much.
True to his by-the-book nature, he slinked the seatbelt over himself, securing it with an assured click. Out of habit, he craned his neck over his shoulder, asking out of the goodwill of his heart. “Oh! Almost forgot. Do ya need a lil’ hand with fastening your seatbelt too?“ he offered warmly, “Don’t want any extra accidents happening tonight, am I right or am I right?” A hearty chuckle followed, dying abruptly once he took in your expression - eyes hooded and mouth set in a grim line.
“Fuck off Zabel.” you growled in response, fixing your stare out the window. He felt tension coil in his gut but forced it down with a hard gulp. As a veteran officer, he had faced far worse than you, yet something about your unpredictable defiance unsettled him. For a moment, under your glare, an angry retort rose to his lips but he bit it back, sensing it would only stoke the flames. Best to let the dust settle, he decided. Starting the car, he pointedly kept his eyes forward and drove in loaded silence.
“Alriiiighty then, no seatbelt it is. I’m just gonna… ah- y’know….” He cleared his throat, voice petering off into a nonsensical mumble as he shifted gears.
An uncomfortable hush fell over the car, only the revving of the engine permeating the stillness. Colin tapped the wheel, wishing for a distraction from the tension. His mind raced through possible conversation starters but came up blank. A stolen glance in the mirror found your stony profile unchanged. With a sigh, he focused back to the road, flicking on the radio more for the static noise than any musical preference.
Colin hummed softly to fill the silence, earning another kick from the backseat - your fourth such outburst. He was the pinnacle of what it meant to be a pushover, but he still stood his ground when needed to… in his own unique way. “H-Hey, Cut it out kid! And be nice,” he let out a weary sigh, peeking up at your vexed form through the rearview mirror “You know, I’m not a fan of this attitude you’ve got going on. Haven’t been for the past week.”
You sank lower into the seat, glowering. “First of all, old man, lay off the ‘kid’ crap. I’m not a child.” You rolled your eyes at his feeble attempt at reprimand.
Colin bit back another retort, clenching his jaw. Pride demanded he have the last word, if only to reclaim a shred of dignity in his own vehicle. “Hm no, I think I’ll call you a kid. ‘Cause you know why? You’re acting like one, like right now.” he replied evenly, bubbling frustration leaking through his amicable veneer, yet he still maintained some semblance of civility between him and your not-so-good of a temper.
As you drew your breath to speak, Colin beat you to it. “Look- all I’m sayin’ is, this isn’t good for you. This is the third time this week I’m haulin’ you in here. The third time!” Weariness tinged his laughter as he splayed his fingers out in front of him, only to reclaim the steering wheel in a swift motion. “Not only is this not doing you any favors kid—-“
“I said don’t call me kid.” You interjected sharply, cutting him off this time.
Colin continued on autopilot, fatigue chipping away at his usual cheer. “It's also not doing me any favors either. I've got a case to crack, but Mare - my partner - thought it’d be best if I dealt with you while she took charge of the investigation for the night…”
His shoulders slumped, eyes downcast as a cloud of disappointment settled in. As a county detective, he longed to prove himself with this investigation, not play referee to petty disputes. But saying no had never come easy, especially when others mistook his calm demeanor as weakness.
Silently, your eyes veered away from the passing scenery outside the car window, finally taking notice of his careworn features in the mirror. Attuned to the new lines of fatigue etched upon his face, you perhaps began to understand that this was wearing him too.
“Must suck being everyone’s errand boy.” You observed, tone lacking its usual bite.
Colin offered a tired nod. “Comes with the job, I guess…” his words trailed off, accompanied by a somber tone as his gaze returned to the road. “But y’know what they say- it is what it is.” he added softly, punctuating the statement with a self deprecating laugh.
Surprisingly, a twinge of sympathy tugged at your heart - a rare reaction to the shithead county detective. For all his attempts at camaraderie, which admittedly grated, you had to respect his resilience in the face of your unrelenting hostility. Hell, that time you clocked him during arrest, most would've thrown the book - but not Colin. His patience and optimism seemed a superpower, weathering your worst without breaking stride.
A strange blend of sympathy and guilt surged through you, as the realization struck you hard like a freight train - you had subjected the poor detective to a relentless barrage of undeserved hardship, oblivious to the weight of his personal burdens. Your chest tightened, and a foreign sensation stirred deep within as the reflection in the rearview mirror held your gaze captive.
The need for redemption gnawed at your conscience, but how could you possibly make things right? You've been a real pain in the ass to him for a good while now. Within the depths of your alcohol-induced haze, a daring idea began to take shape - could you perhaps make amends through a little bit of... shared pleasure?
It was pure insanity. Drunken impulses (and drunken you) are the epitome of idiocy. Vivid images flooded your thoughts, projecting the sheer horror that would contort his face if you dared to make a move now. It was likely that he hadn't experienced the touch of a woman in quite some time. And yet, that was precisely the point. The poor guy may have been deprived of any intimate encounters since his fiancée abruptly left him, and the growing urge within compelled you to do something about it.
Undeterred, an unwavering determination fueled your decision to make a bold move and test the waters. Shattering the silence, you adopted an uncharacteristically sweet tone to conceal your true intentions. "Hey Colin, think I could sit up front? It's kinda cramped back here."
Colin glanced over, clearly skeptical of your politeness given past rides. "Not sure that's protocol..." he began, ever the rule-follower.
Your lips formed a slight pout, an innocent plea. "Aw c’mon, I'm starting to feel queasy. Just to the station, what's the harm?"
Colin's head snapped in your direction, his eyes narrowing as he scrutinized your expression. Despite his suspicion, a flicker of genuine concern crossed his face. The thought of you unleashing your 'gastric distress' all over his car seemed to be a genuine fear he really wanted to avoid. He did not need an extra pukefest tonight.
Reluctantly, he caved in to your request, his voice colored with a mix of resignation and caution. "Ah, jeez... Look, you're not supposed to sit in the front, but fine, I'll make an exception this time." He maneuvered the car to the side of the road, stepping out to open the door for you. As you settled into the passenger seat, he retook his place beside you.
"Jus' promise me you won't end up throwing up in the car, 'cause I'm not looking forward to cleaning up that mess." With a playful smirk, he wagged his finger at you, but there was an underlying seriousness to his words.
"Chillaaaax, Colin. Don’t even worry, you won't see me hurling tonight. I've got it all under control," you declared, gracing him with a reassuring smile. The unexpected warmth of your expression caught him off guard, contrasting sharply with your usual snarky demeanor and the piercing death stares he had grown accustomed to.
However, Colin’s initial reservations melted away, reciprocating the gesture as a warm smile played across his face. He resumed his position behind the wheel, ready to continue the drive. But just as he was about to press the gas pedal, you captured the moment and took action. It was officially reckless business o’ clock. You sank down from the car seat, your knees grazing along the surface as you shifted toward the detective.
Colin's eyes widened comically, his mouth agape, utterly taken aback by this unexpected turn of events. "K-Kid, what on earth are you—"
Cutting him off, your slurred words emerged with a hushed urgency. "Shush. And I told you not to call me kid. Just wait, let me..."
Your words trailed off as you grappled with the cramped space of the car. Hindered by the handcuffs that still restricted your movement, you struggled to find a way to support yourself without the use of your arms. Nonetheless, you persevered, inching your way beneath the steering wheel and between Colin's legs.
You released a sigh of relief as you settled comfortably onto your knees. “Phew! Crawling around is no walk in the park without some arms. Anyways...”
“Hi.” An impish grin spread across your face, your eyes flickering upwards, locking with his apprehensive gaze.
“Wow hi, haha!“ his smile, already awkward, stiffened further as he involuntarily sunk deeper into the car seat, attempting to create as much distance as possible between the two of you. “So um… is everything okay? I mean, what’s happening right now? What are you… doin’ down there, specifically?” His words tumbled out, laden with confusion and a touch of concern.
“What do you think I’m doing?” you giggled, thoroughly amused by the sight of the detective squirming uneasily in his seat. A delicate flush of pink tinted his cheeks, a detail that didn't escape your notice. Your voice dropped into a low purr as you continued, relishing in the tension that swirled between you. “Weeeell... I had this little thought, you see. I wanted to make amends. You know, for being such a pain to you over the past few weeks."
A coy little shrug followed your words, as if you were merely toying with the idea. “And I figured, what better way than to help my favorite detective relieve summa his stress off his shoulders.”
You awaited his response with a wide grin, but all that greeted you was a dumbfounded Colin, his face now aflame with a deep shade of crimson blush, eyes wide and unblinking. The sound of his breathing, short and heavy, filled the tense silence, leaving you to wonder if perhaps you had made him uncomfortable. Although a certain part of his body seemed to betray a different sentiment, stiffened and undeniable.
As both of your gazes inadvertently dropped, your eyes locked onto a conspicuous tent forming beneath Colin's slacks. A mix of surprise and amusement flickered across your face, mirrored by the silent murmuring of the word 'crap' that escaped his lips. “Hah… that’s uh- real strange. Don’t know why that’s happening,” He gulped. “Good ol’ keys in the pocket, huh? They’re a pain, especially when they decide to stick out in weird angles. It's like, whoa, things can get a little… funny, you know? Awkward, even.” He added, his voice revealing a hint of panic as he desperately attempted to maintain his composure, all while his raging boner was in plain sight.
“Oh for god’s sake,” you groaned, impatience tracing a light furrow on your brow as the restraint of the handcuffs exacerbated your frustration. "You're not seriously trying to play dumb with me, are you?" You said, annoyance and amusement bleeding through your words. The power dynamics had shifted, leaving you unable to take the lead, and instead relying on the nervous wreck of a detective before you.
You closed your eyes for a brief moment, taking in a deep breath to steady fraying nerves. Determined to take a gentler approach, you decided to navigate this delicate situation with care.
"Come on, Col..." you cooed, leaning forward as far as you could, resting your head gently on his thigh. Your voice took on a soft, persuasive tone. "Let me do this for you." With a subtle flutter of your lashes, you batted your eyes, mimicking the innocent charm of a puppy seeking its owner's attention. Colin flinched, his knees threatening to buckle under the weight of your sudden touch. Yet, he remained motionless, his eyes fixed upon you in mounting suspense.
A smile curled upon your lips as you sensed his lack of immediate resistance, emboldening you to press forward with your gentle coercion. "Just once," you whispered, your voice filled with earnestness. "Let me do this once, and I promise you'll feel so much better afterward."
“..Jesus, I don’t know ‘bout this… I….” Colin mumbled, trailing off with a heavy uncertainty.
He sat frozen in place, his chest rising and falling with each heavy breath. His bottom lip bore the marks of his nervous chewing, while his brows knitted together in a hesitant frown as he weighed his options.
He knew he shouldn't, he reaaaally should not. It was morally wrong, a breach of professionalism, and could jeopardize his career if discovered. His eyes darted frantically outside the car's windows, scanning the desolate darkness that enveloped the streets in secrecy. But technically, no one would find out, would they?
And god, it had been a long while since he had been with a woman, especially since the bitter end of his engagement. And there you were right now, on your knees, your eagerness to please him palpable. Just the sight of you pouting sent his stomach into a frenzy of uncontrollable flutters, a reaction unexpected even from someone with a volatile temper like yours.
Bewitched by your feminine wiles, he barely registered how his hand had crept onto the top of your head, his thumb caressing your scalp with a tender touch. The throbbing heat in his pants intensified, overpowering any remaining restraint. With cautious swiftness, he glanced around, scanning the surroundings for any prying eyes, before his gaze settled back on your face - your smile, a comforting anchor in the sea of his conflicting emotions.
He sucked in a sharp breath through clenched teeth, his voice barely rising above a whisper. "F-Fine... Jus’ promise me you won't breathe a word of this to anyone, alright?" His hands returned to himself, fingers trembling as he loosened the clasp of his belt. The once ironclad resolve that had held him together began to crumble like fragile dust, succumbing to the pull of the moment.
“You have my word Col.” you reassured, your voice a soft murmur teeming with exhilaration.
Colin proceeded to undo his pants, the sound of the zipper echoing through the confined space. As he shoved them down, the dim glow of a distant streetlight seeped through the car window, casting a faint illumination on the scene. You couldn’t see all that clearly in the dark, but you did catch a glimpse of the outline of his cock protruding beneath his boxers, the fabric adorned with a telltale wet spot. Needless to say, he was far more excited than he was letting on.
Your mouth watered in anticipation, your core aching with need. Your senses heightened, thighs instinctively clenching as you awaited his next move. But just as Colin's thumb looped under his waistband, he hesitated, uncertainty settling over him like an icy veil. Restraints confined your hands, the itch of frustration crawling beneath your skin. In this moment, the immobility of your arms felt like a punishment far worse than being thrown into a holding cell later that night.
Unable to physically intervene, you relied on the power of your voice to guide the hesitant detective. "It's alright," you coaxed, tone laced with soothing encouragement. "Shake those nerves off, just this once. No one will ever find out..."
Colin's response came in the form of a hesitant nod - quick, uncertain, but nevertheless a nod. With painstaking slowness, he mustered the courage to give his boxers a small tug, gradually lowering them at an agonizingly slow pace. The measured movements seemed almost teasing, as if he were intentionally prolonging the moment. However, the truth was he basically personified a bundle of nerves, as though he was a schoolboy experiencing the thrill of his first make out session, unsure and skittish in his actions.
"How about we ditch these stupid handcuffs and let me take charge?" you suggested, your tone cutting through the air with an assertiveness that bordered on demand. Colin's head snapped up, surprise briefly shadowing his features as he registered the sudden shift in your demeanor and the scowl that tugged your lips. He couldn't entirely fault you for your impatience - he had been taking his sweet time with dropping his boxers. However, a part of him harbored a lack of trust, as dubious as it may sound. The restraints provided a sense of comfort and security, keeping you in check.
Colin's throat bobbed as he swallowed nervously, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "Ehh... sorry, but that's a no-can-do," he deflected your proposal with his trademark easy smile. "You understand, right? It's nothing personal. Jus’ think it's... better this way."
“Ugh…” you grunted, eyes rolling in annoyance. You relinquished your desires, holding back any further comments or demands.
After what felt like an eternity, Colin steeled his nerves enough to continue, no longer willing to delay the inevitable. In a swift motion, he grasped the waistband, sliding it down until his cock sprang free, bobbing slightly in the air. Your gaze, once fixated on the crop of brown pubic hair adorning the base, now traced the veiny pathways that ran along his thick length, leading to the swollen tip—flushed red and leaking. For a seemingly meek police detective, he sure had a nice looking dick.
You smiled as you leaned in, tilting your head closer. Your eyes, brimming with excitement, darted back and forth between his face and his erection, gauging his reaction as you tested the boundaries. Despite his initial apprehension, there was a glimmer of delight in his gaze. Encouraged by his response, you inched closer, your lips ghosting the underside of his shaft, your warm breath teasing his sensitive skin, coaxing it to twitch in response.
Colin squeezed his eyes shut, bracing himself for the moment. “Crap, look- in case it wasn’t obvious enough, it’s been a while for me,” he blurted out shakily, already roused by the sight of your pretty lips caressing the heat emanating from his dick, sending a wave of warmth sweeping over him. His legs parted further, an unspoken invitation for you to draw nearer. “So sorry if I…. Y’know.. too early.” He stammered with urgency.
“I mean, you already look like you’re ready to burst before I even touched you,” you shrugged with a light chuckle. “But I kinda like that.” You flashed him a playful smirk.
He remained speechless, his face flustered and turned away, a deep red painting his features in the stillness of the moment.
Regardless, you took the plunge, gently pressing your lips against the sensitive underside of his cock. A soft, almost inaudible moan escaped his lips, a clear sign for you to continue. From top to bottom, you peppered his length with tender, soothing kisses. His hand immediately reached for your hair, his fingers finding solace in the roots to distract himself from cumming too fast, careful not to exert too much force and risk hurting you.
"And sorry about the whole hair-holding thing. I, uh... need something to hold onto when I'm really focused," he confessed, his bashful laughter intertwining with his words. His face still burning a deep scarlet hue, the admission both vulnerable and endearing. "Habit," he added, his lips twitching with shy sincerity.
“You can grip my hair as hard as you want. I don’t mind a little rough treatment.” you shot a wink, a giggle escaping your lips. Lowering your head, you tilted it to the side, your tongue tracing a stripe against his sensitive balls. Eagerly, you pressed your face forward, your lips latching onto one of them, suckling on it with a gentle yet insistent rhythm, each release elicited a small pop.
“Mmff!— fuck..” Colin‘s jaw went slack, a deep groan rolling off his tongue the moment your mouth made contact, his resistance melting away under the spell of your touch. His dark brown eyes dilated, glazing over your form below him. “Yeah, jus’ like that… jus’ like that…” he managed to utter out, his heaving breaths punctuated by muttered words of approval. His fingers entwined with your hair, massaging the crown of your head in a visceral gesture of pleasure.
“Ooh, you like that don’t you?” you remarked, a playful lilt in your voice as you pulled back slightly, savoring the sight of the detective's face contorting with undeniable bliss. “I wanna hear it baby, tell me how much you needed this.” You crooned, face colored with a teasing grin.
“Okay-okay fine, I won’t lie…” Colin huffed, admittance causing eyes to flutter away. Amused, you chuckled, flattening your tongue against his length, gliding it along a long and deliberate path, coaxing the rest of his words to spill out. A delicious shiver of electricity ran down his spine, sending a cascade of goosebumps rippling down his skin from his erection being teased. “Agh!- y-yes I needed this, I really… really needed this.” he babbled out, his breath hitching with the weight of his confession.
Satisfied, you continued. Your kisses swept from the base and drifted all the way up to the tip of his cock, tongue salty with precum as it expertly caressed the ridges. Colin's body quivered, responding with an urgent jerk of his hips, a wordless plea for you to take his cock into the warm and wet comfort of your mouth. You could feel the urgency in his veins buzz with an electric fervor, beckoning you to go further. For the sake of soothing him, you pressed your lips right onto the swollen head, treating him to small kitten licks on his sensitive slit.
“You’re so goddamn gorgeous...” Colin moaned, teetering on the edge of a whimper. His hips bucked forward once more, ramming his tip deeper into your mouth. Each squirm of his body against the supple leather of the car seat produced a small squeak, almost serving as a subtle backdrop to the moment. “God, you scare the living crap outta me... but f-fuck, you’re sososo p-pretty!” He choked, another whimper caught in his throat.
“Mhm… that’s what I do best detective…” you mumbled with a full mouth, the warmth of his fluids clinging to your breath.
The evidence of your arousal was just as indisputable as his, your panties most definitely soaked from the act of using your mouth on the detective alone, cunt weeping from the lewd noises leaving him with each stroke. Your lips glided further down along him, accommodating his warm slickness as you relaxed your jaw. “Ohmygod- holy shit you feel so good...” he groaned. He slumped back against the backrest, head lolling over his shoulder as he fought to stifle a moan. “Ngh- so good f-for me…”
Despite the discomfort that knotted your knees and the soreness that gnawed at your back from kneeling on the unforgiving car floor longer than you should’ve (all while handcuffed too!), that fiery bundle of elation simmering in your belly powered you through it. After all, Colin was all you could focus on, eclipsing everything else. His raw groans, the incoherent praises that spilled from his mouth, and the way your name danced off his tongue like silk - it was all you needed in the moment, utterly invading every fiber of your being.
However, it wasn't just you who was losing yourself in the moment. Colin's mind short-circuited completely, overwhelmed by the mounting pleasure that had him seeing dazzling stars. Your heavenly skills had transformed his body into a molten state of arousal, practically dissolving into a puddle of liquid. In this state, his thoughts scrambled like a glitching, outdated computer, and your lack-of-hands situation compelled him to take the reins in a mindless frenzy.
"Hope ya’ don't mind if I jus’..." he mumbled hoarsely, his words stumbling out spontaneously. His hands cradled the sides of your head, anchoring you in place, hovering inches above his seat to steady his rhythm. His cock delved deeper into the confines of your throat as his hips undulated to the flow of his ragged panting. His heart galloped like a wild stallion, synchronizing with the rhythm you created, while he sunk himself further into the depths of your wet heat.
“Mmh!- ‘m almost there! Need a lil’ l-longer.” Colin sputtered out, throat straining to keep as quiet as possible. He could see the glistening of tears stinging your eyes, whimpers muffled out around him. He truly never intended to subject your poor mouth to such rough treatment, his tip bullying the back of your throat with each jerky thrust until it was sore, pushing so deep that your nose buried itself in the tufts of hair on his pelvis. Despite the guilt welling up in him, he couldn’t help himself at this point. His body was now like a machine, moving on its own accord to milk every ounce of pleasure he could get.
Even then, you didn’t even break eye contact, not even once. Not when this police detective who nursed a hidden disdain for your tempestuous presence behind faux smiles, was now coming undone right before you - His once neatly styled chestnut brown hair now clung to his sweat-drenched forehead, strands falling over his flushed, pale features. His lips, now parted and glistening, revealed a glimpse of vulnerability, while his doe eyes sparkled with a feverish glimmer. Everything about him in this moment was enthralling, leaving you no choice but to be mesmerized.
The rippling tremors jolting through Colin's frame reminded him that he was nearing his climax, fire pooling low in his abdomen ready to erupt. Between heavy panting, he plucked up the courage to voice his request, his fretful eyes scanning the confined space of the car. “Hey sooo uh- you um… y-you don’t mind if I don’t pull out… right?” he asked, vulnerability threaded through his tone. He definitely wasn’t eager to see his load spray onto anything inside his police car.
Your nose scrunched up in clear disapproval, a glare shooting daggers at him, clearly not a fan of swallowing. He clicked his tongue in disheartenment, head tilted to the side “C’mon, do me a favor will ya?… Not really lookin’ forward to making a mess in the car.” He pleaded breathlessly. To his relief, no signs of protest emerged, though a sullen mask adorned your face.
As he noticed your lack of resistance, he seized the opportunity to follow through with his words. “‘m sorry!- So sorry. I-I’ll make it up to you later. Really!” Colin bleated, tone brewing with guilt and that familiar undercurrent of pleasure.
Squeezing his eyes back shut, he rubbed the bridge of his nose in an attempt to quell the tightly coiled spring in his belly, yearning for release. His balls tightened, cock pulsing as his thrusts into your mouth turned sloppy. Consumed by a blinding, searing white that engulfed his senses, his mind completely blanked. With one final forceful pump, he held your head close, ropes of cum painting your mouth white. Trapped in his surprisingly strong grip, you gulped down the bitter torrent, suppressing the almighty urge to gag as your tongue battled with the assault.
Once you swallowed every last drop of his cum, Colin released his firm grip, withdrawing his now softened cock from your mouth. His hands fell limply to his sides, the air in the cramped car heavy with sweltering breaths, as though the two of you had just completed a grueling marathon on a hot summer’s day.
Gradually regaining his composure, Colin peeled his eyes open, his gaze fixed upon your chest rising and falling, your lips swollen and glistening with wetness. “Jeez uhh, are you okay?- I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Post orgasm clarity rushed over him like a gust of fresh air, his lips downturned with genuine concern. He hastily reached into his coat pocket, digging out and opening a tissue packet, gingerly dabbing away the saliva and residue from your chin and mouth.
You blinked in confusion, caught off guard by the unexpected act of care from the detective. Well, that was a first - no one had ever wiped your mouth for you after a blowjob, but then again, your hands were bound, rendering you immobile. “Yeah I’m fine, you didn’t really have to do that, but I appreciate the gesture.” you replied in a hoarse voice, head shying away from him.
Colin's face brightened with a smile, a wave of relief washing over him. You were right - the weight of his once overwhelming stress seemed to dissipate. In fact, he felt like a brand new man! It had been a long time since he had been intimate with a woman, so this encounter meant more to him than you could ever know.
In an unexpected twist, he scooped you up from the car floor, strong arms cradling your waist as he pulled you into a tight embrace, cocooning you on his lap. In that moment, the softie within him had taken over, aching to shower you with affection and gratitude for the pleasure you had shared.
Your shoulders tensed in his firm grasp, your wide eyes betraying a mix of surprise and alarm. You couldn't help but wonder if he always got this sentimental after engaging in intimacy, and you couldn't decide if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
"Woooow okay, so we're hugging now huh? Someone's feeling affectionate tonight," you noted with a touch of sarcasm. Yet, despite your initial resistance, you allowed him to hold you, gradually surrendering to the warmth of his arms. Deep down, buried beneath layers and layers of pride, a part of you secretly enjoyed this, even if you'd rather be drawn and quartered than admit it.
“Yeah, hope you don’t mind. It’s jus’ that… you did such a good job.” Colin chuckled, his hand gently caressing the small of your back. “And hey, would ya’ look at that! I really do feel so much better now. So, genuinely, thank you.” His words resonated softly against the crook of your neck as he rested his chin there, his arms remaining securely wrapped around you.
You allowed the weight of the moment to sink in, basking in the warmth and tenderness enfolding you. Then, an idea suddenly sprang to mind, and you couldn't resist voicing it. “Say… since I did one hell of a job, does that maybe mean I’m off the hook now?” You pulled back, a sly brow raised as you awaited his response.
Colin let out an exaggerated huff, his smile filled with amusement as he ruffled your hair into a delightful mess. “Nope,” he replied teasingly. “You’re still getting your butt thrown into the station for the night.“
Your expectant smile swiftly dropped into a deep frown, prompting a hearty pat on the back from the detective as he erupted into a fit of laughter. “Sorry kid,” He said between chuckles. “Now chop-chop, time for you to get in the back!”
I’m aware I made Colin more pathetic than he actually is and I apologize- Idk I just could resist 😭😭 Hope the aftercare made up for it tho??
🤍 only tagging one person cuz idk who else wants to be tagged:
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k4marina · 1 year
— type || s.r
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synopsis: some new recruits ask you what your type is
warnings: suggestive language, some military lingo i guess, not proofread btw 🤺
inspired by rules by doja cat
simon”ghost”riley x gn!reader
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the inside of the helo buzzed with excitement as it got ready for take off. you and the 141, with a few new recruits were off to a mission. it was quite simple, locate enemy base, eliminate any threats, and safely retrieve the intel.
price, gaz, and soap we’re going in a separate helo while you and ghost had to babysit the newbies in another helo.
you took a seat, shifting your rifle and your hips to get comfortable for the ride. once settled you leaned your head back, eye closed hoping to get some peace before landing at the destination.
“..what? no! you ask them!”
“bruh.. why me? i don’t even say anything about this.”
“bro, martinez, you ask them since you’re so whipped.”
the not so hushed whispering grew louder and you more annoyed. geez, would it kill for some silence?
“lieutenant, i have a question.” the voice came from across where a few new recruits had sat themselves.
with a sight you opened your eyes, tilting your head to look at him. he wore a cocky smile, eyeing the way you sat, staring a little too long. “yes?”
“i was just wondering, y’know, what your type is.” the deck got quite, all eyes on you and the soldier across from you.
“and what do you want to do with that information for?”
“well, i was thinking how about you and me go out for some drinks?”
his friends watched with a mix of awe and horror as their friend tried to hit on his superior. “seems like you’ve been doing a lot of thinking.”
he smirked. “what else am i supposed to think about when you’re running around up there.”
god, how you wanted to gag.
you crossed your legs, purposefully moving you hips around, catching his attention.
you licked your lips, “i’ll need devotion.”
“lemme show how much i can give.”
you shifted forwards, letting your foot touch his leg. a glance down at his pants showed that they’d gotten significantly tighter.
“be honesty,” your voice can out sultry. “do i make you horny, baby?”
he licked his lips. “that obvious?” you huffed, moving away from him with a shit eating grin.
“too bad.”
even under the red light of the inside of the helo, you could see the heat rise up to the tips of ears. “let me give you a few tips. one, don’t talk to your superiors like that and two, you’ve gotta fake gold chain on- change that.”
a few other snickered at the two little jabs you said. martinez sat back with a “yes lieutenant, sorry.”
you groaned, leaning back again only to hear heavy boots stomping up the ramp and down towards the empty seat next to you.
“hey martinez. wanna know my type?” you tilted your head towards ghost walking to you. “that it right there.”
simon sat now next to you, glaring daggers at the recruits across from you, who now could look at anywhere but you.
you looked up at him, watching as his eyes went from them to you. he leaned down to youre ear, “you’re a cheeky little minx, ain’t ya’?”
you gave him a little shrug. “maybe you should take so long next time.”
was this rushed? yes.
it’s it still better than nothing? yes.
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contentloadinggg · 6 months
Hi!! Could you write something angsty with Hozier? He seems like a very calm man so it would be v interesting to explore that side of him
Thank you :)🩷 have a lovely day
Hey babes, I know I was gone for a hot minute. But I’m back, with another hot and ready suggestion. It’s actually not hot at all rip.
Also with answering requests that I’m currently very behind on— sorry btw— I have a fic brewing for Andrew’s birthday tomorrow, yay!
Little fic under the cut (~400 words)
“Baby, I’m sorry. Next time-”
“Next time what, Andrew? I’m so tired of waiting for you, waiting and waiting. Half the time you never even show up. I can’t wait for you another time. I’m not even sure it’s worth giving you another chance.”
The words spill into the air faster than you can think of what you’re saying. Tone filled with an aching pain and loneliness. It strikes Andrew full in the face. A panicked sense of defensiveness fills him in response. A sickening fire that burns in his gut.
“I’m trying! But I’m busy, okay? I can’t always be there every time I’m wanted.”
His voice struggles to stay at a reasonable level. Becoming louder than he would’ve liked. He pushes his hair out of his face. Roughly pulling at the strands between his fingers.
“You’re always busy! And this wasn’t just wanted Andrew, I needed you.”
“You knew what you were getting into when we started dating, before that even!’
He retorts, turning away from you. Partly because he can’t bear to see the tears gathering in your eyes. He stares at the wall. Studying each crack in the paint to compose himself. He didn’t want this discussion to turn into an argument. Fuck, he didn’t want this to be an issue with you at all. Deep down he knows you’re right. It’s his fault. There’s too many promises he’s made and hasn’t kept. 
“Maybe we just— shouldn’t see each other for a while.”
Your voice cracks making the torturous suggestion that devastates him. Nothing good ever comes of such an idea. Terror tears at his heartstrings. Pulls at his throat. He knows he needs to make this right, right now. Else he’ll never see you again. You’ll break up with him over the phone. Because doing it in person hurts too much. He wouldn’t be able to say goodbye properly.
Finally swallowing that God awful thing called pride. Andrew turns back around. His devastation deepened at the tears that hang on the edge of your waterline. Glistening in the dim light of the room. 
“Please, no, baby. We– We can’t do that. I–”
Words struggle over his tongue, his throat hoarser than he realized. 
“I’m sorry, you’re right. You always are. But please, please don’t leave. I need you, more than anything. I’ll do whatever it takes to make it up to you.”
He doesn’t care if he’s begging, pleading for it. He’ll force all the pride he’s been clinging onto and fall at your feet. But after this, could you ever take him back?
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azzypzazzy · 13 days
hear me out… schlatt helping you relax after finals (its finals for summer semester i am dying rn)
ok so i misread this and didn’t see the after finals but i refuse to go rewrite everything because i am sleepy. hope finals went well and you enjoy regardless <3
smut warning btw!! it’s not too explicit, but it’s under the cut. dont wanna read it? don’t. it’s also my first one, so it might be bad
Droopy eyes stared at your laptop, blue light reflecting onto your face. All you had to do was finish the chapter, you just had to finish it and hope to retain enough to lazily reread the rest later. That’s all you had to do. 
You grabbed your water bottle, sipping down the reminds of a cheap energy drink you got this morning, when you were a far more ambitious woman. Maybe if you drank enough of these you could have a heart attack and sue. Drop out and live your limited years on some beach making stupid decisions, instead of this. 
That’s it. You can’t do this anymore. You would just have to continue tomorrow, because if you spent another second trying to read the mess in front of you you’d explode. 
Was there anything else vaguely productive you could do? You weren’t gonna sit and do any more work, but you still had to do something. You switched over to your email, leaving your study tabs open “for later”. You seriously have to check this thing more often, 223 unread? You skimmed through them, deleting as you went. Fortunately, most were only from Google Classroom or websites you landed on the spam list for, meaning you didn’t miss anything. Anything except an email from some guy in your Spanish II? Spanish II. You never should’ve taken that awful class. It wasn’t even required, but you took it regardless, and you were too deep in to drop. You opened it, confused on what it could even be. 
Eric Thompson <[email protected]>  to: me Found a great quizlet for the exam https://quizlet.com/940117849/spanish-2-flash-cards/. Please let me know if anyone's having a study session (I’m desperate.) 
This just felt cruel. Like a cruel sign reminding you you were gonna fail, and probably him too. And for some odd reason, this email seemed to be the thing which made you realize that. 
You shut your laptop, grabbing your phone. Before you could even think, you went to Schlatt. 
to: Schlutt busy?
You set your phone down, leaning back in your chair. You just needed to relax a bit, that’s all. One night off and you’d be back. 
You grabbed your phone, realizing Schlatt already responded. Maybe you weren’t the only one having a rough night. 
from: Schlutt  Nope. You
to: Schlutt just exhausted
from: Schlutt  Want me to come over?
to: Schlutt please
from: Schlutt Be there in five
You opened the door, immediately going in for a tight hug, “Hi!” 
“Hey, missed you,” Schlatt said, resting his head on the crook of your neck.
“Yeah, me too,” you whispered, taking a deep breath. God, he smelled good. Did he usually smell like this? Must be a new cologne. 
After a moment you pulled away, letting him in your cramped dorm. You turned around, realizing how much of a mess your room actually was. “Sorry for the mess, I’ve just been so busy with finals and completely forgot to clean.” 
Schlatt shook his head, taking a seat on your bed, “No worries, not like I gave you much time. This is nothin’, you should see mine.”
“Oh god, I don’t think I want to,” You grinned, sitting next to him. “Finals beating your ass too?” 
“Yeah,” He sighed, running a hand through his hair, “Trying not to think about it for a bit.” 
Now that you’re looking, his head was pretty messy today. Most of him was, and it definitely fit. “Well, we’ve got time. Chloe’s not here,” you whispered, leaning a head on his shoulder. 
He smiled, his arm wrapping around your shoulder, “Then maybe we could watch a movie or somethin’?” 
“Sounds good to me,” you stood up, moving to your desk. You paused, looking at the mess of papers and trash which piled up in the past few days. You unplugged your laptop, opening it to close out your previous window, “Netflix?” 
“Sure,” he replied, eyes fixated on you as you sat back down next to him. He shifted over, allowing the two of you to lay down on the small space. 
You grabbed one of your pillows, using it as a table on your lap for the laptop. “Anything you wanted to watch?” You asked, entering the search bar. 
“Up to you, toots.” Toots. You felt your stomach flip, face looking straight forward to avoid the embarrassment of Schlatt seeing how flustered you were over a simple nickname. 
You nodded, scrolling until you landed on some old detective show, hoping it would be plain enough to bore him, “How’s this?” You clicked on it, “Says it’s a crime drama series following two detectives who have to solve a case 21 years after it was closed.” 
His eyes never went to the screen, still watching you as you chose, “Perfect.” 
You weren’t sure how long you two had been watching this crap, but it had been long enough. There was no way you could even try to focus on the show, but you were far too nervous to make a move. 
Luckily, a warm hand reached your thigh under the covers, circling slowly. 
It didn’t take long for you to realize what Schlatt was doing. Leaned on him, glancing up at him from the corner of your eye to see him staring back. 
Within seconds you found your arms around his shoulders, ass on his lap, tongue in his mouth. 
Schlatt moaned into you, the kiss becoming sloppy and desperate. You pulled away, heart beating out of your chest, a rushed confession escaping your mouth, “I really like you, Schlatt.” 
“Fuck,” he groaned, throbbing under you, “Love you too.” He planted a hand on your ass, his breath hot on your face, “So fuckin’ much.” 
You bit the bottom of your cheek to stifle a moan, before wrapping him into another frantic kiss. Schlatt fingers gripped your hair, pulling you in closer. He was seriously gonna be the death of you. 
You slid a hand under his shirt, able to feel his heart erratically beating under your touch. His lips left yours, panting. You rested your forehead on his temple, admiring his eyes. Fuck. Without thinking, your free hand slipped to his shorts, toying with the waistband. 
Schlatt tilted his head back, mumbling a plea. You stopped, looking up at him with a cocky grin, “You’re gonna need to speak up.” 
“Please,” he looked back down at you. 
Now this was a sight. The way his chest rose and fell, the way his eyes shined in the low light, it all was perfect, and you could feel it. Days of pent up tension and stress weighing on the both of you, begging to be released. 
okay i got tired and gave up. hope it was okay though!! maybe ill continue it eventually not sure be nice please
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artdcnaldson · 3 months
ararararararar uuuggghhhh shes so terrible, anything to torture him back. i luv luv luv!!!!
will gladly elaborate on this, but im convinced that after this pats sister is doing everything within her power to recreate that night. every party she gets just that little bit drunker, grinds just a bit more scandalously, flirts just a bit more obviously. anything to get a rise out of him, because as much as she pretends not to with her fake tears, she loves it when he gets mean
i think one night shes had a bit too much to drink and has been flirting way too much with matt from the swim team (who btw looks an awful lot like art... but hes to caught up in his jealousy to bother with that rn). this time art isnt dealing with her shit, he just walks over and puts her over his shoulder, telling her its bedtime. right in the middle of matts sentence, talking about the upcoming swim meet or something, she really wasnt listening. shes making more of a fuss about it than usual, complaining about him being controlling, and really shouldnt he just be happy that youre trying to fuck someone other than him!!!! isnt this what he wanted!!!! (they both know its not lol)
i think she lets it slip, she forgets that she was supposed to have been blackout drunk and clueless, but she begs him to let her see his pretty cock again. youll show him yours if he shows you his :))) drunkenly slurring it out when shes sitting on his bed. i think he would get so pissed at her for making him feel so guilty for so long. hes felt like a huge creep, a perv, felt like he had taken advantage of her. when in reality she really is just a spoiled brat and a desperate slut.
i need him to like slap me in the heat of the moment, not super hard of anything but just right across my cheek. i need him to feel so bad right away, ready to get on his knees and beg for forgiveness. he doesnt know what came over him, hes never done anything like that before. and then i need his eyes to darken when he realized my only reaction is a loud moan and telling him to pls do it again, harder. :))))
GODDDDDD I actually like had a physical reaction to this it’s so serious.
You know you fucked up the second you say it, when you’re sitting on his bed looking up at him and you see the recognition in his eyes. Sobers you up real fucking quick. And there’s nothing to say, so you’re just quiet, practically holding your breath.
It stings when his hand slaps across your cheek, and your eyes fill with water and you’re holding onto the hot stinging skin like, oh!
And in an instant he’s literally on his knees in front of you, big hands wrapped around your knees as he apologizes again and again and again.
“I’m so sorry, that was— there’s no fucking excuse,” he’s stammering, mumbling, feels like he might puke over it. Because he hit you. And he’s never felt so awful in his life. He’s the worst kind of person— he let his anger take over into pure basal instincts.
But then your legs are parting, you moan softly when his grip on your knees tightens. “‘S okay, Art,” you assure. “Do it again. Punish me for lying, for being a slut and letting you feel guilty about it. Hit me harder.”
It only makes him angrier, makes all of the guilt wash away. He grabs your jaw tight, makes you whimper. “You’re fucking disgusting.” You nod, agreeing. You’d agree with whatever he’d say, honestly. He pops your cheek again, makes a soft moan escape your lips.
He shouldn’t like it as much as he does. But god, you make him feel insane. He squeezes your jaw in his grip, makes your eyes widen at the pressure and sting, then drops you completely. You collapse back onto his bed, still holding your cheek.
“I’m serious, this is the last fucking time I put up with you,” he says, but even he doesn’t believe it. He’s still seething as he turns out the lights, as he sleeps on the pile of blankets he had laid out on the floor anticipating you coming back to his dorm anyway.
You stay awake, pretend not to hear him fisting his cock beneath the blankets, pretending he doesn’t groan your name muffled into the pillows when he cums.
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my-jukebox · 5 months
hihi! i have a obey me request that i thought of after reading the hug headcanons w the brothers post you made!! (it was REALLY nice btw <3 i loved it!)
what about mc coming home after a tiring day at RAD and mammon just hugs them n they just have a cute fluffy moment …or!! mammon coming home after a tiring day at RAD, and mc just hugs him n again they have a cute fluffy moment, any of the two are fine since they’re both so cute!! im gonna leave the choice up to ya, cant wait too see what u write <3
- 🃏 anon! :3
I'm so glad you loved the previous post. I brainstormed my best here and tried to make it longer so forgive me if it's not up to the mark. Also God it took so long, I'm sorry.
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Genre: Oneshot, Fluff
Characters: (gn! reader), and Mammon.
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"Mammon, towards the light!"
The photographer said as Mammon turned towards the light, maintaining his pose. He had been going for hours together with only a ten minute break every hour.
"Majolish is gonna love these pics. Great job today!" was all Mammon heard before he rushed to his studio room and removed his makeup. He looked so tired, to the point where he should've considered getting Asmo to keep the people at bay.
He took deep breaths and finally got some shut eye until—
"Mammon, the next shot is ready!"
"Ahh shit, here we go again!"
Mammon headed out the room and watched as the studio began filling up with multiple models who he was supposed to pose with.
'This is gonna be draining!' He thought as he was being dressed and practically, dragged by his photographer on the stage.
The lecture seemed never ending. The professor kept talking about Latin phrases for spells and potions but all you could think about was sleep.
"(Y/N)?" The teacher called out.
"(Y/N)!?" She repeated.
"Are you zoning out? Please pay attention or else you'll fail the midterms."
"Yes, ma'am"
The teacher nodded her head at you and went back to teaching some spells again. You couldn't be bothered. You'd just have to pull up another study session with the brothers again, it seems.
The minute the bell rang, you got up from the bench, refusing to greet anybody as you made your way to the House of Lamentation.
Upon reaching back home, you entered your room to find Mammon asleep on your bed. You gently shook him.
"Mammon, are you alright? It's pretty rare to find you here of all places." You said, voice laced with concern.
"I'm alright. I'm just so tired. When I tell ya' I was like a prisoner there, I'm not kiddin'!!" He said as he looked up at you. He had absolutely no energy left in him.
"There?" You asked, unsure of what he was talking about.
"The modelling studio. Those stupid, little ahhhh.....they weren't letting me rest." He said, clearly annoyed with how his entire day went. You chuckled at his little rage towards his workers before throwing your bag on the floor and removing your shoes, making your way towards the bed.
"Aww baby don't worry. You wanna....cuddle?" You asked him as you watched his cheeks get flushed with different shades of red.
You laughed and opened your arms wide for him. He scowled but still laid down on your chest as you massage his head gently. This moment was all you needed. Especially after a day like this.
"How was your day?" He said softly, so as to not disturb the peaceful moment.
"Eh. You weren't there in class so it wasn't the best." He grinned widely at you response.
"Of course it wasn't the best. The Great Mammon promises to never leave you alone again."
"I'll hold you on that promise."
You hear a low rumble from Mammon, indicating that he was chuckling. You hug him even tighter, never wanting to let go. As you both cuddled, you found yourself finally content and at peace after such an awful day.
And so, you both stayed up the entire night; talking, laughing, joking about everything and nothing at the same time. The night began to fade slowly as you both found yourselves with each other once again, cherishing the eventful moments of closeness as the world outside was asleep.
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I finally did it. i got a conclusion at last!
Do like, comment and/or reblog if you enjoyed!
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Everything at Once Part 5
Dieter Hellstrom x Original Fem Character
Btw this is very short! (Part 6 will be up soon as well!!!)
Sorry that this is later and shittier than expected. I had some personal issues to take care of and I kind of straight up procrastinated lmao. Hopefully y'all like it :)))
Warnings: antisemitism, cursing, some implied angst and smut, Dieter is a sad boi, Hans is meanie lol. Again, I do not support Nazis in any shape or form. This is just for the Inglourious Basterds fandom stuff.
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A few days past and Camille still hasn't heard from Dieter.
Did he forget about her?
Was he hurt?
Did he leave her?
Awful and heartwrenching thoughts clouded Camille's brain. She sat on her rocking chair with a book in her hand, and a self-crocheted blanket on her lap.
Fuck... she thought. Why do I keep thinking about him?
Her mind was flooded with the passion he shared the other night. What would happen if he kept going? Would he be nice?
Her mind then went to the emblems and symbols that scattered that man's uniform. What if he found out? What would he do?
The thought of what Nazis were capable of made her world stop.
Her throat went as dry as sand and tears prickled in her eyes.
Feeling worthless and hopeless, she curled herself in a ball on the chair and weeped.
Why does my first love have to my enemy? She thought.
Eventually the sun would set, people would sleep peacefully and the world would stop turning.
The same evening, Dieter was sat in his god forsaken Gestapo office, going over all the shitty personnel paperwork Hans has so gratefully gifted him.
The personnel paperwork included the Jews and Communists living in the arrondissement in the last ten years that Dieter needs to find and eventually arrest.
Angrily, Dieter flipped over one person's file so roughly it cut the middle of his thumb and index finger.
"Shittttt!" Dieter exclaimed putting the wound to his mouth.
His eyes fell to the paperwork.
The face seemed familiar.
Though in black and white, the long curly hair was a lighter shade, the skin pale, dark lips, light eyes...light doe eyes...
His mind panicked.
Riddled with anxiety, he looked at the person's name...
It cant be.
Robichaux. Camille.
Age 21.
Hair- blonde
Eyes- blue
le septième, Paris.
Owner of Boulangerie François
No communist allegations to date.
Father- in custody
Mother- deceased
Unknown family members - possible hiding/ deceased
Other information unavailable.
Dieter's heart was beating out of his chest at a rapid speed. If it was possible, his skin became paler. Nausea and anxiety filled his body.
His thin fingers traced the picture of the young baker... tears threatening to spill.
Stupid waitress...
A part of him wanted to prove himself to Landa. To prove he isnt some dickhead officer who is capable of being promoted. To prove he isnt some desk jockey.
But a very real part of him sunk heavily in his heart, wanted to hide Camille..to shield her from world. Make her safe.
He looked at the giant swatiska flag in the corner of the room. It mocked him. It displayed nothing but hatred and cowardness.
What can I do to protect her?
I am nothing but a uniform controlled by a pompous asshole.
Footsteps woke Dieter out of his saddened daydream. He stood up straight with his arm raised in a salute welcoming his higher up.
"So...how is paperwork going along, Dieter old boy?" Hans asked smarmy. "Dont tell you fell asleep again?"
It was one time...
"Negative sir. The missing citizens have been traced." Dieter replied emotionless.
Hans walked over slowly to his desk and saw Camille's documents on full display. He picked it up and sighed.
"Our little baker girl, eh? Who knew he was a dirty jew? Her cafe was so clean." Hans said condescendingly.
Dieter tried to swallow the lump in his throat.
Hans looked at him dead in the face.
"Find her tomorrow."
"But Sir..."
"Do not undermine my authority Hellstrom. I gave you an order."
Dieter sighed...
"Do you understand?" The evil stone cold look on Hans's face was chilling.
"Ja, Standartenführer."
"Gut. Keep working. You're not off until you're done." Hand left the room.
Dieter collapsed in his chair with a loud sigh escaping his lips.
He took Camille's documents in his hands and scared at her face. Studying it.
"I'm sorry..."
He downed his glass of whiskey in one go.
He drifted off to the night were Camille was under him, completely submitted. Dirty thoughts clouded his brain space. Her quiet sighs, her soft skin below his fingers, her eyes looking into his...his uniform pants got tight all of a sudden.
He looked at the documents once more. His eyebrows furrowed in frustration.
What if I lie to Landa...everyone lies to the prick so why cant I?
A plan was now in progress for Hellstrom.
He folded up Camilles paper and secretly stuck them in this coat pocket. He grabbed the main "Jew" paper and found her name.
After rummaging through his drawers he found white ink. Carefully and surely erasing Camilles name until there was nothing but a clear white line above the black ink. He blew on the paper to dry for safe measurement. Dieter smiled at himself, feeling accomplished.
But a real feel of crippling guilt creeped in him...
To be continued...
@whore4waltz @rurivu @xoxocillian @fridaycanbesadsometimes @racheljo47 @whitechoc135 @officerh4t @blueberrypancakesworld @hanslandasstrudel @gentlemenashortviewbacktothepast
(Lemme know if u wanna be tagged.)
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neonoddeye · 1 year
Save room for us | Sanji x GN! Reader
The Sanji brain rot has been so intense lately, I had to do something about it! The fic is named after a song from one of my favorite albums ever by Tinashe, btw (you should listen to it).
CONTENT WARNINGS: kinda angsty but with a whole lot of comfort, takes place right after the events of whole cake
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Heart goes numb
Perched at the edge of your seat in the aquarium, you awaited Sanji, five minutes before the agreed upon time. When the crew finally set sail from Whole Cake with the beloved cook and the crew got a chance to catch sleep, you caught Sanji after breakfast, stating bluntly that “we need to talk after dinner tonight.” You felt bad for stating the invitation in such a sinister tone, especially after the nightmare Sanji just emerged from, but your emotions got the best of you. The numbness shielding your heart was thawing away, and you couldn’t stand the pain of hiding your feelings for Sanji any longer.
These nights don’t get easier when I see you with her
A light knock on the door pulled you out of your running thoughts, and the man of the hour stepped in, holding a plate of your favorite snack and a cup of tea.
“I noticed you gave most of your food to Luffy at dinner, so I made you something.” You can hear the apprehension dripping from his words, and your heart aches knowing you worried the poor man.
“Thank you, Sanji,” you reply weakly, avoiding eye contact with him out of guilt as you speak. “I’m sorry I didn’t eat that much, the food tasted great. I just… didn’t have an appetite.”
“That’s okay, don’t worry!” Sanji assures you as he places the food and tea down gently next to you. “Tell me, what are you worried about? Is there something you need to tell me?” He takes a seat next to you, giving you more personal space than usual, and you finally look up at him, your eyes threatening to well up with tears as you see his beautiful blue eyes full of concern for you.
“Sanji I-“ you start, then take a shaky, deep breath. “I didn’t mean to worry you so much when I said we need to talk. I’m not mad at you, I promise. You’ve been through a lot these past few days, and I’m really happy to have you back. I missed you.” Your words are fragile and wavering as you try to avoid telling him your true feelings.
“There’s no need to apologize, y/n, I know you didn’t mean to worry me. I missed you too, and I’m really happy to be back-“
“No, Sanji,” you interrupt him, feeling the dam of emotion slowly break free with every word shared between you too. “I really missed you, it was painful without you around.” Your voice picks up a little bit, and you look him square in the eyes, finally gathering up the courage to spill your every thought. “I was so worried about you, getting married to some girl you don’t even know and seeing your awful family hurt me too. But, the more I spent time away from you, the more I realized it was more than just friendly concern.”
Sanji’s eyebrows furrowed in concern. “What do you mean?”
“I mean…” you sigh, and turn your body to completely face Sanji. “God dammit, Sanji, I like you. I mean I have feelings for you, and it hurt being away from you, and I know it sounds so fucking selfish but it hurt when I saw you with Pudding. Seeing her fawn over you was agonizing. I know you drool over every girl, I don’t care about that, but I was afraid the two of you actually had something special. It made me realize that I want something special with you, Sanji.” You sharply inhale at the end of your confession, not realizing you forgot to breathe between your words.
She will never love you, oh, the way that I do
Sanji’s eyes widen, and the two of you stare at each other in shock of your words as he begins to process. After a solid 30 seconds, he exhales, then gently pulls you into his chest for a hug, his long arms holding you as if you were made of porcelain.
“Honey, you should have said something before,” Sanji whispers, his chin resting on the top of your head. “I’m so, so sorry I was hurting you this whole time.” You can hear him begin to choke up. “If-if I had known-“
“It’s okay, Sanji, I’m not upset with you, I didn’t intend on coming across that way.” You look up from his chest, and your heart stings at the sight of tears welling up in his eyes. “You didn’t have a choice, I knew that. I’m so happy you’re here with us. I’d go through all of that again if it means I get to be here with you every time.”
You’ll come back for us, someday
Sanji brings his hand to your cheek, delicately wiping away a tear you didn’t even notice came out with his thumb. He’s disregarding his own tears, smiling down at you with true warmth and contentment.
“Is it too early to say I love you? Because I really, really do. I’ve wanted to be with you ever since you joined us. I know it’s difficult for me to show that to you right now, so will you be mine? So I can continue to show you how much I love you?”
“I’d want nothing more.”
The last thing you see is your new boyfriend grinning ear to ear before he squeezes you into his chest, breaking any sort of tension that was previously between you two. The happiness is radiating from him like morning sunlight, grazing your skin and making you feel warmth for the first time in days. Tears of happiness and relief flood out of you, and mumble out an apology into his chest for dampening his shirt. He doesn’t have a care in the world. Once you break free of him to catch your breath, you gasp slightly, noticing how close your face is to his. He’s still holding you by the waist, and you can feel his shallow breaths against your face as he keeps you close. You then notice he’s staring at your lips, and in an act of newfound bravery, you place your hands around his neck and close the distance. His lips meet yours with the same gentle care that he holds you, and you both linger for a moment, basking in the sensation and bliss of contact you both craved for so long. He pulls away, only to give you a forehead kiss, lingering a bit longer into the warmth of your skin. When you get a chance to look back up at him, you swear you can see hearts in his eyes.
“Sorry, I couldn’t wait any longer,” you whisper, feeling your cheeks and ears paint themselves red with bashfulness.
“Never apologize for that. Please do that more often, actually.” You swear you can see blood begin to trickle out of his nose, and you giggle. You can absolutely tell that Sanji is truly in love with you.
“Oh! The food! I can’t waste this, would you stay here with me while I eat?” You ask Sanji, much more lighthearted than before.
“My love, could I stay with you for the whole night?”
“Please do.”
The two of you talk about everything and nothing as you eat your late night snack made by him, all the while basking in the relief of finally being with one another. Truly, you’d go through every fight on that god forsaken island again if it meant you’d be in Sanji’s arms.
‘Cause we were built in dreams of gold
(Just save room for us)
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sturnwrld · 3 months
The party🫀 C.S.
Warnings: sumttt✨
a/n: Hii babess i know i haven't been writing, honestly don't even know why. Anyways hope you enjoy this story and please send in requests. Any feedback and tips on how to improve are much appreciated. Also, very insecure about this so please don't be harsh. English isn't my first language, so sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.💓
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I just got out of a 2y toxic relationship, i felt like absolute shit but my girlfriend dragged me out of the house to go to some house party. ''Y/n get your ass out of bed, it's been 3 months, forget about that dick!'' Mia said. she is my best friend and i love her, but God she can be so persistent. ''Mia i just can't, i really don't have the energy.'' i said while hiding under my duvet. ''Please y/n, i hears Marc's gonna be there.'' Mia had the biggest crush on Marc for as long as i can remember. ''Please y/n, for me.'' she whined. ''Ughh, fine but just because i love you.'' ''OMGG, thankk you you're the best'' she said as she happily jumped around.
We started getting ready, i wore a black mini dress which complimented my figure nicely and some black heels. i did my makeup and called the cab to take us to the party. When we got there we went to get a drink, after a few minutes Mia had to go to the bathroom so I stood by the drinks. I was looking around when I heard a voice behind me ''Hey, whacha drinking?'' as turned around i saw a brown haired boy with the most beautiful blue eyes, he was smiling down at me waiting for an answer. ''Oh, just a gin tonic.'' ''Oh, nice. I'm Chris btw.'' he said putting out his hand for me to shake. ''I'm y/n, nice to meet you.'' ''So what brings you here?'' he asked looking down at me. ''Umm.. well my friend actually dragged me here so she could try and hook up with her crush soo i'm just kinda stuck here…'' And yeah there she was, in the corner of my eye i could see, Mia talking to Marc, i was definitely stuck here.
''Oh, wanna go for a smoke?'' he asks. ''Yes, please.'' I answered practically begging not to be alone. We went out to the porch, lighted a cigarette Chris spoke ''You look really nice.'' ''Oh, um thank you, you too.'' He just smiled. ''So you have a boyfriend?'' he asks. ''No, um not anymore at least.'' i answer with a shaky voice, still not over the whole situation. ''What happened, if you don't mind me asking?'' ''Well, to save you the details, he was a narcissistic piece of shit. We were together for 2 years after i found out he was cheating on me 3 months ago….'' ''Omg, that's awful, I'm so sorry to hear that.'' he replies . ''Yeah it's fine. Soo you got a special someone?'' i ask excitedly, honestly hoping he would say no. ''No, i do not.'' he replies chuckling. I just smile, trying to hide my excitement..
''Do you wanna go somewhere more private to talk?'' he asks, and i nod. He takes my hand as we make our way upstairs throughout the people. After we find a empty room, which was surprisingly very hard, Chris closes the door behind us and sits next to me on the bed. We were chatting for a bit about family, school and stuff like that when he says ''You look very pretty rn'' that sentence makes my heart flutter. i mean have you seen that man?! i smile, we just look at each other for a moment, and he starts leaning in, my stomach fills with butterflies as our lips collide. The kiss was soft at first, so innocent.
Things hot heated very fast, after a while i feel him tugging on the bottom of my dress. He stops for a second looking at me for approval, i nod, desperate to feel his touch. he took my dress of and he started taking of his shirt. we were now laying on the bed, he climbed on top of me kissing me hungrily this time. i tug at his belt, he gets the hint and takes of his trousers. ''Are you sure?'' he asks ''Yes Chris please i need you.'' i beg pathetically. As he starts pushing his length into me, a gasp escapes my mouth, he was so big i could barely take him. He starts ponding into me, i moan unable to hold it in ''Yes let me hear those pretty sounds, so perfect'' he says heavily breathing. ''Omg Chris you feel so fucking good'' i could barely speak. His veiny hand snakes around my neck, squeezing slightly. ''So perfect for me princess.'' he says in a low tone sending me over the edge. As I clench around his length, he releases inside of me letting out a groan. He pulls out of me and roles over on his back, we just lay there for a moment, both out of breath.
He puts his arm around me and pulls me in closer, kissing my forehead. I could feel my cheeks burning red. ''Are you okay, not hurt or anything?'' he asks. ''I'm perfect'' i respond. He smiles, we just lay there in silence, sharing a few kisses. After a while I needed to find Mia and get home sense it was getting late. To be honest I wanted to stay there for an eternity if I could, but Mia was surely searching for me.
''So, um I should really get going, it's getting late, I need to find my friend'' i say with a smile, honestly feeling bad that i need to leave. Chris says he understands, we exchange numbers I kiss him one last time and get going. I went out to call a cab and there i find Mia visibly drunk. ''Heyyy y/nn, where have you been, I've been searching all over for youuu..'' she says drunkenly. ''Okayy now take it easy lets go home..'' i say helping her walk to the cab. We get to mine i put Mia in bed so she can sleep, i decided to check my phone.
There was a message from Chris asking me to hang out again some time soon. I was over the moon. I replied obviously saying yes. After a bit of texting back and forth, I went to bed not being able to take my mind off of Chris and tonight- which wouldn't have happened without Mia and her persistence.
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awfulwriter123 · 1 year
JumpScare ( Rhea Ripley X Reader One-shot)
Okay, i know i said i was not going to any one-shot's yes and i was going to start small, but its the spooky season and this came to mind with it being Halloween and with the Five Night's At Freddy's movie coming out, (anyone excited for that btw!?) so bare with me. As always criticism and tips are appreciated and happy reading everyone!! ❤️❤️
Warning's: Short and rhea being a dick....and not in that way...ya weirdo's
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-No one's pov-
"Oh god, why did i have to do this to myself!?" you said to yourself as you had the Five Night's At Freddy's (1) game opened and ready to go. Deciding to give it a shot since the first couple of game's were on sale for Halloween you thought "why not?" now you regret this decision.
"Okay, deep breath. First night should be fine right?! It's after that i gotta worry, you got this!" You hyped yourself up as you clicked 'New Game' and Night One 12:00 AM flashed across your screen. "Okay here we go."
-Meanwhile downstairs-
Rhea deiced to take a brake after cleaning up the house a bit, Considering you did it alot while she was on the road. She told you "Go find something to do love, let me clean for you, you've done enough." To which you kissed her on the cheek and thanked her multiple times while practically sprinting up the stairs.
Now here she was sitting on the couch with Barry's head in her lap, and Luna lounging around on the other side of the couch. Scrolling through her phone trying to find something to entertain herself during this mini break she was having.
"AHH!" You mother fucker!!" She heard coming from upstairs. She raised her eyebrow as she shot a look at the dogs, who obviously heard you considering both there head's and ear's were perked up and listening closely now.
"You fucken rabbit! Fuck off please I need the power!!!" She heard again. She chuckled to herself as she deiced to see what you were up to.
She slowly and as quietly as possible crept up the stair's and peered into your work room. She saw you playing....Five Night's At Freddy's!? She never knew you were into the games, let alone willing to PLAY them, but then she saw how tense you were and decided to have a bit of fun.
So as slowly and as quietly as she could she crept over, As Chica appeared at the door causing you to close it. "Great the gang's all here!! Now it's a party!! Go away!!!" You shouted basically at the monitor.
Rhea had to cover her mouth to stifle her laugh, as it would've blow her cover. She almost didn't scare you cause she felt bad. Almost.
"Oh come on 6 AM, Im almost out of power!" Rhea looked over to the top left side of the screen and saw 'Power 1%'. She waited for the right moment. 'Power 0%' all of the lights in the game went out and the door's opened.
"RAHHHHGGG!!!" "AHHHHH!!!!" You quickly spun around in your chair and threw your headphones off as you felt someone grab your shoulder's, only to find your lovable eradicator standing there dying of laughter.
"OH MY GOD!!! HA! HA! HA! THAT WAS GREAT!!!! SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACE!!! HA! HA!" She wiped a tear from her eye as you pouted and crossed your arms as your turned red from embarrassment.
"Your such a dick for that Rhea!" You smacked her arm, to which just giggled from it, trying not to laugh anymore. You then saw her eye's look behind you towards you monitor. "Im sorry babe, but i dont think your making it out of that one."
You looked behind you to see Freddy's face flashing in the doorway. You threw your hands up in aggravation and plopped back down into your chair. "Aw great you fucken bear, just killed me and get it over with!"
When the lights flickered off, you braced yourself for the jumpscare. Which never came cause you could hear the music start to play and your screen showed 5:59 AM switch to 6:00 AM.
You quickly squealed in excitement and hugged rhea as well, and who was she to reject one of your hug's? As you pulled away and looked at her. "I did it! i did it!!" You then proceeded to start doing a mini happy dance.
"What night was that anyways?" You paused your dancing as rhea asked that. "Uhhhhh....well you see.." Your screen flashed, '12:00 AM 2nd Night'.
Rhea just stared at you with a look of amusement and was about to say something when you pointed at her. "Not. A. Word." And sat back down in your chair and put your headset back on to try and beat the 2nd night.
You quickly looked to your left to see rhea pull up a spare chair and sit next to you to watch you play. You gave her a look of confusion and gratitude as you didn't have to suffer this alone.
When she looked at you and saw the look you were giving her, all she said was. "Ah i owe you, since i was a dick and scared you." She gave you a big smile. Which gave right back before giving her a quick kiss on the lips and then quickly turn back to the game to try and beat the 2nd night.
Now you just had to figure out how to get rhea back for that jumpscare.
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catbountry · 7 months
One of these days I'm gonna get completely zonked and write out an entire fucking essay on why Mister Metokur sucks and I don't like him, but I feel like I could just say "he kickstarted the internet dumpster fire that was GamerGate" and have justified my position completely.
So fucking tired of orbiting communities that talk about internet weirdos/drama and seeing creators kiss the fucking ring of some guy just because he's got a voice for radio and surrounds himself with people who are stupider than he is so he can toss them aside as soon as they inevitably do some stupid bullshit that he can make fun of and feel justified in doing so, like Sargon of Akkad and Ethan Ralph, all while lamenting that internet culture has changed since the 2000's and people on the internet like furries now more than they like otaku.
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Oh yeah and he's using James Somerton's suicide note as an opportunity to expose Hbomberguy for shit he did nearly two decades ago and shame him for "troll's remorse." If I didn't highly suspect that this is another ploy by James to manipulate people into feeling sorry for him, I'd probably be more disgusted, but it proves this man just operates on pure spite. Like yeah, I get it, overly-performative troll's remorse is fucking cringe, but you're on a podcast with Null making jokes about "stinkditches" and saying unambiguously racist shit while laughing (in a video conveniently deleted from YouTube from September 17th, 2022). And if it weren't for Jim's army of asskissers, I'd probably be way more open about this sort of thing. But who's even reading my Tumblr at this point anyway?
The first time I remember being alarmed by him was that video he did on that creepy pedo who looked at photos of kids in bathtubs, and he was in a call with this guy and some girl said pedo was friends with, and Jim lost his patience and called her a "hole" and to shut up. People kiss Metokur's ass over this video. I don't even know if any action, criminal or otherwise, was taken against the dude and it was just an exercise in lording not being a pedophile over some deeply disturbed guy who probably had some kind of mental disability.
I am pretty much always going to have a fixation on strange internet people, internet drama, and horrifying nightmare people given unrestricted internet access. This is a character flaw of mine. I have tried to view these people more fairly in recent years, though to be honest, there's quite a few of them that are pretty goddamn hard to feel sorry for. But I also recognize a lot of my fascination was probably, at least partially, trollshielding; if I join in with the people making fun of these people, that means I won't be a target. It was a survival strategy learned from childhood and I'm not proud of it. But I also can't do the full troll's remorse because some of those people I talked shit about really were awful people. That doesn't make it okay when I would be snarky and judgemental towards people that didn't deserve it. Trying to stop a pedophile or helping shed light on a zoosadism ring doesn't make you a good person because even bigots hate pedos and people that torture animals. Congratulations on having the faintest resemblance of a conscience, it'd be nice if you could show that same outrage on behalf of black people and trans women. But we know you ain't doin' that.
Also I swear to god if somebody refers to him as "daddy Jim" and they're not taking the piss I'm gonna give them such a pinch.
P.S. James is very likely alive, btw. Who could have seen the serial liar and manipulator telling lies and emotionally manipulating people?
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baileypie-writes · 8 months
hi! If you’re willing to do platonic relationships with velvet and veneer, I’d take a platonic friendship fic with Velvet, maybe the two at a party? If you take tween stories of the two, they could be tweens/teens too! Sorry if it’s too much
A/N ~ Sure! And yes, I do write for friendships:) Hope you enjoy! Btw, Reader and Velvet aren’t explicitly said to be preteens, but I made them be in middle school.
~You’re More Fun~
Velvet + GN!Reader
Fandom: Trolls 3: Band Together
Reader: Gender Neutral
Relationship: Platonic
Genre: Fluff
Synopsis: Just when Velvet thought the party couldn’t get more boring, you, her best friend, step in and lightens the mood.
Warnings: None!
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The lights were blinding and the music was loud. Velvet personally thought it was a little much for just a middle school dance. But hey, at least people were enjoying it. Not her though.
She stood by herself in an empty corner of the gym with a red plastic cup of water in her hands. Every few minutes she’d take a sip of the now lukewarm drink. She was bored. Nobody had come and asked her to dance, which made her upset. She had made herself look all pretty, putting lots of effort into her makeup and outfit. But nobody even noticed her. The lack of a dancing partner wouldn’t bother her as much if she had you, her best friend, to hang out with. However, you had gotten asked to dance by somebody, and accepted. So now, she was alone.
She raised her cup to her lips, only to find that it was empty. She walked near the food table to try to find a trash can. Once she found an overflowing one, she sighed, and decided to look for a different one.
When she had circled halfway around the gym, a familiar voice caught her attention.
“Hey, Velvet!”
It was you. She smiled, and made her way over to you.
“Hey. How was it?” She asked, referring to the dance you shared with the other person.
“God, it was awful. They could not dance. They barely even talked or looked at me. It was so boring and awkward.” You complained.
“Oh. Well at least it’s over now.” Velvet laughed.
The two of you made your way to Velvet’s previous spot. One of the lights shone on her dress, making it sparkle beautifully.
“Wow, your dress is so pretty!” You said in awe, not noticing it until now.
“Finally, someone notices it!” Velvet exclaimed, making you laugh.
You two conversed about random topics, until a guy you didn’t know showed up. He was wearing a very fancy and expensive looking suit, and he had a confident expression on his face.
He held out his hand to Velvet. “Hey, wanna dance?” He asked.
Velvet glanced over to you. You gave her a smile, showing her that it was okay to accept.
“No thanks.” She rejected, much to your surprise. The guy was shocked, clearly not expecting her answer. With a huff, we walked away.
“Why didn’t you say yes? He looked pretty cool.” You asked.
“Eh, I don’t feel like dancing with a stranger.” Velvet said. She then turned her head to face you.
“Besides, you’re more fun anyway.”
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lovesickonmybed · 11 months
bad idea right? | (2/?)
chapter one | chapter three | series masterlist
eddie munson x OC | word count - 3831
summary | a game of truth or dare has consequences.
warnings | swearing, underage drinking, smoking, mentions of drug use, mentions of sex, sexual harassment, a bit of bullying, and depression.
a/n | i fucked with the timeline a little so billy and max had moved to hawkins a few months earlier because I need him for the story. listen to bad idea right? by olivia rodrigo and g.i.n.a.s.f.s. by fall out boy while you read this btw.
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God fucking dammit. My night was awful to begin with, hell I didn’t even want to be here in the first place, but now it’s even worse. Eddie fucking Munson is here, and he looks hot, like really hot. I swear to god if I was more drunk I would probably already be on him. Sure he hates me, but that doesn’t mean I can’t still think he’s hot. After our falling out I was hoping I’d hate him, that he’d suddenly turn ugly in my mind, but nope, he just gets hotter and hotter. And tonight it’s like he’s the only guy I’ve ever seen. Every guy I’ve ever hooked up with or ever even found attractive all exit my brain as soon as my eyes land on him. He’s sitting on a boulder with his long curly hair tied back into a bun, he’s attempting to light his cigarette. What strikes me as odd is that he’s completely alone, usually Ronnie or Dougie is with him but they’re nowhere to be seen. I down my drink and look away from him, if I keep looking at him I’m going to go over there and it will not end well. 
To distract myself I go over to one of the coolers and try to find something that won’t taste awful, I take a while to find anything. I smile to myself when I find a mini bottle of Malibu and a coke. I grab them and stand up and turn around, immediately running into somebody. They grab me by my shoulders to steady me. We meet each other's eyes and my face goes red and my mouth goes dry. Of course the person I’ve just run into is Eddie. He removes his hands from me with a disgusted look. “I-I-I’m…s-sorry…” I mumble before running off to go find somewhere to hide from him.
I duck behind a rock and open the tiny bottle of Malibu, I chug the entire thing and then chase it down my coke. “Goddammit!” I whisper/yell to myself. I know I look insane as I claw at my skin, breathing heavily, trying to self soothe and calm down. When I’m finally calm I’m left with crescent-shaped indents on my legs from my nails. I wonder what Eddie thought when he came face to face with me like that. I mean I can probably guess from the look on his face that he was annoyed and disgusted. I get lost in my own thoughts, panicking and overthinking the interaction when Carol plops herself down next to me.
“Are you alright? You look like you’re gonna throw up.” Carol isn’t really concerned about if I’m okay, she’s more concerned with how it would look if somebody in her friend group puked at a party from drinking too much, I’m already on thin ice for the amount of ass I’m showing tonight.
“I’m fine. Fuck. I just-” I don’t sound fine, I don’t sound calm. She can tell I’m upset.
“You just what?” She asks in an annoyed tone. 
“I just ran into Eddie…like literally, physically ran into him…w-who invited him?” I ask.
“Oh, Tommy did. Apparently Eddie is like dealing now or whatever and we needed a weed hook-up for tonight. We didn’t think you’d care. It’s not like you and that freak are friends anymore anyway,” She explains. Right now I’d love nothing more than to punch her in the face. 
My friends are assholes, I’m aware of that. But that doesn’t mean I’ve succumbed to it too, she knows I hate when any of them call him a freak or insult him. I hate when they do it to any of the Hellfire kids, I always try to get them to back down and it always ends with her berating me the entire time she drives me home about how if I don’t shut my mouth then I’ll end up back with them. Then she so graciously reminds me I won’t just be back with them, I’ll be lower than them, because if she drops me then not even Hellfire will want anything to do with me thanks to my betrayal. She wasn’t always such a bitch to me. When this all started her and Tina actually enjoyed having me around. They were kind to me; they took me shopping, and we’d have movie nights, now something has shifted. It’s like they’re aware of who I used to be, it’s like it matters to them now that they used to dump trash on me or make fun of me for my appearance. They heavily monitor every move I make, if I step out of line even the slightest then they remind me of where I could be. Eddie was right about them.
“When did he start dealing? I never thought he’d end up like that…” The Eddie Munson I knew was terrified to turn out like his father. His dad was pretty much never home, Eddie would always be at Wayne’s because his dad was out somewhere in another state usually in lockup or getting into some kind of trouble. He’d always come back with a story and a kind smile that charmed everyone into forgiving him for being the worst dad of the year. 
“Are you kidding? We all knew he’d end up like that, Viv. He’s a Munson, they’re all worthless low-lives!” Carol says. 
My hand curls into a fist and I squeeze my eyes shut tightly. I’m one drink away from beating her ass, “Watch your mouth, Carol.” 
She looks at me bewildered, “Why don’t you watch your mouth, Vivian? Defending a loser like that won’t get you far. I’m sure you like fucked him or whatever before you left his loser ass but that doesn’t mean you need to defend him anymore. Spending your time defending a reject like him won’t get you anything good, especially not from him. Just in case you forgot, he hates your guts. If you don’t want to spend the rest of your senior year as a loner then you’ll let me say whatever the fuck I want about him.” 
I go quiet. I hate that I go quiet but her threats are real and I’d rather be with people I hate than be alone. Carol smiles at my silence, “I’m glad we had this talk. Why don’t you go buy something off him to calm down?” She chuckles to herself and walks off to go find Tommy.
I fish my carton of cigarettes out of my pocket and light one up. My hands are shaking with anxiety and anger as I bring it up to my lips. I look around at everyone else who’s here, I’m jealous of them all as they talk with friends, flirt with crushes, and just enjoy their time here. I haven’t had a close friend or anyone to confide in for a long time, even at these parties my friends won’t hang out with me anymore. I honestly don’t know why I show up, I go to parties to be ignored and drink in a corner until I’m stumbling home and trying not to cry. That’s how tonight will go as well. I’ll get into the car of whatever sober girl I can find, because I’m not making the mistake of getting into a car with a guy again, and make small talk as she drives me home. I’ll stumble into my bedroom, cry when I take off my makeup, end up in an oversized t-shirt and a pair of shorts and crawl into bed to cry some more until I can finally fall asleep. It’s not ideal but I guess it could be worse. 
I see Tina flirting with Billy and I shake my head in disgust. He’s the worst thing to roll into Hawkins. Every time I see any of my friends with him I just start distancing myself more and more, I can’t take it. He’s an asshole, a creep, a goddamned racist sack of shit and I want nothing to do with him. I don’t get what any of these girls see in him. Why do they throw themselves at that asshole when there’s so many better options? 
I get up to find another drink so I have something to occupy myself, this time I make sure Eddie is nowhere in the area when I do so. I see there’s only shitty beers left but at this point I’ll take whatever. When I’m going back to my hiding area I’m grabbed by Vicki Carmicheal, she’s one of Billy's groupies. “Vivi! You look bored, come play truth or dare with us!” She drags me off to a group of about 15 people and I let her. What more do I have to lose tonight? I’m sitting between Vicki and Tina as the game starts. I’m zoned out for a lot of it, people are just making others admit their crushes or making them do vaguely embarrassing bullshit. Finally somebody asks me the dreaded question. 
“Vivian, truth or dare?” Heather Holloway is the one who asks, she’s another one of Billy's loyal little groupies, sweet girl but her taste in men is abysmal. 
“Uh, dare I guess,” I say as I take a sip of my beer.
Heather giggles, “I dare you to strip and take a nice little swim.”
I’m looking at her like I could kill her, “Seriously? That’s what you’ve come up with? If you wanted to see me naked, you could’ve asked…” I get dirty looks from quite a few people for that comment but I couldn't care less.
“Don’t be a baby, do it.”
I glare at her and begrudgingly head towards the nearby dock, everyone in the group follows me, which of course gets others to follow out of curiosity. I get to the end of the dock and debate if I’m really gonna do this; I finish my drink and decide that I have nothing to lose. It’ll probably piss Carol off to no end as well and I love nothing more than seeing her mad. I start by putting up my hair, next I take off my shirt. I’m wearing a red lacy bra underneath it. I hear some asshole yell, “Take it off!” and roll my eyes. I take off my shorts next, I’m wearing a pair of leopard print panties underneath, they’re one of my favorite pairs. I kick off my shoes and peel off my socks before taking a deep breath and jumping in. The water is cold but not cold enough to where I freeze up and can’t swim. I resurface and look at everyone on the dock. Carol looks pissed but everyone else has a smile on their face. 
“Is no one gonna join me?” I joke.
“Hell no! I heard they found a body in there, you’re crazy!” Tina exclaims.
“It’s just water,” I say before swimming off.
The water feels nice, I’ve always felt calmer in water. When I was a kid, I’d go to the community pool and sit at the bottom for as long as my lungs would allow me. There was something so peaceful about it. I decide to get out and get redressed; I swim back over to the dock where I see Billy Hargrove standing smugly, his arms crossed as he looks down at me.
“Quite a show you put on there, sweetheart,” He says, clearly trying to sound seductive.
“Mhm,” I say uninterestedly, “Mind helping me up onto the dock?”
He reaches down and helps lift me out of the water, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close to him. I put my hand on his chest to keep some distance. I don’t want him to think I’m into any of this. 
“Thanks, Hargrove,” I pull away from him and look down at where I swore I had left my clothes, but of course, they’re not there. I look around with a confused look and then turn to Billy.
“Where the fuck are my clothes?” I ask angrily, I’m freezing cold and in just my underwear with like half of Hawkins High staring at my body.
“You don’t really need them, do you, sweetheart? I mean with a body like that, why cover it up?” He teases, he reaches out to touch me and I take a step back. 
I cross my arms over my chest to cover it up, “I’m serious. Where. The. Fuck. Are my clothes?” I’m giving him my meanest glare.
“Give me a kiss and I’ll tell you,” He smirks.
“In your fucking dreams. Just tell me where they are!” I’m yelling now and causing a scene. Carol is gonna murder me. 
“You know what, princess? With an attitude like that I don’t think I will…unless you wanna make it up to daddy,” He says.
I damn near slap him across his smug face, but before I can get the chance somebody is coming to my aid. I see Eddie snatching my clothes out of somebody's hands, some asshole football player I can’t bother to remember the name of, and gulp as I watch him walk up to me. He doesn’t say a word as he hands me my clothes, I feel pathetic as I take a minute to even look him in the eyes, “T-Thanks.” I redress quickly.
He just nods in response. He goes to leave but Billy is seeing red and wants a fight. He grabs Eddie by his jacket, “Where the fuck do you think you’re going freak?” My eyes go wide, maybe I want a fight too. 
“Billy shut the f-” I’m cut off by Eddie pushing Billy into the lake. Everyone gasps and Eddie goes running, since I’m technically involved in this and don’t plan on having my ass handed to me by Billy Hargrove I take off as well. 
I run as fast as I can to the road. I didn’t drive here because I don’t even have a car so it looks like I’m walking, or well, running home tonight. When I reach the road, I take a minute to catch my breath. That’s when a van pulls up beside me. The window rolls down and for a minute I think I’m about to become a missing person. “I can’t believe I’m saying this but get in,” Eddie says.
My eyes go wide and for a minute I’m frozen in place with my mouth hanging open.
“Hey! Unless you want Hargrove’s little groupies to tear you apart I’d suggest getting in.”
I nod and run over to the passenger side and hop in, I’m quick to get buckled so we can get the fuck out of here. He notices me shivering, “There’s a uh, a blanket in the back. You look cold and this piece of shit doesn’t have heat or air conditioning.” 
“T-Thanks,” I reach into the back and grab the blanket. I recognize it from Wayne's trailer, it’s the one I always used at movie nights. I smile as I remember the time we had watched The Hill Have Eyes, and I pretended to be scared of the cannibals so I could cuddle up next to Eddie. I wrap the blanket around myself and nuzzle my face into the warmth. 
We ride in silence for about 5 minutes before I realize I don’t even know where he’s taking me, “Hey um, where are we going?” I ask. I take a minute to take in his appearance, he looks so much different from when we were friends. He’s been growing out his hair, it reaches his shoulders and curls beautifully. The dark circles he already had under his eyes are even worse now, but he doesn’t look bad. He looks even better than when I knew him.
He rolls his eyes, “I’m taking you home, obviously.” There’s the snarky response I expected. He’s hot even when he’s mean to me. 
“Oh, okay. Sorry…” I reply softly.
“Where did you think I was gonna take you? Did your shiny little friends corrupt you into believing I’m a virgin sacrificing satanist or something?” He asks sarcastically. 
“Definitely not. You couldn’t sacrifice me anyway, you need a virgin, remember? If you sacrificed me it’d probably fuck up whatever you’re doing, turn into a monster or something,” I joke.
I see him smile and butterflies fill my stomach. 
“Sorry I forgot you gave your virginity to Tommy fucking Hagan,” he says dryly. I struck a nerve and now I feel like I could throw up, guilt is clawing in my throat.
“You gave yours to Nicole Summers so I guess we’re fucking even, huh?” I reply angrily.
The rest of the ride is silent, and he speeds up to get to my apartment quicker, we’re there in no time thanks to all the traffic laws he’s broken along the way. “Out,” he says when he pulls up outside of my apartment building. His voice is stern and commanding.
“Thanks for the ride…and for standing up for me,” I say.
“Don’t expect it to happen again, now get out,” He says coldly.
“Fucking fine then!” I hop out of the van, “I’ll walk next time.” I slam the van door and start trudging to my apartment.
“There won’t be a next time! You owe me for this, by the way!” He yells.
“Yeah sure, whatever!” I walk faster up the stairs and go into my apartment. 
My mom is already in bed asleep. I come in quietly and tiptoe to my bathroom. I strip off all my clothes and turn on the shower; I take off my makeup while I wait for it to heat up. I slip my hand under the water to check the temperature, it’s perfect. I step in and sigh happily as I feel the warm water wash over my body. I wash my hair twice because I don’t trust whatever the hell is in the water at the lake. When I get out I wrap a black towel around my body and a blue one in my hair. I do my skin care and hair routines; it helps calm me down before bed. I know that tonight it’ll be pretty impossible for me to get to sleep, most nights I’m up for a while and I know tonight it’ll be even worse. I put on a band t-shirt and a pair of black and gray striped panties before getting into bed. I know the shirt will come off before I go to sleep, I can’t stand the feeling of wearing a shirt when I try to sleep.
I get under the covers and turn on my radio, sometimes listening to music before bed helps me clear my thoughts, but not tonight. Tonight the music just soundtracks my thoughts about Eddie and what happened. I wonder what he thought when he saw me at the cooler, and then what he thought when he saw me stripping in front of everyone and jumping into the lake. I wonder if he liked what he saw, or he was still just disgusted by the mere thought of me. I wonder why he helped me. He didn’t have to, he could’ve just left or completely ignored the entire situation but he intervened. He stole my clothes back from some jock and pushed Billy fucking Hargrove into the lake. He’s on two peoples shitlists now all because he helped me out. It makes no sense; he looked at me with disgust when he saw me at the cooler so why help? And why offer me a ride home? God, I just don’t get it, men are so fucking confusing. There’s a reason I limit them to one night and then pretty much force them to swear it into secrecy that we had ever had sex. It’s not that I’m ashamed that I’ve slept with who I have, well besides Tommy, that’s like the biggest regret I think I’ve ever had. I just know what’ll happen if everyone knows who I’m sleeping with, when you’re in Carol and Tommy’s circle everybody is obsessed with who you’re fucking. Everyone loves the drama of getting to label someone a slut or getting to come up with bullshit rumors about your relationship. But if nobody knows shit about your love or sex life, then you can kind of avoid it.
It’s not just my circle whose relationships and hookups get picked apart. Shockingly Eddie’s love and sex life is considered a fun topic to many people. Everyone knows me and Eddie used to be best friends so when he started dating a girl who was practically my clone everyone was quick to spread rumors he was only dating her because she looked like me. I can’t lie, she could’ve been my twin. She had the same hair and eye color as me; she had my lips and my eyes; she was like me but prettier and it pissed me off. 
I saw them together once at a party; she was dancing on him and he looked at her like she was the only girl in the world, the strobe lights in the room illuminating their faces. It drove a stake through my heart as soon as I saw it. I remember running into the kitchen and taking a shot, and then another. I was quick to find a guy to hook up with; I hoped it would take my mind off Eddie. I had even let him give me hickeys hoping Eddie would notice and be jealous, but that guy couldn’t even make me cum so I got absolutely nothing out of it. I should’ve been over Eddie by then, and I should be over him by now, but he clings to my mind constantly like a parasite. 
I’ve heard the stories about Eddie, sleeping with a few girls here and there, stumbling into short-lived relationships with some of them. My luck is just as bad. Every guy I’ve been with can’t seem to give me what I’m looking for, but then again, I don’t even know what I’m looking for. I just know it’s not whatever a drunk bathroom hookup or a blind date has given me. I’m sick of how I’ve felt since me and Eddie stopped being friends. Some nights it gets so bad I almost pick up the phone. I have his number memorized for years, and I doubt I’ll ever forget it. When I’m drunk, I have to fight back every urge to call him. I know that if I do, he’d either slam the phone down as soon as my voice hits his ears, or maybe he’d cuss me out, tell me everything that’s wrong with me as if I haven’t spent my nights listing off every flaw for years. The emptiness aches through my body like a sickness. It’s an ache that alcohol or pills can’t fix. I don’t know if anything ever will.
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rvllybllply2014 · 1 month
Hi! Oh please don't worry over how long this took, I'm sorry our replies have gotten so long that it could stretch out like this ;w; I've started a new job btw so I'm afraid I really won't have as much free time to write such long replies as much, so I'm cutting this one a bit short, I hope that's okay! :(
I have to agree we never know what someone is going through or how their feeling, so a proper warning is always for the best! Still very sweet & thoughtful of you :')
Heh now that I think about it, the Brackens might be the only house to consider "dumber than a horse" as an insult to horses! If anyone would know just how smart horses are, it would be them! They could call Blackwood horses dumb though, just because of the Blackwood influence the poor horses have had to suffer XD
Lord & lady Tully are such a cute pair~ I love how he matches her feisty nature perfectly, and insisting she become a strong swimmer too! x3 Aw and I love how realistic their argument feels? Of course they would both react this way! They both have good points & both apologizing later sets the stage for a good marriage between them uwu
Lil bitty Samwell learning from both his grandparents & playing with his cousins is just too precious~ And I love lady Tully calling lord Blackwood out on his poor parenting & the emotional distance he puts between himself & his sons! I kind of wonder how he's react if after a bit too much wine he'd end up leaning against lady Tully, who instead of pushing him away, would hold him & stroke his hair as if he were her own son? Like she does for her daughter & grandsons? With lord Blackwood unknowingly seeking a mother's touch. Only to remember the next morning how lady Tully had held & soothed him like a child?
She's such a good grandmother to Samwell & Willem, and I understand lord Blackwood's insistence on her praying to the old gods, & she's too stubborn to be honest to him about her reason to refuse. Though I do wonder if he would have understood her concerns? Oof that argument is so hard to read, I understand lord Blackwood's hurt, anger, & loss but lying to his sons and burning the letters, not even storing them away..that just horrible D= Poor lady Tully & Samwell, knowing his father hid letters from their grandmother had to hit him terribly, and to have Willen parrot their father's teachings too! At least their Tully cousins questioned them at least!
Amos practicing flattery in front of his mirror is too cute! Along with Raylon's light teasing x3 Aw and speaking of Ser Raylon Rivers, can you imagine a secret relationship between him & Samwell in the background?
Neither of them wishing to burden their brothers with it, and feeling as though they especially can't mention it after their brother's brake up? :< And Willem keeping his blade on him while trying to distance himself from it emotionally is such a good contrast to Amos locking his blade away but keeping the key to it literally next to his heart, never truly parting from it emotionally..
Davos being the one to stake Aeron through the neck, oh my poor babies :'( Imagine if Aeron had lived but still is injured, with Davos fleeing with him and both waiting out the war while Aeron recovers, until they hear of the Blackwood attack on Bracken lands? 
Ooh I love how you wrote Willem finding the blade, how Amos never truly broke the chain connecting him to Willem.. And how the rape doesn't happen right away or all at once, how it gradually builds, and how Willem deludes himself into thinking Amos wants it. That despite his desire to punish him, he doesn't wish to see himself as Amos's rapist.. That threat to have Raylon taken before both houses, that he's already "broken in" is harsh..i totally understand Amos's fury!
Aw having Benjicot sent to Riverrun is a smart idea, though I also like the idea of him coming to Harrenhall to lead the Blackwoods, and while Oscar is tense at first, he soon sees just how much like Samwell Benjicot is? Saying he understands Oscar did what he has to and doing what he can to keep his own house in line? I could see Amos meeting him & seeing so much of Samwell in him ;w;
1A) Heh poor Aeron! I feel like the spanking he gets from Davos would be less sexual and more so an actual punishment, like for when he's genuinely unfair & rude to Davos, or does something stupid & knightly, risking his life for others, Davos wouldn't let that go without making riding too painful for his Bracken for a while, I mean what better punishment is there for his Bracken than that? I imagine he'd rarely need to use anything but his hand (which he prefers, he likes how much more intimate it feels) but occasionally, if he feels it's really needed to teach a lesson, he'll use the thin leather reins from he cut from Aeron's own horse.  He can't bring himself to use a belt but that's fine, the reins are painful enough!  
1B) Ooh I saw you wrote something for  this idea, so I'll comment on it tomorrow~ I did think up another idea involving spanking though. Now this would be a purley parental spanking, but imagine before the battle of the burning mill ever takes place, Raylon Bracken would come to blows with a group of young Blackwood men and get overpowered, being brought back to Raventree Hall by them so he can be ransomed back to his lord father. He's not treated terribly, locked away in a room instead of a cell, but of course that doesn't make him any less angry! And when Willem comes to check on him himself, Raylon in his anger continues mouthing off to Willem despite his warning... And after stomping his foot and throwing something at Willem in anger, Raylon would soon find himself lying over Willem's knees, told if he was going to have a tantrum like a little child, he may as well be punished like one..
Ah sorry this reply was so much shorter than others, there's plenty I didn't comment on, but you summed up all we've discussed perfectly~ Thank you so much for discussing all these ideas with me <3 I'm all ears to hear any you have as well! =)
Congratulations on the new job. And also no worries about reply length or anything like that.
Lord and lady Tully are definitely based on my best friend’s parents.
Also think I hit all your ideas I’m sure, so sorry if I didn’t.
And now I’m definitely thinking about Samwell and Raylon Rivers. They have been added to the list.
Just non descriptive mentions of rape, look at previous ask for the more descriptive parts of the rape and trauma.
Definitely older brackenwood with some davron once again.
Lord Tully insisted that since he had to learn how to ride like a Bracken then his wife needs to learn to swim like a Tully. Yeah the fights are just them not seeing eye to eye and just needing some time to let cooler heads prevail. Once that happens they’ll apologize because they know they both had valid points. They’re also trying to raise their daughter to be level headed.
Lord Tully once asked lady Tully why she felt bad for the Blackwood horses, when they had a tourney in honor of their daughters first name day. She explained that Blackwood horses had to deal with the dumb Blackwoods, that those horses are smarter than their owners. So of course she’s going to feel bad for them. Lord Tully just shakes his head, he just goes along with it.
The one and only time both lady Tully and lord Blackwood allow themselves to seek some form of comfort in each other is in the months leading up to lady Blackwoods death. Lady Tully had just gotten Samwell settled in for the night again, and Willem was already in his bed sound asleep. Both lady Tully and lord Blackwood had too much wine, they’re both six glasses deep when lord Blackwood starts to tear up.
Normally lady Tully would just walk away, while muttering a Blackwood can just be miserable by himself, no need to drag everyone else’s mood down, it’s already sad enough in her daughter’s room. But since she’s already tipsy and already mourning her daughter she figures that lord Blackwood is also mourning his wife. So she does the only thing that she can think to do which is move to the couch, in her daughter’s room and pat the seat next to her.
Lord Blackwood at first thinks that lady Tully is making fun of him, acting like he’s a small child like Samwell or Willem. It’s only when she says that she’s here to offer comfort, as his mother in law and a fellow mourner die he finally sit next to her. She’s the one to lean into lord Blackwoods space while pulling his head towards her shoulder. It’s only after lord Blackwood has settled down on her shoulder, does she start to pet his hair while telling him that it’s okay to already mourn someone that is alive. That although he’s a Blackwood, she’s here for him and her grandsons. She just lets him know that it’s okay to let his emotions out.
He accepts the comfort until Samwell comes in from the nursery telling them that Willem is awake and crying. Lord Blackwood starts to get up until lady Tully tells him she’ll take care of Samwell and Willem, he needs to spend time with his wife. And with that she gives lord Blackwood a kiss on his temple, and grabs Samwell’s hand telling him that they’re going to go take care of Willem.
Willem just had a bad dream, which was an easy enough fix. But Samwell wouldn’t settle down again, he was too worried about his mother and father. He’d never seen his father show any emotion. So lady Tully decides to bring Samwell and Willem into their mother’s room. It’s just a short walk back to the rooms, and when they arrive lord Blackwood questions if everything’s alright?
Lady Tully tells him that his sons need their parents, she also orders lord Blackwood out of the chair that he sitting in so she can sit there. Lord Blackwood starts to protest but she tells him to get in the bed, but to leave space between him and wife so the boys can sleep between them. She’ll tell them bed time stories until they all fall asleep. Once they’re asleep she quietly leaves the room.
It isn’t until the next day that lord Blackwood realizes that he allowed himself to be treated like a child by lady Tully. He’s a little disappointed in himself but he also realizes deep down that he needed someone to take care of him, to validate his feelings while also still being an adult. Surprisingly it’s not lady Tully or Samwell who brings up the night before, it’s Willem that does. He thinks it’s just a strange dream, that he had a nightmare and then his father brought him and his brother to their mother for comfort. It’s Samwell who tells him it wasn’t a dream.
It’s when the boys are at their lessons, that lord Blackwood decides to confront lady Tully about last night. She tells him although he’s just a Blackwood and was never deserving enough for her daughter she can see how much he loves lady Blackwood; he also gave her, her adorable grandsons. Also it’s okay to feel fear and grief for the future, they’re both about to loose someone important but they’ll always be related through the kids.
The funeral happens, the fight also happens, lady Tully keeps her promise to write but lord Blackwood burns them and years pass without Samwell and Willem seeing their grandmother until lord Tully writes to tell them that she’s sick and dying. And how much she’d love to see them one last time. They’re too late, but they do stay for the funeral and do find out about how she really had kept her promise to write. Samwell believes his cousins and concludes that lord Blackwood must’ve burnt them. Willem already so close to his father in appearance and attitude decides that although these are his Tully cousins, they’re obviously lying a Bracken never keeps a promise.
After the funeral Samwell resumes his duties of watching the boundary stones, where he meets little Amos and his half brother Raylon. Raylon was sent to check up on Amos, to make sure that he wasn’t starting a fight with the Blackwoods. So he was absolutely shocked when he saw Amos and Samwell talking. Raylon doesn’t approach them just yet, he wants to see how the little interaction plays out.
It’s only when Amos sees Raylon, does he decide to approach them. Raylon tells Amos it’s time to go back to Stone Hedge, and sends him on his way. Raylon stays back long enough to thank Samwell for being so kind to his brother, he likes to act like a big boy but he’s still just a ten year old child. Samwell says it’s no issue Amos reminds him so much of his younger brother, who’s just come back from the court. Raylon doesn’t ask any questions especially when Amos comes back to ask if he’s ready? Raylon tells to go ahead he’ll catch up he needs to finish this conversation.
Once Amos had left again Raylon asks Samwell his name, and if he can send ravens to him. Samwell agrees he sees Raylon as a friend and also a connection to his grandmother that he just lost. It’s only a few weeks before Samwell and Raylon realize that they might actually like each other, more than just in a friend way. Samwell is actually the first one to broach the subject of how there might be more than friendship between them, if Raylon would allow it? Raylon is surprised but doesn’t disagree, so as their brothers fall into love with each other Raylon and Samwell also fall into love.
Raylon sends raven on Samwells eighteenth name telling him that they need to meet that night. Samwell is sorrow by he doesn’t need to be Raylon just wanted to give him his present in person. Raylon had stolen the idea of gifting his lover a blade from his brother. He’d had the blacksmith make him a dagger with a ravens head as the handle and had a horse etched into the actual blade. That way he’d always be near to protect him. Samwell is touched by the gift and vows to get Raylon something just as special for his name day.
So when it’s Raylons name day Samwell gifts him a blade with a horse head as the handle and a raven etched into the actual blade. But unlike their brothers they continue to send ravens even after they too eventually brake up. Also both men keep their blades on them. They tell themselves it’s to keep tabs on how each house is feeling towards the other, Raylon wants to be able to advise Amos to the best of his abilities. But they also send updates about their personal lives. They each write to the other that they hope their sons can be good friends just like they were. Raylon also congratulates Samwell when he’s married and has his heir Ben.
The letters only stop after Raylon was killed in a freak riding accident, he’d been thrown from his spooked horse and trampled. The very last letter Samwell writes to Raylon is how much he loves him and he’s sorry that everything happened the way it did. He also asks how could Raylon leave him so easily and early? They both still had so much life left, but now it’s just him but he’ll do his best to live for him. He burns the letter hoping that his words will reach Raylon.
Several more years pass and Samwell gets a mysterious illness that takes him before Ben is old enough to run Raven tree hall. Willem takes over as regent and plots his revenge against Amos. According to Willem it was Amos who walked away from him and their future along with his heart, just like Amos’s ancestors walked away from the old gods. He imagined the old gods felt the same type of pain and anger he feels.
So as soon as the dance happens and he hears from Davos that the Brackens have declared for Aegon, he uses it as an excuse to attack the Brackens. He’ll finally have his opportunity to show that he’s never forgiven or forgotten Amos’s betrayal.
Willem is disappointed with Davos when he finds out that he had the chance to kill a Bracken but doesn’t. He orders the Bracken that he spared to be sent to the dungeons and left to rot. Since Davos couldn’t kill him, he’ll keep him alive but barely. He orders that Davos is not allowed down there, he can’t be trusted around that Bracken. Instead Davos is ordered to watch Amos’s son Raylon.
He wants Davos to watch a Bracken get taken multiple times while also knowing that if he misbehaves then his Bracken will also suffer that fate. Davos and Raylon still get friendly, Davos also stops his uncles men from raping Raylon on his birthday. Davos manages to tell Raylon that Aeron is still alive. Raylon is equal parts relieved and horrified. He hopes that he’s not suffering the same fate as him, Davos tells him that he isn’t sure it’s been almost a month since they last saw each other.
Willem is also delusional enough to believe that every cry from Amos is a cry of pleasure. That his begging is a way of calling back to their relationship, and how he’d always cry and plead for Willem to not stop. It’s obvious that Amos wants it even if he doesn’t explicitly ask for it. He’s just trying to play hard to get, especially when it’s in the camp on the way to Harrenhal.
Davos is forced to guard Raylon while on the move to Harrenhal, he tries to get to Aeron but he’s too well guarded. The only time Davos is allowed to see Aeron is at Harrenhal when his uncle Willem is beheaded for what he did in the river lands.
Oscar still orders Raylon and Davos back to Stone Hedge, Davos is still a hostage. Aeron is ordered to stay at Harrenhal, he’s needed to help fight, Davos and Aeron can see each other after the war.
Oscar also sends a raven to Raven tree hall demanding that Ben comes to Harrenhal. He needs Ben not to fight but to show his support towards him. Once Ben arrives at Harrenhal, he tells Oscar that he understands that he did what he needed to do, especially to secure the loyalty of all the other houses. Ben shows nothing but respect towards Oscar, which in turn causes the Blackwoods to show only respect towards him.
The first meeting between Amos and Ben, Amos almost feels like a small child again. Ben reminds Amos so much of Samwell, how he listens and weighs his words/actions before he does anything. Amos knows that house Blackwood will be in capable hands once Ben is old enough to take responsibility. Amos might also hug Ben, offering comfort to him; he’s sorry for his loss of uncle and for his father years earlier.
1A): Davos is more of a punisher when it comes to spanking Aeron. Every time Aeron back talks, trying to prove to Davos that he’s capable of being a knight, it’s over his knee until his ass is red. Davos only uses the reins when Aeron falls off his horse. Aeron was trying to show off to his friends and managed to fall, and ended up scarring Davos half to death he didn’t move for almost a whole minute and he couldn’t cross over to Bracken lands to check on him. Davos tells him this spanking is for his own good, it should teach him not to show off.
2): Raylon knows that he’s being an irrational brat, especially in front of Willem but he’s pissed. It was a stupid mistake on his part, he’d followed his horse into Blackwood lands and ran right into Willem. As soon as Willem realized who had ran into him, he knew he’d get a huge ransom from Amos.
But first Willem needed to get Raylon to stop snorting and stomping his foot and the only way he knows how to is bend him over his knee and spank him. He makes Raylon count to ten, and then evaluates Raylons attitude. If Raylon is still throwing a temper tantrum, then it’s ten more smacks. It will continue until Raylon has learned his lesson.
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ticklyblues · 1 year
Across The Spider-Verse (arachkids) tk headcannons!!
saw this movie last week and ,,, oh my god i love them all so much i HAVE to write headcannons for them even though this isnt really the kind of thing i normally do
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hcs under the cut ⌄⌄⌄⌄⌄⌄
Miles Morales
60% lee, 40% ler
Second bigest teaser ever
Loves using his invisibility for sneak attacks
Always goes for the ribs first for some reason
Sometimes uses webs for light restraints if he's feeling mean enough
Prefers group attacks over going solo
"Wow I did NOT expect this much of a reaction!"
Uses electricity to give little tickle shocks (stolen from @/orchid-fics but it was too cute not to include im sorry)
Is a literal potato bug. curls up if you even touch him
Kinda guy to scream "NO!!" a bunch of times
Turns invisible by reflex if he knows he's about to get wrecked
Has a hard time telling people he wants tickles so he just kind of sprawls out and exposes all his spots in hopes of someone taking the hint
Maybe he'll tickle someone just for payback if he's feeling spunky
Worst spots are his ears, armpits, hips, and thighs
Gwen Stacy
20% lee, 80% ler
Absolutely EVIL
She totally coos at her lees like . look at her and tell me she doesn't
Does light and feathery tickles and then goes hard and rough out of NOWHERE just for fun
Prefers to make the lee giggle and squirm instead of scream
Brings you water after she's done
You can tell when she's in a ler mood cause she gets 10x more sassy than usual (literal nightmare btw it gets to the point where they just let her get it out of her system so she stops being such a bully)
She might be mean but she can tell when the lee's had enough
More of a ler but she still has her moments
She thrashes HARD watch out
Hides her face with her hands instead of covering her spots
Worst spots are her neck, ribs, and stomach
Pavitr Prabhakar
50/50 switch
Oh boy he has FUN
The most teasy guy ever he pulls all the stops
"Honestly, didn't peg you to be a squirmer... don't worry, I can still work with this!"
Him and Gwen teamed up are the most awful (amazing) mean (great) duo ever
Guilty of using the same techiniques that kill him
LOVES to chase people down
Narrarates exactly what he's doing and what spots hes gonna go for next
Has a hard time knowing when to stop but takes the hint after he gets punched a few times
Has zero shame in admitting when he's in a lee mood
Just like when he's a ler, he loves a good chase
Will attempt to crawl away but doesn't actually want it to stop
NEEDS to have his hands pinned down otherwise he starts hitting and shooting webs by reflex
Squirms and screams like he's dying
Worst spots are his stomach, sides, thighs, and knees
Hobie Brown
10% lee, 90% ler
Usually doesn't join in but when he does he makes everyone SCREAM.
No one knows how he does it but he's the most evil most menacing ler to ever haunt the multiverse
"What'cha laughing at, mate?"
Techniques are different every time but he still manages to wreak havoc without fail
Unofficial big brother of the group
Switches spots CONSTANTLY and drives everyone crazy
Laughs along with the lee
Not that ticklish so he doesn't really get much out of being a lee
However the spots where he IS ticklish are all really weird and out of the way
Can't really get anything more than giggles, but all of that excess energy goes into his extremely intense facial expressions and gasps
Is extremely surprised when something tickles badly enough to laugh because he doesn't think he's ticklish at all
Worst spots are his lower back, the spot where his arms meet his armpits, and his calves
WOAH GONNA BE HONEST HERE i loved making this i might end up doing some fics soon ?? idk schools out in like a week for me I'll have loads of free time
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blueskiesfillmymind · 4 months
what’s your opinion on each Blue version ? 👁️👁️
I was waiting for another ask!! Oh my god you're gonna be here for a while!! Cuz I'm gonna gush so much!!
Btw im gonna use acronyms for most of the titles of the animations and such so incase u need context.
KM - Kiss Me
LDT - Look Dont Touch
LF - Love Fool
SUASWM - Shut Up And Sleep With Me
BBYHL - Baby Hotline
WIW - wutiwant [one and two]
OTF - On The Floor
KMY - Kuruoze Miy
BMTHD - Bring Me The Horizon / Drown
LTH - Let It Happen
OL - Ordinary Life
So with that out of the way, Here. We. Go!
Kid blue [PRE-TRAUMA]
Blue's baby photos are just adorable!! Makes me wanna give his cheeks a small squishy squish,, I also wanna just- take him to an arcade,, he feels like such an arcade lover,, I wish to pamper him and treat him so much better, I remember when we were kids, we made mud pies and played in the rain together, and honestly those childhood memories makes me all the more happy that we've come so far,, I dont have much else to say other than he's a cutie patootie :3
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My oh my,, he's such a flirt! His warm soft smug smile, his smaller more awkward moments when i flirt back with him are pure bliss,, the way he peppers me with kisses and always leans on me whenever he needs breaks from his work,, he's my handsy handsome boy!! And he loves me sosomuch,,, The way he'd give me sly glances whenever possible,, and his lovely tooth gap- Have I ever said how much I love his tooth gap? God he's seriously so lovely,, hearing him whistle simple tunes while we walk side by side,, hhrrgsggs
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Mild Blue [SLBB - WIW1]
He has such a wounded heart,, it makes me wanna bitch slap pink even more whenever I think of this version of blue, even without his mouth he's quite kissable, he's more quiet than most of the other versions, yet all I can do is softly caress his cheeks, and passionately kiss him, mouth or not,, the way we'd lay together in comfortable silence as he boops his no-mouth against my own mouth, he actually loves doing that with me, kissing my cheeks even though he has no mouth, aside for his devilish smile ofc,, it's like he kisses me through a face mask,,
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Heart Blue [BBYHL]
Sly,, Playboy,,, Bnuy,, BLU- no joke he's such a slut for pampering me,, and I mean that in the most loving way ever. I mean cmon, he wears a light pink sweater layered over a button up shirt, his sleazy black pants and lastly his lovely fluffy hair,, his heart glasses adorning his framed face as he looks at me with his tinted glasses,, gosh I'd be here for Years just to gush about his eyes,, The way he sometimes slips his hand near my waist to pull me closer sometimes,, gives me butterflies everytime!!
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Hypersexual Blue [KMY]
The fact that when I've fallen for blue,, he was my first taste of- HOLY FUCK HIS TONGUE- May I say that his tongue knows how to knot cherry stems,, his tongue dancing along mine whenever we make out is pure bliss,, sure his mouth tastes like alcohol and booze,, but my god it makes me want to get drunk by his sensual touches,, and whenever we have that special moment,, its all like a wet dream,, his tongue is not only talented but he's surprisingly flexible, in a way he is a little stiff in some places, but he's still flexy,,
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Cyan Blue [BMTHD]
Fire, Pain, just his pure denial ignites his rage, the way he sees himself is such a sad feeling, aswell as the way he's stuck in this episode of denying his entire abuse just pains me so so so badly,, During it all, he was so afraid of touching me.. almost isolating himself from me and other awful things, we ended up taking a small healthy break from one another.. but then after he healed,, he apologized for his manic behavior,, and I accepted him in a heartbeat,, having to finally feel his face again was such a blessing,, and I could tell he missed my touch aswell,,
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White blue [WIW2]
All I'm going to say,, is I'm proud of him atleast,, finding his scars all over his body made me feel so sorry for him,, and when I watched the video, I felt so hurt.. the way he was silenced for being a man? I'd say that's rlly sexist. but that's not what I'm gonna touch on. I've had to comfort blue, we ended up cuddling when he got back,, I sang the two of us to sleep, and when he woke up, he kissed my cheek softly and mumbled a soft "Thank you",, aaughhh,,,
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[Side note 4 paranoid: Whenever blue had those paranoid episodes, I've found another way of comforting them with my voice,, and now whenever he goes through those episodes, he'll either stand there frozen or just get to me for my comfort]
Grey Blue [LTH]
He was in such a spiral,, I felt super super awful for how the aftermath definitely made a number on him, every night he'd cling on me, to which I'd always nuzzle him to remind him how much he means to me,, every night he tears up and cried, whenever I'd see his dried tears, I'd clean them up for him,, aswell as brushing his hair that he was growing out, ngl I missed his mullet,, but hey, I'll love him no matter what <3
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End Blue [OL]
... i felt so awful, and absolutely depressed when he began thinking of the things he's always been comparing himself to,, "My existence makes everyone uncomfortable, I'm a peice of shit!" Yet here I am. Thinkin the polar opposite, we both have had therapy times and during the end of it, I'd always ask for a hug, if he accepts, I'd rock him back and forth and hum a soft comforting tune,, if he dosnt want a hug, I'd ask for an alternative, and usually most time we'd always end up cuddling afterwards, I'm apart of his healing, I never want him to go through that ever again,
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I'm not gonna talk about the abuser version of blue, he's nothing but a figure of his imagination, he isnt real. Not to me, and never will be real to blue,,
Anyways!!! Yeah,,, as you can tell i love blue :3
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