#sorry for the melodramatic answer to vega its the only thing i could think of
lycanthrology · 3 years
deneb, arcturus, vega, orion
Deneb: Have you ever been out of your home country?
I’ve been to France a couple of times. I live fairly close to the Eurotunnel and the school i went to had a few French educational enrichment (?) trips supported by a local charity for areas with low literacy levels
Arcturus: Have you cried out of something other than sadness?
I cried in happiness when I first brought Anthony home I was so so happy to finally have him. I’d wanted a cat for so so long, and we had to jump through so many hoops to actually adopt him <3
Vega: What’s something you’ve done that you wish you hadn’t?
I was having trouble sleeping (it was during one of the France trips I mentioned earlier actually) and overheard my ‘friend’ whispering to another person in our tent. Instead of ignoring them and getting to bed, I listened in and heard them plotting to smother me with a pillow in my sleep and all the violence theyd do to my dead body. They thought I was asleep, so when I told them that I had heard everything, they screamed that I’d deceived them. Basically, every bit of my trust in them had gone immediately, but I had to go through the rest of the trip (it was right at the beginning so about a week) in a different country, with no way of contacting home, no adults that were taking me seriously, and no other friends to support me, with a person that had plotted to murder me 100% seriously + i was recently bereaved too. They later tried to hold me underwater to drown me lmao. honestly if I hadn’t listened in.. ugh ignorance is bliss idk if it wouldve been as bad if i never said anything/didnt know (they later wrote me a poem to apologise but it was actually their mandatory homework assignment that they changed to put my name in. so i burned it)
Orion: Favourite month?
I used to really like April and some of the colder early year months but recently I’ve been excited for July because of all the colours and longer days
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